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nAp/ n\;t LsL,t*

Total No. of Questions : 5l

SEA"I'Nu. :

P6890 -1
l'tctat No. tlf ilagrs : ?
Is8 12 a
S.Y. ster - IID
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Titne : 2% I{oarsl {fr,f*-r" Murks : 5$
fnstuactions to
1) Ail crsnrpulsory.
2t right ircdicrte .full nr*yks.
3) bosed on all 5 untts.

I 4) has an tnternal option. - '"r*.i

QI) Answer Any 5 out ot'8 :


a) Define foreign exchange

b) What is Gold standard

c) Fonvard
: "
d) \\rhat is money I

e) Def-ine]nternatitnal Reeeivables.

\_ 0 I)efine deep discoui bonds.

g) Define ADR.

[! {}l
a) Discirss Bretton rvoods confbrence & i1s sigi:if icarrcc irr hri*{.

b) Explain interesr Rate Parity.

c) lixplain the foreign exchange rrade serrlement in india.

83/ Anslver any one out of trn'o :
*) Illustrate the Purchasing rvith surtable example . ; 1{}i

b) Detine the G Explain tlrc var"ious factors lirvor-rrirrg

globalisation globalisation. tt {}l

Q4) a) F'und in promoting t-inancial


b) Currency Forward and currency r utures I1*I a

8.5) a) Evahrate the risk in Foreign ve 5-:.f ile llt for lrorne country and
host eountrrr. l1{}l

b) Evaluate the hedgir:g orelgn Exchange Ris]< N{anagen-rent.





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