Beauty Wealth and Secrets-1

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Beauty Wealth and Secrets

** Chapter 1**
Nhlalala peeked through their grade twelve classroom arching
her neck so she could have a better view of him and there he
was, the gorgeous Nsuku Mthembu sitting at his desk, laughing
and staring at his lovely girlfriend Matiendla Madema as if she
was the only girl in the world.
Nhlalala watched them touching each other as if they were alone
in his room where people couldn't see them, she couldn't lie,
those two seemed so content and how could they not be?
Everyone including her had agreed; they were the perfect
couple that the whole school of Mahwahwa high admired.
Watching Nsuku, that close made Nhlalala's heart skip
nervously. It wasn't her first time as it normally responded when
she saw or heard his voice but still it didn't distinguish the fire
she felt for him. Nsuku left the poor girl breathless every time
she set her eyes on him.
Nhlalala recalled the past several days when Nsuku gave her his
invitation card. She smiled, recalling her friend Khanyisa’s
expression when they gawked at the perfectly decorated
invitation gray and gold card that sat on their desk. The card
that none of them had the gut to touch since Nsuku had put it at
their desk; telling Nhlalala she was invited to his nineteenth
birthday party.
“Damn girl we have two days to find you the perfect outfit and
hair style.” Khanyisa had instantly faked a laugh and spoke
changing the atmosphere.
It was unlikely to get an invitation from the gorgeous son of the
richest man Jackson Mthembu when no one ever dared to invite
her. Nhlalala had first thought Nsuku mocked her for inviting her
to the same party that celebrity DJs were invited. Nhlalala would
have understood could have been any other person at school,
typical Zama but not Nsuku, to the whole school including
Nhlalala, Nsuku seemed like a goddess. He was so striking
handsome. If only Nsuku noticed her and could be hers only.

Nhlalala wondered where Matiendla was when Nsuku wrote

those invitation cards. She was supposed to help him organize
his party right? Betting Matiendla didn't get to see hers, as she
would have suggested not bothering to invite some nerds to his
party. Yes! That was what the whole school called her, if not
miss virgin of course. Such names bothered Nhlalala especially
when they came from Matiendla, who always tortured her with
awful words.
Nhlalala knew Khanyisa received the invitation but as for her, it
was understandable, she wasn't like her. People wondered why
they were friends in the first place as Khanyisa was the opposite
of Nhlalala. She was an outgoing and funny person to be around
whereas Nhlalala was the shiest and reserved one and people
thought she was mean and self-centered.
Truth be told; Nhlalala Khosa was a young, intelligent and a
beautiful girl of seventeen years of age. Beautiful and intelligent
as her aunty always said. Many people thought she was an
African beauty queen even though she thought otherwise. She
was the firstborn but not the last of the Khosa family and had a
little brother, Musa. Their parents were no more.
They stayed with their aunty, Maria; a born again Christian
woman? Talking of a Christian woman, Nhlalala had wondered if
Maria was going to allow her into going to the party this time
around. Recalling her frustrations when she asked going to
Khanyisa’s fifteenth birthday party, Maria had made it clear no
one in her family was to attend unholy parties but Christian
parties only.
“I will never allow a niece of mine attends unholy parties Nhlalala
do you hear me?” Her rough and angry voice still made
Nhlalala’s hair rose. Yes, her aunty worked herself out at the
Mthembus as a maid for them but that didn't mean she had to
suffer for it, if you don’t call it suffering what was it being forced
going to church even when you don’t feel like going??
Everyone at school teased her about being a devoted Christian
when she wasn't but pretending for the sake of her aunt. No,
wonder all the kids were at awe when she entered the Mthembu
residence that night, their expressions said it all, it was like
seeing Jesus Christ in a sinner’s party.
The party was on Friday, two past days from that day and the
kids had a good time mainly by the booze and the music. Most
went to the party just to admire the mansion they had to see
afar, especially girls that threw themselves at the rich gorgeous
Nsuku Mthembu. The same girls that bought new outfits
matching the Mthembu's standard. You know how high school
teen girls are; everything is a competition to them.
Everyone at Msiphani village and around N'wamitwa knew
Nsuku's family and it was expectedly for people wishing to be
his pal when girls longed to be his girlfriends. Matiendla was the
only lucky girl who Nsuku was in love with and girls envied her
for getting the guy wrapped under her fingers.
Nhlalala had looked over herself so many times that night and
admitted Khanyisa had done a fantastic job with the choice of
her dress and hairstyle. Although the dress was a bit too short
for her liking it gave her legs an elongated appearance and what
she loved about it was when Nsuku’s attention focused on her
the whole night. When Nhlalala entered the party, Nsuku’s
mouth had fell open wide; his expression gave Nhlalala a little
Khanyisa arrived where Nhlalala stood and stared at her friend
who seemed so far by thoughts. "It was the loveliest time we
had at the Mthembu's last Friday; I can't believe i got to be in
that mansion…” Khanyisa said languorously with her gaze upon
“Did you see their lofty ceilings..." She continued. "I bet it
caused them millions of rands to decorate them with those
endless golden Chandeliers and those walls and paintings,
damn. What the Mthembu’s have is the perfect house? I only
heard about them having a cinema in their house, oh and the
swimming pool? It was like a dream coming true being there. Did
you enjoy Nhlalala? Nhlali?" Khanyisa shouted her name irately.
Nhlalala instantly jumped hearing her friend's soprano voice in
her ears. Did she have to shout for the whole school to hear??
Nhlalala asked herself. Oh she had to as the only words she
heard was her name and the rest went unremarked. The
presence of Khanyisa dazed her, she wasn't expecting someone
to sneak behind her back.
** Chapter 2 **
"Pardon me, what did you say?" Nhlalala asked
Khanyisa stared at her dumbfounded; annoyed she poured out
her heart to someone afar by thoughts. "What are you doing
around the window anyway? Khanyisa peeped inside to see what
got Nhlalala's attention. "No ways Nhlalala! Are you still
interested in him?" She pointed to Nsuku irately.
Nsuku looked calm with the kind of face, which stopped girls in
their tracks. He was beautiful and well defined, with a sharp jaw
and angular cheekbones that had such cute dimples in them,
the complexion of skin going well with his black eyes.
He was also the captain of their football team, another thing to
make girls go crazy about him. Mixo and Zama, his friends were
somehow tagged the same and you couldn't have a five hot top
guys in the school and not have their names mentioned.
"But who can blame you, look at him, damn Nsuku is...” She ran
her hand upon her long weave and shook her head. “What are
the right words to describe his beauty? I wish Mixo was also
blessed with those looks girl.”
Khanyisa appreciated what she saw in the rich boy, admitting
that Nsuku was an attractive young man. Although she
disagreed with Nhlalala about lot of things, when it came to
Nsuku's handsomeness she wouldn't dare.
"Mmmhh...” Nhlalala grinned at her friend as if to tell her she told
her so.
"I know… don't mention it girl…” Khanyisa shook her head
altogether. “However, do you really think Nsuku would leave his
queen for you? Come on Lala he will never be yours, we all know
that very well." She rolled her eyes at her friend’s stupid
Khanyisa's words made Nhlalala’s mind to return to her day
It was after the opening of the card and seeing the theme , she
wondered what to wear when she decided on telling Khanyisa,
she wouldn't go to Nsuku's party. Her reasons were she didn't
have an outfit that matched Nsuku's theme. knowing her friend
very well Khanyisa told her she had two new gray-black outfits
and would borrow her one, hearing that Nhlalala hastily said she
didn't have money to buy Nsuku a gift, trying all she could to
escape going to the party.
That didn't stop Khanyisa because she made sure to borrow her
friend money to get Nsuku something.

Nhlalala had groaned aloud and shook her head million times the
following day when they went to Tzaneen to get him the
presents. Khanyisa didn't struggle on finding a gift, she just got
him a tie, to Khanyisa Nsuku was just a random guy whom she
had to buy something for his birthday, she didn't want to
impress him the way Nhlalala did.
Nhlalala wanted to give him something thoughtful, something
that would keep reminding him of her. They almost entered the
entirely cheap stores when Khanyisa announced her weariness.
Nhlalala almost argued with her when her eyes landed on the
most beautiful silver wrist watch, Khanyisa told her to stop
gawking at the watch and to buy it once, with the last money
she ended up buying it. Although the watch wasn't that
expensive to any other human being, to someone poor as
Nhlalala it was.
"Earth to Nhlalala and what caught your mind girl?” Khanyisa
shook Nhlalala, bringing her back to the present. What was with
her friend? Why her mind wandered around when there were
people around her?
"Nothing important, what were you saying?" Nhlalala asked
"Stop fantasizing the guy, he'll never be yours."
"I never said he'll be mine although i wish." Nhlalala laughed
mockingly. She really wished Nsuku could be hers. Why her
mind always thought about the rich boy? Couldn't Nsuku’s
image leave her mind even for a second?
Her thoughts wandered-back to when she gave Nsuku his gift.
She battled giving him the wristwatch thinking he was worthier
than her cheap watch. What can one get as a gift for someone
who had it all and why would he accept her cheap gift when he
actually had the most expensive ones?
'It's not the best and most expensive gift to get for someone like
you, i know it doesn't even match your standard but I bought it
with so much love.' She had found the words out of her mouth
without consideration. Instead of him rejecting her gift he
beamed with joy and thanked her for the lovely gift saying as
long she bought it with so much love he liked it.
"Keep on dreaming, hope you get to wake up soon before its too
late."Khanyisa reminded her friend.
"Who says I'm dreaming?"
"However, who knows, liking someone never guarantee they're
going to like you back."
"Can we please change the subject?" Nhlalala said annoyed.
"I'm sorry Nhlali, it wasn't my intention to upset you."
"I'm not upset Khanyi, its just that I didn't like where we were
going with the subject."
"Oh okay, but you had a good time at the Mthembu's on Friday?
Oh and I'm sorry I left you behind, you know how Mixo is when
he sees me."
Khanyisa apologised altogether; Mixo was Khanyisa's boyfriend
and the best friend of Nsuku. Instead of responding her
question, Khanyisa saw tears running down her friend’s face.
Although there were so much, of good things to think about at
Nsuku's party, there were also so much that Nhlalala didn't want
to remember and those things were on her mind right now.
"What's wrong Nhlalala? What're those tears for darling? What
happened at the party that got you upset after i left?" Khanyisa
asked concerned, feeling guilty she left her friend when she was
the one who talked her into going to Nsuku's party.
"I slept with Nsuku on Friday.” Nhlalala blabbed so fast
Khanyisa's mouth hanged opened wide, she couldn't believe
what her friend had just said. "What? You slept with him?”
Khanyisa asked shocked pointing her finger towards Nsuku.
“Come on girl spill all the details now."
She jumped up and down with joy whereas Nhlalala was far from
being happy, regretting going to that stupid party that left her
drunk and doing irresponsible things. What would Maria say
after finding this? The last thing she wanted was to disappoint
her lovely aunt.
"I don't want to talk about it Khanyisa and please promise to
keep this between us, i promised Nsuku not to mention this to
"Wow...things do happen at the parties, who could've thought
you of all people would sleep with the mighty Nsuku Mthembu,
so you lost your virginity to the great, gorgeous, perfect
Nsuku---oh my goodness you're no longer miss virgin?”
Khanyisa jumped thrilled. "Welcome to my world dear, please tell
me more--ooh! Wait! Wait until the whole school finds out--
"Can you please stop it Khanyisa, I am such an idiot and regret
going to that stupid party and for you to give me those drinks
you were giving me, what were you thinking.."
"Oh! Come on girl, Yes I gave you the drinks but didn't force you
to sleep with prince-charming." Khanyisa threw the words
annoyed at her friend's accusations. "Besides we all wish to
have him for a night and you're so fortunate you had that chance
with him, so stop all this crap as if you didn't enjoy his presence.
You should be happy people ain't going to call you miss virgin
anymore and tell me, how is prince-charming in bed?"
"Can we please drop this?" Nhlalala demanded.
*Oops! You don't have to be rude girl." Khanyisa said lifting her
hands in defeat. "I just wanted to know, beside did you see him
wearing the watch you got him?”
"That doesn’t make me feel any better." Nhlalala sighed.
"Anyway I am going to the clinic now just in case you want me
Nhlalala watched her leaving, Khanyisa was the best friend and
sister she never had. She did not just have a pretty face but had
a pretty heart as well. Nhlalala felt so much blessed to have her
as her friend.
Khanyisa was not rich as Nsuku but she was not also poor as
her. She didn't have everything but her parents provided all that
she needed including love, the thing Nhlalala lacked in her
childhood even when her parents were still alive.

* Chapter 3 *
Peter Mashele, Khanyisa's father was the best father Nhlalala
admired so much. He loved Khanyisa so much, Nhlalala wished
her own father could've loved her and Musa with the same love
but instead he was a womanizer and a drunkard.
There was nothing-good Nhlalala remembered about him rather
than the beatings and cussing words. There wasn't even a single
day she remembered him being sober. Thinking about her
father, Nhlalala ran her hand on the big scar on her left wrist
hand, even when she tried to wear long sleeve shirts she
couldn't hide it.
She recalled that sorrowful day. It never left her thoughts
although it happened seven years ago. She returned from
school thrilled knowing her mother had prepared her favorite
meal for her birthday when she heard the exchange of their
cussing words.
Ignoring them, Nhlalala walked slowly to her room and sat a
while, yes, her parents fought every time but never thought that
was their last fight.
After a long silence, she decided to rush out and check, her
eyes landed on her mother lying helpless on the floor with blood
all over her trembling body. Her father stood there dumbfounded
with a big-blooded wood.
Although scared, she pushed him off the way, rushing to check
on her dying mother. However, her father being stronger than
she was pushed her away and with just one push, she landed
lying next to her mother with a broken arm. Her hatred towards
her own father grew more. It always grew when she thought of
that day.
Maria always said the only thing Nhlalala inherited from her
father were the perfect brown eyes. The eyes Nhlalala wished to
remove off her face. The eyes she avoided looking at every time
she looked herself on the mirror because of the fear of seeing
her own father instead of herself. She had believed from an early
age, her father was an ugly man.
'You're ugly in and outside, you coward man'. Nhlalala recalled
her mother's last words thrown to her father. She learned from
an early age what kind of a man her father was and despised it
more when people said she looked like him as it meant only
three words, "She was ugly"
Nhlalala so wished she had her mother's lighter complexion skin
and her black eyes instead, Why did she end up inheriting her
father's darkened skin and brown ugly eyes when Musa had
their mother's? It wasn't fair, Musa was a boy and didn't need all
the beauty. Obviously her father wanted to haunt her even when
he was no more right??

When Khanyisa went off Nhlalala entered the classroom and sat
behind Nsuku and Matiendla, their seats were behind Khanyisa's
and her desk. She was about to eavesdrop Nsuku and
Matiendla's conversation when Zama showed up at her desk
beaming at her.
Nhlalala felt so annoyed with the guy's presence. Zama had
been pursuing her for two years now and why he didn't give up
after all the tantrums she throws at him was beyond her
"Hey! Beautiful." Zama winked at her excitedly.
Nhlalala looked at him as if he was crazy. Who still winked to
impress a girl these days? "Hi Zama, i don't want to be rude but I
am about to study...” She took out her books, pretending to be
studying although she didn't intend on studying that day,
however, Zama left her with no choice.
"I….I….” All of a sudden, Zama ran out of words, failing to
remember what he practiced to say to her two days after
Nsuku's party. Nhlalala's beauty was all he saw, God knew this
girl drove him crazy.
All he wanted to say he thought she was the most beautiful girl
he saw at the party and now felt so stupid for acting so weird
around the girl he wanted to impress so badly.
"Say what you want to say Zama; I don't have all day okay."
Nhlalala's voice showed some irritation. Why can't he just leave
her alone? Her words left Zama so tensed and shaky. The poor
guy didn't know why Nhlalala hated him this much.
"Of course baby…”
"You see the reason I don't want to go out with you? You calling
me baby before going out even once...
"I am sorry my love but…”
"Stay the hell away from me Zama please…” She begged him so
badly that Nsuku had to turn around and stare at them. He heard
all their conversation.
"Come on man! can’t you see you're disturbing her? “Nsuku was
shocked at how high his own voice sounded.
"Mind your own business with your yellow bone and leave us
alone man---
"No I will not, not when she told you she doesn't want
Zama walked away so disappointed. Damn Nsuku, he didn't
even get the chance to compliment his girl. She watched him
walking away so bored. Zama wasn't so bad at all, Nhlalala
thought, in fact he had a perfect body to die for, she had even
watched girls drooling over him.
Unlike most of the guys in her school, Zama wasn't a womanizer
although he partied a lot with his friends. Why couldn't she have
his feelings instead?
'Because he isn't Nsuku.' she heard the small voice inside her
"He isn't even darker like Nsuku but lighter." She went on
comparing them.
‘Damn why was she compering him to Nsuku? There is no one,
not even the gorgeous Bernard from her favorite soapie Sewe
De Laan could compare to her Nsuku. Oh! Did she hear herself
calling him hers?
"Thank you Nsuku."
She thanked him for getting rid of Zama
"You welcome." Nsuku said smiling at her.

**Chapter 4**
Nsuku grinned turning to look at his gorgeous girlfriend, feeling
so fortunate to have Matiendla as his own. Still couldn't believe
she was his, recalling the first time he saw her, it was two years
back after her parents passed away when his mother asked
them to move from Polokwane to Msiphani village with her sister
Meikie and her husband Jake who just passed on the previous
Matiendla wasn't a straight, Oval or spoon body type but an
hourglass type with long legs. She was light in complexion with
big black eyes going well with her slender eyelashes and long
black hair that flowed over her shoulders. If ever there was such
a thing called perfection, Matiendla was it.
Nsuku asked how so much beauty could lie in one person.
Matiendla was an angel visiting planet earth. The perfect girl
Nsuku had ever set his eyes upon, he used to think Nhlalala was
the most beautiful girl he had ever seen until Matiendla came on
the picture and doubted her beauty.
"I can't believe you insisted on having your party on the same
day we had Jake's funeral Nsuku; you weren't supposed to host
that stupid party of yours but to come with me to Polokwane
where we were burying him." Matiendla stated disappointed.
She wasn't at Nsuku's party due to the funeral of her brother in
law Jake. She tried to sweet talk Nsuku into cancelling his party
in order for him to attend the funeral but Nsuku's mother didn't
want to hear it.
"I understand sweetheart but there was nothing I could've done,
we have already set the date and my mom didn't want to cancel
it, you know how much time she had devoted on arranging my
party..I am sorry babe." Nsuku apologized again; he even lost
the count of how many times he had apologized.
"Your mother is selfish Nsuku and you know that, she only want
what's best for her."
"No love, you know my mother likes you a lot and she would've
cancelled the party if the funeral was at Msiphani but it was at
Polokwane and that's far..
"That's the reason i wanted you to come with us, because its
far." Matiendla stared at him with a sadden face.
"I wanted you to drive us with your mother's black Range Rover
Nsuku, instead my sister and I had to take public transport when
my boyfriend owns three fucking cars huh? Do you know how
much we suffered that day? No you don't and probably won't
ever know just because of your stupid party? You are my
boyfriend for Haven's sake Nsuku and I fail to understand why
you ain't acting like one?"

Matiendla was livid. Most people knew she had the inherent
desire to control situations and people around her. To get her
own way she would down cast others and debase anybody's
reputation. She would not think of sacrificing anything to anyone
even her own boyfriend Nsuku and if she does, she would
expect a lot in return. She expected everyone to worship the
ground in which she walks.
"But babe...
"Don't but babe me…” Matiendla detested to be controlled but
liked to control others especially Nsuku. “You know your mother
surprises me sometimes? Isn’t she the one who begged us to
leave Polokwane for this little poor village? Promising to be there
for us and what does she do when we need her the most?"
"What do you want from us Matiendla? Nsuku asked irritated.
"You knew I had to be here for my party and because my parents
care about you and your sister they had to be at the funeral
instead of being at my party, why are you ungrateful? Who paid
everything for the funeral? My parents did. Who gave you guys
the transport allowance? Them again. Damn for once stop being
hard on us and be glad we are here for you."
Nsuku threw the words at her annoyed, why was she a snobbish
brat instead of being grateful?
Nsuku's words left Nhlalala laughing aloud. Glad he finally told
her what she deserved. Hearing Nhlalala laughing aloud,
Matiendla turned her head and looked straight to her face.
"I really wonder what you're still doing in this school idiot, why
don't you do everyone a favor by killing yourself. Retards like you
aren’t supposed to live, in fact you were not supposed to be
born in the first place as you're such a waste of space."
Matiendla’s words left Nhlalala crashed. Tears threatened to
come out when everyone laughed louder except Nsuku who
seemed hurt also. These words reminded Nhlalala of her father.
He always said the same words to her. She did not want to
believe his words but everyone could see that she was not
supposed to live. What was the use of her living when everyone
hated her?
"What have I done for you to hate me this much?" Nhlalala asked
"Nothing, your face just irritates me that's all. Oh and retards..
"Enough Matiendla...what is the matter with you? And how can
you say such hurtful words to another human being?" Nsuku
hushed her, he couldn't believe he said that to his girlfriend
without feeling guilty. Matiendla stared with awe, did her own
boyfriend tried to embarrass her in front of Nhlalala?

"Which human being?" Matiendla asked looking around. "Hello,

there is no human being here but a retard....
Nsuku stared at Matiendla as if she grew two heads. “Leave her
alone okay and you Lala…” Nsuku beheld Nhlalala’s eyes firmly.
“You must learn not to eavesdrop to other people’s
conversation, it is rude.”
It was now Matiendla’s turn to laugh aloud. "Thank you baby..."
She stuck her tongue out to Nhlalala. "And baby, I didn't want
your parents to be there for me but you! I wanted you to be there
for me." Matiendla changed the subject and faked her crying.
Nsuku felt his heart twitch when he saw her tears. He felt like a
jerk for thinking about himself and not putting into consideration
how his girlfriend felt.
Jake was like a brother to Matiendla and she must have felt
alone after his passing and him being a jerk he wasn't there for
her instead he was at the party busy drinking and not only that
but even slept with another girl, what was wrong with him? He
held her face and apologized.
"I am sorry babe, I know I was wrong and I should have been
there for you, please find it in your heart to forgive me."
Matiendla smiled at him, content that Nsuku finally accepted his
own faults.
"It's okay babe; anyway, Vonani told me that your party didn't go
well..." Matiendla stated rolling her big eyes. Lying to Nsuku was
her usual thing and she did not even feel guilty for hurting his
Nhlalala watched Matiendla when she spoke, laugh and smiled;
she ended up admitting that Matiendla was really a beautiful girl
and fathomed why Nsuku never wanted to leave her for anyone,
especially for the ugly girl.
'Damn you papa, you are still winning even when you’re no
longer here with us, all people see in me it’s you! Nhlalala
thought, understanding Nsuku's reasons for not giving her a
glance at all, how can he when he had every boy’s dream girl?
Nhlalala recollected her life before Matiendla. She was fourteen
and Nsuku was sixteen and did not have a girlfriend by the time.
He had started befriending her until Matiendla came to Msiphani
and God knows Nsuku would be hers if Matiendla did not show
Not that she hated Matiendla, she hated the fact that she
arrived at Msiphani the same time Nsuku started befriending her
and everything changed. Nsuku was her world but only Khanyisa
knew that.

**Chapter 5**
"She said the party didn't go well?" Nsuku’s expression changed
to hurt instantly, he was convinced that many kids enjoyed,
some even said it was the best party they had ever had and
didn't doubt that until now.
"Yes, that's exactly what she said, you know it very well that I'm
a party maker, invite me in your party and it will be all over the
news and if I am not it’s boring." She boasted
"Vonani lied to you." Nsuku replied sadly.
"She didn't lie, oh! And i heard that miss virgin was also at your
party, you did not even bother to let me know you invited her
because you knew i wouldn't have approved, really of all people
miss virgin Nsuku?" Matiendla laughed mockingly.
Nhlalala wished Matiendla knew she was no longer Miss virgin
and the appreciation went to her boyfriend.
"Who is Miss virgin now?" Nsuku asked dumbfounded. Who
didn't know who miss virgin was?
"Oh you don't know? I will tell you…” Matiendla turned behind
and stared at Nhlalala with her tongue out. "This little ugly,
nerdy, boring Nhlalala of yours, no wonder your party was so
boring, it had to with nerdy idiotic people." She laughed aloud
still staring at Nhlalala, Nhlalala felt so low, and her eyes
immediately went to her lap.
"How can you say such about a human being Matiendla?" Nsuku
defended her, certainly not knowing why he was doing that but
seeing Nhlalala fiddling with her fingers instead of defending
herself from Matiendla hurt him.
What was with this girl? Why did she let people to walk over her?
At the mentioned of Nhlalala's name he felt his heart twitch. He
then looked at his right hand where the watch Nhlalala got him
Oops! The grin he had could have woke the dead man up. He
really meant it when he told Nhlalala he loved the watch. It was
the most important and beautiful gift and felt the need to wear it
wherever he went but for what reason he did not know.
"Because i don’t like her and you know that very well Nsuku."
Matiendla rolled her eyes turning backwards to watch Nhlalala.
“And you idiot , stay the hell away from Nsuku..." Matiendla
shouted for the whole class to hear, fortunately they did and
started laughing at Nhlalala who wished for the world to open up
and omit her.

Nsuku grinned wider recalling the day he took Nhlalala's

innocence, knowing he enjoyed every moment he was with her
and wished he could turn back the time just to be inside her and
have that feeling he never had with Matiendla.
With Nhlalala, the feeling was out of this world, it was so
amazing and wonderful than with Matuendla, Nsuku then shook
his head annoyed with Matiendla's behaviour. "Why do you hate
Nhlalala so much...and to call her miss virgin no Matiendla
"Because she likes you Nsuku and you're too damn blind to see
"She doesn't...” Nsuku paused. Maybe Matiendla was right,
Nhlalala seemed to like him, and Mixo suspected that. In fact,
most people thought so. He took this nonchalantly but it
seemed big.
"Whatever Nsuku and I don't like the fact that you invited her in
your party without my acknowledgement, this girl wants you
Nsuku, and what's with you today? I mean you wearing that
cheap watch instead of your favorite Panerai or Cartier. Besides
you don't even like silver?"
Nsuku immediately turned to look at Nhlalala who shook her
head telling him not to say it came from her. Turning to
Matiendla, he faked a laugh; Matiendla didn't have to know that
he started liking silver since he received the watch from
Nhlalala. "My cousin got it for me on my birthday."
"Please don't wear it anymore, I do not like it."
"Oh babe, that would hurt her feelings, besides i like it." Nsuku
said trying to steal a little kiss from her and Matiendla gave in.
"So when are you taking me out again Nsuku? It’s been so long
that you took me out."
"I'm thinking about Mapungubwe this time."
"Mmmhh when love?"
"Next week Friday."
"That's a good thing since I’d never been to Mapungubwe.
Before I forget, do not await me after school, I'm going to leave
early with my sister to town." Matiendla lied.
She planned to have lunch with Tom Du Ploit, a white man she
met at Durban last summer. She went to Durban with her friends
and obviously, Nsuku was the one who paid for her ticket
including her friend Vonani. Nsuku thought her to be so perfect
and he never believed it when people told him she was cheating
on him. To him Matiendla was Gabriel the angel; she could not
do such a thing.

**Chapter 6**
The Mthembu’s were the wealthiest people around N'wamitwa.
Most people wondered why they were still staying at rural areas
such as Msiphani when they could afford any expensive house
at Sandton in Johannesburg.
Moreover, for Nsuku to attend at Mahwahwa high school was a
mystery to many of the kids, knowing they could afford any
expensive school around Tzaneen or Polokwane, in fact the
whole Mzantsi.
Msiphani was a tiny village that was found in N'wamitwa, of
which was outside Tzaneen in Limpopo. What people didn't
know was that the Mthembus did own three mansions in
Gauteng; one was at Midstream estate in Midrand, an area in
central Gauteng province that is between Centurion and Kyalami
and is part of the city of Johannesburg Metropolitan
Municipality. The second was in Sandton whiles the third one at
Hyde Park.
Khensani and Jackson, Nsuku's parents had agreed to raise
their kids even before they had them at N'wamitwa where
Jackson was born. Jackson always sworn never to raise his kids
at Johannesburg as kids raised there tend to engaged
themselves on drugs at an early age.
He would say that after rooming the streets of Jo'burg and saw
all the street kids all over them, throwing themselves on drugs.
He didn't want to see his children grow irresponsible.
Khensani tried changing Nsuku from public into private schools
but Nsuku didn't want to hear it saying he was fine at Mahwahwa
high. During school holidays, Nsuku and his parents went to
Gauteng and sometimes, they took Matiendla with them.
Jackson was a businessman who owned more than twenty
residential buildings around Gauteng, some were in Pretoria,
Sandton, Roodepoort whereas some were at Johannesburg
central and he was now planning to have three more in
Polokwane. Each building had fifteen floors when each floor had
ten apartment and all rented.
People wondered how much this man received every month.
The residential buildings were not his only business; He also
owned buses and taxis and had more than twenty taxis working
around Tzaneen and more than twenty working around Jo'burg.
The buses took people from and to Jo'burg to Tzaneen and
As if that wasn't more, the man also owned four franchise shops
around Gauteng, although he stayed at Msiphani, he spent most
of his time in Gsuteng for his businesses.

Their house at Msiphani was most people's dream house; A

mansion, the kind in which most South African kids dreamed of
growing up in. The house wasn't big as a castle but certainly a
huge one. It had balconies, a screened-in front porch, some
freestanding garages, a pool, cinema and formal garden.
The grounds covered by green lawn, which was neatly cut, their
grounds patrolled by armed security and every inch of the
property wired with cameras, security lighting and motion
sensors. You could see the house in any angle.
The woman of the Mthembu house was Khensani, the model-
body like lady. She was tall and had a fit body, the nice figure
that one would kill to have. She was a neat and a beautiful lighter
woman although she was so heartless and cruel.
Just like Matiendla, Khensani was not that kind of person you
could get along with so easily. She had a grave tendency to hold
and hoard things to herself. It was difficult for her to part with
simple things such as her food, time and efforts, leave aside
important things like money.
She had no consideration to what others have to say. She would
cut off conversations and bring the focus on herself; many of
her friends even left her because of her selfishness. She was a
nurse at Letaba hospital, some of her colleques detested
working with her, as she was so rude and mean.
Khensani sat at one of her balconies sipping her favorite wine
when John Malungani arrived. John was one of their taxi
supervisors at Tzaneen.
He had been working for them when they just had a year in their
marriage of which is twenty-one years now. He started by being
their garden boy even though their house wasn't as big as it was
now. Jackson liked him so much that even when his wife
suggested they fire him and hire someone else he disagreed.
When Khensani saw John coming her facial expression changed,
it was so obvious she did not wish to see him. Not only her facial
expression changed but also the hairs at the nape of her neck
stood up, her heart beating out of control. She didn't want to lie,
John's behaviour had started getting into her nerves and didn't
know how to get rid of him, he was so annoying.
"Well, well..." John started clapping his hands to Khensani's
annoyance. "If this isn't Mrs Mthembu herself." He concluded
"What the hell are you doing here??" Khensani asked her eyes
wandering all over to see if there were other people around.

"I still work here remember? Moreover, you know what I want
very well Khensani." John grinned; Khensani wished she could
wipe away the stupid smirk on his face.
What was funny about him working for them? She tried bribing
him with thousands of rands to quit working for them and like a
fool he was he had refused and here he was with some stupid
smirks, the fool had a nerve.
"Will you please leave before I call security?" Asked Khensani
whose gaze never left John's eyes? Yes, beside the alarmed
security, they had four security guards in their home, they had to
have them as their house carried the most valuable and
expensive things that thieves would not think twice stealing.
"Be my guest Mrs. Mthembu, I wonder what will your husband
think when he finds out you called securities on me, really?"
John said with a mock. He then reached Khensani’s glass, the
one that she set on the small table and took a sip.
When Khensani saw what he was doing she quickly snatched
away the glass from his hands. The hatred she had for this man
was growing each day.
She regretted sleeping with this foolish man each day she saw
him. Why did she betray her loving husband with John
Malungani was beyond her mind and it was something she
would regret until she dies?
Khensani's mind drifted back to those years when she really
wanted to give her husband a child. It had been two years in
marriage without a child. Not that Mthembu complained, of
course Jackson would not have complained because he loved
her so much. However, his old parents were complaining.
His mother could not even hide the hatred she held for Khensani
not bearing his son a heir. The old witch as Khensani referred
her insisted for Jackson into marrying another wife to bear him
children as his first wife was failing.
Although they nagged their son, Jackson didn't lose hope, he
always told them, he loved his wife and he wasn't getting
married to another woman.
By then his parents and sisters had stopped visiting their son's
house until Nsuku was born. After some few years, the old lady
returned nagging them to have more children and that's when
Khensani lost it and poisoned the poor woman to death and she
thanked God she was lucky and never got caught.

Seeing John, that close always left her thinking about repeating
the same thing that haunted Khensani every time she closed her
eyes to sleep. Another thing that haunted her was her husband
been diagnosed with some rare disease that prevented him from
fathering more children of his own after Nsuku was born.
"John, leave my house! Khensani announced unhappily
"I won't leave before we come to an agreement about the
paternity test....
"What paternity tests? Are you mad?"
"Why can't you be honest with me and tell that Nsuku is my
"For heaven ‘sake John, Nsuku is not your son. How many times
am I going to tell you this?"
"If you're so sure he isn't my son why don't you allow us to have
some tests?" John demanded still standing.
"I do not want my son going through some difficulties right now
John, he failed his matric last year and I do not wish for him to
fail again."
"Come on Khensani, you know I don't buy that right?"
"That's your business if you do not buy it besides I wasn't selling
the idea to you anyway."
"Madam can I bring------
"Damn Maria! Khensani jumped shaking from hearing her maid’s
voice. “You want to send me to an early grave? You cannot
barge in as you please in my house without knocking. Do not
forget this is my house not our house." Shouted Khensani
"I did not forget...
"And you expect me to believe you when your action says
otherwise?" She asked pointing a finger to Maria.
"I am sorry Mrs. Mthembu; I thought you saw me...” Maria
apologized timidly knowing how her boss lady was. One minute
she is laughing and the next moment throwing tantrums. One
could think Khensani had bipolar and Maria always thought she
needed Jesus Christ in her life.
"Do I look like I have backside eyes to you? How could I see you
when I'm facing that way?" There was no way Khensani was
going to calm down.
"She has apologized Khensani, why can't you forgive her?"
Khensani’s behavior ticked John off. He had been working for
the Mthembu's for so long and hated this childish side of her.

"You…” Khensani pointed a finger at John "Mind your own

business, what do you want Maria?"
"I wanted to ask if i can bring you guys something to eat.”
"No thank you, John is leaving anyway." She looked him straight
on the eyes daring him to say otherwise
"I will leave madam but we are not yet done," concluded John
heading out.
"What did Mr. Malungani wants madam?"
"Mind your own business Maria or else you will kiss your job
goodbye and if that happens i wonder where you will get the
money to give to your stupid and lazy pastor."
Khensani said annoyed leaving Maria startled by what she had
just said.
Why Khensani disliked pastor Ngobeni was beyond Maria's
mind. The strange thing was that Khensani had never ever set
her foot in her church, not even a single day for her to make
such assumptions about her pastor, beside Maria wasn't giving
her money to the pastor but God, something Khensani would
never know and understand until she received Christ as her Lord
and savior.
Maria had been preaching to her non-stop until Khensani was
sick and tired about hearing the same words of repentance.
Maria had to stop after Khensani warned her not to mention the
name of Jesus in her house ever again if she still needed her job
else she was going to fire her.
** Chapter 7 **
It was after school when Nsuku realized he had no one driving
back home with, being used to going home with his friends and
Matiendla, whom were not in after school.
Nsuku was bored thinking'bout driving all the way alone and was
about to leave the school ground when he spotted Nhlalala who
was about to walk back home.
The thought of giving her a ride rushed in so quickly, especially
when he still felt the need to apologies again on the Friday
incident, he still felt like he disappointed her.
"Hey Lala need a ride?" Nsuku waved to Nhlalala and when she
smiled, he thought he died and went to heaven. It was the most
beautiful smile and the real one not those smiles he saw the
cashiers giving in pretense to their customers. Suddenly he saw
the smile fades, instead some hesitation replaced it.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes why not?" Nsuku winked at her teasingly
"I thought...
"Come on please, I'm already bored i will be driving all the way
by myself." Nsuku flashed Nhlalala his best puppy dog look,
begging her to ride with him.
"Oh okay." Nhlalala got into the 2015 Audi Q7. It was her first
time riding with him and couldn't believe she was really in Nsuku
Mthembu's car. The guy she was so much in love with asked her
to ride with him.
She thanked God Matiendla and Khanyisa went home earlier for
she wouldn't have been with Nsuku.
"Nhlalala please forgive me for what happened on Friday." Nsuku
sighed after been quite for a long time. He felt guilty talking to
Nhlalala, knowing she was so innocent and did not deserve what
happened, after all, she cried non-stop when she realized what
had happened.
He thought of himself being a jerk and regretted not being
gentle with her, but how could he had been gentle when he
didn't know she hadn't been with a guy before, who was still a
virgin at seventeen these days anyway? Why that didn't ring in
his head? Nhlalala was so different from all girls.
"Can we please not talk about that??"
"Please Nsuku, and where is your girlfriend for you to be driving
alone today?" Nhlalala asked changing the subject, embarrassed
and despising the thought of their night of passion.
"She went to town with her sister, and you? Where is your friend
"She went with Mixo..
"Oh yes, Mixo informed me, don't know why it slipped my mind
though." Nsuku said looking at Nhlalala's pouting lips, they
tasted strawberry sweet with the mixture of alcohol on Friday.

Nsuku looked at Nhlalala's pouting lips. Her lips tasted

strawberry sweet with the mixture of alcohol on Friday when he
kissed them and wondered if they still tasted the same today. He
groaned when he realised the mixture of alcohol would be
missing as she wasn't drinking that day.
That didn't stop the sudden urge to taste them again, Nsuku
tried thinking about Matiendla, as he wanted to forget the girl
next to him.
'Why his mind thought about Nhlalala when he had the most
beautiful girl that every guy wanted in school and the whole of
N'wamitwa he did not know and right now he didn't even care.
He looked at Nhlalala for so long that Nhlalala felt there was
something wrong on her face.
His eyes never left the pouting lips, damn they were so inviting.
'Come on boy! Concentrate on the road not her lips' he thought
"Are you okay Nsuku?" Nhlalala asked trying to refrain herself
from touching his hand but her gaze was upon his eyes.
Oh! God, did she open her mouth and asked if he was okay?
Couldn’t she see she was all he saw not even the fucking road?
Nsuku reached Nhlalala's hand without notice, took one of her
right palm, and kissed it. Nhlalala was glad he didn't kiss the one
with the scar, she would have died from embarrassment had he
saw it. She needed to be careful. Nsuku did not have to see her
scar; he would not want to be with the ugly girl who had some
scars on her hands.
Nsuku was grateful she was smiling at him, her eyelids lowered;
she looked so beautiful that for some minutes Nsuku forgotten
about Matiendla.
'How could God allow angels to live on earth? And why did he
make them to be so devastating beautiful.' Nsuku thought
"Nsuku…” Nhlalala boldly allowed her fingers to rest on his upper
arm. She did not care what he would think anymore. Nsuku's
eyes followed her fingers and suddenly Nhlalala removed them
from Nsuku, she looked at him startled by what she felt.
Did he feel the electric between them? Was she the only one
who did? By the look on his face, Nhlalala knew he did also.

Nsuku couldn't deny that Nhlalala was beautiful and looked so

angelic. He moved his car aside wanting to kiss her badly. He
couldn't let the chance escape, after parking the car Nsuku
leaned into her.
"You are so beautiful Lala…“ Nsuku whispered as he kissed her
eyelids. Nhlalala didn't want to dwell on the words he said,
knowing guys always had beautiful words to say when it came to
lust, instead she just smiled when allowing her arms to wound
around his neck, lifted her face up invitingly so he could kiss her.
That was when Nsuku realized she was giving him access to kiss
her; he went for it, who would not?
The soft moan escaped her lips as the kiss stole her breath away
and she deepened the kiss. Desire flamed Nsuku's body, he was
losing control and needed to come to his senses before he lost
the little control he had, they both needed to breathe.
Nhlalala was the first to pull out, she rested her head on Nsuku's
chest and listened to the beating of his heart, it was racing just
as fast as her own was. She felt cherished seeing the love in
Nsuku's eyes and leaned in back to Nsuku to kiss him again but
he turned aside.
"I am sorry Lala…“ Nsuku choked at his own words. His mind and
body disagreed with what he wanted to say. He did not get to
understand his feelings. He never in his life felt the way he was
feeling right now. Kissing Nhlalala felt so right than when he was
kissing Matiendla, it felt so perfect.
He quickly held Nhlalala’s face, kissed her again trying to check
if he would still feel the same. Nothing changed instead he felt
so empty for leaving her, only the need to hold her again in his
"It is okay Nsuku…” She tried to smile assuring him they were
doing the right thing
"No it’s not okay, i don't know what got into my mind---you
know." Nsuku ran hands through his head.
"I understand Nsuku; I really do because I am in love with you...”
She whispered the words, as she was scared to say them aloud.
"Yes, and i have been in love with you for so long now and
cannot hide it anymore, Nsuku you are...." Nhlalala didn't finish,
Nsuku was staring at her as if she grew two heads. Where did
she get the courage to confess her feelings anyway??

