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Discussion Questions for BowTie Insurance

The following questions will be discussed in the BOC Lecture taking place on Sep
16, 2022.

1. What are the pros and cons for the insurance company and the buyer
of insurance of the traditional captive agent model of life and health
insurance sales?

2. How does digital, online insurance in general and Bowtie in particular,

seek to disrupt the traditional model? Discuss how the presence of
insurtech firms could change the insurance industry in Hong Kong in
the future.

3. What are the effects of the pandemic on Bowtie's distribution model?

4. What are the effects on Bowtie's expected payouts due to claims from
its target customers? For the VHIS policies, qualitatively assess the
quantitative impact. For its term policies use the actuarial tables in
the provided excel spreadsheet.

5. Compare and discuss Bowtie's market positioning compared to the

three other insurtech firms in Hong Kong, i.e. Avo, OneDegree and ZA.

6. How should Bowtie adapt its current strategy in terms of its

demographic target market, current major product, additional potential
products, and geographies to best compete with established competitors
and new entrants.

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