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100 Hacks to Clear UPSC Examination

By Venkata Kumar

Clearing the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) examina on is a rigorous process that requires
dedica on, strategic prepara on, and a comprehensive approach. Here are 100 hacks to help you
succeed in the UPSC examina on:

Preliminary Exam Prepara on:

1. Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself thoroughly with the UPSC exam syllabus.

2. Previous Year Papers: Solve past years' ques on papers to understand the exam pa ern.

3. NCERT Books: Begin with NCERT books for a solid founda on in basic subjects.

4. Current Affairs: Stay updated with daily news and events, especially related to na onal and
interna onal affairs.

5. Mock Tests: Regularly take mock tests to improve me management and iden fy weak areas.

6. Revision: Consistent revision is key; revise regularly to reinforce concepts.

7. Mind Mapping: Create visual aids like mind maps for be er reten on of informa on.

8. Focus on Fundamentals: Establish a strong base in basic subjects like history, geography, and

9. Make Short Notes: Prepare concise notes for quick revision closer to the exam.

10. Learn to Eliminate: Prac ce elimina ng wrong answer choices for be er guesswork.

Mains Exam Prepara on:

11. Develop Answer Wri ng Skills: Prac ce answer wri ng regularly to improve ar cula on.

12. Time Management: Allocate me wisely for each ques on during the exam.

13. Essay Prac ce: Write essays on diverse topics to enhance wri ng skills.

14. In-depth Study: Go beyond textbooks; read advanced reference materials for a deeper

15. Ethics Paper: Focus on case studies and ethical dilemmas for the ethics paper.

16. Op onal Subject: Choose an op onal subject you're comfortable with and have a genuine
interest in.

17. Current Affairs Analysis: Analyze the impact of current affairs on various topics.

18. Diagrams and Flowcharts: Use diagrams and flowcharts to illustrate your answers effec vely.
19. Balanced Answer Sheet: Allocate me propor onally to each ques on to ensure a balanced
answer sheet.

20. Language Skills: Enhance your language skills for be er expression and clarity.

Interview Prepara on:

21. DAF Analysis: Thoroughly understand your Detailed Applica on Form (DAF).

22. Mock Interviews: A end mock interviews to gain confidence and improve communica on skills.

23. Stay Updated: Be well-versed in current affairs, especially those related to your hobbies and

24. Personality Development: Work on overall personality development, including body language.

25. Confidence: Believe in yourself and your abili es during the interview.

26. Handling Stress: Prac ce stress management techniques to stay calm during the interview.

27. Answer with Clarity: Provide clear and concise answers; avoid unnecessary details.

28. Be Honest: Be honest and authen c in your responses; interviewers appreciate sincerity.

29. Prac ce Self-introduc on: Be prepared to introduce yourself confidently.

30. Group Discussions: Engage in group discussions to improve communica on and ar cula on.

General Prepara on Hacks:

31. Consistency: Maintain a consistent study schedule to avoid last-minute stress.

32. Healthy Lifestyle: Priori ze a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and proper nutri on.

33. Breaks: Take short breaks during study sessions to stay refreshed.

34. Stay Posi ve: Cul vate a posi ve mindset and believe in your poten al.

35. Avoid Burnout: Recognize signs of burnout and take breaks when needed.

36. Make a Timetable: Plan a daily metable to ensure effec ve me u liza on.

37. Plan for Distrac ons: Iden fy poten al distrac ons and create a conducive study environment.

38. Reward System: Set up a reward system to mo vate yourself a er achieving study milestones.

39. Learn from Failures: Embrace failures as learning opportuni es and make necessary

40. Stay Mo vated: Keep your long-term goals in mind to stay mo vated throughout the journey.

Resource U liza on:

41. Online Pla orms: U lize online pla orms for study materials, forums, and discussions.

42. Coaching Ins tutes: Consider joining reputable coaching ins tutes for guidance.
43. Library Usage: Make use of libraries for access to a wide range of study materials.

