Source-Agnostic Time-Domain Distance Relay

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5, OCTOBER 2022

Source-Agnostic Time-Domain Distance Relay

Prabin Adhikari , Student Member, IEEE, Sukumar Brahma , Fellow, IEEE,
and Phani Harsha Gadde , Graduate Student Member, IEEE

Abstract—Fault response of an inverter based resource (IBR) is control the power factor of the fault current based on the reactive
dictated by its control scheme, making it markedly different from power priority logic.
the response of a synchronous source. This has led to misopera- Distance element, directional element, and fault-type identi-
tion of distance relays when fed by IBRs. Published literature is
mostly focused on changing the control design of inverters, but fication (FID) are integral parts of a distance relay; failure of any
this approach is not practical, as these controls are proprietary one of these elements will result in an incorrect operation. Pub-
and beyond the reach of utilities. To resolve this issue, this paper lished works have shown how the performance of these elements
proposes a method for a source-agnostic distance relay that works is adversely affected in the presence of IBR. Hooshyar et al. [5]
in time-domain. Using only single ended measurements, the relay
and Fang et al. [6] highlight how the unusual fault characteristics
detects, classifies and locates any fault on the line it monitors. The
method does not require any polarization technique. It is shown of inverters result in incorrect tripping of distance relays, char-
to work for unbalanced lines of any length, for transmission or acterized by missing in-zone faults and tripping for out-of-zone
distribution system with any number (even 100%) of IBRs, is faults. Haddadi et al. [7] and Hooshyar et al. [8] illustrate
immune to load encroachment, decaying dc offset and prefault how the curtailment of negative sequence currents by inverter
currents. With very limited communication, it is also shown to be control schemes causes the misoperations of negative sequence
immune to fault resistance.
based protection elements in presence of IBR. These problems
Index Terms—Distance protection, inverter based resource, have encouraged several works to address the challenges faced
time-domain analysis. by distance relays in presence of IBR. However, most papers
propose altering the control characteristics of the inverters to
I. INTRODUCTION address the problems and require detailed information on the
ECENT developments in renewable energy (RE) tech- inverter control scheme to implement their solution [8]–[12].
R nologies have made it possible to obtain several hundred
megawatts of power from a single power plant [1]. This has
Inverters are owned mostly by third parties; their designs are
proprietary, and beyond the reach of utilities, rendering these
spurred connection of large solar PV and wind plants at trans- remedies impractical, at least for most existing IBRs.
mission levels. These plants typically connect through inverters. Among the few papers that avoid modifying inverter controls
Grid codes and standards dictate the behavior of such IBRs to solve the problem, a new formulation for impedance calcula-
during faults [2], [3], requiring them to ride through faults. More tion is proposed in [13], but it requires communication between
recent grid codes specify active and reactive power requirements two ends. With this assumption, the intertripping schemes rou-
with reactive power priority from IBRs during faults [4]. Plus, tinely used in practice, like overreaching schemes or differential
the component devices of inverters are susceptible to thermal schemes, can easily be used, and are indeed used to counter this
damage from currents higher than their ratings. Due to these problem [14]. This renders the method in [13] less attractive.
factors IBRs restrict their fault contributions to purely positive In [6], a distance protection scheme that is supervised by zero-
sequence values comparable to their ratings (1.1 to 1.5 pu), and sequence overcurrent element for unbalanced ground faults is
proposed. However, in systems with ungrounded transformer
Manuscript received 27 May 2021; revised 4 September 2021 and 12 Novem-
connection on the line-side (not uncommon in systems with
ber 2021; accepted 13 November 2021. Date of publication 7 December 2021; renewables), the zero-sequence overcurrent element will not
date of current version 23 September 2022. This work was supported in part by pick up for ground faults, and the scheme would not work. This
two Awards by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy through the Solar Energy Technologies Office Sandia Na-
makes the proposed solution system dependent.
tional Laboratories. First, through the Sandia National Laboratories under Grant Thus, there is certainly a need for a source-agnostic and
36533 - Sub-Award to Clemson University, and second, through the University network-independent relay that uses single-ended local mea-
of North Carolina, in part Charlotte under Award DE-EE0008774, Sub-Award
20190382-01-CLE, and in part by the Sandia National Laboratories which is
surements. The relay proposed in this paper offers exactly these
a Multimission Laboratory managed and operated by the National Technology features. In addition, it is immune to load encroachment (this
and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the problem has contributed to progression of many blackouts), to
Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National
Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-NA0003525. Paper no.
the decaying dc offset that is most often present in fault currents
TPWRD-00782-2021. (Corresponding author: Prabin Adhikari.) and to prefault currents. It is inherently directional and hence,
The authors are with the Holcombe Department of Electrical and Com- does not require any polarization— a problem that has led to
puter Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 USA (e-mail:;;
failure of modern numerical relays employing negative sequence
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at based polarization in presence of IBRs [15]. The proposed relay uses sampling of voltages and currents at 1 MHz, a sampling
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2021.3133333

