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Journal of Applied and Emerging Sciences Vol (12), Issue (01)

Determination of optimum blending ratios of

Sor-range with Indonesian coal for maximum
utilization of Indigenous coal in Cement
Tufail Ahmed a, Zaheer Ahmed Kasi a, Sami Ullah. a, Abbas Hussain a, Zahid Hussain a, Asif
Abbas c, Fahim Ahmed Ibupoto a*

a: Department of Mining Engineering, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering

and Management Sciences. Quetta, Pakistan
b: Department of Mining Engineering, Karakoram International University. Gilgit, Pakistan
c: Department of Geological Engineering, Balochistan University of Information Technology,
Engineering and Management Sciences. Quetta, Pakistan

Abstract-- The indigenous coal is not being used in cement industries due to low-quality constraints. In Pakistan, coal blending is not
being generally practiced yet. In this research we utilize the Sor Range coal as a partial substitute of Indonesian coal by carrying out
coal blending to meet the quality requirements of cement industries. To optimize the coal blending ratio, Indonesian coal was mixed
with Sor-Range coal, and blends were made. Using proximate analysis, coal parameters such as moisture, volatile matter, ash and fixed
carbon were determined. Calorific value and sulphur content were determined by using Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter and Carbon-
Hydrogen-Sulphur Determinator (CHS-580) respectively. Experimental results of ash, moisture, fixed carbon, volatile matter and
heating value of Sor-Range coal meet the required coal quality except for the Sulphur value. Based on laboratory testing results, it was
found that the Sor-Range coal is unsuitable to be used for the cement industries, due to the presence of high Sulphur content. It is found
that all blended ratios meet the required specification of cement industries except blend-1 and blend-2. The optimum blend percent
ratio is 80:20 i.e. 80% Indonesian coal (imported coal) and 20% Sor-Range coal (local coal). The research outcome is financial saving
by minimizing the import of foreign coal.

Keywords- Coal blending, Blending Ratios, Proximate Analysis, Calorific Value

of electricity, production of steel, and manufacturing of cement.

