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ّ‫انسالو عهيكى ٔرحًة هللا ٔبركبت‬

May the Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be apon you.

ِ ‫ يٍ جدِ هللا فَال ُي‬،‫ َٔعٕذ ببلِل يٍ شرٔر انفيُب ٔيٍ سيئبت أعًبنُب‬،‫إٌِ ْان َح ًْ َد ِلِلِ تَ َح ًْ ُدُِ َََٔ ْست َِعيُُُّ َٔنُدية‬
ْ‫ضم نَُّ َٔ َي ٍْ يُ ْسهِم‬
‫ أَيب بَ ْع ُد‬..ُ ُّ‫ ٔأَٓب أٌ يحًدا عبدة َٔ َرسُٕن‬،ّ‫فَ َال َْب ِدي نَُّ أشٓد أٌ ال إنّ إال هللا ٔحدِ الشريك ن‬

Innal hamdalülzh, nahmaduhu wanasta'inuhuu wanastaghfiruhu,, wa na'udzubillahi min

syuruuri anfusinaa wa min sayyiaati a'maalinaa nay-yahdihil laahu falaa mudhillalah, wa-may
yudhlil falaa haadiyalah, Asyhadı an laa ilaa-ha illallaah, wahdahula syariikalah, wa-asyhadu
anna muhammadan abduhu wa rosuluh, amma ba'du

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful.

There is no beautiful word than Alhamdulillah, All praise be to Allah, the lord of the
universe, who has give us an opportunity and healthy, Eeman and Islam, so we can join our
event in this time with the blessing of Allah inshaallah.

Peace and salutation for the best creation, Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬by saying

‫صم َعهَى ُي َحًد َٔ َعهَى آ ِل ُي َحًد‬

َ ‫انهُٓى‬

Let's make him become our Idol, follow the sunnah as the best we can, because "A person
will be gathered in the afterlife (Akhirat) with the people he loves"

My sister fillah, In this occasion I would like to deliver my speech in front of you all entitled:

The Negative Impacts of Social Media

Here are 5 negative impacts of social media that you need to be aware of:

First is lower social skill. Just like Learning, Social skill also need to be sharpened so that
they can develope.

Second, cyberbully. Another negative impacts of social media is in creasing the risk of
cyberbully, this come be dangerous, and that can make someone feel down. Who know? It's
not a good thing.

Third, Leakage of personal information. It's okay to shared fun moments with the people
around you through social media. However, not all information need to be shared with others,
We also must have a privation.

Fourth, Bad body image. In fact beauty is a realitive thing and can be seen from various
aspects. So don't worry if they said a bad thing of you, they're not know what mean of
beautiful word.

And the last one is comparing your self to others. Seeing photos of other people's clothes,
food, or even vacation video uploaded on social media often make someone feel ungrateful
with what they already have. Because of that, we must always be grateful to Allah then Allah
will give more.

So, may Allah help us not to do bad and unbeneficial things. Because the sign of good
muslim is Leave useless thing. In a hadith from Abu Hurairah RA, from the Prophet
Shalallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he said: ِّ ‫ْالو ْان ًَرْ ِء تَ َر َكُّ َيب ال يَ ْعُِي‬
ِ ‫ِي ٍْ ُح ْس ٍِ إِس‬

The meaning is "Among the goodness of one's Islam is Leaving things that arn't useful."
(Reported by Tirmidzi)

OK, I think enough for my speech today, may it beneficial for us, thank you for your
attention, sorry for my mistake, for the last

ّ‫ٔانسالو عهيكى ٔرحًة هللا ٔبركبت‬

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