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I drive inside the rank and park in front of the other taxis.
I walk over to the group of other taxi drivers that are
sitting in a circle eating skop. I grab a crate and join them.

"Ah MaDlamini.",Bab Mkhize greets me.

"Have you heard? There is a new boss taking over the taxis
and routes."

"I've heard. Do you think I'll keep my job still? Cause you
know Bab'Dlomo was the only one okay with me being a

"Lets hope so ndodakazi."

I finish eating and drink water.

"My taxi is full. Let me get back on the road."

I say goodbye to the men and head to my taxi singing.

"Wayisholo wena! Wayisholo wena! Ukuthi yini

ubuntombi ungasenabo! Wayisholo wena!"

I close the door and get in the drivers seat. I play some
music and start driving.
"Driver. How much is your money?"

I look at the lady in the front seat as she holds money in

her hands.

"R150 ntokazi."

She smiles and starts counting. She gives me my money

and I put it away anf she gives people their change.

"Ndodakazi please decrease your speed."

I go on a 100 and I hear commotion at the back.

"We're being driven by women now? This world is messed


I look at the old man as he runs his mouth through the

rear view mirror. I stop the taxi and get out. I open the
"Taima! Please get out of my taxi since you have a problem
with me driving."

He ignores me and makes a homophobic remark. I laugh

and open the front door. Pull out my gun fron the
dashboard and everyone screams.

"Ntate kopa otswe tuu!"(old man please get out!)

He gets out mumbling and I close the door. I get back to

the drivers seat and start driving.

"I'm sorry elders for making y'all witness that. You too

I say looking at the lady in front and she smiles. I drop and
pick people up. When she is about to get off.

She turns back and looks at me. I hand my phone to her.
She looks at it and presses than hands it to me. I take it
and look at her saved numbers.


I call it and watch her take out her phone and answer it.

"It's me ntokazi."

She turns back and looks at me smiling. I drive off when

people start complaining. I look at the time and I smile
when I realise this is my last load. We have that meeting
with the taxi owner. I get nervous all over again as I pull
my cap over my eyes. I hope I don't lose my job.

I take off my cap as I join the men on the chairs taken out.
There is a tent where an indian man is sitting with papers
in front of him. Bab'Mkhize pats my back as I wipe the
sweat off my face with my cap. A very tall man comes out
with Bab'Dlomo. He is wearing tracksuits and as soon as
he enters the aura gets thick. He looks at everyone one by
one and I notice men cast their eyes down. His eyes land
on me and he furrows his eyebrows. I maintain eye contact
and he starts talking still looking at me.

"Hello men."
His zulu accent is deep and his voice is hoarse. He puts
emphasis on the word 'men' and I know he could see I'm a
women. It's unnoticeable really that I'm a woman because
I'm my father's daughter. I'm slim with small boobs that
don't show with this UZZI hoodie I'm wearing. My
feminine side shows when I smile and my dimple comes
out to play plus my extra teeth. I have my mothers smile.

"My name is Mthunzi Khuzwayo. I'll be taking over from

Bab' Dlomo. His held reigns for us as the Khuzwayo family
for a long time. Before I was born if I'm not wrong Baba?"

He is still looking at me. Bab'Dlomo answers 'yes' and the

man nods. I keep my eyes on his until he is done with
introducing himself.
"Can all drivers head towards the table their to sign
documents. They're translated in vernacular language
everyone speaks."

Evergbody gets up and I am the last to get up and put my

caps on. He looks away when Bab'Dlomo calls him to the
side. I grab a contract and sit down. Others are just

"Men! Didn't I teach y'all to read anything before signing?

Y'all could be signing y'all lives away."

"Ndodakazi. We have families at home waiting for us. We

can't waste time reading. We'll see as time goes.",An older
taxi driver says.

The others grunt and nod. I shake my head and turn

around to find him looking at me. I walk towards him. I
greet Bab'Dlomo.

"Dlamini. Son."

I get a feeling his trying to deceive this man that I'm a

woman. I sigh and look up at this tall man. Bab'Dlomo
excuses us. I clear my throat and he raises on eyebrow
while folding his arms. His towering over me and I hate
that! I hate it when men tower over me. It makes me feel
small and powerless.

"Ngamla. Can I take this with me at home? I'd like to read

it through."

I state paging through the pages.

"It's fine MaDlamini. Bring them back during lunchtime."

I raise my eyebrow at him and he chuckles. As he opens his
mouth my phone rings. By the barking dog ringtone I can
tell it's my girlfriend.

"Can I?"

He nods and I shift.


"Weeeh Ntombikayise Mpi Dlamini!"

I roll my eyes!

"Yini manje?"


"Ngisahambisa imali!"

Remembering I take out the money in a brown envelope in

my pocket.

"Okay. Ngyakuthanda."


I drop the call and take out my cap. I turn around and
hand him the envelope with my knees a bit bended and
shoulder bended forward a bit.

"Thank you MaDlamini."

I nod and walk away pulling my cap over my face. I get

into the little tazz I own and drive off. I find Sine sleeping
and I kiss her cheek. I sit on top of the bed and she stands
up and goes to the bathroom. I undress and go stand in
front of the mirror. I look at my back. I close my eyes and
shake my head. I walk towards the bathroom. I find the
bath filled and I get in. She walks out and I relax on the
bath. Let me introduce myself while at it. My name is
Ntombikayise Mpi Dlamini. I know my second name is
very alarming but I was born into a house of hitmen. The
only daughter my father had and only child. He was a
hitmen and no crime goes forgiven in KZN. He was
gunned down one night with my mother in one of their
safe houses. I got the inheritance and I'm filthy rich but
probably wondering why I'm a Taxi driver in eThekwini?
My fathers legacy lives on through me. He didn't name me
after him, 'Mpi' for nothing. He always told me, "You're my
daughter. Mpi. You're feared. Your gun is your wife. Lays
with you in bed. A life taken by you doesn't haunt you."

He was a a ruthless man but a good father. When I

received a call that he had died from other hitmen. I
hunted everyone of them down. There is only one missing.
Mlungisi Khuzwayo. I haven't found intel on him. I last
heard he was around Durban but I'm still digging. I get
out of the water. I get dressed in my hitmen outfit. I close
the secret door and walk out of the closet. Sine looks at me
and puts my food back in the microwave. I kiss her and
she looks at the bag I'm carrying.

"I'll be back a bit late."

"Be safe."

I nod and kiss her again. I drive out in my night car.

Ferrari. Good for driving away fast from the scene. I look
at Dads picture on hanging on the rear view mirror.
"Be with me."

I send a text to the UNKNOWN that I'm heading to the

targets place. I do this job for him and he will give me
Khuzwayos wwhereabout



I am on top of a building across a five star hotel. I have my

eyes on my target. A high profiled man. He has his hand
around a very petite woman. He is a minister of some sort.
Didn't read much into his file but I know he has been
behind the alarming human trafficking rates. Our country
is corrupted. Greediness is the reason why our brothers
and sisters get sold to foreign countries as sex slaves. He
takes a seat on the couch next to the window and I smile as
I have full target on his head. I am laying on my stomach
and the feel of concrete gives me goosebumps. I lick my
thumb and rub it with my index finger and put them back
on the gun with my index finger on and let it hover for a
while. Just as he laughs I pull the trigger and the smell of
gun powder circles me. I inhale it as the window crashes
and he is down. I stand up picking up my bag. I pack my
equipment and run down the stairs. I make an exit as the
security shifts swap. I get into my car two streets away and
drive off in speed. I can hear sirens. A minister has died. I
take out my burner phone.


As soon as I get home I put everything away. I park my

tazz out front again. It's 02h23 and I have to be at the taxi
rank 05h00 so I don't bother sleeping. I decide on a cold
shower. Durban us one hella hot city. Sine is still asleep. I
let her sleep. She has to go back home tomorrow. We've
been together for 6 years and I fell out of love 5 years ago. I
can't really end us cause she knows too much and I don't
kill women but can't say the same about the association.
It's a group of hitmen. They do messy jobs. I'm part of it
without my liking. I am Mpi's daughter. Was signed in
with the association before I was born. If she ever thinks of
ratting us out she won't even make it to the police station.

An email comes through as I'm going through my next


"Mlungisi Khuzwayo.


No family."

I bang my fist on the table! I untie my dreads and cuss. I

got fucken played. I got fucken played! I chuckle and sit
back. I stand up and get dressed for work. I pull the cap
over my eyes and grab the lunchbox on top of the counter.
I kiss her cheek goodbye. I get into the tazz and drive out. I
drive slowly as I am using google maps. We have a new
address where we will take our taxis. Emlazi. I've never
been to eMlazi. Heard its a rough township. Its 04h32
when I park out front. I hit the hooter and a figure gets out
of the little security house near the gate. I open my

"Bafo! I'm early."

He opens and signs me in. My gun gets taken away as I get

lead towards the house. The lights are on. I'm lead inside
and the ngamla is sitting on the one seater couch. This
man makes me nervous. I take off my cap and greet him.

"MaDlamini. The earliest bird catches the fattest worm.


"Sho ngamla."
He furrows his thick bushy eyebrows that almost meet at
the glabella. He points me to a seat. I now regret coming in
early cause I'm here seated infront of this intimidating
man and his gaze is just as intimidating as his aura. He
looks at me for a while before chuckling and shakes his

"Anything funny ngamla?",my mouth shoots without


He looks at me confused before he realises something and

that makes him chuckle again. I look at the time on the
clock. 04h45. Why is time so slow? Where are the others?
Can't he just give me the bloody keys?

"You know the Fibonacci sequence MaDlamini?"

I look at him as he smiles and picks up his glass of whiskey.
He shakes it slightly making the ice rattle loudly. I don't
answer him and he chuckles.

"Do I make you nervous MaDlamini?"

I furrow my eyebrows at this. Can he shut the fuck up?


"Really? Then why are you sweating?"

"It's hot in here."

He chuckles and nods. He reaches for the aircon remote

and fidgets on it for a while before it cools off in here. I
sigh involuntarily. The gate opens and I know the others
have arrived. 04h57. They get inside and greets. They take
their seats.
"Men. MaDlamini."

Really? I clench my jaw at this. If he carries on provoking

me I'll shoot him. Right on the balls!

"The routes have not changed. I know many of y'all didn't

read the constract but y'all get free lunch from KFC. Will
be delivered at 13h30. Lunch is 30 minutes. Not more than
that. I had some of y'alls cars painted."

He looks at me as he says this.

"Take an envelope with your name on it and calmly vacate

my premises."

I take the one with my name and take the keys next to it. I
get out and press the unlock button. A pink quantumn
"Women Strive."

I laugh at this mockery. Really? Really? I watch as the

other men find it funny and all pat my shoulder. I watch
them all drive out. I cuss and turn around to find him
standing there with the meanest look I've ever seen and
quite frankly I don't care if he heard me call him a
homophobic son of a bitch.

"MaDlamini. Is there a problem?"

"Yes. Who do you expect to drive this taxi? I'm sure you've
noticed pink isn't my colour."

"This is why women belong in offices and not taxis. In the

taxi business HUN you don't question the owner. Now get
i there and drive."
"Are you mocking me?"

"Are you driving or what?"

"Do I look like I'm driving? Ngamla give me another taxi."

"You have toxic masculinity. Who said pink is for women?

Why is being a woman so embarrassing to you? Unless
thats what you really want to be but you're living to
someone's expectations. Huh?"

Great he's psychoanalytic. I cast my eyes down and quickly


"Can I have another taxi. Please."

"No. I'll also be deducting the early load money from your
wage. You're late MaDlamini."

I turn around slowly heading to the pink taxi. Something

in me says I should quit. But this is my undercover job.
Baba said pink was for women. Pink is for weak women
and I'm not weak. I'm Mpi Dlamini! The gun is my wife.
Those killed by me do not haunt me. I get into the taxi and
the new smell surrounds me. Even the seats are pinks.
Great. I start the car. I see him chuckling as I drive out. I'll
kill that bastard. I swear.


The Death of Minister Mthembu has been circulating.
Their is war amongst the politicians. Rumors after rumors.
No story is confirmed. Nobody knows what happened. I've
also been suspecting that I'm being tailed. It's been a week
of me being tailed by this black polo vivo. I'm on my way to
ngamlas. I had to drive his mother and aunts to the
airport. They liked the taxi. Especially since they're on it.
I've noticed how women pick my taxi lately. Funny. A pink
taxi written 'women strive' with rich housewives on it and
women automatically fall in love.

I park inside the yard. Its 21h43 and the other drivers have
long been gone. I get inside and I'm met by the same
looking men but differ in ages except for three I take off
my cap and greet.
"Ngamla. The ladies are surely in the air now."

He nods and all these men have their eyes on me. The old
man chuckles and I notice the dimples ngamla might have
gotten from him.

"Ntombikayise Mpi Dlamini."

I involuntarily twist my face.

"There. Right there lies Mpi. You are your fathers

daughter.",the old man carries on.

I turn around to leave but get blocked by the two man with
guns. Whats going on here? I don't have my gun on me. I
can't take them all down. I turn back to them.

"Do you know me?"

I shake my head.
"Mlungisi. Khuzwayo. Gumede. Qwabe. Mnguni kayeyeye.

He stands in front of me proudly. I near him as the hate

brews inside of me. He is probably in his late 70s but he
smells good and is in good body shape. The type that
doesn't want to age. I notice the black wedding band on
his finger.

"Heard you've been looking for me."

"You've heard right."

"What do you want?"

"I want to kill you."

He laughs and everyone joins in. The dimples! The

"You're funny kid. Nkosinathi."

A different looking man stands up. Taller than everyone

with a very sharp eyes stands up and moves towards me.

"Sit down bafo. I'll do it.",ngamla.

So this is an ambush. My phone barks and I know its Sine.

The old man nods at me.



"Where are you? It's late."

"There is something I need to fix. It's a party over here."

"Oh. I'll alert the association."

I drop after 'I love you' and hand the phone to Mlungisi.
"Don't worry about the association coming for you."

I look at him as he says this. Ngamla comes and pushes me

and I punch him. He staggers and smiles.

"Good punch woman. Now go on."

I'm lead downstairs and the iron door is closed as soon as

I'm inside. It's clean and smells of cleaning products. There
is a bed and a door on the otherside. The light here is
annoying me. It flickers every 3 seconds. I sit down on the
bed and bury my face in my hands. How did this happen?
I was sure I did a good job. That email! The UNKNOWN. It
was a trap. I should've known I was too close to the enemy.
I lay on my back with my head resting on my arms. I stand
up and go open that door. It's a bathroom with only a
shower. I strip off my clothes and get in. The water is cold
but I don't mind. I hear the iron door opening and I turn
off the water. I grab a towel. At least. It's really short but
whatever. I exit the bathroom and I find ngamla seated in
the corner with a plate. I sit on the bed as he follows me
with his eyes. I try and avoid his eyes. There is something
in his eyes I saw the first time I met him. I didnt take much
notice of it because I thought it was the reflection of the
trees in his backyard. I've never mentioned and will never!
People will think I'm crazy.

"How long have you known?"

He stands up and hands me the plate of pap and meat.

"Months after you got hired by Bab'Dlhomo. We're the

Khuzwayos. We know everything. You also fell into the
trap plus Sanele runs the association. You're good
assasinator. I'll give you that. Is the tomboy thing also a

I frown at him and click my tongue. He laughs at that and

goes back to the corner.

"Eat up."

I'm not even hungry but I don't know when my next meal
is going to be. I eat slowly.

"How long do you plan on keeping me here for?"

"Mkhulu hasn't said anything yet but you were coming for
his life and we don't kill women so I don't know this going
to work."
I finish my food in slience. I need a smoke. I light a
cigarette and he looks at me shaking his head. He carries
on sitting there.

"How does this lesbian thing work really? Do you like be

the man in the relationship?"

I've noticed he asks dumb questions which are a lot of

them. He laughs and takes the plate. As he walks with his
back to me I stand up and punch him on his back. He
drops the plate. I grab his neck and pull him down with
me. He struggles with my grip and finally hits me with his
elbow on my side. My grip softens and he stands up. I
swipe at his feet and he loses balance and staggers a bit. I
stand up punching him on the nose and he holds my
hands. I struggle in his hold until I knee him on his
stomach. I run for the spoon but he pushes me and I land
on the bed. He puts his knee on my bare chest and presses

"Calm the fuck down!"

His hoarse voice creats an echo and I stop my movements.

I'm naked. In front of a man. For the first time ever.

"I don't hit women MaDlamini. Don't push my hand."

He takes his knee off and throws the towel at me. He picks
up the broken pieces on the floor and exits clicking his
tongue along the line of something inaudible but very
insulting. I will never get out of here. Never. I lay there in
just a towel smoking my cigarette.

I look at my watch and notice it's 02h32. I sit up and go pee

than come back and stand in the middle of this room. My
father would be disappointed right now. That old man
Khuzwayo. I hate him. He took my parents away from me.
I had to kill my paternal family cause they tried stealing
my inheritance from me. I'm alone now. My maternal
family rejected me cause they don't like my dad. I start
punching the wall. I haven't cried in years. I cant cry. I was
trained to turn my pain into anger. I punch until my left
knuckle dislocates. I scream putting it back to shape. I sit
down on the cold ground. I wish I could cry sometimes. I
wish I had tears in me. I like the feel of cold concrete on my
scarred back. I open my mouth and close it again.

"Oko ngahlangana nawe. Nawe sthandwa sam.

Seyize yaphola yaphola inhliziyo yam.

Oko ngahlangana nawe. Nawe sthandwa sam.

Seyize yaphola yaphola inhliziyo yam.

Nakuwe ngicela makubheda ubokhumbula ukuthi nami


Nami nginayo inhliziyo.

Nakuwe ngicela makubheda ubokhumbula ukuthi nami

nginayo. Nami nginayo inhliziyo.

Ngicela ukuthi nakuwe dali.

Nobakutheni ngisho nomakunjani.

Ngeke ungijikele.

Ngicela ukuthi nakuwe dali.

Nobakutheni ngisho nomakunjani.

Ngeke ungijikele."

I'm disturbed from my singing by the iron door being

open. Ngamla walks in and closes it. I steal a glance at him
than close my eyes again. I'm sure the drivers have left. All
wondering why I didn't come in today.

"You have a nice voice. Also a cover-up to kill Mkhulu?"

