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“The reductive listening is a listening attitude that con- ever, to a musician and a composer, it is a necessary
sists in listening to the sound itself, as a sound object, and required professional capability to master these
while abstracting it from its real or supposed cause, as listening intentions.
well as from the meaning it might carry. More pre-
cisely, it consists in turning this double curiosity for We shall now discuss in more detail the reorganization
causes and meanings (both of which treat the sound as of Schaeffer’s typological and morphologic concepts,
an intermediary between other objects towards which it not so much to question their validity, but rather with a
directs the attention) towards the sound object it- view to their feasibility as practical tools of one par-
self…”8 ticular brand of aural analysis, termed spectromorpho-
This is a listening intention that easily can be taught logical analysis.10
and shared, and is thus fit for providing one intersub-
jective basis of observation. Complementary intentions Detailed presentation of the revised typology.
may and should of course be developed. I have been The minimal representation of the typology (Fig. 1)
carrying out research on the aural constitution of shows only cardinal cases – the extremities of the or-
structure, in a post Schaefferian spirit for many years ganizing axes - that later on will serve to orient the
(see references). The method of analysis presented here expanded version of the scheme. The vertical axis sets
is designed in such a way that it can be integrated into up three criteria of the sound spectrum (left hand side),
the still broader context of graphical, analytical tools the horizontal axis deals with that of energy articula-
for describing aural thought. tion.
• The criterion Sound spectrum is a definition of that
Mastering the intentionality of open reductive listening aspect of the sound in which the perception of pitch and
is a first step that leads to careful observation of the dif- pitch content is founded.
ferent attributes of the sound as such. It soon becomes • The sounds that have a clearly perceivable pitch or
evident that the traditional terminology of Western mu- fundamental will be termed pitched sound objects (sons
sic theory does not contain the vocabulary to discuss toniques).
the emergent qualities of the sound objects. Schaeffer’s • The ones with no perceivable fundamental (drum
typomorphology comes as a result of an activity of sounds, tam-tam sounds, wind, consonants etc.) will be
predication: Names have been assigned to a number of termed complex or unpitched sound objects (sons com-
different sound qualities, and a number of different plexes).
criteria of listener dimensions in single sounds have Sound objects with a gradual internal development in
been systematized. When sounds are listened to with its sound spectrum (glissandi or sounds with gliding
the purpose of placing them into a pre-existing cate- formants) will be termed variable sound objects (sons
gory, the openness of the reductive listening is easily variés). These may be either pitched or unpitched.
lost in favour of a more selective attention. Very • Beginning with the impulse (short thrust of energy)
quickly we may impose conceptual prejudices on per- and moving to the left, the impulse is prolonged and
ceptual givens. This may be an inevitable disadvantage comes to form sustained objects.
of any attempt to codify aural phenomena. However, • Towards the right, the object is prolonged by
once one is made conscious of it, one can choose means of iteration, i.e. quick repetitions as in a tremo-
whether to practice the open reductive listening or the lando.
categorizing reductive listening. Each of these attitudes • On the extreme left of the diagram we find sound
are valuable in its own right: The open reductive lis- objects that, although basically sustained or continuous
tening tending towards the Husserlian epoché can in energy, have an unpredictably diversified energy ar-
often lead to the discovery of new aspects of an object ticulation, and could accordingly be termed vacillating
and lead further on towards the creation of new musical sound objects (the English term is not a translation of
ideas. However, many observations in this realm of the French Echantillon (lit. “Sample”)). The creaking
thought will be impossible to communicate through of a door, the cracking of the tone produced by a badly
words, and this is where some shared, conceptual con-
ventions will be of use.
The analysis of sound based on reductive listening is that aspect
Reductive listening is certainly not a spontaneous way of musical analysis that best would render itself for an automatic
to listen to sound. It goes well with the “taxonomical” analysis: a computer might analyze the physical aspect of sound and
link the result of the analysis up against an interpretation into typo-
approach to listening, i.e. listening to the way the music morphological categories. Although this could be useful, e.g., in
is ordered (what are the units the piece fall into? What case one needs a rough score, the overall objective of the process of
are their relationships? etc.).9 This is of course not a analysis, in our context, is the training of the aural consciousness
spontaneous, “layman” way of listening either. How- itself. The repeated listening to the sound and the effort to deter-
mine its characteristics bring about a clearer aural awareness of the
anatomy of different sounds. The resulting interiorization of sonic
GOS p.33 qualities and their orientation in an overall conceptual structure is a
See the article by F. Delalande, footnotes 7 and 8 prerequisite for an intuitive, creative mental process.

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