"No, it can't be Lala, you know it very well that I love Matiendla, I
am sorry that I led you on but I cannot be with you, not now, not
ever." He turned to look outside the window. Who was he
"But...but...I...I...thou...thought you have my feelings and you
wouldn't have kissed me that way if you didn't...” Nhlalala
desperately fought the tears that welled up.
"Of course i don't have your feelings." Nsuku lied; He knew from
the first time he laid with Nhlalala he started developing some
feelings for her. "And please Lala, stop crying okay."
Nsuku’s heart went out for Nhlalala, her weeping made him
wants to wrap his arms around her and comfort her, to tell her
everything was going to be all right but deep inside he knew that
was not what Nhlalala wanted to hear. What Nhlalala wanted to
hear was that Nsuku was in love with her not someone else.
Nhlalala was head over heels in love with Nsuku Mthembu and
could not hide it. Someone said to burn with desire and keep
quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on
ourselves. Nhlalala Khosa knew the saying very well and thought
acting upon it. Hence, she decided to tell Nsuku how she felt
about him. However, the feeling was not mutual because Nsuku
thought he was in love with Matiendla Madema.
"I believe what you just said has got nothing to do with what'd
happened between us on Friday." Nsuku asked recalling the
previous Friday.
He thought Nhlalala said those words because of that night. The
night he would not forget, the same night he regretted inviting
her to his party because had he not invited her, this stupid thing
wouldn't have happened, he wouldn't have developed her
He regretted asking his parents into going to Jake's funeral
instead, had they been there, such thing wouldn't have
'Why he invited her when no one did was beyond his mind. Did
she have to be there anyway?' He wished she declined the

Nsuku's mind drifted back to the day of his birthday party....

Nhlalala had worn a black with some grayish outfit. The dress
fitted her body so perfectly, revealing her long smooth legs. She
had the most wonderful and beautiful body, perfect hips and at
the right places. He kept looking at her hairstyle. He knew her
with the short hair not the bob curt she had on his day. Why she
had put make up and ruined her beauiful face didn't seat well
with him because Nhlalala was perfect without it.
Nsuku had watched her throughout the night and realized she
wasn't drinking like the rest of them, although Khanyisa tried
cheering her up and making her live a little she still looked so
lost and wary but beautiful. He found himself staring at her and
the more he stared the more beauty he saw and admitted she
was the most beautiful girl in his party.
However, He found something awful and couldn't point exactly.
what was with her? He had wondered that night. He always
wondered why Nhlalala seemed so torn apart. Why was she
quiet and reserved most of the time?
The only time she seemed to relax was when she was studying,
that he had noticed. What was with her and the books anyway?
He couldn't remember a single day seeing her not carrying
books at school just like Zama, thinking of the guy, his heart
skipped twice, why was Zama always around his Nhlalala? Did
he like her?
Nhlalala was a bookworm and he was not the only one to notice
that but all the kids at Mahwahwa high said she was a nerd.
Maria had left earlier that night and promised to return as early
as possible to clean up all the mess the kids would make and
Nhlalala lied promising her aunty she would return immediately
the party was over. Maria just smiled and left.
The party went on until midnight, everyone was drunk, some
were busy making out on the coaches whereas some were in the
bathroom. The security guys were busy escorting some of the
kids outside the gate.
Nsuku's eyes landed on Nhlalala who layed helpless on the
couch and picked her and went with her upstairs, he put her on
his bed and went downstairs to help the security into getting rid
of the other kids. It was after two in the morning when everyone
had left.
Nsuku couldn't remember exactly what happened the following
morning when he found himself naked with Nhlalala sleeping
peacefully in his chest naked also. But soon everything came
back and he found himself smiling at the thought, knowing he
was Nhlalala's first thrilled him more. He knew after he saw the
evidence of her virginity.
Nsuku asked Nhlalala to forgive him and to keep it between
themselves, not wanting Matiendla to find out. Nhlalala promised
not to mention it to anyone else.

Back to the present..

"What do you mean Nsuku? You think I said this because of
what happened on Friday?" Nhlalala was so dismayed asked
such a question that she even felt like crying again. He made her
feel so low and so cheap. How could he say such a thing about
According to Nhlalala Nsuku should have seen how she felt
about him long time ago not after such incident. However, who
was she fooling? Nsuku had no idea how she felt until now and
that disheartened her as she thought the reason Nsuku slept
with her was that he had her feelings.
"What else could I think of when you only mentioned this after
what happened? Actually what are you saying Nhlalala? Are you
trying to tell me that you've been in love with me before this?"

"I tried showing you Nsuku but you were too busy with your
yellow bone and couldn't notice me." Nhlalala said annoyed.
"I do not appreciate you talking about my girlfriend that way
Nhlalala, if you do not like Matiendla that's your problem and I do
not wish to hear it, I hope you understand." Nsuku looked
nowhere but to Nhlalala's face. His heart felt like breaking into
pieces when he saw the hurt in her eyes. Maybe if he could be
rude to her she could quickly forget him.
"Understood, now I know where I stand." She threw back at him
"Meaning the feeling isn't mutual, by the way I see no reason
being in your expensive car anymore because we both know
where we stand." Nhlalala said unlocking the car door, she
picked her bag and was ready to leave.
"But we haven't reached your place...
"I don't care Nsuku; just leave the hell of me alone okay!" She
shouted getting off
There was no need to force her into staying in his car; Nhlalala
was walking to her place and it bothered him. Nsuku thought
about what Nhlalala said, her words left him unease. Did Nhlalala
expect him to leave his Matiendla for her? Yes, Nhlalala was
beautiful but Matiendla was beyond beautiful.
She was every guy's dream and could not lose her. He had been
with Matiendla for two years and never thought about them
apart. Matiendla was his life; Nsuku would do anything for
Matiendla although she could not do the same.
It was not that Nsuku hated Nhlalala, actually, he liked her and if
he wasn't with Matiendla he would go for her, of course people
talked about her being a nerd but Nsuku liked her that way. He
even told his best friend Mixo that he liked Nhlalala's character.

** Chapter 8 **
‘There's no greater pain in the world than to love somebody and
not to have that feeling reciprocated in return.' Those words
always hanged on Nhlalala Khosa's mind every time she saw
Nsuku with his gorgeous girlfriend Matiendla.
Nhlalala knew that like her, many people go through the same
awkward phase early in their lives while exploring the depths of
love and lust but she failed to understand why it never got
Trying to let Nsuku go wasn't an option, if it was she would have
forgotten him long time ago, however how could she when all
she studied were his features, his long strong smooth jawline
and the way his black eyes darkened every time he looked at
Maria taught her to fight for the things she wanted and Nhlalala
knew Maria had been struggling after her husband of one year
passed away but she still hanged on God.
Her aunty never lost hope, she continually said God would make
a way where there is no way right? That God had a purpose
about her life right. She wanted to believe that instead of giving
up on the love of her life; she had to stand up and fight for what
she wanted.
"Who am I fooling; Nsuku would never ever love someone as
ugly as me."
Nhlalala laughed at her own thoughts. She could not understand
why she felt as if Nsuku belonged to her sometimes and why
she felt it deep down in her heart that Nsuku loved her too!
"Honestly speaking I don't deserve him." Nhlalala said aloud
without thinking. Her eyes ogling at the rich guy.
"Oh yes dear, i am glad you came to your senses, but I would be
happier if you had put them more like 'He doesn't deserve you."
Khanyisa wrapped her arms around Nhlalala's waist.

"No Khanyi, Nsuku is so kind and generous, truly speaking

Nsuku is a good man whom I really do not deserve and it's not
so surprising that he isn't with me but Matiendla."
"Nonsense Nhlalala, I don't care how he is; he might as well look
like Bernard from Sewe de laan or Tom Cruise...” Khanyisa
pointed to Nsuku. “But that guy is too damn blind for not seeing
how wonderful you are, you really are the most beautiful and
smart girl i've known and as for him…”
Khanyisa looked at Nsuku sitting on the playground with his
friends and Matiendla. "He is a fool for not seeing how precious
you are and please do yourself a favor and stop stalking him?
The guy doesn't love you for crying out loud Nhlalala and it’s so
"I am not stalking…”
"Yes you are and what are you doing standing on that tree
looking at them if you are not stalking?" Khanyisa pointed
towards Nsuku and Matiendla standing and ready to leave their
friends. They were laughing aloud at something one of their
friends had said. Looking at the couple one could swear they
were always happy.
"You want to tell me Nhlalala wants Nsuku?" Mixo was not
surprised hearing this, in fact he was curious his suspicions had
been right all along.
"Yes, and she is making it so obvious, I'm telling you hell is going
to break when Matiendla finds this out, you know how that Pedi
girl is when it comes to Nsuku." Khanyisa shook her head at
"Damn, you got it bad girl, I never knew you're planning to join
the crew dear?" Mixo asked Nhlalala who was drooling at Nsuku
as if he was the only guy in the world.
"Which crew Mixo?"
"I thought Christians aren’t supposed to engage themselves into
sex but after marriage, if you really want to be with Nsuku you
know that's not going to work dear? i know my boy, sex is all he
thinks of when he looks at Matiendla and you can't blame him,
that damn body is hot." Mixo said drooling over Matiendla.

Everyone including Mixo could see Matiendla's beauty. Why did

the girl have to be this fucking beautiful? Nhlalala felt as if she
could change herself, if that was possible she would have
started with her ugly brown eyes.
Then her complexion, and lastly the ugly big scar in her arm,
why she felt the need to look like Matiendla all of a sudden, was
beyond her imagination, because going into competition with a
gorgeous Matiendla would be useless, she already knew that
Nsuku would never look at her the way he looked at Matiendla.
Khanyisa’s mind dwelled upon what Mixo mentioned, knowing
Nhlalala already slept with Nsuku, what was going to happen if
the whole church finds out?
"Oh yes...and that reminds me, did you tell them at church that
you are no longer a virgin Nhlalala?" Khanyisa blurted out
"What?" Mixo asked shocked “Did i hear you say Nhlalala is no
longer a virgin? Damn who is the lucky guy?" Nhlalala begged
Khanyisa with her eyes not to tell Mixo the truth and Khanyisa
decided to cover up for her.
"What I meant is that what if she gets to lose her v-card before
marriage? Will you tell the church Nhlalala?"
"Can we please change the subject guys?" Nhlalala felt so
drained to speak.
Khanyisa saw that and tried to cheer her up. "Honey life is too
short; you do not have to make it shorter by worrying about
something you cannot change."
"Khanyisa is right, it's okay to love someone who doesn't love
you back but do not obsess over it because what's the use
knowing you want something which you know you can never
have." Mixo said concerned knowing she was good for him not
Matiendla, she was beautiful and had a great body...he bet if he
wasn't in love with Khanyisa he would have tried his luck.
"I love him Mixo...
"Come on Nhlalala, cheer up, although I really wish you could be
with Nsuku but you know there are lots of guys in this school
that seem so interested in you, look at Zama for instance, He
has been pursuing you for two years now and you haven't given
him a chance." Mixo said concerned.

Zama Baloyi was one of Nsuku and Mixo's friend. The guy was
so in love with Nhlalala that all he talked about was her.
Everyone could see him trying so hard to win Nhlalala's heart.
He was determined into convincing he had some soft spot for
her. Poor Zama, he never knew that Nhlalala wanted Nsuku not
"You mean Zama wants her? How come I'm just hearing this
now?" Khanyisa asked looking at Nhlalala
"I don't want him Mixo, and that's the reason I never told you
Khanyi." Nhlalala threw the words out looking at Khanyisa and
Mixo annoyed. Why couldn't they see she didn't want any guy
but Nsuku?
"But Zama is handsome, tall and lighter, I can imagine how your
kids are going to look like dear. Mm perfect match Mixo." she
winked at her boyfriend teasingly
"Hey, don't forget I am standing here and next to you, you don't
have to praise other guys in front of me." Mixo said faking some
"Whoa look who is talking? And you are allowed drooling over
other girls but i am not allowed?" Khanyisa laughed at his
boyfriend. The fact that Mixo was drooling at Matiendla some
few minutes ago didn't seem to bother her at all.
"I am a guy honey and guys are allowed to look…” Mixo came
behind his girl and wrapped his arms around her smirking.
Nhlalala envied them, her friend was lucky to have Mixo. The guy
was so kind and cared a lot about her. Of course, she was happy
for Khanyisa. Her friend deserved better. She just wished it
could be the same with her and Nsuku.
"I am sorry babe, but Nhlalala has to accept Zama's proposal."
Mixo simply said.
"I won't even if he is the last man left for me, i love Nsuku and i
believe he loves me too." Khanyisa and Mixo looked at each
other with some sympathy for their friend who was close to
"Nhlalala dear, Zama comes from a nice family if this is all about
money although he could not be like Nsuku but they aren’t
poor." Khanyisa said.
"This has got nothing to do with money Khanyisa; i just love
Nsuku not his money okay?" Why people thought she wanted
Nsuku for Money??
"Okay, let’s go to the blass then." Khanyisa raised her hands up
in surrender.

**Chapter 9**
The following Friday Nsuku and his crew went to Mapungubwe
national park. They intended on staying in the place called
Leokwe camp. It was Mapungubwe’s main camp, which was
located in the Eastern section of the park in the spectacular
sandstone hills.
Nsuku had booked a family cottage which had two bedrooms,
each bedroom had two single beds, equipped kitchen,
bathroom, (WC/ and Shower) and air conditioning, ceilings fans
installed in all units and each unit has a large lapa and braai
Khanyisa was thrilled to be finally out of Msiphani for weekend
and intended to enjoy every moment including taking as many
pictures as she could to show her friend Nhlalala who wished to
go with them.
Matiendla did not even try to pretend she was happy to be with
Mixo and Khanyisa. She told them straight, it was their first and
last trip to tag along with them. You could even swear she was
the one who paid for their trip.
Matiendla disliked Mixo although he was Nsuku's best friend. In
fact, they could not stand each other. Mixo thought she was
using Nsuku for money and told him to leave her; when
Matiendla found out, she grew resentment for him. She knew
she was after Nsuku's money but for Mixo to point it out like that
wasn't what she had expected.
On Friday, they started by the main gate and saw the wonderful
interpretive Centre and Museum, which was near the main gate.
They had seen structural, which was the building of the year
2009 in the World Architectural awards. Inside they saw some
beautiful stained glass windows and many displays telling the
story of the Oldest known kingdom in Southern Africa. Displays
that was older than Great Zimbabwe.
After they went to the nearby restaurant for some light
refreshments as Matiendla had suggested. On the same day,
they visited the Maloutswa pan hide in the western section of
the park.
They had driven out the main gate and travelled west of the
entrance of this section. The pan is a favorite spot for wallowing
warthogs, which used it as a beauty for body full mudpacks and
which is excellent for birds in the wet season.

When they returned from the camp Matiendla went straight to

their bedroom to take a nap, Khanyisa did the same, as they
were so tired. Nsuku and Mixo took some camp chairs and sat
down for a while before they started their braai intending on
waking up the girls after.
The thought of leaving Zama behind bugged Nsuku, especially
after he begged to go with them. Nsuku had refused him saying
he did not have a partner. Zama and Mixo implied they could
take Nhlalala with them.
The suggestion niggled Nsuku more even when Zama promised
to pay for Nhlalala, Nsuku did not want to hear it, asking himself
why Zama wanted to take Nhlalala of all the girls.
"You know I still feel bad for leaving Zama behind."
"Come on man! We all know you don't like Zama, I really don't
understand because you used to like the guy."
"I do like him but since his confessions about Nhlalala i---
"Are you interested in Nhlalala?"
"Um….of course no, I just don't want him to hurt her.” He did not
know why he had to come up with such a lame excuse.
"Hurt her how Nsuku? We both know Zama likes Nhlalala a lot
and since when did you start caring for Nhlalala?"
Nsuku wanted to say since the day I slept with her but he
refrained himself. His friend didn't have to know he slept with
Nhlalala. He and Nhlalala promised not to mention it to anyone
and he did not want to break that promise.
"It’s not that I care…”
Mixo gawked at him, his gaze never leaving his friend's eyes.
"Nhlalala is so innocent and people like her seem to get hurt way
too easily you understand?"
" have a point boy but Zama likes her a lot, I don't
think he will hurt her."
"Oh okay Next time then." Nsuku tried to hide his smirk, there
was no next time, and he would never ever let anyone near
Nhlalala. She was his and his only.
"Are you sure you don't have the girl's feelings?" Nsuku did not
convince Mixo. He seemed like a lost puppy when it came to
"No man."

Mixo looked straight to his friend’s eyes “Man i do not care what
you say, I know you very well and I also know that you want her,
but if you ever get courage to tell her you have to know this, and
pay more attention to this bit, its important. If you ever hurt her,
there will not be a hole enough for you to hide in, I will hunt you
down and tear you, limb from limb. Am I clear? During his threat,
he had gotten so close to Nsuku’s face he had to lean back.
“Whoa, why are you this protective towards her?”
“Any friend of Khanyisa is also my friend and what hurts her
hurts me, I know when Nhlalala hurts Khanyisa will also be hurt
so I had to prevent that from happening.” Mixo didn’t have to ask
his friend anymore about Nhlalala although he could see Nsuku
had a lot to say.
On Saturday, they went to the Mapungubwe hill, walking up 47
steps to the top of Mapungubwe hill, Nsuku did not see the
reason for them taking a guide because he knew the place very
well and intended on explaining everything to his friends.
They were on their seventy steps when Khanyisa started asking
"Do you have any idea why is this place called Mapungubwe
Nsuku?" Wondered Khanyisa aloud and excited; she turned
around looking at Nsuku who was behind holding his
sweetheart's hand.
"According to Dr. M Motshega, Mapungubwe means a place of
stone of wisdom and In 1932 the student Jerry van Graan
discovered the treasures of Mapungubwe, his father owned a
farm in the Limpopo valley and while Jerry was hunting on a
neighboring farm he was given water in an unusual ceramic
container by a man called Mowena. The student offered to buy it
but the owner refused because the pot came from a sacred hill.
Jerry then remembered the story of a mysterious Frenchman
Francois Bernard Lotrie who around 1890 said to have found and
raided a treasure-laden hill in the same area, taking gold,
diamonds and emeralds...

"Mm interesting man, go ahead Nsuku...” Mixo said

encouragingly. He was just as curious about the place as his
girlfriend was.
"A few months later Jerry returned with his father and some
friends and managed to get Mowena or his son to show them
the hill. As soon as they reached the top of Mapungubwe, they
found many golden objects: bangles, beads nails and miniature
buffalo. Further, away they found a rhino, a skeleton and gold
anklet. In total they found 2.2 kilograms of gold and many other
clay and glass artifacts, they never found the fable pots with
diamonds and emeralds that the Lotrie legend spoke of."
"You seem to know a lot about this place man? How did you get
to know all of this? Asked Mixo
"My father used to tell me about this place a lot and would take
my mom and i here. You know he is interested in the park’s
wildlife and birds. The man loves nature."
"I see no reason why you brought me here Nsuku, I thought
Mapungubwe is some kind of place don't know
how to call it but you know I'm not like your father who loves
boring things." Matiendla was fuming, they could not understand
why when all of them seemed enjoying been there.
"Nsuku did not say you are like his father Matiendla, he was
explaining the reason he knows a lot about this place." Khanyisa
said displeased with Matiendla's behavior, why could not she be
happy that Nsuku was doing everything for her. She was an
ungrateful spoilt brat.
"Khanyisa, will you shut up! I wasn't talking to you or asked your
"I see no reason for you not liking this place Matiendla. These
are un-forgetful moments; did not you watch the eagles soaring
over the Botswana and Zimbabwe skies yesterday? We even
heard the echo of elephants trumpets. This place is so rich in
biodiversity and great...
"I do not care how you view this place Mixo. Can we please go
back Nsuku?"
"What?" They all asked unison
"What do you mean go back? You mean back home or to the
camp?" Khanyisa beamed at Matiendla who seemed not to care.

"I meant back to the camp but we'd rather as well go back home
as I see no reason for us been here." Matiendla said staring at
"If you are not enjoying this trip it’s your business Matiendla
because some of us are enjoying..." Khanyisa announced
"Nsuku, are you going to take me home or what? Why did you
bring them here anyway? I am the one who asked to be out and
you invited them?” She pointed to Khanyisa and Mixo. You could
see that she was bored being with them there.
"But babe we still have one day left...
"Nsuku please take me home." Matiendla demanded not caring
that Nsuku paid for their three days visit there. She certainly
expected him to jump into everything she said.
"We are not leaving this place today but tomorrow, get that into
your bimbo head Matiendla. We won't be controlled by your silly
moods...” That was Khanyisa.
Matiendla stared at Nsuku; her eyes begged him to take her side
not his friends. Nsuku felt helpless, he did not want to leave and
he did not want to upset Matiendla more, he knew her wanting
to go home was not that she did not like the place but because
of his friends. She told him that before they left but Nsuku
"Babe please let's stay ...we only have some few hours left...
"I don't care if we still have one or two hours left Nsuku, I want to
go home and if you really want to stay with your friends tell me
instead of beating around the bush."
"What will you do if Nsuku wants to stay with us?" Khanyisa
challenged not looking forward to going back home.
"I will call a friend of mine to come and fetch me."
"Well you better call her or him because Nsuku is not leaving but
will tomorrow." Mixo said
"Is that it Nsuku? Are you going to listen to them or me?
"Guys I think we have to leave tonight but...if you still want to
stay I will organize a car to come and fetch you tomorrow."
"Really, Nsuku, How can you allow her do this to you? What is so
special about her anyway? Is it because she is a Pedi?" Mixo
asked concerned showing all over his face.

"Mixo I will not allow you speak like that about my girlfriend, I
don't think you will when I do the same with yours. And what
does her being a Pedi got to do with this?" Nsuku asked
furiously and offended.
"Yes you are right Mixo, I am a Pedi and we all know that Pedi’s
are better than you Shangaan people.” Said Matiendla boasting
about being a Mopedi.
"Oh! How better if I may ask or moreover why are you not dating
a Pedi guy if you guys are better? I sometimes doubt if you are
really a Pedi or it’s just some kind of faking."
Khanyisa threw the words angrily, certainly not understanding
why Matiendla was boasting about Pedi’s been greater than
Tsonga's, and after all they were all from the same province.
The same sun shines at Polokwane shines at Tzaneen and
Giyani. She could understand if she boasted about coming from
other provinces but that wasn't even considerable as all people
had the same blood.
The fact that some had lighter skin meant nothing to Khanyisa.
She was proud of being a Tsonga and grateful for her darker
skin also.
"Faking what? Me being a Mopedi? My mother was a Tsonga
and my father a Mopedi and that makes me a Mopedi too."
"Then why are you called Matiendla? Because that's a Tsonga
name or you guys prefer Tsonga names than your own Pedi
"Like I said my mother was a Tsonga, she named me after her
"So that makes you a half Mopedi and a half Mutsonga oh no
half Shangaan as you call us and there is no need boasting
about Pedi’s because you are not...
"Guys, guys can we please stop fighting and I'm sorry for what i
said man..." Mixo apologies to his friend.
"Yes, its better that you apologized you....Matiendla interrupted
Mixo before he finished.
"Shut up Matiendla!" Nsuku snapped at her.
"Babe we don't have a choice but to leave with them tonight....”
Mixo said looking at Khanyisa. She was so disappointed and if
she did not have a reason to hate Matiendla Khanyisa got one
"But Nsuku said we can leave tomorrow…”
"No we are leaving tonight." Mixo ended their conversation.

**Chapter 10**
That was it, Nsuku and his friends went back home that night
even though Mixo and Khanyisa were not very pleased with
Matiendla. How could Matiendla act so childish? She was a
spoilt snobbish brat. The girl was crazy and so full of herself.
Mixo wondered when Nsuku was going to realize that Matiendla
was not in love with him but his father's money.
"Why did you come back early boy? Did you run out of money or
there is something else? Khensani looked concerned about his
son's sudden return. "You see honey? I told you Nsuku's
allowance is not enough. Why can’t we...
"Chill’s not about money and for the record the money
that you guys are giving me every month is enough, in fact it’s a
lot, I cannot even finish it no matter how much I spend." Nsuku
said sitting down next to his father, his eyes shifted from his
father's into his concerned mother. He wished his mother could
stop worrying about him.
"So what was the reason for your sudden return?" Jackson
asked caressing his wife’s hands. Nsuku chuckled at them and
could swear those two acted so childish sometimes.
"Matiendla did not like the fact that I invited Mixo and his
girlfriend along...."
"So she decided to come back before time? When are you going
to realize that, that Pedi-girl of yours is using you Nsuku? So
Mixo and his girlfriend had to come back also?" Jackson seemed
not to like Matiendla as well. I am glad that her beauty did not
blind one of Nsuku’s parents. The tone he used when
addressing Matiendla was obvious.
"But honey Matiendla is crazily in love with our son? Can't you
see the way she looks at him? She reminds me of our time, i
mean the time we started dating and the way you looked at me
as if I was the only thing that kept you sane." Khensani grinned,
linking her husband's fingers with hers. She seemed to be so
much in love with her husband.

Jackson looked at his beautiful wife and grinned wider. She

always had that effect on him and whenever she looked at him
with her puppy dog eyes, he fell for her repeatedly.
People always told him his wife was so rude and cruel but he
didn't see that instead, he saw someone beautiful inside and out
and that's what made him stay with her all of these years. He
never ever had to think about leaving his wife for anyone
although women threw themselves at him.
"This relationship of Nsuku and Matiendla won't last I'm telling
you honey, that girl is no good for our Nsuku."
"But I love her Papa and Mama is right, she loves me too!
"You'll come to an agreement with me one day son."
"I was surprised to see your new car at the garage Nsuku, why
didn't you take your Mazda C3-X dear?"
"Nah Mama you know I love my babe, my 2015 Ferrari FF,
although I couldn't take it to Mapungubwe?"
Some people were fortunate, Nsuku had not even reached
twenty but he owned more than one car. I sometimes wondered
why he had one girl when most guys from rich families were
players, but it did not surprise me because Nsuku was one of a
kind. He wasn't like his mother but more like Jackson.
Money did not get into him that much. Of course, he drinks and
parties a lot but although he did that he was your still down to
earth guy and that did not seat well with Matiendla and
"By the way how are your studies coming along Nsuku? You
know we won't like the repeat of last year."
Jackson's eyes shifted from his wife to his son. God! How he
loved his wife and son? He would do anything just to protect
them and would never ever let anything come near them.
Although Nsuku had the same features as him, he looked more
like his father, Nsuku's grandfather who passed away five
months after Nsuku was born. Jackson always thought his
father just waited to see his grandson because he died after
that. Although Nsuku looked more like his grandfather, he had
his eyes and behavior, for that he was always grateful.
"Not bad Papa."

"Can you please cut off these every weekend trip of yours
Nsuku? That was the reason you failed last year and I don't want
"But Papa...
"No honey, your father is right; I hope you do realize you won't
be allowed to high school if you get to fail again."
"We are serious Nsuku, you need to focus on your studies and if
you are struggling with some of your subjects like Science and
Mathematics you know there's this daughter of Maria, what's her
name again honey?” Jackson asked his wife.
"You mean Nhlalala?" Khensani asked mocking
"Yes Nhlalala, you know that girl is so intelligent, I was surprised
to hear she got seven distinctions to all of her subjects last year.
Honey I am even thinking of paying her further studies...
"That's a great idea Papa, Nhlalala will be thrilled to hear this,
Aunt Maria too. By the way where's she?"
"Where's who Nsuku? And Honey you can't be wasting money
on people like Nhlalala."
"Why honey, you seem not to like the girl."
"Of course I do not like her and will you two please stop gawking
at me, I just don't like her that’s all.”
"I rest my case." Jackson said shaking his head.
"Hello Nsuku and how are you?" Maria greeted and smiled at
Nsuku, pretending as if she didn't hear their conversation.
"Oh i am well and thank you, how's work Aunt Maria?" Nsuku’s
face lightened up when he saw Maria; she was always there for
him especially when his parents were not around.
Maria made sure Nsuku was well cared of, besides who did not
like Maria? She was a hardworking and a God fearing woman.
Always generous; in her spare time, she went to hospitals and
prayed for the sick, shared the word of God with old people. She
loved taking care of the less fortunate ones. I believe that was
the reason she took her nieces when they lost their parents.
"Work is great honey and thanks for asking! can I bring you
something to drink?"
"Come on Maria, just bring some refreshments...Can't you see
my son had a rough day?"
"Honey please, try to talk to her nicely." Jackson

"You can bring them for my parents as I'm heading straight to

the shower, Oh and Mixo will be spending the night so will you
please count him for dinner?" Nsuku said running upstairs to his
room not bothering to hear Maria's response.
When he arrived into his room he threw his phone on his bed
añd suddenly heard his phone beep, he quickly took it with the
thought that Matiendla had decided to reply his whatsup
messages, and Nsuku was disappointed to find Mixo's SMS. He
opened to read it.
'I won't be coming boy, Khanyisa is still angry with us returning
before time. I will next time my man.'
'Sure boy, I understand and feel guilty for cutting our trip short'
Nsuku decided replying his friend same time
He took a shower, went downstairs for dinner after, and found
his parents engaged in a passionate kiss. Nsuku pretended to be
so disgusted at the sight of his parents kissing. He loved his
parents and chuckled at them acting so childish when his
mother was thirty-nine and his father forty-five. He failed to
understand why his parents were still so much in love when they
had been married for twenty-one years now.
When they got married, Khensani was eighteen and Jackson
twenty-four. They were still so young according to him for
getting married at the time. Their friends even thought they
were not going to last but here they were, still so much in love
with each other.
Nsuku was glad his parents loved each other so much and gave
their all for their marriage to work up. He sometimes wished he
could get someone to love him the way his mother loved his
father. Of course, Matiendla loved him but he sometimes felt like
it wasn't enough.

**Chapter 11**
Time and weeks passed until, they reached the third week of
March. Nhlalala was still annoyed with the kids still talking about
the party that took her innocence away.
Why couldn’t they just forget about the stupid party and move
on, as it had been long gone? All she remembered about that
party was her being stupid and irresponsible.
When the kids so wished Nsuku could make another one
Nhlalala so wished to rewind the time so she could skip
attending the party, especially after making stupid confessions
to Nsuku about how she felt.
Every time she looked at him she felt so stupid and
embarrassed, where did she ever saw an African girl confess
her feelings to a guy? She thought and shook her head with
annoyance at her behaviour.
Nhlalala and the rest of her classmates were in the Mathematics
classroom except Nsuku and Matiendla who were at the
playground. It didn't surprise their classmates as skipping
classes were their usual thing, especially Matiendla who seemed
not to like school very well, she always bunked and came late.
The teachers were even tired giving her detentions.
The other kids wondered how Matiendla was going to make it to
her Matric with her attitude. All the Matriculants were supposed
to have their Saturday studies, but not for Matiendla. Her
weekends started on Fridays until Sundays and no one told her
"You know there is this Lumia 950 XL that I need Nsuku, I hope
you will get me one." Matiendla asked Nsuku who was smirking,
after two years in their relationship Nsuku was still head over
heels in love with his gorgeous girlfriend.
Still asking himself how possible was it for a girl to have all those
wonderful attractive features, beautiful eyes, sexy lips, slender amazing body.
"Matiendla, you're so beautiful..." Nsuku began without noticing
how Matiendla was so annoyed at him not responding to what
she said. "Please tell me what I've done for God to bless me with
a beautiful girlfriend like you." Nsuku reached for her hands,
lifted them and kissed them.
"Come on Nsuku, you know how we Bapedi girls are so blessed
with all the beauty unlike the Venda and Shangaan girls."
Matiendla boasted with her beautiful eyes wide opened. Nsuku
wondered who lied to her about them being beautiful than all the
othe races. He shook his head annoyed with her answer.
"That's not true honey, some of our Tsonga girls are beautiful.
Look at Nhlalala for instance, that girl is beautiful and..."

"Which Nhlalala are you talking about? Nhlalala that i know isn't
beautiful but dark and ugly." Matiendla said irritated with her
boyfriend's respond.
"Being dark doesn't mean ugliness, besides i love Nhlalala's
complexion, she isn't too dark or too light...not shortbut perfect
and I love her beautiful brown eyes and slender fingers...."
Matiendla stared at Nsuku annoyed. How could he make
compliments about another girl in front of her, besides when did
Nsuku see Nhlalala's slender fingers? Had he been with Nhlalala
without her knowing? Vonani had been telling her, she thought
they were seeing each other but Matiendla did not want to
believe it. Maybe her friend was right about this whole thing all
Nsuku did not get to see how annoyed Matiendla was because
his thoughts were far. He thought about Nhlalala's eyes and her
soft slender fingers and grinned wider.
Why did Nsuku denied having Nhlalala's feelings when she
seemed to be in his mind now and then. Every time he thought
of her, he found himself smiling.
"So why are you dating me if you think her beautiful? Am i not
beautiful enough for you Nsuku?" Matiendla demanded an
answer failing to understand what her boyfriend saw in that idiot
girl. He seemed to think about her a lot these days and that was
becoming an issue in their relationship.
"I am not saying she is beautiful than you are babe…” Nsuku
looked at her concerned "I was just trying to make you see that
Pedi's aren’t the only the beautiful ones. You are beautiful, and i
am glad i am not the only person who gets to see that."
Nsuku searched Matiendla's face and hated what he saw. She
was still angry with him. Thus, he continued saying, "Matiendla i
love you more than words can say, you complete me, i cannot
think of living life without you. In fact, i cannot stop thinking
about what the future holds for us...imagine us after five years.
Heck i don't think i will be able to wait five years to marry you."
Nsuku looked at Matiendla's beautiful face. Failing to understand
why he felt awful. He poured out his heart to the most beautiful
girl but yet felt like he did to the wrong girl. He should be telling
Nhlalala this, he shook his head with annoyance. Why was he
thinking of her again?? This Nhlalala girl was driving her crazy.
"Uh...uh..Nsuku....." Matiendla cleared her throat, feeling like
Nsuku was proposing marriage and she wasn't ready, intact she
wasn't looking forward to marrying Nsuku.

"By the way, who says we've to wait for five years? I'm changing
my mind about marrying you after five years but this year
December." He didn't know why he was still encouraging
marriage to her when Nhlalala was in his mind though.
"What? We're still young Nsuku and what if you change your
mind about me?"
"I made up my mind darling; i really need to inform my parents
so that they can start with the wedding preparations." Nsuku
meant those words. The feelings he had developed for Nhlalala
had to die. He believed he would forget Nhlalala when he got
married to Matiendla. His mother wanted him to marry Matiendla
after all and knew what's best for him right? Of course, mothers
knew what was best for their children.
"No Nsuku, can we please change the subject, it’sn't like we are
ready for marriage anyway, and did you hear me talking about
Lumia 950XL?” Matiendla reminded Nsuku.
"You want to change your phone?" Nsuku asked startled. "But
we just bought that phone two months back, come on babe and
you seemed to like the phone." Nsuku shook his head.
"I know Nsuku; of course i loved it but not anymore."
"Did i hear you say Lumia 950 XL? You don't mean the one that
costs eleven thousand and five hundred rands babe." Nsuku's
mouth hanged up wide. He couldn't believe what he heard.
Matiendla nodded her head in agreement "Yes." She replied
pulling Nsuku to her again, resting her face into Nsuku's
"No babe...that's too much...
"It’sn't like you can't afford it Nsuku, you guys have all the
money. I really want this new phone Nsuku." Matiendla begged.
"Babe...” Nsuku wrapped his arms around her and whispered in
her ears. "I know i can afford that phone but right now I'm trying
to save some money..."
"Save money? Are you guys in some kind of trouble with money
or what? If you're in trouble you really need to let me know so
that I can start making some plans about my future."
"What plans are you talking about love? You ain't thinking of
getting rid of me if we losing some money right babe?" Nsuku
asked laughing at what he thought was a joke.
"Nsuku, a girl needs to plan ahead, you know how expensive my
skin cares are, a girl needs to always look splendish, the hair,
manicure and pedicures....
"I really don't know where you're getting with all of this but let
me assure you that we ain't running out of money, but Mixo and I
are planning to start our own business since my father cannot
just give me money but..

"Oh that's great babe but eleven thousand rands won't affect
your so called planning savings." Matiendla said mockingly. One
could swear she asked a thousand rand not eleven.
"Babe, you never got to reply my question about the University
of your choice, where are you planning to further your studies
next year." Nsuku changed the subject annoyed with his
girlfriend's attitude.
"I never got to think about that, besides where will i get the
money for varsity? You know i am an orphan and Meikie is just
working at a retail store, some of us aren’t rich like you."
Matiendla's eyes were bloodshot, she knew she was an orphan
but talking about it always left her sad, especially when it came
to her father. She tried so hard not to think about her parents.
Never had she thought she could be an orphan at eighteen, She
loved her father more and wished he could have survived the
accident, when it came to her mother she didn’t know how she
felt, the other part of her wished she never had Maggie as her
mom. According to Matiendla, her mother didn't love her enough
instead; she loved Meikie more.
Matiendla thought Meikie was always the favorite child and her
mother would do anything for her precious daughter. She always
felt like an outsider at her own home because of her mother. She
wasn't thrilled or sad for losing her mother but her father’s death
left her devastated.
Her father never took sides like her mother but loved her and
Meikie the same. Thinking about her father made her sad 'Why
did he have to leave them so early? He should have survived the
accident but fate decided otherwise'
Matiendla recalled the last conversation she had with them
before the accident. She had asked them to go out with her
friends but her mother as usual had refused but allowed the
precious daughter when she asked without thinking twice. They
would even drop her off, with an excuse of that, Meikie was old
Heck she wasn't here anymore, no one would hinder her from
enjoying the life she always admired, not even Meikie. She had
all the freedom now.

Matiendla rolled back her eyes at the thought of her sister who
was not over their parent's death even after two years. She
could understand with the death of their parents but for her
crying her eyes out for Jake's death after a month annoyed her
Matiendla couldn't understand why her sister loved Jake so
much when he had nothing. Jake was so poor but loved her
sister dearly though, infact they loved each other so much,
Matiendla tried destroying her sister's marriage in order for
Meikie to leave Jake but failed. She always wished her sister
could have gotten married to a richer man but not her sister; the
one who had the good heart did not want any other man but her
According to Matiendla, Meikie was a fool to fall for poor men
when she was so beautiful to have any other rich men. Anyway,
that was none of her business.
Matiendla's mind drifted back after Nsuku snapped her out of
her flashbacks.
"Come on babe, i can get papa to pay for your varsity fees and
he is planning to help Nhlalala too." Nsuku said thrilled.
"Oh my God, one more word about Nhlalala I swear Nsuku…”
Matiendla pulled of her face from Nsuku annoyed. “This Nhlalala
is the only thing we talk about these days. Nhlalala these,
Nhlalala that, i am sick and tired of your ugly retard Nsuku, or
are you falling for her? She eyed him with her big eyes.
"What?" Nsuku jumped up so quickly, how could Matiendla think
such thing "Of course no darling, what makes you think I am
falling for her."
"I know you Nsuku, I see the way you are looking at that girl
these days it’s so obvious that you like her, it's the same way you
looked at me when i first arrived in this place and besides, I am
not the only person who sees this but Vonani also."
"I am not falling for anyone babe. What about the phone that you
were talking about?" Nsuku tried to bring back the same subject
he avoided in the beginning.
This whole Nhlalala Saga was starting to annoy him, not only
Matiendla could think he was falling for Nhlalala but Mixo also
thought the same thing. He asked him about these four days
after his party. Could it be possible? Was he really falling for
Nhlalala? Hell, no he loved Matiendla no one else.

*Chapter 12*
After school, Nsuku found himself with Mixo and Zama. They
were still waiting for Matiendla who was at the principal's office
and seemed to be taking so long; Mixo and Zama were getting
impatient waiting for her although they couldn't say it loud.
Nsuku layed so relaxed on his stretched car seat, waiting
"You wanted to tell me something man?" Nsuku watched Mixo
busy playing games on his cell phone with Zama to kill the time.
It was so obvious Mixo was bored and he seemed not interested
in the game but had no choice.
"Wait a minute man! Let me finish this game first, Zama thinks I
won't win." Mixo announced to Nsuku.
"That I don't think but know very well. I know just the way I know
I love Nhlalala." Zama grinned wider.
Nsuku turned his head and stared at Zama irritated. 'Did Zama
have to mention Nhlalala's name every time he spoke up?
Besides what did, he meant when he said he loved her. Nhlalala
was his and Zama had to get that into his fucking head' Nsuku
thought to himself and the thought scared him.
Why was he thinking Nhlalala belonged to him? Didn’t he tell her
he loved Matiendla? Damn he needed to stop these thoughts
before they became real.
"Oh yeah man! I lost again; i think i need to stop thinking i will
ever get to beat you because i won't." Mixo laughed aloud.
"Yes i know i am the best, soon i will prove that to my girl--
"Can you please stop saying that Nhlalala is your girl? You're not
even together in the first place but you're busy calling her your
girl." Nsuku’s voice shook with fume.
"Whoa chill man, what’s up with you?" Zama rose up his
eyebrow at him; not understanding why Nsuku was fuming.
"I'm sorry man; i don't know what got into me, why is Matiendla
taking so fucking long? We are going to miss the afternoon
"Yeah and that reminds me." Mixo stared at Nsuku with a
concern face, "I don't know how you're going to take this but I
have to inform you as your friend."
"Come on man, I can take anything as a man, what is it?" Nsuku
assured his friend putting his arm around his shoulder..
"Matiendla is cheating on you..
"Mixo come on man, I know you hate my girl's gut but for you
making all this up so that I can break up with her..
"Wake up man, Mixo isn't lying, we saw her with Mr.Maluleke last
friday Nsuku..
"Which Mr.Maluleke? You mean our English teacher?"
Mixo nodded his head, "They were at Tzaneen dam holding
hands and kissing, we wanted to take them pictures but they
were far..

