5 Exam For WTYI

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Q1: If you want to undo a GRANT, you should use?



c None




Q2: Which of the answers listed below refers to a Linux command that allows for assuming
the identity of a different system user and executing commands with security privileges of
that user account??

a id

b None

c sync

d su

e None

f usermod

Q3: Which command can be used to count characters in a text file??

a None

b ccount

c count

d None

e fsize

f wc
Q4: What is the name of a Linux utility used for managing software packages on Red Hat and
Red Hat-based Linux distributions??

a None

b yum

c None

d grub

e apt-get

f apt

Q5: Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript??

a The <footer>

b The <head> section

c The <body> section

d Both the <head> section and the <body> section are correct

e None

f None

Q6: How can you restore the WordPress core files??

a The core files can be downloaded back from your local machine as long as you
have a backup

b The core files can be downloaded back from wordpress.org site.

c None

d None

e The core files can be fetched via your dashboard

f The core files can be downloaded back from Database.

Q7: On which of the following systems can minikube be installed on? Select one.?
a Linux

The correct Answer is: None

c All of the mentioned

The correct Answer is: None

e macOS

f Windows

Q8: What is LILO w.r.t linux??

a LILO means linux loader, which loads the OS into memory and starts the GUI.

b LILO means linux loader, which loads the kernel into memory and starts the OS.

c LILO means linux loader, which loads the software into memory and starts the
kernel then the OS.

d LILO means linux loader, which loads the GUI into memory so the user can see
what's going on.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: How can you set the default rwx permission to all users on every file which is created in
the current shell??

a chown 777

b umask 0777

c None

d umask 0666

e chmod 777

f None

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