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The Passion of al-Hallaj

Mystic and Martyr
of Islam

Translated from the French with

a biographical foreword by



Bibliography and Index



ts! #9

Copyright © 1982 by Princeton University Press




"Translated from
La Passion de Husayn Ibn Mansūr Hallāj:
martyr mystique de l'Islam exécuté à Baghdad
le 26 mars 922; étude d'histoire religieuse
(nouvelle édition), Gallimard, Paris, 1975



APR 13 1995




Table of Catalogues of Manuscript Collections Used and Not

Cited by Brockelmann [in 1902]

a. The Schema Followed 3
b. Evaluation of Research Conducted 4
1. The Collections Examined 4
| 2. Kinds of Works Consulted 4
| 3. Desiderata 5
c. Previous Bibliographical Undertakings 5
Appendix: Collected Oral or Written Testimonies of Contemporary
Authors, in Arabic 52

Appendix: Albanian Sources 79
Appendix A: Javanese Sources 79
Appendix B: Chinese Sources 79



In this list, as in the Index section, a number refers to an author and a letter
refers to a specific work ofthat author found in the Halläjian Bibliography of this

A, a = Ahmad; Abü (in a proper ‘Arib = 1650-а = 164-a

name) Asās = 385-e
‘A = ‘Abd (in a proper name) ASB = Asiatic Society of Bengal
А. = Akhbār = 1695-v (unless there Asc. = ascendant
is a more precise reference) Ash'ari = Magālāt = 2021-a
‘AA = ‘Abdalläh Asia Major = 2206-a
AB = Abü Bakr AT = Abū Tālib
abbr. = abbreviation A.T. = AH Tawhidi (178)
Adab = 126-d Athār (Bīrūnī) = 190-a
AF = Abū'l-Faraj Athār (Oazwīnī) = 458-b
afp — ancien fonds persan Athīr = 420-a
aft — ancien fonds turc Atrāk = 2125-b
Agh. = Kitāb al-Aghani = 2122-a ‘Attar = 1101-c
AH - Abü Hasan A‘U = Abo 'Uthmàn
A.H. = anno hijri ‘AW = ‘Abd al-Wahhāb
AJ = Abü Ja'far ‘Awarif = 401-a
"Ajā'ib = 458-a Awlad = 126-b
Akhb. = Akhbār = 1695-v (unless AY = Abü Ya'qüb
there is a more precise reference) A'yād = 146-a
Akhb. Rādī = 126-c
AM = Abū Muhammad -b-, b. = ibn; or, born
Amthāl = 2226-a B.N. = Вапа N. (part of the name of
AN = Abū Nüwäs a tribe)
An. trad. Gottw. = 2078-a Bad’ = 150-a
Апра’ = 2092-a Bahja = 502-a
Ansab = 350-a Bak. = B. = Ibn Bākūyā = 191-a
Antàki = JRASB, 1856, s.v. Bagli, Shath = 1091-b; if there is a
Muhäsibi recto or verso indication, it refers to
ap. = apud = cited in ms. Qadi 'Askar; if not, the
App. = appendix reference is to ms. Shahid ‘Ali
AQ = Abü Qàsim Bagli, Tafsir = ms. Berlin = 380-3;
‘AQ = ‘Ayn al-Oudāt, or ‘Abd The Cawnporc edition is always
al-Oādim alluded to by specific reference,
'AQH = 308, 1082 either to verse or page
‘AR = ‘Abd al-Rahmān Barb. Meyn. = 1625-b
"Arīb = 370-n Bayan = 165-a
Bidaya = 191-a E = Essai = 1695-p
Bihar = 835-b East. Caliph. — 1661-c
BN = Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris) ed. = edition, editor
Bodl. = Bodleian Library (Oxford) Ef. or Eff. = Effendi |
a of
Bq. = Bagli = 380, 1091 Enc. Isl., E. L. = Encyclopaedi
Brock. С. = 1652-a Islam, first edition
Brock. S. = 1652-b Enquête = 1695-cr
BSOAS = Bulletin ofthe School of Er. Jb. = Eranos Jahrbuch
Oriental and African Studies, Esc. = Escurial
London Essai = 1695-p
BSOS = Bulletin of the School of
Oriental Studies, London
f. = folio
bt = bint
Faraj — 162-c
Bt. = Battàni
Farq — 201-a
Budd — 446-b
Fat. (Ibn Taymiya) = 512-g
Buht. = Buhturi = 2040
Fath Rabbānī = 341-g
Buldän = 410-b
Faysal = 280-n
Bulūgh = 2013-a
Fihr, = Fihrist = 172-a
Bustānī = 940-a
Filaha = 123 A-a
Firag = 113-d
cf. comp. = compare
Firdaws = 2243-a
cit. = cited
Fisal = 241-a
с.т. = critical review -a
ENN = Fārs-nāma Nāsirī = 2096
Fonds Massignon = at the Collēge de
d. = died
D = al-Din
Fr. = French
D. = Daylami = 175
Fr., Fragm. = Fragment
Daf' = 370-k
Friedlinder = 1693-a
Dalil = 2247-a or 2233-a
Funūn = 261-c
Dāmigh = 2119-a
Fustil = 212-b
Dedering = cf. 2009-a
Fusūs = 421-d
Destani insan = 1388C-a
Ені. = Futūhāt =421-b
Dh. = Dhahabī = 530-a
Dhamm = 1059-h
Dhari'a = 276-b Ghalat = 170-f
DI = Der Islam Ghayba (Ibn Babawayh) = 160-c
Dib. = Dibaj = 576-a Ghayba (Nu'mānī) = 2176-a
Dīw. = Diwan = 1695-w (unless Ghayba (Tūsī) = 242-a
there is a more precise reference) Ghufran = 212-a
DQ = Dhü'l-Qamayn GOD = 1602-e
Durar al-anwar = 760-a Guyard = Notices et extraits des mss. de
Durar kāmina = 632-c la Bibliothèque de Paris, vol. XXII
DV - Dieu Vivant Guzida = 1127-b
H = Hasan Inst. — institute
Hajjaj = 2182-a IO = Ind. Off. = India Office
Ham. = Hamadhānī Чаа = 862-b
Hanbal = Ibn Hanbal = 2098 ‘Irfan = Shi'ite journal (Saida)
Нада?ід = 170-4 and 1695-p Is. = Isnād = 1695-ax (when it is a
Наг. = Harawi = 1059 bibliographic reference)
Hawädith = 2068-а Ishā'a = 2211-a
Нам. = Ibn Hawgal = 167-a Isl. Cult. = Islamic Culture
Hazm = Ibn Hazm = 241-a (Hyderabad, 1927—)
Here, H = the present edition, Ism = Ismāfl
Volume Il, etc. Ithāf = 862-a
Hidaya = 139-b l'tibár (anonymous) = 2002-a
Hik. = Hikāyāt = 330-a Ttibār (Jurjānī) = 2130-a
Hikam = 1301-a I'tidal = 530-d
Hil. = Hilya = 2009-b I'tidāl = journal (Najaf)
HOP = 1660-a I'tigādāt = 160-a
Howell = 2087-a “уза, Shif? = 310-a
Hudiid-i ‘Alam = 1016-a ‘Izz = Kinānī = 2017A-a
Ни г = 530-h
Hujw. = Hujwīrī = 1055 J = Jafar
Hy = Husayn Jalā = 941-a
Jam. = 190-e
йа“ = 977A-a Jamha = 2063-b
Ibn al-Dā'ī = 1081-a Jāmī = 1150-a
Ibn al-Farra’ = Farra’ = 2066-b JAOS = Journal of the American
Ibn Malik = 2107-a Oriental Society (New Haven)
Ibr = Ibrahim JA = JAP = Journal Asiatigue (Paris)
IFAO = publication of the Institut Jawāb = 512-i
Frangais d’Archéologie Orientale of Jawāhir = 370-d
Cairo Jawāhir (Khawwās) = 730-a
IFD = publication ofthe Institut Jawāhir (Jazarī) = 2128-a
Francais of Damascus Jawāmi* = 170-c
IJ = ijmā” Jazīra = 2083-a
Ihāta = 546-a Jp = Jupiter
Іі. (Azzawi) = 999-01-a JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic
Ihti. (Tabarsī) = 315-a Society (London)
Шуа? = 280-a JRASB = Journal ofthe Royal Asiatic
Ikhw. = Ikhwan al-safa’ = 2121-a Society of Bombay
Iklīl = 2082-a Jurjäni = 2130-b
Ikmāl = 160-c
Imta' = 178-e K. = Kitāb
incl. = including Каў = 2141-a
Insan = 601-c Kal. = Kalāb. = Kalābādhī (143-a)

Kanz = 2168-a
Mantig = 380-b
Kashf (Hujwiri) = 1055-a, 1692-f Magābir = 463-b
Kashf (Jawbārī) = 402-a Magātil = 2122-b
Kashf (Khalifa) = 810-a Magģdisī = 150-a
Kashkūl = 794-a Mas. = Masāri' = 278-a
Kaw. = Kawākīb = 795-a Masa’il = 446-b
Kh. = Ktb. = Khtb. = Khatīb = mawāgif = 2130-b
250-a Mc = Mercury
Khall. = 471-a Mél. = Mélanges
Khark. = 180-a Mél. Félix Grat = 1695-ax
Khasibi = 139-a Mhd = Muhammād or Mahmüd
Khulāsa = 720-b Mhs = Muhassin
Kibrīt = 741-b Minhāj (Subkī) = 801-a
Kilānī = Jīlānī = 341-h Minhāj (Ibn Taymīya) = 512-k
Kēpr. = Kôprülü Mirāt = 440-a
Кӣја = 2042-a Mirsad = 1107-a
Kulliyat = 1101-a, m Mishk. = Mishkāt = 280-e
Kultus = 2221-a Misk. = Miskawayh = 171-a
Mission = 1695-e
L. = London Ms = Mars
Landschaft = 2220-a ms. = manuscript
Latā'if (Rashīd al-Dīn) = 504-b ms. Alex. = Alexandria manuscript
Latā'if (Ibn Rajab) = 570-b ms. AS = Aya Süfiyä manuscript
Lawami' = 259-a ms. Berl. = Berlin manuscript
Lawāgih = 741-f ms. BN = manuscript of the
LHP = 1673-a Bibliothèque Nationale
Lisān = 632-b ms. Bodl. = Bodleian (Oxford)
L.M. = Louis Massignon manuscript
L.Or. = Ēcole des Langues ms. Br. Mus. = British Museum
Orientales manuscript
LS = Le Strange (1661-c) ms. IO = India Office manuscript
Lughat-ī muran = 1087-a ms. Kópr. = Kóprülü manuscript
Luma‘ = 142-a ms. L.M. = manuscript in Louis
Lun. = lunar Massignon collection
ms. London Or. = London Oriental
M = Muh. = Muhammad manuscript
Madarij = 535-a ms. Nari ‘Uthm. = Nari
Madkhal = 464-b ‘Uthmäniya manuscript
Mafātīh = 1145-d ms. Nus. = Nusayri manuscript
majm., majmi = compilation ms. P. = Paris manuscript
Malati = 2153-a ms. Q. = Qazan manuscript
Māmug. = Màmugqiàni = 1237-a ms. Sulaym. = Sulaymānīya
Manhaj = 805-b manuscript
Manhal = 660-b ms. Taym. = Taymür manuscript

ms. Wel. = Welieddin manuscript Paralip. = Paralipomena or Chronicles

ms. Žāh. = Zāhirīya manuscript (book ofthe Bible)
Mubtahij = 2063-a Passion = cf. P., 1st ed.
Muhad. = 421-a PD = Parole donnée = 1695
Muhāsibī = cf. Essai Pearson = J. D. Pearson, Index
Mukhtar = 371-a Islamicus
Mukhtasar = 463-c Ped. = Pedersen = 1695-bw
Muntahā = 508-a Pers. = Persian
Muntazam = 370-a PG = Patrologia Graeca (Migne)
Murūj = 134-a psnym. = pseudonym
Mushtabih = 530-i Ps. = psalm (Bible)
Must. = Mustafā publ. = publication
Mustanhīj = 354-a
Mustatraf = 2008-a O = Qasim
Muttaqi = 2168-a Oalā'id = 740-a
Muwafaqat = 552-b Qam = 690-e
Oāsimī Ustīl = 2188-a
n. = note Qawl = 449-a
Nafabat = 1150-a Qazw. = 458-a
Nafh = 2157-b QI = qiyàs
Najdi = 976-a Qissa = in Akhbar, 3rd ed.
Май. = Ibn al-Najjār = 430 QT = Quatre Textes (1695-f)
Nama = name(h) (e.g., 1101) Qur. = Qur'àn
Nasā'ih = 2166-b in or on Qur. = commentaries by
Nasl = 2063-c Hallāj on the Qur'an, ap. Essai,
Nd = node (astronomy) 1695-p
n.d. — no date Qush. = О. = 231-a
Nibräs = 419-a Ош. = 145-a
Nishw. = Nishwar = 162-a
n.p. = no publisher, no place R = Rüzbehàn
NRF = Nouvelle Revue Française Radd = 960-a; 2098-c
Nujūm = 660-a Rasa’il = 446-c
Nukat = 1091-Ғ Rawashih = 805-a
Nr = 2199-a Rawd = 579-a
Nūrī = 432 Re, = Rec. = Recueil = 1695-u
REI =Revue des Etudes Islamiques
obs. = observation (Paris)
OM = Opera Minora = 1695 ЕЕ] = Revue des Études Juives (aris)
opp. = opposed to or opposite of RHR = Revue d'Histoire des Religions
Oxf. = Oxford (Paris)
Ri'āya = 2166-a
P. = Paris Rihla = 390-a
P.,1sted. = first edition of this work Risāla (Kindī) = 2139-a
(Passion de Hallaj) Risāla (Turtūshī) = 290-a

Riw. = Riwāyāt, translated in this s.n. = sub nomine

ed., Ch. XIV (Vol. III) and ap. St = Saturn
Essai (1695-u) Sta = 170-b (Sulami, Ta’rikh extr.
RMM = Revue du Monde Musulman ap. 1695-1)
(Paris) Stb = 170-a (Sulami, Tabaqat, extr.
Rom. = Epistle of St. Paul to the ap. 1695-v)
Romans Stf= 170-d (Sulami, Нада’ iq al-tafsir,
Rüh = 1356B-b extr. ap. 1695-p)
Rah al-bayan = 2103-a Subh = 2186-a
Subki = 542-a
s.a. = sub anno Sul. = Sulamī = 170
Sabi = 220-a Sul. = Sulaymān
Sabziwari = 2195-a Sul. Tab. = 170-a
Sadāga = 178-c Sul. Tafs. = 170-d
Sadr Shirazi = 806-a Sūlī = 126
Saf. = Safina = 852-a Sulūk = 2113-a
Safadi = 540-a Supp. Pers. = Persian Supplement
Salman Pak = 1695-a0 Supp. T. = Turkish Supplement
Salmon = 1678-a s.v. = sub verbo
Salsabil = 919-a syn. = synonym
Salwa = 2063-d
Sam ‘ani = 350-a Ta'arruf = 143-a
Sari = 1347-c Tab. = Tabarī (111-a)
Särim = 512-n Tab. = Tabagāt = 170-a (unless there
Sawānih = 281-c is a more precise reference)
Saydala = 190-d Tab. ‘Arib = 164-a
Sh., Sh. Tab. = 741-a Tab. Nussāk = 2018-a
Sh. = Shaykh Ta'bīr = 842-e
Shadd = 591-a Tabsira = 1081-a
Shadharāt = 830-a Tadhk. = 1101-c
Shahi = 138-4 Tafhim = 190-c
Shahr. = Shahrastānī = 2210-a Tafs. = Tafsir
Shakwā = 308-c (cf. 1808-b) Taghr. = Taghrib. = 660-a
Shamil = 251-a Tah. = Tahānawī = 853-a
Shath. = Shathiyat = 1091-b Tahdhīb = 632-d
Shifa’ = 310-a (cf. 793-a) Takmila = 282-a
Shush. = Shushtarī = 447 Ta’iya = 403-a
Sidq = 178-d Tajarib = 171-a
SIJ = Sibt ibn al-Jawzi (440) Talbis = 370-b
Silat = 834-a Tamhidat = 308-a
Simt = 815-a Tanbih = 134-c
Sirat = 175-a Tarq. = 474-a
Sitzb. Bay, = Sitzungsberichte Tar, = Tarā'ig = 1228-a (unless there
Bayerische Akad. Wiss. 1s a more precise reference)

Ta'rīkh = 170-b (unless there is а Wadih = 538-c

more precise reference) Waf. = Wafayat = 471-a
Ta'rikh Dimishq. = 334-a Wahid = 460-a
Tarjumān = 421-1 Wara' = 2098-b
Tatfil = 250-c Wüst. = Wiistenfeld = 1623
Taym. = Taymur
Taw. = Tawásin = 1695-j
Yāg. = Yāgūt = 410-a
Tawwabin = 352-a
Yatīma = 210-c
Thimār = 210-a
Yawāg = Yawāgāt = 741-g
tr. = translation
Yazd. = Ibn Yazdānyār = 228
Täst = Tusy's List = 242-a
Yf = Yüsuf
Yh = Yahyà
U = 'Umar
Yq = Ya'qüb
‘UA = 'Ubaydallàh
Ud. = Udabā” = 410-a
"Ukbari = Ibn Batta 'Ukbari, Sharh ZDMG = Zeitschrift Deutsche
wa апа, ms. Zāh., tawhid 66 Morgenland. Gesellschaft
‘Uluw = 530-g Zàh. = Zähiriya, Damascus
‘Umda (Ibn ‘Inaba) = 2100A-a Zahra = 102 (here, vol. I, ch. V, Ь b)
"Umda (Ibn Rashiq) = 2114-a Zak = Zakariya’
"Ugalā” = 180A-a Zanjī = 125-a
Ushshāg = 1157-a
Usūl (Sulamī) = 170-f OTHER SIGNS
Usūl (Qasimi) = 2188-a
"Uthm. = ‘Uthmän > = via (For example, in a chain of
‘Uyab = 170-g transmission, пай) or precedes
"Uyūn (Ibn Shakir Kutubī) = 539-a logically
‘Uyän (Arib) = 1650-a — = upto
2° = 2nd ed.
V. = verse N = logical non-identity

The system of reference is based on two rules:! |

À) For all general works, which are cited only in passing, references are
abbreviated according to symbols, the list of which is given above; nor-
mally? they refer to the corresponding notices in the classic manual of
Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur.?
В) For particular works alluding to Hallāj (by name or anonymously),
references are abbreviated, either according to symbols (list supra), or
according to serial numbers; references, symbols of abbreviation, and se-
rial numbers all refer to Bibliography, Chapter XV. |
The majority of sources cited are Islamic and in manuscript, for only
since the beginning of my researches has the attention of orientalists been
directed to the collection of texts that I had at my disposal to study. The
name of each library has been simplified to that ofthe city in which it is
located, when it is cited in Brockelmann's list, Geschichte der arabischen
Litteratur, and the manuscript number refers to the catalogue numbering
mentioned in Brockelmann's list. m
As for manuscript sources which are not cited in Brockelmann's list
and which we have used, the numbering will be given below.
Except where specially indicated, the abbreviation ms. refers to an
Arabic manuscript source. ,
The footnotes refer, in particular, to [several of] the author's publica-
tions on Hallāj: | M
Hallaj, Kitab al-tawasin, Arabic text published for the first time with
the Persian version by Bagli, the analysis of his Persian commentary, a

1 [t is essential to recall here the two rules of the first edition, for they have been used in
their basic idea for the new edition. Needless to say, many ofthe sources used by the author
before 1914 were then still in manuscript form. The reader may refer to the “Hallājian Bib-
liography” (Chapter XV) for an updating of these references, |
2 On rare occasions I give notices for works not mentioned in Brockelmann. А
3 [To the first edition (2 vols., 1898-1902), the only one to appear up to 1914, have since
been added a Supplement in 3 volumes, 1937-1942, and a second edition in 2 volumes,
1943-1949.] T"
* (Note to the second edition.) [The numbers ascribed to references of the first edition
have been preserved here. These references have been completed by insertions provided by
the author.]

critical introduction, some observations, notes, and three indices, Paris,

1913: xxiv + 223 pages (1695-). M . .
Quatre Textes inédit Gr à la biographie d'al-Hallāj ; published with
analyses, critical apparatus, notes and an index, Paris, 1914 iii +38 +76
pages. These four texts are the following: 1. Ibn Zanji, Dhikr Magtal al-
Hallaj; п. Sulami, Ta’rikh al-Süfiya (extracts edited by Khatib); m. Ibn
Bākūyā, Bidäyat Hal al-Hallaj wa Nihayatuhu; iv. Akhbar al-Hallaj
(anonymous collection dating from the end of the 4th/10th century)
| rue al-Halläj, Arabic poems attributed to Hallāj, edited, annotated
and translated in Quatre Textes, IV, Paris, 1914. Second edition, with ad-
ditions and corrections, in Journal Asiatique, 1931, pp. 1-158. Third edi-
tion, Geuthner, Paris, 1955, pp. 1-172 (reproduced from the second edi-
tion, p. 1-158, followed by Recherches nouvelles sur le “Diwan al-Hallāj” et
sur ses sources, extracted from Mélanges Fuad Кёрүйїй, Istanbul, 1953, pp.
159-172). It is to this third edition that references will be made here. An
abridged version of the third edition (omitting the poems of doubtful at-
tribution and all of the Arabic texts) appeared, with a foreword entitled
"Perspective transhistorique sur la vie de Hallaj," in Cahiers du Sud,
Paris, 1955, xlvii -- 157 pages (1695-w).]
[Akhbar al-Hallaj, Arabic texts attributed to Hallāj, edited, annotated
and translated in Quatre Textes, IV, Paris, 1914. Second edition, collec-
tion of prayers and exhortations by the martyr mystic of Islam Husayn
Ibn Mansiir Hallaj, arranged about the year 360/971 by Nasrabadhi, pub-
lished, annotated and translated by the author and Paul Kraus, “Au
Calame,” Paris, 1936, 112 + 141 pages. Third edition, reconstructed and
completed, Vrin, Paris, 1957, 217 + 158 pages. References will be made
here to this latter edition (1695-v).]
[Essai sur les origines du lexique technique de la mystique musulmane,
Geuthner, Paris, 1922, 302 + 104 pages. Second edition, Vrin, Paris,
1954, 453 pages, new edition reviewed and considerably enlarged
[Recueil de textes inédits concernant l'histoire de la mystique en pays d'Islam,
collected, classified, annotated and published by the author, Geuthner,
Paris, 1929, x + 259 pages (1695-u).|
[Opera Minora, the author's articles and iconographical documents,
collected, arranged and presented with a bibliography by Y. Moubarac,
Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 1963, Vol. I, 672 pages + 19 plates; Vol. II, 666
pages + 10 plates (18 articles on Hallàj reproduced pp. 1-342); Vol. III,
855 pages + 40 plates; Presses Universitaires, Paris, 1969.]


London. British Museum Supplement (Arabic mss. entered 1894-1912),
by Ellis and Edwards, London, 1912 (and list of entries, deposition
Leyden. Cat. Codd. av. Lugd. Batav., by de Goeje and Th. Juynboll,
Leyden, 1907.
Batavia. Batavia Arabic mss. Cat. Supp., by Van Ronkel, Batavia, 1913.
Beirut. Descriptive cat. of hist. mss. of the Bibl. Or. of Université St.
Joseph, by Cheikho, ap. Mél. Facult. Orient. VI, 213, Beirut, 1913.
Princeton. A list of Arabic mss. in Princeton Univ. Libr., by Enno
Leipzig. Verzeichn. der Arab. Hdss. . . . Univ. Biblioth., by Vollers and
Rome. Cat. of the Arabic mss. in the Vatican, by Tisserant (in prepara-
Former p The Landberg-Brill are in Leyden and Кеа
Fleischer in Leipzig.
In the Near East:
Cairo. Azhar (ms.)5 Cat. Muhammad ‘Abduh. Book Cat. Ahmad
Taymür (Mugtabas publ., 1912).
Jerusalem. “Barnämaj al-Maktabat al-Khālidīya,” 1318/1900.
Damascus. Zāhirīya Cat., cf. Habib Zayyāt, Makātib al-Sham, Faggālab,
Aleppo. Ahmadīya Cat., Mewleviya (ms.) Cat., "Ajjān al-Hadīd Cat.
Mashhad (Persia). Hadra Publ. Cat., ap. “Майа? al-Shams” of l'timäd
al-Saltana, Teheran, 1302, Vol. II, 469-501.
Baghdad. Mirjānīya (ms. cat.). Jāmi' al-Zand (ibid.), Alūsī collection.
Istanbul. Apart from the Aya Sūfiyā, Yéni Jami‘ Catalogues: Köprülü,
Nii 'Uthmàniya, Raghib Pasha, very incompletely used by Brock-
elmann: ‘Umimi (д.н. 1300), ‘Ashir Effendi (1306). Laleli Jami‘
(1311). As'ad Effendi (n.d.). Fatih (n.d.). Bashir Agha (1303).
Walidi Jami‘ (1311). Dügumli Baba (1310), Khosrü Pasha (n.d.).
Muhammad Agha (1310). Hamidiya and Lala Ismāīl (n.d.).
Mahmūd Pāshā and Rostom Pāshā (1311). Mihrshäh Sultān (1310).
Yahyā Effendi (1310). Dāmād Ibrāhīm Pāshā (1279). Walī al-Din
(1304, at Bayezid), ‘Atif Effendi (1310). Qadi ‘Askar Mulla Murad
5 Cf. Horovitz, bib. no. 1691-a, II, 1-79.
and Dar al-Mathnawi (1311). Hakim Ughli ‘Ali Pasha (1311).
Tchorlili ‘Ali Pasha (1303). 'Umüjah Husayn Pasha (1310). Al-Hajj
Salim Agha (1310). Halat Effendi (1312). Sulaymaniya (n.d.) Shahid
‘Ali Pasha (ms.). Tôpqapü (phot. ms. Zaki Pasha). The two waqfs
Wali al-Din Jar Allah and ‘Umijah Husayn Pasha, ap. "Umūmī
(not to be confused with the two libraries of the same name; mss.
cat.). Faydiya (n.d. new Emiri collection). Shah Zade (n.d.)
Salimiya (n.d.). Qarah Mustafa (n.d.). I have not been able to con-
sult the Ekmekji Zāde wagf.
Bankipore (near Patna). Khuda Bukhsh collection.


a. The Schema Followed

The material given here represents a first attempt at a chronological bib-
liography of the written sources on Halläj, his life, his works, and his
teaching. The form used for each reference is based on a decimal classifi-
cation, [in some instances] consisting of three parts: a number, a letter,
and a number. For example, 1112-a-3. The first number refers to the au-
thor (those who wrote in several languages have several numbers: e.g.,
Baqli 380 and 1091; 'Amili 794 and 1177; Nüri 808 and 1345); the letter
that follows refers to the work; and the final number [in most cases omit-
ted in this edition] refers to the line of the paragraph alluded to in the
sequence of unnumbered folios.
Those references that we cannot definitely trace in the sources are
given their number (in parentheses) and are explained afterwards. A cer-
tain number of references go back to quotations from the poetical works
of Halläj, in which no mention was made of his name.
‚ We have included here all of the written documents, the fatwas, official
pieces. We have deliberately omitted from this list of authors and ordi-
nary rawis, the oral transmitters of a verbal document, except in the case
where the early redaction of their testimony was authenticated as a
common source of different written attestations. For example, Ibn al-
Haddad (130).:
1 [In the present (French) edition, we have followed faithfully the plan adopted by the
author in his first edition of Chapter XV in 1921.
Otherwise, the text of Section I has not been changed (except for the standardization ofthe
transcription of Arabic words).]
[In the American edition, except for references to the Our än, volume, chapter, page and
folio numbers were removed from the bibliography, but retained when used in the foot-
notes of each volume. As in the text, accent marks have been omitted from place
names.—H.M. ]
[The references collected in Sections II to XI retain the classification and numbers given
them by the author in 1921. In addition to the references of the first edition we include those
given by the author in his contribution to Mélanges Goldziher (1695-bh) or made by him on
b. Evaluation of Research Conducted
1. The Collections Examined
The great majority of sources consulted and quoted are manuscr
The research done in Europe, both direcdy by me in the oriental collec-
tions of the libraries of Paris, London, Berlin, and Vienna, and through
correspondence in those of Rome, Madrid, and Petersburg, should be
thorough enough. In the East, my personal study of the oriental collec-
tions of the libraries of Cairo, the mosques of Baghdad, Jerusalem,
Damascus, Aleppo, and especially Istanbul,? although carried out very
extensively and with great difficulty, is hardly definitive, given the in-
adequacy of the stock lists and the number of “miscellanies (та]тї'аг)у
to be examined. The published catalogues show that little can be ex-
pected from the private libraries, even from the tekkes of Konia and
rusa; the same can be said to apply to those of the Caucasus, Turkestan,
India, and Malaysia. The Maghrib is also very poor from our point of
view (Fez, Algiers, Tunis).?
In conclusion, the only manuscript collections in which one can rea-
sonably expect to find important information are the sixty mosque librar-
ies of Istanbul and those of the cities of Iran, whose books have unfortu-
nately been plundered since 1913-1914, and broken up by collectors of

2. Kinds of Works Consulted

In terms of language, Arabic, the theological language of Islam, has
been used most in my research; Persian is next; the Turkish works have
been the least studied. Al-Halläj, it should be noted, is especially referred

the margins of his own personal copies, just as he has indicated them. We have also com-
pleted the references of authors already classified by other works of theirs, by adding titles
listed in the Ultima Hallagiana—the handwritten lists of bibliographical references made by
the author between 1951 and 1962. These latter references, which he was not able to put in
their final form, are set [in brackets].
Finally, we have assembled in a new section XII references regarding authors not classified
by Louis Massignon in sections II to XI. These references come either from the aforemen-
tioned Ultima Hallagiana or from the manuscript of this second edition (references that the
author did not have time to copy from his notes at the bottom of the page). Some ofthese
latter references are not quite complete. We felt obliged to keep those that we were unable
to establish more precisely, when the information given might provide a guideline for re-
? On three occasions, May 1909, May 1911, and May 1912. Oriental names given as mss.
collections in the Bibliography without any other identification refer to Istanbul
[note from the first edition].
3 One ms. of Akhbār al-Hallāj was mentioned to me by M. Cour as having been seen in

to in the Turkish works as a subject of Persian poetry. European authors

have been checked with care.
In terms of subjects, the list of historians, including general histories of
the Caliphate, local histories, historical curiosities, collections of biog-
raphies, has been reexamined closely. Likewise that of the mystics,
commentaries on the Qur'an, mystical treatises, pious anecdotes,
hagiographies, as well as that of the jurists, dogmatic treatises on the
usūl, collections of rulings (fatwās), and heresiographies. In terms of lit-
erature, the anthologies that have given any verse by Hallaj* are few in
number. Popular stories have been richer.

3. Desiderata5
It may still be possible to rediscover some of the authentic works of
Hallāj, particularly the Kitāb al-sayhūr, noted in the seventeenth century
in Istanbul by Hajji Khalifa; and there should be some specific documents
about his teaching to be brought to light from unedited collections of
Sunnite and especially Imämite Shi'ite jurisprudence that are preserved in

c. Previous Bibliographical Undertakings

There has been no specifically Halläjian bibliography undertaken until
now. |
In eastern languages, we find only the following:
In Arabic:
172-a. Ibn al-Nadim Fihrist (1, 192): list of Hallaj's works.
440-a. Sibt ibn al-Jawzi. Mir'āt al-zaman, f. 71b: refers to 260-a, 167-a,
126-a, 151-a, 250-a, 370-a-c, 320-a.
512-e. Ibn Taymiya. Kitāb (Kawakib XXVI-1): refers to 133-a, 250-a,
260-a, 370-a, 170-a.
812-a. Mu'min Jazā'irī. Khizānat al-khayāl: refers to 160-a, 242-3,
315-a, 179-a, 213-a, 511-a, 465-a, 586-a.
923-a. Bäqir Khūnsārī. Rawdāt al-jannāt, pp. 227, 234-237: refers to
471-a, 1112-a, 1177-a, 1175-a, 179-a, 160-a, 242-a-b, 511-a, 812-a, 5%-a,
1161-a, 805-a, 794-a, 1127-b.

In Persian:
1175-a. Nūr Allah Shüshtari. Majālis al-mu’minin: refers to 350-3,
1059-c, 1111-a, 511-а, 190-a (7), 1139-a.
* Ms. Küpr. 1620, ms. London DCXLIV. . . .
5 The abbreviation "ms. ‘Ajjan [al-Hadid]" refers to a valuable library collection of Kazi-
1219-a. Bahbahānī. Risāla Khayratiya: refers to 1150-a, 1081-a,
179-a, 1181-a, 242-a, 474-c, 1070-a, 1101-c- d.

In Western Languages:
After Erpenius (1501), editing *462-a, we find the following bibliog-
raphies (the *new sources):
Pococke (1520-a): * 281-a, *520-a, * 471-a.
d'Herbelot (1540-3): *590-a, *810-a, *1152-b (1137-a), *1155-a,
* 1161-a, 462-a, * 530-a.
Tholuck (1580-2), p. 69: *252-a, 520-a, *472-a (1540-3), (1561-3);
de Slane (1590-2), р. 426, n. 7; *541-a.
von Hammer (1602-a): * 172-a, *660-a, * 513-a.
Flügel (1610-2): 660-a, 520-a, 471-a, 252-a, 472-a.
Dozy (1161-2): * 420-2, 520-a, *121-a, * 167-a, 471-a, 1101-c.
von Kremer (1616-2): 420-a, *310-a, *503-a, *741-c, *241-a, *280-a,
472-a, 172-a.
Rieu (1622-a): 471-a, *741-a, *1150-a, *1175-a; *861-b; *1157-a;
Dugat (1626-a): 690-a, 471-a, *280-d.
de Goeje (1650-a): *164-a, *171-a, *291-a, 471-a, X282-a, *370-a,
660-a, 472-a, 172-a, 530-a.
Brockelmann (1652-a): 471-a, 420-a, 172-a, *330-a.
Schreiner (1653-a): Kremer (1616-a) + 172-a, *134-c, *190-a, *201-a,
741-a, *941-a.
Gibb (1660-a):*1311-a,*1321-a, * 1341-a, * 1361-a, * 1362-a, * 1366-a.
Browne (1673-2): * 111-a, * 1135-a (1650-a) = de Goeje, 1101-c, 330-a,
*1262-a, * 1111-2, 1150-a. :
Friedlander (1693-2) (II, 115): 111-a, 471-a, 201-a, 172-a, 164-a, 252-3,
* 241-a, * 1451-а, * 1456-2; * 160-a.
Massignon (1695-h), p. 248 n. 2: 170-b, * 191-d, * 260-a, 370-a, 441-b,
499-a, 1101-a, *1353-а. —p. 249 п. 1: 201-a, * 140-a, * 280-a-b-c-d-e,
310-a, *341-a, *380-a, 1091-a, *401-a, 1101-a-c, *1103-a, *421-c-d,
1107-2, *441-a-b, 1111-a, 1112-a, 471-a, * 450-a, * 480-a and note, * 433-
a, 502-a, *512-a-i, 522-a, ** 523-2, * 531-a, 1129-а, * 541-3, 581-a, 583-a,
1321-a, *664-a, *1159-a, 1141-a, *690-b, *710-a, *790-a, *793-a,
*1177-a, 812-a, * 811-2, 843-2, * 862-a.6
meyn, which was dispersed by the war, and of which I had seen only the detailed descriptive
catalogue, in Aleppo (1919).
6 [This list, assembled in 1921, was not published by the author. (Note from the second


"Amr ibn ‘Uthmän Makki d. 291/903, Baghdad: mystic

a. Rasā'il ila Khūzistān (around 284/897) (cit. 191-b)
Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Dāwūd Isfahani d. 297/909,
Baghdad: jurist: Zähirite
a. Fatwā (bitakfīr al-Hallaj) (around 296/908) (text: 191-b,
103 Abū'l-"'Abbās Ahmad ibn Surayj d. 305/917, Baghdad: jurist:
a. Fatwa (bi tawaqquf . . . hal al-Hallāj) (296/908) (cit. 471-a,
690-e, 201-a, 1091-b)
104 Abū'l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn Ahmad Rāsibī d. 301/914, Dur al-Rasibi:
wālī of Sus
a. Risāla [fi'l qabd ‘ala al-Hallaj] (301/913) (cit. 126-a, 164-a)
105 Abū ‘Ali Haran b. ‘Abd al-'Aziz Awārijī Anbarī, b. 278/891, d.
344/955: mystic
a. Kitābfīmakhārīg al-Hallāj wa hiyalihi (written in 308/921)
(cit. 125-a); excerpt 162-a (?)
106 Abū Ja'far Ahmad b. Ishāg ibn Buhlūl Tanūkhī, b. 231/845, d.
318/930, Baghdad: gādī of gādīs: Hanafite
a. Fatwā (around the beginning of 309/922) (text in 171-a)
b. Fatwā (around the middle of 309/922) (text in 162-a)
107 Abū ‘Umar Muhammad b. Yūsuf Azdi, b. 243/857, d. 320/932,
Baghdad: дайт: Mālikite
a. Fatwa (around the beginning of 309/922) (cf. 711-3)
b. Fatwa (around the middle of 309/922) (cf. 162-3)
c. Fatwa (bi bähat dam al-Hallāj), 18 Dhū'l-Oada 309/20
March 922; countersigned by Qädi Abü Husayn ‘Umar b.
Hasan Shaybānī ibn al-Ushnäni, b. 260/873 d. 339/950,
(Zaydite) Shāfi'ite gādī; and 82 other authorities (330-3,
503-a, 499-3), text in 125-a, 370-a
108 Abü Muhammad Hämid ibn al-‘Abbäs, b. 223/837, d. 311/923,
Wasit: vizir
a. Kitab ilā al-Muqtadir bi'llāh (18 Dhū'l-Oa'da 309 = 20
March 922), redacted by Ibn Zanjī (cit. 125-a)
b. Ruq'a ilā Nasr al-Oushūrī (ibid.)
c. Kitab ilā al-Muqtadir bi'llāh (21 Dhū'l-Oa'da 309 = 23
March 922), ibid. (cf. 125-a, 162-a)
109 Abū'l-Fadl Ja'far-b-Ahmad Muqtadir bi'llāh, b. 282/895, d.
3201932: caliph

a. Kutub ilā Nasr al-Sámani (twenty letters, 309/922), re-

dacted by Ibn Zanji (cit. 125-a. Cf. protocol in 220-a)
b. Taqi bi qatl al-Hallāj (22 Dhū'l-Oa'da 309 = 24 March
922), ibid. (cit. 125-a, 162-a, cf. 126-a)
110 Abū'l-'Abbās Ahmad-b-Muhammad ibn ‘Ata’ Adami, d. 309/
| 922, Baghdad: traditionist
a. Tafsir on Qur'an 3:188; 7:11, 97; 20:109; 53:43; 96:19 (in
170-d, 380-a, 531-a, 741-a)
b. Fatwa (in 309/922), (cit. 170-b) "
c. [Kitab fifatim al-Qur'an (in Bagli, Tafsīr)] [se
d.[Kitab 'awdi'l-sifat via bad'iha (excerpt in Kalabadhi) ]
111 Abü Ja‘far Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari, b. 224/838, d. 310525.
Baghdad: jurist: Sha ite |
a. Ta’rikh (akhbar al- rusul wa'l-mulūk), until 302/914: Ше
series, ed. de Goeje, IV (s.a. 301; except for addition on his
death, which is missing in Berlin ms. 9414)7 [and Cairo ed.]
b. [Kitab ikhtilaf al-fugahā', ed. Schacht, Leyden, 1933]
c. [Itigad, probably from 310 a.n., published in Bombay
1311 An. 15 pp. (excerpt Ibn Fadlallāh ‘Umari, Masālik. /
Very interesting; it quotes Ibn Hanbal)]
112 Abū Sahl Ismā'īl-b-Alī ibn Nawbakht, b. 237/851, d. 311/924:
jurist: Imamite
a. cf. 113-a
113 Abü-Muhammad al-Hasan-b-Müsà Nawbakhti, wrote after
a. Kitab mujalasat Abi Sahl (= 112) ma'a Abi "Alī al-Jubbā'ī
bil-Ahwaz (title cited in Tusy's List, fragments in 120-a,
126-a, 162-a)
b. Radd ‘ala ashāb al-tanasukh wa'l-ghulāt (lost, in Tusy's
List, Fihrist) (fragments in 120-a)
c. al-Arā' wa'l-diyānāt (lost) (source of 121-2)
d. [Kitab firaq al-shi'a, Istanbul, 1931]
114 Abü'l-Qàsim ‘Abd Allah-b-Ahmad Ka'bī, d. 319/931: jurist:
Hanafite; theologian: Mu'tazilite
а. уйп al-masa'il wa'l-jawabat (lost, cit. in Fihrist) (source
of 201-a, probable source of the passage common to 121-a
and 201-a, and of the passage common to 201-a and 190-a)8

? The Persian and Turkish translations stopped at the year 295.