I don't answer nor do I pay attention to him. I feel him

near me and I can't punch him. I'm hurt so


It's been a long time since I've been here. It's been a week
precisely. Thanks to the casio watch I own otherwise I'd be
confused since no light shines here from the outside. I
haven't seen Ngamla since that day I kicked him. I've
caught an infection on my knuckles. I also think I ate
something with tuna but can't remember honestly. I have
this allergic reatcion. My face is swollen and I've been
having a hard time with my panic attacks. I've also ran out
of my asthmatic ocygen pump. I think I'll die here. I've
come face to face with my demons. I don't remember the
last time I slept for more than an hour. I also been feeling
depressed since I havent seen Ngamla. Weird. I find myself
missing him at times and that drives me crazy. I wheeze
out a cough. Oh and I've also caught a cold from the cold
showers I've been taking. I feel like death honestly. The
door opens at exactly 10h00 as usual and this time instead
of an enamel plate being slid towards me I hear footsteps. I
can tell from the scent that it's not ngamla. I wheeze out a
cough as I sit up.

"Okay. You don't look too good."

I turn my face at the voice and it's that tall man with sharp
eyes. Nkosinathi I think.

"Mthunzi is out of town. I came here to check up on you

but keh. Mkhulu!"

He screams out and the door opens again. The old man
struts in with a walking stick in hand. He has a limp of old
age but walks elegantly with a straight back and chest

"Kayise.", his voice makes me want to puke.

He walks up to us and looks at me. I cough and clutch my


"Weren't these boys suppose to make sure she doesn't die

in here?",Mlungisi.

"I don't know Mkhulu. These are Mthunzis


The old man pulls a chair and sits down.

"What are your plans with me?",I ask him.

He chuckles and flicks his wrist signaling for the tall man
to leave. He shrugs and exits saying something about a
tjinapotra blowing up his phone.

"I need you to do a job for me. 2 missions. After I tell you
what really went down the day your father died. I'll also let
you go. You look like a good kid Kayise. Just life served you
the wrong cards. I believe in second chances. Plus my
grandson has the hots for you. Killing you isn't really ideal
right now."

He blabs and blabs about how I'm so much like my father.

"I remember when he first met your mom. Ha! He didn't

even know what to say to her. Commanded to buy her
lunch and she can tell him after that if she wants him as
her man. I've never met such an uptight man in my life.
When your mother was pregnant with you they expected a
boy. Than you came. I was there when you were born. He
named you after him. Mpi. Said he could feel it in your
pulse that you would make a great son. Better man than
any man on earth. I was a little confused thou cause I
mean you were wrapped in a pink blanket but he said "a
man is what you make of yourself." He was a wise man."

He looks at me and sits upright. Elbows on his thighs and

chin on his fists.

"Now are we going to reach an agreement or you still out

to get me?"

"I take the deal. Who do you want me to kill?"

He claps his hands smiling and takes out a file from his

"Glad you accepted it cause well you'd be going to jail for

the murder of a minister."

He smiles and throws the file at me. He walks out and

leaves the door open. I open the file and gp through it. He
wants me to kill two Durban Cartel Druglords? Is he
crazy? Their is the time and place where I should kill them.
Its too risky. Way too exposed. I'll get caught out. I-

"Ma'am please lay down so I can examine you."

I look up at the indian man who waits on me to lay down.

He has a white coat on so I assume his a medical doctor. I
lay down and he examines me humming.
"Seems like an allergic reaction. I'll need you to take two of
these after a meal everyday until they're finished. Please
lay on your stomach. I'll give you an antibiotic shot for that

I lay on my stomach and grunt when I feel the needle

pierce my skin. He cleans my wounds and leaves after that.
He also gave me something for the cold. I need to come up
with a plan. Quick. I smell him before he enters. I'm dozing
off when he comes into view and picks me up.

"Small fish don't swim with sharks War."

We'll see about that ngamla. We will see about that. I will
get revenge on my father. I will know what happened that
night. I deserve the truth. I deserve justice.
When I woke up the next day I was in a different setting.
Everything was white that I felt too dirty to be in this room.
I hate white. I hate bright colours. I was a bit disorientated.
There is a tray of fresh coffee with a bowl of hot soup on
the bedside.

'Eat up and drink your medication.'

Who still writes in cursive? I stand up and go to the open

door. Its a cream white bathroom. What is it with white in
this house? It's also just became official that I am stuck in
this situation. They seem to always be one step ahead. I've
ran out of moves. I'm thinkinh thou. I look at myself in the
mirror after stripping naked. My face has reduced swelling.
I run myself a bubble bath with all these salts in here. I
need a long bath. I decide to have breakfast while bathing.
The soup tastes so good. If I can succeed on this mission.
But how. I can't kill two men at a public space. Not any
public space. But Max's Lifestyle. Impossible. Unless- hell
no! I really need to think this plan through if I really want
to get out of this house. After a needed bath I drink the
shitloads of pills and wear the fluffy gown. Why am I
getting special treatment? I was out for this family and
maybe still am. I walk out and try to find the kitchen. I
find ngamla drinking organic shake.


He looks up and smiles but I don't return it. I put the tray
in the sink and he stands up and washes the dishes. Clean
"When can I go home?"

He looks at me like I'm crazy before realising something.

"Oh they didn't tell you? You're under my watch until you
fulfill your duties. If you ever leave this house without
permission or surveillance my men outside will shoot you

"So what am I suppose to wear? I have a mission I need to

do in a week. A fucken week! I don't have my equipment
bag! What am I suppose to shoot with? A cucumber?!
What am I going to wear? Cabbage leaves?! I need my
stuff! My weed! My cigarettes! My girlfriend must be

He looks at me and blinks.

"Don't ever raise your voice at me woman."

I click my tongue and throw the cup at him anc he ducks. I

open the cupboard and throw every glass at him. Some hit
him while others don't. When he has had enough he picks
up the kettle and lauches it at me. I duck and look at him.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Am I crazy? Don't fuck with me. I'll punch you to sleep.
Don't make me take you back to the basement. Don't push
my hand."

He moves closer to me. He's bleeding. I avoid his eyes the

best way I can. Somehow I end up looking into them. The
forest. I should stop smoking weed. It's not good for me.

"Listen and listen good. Mkhulu had all your shit moved
into the bedroom you'll be occupying. Everything. That
cheap car of yours. Both of them actually are in the garage.
Be glad I'm in charge of you cause you were assigned to
Sanele and trust me you wouldn't like staying with Bafo.
You wouldn't get breakfast in bed with silk sheets and
fluffy gowns. Worship my ass."

I realise that he has made an exception for me. I appreciate

it but Mpi doesn't show it.


"What? Call me Khondlo. Respect the man that has your

life on a thread. I'm not your boss. That ship sailed when
you came for my family. Now look here young 'man' go get
dressed and get started on lunch. You don't have a maid
here. I can't provide and cook for you as well. I'm not your

He walks out and leaves me standing there. The other part

of me feels like bashing his head on the sink but I hold
myself. It's going to be a tough time- wait. Did he call my
ferarri cheap? Asshole! Fuck I'm doomed. I'm doomed.


I'm not a great cook but I make a mean beef stew and rice.
It's not much of a meal but it's all I can cook with their
ingredients in this house. The problem with my foid is its
very spicy and oily. Just how mom taught me. Dad would
cringe seeing me dish up for a man. Hell Im cringing as
well. It smells good. I hope it tastes good. I haven't cooked
in a long time. I am grateful for my clothes. I also noticed
my equipment bag but all my bullets were retrieved. I
didn't have the energy to ask that after cleaning the mess I
made earlier with those glasses in the kitchen. He is
somewhere around this house and I don't know what to do
next. Dinner is ready. I stand in the middle of the dining
room and wait. After 5 minutes I decide to go look for him.
I find him at the end of the hallway after opening every
door in this house. He is in the study on a call and he
signals for me to wait. I'm a very impatient person. I tap
my feet. He cuts the call and looks at me with his chin on
his fists for balance.


He throws me a look.

"Khondlo.",I say it distastefully.

He smiles and looks at me. I look over his head to avoid eye

"Dinner is ready."

He nods and stands up. I walk away.

"Eh baba."
I turn around and he is looking at me with folded arms.

"Where are you going?"

I look at him with my eyebrow raised and he furrows his.

"Who said you can leave?"

The fuck?

"You in my house. Under my rules. Under my command."

I chuckle at this and start walking. If he thinks I'm going

to be his skivvy he has another thing coming. I'll punch all
that arrogance away. He grabs my wrist and I freeze for a
second at the warmness and I shiver a bit but recover with
a punch. He groans and attempts to slap me but holds
himself. He shakes his head and puts his hand down. He
points a finger at me.
"I'm so close to losing my shit with you. If you carry on
acting like a horny bull fighting me for dominance than I'll
make you submit."

This one thinks I'm afraid of him. I punch him in the gut
this time around and he topples over in pain.


He stands up and moves towards me. He takes a step back

shaking his head. Come on! Fight me! I slap him across his
face and he wraps his fingers around my throat. He lifts
my slim body up and I struggle against his hold. He lets
me down with a thumb and I cough trying to catch my
breath. He walks away.

"Is that all you got?",I say in between coughs.

He stops and looks at me.

"Choking turns me on ngamla. Nice try."

He clenches his jaw and walks out. I balance myself with

the wall. Fuck! I rub my neck and groan. Bastard. I stand
up after I've regained full power over my body. I head to
the dining room and he is eating. I dish up for myself and
head to the kitchen.

"Uyaphi?"(where are you going?)

Why is his voice so hoarse?

"The kitchen. Ain't it obvious."

"Sit down."

I look at him once and leave for the kitchen. I find myself
missing Sine. I wonder if she knows about whats going on?
I hear the door opening before a lot of noise follows. I hear
talking and an older ngamla walks in and looks at me. I
look at him and carry on eating. He folds his hands and
looks at me. And then? I carry on eating. I don't have time
for another Khuzwayo.

"Bafo we are waiting for the plates. Whats hold- Oh. Yah

I look at another man who just walked in. He is light

skinned and very buff but short. He has a tattoo of a
woman on his chest. I can see it with his opened hawain

"Bafo.",the older version ngamla says.

"Nkanyezi.",the light skinned guy.

"She hasn't greeted.",Nkanyezi.

Oh. So he was expecting me to greet him? I laugh at this

and they join in. I stop laughing and they stop.

"Do you know me?",light skin.

I keep my eyes on both of them.

"I'm Sanele. I am into architecture. I own a construction

company. We normally bury the bodies within the
foundation of the houses we build. You'd look good
covered up with cement.",Sanele.

I roll my eyes ignoring the cold shiver that just passed

through my spine. I stand up and leave them there. I will
not deal with another Khuzwayo. Not now. I will not be
held accountable for killing anyone. I walk to 'my' room
and the purity of this room irks me. I have a thing for
white. I hate it. With passion. I receive a flashback of blood
spattered on the white wall. My dad on top of my mom
with a bullet on his back that went through and hit mom.
Two birds with one stone. He was trying to protect her
from the bullets. I can still see the expression of horror on
my mom's face.

When I calm down the bed in upside down and the

windows are smashed. I throw the vase that's in my hand
against the wall and it breaks and the water cascades
down the wall. The flowers splatter all over the floor. I sit
down and for the first time in 10 years I feel wetness on my
cheek. I'm crying. I never cry. I can't cry. I succumb to the
pain and let it consume me. I sob loudly. I hear the door
shattering but I don't raise my head. So much pain. So
much pain. I've never felt. I can take the anger but not this
pain. It claws at my chest. I feel hands on me and I just let
myself be carried. I close my eyes and I see the look on my
moms face. One hand on her stomach. Protecting my little
brother. He never made it. He wasn't going to make it. It
was impossible. They all didn't make it. One bullet. Just
one bullet and everything in my life disappeared like mist
when the sun rises. I can still see the way dad was
clutching my mom. He held onto the love of his life like his
life depended on it. They died in each others arms. I can
hear voices. Shouting. I hear a gunshot and more shouting.
I think I got shot. I think I got shot. My leg is painful. I
open my eyes and realise that the light skinned guy who
introduced himself as Sanele has a gun in his hand and
ngamla has him by his throat. The whole brood of men are
looking at them with their arms folded. I regain my

"Let me end it bafo! Let me kill her!",Sanele.

"Stop it!",the old man shouts.

It grows silent that it felt like no one was breathing.

"Sanele. You shot a woman.",the old man.

"Man? Man Mkhulu? I won't see her as a woman when she

doesn't see herself as one. She wants to act like a man than
I'll treat her like one. No one messes with my brothers and
she gave him a black eye.",Sanele.

I'm here bleeding out. I noticed it's a flesh wound. A

painful fleshwound.

"Sanele. Mthunzi knows what he is doing. He assigned

himself. Let him take care of it. You can't be protecting
them now. Mthunzi and Nkanyezi are grown now.",old

I stand up after a bit of struggle. I need a first aid kit. I saw

one in the bathroom. I know now if I kill Ngamla than I
won't live to tell the tail. This family is crazy. The whole lot.
I limp away as they all try to get the two bulls to calm
down. I leave a blood trail all over the floor.


I apply the the antiseotic again and bite my lower lip. Fuck!
I wrap bandage around the fucken wound. My life has
taken a turn for the worst. I have a deadline before I can
actually be free. I know I'll always be watched thou. I just
wanted revenge. I deserve it. I deserve it after losing my
family like that. I'm left alone after one night. Just one
bullet. I lost everything. I rest my head on my knee and cry.
Loudly. I cry till I can't anymore. I fall asleep on that hard
cold bathroom floor.

I'm woken up by a door opening and a scent I've grown to

be familiar with. Wood and candy. I'm in a bedroom.
White with a tinge of gold. What is with white in this
house? Cringes! I sit up and tie my dreadlocks neatly. He
walks in with his hands in his pocket. I look at him as he
sat on the bed and looked at me. I maintained my eyes
above his head. I can't look in his eyes.
"War. Are you on any mental illness medication?"

I keep quiet and he sighs. I nod lightly feeling ashamed.

"I am on antidepressants. They're at my house. Behind the

cupboard in the bathroom."

He nods and types on his phone.

"My mother is a therapist. She will be coming in on



"I wasn't asking you. You thrashed my house. I have to pay

people to fix that bedroom. You almost hurt yourself."

"I'm fine."

"Are you?"
I keep quiet and try to get out of bed. He holds me in place.

"This is the last time I'm talking about this with you. Stop
being physical with me. I'll take you back to the basement.
I am expecting dinner later on. So stand up ndoda."

The homophobic remarks are pissing me off really.

"I won't cook dinner."

"Excuse me?"

"I have missiom coming up. I still don't have a plan."

"Do I look like I care?"

I look at him and he stands up.

"Now get out of my room."

I limp out of his room. I'm not cooking and I meant it. I
need a plan to get out of here and I won't let a man who
thinks his dick is made of vibranium tell me shit. I've had
it. I've gone through so much in this house and I'm tired.
Where are my cigarettes? And that Sanele dude is loco!
Way too overprotective it's scary. Even for me.



I'm in a black bodycon dress with a slit that runs from my

thigh. I have black block heels on. I have a small fur jacket
on my shoulders. The make up on my face is making me
want to scratch my face. He opens the door for me and I
get out holding his hand for balance. His sister came in to
teach me how to walk in heels. I think her name was Nengi.
She looks like all of them.


I have to thank him for helping me on carrying out this

mission. I needed a second man and he was the only one
available. My head was throbbing from the bun I have on
my head. This is why I hardly style my dreads. He has his
hand on my very small waist that I feel like he can wrap his
fingers around it. Okay I'm just feeling weird from his
glances. I catch him again and he looks ahead. He always
smells so good. I have to admit it thou. He looks really
good with that white golf tee shirt and black formal plants.
He struts so arrogantly. If I was straight. If only I was
straight!! I just hang on his arm as he pays for everything.
This is a chilled place. Very classy to be situated in the
middle of the most dangerous hoods in Durban. There are
really nice cars here. Expensive cars. We sit upstairs and I
am glad cause these heels are killing me. I didn't look my
self in the mirror but I'm sure I'm hideous. I opt for a
Savanna dashed in lemonade. I wouldve opted for my
Amstel but I'm a 'lady'.

"They will be arriving in an hour."

I nod at him and breathe out.

"You look good."

I turn to look at him.

"Uh thanks nga- Khondlo."

It is very awkward between us. We've been cool but not the
best of friends. We hardly even talk.

"They're here."

He puts his phone away and pours himself a glass of

whiskey. I'm a beer girl and this Savannah is making me
want to puke. I see them walk in and they have women
hanging on their arms. So much makeup? I like my girls
simple and natural. How do you kiss her cheek with all
that make up on her face? I'd probably puke.

"Can you please relax? You look so stiff."

"I'm relaxed."
"If you relaxed than I don't wanna see your stiff."

"Shut up."

"Tell me. How did you say you'll do this again?"

"I have plan B. Plan A won't work. This place is severly

gaurded. If I approach them now. All their men would
come for me. I can't slit their throats."

"So how you going to do this?"

"You're going to stand up in 10 minutes. Help me up and

we will leave. I will tell you the rest in the car."

He nods and stands up immediately. Oh God! He hands

me his hand and I put my hand in his. Why is it so soft?
And warm. I stand up and he puts his hand on my back
leading me. He has my jacket in his arm. My feet are
killing me. As soon as we get in the car I take them off.

"Jeez! How do they wear these all day?"

He looks at me and chuckles a bit.

"Women are strong."

I take out my sniper and start loading it. I open the

sunroof and stand on top of the seat and aim. No one is
paying attention to me. I have a mask on even.

"What are you doing?"

I pull the trigger and Senzo goes down. The second one
passes through Menzis throat as he tries to stand up. I get
back into the car and he is already reversing out of here.

"What the fuck War?!"


I've never seen someone drive like this. He swerves and I

hold onto my seatbelt like my life depends on it. Umlazi
streets are very small and need you to be cautious but this
one here drives like a maniac. I look behind us and we've
lost them. We had a good headstart. They probably stood
there trying to process what just happened before moving
and by then we were long gone. He enters the gate harshly
and throws the keys at the guard when we get out. He
doesn't even help with my equipment bag. He is swearing
and pacing. The car gets driven out and he looks at me.

"Are you crazy? The actual fuck!! What about the

"I have a guy. He already hacked into them. You have no
faith in me. I'm the best their is. I don't just shoot people. I
plan it. Stop sweating. You're so weak."

"You're crazy! You are fucken crazy!"

I laugh at this and leave him there. Mission accomplished.

I already packed everything I own. I take a quick shower
singing. I'm happy. I'm leaving. I'm free. I get out singing. I
find him on the bed and it's too late for me to even turn
back because he has his eyes on my body.


He tosses the fleece towards me and looks away. I quickly

wrap myself up. I clear my throat and he turns back at me.

"You can't just barge into people's rooms like this."

