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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302

Force and torque characteristics for magnetically driven

blood pump
Pan Zheng, Yousef Haik*, Mohammad Kilani, Ching-Jen Chen
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Biomagnetic Engineering Laboratory, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering,
2525 Pottsdamer Street, Tallahassee, FL 32310, USA

Received 10 August 2001; received in revised form 19 November 2001


Magnetically driven screw pumps were designed and fabricated for pumping biological fluids. The magnetic field
simulations for three different magnetic coupling arrangements were obtained numerically. The force and torque for the
three arrangements were computed. The effect of the separation gap between poles and the rotational angle on the force
and torque is also presented. The pump characteristics were obtained experimentally. r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: Magnetically driven pump; Screw pump; Magnetic force; Magnetic torque; Magnetic coupling

1. Introduction transmitted to the pump from an outside motor

through magnetic coupling without physical con-
Blood pumps are important components of nection. Two different configurations that are
several clinical devices in use today [1]. Typical designed to pump blood are shown in Fig. 1(a)
examples such as open heart surgery, life-sustain- and (b). Fig. 1(c) shows the schematic of pump
ing devices relying on blood pumps include heart– components. The pump consists of a single screw
lung machines, left ventricular assist devices and that rotates inside a close-fitting barrell. The screw
total artificial hearts [2–4]. is rotated by the effect of magnetic coupling
From an engineering point of view, a pump is a between permanent magnets attached to the screw
device in which energy is transferred into the fluid and magnets attached to an outside motor. The
in order to increase its pressure or kinetic energy. inside magnets follow and synchronize with the
For the pump to operate, it must have (a) a power outside magnets. The rotation of the screw moves
mechanism by which power is transmitted to the the fluid forward in the channel between the screw
pump from an outside source and (b) a fluid core and the barrel and increases its hydrostatic
dynamics mechanism capable of conveying the pressure. The fluid enters at the feed port and exits
power to the fluid. In this study, the power is at the discharge port due to the continuous
rotation of the screw. Because of the self-contained
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-850-410-6431; fax: +1-
seal, the interaction between the pump and the
850-410-6484. outside environment is minimized. The mechanical
E-mail address: (Y. Haik). friction is also minimized. The conduction of heat

0304-8853/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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P. Zheng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302 293

Fig. 1. (a) Lateral flow configuration; (b) combined lateral–axial flow configuration; (c) schematic diagram of a magnetically driven
screw pump.

from the driving motor to the inside fluid is their compactness and simplicity, screw pumps
eliminated. Another advantage of this design is have received serious consideration in blood
that it allows the pump to be disposable and transport applications and several new designs
eliminates the possibility of bio-contamination. are being explored [10].
Araki et al. [5] investigated the relationship The term magnetic pumps has existed for several
between hemolysis and heat generation in six types years. Some of these pumps utilize magnetic force
of centrifugal blood pumps. They found a strong to create a seal mechanism that is able to provide
correlation between hemolysis and heat genera- lubrication to the driving shaft and a seal [11].
tion. They also concluded that the heat is Other magnetic pumps use the magnetic clutch
conducted from the driving motor to the blood. mechanism to provide a coupling between the
In addition, the friction between the shaft and seal driving motor and the driven pumping mechanism.
generates heat locally which also causes hemolysis. In this study, the pumping mechanism is a screw-
In this study, screw-type pumps were found to shaped shaft that is remotely driven by magnets
offer certain advantages in terms of (a) design [12,13]. Magnetically driven screw pump provides
simplicity, (b) suitability for magnetic coupling a sealed mechanism to pump blood and other
and (c) possibility of low hemolysis of blood cells. biohazard fluids in a disposable, safe and low-cost
The application of screw pump mechanisms for device.
blood transport has been successfully demon- In this study, the performance of the two pumps
strated by several investigators [6–9]. Owing to was tested experimentally. The magnetic coupling
294 P. Zheng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302

between the driving and driven sets is investigated a moving boundary (surfaces of the screw) and a
numerically. The magnetic field distribution be- stationary boundary (barrel surface). With the
tween the coupling magnets, the magnetic force necessary condition that the fluid has a certain
and magnetic torques are computed. The effect of viscosity, a drag flow is established in the fluid. It is
the separation distance between the driving and only because of the existence of this drag flow that
driven magnets is also investigated. a screw pump is able to operate.
Two model prototypes as shown in the sche-
matics, Fig. 1(a) and (b), were prepared to measure
2. Magnetically driven screw pumps design and the flow rate–pressure head characteristics of
performance screw pumps. The difference between two models
is that the exit of the first model is normal to the
The fluid in the screw pump is contained in the axis of screw core, the exit of second model is
channel between the screw and inside surface of parallel to the axis of the screw core. Both models
the barrel. The channel is bounded by the screw have a screw length of 10 cm and a diameter of
flights on its sides and the screw core on the 1.9 cm. The first prototype, M1, (schematic
bottom. The top of the channel is the inner surface Fig. 1(a)) has a pitch of 0.64 cm (4 threads/in)
of the barrel. Because of the rotation of the screw, while the second model, M2, (schematic Fig. 1(b))
the fluid is contained within a system that has both has a pitch of 1.3 cm (2 threads/in). The flow

Fig. 2. (a) Pump characteristic, Model 1; (b) pump characteristics, Model 2.

