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3 Your Roll No.gLI

3TcHT rary2o23
Sr. No. of Question Paper :
Unique Paper Code 62323601

Name of the Paper Conflict and Peace Building

B.A. (Program) Political
Name of the Course

Semester VI

Maximum Marks : 75
Duration : 3Hours
HY: 3 yu qofes : 75

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt

of this question paper.
2. Attempt Any Four questions.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Answers may be writen either in English or Hindi;
but the same medium should be used throughout the

3048 2




1. What is Conflict? Explain main theories and sources

of Conflicts.

2. What do you understand by Conflict

Examine the conflict transformation theory of John
Paul Laderach.

3. Post cold war era witnessed an

increase in ethno
religious conflicts. Do you agree? Give reasons for
your answer.
3048 3

4. Discuss the typologies of conflicts with reference to

the sites of conflicts.

5. Explain the concept of Peace-building. Discuss the

role of various factors and agencies in peace-building.

6. What is multi track diplomacy? Discuss.

7. What is Non-violence? Discuss Gandhi's legacy in

the field of conflict resolution.

3048 4

8. Write short notes on Any Two of the following :

(a) Negotiation

(b) Ideology and conflicts

(c) Negative and Positive peace

(d) Gender based conflicts

[This question paper contains 4 printed
Your Roll No......

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 3213 LIERARY
Unique Paper Code :62327601

Name of the Paper Understanding Globali~ation

Name of the Course B.A. (Program) Political

Science (DSE)

Semester/Scheme/Mode : VI

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Hy: 3 yu qufs: 75

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt

of this question paper.

2. Attempt Any Four questions.

3. AlI questions carry equal marks.

4, Answers may be writlen either in English or Hindi:

but the same medium should be used throughout the
3213 2



1. *Globalization refers to processes of change which

underpin a transformation in the organization of human
affairs by linking together and expanding human
activity across regions and continents'. In the light of
this statement, examine meaning and nature of
globalization with suitable examples.

2. Critically examine the cultural dimension of

3213 3

What is the role and function of WTO in the plobal
economy today?

4. What is BRICS? Can it be considered a meaningful

global force?

5. ´Most of the largest and most influencial companies

Or the modern age are publicly traded multinational
corporations', In the light of this statement, analyze
nature and significance of MNCs.

6. Explain biodiversity governance with special reference

to 'UnitedNations Convention on Biological Diversity'.
3213 4

7. 'Domestic justice. and global justice need to be

consistent. Comment.

8. Write short notes on Any Two of the following:

(a) Global civil society

(b) Sustainable Development Goals

(c) Resource scarcities

(d) International terrorism and United Nations

[This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]

25) No
Your Roll No...
Sr. No. of Question Paper : 3364 BRARY
Unique Paper Code : 62327601

Name of the Paper

Understanding Globalization
Name of the Course : B.A. (Program) Political
Science (DSE)

Semester/Scheme/Mode : VI

Duration :3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

quts: 75

Instructions for Candidates

Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this
question paper.
Attempt Any Four questions.
questions carry equal marks.
Answers may be written
written either in English or Hindi;
but the Same
medium should be used throughout the





1. What is Globalization?
Is state a victim or an agent of
Globalization - or both?

2. Explain complex interdependence in the context of

various dimensions of contemporary globalization.

3. In 12th WTO Ministerial Conference in Geneva in

2022, negotiators prevailed despite geopolitical
tensions.' In the light of this statement, analyze gains
and losses for developing countries from Doha Round
to the recent Geneva Conference.
3364 3

2022 fottar 12 so3t 4farrty HAT A, rafar

4 Ecology has been a major casualty in the process of

globalization. Comment.


5. Critically analyze the role of United Nations in

contemporary world politics?

6. What do you understand by global warming and

climate change? Evaluate recently concluded COP 22
and India's role in it.
3364 4

7. Comment on the following: 'One person's freedom

fighter is another's terrorist. Can terrorism ever be

GII Hht ?

8. Write short notes on Any Two of the following:

(a) Human Development Index

(b) New International Economic Order

(c) Cultural dimension of globalization

(d) Anti-globalization movements

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