Mixo pulled out his mobile and quickly opened it, showing Nsuku
the pictures. "But these ain't clear.
"But this looks like Meikie, Matiendla's sister." Nsuku said staring
at the pictures clearly. This couldn't be his girl, she wouldn't
cheat on him right?
"Hey, I am sorry I kept you guys waiting?" Matiendla pulled the
door opened and went in. She looked at them and sensed the
"Guys I would like to talk to Matiendla alone. Do you have
enough money for you to catch a taxi?" He asked his friends
ignoring Matiendla's apology. Matiendla once knew something
was up, never in their two years of relationship she had seen him
this annoyed. His eyes weren't in their normal colour but red.
"No don't worry man we will walk." Mixo touched Zama’s
shoulder, Zama knew what he implied and got out of the car
leaving Mixo’s phone with Nsuku.
"Matiendla, you know I love you right? Nsuku started glaring at
Matiendla who found herself uncomfortable to her boyfriend's
"Of course Nsuku and why are you asking me this?" Matiendla
"Do I fail you somehow?" Nsuku’s fingers pounded at the
steering wheel impatiently.
"Of course no and why..
"Am I not good enough for you?"
"Of course you are."
"Stop lying to me Matiendla, I fail to understand why you're
hurting me, is there anything I don't do for you?" Nsuku shook
Matiendla's shoulders "Answer me! Nsuku understood why other
men hit their girlfriends; women could make one do stupid
things sometimes.
He felt like hitting her but refrained himself. He didn't believe in
hitting women especially when he grew up hearing his father
saying that hitting women didn't make one a man but a coward.
"Out with it Nsuku, what's the meaning of all this nonsense
questions? You know you satisfy me and that's the reason I'm
with you."
"Do I really satisfy you Matiendla?" Nsuku tried to remain calm
but failed. "If that's so why're you cheating on me?" He
demanded some answers.
"What? Me a cheater? come on Nsuku." Matiendla faked a laugh,
inside she was trembling with fear.
"If you ain't cheating what's this?" Nsuku threw Mixo's phone
towards her. "What's this nonsense Matiendla? I swear I will kill
you with my bare hands if you're really trying to double cross
me, not after everything I'm doing for you." Nsuku trembled with
anger booming out.
She took the mobile and checked clearly, her hands trembling
with fear. She had never saw him this furious and it scared the
shit out of her.

"Um what..? A cat bite off your big tongue?" Nsuku asked losing
it and slapped Matiendla on the cheek.
Matiendla's hand ran to cover her cheek, shocked that Nsuku
slapped her. He never did that since they started dating. "You
slapped me Nsuku?"
"And I wouldn't mind doing it again if you keep on lying to me,
what do you take me for, your fool?" Nsuku was more than
"I..where did you get this? Are you now stalking me Nsuku?"
Matiendla asked still holding her cheek.
"What? You ain't even ashamed...
"Why should i be ashamed? Matiendla’s voice got higher. “Oh i
see, you think this person is me? She pointed at the picture
"Don't play games with me Matiendla; I know this is you..
"Can you look at the pictures again? Matiendla threw him back
the phone "I thought you know me very well but I have been
wrong, can't you see this is Meikie, you know my sister and I
look alike." She stared at Nsuku annoyed, she had to come up
with something and so fast.
"That was last week Friday when she went out with Mr Maluleke;
i told you my sister is seeing Mr Maluleke right?" Matiendla lied.
She was grateful that she looked like her sister. Poor Meikie,
Matiendla wondered what her sister would think of her trying to
ruin her reputation just for her saving her fake relationship.
"I...I.." Nsuku tried to remain calm "But your sister just lost her
husband eight weeks back, how can she be seeing Mr. Maluleke
after such..
"Who are you to judge my sister?"
"Oh I'm sorry babe..I wasn't judging her but..
"Yes, you are Nsuku, but for you accusing me of cheating on you
with Mr. Maluleke? That is out of line." Matiendla faked some
crying. Nsuku held her in his arms with regrets of believing his
"I really thought that person in the picture is you and all
because Mixo and Zama said they saw you with Mr. Maluleke. I
am so sorry babe, please find it in your heart to forgive me?"
"Babe we both know that Mixo and Zama don't like me and they
will try all they can to separate us." Matiendla tried to hide the
smirk that was forming and could not believe Nsuku bought her
"No love, they just want the best for me."
"Meaning i am the worst for you?"
"No...However, they mean well. I am sorry love and please
Matiendla never ever think of cheating on me."
"It’s okay Nsuku, but never ever think of hitting me again, I swear
if you ever try it again, this relationship won't go anywhere." She

"Please love forgive me, i will not raise my hand upon you ever
again." Nsuku said smiling at her.
Matiendla smiled back at him, knowing she won the battle.
Those two idiots tried to ruin her relationship with Nsuku and it
was so close.
Nsuku leaned in and kissed her, after that he held her face
staring at his beautiful girl. After a while he started his car.
Mixo and Zama were not far when they reached them. Nsuku
stopped his car for them to get in and the guys couldn't believe
what they saw.
How could Nsuku forgive her like that? She cheated on him and
he just forgave her at once? What was wrong with him? Mixo
started thinking the girl was using some spells on his friend. No
one behaved the way Nsuku did in their normal state.
Mixo glanced at Zama and he shrugged, not knowing what to
say, it was like they were fools for trying to look out for their
This wasn't love, Mixo thought, he knew this was far from love
because he also loved Khanyisa but if she ever cheats on him,
He knew he would not even think twice to break up with her, that
he didn't doubt. Why couldn't his friend do that?
On their way home, Matiendla kept on glancing back over to
Mixo and Zama. Giving them her evil smile as if telling them
there was nothing they could do to break her relationship with
Mixo and Zama just looked at each other, shook their heads at
their friend, and decided to keep quiet all the way but they
regretted telling their friend this and promised to keep quiet next
time if it happened.

**Chapter 13**
Nhlalala felt as if she was in an oven every time she attempted to
step outside her classroom door. The sun was so intense and its
unbearable heat kept her from walking home.
No one could bear walking that distance alone. She didn't
understand why her classmates rushed going home when the
sun ragged instead of them staying behind until it had calmed.
Anyway, who could blame them? She thought. Her classmates
had somewhere rushing to unlike her. She had nowhere rather
than going back home to clean and cook; her everyday thing.
Nhlalala thought about how boring her life was.
If she weren't in church, she was laying on her bed the whole
day doing nothing if not studying. Although she was grateful
Maria took them in, she wasn't happy with how her life turned to.
Maria was so stereotyped; always speaking about the church
things and the worse part, she wanted Nhlalala and Musa to do
the same.
Musa seemed to like it but Nhlalala felt like she was in prison.
Nhlalala loved Aunt Maria so much but wished she could just let
her live her life the way she desired sometimes. Of course, she
loved church but sometimes she felt like she was losing out in
life because of the church thing. Kids at her own school always
teased her of this church thing and Nhlalala felt like if it wasn't
about it they wouldn't tease her.
Knowing she was going to be alone at home, Nhlalala decided to
stay behind in school and study her books, telling herself, she
would leave when the sun calmed. She knew it was still early
considering that the school ended earlier than most days. One
of their teachers passed on and the teachers had gone to see
their colleague's family.
She tried on working on her Mathematics paper one, as she
didn't understand some of the things, Mr. Mashele taught them.
After some few minutes, Nhlalala felt so drained and why she felt
that way after working on one question worried her.
Working so hard on her subjects never bothered her since she’s
intelligent and numbers were not difficult for her but at that
moment, she found herself struggling to focus and felt like
taking a nap.
Nhlalala couldn't understand why she felt so drained and tired all
the times, that didn't bother her but falling asleep without
noticing was another thing. She was still deciding upon taking a
nap when she remembered the day her parents died on. It was
the same day and her birthday as well. After seven years full the
pain hadn't extricate.

Nhlalala still failed to believe her own father took their mother’s
and his life because of her. Patricia died just because she chose
to save Nhlalala and let Nhlamulo die due to her critical condition
of her pregnancy.
Had she chose her twin brother, she wouldn't have died, James
would have been glad he had a son he always wanted. Why
Patricia chose her instead of her twin brother when she knew
her father wanted a son not a daughter.
Nhlalala’s hands fiddled with her mother’s necklace that she
carried with her always, tears ran down her eyes. She watched
the beautiful woman who gave birth to her and her little brother.
The picture looked more like the rest of her mother’s pictures
Maria showed them.
Of all the pictures, not even one looked like her mother in reality.
At the pictures Patricia was so beautiful, had perfect smile and
the most beautiful black eyes that stood out not the swollen red
ones and the doomed face that Nhlalala failed to forget.
At the pictures, she saw a different person, someone so full of
life, someone who couldn't let anyone not even her chicken
father walk upon, and someone who could take any challenge.
Not the weak woman she knew her mother was. The woman she
saw at the picture was perfect than the one she saw lying so
helpless the day she returned home from school.
Why did her mother let her father ruin their lives? Why didn't
their mother leave their father when people begged her to?
Maria begged Patricia to leave James and start her own life
before he killed her but her mother had refused saying she loved
Did she love James very much than her own children? If it was
all because of love, Nhlalala didn't want the same kind of love.
'Love should not feel like added weight, it should make you feel
as light as air'.
Nhlalala thought while tears ran down her face, 'Why did you
love Papa so much to let him kill you Mama?' Nhlalala’s gaze
never left her mother's necklace.

Nhlalala's thoughts continued wandering.

'Its clear that Papa didn't feel the same way you did about him?
Had he did he shouldn't have hurt you Mama, he shouldn't have
taken your life and left us without parents?'
Nhlalala sobbed so hard. Why did it hurt and couldn’t get better
by the time?
James didn’t deserve to be a father, not for her and Musa, he
was a cruel man. Why God gave them a father like him was
beyond her imagination.
Maria was nothing like James even though they were siblings.
She was so caring and loving when her father was an opposite.
Nhlalala was grateful for her Aunty, who had been there for them
through thick and thin, if it wasn't for Maria, she didn't know
where they would be.
Did her mother love James the same way she loved Nsuku?
Nhlalala's mind still wandered, If she did, could she still blame
her for not leaving James? Could you really leave someone you
loved so much? Could she bare living without Nsuku?
Nhlalala asked herself those questions. Yes, she loved Nsuku
but her safety and happiness came first, that was what her
mother should have thought of especially when it came to her
own children.
They were orphans just because of stupid love. If Nsuku was like
her father better she, remained single the rest of her life than
putting her life in danger because of love.
After a little while, exhaustion took over her and fallen asleep on
her desk.

**Chapter 14**
The same late afternoon Nsuku went back to school to fetch his
assignment papers, after searching for so long and asking Mixo
if he saw them by any chance he realized he left them at school.
If the submitting date wasn't due the following day he would
have left them. He thought getting into his car going back to
Thinking he could fail his matric again left him unease and with
so many questions. His parents weren't going to stick around for
him forever, would he survive without them if anything were to
happen. Nobody knew what tomorrow brings, what if they died
Heck, he needed to take life seriously and stopped taking it for
granted. Partying every weekend wasn't going to help him;
instead, that was throwing away his future in watch.
When Nsuku got to School, he rushed out of his car to their
classroom and hoped to get his papers on the top of his desk
where he left them but couldn't see them anywhere near. His
eyes wandered back to the classroom until they landed on a
figure sleeping and quickly looked at his wristwatch, checking
on the time, it was half past five late.
Why was this girl still in school when the school ended on
eleven that day? Maybe she fell asleep! Nsuku assumed going
closer to the girl’s resting place.
"Nhlalala! He said so low recognizing the person. Everyone went
home long ago including her bestie, Khanyisa. She seemed so
peaceful that he felt so bad he had to wake her up.
Nsuku stared at her and wished she could open her beautiful
brown eyes, the eyes he loved so much. First time he saw those
eyes he asked his father how was it possible for a black girl to
have brown eyes, as he had never seen someone with those
eyes before. His father had mentioned that even black people do
have brown eyes.
Nsuku had always wanted to see if his father was right but until
today he had never saw such thing. Nhlalala's eyes were unique.
He held her hand and felt the scar on her wrist; he looked at her
arm to see if it really was a scar. 'Damn what could have cut her
so deep?' He wondered watching the big scar.
His eyes shifted to her beautiful face, her eyes and perfect nose
until they reached and stopped at her beautiful lips. Was there
anything ugly about this girl? Nsuku wondered, he shook his
head muttering "This girl would be the death of me." Shouldn't it
be a crime for God creating such beautiful people like Nhlalala.
He thought again.

Nsuku knew Matiendla was beautiful and more than beautiful

but there was something about Nhlalala that seemed to draw
him into her. What was it? Only if he could find that thing.
Nsuku was still so deep in thought when his phone rang and dug
it out of his pocket, looking at the caller ID. "Zama! Nsuku asked
surprised receiving a call from him. Yes, Zama was his friend but
more like Mixo's friend, so he wasn't used to him calling.
"Hey boy, I am at your place right now, where are you?" Nsuku
caught the panic in Zama’s voice
"I..." Nsuku didn't get to reply him as he watched Nhlalala stir
waking up. She looked so out of place; her face so full of dry
There was nothing beautiful about a crying face but Nhlalala still
looked beautiful. Was Nhlalala crying?
"I am sorry man, i am in the middle of something right now and
will call you after...
"Nsuku, please man don't hang up, i know you might be busy
"What is it Zama?" Nsuku heard Zama's voice shook from fear
"It’s about Nhlalala, I just met her aunt and Musa, she hasn't yet
returned from school..
"She is with me Zama, don't worry...Nsuku wondered if Zama
only called to tell him or there was something more.
"Oh okay thanks man, I was worried sick about her and wanted
to ask you to take me back to school so we could look for..
Nsuku didn't let him finish, but wondered what Zama thanked
him for, for being with Nhlalala? Why did Zama make it his
business to know about Nhlalala's whereabouts? That was damn
none of his business. Nsuku found himself annoyed by Zama's
call and ended the call immediately.
His eyes caught the brown ones that were drooling at him.
"Were you crying Nhlalala? Concerned was written all over
Nsuku's face.
" no, why am I still here this time?"
"I wanted to ask the same thing girl, are you okay?" Nsuku
refrained himself from holding Nhlalala's face. What was she
going to think when he did that?
"Yes, I wonder why I fell asleep." Nhlalala stood, closed her eyes
and took deep controlled breaths to calm the nausea that rolled
around her stomach. Nsuku looked at her wondering.
"Oh! and I have your assignment papers here with me, I thought
to bring them late tonight but now that you are here..." She said
taking out the papers inside her bag and passed them to the
"Thanks Lala, I came to fetch them and did you get to finish
yours? Nsuku said smirking.
Nhlalala shook her head wondering why Nsuku always called her

"Did you Nhlalala?" Nsuku repeated his question seeing her

staring at him so dreamily as if it was the first time seeing him
and why was she laughing, surprised him.
Did he say something that made her to laugh? Hell no, he didn't
say anything stupid to make this girl in front of him to smirk at
him, he couldn't understand this girl and he now felt as if he had
to know her more.
"Did I what?" She asked astonished
"Did you finish your assignments?" Nsuku asked patiently
"Yes, I got to finish it last week and don't tell me you didn't?"
"Those things are difficult, I stuck on section B, and you know
physical Science isn't really my thing." He said moving his hand
through his head nervously
"Come on Nsuku, there's nothing difficult on that assignment
just that you're too lazy to use your brains besides you shouldn't
have taken Science if isn't your thing." Nhlalala laughed aloud,
she felt dizzy and dropped back to her seat.
"I need to stop skipping meals." She murmured to herself.
Nsuku watched her, she seemed unwell "Do you mind helping
me with the assignment?"
"Isn't it a bit late Nsuku?" Nhlalala asked looking outside the
window. The sun was no longer shinning instead the darkness
had started appearing.
"I know but tomorrow is a due date, please, pretty please help
me!!...Nsuku tried to beg. Nhlalala laughed at him begging. It did
not suit him at all.
"Can I see where you stucked?" Nsuku showed her the papers
and the section B where he had stuck on. "Oh okay… Nhlalala
took the papers and starts reading aloud. "Section B….."
Her eyes shifted to Nsuku's black ones. "The statement says, an
ambulance speeds towards the hospital at a speed of
180km.h-1, sirens on." She then took the scriber and wrote the
speed down while Nsuku watched
"….The siren has a frequency of 400Hz…..." She wrote down the
"….A man, walking next to the road at a speed of 6km.h-1 in the
opposite direction, hears the siren but keeps walking. The
ambulance passes him and continues to move away from him,
the siren still on right?" Nhlalala asked
"Yes." Nsuku replied nodding.
"The first question is for us to describe the Doppler's effect
Nsuku nodded his head and Nhlalala smiled at him "How do we
describe the Doppler's effect?" She asked and Nsuku's hand ran
on his head, he had no clue about what Nhlalala had said.
Nhlalala tried to refrain from laughing but his facial expression
left her laughing aloud. She watched him running his hand
through his head and couldn't understand if he was nervous.
"Here is the answer ' The Doppler's effect it’s the change in the
frequency of the sound heard by an observer if the sound moves
towards him or away from the observer."
"Oh okay."
"Now we need to describe what the man will hear when the
ambulance approaches him and when the ambulance moves
away from him."
"If the ambulance approaches him, he will hear a higher
frequency right?" Nsuku asked watching Nhlalala
"Yes Nsuku." She said smiling at him, impressed by his answer.
"And when the ambulance moves away from him he will hear a
lower frequency."
"That's it Nsuku, you see these things aren’t difficult?"
"Yeah to you but can I just get to copy yours? I really don't have
time for this, besides i don't understand why i should stress
when i can just get to copy yours simply." He said
"Come on Nsuku, how are you going to do in the exam room
when I just give you mine to copy?" Nsuku laughs
"I will see when I get there, but for now please let me copy."
"Oh okay." Nhlalala took out her assignment and gave it to
Nsuku; she was really fighting to calm her stomach down.
"I really need to leave Nsuku; I truly believe that my Aunty is
worried by now."
"Oh yes she was worried-
"Really?” Nhlalala panicked
"Yes but they know you're safe, I think I will return these
tomorrow." Nsuku said holding up the papers to Nhlalala
"No problem Nsuku.." Nhlalala didn't get to finish what she
wanted to say. She rushed outside to the rest rooms and Nsuku
ran after her.
"Nhlalala are you okay in there." Nsuku asked for the third time,
he paced anxiously outside the restroom that Nhlalala was in.
" am fine Nsuku." She shouted aloud for him to hear
"Are you sure babe?"
Nhlalala caught his worried voice, oh did the guy called her
babe?? She smiled. "Um can leave now."
"Leave? You mean I should leave you here? Hell no Lala, you are
coming with me."
"Come out when you done so that we can leave, I will go and
fetch our books." Nsuku said leaving.

"You can leave me... I will walk..." Nhlalala hesitated getting into
Nsuku's car.
"Nonsense, I am not leaving you here. Let's go girl." Nsuku
opened his car door and Nhlalala got in.
The drive was so quiet but comfortable. When they got into
Nhlalala's place, Nsuku stopped his car and turned to Nhlalala
who was trying so hard to avoid Nsuku's eyes.
"Are you sure you well? You were crying before you fell asleep
and i thought you were going to tell me what's bothering you but
I can see you don't want to share." Nsuku looked into her eyes.
The eyes he couldn't forget. "Do you mind sharing what the
problem is?"
"I was just thinking about my parents, do you know they died on
this same day seven years back?" Nhlalala asked. Tears were
now running down her face. Nsuku helds her face and wipe
away her tears with concern.
"I am sorry Nhlalala; do you want to talk about it?" Nsuku found
himself asking and Nhlalala shook her head sobbing, Nsuku held
her in his arms comforting her.
After what felt like few minutes, Nhlalala raised her head looking
straight to Nsuku's eyes. "I am sorry that I soaked your shirt with
my silly tears….
"Hey…He smiled at her “It’s okay I really don't mind."
"I don't know why i am crying, it's been so long now, i should
have forgotten about this long time ago you know, I really don't
understand why all i seem to be doing these days is crying." She
shook her head and tried to smile.
"If you need someone to talk to you know i am here and will
always be here for you." Nsuku said leaning towards Nhlalala and
watched her lips.
"I will keep that in… Nhlalala stopped when she realized he was
just staring at her lips with lust that filled his eyes.
"You know i...i...i...really...want you." Nsuku seriously
and nervously said.
"Do you?" Nhlalala raised her face up surprised; she looked at
Nsuku who turned away from her embarrassed. He couldn't
understand why he said that out so loud.
"If only you want me to kiss you?" Nsuku asked leaning to
Nhlalala. Nhlalala laughed and nodded her head in agreement.
Nsuku didn't waste much time, he held her face and kissed her.
Zama, who stood waiting closer to Nhlalala's gate felt his heart
breaking at the scene upfront him. The girl he loved with all his
heart was kissing another guy??

**Chapter 15**
They were still so engaged in the kiss when they heard a tap on
the car window. Nhlalala immediately jumped off thinking it was
her aunt and found herself sigh in relief seeing it was not her but
Zama who was now waving in front of them annoyed.
" should leave Lala." Nsuku murmured
"I...I...yeah...see you tomorrow?" Nhlalala asked hoping to see
him again. Nsuku just nodded opening his car door for Nhlalala.
"Hey Nhlalala how are you?" Zama asked smiling at her
"I am fine and Nsuku told me how worried you were because of
me but i just want to assure you that i can take care of myself
Zama and thanks for your concern but there was no need for
you to worry about me."
"You know I care about you and so much...
"I know, I also care about you but not in the way you do...I hope
you will respect that." Nhlalala said leaving Zama breaking to the
"Let's go Zama." Nsuku shouted annoyed.
Zama opened the car door and peeked inside, not wanting to
ride with him. "I saw that...."
"You saw what exactly?"
"You and her kissing....
"So is there any problem with that?"
"Yes, we both know i love her and...
"But she doesn't love you, right?" Nsuku asked smirking.
"What's your problem Nsuku?" Zama was beyond angry. "I can
see what you are trying to do and i dont like it. Stay the hell away
from my girl or else....
Nsuku opened his eyes wide smirking. "Is that a threat man?
Because if that's it you ain't scaring me."
"No this isn't a threat but a warning...Nhlalala is mine and
alone." Zama said without blinking.
"Bad for you because I ain't going to watch you take her just like
that, she is mine and would never be yours." Nsuku throws out
the words annoyed. This guy was getting to his nerves.
"What about Yellowbone?"
"What about her?"
"You have Yellowbone and now you want the Brownbone? There
you won't win man, i can assure you."
Nsuku laughed aloud..
"This is funny to you? Oh I see! You think your father's money
will make you have all the beautiful girls in this village? . If that's
so you're wrong...
"This has got nothing to do with my father and leave him out of
this okay." Nsuku was beyond angry
"I don't understand you man! You have Matiendla but you still
want Nhlalala? Such a greedy man mxm." Zama said shaking his
head and left.

On his way back home Nsuku found himself playing, "Love

portion" Ondezantoni by Mafikizolo, For the past seven weeks
the song had become his favourite. Denying he was in love with
Nhlalala wasn't working. She was the first and last person he
thought about when he woke up and drifted to sleep. She was
driving him crazy.
His mother would forgive him for ruining their plans but he won't
be seeing Matiendla anymore. He made up his mind. Nhlalala
was all he wanted and wont stand watching Zama take her.
When Nsuku got home it was late evening, he found his mother
standing in their kitchen holding a glass of water.
She seemed so deep in thought that Nsuku almost believed the
glass she held was going to fall down. Not wanting to disturb
her, Nsuku decided to pass, going straight to his own room, and
takes a nap
He felt so drained and the only thing to relax him was snuggling
inside his blankets, but looking at the state his mother was he
refrained from doing so. She looked so depressed and sad at the
same time. Wait a minute! This had to do with John Malungani,
he met him going out when he arrived. Coming to think about it
whenever John came around his mother seemed uncomfortable
and was left depressed and sad.
His father had noticed as well and kept asking what was going
on between them, however, Khensani refused to say the
problem and kept saying they must fire John. What did John say
to her that could have upset her? Nsuku was so sure that John
had something to do with his mother's sadness. What did John
hold on his mother that she hated him so much? Probably it has
something to do with his salary.
Nsuku thought. No if that was the case, John would have talked
to his father not his mother.
"Mama! Are you well?" Nsuku asked his mother unaware of his
tone, which scared Khensani. She then watched him and saw
concern written over his face and that hurt her.
"Oh yes honey, I'm well." Khensani said touching Nsuku's
shoulder, assuring him she was fine. "I was just thinking about
work, you know how hectic it is around this time with all the
accidents happening." Sadness reflected upon her voice.
Khensani hated lying to his son but knew she had to keep her
"Oh, I understand Mama." Nsuku said not convinced.
”What about you? Are you okay?" Khensani smiled at her son.
"Oh and I bumped into Matiendla earlier in town today, she is
looking good, however she mentioned that you are avoiding her
sometimes since on that party of yours."

"What about you? Are you okay?" Khensani smiled at her son.
"Oh, I bumped into Matiendla earlier in town, she is looking so
good, however she complained about you avoiding her
sometimes since that party of yours, what's going on
"Nothing, you know how Matiendla is forever complaining and I
am sick and tired of her always running to you to badmouth me
instead of talking to me....
"Are you sure there's nothing else? You know you can tell me
anything." Khensani pulled the chairs for them to sit down.
"Um...Mama...." Nsuku ran his hand through his head, where to
begin? His mother was the one who planned this whole
Matiendla relationship with Maggie, her mother. She loved
Matiendla as her own and promised to protect her no matter
what. Will she accept Nhlalala?
"Mthembu, you know you can talk to me about anything, I am
your mother after all."
"Is it possible for one to..I mean "Is it possible for…i don't know
why i am even asking you this, I should be asking Dad but you're
here?" Suddenly Nsuku felt so embarrassed asking his mother
about girl's stuff.
"Come on Nsuku, you know I am your mother, there is no need
to be embarrassed, you can tell me anything." Khensani touched
his son’s hands to assure him he can rely on her.
"Is it possible to fall out of love?"
"What do you mean Nsuku? Of course it is...wait a minute? Who
is the other girl?"
"Um...Mama I know you tried working on Matiendla and i 's
relationship but it is not working, I fell out of love with her...
"You don't mean that? No you don't Nsuku." Khensani said
pacing around the kitchen. "Tell me you are joking Nsuku, you
cannot ruin what Maggie and i worked so hard for all your lives..
"But Matiendla is tiring me these days Mama...
"You see when I say you have a problem, so she was right, you
are avoiding her?"
"Mama I am in love with someone else...."
"What! And who the hell is she?"
"I haven't told her yet but I will before Zama wins her...
"I asked who the hell is this girl?"
"Nhlalala Khosa."
Khensani's eyes went wide, after recovering from the shock she
laughed aloud. "For a second you got me worried boy, but the
joke isn't funny."
Nsuku shook his head annoyed, "What do you mean Mama?
This isn't a joke but the truth...I am in love with Nhlalala...."
"You mean you are falling out of love with Matiendla and falling
for that idiot and ugly girl? What are you taking my boy?

"You mean you're falling out of love with Matiendla and falling for
that poor ugly thing?" What are you taking lately boy? Nyoape?"
"I'm not taking anything but simply in love with a wonderful...
"Whoa, limit the speed Nsuku, You ain't making sense, when did
you realised you're in love with her...
"Its been so long now but I was in denial..
"I cannot believe this, or maybe we aint talking about the same
Nhlalala, do you mean Maria's niece?" Khensani asked startled,
she gawked at Nsuku as if he had grown two heads. How could
her son be in love with that ugly and poor girl? Couldn't he see
he deserved better than that ugly thing? Never ever, will she
allow his son to be involved with that poor girl?
"I---- am serious Mama, i really don't know why and how but i
can't stop thinking about her and every time Zama comes near
her i get angry and when he talks to her it’s worse because I
know he wants her. Zama really wants her Mama and i don't
know what to do?" Nsuku panicked
"Come on Nsuku, you know you can't be in love with Nhlalala?"
Nsuku looked at his mother puzzled. Didn’t she hear what he
had just said? Why couldn't his mother accept his feelings for
Nhlalala just as she had accepted Matiendla?
"What about Matiendla?"
"What about her Mama? He stood and paced around. “Right
now, I don't know what I feel for her. It’s like Matiendla and I
aren’t meant to be together Mama, I always hear bad things
about her, the thingsI don't like."
"Which things are you talking about?"
"Things that she is cheating on me mama... I used not to believe
those rumors but now." Nsuku raised up his hands on the air as
if he wanted nothing to do with Matiendla.
"I think you need to listen to me and you better listen carefully
because I am not going to repeat this, Matiendla is the one for
you, she is beautiful and your type not that ugly, dark and poor
girl. She is...
"But Mama....
"There's no buts my boy, I don't want to hear that name in this
house again, you know how Maggie and I planned for you guys
to get married, I cannot betray her now that she is gone."
Khensani said staring at Nsuku who tussled himself at a chair
defenselessly, not knowing what to do.
"Good evening Family?" Jackson entered his house, happily
announcing his presence with greetings. He stared at his wife
and son, sensing something wasn't well.
"Good evening Papa." Nsuku returned the greeting still looking
on his lap.

Jackson hugged and kissed his wife, "And you Mrs.Mthembu,

ain't you happy to see your lovely hubby?"
"I am not in the mood Mthembu and please talk to your son."
"What did you do to my wife Nsuku?"
"Can you believe it, after preparing him and Matiendla for
eighteen years, he wants to ruin this because he is falling for
that poor idiotic and ugly thing...
"Whoa what are you talking about? So Nsuku is no longer in love
with our South african queen Beyonce?" Khensani nodded her
head annoyed why her husband called her Beyonce. "Oh we
thank God for that...
”What exactly do you mean you thank God? You...
"I am sorry honey but this is good news, so who is our new
south african daughter in law...
"You cannot be serious Mthembu, you are not...
"But honey, we cannot force him to marry without love, just like
us allow the boy to choose the woman he wants to spend his...
”Over my dead body, Nsuku, you listen to will marry
Matiendla whether you like it or not or else you are dead to me...
"WHAT??? Nsuku and Jackson asked unison.
"You cannot disown your son over...
"Watch me, you think I am kidding, I will show you I am not."
Khensani left furiously...Jackson touched Nsuku's shoulder.
"So tell me, who is she?"
A grin appeared on his face before the answer. "Nhlalala Khosa, I
love her Papa...
"This calls for celebration son, I knew you two were meant to be
together since the day you asked me about her brown eyes."
Jackson said chuckling.
"Really Papa, so you still remember...
"Who could forget? You fell for her long time ago and I have
been waiting for this day... Let me go and freshen up so that we
can leave and celebrate."
"What about Mama...
"She will come around, don't worry."

**Chapter 16**
One Sunday morning looked to be so hectic for Nhlalala. She
woke up feeling so crushed and helpless, like somebody had
drained all the energy out of her body. For eight weeks, she
woke up feeling that way, throwing up early in the morning
without eating anything and the waves of nausea were
overwhelming her? This was getting worse by the day and if
things did not change, she had to go to Grace Mugodeni
"Nhlalala aren’t you going to church?" Maria asked surprised
seeing her still asleep; she was standing outside Nhlalala's
bedroom door, looking so well dressed and ready for the
Nhlalala stared at her aunt who still looked so young and
beautiful. She never had to understand why her aunt decided
not to remarry after her husband died after two years they
married and Nhlalala was twelve years old by the time. She
always felt guilty that Musa and her were the reason she refused
to marry again.
"I am no longer sure if i will be coming with you aunt, I just don't
feel well enough to wake up and I don't know why?"
"What's the matter honey? Are you catching flu or what? Maria
came inside and touched Nhlalala's forehead to feel if she was
hot. It really surprised Maria how blazing hot Nhlalala was when
she had her windows opened.
"I really don't know aunt, i will attend the service next week, is
Musa coming with you?"
"No, we both know him; he left earlier for his Sunday school
service. I wonder who is going to lead us on worship today that
you are sick."
"Don't worry aunt, brother Thuto will be there to lead the
worship and besides I would not lead as...
"And I meant to ask you why you aren’t leading the worship
these days. It’s been six Sundays if I'm not mistaken that you
have been declining to lead the worship and pastor Ngobeni is
really worried about that, why aren’t you honey?"
"Aunty, will you please stop with these so many questions and
go to church before you miss the service." Nhlalala did not feel
like talking anymore and her aunt seemed to have all the energy.
"Let's hope you will tell me all when I return, I am leaving."
"Oh, before I forget,will you please pass by Khanyisa's place and
tell her to come and see me?"
"Ok I will dear, wish I've gotten you a phone last month so that
you can give me a call when you get worse." Maria did not feel
like leaving Nhlalala alone when she seemed not very well. She
wondered what was the matter with her niece.
"Don't worry, I will be fine, besides you know I can always use
Khanyisa's phone when I need you urgently."
"Okay. Will you please try to text me if there are some that i can ask our pastor to pray for you?" Maria
said giving Nhlalala a forehead kiss before she leaves.
"Of course I will and stop worrying about me now." Nhlalala said
showing her aunt the door. Maria left unhappy but knew there
was nothing she could say to convince her niece.

**Chapter 17**
The following day evening, Maxwell was standing at N'wamitwa
bus stop for a taxi to take him to his own village Msiphani.
Maxwell was John's best friend and they were all working at the
Mthembu’s although John was his supervisor.
The rain was pouring out, it was getting heavier by the second
and the thunder groaned tremendously in the black starless sky
while lightning struck rapidly every few minutes. It was
hammering against the little umbrella that Max was holding like
little rocks.
Max even thought about walking home once, after all; no taxis
were coming his way.
He was about to act upon the thought when the black Porsche
came to stop where he was. The Lady from the Porsche rolled
down the car window and waved to him, Maxwell was at awe.
Seeing him not responding Khensani called his name louder and
told him to get in the car, Max immediately took the passenger
sit, He was still wondering how come Khensani was giving him a
ride because like any other person at N'wamitwa he knew
Khensani wasn't the kind of person to sympathies with people.
"Mr. Ngobeni, how are you?" Khensani greeted smiling, when
she saw him not responding she turned to look at him and that's
when she noticed what got his attention.
Max was busy struggling to wipe away the water that was
dripping out of his hands with tissues he found in the car and
Khensani immediately dug out her face cloth inside her
handbag, when she found the pink face cloth she handed it to
him, feeling pity for the poor man.
Why was he using tissues to wipe off the rain anyway? Couldn't
he see it wasn't helping at all? She thought and grinned wider at
Max's stupid acts.
Max was wearing a blue t-shirt that was now soaked together
with his black jeans. Poor man, Khensani thought again. He did
not even put on a jersey but a t-shirt that was now soaked. Why
he did not put anything warmer at that kind of the weather
Khensani did not know.
Max managed to wipe off the rain on his face and hands, after
that he looked at Khensani who was still watching him tensely
without uttering a word. Just like any other wife of a billioner,
Max found her attractive. Although she was still in her uniform
she looked great. Max thought.
Khensani didn't look her age, One couldn't believe it when she
told him she was thirty nine years old and had a nineteen years
old son. She was beautiful and still looked so young.

Max always blamed his friend John for having an affair with his
boss’s wife and why he still pursued Khensani like a lost puppy
when she ended things with him years back. John had found
Khensani so attractive that he even wanted to risk his job for her.
Unfortunately, Khensani did not love him but wanted something
else; however, what that something was John did not enlighten
him. Now that Max was looking at Khensani very closely, left him
without doubts how beautiful she looked. She really was so
beautiful and he thought Jackson was a lucky man to have her
as his wife.
"Why were you standing there instead of going to the post office
which is nearer? Look at you, you are now freezing." Khensani
said pointing to the Post office, which was at her left side.
"I thought the rain will stop Mrs. Mthembu hence I waited on that
tree...Max replied uneasily, he wondered why Khensani’s eyes
were still on him. “Anyway are you coming from work?" Khensani
nodded and Max was surprised seeing that the car wasn't
moving. Khensani was not even attempting to leave.
"You know what Max? I thank God I found you here, I have been
looking for you since last week, i was even thinking about
coming to your house tonight?" She said so calm watching him
straight to his eyes.
"My house! For what if I may ask?" He was scared that Khensani
nearly laughed at his funny face. Who wouldn't be scared?
Khensani was his boss’s wife and she has been looking for him
for a week now? What has he done wrong that Khensani would
like to see him. She has never ever wanted to see him since he
started working for them.
"No, chill Mr. Ngobeni; i want a favor from you." Her gaze never
left the poor man's eyes.
"I have to ask , what kind of favor do you want Ma'am? You know
i will do anything for you." Maxwell promised uncertainly.
"Anything, you say?" Khensani's voice reflected hope."You are
friends with John Malungani right?"
"Yes, we are not only friends but best friends, John is like a
brother to me and I'm truly sure that I am like a brother to him as
well." Max said proudly. The fondness between them gave
Khensani a little hope.
"Oh, great then. This tells me you are the right person to do this
for me."
"Um... Right person to do what if you dont mind me asking
Ma'am? Max asked nervously.
"Right person to do this little job for me, let me get straight to
the point, I want John dead." Khensani said calmly and Max
busted out his laughter.

Max busted out his laughter still staring at Khensani. For a

second he thought she was joking but the look Khensani gave
him got him thinking. "Oh no, you cannot be serious."
"Do I look like a comedian to you? Like a Trevor Noah?" She said
"No Ma'am but..." He turned and watched Khensani who was not
smiling or laughing, that frightened Max who was still stunned.
Max could see that Khensani wasn't kidding. This was serious
and the way she said it first time it seemed so simple as if she
was kidding. How could she want John dead? Of all people why
John? He was his friend and he knew him very well. He was not
the kind of person to indulge in fights. What has he done to
Khensani for her wanting him dead? Maxwell gave this whole
thing a thought and got no answers for his questions.
"You heard me correctly Max, i said i want John dead and you
are going to help me take his life." She repeated her statement
simply when she saw Max's mouth hang out wide.
Max found his tongue locked, he was struggling to find words
without luck. "Why do you want him dead if I may ask?"
"That i won't reveal to you. All you need to know is that i want
him dead by the end of this week."
Max watched her talking; he could see she was dead serious.
Why she wanted to take his friend's life was beyond his mind. He
could not understand. Did Khensani think he was going to help
her take a human being's life? Not just a human being, but John,
his friend.
She must be mad thinking he was going to help her. "I am sorry
Ma'am but that i can't do, John is my- - -
"What do you mean you can't? Khensani asked stunned. No one,
especially her employees had refused her and Max had just
done that. "How much do you want me to pay you?
"I don't want your money Mrs. Mthe...
"Come on Ngobeni, who doesn’t want money? Pull off the craps,
What about Fifty five thousand…" She throws the words at him.

Max looked at her startled. So, it has come to that point of her
paying him thousands to take a human being's life. He heard
people saying Khensani was so cruel but he never thought being
a murderer could be one of them.
"No i...I can't take someone's life Ma'am, I am not a murderer."
"Ninety five thousand rands…
"Can you please open this door so that I can get out? Max said
anxiously by the way Khensani was going with her offers, he
needed to leave before her offers attempted him. “You are crazy
to think that I can take my best friend's life because I would
never ever betray him even for a million." Max reached the
handle of the door.
"You are choosing him over money?" Khensani asked astonished
at what this man said. Why was he refusing her? None has ever
refused her before.
Max watched her face fall, she must have thought he was going
to take the money and do the job for her, but he was dead
serious and would not accept her money. "Yes I am, so will you
open this door." Max choked out the words furiously
"You will regret turning me down Mr Ngobeni and I will make
sure of it." Khensani said unlocking the door and Ngobeni went
Khensani left him standing on the rain again. On her way home
Khensani didn't know what to do. What if Max tells his friend
what she was up to and what will happen if John believed him?
Hell, did she have to go to that stupid man for help? She asked
herself questions without answers.

**Chapter 18**
The following weeks after Nsuku's confrontations about
Mr.Maluleke, Matiendla started worrying about her relationship
with him. His life had changed into something Matiendla couldn’t
There were times she required to see him and he would say he
was busy and was going to make it up to her. He always had
some excuses not to be with her. Her own friends had even
started telling her what they thought about her own boyfriend
cheating on her with the poor idiot Nhlalala.
Matiendla didn't want to believe it at first but with the rumors
going around the school and the whole village of Msiphani left
her with no choice but to believe it. Even if she did not want to
believe it Nsuku's sudden change of behavior told her what she
suspected. Why did her own boyfriend suddenly changed into
helping Nhlalala when he never cared to help her.
The fact that all of a sudden Nhlalala was travelling with them
when going to school and after school left her unease,
especially when Nsuku would go around searching for her
around the school in order for him to give her a ride, when she
failed to show up into his parking slot, he would go around
looking for her.
When Nhlalala felt like she didn’t want to ride with them, Nsuku
would offer her some money to catch a taxi, why was that? Was
she holding something on him?
Matiendla knew Nhlalala loved Nsuku. Who didn't know when
she couldn't even stop herself from drooling over him? Yes,
Nsuku was handsome. Matiendla thought but that wasn't the
reason she was with him. She tried all she can to hide her
reasons for being with Nsuku and she had been doing her best
into keeping it that way.
Could it be possible that her own boyfriend was cheating on her
with Nhlalala? Matiendla always thought she had Nsuku where
she wanted him but she had started doubting that now and all
because of that idiot. She didn’t have any problem with Nsuku
being with any other girls but not Nhlalala. If he had to cheat on
her, he had to do that with rich girls not Nhlalala.
What made things worse was that she was expecting, Matiendla
knew very well Nsuku wasn't responsible but Tom was and if
Nsuku could find out he would leave her. She had to lie until the
baby was born, knowing the truth was bound to come out
somehow, people would ask why the baby wasn't black when
the parents were.
Things got out of hands, she didn't plan all of this and abortion
was the last thing as she was scared she could lose her life.

