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Q1: Which of the following is a cloud-hosted service from Docker that provides registry

capabilities for public and private content.?

a Docker Swarm

b Docker Hub

c None

d Docker Compose

e None

f Docker Cloud

Q2: Which command can be used to write onto other currently logged in user’s console
output terminal.?

The correct Answer is: None

b broadcast

c notify

d alert

The correct Answer is: None

f write

Q3: Which of the following are Kubernetes Objects??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c Kubernetes objects are Host, Auth and Cluster.

The correct Answer is: None

e Kubernetes objects are Pod, Service and Volume.

The correct Answer is: None

Q4: Which command would you use to gather facts with Ansible??
a ansible your_server -m info

b ansible your_server -m setup

c None

d ansible your_server -m fact

e ansible your_server -m gather

f None

Q5: Which of the following is for title of the modal??

a Modal-sm

b Modal-lg

c Modal-title

d Modal-open

e None

f None

Q6: ____________ function in PHP Returns a list of response headers sent (or ready to send)?

a header_send()

b header()

c None

d header_sent()

e None

f headers_list()

Q7: Each virtual machine includes the application, the necessary binaries and libraries, and
an entire guest operating system - All of which may be tens of GBs in size.?

a None
b True

c None

d None

e None

f False

Q8: What Is K8s??

The correct Answer is: None

b Kubernetes, also sometimes called K8S (K – eight characters – S), is an open

source orchestration framework for containerized applications that was born from the
Google data centers.

The correct Answer is: None

d Kubernetes, also sometimes called K8S (K – eight characters – S), is an open

source backend framework for containerized applications that was born from the Azure
data centers.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: What is the prefix of WordPress tables by default??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c _wp_

d wp_ default

e wp_

f wp_ in

Q10: What are the most common Linux boot managers??

a None

c Bootmand/MBR

d Bootd/init.d

e None

f Bootmanager/Bootflag

Q11: Which HTML Tag is used to define a client - side script such as the Javascript??

a None

b Both Above

c None Of The Above

d <unscript>

e <script>

f None

Q12: What is a Dockerfile??

a Docker can build audio automatically by reading the instructions from a file called

b None

c None

d Docker cannot be build images automatically by reading the instructions from a

file called Dockerfile.

e Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a file
called Dockerfile.

f None

Q13: You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of the following??



d None

e None


Q14: What is the correct HTML for making a text input field??

a None

b <textfield>

c <textinput type="text">

d None

e <input type="text">

f <input type="textfield">

Q15: UPDATE keyword is used for:?

a to select data

b None

c to manage users

d to change data

e to create database elements

f None

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