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1) What is counselling and support?
2) Define shortly social welfare administration?
3) Explain social work objectives and goals?
4) What is difference between community Organization and Social welfare
Administration social group work?
5) List 10 principles of social group work?
6) Explain the five principle of acceptance in social work Practice?
7) What are the Islamic principles of social work?
8) Explain the Role of Social Workers in the Muslim Community?
9) Define Course Objectives of social work of social work
10) What are the ethical responsibilities of social workers?
11) What is social welfare administration?
12) What the 5 principle of acceptance in social work?
13) What is Effective intervention of important communication in
social work?
14) What are the types of Professional social work ideologies?
15) Describe the deference between social work and social
16) Define the charity organization society (C.O.S)
17) What is Effective intervention of important communication in
social work?
18) What is the definition a non-governmental organization (NGO)
and list the types of NGOs?
19) What is code of ethics professional social work?
20) List 3 Core Responsibilities of Social Administrators
21) Explain the ethics of social work?
22) List the 3 core responsibilities of social Administrators?
23) What is the advantage of field learning experience as social
24) What is social casework?

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