Date Received:2021-03-29 In the past, Pakistani cement industries were not using coal in
Date Accepted:2021-12-28 their plant. Nowadays, these industries have started to use coal
Date Published:2022-06-29 as a fuel in their plants due to the energy crisis. Unfortunately,
the domestic sector hardly seemed to use coal as a source of
energy. Looking at the use of indigenous coal in the cement
I. INTRODUCTION sector, it’s a matter of concern that local coal is not being
utilized due to its low quality. Pakistani’s cement industries are
E nergy sources play a crucial role in the world's future [1]. It
is the basic part for public service, development of industry
and transport. Hence energy sector is the main player in
not using the local coal because it does not fulfill the
requirement for usage of coal in cement industries it has a high
economic and social advancement [2]. In this modern era, the moisture content, low calorific value, high Sulphur, and ash
utilization of energy resources has become an inevitable content which is considered as the major parameter for cement
requirement both in developing and developed countries [3]. manufacturing process [1]. Thus, cement industries are
The total world requirement of available energy is predicted to importing coal from different parts of the world to meet the fuel
expand by 54% as compared to 404 to 623 quadrillion Btu in demands. The gradual rise in the cost of imported coal has
2001 and 2025 respectively [4, 5]. The awareness among the affected the expenditures of the industries. In this age, coal is
people of both developing and developed countries has considered as the major fuel utilized for cement manufacturing.
increased due to a lot of environmental problems resulting from In the previous decade, natural gas and oil were the major fuels
the utilization, conversion, and production of energy resources used for the making of cement, but later on, coal started to be
[6, 7]. At present, the world is in continuous confrontation with used as an alternative to natural gas and oil[2]. Since in Pakistan
the energy crisis generated due to a reduction in the available energy situation is deteriorating, prices of fuel are rising at a
energy resources and environmental challenges [8]. tremendous rate, and natural gas resource has started to deplete
Coal has many applications in different industries around the in the country, thus in order to exploit local coal market, cement
world and in Pakistan. It is being used as fuel in the generation industries should start working on usage of the country’s coal
Journal of Applied and Emerging Sciences Vol (12), Issue (01)
which is cheaper as compared to imported coal and other fuels. II. MATERIAL AND METHOD
The energy crisis has affected the industries in Pakistan due to
A. Preparation of the Coal Samples
the lack of interest of the authorities and poor planning, making
the situation worse, as a result, the economic situation of About 80 kg of indigenous coal samples were collected from
Pakistan is not suitable to import fuel[3]. A tremendous amount Sor-Range coal mines and Samples of Imported coal
of energy is required to produce cement. However, locally and (Indonesian coal) about 60 kg were collected from Best way
globally there is an urgent need for concerns in the depletion of Cement. Samples of Indigenous and Indonesian coal were
energy and environmental problems [12-16]. It is stated that the crushed by the Jaw Crusher. After being crushed coal was
cement industries like Malaysia and Iran consumed 12% and ground by Ultra-Fine Grinder. After sieving, 11 Indonesian coal
15% of total energy [17, 18]. The cement Industry is called an blends were made with Sor-Range coal using different ratios of
energy-intensive industry because it costs 50-60% of total Coning and Quartering method as shown in table 1.
production costs [19]. Thermal energy utilizes about 20-25% of
cement production cost [20]. For the typical electrical energy TABLE I
about, 110-120 kWh per ton of cement is required for the Blending Ratios
consumption of modern cement plants [21]. The energy Blending Indonesian Sor-Range Indonesian:
consumed in industrial countries in cement plants is about 75% Ratios Coal Coal Sor-Range
fossil fuels and 25% electrical energy using a dry process. The (grams) (grams)
major share of the total thermal energy is used in pyro 1 B-1 76 24 76:24
processing is about 93-99% of total fuel consumption [17, 22, 2 B-2 78 22 78:22
3 B-3 80 20 80:20
23]. 4 B-4 82 18 82:18
Cement is manufactured from raw materials and these raw 5 B-5 84 16 84:16
materials need high energy to melt at a peak temperature at kiln 6 B-6 86 14 86:14
which uses coal to provide high energy. Coal-fueled kiln 7 B-7 88 12 88:12
provides heat (at 1450°C) to the raw materials to convert them 8 B-8 90 10 90:10
9 B-9 92 08 92:08
physically and chemically into a substance called clinker.
10 B-10 94 06 94:06
Production of 1 ton of cement requires approximately 200 kg of 11 B-11 96 04 96:04
Coal blending is the process of piling and retrieving coal in
such a manner that the different qualities of coal are intermixed B. Proximate Analysis
to form a hybrid product with a homogenous composition[8]. For moisture determination ASTM D3302 [15] is adapted.
Blending of imported and domestic coal is important for fuel For inherent moisture, a crucible was weighted then a 1gram
consumption in an industry like cement[9]. Chinese power coal sample was put in a crucible and again weighted. The lid
plants have already adopted the technique of coal blending[10]. of the crucible should have been uncovered and put in a Furnace
Numerous coal blending methods have been propositioned in at a temperature of 100°C to 110°C for at least 1 hour. After 1
order to minimize the short and long-term variations of quality hour the crucible was taken and put in a desiccator for about 15
characteristics of coal[11]. Coal blending is not a simple minutes for cooling and weighted again the crucible. The
mechanical process and only various coal kinds can be blended. volatile matter was analyzed using the ASTM D3175-11[16].
Coal possesses different fractional constitutions; different For volatile matter, the crucible is covered with a lid and put in
characteristics of combustion and condition of combustion a furnace for 7 minutes at about 925°C. Now opened the furnace
cannot be fulfilled at a time. It can cause instability for and put the crucible in the desiccator for 15 minutes for cooling
combustion and lower efficiency[12, 13]. Improvements in the purposes. For the determination of ash content ASTM D3176-
processing of indigenous coals have made it a cost-effective 09 [17] is followed, first the temperature of the furnace should
commodity and the coal blending technology has become a be 750°C. then put the crucible with an uncovered lid in a
profitable method of coal up-gradation for utilization in the furnace at about 750°C for 60 to 90 minutes. Then Put the
cement industry[14]. This study aims to get optimal blending crucible in a desiccator for 15 minutes and weighed it again.
ratios of local with imported coal so that some amount of
C. Determination of Calorific Value
indigenous coal can be used in cement industries. Subsequently,
to uplift the local coal industry of Pakistan. It is pertinent to Calorific Value is determined by ASTM D2015 [18].
reduce coal imports and stimulate the national economy. The Calorific value was determined by 1341 Plain Jacket Bomb
advanced technique can be implemented for regular analysis of Calorimeter. The following procedure was carried out to
coal. Thus, blending technique may be applicable if the coal determine the calorific values.
characteristics are within the specified limit of the cement a) Used distilled water up to 2 liters or 2000ml. If water is
industry. more than 2 liters or 2000ml then overflow will occur.
b) Weighted the coal sample up to 1gram and Put the fuel
sample in the holder.
c) Charge the bomb with a pressure of 22 to 25 Psi not more
than that.