0885-8977 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Fig. 1. A two bus power system.

rate that is already used in commercially available relays [16].

Digital oscilloscopes [17] support even higher sampling rates. Fig. 2. Model of an unbalanced line.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
describes the derivation of the method leading to the formulation
of the relay logic. Test systems used to validate the proposed a high frequency of 1 MHz, which enables the time-derivative
relay logic are discussed in Section III. Results showing the quantities in (2) and (3) to be calculated accurately by using
effectiveness of the method for all the test systems are presented successive samples: if vs(k − 1) and vs(k) be the sampled
in Section IV. Section V shows how the relay can be made values of vs at successive samples k − 1 and k, respectively,
immune to fault resistance with very limited communication, the time derivative of vs at the kth sample is given by,
and Section VI concludes the paper.
dvs vs(k) − vs(k − 1)
(k) = , (4)
A. Formulation of the Method where Δt is the sampling time step. Calculating di(t)
dt as in (4),
Consider a two-bus power system as shown in Fig. 1, where the only unknown quantities in (3) are vf and x.
time-domain measurements of voltages and currents are avail- Three phase equations can be formulated to write KVL be-
able at the sending end. Throughout the paper ‘sending end’ tween sending end and the fault point by including mutual
refers to the end where measurements are taken and relay is coupling between the phases in (3), irrespective of a balanced or
located. Fault is assumed on the line at a distance x from the unbalanced system. Model of an unbalanced transmission line
sending end. Let r and l be the resistance and inductance of is shown in Fig. 2. Based on this model, the line current ia, for
the line per unit length respectively, and C the total capacitance phase a, is the difference between the measured current isa and
of the line. The line can then be represented by a ‘hybrid Pi’ the current ica through the shunt capacitor, and is expressed as
circuit as shown in Fig. 1, where shunt capacitor is lumped,  
but series parameters are distributed. If vs(t) and is(t) are the 1 dvsa dvsb dvsc
ia = isa − Caa + Cab + Cac (5)
instantaneous voltage and current, respectively, at the sending 2 dt dt dt
end, the instantaneous current through the capacitor, ic(t), is
Similarly, the line currents in the other two phases are,
given by
C dvs(t) 1 dvsa dvsb dvsc
ic(t) = , (1) ib = isb − Cab + Cbb + Cbc (6)
2 dt 2 dt dt dt
and the line current, i(t), is then given by  
1 dvsa dvsb dvsc
ic = isc − Cac + Cbc + Ccc (7)
i(t) = is(t) − ic(t) 2 dt dt dt
C dvs(t) The line currents obtained from (5)–(7), for each phase, are
= is(t) − (2)
2 dt then used to write the KVL from the sending end to the fault
Since only instantaneous values are used throughout the point considering the mutual coupling between the phases:
formulation of the method, the notation (t) is dropped for the 
dia dib
derivations described in this paper. vsa = vfa + raa ia + laa + rab ib + lab + rac ic
If vf is the voltage at the fault point at any instant of time, dt dt

then from Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL), vs can be written as, dic
+lac x (8)
di dib dia
vs = vf + ri + l x. (3) vsb = vfb + rbb ib + lbb + rab ia + lab + rbc ic
dt dt dt