"What are you thinking off so deep girl?" Vonani's voice

disrupted Matiendla who was so deep in thought.
"Nothing much girl, are you still on for our girls outing this
Friday?" She decided to change the subject. Her friend didn’t
have to know this whole Nhlalala and Nsuku thing was bothering
"Yes, so Tom is going to take us or we have to go by ourselves?"
Vonani's gaze was still holding on her friend.
"Um! no, Tom is out of the country right now and will be flying
back tomorrow."
"So who will take us? Nsuku?"
"Are you out of your mind? Matiendla yelled, “Do you think I can
get Nsuku into taking us to see some dudes out there?
Matiendla asked stunned by her friend's question, she didn’t
know why Vonani was her friend sometimes.
According to Matiendla Vonani was so dumb and clueless at
times. "Not that i give a damn about him anyway but you know I
have been and only with him for one thing." Matiendla rolled her
big black eyes. "Money girl, if it wasn't for it I would have left him
long time ago - oh and I don't think I would have been with him
in the first place." Matiendla said with a laughing mock.
Vonani watched her laugh, she failed to understand why her
friend was doing this to the most wonderful guy that every girl
would kill to have. According to Her Nsuku was a tough guy with
a good heart and all he needed was a good woman, a woman
who she knew her friend here was far from being one.
Vonani knew Matiendla was with Nsuku for his father's money
nothing else. She felt pity for Nsuku who didn’t know this. Her
friend's beauty blinded him that he couldn’t even see her
reasons for being with him. Anyway, that wasn’t her business
but her friend's.
Vonani knew that being Matiendla's best friend would leave her
with bad reputation. People had started looking down on her.
Her own parents had warned her into staying away from
Matiendla but she had disagreed because of the benefits she
got being her friend. If she were not her friend, she wouldn’t
have known the places that she knows now.
She wouldn't even be carrying the phone that she has and
couldn't forget the day Matiendla begged Nsuku into buying her
the phone.
"You and I know Nsuku is with me for my beauty, he can't stand
to be talked bad about the high parties that his family gets
invited to...thus he takes me with him." Matiendla said chuckling
and boasting.
"Have you ever heard of the saying, 'Beauty fades but the
strength of your character doesn't'.

"Have you ever heard of the saying, 'Beauty fades but the
strength of your character doesn't. Beauty may have launched a
thousand ships but a powerful personality inspired nations
"And what's the meaning of that? I cannot believe i have been
your friend all this while without knowing you have my enemy's
brains. When did you grow to be this bold?"
"I bet your enemy's brains you mean Nhlalala! Vonani said
chuckling. "What i meant is that your beauty will fade one day
and you will remember Nsuku, isn't good to play with the guy’s
feelings this way my friend? You know Nsuku loves you and
would do anything for you....
"You know what Vonani, I really don't know why you people think
Nsuku loves me, that guy is in love with Nhlalala and he is with
me just because our parents planned for us to be together."
Matiendla choked on the words angry.
She couldn't believe she just said that aloud. Yes people thought
Nsuku loved her but she knew better, better than other people,
the way Nsuku's eyes sparkles when he sees Nhlalala and the
way his voice softens when he talks about her didn't leave her
without noticing. Anyone at his or her right mind could see how
much that guy adores Nhlalala.
If it wasn't for money Matiendla would have left him, she couldn't
stand to be with a guy who loves another lady when he's with
"Oh! You never mentioned that to me?"
"And because it’s damn none of your business and don't you
ever dare mention this to anyone or else....
"Oh! Or else what miss Msiphani? Vonani asked laughing aloud.
“What will you do huh? You think you are Queen of N'wamitwa?"
Matiendla’s behavior ticked off Vonani.
She was always threatening everyone including her and not
today. "If you think I'm Nhlalala you better think twice because I
am not, I hate saying this to you but if you really continue like
this you will end up alone." Vonani said certainly.
"Oh really? Who do I think I am? Did you get to forget who buys
you the expensive clothes you wear and get to boast about? Di
you get to forget who gets to buy those fake Brazilian hair and
puts food on your table house? Talking of who I am? Look at who
is talking rubbish, you are nothing without me sweetie, nothing."
Matiendla threw the words at Vonani who was tongue-tied all of
a sudden.

Matiendla was right; Vonani gave it a thought. Everything

expensive she owns, it was because of Matiendla, however for
her to lay it down like that left her annoyed.
Vonani wasn’t rich but poor; everyone knew that, even Nhlalala
was better although she was an orphan. Her aunty was trying all
she could for them unlike her parents who were unemployed.
For them to sleep with full stomach they had to sell firewood,
tomatoes and onions of which was not enough to raise seven
Matiendla was the one helping her with the money she got from
Nsuku and her other boyfriends. She should be grateful and
stopped judging her. "I am sorry Matiendla."
"You better be and I’m glad we're on the same page. I hate
reminding you all of these but if you keep on acting foolishly I
won't hesitate to bring it up. I really don't get it why you people
are ungrateful and how you tend to forget easily."
"I get your point girl and stop rubbing this into my face." Vonani
said leaving her friend alone.

**Chapter 19**
Loud and persistent knocks disrupted what was supposed to be
Nhlalala's sleep time on Tuesday afternoon. She was not
expecting anyone. Maria left early in the morning to her
workplace and Musa was still in school right? Nhlalala thought.
Did she sleep until late in the noon? Or Musa's friends were the
ones knocking? Her little brother's friends usually came in the
afternoon to look for him.
There was no time to get out of the bed especially when the
person in the door was insistent. "Yes who is it?
"Open the damn door Nhlalala its Khanyisa." She shouted aloud
Nhlalala stopped in her tracks for a moment and frowned at
hearing her friend's voice. What was she doing here? Wasn't she
supposed to be in school? She lifted her head up from the pillow
to gaze at the clock that was on the top of her small table! Gees
two o’clock in the noon? Did she sleep that long? Last time she
checked her clock it was still seven in the morning.
"Nhlalala please open the door, this sun is burning me up out
here! Khanyisa was getting impatient and Nhlalala didn't have a
choice but to eventually wake up and open the door. She didn't
wait up for her to close her umbrella but rushed back into her
room. She was about to snuggle back into her blankets when
Khanyisa stopped from her tracks in awe. Her mouth hanged
open wide.
"Gees Nhlalala...what's the matter with you?" Khanyisa could not
believe what she saw when she entered her friend's room to find
her still in bed at one in the afternoon. The way her small bed
looked like, Khanyisa guessed she didn't attempt to wake up
even once. Who sleeps until that time anyway?
Nhlalala wasn't the kind of person to skip school and Khanyisa
knew that thus she was surprised seeing her not in today while
they were writing their first paper of Mathematics. Hence, she
decided to check on her.
"Please Khanyisa, not now...i do not have energy for your silly
jokes." Nhlalala murmured the words annoyed
"I am not joking girl, how could you still be sleeping at two in the
noon? This is not like you...oops and you look so horrible, Zama
wouldn't give you a second glance at all if he can see you now."
Khanyisa laughed.
"This comes from the girl I call my best friend, really? And for
your information my friend, I don't want Zama giving me first
glances in the first place but the one and only Nsuku
Mthembu...and stop exaggerating I don't look that bad."

"Honey i am not exaggerating, i have to tell you if there's

something wrong with you. It is better that way than when it
comes from other people." Khanyisa chuckled and kept quiet
when she saw her friend staring at her without uttering a word.
Something was wrong with her friend. Khanyisa knew Nhlalala
wasn't a talkative person but she wasn't also a quiet person like
today. "You were not in school today and may i ask why?" She
asked seriously
"Didn't feel like going to school and aunt Maria said I can stay in
today." She said steadily.
"So it's not like you are sick or something? You just didn't feel
like going to school and you decided to sleep?" Khanyisa asked
still watching her friend's expression. There has to be more to
her story because what her friend just said didn't make sense.
Nhlalala just nodded her head in agreement. She felt too lazy to
open her mouth and talk and her friend was forcing her to.
"Come on Nhlalala! There has to be something or else you
wouldn't have skipped school today. Now tell me, why are you
still sleeping at this time? In fact you're always sleeping these
days, I have noticed, it’s either in the class or here at home. If
you not sleeping you running to the bathroom, you complaining
about headaches, you moody sometimes, and you are no longer
eating your favorite things, what's the matter Nhlalala?"
"Khanyisa I also don't know why? But I’ve been feeling this way
for a month now...can you borrow me your phone so that i can
text my aunty, she is worried about me."
"What? Khanyisa shook her head. "You have been sick for a
month and you are just telling me now, what am i to you then?"
Khanyisa narrowed her eyes at Nhlalala. She felt as if Nhlalala
did not trust her like she used to, she felt that way since the
incident with her informing Mixo about her not been a virgin
"Come on Khanyi, it’s not a big deal, you do not need to stress
about me okay."
Khanyisa rolled her eyes delicately. "You are my best friend
Nhlalala, i have to worry about you and I really don't understand
how you gaining weight when you saying you're sick?"
"Am I gaining weight? Tell me i am not Khanyisa, oh you're right, I
didn't believe Musa when he said the same thing yesterday.
What if I become fat? Nsuku wouldn't give me a glance at all."
Panicked iñ her voice, Musa stood and checked herself out.
"What must I do Khanyi?"
"Damn Nhlalala..." Khanyisa realised something.

"What Khanyisa?"
"Did you guys use some protection that day?"
"What protection?" Realization of what Khanyisa was suspecting
sinked into Nhlalala. Could it be what she was thinking? Is she
pregnant? Nhlalala didn't know how she was feeling. "No
Khanyisa it can't be, i can't be pregnant."
"Thank God you guys used protection; i thought you might be
pregnant, although one could not guarantee condoms."
Khanyisa sighed in relief; she had thought her best friend was
"I can't remember anything from that day Khanyi..
"What do you mean you can't remember anything? Who forgets
her first time?"
Nhlalala watched her friend in annoyance, was it a sin she
couldn’t remember a thing about that night? "I'm not so sure if
Nsuku know what i mean."
"What? Are you being serious? How can you guys be fools, I
thought you are smarter than me Nhlalala, haven't you heard of
contraceptives or the thing we call morning after pill?" Khanyisa
asked ogling at her friend.
"What contraceptives are you guys talking about? Who have not
heard of contraceptives and the morning after pills?" Asked
Maria who just got in from work?
Khanyisa and Nhlalala were shocked and speechless. None of
them saw Maria enters Nhlalala's room.
"Uh! No one aunty." Nhlalala said staring at Khanyisa
"Can you please tell me the truth Khanyisa, who is pregnant
between you two?" Maria shouted, watching Khanyisa from up
down checking if she was the one pregnant.
"You better tell her Nhlalala---Khanyisa's timid voice reflected.
"Tell her what? I told you that i am not pregnant...' Nhlalala said
her gaze never leaving Khanyisa's eyes.
"Nhlalala is right Khanyisa, how can she be pregnant when she
doesn't even have a boyfriend?" Maria smiled widely. She
exhaled a sigh of relief
Khanyisa's eyes remained focused on Nhlalala's face. "But the
signs of her being pregnant are all here.” Maria looked at
Nhlalala stunned; her niece cannot be pregnant.
Nhlalala felt like her legs couldn't take it anymore. She threw
herself on her small bed defeated. She seemed to have shut up
herself into a quiet place. How could she have been so stupid?
Why didn't she remind him to use protection that night? But
again how was she going to remind him when she didn't even
realise what she was doing?
Khanyisa was now speaking about could
she have known she was going to sleep with Nsuku that night?

Khanyisa was now speaking about contraceptives, how could

she had known that she would end up sleeping with the rich boy
that day for her to use some of those contraceptives her friend
was talking about. Well about the morning after pill, it did not
cross her mind.
"Don't just sit there young lady, say something! Maria was
getting angry seeing her niece speechless.
Nhlalala couldn’t figure why life was hard on her, nothing was
going well. Bad-luck was behind her no matter what she tried.
She couldn’t believe it, she has sex once in her life and becomes
pregnant, when those girls at her school including her best
friend Khanyisa who seemed to be having sex every weekend
ain't falling pregnant.
"I really don't know how it had happened aunt please- - -
"So you're telling me that you are pregnant and you don't know
how it happened? Really Nhlalala, what do you take me for?" She
was beaming with fury now. "How can you say you don't know
how it happened? Are you telling me the Holy Spirit impregnated
you? Who are you? Mary! Jesus Christ’s mother?"
Khanyisa busted out the laughter hearing what Maria had just
said. Nhlalala and Maria both stared at her in annoyance. "I'm
sorry aunty but the way you said- - -
"This isn't funny Khanyisa! It isn't funny at all." Maria threw the
words at Khanyisa who closed her mouth and stand still. Maria
turned to Nhlalala who sat down fiddling with her fingers,
something she had been doing since she came into her room.
"It was a mistake aunt and I slept with him once, only once...
"Are you hearing yourself Nhlalala, one can become pregnant
whether it happens once or ten times...this is all madness...first
you said you don't know how it happened and now it’s a
mistake? Urgh i was such a fool to trust you, i thought i taught
you better than this but i can see i have been so wrong...
"It’s not Nhlalala's fault but mine Aunt Maria; I’m the one who
talked her into staying into the party with me." Guilty
overwhelmed Khanyisa
"What party now Khanyisa?

"What party now?" And how come is it your fault?"

"I am the one who gave Nhlalala those drinks and she ended up
"What are you talking about Khanyisa? What drinks now and
which party are you talking about?"
"Nsuku's party aunt." Khanyisa said so low
"What? So you have been drinking beers behind my back
Nhlalala, what's the matter with you? I allow you to stay in for
one party, just one party and you come back home pregnant? I
thought i knew you Nhlalala, i am so disappointed on you, thank
God pastor Ngobeni had somewhere to go to rather than
coming here for this nonsense, is this, the reason you are not
leading the worship team anymore?"
Nhlalala just nodded, unsure why she couldn't put anything into
words, she did not mention it to her aunt that fornication was her
reason declining to lead the worship, as she did not knew she
was pregnant by then.
"I have never ever seen such a fool like you Nhlalala, you know
that we are struggling with ends meets but you still want to add
to that, so who is the father? Nhlalala looked at Khanyisa.
Khanyisa just shook her head declining to speak up for her
"You mean Nsuku Mthembu?"
"Really, I never knew you two were seeing each other....
"We are was a mistake."
"Wake up Nhlalala, we are going to the Mthembu's now, I wonder
how Khensani is going to take this? The lady loves Matiendla
more than anything."
"But we are not yet sure if she is really pregnant...Khanyisa
"Just like you have said the signs of her being pregnant are all
here...wake up girl, we are leaving." Maria finished her rant by
slamming the door behind her as she left. Nhlalala was about to
take a bath when the door swung opened and Aunt Maria leaned
"There's no time for bathing dear we are leaving now." She said
that taking Nhlalala's hand and walked out. Khanyisa decided to
go home as well.

**Chapter 20**
It was still the same Tuesday afternoon; Khensani was sitting at
their cozy expensive living room with her husband. The living
room that created to offer entertainment, socializing and
relaxation, it had the most comfortable expensive wooden table
and leather coaches, which were around the fireplace.
The TV mounted on the fireplace wall, which it was between the
built-in furniture. The fantastic looking mantels and the glowing
fireplaces that got to create the warm and cozy feeling into the
living room during winter. The kind of place the whole family
including friends enjoys.
"You know, I really don't understand why God gave us only one
rebellious child when we wanted more." Khensani said sadly to
Jack who was sipping the Vergelegen wine, the blend that
produced by one of South Africa's iconic estates.
The wine consists mainly of Cabernet Sauvignon. The grapes
are handpicked and fermented in closed tanks after which it
spends 24 months in oak barrels.
When bored, Jackson and Khensani talked about children as
they wanted more children without any luck. They have been
trying for children since Nsuku was two years old without
succeeding, and after that they learned about Jackson's
diagnosed with some disease that prevented him from having
children, the saddest news they had to learn living with.
"But at least we have one honey; we must be grateful for that,
imagine if we did not even have Nsuku?" Mthembu said
pretending he didn't hear the rebellious part.
"You are right; we better pray Nsuku and Matiendla have many
kids, so that we would spoil them." Khensani said chuckling
"Forget it my love, you need to accept the fact that Nsuku is
over Matiendla, for a week now you ain't even speaking to your
son because he is over her? Come on love.... When are you
going to change your mind about disowning him? This isn't
sitting well with the boy."
"I can't believe you're taking his side Mthembu? We are
supposed to be in this together, You know how Maggie and I
planned for our children to get married even before they were
"Oh come on love, Nsuku loves Nhlalala and that is the most
important thing, people are supposed to marry when they are in
love not an arranged marriage. Nhlalala is the one for him."
"And how would you know that? Besides, there's nothing you're
going to say that will change my mind about speaking to your
son, not until he fix things with Matiendla."
"Honey, you are hurting your son."

"Imagine us taking that poor girl to those high parties we always

"Why do you keep on rantling about Nhlalala being poor? I don't
remember Matiendla and her parents owning millions, in fact we
are the ones who helped them with everything even when they
were still alive."
"Um but they ain't like Nhlalala..
"Oh! Tell their differences..
"Their beauty..
"Come on honey, that's n't the explanation, i really don't like the
hurt you're causing in our son, you're really hurting Nsuku by not
talking to him...try to understand."
"I give up...." Mthembu lifted his hands up in surrender. "And
Honey, what's going on between you and John? Jackson asked
concerned. This whole John thing bothered him every time it
rolled in his mind. The way his wife left occupied after John's
presence left him unease.
"Come on honey, I told you there's nothing. No need for you
"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs. Mthembu." Maria greeted the
lovely couple entering where they were seated with Nhlalala
behind her.
"Maria what are you doing here! You know we're not going to
pay you for overtime as you have asked for a half-day today."
Khensani shouted at her. Deep in her heart, she was grateful
they came at the same time her husband started questioning
her about John.
"My wife is right Maria; didn't you ask for a half-day when you
left saying your niece isn't feeling very well? Besides we already
asked Agnes in to relieve you." Jackson said staring at Maria
who left an hour ago, saying her niece wasn't well. Looking at
her niece Jackson had to agree with her because she looked like
someone who just woke up.
"I'm not here for work Madam...
"Now I know what you want, forget it Maria we won't give you a
raise after we did last month.”
"I'm not here for that also but…She looked at Jackson who stood
up and was ready to leave the ladies alone. "Please sir, don't
leave as this involves you too." Maria said persuasively
"Oh okay, you may both sit down then." Jackson offered pointing
to the coaches while he sat down also. Maria sat next to
Khensani while Nhlalala took the far seat.
"How are you feeling Nhlalala? Your aunt told us about you not
feeling well.’ Jackson asked staring at Nhlalala with concern in
his voice. Jackson’s love and kindness had always struck
Nhlalala. She imagined what it would have been like to grow up
with a father as loving as Jackson, Nsuku was blessed to have a
father like him, thought Nhlalala.

“I am well Mr. Mthembu and thanks for asking…

"So what is it Maria?” Khensani interrupted Nhlalala annoyed
and wondering why her own husband was wasting time talking
to such girl.
"We are here…she began pointing at Nhlalala “Because she is
"Why are you telling us this?" Khensani looked at her husband
surprised why Maria was informing them about her niece been
pregnant. It was none of their business.
"Do we have anything to do with her being pregnant Maria?"
Jackson asked, unlike his wife he was unruffled.
"Yes, Nsuku is responsible." Maria replied without hesitation.
"No!" Khensani shouted as though Nhlalala had struck her. "I
am sure there's a mistake here." She shook her head, trying to
figure out how that happened.
"I don't think there's a mistake according to what Nhlalala said.
"Nsuku is the one who got her pregnant.". Maria announced.
"No! You're joking. You can't mean it Nhlalala, Are you sure that
Nsuku is responsible? I know how you poor girls are, especially
when you know Nsuku is from a rich family." Khensani said
staring at Nhlalala
"That's not true Mrs. Mthembu..." Nhlalala interrupted
"So what's true? That you are pregnant and my son, my only son
impregnated you? Why are you lying to us? My son knows his
class and you're not even closer to it, he even date light girls not
dark as you...
"With all due respect Mrs. Mthembu, I wouldn't let you talk to my
daughter in such a manner..."
"Is Nsuku in?" Jackson interrupted her, he asked standing up to
call his son.
"No honey I will call him to come downstairs". Khensani said
picking up her cellphone; she dialed his number and put the
phone on loudspeaker. With the first ring, Nsuku answered his
"Mama…" Nsuku answered overjoyed receiving a call from his
mother since she wasn't talking to him.
"Nsuku come downstairs immediately!" Khensani said with a
stern voice not giving her son a chance to reply and ended the
call instantly.
Everyone was looking at the direction, which Nsuku was
supposed to appear upon except Nhlalala who was looking at
her lap and none uttered a word. Nhlalala was nervous, anxious
that Nsuku was going to reject her and the baby.
'What if he did? She thought fear catching up with her. What
would she do if he rejects them? Nhlalala was still battling with
some questions when she heard his footsteps. Nsuku came
running downstairs and immediately stopped when he saw his
parents were not alone.

Nhlalala's eyes immediately left her lap and looked up to see

Nsuku whose eyes caught hers. They have been looking at each
other for so long until Jackson's voice interrupted them. Nhlalala
wished Nsuku could read her mind and see all the questions that
were running in her head.
"Sit down Nsuku..." Mthembu announced with a stern voice.
Nsuku could tell this was solemn. Never in his life had he saw
his parents so crossed and this scared him. He wondered what
the matter was.
"How are you Aunt Maria, Nhlalala...Nsuku greeted nodding his
head towards Nhlalala while taking a seat next to his father.
"Nsuku they are here because of Nhlalala, She says she is
pregnant and you're responsible." Jackson didn't beat around
the bush but got straight to the point.
Nhlalala immediately watched him freeze in his spot. Nsuku
wouldn't dare, he wouldn't reject her now when she needs him
the most. She thought.
"Oh!" Nsuku exclaimed watching Nhlalala who was looking down
on her lap. She sat back against the coach, small and limp like a
little rag doll. Nsuku wondered why she was looking down, was
she ashamed or what?
"What do you mean by Oh Nsuku? Are you responsible...or not?
Jackson demanded an answer louder.
Nsuku groaned and covered his face with his hand, in the
process running his other hand through his hair. "I swear to you
Papa, we didn't mean for this to happen."
Khensani stared at him startled, she didnt expect to hear his son
admit being responsible.
Nhlalala's breath caught on her throat, trying to hold back her
feelings when Nsuku kept his glances on her.
"If Nhlalala is really pregnant then i am hundred percent sure
that I am responsible." Nsuku said steadily.
He was still watching Nhlalala who raised her head after Nsuku
agreed to be responsible. Her eyes caught Nsuku's and that is
when he saw some relief. Was she scared he was going to deny
getting her pregnant? He searched her face and wished he
could read her mind. Why did Nhlalala doubt him, she should
trust him to do the right thing and that is him accepting his
"What kind of nonsense is this Nsuku? What were you thinking
sleeping with her?" Khensani was furious. She gawked at
Nhlalala who dropped her eyes to her lap again not wanting to
meet her eyes.
Jackson shook his head slowly, he seemed so disappointed.

**Chapter 21**
"I am sorry papa, i know I am a disgrace to you and mom, but we
were both so drunk that night and ended up sleeping without
"You're lying to us Nsuku, I know this isn't a mistake, you did this
to get back at me right?" Khensani asked eyeing her son.
"What? What do you mean Mama?"
"I mean exactly what I said; you slept with her because you no
longer want to be with Matiendla right? You think getting her
pregnant will stop you from marrying Matiendla?"
"No mama…as I have said it was a mistake--
"Mistake my foot, you know what, this isn't going to work, you're
going to marry Matiendla whether you like it or not, I promised
her parents you're going to marry her, we had an agreement
Nsuku, you can't back up on our plan now." Saying Khensani was
angry was an understatement, she was beyond that.
"But mama....
"You know what Nhlalala--- Khensani stared at Nhlalala with
disgust. "The only thing that might help you and Nsuku is you
getting rid of that thing." she pointed at Nhlalala ’stomach with
"What?" Nsuku and Nhlalala asked in unison.
"You want Nhlalala to have an abortion?" Nsuku couldn't believe
what he heard. "Is that what you want mama? You want her to
kill my first child?" Nsuku's eyes ran from his mother to his
father as if he wanted Jackson to talk some sense into her head.
"You are both still young to have a baby Nsuku and what were
you thinking sleeping with her of all people? Honey…Khensani
reached for Nsuku's hand…"You still have your future ahead of
you and a bright one, so don't let this spoil that."
"What if I'm like you guys, i mean you and papa? What if this is
the only child I will ever have in life? Nhlalala can't have an
abortion; i will not allow her kill my unborn baby...
Maria cleared her throat. “I see why God refrained you from
having more children, you are so worse than the devil himself…
“That’s enough Maria! Jackson’s boomed voice stopped Maria
stunned. “How Can you say such about my wife in her own
"My apologies to you sir but your wife …beamed Maria staring at
Khensani… “I am so disappointed in you? How can you even
suggest that? That thing as you call it it’s a human being for
God's sake, Nhlalala will not do such thing because it is a sin
against God."
"How can I suggest that? Actually, you planned this with your
daughter. You want money right Maria, honey…Khensani's eyes
reached her husband ones. "Let's give them some money to get
rid of this thing;

"How can I suggest that? Actually, you planned this with your
daughter. You want money right Maria, honey…Khensani's eyes
reached her husband ones. "Let's give them some money to get
rid of this thing; we can't afford to lose our reputation because
of our maid's daughter." Khensani said watching Maria and
"Madam I don't want your money and I didn't plan this with her
okay...I may be poor but I won't let you speak like this about
us...and for your information i won't let Nhlalala kill her child."
Maria’s voice changed from softness to the harder one. “And i
won't let you keep on pushing her for an abortion do you hear
me?" Maria chocked out the words. Khensani's behavior ticked
her off
"So you want my son's future get ruined because of your
daughter?" Asked Khensani
"Oh I see, your son's life is more important than my daughter's
life? You want Nhlalala's life to get ruined by your stupid
abortions? Hell no ...did you ever get to think that Nhlalala can
lose her life due to abortion? Huh?
"Come on Maria, i am a nurse after all, i know what i am talking
about and i can help her get rid...
"To hell with you Madam, if Nsuku doesn't want to be part of the
baby's life its fine I will make sure that I raise the baby....
"What? Of course I want to be part of my baby's life...what
makes you think I don't want to be part of my baby's life?" Nsuku
asked annoyed. How can Maria think he wants nothing to do
with his baby?
"What about your school young man?" Khensani asked him
"What about it Mama, I will still go to school...
"And how do you intend to raise your so called unborn baby?"
Khensani dared him.
Nsuku sighed, deep and weary. It was a full minute before he
spoke and as he considered his mother's words, the expression
of numbness left his eyes.
"Mama I thought you and papa are going to help me on this but I
can see that you don't want I will leave school and get a
job to raise my child."
"You will leave school because of this nonsense? What is the
matter Why ain't you using your brains? Your madness have
gotten worse I see...
"But Mama..
"Don't you dare but Mama me boy? Its either you get Nhlalala to
do an abortion or else you going to lose Matiendla and that's not
what we want because she is good for you not her." Khensani
could not hide her dislike for Nhlalala; i wonder what she has
done for her to hate her this much.
"I created this nonsense Mama, so I have to fix it...

"You want to leave school? Khensani asked with a stern mock

Nsuku watched his mother; he had never ever seen her this way.
"Well done son, actually its a good idea---- Khensani clapped
her hands in mockery. “If you really think getting a decent job
out there its easier like you waking up to find breakfast, Lunch
and supper without knowing where it comes from you better
think twice because Out there.."
She shook her head in denial. "Out there my boy it's hectic…
There are no companies that intends on hiring some fools like
you without matric."
"Calm down honey, it’s so obvious that they both want to keep
their baby…Jackson looked at his wife with a stern look.
"Moreover, looking back to where we're coming from I don't
blame them. Now you two need to listen to me very well…
Jackson said pointing to Nsuku and then Nhlalala. "This isn't
going to be easy but i believe that we can help you as much as
we can with the baby, you guys don't have to leave school."
Jackson said that calmly.
"No honey...what if Nhlalala is lying about this pregnancy being
Nsuku's. We will need some DNA tests first, beside we ain't yet
sure if she is really pregnant." I believe Khensani knew better
about this whole lying pregnancy thing, as she was the living
"She is not lying Mama..
"And how do you know that? I know girls like her.."
"Nhlalala was still a virgin when I slept with her." Nsuku found
the words out of his mouth.
"Oh! They were all speechless without anything to say for a
while, what was there to say anyway? Nsuku had said all that
needed to be.
"When did you take a pregnancy test Nhlalala?" Khensani asked
"I did not take a pregnancy test...
"So which doctor confirmed your pregnancy?" Khensani asked
"I just saw the signs and knew once that I am pregnant---
"What! What signs? You see what I mean Jack! These people
just want our money...
"Honey calm down okay, Nhlalala can take a pregnancy test so
that we can be sure enough if she is really pregnant, Nsuku, why
don't you run by the stores and get a pregnancy test...while you
are still on it I will make an appointment with our doctor for
"You can come with me Nhlalala." Nsuku said standing, he did
not feel like leaving her behind, Nhlalala looked at Maria as if
asking for permission, her aunt just nodded without uttering a

**Chapter 22**
Nsuku told Nhlalala to wait up for him at the front gate when he
fetched his car from the garage. After some few minutes of
waiting Nhlalala saw an expensive beautiful red car upfront her.
She had assumed the guy owned three cars, how many did he
own actually? She though as she had never saw this one before.
"Get in Lala." Nsuku said opening the passenger door for her. He
watched her occupying the seat. Nhlalala clasped the seat belt
and couldn't help but admire the interior of the car, she didn't
have knowledge about cars but this had to be the latest.
"Let's hope we will get the stores still opened." Nsuku said
glancing at Nhlalala who didn't utter a word but kept her eyes
outside the window.
Nsuku kept glancing at her side, he didn't know what was
running inside her head but whatever it was, wasn't good.Her
facial expression showed it all.
"Um.." She cleared her throat. "Nsuku, I am sorry I am pregnant
and you will never know how sorry I am." She said nervously.
"Whoa, Lala this isn't your fault okay! Actually I am the one
whose supposed to apologise for knocking you up by one night."
"But its not your fault also."
"Okay, let me put it this way, it is our fault...does that make you
feel better my love?" He laughed turning to look at Nhlalala who
was quiet, he didn't expect her to be this quiet although he
didn't also expect her to be laughing. "Um..are you okay?" He
asked nervously
"I fail to understand why you're so amused by the state we are in
right now Nsuku." She shook her head in annoyance.
"Oh come on Lala, we are not even yet sure if you're really
pregnant and you're already sulking, Cheer up girl."
"You and your parents ain't sure but I am, I have never felt this
way my whole life, coming to think of it, I haven't seen my
periods for nine weeks now, I don't know why I never noticed. I
keep on hoping this is all a dream and someone will get to wake
me up." Fear reflected upon her voice.
"Lala, look at me, I know this won't be easy but trust me, I will be
there for you and our child no matter what, you don't have to be
scared." Nsuku assured her holding her hand and caressing it.
"What about my education?" Nsuku watched the teats dropping
at the corner of her eyes, down her beautiful cheeks and panic
gripped him, feeling guilty for being an idiot for letting this
happen, he was the one who had let this get to this point, why
didn't he leave the poor girl alone that night?

"I might as well say goodbye to my dreams of becoming a

doctor, this came at the wrong time." Nhlalala added
"Whoa! You really want to study medicine. I once heard you
saying that at one of your speeches but I thought you were not
serious; well my baby will be fortunate to have a doc mother. I
guess you can still further your studies when the baby is born."
Nsuku tried to cheer her up, seeing his idea working he went on
saying: "Lala, having a baby wouldn’t stop your plans but just
slow them down a bit."
"And you?" She asked pretending she didn't hear what he just
"And me what?"
"What do you want to be?"
"Well, we all know i'm not an intelligent guy like you are dear, so i
will go for acting." Nsuku teased Nhlalala
"Oh! That’s not bad but you really need to study something for
in case you fail at acting."
"So you really think I will fail? Have faith in me please." Nsuku
pretended to be offended by Nhlalala's words and she laughed
at him. He watched her laugh. She looked more beautiful
laughing and her laugh was so pure and rich, not fake, this made
him smile at her. "I am glad I made you laugh, you should laugh
so often Nhlalala, and you are more beautiful when you do."
Nsuku honestly said.
"Are you trying to tell me i am always serious?"
"Most times, especially these past two weeks when you were
riding with us, is it because Matiendla was there?"
"'m not comfortable around her...
"I noticed and I am sorry about that, is that also the same reason
you don't want to ride with me?"
"Um...come on Nsuku, you know how Matiendla is, she thinks we
are seeing each other and has been on my neck
cannot expect me to feel comfortable around her."
He was so deep in thought when his phone disrupted him.
Nhlalala leaned in to his phone’ screen to see the ID caller and
felt her heart twitch when she saw Matiendla's name appear on
the screen.
"Hey babe, how are you doing?" Nsuku's voice didn't reflect
happiness, knowing his mother wasn't trying to accept Nhlalala
left him doubting if he would ever tell Nhlalala how he felt. He
wanted his mother's blessings first before he broke up with
"Where are you going with her?" Nsuku turned to look at
Nhlalala and back to the road uncertainly. How did she know he
was with Nhlalala?
"Come again? Nsuku asked
"Don't pretend as if you know nothing about what I'm talking
about, I mean that idiot?"

"Don't pretend as if you know nothing about what I'm talking

about, I mean that idiot? Where are you going with her? People
saw you two leaving your house." Matiendla asked furiously
"Has it come to that point? Are you stalking me now?" He said
out the words without thinking, Matiendla's behavior had started
to drive him nuts. His mother needed to accept Nhlalala as soon
as possible so that he could leave her so fast.
"No honey- - - Matiendla mocked "I just want to know where you
off to with that idiot?"
"Hey I can't talk right now I am driving, I will call you back soon."
He cut the call and switched off his phone. Nhlalala looked at
him; she wanted to ask if he was okay but refrained herself. "I
am sorry about that." Nsuku said
"Nsuku, is there something wrong that i did to your mother?"
"What? Why are you asking me that?" Nsuku asked uncertainly,
the question took him off guard.
"She seem to hate me and i feel like..." She shrugged her
"Lala, my mom is just my didn't do anything wrong."
Nsuku said wishing he could find answers why his mother hated
Nhlalala this much. He needed to sit down and try to make her
understand he really loved Nhlalala.
"Oh okay, by the way ain't you disappointed that I will be your
child's mother instead of Matiendla?" Nsuku was about to
answer Nhlalala when he realized he almost passed where he
was supposed to turn.
"I cannot believe we are in Tzaneen already------
"Can you please be the one to buy the pregnancy test?" Nhlalala
begged him.
Nsuku found an empty spot to pack his car. After packing he
reached for the door handle. "I do not mind at all, but why don't
you want to buy it if I may ask?"
"I don't have the energy for leaving your car."
"I am not leaving you here; we are going out there and after
buying you going to the ladies’ rest room and take the test..."
"I don't have a choice do i?"
"No you don't." Nsuku said coming out of the car, he then went
to Nhlalala's side and opened the door for her, she came out and
dragged herself to Dis-chem.

**Chapter 23**
It was after they reached the mall and heading towards the store
when Nhlalala stood still not moving. Nsuku watched her, he
knew she was scared and didn't have energy but they needed to
hurry up before the store closed.
"Come on Lala, don't you want to know if you're really pregnant
instead of guessing?" He asked holding her face.
Nhlalala was nervous, she felt like throwing up and that's when
she rushed to the women rest room, Nsuku ran after her and
stood outside pacing around wondering what was going on
inside the rest room.
Inside Nhlalala was throwing up everything she ate the previous
night. She didn't get to eat anything today, as she knew she
would puke it all. It was hard getting food to stay in her stomach
Minutes later in front of the full-view mirror, Nhlalala was in awe
at her looks. Khanyisa was right; she really looked awful, heck!
Why didn’t she bath before going to the Mthembus? What will
people think of her like this? Nhlalala tried to avoid looking her
face anymore and turned around when she bumped into a young
Nhlalala looked at her from head to toe. She had an amazing
body with beautiful hair and found herself admiring her. The girl
smiled at her, showing her perfect white teeth. The clothes she
wore showed money and her fingers; damn she had perfect
hands without scars.
"I am sorry."
"It’s okay. Are you Nhlalala?" The pretty girl watched Nhlalala
nods her head timidly
"There's this guy outside and he said to hand this to you?" She
said handing over to her a small plastic that had the pregnancy
test. Oh so he went ahead to buying the test without me? She
The young woman watched Nhlalala's face fall. She knew what
was inside the plastic as she was the one who bought it after
Nsuku asked her.
"Your boyfriend is really worried about you out there you know,
he refused going to the store to get you this and sent me
instead, insisting he wanted to see you when you come out." The
young lady tried to smile giving Nhlalala a sympathetic look.
"He isn't my boyfriend." Nhlalala said sadly
"Really, because the guy said he is your boyfriend, if he wasn't
my cousin I would go for him as he has all the qualities I want in
a man." The young woman said chuckling.
"Let me get this done." Nhlalala said trying to dismiss the young
woman. She had started growing some fondness towards her
until she said what she thought about Nsuku. "Wait, did you say
your he's cousin?

"Wait! Did i hear you say he's your cousin?" Nhlalala asked
looking at her and the young woman laughed
"Go ahead dear, i will await you outside with your...she rolled her
eyes and decided to wait for her outside with Nsuku.
After what felt like an hour, Nhlalala came out. The look on her
face told Nsuku the test was positive. Nhlalala threw the test to
him, he grabbed and watched it.
A grin appeared upon his mouth. The test was indeed positive.
Nhlalala felt like she could wipe off that stupid smirk. What
amused him about her being pregnant?
“I am going to be a daddy." Nsuku' jumped joyfully at the
thought of him having a child, ignoring the stares people gave
Nsuku immediately turned to Basani, he had long forgotten
about her dear cousin who just appeared unexpectedly when he
awaited Nhlalala on the rest room.
When she appeared, Nsuku promptly asked her to rush to the
pharmacy to get him the test and when she returned, he asked
her to hand it over to Nhlalala inside.
"I am Basani Mthembu by the way…The lady extended her hand
to shake Nhlalala's hand, ”This idiot cousin of mine is
dumbfounded by the idea of becoming a dad and forgotten to
introduce us." She laughed hitting Nsuku's head teasingly.
"I am sorry about that, Lala this is my Uncle's daughter and
stays at Nkowankowa." He introduced them
"I am glad you broke up with that bitch Nsuku."
"I didn’t break up with Matiendla but...
"You better do before you lose all of this---- she pointed at
Nhlalala's body "She is beautiful and I like her already."
"Come on Basi, no need to be rude now, I know you don't get
along with my girlfriend but…
"Whatever, I'm taking my leave now. It was nice meeting you
Nhlalala and from now on I will be in touch to hear how my
cousin's child is doing." She winked at them leaving.
Nsuku and Nhlalala also left; on their way home, no one had the
energy to say few words. They were both quiet all the way and
when they got home, Nsuku was the one who explained how
they went.
Jackson promised to help Nhlalala with anything that she was
going to need...although Khensani wasn't happy with it, there
was nothing to do or say as her husband had said the final word.
She knew better not to argue with him after his final word.
She wished there was something she could do to change this
whole thing and could not stand it...his son having a baby with
Nhlalala, the poor Nhlalala.

*Chapter 24*
Nsuku entered Mixo's room anxiously. This whole pregnancy
thing unsettled him. He was going to father a child; it now sank
in his mind. When he was still with Nhlalala he didn't
contemplate this whole thing for her sake, he saw how worried
she looked and didn’t want to worry her more with him stressing
over this.
Now that he was no longer with her, it was all over his thoughts.
He didn’t know what to think; hence, he decided to come to his
friend's place to think clearly. "Man i messed up, i really messed
up big time." Nsuku announced throwing himself over Mixo’s
Although Jackson had told him not to worry about it, Nsuku
couldn’t help but to worry. Was he ready? Was he going to be a
good father like his father? Damn this whole thing was driving
him nuts. He didn’t want to disappoint his child.
Could he stand for his child growing up without him near? His
father had asked him that question after Nhlalala and her aunty
left the Mthembu residence.
Jackson had asked Nsuku if he was going to be with Nhlalala or
Matiendla. That left Nsuku with so many questions. His mother
would never allow him to be with Nhlalala although his father
had said he would accept any girl between them as long as he
was happy but what about his mother? Nsuku loved his mother
so much and knew she will be hurt by him choosing Nhlalala.
Nsuku didn’t know what to do, Nhlalala's question if he was
disappointed about her being the mother of his child instantly
rushed into his thoughts. He had forgotten he never answered
her question.
What would he have answered her anyway? Did he really have
an answer for her question? Did he really want to have a baby
with Nhlalala? Oh, yes! Nhlalala was going to be a wonderful
mother to his child and that, he didn’t doubt. Nhlalala was so
What was bothering him was how he was going to break things
with Matiendla and live with the silent treatment his mother had
started giving him.
"What's wrong? What have you done man?" Mixo asked his
friend who just barged into his room without knocking; he
thanked God Khanyisa denied coming over when he asked her
because he didn't know what Nsuku would have walked into.
Mixo was with Zama playing games in his room.
"You know if Matiendla finds this out I'm dead." Nsuku didn’t feel
like stopping, he didn't even care that Zama was there.
"If she finds what Nsuku? Why don't you just spill it out man,
what have you done?" Mixo urged his friend.

