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1. Hello. My name is Hanka. I am 16 years old. I am Czech, and I live in Brno.

2. I am going to tell you about myself. I am student and studying at high school. I live
with my parents and three siblings in a house in the centre of town. We have no pets,
only fishes in an aquarium.

3. As you can see from my foto, I have blond straight hair and brown eyes. I think I am
small and tiny. I wear earrings and bracelets.

4. I think I am friendly, kind and maybe clever. I am very lazy. It is my bad characteristic.

5. In my free time I play the recorder. I'm a leader of cooking group, because I love
cooking! My favourite foods are pancakes and dumplings with meat and vegetable
cream sauce, in czech language called svíčková. I am interested in working with
children because I would like to guide children at a camp.

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