Journal of Applied and Emerging Sciences Vol (12), Issue (01)
d) The ignition wire was 10 cm long, put into electrode holes, Sor-Range Coal
and slide cover on ignition wires. The ignition wire should 1 10.94 39.35 7.87 41.84 6,171.32 1.350
not touch with crucible and bomb but only fuel sample. 0 2
e) Press the start button to start the test and let the stirrer run 2 8.16 38.25 5.37 48.22 6,634.09 1.435
for 5 minutes and record the temperature at the end of this 3 9.53 35.17 8.51 46.79 6,412.96 1.358
period. 2
f) Press the ignition button to fire the bomb when the 4 11.97 33.83 10.1 44.01 6,258.17 1.568
temperature reaches equilibrium. 9 3 4
Indonesian Coal
g) Recorded the last temperature then stop the motor, switch 1 5.73 33.25 14.0 46.94 6,429.97 1.017
off the digital thermometer, remove the cover, open the 8 21
bleed-off valve and open the bomb gently. 2 6.58 37.23 13.1 43.08 6347.248 0.931
1 8
D. Determination of Sulphur 3 4.51 35.42 11.3 48.76 6,607.58 0.964
1 7 2
The value of Sulphur was determined by using CHS-580 4 7.16 39.29 10.7 42.58 6,227.76 0.854
Determinator utilizing ASTM D4239-17 [19]. To find out 0 6 6
Sulphur content following steps were carried out:
a) The Weight of the Coal sample was taken about 250 to
300 mg.
B. Proximate Analysis and Calorific Values of Blended Ratios
b) The Oxygen must be supplied through the Pressure
Regulator and the operating pressure in the tube should be
2 to 4 bar (30 to 60 psi). TABLE IV
c) The Gauge pressure is set to be 1.5 bar and the flow on a Proximate analysis and calorific values of Blending Ratios
flow meter was 200 liter per hour (I/h).
Blendi Test Moisture Volatile Ash Fixed Calorif
d) The flow can be controlled electronically and the external ng (%) Matter (%) Carbo ic
adjustment neither possible nor necessary. Ratios (%) n Value
e) The normal temperature of operation for CHS-580 is (%) Calori
135°C. m)
f) The analysis runs automatically so that no more handling Test- 9.12 34.69 9.14 47.05 6,612.2
is necessary. B -1 1 2
g) At the end of the analysis, the analysis results appeared on Test- 7.83 36.49 10.0 45.67 6,539.3
2 1 2
the screen. Test- 8.32 36.11 8 .59 46.98 6,602.5
3 3
E. Coal Quality Specification for Cement Industries Test- 6.76 35.78 10.8 46.57 6,508.1
The Sulphur content of coal is a very important parameter for B -2 1 9 6
cement industries because it affects the quality of cement Test- 7.85 38.76 9.21 44.18 6,471.2
2 8
clinkers. Test- 8.37 37.08 9.43 45.12 6,456.7
TABLE II Test- 7.51 38.07 10.6 43.79 6,425.1
Coal quality requirements for cement plants [20] B -3 1 3 1
Test- 6.09 38.74 9.91 45.26 6,573.3
2 4
Coal Parameters Requirement for Cement Plant Test- 6.95 37.17 11.0 44.81 6,498.0
Greater than 6000 (calories/gram) Or 3 7 1
Heating Value Test- 7.19 39.35 11.7 41.73 6,174.8
greater than (10,800btu/Ib)
B -4 1 3 2
Moisture Less than 15%
Test- 8.37 38.70 11.5 41.34 6,208.8
Sulfur Less than 1.03 % 2 9 4
Ash Less than 14% Test- 7.07 39.39 10.8 42.73 6,223.4
3 1 2
Test- 5.98 39.59 12.2 42.22 6,410.5
B -5 1 1 3
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Test- 7.26 37.06 11.8 43.81 6,357.0
2 7 7
A. Analysis of Sor-Range Coal and Indonesian Coal Test- 6.89 37.72 12.2 43.19 6,279.3
3 0 1
TABLE III Test- 6.55 38.53 10.5 44.33 6,252.5
B -6 1 9 8
Analysis of Sor-Range and Indonesian Coal.
Test- 5.87 39.72 10.8 43.58 6,322.8
2 3 6
Sampl Moisture Volatil Ash Fixed Calorific Sulph Test- 7.13 38.23 11.9 42.67 6,269.4
e Content e (%) Carbon Value ur 3 7 5
No. (%) Matter (%) (Calories (%) Test- 6.95 38.02 12.7 42.24 6,254.8
(%) /g) B -7 1 9 2

