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ls - list directory contents

2. cd - change directory
3. pwd - print working directory
4. mkdir - make directory
5. rmdir - remove directory
6. cp - copy files and directories
7. mv - move or rename files and directories
8. rm - remove files or directories
9. touch - create a new file
10. cat - concatenate and display files
11. grep - search for a specific pattern in files
12. chmod - change file permissions
13. chown - change file ownership
14. tar - create or extract compressed archive files
15. ssh - secure shell client for remote access
16. top - display system resource usage and processes
17. ps - display information about running processes
18. kill - send signals to processes to terminate them
19. ping - test network connectivity
20. ifconfig - display and configure network interfaces.

other than above

Sure, here are some additional Linux commands:

1. find - search for files or directories that match certain criteria

2. du - display disk usage for files and directories
3. df - display disk space usage for file systems
4. tar - create or extract compressed archive files
5. zip/unzip - create or extract zip archive files
6. mount - mount file systems or removable devices
7. umount - unmount file systems or removable devices
8. history - display a list of previously executed commands
9. man - display the manual pages for a command or program
10. locate - find files and directories by name
11. tail - display the last lines of a file
12. head - display the first lines of a file
13. sort - sort lines of text files
14. cut - select parts of lines from a file or input
15. sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text
16. awk - pattern scanning and text processing language
17. tee - redirect output to both a file and the screen
18. diff - compare files or directories
19. wc - count lines, words, and characters in a file or input
20. ln - create links between files.
other than above

Here are some more Linux commands:

1. rsync - synchronize files and directories between systems or devices

2. scp - secure copy files between systems or devices using SSH
3. ssh-keygen - create and manage SSH authentication keys
4. curl - transfer data from or to a server using various protocols
5. wget - retrieve files from the Internet using various protocols
6. nc - networking utility for testing and debugging TCP/UDP connections
7. iptables - firewall and packet filtering utility
8. nmap - network exploration and security auditing tool
9. dig - DNS lookup utility
10. hostname - display or set the system's hostname
11. uname - display system information
12. free - display system memory usage
13. top - display real-time system resource usage and processes
14. ps - display information about running processes
15. kill - send signals to processes to terminate them
16. chmod - change file permissions
17. chown - change file ownership
18. du - display disk usage for files and directories
19. df - display disk space usage for file systems
20. ncdu - explore and analyze disk usage.

other than above

Sure, here are some more Linux commands:

1. screen - terminal multiplexer to manage multiple sessions on one console

2. tmux - terminal multiplexer similar to screen, but with more features
3. htop - process monitoring utility with interactive process viewer
4. strace - system call tracer to trace and debug system calls and signals
5. lsof - list open files and processes that have opened them
6. iftop - network traffic monitoring utility
7. tcpdump - packet analyzer and network traffic monitoring utility
8. ping - test network connectivity and packet loss
9. traceroute - network diagnostic tool to trace the path of a network packet
10. route - display or manipulate the IP routing table
11. iwconfig - configure wireless network interfaces
12. fdisk - partitioning utility for hard disk drives
13. mkfs - create a file system on a device
14. mount - mount file systems or removable devices
15. umount - unmount file systems or removable devices
16. crontab - schedule tasks to run automatically at specified times
17. at - schedule tasks to run at a specified time
18. lshw - display detailed hardware information
19. lspci - display information about PCI buses and devices connected to them
20. lsusb - display information about USB buses and devices connected to them.

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