P. Zheng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302 295

rate–pressure head characteristics for model M1

and M2 are shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b), respectively.
The fluid used in the experiment is water with a
viscosity of 1  106 m2/s. Experiments were con-
ducted with a steady liquid at the inlet. The
rotation of screw was generated by magnetic
coupling as described. The rotation speeds were
set from 0 to 3300 rpm.
It can be seen from Fig. 2(a) and (b) that in
order to achieve the same flow rate and a pressure
head, model M2 need to rotate at a higher speed
than M1. For example, when the head pressure is
maintained to 18 mmHg for both models, the
rotating rate of M2 need to be 3200 rpm while that Fig. 3. 2-pole magnetic coupling.
of M1 just needs 2300 rpm to keep a same flow rate
of 3 ml/s. This is mainly due to the difference in the
helix angle (j) between the two models (refer to
Fig. 1(c)). Model with small helix angle j will
produce large viscous drag effect to act in the Boron (NdFeB) on an iron plate with a thickness
direction of the screw axis. High helix angle j may of 2 mm. This set is for the driving mechanism.
cause the screw to produce large viscous drag Another set of two magnets is placed on the plastic
effect on the direction normal to the screw axis and plate facing the driving set, this is the driven set.
produces significant secondary flow. Since the flow The magnets are arranged in such a way that the
rate of the screw pump is determined by the axial north poles of the driving set are facing the south
velocity along the screw channel, decreasing the poles of the driven set and are placed in alternating
screw helix angle will result in a higher flow rate poles on each plate. A gap is maintained between
for the same speed and head pressure. the two sets. The magnetic field distribution, the
In separate experiments with human blood, the magnetic force and the torque are numerically
level of hemolysis during the pumping was computed by using a boundary element based
measured by the amount of free hemoglobin in solver.
plasma of the pumped blood. The blood sample According to Gauss’s law for magnetism r 
! ,
from model M2 was found to have much less of B ¼ 0; B is the magnetic induction or flux density.
free hemoglobin than that of model M1. This It is convenient to introduce the potential value
suggests that changes in exit port location can due to a given current distribution. A vector
have a profound effect on the hemolytic level of magnetic potential A is defined as
the screw pump. ~
B ð1Þ
~ ¼ m0 H
with B ~ in free space, where H ~ is the
3. Mathematical modeling of magnetic coupling magnetic field strength, the differential form of
Ampere’s law can be written as
The magnetic force and torque for the magnetic ~ ¼ m0 J~
driving mechanism are important to the design of rB ð2Þ
magnetically driven screw pump. The force and where J~ is the electric current density.
torque depend on several factors such as the Specifying r  A~ ¼ 0; and substituting Eq. (2)
number of interacting poles, the separation dis- into Eq. (1), leads to the vector Poisson equation
tance, the strength of the magnet and the lag angle. given by
Fig. 3 shows a schematic for one configuration
~ ¼ m0 J~:
r2 A ð3Þ
that put two magnets made of Neodymium Iron
296 P. Zheng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302

