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Students as Learning Detectives

Lilette T. Dela Cruz

Learning Facilitator
Session objectives:
a. Explain the key aspects of involving students in

formative assessment. What does it mean and why is

it important?
What have we learned?
b. Reflect on the ways students can become actively
involved in formative assessment
c. Practice giving feedback that supports learning
d. Act as a learning resource for peers
What is our aim?
What is the common problem?
How to build learning detectives?
Pangalan: ______________ Petsa: _____
Pamagat ng Gawain: ________
Lagyan ng ang ____ kung nagawa ito.
___ Kaya ko sabihin ang bilang 1 hanggang 5.
___ Kaya ko isulat ang bilang 1 hanggang 5.
___ Kaya ko magbilang ng mga bagay na may
bilang 1 hanggang 5.
___ Kaya ko ibigay ang hinihingi na bilang sa
pamamagitan ng:
___ a. pagguhit
___ b. pagdikit
___ c. paggawa ng linya
Workshop 1
In your group, create a success criteria with
the following learning goals:
LG #1: Identify the problem and solution from the text heard or listened to

LG #2: Infer the character’s feelings and traits

LG #3: Distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words

LG #4: Give the correct sequence of three events

LG #5: Produce the sounds of English letters using the letter sounds
Reflect on this:

Is success criteria the

same as rubric?
Success criteria are primarily designed to capture what
learning looks like when a student has reached proficiency.
Success criteria show the kinds of evidence that a teacher or
student can look for to see if learning is taking place.

Rubrics are primarily designed to indicate the degree of quality

that will be required to achieve a certain score on an
assignment. As such, rubrics are primary indicators that
document the level of quality of a particular piece of work.

Success criteria can be used as the foundation of a rubric.

Feedback for Learning
What kind of culture
have you established
in the school where you belong?
Workshop 2
In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and
singing to its heart's content. An
Ant passed by, carrying along a heavy ear of corn she was taking to the nest.
"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of working so
"I am helping to store up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and I think you
should do the same."
"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "We have got plenty of food
at present." But the Ant
went on its way and continued to work.
When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of
hunger - while it saw the ants
distributing everyday corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the
summer. Then the Grasshopper
knew: It is best to prepare for days of need.

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