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A.N. Zamyatin*, M.A. Grigoryev*, V.V. Rogozin*, A.I. Zhelannikov**
*PJSC “Gromov Flight Research Institute”,
** FGUP “Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky”

Keywords: wake vortex safety systems, wake math model, wake vortex information in real time

Abstract vortex flows generated by other aircraft air

flows [2].
One of the most important areas of
One of perspective direction of
research in aviation technology is an increase
developments in this area is development of
of air traffic control efficiency and flight safety
integrated system of detection and prognosis of
provision in vicinity of airfields for take-
vortex environment (so-called WVSS) with
off/landing flight phases, i.e. in conditions of
implemented wake vortex math model. This
possible entering of aircraft into wake vortices
system should provide visualization of the
of other aircraft. Elaboration of wake vortex
vortex situation on the ATC staff screen and in
safety systems (WVSS) is rather effective
the pilot cockpit also. WVSS should comprise
solution of this problem. Math model of aircraft
both onboard and ground systems providing
wake vortex is the main component of WVSS.
wake vortex safety for all flight phases
The model should provide reliable information
including take-off and landing.
on intensity and spatial location of dangerous
WVSS represents soft – hardware complex
vortices areas. Calculation results should be
with digital communication lines, man-machine
available in real time scale. Presented in the
interface and corresponding meteorological
paper is the detailed description of math model
of aircraft wake vortices development. support. WVSS is based on the technique of
representation of visual information about
Examples of calculations of wake vortices
vortex environment in the area of aircrew and
characteristics for various aircraft, flight
ATC staff responsibilities. Aircraft trajectories
conditions and atmospheric states are
parameters and data about dangerous vortex
presented. It is noted that the model elaborated
areas are provided onboard aircraft and ATC
could be utilized in WVSS both for take-
staff via digital data transmission lines. Special
off/landing flight phases and for cruise flight
algorithms are developed to calculate dangerous
conditions during aircraft flight along flight
vortex areas. Flight safety depends on the
precision of these algorithms operation.
The experimental specimen of WVSS was
1 Introduction developed in PJSC “Gromov Flight Research
Institute” (GFRI) with participation of other
Aviation specialists, scientists and researchers Russian companies. Flight tests of this specimen
of different countries are developed for a long were conducted in GFRI. For this purpose two
time the methods of flight safety problem flying test-beds (FTB) were specially
solution in conditions when aerodynamic wake instrumented: Tu-154M FTB – wake generator
vortex is the main factor influencing flight and L-39 FTB – wake sounder. The scheme of
safety level [1] and are elaborated the systems WVSS specimen flight tests is presented in
enabling safe flights in the areas of intensive Figure 1.

Fig. 2. View of wake-generator Tu-154M (left) via

Fig. 1. Scheme of WVSS flight tests. canopy of L-39. L-39 onboard LCD (right). H = 3170 m,
Vias = 380 km/h, neutral atmosphere.
Tu-154M FTB was instrumented with
onboard measurements system which records 2 Algorithm of aircraft wake vortex
the necessary flight parameters, onboard calculation
weather station, satellite navigation system,
onboard digital computer, WVSS computer, Block diagram of aircraft wake vortices
smoke generators “Smokewinder” with its calculation algorithm is presented in Figure 3.
control system. L-39 FTB was instrumented
with the system of flight-navigation information
representation in multifunctional LCD, onboard
measurements system, satellite navigation
system, WVSS computer and a system to record
video image of airspace around the aircraft and
pilot flight deck. Ground station – workplace of
ATC staff includes computer, image Fig. 3. Block diagram of aircraft wake vortices calculation
representation system and base station. algorithm.
Flight tests revealed that system principally
works, but it has some serious disadvantages Math model of near wake is constructed on the
mainly due to calculation models of vortex base of vortex method. Far wake math model is
flows and dangerous areas determination. For filled with initial data from near wake model
example, during flight tests there were detected through reference plane (RP). RP is located
some cases of displaying of erroneous behind the aircraft perpendicular to flight
information about dangerous vortex flows. velocity vector at the distance 0.5L, where L –
Figure 2 represents the case when visually Tu- aircraft length. All vortices falling in this plane
154M FTB aircraft and dangerous vortex area are substituted by the vortices of infinite length,
are located at the left from sounder aircraft L-39 coming through the same points and having the
FTB, but onboard LCD displays this area at the same circulations as initial vortices. It allows
right hand side from the L-39 FTB. These proceeding to solution of a plane-parallel task,
results point out on necessity of serious to which mathematical model of far wake is
refinement of calculation models and this was reduced. Math model of near wake was
done at the work presented. constructed basing on considerations of high
accuracy provision during real time scale
operation. Analogous models applied before [3,
4] utilized method of discrete vortices. This
approach could provide good accuracy but it