"It's not something I've never seen. I came here for
something serious. I'm not gay anyway. Men don't turn me

I feel my eye twitch. Very funny. Haha! Asshole.

"Since you've accomplished both your missions you'll be

free to go but we'll always be keeping tabs on you. We will
call you when we have another loose end to get rid off."

"What? That wasn't part of the deal."

"Well things have changed. Mkhulu is back on the move

with his wife. There are documents and recordings sent to
your email regarding your fathers passing. Mom asks if
she should still come in?"

"No. No therapy."
"I'll tell her you said yes. Great."

"I said no."

"I wasn't really asking you. You'll attend therapy and this
time around please talk. Yeah she's my mom but I am
paying her."

"You can't control my life."

"Watch me."

He leaves me standing there mouth agape. What is it with

him? I get dressed. It feels good being in my swagpants
again. I drag my suitcase and find him seated in the
kitchen drinking whiskey.

"I'll get going."

He looks at me and leaves me there. I shrug and leave. I've

never been so happy in my entire life. Finally I can go back
to my house. I found my phone on the car seat and I dialed
Sine but it went to voicemail and saw a message.

"I'm leaving. For good. Don't try to find me."

What? When did this- oh hell no! I find the house really
empty. She took my furniture?! I shake my head laughing
at this. She probably went back home to Eastern Cape. I
won't try to find her. I need to start afresh honestly. I
decide to go furniture shopping. I can't believe she left with
my furniture. I will book a hotel for this week while my
house gets arranged. I can't be moving furniture around. I
have things to do tomorrow. Like going clubbing and
getting laid. She even took the beds. Wherever she is she
better be hoping we never meet again. I sign the form for
the delivery of the beds. I am going all out this time
around. I haven't spent my money in a long time. I deserve
it. My money is probably stacking up in my accounts.
Killing people is a good paying job. Plus I come highly
recommended and very expensive.


She grabs a fistful of my dreads as I suck on her clit. I curl
my tongue in her hole and she grinds herself on my face.

"Ooooh yes. Fuck!"

She clenches her thighs around me when I insert my

fingers inside her. I pump them faster and curl them in

"Aaaah! Shi- Aaaaaaah!"

She shoots up and squirts all over my face. I retreat and

lick my fingers as she catches her breath. She's done so I'll
just pleasure myself than. As I'm about to excuse myself
she grabs my hand and pulls me back slowly. She kisses
me and lays me down. She gets on top of me and I feel her
hand on my clit. I like this girl. She rubs on it while kissing
my neck soothingly. I shiver when she blows air on it. She
goes down on me and I can't help running my hand
through her fade cut.

"Mmmmh.", I moan out softly.

I lift my chest up when I feel her eating me out.


She has one long ass tongue. I cant help but tremble as an
orgasm hits me and she licks me clean. I smile when her
face comes to view.

"Damn mami. Didn't know you could eat up like that?"

"You never gave me a chance."

She lays on my arm and I pull her closer to me. I haven't

seen Ngamla in 2 months and I've been thinking about
him randomly. I've been hustling trying to secure the bag
and got myself a thick mami. Kgaogelo. Remember her? I
finally asked her out and she agreed. Hit it on the first
date and couldn't stay away from each other. I have a job
tonight. I've been tying loose ends for the Khuzwayos and
the money is good. Pays for my lifestyle. I found out who
orchestrated my family's death. Unfortunately he died.
Khuzwayo killed him years back. I don't even want to
mention his name. I don't know what's wrong with me
lately. I think I'm bisexual? I have been having these
thoughts about Ngamla. Dirty thoughts. I've caught myself
sulking because I miss him. I've never been attracted to
men because I was raised as a man. I was to marry a
beautiful smart submissive wife who'll clean my wounds
when I come back home shot with no questions asked. Me
being with a man was never part of Dad's plans and I
won't disappoint him.

After dropping Kgaogelo off I drove to my mission spot.

Some ghost town in the outskirts of durban. They will be
here in an a few. This is the building they said they'll meet
up in. I plant bomb traps and vacate the premises. I watch
from a distance as cars park and men walk out. My car
blends in well plus it's dark. After 10 minutes the building
falls apart and I cover my ears.


I send the text and three cars pull up. I am about to drop
off when I see him getting out with three of his brothers.
They take out the bags from the cars and he looks at the
direction I'm parking. My engine is still on. He walks
towards me and signals for the others he is coming with
his hand. It's been two months since I've seen him and he
still looks good. The way he struts slowly with those
brackets. I shake my head as the thought of the look he
gave me the day he saw me naked. He wanted me.

"Get him out ya head!"

He knocks on the window and I freak out. I open the

window and he smiles leaning on the window. How could I
have forgotten the forest in this man's eyes? I should really
quit smoking weed.

"Ah War. You good? Saw you got a new girlfriend."

I squint my eyes at him. I know he has me followed and
doesn't even hide it.

"Yah Mthunzi."

"Mthunzi? He.e mam- Sorry Ta Kayise. Khondlo. Respect

your employer."

I drag him through my teeth and he finds this very funny.

He is stupid. I'm sure everyone has noticed this. The others
hoot for him and he waves them off.

"I see you've bought a new car. Cheap but mmmh nice."

This is a BMWi8 and I love it. He drives a G63 and a

Barabus. Not forgetting the Rolce Royce. Bragger.

"Sala slima!",his brother screams driving past us with the

other cars following him.
"Sanele! Lami!"

He bangs my car and clicks his tongue.

"Hey watch my car."

"This cheap thing? Argh please."

He takes out his phone and searches for connection.

"Please borrow me your phone?"

I take it out and he laughs.

"Typical. You have a thing for cheap things in life."

This is an iPhone 12. I put it back in my pocket. He better

flip that Samsung of his open and dial whoever. Futhi me
and my cheap possessions are leaving. He'll buy his way to
the city. Ass. I drive off and he looks at me. He thinks I
have time to lick ass this one. I stop and shake my head.
His been good to me. I make a turn and drive back. I find
him trying to find network. I chuckle. I park in front of
him and he gets in immediately. Look at him jumping into
a cheap car.

"The last time I was in this car was in varsity while it was a

"If you want to walk home. Tell me."

He laughs and relaxes. We are in a deserted area. No

police. No traffic cops. No speed limits. Just me on the
driver's seat of a fast car. I hit the accelerator and speed

"Oh shit!",thats from him as he fastens his seatbelt.

We get to the city in a matter of time and I'm pumping
with adrenaline. That felt so good.

"Can you please drop me off at my house? My phone died.

I last charged it the night before yesterday and you know
these expensive phones last longer. I'm sure you charge
yours twice a day."

Really? He finds my click of a tongue to be really funny.

When I park my car in front of the gate he looks around
and signals for the gaurds to open.

"Drive in!"

I drive in. I park and he looks at me and back again than

sighs in relief. I can tell whatever is going to come out of
his mouth is bullshit already.
"Thank goodness my neighbours didn't see this kind of car
driving into my yard. The downgrade."

He laughs after that and I look at him. When he is done I

reverse and exit.

"Where are you going?"

"Where I should've gone too in the first place. Home."

"What? Stop the car let me get out."

"This cheap thing? Its too cheap to stop to let assholes out."

"Come on man. That was a joke."


I carry on driving as he sits there. I drive into my house

and get out. I tell the guards to not let him out. He follows
me after that. I light my cigarette and take off my shoes.
It's really late right now. I'm going to smoke some weed.
Eat. Sleep. I roll my joint as I warm some food Kgaogelo
cooked for me. She deserves my surname. He comes into
the kitchen and opens both of my fridge doors and stands
in the middle of the fridge. He grabs some leftover pizza
and a beer. I look at him.

"What? You chose to kidnap me didn't you?"

I regret that now. My house smells like him now. I light my

weed and take out a beer. I open it using my teeth and
gulp some of it down than switch off the stove. I watch
some soccer and he looks at me.

"You're such a bro."


"You're such a guy-guy."

I internally palmface and jump up when M.Rashford



He looks at me and carries on eating. After watching

highlights and eating I go take a shower. I get dressed in
my oversized tee with boxers. He barges in and I groan.

"Oh. Hoped to see you naked. Where am I supposed to


"You can go home."

"What? I'm not going anywhere at 03h00am. I live in the

hood. I'm not trying to get attempted hijacked. I have
killed enough people this week."

I look at him. He is so random. I show him the spare room

and he says its too 'masculine' for him.

"Can you sing me a lulaby?"

I click my tongue and he chuckles but his phone rings. He

answers it calmy but I notice his eyebrows furrow. He nods
at whoever is on the other side and realises they can't see

"Cool. I'll be there."

He drops and calls someone.

"Where are you? Still outside? I'm coming."

He looks at me and the playful him is gone. The aura

around him grows more unsetlling. There is something
dark about him. The way he clenches his jaw creates an
itch down there and I feel my breasts harden. That was not
the reaction I was hoping to give. His eyes travel to my
boobs and the erect nipples visible on this T-shirt.

"I have to go."

I nod at this and we still stand there. He walks towards me

and towers over me. I'm a bit high- okay maybe a lot high.
His scent is making me see stars right now. I look up at
him and the trees are not still this time but are moving as
if being blown. He puts his one hand on the wall and the
other on my waist. No! His face inches closer and I stand
still looking at him. I want to move my body but I'm frozen.
He is about to fucken kiss me! I feel his breath on my face
before his lips and than the tenderness of them. I don't
respond but he kisses me still. When he is about to pull
back something inches me closer to him and I kiss him
back shoving my tongue in his mouth. He pulls me closer
to him lifting me up and pins me against the wall. I moan
out involuntarily as he presses his boner against my groin.
He moves to the bed with me still wrapped around him. I
can't keep my hands to myself. Something else has taken
over me. Something wild. It lets him take my tshirt off and
purrs when he pinches my nipples. Just when his hand
inches closer to the one part I want him to attend to he
stops. Pulls out and gets off on top of me. He throws a
fleece over me.


I close my eyes and I hear him get out. I kissed a man. Not
just any man. Mthunzi Khuzwayo. He touched my boobs.
The worse thing is I liked it. Dlamini must be disappointed
in me. I sleep high and horny as fuck.



My phone has been ringing since morning and I've been

ignoring it. He keeps calling. He sent a text 2 hours ago
saying he is coming. I told the guards to not let him in but
here he is. In my house standing in the middle of my living
room. I am looking at his eyes and the trees are rattling.

"What do you want?"

He looks at me and walks closer. I inch backwards. I feel

myself fall on top of the couch and he pulls the table and
sits on it in front of me.

"What do you want?"

He looks at me with his elbows on his thighs and his chin

on his collided fists. I've noticed this is a family trait.


I blink and he breathes out like he finally said something

he always wanted to say.

"I- what?"
"I want you. I don't understand. I fell in love with you the
first day I laid my eyes on you. The moment you looked in
my eyes. Something- I don't understand how this is
possible cause you're not my-"

He leaves it hanging like that and brushes his face. He

can't fall in love with me. Thats impossible. I'm gay. Maybe
bisexual. But No! Not Mthunzi.


"No? I love you! For hells sake I've never felt this way about
any woman! Fuck!"

"You can't."

"Why can't I?"

"I am attracted to girls."

"No you're not."

"And how would you know?"

"When I kissed you yesterday. You responded."

"I was high!"

"Let's not lie to each other. Are you high right now?"

"Wha- no!"

He nods and sits next to me. Just as I'm about to say

something he lifts me up and puts me on top of him. I'm
not weaing anything under this gown.


He kisses me and I respond involuntarily. I did say there is

something that takes over. His lips taste like citrus and
whiskey. He groans when I dig my fingers into his
shoulders. I can feel something poking at my vagina and
its pulsating. He undos my gown and I'm exposed to him.
He runs his hands from my butt to my thighs and up to
my butt again than he spanks it. I shrug off the gown and
he smiles into the kiss. I help him out of his tshirt. He
moves from my lips to my neck and starts leaving wet
kisses. My breathing is uneven and heavy. He turns us
around and lays us the couch. I should probably stop all of
this from continuing but something just urges me on and
the itch between my legs has me squirming under his
touch. He is so gentle with me. I'm not insecure about my
body but I've never had a man see or be so close to my
body. He leaves kisses all over my body. I feel his breathe
near my vagina and I try closing my legs. He opens them
and dives in.


I push his head deeper and he obliges sucking harder and

I gasp at the amount of pleasure I feel. Just when I feel a
build coming he stops and comes up to my face. His beard
has my juices on it and I find it sexy. He licks his lips and
smiles at me. I'm breathing heavily. He can't stop now. I
want more. I've always been open minded and if I have to
venture my sexuality like this and with him than so be it. I
pull him in for a kiss and he chuckle into it. The vibration
from his chest that is against my boobs makes me shiver in
pleasure. I feel him tug at his sweatpants and I feel his
body on me fully again. He is warm and he has soft skin.
He uses his knee to open my legs wider and I oblige. I'm a
bit scared now cause I've never been with a man before. I've
only had two fingers penetrate me down there and I am
trying to avoid looking down at his thing. I can feel it
though as he rubs it against my entrance. He attempts to
push it in and I flinch at the pain. He tries again and I yelp.
He pushes it in and I bite his lip as I try not to scream. His
bleeding and I don't care. He groans when he is fully in.

"Dedela."(let go),he commands me with his lips still in

between my teeth.

I shake my head and he grabs my boob and squeezes it. I

let go of his lip and he licks it. He wraps each of his hand
on mine over my head and I feel him move.
"Mthunzi. Ah."



He kisses my neck and groans.

"Ngiyifaka yonke."(I'm putting it all in.),he warns.

Before I can questiom him if that was not enough of it he

thrusts into me and I gasp lifting my chest towards him.
He goes deeper again and I try to free my arms with no
effort. When he thrusts deeper again I can't help the loud
moan that comes from me.

"Khondlo! Aaaah!"

He finally lets go of my hands and holds me in his arms. I

hold him tight as he moves slowly. I've never felt so much
pleasure. I can't help my loud moans that even the music
cant be heard over it.

"The way you kiss me when I'm stroking deep inside of it.

I swear you ride it so good.

That pussy blow me away.

I've been thinking about your smile all morning for a while
about the way you twist your face when I'm stroking in
and out.

Girl you shock me I'm so wild."

I tremble when I feel the most intense orgasm coming and

I bite him on his shoulder and he tightens his grip around
me thrusting faster.

"Fuck!",he groans in my ear and I orgasm. He fucks me

through it before he twitches. He pulls out breathing
heavily. I try to stand up but he stands up and lifts me up.
I can't look him in the eyes. I opt to close them cause he is
looking at me. He lays me on the bed and sleeps next to me
and wraps his arms around me. I'm too tired to protest.
I'm sure my father is looking down shamefully at me. I've
been breaking his rules a lot lately.


I woke up to him kissing me. I remembered what we had

dome yesterday and he was on top of me smiling. I haven't
even brushed my teeth.

"Hey.",he smiled out.

Why is he so happy? He kissed me again and I moaned in

his mouth when I felt him rub himself at my entrance. I'm
still sore. He penetrates when he feels I'm lubricated and I
moan-scream. He has both my hands in his hand on top of
my head. He is a bit rough and I am so loud I am sure the
whole neighborhood can hear me. He flips me around as if
I'm some meant on a braaistand. Nxa. Stomach down and
ass up with my hands behind my back. Is he trying to kill
me? When I feel him penetrate I gasp and he groans. He
ties my hands and I curse lowly. He is gripping tightly on
my waist as he pumps me from behind. I want to hold him!
I want to grab my hair! The sheets! I want to grab
something! Anything!

"Ah! Mthunzi!"

My loud moans seem to fuel him more and he thrusts

deeper and faster.

"Aaaaaah! I'm cumm- Fuuuuuuuuck!"

I tremble so bad but he doesn't stop. I bite the sheets as I

squirt all over the bed. He groans and he twitches
groaning. The way he is gripping my waist I'm sure thats
going to leave a bruise. He unties me and I lay on my
stomach still shaking. What did he do to me? He kisses my
back. He stands up and goes to the bathroom. I try
standing up but I'm trembling as if it's cold. I hold myself
trying to stop the trembling but it doesn't help. He stands
on the doorway naked and chuckles. I run my eyes
downwards and I gulp. That was inside me? He laughs. He
is going to say something dumb.

"So what's better between fingers and dick?"

If I had full control over my body I'd throw this lamp at

him. He lifts me up and puts me in the bathtub. My vagina
is burning! I think he tore something inside. He gets in
behind me and I let him. He makes me lean on him. I'm
kind of awkward. I don't know what to say or do next. This
is a first for me.
"You do realise that you're mine right?"

I turn around so fast I almost get a whiplash. The fuck?

"Yeah. I hit it twice."

I furrow my eyebrows.

"You see War. Khuzwayo dick is sacred. I don't shove it in

any hole."

I don't know what to say but all I know is he better stay

away from me. I try standing up but he pulls me down.

"Ngamla let me go."

"From Mthunzi to Ngamla."

"Mthunzi. Let. Me. Go."

"Or what?"
I fist my hands and he laughs putting his big hands on
them and loosens them.

"Don't even try. I'll fuck some resoect into you."

"What happened won't happen again."


"Yes. Now please vacate my premises."

He chuckles and gets up and I cant help feeling cold

without his chest on my back. I get out and watch him get

"Let me vacate your premises. Let the clown have the


I look at him dumbfounded as he walks out with his kegs

in hand. Did this jerk just call me a clown? Wow! I get
back inside walking like I'm about to lay an egg. I'm
sleeping in today. I tell the guards no body is allowed
inside. I change the bedding and clean up before grabbing
ice cream and some cake. I watch After and I end up
regretting it cause it reminds me of him.


Khuzwayo is back in town and he has requested a meeting.

I am dressed in formal. I run my hands through my
dreads. I find breakfast on the table and the smell of eggs
sets me off. I bump into Mam'Gasela on my way to the
toilet. I have been sick for a while now. Mornings especially.
I vomit till it hurts. I sit down and cry. Mama brings me a
glass of water and looks at me as if she doesn't understand
"Mtanam. You into girls right?"

I nod and she nods before walking out. What was that all
about? I rinse my mouth and get up. I hired a maid since
me and Kgaogelo broke up and I decided to take a break
from relationships for a while. I'm nervous about seeing
Mthunzi since the last time I saw him he called me a clown.
Mama hands me a lunchbox since I can't stomach
anything right now. The driver opens the door for me and
I get in. I don't drive as much as I used to cause I get very
nauseous and that might cause accidents. I try eating the
muesli and it goes down well. I give the rest to the driver.
He drops me off in front of the tall building. I am an
investor so my SARS won't be on my tail about the money I
receive. My networth is now $20 million and that dollar
sign isn't there mistakenly. I stand outside while I smoke
and I see him get inside the building. He looks at me and
gets inside again. I take a deep breathe before I walk inside.
I find the reception and she smiles at me.