Zama was quiet all along watching Nsuku who was pacing
around like a mad man in Mixo's room. He didn’t care about what
he had to say since they were not in the talking terms.
"Mixo what will you do if you got Khanyisa pregnant?"
"What!! Zama and Mixo asked in unison, both stunned by what
their friend had just mentioned.
"i...i…don't know man. You mean you got Matiendla pregnant?"
Mixo asked uncertainly.
"I am glad isn't her although...
"What're you talking about man?" Mixo asked startled. His friend
never mentioned if he had another girl beside Matiendla. Was he
cheating on her or what?
"Nhlalala..." Nsuku said and stopped finishing his statement, his
gaze never leaving Zama's stares. He was hoping they would get
what he was trying to say without him explaining more.
"Nhlalala is pregnant? You mean the Nhlalala that I know?" Zama
asked stunned, he knew Nhlalala very well, and she couldn’t be
pregnant. She was a Christian and waiting for marriage. Besides,
she didn't have a boyfriend.
Nsuku telling them Nhlalala was pregnant caught him by
surprise. Could it be possible for the child being Nsuku's? Zama
thought. Were Nsuku and Nhlalala dating without him knowing.
Zama felt tears threaten to take over. He felt so hurt.
Nsuku just nodded his head in agreement.
"Wait a minute, you messed up, and when Matiendla finds out
you are dead and Nhlalala is pregnant? Are you trying to tell me
you are responsible for her pregnancy?" Zama had put
everything Nsuku said together.
Nsuku nodded his head looking down.
"I can't believe this! I really don't believe this?" Zama stood filled
with rage and faced Nsuku. Maybe he didn’t hear him clearly.
"You mean you got her pregnant when you're still with
Matiendla? How could you Nsuku?" Zama said throwing a punch
at Nsuku.
The punch found Nsuku off guard and ended him on the floor.
When he woke up, he aimed to fight Zama back but suddenly
found Mixo holding him back.
"Leave the hell of me alone Mixo or else i won't be responsible
for my actions." Nsuku tried to break from Mixo’s hold.
"Whoa guys, fighting over a girl? What are you two exactly?
Kindergartens?" Mixo asked annoyed. "If you guys want to fight,
you better go out on the street because I won't allow you fight in
my room." Mixo choke out the words irately, leaving them and
sat down on his bed.
"He's the one who punched me first." Nsuku stared at Zama who
was still standing and waiting for him to resume their fight.

"And he did that after you got his girl pregnant, I mean the same
girl he has been proposing for more than two years now, really
Nsuku?" Mixo asked annoyed
"When did this all happen? I mean you and Nhlalala?" Zama
asked. One could see the poor guy was still in shock and ready
to attach Nsuku.
"I slept with her on the same night of my party, what am i going
to do man?" Nsuku asked running his hand upon his head.
Zama stared at him irritatedly. So he had been right all along,
Nsuku had a thing for Nhlalala and went for it.
Mixo glanced over Nsuku. "Why do i get to hear this now? Your
party was two months back, So you hid this from me Nsuku?"
Mixo asked hurt reflecting in his voice. He thought Nsuku was
his best pal and for him hiding things like this made him doubt
their friendship.
"Come on Mixo, it was a mistake that i'm not so proud of."
"Mistake, no man, you just don't want to accept that you've
feelings for Nhlalala but deep down in your heart you know you
do, I am sorry Zama." Mixo shrugged his shoulders towards
Zama "So what are you going to do? Do your parents know?"
"Yes they do, Matiendla is the problem now, how do I tell her."
"The same way you told her you loved her when you know you
love Nhlalala?" Zama threw out the words "I thought you weren't
serious that day you know...I fail to understand why you want
them all." Zama's voice reflected sadness.
He was so wounded and to think that he had lost Nhlalala to
Nsuku saddened him more because he knew there was nothing
he could do for Nhlalala that Nsuku couldn’t do. Zama knew all
the girls were throwing themselves at Nsuku and had thought
Nhlalala was the only one who didn't seem to care but heck he
was wrong.
"I am sorry Zama but it was a mistake...
"Stop it Nsuku! Stop saying it was a mistake because it is not? I
know you wanted her so stop telling me this nonsense." Zama
threw the words at him again, he stood and walked out leaving
the best friends alone. Zama knew Mixo always wanted Nhlalala
to be with his best friend not him. He sometimes felt like he was
wasting his time being in their group when they did not need
"You know I don't like Matiendla Nsuku that girl isn't good for
you but Nhlalala is and I just hope you will realize before Zama
snatches her away."
"Snatches who?"

"Nhlalala of course, we both know the guy has been after

Nhlalala these past two years? And he stated it clearly he ain't
going to give up on her."
"He will now that I got her pregnant, I can't still believe I knocked
her on one night man, how did I let this happen Mixo?"
"You sometimes surprise me man!" Mixo chuckled at his friend.
"Is it too hard for you to realize that you're in love with two girls
and you got one of them pregnant? Nsuku listen to me boy, you
can mess up all you want with Matiendla but stop messing up
with Nhlalala's feelings just because you are unsure of your own,
and that girl is so perfect for you to mess up with her." He stared
on him.
"Oh and what do you mean when you say Zama will give up now
that you got her pregnant? Are you sure, you ain't in love with
her? Because the way you’re speaking says the other thing."
"Mixo, I am sorry for hiding this whole Nhlalala thing. Its just that
my Mom dislike Nhlalala so much my life is a mess
right now." Nsuku sat down next to Mixo and tears threatened
coming out.
Mixo had never saw him this helpless. "What's going on man?"
Mixo bumped his shoulder concerned written all over his face.
"I am in love with Nhlalala." Nsuku's face softened up, only
Nhlalala had that effect on him. "I really love her Mixo, with all
my heart and..
Mixo chuckled, "I knew it..i knew you're in love with her, so did
you tell her?"
"No? I am lost love her and she loves you so what's
stopping you?"
"My you know that Mama hates Nhlalala and doesn't
want to accept her."
"So you are willing to lose Nhlalala because of your mom? Come
on Nsuku, stand your ground and stop being a coward, You ain't
gonna go far with this attitude of being Mama's boy." Mixo threw
the words irately.
"Mixo, you don't understand, Mama refuses talking to me since I
told her about Nhlalala and she insists that its either I forget
about Nhlalala and fix things with Matiendla or her disowning
"What the fuck? What does Matiendla have on your mom boy?
There is something big I'm telling you, i tried thinking about it
since you told me that your mom and her parents arranged this
marriage thing for you guys."
"What are you implying?"
"Sit down and talk to your mom, that's all I can tell you...let her
tell you why she loves Matiendla so much even when it comes to
your own happiness. There got to be an explanation."
"Thank you man, this makes sense." Nsuku concluded.

**Chapter 25**
It was the first week of May, Nhlalala had started showing off
and people were so shocked to learn she was pregnant. Some
questioned her about the person who impregnated her; while
some of the kids laughed saying, she was a fake Christian. Even
the youth at her own church kept their distance from her.
This kind of questions and behavior upset her, if it wasn’t for her
aunt telling her not to stress a lot about what people thought,
Nhlalala would have gone mad or lost her babies, by the way she
was expecting twins.
Maria, Nsuku and Khanyisa were giving her all the support she
needed although Nsuku hadn't yet told Matiendla about the
whole pregnancy thing, He would take her to town, buy her all
kinds of food she craved and some other necessecity.
Nhlalala was grateful for all the effort Nsuku showed, especially
now that the thoughts of getting rid of the pregnancy were no
longer in her head. Nhlalala still regretted ever thinking of
aborting her babies.
It was Friday morning, professionals and school kids were happy
for the long weekend but not Nhlalala who found herself
cleaning the Mthembu mansion early in the morning. Maria
wasn"t around and had asked her to go in for her.
Nhlalala didn’t feel like working that day but didn't have a choice
but to agree into her Aunt’s request.
She was grateful to hear that Khensani wasn’t in from one of the
security guard but had gone to work even on holiday. She
couldn’t stand that woman.
Nhlalala couldn’t believe she was alone in their mansion, of
Course the security guards been outside of the house. She had
never been by herself in this house before and today was her
lucky day. She thought of going around admiring the house very
well without some disruption from the owners.
She had been in this mansion so many times but had not seen
the whole of this beautiful large house. The house had three
floors and each floor fitted about a dozens of rooms.
She was still thinking about moving around the house when her
eyes fell into the big nicely framed picture with lots of different
wedding pictures on it. In the middle, there was this big perfect
picture of Khensani and her husband on their wedding day, the
picture cut and decorated nicely and went closer for a better

Nhlalala lifted her eyes above to look at another small framed

picture that hanged nicely on the wall at her far right. This one
wasn’t big as the first one but it was small. She found her hands
unhooking the picture, and held it into her hands to have a
better view.
Wow... She found herself admiring it. It was a family picture and
Nsuku was still so young, quietly not sure but around four or
five. Jackson held him up and looked so happy together. Her
eyes shifted into her left side where Jackson held Khensani.
His hands were around Khensani's big bump. She seemed so big
by that time and Nhlalala wished and prayed never to get into
that stage. Khensani was lucky that Jackson was there for her
when she was pregnant unlike her. She found herself running a
hand on her stomach, wishing she could have what this family
had one day.
Nhlalala was about to leave when she saw another picture of
Nsuku's full figure. She touched the picture admiring him.
Nhlalala found her heart beating so fast when she looked at the
picture. She wondered how a picture could make her heart beat
so fast. What was with Nsuku that made her go crazy even at
holding his picture?
Nsuku stood unnoticed at her back. He was watching her this
whole time and felt like he can just hold her the way his father
held his mother in the picture that Nhlalala's gaze was upon
earlier but refrained himself.
The more he found himself with Nhlalala the more he realized
how much he was falling for her. Could it be possible for him to
be with Nhlalala without his mother's blessings? Nsuku knew his
mother would never accept their relationship.
He loved his mother so much and did not want to displease her
but can he stand being away from Nhlalala and his children
because of his mother? His mind drifted back in to the present.
He looked at the beautiful girl upfront him.
There was something about Nhlalala that Nsuku was scared to
lose; something he knew he would not find in anyone else but he
couldn't point out that thing.

He looked at her, admiring her body and all her movements.

Nsuku wished he could touch her skin but thinking about how
softness and tenderness her skin was scared him in a way he
had never experienced.
Even with him, this far from her he found his heart beating so
fast. How can this girl make his heart beat so fast without her
touching and kissing him? Nsuku wondered. Matiendla had
never made his heart race the way Nhlalala does. He had never
hesitated into touching her the way he does Nhlalala.
Nhlalala turned around unaware of Nsuku's presence and all of a
sudden crashed against his chest. Nsuku held her waist tightly
giving her support. Nhlalala tried catching her breath from all the
shock and felt her breasts moving, touching her chest as the air
filled her lungs.
Their eyes met, her big chocolate brown eyes’ catched Nsuku's
attention. He felt like her eyes were looking deep into his soul.
Looking at those eyes Nsuku felt his heart's pace matching hers.
"Nsuku! Nhlalala asked shocked by Nsuku's figure holding her. "I
didn't see you there...
"Hey calm down, we don't want to scare the babies." Nsuku
found himself saying those words, his voice full of nervousness.
Nhlalala's eyes followed his hand until it rested upon her
"What are you doing here this early?" Nsuku asked staring at
Nhlalala's lips. The thing Nhlalala had noticed him do every time
he was closer. Nsuku deeply felt the urge to kiss the so inviting
lips, to find out if they were actually soft as they looked.
"Um…My aunt isn’t around and had asked me to come in for her,
I thought you were not in." Nhlalala said pushing herself out of
Nsuku's embrace.
"Uh yes, I just got back from Mixo's house. Do you think you
working yourself is good for my children?"
"What do you mean? Isn't like I am sick or anything Nsuku but
pregnant." Nhlalala threw the words annoyed. Why people acted
as if she was incapable of doing things when she can do
anything just like she used to.
"With my children, I'd rather clean and cook if your aunt can't do
that than seeing you do all of these by yourself. Beside my
parents ain't coming in today but will be back on Monday."
'What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means we can just leave the house the way it is and eat
outside, I'm already craving the pepper fillet steak and pizza.
Have you ever been to Zabana restaurant?"
Nsuku asked Nhlalala who just shrugged her shoulders. Nhlalala
only heard about Zabana restaurant but never went there. "I
would like us to go there today, i love their food especially their
"No but dear...i once took Matiendla and her friend there and
they enjoyed, let's hope like them you will." Nsuku said. He ran
upstairs to take a quick shower and after what felt like twenty,
minutes came down.
Nhlalala was sitted and still battling with her thoughts if she
could go with him or not and why had Nsuku mentioned his
girlfriend? Did he say that to rub it into her face or what?
"Let's go...Nsuku interrupted Nhlalala's thoughts.
"But I look like..
"You look fine to me besides it’s not like we're are going for a
date or something special but to eat Lala." Nsuku said teasingly.
Seeing her not comfortable he decided to add into what he had
"I can take you to change in your house if you are not
comfortable with what you are wearing." Nsuku's grin grew
wider when her eyes sparkled. He could tell Nhlalala was
grateful for the offer unlike Matiendla who never failed to let him
know he was responsible for taking her out. Why was he
comparing her with Matiendla anyway?
"I would like that Nsuku." Nhlalala said shyly

**Chapter 26**
Nhlalala's room was upside down, clothes were scattered all
over her small bed and her hands were shaking from
nervousness. Nsuku Mthembu, the guy who knew most of the
fancy restaurants had asked her out? No wonder she couldn't
get to choose what to wear.
She sighed closing her eyes and thought about what to wear;
she had been in her room and had tried most of her favorite
clothes to find they no longer fitted due to her bump stomach.
Nsuku was a well- known young man around Tzaneen. He
wouldn’t appreciate it walking with a girl who couldn't even try to
dress well when he takes her out. 'Get over yourself girl, beside
you shouldn't be nervous, it’sn't like he is taking you out on a
Nhlalala told herself opening her eyes which landed on her bed
and all the nervousness she tried getting rid returned. 'Even if he
isn't taking you on a date, you need to look stunning girl.' she
tried talking to herself.
Nhlalala ’stomach grumbled when she recalled the pepper fillet
steak and the pizza Nsuku mentioned earlier. She couldn't wait
to have it again, she only got to eat pepper fillet steak once in
her life and that was when her aunt came back home with it from
the Mthembu’s.
Nsuku also mentioned Calamaris, what was that? Nhlalala asked
herself. She never heard about it even from her favorite romance
The nervousness she tried getting rid some minutes ago
returned. What will happen if she embarrassed herself in front of
Nsuku? What will Nsuku think of her when she failed to order her
food because of not knowing?
What will happen if Nsuku laughed at her? Nhlalala was still
battling with her thoughts when she heard the hooter outside.
She once knew Nsuku was growing impatient waiting for her.
She decided to wear anything that fitted her instead and rushed
outside afterwards.
Nsuku regretted it after he realized what he has done, did he
really need to call Nhlalala by the hooter. What was wrong with
him? Moreover, when did he grow to be so impatient? He pecked
at his wristwatch checking the time, he couldn't believe it,
Nhlalala had gone in for fifteen minutes but it felt like an hour.
He felt guilty while his eyes remained on the main door. He had
been waiting at the Khosa's gate for Nhlalala for five minutes but
it felt like an hour. Nhlalala seemed to be taking so long and it
didn't seat well with him.

Nsuku's mouth hang open wide when Nhlalala appeared upfront

his car. He couldn’t believe the beauty of the figure that was
coming his way! Was she the same girl he grew up knowing? If
she was, why did he fail to see, what he saw now all of these
Nhlalala looked incredibly beautiful in her black skirt and blue
top. Her attire seemed so simple but she looked beautiful with
her little bump stomach.
Nsuku couldn't believe in that little bump there were his babies,
he found himself smiling at the thought, he really needed to
guard his heart before he fall hard for this girl and how did he
manage to stay away from Nhlalala all these past two years was
beyond his mind.
Nhlalala opened the car door and sat on the passenger sit. She
wondered why Nsuku wasn’t driving; instead, he was staring at
her as if he hadn't seen her before. “Um...are we waiting for
someone?" Nhlalala decided to ask him why they were not
"Huh! He asked dumbfounded. Nhlalala laughed at his face, the
guy never failed to make her laugh, if he was not making her
laugh in reality he was in her dreams. Nsuku was always in her
thoughts and dreams. This guy right here was driving her nuts
'I asked if we are waiting for someone." Nhlalala found the words
out while she was still smiling at Nsuku
"Um...Nsuku ran his hands on his head nervously. “No it’s just
the two of us and why are you asking?”
"We have been waiting here for so long that I felt like we are
waiting for someone and why are you staring at me? Is there
something wrong with me or what?"
"Um no! Of course there is nothing wrong with you instead
everything is right with you. You know you never fail to amaze
me with your beauty every time i see you! How do you do this
"Do what Nsuku?"
"Become beautiful every time i see you."
'Me! Beautiful? Come on Nsuku don't try to make a fool of me."
"I am not kidding...
"Yes you are, can we please go to Tzaneen instead of Zabana?"
"What and why don't you want to go to Zabana? Is there
something wrong with the place? Have you ever been there...?
"No Nsuku, i just don't feel like going to a place that i don't
"No babe, look at you? I really feel like taking you somewhere
special instead of the place that you’re use too!"

"But isn't like you're taking me out on a date remember?"

Damn she threw back the same words he teased her about
earlier. What was with this girl anyway?
"I'm sorry about that Nhlali but i was just kidding, can i please
take you there? I will feel honored to take a stunning girl like you
"Oh! stunning. girl. like me? Maybe i didn't hear you well, you
meant to say an ugly girl like me?"
"What? Oh no! Why can't you see what people see in you?"
Nsuku asked angry at what Nhlalala had said. Why was this girl
always putting herself down?
Nhlalala laughed mockingly at him. "Why can't i see what people
see in me huh! Can't you see that all people sees in me are his
big brown ugly eyes, his dark and ugly skin, the scars he left in
my body, the scars he left in my mind and heart?" She shook her
head irrately
"What people see in me is what he saw in me? The ugliness and
I being coward, the imperfect daughter that he never wished to
have, that's what people sees in me Nsuku!"
"Whoa...hold it there, what do you mean by that? Who are you
really talking about?"
"My father of course!! The words came out harshly as if Nsuku
forced them out.
"What did your father do to you...
"My father hated me so much; he hated me until he passed
on...what kind of a father was he? How could he hate me for no
reason? Did i ask him to bring me in this world? "
Nhlalala asked looking outside the window; she was still fuming
with anger.
"No ways Nhlalala, i believe that your father didn't hate you, how
can he hate an angel like you? Nsuku asked her, Nhlalala stared
at him and laughed hysterically and Nsuku gave her a weird look.
He wondered why she was laughing when tears were flowing out
of her eyes.
"What? an angel like me Nsuku? I am far from being one.." She
laughed mockingly again.
"You know, Angels are loved by people, Angels protect and fight
for their loved ones, they fight until they win the battle, Angels
don't stand by and watch their loved ones die like I did, Angels
are beautiful creatures, they are pure and they don't carry guilt
and hatred in their hearts but love. They are so caring...
"You know everyone knows you deserve everything good in
"Not everyone? Stop telling me things that i am not Nsuku, don't
try to make me feel good when I know I am not."
"I know you are good, you really deserve everything good...."

"Not everyone? Stop telling me things that i am not Nsuku, don't

try to make me feel good when I know I am not."
"I know you are good, you really deserve everything good....
"If I really deserve everything good in life the way you say i do,
how do you explain why my twin brother passed away instead of
me? How do you explain how your own father beats your mother
to death because of choosing the imperfect daughter instead of
the son he loved?"
Nhlalala shook her head at the irony, she was a good girl, the
safe one, the one that never got in trouble and when she finally
did something spontaneous, it flopped.
"How do you explain when you fall pregnant on your first time
when all the people that are having sex now and then don't?
How do you really explain when people judge you from your
mistakes and call you by names? Will you explain that to me!
Come on mister know it all, explain that to me!"
Nhlalala threw the last words at him.
That was when Nsuku couldn't stand it anymore, the hurt and
the guilt he saw in this girl's eyes left his heart breaking. He
took her in his arms trying to give her what her own father failed
too although he knew he would never ever fill the hole that he
left in this girl's life.
"Shh! I'm sorry but isn’t your fault that they died." Nsuku
said..."Wait? What did you say? You mean you regret carrying my
"I always wonder how he could have looked like." Nhlalala went
onwards without replying Nsuku's question. She was at her own
world. The world that was full of wishes, the world that didn’t
exist but did only on her thoughts.
"Could he have looked like Musa or my father? Why didn’t I die
instead of him? My parents would be alive and would have had a
perfect family. I ruined that Nsuku; i ruined their plans and
Musa's life. I wish I had....
"Please don't say that?" Nsuku tried talking sense into her. He
watched her crying her eyes out. She was shaking, in his life
Nsuku had never seen someone so broken.
Nhlalala was having a breakdown and he didn't know what to do
but only wished he could take away all her pain. Was it good for
the babies? What will happen if she miscarry his babies because
of all this stress? Questions were running from his head without

When Nsuku's mind returned from all the wanderings, he

watched Nhlalala who'd fallen asleep on his arms. He watched
the girl that'd been throwing questions at him not so long, the
perfect girl that thought she deserved all bad things that life had
been giving her.
How could a father do this to his own child? Nhlalala had a
point, she didn’t bring herself in this world but he did, why didn’t
her father blame death instead of Nhlalala? He wished she had
told him all about how her twin died. When they left the Khosa’s,
Nsuku drove back to his place.
He took Nhlalala to his room and laid her on his bed. He watched
her sleep, one could say Nhlalala had rested so well but not
Nsuku, he could see that even in her sleep she was not free! But
bound and dull. He then felt the need to protect her from all the
things that was haunting her. From her father and the guilty of
losing her loved ones.
Nsuku realized what Nhlalala was suffering from all this while,
guilty!! She blamed herself for her parent's death, for living
instead of her twin brother. Most People including him, did not
understand what kind of a person Nhlalala was? They always
thought she was so mean, shy and quiet. They thought she
couldn’t stand up for herself but how can one do that when they
carried all that Nhlalala had?
The reason she lacked self-esteem resulted from all of what her
own father did and said from an early age. How did Nhlalala live
with all these years without people noticing what she was
suffering from? Did Maria know all of this?
How many people out there were suffering like Nhlalala and all
people do was judge them without knowing their reasons. Nsuku
swore to himself that from that day onwards he was going to
protect her and their children no matter what. He even thought
about taking her to see a therapist.

**Chapter 27**
The following weeks Khensani was so desperate on finding a
solution to take John's life. She even ran out of ideas on how to
kill him. The man insisted on telling her husband about Nsuku
and there was no way for Jackson to find out, she intended to do
anything just for this to remain a secret.
Her last hope was her friend, Monica. Monica was her best
friend whom she had met together with Maggie at college
several years back. They were both doing nursing at some
college in Polokwane when they met and they have been friends
since then. Now that Maggie, Matiendla's mother was gone,
Monica was the only person to rely on. Although Monica was not
a Tsonga but a Pedi, they got along very well.
Monica was from Polokwane, however residing in Nkowankowa
where her husband died and left her. Most people thought
Monica's husband had been sick for a long time but only
Khensani and Monica knew the truth. The truth that Monica was
the reason her husband died.
Monica was like Khensani, they had similar behaviors. One would
think they were sisters not friends. Although they had similar
behaviors, Monica was crueler than Khensani.
Khensani was about to call her best friend when Maria entered
where she was sitted, behind her was the very same person she
wanted to call, Monica. She thanked God for bringing her friend
when she needed her most.
"Mon, I can't believe you're here? You didn't even let me know
you were coming?" Khensani stood and hugged her friend
"You told me your hubby won't be in today remember? I really
don't like that man of yours." Monica sat down next to her friend.
"Come on, you know Jack is my life Mon and I don't like how you
put them' mean your words."
"I know your husband doesn't like me; that man can't even
pretend. Oh Maria may I have a glass of water please?" Maria left
at once.
"And what's the matter with you Honey? You seem so down?"
Monica asked, she knew her friend so well. Khensani started
telling her all her problems. Monica was not shocked to hear that
Khensani wished to see John dead, as she knew her friend's
reasons for wanting him dead.
"How sure are you that Nsuku is John's son? What will happen if
he is really Jackson's son? Did you even try what i suggested
last time we talked about this? Remember; this isn’t your first
time stressing about you not knowing the father of your son? Did
you do the DNA tests?" Monica asked her friend

"Monica, I don't have to remind you that I have been married to

Jackson for twenty one years now, for twenty one years and we
only have Nsuku. If Jackson is able to have children, couldn’t we
at least have three more children? You know we've always
wanted more children, besides I am scared on finding out what I
have been trying to avoid its true."
"You mean him being John's son?" Khensani nodded her head.
"But that isn't helping because you're stressing about it, it is
better to know the truth than living in darkness my friend, what if
you kill him to find out that he is Jack's son? You know there is
no way that you can live with that. Besides you, guys have all the
money, why don’t you go and see some doctors who deals with
such things? You can still conceive right?"
"You think we didn’t do that? We did but all they are saying; is
that Jack couldn't have more children." Khensani said
desperately. Monica hugged her friend to comfort her.
"I know you told me that dear. But I fail to understand why he
couldn't have more children, anyway don't worry my friend, if
you really sure of this John thing I have a plan." Monica said
"I am more than sure, John is so annoying and his behavior is
frustrating me."
"How are you going to live with yourself knowing you killed your
own son's father? What will happen if Nsuku ask you about this
whole thing?" Monica asked uncertainly
"Leave that to me and help me kill this annoying thing."
"You still remember the poison I used on my husband? Why
don’t we get it?"
"It’s like you were not listening to me Mon, that poison took three
to four months to kill him and I don't want to see this man even
for a day what more of three months? You know you used slow
poison on your husband and I don't want that but something
that works so fast." Khensani said without shame. Monica stared
at her friend so stern. Her fingers were pounding at her head.
She was in a deep thought.
"If we can't use Hemlock it means we need to get people to
shoot him, just like we did with the Mademas, by the way is
Matiendla still giving you problems?" Monica asked wondering.
"Don't worry yourself about that useless thing, I know how to
deal with her and I will on my own time right now I want to deal
with that idiot man John."
"Oh okay, but you know I can help you get rid of her anytime."
Monisa said smiling at her friend.
" what do we do now?" Khensani asked
"I am serious honey, you know i don't like Matiendla."
"I also don't like her, especially now that Nsuku is suffering
because of her."
"By the way do you have his car Number, mean John?" Mon
asked seriously.
"Yeah, I had to know it because his car is always here."
"That's great. I am going to give his car number to the same
guys , Pitso and Gantso from Nkowankowa. The guys know their
thing. You will thank me after dear. But the guys need lot of
money, I'm just letting you know but I know money isn't a
problem to you." Monica laughed about it.
"Come on Mon, if these are the same guys I am glad because
they know their thing and thanks Mon, I knew I can rely on you,
so can you give me their numbers?"
"I don't have their numbers with me here but will send it to you
immediately I arrive home."
"Thank you Mon." Khensani said with excitement.
One week later after Khensani and Monica's conversation, she
met the guys again and organized everything including the
exchanging of numbers. The men were so determined on
helping her, especially after Khensani gave them half of the
All was well organized and they were just waiting for the right
time where John would be alone in his car. The guy was always
with his friend and couldn't kill him easily. Not so long it would
be over with his life. That was what they kept telling Khensani
who couldn't stop calling to remind them what they were
supposed to do.
Although those guys resided at Nkowankowa they were hanging
around Msiphani until midnights watching John like Hawks. You
never know how much money could keep people from sleeping.
Pitso and Gantso were always on alert.

**Chapter 28*"
Matiendla furiously picked the letter their father left together
with the videotaped and headed to the Mthembus. After two
years she had the courage to read the letter their father left
behind. In the letter her father wasn't sure if Khensani had a
hand on their death but had suspicions that if anything were to
happen to them, Khensani might be involved.
Yes, Her parents planned for her and Nsuku to be together but
that was after the blackmail her parents had on Khensani who
arranged the marriage in order to keep her secret from Jackson,
her husband. That gave her parents the right to demand money
from the Mthembus as if they were asking help as the in laws.
Everyone could see that Nsuku was still with Matiendla but
without love, the sparkled that used to be there had long died.
No one knew why he was still with her when he loved Nhlalala,
was it because of his mother or what? Matiendla tought.
This went unnoticed to Matiendla who wasn't ready to lose him
not until his mother paid for killing her parents. Matiendla
thought regretting for taking long to read the letter, she would
have dealt with Khensani long ago...however it wasn't too late.
She knew from he videotaped that Khensani was capable of
killing but her having a hand on her parent's death? Matiendla
shook her head pondering on the thought on her way to see
Khensani. Now she had a reason not to break things with Nsuku
before the Mthembus paid for her parent's death.
If people thought she was with Nsuku for money, they got
another thing coming, however if she had known what the
Mthembus were capable of she wouldn't have gotten involved,
those people were too dangerous for her liking, she now felt
sorry for Nhlalala.
Yes, Matiendla loved and was there for money but that was
before she knew about her parents. She had been with Nsuku
for money all these two years without knowing the whole truth.
She had to pretend she knew nothing about her parent's death
to Khensani for now. Matiendla thought.

Khensani heard the intercom ringing and buzzed Matiendla in

while she stood in the kitchen to welcome her. She wasn't
surprised seeing her as Matiendla called letting her know she
would pay her a visit.
After receiving a call from Matiendla Khensani knew she was
about to reveal her secret, the secret that would cause her her
"Matiendla, you can come in." Khensani smiled pretending
leading her to her seating room, she pointed to the coach for her
to sit and sat as well. "How are you honey?" She greeted still
pretending and with fury inside her, God knew she never liked
Matiendla and her family since the videotaped thing.
"I'm not good at all. This whole thing of your son avoiding me is
getting worse and i don't like this at all..." Matiendla eyed
Khensani who looked down fiddling with her fingers cursing.
"You said you got everything under control the last time we
spoke." She said shaking her head in annoyance.
"I did but you know how life is, we don't always get what we
want..." Khensani said staring at Matiendla who gave her an evil
"I really don't understand, what's going on between your son
and Nhlalala? There are rumours that they are seeing each other,
is it true?"
"You're the one who was dating Nsuku so why don't you ask...
"Who was? What do you mean by that?" Matiendla asked
shocked hearing those words coming out from Khensani.
"Nsuku and I haven't yet broken things and here you are talking
as if we did."
"I like the way you saying haven’t yet broken, that is the sign that
things are going to change..
"No they won't if you help me, that is the reason I am here
"Nsuku is... Khensani shook her head. "Is in love with her
Matiendla and there is nothing I can do about it...I tried honey."
Khensani said not meeting Matiendla's gaze.
"Well you need to try harder, i can't lose Nsuku...Not now."
Matiendla pointed her finger towards Khensani.
"But i cannot force him into loving you...Matiendla i know you are
with my son for money so why don't you take the money I'm
willing to offer you and leave Nsuku alone?" She said staring at
the girl with so much hatred knowing her son was suffering all
because of what this girl had on her.
Matiendla laughed, Khensani thought she was still with Nsuku
for money? "Yes i am with Nsuku for money but i cannot let him
dump me, people are laughing and will laugh at me if that
happens, i don't want that."
"Well i don't know then because I tried...

"You tried? Try harder Khensani before I lose my do

realise my parents left us with nothing except that videotape
right." She said smirking
Khensani stood filled with rage and slapped Matiendla on the
cheek, She knew this little witch would bring the videotape up,
the same thing her fucking parents brought every time they
needed money.
"You can't use that on me you little witch, do you hear me?" She
said staring at her with all the hatred. "How can you do this to
me after everything?"
"What everything?" She asked still holding her cheek "The only
thing my parents asked you to do for us in order to keep your
little secret is for your son to marry me and you are failing to
convince him and that leave me with no choice."
Khensani cleared her throat. "As if you do wanna marry my son
oh please Matiendla and what do you mean it leaves you with no
"I mean that if you don't fix this, your husband will soon find out
about his precious mother and we don't want that."
Khensani threw herself on the coach defeated, "I really don't
know what you want from me Matiendla, if its all about money I
can give you,Just like I gave you fifty five thousand these past
two much do you need now?"
Matiendla laughed loud, shaking her head. ", give
me Nsuku for now until I break things with him not him breaking
things with me, however a million won't hurt."
"What? A million??Are you out of your mind?" Khensani asked
shocked. Matiendla didn't make sense? She didn't even love
Matiendla stared at Khensani smirking. "Yes a million."
"Keep on dreaming."
"I wil, but on how am going to reveal this to your husband..
Khensani interrupted her. "Let's be honest here, you don't love
Nsuku and he doesn't love you, so what's with the pretence?
Why don't you take the money and leave us alone."
"Didn't you hear me? I said I don't get to be dumped but do the
dumping, Your son is about to dump me and i'm not yet ready
for that not until you..
She stopped, damn she was about to reveal what she wasn't
supposed to.
"I still have an interest in him, Are you going to talk to him or you
want me to run to Mr.Jackson and tell him what you did to his
mother? Its all on the videotape remember? At least my mother
did well by recording."
"Shut the hell up, I hate you and your fucking dead mother for
doing this to me. I don't even know why I asked her help instead
of Monica. I hope she is suffering wherever she is."

"I don't give a damn about her as well but for your info, my
mother didn't want to do this but daddy made her to after
finding the videotape, if he didn't get to die...
"I know that very well and i am glad they got what they
"You think i don't know you had anything to do with their death?
Matiendla shook her head, she wanted her to admit she killed
them. "It happened after he threatened to reveal your secret and
three days after that they had an accident."
Khensani faked a laugh, how did she found out about her
parents? Things were getting out of hand. "If you keep on
insisting to reveal this, the same thing might happen to you
honey, you don't want to mess with me." Damn Khensani's
hands covered her mouth immediately, Why didn't she think
before admitting the killing of the Mademas?
"I cannot believe this!!! So you killed them? You killed my
parents?" Matiendla asked with tears rolling down her face, it
made sense, Khensani was the one who killed them, so they
didn't have a normal accident? This lady was the devil himself.
How could one kill and burn people to no recognation? Meikie
will be so devastated about this.
"Daddy was right about" Matiendla threw the letter
towards Khensani... When she was certain that she was done
reading she said "How did you do it? why you never get
Khensani laughed, " jail isn't for rich people love, but for people
like listen to me, we never had this
conversation...Khensani said pointing towards the door for
Matiendla to leave.
Matiendla shook her head with annoyance, "You will pay for this
Khensani, even if It’sn't anytime soon but i will make sure you
"No I won't...Khensani gave her an evil smile. "Not if I can take
you out first..
Matiendla took out her phone, and started playing their whole
conversation that she recorded "You do realise i have been
recording this? I knew you are capable of anything that's the
reason i recorded this.

Khensani tried to snatch Matiendla's phone but failed miserably.

The little witch was wise after all, why sent she see this coming.
Matiendla held her phone so tight laughing loud. "I will be
sending this to someone that I know in case anything happens
to me..." Matiendla smirked
"You are just like your parents...oh and pray that I never find that
person because if I both are going down before me."
Khensani said clenching her teeth.
"Whatever, so will you talk to your son or what?". Matiendla
asked eyeing her.
Khensani stared at Matiendla for a while, she needed to co-
oparate with her for now until she comes with something fast. "I
will give you the money Matiendla and I can also assure you that
Nsuku will be at your place apologising for neglecting you
tonight but if you promise to keep this between us." Khensani
begged knowing all her secrets were out.
"You know i will keep this for now." Matiendla pointed to her
phone and the videotape. If you don't talk to Nsuku and the one
million isn't in my account by Friday...She shook her head
"But that's five days from do you expect me to
raise...Khensani was happy about Matiendla's due date..five
days was too much for to come up with something.
"I don't know and i don't care...And by the way Meikie knows
nothing about this whole thing, daddy didn't trust her but me."
Matiendla said that leaving Khensani.

**Chapter 29**
After Matiendla left, Khensani sat on the floor with her knees
bended over her chest, her head resting on the coach Matiendla
left her sitting on. Tears ran on her cheeks with her lips and body
trembling uncontrollable, regretting ever knowing Maggie and
asking herself why she ever listened to her stupid advices.
"Indeed one sin lead to another." She thought
It was Maggiie who came up with the idea of killing her mother in
law...She was the one who even gave her the poison she
used...but unfortunately that wasn't in the videotape. She
needed to inform Monica, maybe her friend would come up with
something to destroy Matiendla.
Money wasn't an issue as they had a lot, however how was she
going to transfer one million into Matiendla's account without
Jackson finding out? Besides she had just transfered fifty
thousand into Gantso and Pitso's account the previous week
and it was just a matter of time before Jackson needed an
explanation why and who she transferred the money to without
his acknowledge.
Her life had become a mess, if it wasn't John with the paternity
test it was Matiendla with some blackmails. What would Jackson
say if he ever found this? why didn't she get rid of Matiendla
when Monica suggested, she thought regretting. Matiendla had
become a nuisance lately.
She needed to inform Nsuku about the blackmail, maybe he
would understand and help her out by fixing things with her.
Nsuku entered the seating room furiously after bumping into
Matiendla by the gate. He didn't understand why she kept on
coming to his house when he told her not to show up without
him knowing the previous week.
His eyes landed on his mother who was crying her eyes out on
the floor. His heart twitched at the sight of his helpless mother.
Nsuku stood still, watching her...fear creeping all over his body.
After recovering from the shock he went closer and kneeled
before her, holding her hands and stared at her.
"Mama what's wrong?" Nsuku asked with worry reflecting upon
his voice. For all his life he had never ever saw his mother
"" She cleared her throat and looked at him.
"Will you pease tell me what's wrong?" Nsuku wiped her tears
that were still welling upon her cheeks, feeling his own tears
threatening to come out, hurting to see his mother so helpless...

"My son, Nsuku you know I love you right?" Khensani said wiping
off her tears.
"You're scaring me Mama, let me call Dad." Nsuku stood digging
out his phone to make a call.
"No! Khensani yanked the phone away from Nsuku. "
don't have to call him Nsuku..." Khensani choke out the words.
"Let us talk baby?"
"Is Dad okay? Did something happened to him?" Nsuku asked,
fear still reflecting upon his voice
Khensani shook her head. "Your father is okay Nsuku, I'm the
one whose not okay." Khensani stood and sat on the coach, she
patted for Nsuku to sit next to her. "My son..." She cleared her
throat again holding Nsuku's hands. "First of all I want you to
forgive me for forcing you to be with Matiendla..I don't have a
choice." Khensani said looking down on her lap.
"What are you talking about Mama? What do you mean you
don't have a choice?"
"Um...i know your Gran died when you were two and don't
remember her." Khensani mumbled the words
"What does she have to do with me being with Matiendla?"
"Nsuku, you need to promise me that you will not judge me, I
have made lot of mistakes in my life that I'm n't so proud
of...starting with your know that woman hated me
with so much passion before we had you.
"Really? and why did she do that?"
"You know it took us two years to have you and your Gran wasn't
happy about it...she kept on pestering me to give your father a
heir and insisted your father had to marry a second wife who
would bear him children. I didn't take that well but thanked God
when He blessed us with you..." Khensani smiled recalling
carrying him for the first time in her life.
Nsuku smiled as well.... "I believe you were all happy after my
"Happy is an understatement honey, we were all so thrilled
especially your grandfather.
"And Gran?"
"She was as well however it didn't last for so long because she
came back after two years, insisting for your father to marry
another woman..I started confiding on Maggie, Matiendla's
mother and she plotted those evil ideas in me." Khensani said
clenching her teeth when she mentioned Maggie's name.
"What kind of ideas Mama?"
Your father tried not to listen to your Gran but she was his
mother, and i could see that he was close into agreeing with her
and that's when I lost it Nsuku..."Khensani cried louder...,
"Believe me honey, no woman can stand and watch her
husband marrying a second wife, no one."

"Mama I don't understand." Nsuku said

"I had to get rid of her Nsuku, I didn't have a choice but to do it."
Khensani's body shook uncontrollably at confessing her
seventeen years secret to her son and cried louder, hiccupping
on the process. God knew she didn't want to do it, she wouldn't
have murdered her if the woman didn't push.
"Get rid of her?? You murdered someone?" Nsuku yanked his
hands away from his mother shocked, he stood and paced
around... His hands running upon his head nervously.
Khensañi watched him, he looked like a mad man at the
moment. Only if her son knew she murdered more than one
person and was about to murder another one. What kind of a
person was she?
"Answer me Mama, who did you kill, Gran or Maggie?"
"Calm down Nsuku..
"Whoa..don't fucking tell me to calm down Mama, not after you
telling me you murdered someone." Nsuku stared at his mother
with annoyance, he felt like he didn't know this woman at all.
" Mama? " Anger still boomed out of
Nsuku's mouth, his eyes were red with fury.
"Your father doesn't have to know..
"Come on woman, stop beating around the bush and tell me!! He
Khensani was scared at her own son's voice. She had never saw
him like this, but it was understandable, no one could react
normal after your own mother confesses she was capable of
murder. "Your grandmother.." She mumbled the words softly.
Nsuku shook his head in denial, refusing to believe what his
mother had just said. "I can't believe this? You killed Gran?
"Nsuku.." Khensani tried touching him but he yanked his hands
away from her
"Don't fucking touch me!! Nsuku pointed his finger towards her
pacing around. "I cannot believe this nonsense you just told me,
you murdered my Grandmother?" He stopped and stared at her,
refusing to believe his own mother killed his own grand mother.
"Your mother in law? Your own husband's mother? What kind of
a person are you?" Nsuku shook his head infuriated
"Nsuku, you need to put yourself in my shoes, what would you
have done? Allow your husband into marrying another woman?"
"Are you hearing yourself Mama?" Nsuku asked shaking his head
again. This woman wasn't his mother. "Unbelievable...I now
understand your reasons why you wanted Nhlalala to kill my
babies, you are an evil woman Mama, I feel sorry for Papa as you
don't deserve him.. I also feel ashamed to becoming out of you
and only if you didn't steal me..