works very slowly, one should create Ground proximity is accounted via
appropriate data bases in advance to speed up implementation of vortex system specularly
the process. But data base discretization reflected relatively to the earth surface.
deteriorates the accuracy. The investigations of Far wake characteristics are obtained as the
calculation techniques made it possible to results of calculations according to the
choose sufficiently accurate model on the base algorithm described.
of analytical - experimental approach formed
by application of Zhukovsky theorem for lift
force. In this case the aircraft is replaced by - 3 Account of the atmospheric state
type vortex and circulation of wing vortices Richardson number was utilized to account
could be determined by equaling of aircraft lift atmospheric state in far wake math model:
force to weight. Next the circulation calculated
is distributed between wing and horizontal tail g T/ z
Ri (1)
proportionally to it squares. Thus four vortices T ( N / z)2
are obtained with coordinates corresponding to
the ends of wing (Гw1, Гw2) and horizontal tail Where g – gravity acceleration, T - mean
(Гs1, Гs2). Development of six vortices is temperature of the layer with thickness z .
simulated if aircraft is in take-off/landing
T / z and N / z - mean gradients of the
configuration (two from wing ends and two
temperature and a horizontal velocity of the
pairs from the ends of each flap (Гf1, Гf2 and
wind in the layer with thickness z
Гf3, Гf4). Eight vortices are deployed from the
aircraft itself, see Figure 4.
Richardson number characterizes the relation
of buoyancy force (numerator) and dynamic
factor (denominator), i.e. relation of
contributions of free and forced convections in
atmosphere turbulence formation. The increase
of the temperature gradient module corresponds
to the state when buoyancy forces dominate.
The increase of the velocity gradient
corresponds to dynamic factor increase and
characterizes the atmosphere as unstable.
Atmosphere state is considered to be neutral at
0.01 Ri 0.01 at that the thermal influence is
Fig. 4. Eight vortices from the aircraft.
minimum and only forced convection could
Wing vortices circulation is distributed exist in this case. At diminishing of the number
between all six vortices accordingly to the flap Ri 0.01 the buoyancy forces start to appear
span, it area and deflection angle. in more extent, mixed convection arises and at
State of the atmosphere is accounted via Ri 1.0 the free convection mode is
Richardson number. established. And vice versa, at the increase of
Account of the influence of axial velocity Ri 0.01 the buoyancy forces start to prevent
in the vortices nuclei on far wake characteristics the turbulence development. At Ri 0.25 the
in real flight is reduced to appearance of flow starts to be practically laminar, turbulent
additional sources distributed along nuclei axis. mixing is almost absent. Thus, all
More detail description of account of considerations presented above could be
atmospheric state and axial velocity influence reduced in the following Table 1.
on the vortices development is presented in next


Table 1.
Vy Vz Vx 0 (3)
Richardson State of the Estimation y z x
number Ri atmosphere in points
Ri 1 .0 Strongly 5 In two-dimensional treatment in the YOZ
unstable plane this corresponds to the presence of two
0.01 Ri 1 .0 Unstable 4 sources (sinks) with the density q Vx .
0.01 Ri 0.01 Neutral 3 x
2.5 Ri 0.01 Stable These sources induce the velocity:
Ri 0.25 Strongly 1 1 r rq
stable Vq (r ) 2
q ( yq , zq )ds (4)
2 r rq
Estimations of the atmosphere state in points are
introduced for convenience of this table and the following takes place for it
utilizing. Strongly unstable atmosphere is axisymmetric location:
assessed in 5 points and strongly stable – in 1 r r0
Vq (r) 2
Q(r), Q(r) r' Vx (r ')dr ' (5)
point. Points for other states of the atmosphere r r0 0
could be seen from the Table 1. As it was shown Thus intensity of the source (sink) Q(r) is
during flight tests the wake vortices determined via axial velocity value in the vortex
development behind aircraft strongly depends nucleus and additional velocity in the arbitrary
on the atmosphere state. In the quiet atmosphere point is determined via Q(r).
the wake vortices exist for a very long time As an example, for A320 aircraft there were
while in unstable atmosphere they are destroyed obtained the results of wake vortices
quickly. Far wake math model utilizes the calculations for two cases – with and without
relation between atmospheric state points and account of axial velocity influence.
reduced Reynolds number, obtained on the base Figure 5 demonstrates A320 aircraft
of experimental data processing and thus it takes disturbed velocities fields at flight speed Vias =
into account the dependence of air velocities 850 km/h, flight altitude H = 6 000 m at the
field from atmospheric state. distances X = 0 km and X = 2,85 km behind the
aircraft at the condition Vx = 0 (no axial
velocity). Presented in Figure 6 are the
4 Accounting of an influence of the axial analogous velocities fields at the condition Vx >
velocity on the vortex propagation 0 (axial velocity is available). Noticeable
Accounting of an influence of the axial velocity increase of disturbed velocities in case of axial
in the vortex nucleus on far wake characteristics flows accounting is observed.
in real flight is reduced to appearance of Such influence of axial velocity on velocities
additional depression in the nucleus and field in a wake points out that axial flow in
additional velocities to the vortices center. vortices nuclei couldn’t be neglected. And
Let’s consider that axial velocity (Vx) spatial experimental data indicate that axial flows in the
distribution is known and also that this nuclei are actually available and rather
distribution is axisymmetric in the vortex intensive. Character and parameters of these
nucleus. flows obtained via experimental data processing
were used for accounting of axial velocity
(2) influence on the wake structure.
Vx Vx ( x, r '), r ' r r0

where r – arbitrary point coordinate, r0 –

vortex coordinate. divV=0 because
incompressible fluid model is considered. Thus,
if axial velocity is not constant along X-axis:


Fig. 5. A320 disturbed velocities field without Vx Fig. 6. A320 disturbed velocities field with Vx account.


