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CHE 1210 Tutorial Sheet 1. To be discussed in the week beginning 29/01/2024 to
1. Michael’s scale measures the mass of objects as consistently as 5g less than their
actual mass. How would you describe the scale?
2. A measurement is recorded as 31.00 cm by student A and another measurement is
recorded as 31 cm by student B. What is the difference between 31.00 cm and 31 cm?
3. Describe the four sources of systematic errors encountered in experiments
performed in the laboratory.
4. For each of the following state the number of significant figures:
a) 0.0070
b) 0.060020
c) 20000.
d) 9.04
e) 6.09 × 103
f) 3.04
g) 7060700900
h) 5.070 × 10-3
i) 70000
j) 5.0080
k) 2000.
l) 8. × 107
5.Carry out the following mathematical operations and state each result with correct
number of significant figures:
a) 4.085 x 10-3 ÷ 2.367
b) 57 - 32.4
6.780 × 5.6
d) 45.64 + 23.5 + 10
e) 2.64 × 10-8 x 3.5 × 102
6. A motor cycle was travelling at 52 m/s. Calculate its speed in km/h
7. Convert the following to the units stated:
a) 576 cm to km
b) 853 m to nm
c) 302 µm to nm
d) 500 nm to dm
e) 290 m to µm
f) 445 m-1 to cm-1
g) 2.78 x 103 pm to nm
h) 250 pm to dm
i) 306 dm to µm
j) 500 Å to cm

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8. Paul buys several bags of balloons. On the package, it says that each bag has 100
balloons. He opens the bags and only one of them has 100 balloons inside; the other
bags either have too many or too few. How would you describe the bag of balloons
with 100 balloons inside?
9. Which error would you most likely to encounter by measuring the volume of a
liquid using a defected burette?
10. A (BUN) blood urea nitrogen test was performed 6 times. The results of the
analysis are represented by the following values: 6.738, 6.738, 6.739, 6.737, 6.737
and 6.736 mg/dL. Would you say these results are precise? Can you say they are
accurate? Explain both answers.
11. Suppose the correct answer to the BUN analysis represented in question 12 above
is 6.923 mg/dL. What can you say now about precision and accuracy?
12.. I make a product and weigh it before it is dry. How will that affect the actual yield?
If I spill some of the product before I weigh it, how will that affect the actual yield?
13. Good precision does not guarantee good accuracy. Explain.
14. What the difference between accuracy and precision?
15. The freezing point of water on Fahrenheit scale is 32oF and the boiling point is
212oF. The boiling point of water on the centigrade scale is 100oC and freezing point
Convert the following temperatures.
a) 45oF to oC
b) -10oC to oC
c) -23oC to oF
d) 55oC to oF
e) -32oF to oC

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