"What? Khensani covered her mouth with her hands shaking.

"You think I stole you? Why would I do that?" She asked
"Because you're capabable of anything evil...and you don't
deserve to be a mother."
"Nsuku, that's an insult...I cannot stand here and watch you
insulting me, your own mother?"
"I am no longer sure about you being my mother...
Khensani laughed in mockery. "Let me clarify this to you my boy,
whether you like it or not you are my son...Khensani said out of
anger. She then softened a little bit regretting for shouting at
him, she pleaded with her eyes for him to believe what she
wanted to say.
"Please Nsuku, never ever doubt that i am your mother and you
have no idea what that old woman did to me...if you knew you
wouldn't be here judging me...
Nsuku stared at her, shaking his head and said slowly "Whatever
Gran did to you, she didn't deserve to die, you didn't have to
take her life know thanks for telling me this, I will
make sure never to bring Nhlalala and our babies near you, I
might lose them...
"I need your help with Matiendla..." Khensani interrupted him
Nsuku looked at her as if she had lost her senses. "What help?
listen here Mama, i might be coming out of you but i am not like
you, I am not a murderer and don't try to involve me in your
nonsense, whatever you and Matiendla have is between you
Nsuku said rushing towards the steps leading upstairs and
stopped in his track after hearing his mother shouting the words
he didn't expect.
"She knows I killed you Gran and blackmailing me...!! Khensani
sat down with her hands covering her head
"What? Nsuku asked returning where his mother stood. "How
does she know? She...
"Her mother was the one who helped me on killing your Gran, I
didn't know she videotaped everything until after five years
when they needed money."
Nsuku sat down, his hands running on his head. Everything was
a mess. "Don't tell me you have been giving them money since?"
Khensani nodded her head. "How Mama, i don't understand how
Papa agreed into you giving them the money, what did you say
the money was for?"
"Um...i lied to him for few years...telling him i was giving it for a
charity case that the hospital created and stopped when he
wanted to get involved."
Nsuku sighed defeated, his Mother was someone he didnt know.
"What happened then..."

"Um...i lied to him for few years...telling him i was giving it for a
charity case that the hospital created and stopped when he
wanted to get involved."
Nsuku sighed defeated, his Mother was someone he didn't
know. "What happened then..."
"I lied again saying the hospital closed down the Charity case,
you know how your father is, he asked me to find out about this
charity case thing so that he could take over if the hospital had
ran out of money and i advised him to start our own orphanage
centre, leaving that one."
"Oh The Mthembu little angels Orphanage?" At least something
good came out from her lies, Nsuku thought.
"What about the Mademas?
"We lied again...
"So you're not only a Murderer but a Manipulative liar as well
Mama?" Nsuku asked bowing his head, ashamed of his mother's
"I had to Nsuku... We came up with Maggie's husband being
diagnosed with cancer for years.... All along i was giving them
money claiming to be helping them to settle their hospital bills
as they were our future in laws."
Nsuku gasped in awe, "And dad never found out about this?"
"Um..your father is a busy man and he doesn't care how i use
the money sometimes, unless when the money is over a Million...
i got tired giving them the money and two years back i claimed
He was healed..." Khensani's face and voice
changed..."Matiendla's father wasn't happy when i stopped
giving them money and...decided to reveal my secret to your
father, unfortunately he died before...
Nsuku laughed in mockery. "He died or you got rid of them
Khensani's tears rolled down...her lips trembling. "Um...i ..yes I
got rid of them.."
Nsuku looked down in his lap with tears rolling down his face.
His heart was in so much pain, He was no longer angry but sad.
His mother wasn't evil as evil was an understatement. She was
Lucifer himself, no wonder the Bible said Lucifer was thrown in
this world, Nsuku felt like he stayed with them in their house,
God was so cruel, how could he give him a mother like
How many people were suffering because of her? Matiendla lost
her parents because of her? He thought. Could he be able to
keep this from his Father? This was too much for a one person,
how did his mother continue living like nothing happened at all?
Having money gave her power to murder people and she never
got caught. He shook his head, symphathizing with Matiendla
and Meikie, they didnt deserve what his mother did.

"Mama i no longer wish to hear more, i am going upstairs to lie

down." Nsuku stood and his mother kneeled in front of him
touching his legs begging,Nsuku was so weak, hearing all of
those weakened him. "What do you want from me Mama?" He
asked in defeat.
"Baby, will you please try to fix things with Matiendla as she
asked? I don't want to go to jail please." She sobbed
"Mama this is too much, i can't fix things with her, what i need to
do is fix my life so that i can take Nhlalala away from you."
"Please Nsuku, do this for me, he will reveal this to your father
and..." Khensani felt like her breath came in shorts and about to
Nsuku saw that and rushed towards the kitchen, came with a
bottle of water and helped her to drink the water. They sat there
for a while, no one uttered a word.
Nsuku pondered on the whole conversation he'd with his
mother, his mind rested upon her asking to fix things with
Matiendla, what she was asking him was too much, Nhlalala
meant the world to him; however he couldn't live with himself if
his parents divorced knowing he could've done something to
prevent their divorce.
Refusing to help her was sending his mother to jail also..could he
stand by and watch his own mother suffer? Yes she murdered
people but she was still his mother and he didn't chose to have a
murderer as a mother. Would those people return to life when he
declined helping her?
Nsuku's tears welled upon his eyes, his mother had put him in a
difficult situation. Its like she wanted him to chose between her
and his father and If he chose to help her, he would be betraying
his father, again if he decided to take his father's side, There
would be no way for his mother coming out of jail. She didn't
murder one person but three of them. "What am I going to do?"
He asked the question but more to himself.
"Will you do it? Will you fix things with Matiendla Nsuku?"
Khensani asked after she gained some energy, fixing her eyes
towards Nsuku.
"What you're asking me its too much Mama, i love Papa and if i
help you i will be betraying him,Why don't you come clean to
Papa? Maybe he will understand and forgive you."
"Can you forgive Nhlalala if she kills me?"
Nsuku's eyes widen up, "Mama Nhlalala would never do such
"Let's say she does..
"I don't know... Let me think this through."
"There is no time to think Nsuku, Matiendla is expecting you
tonight, please go and fix things with her." She begged him.

*Chapter 30*
It was after school the following day, Nsuku was in his car with
Matiendla who was busy texting Tom on her phone ignoring
Nsuku at all cost. If his mother didn't beg him to fix things with
her he wouldn't be there getting ignored. Nsuku thought looking
at her annoyed.
Matiendla shook her head smiling at something Tom said. It was
a message from Tom asking if she would be able to accompany
him to Durban for his meetings that week, Matiendla being
Matiendla agreed knowing very well school hadn't yet closed.
Tom promised to pick her up the same evening and she said she
would be waiting for him.
Nsuku wondered who she was texting, however the smile
Matiendla held upon her face told him it was a guy. He furiously
snatched Matiendla's phone and switched it off, refraining
himself from throwing it outside the window. "Keep on ignoring
me and watch me throw this useless thing outside the window..."
Matiendla stared at Nsuku irritalely. "Never ever do that again,
my phone is off limit." She said
"Don't test my patience Matiendla, You are forgetting where this
useless thing comes from..." Nsuku argued through gritted
"But that doesn't give you the right to snatch it away from me
when I am still busy with it, and the fact that you bought it for
me means its mine and i can use it without your permission."
"You didn't answer my question, why are you running to my
Mother every time we have some issues in this relationship?"
"Because she is the one who planned this whole relationship
Nsuku..." Matiendla replied furiously "And what do you mean by
some issues in this relationship? You're the one with issues here
not me."
Nsuku cleared his throat. "My apologies for neglecting our
relationship for this past three weeks, i didn't realise i was until
my mother said you're suspecting I am seeing Nhlalala, is it
true?" Matiendla nodded her head staring at him. "What makes
you think so? Is it because I am giving her a ride lately?"
"Yes and is because of the way you look at her and the
fact that I am not sure if you're the one who knocked her up."
"Um...the reason i am giving her a ride its because i feel sorry for
her walking in her condition..." Nsuku lied, he started giving her
a ride way before he found out about Nhlalala's pregnancy, he
didn't even know why he was lying because his relationship with
Matiendla wasn't going to last, not after what his mother told
him about her parents.

"So you're not responsible for her pregnancy?"

"Um yes.." He lied again running his hands upon his head
furiously, he was becoming more like his mother with all these
"Oh, I'm sorry that I suspected you...I know you wouldn't cheat
on me not with her." Matiendla faked a smile.
"Why are you blackmailing my Mother?" Nsuku found the words
out of his mouth and regretted, however those words were
haunting him because he knew Matiendla was going to get hurt
if not death at the end just like her parents.
"Oh so you know?" She asked shocked, she never thought
Khensani would confide in his son.
"Um...of course she told me you're blackmailing her..." There
was no need to lie anymore
"Is that the reason you're trying to fix things with me? Because
she asked you?"
"No...i am trying to fix things with you because i love you...i don't
want to lose you Matiendla." He lied again, he was professional
at lying just like his mother now.
"How long have you known that your mother murdered my
parents?" Matiendla asked with tears welling upon her face
surprising herself, she wasn't the crying type, especially when it
came to their death, the pregnancy was getting to her. She
"She told me everytrhing yesterday." Nsuku looked down on his
lap afraid to meet her gaze after what his mother did. "Babe, i
am sorry that my mother murdered your parents, i swear i didn't
know until yesterday."
Matiendla laughed in mockery, "Isn't that what you rich people
do? Murdering people knowing you will never get caught
because you have money?"
"That isn't true babe, but I don't blame you for thinking like that,
not after my own mother murdered your parents." Nsuku stared
at her. "Um.." He scratched his head, "My mother is a dangerous
woman and I would hate to see you getting hurt because of this
whole blackmailing thing...
"So you expect me to fold my hands and act as if nothing
happened? Hell no Nsuku."
"So what's your plan?"
"Like hell I would tell you..
"Ain't you scared she might get ri of you before..
"Not after recording the whole conversation of her admitting she
murdered my parents, I will send it to someone for in case
something happens to me.." Matiendla immediately regretted
saying that knowing Nsuku still held her phone.
"Let's hope that someone isn't your friend Vonani because you
will be putting her in a dangerous spot, Matiendla please let this mother is evil and she will kill don't know what
she is planning...

Why is she killing people? I fail to understand why she does that
and never get caught Nsuku, she murdered my parents..."
Matiendla sobbed, she tried to be strong and not dwelling upon
their death but knowing someone murdered them hurt her more.
"You have no idea how their death affected Meikie." Nsuku took
her into his arms, comforting her. Knowing his mother caused
this pain to her hurt him more, "I am sorry about all of this..
"Can we please change the subject for now..." Matiendla asked
staring at him.
"What about us? Are we cool?" Nsuku asked.
"Yes, I guess." Matiendla nodded in conclusion, wishing Tom
could hurry up and take her away, she needed a break after this
new found information.

The same day evening, Nsuku entered the Khosa residence. He

really got worried when Nhlalala didn't show up in school that
day and asked Khanyisa who also didn't have a clue why her
friend was absent. After hearing that Nhlalala didn’t own a
phone from Khanyisa he went to Tzaneen to get her one.
The previous conversation he had with his mother about his
Gran and Matiendla's parents still haunted him. He asked himself
how his mother was going to fix the whole thing because there
was a high possibility of her going to jail. Matiendla meant
business although she was pretending.
Nsuku knew he tried to help her by fixing things with Matiendla
but it was too late as everything was a mess. Matiendla seemed
so down as well and refused to share her pains with him.
However seeing her so down hurt him as Matiendla was a
cheerful person who never showed emotions.
This left him asking questions if he still had Matiendla's feelings
or it was sympathy for what his mother did to her parents. Could
his feelings for Matiendla dissapear in just three weeks? If yes
why seeing her hurting affected him? Was it pity? Nsuku
groaned aloud, frustrated with his own feelings that played him.

**Chapter 31**
Nhlalala was in her bedroom when Nsuku arrived whereas Maria
was away in a conference trip. After knocking several times
Nsuku got impatient and thought there was no one in the house.
He was about to leave when Musa opened the door looking
straight to his face annoyed, his face immediately softened
when he saw Nsuku was the one knocking. "Oh hello.." He
"Hi Musa and how are you?" Nsuku simply greeted back
“i am good, um.. Aunty Maria isn’t here if you’re looking for her.”
Musa grinned wider peeking inside their house and the grin
disappeared immediately when his eyes landed on the piles of
dirty plates in their small kitchen. He regretted not cleaning up
before he started with his homework. Maria was going to kill him
for allowing visitors in their house in such state, but it was too
late now.
“Oh okay, but i'm not here to see Aunty Maria but your sister.”
Nsuku grinned and watched the young boy. His ears looked so
much like Nhlalala’s although they didn't look alike. Musa was
light in complexion compared to Nhlalala. The boy had a big
nose and small eyes when Nhlalala had a small nose and big
These comparisons made him wonder if their children were
going to look more like Nhlalala or him and hoped they took after
their mother.
"Oh, i keep forgetting you're the one who knocked up my sister,
anyway Nhlalala is sleeping.” Musa smiled
“Is she alright?” Nsuku asked fear of losing her and the kids
creeping upon him.
“She complained about some abdominal pains but that was two
hours ago, so are you going to marry my sister?” He asked
excitedly. Who wouldn't want to have Nsuku as a brother in law?
“Come on Musa, I didn’t come here to discuss that okay, oh and
before i forget here are the sneakers you spoke about last week
when i came here?" Nsuku said handing Musa the plastic from
Total Sport.
"For me?" Musa asked shocked, he was with his friend and busy
admiring those sneakers on one of the adverts papers when
Nsuku came to see his sister and didnt expect him to get those
for him.
"Yes, for you and may I come in?” Ñsuku asked impatiently, he
needed to see if his Lala was okay.
Musa nodded opening the door wider for Nsuku to get in.
"Thank you for this Nsuku! He exclaimed excitedly showing him
Nhlalala’s bedroom door, which wasn't so hard to find since the
house had four rooms. He knocked on the door and Nhlalala
shouted for him to come in.

“Lala! Nsuku greeted Nhlalala who was sitting at her small bed
reading a book.
She nearly jumped off the bed when she heard Nsuku’s voice.
“Nsuku! Wha..what..brought you here?” Nhlalala stuttered
staring at him, The guy stood there carrying two plastics, He
was wearing a short blue jean and a white t-shirt with white
sneakers. His attire was so simple but he looked so handsome
“You were not in school today, so I had to come and see if you’re
okay.” His eyes kept darting to the room, one that was about
four times smaller than his room. In fact, this whole house was
the size of his room.
At his far right, there was an old wardrobe, while at his far left
there was a small bed that Nhlalala sat on. It was so small
compared to his large bed, big enough to fit five people.
At the corner next to the door sat the study table which had
piles of books neatly packed together with a chair. Nsuku
grinned wider, he was impressed seeing her room so neat
compared to the kitchen he just passed by. Their kitchen was a
mess with dirty plates scattered all over the place and left him
wondering if Maria stayed in this kind of place when she seemed
to be so clean. Anyway, maybe it was not an everyday thing.
His eyes came back to Nhlalala. “I am fine Nsuku.” Nhlalala said
embarrassed, how could she not be embarrassed? Nsuku, the
one living in the enormous building was in their not so wealthy-
small RDP house.
Nhlalala expected him to look at her with distaste but Nsuku did
not, instead he just grinned looking at her and that's when it
snapped her she didn’t offer him a sit. “And you may sit down
please.” She pointed at the chair near her study table.
“Thank you, I brought you this and I hope you will like it.” Nsuku
gave her the smaller plastic first.
“What’s this Nsuku?”
He smiled at her, “Why don’t we open the plastic and see…
Nsuku teased sitting next to Nhlalala instead of the chair she
“Oh! Nhlalala watched with awe! "It is a phone, an iPhone 7
Nsuku? Nhlalala asked shocked staring in the plastic. "I cannot
believe you bought me this phone... thank you Nsuku…Nhlalala
beamed with joy and hugged him.
Joy overwhelmed Nsuku when he saw Nhlalala's reaction.
Wishing to see that beautiful smile everyday of his life.

After some few minutes Nhlalala left Nsuku's embrace, never in

her life would she have expected an expensive and beautiful
phone. Although she knew his father’s money made this
beautiful phone possible. She never thought Nsuku would care
for her enough to least try to impress her.
“But you shouldn’t have Nsuku; Aunty Maria was going to get
me one next month although it's not going to be an expensive
like this one.”
“You’re welcome and I am glad you like it. I bought you this
phone because I wanted to, so you don’t have to worry about it.”
He took out the phone from the box and inserted the sim card
in. “Let me put my number in before you put it in the charger.”
Nsuku smiled and handed Nhlalala the phone.
“I cannot take this Nsuku, but thank you.Nhlalala hesitated.
“Please don’t refuse it, I thought you like it.
“Of course I love it but I'm not used to gifts like these, not from
someone except my Aunty and Khanyisa.” Nhlalala handed back
the phone to Nsuku.
“Then get used to this, you are my children's mother.” Nsuku
threw back the words ignoring Nhlalala's hand that was
returning the phone.
“That doesn't mean you need to buy me things Nsuku, at least
not for me but for your babies and when they are born not now.”
Nsuku didn't want to fight with her, he then decided to change
the subject and that annoyed Nhlalala more,why was he always
changing the subject where it concerned him.
“Why do you like reading this much?” Nsuku fixed his eyes on
the book Nhlalala carried to see it more clearly. She seemed
interested on fiction; he had noticed that and couldn’t help but
ask her.
Nhlalala's eyes sparkled at the mention of books which was her
favourite subject.“I believe that everyone has that thing he loves
most; the thing that keeps him from thinking about the reality of
life sometimes and to me its reading.”
She said joyfully and Nsuku couldn't help but smile at her. If
there was one thing he had learned about this girl, it was her
love for books. “This tells me you don’t like reading?” Nhlalala
continued staring at Nsuku who was taking out an Ice cream
container in the bigger plastic and two spoons putting it
between them.
Joy overwhelmed her when she saw the ice cream and knew
why he brought it with him. It was one of her cravings.
“I do read but fiction." He shook his head digging his spoon in
the container, Nhlalala did the same without being asked. "I take
it you like reading fiction and mysteries more.” he asked

“So what do you read if not fiction?” Nhlalala was curious.

“Business books, I don't have time for fiction but real thing. I'm
wondering why you like fiction instead of non-fiction?”
“You know, one author once said, ‘Non-fiction is like a teacher
who tells you exactly what's going to be covered on a test BUT
Fiction is like a teacher who says ‘You've all the lectures notes,
you figure it out…" Nhlalala’s gaze was still on Nsuku. She could
see he didn’t catch her point so she continued.
“To me life isn’t but Fiction, Although you've all the basic needs
in the real life. Nhlalala paused and looked at him again “There's
no one to tell you how you need to survive; what's going to
happen and how to avoid some circumstances, how to take the
first opportunity that comes your way for in case it doesn't come
back, no one tells you all that but you need to figure it out. The
reason I like fiction more is that the good ones teach us about
ourselves and is just a study of the human condition.”
“Oh! He exclaimed
“Yes, sometimes fiction takes you to the world of imagination,
where reality doesn’t exist; it is like a journey to some other
world, far from cruel reality.”
“But who needs the world of imagination? We live in the real
world Lala…
“I do like the world of imagination, especially when it takes my
mind from cruel reality, I guess your reality is colorful than your
imagination so you don't need to imagine when you have it in the
real world.”
If Nsuku hadn't found out about his mother taking his Gran's life
and murdering Matiendla's parents he would've thought his life
as colorful but it wasn't, instead it started to be the life he
despised. He always thought having money was great but not to
everyone, especially people like his mother who took
advantaged on the less priviledged ones.
His mood started to change. “What do you mean by that? Is this
because of you losing your parents and twin brother? Is it about
your father hating you? Come on Lala, your father hated you
Yes, you lost your mother and twin but life goes on.”
“It’s easier for people like you to say that. After all, you still have
the most important people in your life. Your father loves you but
mine didn't and my mother died because of protecting me? You
know she had complications when she was giving birth, the
doctors had to save one child between my twin brother and I,
and she choose me, that got my father upset because he always
wanted a son not a daughter.

"You know she had complications when she was giving birth, the
doctors had to save one child between my twin brother and I,
and she choose me, that got my father upset because he always
wanted a son not a daughter, Stupid I know and you are here
telling me life goes on.”
Nhlalala shook her head furiously. Why couldn’t people
understand life wasn’t easy as they thought was? Growing up
knowing you’re the reason your parents died isn’t easy as
people assumed it to be.
“You think it’s easy? You think you understand but you don’t and
will never get to understand what I am talking about, no one
does Nsuku. I hate it when people expect me to live a normal life
like them when i don't have one and I also hate it when they act
as if they understand when they know nothing about how you
really feel.” Nhlalala nearly broke down in front of Nsuku but held
“I'm sorry for everything that you have been going through Lala,
have you ever thought about seeing someone professional? This
is not good for you, I mean look at you, you're in so much pain
and really need someone to talk too…
“I don't need to talk to some professionals, that won’t bring my
twin and mother back Nsuku, talking to professionals won’t
change people’s opinions about me and the fact that my father
hated me and never even tried to like me or would it?
“I know it won’t change all that and I don't want them to change
that either, I want them to change the way you view things, your
reaction towards negative and positive attitudes. I want them to
bring back the person God created you to be, not the person
your father made you.”
Nsuku's words got to he was giving Nhlalala the
advice's he should be dwelling on himself. He wasn't living his
life to the fullest but lived for his mother. He turned and watched
tears forming in her eyes. He could see she was so trying to be
strong but failed miserably and he felt guilty for causing those
tears but she needed to hear the truth.
“You need to move on with your life…" Nsuku continued looking
at her. “To let go, I understand it is hard but you need to try, try
harder if you need to. Yes your father hated you and said a lot to
hurt you but don’t allow his words crash the real person you are,
don’t give his words the power to hurt you more, he hurt you
and it’s enough baby girl. You're a perfect being Lala, the most
beautiful person I learned to know these past three months."

Nsuku wiped her tears away. He had a feeling that her father
really messed with her emotions so bad. His words broke this
poor girl into pieces and he really was glad that he had booked
an appointment for her with one of their family therapist, his kids
couldn't grow in the negative environment and that was what
gonna happen if Nhlalala didn’t get help?
Thinking about that Nsuku realized he had never went with her
to her doctor’s appointments. How could he be so stupid? Yes,
he booked all the appointments but never bothered to go with
her. He needed to change that. “When is your next appointment
with your doctor Lala? I want to come with you this time around.”
“For what? She asked astounded
“What kind of question is that Nhlalala? I want to be there for my
children from the beginning.” Nsuku couldn’t understand why
Nhlalala asked him that. He was the father and wanted to be
there every step of the way.
“But I don’t want you to be there…
“And why is that if I may ask?” Nsuku asked annoyed, he didn't
expect that from her.
“I don’t think it’s the right thing for you to do considering that
you’re still hiding us from your Matiendla?" Nhlalala threw the
words at him with annoyance.
“I''m not hiding you Lala; I just don’t seem to find the right time
to tell her about you okay.”
“You’ve not found the right time after three months Nsuku? I bet
you’ll never find the right time.”
Nsuku's fury became worse, Nhlalala wasn't helping with all of
her questions and he didn't need her stressing him after the
conversation he had with his mother the previous day. He had
enough stress in his life already.
“What is all of this? I mean you wanting me to tell Matiendla
about these babies so badly." Nsuku asked giving her weird
looks, Nhlalala was starting to get into his nerves.
"I believe you’re not thinking that I am going to leave her for
you…" Nsuku shook his head looking at her.
"I think I have to leave before we start upsetting you… you now
have my number, I hope you will call me when you need me, oh
and there is an airtime in that plastic and an address to your
therapist that I have booked for you and its on Saturday around
nine am." Nsuku said pulling out his wallet and put some money
on her bed. "That's for your transport."

“You better tell me the truth Nsuku, are you blaming yourself for
getting me pregnant?" Nhlalala found the questions coming, she
couldn't stop herself.
“Nhlalala please…
“Yes Nsuku, it’s like I am an embarrassment to you, I know I am
not as beautiful as Matiendla but I am trying…
Nsuku interrupted her angrily. This girl was really getting into his
nerves by always comparing herself with Matiendla and it was
pissing him, like really.
“Stop trying to be Matiendla because you will never be like her. I
love Matiendla and there is nothing, not even these babies could
change the fact that Matiendla is my first priority. You need to
get this into your head.” Nsuku reached for the door annoyed,
he was ready to leave when Nhlalala threw the words at him.
“What are you saying Nsuku? Are you trying to tell me that these
babies will never be your priority? Is that what you are trying to
tell me?” his words hurt her.
Nsuku immediately came where Nhlalala stood still fuming with
anger. “You know what? Maybe my mother has been right about
you all along, maybe you really planned this whole thing… me
getting you pregnant so that I can leave Matiendla for you and it
will never work. I love Matiendla and will never ever leave her for
you.” Nsuku said that heading straight to the door...He opened it
and went off angrily.

**Chapter 32 **
Nhlalala was left speechless, she bitted her tongue, trying to
hold back the tears that threatened to leave her eyes; and that’s
when she couldn’t hold them back. The fact that she was
pregnant didn't change a thing, Nsuku was still in love with
Matiendla and there was nothing she could do about it. She
thought with so much pain inside her heart.
She felt the warmth, down her cheeks. Her eyes flood with tears,
coming like a rainfall. Sniffing every ten seconds, they fall and
fall and she let them. How could Nsuku say those hurtful words
to her? Saying she planned this whole thing pained her more.
She picked the plastic and dig for the airtime that Nsuku said
was inside. She was so shocked to find it wasn’t the twelve or
twenty-nine rands airtime, she was used to but two hundred
rands airtime. The guy was loaded.
After recharging, Nhlalala called her friend Khanyisa who
mentioned she was on her way to see her anyway. Khanyisa
didn't take so long to arrive at her place. She followed the
sounds of her friend’s sobs and realized Nhlalala was crying.
Where was Musa or Maria? Who saddened her when she was all
alone in the house? Khanyisa then remembered that on her way
she met Musa who said Nhlalala was with Nsuku. Khanyisa
opened her door and ran to the bed. She sat next to her saying
Nhlalala wiped her nose with her sleeve and glanced her way.
“He hates me Khanyisa, Nsuku hates me.”
“What happened Lala?"
“He was here; he thinks I planned this whole thing. I regret going
to that stupid party that day Khanyisa… i should've considered
Zama's proposal instead of running after Nsuku, now I'm stuck
with him."
“Nhlalala, listen to me, you don't need this stress okay, don't
bother yourself by what Nsuku said because we both know you
didn't plan this, remember what the doctor said about stress?
We don't want you to lose these babies…
“That would be the best thing Khanyisa, I wish I could just lose
them, actually his mother was right, we are both still young and
doesn’t need them…abortion was a good idea, it’s not too late
Khanyi…Nhlalala stood and went straight to the door, heading to
the hospital.
“Don’t you dare think about abortion when you're this far
Nhlalala…do you hear me! I'm not going to let you do this
Nhlalala.” Khanyisa said running after her friend who was already
in the gate.
“Watch me…" Khanyisa could see Nhlalala was dead serious.
She then took out her phone and called Mixo asking where
Nsuku was...
After leaving Nhlalala’s place Nsuku headed straight to his
friend’s place and started playing games to ease his mind,
regretting all he said to Nhlalala and wishing to take every word
back but it was too late.
Nsuku didn’t know why Nhlalala’s words worked him up. After all
Nhlalala was pregnant and driven by her hormones. Nsuku
had'nt stayed so long when Khanyisa arrived panting like a mad
dog, Mixo stood up instantly and held his girlfriend
“What’s the matter Sugar? You acting as if you're been chased
by a ghost or are you? Khanyisa took a deep breath and nearly
laughed at his boyfriend’s words. She refrained herself from
laughing when she realized what Mixo called her, he only called
her Sugar when he was concerned and scared.
“Thank God you're here Nsuku, Nhlalala has freaking lost all her
mind.” Khanyisa stared at Nsuku still panting.
“What do you mean?” Nsuku asked uncertainly
“She is heading to the hospital as am speaking for an abortion, I
tried to stop her but...
“What? is she crazy?" Mixo asked shocked. "Isn’t too late for an
abortion Nsuku?” Mixo continued running after Nsuku who
didn't wait for Khanyisa to finish what she said.
Mixo and Khanyisa got in Nsuku’s car quickly and he drove off.
They found Nhlalala still pacing her way to the hospital and
Nsuku instantly jumped out of the car and hold Nhlalala’s hand
“What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked furiously. "Why do
you want to kill my children?” Nsuku asked giving her weird
looks... He didn't know why all he was hearing lately were the
words like killing.
“Your children? Nhlalala laughed mockingly. "Huh? You forgot
what you just said to me some minutes ago. These are my
babies not yours and whatever I do with them its damn none of
your business.”
“It is my business, you're not going to get rid of my children
Nhlalala, I swear if anything happens to them you’ll regret ever
knowing me.” Nsuku said running his hands upon his head
freaking. People had started gathering and most of them were
shocked to learn that Nsuku was responsible for Nhlalala's

“You talking about regrets now! Come on Mister rich boy, I am

already regretting knowing you and coming to that stupid party
of yours. Oh and what will you do? You think your father’s money
will stop me. It won’t daddy’s boy, I no longer wish to share them
with you and I swear to you I will get rid of them today, you like it
or not.”
Mixo held Nhlalala's hand, looking deep in to her eyes. “Nhlalala
please, don’t do this to yourself okay, what if you die? Its too late
for an abortion now sweetheart. Think about this carefully.” He
tried calming her down.
Mixo'd words got to her, Nhlalala found herself sitting down
defeated, and cried her eyes out. When Nsuku saw her crying he
knelt down and held her in his arms.
“I am sorry Lala; I know I am the one who pushed you this far,
please find it in your heart to forgive me.”
“As…as…If…if…you. Care Nsuku I…know…you...don't...
“I do care babe; I really do care about you and our children...
Nsuku looked straight into her eyes. He wished Nhlalala could
believe him because he really meant every word he said.
“Did I hear you call her babe? Mixo laughed at his friend, they
always debated about him calling girls by such names and
Nsuku had sworn never to call a girl by such pet names if he
wasn’t involve with her, Mixo had never seen that until today.
The only girl Nsuku called babe was Matiendla. Nsuku’s eyes left
Nhlalala and wait upon Mixo’s eyes. Mixo just shook his head
and lifted his hands up in surrender. “Damn boy! You got it bad.”
“I…i…" Nsuku stood up and felt all eyes on him. When did these
people gathered here? He asked himself without answers and
why didn’t he see them?
“Well, well good and bad journalist people! The show is now
over, you may leave now.” Khanyisa announced and everyone
left one by one. Nsuku helped Nhlalala stood and brought her to
his car and at the same time Matiendla arrived.
"So its true Nsuku? You lied to me you son of a bitch..."
Matiendla threw the words to him with her hands on mid air
going to Nsuku's cheeks and he suddenly held her hands so
tightly. "Why did you lie to me... Just few hours ago you were
telling me how much you love me and here you are...
"Matiendla please i can explain....
"No you don't have to but you mother will...she has to or else her
little dirty secrets will be out tonight."
"You wouldn't dare...
"Watch me." Matiendla said running away and Nsuku ignored her
and took Nhlalala and Khanyisa home.

**Chapter 33**
Khensani slowly put down her half glass of wine on the table and
rushed towards the kitchen to pick up her phone that had been
ringing none stop. When she saw Monica's name appear on the
screen, she quickly hoped she called with some solutions to her
problems. Since Matiendla's depature the previous day it had
rang none stop with Monica calling trying to help her with some
ideas of how to deal with Matiendla.
"Mon, I hope you have good news for me..."Khensani worriedly
announced without greeting her friend. She returned back to the
sitting room with fear creeping all over her, the tremblings from
her legs made her to hoved into the nearest coach.
"Relax honey, first of all you owe me my friend..
"Don't tell me to relax Mon, not when i could be facing a life
sentence in jail for murder...Khensani couldn't hide the worry in
her voice, her eyes were all red due to lack of sleep, only if
money could buy some slumber.
Jackson had freaked out the previous night from her tossing and
turning around the bed. Monica's calls didn't help, The poor man
had asked what was going on with the late phone calls and she
had to lie saying Monica wasn't feeling well and needed her help,
even a blind could see Jackson didn't buy her stories.
"Please Mon, tell me you found the solution to solve that poor
little whore..
"Didn't I tell you to leave everything to me? As I'm speaking to
you right now I am carrying the videotape, her expensive IPhone
7 with her memory card where your recordings were saved.."
Monica said excitedly.
"What? Khensani asked shocked, how did Monica get
Matiendla's phone so fast? "You mean you have Matiendla's
phone and the videotape? How?" She asked uncertainly.
"Trust me honey, I have been in this game since primary."
Monica laughed aloud, "I just paid Pitso and Gantso three
thousand rands and they just left me here at Msiphana near the
bus stop. I would be coming to your house by now but spotted
your husband's car coming home and refrained myself from
coming."She said, her voice wavering when she mentioned the
word husband. Monica didn't like Jackson, and the feeling was
mutual because he didn't like her also.
"How did you do this?" Khensani asked still shocked.
"After our long talks yesterday i sent them Matiendla's pictures
and her house address which i asked you to send to me last
night and asked them to threaten her and took her phone and
the videotape..." Monica laughed again.

"After our long talks yesterday i sent them Matiendla's pictures

and her house address which i asked you to send to me last
night and asked them to threaten her and took her phone and
the videotape..." Monica laughed again.
"I wish Pitso could explain to you how she was so scared and
shaking when they held their guns on her and her sister
demanding these things. They even asked her if she managed to
sent your conversation to a third person...
"Really? Khensani's heart jumped high and low with excitement,
without knowing what to do to show her gratidute to her best
friend. Monica was a friend indeed not in need.
"Yes...she said she was going to send it but didn't get a
"What would i do without you Mon?"
"I won't mind a vacation to Paris during my annual leave...and
everything would be forgotten..." Monica laughed
"Don't worry, that can be the whole conversation
was just saved in the phone, are you sure she didn't send...
"Relax honey...I even played it...
"Mon, we will talk something came up." Khensani hanged when
Matiendla came rushing towards her crying her lungs out.
Khensani chuckled crossing her arms on her chest when
Matiendla breathed so heavily staring at her. "Oh Matiendla
darling, what's with all the cryings? Did mommy and daddy rose
from the dead? Or someone from your family died?" Khensani
asked pretending. "Oh yes the threatening of the guns scared
the shit out of you, didn't they?"
"You evil woman...Matiendla spat the words furiously pointing
her finger to Khensani. "You sent them to me didn't you?" Tears
were still rolling down her face ruining all her make up..
When she left Nsuku and his friends she rushed home to pick up
the videotape so that she could head to the police station. She
was still in her room when she heard Meikie screaming her lungs
out shouting she wasn't Matiendla.
Matiendla rushed to see what made her sister scream that way
when the men pointed their guns to her demanding her phone
and the videotape that she was carrying or else they were going
to shoot her and her sister. She didn't have a choice but to give
them everything they wanted.

Khensani laughed aloud to Matiendla's annoyance. "I told you

never to mess with me. Did you think you're wiser than your
parents and Nsuku's gran? I really don't understand all of you
the Mademas, irregardless of my warnings you still undermine should be thanking me you're still breathing."
"Oh my God...Khensani you are such..such an.." Matiendla
"An evil woman?" Khensani asked grinning, "You should know by
now that Evil is my middle name honey and this should be a
lesson to you, I don't take threats from little girls like you..Now
get the hell out of my house." Khensani pointed towards the
"Thank godness you're here Mama..." Nsuku announced barging
in the sitting room with sweat running down his body. "Matiendla
found out about Nhlalala's pregnancy and wants to reveal..." His
eyes landed on Matiendla. "Oh Matiendla i didn't know you're
here." Nsuku asked looking at her.
Matiendla stared back at him, she looked so unpleased, broken
and out of place, her eyes were so puffy and red. However the
weird looks she was giving him surprised him. No this wasn't
about her finding out about Nhlalala, something huge had
"Please Khensani, give me back my phone please." Matiendla
"Whats going on here? Babe what happened to your phone?"
Nsuku asked staring at her.
"Ask her, all i want is my IPhone Nsuku nothing else.."Matiendla
said defeated, all her energy was gone from all the cryings.
Nsuku's heart broke seeing her the way she was. Matiendla
looked at him with that same disappointed face she had given
him a million times before when he kept quiet. "What happened
to her phone Mama?"
"Hush Nsuku..." Khensani turned and looked at Matiendla. "She
deserves everything coming her way. I warned her never to
mess with me..did she listen? No...
A single tear rolled down her cheek. Stinging her tear stained
face. Her eyes now filling with tears glistening in the light,
bouncing sadness through the atmosphere. Khensani was the
devil, enjoying hurting God's children all because she had
Matiendla shook her head. "I don't blame Nhlalala when she
wanted to get rid of your child Nsuku because I am about to do
the same thing." Matiendla surprised herself why she kept lying
about her pregnancy being Nsuku's.
Nsuku felt a stinging in his nose and his throat started to tighten.
He opened his mouth to let in a small breath shocked.
"Matiendla was pregnant for him as well? He thought shocked.

Matiendla shook her head and turned away from him, Peal
shaped tears rapidly streamed down her face.
Nsuku started to whimper. "Please wait Matiendla, you mean
you're pregnant?" He begged
Matiendla quieted him by her hand. "Does it matter if i am? Does
it matter when you're cheating on me Nsuku? Matiendla threw
the words at him furiously.
"Babe let me explain to you please...i wasn't cheating on you but
it was a mistake." Nsuku tried to calm Matiendla
She interupted him. "Mistake? We promised not to cheat on
each other Nsuku."
"I know babe, i know but it really was a mistake, i did not
"No, Matiendla shook her head in denial. “This is not a mistake,
you did this to get back at me and i have been asking you if you
were having Nhlalala's feelings and you denied, you denied
"I denied because i....i...." Matiendla’s gaze was on him, daring
him to tell the truth "Okay i might have some feelings for Nhlalala
but you know you’re the only one for me Matiendla please."
Nsuku turned and stared at his mother annoyed, why was she
quiet, he was trying to help her.
"So you do have her feelings? When did this whole thing
happen?" Matiendla asked
"It happened on my birthday party...
"But that's two to three months back Nsuku. And when did you
find out she was pregnant?"
"Three weeks after it happened...
"And you kept quiet. What do you take me for Nsuku?”
"I thought i will tell you but i didn't find the right time."
"You didn’t find the right time? Huh?" Matiendla choked a
mocking laughter. She thanked God that she had called Tom
earlier to come and fetch her in her place before they took her
phone; she could not stand Nsuku’s games. She had to go
somewhere for some fresh air and forget this whole Nsuku-
Nhlalala thing and his mother.
"Yes babe and i am sorry."
"You know what Nsuku, i trusted you. I thought you were
different from my exes but i have been wrong about you.
Moreover, to cheat on me with that cheap and ugly girl. I could
understand if you knocked some other girl but not that nerdy
Khensani stared at Matiendla annoyed. "Matiendla just shut the
hell up okay! We all know you're lying about this whole
pregnancy thing...
"I am not lying Khensani...
"If you're not lying why is it that we finding out about this now? I
know your schemes young lady, you want to use the pregnancy
to us now that you have nothing to blackmail me with right?"
Khensani chuckled, this girl couldn't fool her.

"Of course not.."