44. Interac ve Learning: Engage in group discussions, study circles, and interac ve learning.

45. Revision Notes: Create concise revision notes for quick reviews.

46. Audio Lectures: Listen to audio lectures for a different mode of learning.

47. Visual Aids: Use visual aids like charts and graphs for be er understanding.

48. Public Resources: Access public resources like government reports and policy documents.

49. U lize Technology: Leverage educa onal apps and online resources for efficient learning.

50. Peer Learning: Collaborate with peers for group studies and knowledge exchange.

Time Management:

51. Time Blocking: Allocate specific me blocks for each subject or topic.

52. Priori ze Subjects: Priori ze subjects based on your strengths and weaknesses.

53. Weekly Planning: Plan your study week in advance to maximize produc vity.

54. Use a Planner: Maintain a planner or use digital tools to organize your study schedule.

55. Effec ve Breaks: Use breaks effec vely for relaxa on, not excessive screen me.

56. Pomodoro Technique: Implement the Pomodoro Technique for focused study intervals.

57. Time Tracker Apps: Use me-tracking apps to monitor your study hours.

58. Analyze Study Pa erns: Iden fy peak produc vity hours and schedule challenging tasks

59. Flexibility: Be flexible with your study plan to accommodate unexpected events.

60. Avoid Procras na on: Tackle procras na on by breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

Mindset and Confidence Building:

61. Posi ve Affirma ons: Use posi ve affirma ons to boost confidence.

62. Visualiza on: Visualize success and the achievement of your goals.

63. Learn from Mistakes: View mistakes as opportuni es to learn and improve.

64. Self-mo va on Techniques: Develop techniques to self-mo vate during challenging mes.

65. Stay Resilient: Cul vate resilience to bounce back from setbacks.

66. Goal Se ng: Set clear, achievable goals to stay focused and mo vated.

67. Inner Strength: Build inner strength to endure the ups and downs of the prepara on journey.

68. Healthy Compe on: View compe on as a healthy mo vator rather than a stressor.
69. Self-Reflec on: Regularly reflect on your progress and areas for improvement.

70. Seek Guidance: Reach out for guidance and support when needed.

Revision Strategies:

71. Consolida on Notes: Create comprehensive consolida on notes for revision.

72. Flashcards: Use flashcards for quick recall of key concepts.

73. Group Revision: Par cipate in group revision sessions for diverse perspec ves.

74. Regular Review: Schedule regular review sessions to reinforce learning.

75. Mind Mapping: U lize mind maps to connect and visualize complex informa on.

76. Test Yourself: Regularly test your knowledge through quizzes and self-assessment.

77. Conceptual Understanding: Focus on understanding concepts rather than rote memoriza on.

78. Peer Teaching: Teach concepts to peers to solidify your own understanding.

79. Adap ve Learning: Adjust your revision strategies based on your evolving needs.

80. Strategic Breaks: Take breaks strategically to refresh your mind for effec ve revision.

Health and Well-being:

81. Adequate Sleep: Priori ze adequate sleep for cogni ve func on and memory consolida on.

82. Hydra on: Stay well-hydrated for op mal brain func on.

83. Balanced Diet: Maintain a balanced diet with nutri ous foods to support overall health.

84. Regular Exercise: Incorporate regular physical exercise to reduce stress and improve
concentra on.

85. Mental Health Check: Priori ze mental health; seek professional help if needed.

86. Relaxa on Techniques: Prac ce relaxa on techniques like medita on and deep breathing.

87. Hobbies: Engage in hobbies and ac vi es to relax and recharge.

88. Outdoor Time: Spend me outdoors for fresh air and a change of environment.

89. Avoid Overcaffeina on: Limit caffeine intake to avoid nega ve effects on sleep and anxiety.

90. Regular Health Check-ups: Schedule regular health check-ups to monitor overall well-being.

Stay Informed:

91. Government Portals: Stay informed through government websites for official informa on.

92. News Analysis: Analyze news cri cally to understand its implica ons.

93. Legisla ve Acts: Understand key legisla ve acts and their impact on governance.
94. Historical Context: Relate current events to historical contexts for a holis c perspec ve.

95. Budget and Economic Survey: Analyze the Union Budget and Economic Survey for economic

96. Interna onal Rela ons: Stay informed about interna onal rela ons and geopoli cal

97. Government Ini a ves: Keep track of government schemes and ini a ves.

98. Environmental Issues: Understand contemporary environmental issues and policies.

99. Cultural Heritage: Stay updated on cultural heritage, art, and literature.

100. Stay Engaged: Cul vate a curious mindset; stay engaged with diverse subjects beyond
the exam syllabus.

Remember that success in the UPSC examina on requires a holis c approach, con nuous learning, and a
resilient mindset. Tailor these hacks to suit your individual strengths, weaknesses, and preferences for a
personalized and effec ve prepara on strategy.

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