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Product Name

📝 Product Blueprint
Use this checklist for every potential product, make sure it ticks
off every box!

It has a Wow factor

The sale price is $40 or more

The product cost is around $10

Has high perceived value

It solves a problem

It is used daily (or at a high rate)

Has a specific passionate community that is interested in it

The product is relatively small and lightweight

Not cheap and shitty electronic, made of glass, or ingestible

It is an evergreen product

📮 The Problem
What problem are we solving? For whom? When do they
experience this issue?
Why is solving this problem urgent? Why is it important?

Solves problem #1

Solves problem #2

Solves problem #3

Product Name 1
📚 Product Principles
Not every single principle needs to be met in order to determine
if the product has potential. We do not like playing guessing
games, instead, we prefer stacking the odds in our favor so that
we can have a higher success rate.

Virality - Can the product go viral?

Large Audience - Is the product appeal to a large sum of customers?

Low COGs - Is the retail price 4x more?

Limited Competition - Not many sell the same product?

Product History - How customers reacted to the product, is it high quality?

Compliance - Is it not a sketchy product?

Customer Feedback - Does the product meet their expectations?

💸 Product Value Points

Below is a breakdown chart to use to cross-examene products
and see how many values it provides, the more the better…

🪓 Product Value Points

Primal Values:
Survival - Fundamentals to survival

Lifespan Longevity - Increase life's values

Reciprocity - Giftable product

Pleasure - Enjoyable product

Product Name 2
Pain Avoidance - Prevent pain by providing something that will balance

Fear - Calms fear of something

Emotional Values:
Personal Wellness - A feel good product

Empathy - Can I donate a % to a related fundraiser

Reward - You earned it product

Nostalgia - Gives a past experience feeling

Efficiency Values:
Friction Reduction - Reduce hassle and inconvenience

Simple Access - Lower the barrier to entry

Targeted Information - Gives easy access to accurate information

Financial Savings - Saves later unneeded purchases

Social Values:
Social Hierarchy - Prestige badge

Trends - A trendy product

Clan Incorporation - Part of a bigger thing

💡 General Questions to ask

Can I make cool videos with the product? (or someone who can
help me)

Is there a high likelihood of someone scrolling, stopping, and

wanting to buy this product?
Does this product have long-term potential?

How big can I build an empire out of it?

Product Name 3
What influencer could see this product?

Example #1

Example #2

Example #3

Example #4

Example #5

⏱ Reminder
It’s important to have a strong mindset, know that it takes time to find a winning

Product Name 4

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