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A Quantitative Research Submitted to the Faculty of



In Fulfilment of the Requirements in Injury, Investigation

And Immersion and Practical Research 2

Submitted to:

Garry Mengullo


Steven Rey R. Pluma

Mark Jonel M. Lombendencio

Chapter I

The financial burden of education fees are rising due to the continues

increasing price of tuition fees, school fees and other education finances, families

tend to face financial crisis particularly on managing the budgets for food, education,

electricity bills and other financial bills. The family is unable manage it all since their

income is incapable of affording those bills especially the valuable price on education

finances. Considering those facts, students affected by crisis experience by their

family, students will be obliged to work while studying.

Part time job may affect students’ academic performance. Working several

hours a day consumes a lot of time and one might too exhausted to study. The main

purpose of school life for teenagers is to prepare them for their future. Working while

studying will deprive their time of sleep and will do harm to their health. Teenagers

are in the process of building up their body, they need time to exercise and engage

in other activities they also need plenty of rest. If they work, they may sacrifice their

time for sleep and school activities. On the other hand it can teach them to wisely

use and manage their money for they go out into the real world. It helps them to

mature and to realize they need a job and education to succeed in the real world
Background of the Study

One of the disadvantages of being a student while holding job is that they are

often short on time and commonly find themselves with limited time to study, sleep,

and maintain healthy eating habits. In a study conducted by Gorgulho, et al. one of

the main complaints among working students is that they find themselves without

enough time to eat right ( Gorgulho, et al. 2012). Instead of consuming healthy

foods, such as fruit and whole grains, working students often grab quick meal

comprised of low quality food that contain sugar and high sodium ( Gorgulho, et al.

2012). This is not to say that students should feel discouraged and not work while in

high school but instead be mindful of the commitment and plan accordingly. For

example, students who work every day might benefit from a 7 day food preparation

technique at the beginning of every work.

Many high school students today work part time job. Their reason for working

mostly due to the fact that they lack the financial that they need. Few would reason

that their working for only personal leisure. Employment while studying has a greatly

affect their academic performance. Academic performance refers on how they

accumulate knowledge while listening or communicate in their skills. Many

researchers debate about the effect of part time job in their academic performance.
It has taken such a long time to discover the importance of education in our

world. The discoveries lead us to more technological or what was called Industrial

Era. Wherein the different usage of technological devices. In this era, application of

education help to develop and invent such technological devices.

Theoretical Framework

Study habits and academic performance of the working students have

attracted increased attention among the high school teachers and students with the

aim of knowing and understanding the reasons, problem and other factor affecting

them. This may empower them for lifelong learning to their journey to success

hindered by their busy schedules and always no time to their study and academic

performance of working students give any positive or negative impact of their grades

depending on how they cope with it.

Students engaged in part-time and sometimes full time employment while

studying in becoming a normal phenomenon everywhere. Job employment will

eventually prepare the students for their future profession. While ordinary

experiences will comprise the majority of the data content of this study, these data

will be analysed and justified using particular theories. This study makes use of the

Moral Responsibility theory of P.F. Strawson, Sociobiology Theory of Edward

Wilson, and the Existential theory by Soren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzche.

As indicate by Watts and Pickering (2000), working part time and studying full

time has variety of positive outcomes and respondents generally viewed part time

employment as a necessity to survive in the given time and instability regarding with

financial. The work plus studies make these hardworking students sleep deprived, as

sleep deprivation increased the risk factors of insomnia and damage brain function
Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to determine the working students and its relationship to

the academic performance in ORA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (ONHS) SY-2022-


Specifically sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the participant (working student) when analyzed by:

1.1 Gender,

1.2 Age

2. Are you a Working Student?

3. What job do you have?

4. How did you manage your time doing:

4.1 Work,

4.2 Assignment,

4.3 Project

4.4 School Activities,

4.5 Studying

5. Is there a significant difference between the working student and student


Hypothesis of the study

There is no significant difference between the working student and student

Significance of the study

The study is expect to be beneficial of the following:

School Administrator- The result of this study could serve as a baseline data to

improve programs for school advancement.

Teacher- The result of this study will be a great advantage to the teachers, it enable

them to help working student to improve their academic performance.

Students- The result of this study will be a great help to the student for them to know

the Relationship between the working student and their academic performance.

Future Researchers and developers- The documentation of this study can serve

as reference for future researchers and developers who will conduct related studies.

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