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Session 1:Grading, structures, and reading analysis

1、Key elements in grading
① Successfully selects the important information from the lecture;

② Coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant

information presented in the reading.

③ Well organized

④ Occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or

imprecise presentation of content or connections.


②Content and coherence matter the most!内容和一致(連貫 and 條理)

③綜合寫作 is not the place to show off language skills̶̶let templates do the
work for you

2、The three question styles


"Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose
specific points made in the reading passage."

②Problems and solutions 對問題提出解決方案

"Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they answer
the specific problems presented in the reading passage."

③Solutions and Problems 解决方法存在的問題【最罕見】

"Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast
doubt on specific solutions presented in the reading passage.

🔺The lecture always oppose the article!

3、Reading and listening structures


Preparation work:
Introduction + Point 1+ Point 2 + Point 3

4、Reading analysis and note taking

Key steps:
①Record the main idea【段首句】 of introduction and each point 紀錄下引言的主

②Establish a coherent summary on each point 對每一点都做一个連貫的總結【自己


③Skim through the details in each points 瀏覽每一點的細節

⭐intro 和各段大意

Session 2:Listening Analysis and Writing Structure

1、Listening analysis and note taking

Key Steps:
①預判:Have an EXPECTATION for the main idea of each point in listening based
on points in reading.

②抓重點:Capture the MAIN IDEA - hold your expectation before the main idea is
stated, and don't be distracted by details
③盡可能兼顧細節:Capture as many DETAILS as you can.

2、The 9120 integrated writing structure

In the reading material, the author cites three reasons to support his/her viewpoint
that (summary of reading intro). Nevertheless, the lecturer in the listening material
argues that(summary of listening material),and opposes the points in the reading

Main body:
First and foremost, the author argues that (reading point 1 main idea). However,
the lecturer offers an opposite stand that (listening point 1 + details).

In addition, the lecturer casts doubt on the author's another reason that (reading
point 2 + main idea), demonstrating that (listening point 2 + details).

Finally, the author's third reason that (reading point 3 + main idea) is also
counteracted by the lecturer who points out that (listening point 3 + details).

Session 3: Putting everything together

Rules of thumb

1、≥250 words(體現在細節的填補)

2、reading/ listening preferably between 1/1.5 and 1/2

3、organize a clear flow of the idea before showing off language skills;在展示語言

In the reading material, the author cites three reasons to support the viewpoint that
the conditions on Venus are too extreme and inhospitable, which makes permanent
human presence on Venus impossible.

Nevertheless, the lecturer in the listening material argues that constructing a

floating station 50km above the surface of Venus would overcome the challenges,
and opposes the points in the reading material.

First and foremost, the author argues that the atmospheric pressure on Venus is 90
times that of Earth and will crush any spacecraft that land on it.

However, the lecturer offers an opposite stand that although the atmospheric
pressure is too high on the surface of Venus, it is much lower at a high altitude 50
km above surface. At this level, the pressure is about the same as that on Earth, and
poses no danger.

In addition, the lecturer casts doubt on the author's another reason that there is no
water on the surface or in the atmosphere of Venus (so the purpose of a permanent
station is defeated as water and oxygen need to be supplied from Earth),
demonstrating that water and oxygen can be made out of chemical compounds
from Venus's atmosphere. Compounds such as carbon dioxide and a certain acid
can be processed to make oxygen and water - no need to import them from Earth.

【In addition, the lecturer casts doubt on the author's another reason that there is
no water on the surface or in the atmosphere of Venus, so the purpose of a
permanent station is defeated as water and oxygen need to be supplied from Earth;
the lecturer also demonstrates that water and oxygen can be made out of chemical
compounds from Venus's atmosphere. Compounds such as carbon dioxide and a
certain acid can be processed to produce oxygen and water, and thus there is no
need to import them from Earth.】

Finally, the author's third reason that little sunlight reaches Venus's surface
(blocked by thick clouds and CO2) makes generating electricity from solar power
cells impossible is also counteracted by the lecturer who points out that at 50 km
above Venus's surface, cloud is not as thick as on the surface. In addition, at this
height there is also more reflected light from clouds above and below.Therefore,
adequate electricity can be generated to power the floating station.
Key takeaways【關鍵點】:

1、Modify and memorize your own writing structure;

2、Convey the main ideas before diving into details;

3、Punctuations can help u a lot

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