8 The question discussed here in Chapter XIII.

115 Abū Bakr Muhammad-b-Zakariyà Rāzī, d. 320/932: physician

and philosopher, knew Halläj (1055-a, 1101-c); he was sup-
posed to have referred to him as a physician in his al-Hawi
(cf. 1471-2, 1546-3) (?)
116 Abū'l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn al-Fath Mutawwaq, d. 320/932
a. Manāgib al-wuzarā” (from 265 to 319)—lost—(cited ap.
Fihrist, cf. Wiener, Islam, rv)—[probable source of the frag-
ment common to 172-a and 211-a]
117 Abū'l-Oāsim al-Husayn ibn Rawh Nawbakhtī, d. 328/939: 3rd
wakil of the Imämites
а. Таш"fila'nat al-Hallāj wa’l-bara’a minhu (cf. 315-2)
118 "Alī-b-"Abd al-Rahim Qannäd, Riwäya (bib. nos. 250, 540,
543); Is. 39; Recueil
119 Abü ‘Abdalläh Ibrahim ibn 'Arafah Niftawayh, d. 323/934:
grammarian and historian
a. Ta'rikh (cf. 576-3)
120 Abü'l-Husayn ‘Ubayd Allāh-b-Ahmad ibn Abi Tahir, histo-
rian, wrote before 320/932
a. Kitab Baghdād (cit. Fihrist), excerpt in 172-a, 211-a;
Akhbār Mu'tadid (= abbr. of 126-a)
121 Abü Zayd Ahmad ibn Sahl Balkhi, d. 322/934: vizir and geog-
a. Suwar al-agālīm (written in two recensions, around 308/
921 and around 319/931), reproduced in 135-a and 167-a
Abü'l-'Abbàs Ahmad-b-Ja'far Radi bi'llah, b. 297/909, d. 329/
940: caliph
a. Risalat ilà Nasr al-Samani (322/933) (cf. 109-a), excerpt in
Abü'l-Hasan 'Ali-b-al-Husayn ibn Abi Büyeh (father of bib.
no. 160) d. 328/939, Qumm: jurist: Imämite
a. Riwāyāt (fragment in 191-a, 242-b)
Ibn Wahshīya, Filāha nabatiya, excerpt ap. bib. no. 214
Abū Bakr Ahmad-b-Mūsā ibn Mujāhid al-Tamimi, b. 245/859,
d. 324/935: qari’; the probable unique source of
a. Riwāya on the saying "Anà'l-Haqq" uttered to al-Shiblī
(which he was supposed to have transmitted through Ibn
Khälawayh to 150-a, and through Abū "Alī al-Fasawi to
125 Abū'l-Oāsim Ismā'l ibn Abi ‘Abdallah Muhammad Zanji-b-
Ismā'īl Anbārī, wrote around 325/936 his “Memoirs” as а

clerk of the Mazälim (cf. 220-a). Probably published ap.

127-a, used by 151-a, republished ap. 171-a, and via bib. no.
162, ap. 250-a, they contain
a. Dhikr akhbar al-Hallaj . . . ilā hii magtalihi, account
given of the trial of 309/922 (by the assistant clerk). Cf. 151-a,
171-a, 250-a, 282-a. Published ap. Quatre Textes (1695)
126 Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahyā Süli, d. 334/945, Basra: Im-
a. Akhbār al-Mugtadir (in Kitāb al-awraq), reedited by 120-a
ms. Azhar: published by Kratchkovsky (cf. 1724-2), frag-
ment in 260-a (from which are derived 370-a, 440-a, 501-a,
530-a, 830-a), abridged in 164-a
b. [Ash'ar awlad al-khulafa’ wa akhbāruhum, London, 1931]
c. [Akhbar al-Rādī wa'l-Muttagī, London, 1945; Algiers,
d. [Adab al-kuttab, Cairo, 1922]
127 Abū ‘Abdallah Muhammad ibn 'Abdūs Jahshīyārī, d. 331/942:
a. Akhbar al-Muqtadir bi'llah (“fi ulūf min al-awrāg,” accord-
ing to 134-3), lost, fragment at beginning of 125-a (prologue)
and in 220-3?
Abū Bakr'? Muhammad-b-Mūsā Wāsitī ibn al-Farghānī, d.
331/942; Merv: mystic
a. Tafsir al-Qur'an (lost, edited by Qasim Sayyārī, source
of 170-d)
b. Hikam (in 741-a and 1055-3, cf. 330-a)
с. Ha’ mim al-gidam (lost, cited 1091-2)
Abü ‘Umära (Abü Bakr, or Abü Mughith) Muhammad-b-
‘Abdallah Hāshimī al-Rabi'i, head of the Halläjiya of Ahwaz
and Basra, after 309/922 (cf. 125-a, 162-a, 282-3)
a. Edition of Kitab al-tawasin. Cf. 1695-j
Abü Bakr Muhammad-b-Ahmad ibn al-Haddäd Misri, d. 345/
956: gādī of gādīs: Shāfi'ite
a. Riwāyāt fi al-Hallāj (common source of 170-a and 191-3)
Abü'l-Qàsim Faris-b-Abi al-Fawāris ‘Isa Dinawari, d. around
340/951: mystic
a. Ta'lifatfimadhhab al-Hallaj (cited 230-a, 1150-a) lost
(source of 143-a, 144-a, 170-a-d)
? The question discussed ap. Quatre textes, pp. 6-7.
10 Most likely identical to the following.

b. [Edition of Ash'ār wa munājāt al-H b. M]

132 Abü Muhammad Ja'far ibn Nusayr Khuldi (Khalidi), d. 348/
959, Baghdad: mystic
a. Hikāyāt al-masha'ikh (lost), excerpts (in 1059-a, 231-a,
250-a, cf. 140-a); Recueil
133 Abū Muhammad Ismi‘il-b-‘Ali Khutabi, d. 350/961: historian,
muhaddith, master of Dāragutnī, friend of Abū Bakr ibn
a. Ta'rikh Baghdad (lost), excerpt in 250-a
134 Abū'l-Hasan 'Ali-b-al-Husayn Mas'üdi, d. 346/957, Fustat: his-
torian: Mu'tazilite
a. Murūj al-dhahab (written 336/947), Paris ed., 1861-1877
b. Magālāt arbāb al-nihal wa ru'asá' al-milal (lost, cited 134-c)
c. al- Tanbih wa'l-ishraf (written 345/956), de Goeje ed.; Fr.
translation De Vaux
Abū Ishag Ibrāhīm-b-Muhammad Istakhri: geographer
a. Masālik al-mamalik (reedition of 121-a), ms. Berlin 6032
= ms. Tēpgapū 2820 = de Goeje ed., 1870
M-b-Farrukhan Dari, d. 359/969, Hikāyāt, ap. Khatib; Is. 84
Abū Muhammad ‘Abdallah ibn Khudhyān Farghānī, d. before
370/980: historian; wrote in 336 A.H. (Yāgūt, Udaba’)
a. al-Mudhayyal (following 111-a, after 302/914) (lost, ex-
cerpts in 164-a and 410-a)
137 Abü'l-Husayn ‘Abdallah-b-Miisa Salami, d. 374/983, Bukhara
(350-a): mystic, disciple of al-Shibli
a. Ta’rikh (lost; used by 170-d, on Qur'àn 26, and 251-a,
4:120)—excerpt in 660-a (? via 170-b); Itidāl; Kh.; Is. 210
138 A-b-M-b ‘Abd al-Jalil Sijazi, wrote in 380 А.н. (= 358 Yazd.)
the Jami shāhī fi'l-mawalid, ms. L.M.
139 Hy-b-Hamdān Khasibi, d. 357/968, Aleppo
a. Diwan, ms. Manchester 452A
b. [Kitāb al-hidāya; cf. Brock. S. I]
140 Abü Zur'a Ahmad-b-Muhammad al-Fadl Tabari, d. after 353/
964, Shiraz: mystic
a. Riwäyat (lost, common source of 170-a and 181-а)
141 Abū ‘Abdallah Muhammad ibn Khafif al-Dabbi, d. 371/980:
theologian: Ash'arite; mystic: head of an order
a. Ta'lifat (works lost, excerpts in 1059-a, 191-a, 362-3)
b. Hikāyat ba'd al-fugarā” ‘an Ibn Khafif (ms. London 888;
ms. Berlin 3492. The Manāgib quoted ар. Baglī)

142 Abū Nasr ‘Abdalläh-b-‘Ali Sarrāj, d. 377/987: mystic

a. Kitāb al-luma', Nicholson ed.; ms. Ellis; ms. London Or.
7710; fragment edited by A. J. Arberry, 1947
b. Mihan al-sūfīya (lost, cit. 634-a)
143 Abū Bakr Muhammad-b-Ishāg Kalābādhī, d. 380/990: jurist:
Hanafite; mystic: Fārisī
a. al-Ta‘arruf lī madhhab ahl al-tasawwuf: 1st recension of
Suhrawardī Magtūl (363-b): ms. Qadi ‘Askar 1254—Oxford
II; Cairo; 2nd recension, of al-Qunàwi (513-a): ms. Vienna
1888, Fatih 2661, Wali al-Din. Hallaj is designated in this
work by the paraphrase ba d al-Kubara’ [
fi kalam lahu], except
in two places, in fine, where he is called Abü al-Mughith;
A. J. Arberry, Cairo, 1933 (with English translation) (iden-
tifications omitted)
b. al-Akhbār bi fawa’id al-akhyār, ms. Fatih 697; ms. P. 5855
144 Abü'l-Faraj ‘Abd al-Wāhid-b-Bakr Shirazi Warthani, d. in
Hijaz 372/981: traditionist и æ
e a. Ta'rikh al-süfiya (lost, cited ap. ‘Akhbar al-silihin,] ms.
Anon., Cairo, Tas.) (source of 170-a)
b. [Ahādīth wa hikāyāt |
145 Abū Tālib Muhammad Makki, d. 380/990: theologian: Sālimī
а. Ой al-quliib, printed Cairo, 1310 (cf. 1695-j), (cf. 280-a)
146 Maymūn Tabarānī, d. around 418 A.H.: Nusayrī
a. Majmū' al-a'yád, ms. Nieger (= R. Strothmann ed., Ber-
lin, 1944-46)
150 Mutahhar ibn Tahir Maqdisi Busti, polygraph, wrote in 355/
a. Kitab al-bad’ wa’l-ta’rikh, ms. Dāmād Ibrahim Pāshā...,
ms. Rostam Pasha, Huart ed.!! (text and translation); cf. Is.
b. Unedited part, Huart copy
151 Thābit ibn Sinan al-Sabi, d. 366/976: historian
a. Ta’rikh (years 295/907 to 360/970); fragment in 172-a
(299 a.n.), 440-а (301 А.н.), and 440-a (309 А.н.) via 260-a
(used 125-a)
160 Abū Ja'far Muhammad-b-'Alī ibn Babawayh al-Sadüq; d. 381/
991: theologian: Imämite (= Ibn Babawayh)
a. Itigādāt al-Imāmīya, ms. London Add. (published in part
in 1693-2), see 174-а; cf. 1238
11 According to Abü ‘Abdalläh (= Ibn Khälawayh, d. 370/980; cf. 211-a, p. 559), pupil of
Abü Bakr ibn Mujähid and of Niftawayh (Subki II, 213).

b. "Ада? (distinct from I'tigadát)

c. [Ikmāl kamal al-Din . . . Brock. S. 1]
162 Abü 'Ali Muhassin ibn 'Ali Tanükhi, d. 384/994: jurist:
Hanafite; wrote several accounts, drawn from the Mutazilite
Ibn al-Azraq, nephew of Oādī Ibn Buhlūl, ap. Ae 3
a. Nishwār al-mulhādara, ms. P. 3482; Margoliouth ed., pot
1921; Recueil Wwe
b. (Reedition of 125-a. Cf. 250-a) „
c. [Kitāb al-faraj ba'd al-shidda, Cairo, 1904, 1958] transmit-
ted by his son Abū al-Oāsim ‘Ali (b. Basra 365/975, а. 447]
164 ‘Arib ibn Sa'd Qurtubi, historian, wrote around 366/976
а. Silat ta'rīkh Tabari (following 111-a, copied from 126-a)
ms. Gotha 1554; de Goeje ed., 1897
165 Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn al-Tayyib Bāgillāni, d. 403/1012:
theologian: Ash'arite; jurist: Mālikite
a. Kitab fi 'ajz al-mu tazila ‘an tashbih dalā”il al-nubitwa (lost, X
excerpt in 201-a) (cf. Subki) = al-Bayan wa'l-farg, ms. i
Tübingen 93 (cf. Winkler) |
b. Excerpt ap. 251-a, and Ibn Dihya, Nibrās, Azzawī ed.,
Baghdad, 1946 E
165A "Alī Qazwini Saygalī, Surür al-asrár (Kh. УШ}; Is. 216
167 Abü'l-Qàsim ibn Hawgal, PKI A in 367/977
a. Masālik al-mamālik, de Goeje ed. (cf. recension of 260-a,
in 440-a, and 530-a)
b. Ibid., Persian translation, ms. Eton, translated into Eng-
lish by Ouseley (cf. 1561-a)
168 Muhammad-b-A-b-Ismà'il ibn Sam'ün, d. 386/996, Baghdad: em =
Hanabalite mystic D il
a. Hikam, published by Abū al-Husayn 'Ali-b-'Umar a: ` KÉ
Qazwini (b. 364/974, d. 442/1050); (fragment), cited in 241-a А»
(cf. 1695-j) xj
170 Abü 'Abd al-Rahmàn Muhammad b. al-Husayn Sulami, b.
330/941, d. 412/1021, Nishapur: mystic
а. Tabagāt al-sūfīja, ms. London Add. 18520, ms. Berlin
9972, ms. 'Ashir Effendi 677, ms. 'Umümi 157. [Sharieba :
ed. Cairo, 1953; Pedersen ed., Leiden, 1960]
b. Ta'rikh al-stifiya (lost, fragment in 250-а and 181-3),
fragments published ap. Quatre Textes, (1695-1)?
12 Written before 371/982; used in the ta'rīkh of Hafiz al-Hākim Muhammad Ibn al-
Вауу? al-Dabbi, a historian critical of traditionists (cf. Sam'ānī, s.v. Sulami; Subki II, 68).
c. Jawami' ādāb al-sūfīya, last chapter of his Sunan al-sūfīya,
lost; ms. Laleli Jami' 1516
d. Tafsir. . . bi lisan ahl al-hagā'ig, mss. Azhar, Кӧрг. 91
(dated 1077 A.H.), Kópr. 92 (dated 739 А.н.), Fatih 260, Fatih
261 (dated 600 А.н.), Fatih 262 (dated 661 A.H.), Oādī “Askar
82 (dated 699 À.H.), Озат ‘Askar 81, Hakim Ughli 99 (Vol.
П, dated 732 A.H.), Yéni Jami‘ 43 (recension of Hisham
al-Din al-Kamili al-Khwärizmi, year 771 A.H.), Wali al-Din
148 (dated 681 А.н.), Dāmād Ibrahim 115, Alexandria, Bank-
ipore. References to al-Husayn (b. Mansūr = Hallaj):** on
Qur'àn 1: 1 (2); 2: 14, 51 (2), 109, 256 (2); 3: 16 (4), 25, 29, 34,
77, 89, 138, 188; 4: 103, 124, 138; 5: 3, 23, 39, 101, 116, 119;
6: 2, 18, 19, 53, 66, 69, 73, 76, 91 (2), 103; 7: 1 (2), 22, 28, 97
(2), 139, 140, 158, 171 (3), 204; 9: 43, 112 (2), 129; 10: 1, 33
(2), 35 (2), 43, 82; 11: 1, 3, 47; 12: 67, 76, 106; 13: 9, 28, 42;
14: 15; 15: 75, 99; 16: 21; 17: 72, 76, 110; 18: 8, 17, 48, 64, 78,
81, 107, 109; 19: 13, 55, 57 (2); 20: 18 (2), 26, 106; 21: 38, 43,
83, 110; 23: 12 (3), 14, 15, 93; 24: 26, 31, 35 (3), 37 (2), 53; 25:
2, 4, 22 (2), 60; 27: 29, 60; 28: 24, 46, 73, 85; 30: 39 (2), 45; 32:
16; 33: 23, 35, 72 (2); 35: 16, 29; 36: 10, 21, 55, 82; 37: 106; 39:
23 (4), 55, 63, 67; 40: 15, 67; 42: 17; 44: 51; 46: 25 (2); 47: 21
(2); 48: 10, 29; 49: 3, 17; 50: 1, 36 (3), 37; 51: 21; 52: 47 (2); 53:
3, 24, 43; 55: 1; 56: 23; 57: 3 (4), 5; 58: 8, 22 (2); 59: 8; 62: 4;
64: 3; 65: 2; 68: 4 (4); 69: 38; 72: 7; 74: 3-4, 52; 82: 8; 85: 3; 88:
8, 13, 19; 89: 17; 96: 19; 98: 4, 5; 102: 5, 7 (2); 109: 1; 112: 1
(3); 113: 1. Ms. Sulaym. 97, Sh. ‘Ali
Many references appear in two different recensions (17 —
49, 47 = 93, 52 = 108, 168 = 173, 110 = 150, 146 = 151, 41°
= 57, 41? = 152), which seems to prove that al-Sulami used
two different glosses of works of Hallāj, those by Fāris and
Abū Bakr Wasiti, in order to cite them.
e. Dhikr asmā” . . . (abridged from 170-a), ms. Kópr. 1603
(dated 743 A.H.)
f. Usūl al-malamatiya wa ghalatat al-sūfīya, ms. Cairo
g. ‘Uyüb al-nafs, Beirut ed., n.d.; Is. 332 (Massignon Col-
171 Abü 'Ali Ahmad, called Miskawayh, d. 421/1030: polygraph
a. Tajārib al-umam (written 372/982): ms. P. 5838 (pub-
lished in edition of 164-a by de Goeje), ms. Ауа Sūfiyā

13 In the same way as Ibn al-Jawzi gives it (370-b, ch. X).


(photo. ed. Teano-Amedroz: years 284-326 A.H.). Mar-

goliouth ed. Eclipse of the ‘Abbasid Caliphate (Oxford, 1922);
cf.J. Sauvaget, Historiens arabes, Paris, 1946
172 Abü'l-Faraj Muhammad-b-Ishaq ibn al-Nadim al-Warraq: bib-
liographer, wrote around 377/988
a. Kitab al-fihrist, 1st ed. Flügel, 1871, based on ms. Kópr.
1134, via copy — ms. P. 4458 (old collection 1400); cf. Znd
ms. Shahid 'Ali Päshä 1934, copied from the autograph:
Magāla V, fasc. 5: based on bib. nos. 120, 151, and perhaps
116 (cf. bib. no. 211)
b. Ibid. (2nd list of Hallaj’s works) ms. Berlin 15
174 Muhammad-b-al-Husayn al-Sharif Radi Müsawi, d. 406/1015,
Baghdad: philologist and Imāmite poet
a. Itigādāt amlāhā ‘ala al-Mufid (cf. bib. no. 179) wa dhayl
li’l-Mufid, ms. 'Ajjàn
b. [Risalat ilā Nir al-Sam ant]
175 Abū'l-Hasan 'Alī-b-Muhammad Daylamī, between 371/982
and 570/1175; according to 591-a, this mystic was born in
352/963 at the latest
a. Sirat al-Shaykh ibn Khafif. 1st Persian translation in
1091-a; 2nd Persian translation in 1144-a — Mashyakha |
b. [Kitab ‘atfal-alif al-ma'lüf ‘ala’l-lam al-ma'tif ]Cf. H. Rit-
ter, DI (1933); and R. Walzer, JRAS (July 1939). Ms.
Tübingen 82 [tr. in Mélanges Joseph Maréchal, Brussels, 1950]
c. [Kitab 'atf al-alif al-ma'lüf . . . ms. Tübingen Weisw. 81
(cf. Ritter, 1772-b; Walzer, JRAS, 1939)]
178 Abū Hayyān "Alī ibn Muhammad Tawhidi, b. 320/932, d. 414/
1023, Shiraz (see 591-3): philosopher
a. Kitab al-hajj al-'agli idhā daqa al-fada ‘an al-hajj al-shar'i
(lost, cf. 170-d, in III). Cf. 923-a, 410-a
b. [Riyad al-'arifin. Risālaftakhbar al-stiftya (lost)]
c. Sadäqa wa'l-siddiq, Cairo, 1323
d. [Risalat fi'l-sidq wa'l-tasdiq . . . , Cairo, 1884]
e. [al-Imtā' wa'l-nudatnā', Cairo, 1949-1953]
179 Abū ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b-Muhammad ‘Ukbari Mufid, d.
413/1022: theologian: Imāmite
a. Kitabfīal-radd "alā al-Hallājīya?* (lost, cited 257-a, 698-a,
725-a, 755-a, 923-a, 1183-a, 1229-a)
b. Sharh 'agā”id al-Sadūg, Shahrastani ed., Tabriz, 1359. Cf.
Khuyyi (1236); 924-a; 1238-a; Is. 333
14 Variant: ashab al-Hallāj.

Abū Sa'd ‘Abd al-Malik-b-"Uthmàn Kharküshi, d. 406/1015:

mystic: Malāmatī; theologian: Ash'arite
a. Tahdhib al-asrar, ms. Berlin Spr. 832
b. Riyad al-uns, ms. "Ajjān: not consulted
180A H-b-M-b-Habib Naysabüri, d. 406/1015
a. ‘Ugala’ al-Majanin (Damascus, 1343); Is. 224
181 Abū Sa'id Muhammad-b-'Ali Naggāsh, d. 412/1021, Isfahan:
jurist: Hanbalite
a. Ta'rikh al-süfiya (lost, fragment in 530-a, cf. 633-a,
which used 170-b)
182 Abü'l-Husayn ‘Ali ibn Jahdam al-Himsi Hamadhānī, d. 414/
1023, Jerusalem: traditionist
a. Bahjat al-asrar wa lawāmi" al-anwar (source of 278-a and
320-a) (1 fragment in Damascus: Zah. majm. 64)
183 Abü'l--Abbàs Ahmad-b-Muhammad b. Zakarīyā Nasawi al-
Misrī, d. 396/1005: jurist: Shafi'ite
a. Tabagāt al-süfiya (cited in 810-a, no. 7905; source of
309-2, etc.; lost), fragment in 250-b (using 170-b); Is. 206
185 Abü'l-Hasan Oābisī Oayrawānī, d. around 420/1029:15 jurist:
a. Fatwa (cited in 310-a, 793-a, 811-a)
186 Anonymous
Ta’rikh inbā” al-anbiyā” wa’l-khulafa’ (circa 422 A.H.), ms.
London Or. 8583
187 Abū'l-'Alā” Muhammad-b-'Ali-b-Ahmad-b-Ya'qüb Wasiti, d.
431/1039: qadi and mugri': pupil of Ibn al-Bayyi
a. Riwāya (cited in 250-2)
190 Abū'l-Rayhān Muhammad-b-Ahmad Bīrūnī, d. 440/1048:
a. al-Athar al-bāgiya ‘an al-gurūn al-khdliya (written 390/
1000), Sachau ed., 1878 (cf. English translation Sachau,
1879): chap. VIII—Ms. P. supp. Ar. 713, miniature copied
from ms. Edinburgh Univ. 161 (Th. Arnold): cf. ms.
Salemann, Bull. Acad. Petersb. 1912
b. Ta’rikh al-Hind, Sachau ed. 1887 (= 170-4)
c. Tafhim (? missing in Ramsay Wright ed., 1934), in
which the reference concerning Talaqan noted by Nüralläh
Shüshtari (1175-2) came from Mutabar by Sijazī (138)
d. [Muqaddimat kitāb al-saydala fi'l-tibb. Istanbul 1937,
Meyerhoff ed.|

15 Codera, Bibl. arab. hisp., 1, 89; VIII, 94; II, 278.


e. [Kitab al-jamahirfima'rifat al-jawahi, Hyderabad, 1935]

191 Abū ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b-‘Abdallah ibn Bākūyā, d. 428
A.H., Shiraz: mystic
a. b. Bidayat hal al-Hallaj wa nihayatuhu (written in
Nishapur in 426/1034), ms. Damascus, cat. n. 81 (majm.)
(dated 897/1491) — Akhbar al-Hallaj, cited in 440-a, used in
250-a (major recensionLand 530-a (minor recensjon). Major
recension published ЧЕ? Textes, Ш (16951) See notice
Is. 324 (ap. Mélanges Félix Grat, 1946. D. Ms. Damascus
тајт. 81 (Ajurri), 7th Risāla
201 "Abd al-Qahir Baghdädi, d. 429/1037: Ash'arite theologian
a. al-Farq bayn al-firaq (written after 378/9088), ms. Berlin
2800 = summarized ap. ms. Damascus cat. n. 31 = Badr ed.
(Cairo, 1328). Translated by Seelye (New York, 1922), com-
pleted by Halkin (Tel Aviv, 1936)
b. His Mukhtasar, ascribed to "A Razzāg-b-Rizg Ras'ani,
(written in 647), pub. by P. K. Hitti (Cairo, 1924) (cf. trans-
lation by P. K. Hitti)
c. Kitab al-milal wa’l-nihal (lost, cit. Subkī)
d. [Kitab usūl al-Din, Istanbul, 1938]
210 Abū Mansür ‘Abd al-Malik-b-Muhammad Tha‘älibi, а. 429/
1038: polygraph
a. Thimār al-quliib, Cairo, 1326
b. Nafhat al-majlüb (abridged from 210-3), ms. Leyden
Cod. 903
c. [Kitab yatimat al-dahr (Cairo, 1965-1967), work com-
pleted by Bākharzī]
d. [Kitab lata’if al-ma‘arif, De Jong ed., Leyden, 1867]
Abü'l-Hasan 'Ali-b-Dükhla ibn al-Oārih Halabi, d. around
421/1030, Mosul: grammarian
a. Risalat ilā al-Ma‘arvi (cf. 212-2), ms. Jaza'iri = edition ap.
*Al-Mugtabas” 1910. Reprinted by Kurdaly, Rasa’il al-
Bulagha’ (Cairo, 1331); the lacuna after “Shibli” comes from
the unique ms. Jazā'irī, Taymür Collection, majm. 80 (copied
in ms. Taymūr [year 1327] no. 753)
212 Abt’l-‘Ala’ al-Ma'arri, d. 450/1058: poet
a. Risálat al-ghufrán (response to 211-a), Cairo ed., 1907 =
Nicholson ed. JRAS, London, 1902 (translation and text)
‘Ali ibn Tahir al-Sharif al-Murtadā ‘Alam Huda, d. 436/1044:
theologian: Imàmite
a. Tawgī cf. 213-b, cit. in 812-a
b. Probable source of 1081-a

214 Pseudo-Majriti
a. Ghayat al-hakim, Ritter ed., 1933; cf. Latin translation
“Picatrix,” and Hebrew translation
42218 Abi'l-Hasan Dūmī, historian, wrote in 427/1035
| a. Tuhfat al-zurafa’fi akhbar al-anbiya' wa’l-khulafa’, ms.
Cambridge 225 BEA
220 Hiläl ibn al-Muhassin Sabi, d. 448/1056: historian sA
a. Kitab al-wuzara’ (written before 433/1042), Amedrof ed.
228 Abü Ja'farMuhammad-b-al-Husayn-b-Ahmad ibn Yazdänyär,
mystic, wrote around 430/1038
а. Rawdat (adab) al-muridin, ms. Cairo, II; ms. P. 1369
230 Abü Ja‘far Muhammad ibn al-Sabbāh Saydalānī, Hallājian,
wrote around 440/1048, in Iraq
a. Fi takfir al-Fārisīya (excerpt in 1055-a)
231 Abū'l-Oāsim ‘Abd al-Karim ibn Hawäzin Qushayri, d. 465/
1074: jurist: Shafi‘ite; mystic
a. Risāla ilā jamá'at al-süftya bi-buldän al-Islam, written in
43711045: Cairo, 1290, recension of Abū al-Mahäsin al-
Ruwayäni, 502/1108 = Cairo, 1318. See bib. no. 1338
b. Latā'if al-ishārāt (tafsir),! ms. Yeni 101, ms. Faydiyah
224, 225: on Qur'àn 3:188; 15:42; 22:41; 23:99; 25:61-62;
28:30; 42:27; 44:7; Recueil
c. Fatwá (cit. 1055-a, 1101-b, 632-a)
d. Kitāb tartīb al-sulūkfi tarīg Allah, ms. Berlin 3262 (ex-
cerpt in 683-3); ms. AS 2910 (chap. VI), Recueil; cf. Rasa "il
ms. Hakim Ughli 942
e. [Takhyir, ms. P. 1383]
240 Muhammad-b-Salàma Oudā'ī, d. 454/1062: Shafi‘ite
a. Таен... ms. P. 1490 = ms. London Add. 23285 =
ms. Bodl. (Рос. 270) = ms. Bodl. (Or. Marshall) (cf. 218-a)
241 Abü Muhammad 'Ali-b-Ahmad ibn Hazm, d. 456/1064: jurist:
a. al-Fisal fi'l-milal . . . wa'l-nihal, Cairo, 1317; cf. 2210-a
b. [Jamharat ansab al-‘Arab, Cairo, 1948 (Lévi-Provengal
c. al-Ihkamfī usūl al-ahkäm, Cairo, 1345-1347 (1926-1928) 8
vols. in 2; Cairo, 1968

16 Not to be confused with his tafsīr kabīr finished before 410/1019 (Subki, III, 245-246).

d. al-Muhallā, Cairo, 1347-1352 (1928-1933), 11 vols.

Cairo, 1964 (11 vols. in 8)
e. Mudäwat al-nufūs wa tahdhib al-akhlaq, Cairo, 1323/1905;
Medina, 1970
242 Abū Ja'far Muhammad ibn Hasan Tūsī, d. 459/1067: jurist: Im-
a. Kitäb al-ghayba (cit. in 511-a, excerpt in 923-a). Lith.
Tabriz, 1323
b. Kitāb al-igtisād (excerpt in 567-a)
c. [Fihrist kitab al-shi'a (Brock. S. 1 707; Eng. translation by
Sprenger, Calcutta, 1855)]
Abü Bakr ibn Thäbit Khatib Baghdadi, d. 463/1071: traditionist
a. Ta'rīkh Baghdad," ms. Kópr. 1023, 1025; Hakim Ughli
694; Nari ‘Uthmaniya 3093-3094 (s.v. Husayn ibn Mansūr).
Gives first $$ 1-68 (summary published in Quatre Textes),
then $$ 69-84, of 125-a (85 $). Cf. ms. Azhar (Cairo, 1831) H
Vol. VIII; see notice Is. 301 (= ap. Mélanges Félix Grat, 1946)
b. Mukhtasar ta'rīkh Baghdad (anonymous), ms. P. 2132
c. [Kitab al-tatfil wa hikāyāt al- Tufailiyin, Brock. S. I]
251 Abü'l-Ma'ali ‘Abd al-Malik Juwayni Imam al-Haramayn, d.
478/1085, Nishapur: theologian: Ash'arite
a. al-Shamilfiusūl al-din (lost,!9 corr. Brock. G. I) (excerpt
252 Abü'l-Muzaffar Shahfūr-b-Tāhir Isfarā'inī, d. 471/1078: theo-
logian: Ash'arite
a. al-Farg bayn al-firag, ms. Berlin 2801 (reed. of 201-3).
[5-2 Tabsir fi'l-din (= al-Farq)], M. S. Na'imi A'zami ed.,
Tunis, 1939; and M.Z.H. Kawthari ed., Cairo, 1940
253 Abü Shakür M Sälimi Kashi
a. Tamhidfibayán al-tawhid, mss. IO 384 and 1033; ms.
Calcutta ASB Arabic 440 (Ivanow)
256 Abū'l-Fadl Muhammad-b-Tāhir-b-"Alī Maqdisi ibn al-
Qaysarani, d. 507/1113: traditionist, apologist for Sufism?
a. Critique of 131-a (cited 1055-a)
257 ... Ibn Hamza... , d. around 490/1097 (pupil of bib. no. 242):
a. Hadi ilā'l-najāt min jami" al-muhlikat (summary of 179-3;
excerpt ap. 1183-3)
17 Abridged “Rawdat al-abrär,” ms. Wali al-Din, 2424.
18 This is not ms. Leyden 1945, nor ms. Algiers 2015.
19 Author of the Safwat al-tasawwwuf, Zahirite.

Shaydhala Jīlī, d. 494/1100

a. Lawami‘, ms. Berlin 3083, and 3082 pub. by S. Pines,
Orientalia, 1938. Fragment ap. ms. Vatican Ar. 32, cf. Levi
della Vida, Elenco des manoscritti arabi islamici, Vatican, 1935
260 Abü Yüsuf 'Abd al-Salàm-b-Muhammad Qazwini, b. 393/
1002, d. 488/1095: Zaydite;2° Mu'tazilite; pupil of "Abd al-
Jabbär and Ibn Kajj
a. Akhbar al-Hallaj (lost work: used in 370-a, 458-a; cited in
440-2) reply to the following work (261-3)
261 Abū'l-Wafā” ‘Ali ibn ‘Aqil, d. 513/1119: jurist: Hanbalite
a. Juz”finasr (karārnāt) al-Hallaj (cited in 261-b). I believe
this work to be the same as the anonymous Risāla hallajiya,
which 1 published under the title Akhbār al-Hallaj (Quatre
Textes, 1695-1). In addition to the arguments developed
there, such as that concerning the technical retouchings,
which are by a Hanbalite, and which clearly showed a break
with the “disciples of al-Hallaj" (Talamidha, §§ 18, 19, 38,
52), we must include the quotation from $$ 10 and 23 by the
HanbaliteMunāwī(795-a), the use of tarahhum (S 10) specifi-
cally blamed on Ibn ‘А91 (the tardiya$ 16 is probably, and
the tagdīs$ 6 is surely, interpolated), and the deliberate omis-
sion of the name of the author (copied from a retracted
work); cf. 275-a, 392-a, 463-a. [This] juz’ = intisār (?): Is. 408
(Mélanges Félix Grat, 1946)
b. Khatt (retraction, in 465/1073); text in 570-a
c. [Kitab al-funiin, ms. P. 787; edited by George Makdisi,
see bib. no. 2152]
A-b-M ibn ‘Abd al-Karim b-M-b-Sa'd, d. 902
a. Firdaws (Persian translation bib. no. 1129A-a)
Abü'l-Yumn Mas'üd-b-Muhammad Bukhari, d. 491/1098: his-
a. Mukhtasar ta'rikh Baghdad (excerpt of 250-3), ms. Berlin
271 Abū Alī ibn Jazla, d. 493/1100: historian
a. Mukhtasar ta'rīkh Baghdad (reed. of 270-2), ms. London
Br. Mus. Or. 107
275 "Alī-b-Ahmad-b-"Alī al-Wā'iz ibn al-Qassäs Shirwānī, d.
around 500/1106: traditionist