In (3), the line parameters are known, vs is measured, and i dic
+lbc x (9)
is calculated using (2). The measured quantities are sampled at dt

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dic dia TABLE I
vsc = vfc + rcc ic + lcc + rac ia + lac + rbc ib RELAY ELEMENTS AND THEIR OPERATION
dt dt

+lbc x. (10)

In (8)–(10), x is the distance to fault; and vfa , vfb , and vfc

are the fault voltages between each phase to ground, which are
not known. The line parameters expressed as self and mutual
resistances and inductances are per unit length. The rest of the
derivation is continued considering phase a to be faulted. For a
fault in phase a, (8) can be written as,

vsa = vfa + Aa x (11)

dia dib dic
Aa = raa ia + laa + rab ib + lab + rac ic + lac .
dt dt dt

The term Aa is nothing but the expression for the voltage drop
in the line section per unit length between sending end and the
fault point. Similar expressions can be written for Ab and Ac
from (9) and (10), respectively. These values of Aa , Ab , and Ac
can be determined from single ended measurements with the
knowledge of the line parameters.
Conventional distance relays that calculate the positive se- Fig. 3. Three bus power system.
quence impedance of the faulted section of the line assume that
the fault resistance, and hence the fault voltage to be negligible
in their formulation. With the same assumption, for a fault
B. Directionality of the Relay
involving phase a and ground, vfa in (11) will be zero. In such
case, the distance to fault can be calculated simply by, If a fault occurs in a line that is behind the relay, it is important
to determine what the relay measures as the distance to the fault.
x= . (13) In Fig. 3, there is a fault behind the relay ‘R’ that is protecting
Aa the line 2–3 in forward direction. The voltages and currents
If the fault involves two phases, for example, a line-to-line measured by the relay, with CT polarity connected for forward
(LL) fault between phase a and phase b, then synchronous local direction, are vs and is, respectively. Let C and C  be the total
samples from both the phases have to be used for calculation. capacitance of the line 2–3 and line 1–2, respectively, shown split
Obtaining such samples is well within the capabilities of com- at each line-end in Fig. 3. It is obvious that the currents ic and ic
mercial relays [16]. Equation (11) for phase b can be written are negligible compared to the line currents i and i . Neglecting
as these capacitive currents, for a fault in line 1–2 (backward fault
for the relay), we have
vsb = vfb + Ab x. (14)
i = −i. (16)
For zero fault resistance, in case of LL fault, the fault voltages Using KVL from bus 2 to the fault point, vs can be given by,
vfa and vfb are equal. Thus, using (11) and (14), the distance  
to fault, x, can be calculated by vs = vf + ri + l x, (17)
vsa − vsb
x= . (15) where x is the distance to fault from the relay. Using (16) in
Aa − Ab
(17), vs is given by
Equation (13) and (15) can be used to create six relay units  
to cover all types of fault. Table I summarizes such units and vs = vf + ri + l (−x ) (18)
provides expressions for distance to fault used by each unit. The dt
table links every fault occurring in the line to at least one of the In (3), for a relay set for forward faults, x is the distance to
six relay units; for each fault, all relay elements associated with fault. Comparing (18) with (3), we get,
the fault should operate and yield correct distance to fault using
their respective expressions. x = −x . (19)

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In (18), x is a positive value, which implies that the distance

