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GE 2: Readings in Philippine History Final Exam

1. As a student of your program, why is it important to analysis and interpretations based on primary source
know more about Philippine history? evidence.

- allows us to appreciate the struggles and triumphs of our 4. Why is internal criticism beneficial to one understanding
ancestors, who fought for our freedom and sources?
- individuals can uncover biases, assumptions, and
- gain insights into the cultural, social, and political factors
limitations that may affect its reliability. This process
that have shaped our nation's healthcare system.
allows for a deeper comprehension of the source's
- understanding Philippine history enables us to provide
context and intent.
culturally sensitive care to patients from diverse
- internal criticism encourages individuals to question their
own preconceived notions and biases, promoting a more
2. How can you determine if a source is a reliable source? objective evaluation of the information presented.
- one can discern the strengths and weaknesses of a
- Firstly, one should examine the author's credentials and
source, enabling them to make informed judgments
expertise in the subject matter.
about its credibility and relevance.
- cross-referencing information with other credible sources
- internal criticism enhances our ability to navigate through
can help establish reliability.
an abundance of information and arrive at well-rounded
- The absence of bias or personal opinions is another
indicator of reliability.
- Finally, evaluating the timeliness and relevance of the 5. Why is external criticism necessary in understanding
source ensures that it contains up-to-date and accurate historical sources?
- External criticism is an essential tool in comprehending
3. How are primary sources different from secondary historical sources. It allows historians to evaluate the
sources? reliability and authenticity of these sources, ensuring a
more accurate understanding of the past.
- Primary sources are original documents or artifacts
- By examining external factors such as the author's
created during the time period being studied, such as
background, biases, and intentions, historians can
diaries, letters, photographs, or official records.
identify potential distortions or omissions in the source.
- They provide firsthand accounts and direct evidence of
- helps to contextualize the source within its historical
historical events or phenomena.
context, shedding light on societal norms and influences
- On the other hand, secondary sources interpret and
that may have shaped its content.
analyze primary sources to present a broader
understanding of a topic. Examples include textbooks, 6. Given the two corroborating claims, where did the first
scholarly articles, or documentaries. mass happen? Limasawa or Butuan?
- While primary sources offer immediate insight into
- Given the two corrobating claims of both albo and
historical contexts, secondary sources offer critical
pigafetta, both of which contain primary sources, the first
mass happened in Limasawa, southern leyte.
- Francisco Albo who is a pilot in Magellan’s flagship language used in the document raise doubts about its
“Trinidad”, notes that the location of Mazava fits the authenticity.
location of the island of Limasawa, at the southern tip of - Moreover, Rizal's unwavering commitment to his
Leyte, 9°54’N. principles and his refusal to renounce them even in the
- Pigafetta’s account then stregnthens this claim as he face of death suggest that he remained steadfast until
mentions about the route taken and other primary the end.
sources in his book
10. What do we mean by "One past, many histories"?
7. Would you support the decision of the National
- The phrase "one past, many histories" refers to the idea
Historical Commission that the cry of revolution
that there is a single historical event or period, but
happened in Pugad Lawin? Explain.
different interpretations and narratives surrounding it.
- The decision of the National Historical Commission to - It acknowledges that history is not objective, but rather
recognize Pugad Lawin as the site where the Cry of subjective and influenced by various factors such as
Revolution happened is a matter that deserves support. culture, ideology, and personal experiences.
- Pugad Lawin holds immense historical significance as it - This concept highlights the importance of recognizing
marks the beginning of the Filipino people's fight for multiple perspectives in understanding the past.
independence against Spanish colonial rule. The events - Ultimately, "one past, many histories" encourages us to
that unfolded in Pugad Lawin ignited a spark that would approach history with an open mind and critical thinking
eventually lead to the Philippine Revolution skills.

8. With the Filipino version rivaling the Spanish version of 11. Why is it significant for one to know about Filipino
Cavite mutiny, which do you think is much more cultural heritage?
plausible? Expound.
- Filipino cultural heritage holds immense significance in
- While both versions have their merits, I believe that the understanding the country's rich history and identity.
Filipino perspective offers a more plausible account of - Knowing about Filipino cultural heritage allows
events. individuals to appreciate the diverse traditions, customs,
- The Spanish version portrays the mutineers as rebels and values that have shaped the nation.
without cause, while the Filipino version sheds light on - It fosters a sense of pride and belonging among Filipinos,
their grievances against oppressive Spanish rule. strengthening their national identity.
- By supporting the Filipino narrative, we acknowledge and - Furthermore, understanding Filipino cultural heritage
validate their struggle for freedom and justice. It is crucial promotes cross-cultural understanding and respect
to give voice to marginalized perspectives and challenge among different communities. It also serves as a
dominant historical narratives for a more comprehensive reminder of the struggles and triumphs of the Filipino
understanding of our shared history. people throughout history.

9. Given your inference, did Rizal retract? 12. As a student of your particular program, what can be
your role in the conservation and preservation of
- In my inference, I lean towards the belief that Rizal did
Filipino cultural heritage?
not retract. The inconsistencies in the handwriting and
13. As a medical technology student my role in this is to - If I were the President of the Republic of the Philippines,
firstly, contribute by conducting research on traditional faced with the decision to cut ties with the USA due to
Filipino medicinal practices and documenting them for our grim past under their occupation, I would carefully
future generations. This will help preserve our rich consider all aspects before making a final decision.
heritage in healthcare. Additionally, I can actively - While it is true that our country has suffered greatly
participate in community outreach programs that during their occupation, we must also acknowledge that
promote the importance of traditional healing methods times have changed.
and educate people about their significance. By doing so, - Cutting ties with a powerful ally like the USA could have
I can ensure that our cultural practices are not forgotten severe consequences for our economy and national
or overshadowed by modern medicine. security.
- Instead, I would focus on fostering a relationship based
13 . As a student of your particular program, what
on mutual respect and equality, ensuring that our past
tangible ways can you do to show appreciation to your
grievances are acknowledged and addressed.
local history?

- Firstly, one can actively participate in community events

and historical tours to gain knowledge about the area's
- Additionally, volunteering at local museums or historical
societies can help preserve artifacts and educate others
about the significance of the region's history.
- Furthermore, conducting research on medical
advancements that have taken place in the area can
contribute to understanding how healthcare has evolved
over time.

14. Is Filipino-American relations still prevalent and

showing in today's society?

- Filipino-American relations have a long and complex

history, dating back to the colonization of the Philippines
by the United States in the late 19th century.
- The Filipino diaspora in America is significant, with
millions of Filipinos living and working in various sectors.
This presence has led to cultural exchanges, economic
ties, and even political connections between the two

15. If you are the president of the Republic of the

Philippines, would you cut ties with the USA given the
grim past of the country under their occupation.

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