20 Subki III, 230.


a. Akhbār al-Hallaj. 1 believe this work is a first reedition of

261-a; according to al-Silafi: “most ofits isnāds come from a
work without authority," a veiled way ofindicating a retracted
work (cited 530-d, via 295-a)
Husayn-b-al-Mufaddal Räghib al-Isfahani, d. 502/1108: lit-
a. Muhādarāt al-udabā”, Cairo, 1902
b. [al-Dhari‘a ilā makārim al-shari'a. Brock. С. 1]
Abū Bakr Muhammad-b-Ja'far al-Sarraj al-Qari’, d. 500/1106,
Baghdad: traditionist
a. Masari‘ al-‘ushshaq, Istanbul, 1301. Verified abridged ed.
of Biqà'i, ms. P. 3005
280 Abū Hamid Muhammad Ghazālī, d. 505/1111: theologian
a. Ihyā” 'ulūm al-din (written 488/1095), Cairo, 1312; ap.
“ibadat (Ит 1-3), ‘adat (sama‘ VIII-2), muhlikat (dhamm al-
ghurür X-3), munjiyat (tawba 1-4; tawhid V-1; mahabba VI-1;
tafakkur IX-3)
b. Mukāshafat al-gulūb, abridged ed., Cairo, 1300
с. al-Magsad al-asnā, Cairo, 1324
d. Ma “arij al-salikin, ms. P. 1331
e. Mishkat al-anwar wa misfat al-asrär, ms. P. 1331 (= Cairo
ed., 1322). Not to be confused with Mishkāt al-anwār wa
lata'if al-akhbar by Ibn al-Misri, d. 877/1472 (comp. Cairo cat.
no. 8246 with 810-a, s.v.); 1322 ed.
f. al-Imla' alā mushkil al-ihya’, ms. Berlin 1714 (cit. 461-a,
g. Mustazhirī, Goldziher ed. (cf. 1640-g)
h. Radd jamil, Chidiac ed., Paris, 1940
i. Sirr al-'alamayn, Cairo, 1327
[j. not printed]
k. Mizan al-'amal, Cairo, 1328
1. [Fadā'ih al-bátiniya, Cairo, 1964]
m. [al-Qistas al-mustaqim, Beirut, 1959]
n. [Faysal al-tafriga, Cairo, 1901]
Ahmad Ghazālī, d. 520/1126: mystic
a. Lubb ihya' 'ulūm al-din (summary of 280-2), ms. Oxford
(excerpt in 1520-2)
b. Wa'z (cf. 370-1), Recueil (= Ibn Abīl-Hadīd, Sharh al-
nahj); Sibt ibn al-Jawzi, Mir’at (1907 ed.); Sha'rāwī, Laag

c. Sawänih, Ritter ed. (in Persian = 1082-c)

d. Sermon, ap. 370-1
e. [Ishqiya]
282 Muhammad ibn Abi'l-Fad] Hamadhānī, d. 521 A.H.: historian
a. Takmila (written 487/1094), ms. P. 1469 (cf. notes of de
Goeje, in 1897 ed. of ‘Arib, 1650-a)-(49$); Ta'rikh = "Unwān
al-siyar; Kitab а1-шигата? (on the visit of Vizir Ibn al-Muslima
to the maslib of al-Hallàj in 437): according to ‘Ayni, ‘Iqd, ms.
Salim Aghā (Gül. 1719-2), ms. Welieddin 2388 (year 450); Is.
287 Abū'l-'Abbās A-b-M ibn al-'Arif, d. 536 А.н.
a. Mahāsin al-majalis, Asin Palacios ed., Paris, 1933; cf.
Diwan al-Hallāj (= ms. Alex.)
289 Abū ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b-Ahmad Qurtubi, d.
520 a.n.: jurist: Malikite
a. Fragment (excerpt in 960-a, based on 542-a?)
290 Abt Bakr ibn al-Walid Turtüshi, d. 520/1126: Malikite
a. Risāla (excerpt in 542-a and 960-a)
291 (Oayrawānī), historian, wrote around 500/1105 (used 170-b,
171, 1059-a via 260-a)
a. Kitab al-‘Uyün, ms. Berlin, unedited part cited by de
Goeje in 1897 ed. of Ab, 1650-a
295 Abū Tāhir Ahmad Silafi, d. 576/1180: traditionist
a. (Critique of 275-a, cited 530-d [this is not the ms. Esc.,
1783 (= formerly 1778), Casiri's mistake: it is a collection of
hadiths transmitted by some Baghdadi shaykhs (Asin)])
308 Abū'l-Maflī ‘Ayn al-Qudàt Hamadhānī, executed in 525/1151
(Persian works)
a. Zubdat al-hagā'ig = Tamhīdāt, Berlin 1727, India Office
1793-1794, Budh. 2147 Paris, numerous references; and (cita-
tions of Halläjian works) (Ivanow) ms. IO 445. Turkish trans-
lation (As'ad, Mhd Наба). See bib. no. 1082
b. Maktibat, see bib. no. 1082; Meier, DI, XXIV (1937),
c. Shakwa, ms. Berlin 2076 (cf. ed. of J. M. ‘Abd al-Jalil,
JAP, 1930)
309 Oawām al-Din Ismā'īl-b-Muhammad Hafiz Isfahani, d. DAN
1140: historian
a. Kitab tabagāt siyar al-salaf, ms. P. 2012
310 Iyād Sibti, d. 544/1149: jurist: Mälikite

a. Kitab al-shifa’, Istanbul, 1312; ms. P. 1956

315 Abü 'Ali Fadl-b-Hasan Tabarsi Kabir, d. 548/1153: jurist: Im-
a. Reedition of Таша from 117-a (cited 812-a); mere men-
tion in his Kitāb al-ihtijāj, ms. IO, Ar. 166, and lith. Tehran,
320 Ibn Khamis Ka'bi, d. 552/1157: mystic
a. Manāgib al-abrār, 1st recension: ms. Cairo; 2nd recension
(with completions): ms. London, Or. 408
328 Abū Sa'd Qaylawi, d. 603 A.H.: Oādirī
a. Citations of al-Hallāj (ap. 502-a)
330 Abū ‘Abd Alläh-b-‘Abd al-Rahmān Kirmānī, around 550/1155?
a. Hikāyat [al-Hallaj |‘an al-Shaykh Ibn Khafif (legend ofthe
“Visits” of al-Shibli and Ibn Khafif); transmitted by Shaykh
Abü'l-Husayn-b-Yüsuf Qaradi, to Shaykh Abü ‘Abdalläh
al-Husayn ibn Razin (= perhaps Abü ‘Abdalläh Mu-
hammad-b-al-Hasan (sic) ibn Razin Hamawi, d. 680/1281 ac-
cording to Subki, Tab. Shaf. Cf. ‘Abd al-Latif-b-
Muhammad-b-Husayn ibn Razin, d. 710/1310, in Damascus,
according to Subki ibid.). Compiled with 261-a in 474-b,
perhaps via 392-a. Fragment in 282-a, 402-a, 458-a, 463-c; Is.
334 Ibn ‘Asakir, d. 571 A.H.
a. Ta'rikh, ms. P. 2137
335 Ibn Hamdün, d. 553 А.Н.
a. Wuzara’, ms. P. 1570, 35-b [and ms. P. 3324, cf. this
edition, 1, 400, n. 45] :
339 ‘Azäz-ibn Mustawdi' Batā'ihī, d. before 550/1155: Rifa'ite
a. Hikāyat [al-Hallaj wa’l-Asad | (excerpt in 361-3)
340 Shaykh 'Ādī-ibn Musāfir Umawi, d. 558/1162, Lalish: mystic,
venerated by the Yazīdīya
a. Risála fi al-Yazidiya, unique ms. ‘Aziz Qass Yüsuf,
Mosul: work's date uncertain: hostile to Yazidis (cf. 1695-3);
cf. 999-02. The Halläjism of the 'Adawiya is proven by ms.
Cairo Tal'at 4528 of the Qissa (Mélanges Félix Grat)
341 Muhyī al-Din ‘Abd al-Oādir Kīlānī Büshtiri, d. 561/1166,
Baghdad: jurist: Hanbalite; mystic: founded the Qädiriya
a. Manāgib: Riwaya of ‘Umar al-Bazzaz (d. 608/1211): text
in 502-a
b. Ibid. Riwaya of Abū Nasr Mūsā al-Kīlānī: text in 502-a

c. Ibid. Riwāya of 'Ali-b-al-Hiti (d. 564/1169): text in 502-a

d. Ibid. Riwäya of Ibrahim-b-Sahl Taghlabi Rümi: text in
e. Ibid. Riwāya of 'Abdallah Batā'ihī: 502-a
f. Ibid. Riwaya of Abū Salih Nasr Kīlānī: text in 502-a, (c.,
e., f. = Fusūl, ed. by 'AR-b-Yf
ibn al-Jawzi [605 A.H., d. 656
A.H.; Tādhifi, 17], based on Ibn al-Mansūrī [d. 635 a.n. ])
g. Fath rabbani (recension Yafi'i, Khulāsa). Recueil
h. Kitab al-Ghunya lī tālibī tarīg al-haqq, Cairo, 1288 A.H.
350 Abū Sa'd ‘Abd al-Karim-b-Muhammad Sam ‘ani, d. 562/1167:
a. Kitab al-Ansab (under rubric: ha’ lam alif), ms. London
Add. 23-355 = Gibb [Hyderabad]
b. Same work, with gloss cited in 1175-a
352 Muwaffaq al-Din ibn Oudāma
a. [Kitab al-tawwabin, ms. P. 1384; ed. by George Makdisi
b. [Radd ‘ala Ibn ‘Aqil, ms. Asaf II, 1720]
353 Badr al-Din Badal Tibrizi
а. Tuhfat al-awliyā” (in 560/1165), ms. P. 4842. (History of
the Caliphs until 560/1165; hostile note on Halläj)
354 Abū ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b-Tahir Hiri Fārisi, d. 570/1175:
a. Dalālat al-mustanhij ilā sālim al-ma'arif wa risalat al-
mustabhij ilā ‘ашайт al-ma'ārif (= Tabagat al-sufiya), ms.
357 A Marwān ibn al-Kardabüs Tüzari (approx. 580/1182)
a. Iktifafiakhbār al-khulafā', ms. T. Ragragi (= 126-a =
330-b — 275-a): Recueil
358 Ibn al-Dahhàn Baghdādī
a. Taqwim al-nazar, ms. P. 788 and ms. P. 789
359 Abü Ja'far Muhammad ibn Tufayl Qaysi, d. 581/1183: philoso-
a. Risālat Hayy ibn Yagzān, Cairo, 1299; [Eng. tr. Lenn
Evan Goodman. New York, 1972]
360 Abū'l-Hasan ‘Ali Musaffar Sibti, living in 600/1203: mystic;21
d. 638 A.H., Hama (Ibn Taghrib., ms. P. 1780)
a. Qasida ‘aliya (Qul lī al-ikhwan) (cf. 499-2)
21 Author of the “Minhaj al-‘abidin” and of the "Madmūn saghir" attributed to Ghazālī.

361 Abü'l-Alamayn Ahmad Rifāī al-Husayni, d. 570/1175, Umm

‘Ubayda: mystic, head of an order
a. Manāgib, Riwāya of Ibrahim al-A'zab (d. 609/1212), in
464-а and 1136-a (cf. 739-a and 951-2)
b. al-Burhān al-mu'ayyad (error?), Cairo, 1322
c. Excerpt ap. bib. no. 739A (Mufarrij Shaybäni) (AF
363 Shihāb al-Dīn Yahyā-b-Habash Suhrawardī Magtūl, d. 5 Rajab
587/29 July 1199, Aleppo: philosopher; mystic
a. Kalimāt al-tasawwuf, ms. IO Pers. 1922, no. V
b. Sharh al-ta'arruf (comm. 143-a): ms. Oxford Bodl. II
(= Fātih 2777, Oādī ‘Askar 1254); Recueil
c. al-Rumüz wa'l-amthāl (restore to 433-a)
d. (Title not given) (excerpt in 423-a)
e. Hikmat al-ishraq (lith. Tehran, 1313) (translated in
f. (Title not given) (excerpt in 795-2)
g. (Tide not given) (excerpt in 1156-3)
h. Jadhb al-gulūb (apocr.)
i. Kalimāt dhawgiya wa nukāt shawqiya, ms. ‘Ashir Eff.
1451, published by D. Günzburg, Arabic mss. of the Inst.
Lg. Or. St. Petersburg, 1891 — ms. 230
J. l'tigad al-hukama’, ms. P. 1245/7
364 Ibn Ma'mün Batā'ihī, d. 580 A.H.
a. Ta'rikh al-amir, cf. 618-a
365 Ibn Rushd, d. 595 А.н.
a. Tahafut, Cairo
b. Bidāyat al-mujtahid wa nihāyat al-mugtasid, Cairo, 1928, 2
vols. in 1; Cairo, 1935, 2 vols.; Cairo, 1952, 2 vols. in 1;
Cairo, 1966
366 Hibatallāh Azajil, d. 591 А.н.
а. Radd ‘ala. . . Ibn ‘Aqilfīnusrat al-Hallaj, cf. Dhahabi,
Ta'rikh, s.a.
367 Shibāb M-b-Mahmüd Tūsī Sanäbädhi, d. 596 A.H.
a. Fatwā ap. Abū Shàma, Dhayl, ms. P. 5852
370 Abū'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzī, d. 597/1200, Baghdad: jurist: Hanba-
a. al-Muntazam, ms. P. 5909; ms. Berlin 9436 (cf.
Hyderabad edition)
b. Kitab al-Namiüs??fī talbīs Iblis, ms. Aleppo (Ahmadīya
827: of the year 799/1396); Tēpgapū 1454; Aya Safiya 1739;
As'ad 1641; Cairo, 1923 — ms. Bübar 120, Dehli lith., Urdu
c. al-Oāti' lī таја! al-V jāj al-qati* bi muhāl ihtijaj al-Hallaj (a
lost work, quoted 370-a and 440-a = Raf" al-lujajfīakhbar
al-Hallāj, guoted 512-b)
d. Jawahir (? —critigue of bib. no. 341, quoted ap. 740-a)
e. Narjis al-qultib wa dalil "alā tarīg al-mahbñb, ms. Mirjaniya
f. Minhāj al-qásidin (summary of 280-a), ms. Р. 1295 (all
quotations from Hallāj are cut out)
g. Cf. 535-b
h. Ru'ūs al-gawārir, Cairo, 1332
i. Oussās, ms. Leiden W. 998 [Eng. ed. and tr. by Merlin
Swartz. Kitāb al-Oussās wa'l-Mudhakkirin. Beirut, 1971]
j. Sayd al-khatir, Cairo, 1345
k. [Daf 'shubhat al-tasbih . . . Damascus, 1926]
l. [al-Mawdū'āt, Brock. S.1917]
m. [Hikayat, ms. P. 1567]
n. [al-'Ar ib al-gharib, Brock. С. I 504]
[о. Mu'allafāt ibn al-Jawzī (‘Alwaji, Baghdad, 1965). List of
works by this author.]
371 Mubärak-b-‘Abd al-Karim ibn al-Athīr Jazarī, d. 606/1209,
Mosul: Shāfi'ite
a. Kitāb al-mukhtār min manāgib al-akhyār, ms. Kēpr. 1136
(of the year 890/1485); cf. Spies, MO, 1930
380 Sadr al-Dīn Abū Muhammad Rūzbahān Baglī, d. 606/1209,
Shiraz: mystic
a. Tafsir "Arā'is al-Bayān (reedition of 170-d and 231-b);
ms. London 1589 = ms. Berlin 808 (Or. Spr. 864) = ms.
Nari Uthmān 322 = ms. Qadi ‘Askar 124 = ms. Walī al-Din
173 = ms. Hakim Ughli 106 = printed Cawnpore, 1883, 2
vols. 620 + 488 pages: on Qur'an 1:5 (2); 2:32; 3:4; 4:62; 5:59,
101; 6:70, 148, 165; 7:97, 140 (2), 141, 155; 10:36; 12:25, 31,
83; 13:36; 14:7, 37, 39, 41; 15:42, 99; 16:42; 22:2; 24:14; 27:63;
28:29; 37:7 (2), 164; 38:44; 39:11; 41:53; 48:10 (2); 50:1-2;
52:1; 54:50; 55:56; 58:22; 74:31; 76:6; 81:1; 99:2. And 176 of
the 208 numbers already given in 170-d
22 Criticized ap. Mufāwadāt of Ibn Abi al-Mansür of Alexandria in 663/1265 (ms. Cairo
VII, 559).

b. Mantig al-asrär bi bayan al-anwar (lost; translated into Per-

sian and expanded by the author under the title Sharh al-
shathiyat: 1091-3). Cf. quotation ap. 1150-a; ms. L.M. dated
665 A.H. (cf. Riw. and Tatv.); 2 Mashhad mss.
c. [Tahfat al-‘irfan, ms. Н. Corbin]
385 Fakhr al-Din Muhammad-b-‘Umar Räzi, d. 606/1209, Herat:
theologian: Ash‘arite
а. al-Masa’il al-khamsūn, Cairo, 1328 (cf. 853-a)
b. Fatwafi Anā'l-hagg, ms. Taymur majm. 193 (cf. ms.
Arles 428; via Najm Daya, Kitab al-manarat): (G. Vajda)
c. Tafsir kabir
d. Awsaf al-ashraf
e. [Asas al-tagdīsfi ‘ilm al-kalam; ms. Kópr. 796, Brock. S.
I, 923]
386 Ibn al-Bitriq, Imāmite
a. Mustadrik (537-b)
387 Abü'l-Qasim ‘Imad al-Din Faryabi, d. 607/1210: Hanafite
a. Khälisat al-hagā'ig, ms. Cairo П, 81
388 Abū'l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn al-Sabbagh, d. 612/1215, Kenah (Qina):
mystic: Qädiri
a. Kitab ahwalihi wa manāgibihi (excerpt in 502-3)
389 AH ‘Ali Harawi, d. Aleppo around 625 А.н.: muhtasib (epitaph
ap. J. Sauvaget, “Les Perles choisies’? d'Ibn ach-Chihna, Beirut,
a. Rihla, ms. P. 5975; ms. Cairo, new cat. VI-32
390 Ibn Jubayr, d. 614/1217: geographer
a. Rihla, Wright ed. = de Goeje ed. (cf. 1684-2)
391 Shihab al-Din Ahmad-b-'Umar al-Khīwagī Najm al-Din
Kubra, d. 618/1221: mystic: head of an order
a. Tariqat пата (in Arabic), ms. Laleli 1516
b. [Fawātih al-jamāl, F. Meier, Wiesbaden, 1957]
392 Shihab al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahmān-b-"Umar-b-Abī Nasr ibn al-
Ghazzāl al-Wā'iz, d. 615/1218: jurist: Hanbalite
a. Juz’fiakhbar al-Hallaj (2nd reedition of 261-a) (quoted
ap. 570-a)
393 Ibn al-Mar’a, d. 616/1219: Ash‘arite
a. Sharh al-irshad (from Juwayni), Vol. III, s.v. al-Darr, ms.
Cairo II, 58
401 Abü Hafs Shihab al-Din ‘Umar-b-Muhammad Suhrawardi, d.
632/1234, Baghdad: mystic: Suhrawardi

a. ‘Awarif al-ma'arif, Cairo, 1312

402 "Abd al-Rahmàn ‘Umar Jawbari, wrote around 618/1221, in
Damascus: polygraph
a. al-Mukhtar fi kashf al-asrār, ms. P. 4640. Cf. ms.
Cheikho, ms. As'ad 3888; ms. As'ad, 1703; ms. Cheikho
(Mashriq, 1909; Cairo ed., 1302) (abbreviated)
403 Abū Hafs Sharaf al-Din ‘Umar ibn al-Farid, d. 632/1234, Cairo:
poet, mystic
a. Nazm al-sulük (t@iya kubra), (cf. 508-a)
b. Diwan, Beirut, 1902
Abü'l-'Abbàs Ahmad ibn ‘Ali Bini, d. 622/1225: cabalist
a. Shams al-ma'arif al-kubrā, Cairo, 1318 (summary of the
eleven tnagālah fi al-simiya attributed to al-Hallaj; probably
through a distortion of the formulas of his Kitab al-sayhür)
(cf. 485-2), ms. P. 2595
b. Lubābfī tadhib al-ansab, Cairo, 1357
410 Yāgūt al-Rūmī, d. 626/1229: biographer
a. Irshad al-arīb (Mu jam al-udabā”), Margoliouth ed.
b. [Мијат al-buldān, Margoliouth ed., Leiden, 1907]
419 ‘Umar ibn Dihya, 633 А.н.
a. Nibrās, Azzawi ed., Baghdad, 1946 (165-b)
420 Abü'l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn al-Athir, d. 630/1232, Mosul: brother of
bib. no. 371; historian
a. Kitāb al-kāmil, Tornberg ed.
421 Muhyi al-Din Abū Bakr Muhammad-b-'Ali ibn ‘Arabi,
d. 638/1240, Damascus: mystic; jurist: Zahirite
a. Muhādarāt al-abrār wa musāmarāt al-akhyar, Cairo, 1282
b. al-Futūhāt al-makkīya, Cairo, 1269
c. al-Bā', ms. P. 1339 (cf. Sim al-Ba’ wa al-Yā', quoted
531-2). Still undiscovered
d. Fustis al-hikam fi khusūs al-kalam (written 627/1229),
Istanbul, 1309, and ms. Vienna 1898 [see also 1809-c]
е. Tafsir al-Qur'an (to be restored to al-Kāshī = bib. no.
515), Cairo ed.
f. al- Tajalliyat al-ilahiya, ms. As'ad 3559; cf. Recueil
g. al-Jawab al-mustagīm ‘amma sa'ala ‘anhu al-Tirmidhi al-
Hakim, ms. "Umūmī, majm. 11: on question 147; cf. Recueil
= Futühat
h. al-Sirāj al-wahhājfi sharh kalam al-Hallāj (a lost work:
cited in no. 22 of the list drawn up by himself of his 439

works Fihrist al-kutub al-musannafa, ms. Faydiyah 2119. Cf.

Tahir Beg, Tarjama hal wa fada’il shaykh Akbar, Istanbul,
1316; 2nd ed., 1329)
i. Тај al-rasailwa minhāj al-wasa'il, printed in Majmūat
rasā'il, Cairo, Kordī, 1328; Hyderabad, 1948
j. Tafsir sūrat al-duhā (excerpt in 844-3). C£. Recueil
k. Kitab al-ajwiba ‘an al-masa’il al-Mansüriya (a lost work:
cited in nos. 10 and 375 of Tahir Beg’s list). Doubtful. Publ.
Diwan Hallaj
1. Risalat al-dhakhā'īr wa'l-a'laq fi sharh tarjumān al-ashwaq,
ms. Leiden, Cod. Warn, 641; Eng. translation by R. A.
Nicholson, 1911
m. Qasida Anā'l-Ourān wa’l-saba‘ mathani” (cf. 665-a)
n. Kitab al-hujub
o. Kalimat . . . Hallaj (ms. Asaf, Hyderabad, ap. Lā'iha,
Krenkow = Akhbar al-Hallāj)
p. Tuhfat al-safara, ms. P. 6614
g. Jadhwat, ms. Yale
r. Intisār, Hyderabad ed.
s. [Rashh al-zulāl, ms. P. 4802]
t. [Shafaratu’l-Dhahabi, JRAS, 1906]
u. [Rasā'il, Hyderabad, 1948]
v. Risāla qudsiya, ms. Cairo VII, no. 3
422 Ibn al-Dubaythi, d. 637/1239: historian
a. Dhayl ta’rikh Baghdad, ms. Shahid ‘Ali Pasha; ms. P.
423 Abū Muhammad ‘Ali Hariri Marwazī, d. 645/1247, in Basra,
Hawran: mystic: Rifā'ī
a. Kurrās (by a disciple of his son Hasan) (copy in 512-f).
His son Hasan was alive in 699 А.Н.
425 Fath D ‘Ali Bandārī (around 639 A.H.)
a. Ta'rikh Baghdad (lost), ms. P. 6156? (IV.In. 29)
429 Abū Ishàq Ibrāhīm ibn Abr'l-Dam Hamawi, d. 642/1214: jurist:
Shafi ‘ite
a. al-Ta’rikh al-Muzaffari, excerpt in 538-b
430 Muhibb al-Din Muhammad ibn al-Najjär, d. 643/1245,
Baghdad: biographer
a. Dhayl ta’rikh Baghdad (see 552-2) ms. P. 2131,
(Najtrami ) (Ibn Jahdam)
431 Ibn Abī'l-Hadīd

a. Sharh al-nahj (excerpt in Ibn al-Haysam)

432 Shams al-Din Abū Tahir 151141 ibn Sawdakin al-Nūrī, d. 646/
1248: mystic, favorite disciple of Ibn 'Arabi
a. Sharh al-tajalliyat (comm. 421-f), ms. Faydiya 2119. Cf.
REI, 1933; Brock. S.
433 Shams al-Din Muhammad Shahrazüri Ishrāgī, d. around 648/
1250: philosopher: Ishräqi
a. Rumüiz ша amthāl lahütiya, ms. ‘Umümi 3837; Laleli
attributes it to Zargānī, d. 1122 A.D.
439 ‘Abdalläh-b-Muhammad Fihrī Tilimsānī, d. 658/1260: com-
mentator of Juwayni
a. Sharh ита" al-adilla," ms. Cairo; s.v. al-Haqq
440 Shams al-Din Y üsuf-b-Qizughlü Sibt ibn al-Jawzi, d. 655/1257:
a. Mir'at al-zamān, ms. London Or. 4619, and ms. Kópr.
s.a. 412; ms. P. 1506 (years 450, 461) (Jawad)
441 ‘Izz al-Din ‘Abd al-'Aziz-b-'Abd al-Salam Maqdisi, b. 629 A.H.,
d. 18 Shaw. 678: Hanbalite; wrote biography of 'Ayni (ms. P.
1543), Zawiya of his brother, founded by Qatawin
a. Hall al-rumüz wa mafātih al-kunūz, mss. Berlin, Wetzst.
П 1757, and Wetzst. II 1109
b. Sharh hal al-awliya’, mss. P. 1641 and 2035. Cf. Recueil
C., d., e. See 330-a
f. Taflis Iblis, Cairo, 1324 (cf. Tawasin)
442 "Ar-b-Yfibn al-Jawzi (d. 656/1258; Juwaynī; Jahangusha Ш): cf.
bib. no. 341
443 122 A Sayyad-b-'A Rh b-'A Rifà“, d. 670/1271
a. Waza'if (bib. no. 739A)
444 Safi A ibn 'Alawān, d. 665/1266, Tafrish (Yemen)
a. Ms. L.M. = ms. Kratchkovsky = Dalälat al-muhibb (ms.
N. Beyhum)
445 Abü Shàma 599, d. 665/1266
a. Dhayl al-rawdatayn, ms. P. 5852
b. [Kitāb al-rawdatayn, Cairo, 1956]
446 Ibn Sab'in, d. 669/1270
a. Ajwiba yamaniya . . . saqalliya, ms. Bodl. = Recueil, ed.
Sherefettin Yaltkava, P. 1943, 3841
b. Budd al-'arif, ms. Berlin Wt. II, 1524 = Recueil; Miftāh,
ms. Brusa, Eminvé 1494
c. [Rasā'il, Badawi ed., Cairo, 1956]

447 Abū'l-Hasan ‘Ali Shushtari, d. 668/1269, Tina (buried in

Damietta): mystic poet
a. Diwan muwashshahāt: the “Tanabbah, gad badat shamsu'l-
"Ugār...” piece
b. Takhmīs of "Anā'l-Our'ān” by Ibn ‘Arabi (421-m), be-
ginning: “shahidtu haqiqati” (cf. 665-2) = Diwan
c. Ara taliba . . . bihi ‘Adan (ap. 546-a, Recueil)
d. Qasida fi'l-sulitk = Diwan, Recueil
e. [Tasawwuf, translated by Muhafad Meyrin, Tehran,
1955 (chap. on Hallàj)]
449 Qutb ibn al-Oastallānī, d. 586/1190
a. bib. no. (830 = 660-b)
450 ‘Afif al-Din Sulaymàn-b-'Ali Tilimsānī, d. 690/1291: poet
a. Sharh "al-mawáqif," ms. IO 597 (SS kibriya, tadhkira,
451 Kamāl al-Din ibn al-‘Adim, d. 660/1262, Aleppo: jurist
a. Rafal-tajarrī ‘alā al-Ma'arrī (excerpt in the preface of
“Luztimiyat” by al-Ma'arri, Cairo, 1891)
456 Sharaf al-Din Muhammad-b-Sa'id Büsiri, d. 694/1294: poet
a. al-Burda (= al-kawākib al-durriya), verse 9 (copied from
458 Zakariya’-b-Muhammad Qazwini, d. 682/1283: jurist
a. "Ajā'ib al-makhlūgāt, Wüstenfeld ed., 1818 (uses 260-a;
for he cites Ibn Kajj, master of 260-a according to Subkī)
b. Athar al-bilād, in fine of the "Ajā'ib, ms. P. 2235 and ms.
P. 2236
460 ‘Abd al-Ghaffir Qüsi, d. 670/1271, Qus: mystic (Sha'rawi,
a. Kitab al-wahidfī ‘ilm al-tawhid, ms. P. 3525
462 Jirjīs ibn Abi al-Yāsir Makin ibn al- Amid, d. 67211273: Chris-
tian historian
a. Kitab al-majmiü' al-mubārak, Erpenius ed., 1625; corr.
with ms. P. 295
463 ‘Ali b. Anjab ibn al-Sà'i, d. 674/1275, Baghdad: historian
a. Akhbar al-Hallaj (lost: cited in 810-2) (cf. 503-2?)
b. Magābir Baghdad (lost: cited in 552-a, sub voce) (cf. 501-
c. Akhbar al-khulafa’ (lost: except for excerpts): Mukhtasar,
Cairo, 1310

464 Oāsim-b-Muhammad ibn al-Hājj, d. 680/1281, Wasit: mystīc:

а. Umm al-barahin, ms. Shahid "Alī Pāshā 1127. Cf. Recueil
b. [al-Mādhhal]
465 Ahmad-b-Mūsā ibn Tāwūs al-Hilli, d. 673/1274, jurist: Im-
а. Iqbal (іашдї') (cited іп 812-a)
466 Ab. M b. Kh Bargī
a. Rawda
b. Tibyān (lost history, cf. 810-3)
468 Ibrāhīm-b-Abī al-Majd-b-Quraysh Dasūgī, d. 676/1277: mys-
tic, head of an order |
a. Kitāb al-jawähir (excerpt in 741-a)
b. Cf. 890-a
470 Hasan-b-‘Ali-b-Ibrahim Badawi, around 675/1276: mystic
a. Tarjamat al-Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawi (excerpt in 741-a
and in other later biographies of the saint)
471 Shams al-Din Ahmad ibn Khallikan, d. 681/1282: historian
a. Wafayāt al-a‘yan, lith. Tehran, 1284; Cairo, 1275 (life no.
186), jurist: Shāfi'ite; de Slane Eng. translation; Wüstenfeld,
Göttingen, 1837
472 Abū'l-Faraj Yūhannā-b-Ahūn Bar Hebraeus, d. 689/1289;
Maphrian Jacobite; historian
a. Mukhtasar al-duwal, Pococke text (cf. 1426-а, 952-3); ms.
Faydiya 151823
474 Abū ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b-' Ali-b-Mas'üd ibn al-Balyānī, d.
686/1287: disciple of Shushtari; founder of the tariqa hallajtya,
into which were initiated Murtadā (862-b) and Sanüsi (919-
a); cf. Quatre Textes
a. Dhikr al-tariqa al-hallajrya (cf. 919-2)
b. Hikäyat al-Hallaj, ms. London 9692 (bib. no. 204) and
ms. Berlin 3492 (Pm. 553), compiled from 261-a, 330-a
(perhaps via 392-3), 441-a, and 447-b (see Quatre T'extes); cf.
ms. Kópr. 1620, ms. Vatican, Cod. Borgian 3; cf. here bib.
no. 809
c. Risāla “man 'arafa nafsahu," excerpt in 1219-a
480 Khwāja Nür al-Dīn ‘Abd al-Rahmān Kasirgī, d. after 689/1289,
Baghdad: mystic: Kubrawi
23 Missing in ms. P. 3525 and ms. Cairo II, 143.

a. Tafsir (of süras 1-51), Vol. IV, on Qur'an 28:48; ms.

Cairo,24 cat. I, 143 = ta'wilat najmīya
Shams al-Din Abū 'Abdallāh Sibtī, d. 698/1298: cabalist
a. Risāla Di Zā'iya, ms. Cairo VII, 571 (2nd gasīda “al-
infi'al rihani," verse 18, excerpt in 581-a)
490 Mu'ayyad al-Din ibn Mahmüd Janadi, d. 701/1301: mystic
a. Sharh al-Fusūs (comm. on 421-d)
d. Dīwān (excerpt in Turkish ms. Vienna; cf. 1371-a)
498 Qutb al-Din Mahmüd-b-Mas'üd Shirazi, d. 710/1510, Tabriz:
philosopher: Imämite
a. Sharh Hikmat al-ishrāg (of bib. no. 363); Horten transla-
tion (1721-2)
(499) Anonymous, Shädhili pupil of Ibn ‘Ata’ Allāh? ct bib. nos.
500 and 986
a. al-Oawl al-sadid fi tarjamat al-‘ärif al-shahid: unique
Jumayli ms. (cf. bib. no. 986), Baghdad; personal copy
(work used in 811-3) 1127-b [cf. ms. L. Chehab]
500 Taj al-Din Abū al-Fadl ibn ‘Ata’ Allāh, d. 709/1309, Alexandria:
mystic: Shädhili
a. Hikam ms. As'ad majm. 1764
b. Latā'if al-minan (1321 ed. on margin of 741-d)
c. Mawā'iz, ms. P. 1299
501 Ibn Tiqtaqà, wrote around 701/1301: historian
a. al-Fakhri, Derenbourg ed., Fr. tr. E. Amar, Paris 1910;
Eng. tr. C. EJ. Whitting, London, 1947
b. Ahlwardt ed., 1860; Persian translation, cf. bib. no.
Nūr al-Din Abū'l-Hasan ‘Al Shattanawfi, d. 713/1314, Cairo:
mystic: Qadiri
a. Bahjat al-asrār wa ma'dan al-anwār, Cairo, 1330
503 Jamāl al-Dīn Muhammad Watwāt, d. 718/1318
a. Ghurār al-khasā'is, Cairo, 1299
504 Rashīd al-Dīn Fadl Allāh Hamadhānī, d. 718/1318: vizir:
a. Mafatih al-tafasir, ms. P. 2324
b. Lata’ifal-haqa'iq, ms. P. 2324
c. Tawhidat, ms. P. 2324
d. [Jāmi' al-tawarikh, ms. P. supp. Pers. 2004]
24 We have a critique ofthe Hallājian Апа”1-Надд by his friend Sa‘ad al-Din (ap. 1195-3).

e. [Risāla fi'l-nasikh]
506 Najm al-Din Sulayman Tawfi, d. 716/1316: jurist: Hanbalite
a. Fatwa (excerpt in 797-a)
508 Sa'id al-Din Muhammad Farghäni, wrote around 700/1300:
mystic: Suhrawardi
a. Muntahā al-madārik, Cairo, 1293, (comm. on 403-b)
b. Mashārig al-darārī, Persian translation of 508-a, ms. P.
supp. Pers. 118
510 Tamir Rukn al-Din Baybars Mansüri, d. 725/1325
a. Zubdat al-fikra (annals), ms. P. 1572 (with marginal
511 Jamal al-Din al-Hasan ibn al-Mutahhar Hilli (al-'Allàma), d.
726/1326: jurist: Imāmite
a. Khulasat al-agwāl, ms. P. 1108
b. Nahj al-haqq (825-a)
512 Ahmad ibn Taymiya, d. 728/1328: Hanbalite
a. Kitab ilā al-Manbijī (excerpt in 941-a) (797-2)
b. Fatwafi wilāyat al-Hallāj (published in 941-a)
c., d. Sharh al-'agida: al-Isfahānīya al-Wāsita, ms. Alūsī coll.
e. Kitab . . . fi'l-Hallaj, ms. Damascus Kawākib darārī,
compiled by Ibn 'Urwa (Manār cat., 1330) (cf. 423-3); collec-
tion of the Dar al-hadith, given to the Zāhirīya
f. Suāl... fil-Haririya, ms. Damascus (Kawakib)
g. Fatwa (al-sūfīya wa’l-fugara’), published by “а1-Мапаг,”
Cairo, 1327
h. al-Furgān bayn awliya? al-rahman, Cairo, 1322
i. al-Jawāb al-sahīh . . . , Cairo, 1322
j. Majmū" al-rasa’il al-kubrā, Cairo, 1323
k. Minhāj al-sunna, Cairo, 1322 (crit. bib. no. 1059)
z 1. Sharh "agīdat Isfahānīya, Cairo, 1329 (a third omitted)
/ m. = 512-j
xt n. [al-Sārim al-maslūl ‘ala ihātim al-rasūl, cf. Brock. S. Ц;
Tanta 1960]
o. Nagl al-mantiq, Cairo, 1951
513 Abū'l-Hasan "Alī-b-Ismā'īl Qünawi, d. 729/1329: jurist
а. Husn al-tasarruf (comm. on 143-2); mss. Fatih 2660-2661,
Faydiya 1249, Vienna 1888 (cf. Shahid ‘Ali 1148, 1231-1232,
Sulaymäniya 731)
514 Athir al-Din Abū Hayyān Muhammad al-Jayyani, d. 745/1345:
jurist: Zähirite, later Shafi‘ite

a. al-Bahr al-muhit tafsir (on Qur'an 5:19) (excerpt 941-a),

ed. Mulay Hatib
515 Jamal al-Din ‘Abd al-Razzāg Kashi, d. 730/1330: Safi
a. Latā'if al-i'lam, ms. Kópr. 770
b. Tafsir (cf. 421-e)
516 Shaykh ‘Isa al-Ja'farī Ruhawi, master of bib. no. 532
a. Fatwa (cit. 532-2)
518 M-b-'Ali ibn al-Sabüni (d. 680 A.H.)
a. Takmilat al-ikmal, Evkaf library, Baghdad, ms. 959 (on
Ibn al-Oassās = bib. no. 275). (M. Jawäd) and ms. 852
(Mufaddid) [Baghdad, 1957]
519 ‘Ulwän (around 731 А.н.)
a. Jawhar mahbūk, 1329 (transfer here bib. no. 722)
520 Abü'l-Fida', d. 731/1331: prince of Hama; historian
a. Ta’rikh al-malik al-mu'ayyad ,Reiske ed., 1790; Cairo ed.,
b. Taqwim al-buldän, Reinhaud translation
521 Abü'l-Abbàs Ahmad-b-‘Abd al-Wahhāb Nuwayrī, d. 732/
1332: Shafi‘ite
a. Nihayat al-'arab (encyclopaedia), ms. Kópr. 223
522 Rukn al-Din Abü'l-Makàrim 'Ala"]-Dawla Simnäni Baya-
bangi, d. 736/1336: mystic
a. al-Ta'wīlāt (following 480-a), ms. Cairo, on Qur'an
112:4 (cf. 790-b). Recueil
b. Mukātabāt (ila'l-Kashi),ms. IO Pers. 1835, (cf. 515-3)
c. Cf. (790-2) and (1152-b)
d., e. Igbäliya = Malfüzat (Persian translation by Iqbal Sis-
tani); ms. Calcutta 1446 = Recueil (Ivanow)
f. [Tafsir al-Qur’an, Brock. S. II]
'Alà"I-Din Muhammad Bukhari, d. 741/1340: jurist
a. Nāsihat al-muwahhidin wa fādihat al-mulhidin, ms.
‘Umümi 7889, majm. 11
524 Muhammad ibn al-Hājj al-Fāsī ‘Abdari, d. 73711336: jurist:
a. Madkhal al-shar' al-sharif, Alexandria, 1293
527 Sa'd al-Din Käzarüni, around 745/1344: commentator of Ibn
a. Comm. on Our'ān 11:90 in ms. London Add. 16.659.
Cf. Recueil

b. Musalsalat, ms. Cairo, majm. 403. Cf. Mélanges Félix

528 Taqi 'AR-b-'A Muhsin Wāsitī Ansari, d. 744 A.H.
a. Diryāg al-muhibbin, excerpt. ap. 739A-a
530 Muhammad-b-Oāymāz Dhahabi, d. 748/1348: Shāfi'ite
a. Ta’rikh al-Islam (ann. 301-370), ms. London Or.; ms. P.
b. Kitab al-‘ibar, ms. P. 1584
c. Duwal al-Islām, ms. Cairo (ann. 301, 309)
d. Mizän al-i'tidal, Cairo, 1324
e. Lisän al-mīzān, ms. Mirjānīyah
f. Kitab sīrat al-Hallāj (cited 530-a, 660-b)
в. [Kitab al-‘uluw li'l- Ali al-Jaffar, Cairo, 1332]
h. [Tadhkirat al-huffaz |Hyderabad, 1955
i. [al-Mushtabibfiasma' al-rijal. Leyden, 1881; Cairo, 1962]
531 ‘Ali Quimatäy-b-Aydemür Jildaki, d. 743/1342: alchemist
a. Ghayat al-surūr (excerpt “Kalam al-Hallāj fi'l-san'a" in
ms. "majmū"” mushtamal "alā tasrīf al-kimiya,” Alūsī coll.;
ms. Calcutta ASB
532 "Umar-b-Muzaffar ibn Wardī, d. 749/1349: historian
a. Mukhtasar ta'rīkh al-mu'ayyad (excerpt in 861-a)
533 Ahmad ibn Fadl Allāh ‘Umari, d. 748/1348: Shafi‘ite
a. Masālik al-absāt (fugarā', ms. Ayā Sūfiya 3421)
534 Dāwūd-b-Mahmūd Qaysari, d. 751/1350: mystic
a. Sharh ‘апда’ al-mughrib, ms. Cairo
b. Sharh kitāb al-hujub, ms. Cairo
c. Sharh al-“Fusüs” (cf. 431-d), ms. Cairo. Cf. Recueil
d. Risäla marmūza, ms. IO 1921
е. Sharh al-“khamriya” (cf. bib. no. 403), ms. P. 3165 (cited
535 Ibn Qayim al-Jawziya (d. 752/1351)
a. Madārij al-sālikīnfīmanāzil al-sa'irin, Cairo, 1332
b. Itirādāt Ibn al-Jawzī ‘ala’l-Ghazali, ms. Wali al-Din,
majm. 1684
c. [Asma mu‘allafat Ibn Taymiya, S. Munajjid ed., Damas-
cus, 1953 (= ms. Zāh. 4675)]
d. [Kitāb al-Rūh, Hyderabad, 1324]
e. A‘lam al-muwaggi'īn ‘an rabb al-'alamin, Cairo, 1955, 4
f. Tariq al-hijratayn wa bab al zg ádatayn ,Cairo, 1939; Cairo,

