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Lesson Exemplar in TLE – ICT Using the IDEA Instructional Process

SDO DepEd City of Ilagan Grade Level 8

LESSON Name MelvinJay L. Managuelod Learning Area TLE – ICT 7&8
EXEMPL Teaching Date and Time Quarter
AR January 14, 2024 First Quarter

I. OBJECTIVES  Define and describe the types of application software;

 explain the procedure of installing an application software; and
 demonstrate an understanding of concepts in installing an
application software; and
 demonstrate appreciation in understanding the concepts of
installing an application software.
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and principles
on the process of installing application software on a computer system.
They can identify the types, sources, and requirements of application
software, and apply the appropriate installation methods and
procedures using various tools and techniques.
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to successfully install Microsoft Office 2021
on their devices by following instructions, selecting the appropriate
installation options, and verifying the successful installation and
functionality of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint applications.
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies
(if available write the indicated MELC)
D. Enabling Competencies
(if available write the attached enabling
II. CONTENT  Installing Application Software
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Learning Module:
Computer Systems Servicing NC II – • Installing Application
Software, pp. 1-29

b. Learner’s Guide Pages Learning Module:
Computer Systems Servicing NC II – • Installing Application
Software, pp. 1-29
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from Learning Resources Laptop, QR Attendance, Website, Artificial Intelligence, YouTube,
Augmented reality, Internet Connection, Power point Presentation.
B. List of Learning Resources for Development and Learning Handouts
Engagement Activities wordwall
Activity Instructional Materials
A. Introduction Concept Review

The teacher was using QR code-based attendance for a quick and easy
way to monitor attendance.
The learners can access it by scanning this code,

The learners will have a short recap about the previous topic about
the Operating System.

Activity 1: Group Activity

Direction: The teacher will give a bingo card to his students. The
bingo card contains pictures, numbers, and words. using a wheel. A
teacher spins out random pictures, numbers, and words. If the picture,
number, or word called is present on the student's board, they daub it
off. The first player to get five numbers in a row, either vertically,
horizontally, or diagonally, wins bingo.

B. Development The learners will unlock the difficulties that will be able to be
discussed throughout this topic

Activity 2: Observe and Give it a Shot

Direction: The teacher will play an animated video. They’ll need to
pay close attention to the video as it will be the basis for a series of
questions they’ll answer later. After the video, the teacher will be
presented with a set of questions. The task is to select the correct
answer from the given options for each question. They only have 60
seconds to answer each question, so they’ll need to think quickly. The
top three performers on the leaderboard will be rewarded with extra
points for the recitation later. So, focus on the video, think fast, and
aim to be one of the top performers!
(Video animation)

To access the Wordwall, scan this QR code,

Or just click this link;
key to correction:

The teacher will discuss the Application Software.

a. Application
application is a type of software that allows you to perform
specific tasks. Applications for desktop or laptop computers
are sometimes called desktop applications, and those for
mobile devices are called mobile apps. When you open an
application, it runs inside the operating system until you close
it. Much of the time, you will have more than one application
open at the same time, and this is known as multitasking.

Guide Questions:
1. Have you ever encountered any issues or errors while
installing an application? If so, how did you resolve
2. what are some of your favorite apps and what makes
them your favorites?

The teacher will use an Artificial intelligence (Robot) that will be a

good help for their learning process.

b. Three types of application software

 Desktop App is applications that run in a personal
computer and laptops.
 Web App is an application that is accessed over a
network such as the Internet or an intranet. It runs in the
cloud and does not need to be installed on your comp.
 Mobile App is a software application designed to run on
smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile diester.
These are sometimes called cloud apps.

c. Different Ways of Preparing Installer Apps

1. Direct downloading/installation from web Installation

directly from the web is too risky it may contain malware
or virus it may also requires ample time in installation
mainly if you have poor internet connection.
2. Via USB storage devices (e.g., flash disks, external
HDD) This installation is most recommended compared
to other ways of preparing an installer app. It is more
portable and manageable due to portability of its
3. Via installation disc It is the traditional way of
installation of application, it requires ODD in every
installation. Software are burned in an optical disc
4. Via intranet or LAN network This method requires
LAN connection in conducting installation. Via intranet
installation made faster and more efficient. It enables you
to deploy multiple installation during the process.

Before proceeding with the installation of Microsoft Office 2021, the

teacher has prepared an augmented reality app that he knows will
captivate and amaze his learners. He wants to ensure that they remain
engaged and entertained throughout the session.

 Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that blends

digital elements with the real world, enhancing our
perception and interaction with our surroundings. It
overlays computer-generated images, videos, or
information onto the real-world environment in real-time.

Direction: Scan the flashcard. Hold your device above the

corresponding flashcard to scan it. The app will display a 3D
animation of the animal.
This content will be integrated into science.

Within Curriculum Teaching Area: The learners will demonstrate,

apply skills and knowledge in installing Microsoft Office 2021. They
will be able to identify the system requirements, download the
software, follow the installation steps, and activate the product.

d. Steps in Installing Microsoft office 2021

The teacher will be playing a video on 'How to Install Microsoft
Office 2021' to provide a better understanding for the learners.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the first step to install Microsoft Office on a
Windows computer?
2. Why is it important for us to follow the step-by-step process
of installing Microsoft office?

C. Engagement Activity 3: Office Installer Showdown! (Think, Pair, and Share)

Task: The learner will demonstrate the step-by-step process of

installing Microsoft Office 2021 by applying the steps in an actual
situation. This activity will be conducted in pairs. Each pair will be
using a Laptop to accomplish the task. The learners will navigate
through the installation process, from initiating the setup to
successfully installing the software. The output, which is the
successful installation and operation of Microsoft Office 2021 on their
devices, will be assessed using a scoring rubric. This hands-on
approach will ensure that learners are not only familiar with the
process but can also independently install the software in the future.

Materials needed:
 Laptop

Scoring Rubric to consider:

This rubric is based on a 3-point scale, with 3 points indicating
the highest level of proficiency and 1 point indicating a developing
level of proficiency. The total score for each group will be the sum of
the points earned in each criterion.
Advanced Proficient Developing No
Criteria Score
3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pts. work
Understanding Displays an Demonstra Shows a No
of Installation exceptional tes a satisfactory work
Process understandin strong understanding at all
g of the understand of the
installation ing of the installation
process and
process and follows the
flawlessly steps
the steps
executes the accurately
steps. with minor
with few
to no
Execution Executes the
installation Encounters
process some
flawlessly difficulties
and during the
demonstrates installation
an process but is No
exceptional able to work
minimal to
ability to troubleshoot
no errors
troubleshoot and overcome
and resolve them with
any issues minimal
that may assistance.
Time Manages
Management: time Manages time
s excellent
effectively adequately
and but may
completes require No
skills and
the additional work
installation time to
within a complete the
reasonable installation.
1. During the activity, were there any issues or factors that
hindered your progress or caused difficulties?
D. Assimilation
Quiz #1: Arrange it right!
Direction: Arrange the steps in installing Microsoft office 2021. The
learners will use a web browser called wordwall to take this quiz. In
this quiz, everyone will enter the link provided by the teacher. Put the
first procedure for the first step, 2 for the second step, and so on.

to access the wordwall, scan this qr code,

Or just click this link;
Key to Correction:

E. REFLECTION The learners will document their thoughts and reflections on the
lesson using online website. They can choose from various prompts
provided by the teacher to share their personal insights. The teacher
will also provide emoji rating (heart for loved it, smile for liked it,
wink for it was okay, zipper mouth for disliked it, and thumbs down
for hated it). It will be presented based on how they will feel towards
the discussion and activity.

To access the Typeform, scan this qr code,

Or just click this link;
Thoughts and Reflections

Emoji Rating

F. ASSIGNMENT Simple Software Installation

•Choose an Application: Pick a simple application software that you
would like to install. It could be a game, a productivity tool, or a
learning app.
•Installation: Install the chosen application on your device. Document
the steps you took during the installation process.
•First Use: Open and use the application. Write a few sentences about
your first impressions.
•Summary: Write a short paragraph summarizing your experience.
Did the installation go smoothly? Was the application easy to use?

Submission: Submit your document with your name and the date at
the top.


Nietes, H. (n.d.). CSS-11-Q1-WK7. Scribd.

Name it to win it | Quizizz. (n.d.).

Mjaylucas. (2023, December 2). Observe and Give it a Shot. Wordwall - Create Better

Lessons Quicker.

Danielcoralde. (2023, November 27). Arrange it right. Wordwall - Create Better Lessons


Animal 4D+ - apps on Google Play. (n.d.).


My typeform. (n.d.).

Prepared by:
MelvinJay L. Managuelod

Checked by:
Christian Lloyd Taguba
BTLED Instructor

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