5 Far wake mathematical model i y yi

Wz (i )
At the basis of the far wake mathematical model 2 (y yi ) 2 (z zi ) 2
there is exact solution of Helmholtz equation, (y yi ) 2 ( z zi ) 2

which has the following form for plane-parallel 1 е 4 t

2 2
or in non-dimensional form:
Wy x
Wz x
t y z y z

where x - angular velocity vector ( )
component and W y and W z - components of
 (11)
the fluid motion linear velocity vector ( W ), -
kinematic viscosity coefficient. Equation (1)
describes the process of vortex diffusion in
viscous incompressible fluid. Solution
description is presented in [5].
If in initial moment t = 0 the vortex with
circulation i is located in the point ( y i , z i ) in
parallel to Ox axis, then in accordance with
exact solution of equation (1) for any arbitrary
point in the plane zOx there will be:
yi ) 2 zi ) 2 In (11)-(12) there are W b
(y (z i i ,
x (i ) ( y, z , t ) i
е 4 t
(7) y y b, z z b, W t b,
8 t
Re W b
In accordance with the Stokes theorem and , W - velocity of non-disturbed
with account of the initial condition flow.
i ( y , z ,0) const , the expression for Thus the basis of far wake mathematical
circulation to be defined in the point (x,z) in model is constituted of expressions (11)-(12)
arbitrary time moment is written as: where reduced value of Reynolds number Re
is introduced instead of Reynolds number Re
and instead of coefficient there is introduced
the reduced coefficient . The value of
coefficient is obtained by means of
Velocity vector components at this point in experimental data treatment and depends on
arbitrary time moment are defined by the atmospheric state. Account of vortices
following expressions: dissipation and diffusion is made via this
i z zi coefficient .
Wy (i )
2 (y yi ) 2 (z zi ) 2
(y yi ) 2 ( z zi ) 2 6 Examples of aircraft wake vortices
1 е 4 t
(9) calculations for various flight conditions
utilizing the model developed
Results of Tu-154M aircraft wake vortex flow
calculations for flight conditions corresponding
to those, depicted in Figure 2, i.e. H = 3170 m,
Vias = 380 km/h, neutral atmosphere are
presented in Figure 7. Below in the Figure 7

there is presented a picture, which will be

displayed on L-39 aircraft onboard LCD at the
distance of X = 420 m behind aircraft-generator
(Tu-154M), as it was during flight tests. The
picture demonstrated corresponds to the photo,
illustrated in Figure 2.

Fig. 8. B747 velocities field at the distance X=4047.6m,

Vias=800km/h, stable atmosphere.

Fig. 7. Example of wake vortex calculations.

Fig. 9. B747 wake vortices axes location, H=6000m,
Vias=800km/h, stable atmosphere.
The math model presented was developed
for implementation in WVSS at take-off/landing
flight phases, but it also could be applied for 7 Conclusions
cruse flight conditions. Depicted in Figures 8
It was elaborated the math model of aircraft
and 9 are results of B747 wake vortices
wake vortex development, providing
development calculations for flight conditions
calculations of intensity and special location of
H=6000 m, Vias = 800 km/h, stable atmosphere:
dangerous vortex areas in real time scale.
Figure 8 – velocities field at the distance
Math model on the basis of experimental
X=4047,6 m behind the aircraft and Figure 9 –
data made it possible to account the influence of
vortices axes locations in vertical plane.
atmosphere state, ground proximity and
Stabilizer vortex, being less intensive than the
availability of axial flows in vortices nuclei on
wing vortex, exists for a long time in a wake for
the structure and development of aircraft wake.
aircraft with aerodynamic layout analogous to
Math model is intended for implementation
in WVSS both for take-off/landing and cruse
flight conditions.


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[2] Belotserkovsky A.S., Baranov N.A., Zamyatin A.N.
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[3] Zamyatin A.N., Dedesh V.T, Zhelannikov A.I. and
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[4] Dedesh V.T., Zamyatin A.N. and Zhelannikov A.I.
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[5] Dedesh V.T., Zamyatin A.N., Grigoryev M.A. et al.
Researches of interaction of aircraft wake vortices
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San Diego, CA, AIAA paper 2013-2554, 24–27 June

8 Contact Author Email Address

Maxim Grigoryev: mailto:
Andrey Zamyatin: mailto:
Vladimir Rogozin: mailto:
Alexander Zhelannikov:

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