536 "Ali-b-Ya'qüb Bārizī, d. Hama: historian, wrote in 751/1351

a. Mukhtasar al-''Wafayat" (cf. 471-a), ms. P. 2060
537 Shams al-Din Wafa’, d. 760/1358: Shadhili
a. Haqiqat al-hagā'ig, ms. Cairo, majm. 2
Abū ‘Abdallah Mughlatā'i-ibn-Oilij Hikri, d. 762/1361:
Hanafite traditionist
a. Sīra, cited ap. 770-a
b. Mukhtasar al-bāsim
fi sirat Abi'l-Qasim, ms. IFAO 12 (ex-
cerpted from 429-a)
c. [Kitab wadih al-mabin, Spies ed., 1936]
539 Saläh al-Din Muhammad ibn Shäkir Kutubi, d. 764/1363: histo-
а. ‘Uyiin al-tawārīkh, ms. Gotha, 1567
540 Saläh al-Din Khalil-b-A ybak Safadi, d. 764/1363: historian
a. al-Wāfī bi'l-wafayát, mss. P. 5860 and 2065; Wan, s.v.
Husayn, ms. Tunis 4845 (cf. Gabrieli, CR Lincei, October
1912). Cf. Recueil
b. Tamam al-mutūn fī sharh risalat Ibn Zaydūn, Cairo, 1969;
Baghdad 1327 (?)
c. al-Ghayth al-musajjam fi sharh lámiyat al-'ajam, Cairo,
1305/1888; in the margin of which is printed Sarh al-"uyūn,
sharh risalat Ibn Zaydün by Ibn Nubata
541 “АВЕ al-Din ‘Abd Allāh-b-As'ad Yafi'i, d. 768/1367, Mecca:
a. Mirāt al-Janān, ms. P. 1589
b. Ta’rikh, ms. Vienna AF 78
c. Nashr al-mahāsin, ms. Cairo. Printed on margin of 959-a:
d. Rawd al-riyahin (not consulted)
e. [Marham, Ross. ed., ms. Leiden 902]
542 Taj al-Din Abū Nasr Muhammad-b-'Ali Subki, d. 771/1370,
Damascus: jurist: Shafi‘ite
a. Tabagāt al-shafi'iya, Cairo, 6 vols.
b. Qasida, cited in 542-a
543 ‘A ‘Aziz ibn Jama‘a Kinānī, d. 767/1365
а. Qamiis al-shu‘ara’, ms. P. 3346 (Jawad)
545 Shihab al-Din Abü'l-'Abbàs Ahmad Qastallani, wrote in 771/
a. Magāmāt al-‘ärifin, ms. Kôpr. 784
546 Ibn al-Khatib, d. 776 А.Н.

a. Ihata [bi ta’rikh gharnáta], ms. P. 3347 (= 447-c); Cairo,

b. Кашаа: al-ta‘rif, ms. Zah, tas. 85 (including a mukhtasar,
ms. Taymur, majm. 283)
547 Ibn H Nubahi
a. Ta’rikh gudāt al-Andalūs, Lévi-Provengal ed., Cairo,
Ibn Kathir, d. 774/1373: historian: Shäfi‘ite
a. al-Bidāya wa'l-nihaya, excerpt in 830-a
Taqi al-Din ibn Qutb al-Din ibn Munir Halabi, d. 772/1371:
a. Reedition of Ta’rikh Qutb al-Din (cf. 810-a n. 2281)
Taqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Вай", d. 774/1373: Shāfi'ite
a. Dhayl “ta’rikh Ibn al-Najjar,” ap. mukhtasar," ms. Mir-
janiya (and in 740-2); Azzawi ed., Baghdad, 1938
b. [Kitab al-muwāfagāt, Tunis, 1302]
Ibrāhīm-Mūsā Shātibī, d. 790/1388: Mālikite
a. I'tisam, Cairo ed. Cf. bib. no. 977; Shatibi, Itigām
Sa'd al-Din Mas'üd-b-'Umar Taftazānī, d. 791/1389: jurist
a. Fadihat al-mulhidin (to be restored to 523-a)
Burhàn al-Din Ibrahim Sibt ibn al-‘Ajami, d. 841/1437, Aleppo:
jurist: Hanafite
a. al-Mugtafā (comm. on 310-a, completed in 797/1394),
ms. Fātih 841 (with a mistake regarding the author)
566 Muhammad ibn Khalil, d. after 810/1407: jurist: Hanafite
а. Zubdat al-Mugtafā (abridgment of 565-2), ms. Aya Süfiya
567 Shams al-Dīn Muhammad ibn Makki 'Āmilī, d. 782/1382,
Damascus: jurist: Imämite
a. Kitāb al-dhikra (excerpt of 242-b, published in 835-a)
b. Mam" (of bib. no. 386), ap. bib. no. 1238
570 Ibn Rajab, d. 795/1393: jurist: Hanbalite
a. Tabaqat al-hanābila, ms. Leipzig 708 (cf. 261-b, 392-3);
ms. Damascus [Dhayl, 2 vols. Cairo, 1952]
b. [Lata'if al-ma ārif, Brock. S. 1129]
576 Ibrahim-b-'Ali ibn Farhün, d. 799/1397: jurist: Mälikite
a. al-Dībāj al-mudhahhab, Fez cd.
b. [Tabsirat al-hukkām, ms. P. 873; Cairo ed. 1301/1884]
579 Shu'ayh Hurayfish Makki, d. 801/1398: mystic
а. al-Rawd al-fa'iq, ms. As'ad 1417; Cairo ed.
b. Ibid., ms. Damascus 107

c. Manaqib al-awliya’, ms. ‘Umümi (with poems of447-a)

d. Diwan al-Hallāj (“kan wa kan” apocrypha. See 579-c =
Diwan (cf. ms. Damascus 191-a, in fine)
580 Sirāj al-Din ‘Umar ibn ‘Ali Mulaqgin, d. 804/1401, Cairo
a. Tabaqat al-awliyā' (lost, probable source of 741-a)
581 Abü Zayd ‘Abd al-Rahmän ibn Khaldün, d. 808/1406: jurist:
a. Mugaddima (written in 779/1377), Cairo, 1322; cf.
Quatremère ed. [Eng. translation by F. Rosenthal, The
Mugaddimah, Bollingen Series, New York, 1958]
582 Majd al-Din Muhammad-b-Ya'qüb Fīrūzābādī, d. 817/1414:
jurist: Shafi'ite
a. al-Mirgāt al-arfa'ya . . . (in the life of Ibn Khafif) (excerpt
in 591-3)
583 Kamāl al-Dīn Muhammad Damiri, d. 808/1405: polygraph
a. Hayat al-hayawan (grand recension) sub voce “al-himar
al-ahli," Cairo, 1292 (excerpt in 1355-3)
b. Ibid., Eng. translation by Jayakar, Vol. I, 1906
585 Ahmad ibn al-Hajj, wrote around 790/1388: mystic
a. Uns al-jalis, ms. Berlin 3410
586 Ahmad-b-Muhammad ibn Fahd Hilli, d. 806/1403: jurist: Im-
a. (Tawgi') (excerpt in 812-a)
589 *Abd al-Rashīd-b-Sālih-b-Nūrī Bākūwī, wrote in 806/1403
a. Talkhis al-āthār (excerpt from 458-a, excerpt in 923-a)
590 Muhibb al-Din Abü al-Walid Muhammad ibn al-Shihna, d.
815/1412: Hanafite
a. Rawd(at) al-manazir (summary of 520-2)
591 Mu'in al-Din Abü'l-Qàsim Mahmüd ibn Junayd, wrote around
791/1389, in Shiraz: biographer
a. Shadd al-izār,25 ms. London, supp. 677; Denison Ross
ed., 1919 [Qazwini ed., 1328]
593 Siraj al-Din 'Umar-b-Ruslān Bulgīnī, d. 805/1403: jurist:
Shafi ‘ite
a. Fatwa (cited 626-a)
600 Ahmad-b-Muhammad al-Tujibi al-Saraqusti ibn al-Banna, d.
821/1419, Marrakesh: Shadhili
25 [t has been translated into Persian: а) under the title "Multamas alahibba" by his son ‘Isi
(ms. India Office); and b) under the title “Dusttir al-za’rin” by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Muham-
mad Afdal Shirazi (cf. 810-a, s.v.).

a. Qasida ‘‘al-Mabahith al-asliya" (ap. 888-b)

601 "Abd al-Karim-b-Ibrähim Jili, d. around 826/1423, Baghdad:
a. al-Kahf wa'l-raqim, ms. Cairo
b. Sharh mushkilat *al-Futūhāt al-makkiya," ms. Cairo
c. al-Insān al-kamil, Cairo, 1304. See bib. no. 1360
d. Hagīgat al-haqa'iq, ms. IO 666
e. Sirr al-nür al-mutamakkin, ms. Cairo
f. Оита ‘ayniya (Fu'ādū bihi shams al-mahabbati tali'un) (on
margin of 502-a: wrong attribution) fi shawahid ghaybiya (533
verses; comm. by bib. no. 842)
g. Manāzir . . . ilahiya, ms. Sabā'ī = ms. L.M. = Recueil
605 Shaykh Hasan ibn Ajrūd, around 836/1432: Nusayrī (JAOS,
a. Oasīda (against Hallāj) (cf. 846-a)
618 Taqi al-Din Ahmad Magrīzī, d. 845/1442: Shāfi'ite; historian
a. Fragment of an unidentified work (perhaps his “al-Bayan
al-mufid” (against Ibn ‘Arabi) (ms. Cairo majm. 77), cited ap.
927-a = Khitat (after Musabbihi: С. Wiet)
620 Zayn al-Din Abū Bakr ibn Muhammad Khuwafi, d. 838/1435
a. Sulūk tarīg awliya’ Allah, ms. As'ad 1437
626 Shams al-Din Muhammad-b-Hasan al-Bakri Hanafi, d. 847/
1443: mystic
a. Fatwa (jawab ila Shams al-Din Sakhawi ibn al-Qasabi)
(excerpt in 741-a, via 677-a)
b. Poem (excerpt in 677-a)
Abii Bakr Tarini (friend of bib. no. 626)
a. Poem (excerpt in 677-a)
Badr al-Din ‘Ayni, d. 855/1451: historian
a. ‘Igd al-juman,26 ms. Petersburg, Asian Museum, 177; cf.
b. Ta’rikh al-badrfiawsaf ahl al-'asr (abridgment of 550-a,
lost, cited ap. 810-a)
Shihab al-Din Ahmad-b-'Ali ibn Hajar ‘Asqaläni, d. 852/1449
a. Fatwa (excerpt in 941-a)
b. Lisān al-mizan, Hyderabad ed. (Nājiramī: cf. Is. 338)
c. [al-Durar al-kamina, Hyderabad, 1348]
26 Copies 530-a (cf. 951-a, p. 218). Cf. ms. Wali al-Din, 2396.

d. [Tahdhib al-tahdhib, Hyderabad, 1325. 12 vols. in 6]

633 Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Abi Udhayba Muqri’, d. 856/1452
a. Nuzm al-jumān, ms. Bayt Jamil, Baghdad (excerpt in
634 ‘Abd al-Rahmān ibn Muhammad Bistami, d. 858/1451: Ногай
a. al-Fawā'ih al-miskiya —fi'l-fawatih al-makkiya, ms.
‘Umümi, tas. 416
645 Ibn Abīl-Futūh Tāwūsī Abarqühi, 790, d. 871/1466 (Daw')
a. Jam‘ al-firag (excerpt in 919-a); notice, Mélanges Félix
653 M b. ‘Umar Ghamri Wasiti, d. 849/1445
a. ms. Brusa (H. Ritter); cited 354-a
658 Shihäb al-Din Ahmad Shumunni, d. 872/1467: Mālikite
a. Mazil al-khifa’ (comm. 310-a) mss. Aya Sufiya 585;
Fatih 836
659 Abū ‘Abdalläh Husayn Ahdal, d. 885/1480: historian
a. Ghirbāl al-zamān (summary of 541-b), ms. Faydīya 1518
660 Abü'l-Mahàsin ibn Taghribirdi, d. 874/1469: historian
a. al-Nujūm al-zāhira, ed. Juynboll, Cairo, 1929 (excerpt
from 170-a or from bib. no. 137)
b. al-Manhal al-safi, ms. P. 2072 (Birzālī, ms. Kópr. 1017);
Cairo, 1956
661 Burhan al-Din Ibrahim Daa", d. 885/1481, Mecca: jurist:
a. Nukat al-wafiya (sharh al-Alfīya) (excerpt in 810-a)
b. [Tanbih al-ghabī, 1953 ed. (Ibn Ayyüb, d. 749 А.н.)
Brock. G. II]
662 Zakariyà' Ansāri, d. 926/1520, Cairo: jurist: Shäfi‘ite
a. Ahkām al-düläla, Cairo, 1290 (comm. 231-a)
664 Abü'l-Ma'ali Sirāj al-Din Makhzümi, d. 885/1480, Baghdad:
mystic: Rifāī
a. al-Burhān al-mu'ayyad (excerpt in 953-3) = bib. no. 739A
665 Abū'l-Mawāhib Muhammad ibn Zaghdün, d. 882/1477, Cairo:
mystic: Shādhilī-Wafā t
a. [Muwashshahát, ms. Berlin 3420, IV?7]
b. [Kitab al-qaniin (excerpt ap. 741-a) = Qawawin hikam al-
ishrāg ilā kāffat al-süftya ftjami" al-āfāg, Damascus, 1309

27 Attributed both to Kīlānī, ap. 502-a, p. 222 (margin); and to Shinnāwī (d. 1028/1619)
by Ahlwardt's catalogue (II, 246); to be restored to 447-a.

670 Shams al-Din Muhammad Sakhäwi, d. 902/1497: Shafi'ite

а. al-I'lan bi'l-tanbīh (?) (recension of 550-a, reproduced in
b. [Tabagāt daw’ lami‘fia‘yün . . . , Brock. S.]
c. [Qawl munbi, ms. Berlin 2849]
677 Маг al-Din ‘Ali Batanüni, around 900/1494: jurist: Hanafite;
mystic: Shādhilī
а. al-Sirr al-safīfimanāgib al-Hanafī, Cairo,?9 1306, cf. bib.
no. 626 (excerpt in 741-a)
b. Rihla
680 Abū ‘Abdallah-b-‘Abd al-Rahmān Bukhārī, around 900/1494:
a. Mahäsin al-islam wa'l-sharā'i', ms. Kópr. 644 (chap.
681 Nūr al-Dīn ‘Ali Burhānī, mystic: Shädhili, wrote in 907/1501
a. al-Jahrī al-madiya (ms. dated 1037), [L.M.] personal ms.
(based on 500-b)
682 "Alī ibn Abi Oasība Ghazālī, around 910/1501: polygraph
a. Khulāsat ‘igd al-durar (summary of 503-a), ms. P. 4594
683 Shihāb al-Dīn Ahmad ibn Zarrūg Fāsī, d. 899/1493: mystic
a. Sharh al-hikam al-"Atā'iya (excerpt in 942-a)
689 A-b-Yh ibn al-Hafid Harawi, d. 906 A.n.
a. Durr nadid, Cairo, 1322 (cf. 530-d)
690 Jalàl al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahmän Suyüti, d. 911/1505: polygraph
a. Ta’rikh al-khulafa’, ms. Fr. Inst. of Cairo (cf. cit. in
1613-2), translated 690-d
b. Fatwa (excerpt in 862-2)
c. Tanzih al-i'tigād ‘an al-hulūl . . . , ms. Cairo??
d. English translation of 690-a by Jarrett, Calcutta, 1881
e. Оат" al-mu'ārid (for bib. no. 403): ms. Cairo
f. Manāhil al-safa’ (cf. bib. no. 310-a), lith. 1276
g. [Hawr]
h. [al-Isaba, Brock. S.]
i. [al-Khabar al-dall . . . , Brock. S.]
j. [Bughyat al-wu'at, Cairo, 1326]
К. al-Durar al-muntathira fi al-ahādīth al-mushtahira, Cairo,
28 With a deliberate omission, pp. 17 and 34.
29 Adapted from the Mī'yār al-muridin of Qutb al-Din ‘Abdallah b. Ayman Nari Is-
fahbadhi. (Brock. S. H, 210: same nisba).

698 Mawlana Ahmad Ardabili . . . : jurist: Imämite

a. Hadīgāt al-shi'a (summary of179-a, excerpt ap. 1183-a):
excerpts Khuyyi, bib. no. 1236
703 Kürküt, cf. bib. no. 1327A
710 Muhammad ibn Abi Sharif Tilimsānī, wrote 917/1511: jurist:
a. al-Manhal al-asfa (comm. 310-a), ms. Fatih 838, Algiers
1678 (excerpt 201-a)
720 Safi A-b-'AA Khazraji, d. 923 А.Н.
a. Khuläsa tahdhib al-kamal, Cairo, 1322 (cf. 530-d)
b. [Khulasat . . . asma’ al-rijal, Cairo, 1322]
722 ‘Ala’ al-Din ‘Ulwan, d. 936 A.H.
a. Jawhar mahbük, Damascus, 1329; see bib. no. 519
725 * Ali ibn ‘Abd al-'Ali Karaki ‘Amili, d. 937/1530: Imāmite
a. Matā'in al-mujrimīn (summary of 179-a, excerpts in
755-a, 1183-a)
728 Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Kamālpāshā, d. 940/1535, Istan-
bul: jurist: Hanafite
a. Risālaft(bayán) al-firaq al-dalla, [L.M.] personal ms. (cf.
ms. Hamidiya, majm. 186, ms. Nüri ‘Uthm. 4972), in fine:
s.v. Hulūlīya; attributed to Akmal M Baburti, d. 786 A.H.
(cat. Halat Eff. no. 2851)
730 ‘Ali Khawwas, d. 940/1533: mystic
a. al-Jawáhir wa'l-durar, ms. Nüri ‘Uthm. 2358; ms. Wali
al-Din, majm. 1684
731 Shams al-Din Ahmad-b-'Ali Dalji, d. 950/1544: jurist: Shafi'ite
a. al-Istifa’ (comm. 310-a), ms. Nūrī ‘Uthm. 982
735 Mawla Shams al-Din Ibrahim Mudarris Zāde, d. 959/1551
a. Wafayat al-a'yán, ms. Leyden (Warn. 819)
737 Shams M-b-'Ali ibn Tülün, d. 953/1546
a. Fulk mashhiin, Damascus, 1348
b. Kitab al-hajaj min akhbar al-Hallāj (cit. 737-2)
738 Bālī Khalifat Süfiyahwi, d. 960/1553
a. Sharh Fusūs al-hikam (comm. 421-d), Istanbul, 1309
739 Ahmad ibn Jahāl Misri Lārī, d. around 950/1543: mystic: Rifā ī
a. Jalā al-sadāfisīrat Imäm al-Hudā, ms. *Umümi 3324 (cf.
739A A-b-M Witri, d. 970/1562, Baghdad: poet: Rifā'ī
a. Rawdat al-názirin, ms. P. 6495
740 Muhammad ibn Yahyā Tādhifi, d. 953/1546: mystic: Oādirī

a. Qala'id al-jawahir, Cairo, 1317

741 "Abd al-Wahhāb Sha‘rawi, d. 973/1565: theologian
a. al- Tabaqát al-kubra, Cairo, 1305 (= Lawāgih)
b. al-Kibrit al-ahmar, Cairo, 1306
c. al-Mizan al-khidriya, Cairo, 1276
d. Lata’if al-minan, Cairo, 132139
e. Cf. 730-a
f. [Lawagih, Cairo, 1892]
g. [al-Yawaqit, Cairo, 1889 (and margin of 741-b)]
742 Shihäb al-Din Ahmad-b-Muhammad-b-Hajar Haytami, d.
973/1565: Shāfi'ite
a. al-Fatawa al-hadithiya, Cairo, 1325
M Ghawth-b-Khatir al-Din, d. 970/1562
a. Jawahir khamsa = Recueil
Shaykh Hasan-b-'Ali-b-Abd al-‘Ali Karaki, d. around 975/
1567: Imämite
а. ‘Umdat al-magāl fī kufr ahl al-dalāl (excerpt in 827-a,
‘Ali Tchelebi Sarükhàni Izniqi, around 980/1572: alchemist
a. Durar al-anwar, ms. Cairo, majm. 151 (Kraus)
M-b-Miisa Hau Mu'min Khurāsānī, d. 984/1576, Imamite
a. Qawa'id al-süfiya (923-a)
b. Fatwa (1236-3)
Abū'l-Faraj-b-Zakī Nahrawālī
a. Fatwa fi'l-Hallaj, ms. P. 1317 (G. Vajda)
Ibn al-Baqari (Ansari)
a. Qissat al-Hallaj, ms. P. 1618 (Jawād), notice in Mélanges
Félix Grat; cf. ms. 1618 and Khitat jadida
Sayyid Muhammad ibn Qasim Abi al-Fadl, d. around 980/1572
a. Kitāb al-shänayn, ms. Fatih 2643 (chap. sabr)
Husayn-b-Muhammad Diyārbakrī, d. 982/1574: Hanbalite
a. Ta’rikh al-khamis, ms. of 1016 Hijra, s.v. ““Muqtadir”
(cf. 538-a, 530-a, 583-a)
Abū Muhammad Mustafa Jannābī, d. 999/1590: historian
a. al-I'lam al-zākhir, ms. Oxford (Laud. 232), anno 309
789 Dāwūd Antākī, d. 1005/1596: litterateur
a. Tazyin al-aswāg, ed. Cairo (cf. 278-2)
790 ‘Ali Qari’, а. 1014/1605: Hanafite Māturīdite
3° Excerpt from al-Rāfī “Туа? al-gulūb” (? this is not Rāfi'ī, d. 623/1226) given ap. 960-3,
II, 258.

a. Sharh kitāb al-shifa’, Cairo, 1285

b. Risāla fi'l-radd ‘ala Ibn ‘Arabi, ms. Cairo; Istanbul, 1294
c. Nuzhal al-khatir al-fatir, ms. Algiers 724 (cf. 502-a)
791 Ahmad ibn Y üsuf Oarāmānī, d. 1019/1611: historian
a. Akhbar al-duwal, Baghdad, 1282
7914 Mirza AQ Baba Qutb Dhahabi: Imāmite 508
a. Qawa’im al-anwar (Куут, bib. no. 1236)
792 Sibghatallah Barwaji Husayni, d. 1025/1616, Medina: Shattari,
ташт of 743-a, edited it, mss. P. 1197, P. 5359
793 ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhäb ‘Urdi, d. 1024/1615: jurist:
Shāfi'ite; mystic: Qadiri
a. Sharh al-shifa’, ms. Nüri ‘Uthm. 1028 (comm. 310-a)
794 Baha’ al-Din Muhammad ‘Amili, d. 1030/1621: jurist: Imamite
a. al-Kashkül, Cairo, 1316
795 ‘Abd al-Rā'ūf Muhammad Munäwi, d. 1031/1622: jurist:
a. al-Kawākib al-durrīya (sic, excerpt in 840-a, 959-а), copy
of ms. Bayt al-Nagīb, Baghdad
b. Manāgib, ms. P. 6490
797 Zayn al-Din Mar'i ibn Yüsuf Magģdisī, d. 1033/1624: jurist:
Hanbalite |
a. Risāla fi mā waga'a fi kalām al-sūfīya min al-alfāz al-
mithama li'l-takfir, ms. Cairo
798 Hijazi-b-‘Umar Sandiyüni, jurist: Shāfi'ite; mystic: Khalwati,
wrote around 1031/1622 in Delta:
a. Hāshiyat '"Uyūn al-tawarikh” (concerning 539-a)
801 Ahmad-b-Khalil Subki, d. 1037/1627: jurist: Shāfi'ite
a. Minhāj al-hunafa’ (comm. 310-2), ms. Fatih 840
804 "Ali-b-Burhàn al-Din Halabi, d. 1044/1634
a. Insān al-'uyiin, Cairo, 1320
805 Muhammad Bäqir Amir al-Dāmād Astarabadhi, d. 1041/1631:
jurist: Imämite
a. al-Rawashih al-samawiyafī sharh ahadith al-imamiya (on
the “Каў,” excerpt in 923-a), Bombay
b. [Manhaj al-magāl, Tehran, 1886]
806 Sadr al-Din Muhammad Shīrāzī, d. 1050/1640: jurist: Imämite
a. al-Hikmat al-muta‘aliya fr'l-masá'il al-rubübiya (= al-Asfar
al-arba'a), Tehran
807 Tāj al-Dīn b. Zakariyà' 'Abshami, d. 1050/1640: Hanafite
a. Arabic translation of 1150-a, ms. P. 1370, ed. Cairo, in

which all passages concerning Hallāj are omitted

808 "Abd al-Ahad Nüri (cf. bib. no. 1344), d. 1061/1651, Istanbul:
mystic: Khalwati
a. Hujjat al-widád, ms. Cairo
809 Abū ‘Abdalläh Muhammad ibn al-Balabānī, around 1064/1653;
substituted mistakenly for his homonym (cf. bib. no. 474)
ap. Ahlwardt, Verzeichr. (1635-a], no. 3250
810 Mustafa Hajji Khalifa al-Kātib Tchelebi, d. 1068/1657: lexicog-
a. Kashf al-zuniin, ed. Flüegel (cf. 1610-a)
b. Sullam al-wusül, autographed ms. Shahid ‘Ali 1887
811 Shihab al-Din Ahmad Khafaji, d. 1069/1659: jurist: Shafi‘ite
а. Nasim al-riyad . . . (comm. 310-a), Cairo, 1267. Cf. Re-
b. Sharh al-shifā”, Istanbul, 1851
812 Нат Muhammad Mu'min Jazā'irī, d. around 1070/1659: jurist:
a. Khizanat al-khayāl . . . (excerpt іп 923-a)
813 Qutb Ishkaveri: Usūlī gādī, pupil of bib. no. 805
a. Mahbüb al-gulūb, ms. Sepahsalar, Tehran
b. Manzūma
815 A Dajjani Oushāshī, d. 1070 А.Н.
a. Simt majid, Hyderabad, 1327 (cit. 231-d)
820 ‘Abd al-Salàm ibn Ibrahim Laggānī, d. 1078/1668: jurist: Mali-
a. Hidayat al-murīd (Sharh Jawharat al-tawhīd) (excerpt in
861-b). Cf. bib. nos. 889, 955
821 Shaykh Salih Mahdi al-Mugbili Yamani, d. 1108/1696: theolo-
gian: Zaydite
a. al-‘Alam al-shamikh, printed in "al-Manār,” Cairo; ed.
Cairo, 1328 (comm. 530-d) š
825 Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Hurr ‘Amili, d. 1100/1688: jurist:
Akhbārī Imāmite
а. al-Risāla al-ithnā'asharīya (excerpt in 923-a), ms. London
826 Mubsin ibn al-Shäh Murtadā al-Fayd Kāshī, d. 1091/1680:
Jurist: Imāmite
a. Kalimāt maknūna . . . (excerpt in 923-a)
830 "Abd al-Hayy-b-Ahmad ibn al-‘Imäd 'Akari, d. 1089/1679:
jurist: Hanbalite
a. Shadharat al-dhahab, ms. Cairo

831 ‘Ali-b-‘Abdalläh Misri, wrote around 1075/1664: litterateur

a. Tuhfat al-akyas . . . , ms. Leipzig (s.v. Mu'tadid)
831A ‘A Qadir Fasi, d. 1091/1680, Nawazil; and ap. bib. no. 843A
832 M bey Uzbekī Makki, in 1091 А.н.
a. "Atiyat al-wahhab, on margin of bib. no. 1176
833 Ahmad-b-"AA Baghdädi, d. 1102/1690: historian
a. ‘Uyün akhhar al-a'yan, ms. London 23.310, and ms. P.
834 M-b-M-b-Sul Rūdānī: traditionist and Sab mt
a. Silat al-khalaf, ms. P. 4470, found in part in 191-a and
261-a (Jawād); notice, Mélanges Félix Grat
835 Muhammad Bāgir-b-Tagī Majlisī, d. around 1110/1698: jurist:
a. Ta'līgāt kitab “Amal al-amil” (cited 567-a, based on the
abridgment of Shams al-Din al-‘Amili, d. 886/1481; excerpt
in 923.3)
Wajiza (in bib. no. 1238)
836 Istafan
Duwayhi, d. 1116/1704: Christian
Ta’rikh al-muslimin, ms. P. LLI 475-c (anno 309)
a. |
840 Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn 'Agīla, d. 1150/1737, Mecca: jurist:
Shāfi'ite; mystic: Oādirī
а. Ta’rikh (Nuskhat al-wujüd . . . ), ms. Cairo (anno 309,
based on 795-a) =
841 Ahmad Dulunjawi Azhari, d. 1123/1711, Cairo: jurist: Mālikite;
mystic: Rifa'i I
a. Háshiyat “Ta’rikh Baghdad” (cf. 250-a), ms. Nuri "Uthm.
3094 (his Divan, ms. P. 3260) А
842 ‘Abd al-Ghàni Nābulusī, d. 1143/1731: jurist: Hanafite; mystic:
a. Hatk al-astār, ms. Cairo
b. Jam‘ al-asrar, ms. Cairo
c. Kashf al-sirr al-ghämid (comm. 403-b)
d. Radd matin, ms. Cairo (cf. 742-a)
e. Kitab ba'tir al-anamfī ta'bīr al-manäm, Cairo, 1898
842A À ibn 'Atiya, d. 1119/1707
a. Silsilat al-anwār (bib. no. 962)
843 Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Rahim Lutfi, Jerusalem: jurist:
Hanafite; wrote in 1115/1703
a. al-Jawhar (= al-fatawa al-rahamïya?) (excerpt in 920-3)

844 Ismā'īl Haqqi Brüsawi, d. 1137/1725, Brusa: theologian

a. Tafsir rūh al-bayán, on Qur'àn 15:86; 93:5; Cairo, 1255
845 Must.-b-Kamāl Siddiqï, in 1128/1715
a. Kashf .. . fiziyārat al-"Irāg . . . , ms. Cambridge 930 (K.
Dujayli); Recueil 244
846 „.. Mahrazī: Nusayri
a. (copy) made in 1211/1796 of 173-a: ms. P. 1450. Copy of
bib. no. 605
847 Amīr Haydar Ahmad Shihābī, d. 1162/1748: Druze amīr
a. Ta'rikh, Cairo, 1900
848 Hajj M-b-Ibr Idrisi Zarhüni (Tasaft)
a. Rihlat al-wafid, translated by Justinard, Rabat, 1936 (the
notice on Halläj has been omitted from this edition)
849 Shaykh Mustafa-b-‘Ali Bakri, d. 1162/1749: jurist: Hanafite;
mystic: Khalwati
a. al-Suyūf al-hidad, ms. Cairo
850 A Shakir Abü'l-Safà' Dimishgī, d. before 1177/1763
a. Qasida (951-a)
851 Ja'far-b-Hasan-b-'Abd al-Karim Birzanjt d. 1177/1763, Me-
dina: Shafi‘ite
a. al-Jani al-dānī, Bombay, 'Umümi 565
852 Muhammad Beg Rāghib Pāshā, d. 1176/1763, Istanbul: grand
a. Safinat al-Rāghib, Cairo, 1282
853 Muhammad 'Ali-b-'Ali Tahānawi, Hanafite, wrote in 1158/
a. Kashshaf istilāhāt al-funūn, Sprenger ed., Calcutta, 1854-
1862 (cf. 385-a)
859 Abū'l-Khayr ‘Abd al-Rahmän Suwaydi, d. 1200/1786
a. Kashf al-hujiib, Cairo, n.d.
860 Yahyā Jalīlī Mawsili, d. 1189/1783: historian
a. Siräj al-mulük, ms. London 23.306
861 Muhammad Amin al-Khatib ‘Umari, d. 1203/1789, Mosul
a. Manhal al-safa’, autographed ms. Alūsī coll. (Fa'idah)
b. Manhal al-awliya’, ms. London supp. 679 = ms. Syriac
Berlin 336
862 Abü'l-Fayd Muhammad Murtadà Husayni Wāsītī Zabīdī Bil-
grami, d. 1205/1791: jurist: Hanafite; lexicographer
a. Ithar al-sáda al-muttagīn, Cairo (comm. of 280-a)
b. Чаа al-jumān al-thaminfi al-dhikr wa turuq al-albas wa'l-

talgīn, ms. Kayyālī: s.v. "Hallājīya” (cf. bib. no. 809), ms.
Taymur - Recueil; notice in Mélanges Félix Grat
c. [Sharh al-qamas|
d. Тај al-‘ariis, Cairo, 1889-1890; 10 vols. in 5
879 Ahmad-b-'Ali Dalji, wrote in 1219/1795: litterateur
a. al-Faláka wa'l-maflūkūn, Cairo, 1322
888 Ahmad-b-Muhammad ibn 'Ajiba, d. 1229/1809: Dargāwī
a. Īgāz al-hamm, Cairo, 1913
b. Futūhāt ilahiya (comm. of 600-a)
839 M-b-al-Amir Sunbāwī, Mālikite, d. 1232/1816
a. Sharh "alā'l-javhara li'l-Lāgānī (excerpt Nashāshibī, bib.
no. 999-11)
890 Ahmad ibn Muhammad Sāwī, d. 1241/1825: jurist: Mālikite;
mystic: Khalwatī
a. Hāshiyat tafsir al-Jalalayn, Cairo, n.d., 2nd ed.
908 ‘Abd al-Lati£b- AR-b-H-b-M-b ‘Abd al-Wahhäb, around
a. Risála 19th to 'AA-b-Mu'aydhir (majm. ras. m. Wahha-
bite, Cairo, 1345)
910 Shihab al-Din Mahmüd Ālūsī, d. 1270/1853, Baghdad
a. Nashwat al-mudám, Baghdad 1293/1876
b. Gharā'ib al-ightirāb, Baghdad, 1327
c. Fayd warid _
d. [Räh al-ma‘ani wa tafsir al-Qur'an а1-'агїт sab' al-mathānī,
Brock. S. II]
914 Jalal ‘Azm, 'Ugtīd al-jawhar, 1276 a.u., Beirut (bib. no. 512)
915 Ibrāhīm-b-Muhammad Bājūrī, d. 1277/1861: Shāfi'ite
a. Sharh “Jawharat al-tawhid," Cairo, 1281 (cf. 820-a), on
verse *'Algāhu ff'l-yamm”
919 Shaykh Muhammad-b-'Ali Sanüsi, d. 1276/1859, Jaghbub
founder of the Sanüsi order: Malikite
a. al-Salsabil al-mwin fi'l-tara’iq al-arba’in, ms. coll. of HH
‘Abd al-Wahhāb 207 (dhikr and sanad of the Hallājīya) (cf.
bib. no. 809);31 Recueil; printed on the margin of his Masa’il
‘ashar, Cairo, Ma‘abid, 1355
920 Abū Yüsuf Muhammad Amin al-Wā'iz, d. 1273/1856 (cited in
910-b), Baghdad: mystic: Qadiri

31 A. Colas made a French translation which is almost impossible to find today (auto-
graphed in Algiers, 1882),

a. Fatwā (citing 843-a), cited in 941-a

921 Muhammad 'Uyüni, d. 1275/1858, Bisa Tchublagh (Kurdis-
tan): mystic: Naqshbandi
a. Majmū' rasā'il, ms. Alüsi coll.
922 Diya’ al-Din Ahmad Gūmushkhānī, d. 1276/1859: mystic:
a. Jami‘ al-usūl fi'l-awliya', Cairo, 1319
923 Muhammad Bāgir Khūnsārī, d. around 1287/1870: jurist:
Imämite (Usūlī)
a. Rawdat al-jannāt, Persian lith., 1307
924 Ni'matallāh Jazā'īrī: Akhbari Shr‘ite
a. Zahr al-rabī", Baghdad, 1341 (179-a)
927 Nawfal Effendi-b-Ni'matallāh Nawfal, Protestant Christian,
published in 1876 d. 1887 A.D., Tripoli
a. Sawsanat Sulayman fi usūl al-'aqa'id wa’l-adyan (cf. 618-2)
928 Mawlä Ahmad Allāh Bītāwarī (Pīshāwarī), wrote in Afghani-
stan: jurist: Hanafite
a. Tuhfat al-ikhwan fr'l-tafriqa bayn al-kufr wa'l-iman, India,
930 Mustafa b. Muhammad ‘Arüsi, d. 1293/1876, Cairo: jurist:
a. Natā'ij al-afkār (supergloss of 231-a; cf. 662-a), Cairo,
931 Jibrā'īl Hannüsh Asfar, Christian, wrote around 1287/1870 in
a. Muntaji‘ al-murtād fī ta'rīkh Baghdad, ms. of the author
b. Mukhtasar al-mustafād min ta'rīkh Baghdad, abridgment of
931-a, from ms. Baghdad Carmelite collection
932 Muhammad ibn 'Alawi ibn Mawla Ahmad, wrote in 1286/
1869, in Baghdad
a. Jami‘ al-anwar (translation of 1355-a), ms. А1451 coll.
937 Said Shartüni
a. Aqrab al-mawārid, s.v. [Arabic-Arabic Dictionary], Bei-
rut, 1889-1893
938 "Umar ‘Attär Dimishgī: theologian
a. al-Fath al-mubinfīradl i‘tirad al-mu'tarid ‘ala Muhyi al-Din,
Cairo, 1304
939 Siddiq Hasan Khan, d. 1307, Bhopal
a. Taj mukallal — Recueil 230
940 Butrus Bustàni, d. 1301/1883: Christian encyclopedist
a. Da’irat al-ma'arif, Beirut, art. “НаПаре” and "Ibn ‘Aqil”

941 Khayr al-Din Nu‘män ibn al-Alüsi, d. around 1320/1902,

Baghdad: jurist: Hanbalite
a. Jalā al-'aynayn, Cairo, 1298
942 Mahmüd ibn Khalil ibn al-‘Azm, scholar, wrote around 1281/
1864, in Damascus
a. al-Rawd al-Zahir, autographed ms., Cairo
948 Hasan ‘Idwi al-Hamzāwī, d. 1303/1886, Cairo: jurist: Malikite
a. al-Madad al-fazyād, Cairo, 1276 A.H., 2 vols. (comm.
949 Sh. ‘Ali Na'im: see bib. no. 990A
950 Muhammad Rashid Sa'di, wrote in 1305/1887, in Baghdad
a. Nukhba ta’rikhiya, Bombay Nukhbat al-Akhbar, no. 70
(November 3, 1887)
951 Abū'l-Hudā Muhammad Sayyädi, d. 1326/1908, Prinkipo:
mystic: Кіѓач
a. Qiladat al-jawahir, 2nd ed., Istanbul, 1302. Recueil
952 A Sālhānī, wrote in 1308/1890, in Beirut: Christian (Jesuit
a. Mukhtasar “ta’rikh al-duwal" (summary of 472-2) [reprint
Beirut 1958, Catholic Press] |
953 Sirāj al-Din Muhammad ibn al-Fil jurist: Hanafite; mystic:
Rifā'ī, wrote in 1310/1892, in Mosul
a. Khitäm al-misk al-adfar, autographed ms., Geuthner cat.,
1912 (comm. ofRahiq al-Kawthar of bib. no. 664)
955 M Muräd Manzalawi, of Ufa, b. 1272 А.н.: Nagshī, translated
in 1316
a. bib. no. 1176, Mecca
b. Ahwāl-i Sirhindī, on margin of 955-a, Mecca
Muhammad Anbäbi, wrote in 1284/1865, in Cairo
a. Hāshiyat Sharh “Jawharat al-tawhid" (cf. 915-a)
Mullā Muhammad-b-Mahdī-b-Abī Dharr Narāgī: Imāmite
a. (Dhayl) mushkilāt al-'ulüm, 2nd ed., Tehran, 1322
Yūsuf ibn Isma‘il Nabhani jurist: Hanafite; friend of the Sayyid
Süfis of Hadramut, wrote in Beirut
a. Jami‘ karāmāt al-awliya’, ms. Damascus (copy Mālih)
(excerpt of 741-d and 795-a), Cairo, 1329
b. Jami‘ al-thanā ‘ala Allah, Beirut, 1324
960 Mahmiid Shukri Alüsi jurist: Hanbalite, wrote in Badhdad
a. Ghayat al-amani (contra bib. no. 959), pseud.: Abü'l-
Mali al-Salàmi, Cairo, 1327
b. Akhbär Baghdad, 4 vol. mss.