"Ms Dlamini. The boardroom is ready."

I get into the elevator after signing. I find all the Khuzwayo
men sitting. Not all cause I don't see him here. His chair is
empty. I greet and take a seat.

"We're waiting on Mthunzi than we'll get


We all nod and we wait a good 5 minutes before he struts

in looking pissed. His scent hits me and I quickly stand up
and run out. I find the bathroom and vomit the little
breakfast I had. Fuck! I try standing up but I'm a bit dizzy.
I sit there for a while until I am alright. I stand up and fix
myself. I walk in and as soon as I sit next to him I cover my
mouth and nose with a handkerchief. They all look at me. I
shrug at them.

"Okay. Since Kayise has been our assassin for the past few
months. Her networth is increasing rapidly and its
starting to raise eyebrows. Your investor front is not really
working out. I've decided to give you 5% shares at the firm.
I'd also advise you to take it easy with the spending."

Maybe I have suddenly become a shopaholic but I deserve

it. I'm going through a lot in terms of life. He hands me a
contract and they wait on me as I read it over. I sign it and
hand it to him.
"You see Kayise? I'm not the enemy. I promised your father
I'd look after you."

I just nod and as soon as he dismisses the meeting I get out

of there. I breathe out as soon as I get outside.

"Are you okay boss? You look flushed."

"I'm fine. I just-"

I close my eyes as I get emotional. He looks at me wide-eyed.

I need to get out of here. I smell him before I feel his hand
on my shoulder. I twist my face at the smell. He stands in
front of me.

"How long are you planning to ignore me? What was with
the vomiting? Didn't know you were such an actor."

"Did you perhaps change your cologne cause man this one
smells really bad."

"What? I've been using the same vologne since I was 18."

"It smells bad all of a sudden. Maybe its time you changed

He gives me a 'I'm rolling my eyes without rolling my eyes'


"Can I go now sir?"

He furrows his eyebrows.

"Single life is treating you good huh? You've even gained

weight. Let's not forget the complexion."

I roll my eyes and try to push him aside but he doesn't

move. I hold onto his bicep when I get a bit dizzy. He holds
"Hey! Are you okay?"

I nod and try to get out of his hold. I try to find the driver
with my eyes and he is next to the car. Mthunzi lifts me up
in front of his family and takes me to my car. Great! They
will think I'm some weakling now!

"Can you please drive her straight home?"

"No! I want a shwarma first."

He gives me one look and looks at the driver who nods.

Really? He closes the door and hits ths car and the driver
drives off. Why does he have to control my life like this? He
is a jerk! I sniff and the driver looks at me through the rear
view mirror. Don't judge me! I hate him! I hate him so
I wake up to the smell of food. I brush my teeth and wash
my face and find Ma dishing up for me.

"I was about to take this upstairs. You're okay my child?"

"I zoned out looking at stats Ma. I'm fine just hungry.
What did you cook?"

"I made some soup for you with dumplings."

I smile and walk pass her. She looks at my stomach and

smiles. I'm only in sweatpants and a sportsbra. I've gained
a little weight I know. Just a few kilos. Nothing major. I sit
down and pray first. I moan at the goodness of the food.
She comes back with her handbag.

"I'm going now. Please eat."

"I will. Bye ma."

She walks out and I hear the car drive out. She has driver
that fetches and takes her home. I hear the door open and
I wonder what she forgot.

"What did you forget ma?"

She doesn't answer and insteaf of her coming to view like

expected that jerk shows up. I groan at his presence and
notice he doesn't smell the same. I smile realising he
changes his cologne. I look at him as he looks at me. Does
he have to look so yummy? He just stands there looking at
me looking at him. He barges into my house and doesn't
say anything. Whoever said I was crazy has never met
Mthunzi Khuzwayo.

He keeps quiet after that. I like it when calls me that. His
eyebrows are furrowed and I still can't get over how thick
they are. I can tell he is stressed with the trees in his eyes.
That's another thing that freaks me out with this man. I
don't know how I can tell his mood from his eyes or the
forest in his eyes but I can.

"Please stand up."

I follow his order without hassle. I get the impression he is

not in the mood to go back and forth with me. He sizes me
over and he pinches his nose bridge. Okay he is annoying
me now.

"Where is the Pizza I asked you to bring?"

He looks at me confused.
"What pizza?"

"The pizza I asked you to bring Mthunzi. What are you

doing here kanti?"

"I- oh the Pizza."

I'm getting angry now.

"Oh I asked Sanele to bring it. His father makes the best
pizza in Durban. Plus I wanted to talk to you before he
gets here."

"Oh okay."

He nods and types on his phone before putting it back in

his pocket. He leads me towards the livong room and I
head there with my food. I sit in front of him and light a
"Put it out."

I look at him and he clenches his jaw. I nod slowly and put
it out. Why is he so angry?

"After me. Did you sleep with any other guy?"

I roll my eyes at this. I've been rolling them a lot today and
it pisses him off cause he shoots me a glare.

"No. You have me followed 24/7. You'd know if I have a

boyfriend or girlfriend."

"So I was the last person you slept with."


He nods and seems to be thinking. We remain in silence

like that and I carry on eating. The doorbell goes off and
he stands up to open the door. Sanele comes in after him. I
look at him and he greets me with a smile. Wow. That's

"Is that my pizza?"

He nods and I take it and sit down opening it. They both
go outside and Mthunzi comes back alone.

"Look. I have a mission tonight. I really need to get


"No! I mean no. You can't go on missions anymore."

"What? Why?"

"I've appointed someone else in your position."

"What?! Why would you do that?!"

I stand up and he closes his eyes.

"You won't get it."

"There's a lot of stuff I don't get already! I don't get why

I'm feeling sick! I dont get why you have a forest in your
eyes! I don't get why I love you! Heck! I don't even get
myself! So don't tell me I won't get it! Make me! Make me
fucking get it! Dammit!"

He blinks and looks at me.

"Wait. You said I have a forest in my eyes?"

"Is that all you heard?! You know what!"

I walk to the door and open it wide.

"Get out!"

He walks towards me.

"War. Please answer me!"

"Get out Mthunzi! Get the fuck out of my house! I just told
you I love you and the only thing you heard was me seeing
trees in your eyes?! Phuma!"(get out)


I look at the door and he pushes it closed. I'm crying and

he pulls me into his chest.

"I love you too."

I hold on tight to him as I cry silently. He brushes my back.

"Please stop crying. I'm sorry."

He wipes my tears and kisses me tenderly. I can't help but

feel aroused. It's been months. He picks me up and leads
us to my bedroom.


I wake up and find him brushing my tummy. I need to lose

some weight honestly.

"Oh you awake."

I get out bed pushing his hand off and run to the
bathroom. I welch but nothing comes out. He has my
dreads in his hand. I hate this. I sit on the floor. I wipe my

"I'll make you something to eat. Come. He helps me up and

I hold onto him for dear life. He opts for lifting me up. He
looks at me as he puts an extra pillow for me.

"Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just tired."

He looks down.

"I'm sorry. It'll get better. Have you went to the doctor?"


"I'm sure it's just a stomach bug thou."

"I'm hungry."
"Let me order something for you."

He gets out while talking on the phone with who seems like
his uncle. He comes back.

"It's on its way. Let me help you take a bath."

I nod and he lifts me up. I'm already naked so I sit on the

toilet sit and watch him fill the tub. He is so beautiful. He
looks at me and shrugs.


"You're beautiful."

He smiles and looks away. He lifts his hanf towards me

and I take it. He helps me get into the bathtub. He gets in
behind me. He is brushing my stomach while occasionally
kissing my shoulder. He is just clingy. We don't say
anything to each other. We take a bath. He helps me out of
the bath. I'm like a baby. He dries me and I opt for his
tshirt. He smiles when he sees me in it. I'm too short and
slim for his tall buff frame. I watch him make the bed and
we walk downstairs and I remember its a Saturday and
Mam'Gasela isn't coming in today. I look for my cigarettes
and weed everywhere I normally place them but can't find
him. I find him on his phone in the living room. I lift up
cushions and he looks at me.

"What are you looking for?"

"My cigarettes. My weed."

I'm getting frustrated.

"Oh. I threw them away."


"You should stop smoking. It's not healthy. I can't have my

chi- woman smoke."

"Mthunzi. Since when am I your woman?"

"From the day I kissed you but I decided to give you space."

"You can't just control my life like this. If it's not the forced
therapy. You have me followed. You barge into my house.
You put me on unnecessary leave. You throw away my

"I'm not controlling you. I'm helping you get your life in


I walk away as the doorbell rings. He'll get it. I go and look
in my bedroom one last time and I can't find any. I find
him with four of his brothers. Nkosinathi. Lami. Sanele.
Nkanyezi. Sine. Only four are married. Him and Nkanyezi
are the only ones not married and without kids.

"She doesn't know as yet.",Mthunzi.

"Who doesn't know what as yet?"

They all look at me and he scratches his head.


"Babe. It's nothing."

The fact that he called me babe means something is up.

They're all looking at me with smiles. Even Sanele is
smiling. I give him a look and he clears his throat.

"Thanks for the food bafethu. Bye."

He leads them out and comes back after sometime. I've
already helped myself oyt with some of the food on the


I ignore him. Isn't a guy suppose to atke you out and than
ask you to be his girlfriend. This one must think his dick is
made out of silver. He turns my barstool around and gets
in between my legs.

"Babe. Are you angry at me?"

"I want my cigarettes Mthunzi."

"You angry because of that? Than you'll calm down."

I squint my eyes at him and sighs.

"Babe. Look."
"Stop calling me babe."

"Why? You're my woman."

"I don't remember you asking me out Mthunzi."

He laughs and kisses my cheek.

"You want me to ask you out? Okay. Uh. MaDlamini

omuhle. Can you please make a man happy by being his

"Not until that man gives me my cigarettes."

"Manuyeke."(rather leave it)

I give up. It's official. He has a rock as head.

He looks at me and shakes his head.

"I had to fall in love with a man."

I'm not about to dress like a woman just because I'm
dating him.

"You're okay?"

I nod at his question and he gets a dreadlock out of my

face. He is taking me with to his sister and brothers party.
I don't think its a good idea but you can never say no to a
Khuzwayo plus he promised me good sex if I go with him.

Otherwise I would be in my study working. He opens the

door for me. Chivalry isn't dead. He drives listening to
deep house. I'm close to falling asleep when he wakes me

"Don't sleep."

"Mthunzi. Leave me alone. I'm tired. I hardly slept last

night because of you."

He smiles at this and licks his lips. Mxm. I close my eyes

again. Its hot in here.

"It's hot."

I feel cool air and I smile. I feel sleep take over.

I wake up in a room. I'm in my sportsbra and bumshorts.

He walks in when I'm getting dressed.

"Great. You up."

I'm in a foul mood and he can tell when I don't pay

attention to him. He stands behind me and kisses my

"You want to stay up here or go downstairs to meet

"I'm hungry."

"Should I bring your food up?"

"No. I want fresh air. I'm feeling really hot."

He unbottons two buttons from my shirt and takes off the

belt I'm wearing.

"Feel better?"

I nod and he smiles taking my hand in his. We find

everyone outside talking and laughing. When they see us
they keep quiet. He walks us to his mother. She smiles at
me. She's been my therapist. She is the whole reason
behind me giving her son a chance. She says I should
explore my feelings. I just didnt tell her the name of the
guy I was crushing on.
"I heard you haven't been okay."

"Just a bit under the weather."

"You should visit the doctor."

She eyes her son who looks away. He heads to his father
and I squeeze his hand.

"Khondlo no.",I whisper begging him.


We stand in front of him and he looks at us. He looks at us

with a stoic expression. My heart is beating out of my chest
and I squeeze Mthunzis hand tighter. He wraps his hand
around my waist and I balance myself with him.

"Uh. Hello.",my voice comes out squeaky.

Every man in this family is intimidating but the older ones
are worse.

"Mthunzi. Who's this?",his father asks.

I feel myself get dizzy and I close my eyes.


"No. I don't know her."

"This is Ntombikayise Mpi Dlamini. My woman."

I've noticed ge doesn't call me his girlfriend but his woman.

His father looks at me and nods.

"Nice to meet you ntokazi. Hope you will stop beating up

my son."

I look at Mthunzi and he smiles.

"Y'all can go. Where's my wife?"

He leaves us there abd goes to his wife. His uncles smile at

us and nod at him.

"You want to tell my grandfather that we're together?"

I look at him and shake my head.

"I have to tell him?"

"His your grandfather. I didn't know I was getting

introduced Mthunzi."

"What did you think?"

"That maybe you'll say I'm a friend."

"Do I look like I fuck my friends? And since my friends are

my brother do I look like I fuck my brothers?"


"I feel like we're moving too fast."

"We've been together for three months War."

"Three months?"

"Yes. Lets go greet Mkhulu and his wife."

We walk towards the old man and the beautiful woman on

his lap who is blushing as he whispers sweet nothing into
her ear. They compliment each other so well regardless of

"My elders.",Mthunzi disturbs the moment.

"Grandson. MaDlamini."
"Khuzwayo.",I greet.

He looks at us and chuckles.

"I just knew y'all two were up to no good. She gave you a
run for your money didn't she Mzukhulu?",Khuzwayo.

Mthunzi laughs and kisses my head.

"This is my wife Karishma. This is Mthunzis


She looks at me. She puts her hand on my stomach and


"Congratulations. Your father is happy."

I look at Mthunzi as she gets up with her husband.

"She's a seer."

He looks at me and when he sees the look I'm giving him

he gulps.


"I haven't had my periods in three months. I have- what

did she mean?"

"Nothing babe. She usually throws such bombs."

"She touched my stomach. You've been brushing it as well.

Mthunzi? No."

"Babe. Calm down."

He tries to hold me but I slap his hand away.

"War come on."

I walk away and pass his family. I can hear him run after
me. He holds my hand and I almost slap him. He looks at
my hand and I put it down.

"Mthunzi please let me go."

"Can we please talk? Hear me out."

"Let me go. Please."


I try shrugging my hand from him but he tightens his


"Mthunzi you're hurting me."

He looks at me.

He looks at his brother and lets go of my hand. I walk to
the room I was sleeping in and sit on the bed already
crying. I am so stupid. I should've known. The weight gain.
The morning sicknesses. The cravings. The emotions. The
darn black line on my abdomen! He walks in and I see his
shoes in front of me.

"I should've told you the moment I saw you but I didn't
know how."

"You made me pregnant Mthunzi."

"But what did you think was going to happen War? We

had unprotected sex"

I stand up and push past him. He holds my hand and this

time I slap him. He flares his nose and walks pins me
against the door. He puts his hand on my neck.

"What did I say about hitting me?"

I keep quiet and he kisses me roughly. He literally tears my

shirt apart and buttons come flying off. He undresses both
of us and locks the door. He penetrates me and I moan. He
pumps into me with reasonable speed while his choling

"Ah! Ah! Mthunzi!"

"What did I say about hitting me?"

"Aaaah! I'm sorry! Fuck!"

He flips me over and puts a pillow under my stomach.

"Please be gentle. The baby."

He pumps into me. He has my dreadlocks in his fist and I
can feel my scalp burning. He keeps spanking my butt and
it stings.


When he sees me tremble he pulls out until I calm down

from the attempted orgasm. He pumps into me again and
pulls out again when I'm about to cum. I'm now crying.

"Baby. Please. I'm sorry."

He flips me over again. He has my thighs in hands resting

them on either side of my stomach. He has them in a tight
grip. I can't keep my moans low. He groans and cums. He
goes to the bathroom and comes back with a warm towel.
He wipes me clean. I'm sulking. He deprived me of an
orgasm. My thighs are pink where he was gripping them. I
stand up and go look at myself in the mirror. I can see his
fingers on my neck, waist, thigh and buttcheeks. He comes
behind me.

"I'm sorry. I lost control."

I ignore him and get dressed. I leave him there. I hide the
fingers on my neck with my dreadlocks. My scalp is on fire.
I even lost my appetite. I find his mother in the kitchen
and she looks at me.

"You're okay?"

I just nod. She hands me containers with food. I thank her

and go to the car. He climbs in after me and starts driving.
He is going to his house. I don't have time for this. I don't
want to fight with him. I look out the window. I sniff and
wipe my tears. He ruined my versace shirt. Some of the
buttons are missing. I'm having a baby. That seer said my
father was happy. How would he be happy when I'm living
the total opposite of the life he taught me. I get out of the
car and hand him the containers. I need a smoke. I can't
even smoke because of him! He has turned my life upside
down in a matter of months! He follows me around like a
lost puppy and watches me undress and get in bed. He
gets in next to me on top of the covers and puts his hand
over me.

"I'm sorry MaDlamini."

I ignore him and close my eyes. Can I fall asleep now! I'm
angry and horny so thats impossible right now.


I am alone in bed when I wake up running for the toilet.

I find him downstairs with his brothers. They're

whispering among themselves. They look at me and I greet
them. I see Nkosinathi looks at my neck and I fix my
dreadlocks. He throws his brother a look who looks down
shamefully. He stands up and asks me if I'm fine. I nod.
"Can you drive me back to my house?:

"After this meeting."

I give him a look and he clears his throat. He look at his

brothers and they nod at him. When we walk out I hear
one say.

"And he used to laugh and call me a simp when Amanda

did that to me."

They laugh after that.

"Let me get you a protein bar."

He walks back inside and comes back with a bottle of

water and a protein bar. I thank him and eat it as he
drives. I'm silent as he drives through McDonalds. He
order for me and pays. He hands me the food.
"Eat up."

"I'm fine."

He throws me a look and I look away. I only eat the chips.

He parks inside my yard and locks the door when I try
getting out.

"I booked you an appointment with the doctor. I'll fetch

you at 13h00. Okay?"

I look at him and just nod. I don't think I can carry on with
this relationship. I don't think I'm ready to be with a man.

"Mthunzi. I think we should stop what we're doing. I still

need to deal with some stuff. We're always fighting. You
are allowed to be in your childs life thou."

He looks at me dumbfounded. He opens his mouth and

closes it than nods. He unlocks the door and I get out. I
watch him drive out and it pains me. It's for the best thou.
We're both toxic for each other. I get inside the house and
get inside my pyjamas. I cry myself to sleep.

When I wake up I find him looking at me. I freak out a bit.

I calm down and he just looks at me. I sit up and look at
him. He smells like a brewery. I stand up and he holds my

"I'm going to pee."

