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Scene 1:
A flowery meadow amidst a mountainous forest. A mother and her
daughter playing in the flowers, bonding with each other. Just at
the moment when the daughter plucks a flower, the entire scenario
changes and time skips.
Scene 2:
The daughter is all grown up now in the present time. The
background has changed from lush green to tones of red. Where she
in the same meadow which has decayed quite a bit and she picking
some of the flowers which still remained intact.
Scene 3:
She travels through a forest and reaches an abandoned village.
Scene 4:
She comes to a village which used to be her home. All abandoned
and covered by a broken wall with rusted, moss-grown signboards
of contamination. She enters the village through one of the
openings and searches for a house.
Scene 5:
She finds her home where she lived with her mother and enters
inside. The interior is in a ramshackle and there is vegetation
growing from various spots. She starts reminiscing about her
childhood I that house. Flashbacks of those moments with her
running around in the hallways giggling and calling for her
(Flashbacks will be mostly auditory, dialogues and foley sounds)
Scene 6:
She reaches the bedroom and sees all the torn family photos on
the wall. Her mother’s corpse lying on the bed, decayed and
decomposed. Nothing but the skeleton is remaining, with the
remnants of torn clothes and hair. As she is standing there
observing the room, she is recalling the day when she spent the
final moments with her mother before being taken away.
Scene 7:
Due to the radiation cause by a nuclear bomb, the nearby villages
were affected. The villagers started contracting deadly
contagious skin diseases. Her mother was no exception. All the
health people were evacuating. Therefore, she still being
healthy, must be taken away.
In the living room she stood in front of her mother, with a
person who was there to take her out of the village. She tried
reaching out to her mother over and over again, but she kept on
evading to not make any contact with her. After realizing that
she has no other option, she breaks down, hugs the person behind
her and leaves her mother. The door slowly shuts on her face
cutting off the light.
Scene 8:
She builds a grave to give her a proper burial. While sits by the
grave she thinks about how she used to play in the meadows from
which she had gathered flowers. Them playing around and her
fetching flowers for her mother. Giving them to her hand cut to
her putting the flowers on the grave.

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