calculated by the distance relay, −x , is negative for a reverse
fault. This shows that the relay is able to identify a fault as reverse
if the distance calculated by it for the fault is negative. Even if
there are sources connected to bus 2 in Fig. 3, the current is
will still be measured by the relay as a negative value. In this
case, magnitudes of i and i in (16) will not be equal, but the
polarities will still be opposite. Therefore, the relay will measure
Fig. 4. 230 kV transmission system with two synchronous sources.
a different distance for a reverse fault, but the distance will always
be negative. The same logic would apply for any fault on an
adjacent line. Thus, the formulation of the method itself makes
until a fault is detected. Based on the testing of the method
the relay inherently directional, completely removing the need
with different systems at transmission and distribution levels,
for polarization. This is a major contribution, since the methods
as described in Section IV, a tolerance level of 2–4% of the
used for polarization using negative sequence quantities have
reference value is found to be appropriate.
misoperated in presence of IBRs [15].
This algorithm runs parallelly in all relay elements, so once
the status of fault in all the elements is obtained, with the help
C. Fault Detection, Distance Calculation, and Fault Type
of Table I, fault type identification is performed. For example, if
Identification Scheme
BG and CG elements operate together with BC element, the fault
Equation (11) can be written as will be identified as a BCG fault, whereas, if only BC element
vsa vfa operates, the fault will be identified as a BC fault.
= + x. (20)
Aa Aa
It is important to note that (13) is derived from (11), assuming
that vfa is zero during fault. When there is no fault, vfa , the In order to display the full capabilities of the proposed method,
phase a to ground voltage at a distance x from the sending end, is three test systems are chosen, as described in the following
a non-zero sinusoidally varying quantity. However, during fault, subsections.
the quantity vs a
Aa will be theoretically constant, except around
the region when Aa is close to zero. This physical reality is used A. Transmission System With Synchronous Sources
to detect and locate fault. This test system, as shown in Fig. 4, consists of a 230 kV,
In order to avoid mathematical instability, the distance relay 60 Hz, 150 km long transmission line. The line is modeled
algorithm tracks two generalized variables vs and A, defined using the distributed line model with overhead line towers in
and calculated from the sending end measurements as PSCAD/EMTDC. The tower configuration is a 3-conductor flat
 tower with 6 m of horizontal spacing between the conductors,
vsi , for ground elements
vs = (21) 20 m above the ground. No transposition is assumed, thus
vsi − vsj , i = j for phase elements creating an unbalanced line. Unbalance creates an inherent error
 in the distance measured by a legacy distance relay.
Ai , for ground elements
A= (22) Two synchronous sources — G1 and G2— are modeled
Ai − Aj , i = j for phase elements as Thevenin equivalents, with source voltage angles (δ) of
where i, j ∈ {a, b, c}. This definition allows for a single expres- 10◦ and 0◦ , respectively. Positive sequence impedance (Zs )
sion for fault distance, irrespective of a ground or phase element and zero sequence impedance (Zs ) are 13.77 + j78.1445 Ω
as, and 4.135 + j23.4522 Ω for G1 and 10.41 + j74.1346 Ω and
vs 3.125 + j22.2414 Ω for G2. A constant-power load of 150 MVA
x= , A = 0. (23) at 0.9 pf lagging is connected at bus 2. This configuration creates
In order to avoid mathematical instability around A = 0, the a prefault current flow of 200 A (equivalent to 80∠5◦ MVA) at
algorithm detects zero-crossing of the variable A and uses three rated voltage from bus 1 to bus 2.
measurements that are at 30◦ , 60◦ and 90◦ after the zero-crossing,
to calculate three values of x, x1 , x2 and x3 , using (23). If all B. Transmission System With IBR and Synchronous Source
three values are positive and almost the same, a fault is detected In this test system one of the sources is replaced by an IBR as
and located at the same time. In order to implement this concept, shown in Fig. 5. The IBR is a 100 MVA, 15 kV grid-following
this paper uses the average of the three values of x as a reference (GFOL) inverter with controls set to provide full-load power
and detects and locates a fault when all three values are within during steady state operation at rated voltage. The PI control
an acceptable tolerance from the reference. The average value block described in [18] is modified for voltage ride through char-
is then taken as the distance to fault. In unfaulted conditions, acteristics found in the Siemens-Gamesa [19] inverter design for
these three values of x will follow (20), and hence vary widely, GFOL inverter that applies reactive current priority during faults,
following a sine curve. In that case, a fault is not declared, the blocks negative sequence currents, and limits the current to 1.1
next zero-crossing of A is detected, and the process is continued pu of the inverter rating. The modified implementation of the

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Fig. 5. 230 kV transmission system with grid-following inverter.