The analytical solution form is that it effectively eliminates the need for a finite-
Z ~ element mesh or a finite-difference grid [14–19].
J ,
~ ¼ m0
A dV ðWb=mÞ: ð4Þ Once the magnetic potential A is obtained, the
4p V R ,
force F between two magnets can be computed
Vector R is the distance from the field sustain using basic relation for the force on a distribution
source to the observation point. V is the current of current in the external field:
source volume. For the permanent magnet,
magnetization can be expressed with an equiva- F~ ¼ J~  B
~ext dV : ð10Þ
lence as volume current and surface current, ,
respectively, by Torque T can be calculated by
J~M ¼ r  M
~ ð5Þ ~
T ¼ ~  ðJ~  B
R ~ext Þ dV : ð11Þ
We can use the same way as in Eqs. (5) and (6) to
~ ~ ~
jM ¼ M n: ð6Þ compute the equivalent current J~ of the target
Here ~
n is the outward unit normal to the surface S:
Practically, the effect of volume magnetization is
only noticeable in volumes where the field is 4. Setup for numerical simulation
rapidly changing from a saturated state to
unsaturated state. For many problems the effect The numerical code Amperes1 verified using
of the volume magnetization is small and can be experimental procedure utilizing the interaction
neglected. between forces caused by a similar pole opposing
Then Eq. (4) can be rewritten as magnets. The computed force was within the 10%
Z ~
jM experimental error of the experimental results.
~ ¼ m0
A dS: ð7Þ
4p S R Additionally, the computed results were in good
agreement with the analytical results obtained by
Eqs. (1) and (7) should satisfy two boundary Furlani [20] when the magnetization is assumed
conditions constant.
, , When the experimental setup shown in Fig. 1(a)
ms H sn ¼ m0 H n ; ð8Þ
and (b) runs to find the pump characteristics it was
observed that when the driving motor speed was
, , ,
H st  H t ¼ J s : ð9Þ increased rapidly a slip in the magnetic couple
would occur and cause a back flow in the pump.
The subscript s denotes source magnet, n Thus, it becomes important to optimize the magnetic
denotes normal, and t is the tangential. J s is the coupling between the driving and driven magnets
surface current, namely, j M : Multiple ways such as with numerical simulation. Different setups for the
finite difference (FDM), finite element method magnetic coupling mechanism were computed:
(FEM) and boundary element method (BEM) can (a) Sets of 2-pole magnets opposing each other
be applied to solve the field equations. With with opposing poles (i.e. north facing south),
boundary integral equation formulation, the po- shown in Fig. 3.
tential A of Eq. (7) is not solved directly, but an (b) Sets of 4-pole magnets opposing each other
equivalent source, which would sustain the field, is with opposing poles, shown in Fig. 4.
found by forcing it to satisfy prescribed boundary (c) Sets of 6-pole magnets opposing each other
and interface conditions under a function which with opposing fields, shown in Fig. 5.
relates the location and effect of the source to any
point on the boundary. The main advantages of 1
Integrated Engineering Software Inc., Amperes 3D Mag-
this method over direct approach (FDM, FEM) is netic Field Solver V4.0.
P. Zheng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302 297

rotating and the load magnets fixed through a

series of angular displacement values y from 01 to

5. Discussion

5.1. Number of magnetic poles

Fig. 4. 4-pole magnetic coupling.

Fig. 6(a) shows the magnetic field distribution
on the plane between the two sets that is 0.5 mm
above the load magnets for 2-pole magnetic
coupling setup. The separation distance between
the two sets is L ¼ 4 mm. The poles where aligned
such that the two opposing poles on the two sets
are facing each other. The angle of rotation in this
case is set to zero. As shown in Fig. 6, the magnetic
field is strongest in the area where the two poles
are coupling with each other. Some cross coupling
between magnets on the same set is also shown.
Fig. 6(b) shows the field profile distribution drawn
in 3 dimensions for the same plane as in Fig. 6(a).
Figs. 7(a), (b), 8(a) and (b) show the magnetic
Fig. 5. 6-pole magnetic coupling. field distribution for the 4- and 6-pole magnets
sets, respectively. As shown in the figures the
closer the distance between the magnets on the
Further, computations were conducted to plate the more cross connect occurs on the same
plate. The nearer the neighboring magnet the
(i) Compare the magnetic force and torque for
denser are the magnetic loops produced between
all three setups at different separation gaps, L:
the two magnets.
(ii) Compare the magnetic force and torque at
The field magnitude across a diagonal line
different rotation angles, y:
0.5 mm above the poles (6.5 mm above the plate)
(iii) Effect of the magnetic property of the plates
for the 2-, 4-, and 6-pole arrangements is shown in
on the coupling force.
Fig. 9 when the separation distance between the
Figs. 3–5 show schematics for the 2-, 4-, and 6- two opposing set is 30 mm. As shown in Fig. 9, the
pole magnets sets, respectively. The magnets are magnetic field strength varies slightly on the
NdFeB with the residual induction Br =1.085 T, surface of the magnets, however, it maintains at
coercive force Hc =767,922 A/m, intrinsic coercive around the maximum value. The magnets on the
force Hci =1,074,295 A/m. The magnets dimen- same plate are separated apart by a distance of
sions are: diameter d ¼ 13 mm, height h ¼ 6 mm, 14 mm (measuring from the axis of the magnets).
shown in Fig. 3. The plates are either made out of The magnetic field reaches a minimum at middle
steel or plastic, the steel relative permeability mr ¼ point between the magnets. The 4- and 6-pole
2000: The diameter of the plate is 40 mm and the magnetic coupling sets show the lower minimum
thickness is 2 mm. L is the separation gap between than the 2-pole magnetic coupling set because of
two opposite magnets nearest surface. Using the cross connection on the same plate between the
Integrated Engineering Software’s 3D magnetic poles.
field solver, which is based on BEM, the force and Fig. 10 shows the field strength distribution on a
torque were calculated with the source magnets diagonal line in a plane at a distance 6.5 mm above
298 P. Zheng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302

