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➢ The term “business letters” refers to any written communication that begins from
the heading/date line, ends with a signature and whose contents are professional in nature.
➢ Business letters can be written to employees or managers, as well as clients and prospective
➢ It is a form of written communication between
➢ a sender and a receiver used to transact business which can not be easily relayed orally.

✓ J. H. Hanson, “The letters which are

exchanged among business in ✓ Prof. Taintor “All letters written for
connection with business affairs are business purpose are business letters.”
called business letters.”
❑ are used to introduce new products to
new customers and previous clients.
❑ The sales letter is the most selective of all
forms of advertising. The purpose of the
letter is to persuade the reader that he
needs what you are trying to sell and to
get him to buy it. You take something
attractive and make it seem necessary, or
your take something necessary and make
it seem attractive.
❑ Ex. equipment to business houses; towel
machines to hotels and factories, drugs to
doctors and pharmacists.
❖Letter of inquiry is one of the most
important types of business letters.
❖R. V. Lesikar - Letters that asks questions
or information about anything is called
inquiry letter.
❖Morris Philip -“The letter that seeks
information concerning the goods and
services from a business concern is called
an inquiry letter.”
❖Gartside - “An inquiry letter asks
information like catalogue, quotation,
sample and cost of a product form a
seller in a concise and clear way.”
❖A letter of inquiry deals with various
matters like job vacancies, funding,
grants, scholarships, projects, sales, pre-
proposals and others.
Sample Quotation Letter
Order Letters
❖An order letter, also known as a purchase order or
❖Order letters are sent by consumers or businesses
to a manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order
goods or services.
❖These letters must contain specific information
such as model number, name of the product, the
quantity desired and expected price. Payment is
sometimes included with the letter.
❖Description of merchandise (name of the
product, quantity, price/unit, size, color or any
other detail that is distinguishes it from others.
❖Shipment of goods ordered (where, how, when)
complete name and address of the buyer, how
goods are to be sent, date goods are to be
Continuation: Order Letter

o A letters which are written by the customers to the

sellers about their inconveniences created by
some unexpected situations are known as
complaint letters.

o A letter written by a customer of a

service/products commenting on service/product.
o It usually outlines the fault(s) with the service and
highlights customer dissatisfaction with the
particular service/product.

o A letter is written to the seller by the buyer raising

complaints or claims regarding mistakes taken
place during the order to payment period is called
a claim or complaint letter.

o It is a written to rectify the mistakes made or wrong

Complaint Response Letter
or Adjustment Letter

When you write a complaint response letter you need to be calm and you need to
investigate before you reach a solutions or final conclusion. To reach a final conclusion
you may take a time to process.
Letter of acknowledgement should be
sent always when your company receives
business document. The letter basically
serves as receipt, and it should be sent
asap the document is being received.
The tone of the letter should be polite and
❑ Letter of recommendation, also known as a letter of reference, reference letter or simply
reference, is a document in which the writer assesses the qualities, characteristics, and
capabilities of the person being recommended in terms of that individual's ability to perform
a particular task or function.

❑ Recommendation letters are usually specifically requested to be written about

someone, and are therefore addressed to a particular requester (such as a new employer,
university admissions officer, etc.), although they may also be issued to the person being
recommended without specifying an addressee.

❑ Letters of recommendation are typically related to employment, admission to

institutions of higher education, or scholarship eligibility.
is French for “summary.”
a brief summary of your is Latin for “course of life.”
skills and education.
should be lengthy, impressive, &
is a brief summary of your more detailed and can stretch well
the length & skills and experience over beyond two pages(much longer
information one or two pages than two pages atleast 5 to 10 in
maximum. length & may well extend to 20
pages beyond)
when you apply for most if you want to apply for academic
the purpose or research positions
a far more comprehensive
are primarily popular among sta
dard's academics
A typical resume will include the ff. information

Name and Contact Information: your residential

address might be most appropriate.
Education: a listing of your degrees or
certifications and educational institution or
Work Experience: names of the companies or
organizations that you have worked for, the
location of each company, the dates worked, your
job title, and duties performed.
A typical CV will include the following information:

•Name and Contact Information: contact information for your current institution or place of
employment may work best, unless you do not want your colleagues to know that you are job-
•Areas of Interest: a listing of your varied academic interests.
•Education: a list of your degrees earned or in progress, institutions, and years of graduation.
You may also include the titles of your dissertation or thesis here.
•Grants, Honors and Awards: a list of grants received, honors bestowed upon you for your
work, and awards you may have received for teaching or service.
•Publications and Presentations: a list of your published articles and books, as well
presentations given at conferences. If there are many of both, you might consider having one
section for publications and another for presentations.
•Employment and Experience: this section may include separate lists of teaching experiences,
laboratory experiences, field experiences, volunteer work, leadership, or other relevant
•Scholarly or Professional Memberships: a listing of the professional organizations of which
you are a member. If you have held an office or position in a particular organization, you can
either say so here or leave this information for the experience section.
•References: a list of persons who write letters of recommendations for you, which includes their
contact information.
ns . Aft e r a jo b i nt er v i e w ,
t i o n in a ra n g e o f s it ua t io
r ta nt fo rm o f co m m un i c a , a f o l o w - up
e t e r is a n im p o t a t a tr a d e s h o w
A fol ow-up l a f te r m a k in g a go d b u s i ne s c o nt a c
s i ne s m e t ing , o r e ve n n d t he in t e n d e d r ec i pie n
or a great b u at io n sh i p b et w e n y o u a
n s o f c o n s o l id a t i n g a re l
el t er is an ef e cti v e m e a
Leaving your job?
A thoughtful resignation letter
can help you maintain a
positive relationship with your
old employer - which is useful
as you never know when
you'll need their help in the

Letter of resignation
o A letter of resignation is written to announce the
author's intent to leave a position currently held,
such as an office staff or employment.
o A resignation letter is a short letter formally advising
your employer that you are leaving your job.
How do you write a letter of

Writing a Resignation Letter

1.Have a friendly but formal opening. ...

2.Clearly state your intention to resign. ...
3.Give proper notice. ...
4.State your reasons for leaving (optional). ...
5.State that you're willing to help out during
the transition. ...
6.Thank your employer for the experience. ...
7.Wrap up your letter on a kind note.

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