He lets my hand go. I find him seated in the same position

I left him. He hasn't said a word. I sit in front of him and
he looks at me. I can see the sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry."
He blinks and the tears just fall. No. I pull him into me
and we lay down with his head on my chest.

"I'm sorry. I love you."

"It's okay. I love you too."

He kisses my tummy. He looks up at me.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I lost control. I thought I had it

but my anger just took over. I'm sorry. Just don't leave me.
I wouldn't be able to live without you. I know our love story
isn't really perfect but we both aren't perfect. You're going
to give me the greatest gift I've ever received after being

I wipe his tears and he kisses my tears. I hold onto him.

How did this happen? A few months ago I was just a
masculine female with a girl from the east. Now I have a
gorgeous man crying on my chest because I tried dumping
him. He holds onto me for dear life for awhile.

"What time is it?"

"Somewhere around 14h00."

"The appointment?"

"I rescheduled."

I nod and brush his bald head.

"Khondlo I'm hungry."

"I bought you take aways."

"Thank you."

He helps me up. My feet are swollen. He dishes up for me.

We sit in front of the tv and I set a reminder for the PSL
highlights. He looks at me smiles.


"You don't have an inch of feminity in you. You still talk

slang with me. You still dress up as a man. You still walk
the same with a little bump to your step."

I shrug at this and he lifts my feet up and onto his thighs

and starts massaging them. I feel a bit emotional and he
notices when I sniff.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No. You treat me so good even thou I'm so toxic."

"I love you. You're still trying to adjust to the sudden

changes in your life. The biggest change being me."
I smile and he blushes. I laugh at this.

"Hah! Mthunzi!"

"What? You're just so pretty and I can't believe you're my


I punch him lightly and he laughs kissing my feet.

I look at him as he brushes my tummy absentminded.


He looks at me smiling.

"You called me babe."

I facepalm and he chuckles.

"Its always been ngamla. I hate that name. Khondlo or

"Ngamla sounds nice."

"He.e. Futhi you should call me daddy-o."

I laugh and he joins me.


"Yeah. Phela you're my baby."


I look down and smile a bit. He chuckles and stands up.

"Let me go take a shower. Do you want to join me?"

I look up at him beaming.

"Ha.a War. I'm tired hawu."


He walks away whistling. Why did I forgive him again? Oh
because I love him. I decide to follow him. It's fine if he
doesn't want to give me whats rightfully mine. It's fine. I
have fingers. I'll work my way through it. Who needs men


I put my hand on hers as I'm driving and she looks up
from her phone and smiles at me. She has dimples and
extra teeth. What more could a man ask for? She's a bit
nervous since this is our first check up. I park and open
the door for her after getting out. She has slippers on cause
her feet swell up a lot lately. She is a bit moody so I just
hold her hand and open the door for us. We don't wait in
line as the doctor has been waiting for us.

"Khuzwayo.",the old white man in a doctor's coat greets


"Doctor. I brought her in today. Be careful with her."

He leads her to the bed and lifts her tshirt up. She shivers
when he applies gel on her tummy. I kiss her hand as we
look at the screen. We can hear the heartbeat. I look at her
and she smiles. She's beautiful. Her fair skin looks golden.
I don't hear a word said as I see her talk and smile looking
at the screen. I think I'm blessed. I remove the dread on
her face and she smiles sitting up. Oh she's done? I help
her down. She's gaining weight but is still not heavy. I
must feed her. People will think I'm starving her. She gets a
prescription for vitamins and what nots. I'm so excited
that I keep on looking at the video I took. I sent it to my
mom and she replies with hearts and crying emojis.


I look down at her and she has her eyebrows furrowed. She
looks at my phone and I put it away. I drive us to the
pharmacy where I have to pay. She's complaining about
her feet and being hungry. I pass by Uncle Ndabes
restaurant. She wants hot wongs with pineapple. She
orders and we wait. I have her feet on my thigh and I'm
massaging it. People are looking at us and I dont care
really. Our order comes and she says she'll eat in the car.
Now I have to tell them to make it a takeaway. I don't mind
thou. I pay and take our food and help her up. She eats as
soon as she gets in the car. She's humming a song as she
eats. This one will choke.

I thought I lost her yesterday when she ended things

between us. I didn't mean to lose control like that but I was
angry. That doesn't justify anything but I let my emotions
take control and I found myself punishing her more than I
should since she's pregnant. She pisses me off sometimes.
She uses violence to communicate and uses it to her
advantage that I'll never lay my hand on her. Mkhulu
never raised us like that plus mom would kill me. I had to
confess about what happened to War's neck to my mom.
Bhuti Nkosinathi punched me in the gut when I came
back from dropping her off. When I told them she
dumped me they said I deserve it for being a jerk. I
snitched on him to Sis Amanda and she said she'll deal
with him. I drank in the study till I found myself in her
house next to her. I've never been so scared in my life. I've
never feared losing someone like I do her. I know I can get
too hard to handle sometimes but it's all because I love her.
Her smoking pissed me off really. Dad says when he met
mom she was smoking and she quit on her own but War
needs a little push into the right direction. She's a tough
cookie. My family likes making fun of me. They say I
should've told them I was gay. She is masculine. She was
raised to be a man is what my grandfather told me. I love
her with her slang. She's just imperfectly perfect. The idea
of me being the first to tear her hymen eases my jealous
side knowing I was the first ever man she will ever be with.
I remember all those months we spent apart. I literally
stalked her. Made sure she was safe. I was paranoid. She
has a dangerous job which I'm not very comfortable with.
Having an assassin as your woman isn't really cool. One
mistake and you're dead. Worse since this one is a nutcase.
She's always horny and I am not complaining. She tastes
so sweet. I'm glad she has forgiven me for making her
pregnant. It wasn't on purpose. I didn't even know she was
my chosen one until I suspected her being pregnant. I
almost went crazy thinking she gave herself to someone
else. After she told me she saw the forest in my eyes it was
confirmed. It took her long enough to tell me. Thou she
was very angry. I had to dick her down. Worse she asked
me for her pizza she didn't even send me to buy. I just
went with the flow. I thank Sanele. Who she still doesn't
like and doesn't even hide. He got his ass kicked by his
father that day. One of the reasons I forgave him.


I snap out of my trail of thoughts and she shakes her head

at me. She hands me a wet cloth. I wipe my hands. I don't
show my surprise. She hands me the plate. I thank her. She
sits next to me and eats. We're watching soccer highlights
of yesterdays game. She puts her plate on the table and I
take it standing up. Maybe I am obsessed with a clean
space. I come back after washing the dishes and she has
connected the ps5. What did I say about this man of mine?
She hands me a joystick. I'll beat her ass so bad or it could
be the other way around.


I decided to go see Kareshma. I asked for her numbers
from Mthunzi. She said I could come in today. She's is a
very attractive lady. Her house smells nice. Her husband
comes in.

"Ah MaDlamini. Baby. I'm going out. I'll be back soon."

They share a kiss and I smile. They remind me of my

mother and father. Always affectionate. Wonder why I
didn't get their affectionate side. I'm very detached from
my emotions.

"Ntombikayise Mpi Dlamini."

I nod and she drinks her camomile tea.

"Why have you changed your fathers teachings?"

"I haven't. Maybe a little bit."

"You have. You lived a life of a lie. Your father taught you
how to be a man so no man can ever feel superior than. He
is asking why did you live a life of lie. Your mother blames

"Dlamini taught me everything I know."

"He didn't teach you to lie to yourself. He is sad. He never

said don't be yourself. He named you after him who was
named after his father and so on. He knows you're a
woman and is glad this Khuzwayo boy has made you
realise that. The only thing you were supposed to have was
a man mentality. You overstepped everything."

Okay now I'm a bit confused.

"He asks why do you let that Khuzwayo big head control

I laugh at this and she chuckles.

"We all know it's not easy."

"I know alright but he says no man should feel entitled to

you. Don't back down. Respect him but don't let him take
that for stupidity."

I nod at this and wipe my tears.

"Your father is happy yet very angry. He asks why hasn't

he received his dowry? Why have you also not been visiting
his grave and your mothers? Your little brother cries for
you and thats why you get nightmares of a crying baby."

"I'll go visit. It's been hectic on my side with all this new
"Tell that boy of yours that he shall not do as he pleases
with you. I want my dowry."

I chuckle at this. I wipe my tears and she smiles at me.

"You're okay?"

"Yeah. Just a bit emotional. It's been years of anger and

confusion you know. I feel like I can finally start
accomplishing every dream I've been craving. Yes I love my
guns but the amount of people I've killed weighs me heavy

"We can do a cleansing for that. You have tainted your

soul too much. Its like a bottomless pit of darkness. Never

She shivers a bit and I sigh.

"I'm glad you could do this for me. I appreciate it."

"You're going to part of this family soon."

I smile shyly at this. She gives me some incense to burn

and some soap that has cleansing herbs in it. We still need
to talk about my cleansing.

When I get home I take a shower and I have been ignoring

Mthunzi the whole day and he hasn't texted or called me.
I'm going crazy here and a little bit emotional. He is
probably tired of me. I mean I come with shitloads of
baggage. I remember Karishamas words and I choose to
ponder over them instead. I fall asleep on the couch. I'll
probably wake up to him here.

When I wake up the lights are on but I don't smell him

around. Probably the lights went on on their own cause I
jave automatic lights. As soon as it gets dark they go on. I
sit up and my back hurts. The coach is definitely not a
place for sleeping. I check my phone and still no messages
from him. He was active 10 minutes ago.

"Ufuna ukungihlanyisa neh Mthunzi? Bowuza la uze

neMacDonalds." ,SENT.(you want me to go crazy right?
When you come here come with MacDonalds.)

He doesn't reply back. But he read it. If he isn't here in an

hour. Ass will be stinking all around here and he won't like
the smell. I click my tongue and go take a shower.

I feel hands on my back and I know it's him by the warmth

and softness. He pulls me against him and I almost moan
when I collide into his chest and I feel his member on my
butt. He kisses my neck and sniffs skin.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Than why didn't you text me?"

"Why didn't you?"

He sighs and turns me around. He is looking at me


"MaDlamini. Calling or texing doesn't have to come from

me. Be affectionate with me. Don't be this emotionless
being. I don't know how to deal with you wheb you're like
that. Need me. Want me. Be clingy. I won't make you feel
bad for loving me. If I make you feel like loving me openly
will embarass you and strip you of your dominance than I
don't understand why you're with me."

Before I can respond he kisses me so tenderly. He is

smooth and gentle with my lips like they'll break. He picks
me with ease and navigates his was to my room. He lays
me gently on the bed and gets on top. His lips land on my
lips again and I sigh into the kiss. He is exploring my body
slowly and without rush. I feel his hands tracing every
curve on my body. He explores my nipples and my body
jolts in response. He plays with my clit while one finger is
inside me. I moan in his ear and he kisses my neck. I run
my hands all over his body. I can feel his back muscles
move under my small hand as he works my body. He
inserts himself and I gasp in response. A wet kiss on my
shoulder is planted. I wrap my legs around his waist as he
moves gently. He is groaning lowly in my ear. He balances
himself on his elbows.

"Look at me."

I open my eyes and I'm met with his moist one.

"I love you."

"I ah love you too. Mmmh.", I moan out when he circulates

his waist.

I dig my nails into his back when he hits the right spot. I
bite into his shoulder. I've never made love and this is a
first. The tears flow accompanied by a sob and he stops

"Am I hurting you? Should I stop?"

I shake my head. He looks at me without moving nor
removing that worried look on his face.

"I'm fine. I just love you."

He smiles at this and holds me tighter. I feel connected to

him. In more ways than one. I've never felt like this but I'm
liking it. He whispers sweet nothings in my ear while he
makes love to me. I can't help but to hold him tighter. It's
like I've found a missing piece of me. I don't believe in
soulmates but he is definitely for my soul.


I look at him as he looks anywhere but me.

"Khuzwayo. My phone."

He shoved it in his pocket a while ago and refuses to

return it. He has this face. It's like his scared or something
like that. His eyes are all over the place. If he so doesn't give
me that phone now I will slap him.

"My phone please."

He shakes his head and leaves the room before I can get up
from this bed. I go pee first and fill the tub while at it. I
need a bath. He peeps as I get in the bathtub. He smiles at
me and gets inside.

"I was thinking that since you're pregnant you should

move in with me."



"Yes. So I can help you around. It's not safe with you
staying alone."

Nigga you've moved in here. You're always here.

"So you want me? To move to eMlazi?"

"Yes MaDlamini."


"Haibo. Angikuceli Mama."(I'm not asking.)

Did he just-? No way. I look at him and click my tongue.
He laughs at this.

"Tell me when you need help getting out of that bathtub."

I'm not even that pregnant yet! I will kill him today!

"I'll start packing your clothes."

I close my eyes and breathe in. I'm not going to entertain

Mthunzi today. I just relax in the bathtub until the water
gets cold.


He comes in and helps me out. He laughs at my shrinkled

skin. Mxm. Ass. I wrap a towel around myself and find
packed suitcases on top of the bed. He's serious?

"Get dressed while I finish up here. The driver is already

outside. I've ordered breakfast for you."

I nod and say thank you. He hands me a glass of my milk.

It has helped me with the morning sicknesses. I dress up in
his swagpants and tshirt. I look like a lunatic but I don't
care. I leave him with his packing. Mmmh food! I do a little
dance with my eyes closed.


I jump at the voice. It's Ma'Gasela. She smiles at me.

"Hey ma."

"You look beautiful."

I smile and she laughs. She dishes the takeaways into a

plate. I thank her and she disappears into the house. I eat
and get disturbed by him pulling bags. I just watch him
pulling bag after bag. He finally comes towards me.

"Mthunzi. Ngicela iphone yam."(can I have my phone.)

He ignores me and takes a bottle of water from the fridge

and gulps it down. I stand up and he holds my hand
before I can storm off. He better let me go right this hour.

"War. Calm down."

"No. Give me my phone. Since when do we touch each

others phones?"

He sighs and hands it to me. I open it and I have

notifications. My twitter is going crazy.

"Ta'Magriza pregnant and expecting for Khuzwayo


"Lesbian by day. Straight by night."

"So dick overpowers fingers afterall."

Wtf? There is a picture of me and Mthunzi at the

restuarant and he is rubbing my feet. My baby bump is
visible. I sigh and deactivate my account. I check my
instagram and the dms are annoying.

"Come get some of this dick too."

"So you like dick after all."

"Women like you are stingy."

Tf? I deactivate all my socials and put my phone away. I

look up at him and he looks sorry. What is he sorry for?


"I'm sorry War."

"For what?"

"For what's happening."

"Argh man. It's no big deal. I don't really give a shit about
people and their opinions."

He engulfs me in a bone crushing hug. I sigh into his chest.

I knew this would happen anyway. I don't have the energy
to deal with social media trolls. He leads us to his car after
bidding Ma'Gasela goodbye. I stop as he opens the door.


"Khondlo. I can't just move in with you."

He looks at me intensely.

"Babe. I will do right by you but you can't stay alone while
you're pregnant."
I sigh and he helps me get inside. Cohabiting might upset
my father but he has to understand for now. I'll move out
after I've given birth and the baby is 4 months.


I am woken up by a call.

"Ntombikayise Dlamini."

"I'm calling from Daily News. Is it true that you're seeing

Mthunzi Khuzwayoand expecting his child? Are you
bisexual maybe or one of those fly by night lesbians?"

"Eyi wena. What I choose to do with my vagina is non of

your business. Nxa."

I drop the call and put my phone on flight mode. Ebile

where did they get my numbers?! I get out of bed. After
brushing my teeth and washing my face I go look for
Mthunzi. I find him in the kitchen cooking. Maybe moving
in wasn't that bad.

"Hey babe. You're up?"

"Yeah. I was woken up by a call from a jouranlist."

"A jouranlist?"

"They think I'm a fly by night lesbian of some sort. Mxm."

He clenches his jaw and looks at me. Why is he angry? I'm

not even bothered.

"What are you cooking? I'm starving!"

"Lamb stew and rice."

"Great! Smells really good."

He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I love you."

"Ah MaDlamini. I love you."

I peek into the pot and it smells good.

"It's almost ready. Sit down."

I smile at this and sit down. There is something about him.

The way I'm so drawn towards him its inhumane. He turn
around and smiles at me causing my heart to skip a beat.
People want to make me feel bad for loving this man?
Shame on them.


I was getting discharged today. I was all over the news.

Mthunzi sued every journalist that was assigned to come
hog me. He walks in and just stands by the door. He has
his hands in his pockets. We just maintain eye contact.

"MaDlamini. Please cry."

I sigh and shake my head. He shakes his head and walks

towards me. He sits next to me on the bed.
"It's okay to cry."

"I know but I can't."


"I will."

He helps me up and helps me on the wheelchair ignoring

my protests. I can walk on my own. He wheels me out and
helps me into the car. He doesn't drive off but looks at me.

"Please cry. Please."

"I can't."

He sighs and rubs his face. He lays his head back on the
seat and closes his eyes.

"We're going to be driving down to eChamthu this

weekend. We need to do a cleansing and purify our child. I
contacted your paternal family and sent a letter to them.
After the cleansing we're negotiating your lobola. Than we
can cleanse you before you give birth."

I look at him but his eyes remain closed. Is this his way of
asking for my hand in marriage? I'm not even surprised.
He isn't one to kneel down in an expensive restuarant and
ask me to marry him in front of strangers. He starts the
car and drives off. We're silent during the drive home. Just
some soft maskandi music playing. I am singing along
softly and he keeps stealing glances from me.

"Ngiyobe ngayibhopi mina mangibhopa ifindo lomshado.

Yeee akulona ijele.

Noma ngashada ngiyobe ngingekho ejele mina.

Umntu obewasha layikhaya usazo qhubeka awashe.

Yeee akulona ijele. Noma ngashada mina ngiyobe

ngingekho ejele!"

I love this song. He chuckles lowly and looks at me.


"Once a Zulu taxi driver always a Zulu taxi driver."

I smile after so many days. Who would've known that after

all the drama this would be us.

He parks the car in the driveway and locks the doors. He

turns around to look at me. I don't like the look in his eyes.

Okay. I'm in trouble.

"Tell me. You want to go on a killing spree while pregnant

with my child?"

I close my eyes and clench my jaws. Fucken Asshole of a


"You threatned one of my men. Sent him on an errand.

Tell me something mama are you paying Screw?"

I shake my head.

"So where do you get the guts to order him?"

"I'm the mother of your child."

"I'm the one who came in you so I know that. Now answer
I hate it when he puts me in my place. His demeanour is
really intimidating right now. His dominance reeks.