Journal of Applied and Emerging Sciences Vol (12), Issue (01)
Test- 4.79 39.11 11.9 44.12 6,240.2 B-1 Test-1 1.0602
2 8 4 Test-2 1.0837
Test- 7.08 38.98 12.0 41.87 6,232.9 Test-3 1.0502
3 7 5 B -2 Test-1 1.0475
Test- 6.15 39.79 12.0 42.03 6,223.2 Test-2 1.0399
B -8 1 3 3 B -3 Test-1 1.030
Test- 4.49 39.22 12.8 43.48 6,315.5 B -4 Test-1 1.0202
2 1 7 B -5 Test-1 1.0132
Test- 5.21 36.95 13.9 43.87 6, B -6 Test-1 1.0052
3 7 349.59 B -7 Test-1 0.9902
Test- 5.12 34.54 13.3 46.97 6,592.7 B -8 Test-1 0.9892
B -9 1 7 8 B -9 Test-1 0.9682
Test- 6.27 36.31 12.9 46.47 6,514.5 B -10 Test-1 0.9542
2 5 34 B -11 Test-1 0.9462
Test- 4.21 36.59 12.8 46.36 6,527.1
3 4 7
Test- 4.40 34.63 12.8 48.08 6,658.3 Sulphur (%)
B -10 1 9 9
Test- 4.70 35.10 13.9 47.29 6,641.3
2 1 8 1.04365
1.04 1.03
Test- 3.72 36.48 13.4 46.38 6,553.9 1.0202
1.02 1.0132
3 2

Test- 4.18 36.37 13.6 45.76 6,529.6 1 0.9902 0.9892

B -11 1 9 0.98 0.9682

Test- 4.08 36.39 13.5 45.97 6,517.4 0.96 0.9542
2 6 5
Test- 4.19 37.57 13.3 44.89 6,490.3
3 5 7

B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B- B-
10 11
Proximate Analysis of Blended Ratios

Fig. 3. Sulphur content of Blended Ratios

Percentage (%)

46.56 45.29 44.62 41.93 43.07 43.52 42.74 43.12 46.6 45.54

D. Economical Analysis
Cement industries import 90% of coal from foreign countries
39.14 38.12 38.82 38.7 38.65
35.76 37.2 37.99 35.81 35.4 36.77
while the remaining 10% of Indigenous coal is used. Indigenous
9.24 9.84 10.53 11.37 12.09 11.13 12.28 12.93
coal is not suitable for the cement industry due to its lower
13.05 13.4 13.53
8.42 7.66 6.85 7.54 6.71 6.51 6.27 5.28 5.2 4.27 4.15 calorific value, high ash, and high Sulphur content. Because of
B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B- B-
10 11
this reason, every year about 2.5 million tons of coal are
Moisture (%) Ash (%) Volatile Matter (%) Fixed Carbon (%)
imported. The practice of using coal blending is a good method
for maximum utilization of local coal reserves.
Fig. 1. Proximate Analysis of Blended Ratios
Calorific Value (Calories/gram) Proximate analysis and calorific values of Blending Ratios
6600 6544.82
Calorific Values(calories/gram)

6498.82 6512.47 Parameters Indonesian Sor-Range Cement Plant

6500 Coal Coal Requirements
6400 6348.97 Moisture 5.99% 10.15% Less than15%
6300 6242.67 Ash 12.30% 7.98% Less than 14%
Sulphur 0.941% 1.428% Less than 1.03%
Calorific 6403.138 6380.13 Greater than 6000
Value btu/Ib calories/gra calories/gram calories/gram
5900 m
B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B- B-
10 11 Price per 19000 15000
Fig. 2. Calorific values of Blended Ratios Heat 840 840
C. Sulphur Content in Blended Ratios clinker
Cost Calculations
TABLE V Hydrogen (%) 4.086 5
Proximate analysis and calorific values of Blending Ratios Carbon (%) 65 63

Blending Tests Sulphur (%) Coal cost /kg 22.61 15

Ratios (Rs)
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