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What measures does Apple take to ensure supplier compliance with its Supplier Code of

Apple measures to ensure supplier compliance with its Supplier Code of Conduct. The Apple
obliges its suppliers to respect the human rights of its workers, to inform the workers of their
rights, and to treat them with dignity and respect. Apple requires from its suppliers that they
prevent discrimination, involuntary and underage labour, excessive working hours and that they
pay workers with wages and benefits in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. Also
Apple makes sure that suppliers comply with the Supplier Code by conducting audits. The audits
cover working and living conditions, health and safety but also environmental practices at the

2. How did Apple address the issues arising from the Foxconn suicides and child labor reports
at its suppliers?

Apple took steps to address the concerns surrounding the Foxconn suicides and reports of child
labor within their supply chain. To begin with they conducted investigations into these allegations.
Worked closely with independent auditors to evaluate the working conditions at their suppliers
facilities. To enhance transparency Apple started publishing Supplier Responsibility Reports that
provided information, about their findings and the actions they took in response. They also
implemented guidelines for their suppliers explicitly prohibiting labor and enforcing limits on
working hours. Furthermore Apple introduced a Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines their
expectations for responsible practices from their suppliers. To ensure compliance they increased
the frequency of audits and inspections. Lastly Apple collaborated with profit organizations and
industry groups to effectively address labor rights issues and make improvements, in working
conditions throughout their supply chain.

3. What led Apple to join the Fair Labor Association and how does it impact its CSR efforts?

Apple join by becoming a member of the FLA Apple had the goal of enhancing transparency and
accountability within its supply chain while also responding to concerns raised by labor rights
organizations. The FLA independently evaluates factories that are part of Apples supplier network
to ensure they comply with labor standards and then publishes their findings. This decision has
had an impact, on Apples commitment to social responsibility (CSR) as it demonstrates their
dedication to sourcing ethically and practicing responsible manufacturing. Moreover it has
allowed Apple to identify and address violations of labor rights enhance working conditions and
safeguard the rights of workers in their supply chain. Through engagement in the FLA Apple has
successfully improved their CSR reputation. Established trust, with stakeholders

4. What challenges might Apple face in completely eliminating underage labor and improving
working conditions in its supply chain?

The challenges that might Apple face in completely eliminating underage labor and improving
working conditions in its supply chain is that Apple set up a training programme to avoid hiring
underage workers in the future. When the costs of labour, energy and raw materials rise and there
is a shortage of labour, factory owners are forced to cut costs or to find cheaper labour. Child
labour can easily be hidden by providing fake wages and work schedule data. Also, it is difficult
to prevent child labour when underage workers want to work to provide for their families. The
Supplier Responsibility Report of 2012 states that suppliers are obliged to return underage
workers to school and finance their education through Apple's Child Labour Remediation
Program. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, stated that they would like to eliminate every case of
underage employment and well go deeper into the supply chain, that age verification system isn't
sophisticated enough.

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