"I- Khuzwayo. I am angry! I want them all dead and I

didn't have my phone. Okay?! I want them dead! All of
them! I want to kill them like they my baby!"

He gets out and come to my side. I egt out and fall into his
arms. I'm so angry that I am shaking. He sits down with
me and cradles me like a child. He whispers soothing
words and rubs my back.

"My baby Mthunzi. My baby."

"Shh. It's going to be okay. I'm here for you. I love you."

I grab him tight and he kisses my head. It feels like I lost a

part of myself like there is this gaping wound in my
stomach and wind is blowing through past it. I feel empty.
My baby died just because I fell in love? They deserve to die!
All of them! I let it all out. I've spent my days plotting my
revenge that I've never noticed how the pain overpowers
the anger. It hurts! My baby will grow up without his other
half because a bunch of journalists decided to ambush me
to sell their bloody papers. Someone has to pay for this. A
fucken lawsuit isn't enough. The world is an evil place.
Unforgiving. He picks me up and walks with me inside the
house. The guards look at us and I notice some men
wiping their tears away with their caps.

He lays me on the bed and gets in behind me. He holds me

tight as I cry. I feel wetness on my head and I know he is
crying too.
"It's going to be okay.",he whispers.

I hope it gets better cause the pain is ubearable. It's like

something is clawing at my chest and my heart is beating
real faster. He feels me as I gasp for air. He lets me go and
looks at me.

"Calm down. Its just a panic attack. Look at me. Breathe in.
Yes. Exhale. Again. Inhale. Exhale. Look at me. It's going to
be alright. If it's not happy than its not an ending. Relax."

I get my breathing in control again and he kisses my


"Think about the baby. You heard what the doctor said.
You got to take it easy."

I nod and he puts his hand on my tummy and looks at me.

The trees in his eyes have been restless since our baby died.

"I promise to protect you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to catch

you that day. From now on I swear whenever you fall I'll be
there with my arms wide open with security just don't kill
anyone. Stop the killing. A lawsuit is better than death.
The guilt and debts is enough for them all. I love you War."

"I love you too Ngamla."

He smiles and gets up.

"Let me go make you something to eat so you can drink

your medicine."

I stand up too.

"Baby rest."

I hold his hand and he shakes his head and leads us to the
kitchen. I need him right now. I need him right here. By
my side. What we're going through won't heal overnight
and I doubt will ever heal from this. We just need to learn
how to live with it. But how? When the pain is so intense? I
want them to die but Mthunzi will be watching my every
move. Only one will do. The one that took that picture.
They started all of this. They need to die. Even if its the last
thing I do.


I've never really had it easy after my families death. I lived

off killing. Always have. I only have a matric certificate to
my name. I never wanted kids. I don't know how many
people I've killed. I've never beileved in God. I always asked
for guidance from my father. I'm not a very spiritual
person. Never been one. We're packed and ready. Mthunzi
walks in after loading our bags in the car. He walks
towards me on the coach and I attempt to stand up but he
shakes his head. He kneels beside me and bows his head. I
was a bit confused and then I hear him pray. I am amazed
by this. He prays to the point where he starts crying. He
prays for me. For our child. For our relationship. For our
journey to be safe.

"Lord I'm a sinner but yet I'm still your son. You have
redeemed me. So it means I'm still wanted. Please heal our
hearts from the pain we're are going through. I believe that
everything happens for a reason. Please tell my child I love

He keeps quiet for a while and holds my hand.

"She's angry lord. She's lost and I pray for her. I pray that
she finds you. Amen."

I wipe my tears. He stands up and helps me up. I wipe his

tears. When I see his mother please remind me to thank
her. She raised a real man. We don't say anything but look
into each others eyes. The trees seem to be calm today.
Even when he hugs me his hugs are lighter. I wish God
listened to my prayers as well. Maybe he'd stop the
nightmares. He leads us to the car.


I walk around the yard chanting and reciting my clan

names. The rest of the family will arrive today later on. I
am cleansing the yard and alerting our ancestors of the
activities that we are going to performing this weekend. I
was born with my gift. Mom and them never noticed until
when I was in high school when I had an altercation with a
few devil worshippers at my school. I had prayed so hard
that their ears bled. My parents were called cause I
wouldn't stop praying. I couldn't. Mind you it was my first
day in high school. During Orientation. I am deeply
connected to the spiritual realm. I see demons,angels and
the dead. When I explained to my mother that I wasn't the
one praying that day she called in Gogo. She said I had
The Gift. It only comes once after 5 decades. I didn't want it
at some points. Who would bs comfortable with seeing
demons? I struggled through my first year in high school
because some learners walked around with their spiritual
spouses and I was seen as a freak if I bought it up. I had to
be homeschooled until university. University was the worst.
It was the devils playground. Others had snakes for
success. Others slept with demons in exchange for good
grades. I dropped out. I'm still pure. I'm 26 and I've never
been with a woman. I haven't met the one destined for me.
I was warned that if I commit the sin of sex before
marriage and have a child out of wedlock I'd be taken back
to the spiritual realm. Yes. I'm an old soul but the
memories of my past life die with my past life. I've called
my cousin Qhawekazi to come down and help me with the
cleansing of Mthunzis destined. She is Aunt Unyezis
daughter. She will do the cleansing and take her with to
Swaziland for purification. Her lands are blessed. She is
younger than me. She's 21 and rules a Queendom. I don't
know her story. She moved down to Swaziland when she
was 18. I've been there a couple of times for her soil. I use it
to cleanse my patients. Her land is pure. I kneel in the
middle of the yard and start praying. The family knows
not to get out when I'm praying. They must stay indoors
until I'm done. This is a challenging gift. You see the aunt
thats bewitching you and the cousin who made a deal with
the devil for riches and sometimes you can't do anything
about it because the heavens didn't assign you. I am not
really liked by the bad relatives. I always purify the
Khuzwayo compound from their evil doings. Whatever
they try to bury in this yard the soil rejects it.


She has been puking non stop. I had to get her multiple
brown bags. She gulps down the water. The driver drives
slowly and I open the window. I lay her head on my thighs.
Maybe travelling by car was not a good idea but both jets
are full. My family is using them and we all know how big
my family is. I heard her cry in her sleep yesterday. It's
been a while since she got nightmares. I don't know what
they're about but she has never mentioned them to me so I
guess she's not ready to let me in. She's very closed off. I
massage her scalp and I hear her breathing change. She's
sleeping. I look at her. She's beautiful. A strong jawline
with the most cutest button nose and thick lips. She has
big eyes which you should never make fun of. I think they
are her biggest insecurity. I think they're beautiful. They
make her look innocent. Let me not mention her body.
She's shorter than me but taller than all the females in my
family. She has a slender body with the most sexiest curves
and a butt that is squeezable. She has the most perkiest
boobs. Nipples always erect. She's smart as well. She's good
with numbers and I'm surprised that she never went to
varsity. She is hella smart. Oh plus she's a bad bitch. Yeah
she can deform a gun and put it black in just 5 minutes.
Yes thats the woman I'm going to marry. A woman who
has killed more than 40 people. She whines a bit and
shoots up and grabs a packet and pukes.

"Drink some water."

I hand her some lemon and she sucks on it. Shame.

2 more hours and we'll arrive. She is sleeping soundly on

my thighs. A call from Screw comes through.


"Bozza. I've found her. It was Naledi. She leaked it. She's at
the warehouse as we speak."
"Kill her."

"Yizo Ngamla."

I drop the call and look at her as she sleeps. She should
learn to let me handle situations my own way. She's my
woman and it's my duty to deal with people for her. Yeah
I'm not good with the guns as she is but still I'm her man. I
did tell everyone that she's my boyfriend. I don't know how
she's going to feel about wearing skirts and a headwrap
because we're going on Khuzwayo land. I will let my mom
handle it. They get along fine and that's dangerous but
hey I love it when both my queens get along. I close my eyes
as well. I need the rest.


His hometown is quiet. Houses are distanced and when we

pass neighbours look through fences. The mountains are
beautiful. When we get to his homestead he leads me to his
rondavel. The homestead has one double story and than
rondavels are around the yard. There is a pool. A big kraal
which is empty. It's like Nkandla. I sit on his bed. His
rondavel is clean. There is a bathtoom as well. Only a
shower is provided. I strip naked and join him. I lay my
head on his back and wrap my arms around his torso. He
has his hands on the wall. He is tense. He turns around
and looks at me. Something is eating him. I don't ask any

He hands me a headwrap and a dress. I laugh at this and

notice the look in his eyes.

"Mthunzi I'm not wearing a dress."

"Eyy mama I'm not in the mood to go back and forth with
you. Gqoka."(dress up.)

I chuckle lowly and pull my swagpants and hoodie. He

pulls them and puts them aside. He looks at the outfit he
picked out. They're even new. I'm not wearing a dress. He
can kiss my ass. I click my tongue and get inside the
blanket. He sighs and walks out. I hear the door opening
again. By the scent that invades the room I can tell its not
him. I open my eyes and I'm met by his mother. I sit up
and cover my breasts with the comforter.

"I hear you don't want to wear a dress."

So he went and snitched on me? Mxm.

"I don't get why I should wear a dress. I've worn a dress
once in my life and never again."

"Come on. Dress up. Sinenhlanhla and Qhawekazi are

waiting on you. Don't keep them waiting."

Who the fuck is these people she's talking about? After

that she leaves. So they really think I'll wear a dress? I
chuckle at this and cover my head. I might as well sleep.

I feel someone slapping my thigh. I wake up and I'm met

by Mthunzis mothers image. She is dressed in a Sangoma

"Sesi. You better get up and get dressed. You're keeping the
ancestors waiting. I don't have time for a tantrum."

She walks out and leaves me there. Her Swati is deep. I've
stayed in Swaziland so I can hear it pretty well. I get up
and get dressed. The dress is under the knee and very tight.
It's black and the headwrap also. I put on Mthunzis hoodie
on top of it. I can't even walk properly. This thing is tight
man! I keep on fixing it. I find Mthunzi outside and he
looks at me and smiles. I click my tongue and walk behind
him. We walk into an empty rondavel. It has goatskin
hung up and everything. The smell of incense is strong.
Oddly I like it. I sit down on the mat in front of the Swati
speaking girl and a man dressed in white clothing. He was
praying. We all closed our eyes as he prayes and when he
opened his eyes and looked besides me.

"Ingane ayiqokile Mthunzi. Ayigezile. Ilambile. Iyafathuza

ngoba awuyihlawulanga."(the child is naked. It's dirty. It's
hungry. Its roaming around because you didn't pay dowry
for it.)

He gives Mthunzi a look who gets up and exits. He comes

back with a baby basin and clothes with baby food too. He
puts them in the middle and the lady starts chanting and
incantations. She fills the bathtub with water and pours
snuff inside. She heads to a little box in the corner.
Mthunzi looks at me. He didn't tell me about this. The box
is opened and its a very small feotus. Hasn't even
developed well. She puts the clothes inside and closes it.
She pours the food on the ground and claps her hands.

"Wamuhle mshana.",the weird man says.

"Is it a boy or girl?",Mthunzi asks.

"It's a boy. Looks like you bafo."

Mthunzi stands up and goes outside. I am a bit freaked


"She really needs to get cleansed. The spirits sourrounding

her are giving me a headache.",the lady says.

She holds her ears and comes back with blood. She sniffs
some snuff and sneezes a couple of times and burps

"Thokoza Gogo."

I also repeat after the man. She beats her drum and
dances with her upper body. Mthunzi comes back with red
eyes and I know he was crying. My man cries shame.

We name the child Sinothile.We get up and Mthunzi is

handed two 5litres of buckets with a smelly liquid and we
head out. It's dark outside. We head to a bush and strip
naked. She pours us with this while she talks. We get
dressed again and she sings. We're ordered to not look
back. We walk back inside to our rondavel. Tomorrow we
bury him. I can't even take a shower. As soon as this stuff
dries up it itches. I strip naked and get in bed. I let the
tears fall and a sob breakout. I feel the bed dip and his
hand on my shoulder.


I take a bath with a little bit of my lands soil. I tie my

braids and sit down. I haven't been in my paternal lands
in my a while. I left my throne to come help my cousin
sinenhlanhla with his assignment. My brothers destined is
surrounded by many spirits. Her father helps fight them
off. I don't know how she's still alive. Her father must be a
powerful ancestor. The smell of incense is strong in my
ronda. I have a huge responsibility. I am a Queen. My
throne is blessed and flourishes. I had to start from the
beginning. I had to start by rebuilding my 'fortress' and
my family sponsored into building the village again. We
have two primary schools and two high schools. We have a
clinic and a hospital. A mall. We sell our vegetables to
companies. We make a lot of money from traditional
attires and woven reed mats. The riches I share with my
people. I had replanted ths tree at it's rightful place and
Mkhulu died and was buried on my lands. The tree always
fascinated me. I connect well with my ancestors through it.
I look exactly like my mother who looks like my
grandmother. The women born with the Gift look the same.
My mother has helped me alot in my spiritual journey.
Dad says she cried when she wss told I'm a girl.
Apparently she didn't want me to carry the burden of the
throne. I love my gift. I'm just lonely. I've never been with a
man. I moved to eSwatini when I was 18 and I took over the
throne. The family in eGugwini moved back to eSwatini.
We work together.

Mom walks in and she claps her hands and kneels beside
me. She joins me in prayer.


We both stand up and sit on the bed. She hugs me. It's
been a while since I saw her. She visits frequently. I can't
stay far away from my throne. I need the soil from the land
in my village to keep me well.

"My baby. You've grown so much."

"Really? I haven't grown an inch since I was 18."

She laughed at this.

"Have you seen me? I look like a dwarf. I'm sure
sinenhlanhla mistakens me for a tiloloshe at time."

We laugh at this. Sinenhlanhla is blessed. Blessed by both

the heavens and his ancestors. He heals through words
and touching but he is modest about it. I've seen him work
wonders. There are some things he needs me to do and
some I need him to do. We work hand in hand mostly. His
gift makes him travel around the world preaching God's
words. He's never done any wrong. He doesn't
drink,smoke nor does he participate in lustful activities.
He respects his body. He is always talking to people even I
can't see. Unlike him I smoke weed and drink alcohol. My
guide drinks and smokes. We're really close. We learn
about each other's gifts. We're the outcasts of the family.

"I need to tell you something."

She sits up. She calmed down a few minutes ago.

"The person who leaked the photos is my ex. Naledi. She

did it out of spite. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Your ex?"

I nod.

"Can I see her picture?"

"I don't have her picture."

She makes a 'oh' expression. She nods and lays back down.

"I'm hungry."

I text Nengi. She replies with rolling




I search for him with my eyes but I can't find him. I guess
he forgot to pick me up. I walk towards the exit and catch
a cab to my house. I spent an entire month in his sisters
royal house getting cleansed. She had to remove each soul
attached to me. I have more than three goat skin on my
wrist and this stuff smells. I even covered it up with a
handkerchief. I had no contact with Mthunzi and it killed
me everyday being away from him. I'm 6 months and I've
had enough time to live with my other baby dying. I get
out and pay the driver. When the gaurd sees me he opens
the gate for me. I find my house spotless. I smile a bit. Ma
has been keeping it clean. Also heard that Lobola was paid
for me while I was away. I'm going to kill Mthunzi. I hear
the door opening and I turn around as the smell of his
cologne hits me. My nipples harden at the sight of him.
Why is he angry?



"You took a cab? With my baby?"


"You weren't there!"

"I was! I tried calling you to turn back but you got into a

"I didn't see you."

He sighs and walks closer to me.

"I missed you."

I smile and he smiles back. He tries hugging me but my

stomach gives him hassles. He ends up hugging me
weirdly. He goes down on his knee and kisses my tummy.

"Hey baby. Please tell mommy that I love her and want her
to have my surname."

I smile at this and he looks up at me. He takes out a ring

and opens it. Ah rose gold. My favourite. I nod already


He stands up and helps me sit down.

"Do you agree to be poured with the Khuzwayo gall?"

I smile and nod. He smiles at me kisses me. I missed him.

In more ways than one. He groans when I grab his shaft
over his jeans. His helps me on top of the kitchen counter. I
massage his bald head as he kisses me.

"I just cleaned that counter. Sukani!"

We jump at this and we find Ma'Gasela with a discloth on

her shoulder. Mthunzi helps me down and she wipes it
and checks on the pots. We sneak out of the kitchen. I
need a shower. I strip and this one is gawking at me. I look
at the mirror. My flat stomach lord! My boobs are big and
painful. The stretchmarks! I feel his hands behind me and
I look up at him on the mirror.

"You're beautiful."

I smile at him. I know. I can never get over the precious gift
of carrying another human in you. He brushes my tummy
and I feel a force. He looks at me and I nod. He goes down
on his knees as he kicks. It couldve been two kicking but
the one left I will protect.

"Hey baby. This is daddy. Daddy loves you. You've grown

and I can't wait for you to finally come so I can shower you
with love."

I smile at him as he stands up. He kisses me and spanks

my butt.

"Thank you MaDlamini. You've blessed me with the most

amazing gift one could ever receive."

He wipes a tear from my eyes and kisses my forehead. He

strips naked and holds my hand and leads me to the
bathroom. He makes sure the water is perfect for the both
of us and I get in with him.



He doesnt look up from rubbing my breasts tenderly.

They're really sensitive.

"Who is Amanda?"

He freezes and doesn't raise eyes. He clears his throat and

holds my hands first. He sighs and kisses my shoulder.

"Amanda is an ex of mine. It was just casual sex until she

caught feelings and started beating up my other girls.
She'd bully them on social media and she'd ambush me at
events. She was mad obsessed with me."

I look at him to continue and he pleads with his eyes. I

shake my head and he sighs.

"She couldn't get to you because of security so she started

following you around and when she saw us together at the
restuarant she took a picture and started dragging you on
the socials. It didn't help because you had social media
recognition and thousand of followers. She was there that
day the journalists ambushed. She pushed you."

I nod and try wiggling out of his hold but I fail. He looks at
me and pleads with his eyes.

"She's dead babe. She won't hurt you again."

What's pissing me off real bad right now is he didn't tell

me all this. All I wanted was the bitches name and a
chance to kill her.

"You should've let me kill her."

"You're going to be a Khuzwayo soon. We don't get our

hands dirty unless necessary. There will be no killing
anymore War. You're my woman now. I will protect you. I
know I couldn't the last time but this time not even a fly
can get to you."

I nod and lay my head on his chest as I shake with emotion.

He kisses my head and caresses my body. He turns off the
water and lifts me up to ths bedroom. He places me on the
bed and looks at me.



"Ngisacela ikhekhe lami manje. Ngilambile."(can I have my

cake now. Im hungry.)

