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CS 611

Chapter Two

1 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

2.1 Asymptotic Notation
2 Introduction

2 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Notation

The main purpose of algorithm analysis is to give performance guarantees.

Example guarantees are:

 Have bounds on running time




Easy to understand.

It is difficult to meet all these criteria simultaneously.

3 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Notation

 One way to characterize the running time Τ of an algorithm

is as following:
 For any problem instance 𝑖, Τ(𝑖) is the running time on 𝑖.

 where 𝑖 ∈ Ι the set of all inputs.

 This level of detail is so overwhelming that we could not

possibly derive a theory about it.

4 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Notation

 A more global view of an algorithm’s performance is to

classify problem instances into classes based on size.

For example,
The size of an integer is the number of digits in its representation.

The size of a set is the number of elements in that set.

The size of an instance is always a natural number.

5 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Notation

 We use size(𝑖) to denote the size of instance 𝑖, and Ι𝑛 to

denote the set of instances of size 𝑛 for 𝑛 ∈ ℕ.

For the inputs of size 𝑛, we are interested in the maximum,

minimum, and average execution times.

6 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Notation

 Execution times have three cases:

 Worst case: T(n) = max { T(i): i ∈ 𝐼𝑛}
 Best case: T(n) = min { T(i): i ∈ 𝐼𝑛}
 Average case: T(n) = σi ∈𝐼𝑛 T(i)}
7 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel
Asymptotic Analysis

 An additional step is used to reduce data size

which, is growth rate or asymptotic analysis.

 Functions 𝑓 𝑛 and 𝑔(𝑛) have the same growth rate

if there are positive constants c and d such that 𝑐
≤ 𝑓 𝑛 Τ𝑔 𝑛 ≤ 𝑑 for all sufficiently large n.

8 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Analysis

 Furthermore, 𝑓(𝑛) grows faster than 𝑔(𝑛) if, for all

positive constants c, we have 𝑓 𝑛 ≥ 𝑐 ∙ 𝑔 𝑛 for all
sufficiently large 𝑛.

 The growth rate talks about the behavior for large


9 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Analysis

 For example, all the following functions have the same

growth rate:
 𝑛2
𝑛2 +7𝑛
 5𝑛2 − 7𝑛

 + 106 𝑛
10 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel
Asymptotic Notation

 To present asymptotic behavior, Let f(n) and g(n)

denote functions that map nonnegative integers to
nonnegative real numbers. Then the following
definitions are valid.

11 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Notation

 The growth rate of most algorithms discussed in the

book is polynomial, logarithmic function, or the product
of a polynomial and a logarithmic function.
12 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel
Asymptotic Notation

 The left-hand sides should be read as “big O of f”.

 The meaning of the two functions “f (n)” and “g(n)” in
the green squares is functions f and g and the “n”
emphasizes that these are functions of the argument n.
 However, in the term “g(n) ≤ c · f (n)” in the blue
square, they denote the values of the functions at the
argument n.
 O(n2) is the set of all functions that grow at most
13 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel
Asymptotic Notation

 The left-hand sides should be read as “big omega of f”.

 Ω( f (n)) is the set of all functions that “grow at least as
fast as” f (n).

14 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Notation

 The left-hand sides should be read as “theta of f ”.

15 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Notation

 The left-hand sides should be read as “little o of f ”, and

“little omega of f ”, respectively.
 The “little o” notation o( f (n)) denotes the set of all
functions that “grow strictly more slowly than” f (n).
 Its twin ω ( f (n)) is rarely used and is only shown for

16 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Asymptotic Notation

In summary,
 Asymptotic Notations are languages that allow us to analyze an
algorithm's running time by identifying its behavior as the input
size for the algorithm increases. This is also known as an
algorithm's growth rate. (Khan Academy)

17 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

2.3 Pseudocode
2 Introduction

18 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel


 Is an abstraction and simplification of imperative

programming languages such as C, C++, Java, C#, Rust, Swift,
Python, and Pascal, combined with liberal use of
mathematical notation.

19 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel


 The timing model for pseudocode programs includes:

 Basic pseudocode instructions take constant time.

 Procedure and function calls take constant time plus the time to
execute their body.

 The syntax of our pseudocode is akin to that of Pascal

20 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel


 The timing model for pseudocode programs does not

 The time required for compiler optimization techniques, since
constant factors are ignored in asymptotic analysis anyway.

