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Factors affecting generation Rate of solid wastes

• Geographical location – related primarily to the different climate that can

influence both the amount generated and collection operation.
• Season of the year
• Characteristics of population
• Extent of salvage and recycling
• Legislation
• Public attitude

How to measure Generation Rate of Solid Waste
Determination of the generation rate of solid waste is important to obtain data in
order to determine waste volume and for subsequent solid waste management.

1. Measures of quantities
a. Volume measurement
b. Weight measurement

Expression of Unit Generation

It is important to have uniform units of expression.

Residential and Commercial – kilogram per capita per day (kg/c/d)
Agricultural –kilogram per hectare per year (kg/ ha/ year)
Solid waste management- How to plan?
• Prevention
• Preparing for reuse
• Recycling
• Other recovery (e.g., energy recovery)
• Disposal

➢ solid waste management is planed by first seeking to prevent the production of solid waste,
➢ Ex: by encouraging the use of fabric bags in grocery stores (thus eliminating the use of one-time
plastic bags (day-to-day life we call it as shopping bag)).

➢ When further elimination is not feasible, should consider actions that promote reuse, such as the
use of heavy-duty plastic grocery bags that can be reused.

➢ Next, the recycling option should be considered, such as the collection damaged plastic bags and
remanufacturing of onetime plastic bags.
➢ The fourth option would be to burn the collected bags for energy production.
➢ And finally, when all else fails, to dispose the bags in landfills.
Key components of solid waste management

• Solid waste management can be divided in to 5 key components


On-Site Handling
It is an activity associated with the handling of solid waste until it is placed in
the containers used for its storage before collection. This may take place at
any time before, during or after storage.

On- site handling methods

• sorting
• shredding
• grinding
• composting

Importance of on-site handling of solid waste

• Reduce volume of waste generated
• Alter physical form
• recover usable materials
On- Site Storage

• The first phase to manage solid waste is at home level.

• It requires temporary storage of waste on the premises.
• The individual householder or businessman has responsibility for onsite
storage of solid waste and it is the beginning of disposal, because simple
dumps are sources of nuisance, flies, smells and other hazards.

There are four factors that should be considered in the onsite storage of solid
• the type of container to be used
• the location where the containers are to be kept
• public health
• the collection method and time
Storage containers
Garbage and refuse generated in kitchens and other work areas should be collected
and stored in properly designed and constructed garbage cans (waste bins).

Garbage cans (waste bins) should be

• watertight,
• rust-resistant (can be constructed from galvanized iron sheet or plastic materials)
• with tight-fitting covers,
• fire-resistant,
• adequate in size,
• light in weight (when full, they can be lifted easily by one man)
• with side handles
• Washable
• should be located in a cool place on platforms at least 30 cm above ground level
• emptied at least daily and maintained in clean conditions.
Storage at source or near source of generation

1) Individual storage on premises

– in high income and low-density areas, individual closed storage
containers placed on the premises may be a more feasible option for
storing waste materials.

2) Communal storage
– in high-density areas, communal (large) container storage may be a more
realistic option. These containers can be split into compartments to accommodate
different fractions of waste.

National Color Codes for Waste Separation Containers (Garbage bins)

Green-Organic Waste
Blue-Paper wastes
Red –Glass, Bottles
Brown –Metals, Coconut Shells
Orange –Plastics/Polythene

Collection of Solid Waste

This is the removal of refuse from collection points to final disposal site.

It is the most expensive as compared with other operation and management

procedures, because it demands
• special vehicles,
• experienced people to manage,
• more manpower,
• hand tools,
• more funds for fuel, salary, maintenance, gathering or picking up of solid
waste from the various sources, taking the collected wastes to the location
where it is emptied,
• unloading of the collection vehicle
Collection Process of Solid Waste

Collection process Involves five different phases.

Phase 1 - House to dustbin

Phase 2 - Dustbin to truck
Phase 3 - Truck from house to house
Phase 4 - Truck to transfer station
Phase 5 - Truck to disposal

Frequency of solid waste collection

Frequency of solid waste collection depends on

• type of waste
• storage limitations
• Quantity of solid waste
• time of year
• financial status of the agencies
• socioeconomic status of the area served

Classification of Collection System cont…

1. Primary collection
2. Secondary collection

1. Primary Collection System:

The first stage of collection system which involves the transportation of collected
waste from or near the source of generation by external party to communal
collection bins or points, processing or transfer station.

2. Secondary collection System:

It involves the collection of waste from communal bins, storage points or transfer
station and transportation to the final disposal site.
Classification of Collection System

Further, solid waste collection systems are classified on the basis of the
1. availability of collection services Communal system
Block system
Kerbside/ Alley collection
2. mode of operation
Door- to -door collection

Hauled containers Stationary containers

3. type of waste materials collected

Communal System
This system is common (for all categories of waste) in low-income countries
where cost savings is more important than service provision.

Waste generators are responsible for bringing their waste to communal collection
points or bins.

Communal systems in many industrialized countries are common for a selected

fraction of waste materials (furniture or household electrical appliances & garden

Leads to indiscriminate disposal of waste outside the container
Block System

The collection vehicles generally stop at all street intersections or selected

collection points & a bell is rung on their arrival so people can bring their waste
to the collection vehicles at the time of collection.

Low to medium labor and vehicle
minimizes the spread of waste on streets.

A regular and well organized collection services is essential so that generators
know exactly when to bring out their waste.

Kerbside/ Alley collection
Waste generators place the waste containers on the kerb or in the alley on a
specific day/days for collection.

They retrieve their containers from the kerb or alley after the waste has
been collected.

A regular and well organized collection service is essential so that

generators know exactly when to leave out their waste.

If not, generators may place their storage container permanently at the kerb.
Door- to -door collection
Generators place waste containers at their back gate or vicinity of their property on a
specific day/days for collection.
The collection crews take out the containers & if appropriate sets the containers
back after emptying waste into collection vehicles.

This is more common in industrialized countries.

Increased labour costs compared to the Kerbside/alley collection method as it
involves entering all premises.

Hauled containers

In this system an empty container is hauled to the storage site to replace the
container that is full of waste, which is then hauled to the processing point,
transfer station or disposal site.

Stationary containers

In this system, containers used for the storage of waste remain at the point of
collection. The collection vehicles generally stop alongside the storage
containers and collection crews loads the waste from the storage containers into
the collection vehicles and then transport the waste to the processing, transfer or
disposal site

Collection vehicles

The number of collection vehicles needed for a

community can be estimated by the equation
(Vesilind et al., 2002);

N is the number of collection vehicles needed,
S is the total number of households serviced,
F is the number of collections per week,
X is the number of customers a truck can service per day
W the number of workdays per week

Types of Collection Vehicles
➢ Compaction vehicles
➢ Semi-compaction vehicle
➢ Non-compaction vehicle
• used to carry specific waste like large bulky items, furniture, etc
• require a larger body than compaction vehicles
• ex: Open trucks/ high – sided open –top- vehicles
➢ Container handling systems
• Tractor and trailer container systems
• Container hoist vehicles
• Roll-on roll-off (hook lift) trucks

Others transports are rail transport, river transport

Transfer and Transport
Transfer stations are employed when the disposal site is situated at significant
distance from the point of collection.

The transfer station should be located at the center of the collection service area.

Advantages of a transfer station

reduce the cost of transporting refuse by reducing manpower requirement and

total kilometers.


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