c. Marginal notes of 932-a

961 Ibrāhīm-b-Yūsuf Masābikī, Christian, wrote in Beirut
а. Jawāb (to 1695-2) in al-Machrig,” XI (August 1908)
962 Fathallàh Bannānī, b. 1281 Rabat, gādī
a. Tuhfat ahl al-futūhāt, Cairo, Taqaddum, 126-a
967 ‘Abd al-Qadir Wardighi, of Chefchaouen (Rif): mystic
a. Salwat al-ikhwan wa nusrat al-khillan, Cairo, 1298. A ref-
utation of Shaykh 'Alaysh al-Misri
969 ‘A Qadir Jazā'irī (Abdelkader), d. 1883
a. Mawāgif, ed. Nabiha Hanem, Cairo, 1327
970 Shaykh ‘Abd al-Mannan Duguzli mystic: Khalwati, wrote in
1301/1883 i
a. Ma'awá al-ragha’ib, Istanbul, 1306
973 Shaykh Rashid Rida, d. 1935 A.D.: Salafi theologian, editor of
the review al-Manār (Cairo); founder of the Seminary of
Muslim Missionaries of Ruda
a. gloss of the tafsir of Shaykh ‘Abduh, ap. al-Manär, X X,
no. 7 (1336 А.н.) (based on 280-a-c)
b. Ta'rīkh al-Shaykh M "Abduh, Cairo, 1931 (cites Ibn
Taymiya, who refers to Khatib)
973A ‘Ali Makki, d. 1305/1887: Nagshbandī from Bilbris
a. Ighāthat al- [malhüfin], Cairo, 1327
974 Sul-b- Y Shāfi'ī Khalwatī
ünus Juhanī:
a. Fayd al-malik al-hamīd, Cairo, 1320
975 Madārisī, jurist: Shāfi'ite, wrote before 1320/1902
a. al- Tanbīh bi al-tanzih (cited in 976-a)
b. [Dhayl al-la’äta|
976 Ahmad-b-Ibrahim Najdi, jurist: Hanbalite wrote in Mecca,
a. Tanbih al-nabih (against 975-a), Cairo, 1328

Appendix: Collected Oral or Written Testimonies

of Contemporary Authors, in Arabic
977 Jamil Sidqi Zahawi: philosopher and poet
a. Oral testimony (Baghdad, December 25, 1907) (cf.
b. Qasida **Thawra fi'l-jahim,” ap. Duhūr, March 1931
977A ‘Al Mahfuz
a. Ibdā*fimadarr al-bida‘, Эта ed., Cairo, 1348 (= 559-a)

Ma'rüf Rasafi: poet

a. Oral testimony (Baghdad, December 31, 1907)
Shaykh Muhammad Yamani, b. around 1256/1840
a. Oral testimony (A'zamiya, May 15, 1908)
Mirzà Abū'l-Fadl Jurfādhagānī (Gulpaygānī), b. around 1251/
1835, Bahai
a. Oral testimony (Cairo, March 10, 1910)
"Umar ibn Husayn Khashshäb, b. around 1260/1844: bookseller
a. Oral testimony (Cairo, November 27, 1909) (cf. 1565-3)
Shaykh Bādī Sannārī, d. March 1910 (= 1328 А.н.): mystic
a. Oral testimony (Cairo, December 16, 1909) (cf. 970-a)
Îsä-b-Iskandar Malūf: Christian writer
a. Mashāhīr al-'arab, ap. Mugtabas
Shaykh Tāhir Jazā'irī, b. around 1275/1858, in Damascus
a. Oral testimony (Cairo, January 13, 1910) (cf. 915-a)
[‘Abbäs Effendi] ‘Abd Baha: head of the Bahais since 1892
a. Oral testimony (Paris, November 25, 1911)
b. (cf. 980-a)
986 Shaykh Ahmad Rafīg-b-Nu'mān Jumaylī, from Baghdad: mer-
chant (cf. 1603-a)
a. Documents and references given (499-a, 1223-a)
987 Hau" Alī Tāghistānī: alchemist, of Timur Khan Shura
a. Oral testimony (Istanbul, April 18, 1912)
988 "Abdallah ‘Abd al-Fādī (pseudonym): Protestant Christian
a. al-Tasawwuf, ap. al-Sharq wa'l-Gharb, October 15, 1912
989 Anastüsyüs Mari min Ilyas Karmali (Anastase Marini),
Baghdad: Carmelite religious
a. Critique of 1695-h, ap. Lughat al-‘arab, December 1912
b. Critique of 1695-j, ap. Lughat al-‘arab, August 1913
c. Critique of 1640-e, ap. Lughat al-‘arab, September 1915
d. Critique of 1724-a, ap. Lughat al-‘arab, January 1914
e. Critique of 1695-1, ap. Lughat al-'arab, July 1914
f. Critique of this Hallājian bibliography, ap. Dar-al-Salam,
December 26, 1910
990 Mawlà 'Abd al-Hafiz-b-Hasan Hasani: Sultan of Morocco from
1326/1909 to 1330/1912
a. Statement (recorded and translated in Hubert-Jacques,
Les Journées sanglantes de Fez, Paris, 1913; cf. 915-a: on the
_ verse “Alqahia . . .")
990A "Īsā Imran

a. Sharh al-bustān li’l-Na‘im (bib. no. 949), written in 1312

А.Н. (ms. L.M, 34)
991 Ahmad-b-'Abd al-Muhdi Salti: shaykh of Transjordan
a. Oral testimony (Jerusalem, April 16, 1918)
992 ‘Izz al-Din ‘Alam al-Din al-Surüji al-Tanükhi: official of the
a. Qasida “Qawmi al‘arab” (ap. "Kawkab," Cairo, April 9,
1918; verse 47: copy of “Апа man ahwā”)
993 An unsigned editorial of Qibla, Mecca, 10 Jumada 1 1336 (1918
A.D.), no. 157, cites the verse '"Alqahu
fil yamm . . .”
994 M-b-Slimän ibn ‘Awda: Derqaoui of Nedroma
a. Irshādāt rabbānīya, Algiers
995 A-b-Must ibn 'Aliwa, d. 194 [?], Mostaganem
a. Minah qudüsiya, Tunis, 1329
996 Kāzim Dujaylī, Baghdad
a. letter of 1/8/1924 = Recueil
997 Zaki Mubārak
a. al- Tasawwuf al-Islāmī, 1938
997A Khayr D Ziriklī
а. al-A'lám (Dictionary, 2 vols.), Cairo
998 M Lutfi Gum'a
a. Muhākamat al-Hallāj, " Rabita ‘arabiya,” 1939 (from Janu-
ary 4 to April 5)
b. Review of“Diwan al-Hallaj" in Minbar al-sharg, May 14,
c. Balägh yawmī, Cairo, 1945
998A Mustafa Jawad
a. al-Sanawat al-dā'i'a min al-hawadith al-jami'a (in ms.)
b. Qasida "dhikra'l-Hallaj al-muhzina" (16 verses). This
historian turned up several unpublished works on Hallaj
998B Mahmūd Mas adi
a. ap. Tafahum, October 1942
b. [al-Sudd, Tunis, 1957 (Hallaj, beyond ‘agl)]
999-01 ‘Abbas ‘Azzawi
a. Ta'rikh al-Yazidiya, Baghdad, 1353
b. Ta'rikh al-'Iráq (Nesimi)
999-02 Ism beg Tchēl (d.), Yazīdī, Beirut, 1934
999-03 S. 'Anhüri
a. ap. Rev. Ac., Damascus, 1931
999-04 Dāwūd Gelebi, Kitab makhtūtāt Mawsil, Baghdad, 1927

999-05 Mhd Darini

a. ap. Akhbar, Cairo, September 20, 1928
999-06 ‘Abdalhayy Kattàni
a. Fihris al-faharis, Fez, 1346
999-07 *Abdalhamid Hamidu, Tlemcen
a. Sa'ada abadiya, 1935
999-08 Jabbür ‘Abdalnür
a. al- Tasawwuf, Beirut, 1938
b. Nazariyat, 1945
999-09 ‘Abdalrazzäq Hasani
a. "Ibadat al-shaytän, Baghdad, 1931
999-10 M A-b 'AA Madani, d. 1334, Alexandria
a. Silsila dhahab, Shādhilīya, ms. Padwick
999-11 Mahmüd Nashāshibī
a. Firag Islāmīya, Cairo, 1932 (889-a, 201-3)
999-12 Paul Kraus
a. Excerpt Akhb. Hallaj, ap. Hadith, Aleppo, July and No-
vember 1944 (posthumous)
b. cf. bib. no. 1804
999-13 Bishr Fares
a. Kalimat al-sha'ir, Mugtataf, Cairo, April 1945
999-14 Raji Ban .
a. Review Adib, IX, Beirut, 1942
999-15 M Must Hilmi
a. Ibn al-Fārid, Cairo, 1945
b. al-Hayat al-rühiya (fi'l-Islám), Cairo, 1945
999-16 A Sabri Shuwaymān
a. Daw’ fi'l-tawhid, Baghdad, 1364
999-17 "Abdalwahhab ‘Azzam
a. Tasawwuf [wa ‘Attar], Cairo, 1945
999-18 Hasan Ibrahim
a. Ta’rikh al-Islam, Cairo, 1946
999-19 'AR Badawi
a. Shakhsīyāt qaliqa . . . , 1946
b. Min ta’rikh al-ilhad, 1945
c. Turāth yünani, 1940
d. Insániya wa wujüdiya, 1947
e. Translated my H{alläj]
999-20 "Umar Farrükh
а. al- Tasawwuf frl-Isläm, Beirut, 1947

999-21 ‘Abd al-Muta'āl Sa'isi

a. Oadāyā Kubrā fi'l-Islam, Cairo, 1947


1016 (Anonymous), in 372 A.H.

a. Hudūd-ī ‘alam (geography); 1st ed. ap. Gahnama 1352 (of
Jalàl Tehrani), Tehran; Eng. translation Minorsky, Oxford,
1021 Abū Sa'd Fadl Allāh ibn Abī'l-Khayr Mahnawi, b. 357/968,
d. 440/1048: mystical poet
a. (Fragment) published by Bayqarà' (1157-a). Recueil
b. Ruba'i (“Ana’l-Haqq”), in Journal of the Royal Asiatic
Society ofBengal, 1912 (1911). Recueil
1055 "Ali Hujwiri Jullàbi Ganj Bakhsh, d. 466/1074 (?), Lahore: mys-
tic, author of the following work, whose redaction was
completed only between the year 473 (death of Ibn Saliba,
whom his son “succeeded,” p. 173) and the year 477 (death
of Fārmadhī, cited as being alive, p. 169), even though cer-
tain parts had been redacted previously: if not during the ,
lifetime of Qushayri (d. 465; p. 167), at least during the
lifetime of Jurjani (d. 469, cf. p. 169 1. 2 and 1. 13; cf. Introd.,
pp. xvin-xix). Note that the tardiya added to the name of An-
sārī (d. 481, p. 26, 1. 2) may be a copyist's addition, but that
the “Maqdisï,” cited on p. 260, is surely the well-known
Zāhirite and mystic (bib. no. 256), born in 448 and noted for
his precocity
a. Kashf al-mahjüb, ms. P. supp. Pers. 1086 = ms. P. supp.
Pers. 1214 = Nicholson translation (cf. 1692-f), ed.
Zhukovski, Leningrad, 1926. Written before 476 (+ Sahlagi)
b. Bahr al-minhāj (lost, cited 1055-a, translation; identified
wrongly with his Minhaj al-Din, ap. translation)
c. Sharh kaläm al-Halläj (lost: cited 1055-a, translation)
1057 Nizàm al-Mulk, d. 486/1093: vizir; Shafi'ite
a. Siyāsatnāma, ms. P. supp. Pers. 1571 = Fr. translation
Schefer, in Biblioth. École Langues Orientales, Paris, 1893;
translation p. 27132 (Ghiyath, a disciple in 290/902 of
Ahmad-b-K halaf al-Hallāj, seems identical with our Hallāj.)
32 Cf. Fihrist I, 188. And Magrīzī, Itti'āz al-hunafa’, ms. Gotha, 1652, ed. Н. Bunz (Leip-
zig, 1909), p. 130.


1059 Shaykh al-Islam Abū Isma‘il ‘Abdalläh-b-Muhammad Ansari

Harawi, d. 481/1088: jurist: Hanbalite; mystic: Malàmati
a. Tabagāt al-süfiya (in an archaic dialect of Herat), ms.
Nüri ‘Uthm. 2500 (dated 839/1435): 1) ap. lives of Bistami,
Junayd, Nibaji, Isfahānī, Ibn ‘Ata’; 2) (3rd category) Hallāj
(abridged biography), testimonies of Ibn Khafif, Daggāg,
Shibli, ‘Abd al-Malik Iskafi, Haykal, Ibrahim ibn Fātik,
Harawi, miracles, 7 hikam (cf. 170-a), quote from Murta'ish;
3) ap. life of al-"Utüfi; 4) in final chapter
b. Fasl, excerpt ap. 1059-a; Recueil
c. Makatib, excerpt ap. 1175-a
d. Excerpt in 1157-a
e. Kanz al-sālikīn (apocr.), ms. Calcutta E 147
f. Munajat, [ms. P.] supp. P. 1358
g. Purdah-i hijjab, ms. Shahid ‘Ali, majm. 1383
h. Dhamm al-kaläm, [ms.] Br. Mus. 1571
1070 Abü'l-Ma'ali Muhammad b. ‘Ubaydallah Husayni, wrote in
a. Bayän al-adiyān, excerpt (from ch. IV) cited by 1219-a.
Note that the text of Bayän published by Schefer (Chrest.
Pers.) is truncated; not only is ch. V missing (see Introd.), but
also the end of ch. IV (mujabbira, süfiya; with the text indi-
cated) was missing in it (ibid., ap. ms. P. supp. Pers.
1081 Abū Turāb Murtadā ibn al-Dāf, around 505/1111?? (or rather
AQ Murtada b. Hy b. Tahir, d. 436?)
a. Tabsirat al-'awamm fi ma'rifa magālāt al-anam, Tehran,
1312/1895, following 1229-a (cf. 125-a, 170-2, 1091-а, 250-a).
2nd ed. Eghbal, Tehran, 1313
1082 ‘Ayn al-Oudāt Hamadhānī, d. 525 A.H. (cf. bib. no. 308)
a. Zubda = Tamhīdāt: ms. IO Pers.; ms. P. supp. 36; ms. P.
supp. 1356
b. Maktūbāt, ms. P. 1084; ms. P. supp. 1356; Maktūībāt, ms.
P. afp. 35
c. Lawā'ih, Persian translation, enlarged ed. of Sawānih
(281-c) ms. P. supp. 38 (= Recueil)
1083 Hakim Sana'i [Shi'ite], d. 550 A.H., Ghazni

33 According to 1229-a, pp. 320-321; but there were some retouches from the eighth to
the thirteenth century (pp. 417, 422): one passage written before the coming of Saladin (p.

a. Hadiq-i, ms. P. supp. 1494 (Qasida al-suliik; on Hallāj) =

ed. Bombay, 1858
b. Miniature of the crucifixion according to a verse from
the Hadīg-ī, ap. majm. coll. of Nasrullah Taqawi
1087 Suhrawardi Maqtül (cf. bib. no. 363)
a. Lughat-i murān (ed. Spies-Khatak, Stuttgart, 1935,
‘Three Treaties”)
b. Safīr-ī sīmūrgh (ibid., P.)
c. Pūr-i jibrāyil, ed. and tr. Corbin-Kraus, JAP, July 1935
d. Mu’nis al-‘ushshäq, ap. notes of the Corbin tr., *Re-
cherches philos.,” Paris, 1932-1933
e. "Agl-i surkh, ed. Mahdi Bayani, Tehran, 1316
1088 Ahmad-i Jām, d. 536/1141
a. Diwan (apocr.), (Ivanow) 1898
1089 Mhd-b-Munawwar (biog. Abū Sa'id)
a. Asrār al-tawhīd (cf. Nicholson, Studies), ed. Zhukovski,
Petersburg, 1899
1090 Jākūs (Jākīr) Kurdī, d. 590/1193, Oantarat al-risas (Samarra):
a. (Fragment) ap. 1091-a
1091 Abü Muhammad-b-Abi Nasr Rüzbahän (al-Saghir) Bagli Day-
lami Ваза”, 530, d. 606/1209, Shiraz: mystic (cf. Ivanow,
JASB, 1928; Ritter, DI, 1933)
a. cf. bib. no. 380
b. Sharh al-shathiyat (cited 1150-a and 810-a), ms. Shahid
"Alī pasha 1342, dated 849/1445, and ms. Oādī ‘Askar Миша
Muräd 1271 = 1290 of the catalogue, based on an original
Arabic text (cf. bib. no. 380); pagination of the Shahid ‘Ali
ms. (including biography), Asanid Gharib = Riwayat, Muta-
Jarragāt kalam al-Hallaj, Persian translation with commentary
of Kitab al-tawasin (cf. 1695-j). Translation made after 591
А.н. of the Mantiq of 570 A.n., placing Hallaj on a level with
Bistāmī and omitting the two references to Mansūr, the son
of Hallāj
c. Kitab qudsiya, ms. P. supp. Pers. 1356
d. Kitab sharh al-tawāsīn (cited in bib. no. 591) = 1091-b
e. Abhar al-‘ashigin [ed. Corbin]
f. Nukat, in 1091-b

g. Kitab al-tawásin [ms. Welieddin 2187 (photo Fuat Sez-

1101 Farid al-Din Abü Hàmid Muhammad-b-Ibrähim ‘Attär, d.
around 626/1229, Nishapur: mystic poet; d. 617 according to
Fuwati, REI, 1946. Notice, ap. REI, 1946: "l'oeuvre hal-
lagienne de ‘А саг.” The Lucknow edition was 1872
a. Haylājnāma (= Hailājnāma = Mansūrnāma), ap. Kulliyat
of 'Attàr, ed. Lucknow; ms. Cairo, Persian; ms. Elliott
(Bodl.); ms. India Office, 1096; ms. London Or. 353 — Lon-
don Or. 6634 (dated 861/1456). Metaphysical epic in 79 songs
(10,000 verses), conclusion of 1101-d, using the martyrdom
of Hallàj as an allegorical setting
b. Bülbülnáma, ms. P. supp. Pers. 811
c. Tadhkirat al-awliyā”, ed. Nicholson, London, 1907. Text
must be completed with the Manaqib al-Hallaj, an anony-
mous Arabic translation (Alüsi ms. coll.); cf. bib. nos. 1320
and 1580-b
d. Jawhar al-dhät (excerpt ap. 1580-a). “The Substance of
the Essence," epic in 94 + 67 songs (34,000 verses), preface
to Haylājnāma. Divided into two parts
e. Mantiq al-tayr, ed. Tassy, line 2271 (and 2258) (excerpt
ap. 1689-3), reed. Stockholm (verses 2261-2272, 4233-4240)
f. Ushtūrnāma I (cit. Ritter), II, III: ms. P. supp. Pers. 1795)
h. Asrārnāma (ms. P. afp. 256; cf. Ritter, ZDMG, 1939)
i. Basarnāma (ms. P. supp. Pers. 1485)
j. Waslatnäma (208 verses, ms. P. supp. Pers. 654). This is
the Waslatnāma also known as Mansürnáma
k. Ilāhīnāma, ed. Ritter, Istanbul, 1940
l. Rubā'iyāt (in fine of 1101-2) in ms. L.M.
m. Kulliyat, ed. Lucknow, 1872
1102 Hamid al-Din Nājūrī, d. 643/1245, India
a. Tawali‘ al-shumtūs, ms. Calcutta E 126-127 (Ivanow)
b. [Risāla on Ana'l-Haqq, ms. Nizàmi]
1103 Shaykh Majd al-Dīn Abū Sa'īd Sharaf-b-al-Mu'ayyad al-
Baghdādī, d. 616/1219, Baghdad: mystic: Kubrawi
a. Risāla fr'l-safar, ms. Kópr. 1589 (chap. Khass al-khass)
| b. [Tuhfat al-barara, ms. Molé]
1106 "Aziz-b-Muhammad Nazafi, d 661/1263, Aberkuh: mystic
a. Kashf al-haqa'iq, ms. London, Pers. cat. ПІ, 1095

b. Maqsad agsā (not consulted)

1107 Najm al-Din Каз (Dāyah), d. 654/1256: mystic
a. Mirsad al-'ibad, ms. As'ad 1705. Book III, ms. P. supp.
Pers. 1802 = Recueil = ed. Baghdad, 1322; ed. Tehran, 1312
(Sherefettin Yaltkaya); cf. 1325-a
b. [Tanazzalat (fatwa on Anā'l-Hagg)|
1111 Jalāl al-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, b. 602/1205 Balkh, d. 672/1273
Konya: mystic: Mawlawi
a. Mathnawi-i ma'nawi, ed. Turco-Persian, Cairo, 1268; ed.
Nicholson, 1933 = ed. Bombay, 1267/1851 = ed. Tabriz,
b. Diwan Shams al-Haqá'iq (Shams Tabriz), Tabriz, 1280,
Qasida (reproduced and translated in 1692-d). Cf. Recueil
c. Fihi mà fihi min al-ma'arif wa'l-hagā'ig, ms. As'ad, 1614
(in prose); cf. ms. Fatih, 5296, 3 quotations (Nicholson); ms.
Hamidiya [ed. Daryabadhi, quotations]
d. Hikayat Shaykh Mansūr Hallāj (apocryphal), a poem of
205 verses, ms. London Or. 248 = the Waslatnāma of ‘Attar
e. cf. 1131
f. Rubāī, ap. Asaf Halet Celebi, “Mevlana,” Istanbul, 1939
g. Ghazal (the two wines), ap. Foruzanfar, excerpt
1112 Khwäja Nasir al-Din Muhammad Tüsi, b. 607/1210, d. 672/
1273: philosopher: Imämite
a. Awsaf al-ashrāf fi'l-siyar wa'l-sulūk, ms. IO Pers. 1809
(923-a, 980-a). Arabic translation, ms. Berlin 3014
1112A Shams Tabrizi
a. Magāla, ms. Shiraz (against “nahnu rūhān . . .”)
b. Jadhbat ilahiya, excerpt Ghazaliyat, ed. Asadallah Ized
Khoshasp, Isfahan, 1320/1902 (= 111-g)
1113 Shams M-b-Hakim Kishi, d. 604/1207
a. Risala der sherhi du'a Mansur-i Hallaj der wagtī qatl we
dūbaytī "Ugtulūnī” (cit. bib. nos. 1118, 1124)
b. [Awsāf al-ashrüf, ms. Pers. Br. Mus. II 829]
1114 Fakhr Ibr ‘Iraqi, d. 688/1289, Damascus
a. Lama at, ms. P. supp. Pers. 1851 = ed. Arberry
b. Ashi'at, comm. on 1114-a (Jāmī)
1116 Nizàm Awliya', d. 725/1324
a. Malfūzāt, ms. Calcutta E 137 (308-a)

Sultàn Weled, d. 712/1312

a. Mathnawi (4 quotations) (Ivanow)
Hindūshāh-b-Sanjar Nakhjawānī Sāhibgīrānī, in 724/1323
a. Tajārib al-salaf (tr. of 501-a), ed. Eghbal, T. 1313 (ms.
Rukn 'Imād
a. Shatnā'il angiya’, ms. Calcutta E 125
Mas'üd-i Bāk, d. 800/1397, Delhi
a. Mir'āt al-‘arifin, ms. Calcutta E 174; in fine; disciple of
AQ Hamadhānī like Sharaf Minyari (cf. 955-a-b)
Ahmad Rümi, d. 717/1317 (2): Mawlaw1?*
a. Sharh al-arba‘in, ms. P. supp. Pers. 115
Mir Husayn Sādāt Harawi, d. 720/1320, Herat
a. Diwan (S. Guyā)
b. [Kanz al-ramiiz |
Rashid al-Din (cf. bib. no. 504)
a. Jami‘ al-tawarikh, ms. P. supp. Pers. 2004
Shams al-Din Ibrāhīm Muhtasib Abarkūhī, wrote in 718/1318
a. Majma' al-bahrayn, ms. P. afp. 122 (excerpt in bib. no.
Iqbal Sīstānī
a. Cf. 522-d
a. Ta’rikh, ms. P. afp. 61 (cf. bib. no. 1113)
"Abd al-Razzaq Kāshī, d. 754/1353
a. Kashf al-rashf, ms. Calcutta G.C. 1818
‘Izz al-Din Mahmüd Kāshī, d. 735/1334: mystic |
a. Tarjamat “al-‘Awarif” (cit. 1150-a) (cf. 401-a) (excerpt in
1139-a), ms. P.
Hamd Allāh Mustawfi, wrote in 740/1339
a. Nuzhat al-qulüb (geography), Bombay, 1311/1893, ex-
cerpt in 1661-a
b. Ta'rikh Guzida, ms. P. supp. Pers. 173, Arabic and
Turkish translation (1334-2)
Khwäja Kirmānī, d. 742/1341 (pupil of bib. no. 522)
a. Diwan
Mahmūd Shäbistäri, d. 720/1320: mystic poet
a. Gulshān-ī rāz, in numerous manuscripts (published in

34 Rieu, Cat. Pers.; ms. London, f. 39b. Blochet's identification (Cat. Paris) is doubtful.

1602-d, 1580-a; cf. 1561-c, 1617-a, and 1697-a) = Quest. VII

(Anā'l-Hagg), verses 1-19; verses 9-14 are inserted by text
1602-d into Quest. I (tafakkur)
Mahmūd-b-'Uthmān, d. 745/1344
a. Firdaws ...
Muhammad-b-Mahmüd Amuli, d. 753/1352: encyclopedist
a. Nafa'is al-funūn, ms. Cairo, Pers. 518
Shams Eflākī, d. 754/1353
a. Manāgib = Kāshif, ms. P. afp. 114 (translated 1665-h)
Nizàm 'UA Zäkäni, d. 772/1370
а. Akhlāg al-ashraf (cites Akhb. Hallāj no. 15) = Гаа”, ed.
Istanbul, 1303/1885 (H. Massé)
‘Imad Fagīh Kirmānī, d. 773/1371
a. Diwan
M-b-Hindūshāh Dāmighānī, wrote in 778/1376 (Neiriz)
a. Zubdat al-hagā'ig, in which he quotes Hallāj (Bankipore
Library catalogue, XII)
Ibn al-Bazzàz: Safavid biographer
a. Safwat, Bombay, 1329
M-b-M Hajj Harrās Kāzirūnī
a. Bahr al-sa‘ada, ms. Calcutta E 128
Abū'l-Hasan ‘Ali al-A'lā, d. 822/1419: Bektāshī: Hurüfi
a. Tawhidnama, excerpt ap. 1730-a
Shams al-Din Muhammad Най? Shirazi, d. 791/1388: poet
a. Diwan, ed. Rosenzweig-Schwannau (cf. bib. no. 1612),
Bombay, 1277 (4th ba’iya; 9th dāliya) (cf. 1673-a) and 1242-a
Muhammad-b-Ibrāhīm Kāzirūnī Siddiqi, d. 790/138835
a. Shifa' al-asgām, fi sirat ghūth al-anam (= Rifā'ī), ms. Aya
Sūfīya 3461 (excerpt in 739-a)
Salāh-b-Mub. Bukhārī, after 790/1388
a. Anis al-talibin wa wa'dat al-sālikīn (Nagshī biographies),
ms. Calcutta G.C. I; translated by Molé, ap. REI, 1959-I
1136B (Anonymous)
a. Siyar al-awliya’, ms. Calcutta D 218
1136C Jalal Husayn Bukhari Makhdümi Jahaniyàn, d. 785/1383
a. Khulāsat al-alfāz (sermons in Delhi, in 782/1380), ms.
Calcutta E 62

35 Cf. 951-2, p. 13, and 361-b, p. 7.


1137 Rashid al-Din Abū'l-Fadl Ahmad-b-Abī Sa'd Maybudhi, was

still alive in 520/1126 (Hekmet, JAS, 1950)
a. (Tafsīr) kashf al-asrār, ms. Meshhed (catalogue published
ap. "Matla' al-shams" of bib. no. 1230) (excerpt in 1152-b)
(copy of 1107-2)
1137A M-b-Yf Gīsūdirāz Chisti, d. 825/1421, Gulbarga
a. Malfūzāt (in 803/1400), ms. Calcutta E 114
b. ‘Ishqndma, ms. Calcutta E 131
c. Maktübat (coll. Kālpūrī in 852/1448), ms. Calcutta E 189;
ms. Calcutta E 70
1137B Muhammad Quhistàni, executed in 802/1399 uttering a verse on
pāydār (Dawlatshāh, Browne, LHP)
1138 Hafiz ‘Allaf, poet, wrote in 821/1418 in Mecca
a. Walīnāma, ms. Petersburg (cat. Rosen) (verification of
1138A Ni'matallāh Wali, d. 834/1430, Mahan
a. Risalat al-sulūk, ms. Calcutta
1139 Khwāja Muh-b-Muh Pārsā Bukhārī, d. 822/1419, Medina:
а. Fasl al-khitāb, ms. Berlin 259 (excerpt of 1055-a of "tar-
jamat al-‘awärif” [bib. no. 1126] and of 420-a), fragment in
1155-a = 1185-a
1140 Ahmad-b-Muh-b-Yahyā Khwäfi "Fasih," wrote around 840/
a. Mujmal Fasihi, ms. Petersburg 271 (excerpt of 171-a and
1140A (Anonymous)
a. Kitab sittin (on Qur'àn 12), ms. Calcutta E 140
1141 Muhammad-b-Nāsir al-Din Ja'far al-Husayni Makki, wrote in
India (823/1420), Chisti
a. Bahr al-ma ni, ms. P. supp. Pers. 966 (critique of 280-e,
attributed mistakenly to Ibn 'Arabī) (translated in 1670-a-2,
cf. 1670-a-1)
1142 Shihāb al-Din Lutf Allāh Hāfiz-i Abrü, d. 834/1430: historian
a. Ta'rikh, ms. E. G. Browne (cf. 171-3)
1144 Rukn al-Din Yahyä-b-Burhän al-Din ibn Junayd, d. 840/1456,
Shiraz: historian; grandson ofbib. no. 591
a. Sirat al-Shaykh al-Kabir Abi "Abd Allah al-Khafif (= Tar-
jamat Ibn Khafif — biography of bib. no. 141), Persian transla-

tion of 362-a, ms. Kópr. 1589 (in medio) = ms. Berlin, Or.
Oct. 303
1145 Hy-b-H Khwärizmi, d. 845/1441
a. Dītvān (identical, according to R. O. Hidäyat, to the
Persian “Diwan Hallaj” (bib. no. 1262)
b. Riyad al 'arifin
c. Javāhir, comm. of 1111-a
d. Mafatih al-‘ulüm, Leyden, 1895; cf. Cairo, n.d.
1146 Mawla Shukr Allāh Effendi-b-al-Shihäb Ahmad Rūmī, wrote
in 855/1451
a. Bahjat al-tawarikh (see Turkish translation, bib. no. 1330)
1147 Јаја! al-Din ‘Ali-b-Hamza Tūsī Azari, d. in Dakan, 866/1461:
a. Jawahir al-asrár (written in 840/1435), ms. P. supp. Pers.
128 (excerpt of 1111-b)
1148 Shams al-Din Yahyā-b-'Alī Lāhijī, Oādirī, Nürbakhshi, wrote
in 877/1472
a. Mafātih al-i'jàz (Pers. comm. of 1129-3), ms. Aya Süfiya
1150 Mawlana Nir al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahmān-b-Ahmad Jami, d. 898/
1492: jurist: Hanafite; mystic
a. Nafahat al-Uns min had(a)rat al-Quds (written in 881/
1476), ed. Nassau-Lees (bib. no. 1613), Calcutta, 1859. Life
504 = bib. no. 522-b. This is an abridgment, in modern Per-
sian, of 1059-a
b. Naqd . . . naqsh al-fusūs, ms. P. supp. Pers. 1091
c. Bahäristän, ed. Schechter-Wessehrd; Nicholson; Fr.
translation H. Massé
d. [al-Durra al-fakhira; Brock. II]
1152 Husayn al-Wā'iz Kashifi, d. 910/1504: theologian
a. Jawāhir al-tafsir,36 mss. Yeni Jami‘ 19, Nüri Uthmān
279: abridged in the following form (1152-b)
b. Tafsir al-mawāhib al-'aliya, ms. P. supp. Pers. 54
1153 Yüsuf-b-Ahmad-b-Muh-b-'Uthman, wrote in 895:1490: histo-
a. Pers. translation of 471-a, ms. London, Pers. I
b. [Firdaws al-mumshidīya, Istanbul, 1943]
36 Only Vol. I (sūras I-IV) appears to have been published (cf. Ethé, Cat. Pers., mss. IO,

1154 Isma‘il ibn ‘Abd al-Mu min, d. 910/1504: mystic

a. Pers. translation of 401-a, ms. Nüri 'Uthm. 2320
1154A Ibn (Abi) Jumhür, d. 900/1494, Ahsai
a. Jam‘ al-jam‘ (excerpt of bib. no. 813) [bayni . . . ]
1155 Muhammad-b-Khawandshah (Mirkhund), d. 904/1498: histo-
a. Rawdat al-safa’, ms. P. supp. Pers. 150; ed. Bombay,
1271/1854; Eng. translation Rehatsek, 1894
1156 Jaläl al-Din Dawwānī, d. 907/1501: theologian
a. Bustān al-quliib, ms. Nūrī ‘Uthm. 2285, in fine (excerpt
of 363-g, 1107-3)
1156A Mu'in Miskin Harawi, d. 907/1501
a. Diwan (Anā'l-Hagg), ms. Calcutta Curzon 240
1157 Sultän Husayn Bāygarā, b. 842/1438, d. 911/1505
a. Majālis al-'ushshaq?? (written in 909/1503), ms. P. supp.
Pers. 776; ms. London Or. 208; ed. Cawnpore, 1897
1158 Radi al-Din ‘Abd al-Ghafür Lari, d. 912/1506, Herat
a. Hashiyat al-nafahat (gloss of 1150-a), ms. P. supp. Pers.
227; ms. Hazini 829 (2 miniatures) (Dr. Suheyl Unver)
1158A Shaykh al-Shuyükh Buhlül, before 970/1562
a. Waslatnāma, ms. Calcutta Curzon 206 (plagiarized from
1159 Озат Amir Husayn-b-Mu'in al-Din Maybudhi, d. 910/1504
a. al-Fawatih al-sab'a, ms. "Umūmī, tas. 342; ms. As'ad
b. Sharh Diwan "Alī (excerpt ap. 852-2)
[с. Tafsir]
1160 Kabir-b-Uways-b-Muhammad Latifi, wrote around 926/1519
a. Translation of 471-a, Bodl. Pers. coll. 361
1161 Khwand Amir (Khundemir), d. 939/1535
a. Habib al-siyar, Bombay, 1837; ms. P. supp. Pers. 317 (cf.
1155-3); ms. coll. Mulla Mhd Siddiq Akhundzäde (Herat), a
gloss mentioning on the margin of the obituary of Behzäd
the miniatures that he made for Bāygarā (bib. no. 1157) of
the life of Hallāj based on ‘Attär (1101-c): Server Guya
Etemädi copy ` `
b. Khulasat al-akhbar, cf. 1560-a
37 Attributable, in fact, to Kamal al-Din Husayn al-Kārizgāhī (Rieu, Cat. Pers., Mss., f.

c. Dustür al-wuzara’, ed. S. Naficy, Tehran, 1317/1899

1161A Ibr Gulshānī, d. 940/1533, Cairo
a. Ma'nawī (response to 1111-2)
1163 Sadr Mansür Ghiyäth al-Muhaggigīn, d. 948/1541, Shiraz
a. (Excerpt of bib. no. 813)
1165 Muhyi al-Din ibn Hy Radwi (around 950/1543)
a. Malfūzāt Shah Mina (d. 884/1479, Lucknow), ms. Cal-
cutta G.C. III
1165A Wali Jarbehādurī, d. 1006/1597
a. Sharh-t ghawthīya, ms. Calcutta II
1167 ‘AQ Badā'ūnī
a. Najat al-rashid (ethics), ms. Calcutta E 204 — Iv. ASB
(including dream of Shibli)
1169 Amin Ahmad Razi, wrote in 1002/1594
a. Haft iglīm, ms. IO 724
1170 Abū'l-Fadl *Allāmī, minister of Akbar, b. 1011/1602
a. Āyin-i Akbarī, ch. awliya’-i Hind, in fine
b. Ibid., translated by Jarrett, 1894
c. Ibid., translated by Gladwin, 1800
1173 Sulaymān-b-"AA Bahrānī, d. 1021/1612
a. Hashiyat al-bulgha (cit. 1237-a)
1173A Mūsā-b-Dāwūd
a. Nafs rahmānī, ms. Calcutta E 211
1173B Sharaf Lāhūrī, in 1080/1669
a. Kanz al-hidāya (based on Sirhindī, d. 1035/1625), ms.
Calcutta II 174
1173C Ism Sindihi, Shattārī, in 1037/1627
a. Makhzan-i da‘wat, ms. Calcutta 1 916 (magical prayer at-
tributed to Hallaj by Zubdat al-da'wa)
1173D (Anonymous)
a. Hujjat al-dhākirīn, ms. Calcutta la 130
1174 Muhammad-b-Mahmüd Dihdär Fàni, d. 1016/1607; son of the
author of Dābistān; cf. bib. no. 1596
a. Sharh “khutbat al-bayan” (of "Alī), ms. IO Pers. 1922
1175 Sayyid Nir Allāh-b-Sharīf Mar‘ashi Husayni Shüshtari, exe-
cuted in India: Imämite
a. Majalis al-mu’minin (finished in 1013/1604, Lahore): ms.
P. supp. Pers. 190 (cf. 350-a, 1059-b, 1111-a, 511-a, 190-a (?),
1139-b, excerpt in 923-2); ed. Tehran, 1299

1176 A-b-'Abd al-Ahad Fārūgī Sirhindi, b. 971/1563, d. 1035/1625:

Hanafite, Naqshi, Shuhüdi
a. Durar maknūna nafisa, Mecca, 1316
1177 Baha’ al-Din Muhammad-b-al-Husayn ‘Amili, d. 1030/1621:
jurist: Imamite
a. Diwan (recension by Muhammad Rida’ Khūnsārī, cf.
923-a), excerpt in 923-a
b. Cf. 794-a
1178 Mullā Sadra Shīrāzī, d. 1050/1640: philosopher
а. [СЕ bib. no. 806]; Kasr al-asnam al-jahiliya (excerpt in
1178A Sharaf Husayn
a. Nathar al-'ashiqin, ms. Calcutta Oa 34
1178B (Anonymous)
a. (Mystical Discourses), ms. Calcutta, E 70
1179 Mawlanā Muhammad Tagī Majlisi, b. 1003/1594, d. 1070/1659:
jurist: Imämite
a. Tawdih al-mashrabayn wa tangīh al-madhhabayn (sum-
marized by 1183-3)
b. Bihar al-anwār
c. Index (= bib. no. 1238) of the Bihar
d. Wajīza (cit. ap. 1179-c)
1180 Muhammad Fādil-b-Sayyid Ahmad Akbarābādī, wrote around
a. Mukhbir al-wāsilīn (cf. Rieu, cat. mss. Pers., London),
excerpt ap. 1235-a
1181 Ja'far-b-M Ойг Basti: Imämite
a. Itigād (against hulūl and ittihad); excerpt ap. 1183-a,
1183 Mutahhar-b-M Migdādī, wrote in 1069/1659
a. Salwat al-Shi'a wa maqwa al-Shari‘a (summary of 1179-a):
ms. P. afp. 92; cf. 1561-d
1183A (Murādābādī)
a. Tuhfat al-akhiyār (history written in 1076/1665), ms.
Calcutta G.C. III 92 (year 309)
1184 (Anonymous: Indian)
a. Gharā'ib al-makhlūgāt, ms. P. supp. Pers. 332 (?) (based
on 1101-c)

1185 Prince Muhammad Dārā Shikūh-b-Shāh Jihān, d. 1069/1658:

jurist: Hanafite; mystic: Qadiri
a. Safīnat al-awliyā” (written in 1049/1639), ms. P. supp.
Pers. 146; ms. IO; Lucknow, 1872
b. Tuhfat al-asfiyā” (finished in 1051/1641), Arabic transla-
tion of 1185-a; ms. Carmelite, Baghdad
c. Hasanāt al-"ārifin (cited 1604-b) = Shatahat, Recueil; Urdu
1186 Ja‘far-b-M Abū Sa'īd Qadiri, wrote in 1097/1685
a. Ādāb al-dhikr, ms. Calcutta Oa 30 (c£. Recueil)
1187 Nizàm al-Din Ahmad Husayni, wrote in 1068/1657
a. Karamat al-awliya’, ms. London Or. 1721
1188 Muhammad ‘Ali Sā'ib Isfahānī, d. 1087/1676: poet
a. Muntakhabāt, ed. 1305
b. Mansür ser o dur, translation Ferhadi
1190 Hakim Sa'īd Sar Mad [= Sermid] Oāshānī, d. 1071/1660, India
(tomb near the grand mosque in Delhi)
a. Rubā'i, quoted by Hony. Cf. bib. nos. 1810 and 1811,
and Isl. Cat. 193
1191 Hy Qashmiri
a. Hidayat al-a'mā, ms. Calcutta E 223 (long anecdotes)
1192 'AR-b-'A Rasül 'Alawi Chishti of Radawli (India), wrote in
а. Mir’at al-asrār (biographies), ms. Pers., Br. Mus., s.v.;
ms. Bankipore VIII
1193 Mahmūd Bahri-b-M Bāgir Pīshagī, wrote in 1117/1705
a. "Arūs-i ‘irfan, ms. Calcutta E 129 (cf. Recueil)
1194 Shah ‘Ismatallah Oādirī, wrote in 1142/1729
a. Mazhar al-asrár, ms. Calcutta E 183
1195 [Abü']-Khalil Ahmad-b-M al-Ash'ār Tabrizi, d. around 1150/
1737:38 jurist]
a. Risāla mushtamala fi... qawl Mansūr Hallaj, ms. 2061 of
waqf Wali al-Din Jar Allāh (Umūmī) (without author's
name) (cf. 480-a)
1199 'AA Khwishagi (Afghani), around 1170/1756
a. Tahqiq al-muhaqqiqin, ms. Calcutta E 42
1200 “Ali Muhammad Khan, wrote in 1174/1760
a. Rirāt-ī Ahmadi (history of Gujerat). Neither the Bom-

38 Cat. Cairo VII, pp. 47, 11, 122.


bay edition of 1302/1884 (1 vol. with app.), nor the Ellis ms.
includes the reference to Hallāj (II, 47, sic) given by 1658-a
(cf. bib. nos. 1677, 1720). Perhaps the latter refers to another
edition ‘їр 4 vol. in no. 8" mentioned by JRAS (I, 1834)
1201-1202 (Anonymous, ms. Graham: lost)
a. Rakhzan al-sālikīn (excerpt in Eng. translation 1570-a,
1571-a). Is this the Makhzan al-salikin wa maqsad al-‘arifin
(Burhàn Chishti) written around 1075/1664?
b. Raqsüd al-‘ärifin (excerpt in Eng. translation 1570-a,
1205 Shaykh Kh Banbanī, in 1218/1803
a. Mir'at-i afitābnāma, ms. Calcutta С.С. II (general history
for the year 309 A.H.)
1219 Aqà Muhammad 'Ali-b-Baqir Bahbahäni, b. 1144/1731, d.
1216/1801, Kerbala: Akhbäri Imàmite
a. Risála khayrátiya (written in 1211/1796 against the mystic
Ma'süm ‘Ali Shah known as *Ma'büd"), ms. London, Add.
"Zamjinama," corporate manual, Lahore: cf. REI, 1927
S Mhd Akhbārī Nīshāpūrī, d. 1225/1810: pro-Halläjian
Diyà' al-Din Dhä al-Jinähayn Khälid al-Kurdi, d. 1242/1826,
Damascus: mystic: Nagshbandī
a. Diwan, ms. Cairo, Persian; mukhammas, cited in 986-a
b. Hadā'ig, Arabic abridgment M. Rukhāwī
c. Anwar qudsiya, Cairo, 1344/1925
Furüghi, d. 1274/1857
a. Ghazal
Zeynal Shirwàni, b. 1194/1780, d. 1258/1842
a. Bustán-i siyahet, Tehran, 1310/1892 (cf. 1081-2)
Ma'süm Alī Shah, d. 1333/1915
a. Tarā'ig al-haqa’iq, Tehran, n.d.
M-b-Sulaymān-b-M Rafi‘ al-Tunakabuni: Imāmite (Usūlī)
a. Oisās al-‘ulama (written in 1290/1873), Tehran, 1313/1895
M Hasan Khän Sani‘ al-Dawla l'timäd Saltana
a. Muntazam Nāsirī (written in 1300/1883), Tehran, 1300/
b. Mir'át al-buldän, Tehran, 1294/1877
1231 Ridā” Quli Khàn Hidäyat, d. before 1305/1887
а. Riyād al-‘ärifin, Tehran, 1305/1887

1232 Mirzà 'Ali M Hamadhäni, d. 1299/1881: Bābī

a. Ta'rikh-i jadid, tr. Browne
1235 Ghulām M Sarwar-b-Mufti Rahim Allāh Lāhūrī: mystic:
a. Khazinat al-asfiya’, Cawnpore, 1893
1235A (Anonymous, from Khotan)
a. Shi'ite poem attributed to Mansür Hallàj, ms. P. supp.
Pers. 2039
1236 Khuyyi
a. Sharh Minhaj al-bara’a
1236A Hātif Isfahani, poet
(a. Cit. Rice, bib. no. 1782 B)
1237 ‘AA Māmugānī
a. Tangīh al-magāl
1238 ‘Abbas Qummi
a. Safīnat al-bihār (Persian verse)
1240 S Mhd Igbal, d. 1938, Lahore
а. Jawidnama, London, 1932; in The Urdu, October 1938,
art. Khalifa ‘Abd al-Hakim
b., c. Cf. bib. no. 1698
1241 S. Naficy
a. Intijā” ‘Attar = Atheshay-ī (in Persian), Tehran, 1961
1242 Dr. Qàqim Ghani
a. Hafiz (28 cit. Hallāj: cf. index)
b. Ta’rikh tas. der Islam
1243 "Abbas-b-M Rida’ Qummi
a. Hadyat al-ahbab, Najaf, 1348/1929 [cf. bib. no. 1238?]


