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11/1/10 5:01 AM

Find a proper form of the verb in the parentheses.
1. Water (consist of) hydrogen and oxygen.
2. She (come) to me last three weeks.
3. The technician (repair) my laptop next week.
4. Students usually (take) five courses every semester
5. A year ago, my friends and I (go) to Parang Tritis.
6. Tiffa (visit) her uncle in California next two months.
7. She (be) a student of AMIKOM.
8. She (be) my room-mate before she left for Japan last semester.
9. They (be) happy to see me last night.
10. I (be) nice to her tonight.
11. I (be) your guide during this study tour and I (be) very happy to
show you around.
12. I like cooperating with you because you (be) so cooperative.

Translate the sentences into English.

13. Aku akan membuat sistem informasi administrasi untuk bengkel
14. Kamu bolos dua kelas minggu kemarin
15. Ada sebuah buku di atas meja, tetapi itu bukan milikku.

Find a proper form of the verb in the parentheses.
1. I ...... trying to make a good sentence now.
2. While I ...... walking down the street, it began to rain
3. She ...... repairing my computer right now.
4. I bet that she ...... watching TV tonight when you come to her
boarding house.
5. They ...... talking busily in English when I entered the room.
6. We ...... preparing the presentation when she arrives.
7. I (run) the program when you come tonight.
8. I (run; just) the computer when she came.
9. She (download) a new free software three minutes ago when she (be)
10. I (tell) you right now, do not get trouble with me. Can you get it?
Translate the sentences into English.
11. John sedang memikirkan pesta nanti malam.
12. Mella akan sedang bertanya saat seseorang lainnya mengacungkan
tangan untuk bertanya.
13. Linda sedang mengunduh file tugas ketika Windha masuk ke

1. She (have; count) the money three times last night.
2. They (have; create) so many blogs this year.
3. I (have; eat) when he arrives tomorrow morning.
4. We (have; try) to explain it clearly, but she cannot understand any
single word.
5. Kami sudah tinggal di Yogya selama 3 tahun bulan kemarin.
6. Perguruan tinggi ini sudah menemukan cara untuk menemukan siswa
7. Dua hari lagi, dia akan sudah berangkat ke Eropa

1. I (have; join) the course since three years ago. *now still joining.
2. I (have; join) the course for about three years when she came to this
3. Hey, you plan to enrol in AMIKOM next year? I (have; be) there for
two years when you are there next year.
4. Chintya sudah sedang mengerjakan sebuah project penting yang
5. Linda dan Arman sudah sedang pergi saat kami tiba kemarin sore di
rumah Linda.
6. “Jangan khawatir, kami akan sudah sedang menyelesaikan pesanan
ibu saat ibu datang besok pagi”

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