Khensani interrupted her furiously. "Nsuku, she is lying about
this pregnancy.. You know this girl is up to no good."
"Mama, remember you said the same thing about Nhlalala when
we found she was pregnant, of which was true, maybe Matiendla
isn't lying."
"If she isn't lying why is she saying this now?" Khensani asked
"Matiendla are you really pregnant?…Nsuku asked looking at her,
he tried holding Matiendla's hands but she did not let him touch
her, He had to do this for his child's sake.
"Believe it or not Nsuku but i am six weeks pregnant...
"The hell you are..." Khrnsani threw the words at her
"I don't have time for this nonsense..." Matiendla shook her
head, Tom was probably at her place and she needed to rush
back home.
"Khensani i want my phone back and you Nsuku, i want you to
listen to me and listen to me attentively....This...." she pointed at
Nsuku and herself " over. I've never ever shared a man with
nerdy, idiotic people in my life and i won't start now with you...
oh! Don't worry about the baby..will get rid of it as soon as
possible might be tonight."
"What? You mean…" Nsuku tried holding her but it was no use.
She walked to the front door and left him there..
Nsuku collapsed to his knees and everything inside him shut
down. His eyes stung and his body trembled. "...Why do Nhlalala
and Matiendla wants to kill my babies" he muttered to himself,
his eyes were burning and his chest felt heavy as if it were filled
with lead.
He could no longer see clearly. All he knew was that she was
gone, out of his life for possibly forever. He woke up and ran to
the door; there were no signs of her at all. She was gone, forever
and that was when he collapsed completely knowing he will
never ever get to see his baby.
Jackson who just arrived stood behind their helpless son. He
had been listening to the half of their conversation without
Khensani held her son to her lap. Nsuku's shoulders were
shaking with grief; tears were streaming down his already wet

Jackson who just arrived stood behind their helpless son. He

had listened to the half of their conversation without disruption.
Khensani held her son to her lap staring at her husband. Nsuku's
shoulders were shaking with grief; tears were streaming down
his already wet cheeks.
"Don't worry baby... This whole thing will pass..." She comforted
her son
"Mama what if she gets rid of my baby? what am i going to do,
please help me. I can't lose my child mama please." Nsuku
Jackson came closer and knelt before his son. It broke his heart
to see him like this. He never saw Nsuku in such state, Nsuku
was always happy and energetic not helpless. "Your Mother is
right Nsuku, this will pass." He assured bumping him oh his
"However this whole thing doesn't make sense..." He continued
staring at Nsuku. "Few weeks back you were telling me how
much you're in love with Nhlalala and here you are, crying over
Matiendla. I thought you wanted to build your relationship with
Nhlalala?" Jackson asked confused.
" I don't know whom to choose anymore Papa, I thought I would
be better off without Matiendla but seeing her walking away
from me hurts, especially now that I know she is carrying my
Jackson shook his head staring at his wife. "You see what you've
caused? You got this boy confused with this whole Matiendla
thing." He threw the words towards his wife irrately. "Honey, this
boy doesn't love Matiendla, he is just obsessed with her and all
thanks to you."
"Come on honey, I was trying to help...
"Oh really? How are you helping when he is like this? How?"
Jackson's fury scared his wife who flinch away from him with
hurt in her heart. Her actions were hurting the most people she
"What do you want me to do now? Huh Jack?" Khensani
shouted back to her husband.
"Its too late for that now, you've already caused enough havoc in
this boy's life.. All am asking is to let him make his own decisions
without you interfering. Let him be, let him make his own
mistakes and learn from them...let him be with whoever he
wants to be with please Khensani."
"Oh okay..from now on i will let him be..if he wants to be with
Nhlalala so be it." Khensani said making her husband snap,
failing to believe what she said.
"I hope you do mean that?" Jack asked with excitement
"Yes i do." Khensani assured him smiling.

"Oh..okay, Nsuku did you hear that? Your mother is giving you
her blessings to be with whoever you want to be with, please
think carefully about this, if you want to be with Matiendla you
have our support however i would be more happier if you chose
Nhlalala." Jackson said still smiling at his wife.
"Thank you Papa but right now I need to see Matiendla and stop
her from aborting my baby or else I will never forgive myself."
Nsuku said trying to wake up from his mother's lap
"Whoa, where are you going Nsuku?" Khensani asked stunned
looking at Nsuku who was about to take his car keys.
"To see Matiendla Mama...
Khensani disrupted him immediately. "You will handle everything
tomorrow not when you're like this Nsuku." Khensani held his
hand preventing him from leaving the house.
"But i need to see her tonight Mama...what if.." Nsuku
"No Nsuku, i won't let you go to her tonight, not when you're like
this...You need to rest.." Khensani turned and looked at Jackson.
"Honey please take all of his car keys and hide them, we cannot
let him drive in his state."
Jackson nodded his head rushing to where they put all their car
keys and took them to their room with Khensani following

** Chapter 34 **
It was around 8pm, The Mthembus were sitted comfortably
watching Generation the Legacy with some popcorns and some
drinks, all the stress of the day was well forgotten. Khensani laid
her head on Jackson's lap, he was busy soathing her back with
concentration towards the soapie.
Khensani was relieved and glad Matiendla was out of her life and
wished it could be probably for good but knowing she could be
back with Nsuku's child left her restless, however she would turn
the rocks upside down just to be certain the bitch was indeed
carrying her son's child.
Nsuku was calm although hurt still reflected upon his face, his
mind battling to process what Matiendla had said, the what if's
Matiendla went ahead with the abortion played in his mind like
how the Soapie he was watching played. His mind could see
Matiendla laying in the hospital bed aborting his baby. Knowing
how Matiendla was, he was convinced she would abort the
"Good night my people.. Jackson announced immediately the
soapie ended. Trying to wake his wife so that he could stand.
"Nsuku, try to get some rest son, you need to be with a clear
mind to choose from those pretty girls." He chuckled yawning
and heading upstairs.
"I think I will turn in earlier as well baby, good night and always
know that I love you." Khensani hugged her son and left his
embrace following her husband upstairs.
After some few minutes Nsuku switched off the Television, he
ran upstairs and took his wallet and went outside, commanding
the guards to open the gate for him and went to Matiendla's
house. He met Meikie from the street, she was from the shops
as she carried a brown loaf of bread. Meike told him that
Matiendla went to Polokwane to their Aunty, saying she needed
a break from all the stress he caused her.
Mekie despised lying to the young man but she didn't want to
ruin things for her baby sister with Nsuku. Even though she
hated Matiendla's behavior she still loved her, she was her blood
after all. She knew Matiendla went with Tom but to where? She
didn't know as her baby sister didn't inform her.
Nsuku wished he had his car to follow her, he knew Matiendla's
aunty who stayed in Polokwane and knew her place very well as
they usually went there together. He said his goodbyes to Meikie
heading back home, maybe he would go there the following day.
Nsuku was heading home when he met John walking home
from Max his friend. Maybe John could lend him his car. He
thought gratefull

Nsuku was heading home when he met John walking home

from Max his friend. Maybe John could lend him his car. He
thought smiling at his own thoughts. "Uncle John..." Nsuku
greeted with a grin appearing upon his face, he continued
laughing. “The most beloved and favorite Uncle in the whole
world, you know that right?"
"What do you want Nsuku?" John asked laughing himself. He
knew Nsuku and his trick ways very well. "I know when you need
a favor you get to call me with all these beautiful names.” Nsuku
was right with John being the favorite and beloved uncle but
only to him knowing, he could be his son.
"Can you borrow me your car? I am going to return it first thing
tomorrow morning."
"And where are your cars if I may ask young man?"
"I...I...please Uncle John. This is urgent I don't have time to
"I can't Nsuku, my gas is…
"Do not worry about the gas. I will make sure I return it to you
"I don't know..did you have a fight with your parents for them to
take your car keys?" John couldn't understand why Nsuku was
borrowing his car when he had more than two cars and John
knew when his parents grounded him; he couldn’t use his cars.
"No i didn't but i had a fight with Matiendla....oh please uncle
John I don't have time, she could be in Polokwane trying to abort
my baby...I need to see her."
"Really?? Lets go to my house, but you have to return it first
thing tomorrow morning."John said that leading the way to his
own house.
It was after thirty minutes, Nsuku was ten kilometers away from
Tzaneen on the R71. He was so determined to find Matiendla.
His gorgeous girlfriend, life without her was going to be bitter.
He planned to find her and ask for forgiveness. He glanced at his
cell phone to see if anyone was calling him when he saw light
coming from it.
He was hoping Matiendla was the one texting him, just to let
him know she understands. He grabbed the phone and opened
the text, it was a message from Nhlalala saying goodnight.
Without responding he out the phone down and continued with
his driving.
Nsuku wasn't even aware there was a car behind him that
seemed to be following him, it was after a while when the car
overtook him, He took his phone and tried to call Matiendla but it
went straight to voice mail. He groaned aloud when he recalled
she didn't have a phone anymore.

Nsuku wasn't even aware there was a car behind him that
seemed to be following him, it was after a while when the car
overtook him, He took his phone and tried to call Matiendla but it
went straight to voice mail. He groaned aloud when he recalled
she didn't have her phone.
He was in deep thought and when he snapped out if it, he found
this other car not so far blocking his way. He tried to reach for
the breaks quickly but before that, he felt a bullet on his chest.
Another one followed causing him to lose control of his car.
The car went straight to hitting the big tree that was near the
road, it then rolled and rolled. Gantso and Pitso immediately
drove away, leaving without checking on him, hoping he died in
the same spot.
Khensani turned to check upon the time, it was past eleven late.
Since Pitso called her around nine to inform her they were
following John, slumber couldn't take over her. The other thing
that bothered her was the feeling she had and it kept bugging
her, feeling like she was about to receive bad news.
She tried to ignore the feeling, thinking it was there because of
knowing what was going to happen to John.
Jack had asked her what was her problem because since the
previous night she had been turning and tossing around the bed
without resting. She turned and her eyes landed on her phone
vibrating, she glanced over her husband's side to see if he was
awake, Jack was long gone to the lala land, he was even snoring.
Khensani picked up her phone and went downstairs. The person
calling her had long dropped when she reached downstairs and
waited for few minutes for him to call again. Before long it rang
again and she answered it.
"Hello and whose this?" She asked filled with fear
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Didn't Pitso tell you to stay
with your phone as we might call you anytime?" She heard the
rough and scary voice and guessed that was Gantso, damn why
didn't Pitso call her again?
This Gantso guy scared the shit out of her and one couldn't look
at him even for a second, he was so scary with big scars on his
face and hands. His eyes were even worse, khensani had
thought there was none who had ever saw this man laughing. As
for Pitso, he was handsome and Khensani had asked herself why
he was in this gangsterism in the first place.
"I am sorry..." Khensani apologised trembling with fear.Gantso
scared her she didn't wanna lie.

"I am sorry...
"To hell with your sorries woman, you might have millions in your
accounts but i don't bow before you or any one for that matter,
now listen.. I am calling to let you know that our deal went great.
You will soon receive the news that John is no more." Gantso
"Are you sure..
"What do you mean am sure? Do you think I can call to inform
you about this if I wasn't sure? Listen here woman, maybe your
friend didn't tell you all about us but we don't mess around...
"I didn't mean to upset you...
"Stop with your explanations woman, i don't have time and have
to rush to finish our job somewhere else, but first thing
tomorrow morning I want to see our last balance in our account."
Gantso said without giving her a chance to explain.
"That I can arrange...
"I don't care if you still need to arrange the money, all I need to
see is the money in my account first thing tomorrow morning
when I open my eyes, we had an agreement that immediately we
take him out you will give us our money, not these fucks of
arranging the money."
"I was just..
"We did our job so do yours and hey Mrs Millioner, if you get to
hire us next time stop interfering with your calls to remind us
what we supposed to do we know our job woman."
"Of course I will..
Gantso clicked his tongue annoyed. "I don't know why your
friend thought you can handle us, Let me remind you we don't
like following people who owe us around, if you know what's
best for you, you will transfer the money before
9am...goodnight." With that Gantso hanged up.
Khensani paced around the kitchen, she opened the fridge and
took out the bottle of water and gulped the water without
stopping until the bottle was empty. Was she that thirsty? She
thought to herself. Indeed taking someone's life wasn’t easy
even when you are heartless as her.
One couldn't tell how she felt. A part of her was happy that no
one will ever know about Nsuku been John's son but the other
part of her was scared. Scared of the police finding out John's
death was schemed. What if this whole thing backfired?
Khensani was still pacing around the kitchen when Jackson
barged in. He looked so devastated and in shock, the sight of
her husbañd scared her as she had never ever saw him in such
state since their twenty one years of marriage.

Khensani was still pacing around the kitchen when Jackson

barged in with his eyes darting all over the place. He looked so
devastated and in shock, the sight of her husbañd scared her as
she had never ever saw him in such state since their twenty one
years of marriage.
She looked at him and could not think of anything except fear
creeping up her spine. Did her husband had a nightmare? Why
was he anxious? She could feel that something bad might have
happened. Did he hear about John’s death all of a sudden? Nah,
heard it from who? What could it be? Was someone hurt? Yes,
John was hurt but why would someone call her husband for
John’s accident instead of his family?
Nsuku? Where was he? She thought, Could it have something to
do with him? Hell no Nsuku was probably sleeping up stairs.
"Honey, will you please change into something decent so that
we can leave." Jackson said dragging his wife into their
"Honey what's the matter?"
"I will tell you...please go and change first." Jackson didn't know
how to break the news to his precious wife. How would he break
the news when he wàs also scared and shocked by the news
He snapped out of it and ran upstairs to check if Nsuku wasn’t in
his room, maybe he didnt hear the man who called him clearly or
he didnt want to believe the man who called him? Indeed Nsuku
wasn’t in his room; Jack rushed to his room where his wife stood
with piles of clothes scattered in their bed not knowing which
outfit to wear.
"Honey, there is no time, Pick anything as long as you're
comfortable in it." Jackson said picking one of her black dress
and throwing it to her. "Wear this."
"But Jack that dress...
"Honey please we don't have time..Jack shouted
Khensani shook her head furiously. "Okay, there was no need of
you shouting." She quickly wore the dress, Jackson dragged her
out to their first garage and told her to get in. Khensani again
asked the reason Jack was acting so odd and weird. Instead of
responding Jack started the car, reversing until he was out,. The
hooter got the security guard to open up the gate quickly. Jack
drove out of their home in silence. His mind was at Van velden
hospital where his son was fighting for his life.
Being curious Khensani looked at him angrily and when her
husband didn’t utter a word she became mad. "What's the
matter with you Jack, why ain’t you telling me the reason behind
you acting strange; you cannot just drag me out of the house
this late of the night and expect me to calm down...
"Honey Nsuku had an accident an hour ago at R71...
Khensani laughed aloud staring at her husband who gave her a
weird look, she stopped laughing when he looked at her
seriously. "Honey, our son is sleeping upstairs and you're here
telling me he had an accident, are you sure you're okay?"
Khensani asked running her hand on Jackson's forehead
checking if he was well.
"Yes I am okay but Nsuku isn't...
"What do you mean Nsuku had an accident when you took all of
his car keys? You didn't sneak up and gave him the keys did
you? Khensani shook her head in denial of what her husband
was saying.
"I didn't and I don't understand how he got there in the first
place, however the man who called me used our son's phone
and he told me they are taking him to Van velden hospital right
now I thought he was lying but when I went to check on him, he
wasn’t there." Jackson announced with hurt and concern.
"I don't understand Jack...i really don't understand..." Khensani
teared up while panicking.
"Honey please calm down, let’s get into the hospital
first...Jackson tried to keep calm for the sake of his wife but
inside he was also horrified.
"Calm down?? Khensani asked gawking at him and shook her
head on the process. he couldn't be serious. "Did I hear you
telling me to fucken calm down Jackson? Did you carry that boy
for nine months for you to tell me to calm down? Did you fucken
push out that boy for you to tell me to fucken calm down?,did
you?" Khensani shouted beyond furious.
"I know you're in shock and panicking at this moment but your
words ain't seating well with me honey, you know Nsuku is our
son..we all hurting here."
Khensani laughed in mockery. "If you were hurting you wouldn't
be telling me to calm down Jackson, you wouldn't. And stop
lying to me and tell me why you gave him his car keys behind my
"I said i did not give him the keys..." This reaction from his wife
was really getting into his nerves
"If you did not who then? Answer me Jack?" Khensani asked
banging the dashboard.
"I am just clueless as you Khensani...
"If my son dies, you will be the one to blame Jack. Pray that this
is a minor thing and it won't take his life or else I am divorcing
"What the fuck is wrong with you woman? I told you I did not
give him the fucken keys. Why don't you believe me."
"Because this isn't the first time you go against my word when it
comes to my son Jack.. Oh God please don't let my son die.. I
will change my evil and sinful ways please for his sake please
God." Khensani sobbed
Jackson felt so helpless, he was hurt to watch his wife breaking
without knowing what to do. He had never saw Khensani like
this, yes they had their moment but her mentioning divorce? He
took her hand trying to comfort her.
"What if Nsuku dies Jack...oh God please don't let my son die."
Khensani sobbed saying a little prayer.
What if Khensani was right about their son dying? The same
thought his wife had, crossed his mind, No he needed to be
positive, they cannot be both negative. He needed to pull up in
front of his wife or else she was going to stress more.
"Khensani, please stop panicking, Nsuku will not die
okay...Jackson stopped his wife. How can she think like that?
Jack thought overlooking at his earlier thought. Accidents do
happen every day and although one can die from them, there is
still some possibility for one to survive also.

**Chapter 35**
When they arrived at the hospital, it was midnight and found
that the doctors immediately placed him in the ICU. This
frightened his parents, Khensani more. She refused to believe
that her only son was in the ICU with questions of what would
happen if he didn't come out?
She should have checked on him time to time to see how he was
doing and taking the Matiendla-baby issue. Maybe she would
have stopped her son from leaving the house. She swore never
to forgive herself if anything happened to Nsuku, why didn’t she
check on him before she went to sleep.
It was after some few minutes, when the police arrived where
Khensani and her husband were sitted. Jackson stood to meet
them half way when they approached them with his wife
following behind.
Jackson cleared his throat before he spoke. "Well I am Jackson
"How are you Mr Mthembu, i am detective Monyela and this is
lieutenant Nkuna." detective Monyela said shaking hands with
Jackson and pointing a finger to his colleque. “We know who
you are sir and we also know your beautiful wife here."
Detective Monyela continued eyeing the beautiful Khensani and
felt sorry for her when he saw all the tears she was shedding.
Detective wondered why Jackson was introducing himself when
he was a well-known man around Tzaneen. "We are sorry for
what happened....
"My son isn’t dead right?" Jackson held back tears that
threatened to come out but his voice was shaking. People
usually say they are sorry when someone passed away and
Nsuku was not dead or was he?
“Of course no Mr Mthembu, your son is alive according to what
the doctor has said but…
“Oh! Thank God he is alive, my wife and I cannot lose him and
are praying for his life, he is our only son." Jackson was relieved
to hear his son was still fighting for his life.
"It’s hard to tell if he is going to make it though, however the
doctors are working on him." Nkuna said that looking straight to
Jackson’s eyes. He felt empathy for this rich man. Only if money
made such matters disappear, He thought.
"Did you get to find out what kind of a car he was driving?"
Jackson asked still wondering why he didn’t hear when Nsuku
pulled out of the garage and why his guards allowed him to pass
through the gate when he decreed them not to.
"Oh yes, he was using a red 2012 Toyota corolla of this number…
oh before we forget, we got this Identity document book in the you know the owner of this ID book?" Detective Monyela
handed the ID book to Jackson who quickly opened and looked
at it.
"John! Jack asked shocked. “What was Nsuku doing with John’s
car? He asked aloud.
Khensani's face instantly went pale, maybe she had not been
following or listening to the whole conversation properly, She
needed some clarification. "What did John do?" Fear
overwhelmed her causing her to shake on the process.
"We found his ID book in the car that your son was driving."
Lieutenant Nkuna informed them.
"Oh my God..." With that Khensani fainted. The nurses rushed
by her side to help her immediately. Jackson stood there
flabbergasted, he must be dreaming. He thought trying to pinch
himself on the arm.
"What's happening Mr. Mttembu? Why did your wife faint after
hearing John's name and who is this John anyway?" Detective
Monyela asked surprised by Khensani's reaction.
"I really don't understand what's happening. I feel like I am
dreaming detective, my son might never make it and my wife
has fainted." Jackson threw his hands on air not knowing what to
expect while hoving himself on the nearest chair.
"Sit down Mr Mthembu and be strong for your family, I believe
that your wife is just shocked about this whole thing." Lieutenant
Nkuna said bumping his hand upon his shoulder. The man
looked so torn and lost.
Doctor Sithole came out of the theatre after thirty minutes later.
Jackson stood up to meet him.
"How are you Mr...?
"Mthembu doctor and how is my son doing?" Jackson
extending his hand to shake doctor Sithole’s hand.
"I believe you are the young man's father?" The doc asked also
wondering Why Jackson was introducing himself when he knew
him very well. He wasn't sure if the boy was Nsuku Mthembu.
"Yes doctor..." He said nodding his head
"Let's go to my office sir… The doctor said heading into his
office with Jackson following him behind.
"You may sit down sir....
"Thank you…
"First of all your wife suffered Neurocardiogenic syncope, also
known as reflex syncope, this occurs when something causes a
short-term malfunction of the autonomous Nervous system. She
experienced hypotension and a pulse rate that caused the
brain’s blood/oxygen been temporarily interrupted. I believe that
the trigger became suddenly emotional upset, such as when she
heard about her son’s accident.” Doctor Sithole explained
watching the concerned Mthembu.
“Should I be worried about her?”
“No, you don’t have to, she just need to rest…” Doctor Sithole
stared at Jackson who nodded his head relieved and his face
immediately changed into a serious one. "But I'm afraid to tell
you that your son is in a very critical condition. We managed to
remove the bullets and had stopped the bleeding however he is
still in the induced Comma, The bullets hit him badly…
"What bullets now? Jackson could not hold his frustrations. “I
really do not understand doctor; the police mentioned only the
accident not the shooting? So my son was shot?" Anger boomed
out of his mouth showing the veins on his neck with sweat
drifting on his forehead.
"I am sorry sir but yes the young man....
"Can you please stop saying the young man; his name is Nsuku,
Nsuku Mthembu." Jackson threw the words at the poor doctor,
he was really annoyed by his addressing to his son.
"I am sorry sir; Nsuku was shot twice, one bullet at his right
lower chest and at his left shoulder."
"Who could possible want to kill my son?" He asked wondering
in a deep thought. Whoever was behind this was going to pay,
he would make sure of it. He swore to himself to haunt him until
he got the the bottom end.
"I really don't know sir...But the way it is, seems like a planned
matter because he was shot while driving and that's when he
lost the control of his car?"
"Will my son make it doctor?"
"I am not yet sure sir, as I have already said he is in a critical
condition, however I think he might suffer from amnesia if ever
he pulls out. Let's hope he comes out of the comma soon." The
doctor said standing up
"Please doctor, do all you can to save his life, if you are not going
to be able to help him let me take him to the best private
hospitals." Jackson panicked with the fear of losing his only son.
"Sir, we are doing all our best and if you do not mind I am
rushing to see my other patients" Doctor Sithole stood heading
towards the door.
Jackson touched his shoulder “You better be doctor, because I
do not know what I will do if he leave us, especially my wife.” The
doctor nodded his head and showed him the door, when Jack
went out the doctor closed his door and followed him.

**Chapter 36**
Jackson reached the waiting room with his heart beating
repeatedly, the news that his son was shot startled him. Was it a
coincident? Was Nsuku in the wrong place at the wrong time?
What if it was a schemed matter? What if someone was trying to
hurt him? Questions were playing in his head, leaving him
without answers.
"Detective, make sure you find the pervets who tried to kill my
son, I didn’t know he was shot?" Jackson announced when he
reached the police with his eyebrow raised towards detective.
"That's what I intend to do Mr Mthembu, and if you don't mind
let me start right now with you sir." Detective Monyela’s gaze
was upon Jackson. “Why would people want to kill your son if I
may ask?"
Was this some kind of a joke? Jackson thought shaking his head
with anger taking over him. "What kind of nonsense is this
detective? Isn't it your job as 'Detective' to find that out?
Jackson threw back the words furiously.
Why was he asking him such nonsense. "Do you really think I
wouldn't have handled the pervets if I knew they were behind
me and my family long time ago?" He clicked his tongue irately.
This detective was seriously testing his patience and he wasn't
up for it.
"I'm not fighting with you sir, I just need some clarity." Detective
announced after Jackson's furious respond. "Is it because of
money?" His stares annoyed Jackson more.
When Jackson kept quiet he continued,“I’m just wondering sir,
everyone around Tzaneen knows you, we all know how rich you
are and rich people always have enemies." Detective Monyela
informed him. "So Mr. Mthembu, do you by any chance happen
to know who could be trying to hurt you or your family?" He
asked again watching him intensely.
Jackson cleared his throat, searching in his mind deeply, trying
to recall who could be trying to hurt him. "I really don't think I
have enemies...
"Come on sir... A man as rich as you, not having enemies think
clearly." Jackson's respond left Detective Monyela chuckling
trying to figure out how a rich man as Jackson could be so
"I really can't think of anyone at the moment...
"What about your son?"
"I don't remember him talking about someone also."
"And your wife..."
Monyela's questions worked him up. "Oh please detective, why
don't you just find out who did this and stop interrogating me
with these questions? And let me know if this case is too big for
you to handle, I can take this matter into my own hands as i can
hardly wait for the pervets to pay."
"I know you are hurting Mr. Mthembu but you cannot take this
into your own hands, it is illegal...
Pointing his finger towards detective . "You really want to know
what illegal is Monyela? To me illegal means my son lying in this
hospital with tubes and machines inserted in his body when the
police are busy interrogating me with stupid questions instead of
hunting the pervets who tried to kill my son."
Jackson was beyond furious, "To me it is illegal and a taboo to
see my wife fainting after hearing that her son is fighting for his
life with the police still harassing me with their stupid presence
instead of going out there and do their jobs. And you are here
telling me about the stupid illegal things Nonsense."
"But we are trying our best sir..
"You call this your best Monyela? Jackson laughed in mockery.
"Then try harder before i try my worse." Jackson announced
clicking his tongue irritated.
"I am sorry sir..
"Sorry for yourself because if you don't find these perverts by
the end of this week, you will be handling another case and that
I can assure you."
"We will be back tomorrow morning to ask your wife some few
question, can you please provide me with John's address." The
police announced leaving Jackson annoyed. Why ain't they
doing their job and stop harassing him with questions? He
quickly wrote John's address on the small book that Detective
Monyela handed him.

Khensani and Jackson left the hospital around five in the

morning to change with the plan of returning early. Although
Jack begged his wife to get some rest at home when he returns
to the hospital Khensani didn't have it. She insisted to be by her
son's side.
"Don't you think John has something to do with this? I mean
Nsuku was in his car when he had an accident." Khensani
started after been quiet for almost thirty minutes. She had to
shift this whole thing towards John.
"Come on honey, John wouldn't do this; you know he loves
Nsuku like his own." Jackson proclaimed staring at his wife. "But
i promise you, we will find the person behind this and hell he will
pay for causing my son so much pain." He took her hand
assuring her.
Fear creeped upon Khensani, she could see Jackson was so
determined."What if it has been an act all along, honey I don't
trust that man and have been telling you to fire him? But did you
"I think you are over reacting my love, John would never ever do
this, you know I will hire a PI today, someone who will dig more
to this....
Khensani choke up with fear, "Is that necessary honey? The
police will find them...
"Police? You trust police? Jackson asked shaking his head. " Did
the police find out who poisoned my mother to death? His eyes
were still upon Khensani. "Did the police dig harder to find out
about the Mademas accident? Did they honey? Did the police
arrest that friend of yours for taking her husband's life?"
"Haibo Jack? Monica didn't kill her husband, Sam was sick..."
Khensani announced shocked. This man knew too much.
"You can fool the police with that honey but not me and I am not
taking chances on this, We are talking about my son's life here
honey, I really cannot take chances..." Jackson announced
irritated, "If this thing is a schemed plan just like the one with the
Mademas I cannot just sit down and do nothing about it, I have
to move Nsuku...
"Wait Jack, how do you know about the Mademas? I ..."
Khensani was trembling with fear.
"I hired a PI, however he didn't get into the bottom of this when I
find out..." He stopped and looked at his wife. "Never mind my
love." He said smirking.
"" Words dissapeared on her. This man knew who
killed the Mademas and didn't want to tell her. Did Jack knew
she was behind their death? Everything was coming back to
haunt her, maybe their souls were not resting...and won't until
she paid for killing them.
Jackson watched the panick in his wife's eyes, she was
trembling with fear. Jackson laughed and took his wife's hand on
him. "Relax honey, I won't spill out the beans although I have
been waiting for so long for you to tell me why you killed them."
"Yes I know, and I also know they had something on you of
which I want you to tell me right now, we are married for
heaven's sake Khensani."
"But honey..."
"You thought I don't know? I couldn't be still knowing those
people were your friends, however i left everything when i found
out you were behind their death, so do you mind telling me why
you killed them?"
My life has come to an end..Khensani thought Defeated. "Oh not
today honey, I need to rest just like the doctor suggested."
"Rest my love but I am hiring some bodyguards for Nsuku...and
right now we are heading to John's place." Jack announced
calmy, driving to John’s place in silence with Khensani feeling
exhausted, her head wasn't making it any easier.

**Chapter 37**
Jackson packed on the front gate of John's yard. He wasn't sure
if he was going to find him in, He climbed off the car and went
on the passenger seat to open for his wife who was still pale. He
shook his head still staring at her, "Ain't you coming out my
love?" He asked Khensani who was still sitting without
attempting to come out.
"Um...Jack?" Khensani called him
"Yes honey!
"How much do you know?" She asked with so much fear
showing in her face.
"Just like you mentioned my love, we don't have to stress you. All
you need is some rest." Jackson held his wife's hand to help her
come out. "I know everything that I'm suppose to know, ecxept
your secret with John, however i don't mind waiting until you find
the right time to let me know."
"Why ain't you hiring some PIs to dig it out also, just like you did
with the other information." Khensani asked still sitting in the car
"Like i said, i didn't know you were involved my love, if i knew i
wouldn't have digged the info in the first place, the reason i don't
with this John thing is because i trust you or shouldn't i?"
Khensani felt her heart beating loud.
"Of course honey, you know you can trust me just like i trust you
and for your assurance there is nothing going on between John
and I."
Jackson looked her in the eye, "I believe you're telling me the
truth Khensani because if i find out you having an affair with him
you're both dead...
" told you there is nothing Jack...
"So why are you always so tensed and left helpless whenever he
is around?" Jackson asked furiously
Khensani was so frightened when Jack raised his voice. "
be honest with you John is the one who helped me into
murdering the Mademas...
"Really? So is he blackmailing you also?" He asked with his
eyebrow raised.
Jackson sighed aloud. "I should have known, damn
Khensani...why didn't you tell me? We would have dealt with
him...oh no...oh no Khensani." Jack shook his head staring at
her furiously. "Don't tell me you hired people to kill him also?
This is all your plan right? Your plan backfired...
"No Jack, why would you think i am behind this..." Khensani
stopped when Jackson quickly rushed inside the car and close
the door after getting in.
"Why wouldn't i think you're behind this when the Mademas died
the same way except that they were burned in their
car?.....please tell me why wouldn't i think you're behind this
when you're capable of anything? Oh my God? The reason you
fainted at the mentioned of John's name? This makes sense."
Jackson said holding his face with both hands. Who the hell was
this woman? "We all thought you fainted due to some shock,
but..." He laughed mockery.
"I told you i know nothing about this Jack, you have to believe
me, i learned my lesson with the Mademas...
"Damn you're right, just like you learned with my mother?"
Khensani went pale, feeling like the world could open up and
omit her, Jackson had never raised his voice on her and he
looked beyond furious. "You know about your mother also?"
"Wena you think I am a fool I see, and I am far from it..."
Jackson's voice trembled with anger. Khensani could see he was
breaking. "I don't know why I still love you after everything, i
don't know why my love for you overlook everything you have
done...." Tears were now rolling down.
Khensani's heart shattered into pieces at the sight of her
husband breaking. Jackson had never shown her this sight of
"I just pray you ain't hiding some things from me because I can't
take any of your nonsense anymore, I forgave you after so many
things and so many lies but you keep hurting me
keep hurting me..." He was sobbing his eyes out, Khensani
hugged him so tightly as she sobbed as well. This was never her
intentions, she would never hurt Jack intentional.
"What happened to my wife? What happened to Khensani I felt
in love with twenty three years back? I so damn miss the
Khensani that I first laid my eyes on when she was in her
uniform, the Khensani that was so sweet, kind and caring. The
Khensani that had a bright future not the one so full of lies,
schemes and murder."
"I am still her honey...
"No, money changed you, I didn't know working this hard for us
to be wealthy could change my sweet and loving wife...the same
reason i hate Monica, You were not like this Khensani...I regret
the day i took you to that college in Polokwane where you met
Maggie and Monica." Jack said wiping off his tears.
Khensani sobbed, "I am sorry Jack, but you know....
"You better be telling me the truth this time around Khensani, i
really don't want to fight with you, I love you too much to fight
with you..." Jack said opening the door and get off, he opened
the passanger door again, helping her stand steadily and wiped
off her tears, Khensani was shaking. He held her hand and
entered the Malungani's yard.

**Chapter 38**
Olivia, John's wife was cleaning the yard when they arrived. "Mr
and Mrs. Mthembu, you are welcome." Olivia announced
watching Khensani carefully, she looked out of place, Olivia was
used to seeing her with make-up and outstanding outfits, not
this horrible person with red and puffy eyes.
"We aren't staying Olivia, we came by to see John, is he still here
or he went to the taxi rank?" Jackson asked when Olivia turned
to take some chairs.
John came out of the house same time, he went closer to where
they were all standing. "Morning sir, Mrs. Mthembu how are
you?" John greeted them smiling. He immediately saw their
grieving faces and realized something was wrong. Especially
Khensani who seemed so lost and out of place. What was it? He
thought so deeply, what if his secret with Khensani was out?
"John, i hope you're still good man?" Jackson asked watching
him carefully.
"We are sir and what brought you here, if you don't mind me
"Its about Nsuku; he had an accident last night...
"He what...? John asked shocked.
"He didn’t only have an accident but was shot twice." Khensani
informed giving him a weird look.
"What? I really do not understand..."John asked astonished
"Oh yes you do John, you know exactly what's going on here.
You bought some people to kill my son admit it?” Khensani
threw the words at John, leaving him startled.
"What? I could never do anything to hurt Nsuku, why would you
think I am the one who attempted to take his life."
"My son was in your car John…
"Yes he was in my car but I had nothing to do with his shootings
come on Khensani...
"Good morning people." They all turned to look at detective
Monyela who said his greetings. He was still with Lieutenant
Nkuna. "Mr John Malungani, am i correct sir?" Detective
Monyela asked looking at John.
"Yes sir…"He replied
"I am detective Monyela and this is Lieutenant Nkuna.” Monyela
said pointing to his colleque. John nodded his head in
agreement. “We truly believe that you’ve an idea why we are
visiting you today." Detective asked gawking at John.
"I guess this has got to do with Nsuku's accident.” John said
returning back the weird stares that detective threw at him
without hesitation.
"You guessed right although I didn’t want you to guess…
nonetheless you do know he had an accident yesterday with
your car right?" Detective announced with his eyes boring into
"His parents were not aware of you lending him your car right?"
"Yes, Nsuku came here late last night proclaiming that
Matiendla, his girlfriend wanted to get rid of her pregnancy and
that i should lend him my car...
"Hold on sir, who is Matiendla?"
"His girlfriend... Detective nodded his head and stated for him to
continue …”He mentioned something about following her to
Polokwane and begged me into lending him my car promising to
return it this morning. I was also worried when i didn't see him
because i am already late for..."
"Were you not surprised when Nsuku borrowed your car?,we all
know the boy has his own cars?"
"He mentioned that his parents took all his car keys when I
asked him about his cars?,John announced regretting lending
the boy his car.
"Why would you lend him your car knowing his parents did not
want him to leave home in his state?"
"I just felt sorry for him..." John sighed, running his hands on his
Detective turned his eyes and looked at Nkuna who was
smirking. "Interesting, you felt sorry for him you say? How do
you know Nsuku?" He questioned more
"I work for them.” John nodded towards Jackson and his wife. “I
am their taxi supervisor"
“How long have you been working for them?"
"Twenty years.”
"You said you just felt sorry for him, I find that not convincing as
I believe that you planned to take Nsuku's life. You borrowed him
your car and when he left you followed him or maybe you called
your guys to follow him right?"
"Hell no, what kind of nonsense is this? Why would I like to kill
"That's what I want to find out from you. Why do you want to kill
him?" Detective asked without giving him a chance.
"I didn’t want to kill Nsuku, why don't you believe me, I’d never
do such thing, taking someone's life and Nsuku of all people
come on."
"I think we also need to talk to Matiendla...who knows, maybe
she is the one who bought these guys knowing Nsuku will follow
her anywhere." Nkuna announced.
"Matiendla has nothing to do with this detective, John does.
How can Matiendla hire people to kill my son in such a space of
time?" Khensani proclaimed bitterly.
"Khensani can you please stop accusing me? I have nothing to
do with your son been shot..." John threw the words furiously at
"Oh yes you do John....
"Mrs. Mthembu we know you are angry but let us handle this.
We will get into the bottom of this I promise, we will find who did
this and I tell you he will pay big time." Detective Monyela looked
into John's eyes. John instantly felt his heart racing, were they
suspecting him? Why did he
lend Nsuku his car.
"Oh come on detective, John knows about this whole thing and
please arrest him." Khensani shouted furiously insisting that
John knew something.
"Oh before I forget Mrs. Mthembu, We meant to ask you this
yesterday but after what happened to you we thought we will
today." Detective asked turning towards Khensani.
Khensani's face changed so fast with fear reflecting, Could it be
possible for them to know about her secret? How did they
know? "OK...she replied with a timid voice
"Do you by any chance happen to be fighting with anyone at the
moment? We all know you ladies, always holding some
grudges?" Detective asked her looking straight into her eyes.
Khensani's eyes shifted from detective to John who was also
watching her
" one sir…" She stuttered
"Really” Detective smiled, something seemed weird about this
woman, he thought watching her carefully. Yesterday she fainted
at the mentioned of John's name! Here she was glancing at
John's whenever she was asked a question...could these two be
hiding something? No, Nsuku is her only son, why would she like
to kill her own son. He found it interesting Though.
"Mr Malungani, we will be back for further Questiniong if we find
something else." Detective announced looking him in the eye.
"Lieutenant Let's go..."

One week passed by, without a change into Nsuku's condition;
the young man still laid helpess in the hospital bed. Close
friends and family came by to see him but not Matiendla. That
got Jackson so upset and worried. She was his son's girlfriend
for heaven's sake and Nsuku had an accident because of her.
Had Nsuku not followed her it wouldn't have happened.
Instead of Matiendla Nhlalala was the one visiting Nsuku now
and then. She even skipped school the whole week for the sake
of being with Nsuku. Khanyisa and Mixo also came to see him
and some of his other friends.
The police were still trying their best to find the person who
intended on killing Nsuku without success even though
Khensani still insisted John was behind the accident. The police
tried to inform her why they couldn't arrest him as they didn't
have enough evidence that John was behind it.
When Nsuku was fighting for his life at Van Velden hospital,
Matiendla was having fun with Thomas Du ploit in Durban. Tom
was a married man with four children. His first child was twenty-
one years old, older than Matiendla who was eighteen.
Matiendla did not even know about Nsuku's accident as she left
the same night.
Khensani was preparing herself for her hospital visit when she
received a call from Monica. She picked up her phone and
answered it. "Monica."
"What the hell is wrong with you Khensani?" Monica's voice
shook from anger , leaving Khensani startled.
"What is it?"
"What is it? Are you really asking me that shit?"
"Come on Monica...
"I don't want to go to jail because of your stupid behavior, I really
regret helping you out and if I knew I wouldn't have helped
"What have I done my friend...
"My friend my left foot, if Pitso and Gantso reveal your secrets
don't count me in." Monica announced clicking her tongue with
so much annoyance.
"Oh, so this is about those useless fools of yours? All you care
about is Pitso and Gantso when my son is fighting for his life?"
Khensani asked shocked, what was wrong with her friend."I
shouldn't have trusted you with these thugs as well monica, look
where you landed me into, my son laying helpless in the
"Listen here wena Mrs millonare, I don't give a fuck about your
son at this moment, not when Pitso and Gantso are forever in my
neck... I don't wanna die for your sins."
"What do they want from you..."
"Did you pay them their money? Did you Khensani!" Monica
choked the words out irritated.
"No and I won't give them their money because they didn't do
their job properly. They were suppose to kill John not my son..."
"You better stop fucking with these guys and pay them
Khensani, they mean business and after our blood right now, I
tried explaining that to them but they ain't taking this
them or else you leave them with no choice but to kill us..."
"Kill us for what? And you must be joking with what you have
said because i won't pay them, do you hear me I won't pay
"_Yes you will Khensani or else your leaving me with no choice
but to join them into revealing your secrets, I can't let your stupid
acts land me on jail..
"I think you're forgetting one thing Monica, that I am not the only
one with secrets here, I will also reveal how you poisoned your
"You wouldn't dare...
"Watch me." With that Khensani hanged the call up.

