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Jerrianne Aubrey S.



EED#6 – Teaching Social Study in Primary Grade


“The Talaandig” Dancing as Moved by the Spirits

For the Talaandig elders, it is very important to them that their traditions and culture can be

continued by the young people, because when they die that is the important wealth that they

can bequeath to the young people of their tribes, because these traditions and culture will

remind them of what their ancestors did for them just to give them a simple and peaceful life.

After watching the documentary about the Talaandig, I realized how important it is that we

value and continue the traditions and cultures that were bequeathed to us by our ancestors,

because these traditions and cultures were loved and appreciated by them, if not because of

the traditions and cultures that bequeathed to us by our ancestors, we might not have unity

and just be in chaos, just like the three Datu of Talaandig said they only want unity, that’s a

good example of a leaders they want only a peace and unity for their tribes because it’s hard

to live in a community when there no peace and unity among each of us.

For me it is very important that the traditions and culture that we have as well as the

indigenous people can be continued, loved and appreciated by the young people, especially in

our time where the young people are just ignoring the traditions and culture that we have and

the indigenous people, so it is very important that it be taught to them, let's say that it is

taught to the youth but they don't actually take it very seriously and pay attention about our

traditions and culture we should as much as possible help them realize how much it is

important in our lives, so that it is not completely forgotten and can no longer be continued,

we will lose nothing if we study it and continue the traditions and culture that were inherited

or left to us by our ancestors.

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