1261 Risäla Mansūr Hallāj fi’l-tawhid, ms. Kópr. 1589 (after Risalat
al- Tuyür of Najm al-Din al-Rāzī), copy dated 753/1352 (fol-
lowed by an excerpt: 1144-a, 474-b). On the symbolism of
the ritual movements of prayer (16 movements). This frag-
ment contains some Halläjian technical expressions
1262 Diwan "ārif rabbānī wa majdhūb subhani sīrāj wahhaj Husayn Man-
sūr Hallāj, 1st ed. by Sayf al-Din Mahallātī, Duttprasad Press,
Bombay, 1305/1887; 96 pp. (There is included at the end a
crucifixion, Portuguese Christian in design, and a verse by
Кат: 1111-2.)

À series of brief modern Shi'ite poems about Kerbala, pil-

grimage, etc,
1263 Kitāb mustatāb kunūz al-mughrimīn mawsūm bū Hallāj al-asrar (dar
‘ilm nīranjāt wa talasmat), ed. Ада Mīrzā Muhammad, Bom-
bay, 1311/1893; 36 pp. Twelve chapters on astrology and
textual cabala

1285 Ākhund Darwiza Ningarhari, d. 980/1572
a. Makhzan al-Islam, ms. IO 2632-2638 (anti-Shiite
polemic; quotes 253-a)
1287 Saläh al-Din
a. Afkar-ī shā'ir, Kabul, 1326/1908 (comm. on 1129-3)
1291 Mullā ‘Abd al-Rahmān, d. 1123/1711: poet
a. Diwan (“Ваһтап,” ms. P. supp. Pers. 991. Cf. Blochet
(cat. Paris II and Revue des Bibliothèques, 1900)


1301 Ahmad-b-Ibrahim Yesevi, d. 562/1166, Yasi (Turkestan): mys-
tic poet
a. Hikam (cit. bib. no. 1641), ed. Kazan, 1295/1878; 1311/
1893; 1323/1905 `
b. (apocryphal work of the fifteenth century: Qissa-f
Mansür-i Shaykh, ms. P. supp. 1191; cf. Recueil)
c. Divan hikmat ve munājāt, Kazan, 1905 (excerpt translated
in 1654-2)
1311 Y ünus Emre, wrote around 707/1307, Bolu (Kastamonu)
a. Divan (excerpt translated in 1660-2), ed. Burhan Top-
rak, Istanbul, 1933-1934 [cf. ed. A. Gēlpinarli. Istanbul,
1314 Mahmüd-b-M Karim al-Din Agsarāi, d. 722/1322
a. Musämarat al-akhbār, ed. Osman Turan, Ankara, 1944
1318 "Ulwān Shirazi, wrote before 761/1359
a. Translation of 1129-a `
1319 Ahmad-b-Darwish "Khalīfat al-Aqshehri” (that is, the disciple
and successor of the Mevlevi Sinän al-Din al-Āgshehrī),3?
wrote before 770/1368
a. Manāgib al-abrarfimaqalat al-akhyar, ms. Kôpr. П, 253
(Turkish translation of the Arabic work Manäqib al-ahbab by
Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Husayni, Shafi‘ite, d. 776/1374)
1320 Malik Bakhshi Harawi
a. Tadhkira, Uigur translation of 1101-c (published in
1320A Ahmedi Kermiyani, d. 805/1402
a. Dāsitāne Mansür, ms. P. aft. 111 (Babinger); excerpt in
1364-a; 557 verses; cf. Recueil
1321 ‘Imad al-Din Nesimi, executed in 829/1417, Aleppo: mystic
a. Diwan (excerpt translated in 1660-2); ed. Istanbul, 1260/
1844 [cf. Eng. tr. K. Burrill. The Hague, 1975]
b. Fārsnāma, 1312/1894
1322 Abü'l-Hasan Isma‘il-b-Ibrahim ibn Isfandyār-b-Bāyazīd ibn
"Adil-b-Amir Väqüb: Kizil-Ahmadli dynasty, d. 860/1456?
a. Halawiyāt Sultānī (Shāhī), ms. P. aft. 13 (Hashiya:
Anā'l-Hagg), cf. 1610-a. (Mahmüd) Minäsoglu, around 825/
1421 (Kastamonu), Hikaya, ms. P. aft. 13
1323 Кей"
a. Bashāratnāma, ms. P. supp. T. 355
1324 M-b-Sulaymän Efendi, d. 831/1427
a. Turkish translation of 583-a, ms. Nari 'Uthm. 2998-
1325 Oāsim-b-Mahmūd Qara Hisārī, around 844/1440
a. Irshad al-murad (Turkish translation of 1107-3): mss. Lala
Isma‘il 123; Nari ‘Uthm. 2328; Dügumli Baba 221
1326 Hajj Ahmad-b-Sidi Baghawi, wrote around 863/1458
a. Turkish translation of 401-a
1327 Sania al-Din Yūsuf-b-Khidr Khwaja Pasha, d. 891/1486
a. Turkish translation of 1101-c: ms. Nari ‘Uthm. 2299
b. Ibid. (2), revised by M-b-Aydan (998/1589), ms.
Mihrshah 166
1327A Shahzade Qorqut, d. 918/1512
a. Harīmī, Feizie, 1764 (in fine)
1328 [Hajj Hasanzäde] Wahidi Rūmī [d. 911/1505]
a. Tajarib al-insan, ms. Vienna (corr. catalogue which gives
"tijarat" (sic 1610-b): NF 380

39 According to 810-a, s.v.; cf. ibid., s.v. “rawdat al-firdaws” with 1665-h, p. 65.

1328A Khataī (= Shah Ismā'īl Safawi), d. 930/1523

a. Dīwān, ms. P. supp. T. 1307 [cf. ed. Minorsky.
BSOAS, 1946]
1328B N. Silāhlī Matrāgī, in 942/1535
a. Bayān-ī manāzil, ms. Yildiz 2295 (cf. Gabriel, ap. Syria,
1928): miniature of the tomb (cf. Recueil and Diwan al-Hallāj)
1329 Amir ‘Ali Shir Navāyī
a. Nasá'im al-mahabba min shama'im al-futuwwa (written in
901/1495), ms. P. supp. T. 316 (Chaghata’i translation of
1150-a) (cf. 1641-a)
1330 Mustafa Efendi Faris, wrote in 938/1531
a. Mahbūb gulūb al-‘arifin (Turkish translation of 1146-a),
ms. Cairo, Turkish collection
1331 Mahmüd-b-M-b-Dilshad
a. Turkish translation of 530-a (cf. ms. P. aft. 97); ms. Ауа
Süfiya 2997 (years 213-440 А.Н.)
b. Ibid. (2) revised by ‘Ali Riyadi (ms. Fatih 4664) and by
Ibn Ishàq (ms. Fatih 4665)
1332 M Tāhir-b-Shaykh
a. Turkish translation of 1161-a, ms. Nari О. 3158
1333 "Ali Rayas, d. 970/1562 uu
a. Mir’at al-mamalik, Istanbul, 1313/1895 (excerpt ‘Anäwi,
Ta’rikh bayn ihtilālayn)
1334 Ya'qüb Pasha, wrote in 955/1548
a. Ta'rikh muntakhab (Turkish translation of 1127-b), ms.
Магі Uthm. 3213
1335 M-b-‘Uthman Làmi'i Chelebi, d. 958/1551, Bursa
a. Futüh al-mushāhidīn (Turkish translation of 1150-a): ms.
Nuri ‘Uthm. 2336, ms. Hamidiya 639
b. Munsha’at [ms. Univ. Istanbul 3180 (A Atesh copy)|
c. Giilgasīda, ms. L.M. (tr. Hammer, GOD II)
1335A M-b-‘Ali Sipahi Zadeh, d. 997/1588 [n
a. Awdah al-masālik . . . , an Arabo-Turkish reedition of
1335B Wasifi of Castoria
a. (Hammer, GOD II)
1336 Ayyüb-b-Khalil, wrote around 977/1569
a. Turkish translation of 458-a, ms. Vienna 1440
b. Ibid., revised by Ahmad Bayän Yaziji, ms. Vienna 1453
1336A M Bey Za'im, wrote in 985/1577
a. Jami‘ al-tawarikh (s.v. Muqtadir)

1336B Fuzüli, d. 980/1572, Hilla

a. Qasida rā'iya on Baghdad
1336C Muridi, d. 1004/1595
a. Manstirnama-i Hallaj, 970 verses (29 sessions); cf. Recueil
and REI, 1946
1336D Qoyünoghlu
a. Warsaghi, ms. Vienna 2006
1336E Bābā Qayghüsuz
a. Abdāl nāme (Hammer, GOD ИП)
1337 Darwish M Efendi Ката! 'Abali Balātīzāde, finished in 992/
a. Terjumān al-dustür fī hawadith al-azmān wa'l-duhūr (Turk-
ish translation of 1155-3), ms. Nüri ‘Uthm. 3228, 3238-3250;
ms. Validé 739; ms. Cairo, Turkish coll.
1337A Mulla Sūdī Busnawi, d. 1000/1591
a. Sharh Diwan Hāfiz, 2 vols., Bulag; cf. 1135-a
1338 Khwāja Sa'd al-Dīn Efendi, d. 1008/1599
a. Turkish translation of 231-a; ms. Hamīdīya 632; cf.
Mehmet Tevfiq, ms. 'Umümi 3303
1339 Abū'l-Fadl Mahmūd-b-Idrīs Bidlīsī, wrote in 1004/1595
a. Turkish translation of 1152-a, ms. Cairo, Turkish coll.
1340 Evlīyā, wrote in 1044/1634
a. Ta'rikh sayyah, ms. Vienna 1281, translation ap. 1602-c
b. Seyähatnäme, Istanbul, 1314
1341 Riyādī, d. 1054/1644
a. Diwan (excerpt translated in 1660-a)
1342 Zuhūrī M Oara Ģelebizāde, d. 1042/1632
a. Ghazal (cit. bib. no. 1371)
1342A Vehbī
a. Sūrnāme, ap. Mejelle umūr belediye, Istanbul, 1928
1343 Isma‘il-b-Ahmad Angirawī, d. 1042/1632: Mevlevi
a. Fatih al-abyát (comm. on 1111-a), Cairo, 1254/1838
1344 Abū'l-Makārīm ‘Abd al-Ahad-b-Mustafā Nūrī Siwāsī, d.
1061/1651, Istanbul: mystic: Khalwatī
a. Min kalimātihi (ap. Hadiyat al-ikhwan of his disciple
Muhammad Nazmi [alive in 1095/1683
]), ms. Cairo, Turkish
b. C£. 808-a
1345 "Alī Sīwāsī, d. 1065/1654
a. Turkish translation of 741-a; ms. Nūrī Uthm. 2316

1345A Nagshī Agkermānī, d. 1062/1651

a. Dīwān, ms. Moise Metzger
1346 Qara Ģelebizāde ‘Abd al-'Aziz Efendi, Sheikh al-Islam in 1051/
1651, d. 1058/1658
a. Rawdāt al-abrār, ms. P. supp. T. 133 (cf. ms. Hammer)
1347 Sàri ‘Abd Allah Efendi-b-M Ra'ys al-Kuttäb, d. 1071/1660
a. Thamarat al-fuwad (written in 1033/1623), Istanbul,
b. Mirāt al-asfiya’fi sifāt malāmiyat al-akhfira’ (written in
1041/1631), ms. Wali al-Din 1778; cf. Lala Isma'il
c. Sharh-i-Mathnawi, ed. 1288/1871
1347A Na'ili Qadim, d. 1077/1666
a. Excerpt of 1386-a, frontispiece; Fr. translation R. N.
Darago, Poétes turcs, Istanbul, 1948
1349 Muhammad Rodosizade, d. 1087/1676
a. Turkish translation of 471-a: ms. Nūrī 'Uthm. 3223; ms.
Hamidiya 928
1349A Must. Topqapülizade Feizi, d. 1099/1687
a. Ghazal (Hammer, GOD III)
1350 Haut Khalifa Katib Chelebi (= bib. no. 810)
a. Gihan Мита (geography), Istanbul, 1145/1732 (cit. Ham-
1353 Muhammad Niyàzi Misri, d. 1105/1693 in Kastro (Lemnos):
mystic poet: Khalwati
a. [Manäqib manzüm] Mansür Baghdādī. Tab'khāna
Amira, 1261/1845 (not to be confused with 1364-2)
b. Dīwān, Istanbul, [n.d.]
1353A Na'īmā Must. Halabi, d. 1128/1715
a. (Hammer, GOD IV)
1355 Safa’ al-Din 'Īsā Bandaniji, wrote in 1092/1681: mystic: Naqsh-
a. Jami‘ al-anwārfimanāgib al-akhyār, ms. Cairo, coll. T.;
ms. London, coll. T. Add. 7877; ms. Halat Efendi 241 (incl.
pages of the Arabic translation, 932-a, personal [L.M.] ms.)
1356. Murtadā Nazmīzāde, d. 1133/1720: Khalwati |
a. Gulshān-ī khulafa’, Istanbul, 1141/1728; Fr. translation
Huart (1665-3)
b. Ta'rikh awliya’ Baghdad, ms. Hälat 241; Arabic transla-
tion, ms. London Or. 8865

1356A Husayn Efendi-b-al-Hajj Hasan al-Edirnevi, before 1135/1722,

in Baghdad: Hanafite
a. Turkish translation of 502-a, ms. Valide 277, Cairo
Turkish coll.
b. Ibid. (?), revised by ‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Mufawwid, ms.
Validé 278
1356B Isma‘il Haggī, d. 1137/1724
a. Sharh-i rumūzāt-i Yūnus Emre (ap. 1311-b)
b. = 844-а, Rūh (Sherefettin Yaltkaya)
1357 Muhammad Salim Mīrzāzāde, d. 1145/1732
a. Turkish translation of 631-a, ms. Lala Isma‘il
b. Ibid., revised by Vehbi Efendi, ms. As'ad 2347
c. Ibid., revised by Ahmad Efendi b. Rajab (Üsküdar
1139/1726), ms. Cairo, T. coll.
1358 Ibrāhīm Hanif Efendi, wrote in 1150/1737
a. Khulāsat al-wafa’ (comm. of 310-2), ms. Fatih 837 (cf.
1359 Muhammad Efendi Sahib Pirizäde, d. 1162/1748
a. Turkish translation of 581-a (fasl. I-V); Cairo, 1274/
1857; ms. Kópr. II И
b. Ibid., fasl. VI finished by Jevdet Pāshā, ms. ‘Atif, 1870;
Istanbul, 1277/1860
1360 ‘Ali Zade, wrote in 1157/1744
a. Turkish translation of 601-c, mss. Yahyā Efendi 174,
Mihrshāh 167. Another translation of 601-c: by "Abd al-Bāgī
Kafālīzāde, ms. 'Umümi 3299
1361 Abü Bakr Kàni, d. 1206/1792: mystic: Mevlevi
a. Dīwān, ed. (excerpt translated in 1660-a)
1361A Ghalib Dede, d. 1210/1795
a. Diwan (GOD)
1362 Muhammad Esrär Dede, d. 1211/1796: mystic: Mevlevi
a. Diwan, ed. (excerpt translated in 1660-2)
1363 Sulayman Nahifi, d. 1210/1795
a. Turkish translation of 1111-a, ms. Nüri 'Uthm. 2326-
2327; Hamidiya 637-638; ed. Cairo (?) ms. Mihrshah 280
1363A Rushdü Ahmet Qara-Aghaji, d. 1251/1835
a. Hlalleriimiiz
1364 Niyàzi Efendi, professor at Galata Serai, d. before 1288/1871
a. Risāla manzūma-i Mansūr, a poem published after his
death, Matba'a Āmira, 1288/1871, 23 pages (not to be con-
fused with 1353-3)

1364A M'Arif Efendi Ketkhudāzāde, d. 1263/1846

a. Manāgib (collected by Hājj Amīn), Istanbul, 1294/1877
(see Supp. of Sul. Nash'at-b-Ahmet)
1365 Mawlä Ahmad Efendi Nazif, wrote in 1256/1840 in Magnesia
a. Turkish translation of 310-a; autographed ms. Cairo,
coll. T.
1365A Hajj Hasan Amjad, wrote in 1286/1869
a. Shajara (gencalogical scroll of religious orders, 5 m. x
0.60 m.), coll. Le Chátelier (photo RMM II, 513)
1366 ‘Abd al-Hamid Diyā' Pāshā (Ziya), d. 1297/1880
a. Diwan (excerpt in 1660-3)
1367 Ishäq Efendi, wrote in 1291/1874 |
a. Kashif al-asrār wa dāfi' al-ashrar (a response to ch. XXI of
Jawidan of Fadl Allah atHuot
1367A Yenishehirli 'Awni, d. 1301/1883
a. Excerpt ap. 1386-a
1368 Ibrahim Haggī, published in 1257/1841
a. Ma'rifatnáme, Istanbul, n.d.
1369 Ahmad Rif'at
a. (Biographical dictionary), Istanbul, 1299/1882 |
b. Mir'at al-magāsid, Istanbul, 1293/1876 (response to bib.
no. 1367)
1370 Ch. Samy Bey Fraschery
a. Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de géographie, Mihrän,
Istanbul, Vol. III, 1891; Vol, VI, 1898
1371 Bursali Mehmet Tàhir Bey, d. 1926
a. Osmanli mu’ellifleri, Istanbul, 1338/1919
1372 Riza Tevfik: philosopher
a. See bib. no. 1730
1373 Ahmad Mähir Efendi, deputy from Kastamonu: Hanafite
a. Jawāb (to a question posed in April 1912 by a representa-
tive of Mme Emm. R. Salem concerning the ўта" fī takfir
1375 ‘Abdallah Jevdet
a. Translation of 1611-b (cf. RMM XXII, 1913)
1376 Farid Bey: philosopher
a. Wahdat wujūd, ap. no. 158 of “Sirat mustagim,” Istanbul,
1377 ‘Ali Emīrī, d. 1923: litterateur
a. ap. *Ta'rīkh wa adabiyat” II, no. 23, 1336/1917 (cf. 1695-1)

1378 Kôprülü M Fuat

a. Türk edebiyatinda ilk mutasavviflar, Istanbul, 1919
b. Türk sāz shairleri, vols. HI and IV
1379 Mehmet ‘Ali 'Ayni
a. Shaykh Akbari niçin severim, Istanbul, 1922
b. Ap. Rev. Sebil-urrechad XXII, Istanbul
1380 Veled Chelebi Izbudak
a. Ap. Sebil-urreched XXIII, Istanbul
1381 A Ziyaeddin
a. Majmis' al-ahzab, ms. Padwick
1381A Kurdizade A Rāmiz
a. Dīvānce-i Dehri, Istanbul, 1330/1911
1382 Nüri Ra'fet
а. "Aqsham"; Osman Bey Gamal, “Milliyet”; Recueil
1383 Abd al-Bàki Gólpinarli
a. Melämilik ve melamiler, Istanbul, 1931
b. Kaygusuz, 1932
c. Yünus Emre hayati, 1936
d. Turkish translation of Diwan kabir of Rimi. Istanbul,
1957 [numerous quotations from Hallaj]
e. Mevlana Calāladdīn, Istanbul, 1951
f. Mevlanadan sonra Mevlevilik, 1935
g. Pir Abdal, 1943; Dari Mansür, Baha Said, Kizilbaslik,
ap. Tiirk Yurdu, Vol. IV, 1926
h. Qayguzuz, Istanbul, 1932
1384 Vala Nurettin
a. "Aqsham"
1385 Sabri Es'ad (Istanbul 2, 7, 1940): formula invoking the name of
Mansür to stop the crying of babies
1386 Salih Zeki Aktay
a. Hallac-i Mansür, Istanbul, 1944 (drama in five acts of the
passion of Mansür). [Radio performance in Paris January 19,
1959: translation by I. Mélikoff ]
1387 Kilisli Rifat, d. 1947
a. Ed. Maniler, No. 920, Istanbul, 1928 (Deny)
1388 Н. Z. Ūlken
a. Islam düsüncesi, Istanbul, 1946
1388A Sh. Sul. Bukhari
a. Chagatay dictionary (Deny)
1388B Pappa. Ioannikios, 1866

a. Turkish poem in Greek script (coll. Deny)

1388C Mesti
a. Destani insan, Istanbul, 1945 (Deny)

Appendix: Albanian Sources

N. B. Literary works written in the Toské dialect by Bektashi writers
should be examined.


1391 Hamsa Fansūrī, d. circa the 10th/16th century, Sumatra

а. (Mystiek) ms. coll. Snouck (cf. 1722-3)
1392 (Anonymous)
a. Malaysian translation of 280-a (cf. RMM 1)
1392A ‘Abd al-Samad Palembānī, circa 1760, Sammānī
1393 Маг Ranīrī (Atjeh)
a. Tibyan fi ma'rifat al-adyan, ms. Leyden 3291 (cit. 1393-b)
b. Lata’if al-asrar,RAM XXXIX

Appendix À: Javanese Sources

1396 (Anonymous: Cheribon dialect)
a. Babad Tjerbon, chant XXVIII (martyrdom of Siti Dje-
nar), cf. 1722-4; cf. RMM XXXIX (Siti Djenar = Lemah

Appendix B: Chinese Sources

1399 Anonymous gloss of the Mirsād of Dayah (1107-3); cf. RMM,
December 1909


1407 (Didär)
a. Danzda mansa (excerpt Garcin de Tassy, Chrest . . .
dakhni; cf. 1619-h)

1408 Ahmad ‘Ali al-Shivrajpüri, lived in Sheorjpur (in the 18th cen-
a. Qissa-i Mansūr (story in verse about the martyrdom of
al-Hallāj), Cawnpore, 1851 (Mustafāt! Press, 20 pp. of 19
bayt each). Cf. Sprenger, Cat. Oude, London, 1854; Tassy,
Litt. hind., 2nd ed., 1870;42 Br. Mus. Cat. of printed Hindi
Books; Recueil
1411 Muhammad Karim al-Din ibn Sirāj al-Din, b. around 1799, liv-
ing in 1864 (cf. 520-a)
a. Tarjama-i Abū'l-Fidā', 3 vols. Delhi, 1846-1847 (the last
sixth in collaboration with Mollā Muhammad Isri) (Tassy,
Litt. hind., 2nd ed., 1870)
1412 Subkän-Bakhsh, b. in 1807
a. Tarjama-i Wafayat (cf. 471-a). Delhi, circa 1845 (Tassy,
Litt hind., 2nd ed., 1870)
1413 Sayyid Imàm al-Din Ahmad Gulshänäbädi, lived in Bombay in
a. Ta'rikh al-awliya', 3 vols. (Vol. I up to 500 А.н.) (Tassy,
Langue in 1875)
1414 Ghulām Sarwar (cf. 1235-a)
a. Ganjīna sarwari (Ganj-i ta'rīkh), Historico-biographical
dictionary ofIslam. Lahore, 1293/1876 (Tassy, Langue et litt.
en 1877)
1415 Sul Nadwi
а. Ap. “Ма ат,” Azamgarh, 1917; ibid., 1922
1416 A Hallāj madfan inscription at Mahmudbandar (Hamīdullāh,
REI, 1938)
1417 Khalife ‘Abd al-Hakim
a. ("Iqbal," in The Urdu, New Delhi, October 1938)
1418 Muzammel-Haq
a. Maharshi Mansur, Calcutta, 1896; 8th ed. 1945 (=
Darma-vira Mahatma Mansür Hallajer alaukika jīvana kāhinī),
cit. bib. nos. 1810-1813. Translated by Ferhadi and M b. Ab-

^? In any case before 1223/1808, the date ofa copy of his other work, *'Oissa-i Јатјата”
(miracles of Jesus compared with those of the Hindu King Jamjama—síc—or rather “the
tale of braggadocio") (Asin, Logia D. Jesu [1725-d], pp. 96-101).
41 Lith.: Mustafa Khän, director (Yassy II, 403).
*? Nothing in the 1st edition of 1839.


1421 Elias bar Schinaya of Nisibe, d. 1046 a.p.: Nestorian bishop

a. Chronique syro-arabe, published ap. Baethgen “Ргар-
mente syrischer und arabischer Historiker," Leipzig, 1884
(c£. 111-a)
b. Ibid., 2nd ed., Brooke, Paris, 1909-1910: incl. Syriac
text, with Latin translation by E. W. Brooke, on the death of
Halläj according to A. J. Tabari
1426 Gregorii, sive Bar Hebraei (= bib. no. 472): Maphrian Jacobite
a. Chronicon syriacum, Syr. text and Lat. translation, Bruns
and Kirsch, Leipzig, 1789
b. Ibid., 2nd ed., Bedjan, Paris, 1890
1431 Ethiopic translation of Ghiorghis ualda 'Amid (462-3)


1450 Ms. Coll. Firkowitsch [?]
1451 “Genizah” of Cairo (= remains of asynagogue) circa 12th cen-
tury A.D.: fragments of the Arabic part, coll. Taylor Schech-
ter, ms. Cambridge T.S. 8 Ka 3, T.S. 10 Ka 1
a. ‘An al-Hallaj (maxims, poems), followed by two sen-
tences from the Mungidh of Ghazali (Cairo, 1303/1885, pub-
lished by Hirschfeld [1674-a: readings to improve]), London,
1452 Comm. on the Song of Songs, 13th century (Friedländer,
Festschr. Steinschneider, Leipzig, 1896) = verse of Hallāj (Di-
шап) (С. Vajda)
1453 “Genizah” of Cairo, ms. Oxford, Hebrew
a. Qasida li'l-Hallaj (= 360-a) (cf. 1693-a)


1471 [(Abü'l-Faraj b. Sälim) Ferragius Salernitanus, 13th century
(under Charles I of Naples)
43 The manuscript chronicles in Mediaeval Greek by Byzantine authors should be revised
as regards ""Irenopolis" (Baghdad).
44 [Verificd and amplified in many cases by the Catalogues of the British Museum, Li-
brary of Congress, and other listings. —H.M.

a. Continentis (Rasi), Lib. XXXVII, Brescia, 1486; Venice,

1500, 1506 . . . (Latin tr. of 115-2), Lib. IV] (2)
[Hieronymous Surita, 16th century
a. Revision of 1471-a, Venice, 1542 (The passages [studied
in 1471-a] are missing [in this revision ])|45 (?)
Thomas Erpenius, b. 1584, d. 1624
a. Historia Saracenica (Lat. translation of 462-a), published
posthumously in Leyden, 1625
Samuel Purchas, b. 1577, d. 1628
a. Purchas, his Pilgrimages or Relations with the World. . .
(Part IV = Engl. translation of 1501-3), London, 1626
Edward Pocock[e], b. 1604, d. 1691 [Edward Pocock the elder
wrote 1520-a and b; 1520-c is by E. P. the younger]
a. Specimen historiae Arabum sive Greg. Abulfaraji Malatien-
sis, 1st ed., Oxford, 1650; 2nd ed., Cambridge, 1806 (cf. bib.
no. 281)
b. Historia compendiosa Dynastiarum, auctore Gregorio Abul
Pharagio, Oxford, 1663 (Vol. I: Latin translation; Vol. IE:
Arabic text.) (cf. bib. no. 472)
c. Philosophus autodidactus (cf. 359-a). Oxford, 1700: post-
Praefationem: ap. Elenchus scriptorum . . . , in fine
1527 Pierre Vattier, b. 1623, d. 1667
a. L'Histoire mahométane, contenant un abrége chronologique de
l'histoire musulmane en genéral (ou les XLIX Chalifes du
Macine), Paris, 1657 (Fr. translation of 1501-a)
1530 M. Andreas Müllerus (Greiffenhagius), b. 1630, d. 1694
a. Excerpta ms. cujusdam turcici quod "de Cognitione Dei et
hominis ipsius” a quodam Azizo Nesephaeo*® [the Arabic name
of the author excerpted here is ‘Aziz ibn Muhammad al-
Nasafi], Brandenburg, 1665 (cf. 1129-a)
1540 Barthélemy d'Herbelot, b. 1625, d. 1695
a. Bibliothèque Orientale, 1st ed., Paris, 1697; 3rd ed., Paris,
1783, with notes by Schultens (3 vols.); 2nd ed., Maestrict,
1542 Antoine Galland, b. 1646, d. 1715
а. Fr. translation of 590-3, ms. P. (Arabic) 1541
1543 Simon Ockley, b. 1678, d. 1720

55 This and the previous reference allude to a physician who is perhaps only a namesake
for our author (see here supra, pp. 64-65; and infra, 1546-a and 1610-a, in fine).
46 An error: a confusion of 1106-b with 1129-a (Sacy).

a. The Improvement of Human Reason, Exhibited in the Life of

Hai Ebn Yokdhan (Eng. translation of 359-3), London, 1708,
1546 [Iohann- Albert. Fabricius, b. 1668, d. 1736
a. Bibliotheca Graeca, Hamburg, 1726; Vol. XIII includes
refs. to (Bin el-Hallag "nisi sit ille Halagi")]
1548 Jacques George de Chauffepié
a. Nouveau Dictionnaire historique et critique pour servir du
supplement au dictionnaire historique et critique de M. Pierre Bayle,
The Hague, 1750 (cf. bib. no. 1540)
1549 [Frangois] H. Pétis de la Croix, d. 1751
a. Translation of 810-a, ms. P. Ar. 4462-4464
1550 Abbé Augier de Marigny, d. 1762
a. Histoire des Arabes sous le gouvernement des califes, Paris,
1750 (cf. 1540-2)
b. Ibid., German translation by Lessing, Berlin, 1753. Sub-
sequent eds.: Leipzig, 1761; (in French) Paris, 1782
1551 Joh. Jakob Reiske, b. 1716, d. 1774
a. Abulfedae Annales Muslemici, Leipzig, 1754 (Latin transla-
tion of 520-a, without notes)
b. Abulfedae Annales Muslemici, Copenhagen, 1790 (post-
humous ed. of the Arabic text and the Latin translation with
notes, revised byJ.G. Chr. Adler)
c. German translation (with notes by Reiske and Schultens)
of 1540-a, 4 vols., Halle, 1785, 1790
1556 J. F. dela Croix de Castries and A. Hornot
a. Anecdotes arabes et musulmanes, Paris, 1772
1558 Joseph de Guignes, b. 1721, d. 1800
a. Notices et extraits des mss. de la Bibliothèque de Paris, 1789
(faulty translation of 589-2)
1559 Bruns, b. 1743, d. 1814
a. Cf. bib. no. 1426
1560 Sir William Ouseley, b. 1767, d. 1842
a. The Oriental Geography of Ibn Hawkal, London, 1800
(Engl. translation of the Eton College ms. of the Persian
translation of 167-a)
1561 Baron Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy, b. 1758, d. 1838
a. Examen critique de la “Géographie d'Ibn Hawkal" (1560-3),
ap. “Magasin Encyclopédique" of Milin, Paris, 1800

b. Notices et extraits des mss. de la Bibliothèque de Paris, vol.