I laugh at this and shake my head.

"Awufuni ngikubhebhe?"(you don't want me to fuck you?)

He shrugs his shoulders and nears me. He opens my legs
and kisses my thighs before parting my folds.

"Ah mama. You're already ready for me."

I sigh in pleasure when he flicks my clit. I grab his

shoulder and lift him up. He chuckles when I rub myself
on him.

"I wanna be on top."

He looks at me surprised and nods. I climb on top of him

and he helps me direct it. He helps me move until I get it
and move by myself.

I wake up to him staring at me. He kisses me when he

notices I'm up. He smiles at me. Mxm this one is pussy
drunk. I'm hungry.
"Laze lamnandi ikhekhe MaDlamini."(the cake was

I laugh at this. No man Mthunzi I'm too hungry for this.

He tries fondling with my vagina when I get up and he

"Awu mama awuthi kancane."(give me some)

I laugh and go into the bathroom. I freshen up and I find

him in the kitchen eating. He looks at me and frowns.

"Why are you walking around naked?"

"It's hot."

He nods and pulls me towards him gently. He feeds me a

spoon. Mmhm! Food! I miss his sisters cooking! She
spoiled me rotten! She is very stubborn but very nice. She
is away from famy and lives alone in another country in a
huge mansion with servants only. She says her people are
family so I guess she's not that lonely. I still find it
fascinating what she shared about her land. I mean a tree
you can use to communicate with those that passed?
Fucken amazing.

"I was thinking you sell this house."

I look at him.


"So you can permanently move in with me."

"You seem to be making decisions that involve me without

me. When are you planning to tell me that you've paid
lobola for me? In my absence."
He scratches his head and clears his throat.

"Mama. I thought that with everything you're dealing with

I could handle that."

"What if I don't wanna be your wife?",I say playing with

thd ring.

He furrows his eyebrows and gives me a look. This one

thinks he scares me.

"MaDlamini. We don't play like that. You've agreed."

"I'm just saying. What if I change my mind?"

"War eat up and stop talking nonsense."

Tf? He walks out angrily. Why is he angry? Mxm. I dish

up and eat his plate first than eat mine. He'll order in
when he is calm. Men! We love them but they're lot of



I am visiting the taxi rank and as soon as they saw the

baby bump they congratulated me. Bab'Dlomo bought
chicken stew and dumpling. I was sitting in his Quantum.
The other drivers came to check up on us.

"So who's the father?"

I look down and scratch my head. He gives me a look and

starts looking around the taxi rank.

"Is it one of the drivers?"

I shake my head and he sighs.

"I know him right?"

"It's Khuzwayo."

"Which one?"


He sits down and scratches his beard. He shakes his head.

I shrug my shoulders. I also don't know really. I just found
myself under him and it was too late then. I was already in
to deep.

"So you went from Ngamla to Baby Daddy?"

I chuckle at this and he smiles.

"Does he treat you good?"

I nod and he looks at me. I can see the worry in his eyes.
The Khuzwayos are a bit rough.

"He treats me good. He respects me. Most of all he just

loves me."

He smiles and shakes his head.

"So when is the wedding?",he eyes my engagement ring.

"I came with regards to that. I'd like for you to walk me
down the aisle. You've been a father to me."

He looks down and rubs his eyes. He blinks a couple of

times and smiles.

"I'd love that ndodakazi."

I hug him and he goes to dispose the takeaways.

Bab'Dlomo doesn't have children of his own. His wife left
him and went back home. He is a 54 year old bachelor who
runs the taxi rank for the Khuzwayos. When I first arrived
here and most men acted out on me being a woman he
took my side and let me educate them on my sexuality. He
taught me the routes and made sure that I wasn't being
treated differently from the other drivers. He says he
would've loved to have a daughter if he could but God's
will. I know it hurts him that his house will be left empty
when he dies. He drives me to Unyezis house. They're
having lunch and I'm invited. I can't reach Mthunzi. I find
the men with their heads down and trembling in tears.
The woman are comforting them. I spot Mthunzi in the
corner and he has blood on his shirt. I walk up to him and
as soon as our eyes lock he sobs. What's going on? Where's
Mkhulu and Naledy? He lets me sit on his thigh and lay
his head on my chest. I hear a sob somewhere followed by a
whimper. I'm a crying mess cause my man is crying and
everyone is crying. Where are the kids? The Gifted walks in
followed with The Queen. They look around and Sine looks
beside the couch I'm sitting on.
"Mkhulu. Gogo."

He sits down and cries! His father comforts him. What the
fuck is going on here? He calls Naledy Gogo because well
she's married to their Mkhulu so why is he seeing them
here? Unless... I stand up and everyone looks at me. No!


He looks at me and notices the look in my eyes. He stands

up and tries hugging me.

"Where's Mkhulu and Naledy? The kids?"

He looks at his father and he shakes his head.

"They were with the kids when they got into the accident.
The kids are fine just minor injuries but... they didn't make
it.",he chokes as he says this.
No! They promised to be here for my wedding! I sink down
but Mthunzi holds me and lets me cry on his shoulder. It's
too early. Naledy promised to teach me all about being a
chakra hun. Just when I thought I found a family this


I arrived too late and I watch my family prepare for the

burial. We're burying them tomorrow. Mom asked what's
the rush but Malume Ndabe said and I quote, "Why
should we wait? It's not like we're waiting on an insurance
to cash in. We can afford the funeral. The waiting is for the
less privileged."

He is a ticking time bomb we all avoiding. He had the

private jet fetch Naledys family. They've been crying! It's
sad. I haven't cried. I'm not a crier. Things happen after I
know. I just hoped I could stop it but I was late. I just got
back from fetching their souls at the spot they died. The
died holding each others hands. I've never seen a love so
pure. I had too chase away spirits that wanted to follow us
that haven't been fetched by their families. I will cleanse
the yard of such happening again. I look at them and
stand up and take my things and leave. I had to cleanse
their wounds. Dad didn't want me to do it but see the
blood in my eyes? I've seen death a couple of times. I just
never thought it'd be my grandparents. I find everyone
walking around with sadness around them. I go into my
room and lay my head down. I woke up at 02h00am and
drove down to fetch their spirits and at 05h00 to go
cleanse their wounds and I have to cleanse the yard and
prepare for the funeral and I have to do the cleansing after
the funeral cause I will be unavailable next month. My
door opens and Makoti walks in. We have a lot of those in
this house but this one is the new one. Mthunzis wife to be.
She hasn't been spilled with the Khuzwayo gall as yet. She
throws herself on the bed.

"If Aunt Badanile makes me make tea one more time I'll
shoot her!"

I laugh at this and she looks at me. She's cute but has a
fierce look. She has killed many. Her dreadlocks are tied
messily and she is even wearing a dress with a huge hoodie
ofcourse with a headwrap. Her eyes are swollen.
"Are you okay?"

She's asking me? I should be asking her. She looks like she
had a bad night. I shrug and she sighs.

"They were a good couple. They welcomed me even after I

almost tried killing Mkhulu. They helped me discover the
truth about my Dads murder and helped me create a
name for myself."

"They were good people. It was their time and there was
nothing we could do. I'm sad that the kids had to be there.
Especially Nhlakanipho, Nkosinathi says he has been off
even Amanda doesn't know what to do anymore."

"What they saw was-"

She shakes her face and grimaces as if she's remembering

something bad. Who knows what it might be? She's seen
some fucked up shit. She leaves after a while mumbling
that she isn't making tea anymore. Good luck with that.
Sine walks in and he groans.

"Thank you for cleansing them. They look much better


I smile. I know it's hard for him to see them as spirits.

"Mkhulu says Ntombikayise should stop crying she'll hurt

the baby."

"She took it hard."

He nods and looks at the window and smiles.

"Mkhulu asks when are you going to cry for them? He says
he sees the emotional baggage on your shoulders."
I look at the window but unlike him I see glistening
transparent shadows that disappear soon.

"Is he with both Gogos?"

He laughs and nods. He has both his wives next to him. I

smile and wipe a tear. As long as his happy. I'm always in
Swaziland and hardly spend time with them but they do
visit me and I appreciate that. I have to leave soon after the
funeral tomorrow. I have a duty that doesn't take leave.

"I've been dreaming of a woman. She is beautiful. She cries

in her dreams. I know that the holy spirit and my
ancestors has chosen for me but its still unclear. I haven't
met her and I can feel that its near. She has a lot of healing
to do but I don't know how I will help."
I look at him and smile. Finally! He has been waiting. He
kept himself pure for his chosen. He is the only one that
can see his chosen in this family. We have to wait for
affirmation from them on what they see in our eyes. I wish
I can meet mine already but it seems our paths haven't
crossed yet. We stay like that in silence with the other in
the own spiritual thoughts. Ntombikayise later brings us
some food and we pass on the message. She still has a long
way to go but she's getting there.


I just came back from the gym downstairs and I'm met
with Kayises eyes. She looks at me as I go up the stairs until
I can't feel her eyes anymore. I take a cold shower and get
dressed. I'm tired. I sit on the bed with my head in my
hands and close my eyes. He was supposed to welcome
Mpi into the family. We just lost our child and now it's
them. I feel a small hand yet strong squeeze on my
shoulder and I know its her. She lifts my head up and I
smile noticing the dress she's wearing. I'm glad she is
compromising. I'd wear a skirt for her too. Anytime. She
puts my head on her baby bump and I brush it. He doesn't
kick per usual. I look at her and notice her swollen eyes.
She smiles at me and gets a dread out the way.

"You're okay?"

I nod.


"I'm getting there."

I sigh and make her sit on my lap.

"I actually brought you breakfast. I know it's too early for
you to eat but your Aunt demands that you're fed by your

I chuckle and kiss her cheek. She stands up to fetch the

tray and hands it to me. I drink the coffee and give her the
fruit salad and eat two slices of toast. I have to drive down
town for a meeting.

"I love you."

I look at her and smile a shallow smile.

"I love you too Mpi."

"It's going to be okay right?"

I nod and she lays on top of my chest. I pull her closer to

me. We're going to be alright. As long as we got each other.


The family is in dread but they're there for each other.

Unyezi has taken Langa to sleep. He cried all night
yesterday and he was tired. He kept on asking for coffee
and has been in thought the whole morning. She watches
everyone walk around with a heavy heart. Amanda tried
easing the pain last night which resulted to her few braids
missing and a sore body. Nkosinathi is in the piano room
singing his heart out while crying. The rest is also there.
Lami is sitting in the corner with his head tucked in
between his legs. He has been like that all morning. The
only movement is his arm swinging the bottle to his mouth.
He burps and wipes his mouth. Sanele also takes a sip
from his own. He taps his foot on the wall and pushes
himself up with the free one. He sits down nexr to Lami
and puts his arm around him. They sit like that drowning
their sorrows. The aura here is dark and heavy. All of them
hoping there could be someone to blame. Maybe the driver
who swerved into their car dodging the truck. Perhaps the
sleepy truck driver. Someone. Gods Will. The road. The
weather. The universe! Anything! Something! Nkanyezi
sketches and tears a paper than tosses it aside. He
continues until pages run dry. He breaks the pencil and
groans. His an artist. He draws his pain but it isn't
working. They all so dull. He listens to his eldest brother

"It started out in spring time.

Against the golden skyline.

You spoke to me at last.

It started out intensly.

And within all my senses.

I knew.

Im sure on you

The only reason God gave me eyes was to see you.

The only reason God gave me ears was to hear your voice.

Say I wil al- I will always love you.

And when the wind gets cold

I'll wrap my arms around you.

We shared our dreams

Endeavours .

And many things we never could tell a soul before.

I saw you smile through the tears that fell to the floor.

I'm sure the onlu reason God gaveme hands was to hold

They all whimper as he sings it so purely. Naledy loved this

song and sang it with her husband every chance they got.
They were listening to it on they way here. They just never

Ndabenkhulu is in the study on calls trying to arrange the

funeral for tomorrow. He thinks if he buries them soon the
pain will ease. Noxolo looks at him as he ends a call with
the transport organiser. She just finished talking to
Qhubekani. He is only arriving today. He is a Chef in New
York. He was the continuation after Sanele hence
Qhubekani. Ndabenkhulu pats his thigh and she takes the
invite and settles down on him as he lays back on the
couch. He is tired. She can see it. He holds her soft body
against him for comfort and he sighs. It pains him to bury
his father and stepmother. He wishes he can carry the
family's pain. Their slumped shoulders breaks his heart.
How do they move on from here?


Its the funeral and they're all dressed in expensive

designer suits and dresses. They sit under the family tent
listening as Nhlakanipho sings. He took his father's voice.
His crying. This was his great grandfather and
grandmother. They loved him regardless of him not being
of the Khuzwayo blood he was a Khuzwayo. He sings till
the coffin lowers into the sand. He watched them smile at
each other and hold hands as they took their last breathe.
He begged them to not die. He begged them to live. Just a
little longer. His stance wavers and his father helps him.
He holds him as he sings until the coffin is lowered. He
watched his grandparents cover up Khokho and Gogo
next to the grave of their first grandmother.

"Mkhulu Ndabe ungabaqibi! Ngyakucela!

Ngisabadinga!"(Grandpa don't bury them! I still need
them!),the young man screams.

Nkosinathi holds his son as he screams. He strengthens his

hold as the boy tries to jump into the almost full grave.
Nkosinathi proceeds to sing with his son in his arms. He
wishes his voice can calm him down as it always did when
he was younger. Now his grown and the young mans hurt
is broken. The only people he thinks knows him and all his
deepest secret are buried 6ft under. Who'll protect him
from the world when he spreads his wings. He knows he
will be an outcast in the family after his secrets come out.
He hopes Khokho raised his Mkhulus better than what he
sees them as. He watches them dust their hands and the
pastor says a prayer. He kneels in front of the grave.

"Khokho ngyakucela. Vukani. For a few more years until I

can stand on my own. Angizoba lutho ningekho."(Great
grandfather pleade. Wake up. I wont be anything without
y'all here.)

His fathers heart sinks as he watches his son wail. He

knows and loves him still. He is his son. A little faith in
him from his son would make him happy. The very son
who moved out at 16 to live with his great-grandparents
and he let him be. The very son who's never home. Who
meets with his siblings in restuarants and always arrives
late for family dinners. Whose excuse for casting himself
out is he needs to ace his modules. Who is forever busy for
the Dads and Sons weekends hosted by Ndabenkhulu. Yet
he loves him and hopes he will return to them. His mother
has begged without positive results. She has cried to
Nkosinathi to bring her son home.

When everyone leaves the cemetery the young man stays

and sings. The weather isn't so good. He is muddy and the
rain hides his tears. His father watches him from a
distance as his son cries for his lost parents. He helps him
up and leads him to the car. His mother puts a fleece over
her shivering son. Amandas heart breaks. This is her son
afterall. He may hate them for whatever reason but she
birthed him and he lives rent free in her mind. With his
grandparents gone he must come home. They'll help him
heal. He was close to them. A son more than
uMzukhulu(grandchild). The driver drives them out. Only
Nhlakaniphos sobs can be heard. His father comforts him
in his strong arms. For some reason Nhlakanipho feels
safe just like he should. This is his father afterall.


He has his head on my thighs and he cries. He keeps

reciting poems he wrote in his mind. They're sad but
hoping for a better tomorrow. She didn't know he was a
poet until he recited a poem he wrote when he was young
for his grandparents anniversary. Everyone cried upon
hearing it. It seems it bought back memories never to be

"Khehla ulele

Uphenduke iThonga.

Imfudumalo yakho iseyabanda.

Umzimba wethu wokukhalela

Uthwele umhlaba ngesifuba.

Siyakhala siwumdeni.

Weqile wasishiya.

Wathatha okusey'nhlizweni zethu.

Sikuculele ingoma zakho ozithandayo.


Vuka mokwazi.
Usitshele amahlaya.

Umzimba uyabanda.

Inyembezi zethu ziyohlala zixoxa ibali.


I wipe a tear as I sing lowly for him. I see Saneles son

NtsikaKayise take a video. He has been taking videos of us.
I think we his favourite. He says we're the Kayises of this
family. He likes rubbing my belly. He says he'll protect his
brother. He hasn't cried. I'm worried. I know his type. They
don't cry but the pain will find a way to be let out. His
knuckles are red and swollen. I saw him washing his
hands earlier on with the aloe water and he grimaced
before putting his leather gloves on. I feel a ping of guilt as
I think of those families I have taken a
husband,father,uncle,son from. Do they feel the way I do
right now or worse. They might have been bad men but
most of them were family men. I shake my head and
continue to brush Mthunzis back. He is now quiet. I can
feel his tears wet my dress thou.

When we arrive at home we dish up for everyone. It's a bit

lighter. They're telling tales of the two deceased. I dish up
for Mthunzi and find him outside with his brothers and
fathers. They're talking. He stands up when he sees me
approaching. He rubs my belly and frowns.

"He hasn't kicked in these past few days. I'm getting

"I have an appointment tomorrow."

"When were you gonna tell me?",he frowns.

I sigh and close my eyes.

"I thought since you're dealing with-"

"No. His my son too. I want to be there every day.",he cuts

me off.

I nod and hand him a wet discloth. He wipes his hands

and takes the plate and joins others to eat after kissing my
forehead. I rub my back as I feel it pain. I sit down and
Unyezi looks at me.

"You're okay Kayise?"

I nod and sigh as I feel a slight discomfort from my

abdomen. I shake my head and she helps me up with
Noxolo. She sends Amanda to go call Mthunzi. My legs feel
heavy. I am being put into the car. I groan painfully.

"Don't you dare close your eyes Kayise!"

I blink a couple of times but the black dots expand and

blocks my view. I hear a voice screaming "Faster!" and a
"Fuck Mpi!" but I'm losing consciousness. I pray to not lose
my baby. I won't survive that.

For the patience y'all give me.

Sponsored by Refilwe Sephadi. Gratitude.



I was looking at my baby boy as he slept in my arms. I took

a glance at his mother. She is still in a coma. She lost a lot
of blood. The doctor said a lot of big terms I didn't
understand. It's been two days and she hasn't responded
to my cries. Sine says she's fighting to come back but
something is holding her back. She lacks faith so we pray
for her. We're very intact with our spiritual side in my
family thanks to my mom. I hope she realises the grace
God has towards us and lets His love consume her.
Malume Ndabe has named our son Kukhanya because he
became the light at the end of the tunnel. He has everyone
wrapped around his finger. I put him on his mothers chest
and make sure he doesn't fall. Sine said this would help.
It'll give her more reason to come back and for Kukhanya
to feel his mothers warmth. I miss her. So much. I miss her
laughter and deep voice. I miss how she was my pregnant
boyfriend. I'm even labeled gay on the socials. We always
laugh about it. I miss her voice when she sings and the
goosebumps I always get. She's beautiful. She's gained a
few kilos and I love every minute of them. I miss how she
always walk in after me to close the toilet seat cause she
knows I always forget and she'd smile when she sees I
closed it. I miss her soft mageza hands. How could I not
miss someone I literally breathe for. The thought of being
the reason for her happiness causes my hurt to burn up or
maybe it's just indigestion from that chilli taco I ate earlier
on. When Kukhanya has fallen asleep I take him but a
hand stops me. I look at her hand holding with her eyes
still closed. She looks a bit pale but as beautiful as ever.
Maybe it was a reflex. I try taking him again.