Fig. 7. IEEE 13-bus distribution feeder with inverters.

together, the test bed developed at Clemson [20] using the IEEE
13-bus feeder [21] is implemented in PSCAD/EMTDC. As
shown in Fig. 7, four inverters are connected to buses 650, 633,
Fig. 6. Siemens-Gamesa inverter logic implementation for a grid-following
inverter. 675 and 680, rated 1500, 1000, 800, and 800 kVA, respectively.
Inverter at bus 650 is a grid-forming (GFOR) inverter, while the
others are GFOL inverters. Proportional-resonant (PR) control
inverter control logic is shown in Fig. 6. The control action is with current limit (1.2 pu for GFOL inverters and 1.5 pu for the
modified considering two different operating conditions: normal GFOR inverter) is used for all inverters; the inverter models and
operating condition with the positive sequence terminal voltage controls are taken from [22].
(Vp ) between 0.9 pu to 1.1 pu, and abnormal operating condition To test the proposed method, the line between bus 671 and
with Vp less than 0.9 pu. bus 680 is chosen. This line is a 1000 feet long three phase line
Under normal operating condition, the reference active power with B-A-C-N phasing. Faults are simulated in the line in both,
Pref is equal to Pset , which is the rated normal power output of grid-connected and islanded modes (rigorous condition, as there
the inverter, taken equal to the total power rating of the inverter is no strong source during islanded operation) of operation with
in this paper, and the Qref is set to the prefault reactive power measurements taken at bus 680.
Qpref ault , taken as zero in this paper. Ilimit is the limit on the
inverter current output magnitude which is set to 1.1 pu. IV. RESULTS
Under abnormal operating conditions, the inverter is required
to supply certain reactive power to meet the grid requirements. The proposed method is tested on the transmission and distri-
Depending on the magnitude of Vp , the reactive power reference bution systems described in Section III. Instantaneous samples
Qref is calculated as of phase voltages— vsa , vsb , vsc and current measurements—
isa , isb , and isc are obtained at the relay terminal at frequency of
Qref = Qpref ault + K(1 − Vp ), (24) 1 MHz. The method involves calculation of time-derivatives of
these measured quantities using linear approximation. Clearly,
where K is a multiplier from 1 to 10, which is taken as 2 in
in order to calculate these derivatives in this fashion, pure
the model used for this paper. The control logic has a reactive
fundamental waveforms are needed for voltage and current.
current priority: Qref is determined first using (24), Iqref is
For this reason a lowpass filter is used to get rid of the high-
then calculated from Qref and Vp as shown in Fig. 6. After that,
frequency transients from the measured quantities. The filter is
Pref is determined using
a third-order lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency of 120 Hz.

The filtered quantities are then used to calculate Aa , Ab , and Ac
Pref = Ilimit 2 − Qref 2 pu (25)
using (12) appropriately for each phase. The method described
making sure that the current limit is not exceeded. Once Iqref in Section II-C is implemented for all four types of faults -
and Idref are calculated from Qref and Pref respectively, for three-phase (3-φ), line-to-ground (LG), line-to-line (LL), and
both normal and abnormal operating conditions, these reference line-to-line-to-ground (LLG) - simulated at different locations
values are sent to the PI controller described in [18] that controls on the line. The accuracy of the distance calculated by the relay
the inverter output voltage and current. as defined by [23] is given by,

C. Distribution System %Error =

In order to observe the performance of the scheme in highly Actual distance − Calculated distance
unbalanced distribution system with multiple IBRs operating × 100%. (26)
T otal length of the line

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Fig. 9. Distance to fault calculated by the AG element of the relay for AG

fault. (a) Actual distance calculation. (b) Magnitude of the 120 Hz component.


Fig. 8. Instantaneous waveforms during an AG fault in the line, (a) vsa , (b)
isa , and (c) Aa .