XII (cf. 1150-a)
c. Journal des Savants, December 1821-January 1822
(Notice on 1580-a)
d. Notices et extraits des mss. de la Bibliotheque de Paris, 1799,
vol. IV (cf. 1183-3)
e. Exposé de la religion des Druzes, Paris, 1838
1562 Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-Duperron
a. Oupnekh’at, sive secretum legendum, Paris-Strasbourg,
1565 Jean-Baptiste Louis-Joseph Rousseau, b. 1780, d. 1831
a. Voyage de Bagdad à Alep, ms. written in 1808, ed. by
Poinssot, Paris, 1899 (cf. 981-a)
1569 Major David Price, b. 1762, d. 1835
a. Chronological Retrospect . . . of Mahommedan History, 3
vols., London, 1821 (translation of 1161-b)
1570 Lt. James William Graham, b. 1785, d. circa 1828
a. "Treaty on Sufism” (December 30, 1811), in Transac-
tions of the Bombay Literary Society, Vol. I, 1812; reprinted in
1877 (based on two lost Persian sources: Makhzan al-salikin
and Maqsiüd al-‘arifin)
1571 General Sir John Malcolm, b. 1769, d. 1833
a. History of Persia, 2 vols., 1815 (based on Aga Moham-
mad "Alī, 1570-a, 1101-c)
b. Ibid., French translation, Paris, 1821 (?)
c. Ibid., Persian translation of Vol. Il by Mirza Hairat, n.d.
d. Ibid., reedition of Vol. II, collated with the Persian trans-
lation by Court, Lahore, 1888
1580 Friedrich August Gottgetreu Tholuck, b. 1799, d. 1877
a. Sufismus, sive Theologia Persarum pantheistica, in 8 vols.
Berlin, 1821
b. Blüthensammlung aus der Morgenländischen Mystik, in 12
vols., with notes. Berlin, 1825 (translation of 1101-c)
c. Die speculative Trinitätslehre des späteren Orients, in 12
vols., Berlin, 1826
1581 Major Charles Stewart, b. 1764, d. 1837
a. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Library of the Late
Tippoo Sultan, in 4 vols., Cambridge, 1809 (cited in 1622-b)
1587 Giovanni Battista Rampoldi
a. Annali musulmani, 12 vols., Milan, 1822-1826

1589 Étienne Quatremère, b. 1782, d. 1857

a. Notices et extraits des mss. de la Bibliothèque de Paris, vol.
XVII (1858) (ed. of 581-a)
1590 Baron William MacGuckin de Slane, d. 1874
a. Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary (Eng. translation
of 471-a), London, 1842 (notes infine)
b. Prolégomènes d'Ibn Khaldün (Fr. translation of 581-3),
vols. XIX and XX of Notices et extraits des mss. de la Bib-
liothéque de Paris, 1861
1596 Anthony Troyer
a. Eng. translation of Dābistān by Fani (cf. bib. no. 1174),
London, 1843
1601 Theodor Haarbrücker
a. Schahrastani’s Religions-partheien und Philosophen-schulen
(Ger. translation of Shahrastani, d. 528/1153: Milal), 1850-51
[new ed. Hildesheim, Olms, 1969]
1602 Baron Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, b. 1774, d. 1856
a. Literaturgeschichte der Araber, 7 vols., Vienna 1850-1856
b. Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, 10 vols., Pest, 1827-
c. Constantinopolis, 2 vols., Pest, 1822
d. Translation (with text) of 1129-a, Pest, 1838
e. Gesch. der Osmanlie Dichtkunst, 4 vols., Pest, 1836-1838
1603 Commander James Felix Jones, d. 1878
a. Memoir on the Province ofBagdad (an account of April 19,
1855), published in Selections from the Records of the Bombay
Government, XLIII (New Series), Bombay, 1857 (with map)
1604 Alois Sprenger, b. 1813, d. 1893
a. Catalogue of the . . . Oude mss. . . . , Calcutta, 1854 (cf.
b. JRASB, 1856 (based on 1185-c)
c. Dictionary of Technical Terms, Calcutta, 1852
1610 Gustav Flügel, b. 1802, d. 1870
a. Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum . . . а Katib
Jelebi . . . Haji Khalfa . . . compositum, Leipzig, London,
1835-1858 (Arabic text and Latin translation of 870-2)
b. Die arab. pers. und türk Hdss. der k.k. Hof Bibliothek, Vi-
enna, 1863-1867
c. Posthumous edition of Kitab al-fihrist (172-2), Leipzig,
1871-1872 (cf. in part 1546-3)

1611 Reinhart Pieter Anne Dozy, b. 1820, d. 1883

a. Het Islamisme, Haarlem, 1863 |
b. Ibid. (Fr. translation by Victor Chauvin, Essai sur l'his-
toire de l'Islamisme), Leiden, Paris, 1879-1880
c. Ibid. (Eng. translation) [?] |
d. Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes, originally published
serially from 1877, Leiden; 2 vols., Leiden, 1881; Paris, 1927
е. Ed., ['Arib ibn Sa'd al-Qurtubi], Le Calendrier de Cor-
dove de l'année 961, Leiden, 1873
1612 Vincenz, von Rosenzweig Schwannau, b. 1791, d. 1865
a.... Hafis... , Vienna 1858-1864 (text and German
translation of 1135-3)
1613 W. Nassau-Lees, b. 1825, d. 1889
a. The Lives of the Mystics of the East (Soofis), ed. of 1150-a,
Calcutta, 1859
1614 Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, b. 1816, d. 1882 |
a. Les Religions et les philosophies de l'Asie centrale, Paris,
1865 (cit. 1634-c)
1615 ` Edward Palmer, b. 1840, d. 1882
a. Oriental Mysticism, Cambridge, 1867
1616 Alfred von Kremer, b. 1828, d. 1889
a. Geschichte der herrschenden Ideen des Islams, Leipzig, 1868
b. Ueber das Einnahmebudget des Abbasiden Reiches vom Jahre
306 H., 918-919, etc., Vienna, 1850, etc.
1617 Kholmogorow:
a. Cheik Moslihuddin Saadi Chirazi (in Russian). Kazan,
University typogr. 1867 (translation of bib. no. 1602-d)
1618 J. G. Scholl
a. L’Islam, Neuchatel, 1874
1619 Joseph Héliodore Sagesse Vertu Garcin de Tassy, b. 1794, d.
a. Histoire de la littérature hindouie et hindoustanie, 2nd ed.,
Paris, 1870
b. Manticuttair (text and translation) (cf. 1101-c), Paris,
1854 [also 1857, 1863 editions]
1620 Pierre Larousse, b. 1817, d. 1875
a. Grand Dictionnaire universel du XIX* siècle, Paris, 1874-
1876 [also 1866] (soufisme) (excerpt of 1571-b)
1621 Stanislas Guyard, b. 1846, d. 1884

a. Journal Asiatique, February-March 1873 (includes excerpt

of 1580-а)
b. La Civilisation musulmane, Paris, 1884
1622 Charles Rieu, b. 1820, d. 1902
a. Catalogus Codd. Mss. qui in Musaeo Britannico asservantur,
pars II, cod. arab. amplectens, fol., London, 1871 (cf. 579-d,
471-a, 741-2, 1150-a, 1175-a, 474-b)
b. Suppl. Codd. Mss. arab . . . , London, 1894 (cf. 861-b)
c. Catalogue of the Persian Mss. of the British Museum, Lon-
don, 1879-1883 (ref. to 1157-a, 1101-a, 1581-a; cf. 1111-d)
1623 Heinrich Ferdinand Wüstenfeld, d. 1899
a. Die Geschichtschreiber der Araber, 1882 [?]
b. Genealogische Tabellen, Leipzig [?] [Gôttingen, 1852]
c. Register zu den Arabischen Stimme und Familien, Gót-
tingen, 1853
1624 Mehren
a. Ibn Sab'in, JAP, VII, 1849 (cf. 446-a)
1625 Charles Adrien Casimer Barbier de Meynard, b. 1827, d. 1908
a. La Poésie en Perse (leçon au College de France, 1876),
Paris, 1877 ( vol. XII, Bibliotheque Orientale Elzévirienne)
(cf. 121-a)
b. Dictionnaire géographique de la Perse, [n.p.], 1861
c. Ibrahim,
filsde Mehdi, Paris, 1869
1626 Gustave Dugat, b. 1824, d. 1880 S
a. Histoire des philosophes et des théologiens musulmans de 632à
1258 de J. C., Paris, 1878
1627 Major Robert Durie Osborn, b. 1835, d. 1889
a. Islam under the Khalifs ofBaghdad, London, 1878
1628 Thomas William Beale, d. 1875
a. The Oriental Biographical Dictionary, 1st ed. published by
H. G. Keene, Calcutta, 1881
b. Ibid., 2nd ed. revised by Keene, London, 1894
1629 Henry George Keene, b. 1827, d. 1915
a. Cf. bib. no. 1628
1630 Victor Chauvin, Liége
a. Cf. 1611-b
1631 Baethgen, d. 1905
a. Cf. 1401-a [?]
1634 Alfred Le Chátelier

a. Kurzer Verzeichnis der landberg'schen Sammlung arabisch.

LII, Bibliotheque Orientale Elzévirienne), (includes transla-
tion of 919-a in part)
1635 Wilhelm Ahlwardt, b. 1828, d. 1911
a. Kurzer Verzeichnis der landberg'schen Sammlung arabisch
Hdss. der Kēnigs. Bibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin, 1887-1899 (cf.
172-b, 474-b, 441-b)
1636 Italo Pizzi
a. Giorn. Soc. Asiat. Ital., V
b. L'Islamismo, Milan, 1903
c. Storia della poesia persiana, 2 vols., Turin, 1894
1637 Henry Wilberforce Clarke
a. Translation of 1135-a and 1126-a in 3 vols., 1891
1639 Ernst Otto Adelbert Merx, d. 1909
a. Grundlin. der Sufik, 1892 [possibly: Idee und Grundlinien
einer allgemeinen Geschichte der Mystik, Heidelberg, 1893]
1640 Ignaz Goldziher, b. 1850 (Budapest), d. 1921
a. Muhammedanische Studien, 2 vols., Halle, 1889-1890
b. Die dogmatische Partei der Salimijja, in ZDMG, LXI-1,
Leipzig, 1907 (cf. 1601-2)
c. Zur Geschichte der hanbalitischen Bewegungen, in ZDMG,
LXII-1, Leipzig, 1908 (cf. 570-a)
d. Vorlesungen über den Islam, Heidelberg, 1910 (cf. 1101-c,
1580-b); Fr. translation by F. Arin, Le Dogme et la loi de l’Is-
lam, Paris, 1920
e. “al-Hallaj,” in Der Islam IV, Strassburg, 1913 (based on
f. Ap. Jewish Quarterly Review, XV, 1903 (crit. of 1674-a)
g. Ed. of Mustazhirī (cf. 280-g)
h. Die Richtungen der Islamischen Koranauslegung, Leiden,
i. Die Zahiriten, ihr Lehrsystem und ihre Geschichte, Leipzig,
1641 A.J.B. Pavet de Courteille, b. 1821, d. 1889, Paris
a. Mémorial des saints, published posthumously, Paris,
1889-1890 (text of 1320-a, [corrupt] version of 1101-c and Fr.
translation): in Collection Orientale, Vol. XVI, 2nd series,
and Vol. II (incl. ref. to 1301-2)
1642 Syed Ameer Ali
a. The Spirit of Islam, Calcutta, 1890 and 1902

1644 Osw. H. Parry

a. Six Months in a Syrian Monastery, London, 1895
1645 Rev. Elwood Morris Wherry
a. A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran, London
[1878, 1882, etc.], 1896
1646 Hartwig Derenbourg, b. 1844, d. 1908, Paris
a. al-Fakhri (ed. of 501-2), Paris, 1895
b. “Rapport...” in Annuaire de l'École pratique des Hautes
Études (Sciences religieuses), Paris, 1908 (cf. bib. no. 1695)
1647 Baron Victor Rosen, d. 1908
a. “Mistike al-Hallādsche . . . ," ap. Mém. Inst. Archael.
Russe, XI, November 1896 (cit. in bib. no. 1724)
b. Cat. mss. persans Pétersbourg, 1886
1648 Paul Horn (Strassburg), d. 1908
a. "Neupersische Litteratur," ap. Grundriss der Iranischen
Philologie of W. Geiger and E. Kuhn, Vol. II, Strassburg,
[1895] 1896-1904 (cf. 1636-a and 1101-3)
1650 Michael Jan de Goeje, b. 1836, d. 1907
a. Fragments of a critical study of texts concerning the trial
of al-Hallāj, published in ‘Arib, Tabarī Continuatus, Leyden,
1897 (ed. of 164-a, cf. with 171-a, 471-a, 282-a, 370-a, 530-b,
b. Cat. codd. arab. Lugd. Batav. (in collaboration with Th.
Juynboll), Vol. II, Leiden, 1907 (cf. 441-b)
c. Mémoire sur les Carmathes de Bahrain, 2nd ed., Leiden,
d. Mémoire sur la conquéte de la Syrie, Leiden, 1900
1651 Gerolf Van Vloten, d. 1903
the Eleventh
a. Les Hachwia et nabita, in Publications of
International Congress of Orientalists, Paris, 1897 (published
separately in 1901), in fine, excerpt of 1601-a
1652 Carl Brockelmann (Leipzig)
a. Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur, Weimar, 1898-1902
b. Supp., 3 vols., Leiden, 1937-1942
c. 2nd ed., 1943
1653 Martin) Schreiner, d. Berlin
a. Theologische Bewegungen in Islam . . . in ZDMG, Vol.
LII, Leipzig, 1898 (refs. to 172-a, 134-c, 190-a, 201-a, 741-3,
1654 N. Mallitskij, Tashkent

a. “Ishani-i Sufism,” in Turkestanskij Viedomosti, 1898 (ex-

cerpt of 1301-b, cited in 1685-2)
1657 Paul Henricus Hugo Schwarz
a. Iran im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1896 (cf. 135-a)
1658 James M. Campbell, b. 1847, d. 1903
a. Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, 1896-1904, Vol. IX
(Gujarat), Part 2 (Muslims and Parsees), Bombay, 1899 (re-
dacted by Khan Bahadur Fazal ullah Lutfullah Faridi, assist-
ant collector of customs, Bombay)
1660 Elias John Wilkinson Gibb, b. 1857, d. 1901
a. A History of the Ottoman Poetry, published posthu-
mously, revised by E. G. Browne, London, 1900 (cf. 1311-a,
1321, 1341-a, 1361-a, 1362-a, 1366-a)
1661 Guy Le Strange, London
a. Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate, Oxford, 1900
b. Eng. translation of the geographical part of Nuzhat al-
Oulūb by Ahmad b. Abi Bakr b. Nasr Mustawfi, 1919 (c£.
c. The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate, Cambridge, 1905
1665 Clément Huart, Paris
a. Histoire de Bagdad dans les temps modernes, Paris, 1901 (cf.
1356-а and 1641-3)
b. Littérature arabe, Paris, 1902 (cf. 1652-a)
c. Journal Asiatique, X-3, Paris, 1904 (review of 1671-a)
d. Histoire des Arabes, 2 vols., Paris, 1912-1913
e. Review of 1695-j (“Revue critique," JAP, May and June
f. Review of 1695-1, JAP, July 1915
g. (Nusayris) JAP, 1879
h. Les Saints des derviches tourneurs, vol. X XXII Hautes
Études (Religieuses), Paris, 1918 (incl. translation of Kashif
al-asrär by Shams al-Din Ahmad Aflākī, written in 754/1353)
(= translation of 1131-a)
i. Journal des Savants, March 1923
j-JAP, June 1923
k. "Les Mazaférides de l'Adherbaidjan," A Volume of
Oriental Studies, Cambridge, 1922
1666 H. A. Probst-Biraben, Algiers
a. "L'Islamisme ésoterique," ap. l'Initiation, Paris, April
1901 (al-Hfall]adj: based on Jami, bib. no. 1150, not an iden-
tical work)

1667 Mgr. Louis Petit, Kadikoy

a. Les Confréries musulmanes, Paris, 1902 (cf. 1634-a)
1668 Octave Depont
a. "Les confréries musulmanes," La Revue (of Jean Finot),
Paris, May 15, 1903
1669 Charles Grolleau, Paris
a. Les Quatrains d'Omar Khayyam, Paris, 1902 (cf. 1625-a)
[his Fr. translation of Fitzgerald, ed. 1917 and 1920]
1670 Edgard Blochet, Paris
a. "Études sur l'ésotérisme musulman (1® série),” Journal
Asiatique, Paris, 1902 (cf. 1141-3)
b. Le Messianisme dans l'hétérodoxie musulmane, Paris, 1903
c. “Etudes sur l'ésotérisme musulman (2 série),” ap. Mu-
séon, Louvain, 1910
d. "Les Miniatures des mss. orientaux," Revue des bib-
liothèques, Paris, 1900 (cf. 1157-2)
e. "La Conquête de l'Asie centrale par les schiites," Rev.
Orient Chrétien, 1925-1926 (the text of Tawasin is nonsensical)
1671 Baron Bernard Carra de Vaux, Paris
a. Gazali, Paris, 1902
b. Cf. 134-c
c. Les Penseurs de l'Islam, 5 vols., 1921-1926
1672 F. A. Brockhaus (Leipzig publishing firm)
a. Brockhaus’ Kleines conversations Lexikon [Leipzig, 1879];
2nd ed., Berlin, 1903 (Vol. XV: Sufismus)
1673 Edward Granville Browne, Cambridge
a. A Literary History ofPersia, 4 vols., London, 1906, 1909,
1920, 1924
1674 Hartwig Hirschfeld, London
a. “The Arabic Portion of the Cairo Genizah at Cam-
bridge,” Jewish Quarterly Review, XV, January 1903 (cf.
1675 Henry Frederick Amedroz, b. 1854, d. 1917, London
a. Ed. of 220-a
b. “Notes on Some Sufi Lives," JRAS, London, 1912
c. The Eclipse ofthe ‘Abbasid Caliphate (= tr. of 171-a) [7
vols., 1920-1921, ed. with David Samuel Margoliouth]
1676 Pierre Daniel Chantepie de la Saussaye, Leīden
a. Manuel de l’histoire des religions [cf. Lehrbuch der Reli-
gionsgeschichte, Freiburg, 1887, 1889]
b. Ibid. Fr. translation W. Margais (Islam), Paris, 1904

Reginald Edward Enthoven, Bombay

a. Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, vol. XXVII: Index,
1904 [? or 1897]: s.v. Dudwalas, Mansur (cf. 1658-a, 1720)
Georges Salmon, d. 1906, Tangiers
a. L'Introduction topographique à l'histoire de Baghdad, fasc.
148 of the Bib. de l'École des Hautes Études, Paris, 1904
b. Article on Süfism in Vol. XXX of La Grande Ency-
clopédie, Paris, n.d.
1679 Duncan Black MacDonald, Hartford, Conn.
a. Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Con-
stitutional Theory, New York, 1903
b. The Religious Attitudes and Life in Islam, Chicago, 1912
c. Aspects of Islam, New York, 1911
d. “The Vital Forces of Christianity and Islam,” VII Inter-
national Review of Missions, 1913
e. Translation of 280-2, ap. JRAS, 1901
1681 H. Ethé, b. 1844, d. 1917
a. Catal. Pers. Mss. India Off., 1903 (cf. 1185-a)
1683 Vasily Vladimirovitch Barthold
a. Zur Geschichte der Saffariden (ap. Nóldeke gew. Orient.
Stud., 1906)
b. "Igd al-jumān, Tashkent, 1927
1684 Celestino Schiaparelli, d. 1919
a. Ibn Gubayr, Rome, 1906 (translation of 390-3)
1685 Konstantin Konstantinovitch Kazansky
a. Misticisme be Islam (in Russian), Samarkand, 1906
1686 F. A. Klein, d. 1903
a. The Religion of Islam, London, 1906
1687 Charles Edward Sell
a. The Faith of Islam, 3rd ed., London, 1907 (cf. 1673-a)
b. Sufiism, Christ. Lit. Soc., 1910
1688 Pierre Arminjon (Cairo)
a. L'Enseignement, la doctrine et la vie dans les universités arabes
de l'Égypte, Paris, 1907 (with translation of 280-3)
1689 Edward Henry Whinfield, London
a. “The Seven Headed Dragon," ap. JRAS, London, 1908
and 1910
b. Translation of 1129-a
c. Masnavi, translation of Bk. Lof 1111-a, London, 1898
1690 Frederick Hadland Davis

a. Jalal ud Din Rumi, vol. Il of Luzac Series, London, 1907

(cf. 1673-а)
1691 Josef Horovitz
a. "Aus den Bibliotheken von Kairo Damaskus und
Konstantinopel," MSOS, Berlin, 1907, 2nd part (incl. selec-
tions from 830-a and 250-a)
1692 Reynold Alleyne Nicholson, Cambridge
a. A Literary History of the Arabs, London, 1907
b. “Risalat al-ghufran” (ed. and translation of 212-3), in
JRAS, London, 1902
c. Ed. of 1101-c, London, 1907
d. Selected Poems from the Divan “Shams-i Tabriz” (ed. of
1111-b) |
f. Translation of 1055-a, London, 1911
g. Translation of 421-1, 1911
h. “The Goal of Muhammadan Mysticism,” JRAS, Janu-
ary 1913 (ref. to 1695-g) (cf. 1111-b)
i. Article on Hallaj, ap. Hastings’ Ency. of Religions and
Ethics, VI, 1915
j. “Sufism,” JRAS, 1906
k. The Mystics ofIslam, 1914
L Ed. of 142-a
m. Studies in Islamic Mysticism, Cambridge, 1921
n. The Idea of Personality in Sufism, Cambridge, 1923
1693 Israel Friedlánder, New York
a. “The Heterodoxies of the Shiites" (acc. to 241-a), ap.
JAOS XXVIII, New Haven, 1907; XXIX, 1908 (cf. 160-a);
XXIX (bibliography, cf. 1674-a and 360-2)
1695 Louis Massignon, b. 1883, d. 1962, Paris. [His articles and con-
ference papers have been assembled, in part, in two collec-
tions: Opera Minora, 3 vols. (Y. Moubarac), Beirut, 1962-
1963; Paris, 1969 (henceforth designated as OM); and Parole
Donnée (V. Monteil), Paris, 1962 (= PD). Note further, Bib-
liog. Louis Massignon (up to 1955), ap. “Mélanges Louis Mas-
signon," IFD, 1956; and the forthcoming Vol. IV of Opera
Minora including works written between 1955-1962.] [See
Foreword to the present edition, Vol. I, by H.M.]
a. Text of 261-a (quatrain), published in al-Machriq, Beirut,
1908 (cf. 961-2)
b. Cf. 1646-b

c. "Les Saints musulmans enterrés à Bagdad," paper deliv-

eredatthe International Congress of Orientalists, Copenhagen,
August 15, 1908; published in Rev. de l'Histoire des Religions,
LVIII-3 Paris, 1908. Corr. р. 333 (cf. 165-2)
d. "La Passion d'al-Hallādj et l'ordre des Hallādjiyya,”
Mélanges Derenbourg, Paris, 1909 [corr. in OM, II]
e. Mission en Mésopotamie (1907-1908), vols. XXVIII and
XXXI, Mém. Inst. Fr. Arch. Or. Caire. Cairo, 1910 and 1912
f. "Les Pèlerinages populaires à Bagdad," Rev. du Monde
Musulman, VI, Paris, December 1908 (incl. phot. and 474-b);
cf. ap. ibid., XII, December 1910
g. "Al-Hallāj, le phantasme crucifié des Docètes et Satan
selon les Yézidis," Rev. de l'Histoire des Religions, LXIII-2
Paris, March-April 1911 [OM, II]
h. “Ana’l-Haqq,” paper delivered at XVIth International
Congress of Orientalists, Athens, April 11, 1912 (cf. Actes;
and cf. al-Mu'ayyad, Cairo, April 16, 1912); published ap. Der
Islam, Strassburg, 1912 [OM, II]
i. Actes du IV Cong. Int. de l'Histoire des Religions, Leiden,
j. Ed. of Kitab al- Tawasin d'al-Hallāj, Paris, 1913 (with ex-
cerpts from 1091-d)
k. Ta'rikh al-istilahat al-falsaftya al-'arabiya, a course taught
at the Egyptian University (1912-1913); written down in
Cairo, 1913
1. Quatre Textes inédits, relatifs à la biographie d’ . . . al-Hallaj,
Paris, 1914 (publication of 125-a, 170-b, 191-a, and 261-a)
m. "What Moslems Expect?" The Moslem World, April
n. Article on Hallāj, ap. Enc. Isl.
o. La Passion de Husayn ibn Mansür al-Hallaj, martyr mystique
de l'Islam, exécuté à Bagdad le 26 mars 922, 2 vols., Paris, 1922
[first edition of the present work]
p. Essai sur les origines du lexique technique de la mystique
musulmane, 1st ed., Paris, 1922; 2nd ed., Paris, 1954 [refs. are
made here to the 2nd ed.]
q. "Introspection et retrospection (Le sentiment des poètes
et l'inspiration proprement mystique: comment ils s'explici-
tent et comment les différencier en poésie islamigue),”
Philosophies, 1925 [OM, II]

r. "Le Folklore chez les mystiques musulmans," Mél. René

Basset, Paris, 1923 [OM, II]
s. "Esquisse d'une bibliographie Qarmate," Mél. E. G.
Browne, Cambridge, 1922 [OM, I]
t. Footnote to 1171-a
u. Recueil de textes inédits concernant l'histoire de la mystique en
pays d'Islam, Paris, 1929. Arabic translation by Mut. Abder-
raziq, Ma'ārifa, 1931. German translation by Schahr, DI
v. Akhbär al-Hallāj, recueil d'oraisons et d'exhortations du mar-
tyr mystique d'Islam, Husayn ibn Mansür Hallāj, edited by L.M.
with Paul Kraus: 1st ed., Paris, 1914; 2nd ed. (of 4th text of
1695-1), Paris, 1936; 3rd ed., Paris, 1957 [refs. made here are
to this last edition and to its arrangement of the qasidas]
w. Dīwān al-Hallāj, JAP, 1931; REI, 1931 [Arabic texts
and French translation]; Cahiers du Sud, No. 10, Paris, 1955
[new French translation with introduction concerning “le
rôle transhistorique de Hallāj,” without Arabic text. This
edition was microfilmed by University Microfilm Ltd.,
x. "La Légende ‘de tribus impostoribus' et ses origines is-
lamiques," RHRM, 82, 1920 [OM, I]
y. "Pro Psalmis," Revue Juive, Geneva, 1925 (OM, 1]
z. "Trois Mystiques musulmans: Shushtari, Ahmad Gha-
zālī et Niyāzī Misri," Commerce, VI, 1925 (translation of
poems) [OM, II]
aa. "Les Entretiens de Lahore," JA, 1926 (with Huart)
ab. “Documents sur la psychologie différentielle musul-
mane,"J. Psychol., ХХШ-2, 1927 [OM, I]
ac. "L'Expérience mystique et les modes de stylisation lit-
téraire," Roseau d'Or, XX, Paris, 1927 [OM, II]
ad. “Ibn Sab'in et la critique psychologique," Mém. H.
Basset, Paris, 1928 [OM, II]
ae. "Lettre à Ortega y Gasset," Rivista de Occidente, 116,
af. "Mutanabbi et le siécle ismaélien de l'Islam," IFD, 1935
[OM, I]
ag. "Les Origines Shi'ites de la famille vizirale des Banū'l-
Furat," Mél. Gaudefroy-Demonbynes, IFAO, Cairo, 1935
(OM, 1]

ah. "L'Aridité spirituelle chez les auteurs musulmans,”

Études Carmélitaines, Paris, 1937 (OM, II]
. "Textes musulmans pouvant concerner la nuit de l'és-
2 ' Études Carmélitaines, 1938 [OM, Ш
"Sur l'Origine de la miniature persane," NRF, March
1936 [OM, Ш]
ak. "Recherches sur les shi‘ites extrémistes à Bagdad à la
fin du IIF siècle de l'hégire," ZDMG, XIII, 1938 [OM, I]
al. "Les Origines et la portée du gnosticisme en Islam,"
Eranos Jahrbuch, YV, Zurich [OM, I]
am. "Le Culte gnostique de Fatima dans l'Islam shi‘ite,”
Eranos Jahrbuch, V, Zurich [title in German in OM, I]
n. “Esquisse d'une bibliographie nusayrie," Mél. R. Dus-
saud, 1939 [OM, I]
o. “Salman Pak et les prémices spirituelles de l'Islam ira-
nien," Bull. Soc. Ét. Iraniennes, 1934. Arabic translation by
А. R. Badawi, Shakhsīyāt galigat, including the original
Arabic of the quoted texts, Cairo, 1946. Cf. Yaghmā, Tehran,
1949 [ОМ, 1]
ap. "Situation de l'Islam," Cahiers de Radio-Paris, 1939; 2nd
ed. with plates, Geuthner, Paris, 1939 [OM, I]
aq. "Die Auferstehung in der Mohammedan Welt," Eranos
Jahrbuch, V1, Zürich, 1940 [OM, 1) `
"La Politique islamo-chrétienne des scribes nestoriens
de Deir Ounnā à la cour de Bagdad au IX* siècle de notre
re," Vivre et Penser, И, 1942 [OM, I]
as. "Inventaire de la littérature hermétique arabe," ap. Fes-
tugière, La Révélation d'Hermés Trismégiste, Paris, 1944 [OM, I]
"Les Infiltrations astrologiques dans la pensée religieuse
islamique, " Eranos Jahrbuch, X, Zürich, 1943 [OM, H]
. "La Mubāhala de Médine et l'hyperdulie de Fátima,"
Annal. Éc. Hautes Études, 1943; 2nd ed. Maisonneuve, Paris,
1955 [OM, I]
av. "Le Souffle dans l'Islam," JA, 1943-1945 [OM, II]
aw. “Thèmes archétypiques et oniro-critique musul-
mane," Eranos Jahrbuch, XII, Zürich, 1945 [OM, 1]
“Etude sur les *isnád' ou chaînes de témoignages fon-
damentales dans la tradition musulmane hallagienne," Mél.
Félix Grat, Paris, 1946 [included here, in part, in Chapter

ay. “La Légende de Hallacé Mansür en pays turcs,” REI,

1941-1946 [included here in Chapter IX; OM, II]
az. "La Survie d'al-Hallāj,” IFD, 1946 [included here in
Chapter X; OM, II]
ba. "L'Oeuvre hallagienne de 'Attar," REI, 1941-1946
[included here in Chapter X; OM, II]
bb. "La ‘Umma’ et ses synonymes: notion de 'com-
munauté sociale,' " REI, 1941-1946 [OM, I]
bc. “Étude sur une courbe personnelle de vie: le cas de Hal-
1а], martyr mystique de l'Islam," Dieu Vivant, IV, 1945; Per-
sian translation by A. R. Ferhädi, Kabul, 1951 [OM, II]
bd. “L’Idée de l'ésprit en Islam," Eranos Jahrbuch, XIII,
Zürich, 1945 [OM, П; Eng. translation, Eranos Yearbook 6,
Bollingen Series, Princeton, 1968]
be. “La Nature dans la pensée islamique," Eranos Jahrbuch,
XIV, Zürich, 1946 [OM, II; Eng. translation, Eranos Year-
book 6, Bollingen Series, Princeton, 1968]
bf. "L'Homme parfait en Islam et son originalité es-
chatologique," Eranos Jahrbuch, XV, Zürich, 1948; Arabic
translation by A. R. Badawi, al-Insān al-Kamil fr'l-Islam,
Cairo, 1950 (also published in al-Mashriq, Vol. 52, Beirut,
April 1958); Eng. translation, Unwala, Bombay, 1955 [OM, I]
bg. “Cadis et nagibs Bagdadiens," WZKM, LI, Vienna,
1948 [OM, I]
bh. “Nouvelle bibliographie hallagienne," Goldziher
Memorial, Budapest [all references assembled in this collec-
tion have been included in the present bibliography with the
number given by the author; OM, Il]
bi. "Shushtari," Mél. W. Marçais, 1950; Spanish translation
ofa text completed in al-Andalūs, 1949 [OM, II]
bj. “Hallaj, mystique de l'Islam," Bull. Et. Arabes, No. 43,
Algiers, 1949 [OM, II]
bk. "La Syntaxe intérieure des langues sémitiques et le
mode de recueillement qu'elles inspirent,” Etudes Car-
mēlitaines, 1949 [OM, II]
bl. "Les Septs Dormants, apocalypse de l'Islam," Mél Paul
Peeters, 1950 [OM, III]
bm. “Le Mirage byzantin dans le miroir bagdadien d'il y a
mille ans," Mél. Henri Grégoire, Annuaire de l'Inst. de

Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves, X, Brussels, 1950

[included here, in part, in Chapter IV; OM, I]
bn. *Le Coeur (al-qalb) dans la priere et la méditation
musulmanes," Études Carmélitaines, Paris, 1950 [OM, II]
bo. “Interférences philosophiques ес percées méta-
physiques dans la mystique hallagienne: notion de l'es-
sentiel désir," Mél.J.Maréchal, Paris, 1950 [included here, in
part, in Chapter XII; OM, II]
bp. “al-Birüni et la valeur internationale de la science
arabe," ap. Al-Birüni Commemorative Volume, Calcutta, 1951
[OM, II]
bg. “Le Rite vivant," Eranos Jahrbuch, XIX, Zürich, 1951
[OM, II]
br. “Valeur culturelle internationale de 1а coopération des
penseurs iraniens au Moyen Age à l'essor de la civilisation
arabe," L'Ame de l'Iran (ed. by the author with R. Grousset
and Н. Massé), Paris, 1951 [OM, I]
bs. “Le Temps dans la pensée islamique," Eranos Jahrbuch,
XX, Zürich, 1952 [OM, II and PD; Eng. translation, Eranos
Yearbook 3, Bollingen Series. New York, 1957]
bt. "La Futuwwa ou pacte d'honneur artisanal entre les
travailleurs musulmans au Moyen Age," Nouvelle Clio,
Brussels, 1952 [OM, I and PD]
bu. “La Philosophie orientale d'Ibn Sīnā et son alphabet
philosophique," IFAO, IV, Mémorial Avicenne., Cairo, 1952
(OM, ll]
bv. “Recherches nouvelles sur le ‘Diwan d’al-Hallaj’ et sur
ses sources,” Mél. F. Köprülü, Istanbul, 1953 [OM, II]
bw. “La Vie et les oeuvres de Ruzbahan Bagli," Mél. Peder-
sen, Copenhagen, 1953 [included here, in part, in Chapter X;
bx. “Qissat Husayn al-Hallaj," Mél. Nyberg, Stockholm,
1955 [OM, II]
by. "Le Martyre de Hallaj à Bagdad," NRF, February 1,
1954 (OM, 1]
bz. "Le Majlis de Mansür-e Hallāj, de Shams-e Tabrēzī et
du Mollà de Roum," REI, 1955
ca. "La Notion de voeu et la dévotion musulmane à
Fatima," Mél. Giorgio Della Vida, Rome, 1956 [OM, I]
cb. "L'Expérience musulmane de la compassion, ordonnée

à l’universel: à propos de Fatima et de Hallaj," Eranos

Jahrbuch, X XIV, Zürich, 1956
cc. “Elie et son rôle transhistorique: Khadiriya, in Islam,”
Études Carmélitaines, 1956
cd. "L'Oratoire de Marie à l'Aqca, vu sous le voile de deuil
de Fatima," Les Mardis de Dar-es-Salam, Cairo, 1956 [OM, I]
ce. “Les Sept Dormants d’Ephése (ahl al-kahf) en Islam et
en Chrétienté, recueil documentaire et iconographique" (as-
sembled with the help of Émile Dermenghem, Lounis
Mahfoud, Dr. Suheyl Unver, and Nicolas de Witt), eight ar-
ticles in REI, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1963.
[See also Le Culte liturgique et populaire des VII Dormants
martyrs d'Ephčse (ahl al-kahf): trait d'union Orient-Occident
entre Islam et la Chrétienté (assembled by Y. Moubarac),
Studia Missionalia, Gregorian Univ., Rome, 1961 (OM, Ш)]
cf. "Mystique musulmane et mystique chrétienne au
Moyen Age,” XII Convegno Volta, Rome, 1957 [OM, II]
cg. “La Science arabe" (with R. Arnaldez), ap. Histoire gén-
érale des sciences (ed. R. Taton), Paris, 1957
ch. “La Poussée de l'Islam," Vol. XX (Le Monde en devenir)
of Ency. Française (ed. G. Berger), 1959 [OM, I]
ci. “Т.а Guerre sainte suprême de l'Islam arabe," Les Lettres
Nouvelles, May 20, 1959 [OM, II]
Gj. “Les Nusayris," ap. L'Élaboration de l'Islam, Paris, 1959
[OM, II]
ck. *La Rawda de Médine, Cadic de la méditation musul-
mane sur la destinée du Prophéte," IFAO, 1960 [OM, III]
cl. “L’Involution sémantique du symbole dans les cultures
sémitiques,” Études Carmélitaines, 1960 [OM, II]
cm. "Ibn Sab‘in et la conspiration hallagienne en An-
dalousie et en Orient au XIII" siècle,” Mémorial Lévi Proven-
gal, Paris, 1962 [included here in Chapter IX]
cn. “Nouvelles Recherches sur Salman Pak,” Mél. S. H.
Tagizadeh (A Locust's Leg), London, 1962
co. "Le Jour du covenant, Yawm al-mīthāg,” Oriens,
Leiden, 1962
cp. "Structure des cités arabes," XIIth Intemational Con-
gress of Orientalists, Moscow, 1963 [?]
cq. "Les Origines de la méditation shi'ite sur Salmän et
Fatima," Mél. H. Massé, Paris, 1963 [?]

cr. “Enquête sur les corporations musulmanes d’artisans et

de commerçants au Maroc," RMM, 58, 1924
1697 Edward Armstrong Johnson Pasha
a. The Dialogue of the Gulshan-i Raz (Eng. translation of
1129-3), Dublin, 1908
1698 Sbaykh Muhammad Iqbal (cf. bib. no. 1240)
a. The Development of Metaphysics in Persia, London, 1908
b. Six Lectures, Lahore, 1930
1699 Yogi Ramacharaka, pseudonym for William Walker Atkinson
a. Philosophy and Religions in India, Vol. V, Yogi Fund,
U.S.A., 1908 (copied from 1690-a)
1700 M. Th. Houtsma, Utrecht
a. Cf. 1695-n, 1710-a, 1711-a
1701 Paul Paquignon, Tangiers
a. "Deux Anecdotes sur al-Hallāj,” ap. Revue du Monde
Musulman, VII, Paris, April 1909 (based on an unidentified
text, which is 441-a). Corr. ap. 1695-1
1708 Charles Edward Wilson
a. Book II of the Masnawi (translation of 1111-a), London,
1709 Claud H. A. Field
a. Persian Literature, London, 1912
b. Mystics and Saints of Islam, London, 1910
c. Dictionary ofOriental Quotations, London, 1911
1710 David Samuel Margoliouth
a. Article on Abū Haiyān, ap. Enc. Isl. ed. Houtsma et al.,
Leiden, 1908 (cf. 923-3)
b. The Early Development of Mohammedanism, London,
c. Cf. 1675-c
1711 K. Vollers
a. Article on Ahmed (al-Badawi), ap. Enc. Isl., ed.
Houtsma, 1909 (cf. 741-2)
1712 Victoria de Bunsen
a. The Soul of aTurk, London, 1910
1713 Michelangelo Guidi, Rome
a. Ap. Rivista degli studi orientali, Ш and VI, Rome, 1910
(cf. 1695-d)
b. Storia della religione dell'Islam, Vol. II of series Storia delle
Religioni, etc., Rome, 1935

1715 Émile Amar, Paris

a. Translation of 501-a = Vol. XVI of Archives Marocaines,
Paris, 1910 (bibliog. cf. 1695-d)
b. Ap. JAP, Paris, July 1911 (cf. 540-a)
c. Ap. Mél. Derenbourg, Paris, 1609 (cf. 660-b)
D. Menant, Paris
a. "Les Khodjas du Guzarate," ap. Revue du Monde Musul-
man, XII, October 1910 (cf. 1658-a)
Gertrude M. L. Bell
a. From Amurath to Amurath, London, 1911
Auguste Bricteux, Liége
a. Salāmān et Absāl (translation of bib. no. 1150), Brussels,
Olga S. Lebedeva, St. Petersburg — Gülmar
a. Traité sur le soufisme (partial Fr. translation of 231-3),
Rome, 1911
Cowser (former professor of Persian at Gujarat College,
a. "Notes on Hallaj" (May 24, 1911, 4-page statement sent
to M. R. Enthoven, critical of 1658-a)
Max Horten, Bonn
a. Die Philosophie der Erleuchtung nach Suhrawardi, Halle,
b. Die philosophischen Systeme der spekulativen Theologen im
Islam nach original quellen Dargestellt, Bonn, 1912
c. "Islamische Philosophie," Die Religion in Geschichte und
Gegenwart, dictionary ed. by H. Gunkel, O. Scheel, F. M.
Schiele, L. Zscharnack, Tübingen, 1908
d. Das philosophische System von Schirázi (abridged Ger.
translation of 806-a), Strassburg, 1913
e. Die Philos. des Islam in ihren Beziehungen zu den
philosophischen ` Weltanschauungen des westlichen Orients,
Munich, 1924
f. Indische Strémungen in der isl. Mystik = heft XII, Mate-
rialien Buddh. Walleser, Heidelberg, 1927
g. "Grundlinien v. Lebensystem und mystische Wel-
tanschauung des Hallag," Arch. Gesch. der Philos. (L. Stein),
h. "Sammelbericht über Isl. Philos. und Hallag,” Philos.
Jahrbucher, 1926

i. Art. ap. Köln. Volksztg. 1926, no. 512

j. “Aus dem oriental. Geistesleben,” Germania, 1925
k. Neues über indisches Abhängigk. isl. Geistesleben (Festgabe
Dyroff, 1925)
1722 Douwe Adolf Rinkes, Batavia
a. De Heiligen van Java, Batavia, 1913
1724 Ignatius Yulianovitch Kratchkovsky, Tsarskoje Selo
a. Razskaze sovrémennika obe al-Halladshé (bibliog. with ed.
of 126-a), ap. Vol. XXI of The Russian Archaeological Insti-
tute, St. Petersburg, 1913 (cites 1647-a)
b. CR. Ac. Sc. Russie, 1924 (ms. Kazan)
1725 Miguel Asin Palacios, d. 1944, Madrid
a. Abenmasarra y su escuela (Discurso de recepcion in the R.
Academia de Ciencias Morales y Politicas), Madrid, 1914
b. La espiritualidad de Algazel . . . , Madrid-Granada, П and
c. Islam cristianizado, Madrid, 1931
d. Logia et agrapha Domini Jésu apud muslamicos scriptores,
Paris, 1916, etc.
1726 Lucien Bouvat, Paris
a. RMM, XXIV, Paris, 1913 (c.r. of 1695-); XXVII, Paris,
1914 (cf. 1695-1)
1727 Louis Cheikho, Beirut47
a. Mél. Facult. Or., VI, Beirut, 1913 (c.r. of 1695-3)
b. [Shu‘ara’ al-Nasraniya, Beirut, 1967]
1728 Henri Lammens, Rome
a. "al-Hallag," ap. Recherches de science religieuse, Paris,
b. Syrie, 2 vols., Beirut, 1921-1922
1728A Auguste Maurice Barres
a. Une Enquéte aux pays du Levant, 2 vols., Paris, 1923
1729 Richard Hartmann, Kiel
a. Darstellung des Süfitums, Berlin, 1914 (analysis of 231-a)
b. Ap. DI, VI and УШ
1730 Riza Tevfik, Istanbul
a. "Horoüfisme," ap. Huart, Textes horotīfis, 1913
1731 William Margais, Paris
a. JAP, January 1913 (cites 405-3)
b. Textes arabes de Tanger, Paris, 1911
47 Cf. ap. al-Mashrig (1909) XII, 191 (apropos of 402-2).