21 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Variables and Elementary
Data Types
 A variable declaration “v = x : T ” where
 v is the variable name.

T is the variable type

X is the variable initialization.

 For example, “answer = 42 : Ν” where in Ν is a nonnegative


22 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Variables and Elementary
Data Types
 A type can be one of the following:
 A basic type (e.g., integer, Boolean value, or pointer).

 A composite type. We have predefined composite types such as

arrays, and application-specific classes.

 The unspecified type “Element” is used as a placeholder for an

arbitrary type. This is used when the type is not important.Type
equation here.

23 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Variables and Elementary
Data Types
 Values for types can be:
 Extending numeric types by the values −∞ and ∞.

 Sometimes types are extended by an undefined value (denoted by

the symbol ⊥). For pointer types it is useful to have an undefined

24 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Variables and Elementary
Data Types

 A declaration “a : Array [i.. j] of T ”

introduces an array.

25 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Variables and Elementary
Data Types

 A declaration “c : Class age : ℕ,

income : ℕ end” introduces a variable c
whose values are pairs of integers.

26 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Variables and Elementary
Data Types
 Sequences store elements in a specified order;
for example, “s = ⟨3, 1, 4, 1⟩ : Sequence of ℤ”
declares a sequence s of integers and initializes it
to contain the numbers 3, 1, 4, and 1 in that order.

27 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Variables and Elementary
Data Types
 Sets play an important role in mathematical arguments, and
we shall also use them in our pseudocode.
Declarations such as “M = {3, 1, 4} : Set of N” that are
analogous to declarations of arrays or sequences will be
 Sets are usually implemented as sequences.

28 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Statements

 The simplest statement is an assignment

 where x is a variable and E is an expression.

29 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Statements

 An assignment is easily transformed into a constant number of

Random-Access Machine (RAM)* instructions.
For example,
 the statement a := a + bc is translated into
“R1 := Rb ∗ Rc;
Ra := Ra + R1”,
 where Ra, Rb, and Rc stand for the registers storing a, b, and c, respectively.

30 1/25/2024 * See section 2.2 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Statements

 The conditional statement is expressed as

 “if C then I else J”,
 where C is a Boolean expression and I and J are statements.
If C evaluates to false (= 0), the program jumps to the first
instruction of the translation of J.
If C evaluates to true (= 1), the program continues with the
translation of I and then jumps to the instruction after the
translation of J.

31 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Statements

The statement “if C then I” is a shorthand for “if C then I
else ;” (an if–then–else with an empty “else” part).
 Indentation is used to group statements.
 Line break replace a semicolon for the purpose of
separating statements.

32 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Statements

 The loop “repeat I until C”.

 where C is a Boolean expression, and I is a group
of statements.

33 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Statements

 We shall also use many other types of

loops that can be viewed as shorthand for
various repeat loops.

34 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Statements
 In the following list, the shorthand on the left
expands into the statements on the right:

35 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Procedures and Functions

 A subroutine with the name foo is declared in the form

“Procedure foo(D) I”
 where I is the body of the procedure and D is a sequence of
variable declarations specifying the parameters of foo.

36 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Procedures and Functions

 A call of foo has the form foo(P)

 where P is a parameter list.

 The parameter list has the same length as the variable

declaration list.

 Parameter passing is either “by value” or “by reference”.

Note: As with variable declarations, we sometimes omit type declarations for
parameters if they are unimportant or clear from the context.

37 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Procedures and Functions

 Compiling procedure calls into machine code is performed

 Recursion stack

38 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Procedures and Functions

 Functions are similar to procedures, except that they allow

the return statement to return a value.

39 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Object Orientation

 A simple form of object-oriented programming (OOP) is

included to separate the interface and the implementation
of data structures.

 The notation of OOP is introduced by example.

40 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

Pseudocode: Object Orientation
 The definition is:
Class Complex(x, y : Number) of Number
re = x : Number
im = y : Number

Function abs : Number return re2 + im2

Function add(c′ : Complex) : Complex
return Complex(re + c′.re, im + c′.im)

Note: the types “Set of Element” and “Sequence of Element” mentioned earlier are ordinary classes.

41 1/25/2024 Dr. E. Fadel

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