A. Method Applied to Transmission System With Synchronous

A bolted AG fault is simulated at 100 km from the relay at
time t=1.002 s into the simulation. The unfiltered and filtered
instantaneous phase a voltage and current are shown in Fig. 8(a)
and (b). These filtered samples of vsa and isa are used to
calculate Aa , the voltage drop per unit length, plotted in Fig. 8(c).
Notice that the fault instance is chosen to create a large dc offset.
The distance calculated by the AG element of the distance
relay is shown in Fig. 9(a). Notice that it is behaving as described
by (20) before fault, varying continuously and peaking to a very waveform of Fig. 9(a) as shown by the magnitude of the 120 Hz
high value when Aa is near zero. However, it becomes constant component of this waveform in Fig. 9(b). Clearly, this 120 Hz
after fault, except when Aa is near zero (samples around Aa ≈ 0 component captures the signature of the variation of distance
are ignored by the relay), as described by (13). For this case the calculation during the pre-fault and fault period. Therefore, this
distance relay detects the fault, identifies the fault type as AG, nature of the variation of 120 Hz component can be alternatively
and calculates the fault distance to be 100.2 km in 0.0165 s, or used for fault detection using a threshold on the magnitude of
almost one cycle into the fault. the 120 Hz component.
Although waiting for the measurement to become constant For other faults simulated at different locations, the results
is a good strategy to detect a fault, the wide variations in the are summarized in Table II. It is evident that the method per-
pre-fault period can be mathematically treated to improve the forms with high accuracy, unaffected by prefault currents or the
fault detection. This will be helpful for faults with resistance, decaying dc offset. Since the method is formulated to capture
where the variations do exist during the fault period, although the physics of the fault, the decaying dc offset in fault current
much slower, as analysed in Section V. Since both vsa and Aa is already captured by the formulating equations, thus obviating
in (13) are sinusoidal, the variation in distance calculations in the rather difficult process of filtering this offset required for
the pre-fault period is periodic, repeating every half cycle when accuracy of conventional relays.
Aa goes through a zero crossing, with a frequency of 120 Hz. The method is also tested by replacing the source G1 in the
This varying nature can be removed by applying FFT on the test system of Fig. 4 by an actual synchronous generator model.

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Fig. 11. Performance of the proposed method with varying sampling fre-

Fig. 10. Inverter performance for. (a) LG fault. (b) LLG fault. method is not affected by the fault response of the inverter and
requires no modifications to be used with IBRs, making the
method source-agnostic and control independent.
The generator model used is a 120 MVA salient-pole generator
with exciters and governor models incorporated into it. The C. Sensitivity of the Method to Sampling Frequency and Line
performance of the method with an actual SG feeding the relay Parameters
is depicted in Table III. From the table, it can be seen that even
Although a sampling frequency of 1 MHz is well within
with the detailed model of SG, the accuracy of the proposed
the scope of the existing relays, it is important to assess the
method is unaffected. This fact further adds to the argument that
performance of the method at lower sampling frequencies as
the proposed method is source agnostic.
well. In the test system of Fig. 4, faults are simulated at a distance
In addition, the proposed method has also been tested ex-
of 100 km from the sending end and the errors in distance
tensively and successfully on the augmented system along the
calculated by the relay R, for different faults under varying
lines shown in Fig. 3 for its performance under reverse faults
sampling frequencies, are shown in Fig. 11. Results clearly
and faults on an adjacent line, with and without the presence of
show robust performance of the relay even at lower sampling
multiple sources connected to the bus behind the relay.
frequency. As long as the time-derivative of the voltage and cur-
rent measurements are accurate using the linear approximation,
B. Method Applied to Transmission System With IBR a lower sampling frequency has no impact on the performance
The performance of the proposed method is tested in presence of the relay.
of IBR with the test system described in section III-B. Perfor- Furthermore, the method is robust to errors in the estimation
mance of the inverter for LG and LLG faults is shown Fig. 10, of transmission line parameters. Typically the error in estimation
which shows the currents, positive sequence voltage and power of resistance is significantly larger than that of inductance [24].
output at the inverter terminal. It can be seen that the the current Taking typical range of errors in transmission line parameter
limit, suppression of the negative sequence current and reactive estimation shown in [24] and [25], line resistance and inductance
power priority are being correctly implemented as designed. per km (both self and mutual) are varied up to 20% and 5% of
Results are summarized in Table IV. Very small errors in the the original values, respectively. For an AG fault simulated at
calculation of the distance to fault suggest that the proposed 100 km from the sending end, the maximum error in distance