**Chapter 39**
It was Saturday evening when Tom dropped her at their gate and
left the same time. Meikie stood up where she was sitted after
hearing the sound of a car. She stood at the door shocked
watching her little sister pushing some bags inside the house.
One couldn't believe Matiendla left only with her handbag the
previous Friday, and here she was pushing three big bags full of
clothes and some other things. Meikie had been worried-sick
about her little sister’s disappearance, she tried looking, calling
friends and relatives without any luck. Matiendla has been away
for two weeks without talking to her sister.
"Matiendla, where have you been? And why didn't you try calling
me the whole two weeks?" She couldn't hold and control the
anger that came with her words. Meikie watched her sister
intensely and couldn't figure out if Matiendla was gaining weight
or glowing because of her been away for weeks. No, Meikie
thought, she was really gaining weight, could it be what she was
"I have been worried-sick about you this past two weeks when
you were out there having fun, why are you so selfish Matiendla?
Why are you doing this to me?" Meikie asked with tears rolling
down her face, leaving Matiendla asking herself if anyone from
their relative had passed on for her to be shedding tears.
I had to lie to everyone for your sake, i also had to lie to Nsuku
that you went to Polokwane because I didn't know where you
went and now I blame myself that he is laying at the hospital bed
helpless." Meikie cried more. You could see that Meikie was
nothing like Matiendla, they might look alike but their behaviors
were not. Meikie had a heart and Matiendla did not.
"I am sorry Meikie I completely forgotten about you when I left
on Friday you know, wait until you see the things I got you at
Durban, I know you will like them Meikie." Matiendla joyfully
announced. She didn't even hear all of what her Meikie said
especially the part of Nsuku being laying helpless at hospital.
"So you went to Durban without my acknowledgement
Matiendla? I am so disappointed in you, very disappointed and
Mama would be so disappointed on you too."
"Come on Meikie, I am sick and tired of your lectures, why can't
you just be happy for me even once, oh I see you are jealous of
"What? Jealous of who? You? Come on Matiendla, what is there
to be jealous of?"
"You are jealous that I have rich boyfriends and they are spoiling
"Hang on dear, girls at your age are boasting about holding
degrees, honors, Masters and PHDs and you are here telling me
about throwing yourself at rich men without having matric
certificate? You should be ashamed of yourself Matiendla and i
feel sorry for Nsuku, he is a handsome young man who deserves
someone better than you."
"Whatever Meikie, I thought you are going to like the things I
bought for you but I can see that you...
"I told you long time ago to stop buying me things with the
money i don't know where it comes from. Besides why don’t you
save that dirty money for your unborn child?”
“What? How did you figure out I am expecting? I don't remember
telling you…"
"So you are really pregnant? What will happen to your studies
Matiendla? i have never seen a selfish and foolish person in my
whole life like you. Is Nsuku even responsible for your
“He is not but I intended to make him believe he is responsible
and why am I telling you all of this?” She asked rolling her big
and beautiful eyes.
“I will not let you do that to him, that boy deserves better than
“Oh please leave me alone Meikie, this is my life...and stop
meddling in my business.”
"Oh before i forget, the police had been coming in and out of my
house the whole week wanting you."
"The police? What for?" Matiendla asked shocked
"Nsuku had an accident and was shot twice the same night you
"What? Nsuku had an accident. Oh my God when Meikie?…oh
wait a second; So the police think I am responsible? Who would
do that to Nsuku?"
"Come on Matiendla, you had a fight with Nsuku the same night
he got shot, so that makes you their first suspect."
"I can't believe this; I wouldn't do anything to hurt Nsuku though
he had hurt me...
"Stop this whole pretending thing Matiendla; we all know you are
doing everything to hurt him, if not so; where are you coming
from? You should be at Nsuku's bed side praying for his
recovery but no, you decided to go to Durban and have fun,
giving Nhlalala the chance to be with him oh and Mr Mthembu
warned me to tell you not to set your foot at the hospital."
"I have to see Nsuku Meikie; I really have to see Nsuku.”
Matiendla said picking her handbag running out.

**Chapter 40**
The following week Nsuku was out of the ICU and taken off the
ventilator. He was getting better by the day and those that cared
about him were happy to see him recovering. Matiendla only
went to see Nsuku when Jackson wasn't around as he didn't
allow her near his son.
It was the third week since Nsuku had been admitted, one
Monday morning Khensani was preparing going to the hospital
to see her son, when she heard some voices outside her front
door. Maria had called in earlier to inform her she was going to
be late.
Khensani was getting impatient by a second waiting for her.
When Khensani opened the door, she was so shocked to find
Pitso and Gantso at her front door arguing with one of the
security guards.
The security guard didn't understand why the men insisted
getting in the Mthembu residence even when he told them to
wait outside when he went in to call Khensani.
"What the hell are you two doing here?" Khensani asked her
eyes darting all over, checking if Jackson wasn't any closer.
“You ain't taking our calls…" Gantso said eyeing Khensani. “For
fucking three weeks you aint taking our calls..." The man shook
with fury, his eyes were red.
Khensani shook her head annoyed.
"We have been trying to call you ever since the day of the
accident, didn't your friend tell you?" Pitso asked with fury as
well. "You know what? we even went to your work place dor
them to tell us you took a month leave, or are you trying to avoid
us?" Pitso asked looking straight to Khensani who was burning
with rage as well.
"You have the gut to come here and ask me that nonsense?"
Khensani asked with fury taking over her.
"What nonsense are you talking about? We did our job and you
have to do yours by paying us our last balance."
"Oh your last balance? Your last balance my left foot, Ronny can
you please excuse us."
Ronny, the security guard instantly went to the gate, although he
was curious about those men. They looked scary and for them
looking for Khensani was another thing. Why did they say
Khensani was avoiding them since the day of the accident?
Does it mea they were involved in Nsuku's accident? What does
Khensani have to do with them anyway? Even though Ronny was
curious, he went off knowing it was none of his business.
"My son is lying helpless in the hospital because of you two, you
didn’t double check instead you just wanted to kill anyone that
was in his car and that happened to be my son.” Khensani failed
to hold her anger.
"We heard about that and very sorry for the inconvenience
Ma’am and how is it our fault when you're the one who gave us
his car number? Or did you give us his photo album Ma'am?"
Gantso asked containing his anger
"And why was your son in John's car anyway? You should have
let us know your son shares a car with John, maybe that would
have helped us..." Pitso added to his friend's words.
Without uttering a word Khensani watched them with so much
irritation. The fools were driving her crazy.
"Mrs. Mthembu, it's not our business that we shot the wrong
person and that person happens to be your son. all we want is
our money...
"I wont give you the money, i can see that you guys think i am a
fool, how can I give you the remaining balance when you have
not done your job?
"Look at these fools...Khensani said opening the door to get
"You will regret ever crossing us Khensani..." Gantso said looking
at Pitso. "Let's go..
"No ways, not without our money..."
"I have a plan..." With that been said they left.

**Chapter 41**
Gantso and Pitso left Khensani’s house furiously, how could she
do this to them? Why did she backed off from her promised
when they had an agreement?, they did their job and it wasn’t
their fault they shot the wrong person, she was the one who
gave them his car number after all.
On their way, they decided to tell John about all of Khensani’s
tricks to teach her a lesson not to mess with them. They still had
John's number that Khensani had given them when they met
thinking they are going to need it.
Gantso was the one who called him. “Am I speaking to John
“Yes and who is this?" John asked clueless of the person who
called him.
“I won’t tell you who I am but I have news for you. Would you be
able to record this call for enough evidence on your case." John
heard the rough voice say rudely.
“What news?” He asked shocked
"Would you be able to record this call, yes or no?" Gantso was
never an impatient man.
"I will record...
“You better do that first, and i am going yo get rid of this number
as soon as i get done talking to you so that you wouldn't be able
to trace me...
"Okay sir i am ready..."
"I am one of the guys Khensani hired to kill you?” Gantso said
without giving him a chance.
“Yes, remember the accident, we were supposed to kill you not
the young man…"
“Are you guys so sure about what you are saying…."
“That’s all I wanted to let you know,..
"Wait, why are you telling me this..."
"Because i hate it when people don't pay me after an agreement,
goodbye.” Gantso hanged on and decided to get rid of the sim
card same time.
"Man, what if she tells the police that we are the ones who did
this?" Pitso asked with a scary voice.
"By the time she does that we would be so far...come on let's
"Where Gants,...
"Somewhere far away...across the board and we ain't coming
back anytime soon.."

Max watched his friend threw himself at a nearby chair

astounded, he wondered what news John received for him to be
this stunned, John sat down dazzled and stared at his friend
dumbfounded. He could not believe Khensani could be
heartless. Why would she want to kill him? Was it because of
him nagging her about Nsuku’s DNA? Or its something else?
“What is the matter John?” Max asked terrified
“You know I never knew Khensani was capable of taking
people’s lives?” John was still petrified about what he heard over
the call.
“What do you mean?”
“The person who called me said Khensani hired him to kill me
unfortunately they shot Nsuku….
“What? So she was not kidding about me helping her into taking
your life?” Max asked Shocked and unaware what he had
“You mean you knew about all of her plans and you kept quiet? I
thought we are friends Max?” John asked shocked knowing his
friend knew about this and had kept it from him.
“I thought she was kidding man…” Max threw his hands on air,
but he should have known that woman was serious, why did he
keep this to himself. “She came to me two months back and
offered me thousands of rands to take your life but I refused and
now I see that I have made a terrible mistake for keeping this
from you. But my question is why would she want to kill you?”
John hesitantly replied, “Do you still remember the conversation
we had about me thinking Nsuku might be my son?” John
paused staring at Max who nodded his head. “Well, I have been
asking her if Nsuku is my son or Jackson and she keeps on
saying he isn’t my son, I asked her for some paternity test and
she refused.”
“So you really think Nsuku is your son?”
“Yes, he might be my son, remember Jackson cannot have
children and…
“Hold on man? What do you mean Jackson cannot have
children? How do you know that?”
“Khensani mistakenly told me that the time we were having an
affair, I don’t know why I didn’t take this seriously the time
Nsuku was born but he might be my son and I cannot just leave
it like this not knowing the truth.”
“So what are you going to do with this information? Are you
going to give this info to the police?”
“Of Course I am and you are going with me to tell your own side
of the story on how she came to you first.” John stood leaving to
the police station. Max went with him.
**Chapter 42**
Matiendla sat by Nsuku’s bedside holding his hands. She had
arrived early and was the first visitor Nsuku had for a day. She
tried visiting him but found Jackson there, always hindering her
to see his son. The Man hated her with passion since that Friday
night she left for Durban.
"Oh! Nsuku babe, you are finally awake?" Matiendla said when
she saw Nsuku opening his eyes.
"Matiendla, how are you?" Nsuku looked at her with so much
loathe; He watched her for some minutes and was stunned his
heart wasn’t beating the way it used to when he saw her, Could
it be what his father and Meikie told him about Matiendla
cheating on him?
People told him she was cheating on him several times but he
still felt something for her, why not today. His heart always
rejoiced at seeing her and here he was, feeling so empty.
Matiendla was his life right. Why didn’t he feel excited?
"I am fine my love and you?" She kept on touching his hands and
Nsuku’s eyes were upon her hands. He wished Matiendla could
just leave him alone.
"I am fine, just can't wait to be discharged." Nsuku was still
dazed why he wasn’t feeling anything at all. Did Nhlalala replace
all that he felt for Matiendla; Nsuku recalled his heart racing
when he saw Nhlalala the day before. He had realized by then
that he had been in love with Nhlalala all this while and was in
love with Matiendla’s beauty not her. Even though he didn’t get
to talk to Nhlalala the day before but had just exchanged their
greetings, he knew she was all he wanted.
"I...the doctor said you will get discharged anytime soon
love...Matiendla wondered if Nsuku knew about her
disappearance that night. If he didn’t know, why was he acting
this strange? His eyes were so doomed and she felt like he
didn’t want to see her.
"Yes and about the other night, you mentioned that you are
carrying my baby; it makes me wonder if the baby is really mine
or the dude you disappeared with that night? Nsuku asked
"What? What dude Nsuku?"
“Stop embarrassing yourself Matiendla, I know you have been
cheating on me, I fail to understand why I didn’t see this? My
friends warned me but I was so deeply in love with your
appearance and could not see the real you…your outside beauty
blinded me…
“But Nsuku…
“You know Meikie was here yesterday, she told me everything,
about Mr. Maluleke, Thomas du ploit and Rashid. Are you really
having any affairs with them?”
“I am…not having any affairs with them Nsuku, you need to
believe me… Meikie lied to you.” Matiendla’s tears threaten to
come out. Nsuku was so calm about this whole issue and it
scared her, was he breaking up with her?
“Where’s Nhlalala? She said she would be the first person I see
when I wake up today and I am really disappointed she isn’t the
first person I see but you.” Nsuku asked his eyes wandering all
over the room searching for Nhlalala and ignoring Matiendla.
"Um..i…did not see her when I got here.” Matiendla said
annoyed. “Why do you want to see her anyway?”
“My father said, she had been here for me and I wanted to thank
her. You know I fail to understand why I didn’t see I was in love
with her all this while because I am, it took this accident to make
me see things differently and understand more about true and
fake love.”
“Oh! Matiendla exclaimed sadly. Yes she knew this all along and
that one day Nsuku would realize the truth but she didn’t expect
it to be this soon. He finally figured out her fake love.
“Yes, so where have you been for the past three weeks if you are
not cheating on me Matiendla?
“I was here Nsuku but your father didn’t allow me to visit you, he
said I am the course of you being here.”
“Oh really? I find that not convincing.”
"I cannot believe you went ahead with your idea of coming here
to see my son after all that you have done Matiendla…Jackson
said getting in to Nsuku's ward with his wife. Saying he was
angry was an understatement, he was beyond that.
"I am sorry Mr. Mthembu but...
"But what? Remember you broke up with him before you
disappeared; the only girl that was here for my son is Nhlalala,
“Jackson gawked at Matiendla angrily. "The girl even skipped
school just to be here with Nsuku and prayed for his recovery?
Weeping while confessing how much she loves our son?"
Jackson announced gawking at Matiendla.
"No buts..., If the doctors had allowed her she would have slept
here at the hospital just for you Nsuku, if I will ever get to accept
someone to be my daughter in law is her not this--this fake
girlfriend of yours." Jackson said pointing to Matiendla with fury.
"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs. Mthembu." greeted detective
Monyela, looking at Khensani in the eye and nodding towards
Nsuku and Matiendla. John and Max were also staring at
Khensani with annoyance in their faces.
"Detective, what brings you here? Did you find something about
the people who wanted to kill my son?" Jackson asked eyeing
detective intensely. He was fuming with anger for them taking so
long into finding the perverts who tried to kill his son.
"Mrs. Mthembu, how are you doing?" Detective asked Khensani
grinning and ignoring Jackson. Jackson got furious with
detective not responding to his question.
"I was good before i saw John, why isn’t he behind bars? She
gawked at Detective and shook her head in annoyance "He is
busy wandering outside as if he is a free man, is he Detective?
Or it’s just that the police of today know nothing about their job
rather than wasting the government's cars and getting paid for
nothing." Khensani asked furiously
"That's what we came here for, we really want to find out from
you why you lied about John being the one who wanted to kill
your son when you know the whole truth." detective Monyela
asked with a wicked smile.
"What do you mean detective?" Jackson asked staring at
detective and his wife.
"I mean what does your wife know about Nsuku's accident?"
Detective’s gaze never left Khensani’s eyes.
"I know nothing ----She could hear her own voice trembling with
fear. Was it possible they knew her secret? How possible?
"Stop playing games with us Ma'am and I would be glad if you
save yourself from all the humiliation by telling the whole truth,
or you want us to tell your husband the truth Ma’am?”
"I…know…know…nothing…" Tears ran down her eyes. There was
no way that Detective didn’t know with the way he was asking
her questions! He seemed to know more than he was letting her
know. Her secret was out, who could have told them, and could
it be Pitso and Gantso? Khensani wondered why Max and John
were giving him those evil stares.
"If you really sure about what you're saying can we call Doctor
Sithole to take Nsuku and John's blood to check their DNA?"
"Hold on detective, what's the meaning of this?" Jackson asked
"We suspect that Nsuku might be John's son not yours----
"What? Jackson and Nsuku asked shocked.
Jackson immediately turned towards his wife and gave her the
hottest slap, he was about to give her another one when
detective held him. "I asked you if you were having an affair with
him? What did you say huh? Whay did you say to me you witch?"
Jackson threw the words furiously.
Khensani looked down holding on her cheek instead of her
husband, he held up her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye.
"Is it true Khensani? Are you cheating on me?"
When Khensani could not hold back the tears Jackson knew it
was true." Jackson asked his finger pointing towards detective,
his eyes changed from shock to sadness; He was pacing back
and forth without knowing what to say next. Could his beloved
wife do this to him? "I expect a yes or no from you not those fake
"Honey… I …can---can-explain-----
"You can explain what? That you had an affair with him?"
Jackson asked charging towards John but Max and detective
held him tightly. "Or you're sorry that Nsuku is really his son not
mine?" Jackson paced around looking at his wife as if she had
grown two heads. He thought he knew her but in that moment
he knew the truth, he knew that he really didn’t know the woman
who stood before him. He should have dug this whole thing
about John, why did he stop?
"Mama Say something please------is it true? Am i John's son?"
Nsuku choked out the words looking at his mother who was
looking nowhere but her own fingers.
"I don't know---- Khensani said , shocking everyone.
"What do you mean you don't know? So detective you want to
tell me Khensani is the one who wanted to kill Nsuku?"
"No Jack, how can you think so low of me? i would never ever
hurt my and Nsuku are my life, you know that.”
Khensani's voice rose up defensively.
"I really don't understand this, can anyone fucken explain this
whole thing to me." Jackson asked staring at John and Khensani
with so much loathe.
"Let me explain sir… Monyela said, “She wanted to kill John so
that you wouldn't find out about him being Nsuku's father
unfortunately those guys she hired…detective pull out John's
phone and quickly played the conversation they had.
Everyone kept quiet for a while after the play. Khensani was now
on the floor sobbing her eyes out, she tried reaching to
Jackson's hands but he refrained from her touch. "Jack please
listen to me okay, you know i love you----
"Oh! Cut the bullshit Khensani. i thought i knew you, i can't
believe i have been living under one roof with a murderer, after
twenty one years of marriage? it all has been a lie. But again
what would have stopped you from cheating when you..."
Jackson stopped, he wad about yo reveal that she killed his step
mother and the Mademas. "When you're a witch."
Matiendla who was gawking at Khensani with a wide grin
opened her mouth to say something, however Jackson
interrupted her.
"After everything i have done for you Khensani? After all the
betrayals i got from you and forgave you but you still cheated on
me...i can't believe this and the side of you two makes me sick."
Jackson said pushing Khensani towards John
"Mrs. Mthembu you are under arrest for attempted murder,
anything you say from now on may be used against you in the
court of law---- detective said showing Khensani the door.
"Oh no! This cannot be happening, why did I let this happen?
She choked out a cry covering her mouth with her trembling
hands. "Oh Nsuku… Khensani rushed by her son’s side “I am so
sorry-----she tried to touch Nsuku but he refused her touch.
"You have a right to call your lawyer and if you don't have one...."
Detective Monyela said but Jackson interrupted him.
"Arrest this woman detective and she doesn't have a lawyer
because I won't provide one for her." Jackson announced
rushing outside.
Detective Monyela looked at Khensani and showed her the door
again; that is when Khensani left Nsuku’s side rushing outside
and all followed her behind except Matiendla and Nsuku who
was soaked with his own tears.
Matiendla watched Nsuku's tears rolling down. His heart was
broken into pieces with his head throbbing painfully. He closed
his eyes hoping for a deep slumber to take over him as he
couldnt handle the pain his mother caused him.
When Matiendla saw him sleeping she decided to leave him for a
while. The poor guy needed to get everything in his head and he
could not do it with her being there. On the other hand, she
needed to think about this whole thing also, if she could still see
Nsuku knowing he had nothing.
Tom and Rashid were there for her right? She could not date a
guy who had nothing. Nsuku was with her for her beauty and
she was with him for money, now that he did not have it anymore
she could not stand it. The poor guy can date his poor Nhlalala
not her. Matiendla thought leaving Nsuku to rest.

**Chapter 43**
The following day Nsuku woke up with his head throbbing. He
still could not believe his mother was capable of cheating, yes
he knew about her being a murderer. Jackson deserved better
than what his mother was giving him. How could she cheat on
the most honestly and lovely man like Jackson? His mother’s
behavior was like Matiendla's. They were so much alike.
Nsuku was still in deep thought when she heard Matiendla’s
voice. He did not even see her enter the room.
"I have been thinking about what i heard here yesterday Nsuku,
it makes me wonder…Matiendla stared at Nsuku. “It’s so hard to
believe you're not Jackson’s son but John; that poor man?”
Matiendla said John’s name with loathe.
"I still cannot believe it myself, tell me if it was all a nightmare
Matiendla please----Nsuku's voice shook with grief.
"I'm sorry but this is happening honey, you heard it loud and
clear, you are not from the rich family but the poor one.”
"But how did this happen and why didn't Mama tell me all of
"You are asking the wrong person Nsuku…" Matiendla watched
him intensely. She felt pity for him, especially knowing she came
to break up with him. “I don’t even wish to be in your shoes right
now Nsuku, imagine growing up knowing you are the richest
man ‘son to find out you are the son of his garden boy instead?
What your mother did is disgusting and a disgrace to human
kind. So what will happen to you? I mean your cars and the
"The fucken cars and money; Is that all you can think off right
now Matiendla? What about my emotions?"
"I---i---i---just want to know? What are you going to do about
them? Will your father, I mean will Mr Mthembu take them all?"
"Stop it Matiendla, stop asking me such questions OKAY."
"I think I told you this before, a girl like me needs to look
explendish, you know how expensive my skin and....
"SHUT UP! Just SHUT the hell UP okay."
"I am sorry Nsuku but you know this is the truth."
"You know what, I’m starting to wonder if you really give a damn
about me or what you thought my father had."
"Of course I care Nsuku but money is everything....
"If you have nothing to say why don't you zip your mouth?"
"I am sorry Nsuku, look i am leaving and I am not so sure if I will
be coming back."
"You are leaving?" He was shocked to hear her say that.
"Yes… I am guaranteed that there’s no you and me after what
you said yesterday, I am glad you said it yourself before I did
because um…its true Nsuku I cheated on you and the baby am
carrying is Tom’s not yours, hope you satisfied knowing the truth
now." Matiendla said rushing off the door; she ignored Nsuku’s
calling her name.

It was after an hour when Nhlalala entered Nsuku’s ward. She

smiled when she saw him sleeping, glad Nsuku had recovered
and was able to talk unlike the past two weeks. Tears of joy ran
down her beautiful face. She could not believe God has
answered her prayers. Nsuku was awake and alive. He did not
even seem to have lost his memory as the doctor has
mentioned. She was so glad that he still could remember her;
everyone thought he would never recover and will lose his
"Nhlalala----" Nsuku stirred from his bed when he saw her
sleeping by his bedside. He smiled at her when she woke up and
stared at him with her beautiful brown eyes, his eyes landed on
her stomach, he did not get to see her clearly yesterday, she has
become bigger than the last time he saw her and she still looked
so beautiful.
Nsuku, i am so happy that you are awake." Exclaimed Nhlalala
embarrassed for sleeping instead of Nsuku who was sick. Tears
started coming out of her beautiful face thinking that she almost
lost the love of her life. These past three weeks that Nsuku was
at the hospital, had quiet changed her views about life? The
sessions she had with the Therapist that Nsuku booked for her
was helping alot.
She had stopped being negative like Nsuku had mentioned. One
couldn’t be strong for the other person when they are weak
themselves. Besides being strong for Nsuku, she needed to be
for her children and herself.
"Do not weep Lala; I can see that our children are really growing
so well, I can't wait to hold them in my arms." Nsuku grinned
wider towards her. He watched her passionately and had to
agree that his heart made a wonderful choice for picking
Nhlalala instead of Matiendla. Nhlalala was beautiful, not the
Matiendla-beauty but beautiful in her own way.
"I thought you ain't going to make it Nsuku, I prayed day and
night for your recovery, I couldn't see myself living without
you----" Nhlalala wept more.
Nsuku’s heart bounced with joy hearing those words, knowing
they came from her deepest heart. "Do not fret anymore
because I am not going to leave you and our babies….Nsuku
said holding her beautiful face.
“I saw Matiendla leaving when I came in, she came to see you? I
don't mean-----Not that… I mean…I don’t want her to find me
here like last week.” Nhlalala laughed hysterically not knowing
what she was saying exactly herself.
“Um yes, she was here to see me or rather I say to break things
with me after finding out yesterday that Jackson is not my
biological father?”
“What? What do you mean Jackson is not your biological father
Nsuku?” Nhlalala asked shocked.
“I found out yesterday that I am John’s son and honestly it’s a
long story that I don’t want to talk about right now, the point I
was raising is that you can also stop confessing your undying
love for me because I have nothing to offer. Is not that all you
ever wanted from me like Matiendla?” Nsuku asked when he saw
Nhlalala's face change when he mentioned that Jack wasn't his
“I am so disappointed in you Nsuku…” Nhlalala shook her head
when tears ran down her face and Nsuku regretted saying those
words to her.
“I thought you know me better than that but I can see I have
been wrong, you know Nsuku, your heart is all I have been
praying for all this while, not your father’s money, not your cars
not everything you had, I love you whether you are a Mthembu
or a Malungani… she paused and watched his face.
"I understand Nsuku, I really do because my whole life, my
whole life I have been dreaming of us-----You and I together
Nsuku. I remember the way you looked at me before Matiendla
arrived at Msiphani, a week after knowing her your feelings
towards me disappeared but you know what? I could not blame
you because Matiendla was a beautiful young woman and you
were happy with her but i still thought i stood a chance with you,
but nae…
"All along it was just a thought? Nhlalala continued without
giving Nsuku a chance to speak… “It hurt me thinking that you
might not have feelings for me, but you know what hurts me
more now. That---that it was not just a thought but also the
truth, the truth that I did not want to accept. The truth is that
you will never ever love me. I know it hurts and it will break my
heart to see you now and then with Matiendla but in life
everything passes, I just hope my love for you will pass one day
and I will pray that it does very soon because from now on I will
live like you don't exist-----
Nsuku recognized the hurt in her words. Why was he doing this
to her? Why was he quiet instead of stopping her from saying all
those hurtful words Nsuku didn’t understand, all he knew was
that he had to stop her but found his tongue not moving.
"Do not be concern about your children Nsuku, I am not that
heartless and cruel to deny you the access to see them but let
me end this conversation of ours by these words I will not wait
for you anymore because it won't be fair on me. it won’t be fair
waiting for you knowing i will never ever stand a chance, i know
it won't be easy but it will get easier without you. GOODBYE
Nhlalala seriously announced how she felt, she was tired running
after a man, it was time to put her first, sometimes one needed
to do that, be selfish for their own good. She meant it when she
said she ain’t going to wait for him, yes she loved Nsuku and had
waited for him for three years, but what is the use? She was tired
living her life just for Nsuku when there were people who cared
about her. People that needed her attention more than Nsuku
and those people were her children and herself.
On her way out Nhlalala, dig her phone inside her handbag. She
opened it and went straight to her whatsUp list. Wrote Nsuku a
message and sent it.
Nsuku heard the beep in his phone and opened it and saw a
message from Nhlalala "Nsuku, I wrote this poem for you and
listen to it?"
Nsuku opened the audio she send him.
"JUST A MAYBE" Nsuku heard her lovely voice playing…
If I were beautiful instead of being pretty
Maybe a little bit plump instead of being thinner
If I were lighter in complexion than being darker
Or, even a little bit taller instead of being average
Maybe you would have loved me as you loved her
It is just a maybe, as I never knew your thoughts
If I had black long hair instead of short, brown one
Maybe little bit juicy lips instead of these small ones
If i had long legs instead of short ones
Or even small blackish eyes instead of big brown ones
Maybe you would have loved me as you loved her
It is just a maybe, as I never knew your thoughts
If i were positive about life instead of being negative
Maybe coming from a wealthy family instead of the poor one
If i were an extroverted person instead of being introverted
Or even talkative than being quiet and shy
Maybe you would have loved me as you loved her
It is just a maybe, as I never knew your thoughts
If i were her instead of being me
Maybe had her fingers, her nose or even her smile?
Could you have loved me as you love her...
Nsuku found himself soaked with his own tears, Nhlalala’s words
got to him badly. Thoughts ran through Nsuku’s head, this poem
of Nhlalala broke his heart into pieces, Nhlalala wished to be like
Matiendla because of him. Why couldn’t she accept herself the
way she was? Most girls could kill to be like Nhlalala. Why
couldn’t she see she was not just pretty but beautiful? Why
couldn't she see the reason Zama was not giving up on her even
when he found out she was pregnant for another guy? How
could she not see her worthy?
Nsuku wished he could help Nhlalala see herself the way he saw
her. She was beautiful and not as short as she thought although
she was not as tall as Matiendla, She wasn't dark either but had
a perfect complexion, and she had a wonderful smile with
beautiful perfect lips and teeth. Nhlalala was fearful and
wonderfully made, and now that she was carrying his firstborn
child, he liked her more no, he loved her more.

When Nhlalala got off from the taxi at the bus stop, her eyes
instantly landed on Matiendla. They stared at each other for
some few minutes until Matiendla retreated, suprising herself
why Nhlalala didn't backed down. Nhlalala's gaze had never
scared her ever since. Why today? Matiendla thought. “What the
hell are you looking at you stupid hoe?’ She needed to scare her
just like she always did.
“You of course…" Nhlalala replied certainly, she couldn’t believe
her voice didn’t shake at the sight of Matiendla like it always did.
Matiendla’s figure always intimidated her but probably not today,
in fact not anymore. She laughed aloud and thanked Nsuku for
booking her the apointments with the Therapist. She has gained
more confidence ever since she went to see her. “I am trying to
figure you out, what kind of a person are you exactly? And never
ever call me that." Nhlalala told her confidently.
Matiendla shook her head, what happened to Nhlalala that i
know? She asked herself. “What are you talking about…
“I knew you were beautiful, but I thought your heart was
beautiful too only to find out that you’re not, ain’t you ashamed
of your shameful behavior? How can you break up with Nsuku
when he needs you the most?"
“That’s damn none of your business, I don’t date poor people
like him…
“Shut the hell up Matiendla, how much do you own? Probably
not even a cent but you are here calling the guy who made you
who you are poor? You are a disgrace to human kind and Nsuku
doesn’t deserve you…"
“You’re probably right? He doesn't deserve me but you and I am
glad his heart chose you instead of me because I wouldn’t stand
to stuck with a poor guy like him…"
“To hell with you Matiendla, you are nothing but fake and I am
glad Nsuku saw you for who you truly are…for me to think you
were the most beautiful person…" Nhlalala shook her head, “I am
glad I am not you and that I am far from being like you. I feel pity
for you Matiendla because people like you lose value.”
“Whatever….Matiendla said leaving her alone. She couldn’t
believe the nerve of the girl, when did Nhlalala grow to be this
bold? This wasn’t Nhlalala that people knew; for her to stand her
ground like that. Matiendla shook her head in denial.

**Chapter 44**
It has been a week full after Jackson stormed out of the hospital.
He had went back to Jo'burg where he thought he could think
clearly and when he thought he did he returned back to the
hospital, He then asked doctor Sithole to perform some
paternity tests to find some closure. Nsuku looked more like him
and refused to accept that he was John’s son, after all, Khensani
didn’t know who Nsuku’s father was.
Even when Jack went back to the hospital, he did not get to talk
to Nsuku as he was always sleeping. Every time he came to see
him he was terrified of not knowing the truth, the doctors had
given him the results three days after but had not found the gut
to open it.
What if Nsuku was really John’s son, could he hate Nsuku for
something he did not do? No, Nsuku was his son, blood or not,
he will always be his son. Jackson had decided before opening
the results.
It had been a week since Nsuku saw Nhlalala, a week of torture,
a week of unsent and cancelled phone calls, a week of sleepless
nights and nightmares. He always dreamed about Nhlalala
coming back to him. But when he woke up, he knew she wasn’t
It hurt him more to realize that Nhlalala meant what she said.
She really meant it when she said she would forget him. It seems
she did. He could not forget the pain he saw in her eyes when
she left the hospital and that’s when Nsuku knew he had lost
her, she would run straight to Zama’s arms and could not blame
her, he had kept her waiting for so long.
God, he really missed her so much and he wished she knew how
much he missed her. People always said; you’d never know how
much a person meant to you until they were gone. He didn’t get
to believe that until now that it was happening to him.
Nsuku used to think Matiendla meant something to him but he
was wrong because Nhlalala meant everything including life to
him, why did he fail to see this earlier. Why didn’t he see that
Nhlalala was the one for him not Matiendla? Matiendla’s Beauty
blinded him. Was it all because of what his mother wanted?
Khensani always thought Matiendla was the best for him.
He remembered when he was twelve years old, when he saw
Nhlalala for the first time when she moved to Msiphani to live
with their aunt after losing her parents. He thought she was an
angel and ran to his parents to tell them he saw an angel,
Jackson had grinned and pat his shoulder saying he had to grow
up first.
His mother said lot of things, including that she was a cursed
child, losing her parents same time showed bad luck and that he
shouldn’t get involved with such kids unless he wanted to lose
his own parents. That really scared him by then but did not get
to understand that by the time and still couldn’t now.
Maybe his mother knew he fell for Nhlalala that same time and
did not want her son involved with Nhlalala.
He really needed to stop thinking about Nhlalala and gets to
think about where he was going to stay after leaving the
hospital. He was waiting for Mixo who was coming to fetch him,
he asked his friend to come and get him after trying to call
Jackson thousand times the previous day without him
responding. Now he was so sure that Jackson hated him.
It was the day Nsuku got discharged and wasn't looking forward
to going home.
Where was home to him now?
To Jackson's place or to John's place?
Nsuku didn’t know what to think.
He wished his mother wss there to see all the mess she had
created. Why wasn’t she there when he needed her? Why did
she had to mess up everything and couldn’t stand to fix it?
"Damn you Mama, where am I supposed to go when things are
like this? What will Jackson say when I returned to his house or
should I just go straight to John's place? Nevertheless, John had
his own children; how his children are going to react, he didn't
Awkward he guessed.
Nsuku was so deep in thought when Mixo showed up. "Are you
ready to go home boy?" He asked smiling at his friend. His face
changed so fast after he saw his friend's face. Nsuku looked so
sad and confused at the same time.
"Home? Nsuku choked out a cry. "Where is my home Mixo; to
John’s place or Jackson? Nsuku hesitated “I never thought I will
be homeless one day Mixo and here I am and don’t know where
to call home? Damn my Mother fucked up my life."
Nsuku looked at his friend "I wish I was ready man? I so wish I
knew where to go from here." Tears ran down Nsuku's face and
Mixo touched his shoulder feeling pity for his friend.
"You know you're always welcome to stay at my place, my
mother won't mind having you there you know that right" Mixo
lived with his mother after his father passed away three years
back. It wasn't easy living without his father but they were
surviving. His mother was a teacher at a primary school and she
loved Nsuku as her own.
"Thanks for the offer boy but I don't mean to----
"It isn’t an open up discussion for you, besides you need me to
take care of you since you still not hundred percent well------or
should I say you need Nhlalala's hands----
"Please Mixo; not now."
"Oh okay, let's leave so that we can pass by your place and take
“He isn’t going to stay with you Mixo…" Jackson announced
entering the ward. How are you doing son?" He asked smiling at
“I am well…I thought I will never see you…
“Nonsense, why would you think that? Oh you think I no longer
care Nsuku?”
“You never came back to see me after that day Papa and your
actions left me with no choice but assumptions.”
“I came to see you but you were sleeping the whole time and I
had to go and visit your mother…
“Oh, so you’ve forgiven her…
“I cannot hold grudges for the mother of my son for so long
Nsuku, I know she hurt me but she is your mother and I loved
her…" He said
"Does that mean you have forgiven her?"
Jackson laughed. "To be honest with you Nsuku, I don't think I
can take your mother back, God knows I forgave her when she
killed your Gran but cheating..
"You knew about Gran?" Nsuku asked shocked, Jackson nodded
his head. "No, something isn't right, I know Mama isn't a saint
but if my wife can do what she did, killing my own mother I don't
think I can forgive her."
"Um its a long story Son, I never knew my mother and Mihloti,
the grandmother you knew wasn't my biological mother and the
woman was so cruel, she was just like your mother...
"What? How come I just get to know this..."
"Will tell you all some other time..
“You really are amazing papa…um how sure are you that I am
your son?
“Here are the results, you’re not John’s son but mine…Jackson
handed Nsuku the paternity test results. “Even if you were
John’s biological son you were going to remain my son Nsuku,
you know that right.” Nsuku nodded his head in agreement

**Chapter 45**
Nhlalala sat down brushing her stomach, thoughts of Nsuku
running all over her mind. She wondered how she could give
someone else this power over her after she promised herself to
forget him. Nsuku held her captive and couldn’t even run for her
own life than hanging on there even when it meant more pain.
She wished she could be there for him but remembered her own
words when she said she wanted to forget him. She really
needed to think about herself before him, she knew it was so
selfish of her to think about herself and not Nsuku at his difficult
time but now she had to stop caring and focus on herself.
The only thing she hoped for was for Matiendla to be there for
him, not for her breaking up with him when he needed her the
most. She had thought that after two weeks she would have
forgotten about Nsuku, that is what she hoped and prayed for a
week ago. However, How could she forget him so quickly when
she had given him her whole heart completely? How could she
take the pieces of her heart back when Nsuku locked them up
and threw away the keys?
Nhlalala wondered why people kept on falling in love when it was
the most painful thing that she had ever felt. Loving a person
was never easy at all but Nsuku had made Nhlalala think that
loving the right person was worthy the pain and Nsuku was
definitely worthy the pain.
Nhlalala watched Nsuku entering her bedroom without knocking
as the door was wide open.
“Hey Lala… he greeted her
“Nsuku…i am tired and really don’t have energy to talk to you…"
“Um…I know Lala, I just cannot stay away from you anymore…
Nsuku paused and watched Nhlalala. “I am tired of running away
from you, i realized that when I was talking to my father this
Nsuku sat down beside Nhlalala, “He made me realized that
when you truly love someone it doesn’t matter what they do or
don’t do, him forgiving my mother after all the betrayals left me
wondering, one could never run away from love. That is what I’ve
been doing, running away from you when you were running
towards me.”
“Please allow me to finish Lala…I know I hurt you and I am sorry
for that, I will forever regret ever doing that to you. I will also
regret denying what I felt for you since I first laid my eyes on
“You mean you had my feelings but denied them all this time?
Nhlalala asked shocked.
“Um..yes, honestly I was living but not for me, for my mother,
everything I did was to please her not me…Nsuku hold back the
tears that threaten to come out. “You know this accident has
taught me to take life serious not for granted, I am tired of living
my life the way I was, I know I am still young to get married but I
know what I want…Nsuku held Nhlalala’s face. “I want this
amazing, wonderful, selfless, incredible and beautiful girl beside
Nhlalala watched his tears ran down his face, could this be true?
Was this young man that she has confessed her undying love all
this while saying he wants her not Matiendla? “I want you
Nhlalala Khosa…I want to be yours now and forever…only if you
still want me…"
“Nsuku…Nhlalala removed his hands off her face, “I am not like
Matiendla and for the first time in my life i get excited that I am
not her, I don’t even wish to be like her ever in my life because
Matiendla is beautiful but outside. If people view beauty like
what Matiendla is, I don’t want to be beautiful, I’d rather remain
ugly for the sake of my dignity, for the sake of my heart, for the
sake of people who cares about me…" Nhlalala was also
surprised about what she was saying. Mostly because she
meant every word, she had said.
“Um…wow…I am speechless… Nsuku watched her in awe,
Nhlalala never ceased to amaze him. Could Nhlalala be the same
girl who cried to him the past few months wishing to be like
Matiendla? No, the old Nhlalala was gone and buried; this girl
had grown so much in few weeks. This girl here grew to be bold
and know herself worth. “I am glad you’re not like Matiendla and
you’re far from her.”
“You said I am like her, remember, running after your money?
“I know Lala and I said that because I wanted to save myself
from your rejection, I was scared to hear you rejecting my love
for material things and realized that when you said you love me
whether I am a Mthembu or a Malungani.”
“I wonder why you always realize things after such a long time
Nsuku… besides to you is like I am one of your options when you
are my priority and I cannot accept that…
“No Nhlalala, you’re not…
“Yes I am…remembering what you’ve said that evening,
Matiendla is your priority and not even these babies could
change that? Now that she dumped you…
“I am sorry for that, I know i said stupid things that night and
couldn’t realize what I was doing to you. I regretted saying those
words to you after I left and now I wish I could take them back…
please give me a chance Lala, I promise not to hurt you…
“You’ve hurt me so many times Nsuku…
“I know I hurt you Lala, but…maybe I cannot promise that I won’t
hurt you, what I can promise you is that I would never do
anything to hurt you intentionally. I am ready for us…
“I fail to understand why you keep saying Lala when you’re
talking to me? I always wondered what it means…
“Sometimes I wonder how someone so smart can be so dumb…
Your name ends with Lala right?"
“Yes…Nhlalala I know I am not intelligent as you, beautiful as
you, gosh I am not even perfect and have nothing to offer you
except my heart and surname.”
“You don’t mean that?” Nhlalala asked smiling
“I do, but did you hear all of what I have said? I know Zama can
offer you much better than me but please don’t reject my love
for you… I will do anything just…
“Shhh! Nsuku, Nhlalala held him in her small hands grinning ear
to ear “Your heart is all I have been praying to have all this while,
not Zama’s, to hell with everything you owned Nsuku, who need
them now when I know we can always have all we need when we
are together babe? I love you whether you are a Mthembu or…
“I am a real Mthembu babe…
“Yes and thanks for loving me for me… I will be forever thankful
for that…I love you Nhlalala Khosa…with all of my heart and I
promise you’ll never ever regret loving me…Nsuku said holding
her into his arms, tears were running down his face and Nhlalala
wiped them.
“Look who is talking…Nhlalala said playfully. “I am the one who
should be saying that Nsuku…Gosh I love you and the fact that
you're still a Mthembu is a bonus..." Nhlalala covered her eyes
screaming when She saw a diamond ring sparkling on Nsuku's
hands. "Oh what's that Nsuku?"
"Its my promise ring to you."
Nsuku said staring at the love of his life and smiled. He couldn’t
believe there was still true love behind all the BEAUTY, WEALTH
and SECRETS of life. He had to agree that God must have loved
him to bring Nhlalala in his life, what has he done to deserve her
love after rejecting her so many times? If this isn’t love, then just
like Jennifer Hudson’s song he didn’t know what it is…
THE END!!!!!!

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