"Please let...me...hold him."

Upon hearing her voice I start screaming for a doctor. He

runs in with a nurse and they give me the baby and start
checking her. I excuse them as they remove some machines.
I call mom and tell her. I know she'll call that herd I call
family. The doctor walks out and smiles.

"She's up but still a bit disorientated. She's asking for y'all.

I'm giving you 2

10 minutes than you let her rest."

I nod and walk in. She smiles shallow and I help her hold

"He's so tiny."

"He's a premature. He is healthy thou."

"My son."

"We named him Kukhanya. We figured you'd give him his

second name."

"Kukhanya. I love it."

She looks at him and I notice the tears drop. She smiles
through them and looks up at me.



"I plan on giving him younger siblings to protect."

She laughs when she notices my grin. She hands him back
to me. I kiss her forehead and let her rest. The family
arrives just as I put Kukhanya to sleep. They're all over him.
He cries and I glare at them.


He has been trying to do his work but he can't seem to

focus. He goes to take a shower and decides to go to studio.
He owns 65% of it. His father has money so why not put it
into good use. He has a test coming up but his mind is all
over the place. He has been struggling with their death.
The will was read and he got a huge chunk of money that
he put into investment. He walks in and bumps into

"Sorry.",they both say simultaneously.

Peace looks at this tall man in front of him. He is also tall

but this man towers over him. He looks into his eyes and
he is met by a rainforest. He gasps and takes a step back.
He pushes past the man and goes outside to make that call.
He is mesmirised and when he blinks he is met by
rainforest. He loves rainforest. He loves nature to be
precise. He unties his dreads and lights a blunt and prays.
He is a born Rastafarian. His had his dreads since he can
remember. He comes all the way from Jamaica. He is a
brethren under oath. He came to South Africa to further
his dreams in music. He walks back inside and the
producer is talking to the guy he met outside. He gets in
behind the mic and goes over his lyrics again. He needs to
nail this. He needs this contract.

"Okay Peace Tosh. This is our major shareholder

Nhlakanipho Khuzwayo. Show him what you got."

The frown on Nhlakaniphos face makes Peace nervous and

he has to pray for a calm spirit.

"In those tough nights of sadness.

We all pray upon Jah to bless our wounded hearts

Children of Babylon cast us out.

They throw insults at our dreads and threaten to cut them

Jah bless those blessed.

The enemy is slowly closing in.

All these motherless children fear for their lives.

We're fighting a battle of Peace.

Jah bless I and I."

Nhlakanipho isn't a Reggae Junkie but he has listened to

some songs and ge likes them. This Peace guy has talent.
His raw and his voice is so peaceful. He looks at him as he
sings. He is a very handsome man. A well trimmed beard.
Fairly dark skin and that accent. You can see he is
frequent with the gym. He smiles and hides it with his
hand as if brushing his cheek. His sexuality has been
something he has feared enclosing hence he decided to
keep to himself. The only support he had- he shakes his
head at the thought.

"Call him out."

Zayden looks at his boss and nods. He calls out Peace who
walks out towards them wiping his sweaty palms on his
cargo pants.

"Take a seat Peace."

Zayden stands up and excuses himself. He is older than

Nhlakanipho by a lot of years. The young man is only 21
but he owns a studio. The artists it signs up are booming.
Nhlaka likes to think its all Zayden. Its his hardwork that
put them on the map.

"You're a reggae singer?"

"Yes sir."

"Just call me Nhlakanipho."

"Okay Nhlakanipho."

The accent and how he pronounces his name makes his

pants tighten a bit.

"I don't know much about reggae but you got something
good. We're very profound and flexible. We would like to
sign you up as the first Reggae singer at Unyezi Voices."

"Out of curiosity. Unyezi? What does it mean?"

"Moon. Its my aunts name. She helped me start this."


"I'll have Zayden give you the contract and you'll run it
with your lawyer than contact us."

"Jah bless brethren."


Peace chuckles at this and when their eyes meet again

Nhlakanipho can't help but to inch closer. Peace is aware
of this and doesn't move back or makes any means to stop
this. When their lips collide they both moan out softly and
the battle of dominance begins. They pull apart breathing
heavily. Nhlaka leans back on his chair and smirks. He
arrogant. He can't help it.

"Sorry about that.",Prince alologises.

"I kissed you and won't apologise."

Peace nods and pats his pocket. He needs a smoke.

"I expect to see you in my office on Monday with that

contract Peace."

Peace nods at this still dazed and watches his back as he

exits. What just happened? He fixes his pants before
Zayden walks back in.

"Seems like the boss likes you and trusts me he doesn't like

Peace chuckles at that. Seems like he likes him too.


I just woke up and I'm not as tired as I was. Mthunzi helps

me take a bath. I look at the scar on my abdomen and
smole brushing it tenderly. He smiles when he notices.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making me a father and a husband. I'll make you


"You're already doing so."

He smiles and kisses me. He helps me dress up and we

walk to the paediatric room and we find our baby. We had
to wash and sanitize our hands. He is now in an incubator.
He is sleeping. Mthunzi takes him out and puts hin on his
bare chest. His a kugaroo baby. He shows me how to do it
and I love the feel on him on my skin.

"He is so tiny. I'm scaree I'll break him."

"You won't baby. Just hold him like that."

The nurse says I can breastfeed. I wipe my boob and give it

to him. It tingles and slightly painful as he suck on my

"Babe.",I say almost in tears.

He laughs and nods. We see the family walking in. They're

smiling today.

"Hey baby. You're okay? We came earlier but yoy were

already asleep so we woke the little up.",Unyezi says
kissing my cheek.

They're dressed in scrubs. I give them their niece and

grandchild. They've ambushed my son. All of them
handling him like an egg. Sigh. They better not spoil my

Sponsored by Refilwe Sephadi. Gratitude.



I was looking at my baby boy as he slept in my arms. I took

a glance at his mother. She is still in a coma. She lost a lot
of blood. The doctor said a lot of big terms I didn't
understand. It's been two days and she hasn't responded
to my cries. Sine says she's fighting to come back but
something is holding her back. She lacks faith so we pray
for her. We're very intact with our spiritual side in my
family thanks to my mom. I hope she realises the grace
God has towards us and lets His love consume her.
Malume Ndabe has named our son Kukhanya because he
became the light at the end of the tunnel. He has everyone
wrapped around his finger. I put him on his mothers chest
and make sure he doesn't fall. Sine said this would help.
It'll give her more reason to come back and for Kukhanya
to feel his mothers warmth. I miss her. So much. I miss her
laughter and deep voice. I miss how she was my pregnant
boyfriend. I'm even labeled gay on the socials. We always
laugh about it. I miss her voice when she sings and the
goosebumps I always get. She's beautiful. She's gained a
few kilos and I love every minute of them. I miss how she
always walk in after me to close the toilet seat cause she
knows I always forget and she'd smile when she sees I
closed it. I miss her soft mageza hands. How could I not
miss someone I literally breathe for. The thought of being
the reason for her happiness causes my hurt to burn up or
maybe it's just indigestion from that chilli taco I ate earlier
on. When Kukhanya has fallen asleep I take him but a
hand stops me. I look at her hand holding with her eyes
still closed. She looks a bit pale but as beautiful as ever.
Maybe it was a reflex. I try taking him again.

"Please let...me...hold him."

Upon hearing her voice I start screaming for a doctor. He
runs in with a nurse and they give me the baby and start
checking her. I excuse them as they remove some machines.
I call mom and tell her. I know she'll call that herd I call
family. The doctor walks out and smiles.

"She's up but still a bit disorientated. She's asking for y'all.

I'm giving you 2

10 minutes than you let her rest."

I nod and walk in. She smiles shallow and I help her hold

"He's so tiny."

"He's a premature. He is healthy thou."

"My son."
"We named him Kukhanya. We figured you'd give him his
second name."

"Kukhanya. I love it."

She looks at him and I notice the tears drop. She smiles
through them and looks up at me.



"I plan on giving him younger siblings to protect."

She laughs when she notices my grin. She hands him back
to me. I kiss her forehead and let her rest. The family
arrives just as I put Kukhanya to sleep. They're all over him.
He cries and I glare at them.

He has been trying to do his work but he can't seem to
focus. He goes to take a shower and decides to go to studio.
He owns 65% of it. His father has money so why not put it
into good use. He has a test coming up but his mind is all
over the place. He has been struggling with their death.
The will was read and he got a huge chunk of money that
he put into investment. He walks in and bumps into

"Sorry.",they both say simultaneously.

Peace looks at this tall man in front of him. He is also tall

but this man towers over him. He looks into his eyes and
he is met by a rainforest. He gasps and takes a step back.
He pushes past the man and goes outside to make that call.
He is mesmirised and when he blinks he is met by
rainforest. He loves rainforest. He loves nature to be
precise. He unties his dreads and lights a blunt and prays.
He is a born Rastafarian. His had his dreads since he can
remember. He comes all the way from Jamaica. He is a
brethren under oath. He came to South Africa to further
his dreams in music. He walks back inside and the
producer is talking to the guy he met outside. He gets in
behind the mic and goes over his lyrics again. He needs to
nail this. He needs this contract.

"Okay Peace Tosh. This is our major shareholder

Nhlakanipho Khuzwayo. Show him what you got."

The frown on Nhlakaniphos face makes Peace nervous and

he has to pray for a calm spirit.
"In those tough nights of sadness.

We all pray upon Jah to bless our wounded hearts

Children of Babylon cast us out.


They throw insults at our dreads and threaten to cut them


Jah bless those blessed.

The enemy is slowly closing in.

All these motherless children fear for their lives.

We're fighting a battle of Peace.

Jah bless I and I."

Nhlakanipho isn't a Reggae Junkie but he has listened to
some songs and ge likes them. This Peace guy has talent.
His raw and his voice is so peaceful. He looks at him as he
sings. He is a very handsome man. A well trimmed beard.
Fairly dark skin and that accent. You can see he is
frequent with the gym. He smiles and hides it with his
hand as if brushing his cheek. His sexuality has been
something he has feared enclosing hence he decided to
keep to himself. The only support he had- he shakes his
head at the thought.

"Call him out."

Zayden looks at his boss and nods. He calls out Peace who
walks out towards them wiping his sweaty palms on his
cargo pants.
"Take a seat Peace."

Zayden stands up and excuses himself. He is older than

Nhlakanipho by a lot of years. The young man is only 21
but he owns a studio. The artists it signs up are booming.
Nhlaka likes to think its all Zayden. Its his hardwork that
put them on the map.

"You're a reggae singer?"

"Yes sir."

"Just call me Nhlakanipho."

"Okay Nhlakanipho."

The accent and how he pronounces his name makes his

pants tighten a bit.

"I don't know much about reggae but you got something
good. We're very profound and flexible. We would like to
sign you up as the first Reggae singer at Unyezi Voices."

"Out of curiosity. Unyezi? What does it mean?"

"Moon. Its my aunts name. She helped me start this."


"I'll have Zayden give you the contract and you'll run it
with your lawyer than contact us."

"Jah bless brethren."


Peace chuckles at this and when their eyes meet again

Nhlakanipho can't help but to inch closer. Peace is aware
of this and doesn't move back or makes any means to stop
this. When their lips collide they both moan out softly and
the battle of dominance begins. They pull apart breathing
heavily. Nhlaka leans back on his chair and smirks. He
arrogant. He can't help it.

"Sorry about that.",Prince alologises.

"I kissed you and won't apologise."

Peace nods and pats his pocket. He needs a smoke.

"I expect to see you in my office on Monday with that

contract Peace."

Peace nods at this still dazed and watches his back as he

exits. What just happened? He fixes his pants before
Zayden walks back in.

"Seems like the boss likes you and trusts me he doesn't like
Peace chuckles at that. Seems like he likes him too.


I just woke up and I'm not as tired as I was. Mthunzi helps

me take a bath. I look at the scar on my abdomen and
smole brushing it tenderly. He smiles when he notices.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making me a father and a husband. I'll make you


"You're already doing so."

He smiles and kisses me. He helps me dress up and we

walk to the paediatric room and we find our baby. We had
to wash and sanitize our hands. He is now in an incubator.
He is sleeping. Mthunzi takes him out and puts hin on his
bare chest. His a kugaroo baby. He shows me how to do it
and I love the feel on him on my skin.

"He is so tiny. I'm scaree I'll break him."

"You won't baby. Just hold him like that."

The nurse says I can breastfeed. I wipe my boob and give it

to him. It tingles and slightly painful as he suck on my

"Babe.",I say almost in tears.

He laughs and nods. We see the family walking in. They're

smiling today.

"Hey baby. You're okay? We came earlier but yoy were

already asleep so we woke the little up.",Unyezi says
kissing my cheek.

They're dressed in scrubs. I give them their niece and

grandchild. They've ambushed my son. All of them
handling him like an egg. Sigh. They better not spoil my


I yawn and walk into Mthunzi cooking.


He smiles at me and kisses my cheek and goes back to

cooking. I don't know what it is but it smells really good.

"So I have a lunch with my brothers later on today. I

wanted to make sure everything is okay before I left. Ma is
on her way as well to help with Kukhanya. He is fed and
took a bath already and is sleeping."

Why am lucky? He makes a great husband.

"I finally found a date and sent out the invitations."

He frowns and looks at me.


"Yesterday. I set it for the 5th in June."

"In two months?"


"You didn't think to tell me?"

"I thought we don't alert each other in our plans in this


"What do you mean? I always-"

"Don't lie. You paid lobola and prepared my traditional

wedding without my knowledge. I just came to be spilled
with the Khuzwayo gall."

He looks down and clenches his jaw.

"So do get your suits ready. I'll send you the wedding
portfolio so you can see the theme and setting."

I take a cupcake in the fridge and spank his butt than

leave him there. I let him be because I was pregnant but I
was tired of being on the sidelines. He is probably sulking.
He'll be fine. I take my baby and go sleep with him. I watch
the news.


Why wasn't I told about this? I activate my account and I

see its all over the net. I guess that's where he was going
with his brothers. To a fucken Taxi Fight?! He walks in
and he stops at the door when he sees the look I'm giving
him. They're on TV in a shootout with other taxi owners
and drivers. He looks at tge TV and cusses.

"Ehlisa umoya phela mama."(calm down)

Calm down? He is fucking ducking bullets on national TV.


He walks closer to me and runs out when I get out of bed. I

lock the door clicking my tongue. I'm tired and I wanna
rest. If he wants to die than I'll kill him when I wake up. I
deactivate my accounts again. Why are they even
entertaining the taxi business? The past generation let it
be but they decide to go back. I get into bed next to my


I kiss his big head he got from his father and he smiles a
gummy smile. Did he have to look like that idiot I love?



"My aunt is actually my grandmother but because I was

practically raised by my grand parents I got used to it."

"I'm so confused. How many kids does she have?"

"Its my biological dad

Nkosinathi,Langa,Mthunzi,Nkanyezi and Qhawekazi."

"Uncle Ndabe has Sanele,Qhubekani and Sphelele.

Uncle Bhekikhaya has Sine only.

Aunt Amanda has Nengi and Laycon,Praise and Prince.

Uncle Khulekani has Qiniso and Ncedo."

"Y'all family should move to Jamaica. The reproduction

that goes on there allows them to fit in. Only one coue has
one child the rest!"

He laughs at this and Peace is fascinated by his dimples.

He showed him photos of his family and the resemblance
is strong. They have been spending time together and
getting to know each other. They make out a lot but
haven't took the next level.

The doorbell disturbs them as they're cuddling. They

didn't order anything and how did they get pass security?
He opens up and is met by his uncles and brothers. He
sighs and leans on the door. He isn't really close to them.

"Hey. What are y'all doing here?"

His father sniffs and the smell of weed is strong but this
one isn't high. He has company.

"Can we come in?"

Instead of answering he closes thedoor behind him. He

folds his arms and looks at them. The only grandpa here is
Khulekani. He didn't want to miss this.

When he looks at Mthunzi is confusion they all laugh. He

is wearing Ntombikayises UGGs and tracksuits which is a
bit unusual because he loves looking good.
"It's cold out here son. Open the door.",Nkosinathi.

Nhlakanipho opens the door fully aware of what this

situation is about. He lets them in and they all halt and
look at the young man looking at them. They were
expecting a feminine homosexual but this one looks manly.
He stands up and finds his lover with his eyes and there's
relief when he sees him.

Nlaka steps forward and puts his hand in Peaces. They

look at each other and get lost for a moment by a throat
clearing gets their attention again.


He was bound to be the first to talk or be it Mthunzi.

They're both idiots.
"Oh uhm this is Peace and-"

"Wait. Piece?",Mthunzi

"What? No. Ukuthula. Peace.";Nhlaka says annoyingly.

"Oh. Yeses! Sorry hawu.",Mthunzi.

Peace looks at his shoes and furrows his eyebrows. Grey

UGGs on a man? Who is he to judge? But you can tell by
how his heel peeks out that they're not his.

"I'm hungry. Where's the food?",Khulekani who heads for

the kitchen.

Mthunzi follows after him shortly and the whole brood

follows leaving Nkosinathi.

He takes a seat and instructs the two lovers to sit before

"Peace right?"

He nods and looks at Nhlaka.

"This is my son. I love him so much. He has been through a

lot already. The least I want from you is to treat him good.
He has always has been ashamed of his sexuality and kept
it a secret. He had his heartbroken once when he was 5 so I
hope you don't do the same. I'd hate to have to move him
away again."

Nhlakanipho remembers when he was 5 and he got

rejected by his then best friend. He remembers how it hurt.
It was a sad moment really. He cried for days until they
moved. What hurt him the most was the young boy called
him 'wrong' for liking him while he is a boy. Tommy Miller.
Was 9 back then.

"So how did y'all meet?",Mthunzi.

It's going to be a long day Nhlaka thinks as they all walk

back in. Sanele even has a beer in hand.

He tries to ignore the sudden warmth in his chest as they

start bombarding them with questions.

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