Fig. 6. Magnetic flux density distributions on the plane that is 0.5 mm above the load magnets with separation of 4 mm of 2-pole set:
(a) solid-contour; (b) 3D profile.

the plate for the 2-, 4- and 6-magnet sets when the the number of poles that are placed in alternating
two opposing sets are 4 mm apart. As shown from mode increases, the distance between similar poles
the figure the maximum field magnitude of the 4- decreases, thus the magnetic field of that is induced
pole setting is larger than that of the 6-pole setting, by the same magnetization poles will counteract by
and the maximum field magnitude of the 2-pole the field that is induced by different magnetization
setting is smallest. This shows that increasing poles. As the separtion distance between the two sets
the pole number cannot assure the increasing of becomes closer, a higher concentration of the field
the magnetic field instensity at certain point. As is obtained, thus causes a higher attraction force.
P. Zheng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302 299

Fig. 7. The magnetic flux density distribution on the plane that is 0.5 mm above the load magnets with a separation of 4 mm of 4-pole
set: (a) solid-contour; (b) 3D profile.

5.2. Effect of the separation gap coupling set has shown a higher magnetic force
than the 6-pole and the 2-pole magnetic coupling
The effect of the gap between the two sets of sets in the investigated separation range of the
magnets is investigated. Fig. 11 shows the force as 4–30 mm. The smaller the gap between the poles
a function of the separation distance between the the higher the coupling force.
two opposing sets. As shown in the figure, the 2-
pole curves cross over the 6-pole curve at a 5.3. Effect of plate material
separation distance of 24 mm. The 2-pole magnetic
coupling set has shown the smallest attraction The effect of the plate material type where the
force for gaps o24 mm. The 4-pole magnetic magnets are attached on the driving and driven
300 P. Zheng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302

Fig. 8. The magnetic flux density distribution on the plane that is 0.5 mm above the load magnets with a separation of 4 mm of 6-pole
set: (a) solid-contour; (b) 3D profile.

plates is also investigated. Fig. 12 shows two

curves for the force as a function of the separation
distance for the 2-pole magnetic coupling set. The
computations which made two different cases were
(a) both plates are made of steel with mr ¼ 2; 000
and (b) one plate (driving) is made of steel and the
other plate (driven) is made of plastic. The second
scenario is more practical for the magnetically
driven pump that is used to pump blood. As
Fig. 9. B-field of 2-, 4-, and 6-pole magnetic coupling with a shown when the two plates are made out of steel, a
separation of 30 mm. higher coupling force is produced. However, the
P. Zheng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302 301

Fig. 10. B-field of 2-, 4-, and 6-pole magnetic coupling with a
separation of 4 mm.
Fig. 12. Magnetic force versus separation

Fig. 11. Magnetic force of different poles.

difference is o15% between these two different Fig. 13. Magnetic torque versus separation.
plate settings.

Fig. 14 shows the magnetic torque distribution

5.4. Driving angle as a function of the rotation angle for the 2-, 4-
and 6-pole magnetic coupling sets with a separa-
The driven (load) magnets will be lagging the tion distance of 4 mm. The computation is made
driving (source) magnets that will maintain a for the range 0oyo901: The torque is smallest for
torque to overcome the friction and flow pressure the 2-pole magnetic coupling set, as the angle is
in the screw pump. The lag angle Dy should be no over 901, the repulsive force is increasing, as the
more than the angle yp at which the torque reaches two magnets with same magnetization direction
its peak. The torques are a function of the will be closer and this force can still produce a
separation distance, the rotation angle and the driving torque for the rotation of screw pump. It
number of magnets. Fig. 13 shows the torque as a will be an impeding torque after the lag angle is
function of the rotation angle with different over 1801. For the 4-pole magnetic coupling setup,
separation distance for the 2-pole magnetic cou- the two same magnetization direction magnets will
pling set. The angle yp decreases when the face each other at an angle of 901. For the 6-pole
separation decreases. For example, for a separa- set the similar magnets will face each other at an
tion of 4 mm, the maximum torque is obtained at angle of 601. When the lag angle is over those
angle yp ¼ 27:51; while the maximum torque is degrees for different poles setting, respectively, the
obtained at yp ¼ 351 when the separation distance torque will retard the screw pump’s rotation. The
is 12 mm. torque is a cross product of the force and the arm.
302 P. Zheng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 241 (2002) 292–302

and dimension of the setting, it was concluded that

a 4-pole configuration might be the optimal
configuration compared with 2- and 6-pole con-
figuration. The closer the opposing poles to each
other the better coupling could be achieved; for a
practical setting up to 4 mm separation gap for a
4-pole setting will be accepted.

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