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the simulation results is shown shown in Table VI. With IBR

behind the relay, the 67Q directional element fails to operate
with its typical pickup settings— 0.2 pu for forward faults and
0.15 pu for reverse faults [7], as I (2) is almost completely cut-off
by the IBR. Thus, to see how the relay behaves if it were to
operate, the pickup settings are reduced to 0.02 pu. With the
new settings the relay operated, but identified all forward faults
as reverse (R). This is because the working principle of 67Q
is developed assuming the angular relationship between V (2)
and I (2) in a highly inductive negative sequence circuit of a
synchronous source. With IBR, the power factor control changes
the angle between V (2) and I (2) , as seen in Table VI, causing
the misoperation of 67Q element. However, the proposed relay
calculates correct positive distance to fault for every fault, even
with an IBR behind it. As 67Q is negative sequence based, it
does not work for balanced faults, thus only unbalanced faults
are shown for comparison. The proposed relay, on the other
calculated by the proposed relay is less than 3% for variation in
hand, works for all types of fault.
line resistance and less than 3.5% for variation is line inductance.
Furthermore, the performance of both the relays is tested in
presence of an IBR with controls designed to inject negative
D. Method Applied to Distribution System sequence current during fault according to the German Grid
The proposed method is also tested on the IEEE 13-bus test Code [4]. With the new angles between V (2) and I (2) imposed
feeder described in section III-C. Simulation results are shown by the code, it is found that the 67Q element operates correctly
in Table V. The maximum error is around 1.8% of the total for faults that caused misoperations before. Since formulation
line length, even for this highly unbalanced very short feeder, of the proposed relay does not have any assumption regarding
irrespective of the system being in grid-connected or islanded the source or any control implemented in the source, it is not
mode, which demonstrates the generality of the formulation that impacted by the new IBR controls; this further adds to the paper’s
powers this method, and underscores the claim of being source- claim that the proposed method is source-agnostic.
agnostic and network-independent.
E. Directional Property of the Distance Relay The distance to fault calculated by the AG element of relay R
Directional property of the proposed relay is tested against the in the test system of Fig. 4, for an AG fault with 10 Ω fault resis-
67Q negative sequence based directional element in presence of tance in the line at 100 km from the relay is shown in Fig. 12(a),
IBR. The 67Q directional element identifies a fault as forward if where the fault is initiated at t=1 s into the simulation. For
the negative sequence voltage V (2) measured by the relay lags resistive faults, there is variation in the calculation of distance
the negative sequence current I (2) by an angle between 0 to after fault, but the variation is much slower and smaller than
180◦ (assuming a characteristic angle of 90◦ , a common setting the variation before fault. This variation is clearly captured by
in existing numerical relays). Otherwise, the fault is identified as the magnitude of the 120 Hz component of the waveform of
reverse [26]. The proposed method, on the other hand, identifies Fig. 12(a) as shown in Fig. 12(b). The magnitude drops sharply
a fault as forward if the calculated distance is positive. Both from 1200 km to around 70 km (not correct distance, obviously)
relays are tested, placed in front of a synchronous source and a after fault. Similar signature was seen for all types of faults at
IBR in the test system, for different unbalanced faults simulated different locations in the line with varying fault resistance. This
at a distance of 60 km in the forward direction. Summary of sharp fall in magnitude is used to detect fault.

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using PSCAD/EMTDC-simulations of unbalanced transmission

and distribution lines, with and without IBRs modeled to repli-
cate the behavior of commercial inverters during fault. It is also
shown that with very limited communication that is routinely
used in power system protection, the relay becomes practically
immune to fault resistance.

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Schemes_Based_on_Negative_Sequence_Components ABB Enterprise Software Inc.

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