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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English. Multi-modal Texts

General Education (Biliran Province State University)

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Republic of the Philippines

Biliran Province State University
Laboratory High School
Naval, Biliran


Prepared by

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students will be able
• Compare and contrast the presentation of the same topic in different multi-
modal texts. (MELC8-11-4)

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Different Multimodal Texts in Presenting Ideas.
Materials: Laptop, Google Meet, Google Classroom, PowerPoint Presentation
Preference: MY DISTANCE LEARNING BUDDY A Modular Textbook for the
21st Century Learner; Teachers’ Guide
III. Procedure
Learning Activity
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preliminary Activity
A. Prayer “Good morning, Ma’am!”
“Good afternoon, class.”

“Before we start, let us begin with a prayer. May Yes, ma’am.

I ask Janine to lead the prayer?” (Janine will lead the prayer.)

B. Checking of Attendance

“Now, I am going to call your names for an

attendance. Say present once your name is “Present ma’am!”

“How’s your day everyone? Is it good?” “It was great, Ma’am.”

“That’s good to know.”

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C. Review
Venus raises her hand.
“Before we proceed with our new lesson, who
can recall about the topic we had last meeting?”
“We discussed the difference between
“Yes, Venus? opinion and fact ma’am”

Ralph raises his hand.

“That's correct! Can anyone tell me the
difference between opinion and fact?”
“The difference between the two is that a
“Yes, Ralph?” fact is can be proven true or false, while an
opinion refers to an expression of a person’s
feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can
be based on facts or emotions and
sometimes they are meant to deliberately
mislead others.”

“Thank you ma’am.”

“Impressive! Very good Ralph.”

“Fact is a statement that can be verified and can

be proven to be true or false through objective
evidence. Whereas opinion is a statement that
expresses a feeling, an attitude, a value
judgment, or a belief.”

D. Motivation

“I have here a picture and a video. I want “Yes ma’am.”

everyone to share your idea about it? Remember
class, whatever is your idea is correct as it is
solely based on your own perception.”

(Shows the video)

“What do you think is the idea being presented Students will share their ideas.
to both in the video and photo?”

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“Very good! What you have seen are examples

of Multi-Modal Texts in presenting a specific

Presentation of the Lesson

“Today, we will be going to study the different Irah Mae will read the objectives.
multimodal text and its characteristics. But
before we finally carry on to our lesson proper, I “At the end of the lesson, students will be
have here a specific objective. able to Compare and contrast the
Can anyone read it?” presentation of the same topic in different
multi-modal texts.”

“Thank you Irah Mae.

A. Activity

“Based on this picture, what do you think

is the multimodal text used to presenting
the information? I will be giving 2 points
to those who will share an idea.”

“It is a poster ma’am”

“Is it a poster, infographic or a video?”

“That’s correct! This is an example of a poster.”

“What about this? (Showing the video clip).

What multimodal text was used to convey the “It is a video ma’am”
information? Is it Infographic, Poster, or Video?”

“Very good! It is a video.”

“Based on the information presented in the

picture and video, what do you think is the “Letter C Ma’am”
similarity? I will give you three options:
A. It tells us different ways to prevent COVID-19.
B. It tells us the definition of COVID-19.
C. It tells us the rules to reduce risk of COVID-

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I want you to type your answer in the comment

“Very good! The answer is letter C, it tells us the
rules to reduce risk of COVID-19.”

B. Analysis

“Now, based on the prior picture and video that

you have seen, what have you noticed?” “The video and the poster presented same
idea ma’am”
“Yes, they presented the same idea, very good.”

“The picture and video are an example of the

several Multi-Modal Texts used to present ideas. “I think it is because the words, visuals, and
Why do you think it is called multimodal?” audio are used together.”

“Precisely. It’s because the idea was conveyed

through the combination of text, still images,
audio and etc.”

C. Abstraction

“I have here the definition of a multimodal text.

Can anyone read it for the class?” “Multimodal text where meaning is
communicated through combinations of two
or more modes. Modes include written
language, spoken language, and patterns of
meaning that are visual, audio, gestural,
“Thank you. So, multimodal texts are tactile and spatial.”
combination of two or more modes to be able to
convey the meaning to the reader such as varying
combinations of still images or visual, written
language, and spatial modes.”

“Now, I want a volunteer to read the next part.

Can anyone read it for us?” “There are several examples of multimodal
text, but the following three examples are
the most commonly used:

Infographics it prioritizes quantifiable

values and convert them into complex data
visualizations. Infographics consist of charts,
images, and some text that explains the topic
in a straightforward way.

Poster presents information clearly, but

doesn't draw on data. It addresses
information in different categories using
numbers or words to represent quantitative
data. Typically, posters include both textual

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and graphic elements, although a poster may

be either wholly graphical or wholly text.
Posters are designed to be both eye-catching
“Okay, thank you for reading. Take note class, and informative.
the most commonly used multimodal texts are
infographic, poster, and video.” Video has been considered a multi-
modal text since words, visuals, and audio
D. Application are used together for a stronger effect.
“Now, let’s do an activity. Choose a partner. Get
a short bond paper. Your task is to compare and
contrast as to how the topic about Cyberbullying
is presented to the three examples of multimodal
texts. You can use any type of an organizational
chart suchlike Venn diagram, tables or anything
you prefer. I will be giving you 15 minutes to
answer and present it to the class by explaining
why you came up with it. I will be giving
additional 10 points to the pair who can justify
their answer.”

E. Generalization
“Again, what is a multimodal text?” “Multimodal texts are combination of two or
more modes/process to be able to convey the
meaning to the reader such as varying
combinations of still images or visual,
written language, and spatial modes.”
“Very good! What about the three common “Poster, infographic, and video”
examples of multimodal text?”

“Excellent! Since poster are confused with “Infographics consist of charts, images, and
infographics, what are the difference between some text that explains the topic in a
the two?” straightforward way. Whereas, posters
gather various types of information about a
subject and tell it in an engaging aspect.”

“Precisely! Do you have any question or “None Ma’am”

clarifications with regards to our topic?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Are you sure?”

“Okay, if that’s the case, let’s move on to

another activity. (Refer to the Evaluation)”

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IV. Evaluation
Mission 1
• Scan the code and watch a video of how a newspaper is made.
• Scan the code and view an infographic on how a newspaper is made.

Direction: Now, compare and contrast how these multimodal texts present the same
topic: How a newspaper is made. Complete the table below and add more categories.

Category How It’s Made: How Your Newspaper is

Newspapers (Video) Made (Infographics)


V. Assignment
Research five (5) different topics and present it using infographic, video, and
poster. Compile your work.

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