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| B.Tech. | Semester MODEL QUESTION PAPER Communicative Engfish Department of English and Foreign Languages 3 Hrs. First Question is compulsory Answer all the questions. Aft questions carry equat marks 10 vd. Construct any four expressions used for invitations. 2. Buifd a short conversation on “Importance of earning a foreign language”. Choose the suitabfe transition/discourse markers: To eeesaennene .. | fired at the feopard. he shock my arm. a) as b) since c) because d) for ii. The flood victims are short of food. they urgently need medical supplies. a) Simifarfy b) In addition ¢) Any how d) For instance Construct a sentence for each of the foffowing words. i. Flutter ii. Obsofete Choose the appropriate articles to fill-in the bfanks: i. Srikanth is planning to go to .... United States of America. it. John buitt . yard for his cattle. Construct the sentences with appropriate prepositions: i Shivaji Maharaj fought ..... every bind of aggression ii. How did these things come . Construct the foffowing chunks into meaningfuf sentences. i. The platform is on the train. ii. To college watk I every day. ud. Organize the given sentences into a meaningful paragraph: i. The foundation stone was faid in 1972. ti. As a result. the city suffered from horrendous traffic congestion. iii. It was going to be the first in South Asia. iv. They plied in the center of the road. v. To ease traffic in the city. it was decided that an underground raifway fine would be buift. vic Calcutta, unfike other cities, keeps its trams. Devefop four refevant sentences for the foffowing pictori representation. Construct a short note (50 words) on Scanning technique. | ial Con Sse Citra ase Answer ONE Question from EACH UNIT ACC questions carry equat marks Assume suitable data lf necessary s UNIT-1 Wentify the different ways in which ©. Henry tells his readers about the financial situation of the coupfe “Mr Jim and Mrs Defta”. bb. Devetop a conversation for the fottowing context. Sasi introduces her friend A K Narayana, who has been admitted to the first year B. Tech Class, to her English Professor Dr. Rajeev Prakasam. a). Develop the theme “Seft-hetp Is the best help” through a story of | your awn. bi. Make use of appropriate expressions to fitt in the blanks. Teacher - Students. | hope everyone has completed the History homework I gave yesterday. Raj - Good Merning, Ma'am, Teacher - Raj, what happened? Why homework? aeons compfeted your Ma'am; | had a severe headache yesterday. _.. for today. Try to take your friend's hefp and comptete it by the end of day, _____ by tomorraw morning. Raj - Okay Ma'am, complete the homework by recess. Teacher =. repeat this, Raj, A€€ these wilf count for your Internat marks. And | _ _ that you are a hard worker. Raj - ___ . Thank you so much for understanding. UNIT-2 Analyze the fines For men may come and men may go, / But 1 go on forever’ and compose an essay en the poem ‘The Brook’, bi. Anafyze any five Cchesive Devices and use them in your own Page 1 of 1 LAisfellste il. Four/Fore it. Paws/Pause lv. SeftiCet v. Reign/Rain UNIT-3 a). | Examine the fife o€ Eton Musk to prove that he is a visionary teade of cutting-edge technology. Discuss with refevant exampfes. 5). | Examine the errors and construct correct counterparts. i. Many peopfes attended the funeral of the great man. ii. The shepherd tock the cattfes to the fiefd. iii. Sita coud not understands what the teacher was saying. tv. Do you know the importance for clean water? vu. Laugh ts the best medicines. OR D. | Assume appropriate verb forms to fill in the fotfowing blanks. . Were you (pay) attention to what was being said? ti. Raman . five) in Chennai for 10 years. tii. Sura) fove) going to the parties with his friends. iv. Neither of my brothers (have) any chifdren. V. Nobody sree tbe) allowed te drive unfess they are eighteen. ). | Examine the errors and construct correct counterparts. i. You can take Visakha Express to Mumbai. ti. There are a pair of trousers. iti. The committee has voted as per their choice. iv. The clothes were neatly hanged on the cloth fine. v. The fifm show began when we arrived in the hate. UNIT-4 Infer the way by which the children found it exciting to play wit their new non-violent toys. i | Anatyse your requirement of transfer certificate as undergradua for applying for a postgraduate course in a fetter to your Principa Assume relevant credentials and build a CV for the folfowii position mentioned. You are a fresh graduate in Computer Science Engineering from the Nationaf Institute of Technofegy. Trichy. Yeu found an advertisement in the Hindu that Infosys hires Web Developers. As a recent buyer of the car, assume refevant information and dra an E-mail to the Manager of XYZ automotive company, Mr. Kishor regarding the poor quatity of service facility available in the cl! Sign the E-mail as Anil. 4 UNIT-S a). Analyze the ways in which you can incorporate intrapersonal communication in your aun fife. bb. Anatyze the following passage carefully and write an answer to the questions given in the fofCowing. Caffeine, the stimufant in coffee, has been caffed “the most widely used psychoactive substance on Earth”, Synder. Daty and Bruns have recently proposed that caffeine affects behavior by countering the activity in the human brain of a naturaffy occurring chemical calfed adenosine. Adenosine normaly depresses neuron firing in many areas of the brain. It apparently dees this by inhibiting the refease of neurotransmitters. chemicafs that carry nerve impulses from one neuron to the next. Like many other agents that affect neuron Eiring, adenosine must first bind to specific receptors on neuronal membranes. There are at feast two cfasses of these receptors, which have been designated Al and A2Snyder et af propose that caffeine, which is structuraffy simifar to adenosine, is abfe to bind to both types of receptors, which prevents adenosine from attaching there and affows the neurens to fire mere readify than they otherwise would. 1, What is known as the most widely used psycheactive substance on Earth? 2. How does caffeine affect one's behaviour? 3. What are Neurotransmitters? 4, Write synonyms for stimufant. 5. Find a suitable werd to reptace the hightighted word — “Adenosine normatly depresses neuron firing in many areas of the brain. OR Analyze and develop an essay on “Artificial Intelligence influence on Human theught". bb. Simplify (Précis) the folowing paragraph. “Wemen entrepreneurs in the developing wortd often face chattenges that fimit their chances Ger success and growth. They often have fess access to education than men and have difficulty getting financing on their awn. But with an understanding of the essential aspects of doing business - such as planning, financing, networking and marketing — they can overcome those obstactes. That's where the 10,000 Women Initiative comes in. As FaizaEtmasry telts us, it’s an Investment in education with dividends that benefit the businesswemen, their focaf communities and their national ecenomtes.” (Gofdman Sachs invests tn Educating Women in Business, Veice of America,} CO-COURSE OUTCOME KL-KNOWLEDGE LEVEL b IOTE: Questions can be given as A.B splits or as a single Question var ks

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