1732 Carl Becker, Bonn

a. Ap. Der Islam, IV, 1913 (cf. 1695-e)
1733 V. Zhukovsky (= Joukovskij)
a. Ap. Zapiski, XXII, 1915 (cf. 1695-1)
1734 Enrico Insabato, Rome
a. L'Islam et la politique des Alliés, Nancy, 1920
1735 Tor Andrae, d. 1947, Upsala
a. Die Person Muhammeds in Lehre und Glauben seiner
Gemeinde, vol. XVI of Or. Stud. Archives, Stockholm, 1918
(cf. 1650-a)
1736 Henrik Samuel Nyberg, Upsala
a. Kleinere Schriften des Ibn al-‘Arabi, Leiden, 1919 (cf.
1737 À. Cabaton
1738 Carl Alfonso Nallino
a. RSO [?], 1920
1739 Myriam Perrault-Harry
a. Ap. Le Temps, September 26, 1920, Paris
b. Les Adorateurs de Satan, Paris, 1937
1740 Pierre Ghaleb
a. Protectorat religieuse de la France en Orient, Avignon, 1920
1741 Georges Samné
a. La Syrie, Paris, 1920 (cf. 1695-g)
1742 H. Kraemer
a. Een jav. primbon, Leiden, 1921
1743 Abr. Danon
a. "Interrogatoire . . .” of bib. no. 1619, JAP, 1921
1744 Florence Lederer
a. The Secret Rose Garden, London, 1920 (translation of
1745 Vladimir F. Minorsky
a."Ahlé Hagg,” RMM, XLV, 1920
1747 J. Obermann
a. Der... Subjektivismus Ghazalis, Vienna, 1921
1748 Franz C. H. Babinger
a. "Sch. Bedreddin . . . ,” DI, XI, 1921
[1749] Paul Casanova
a. "Alphabets magiques," JAP, 1921-1922
1750 René Grousset

a. Histoire de l'Asie, 2 vols., Paris, 1921-1922

b. Bilan de l'histoire, 3 vols., Paris, 1948
c. Histoire de l'Extréme-Orient, 2 vols., Paris, 1929
Adam Mez, d. 1917
a. Die Renaissance des Islams, 2 vols., Heidelberg, 1922
De Lacy Evans O'Leary
a. Arabic Thought and Its Place in History, London, 1922
Johannes P. E. Pedersen
a. Muham. Mystik., Copenhagen, 1923
b. Tabagāt (of Sulami), Paris, 1960
Meade [?]
a. The Quest, Theosophical Society [Journal], June 1923
(cf. bib. no. 1692)
Joseph Maréchal
a. "Le Problème de la grâce mystique en Islam," Recherches
de Soc. Relig., Paris, May 1923
P. Synave
a. Ap. Rev. Soc. philos. et théolog., Kain, 1923 [?]
A. Vincent
a. Ар. Rev. Soc. relig., Strasbourg, 1923
J.-L. de Lacharrière
a. Ap. Rev. Afrique Française, Paris, November 1923
Boucaud [?]
a. “Salut public," Lyon, January 5, 1924
William H. T. Gairdner
a. Al-Ghazzali’s mishkat al-anwär, London, 1924 (transla-
tion of 280-e)
Horace Arthur Rose
a. Ap. Folklore [Review], Vol. 35, 1924
b. Reedition of Brown's Dervishes, London, 1927
Hans H. Schaeder
a. Ap. DI IV, 1924
b. Ap. OLZ, October 1927 (crit. of Horten, 1721-f [hulūl
ittihād, ya sirra sirrī, hasb al-wajid])
a. Ap. Nowy Vostok, IV, 1923
1763 E. Lehmann and H. Haas
a. Textb. z. Religgsch., Leipzig, 1922 (1753-a)
1764 Albert Adès and A. Josipovici
a. Goha, 48th ed., Paris, 1922

1765 Léandre Vaillat

a. Le Collier de jasmin, Paris, 1924
1766 Maurice Gaudefroy-Demombynes
a. Le Pèlerinage à la Mekke, Paris, 1923
1767 F. J. Bonjean and A. Dayf
a. Mansour, a novel, Paris, 1924
1768 G. Ahlbert, Kashgar
a. Ap. Moslem World, January 1925 (1692-n, 1695-n
1769 H. de Castries
a. Ap. Hespéris, 1924
1769A Léon Gauthier
a. Ap. RHR, XCI-1-2, 1925
1770 E. Berthels
a. Ap. CR. Ac. Sc., Leningrad, 1924
1770A Helmuth von Glasenapp
a. Der Hinduismus . . . , Munich, 1922 (cf. bib. no. 1796)
1771 Vladimir A. Ivanow
a. “Nouvx. docts. persans . . . ," ap. RMM, LVIII, 1924
b. Catalogue, Calcutta, n.d.
c. The Truth Worshippers of Kurdistan, Ismael. Soc. A7,
Bombay, 1953
[d. Translation of Umm al-kitab, REI VI, 1932]
1771A Friedrich Heiler
a. Die Mystik der Upanishaden, Munich, 1925
1772 Hellmut Ritter
a. Karagóz, Hannover, 1924 (cites Ferrand, JAP)
b. DI XXI, 1933
c. DI XXIV, 1937 (cf. bib. nos. 363, 1087)
1772A Maurice Blondel
a. "Nile Journey,” Cahier 3, Paris
1773 Khän Sāhib Khäja Khān
a. The Secret of Anā'l-Hagg (abridgment of the Persian text
Irshādāt-ī Shaykh Ibrahim of Shaykh Ibrahim Gazūr-i Ilāhī),
Madras, 1926, etc.
1774 Martin Buber
a. Ekstatische Confessionen, Leipzig, 1923 [Jena, 1909]
1774A Rudolf Otto
a. Westóstliche Mystik, Gotha, 1926
1775 Jehan Joliet

a. Bull. des Missions, April 1927

1776 Johannes Heinrich Mordtmann
a. Literaturdenkmäler aus Ungarns Türkenzeit, Berlin, 1927
1778 Harold Bowen
a. The Life . . . of ‘Ali ibn Īsā, Cambridge, 1928
1779 Lucy Mary Jane Garnett
a. Mysticism and Magic in Turkey, London, 1912
1780 Bruno deJ.-M.
a. S. Jean de la Croix, Paris, 1920
1781 O. H. Thompson
a. " Al-Hallaj, Saint and Martyr," Moslem World, 1929
1782 Léonce de Grandmaison
a. Jésus-Christ, 2 vols., Paris, 1929
1782A René Serrier
a. "Le Procès de l'amour divin en Islam," ETI, no. 35,
Lyon, 1930
1782B Cypr. Rice
a. Ap. Suppl. Vie spirituelle, December 1931
1784 Jacques Aimé Henri Maritain
a. Roseau d'or, 1925
b. Distinguer pour unir, ou les degrés de savior, 1932
c. Sept Leçons sur l'étre, Paris, 1936
d. [Revue Thomiste, December 1956, cites Tawasin on the
angel's sin]
1785 Drews
a. "Sjamsi Tabriz,” Tijdsk. T. u. L. K., vol. 70, 1930
1785A Christopher Henry Dawson
a. Dublin Review, no. 372, January 1930
1787 Margaret Smith
a. Studies in Early Mysticism in the Near and Middle East,
London, 1931
b. An Early Mystic of Baghdad (Muhāsibī), London, 1935
1788 A. S. Sidikov
a. "Rodovoe delenie Kirgiz,” ap. ‘Iqd al-jumān V. Barthold,
Tashkent, 1927
1789 A. Fischer
in a. Beiträge (Abh. ph. hist. Kl. Sachs. Ak. Wiss. XLII,
Leipzig, 1933 (corr. 1695-u)
1789A Élisée de la Nativité
a. Ap. Études Carmélitaines, April 1932 (review of 1695-v)

1790 Theodor Menzel

a. "Yezidis,” Enc. Isl., IV
1791 Nurettin Ahmet, Topçu
a. Conformisme et révolte, doctoral thesis, Paris, 1934
b. Ap. Hereket (journal)
1792 Franz Taeschner
a. "Die isl. Futuwwatbunde," ZDMG, XII, 1933
b. "Nsiri," DMG, Leipzig, 1944 (Anā'l-Hagg)
c. Ap. OLZ, 1927
1793 Abraham S. Halkin
a. Moslem Schisms . . . , 1935 (translation of 201-2)
1795 J. Doorenbos
a. Hamza Fansoeri, 1935
1796 J. Zoetmulder
a. Pantheisme [en Monisme im de jane ansche Soeleklitteratur
Proefschrift], Soeloek-lit., Nijmegen, 1935
1797 John Kingsley Birge
a. The Bektashis Order of Dervishes, London, 1957
1797A Mehmet 'Ali ‘Ayni
a. Ismail Haqqi, Paris, 1933 (cf. bib. no. 1379)
1798 Roger Lescot
a. Enquéte sur les Yézidis de Syrie, Beirut, 1938
1798A jules Monchanin
a. Ap. Bull. des Missions, XVII-I, St. André-les-Bruges,
1799 Otto Pretzl
a. Streitschr. (Ghazalis) geg. Ibahiya, Munich, 1933
b. Sitzungsber. Bayer. Akad., 1940
1800 Hy Wahitaki
a. (Corr. 1695-2) ap. Islamica V, 1932
1801 Otto Spies
a. Three Treatises on Mysticism, Delhi, 1934 (= bib. no.
1802 Henry Corbin
a. "Rescherches philos.," 1932-1933
b. “Publ. S. E. Iran,” no. 16, 1939 (Suhrawardi)
c. Ap. JAP, 1935 (bib. no. 1087)
d. Hermès, 3rd series, III, 1939 (2 epistles)
e. Motifs zoroastriens, Tehran, 1946

[f. See Bollingen Series catalogue, Princeton University

Press, for works by this author translated into English]
1802A Frithjof Schuon, Basel
a. Ap. Études Traditionelles, Paris, 1939 and 1940 (cf. 1938)
1803 J. J. Houben
a. “Elem. voor geestelijk leven in de Islam,’ , ap. Bijdrage
Ph. Th. Fac. Ned. Jezuieten, 1, 1938
1804 Paul Kraus, d. 1944
a. Crit. rev. of Diwan, DI, 1934 (cf. bib. no. 999-12)
b. Jabir ibn Hayyan, Cairo, 1943 (cf. bib. no. 999-12)
c. Raziana, Paris, 1935
1805 S. Pines
a. Crit. rev. of Akhbar, Orientalia, Rome, 1938
1806 Emile Dermenghem
a. Crit. rev. of Akhbar, Vie Intellectuelle No. 51, May 1927
b. Les Saints Musulmans, Algiers, 1942
c. al-Khamriya, Paris, 1931
1807 M. Hamidullah
a. Cf. bib. no. 1416
1808 J. M. Abdel Jalil
a. Bréve Hist. litt. arabe, Paris, 1943
b. Shakwa fi'l-Sharib (translation), JA, 1930
1809 Abū al-'Ala Afifi
a. The Mystical Philosophy of Ibn al-‘Arabi, Cambridge,
b. “Malämatiya” (in Arabic), ap. Rev. Univ. Caire, May
1810 Solange Lemaitre
a. Le Mystère de la mort dans les religions d'Asie, Paris, 1943
1811 Bhagavan-Dasa
a. The Essential Unity ofReligions, Benares, 1939 (Sermed,
bib. no. 1190)
1812 G. E. von Grunebaum
. à. Medieval Islam, Chicago, 1946 (personal copy)
1813 Suniti Kumar Chatterji
a. "Islamic Mysticism... ,” ap. Indo-Iranian Review, Cal-
cutta, October 1946 (cf. bib. no. 1418)
1814 Martino Mario Morano
a. “Mistica musulmana e mistica indiana," Annali Lat-
tanensi, X, Vatican, 1946

1815 Gottfried Simon

a. Die Welt der Islam, 1948


Included in this new section are references collected by the author but not
numbered by him in sections II through XI (see note 1 above). The au-
thors are presented in alphabetical order. [Authors who have written on
Halläj since L.M. completed his work are listed alphabetically without
reference numbers at the end of this section.|

2000 Anonymous
a. al-Sim al-jalilfīkhawāss hasbinā'llāh wa ni'am al-wakil,
Cairo |
2001 Anonymous
a. Majmii', found in Kabul by A. Gh. Ferhadi, with tafsir
by Anda Khūdī, d. 563/1167 (cf. Hajji Khalifa, no. 2051); and
journal Ariana (sunbala 1336) concerning 86 magāmāt and 60
shaykhs: the biography of the 32nd (Yf Rāzī, murid of Hallāj)
2002 Anonymous
a. I'tibàrftdhikr al- Tawārīkh wa'l-akhbar. Cf. Brock. (index
ref. to G. Il)
2003 Anonymous
a. Commentary on a treatise on metaphysics whose begin-
ning is missing: ms. P. 2406. On the margin there is a variant
ofthe famous piece: 'ala'l-Din al-Salih
2004 Aarne, Antti, and Stith Thompson
a. The Types of the Folktales, Helsinki, 1941 [2nd revised
edition, Helsinki, 1964]
2005 "Abd al-Malik al-Faraj
a. Relations médico-hispano-maghrébines, Paris, 1935
2006 ‘Abd al-Jabbār: gādī
a. Kitāb al-Mughni, ms. Cairo reg. 3599 (1952); Khodeīri
copy, 11 pages (= hiyal-al-Hallāj)
2006A ‘Abd al-Sabbūr, Salah
a. Ma’ sat al-Hallāj, verse play, Beirut, 1965. [English trans-
lation by Khalil I. Semaan, Murder in Baghdad, a play in two
acts, Leiden, Brill, 1972]
2007 Abduh, Mohammad

a. “al-Islam wa'l-nasrānīya,” ap. al-Mu’ayyad May 6-13,

1900: response to С. Hanotaux; fatwd on the revolutionary
philosophy of Hallāj
2008 Ibshihi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad
a. al-Mustatraffikull fann mustazraf, Cairo, 1952
2009 Abü Nu'aym Isfahàni, d. 430/1038
a. Geschichte Isbahans; nach der Leidener Handschrift hrsg. von
Sven Dedering, 2 vols., Leiden, 1931-1934
b. Hilyat al-awliya’ wa tabagāt al-asfiya', 10 vols., Cairo,
Adam, J.-L.
a. Le Mysticisme à la Renaissance, Paris, 1893
Aegerter, Emmanuel
a. Le Mysticisme, Paris, 1952
Afghäni, Jamal
a. Khātirāt, ed. M. Pāshā Makhzūmī Sadir, Beirut, 1931
al-Alūsī [Alussy], Mahmüd Shukrī
a. Bultigh al-arabfi ahwāl al-'arab, 3 vols., Baghdad, 1896;
Cairo, 1925
Amin, Ahmad
a. Duha al-Islam, Cairo, 1938-1949
Amir Mah, Muhammad, circa 1329, Bahraic
a. Risala matluh fi “ishq al-mahbüb, ms. Khaliq: maxims con-
ceming Bāb al-fardaniya and qurb
‘Ammar, ‘Ali Salim
a. Haag o fi'l-tasawwuf, Cairo, 1944
Anbārī, Abū'l-Barakāt
a. Nuzhat al-alibbā” fī tabagāt al-udaba’, Cairo, 1877;
Baghdad, 1959 (ed. by Ibrahim al-Samarra’i)
Andalusī, Ibrāhīm ibn ‘Ali Ghānim ibn Muhammad ibn
a. al-'Izz wa’l-manafi' li'l-mujahidinfi sabil Allah bi'alat al-
Hurüb wa'l-madafi'. Cf. Brock. G. II
A'rabi, Abü Sa'id
a. Tabaqat al-nussak, excerpts ap. Ibn Taymiya, 512-k
a. Métaphysique, Fr. translation by J. Tricot, preface by
À. Diés, 2 vols., Paris, 1933
Artin, Ya'qüb Pāshā
a. Contribution à l'étude du blason en Orient, London, 1902

2021 al-Ash'ari, Abü'l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn Isma'il

a. Magālāt al-Islamiyin wa ikhtilāf al-musallin, ms. P. 1453;
ed. Ritter, Istanbul, 1923; ed. ‘Abd al-Hamid, 2 vols., Cairo,
1950-1954; cf. Brock. S. I
Atalay, Besim
a. Bektasilik ve edebiyati, Istanbul, 1924
Azar, [Aimé]
` а. Rahname zane ‘ajib, Tehran, 1951 [?]
Bahadür, Hamidulläh
a. Ahadith al-Qawänin, Calcutta, n.d.
[A A Seid-Zadeh]
а. “Mohammed-Ali Bakouvi, célèbre poète et philosophe
Azerbaidjanais du XI siècle,” Vol. 3 of collection of papers
presented by the USSR Delegation to the International Con-
gress of Orientalists, Moscow, 1960 [1963]
2025A al-Balàdhuri, A b Yahyā
a. Ansāb al-ashrāf, ed. M. Hamīdullāh, Cairo, 1959
2026 al-Bagarī al-Ansārī, ‘Abd al-Dā'im Abü'l-'Atà* i
a. al-Tasawwuf al-Islámi bayna al-falsafah wa'l-dīn, Cairo,
2027 Barrès, Maurice
a. Une Enquête aux pays du Levant, 2 vols., Paris, 1923
2028 Bistami, ‘AR b. M
a. Mafātīh asrār al-Hurüf .. . , ms. P. 2689
2029 Battānī, M al-Husni
a. Fihrist al-faharis, Cairo, 1927
2030 Beaussier, Marcelin |
a. Dictionnaire pratique arabe-français, new revised ed., M.
Mohammed ben Cheneb, Algiers, 1958
2031 Bidil, ‘Abd al-Oādir PON
à. Excerpts from Ferhadi (tides: Isharat wa hikayat),
“Tehehar ‘Unsur.” Verses 26-30 of the hikayat (Qurbaniyan)
“ghazaliyat”: ruba'i, in fine (der Nakhlistān-i i'tibarat . . . ,
translated by L.M.)
2032 Béguin, Albert
a. Léon Bloy, mystique de la douleur, Paris, 1948
2033 ben Cheneb
a. Études sur les personnages mentionés dans l'ijaza de cheikh
‘A. al-Qadir al-Fast, Paris, 1907
2034 Beyries, J.

a. "Questions Mauritaniennes: 1) Note sur l'enseignement

et les moeurs scolaires indigènes en Mauritanie; 2) Note sur
les Ghoudf de Mauritanie," REI, vol. 9, 1935
2035 Blachère, Régis
a. Un Poète du IV? siècle de l'Hégire (X* siècle de J.-C.): Abou
t- Tayyi b al-Motanabbi (essai d'histoire littéraire), Paris, 1935
2036 Blochmann, H.
a. À History of Bengal
2037 Bousquet, G. H.
a. Art. on Louhayou, Aurès, Bull. Ét. Arabes, Algiers,
1952. [?] |
2038 Brown, John Porter
a. The Darvishes; or, Oriental Spiritualism, ed. with intro.
and notes by H. A. Rose, London, 1927 [1st ed., London,
2039 Brunschvig, Robert
a. La Berbérie orientale sous les Hafsides, des origines à la fin du
XV siècle, 2 vols., Paris, 1940-1947
2040 al-Buhturi, Abü 'Ubada al-Walid
a. Diwan, ed. Hasan Kamil al-Sīrafī, Cairo, 1963-
2041 Bukhäri, Abü Ibr Ism
a. Qasida, comm. by A Rushdi, Nagshbandī, in Hall al-
rumtiz, 1836
2042 Burāgī Najafi, Hy b. A
a. Ta'rikh al-Küfa, Najaf, 1937. Cf. Brock S. HI
2043 Burhànpüri, M b. Fadlallah al-Hindi
a. al-Tuhfa al-mursala ila'l-nabi, Brock. S. П
2044 [Smith], Wilfred Cantwell
a. Modern Islam in India, a Social Analysis, London, 1946
2045 Cerulli [?]
a. Ta'ziye of Recht, Shi'ite, on Mansür, Rümi, and Shams
2046 [Ghani], Qàsim
a. Tārīkh-i tasavvuf dar Islám az sadr-i Islam ta' asr-i Hāfiz
(Persian ed., 1 vol., Tehran, 1951). Ta’rikh al-tasavwuf fi'l-
Islam, Arabic translation Sādig Nash'at; ed. Ahmad Nājī al-
Qaysi and M Mustafa al-Hilmi, 2 vols., Cairo, 1970-1972
[vol. 2 incl. Häfiz]
2047 Chol, Isma‘il Bey
a. al-Yazidiya qadiman wa hadithan, Beirut, 1934
2048 Codrington, Oliver

a. À Manual of Musulman Numismatics, London, 1904

Cousens, Henry
a. Bijapür and Its Architectural Remains, Bombay, 1916
Dantzig, Tobias
a. Le Nombre, langage de la science, Paris, 1931
Dawlatshāh ibn ‘Ala’ al-Dawla Bakhtīshāh Samarqandi
a. The Tadhkiratu’sh-shu‘ara (Memoirs of the Poets), ed.
E. G. Browne, London-Leiden, 1901
Dédé, ‘Ali Sa'd al-Din
a. Khawātim al-Hikam wa hall al-rumūz. Cf. Brock. П
Degrand, Jules A. T.
a. Souvenirs en haute Albanie, Paris, 1901 (guoted by Be-
nezech, France-Asie, April 1953)
Demiéville, Paul
a. Dictionnaire encyclopédique du Bouddhisme, Tokyo, 1929
a. “Les Réformes administratives en Perse, Les Tribus du
Fars," Revue du Monde Musulman, Vols. 22 and 23 (1913). Cf.
2056 Desmaisons, Baron Jean Jacques Pierre
a. Dictionnaire persan-français, 4 vols., Rome, 1908-1914
2057 Dinesandra Sena
a. History of Bengali Language and Literature, Calcutta, 1911;
2nd ed., Calcutta, 1954
b. The Folklore Literature ofBengal, Calcutta, 1911
2058 Ibn Duhmān, M [?]
a. Ap. MMD, 1932
2059 Dumézil, Georges
a. Jupiter, Mars, Quirinus; essai sur la conception européenne de
la société et sur les origines de Rome, Paris, 1941
2060 Meister Eckhart
a. Oeuvres de maître Eckhart: sermons, traités, translated by
Paul Petit, Paris, 1942
2061 [Iqbal], ‘Abbas
a. Khandan-i Nawbakhti, Tehran, 1932
2062 Elliot, Sir Henry Miers
а. The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians . . . ,
ed.J.Dowson, London, 1867-1877
2063 Farisi, Fakhr [cf. Brock. S. I]
a. Dalalat al-mubtahij

b. Jamhat al-nuhā ‘an lamhat al-maha

c. Nasl al-Asrār wa sirr al-Iskar
d. Salwat al-musäfir wa halmat al-khātir
2064 Farkāwī
a. Comm. Manāzil, I, no. 257, ed. Beaurecueil (cf. Säd
2065 Farhādī, ‘Abd al-Ghafūr
a. Hallāj, Kabul, 1951-1952. Opinions, pro: Ibr Khalil,
5. Seljūgī, Hashem Shāyeg, *Abdelhagg Bētēb; con: Mawlānā
Shuhāb (‘ulama’), Shah Muhammad Rishād (modernist); un-
decided: Shi‘a. [For further refs. see Hallaj in Recueil |
2066 al-Farra’, Abü'l-Husayn ibn Abi Ya'lā
a. Tabagāt al-Hanābila . . . ikhtisär. . . Muh ibn ‘Abd al-Oādir
` al-Nabulusi, Damascus, 1931
b. Mu'tamadfī usūl al-din, ms. Damascus; cf. Brock
2067 Franklin [?]
a. Dictionnaire histoire arts et métiers, 1906
2068 Ibn al-Fuwati, Kamal al-Din Abū'l-Fadl ‘Abd al-Razzaq ibn
Ahmad, d. 1323
a. al-Hawadith al-jāmi'a wa'l-tajārib al-nāfi'a fi'l-mi'a. al-
sābi'a, ed. M. Jawād, Baghdad 1932-1933. [L.M. ref. to ed.
Ya'qüb Sarkis, n.d.]
b. Маўти' al-adabfimu‘jam al-asmā” wa'l-alqab. Cf. Brock.
c. Takmilat al-ikmāl, Lahore, 1929 [cf. Brock.)
2069 Gardet, Louis
a. Expériences mystiques en terres non-chrétiennes, Paris, 1953
[cf. art. on Hallāj, Enc. Isl., new ed., Leiden, 1967]
2070 Gharnātī, Abū Hayyān
a. al-Tafsīr al-kabīr al-musamma bil-bahr al-muhit, 8 vols.,
Cairo, 1910-1911
2071 Ghargī, M Qishsh b. Yf Zakī
a. Kalimāt latifa, ms. L.M. (Anā'l-Hagg)
2072 [Qazvini], Mīrzā M b. ‘Abd al-Wahhāb, editor
a. The Tārīkh-i Jahan Gusha of "Alā'w'l-Dīn ‘Ata’ Malik-i
Juwaynī, 3 vols., Gibb Memorial Series, Old Series, Vol.
XVI, London, 1912-1937 [Tehran reprint edition]
2073 Ghulām Ahmad, Hazrat Mīrzā
a. Qissat Mansür Hallāj (in Pushtu), Peshawar, 1877; Delhi,

2074 Ghulàm-Husayn Salim Zaydpüri, d. 1817

a. The Riyāzu-s-salātīn, Calcutta, 1890-1898
2075 Ghulam Khalil
a. Sharh al-sunna, ms. majm. Zah. 13
2076 Giacobetti, A.
a. Recueil d’énigmes arabes populaires, Algiers, 1916
2077 Gottschalk, Hans
а. Die Madarā”-ijjūn [or Madara-’iyytin| in Beitrage zur Ge-
schichte Aegytens unter dem Islam, Berlin, Leipzig, 1931
2078 Gottwaldt, Josephus, editor
a. Hamza Ispahanensis annalium libri (Hamza ibn al-Hasan
al-Isfahani), Vratislavide, 1836
2079 Grou, Jean Nicolas
a. Manuel des âmes intérieures, Paris, 1907; 2nd ed., 1921
2080 Gónensay, Hifzī Tevfik
a. Türkiye edebiyati niimuneleri, Istanbul, 1926-1927
2081 Heyting [?]
a. Erkenntnis, 1931
2082 al-Hamdani, Hasan b. Ahmad
a. al-Iklīl al-kitāb al-‘äshir (Book 10), ed. Muhibb al-Din
al-Khatib, Cairo, 1948-1949
2083 al-Hamdani, Hasan b. Ahmad
a. Sifat jazīrat al-‘arab—Geographie der arabischen halbinsel,
ed. D. H. Müller, 2 vols., Leiden, 1884-1891
2084 al-Hanafi, Shaykh Jaläl al-Din
a. Qasida on Hallaj, October 19, 1959 [?]
2085 Hasan, Hasan Ibrahim _
a. Ta’rikh al-Islam al-siyasi wa'l-dīnī wa’l-thaqafr wa 'LijtimāT,
3 vols., Cairo, 1948 [incl. ref. to 1695-0]
2086 Haydar ibn ‘Ali Āmulī
a. Jami‘ al-asrār wa manba' al-anwar, ed. H. Corbin and
"Uthmān Yahya, Tehran, 1969
2087 Howell, Mortimer S.
a. Grammar of the Classical Arabic Languages, 5 vols.,
Allahabad, 1880-1900
2088 Von Hügel, F. F.
a. The Mystical Element of Religion. Studies in St. Catherine of
Genoa and her Friends, 2 vols., London and New York, 1908;
2nd ed., 1923
2089 Huysmans, J.-K.

a. Sainte Lydwine de Schiedam, ed. P. V. Stock, Paris, 1901

b. La Cathédrale, ed. Stock, Paris, 1898
2090 Ibn ‘Abd Rabbihī, Abū 'Umar Ab. M
a. al-'Iqd al-Farid, Cairo, 1948
2091 Ibn Abi Hajala, Shihab D Abü'l-'Abbàs A b. Yahya
a. Diwan al-sahāba, on margin of Kitab tazyin al-aswaq of
Dā'ūd ibn ‘Umar al-Antaki’s Tazyin al-aswaq bi tafsil ashwaq
al-‘ushshag, Cairo, 1910 [Cairo, 1874 and 1887 editions]
2092 Ibn Abi Usaybi'a, Ahmad b. Qàsim
a. Kitab ‘uyun al-anba?fī tabagāt al-atibba’, ed. A. Müller,
Cairo, 1882-1884
2093 Ibn al-‘Aydarüs, ‘Abd al-Oādir, 1570-1628
а. al-Nūr al-sāfir ‘an akhbar al-qarn al-'ashir, Baghdad, 1934.
Cf. Brock. S. II
2094 Ibn Akfānī, d. [1348]
a. Irshad (cf. "Azzāwī), ms., cf. Brock.
2095 Ibn A'tham
a. Ahsan al-wadi'a fi tarājim mashahir Mujtahidī al-Shi'a,
Brock. S. II
2096 Ibn al-Balkhi
a. Fars-nama, ed. Guy Le Strange and R. A. Nicholson.
E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Series, Vol. I of New Series, London,
1921; ed. Tehran, 1934
2097 Ibn Battüta, M b. 'AA b. M b. Ibr
a. Rihla, 2 vols., ed. Ahmad al-‘Awämiri and M Ahmad
Jād al-Mawla, Cairo, 1934-1938; Eng. translation H.A.R.
Gibb, 2 vols., Cambridge, 1958-1962
2098 Ibn Hanbal, А ‘АА Ab. M
a. Musnad, ed. Cairo, 1895; 1921
b. Kitāb al-wara', Cairo, 1921
[c. Radd 'ala'l-zanadiqa. Cf. Brock. S. I]
2099 Ibn Hibbàn, Abü Hàtim Muhammad (al-Busti)
а. Rawdat al-‘ugala’ wa nuzhat al-fudala’, Cairo, 1949 [ed.
Mustafa al-Saggā, Cairo, 1955]
2100 Hindüshäh ibn Sanjar al-Sāhibī al-Kirmàni
a. Tajārib al-salaf, ed. ‘Abbas Iqbal, Tehran, 1934
2100A Ibn ‘Inaba, Jamal al-Din Ahmad b. ‘Ali, d. 1424
a. ‘Umdat al-tālib fī ansab Al Abi Talib. Cf. ms. Brock. 2
eds.: Najaf, 1961; Beirut, 1963
2101 Najm ibn Isrā'īl, а. 1278

a. Diwan, ms. Aya Süfiyà 1644. Cf. ms. Brock

2102 Ibn Jamà'a, Badr al-Din M b. Ibr, d. 1333
a. Tadhkirat al-sämi wa'l-mutakallim fi adab al-dlim wa'l-
muta'allim, Hyderabad, 1935 (cf. bib. no. 141 Dabbi: Huffaz
b. Qamiis al-shu‘ara’, ms. P. 3346
2103 Ibn al-Jawhari al-Khalidi, M b. A b. Н, а. 1800
a. Rūh al-bayan, Brock. S. II
2104 Ibn al-Jazari, Shams al-Din M b. M
a. Kitäb Ghayat al-nihaya, Cairo, 1932; Leipzig, 1933
2105 Ibn al-Zayyat, Shams al-Din M b. M
а. al-Kawākib al-sayyārafi tartib al-ziyāra, ed. A. Taymur,
Cairo, 1909
2106 Ibn Jinnī, Abü'l-Fath ‘Uthman, а. 1002
a. Kitab al-khasā'is fi'l-nahw, 3 vols., ed. М ‘Ali Najjar,
Cairo, 1952-1957
2107 Ibn Mālik, M b. ‘AA, d. 1273
a. al-Alfiya, annotated, edited and translated by À. Go-
guyer, Beirut, 1888
2108 Ibn Mungidh, "Usāma, d. 1188
a. Kitāb al-i'tibār, ed. P. K. Hitti, Princeton, 1930
2109 Ibn al-Murtadā, Ahmad b. Yahyā, d. 1437
a. Bāb dhikr al-mu tazila min kitab al-munya wa'l-amal fi sharh
kitāb al-milal wa'l-nihal, ed. Thomas Arnold, Leipzig, 1902
b. Falak dawwār, Aleppo, 1933
2110 Ibn al-Qalänisi
a. Ta'rikh Dimishq, ed. H. F. Amedroz, Beirut and Leiden,
B n
1908; ms. P. 2137
[2111 Ibn Qudäma al-Maqdisi, Muwaffaq al-Din, а. 1225
a. Kitāb al-tawwābīn, ms. P. 1384; Kitab at- Tauwābīn, “Le
Livre des Pēnitents” de Muwaffaq ad-Din Ibn Qudama al-
Magdisī, ed. Arabic text and introduction by George Mak-
disi, Damascus, 1961]
Ibn Qutayba, ‘Abd Allah b. Muslim
a. Kitab al-shir wa'l-shu'arā', ed. Ahmad M Shakir, 2
vols., Cairo, 1944-1947
[b. Kitab al-‘uytin, Brock. I; S. I]
[c. Kitab al-ma'ārif, Cairo, 1834; 1882; 1960]
2113 Ibn al-Rabī', Shikab al-Din A b. M
a. Kitāb sulūk al-mālik, Brock. S. I

2114 Ibn Rashīg al-Oayrawānī, AH ‘Ali

a. Kitab al-‘umda fī mahāsin sina'at wa ada’ih wa naqdih,
Tunis, 1865
2115 Ibn Rumayh
a. Majmü' (танат), Cairo, n.d.
2116 Ibn al-Rümi, Abū'l-H ‘Ali
a. Diwan, ed. Kamil Kilani, 3 parts in 1 vol., Cairo, 1924
2117 Ibn Sa'd, Muhammad
a. Kitab al- Tabaqat, Beirut, 1957
2118 Ibn Sinà (Avicenna)
a. Kitāb al-shifa', general editor Ibrahim Madkūr, Cairo,
2119 Ibn al-Walid, M b.
a. Dāmigh al-bātil wa hatf al-munadil, Brock. S. I
2120 Ibn al-Wazir al-Andalusi
a. Rawdat al-ta'rīfbihubb al-Sharīf, Brock. S. II
2121 Ikhwān al-safa’. Rasā'il, 4 vols., Beirut, 1957
2122 al-Isfahānī, Abü'l-Faraj ‘Ali b. Husayn :
a. Kitäb al-aghani, 21 vols. in 7 with 2 index vols., ed.
Ahmad al-Shingiti, Cairo, 1905 (unless otherwise indicated,
refs. are made to 1st edition)
b. Magātil al-tālibīyīn, 2 eds.: Najaf, 1934; Cairo, 1949. Cf.
Brock. S. I
2123 al-Isfahàni, Hamza b. al-Hasan
a. Annalium libri, ed. I. M. Gottwaldt [Ta'rikh sini mulük
al-ard wa'l-anbiya'.], 2 vols., Petropoli, 1844-1848
2124 al-Isfahani, ‘Imad al-Din M b. M
a. Kharidat al-Qasr wa jarīdat al-‘Asr, ms. BIN 3326
2125 al-Jāhiz, Abū "Uthman ‘Amr b. Bahr
a. Kitab al-tarbi^ wa'l-tadbir, ed. Charles Pellat, Damascus,
b. Thalāth rasā'il al-matba'a al-salafiya, Cairo, 1962
c. al- Tajfiakhlāg al-mulūk, Cairo, 1914
d. Mukhtärät [or Majmū'āt rasa’il?], Cairo, 1906
e. Kitab al-hayawan, 7 vols., Cairo, 1938-1945; reprinted in
8 vols., 1966
[£. Kitab al-bayan wa'l-tabyin, 2 vols., Cairo, 1948-1950]
2126 Darvesh Jamlalī
a. Siyar al-'arifin, Delhi, n.d.
2127 Jaytali Nufūsī, Abū Tāhir Ism b. Mūsā

a. Qanatir al-khayrat, Brock. S. II [Vol. 1 of ed. 'Amr

Khalifa al-Nàmi, Cairo, 1965]
2128 al-Jazari, Shams al-Din M b. Ibr
a. Jawāhir al-sulūk fi’l-khulafa’ wa'l-mulūk, ms. BN 6739.
Brock. S. II
2129 Jomard, E. F.
a. La Description de l'Égypte, état moderne, Cairo, 1935
2130 al-Jurjani, 'Ali b. M
a. al-I'tibār wa salwat al-'arifin, Brock. S. II
b. Sharh mawagif .. . , Cairo [1850]
2131 Kahhāla, ‘Umar Rida
a. Mu'jam al-mu'aliffin, 15 vols., Damascus, 1957-
2132 Kahle, Paul, editor
a. Die Chronik des Ibn Pë [M b. Ahmad ibn Iyās] in
Gemeinschaft. mit Moritz Sobernheim herausgegeben von Paul
Kahle und Muhammad Mustafa. Bibliotheca Islamica, Vol. 5,
parts 3-5; 3 vols., Istanbul, 1931-1936
2133 Khäja Khan, Khan Sahib
a. Attributes to Hallaj the knowledge of nuzül wa wm
b. Studies in Tasawwuf, Madras, 1924
c. The Secret of Ana'l-Haqq, Madras, 1926; Lahore, 1935,
reprinted 1965, 1971, 1976
2134 Hajji Khalifa, Mustafa b. ‘AA
a. Kashf al-zuntin ‘an asāmī al-kutub wa'l-funin, ed. G.
Fluegel, 2 vols., Istanbul, 1947-1954
2135 Khilisi,
A Hajj M
a. Ma'arif muhammadiya, Brock. S. H
2136 al-Khawārizmī, M b. al-‘Abbas Jamal al-Din
a. Kitab mufid al-‘uliim wa mubid al-humūm, Cairo, 1892
2137 al-Khayyät, Abü'l-Hasan ‘Abd al-Rahim b. M b. ‘Uthman
a. Kitab al-intisar, including Arabic text reprinted from
Nyberg’s edition, Cairo, 1925, and French translation by
A. N. Nader, Beirut, 1957
2138 al-Khushani, M b. Härith
a. Kitab al-qudät bi Qurtuba, including Arabic text and
Spanish translation by Julian Ribera, Madrid, 1914
2139 al-Kindi, ‘Abd al-Masih b. Ishäq
а. The apology of al-Kindy . . . , a partial translation and
analysis of contents by Sir William Muir of Risalat al-Kindī ilā

al-Hashimi, London, 1882 [full Arabic text published by

Bible Lands Mission Aid Society, London, 1912]
[2139A al-Kindi, Abū Umar M b. Yüsuf
a. Wulat Misr [Kitab al-wulat wa'l-gudāt|, ed. Husayn Nas-
sär, Beirut, 1959]
2140 Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich
a. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1932
2141 al-Kulini, M b. Ya'qüb
a. al-Kaftfī "ilm al-din, Tehran, 1889-1890. Cf. Brock. S. I
2142 al-Kulayni, ‘Allan "Alī b. M р]
a. Akhbar al-Qa'im
2143 Khwansārī, M Bāgir
a. Rawdat al-jannātfi ahwal al-‘ulama’ wa'l-sādāt [Tehran,
1948; 8 vols., ed. Tehran, 1971-1972]; Brock. S. II
2144 Lane, Edward W. .
a. An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyp-
tians, 2 vols., London, 1836-1837
2145 Larguier des Bancels, Jean
a. Le Goût et l’odorat, Paris, 1912
2146 Lavignac, Albert, editor
a. Encyclopédie de la musique, dictionnaire du Conservatoire,
Paris, [1920]-1931 [continued by L. de la Laurencie]
2146A Lavoix, Henri
a. Catalogue des monnaies musulmanes, Paris, 1887-1896
2147 Le Coq, Albert von
a. Türkische Manicheica aus Chotscho . . . , 3 vols., Berlin,
1911-1922; Istanbul, 1935
2148 Légey, G.
a. Essai de folklore marocain, Paris, 1926
2149 Lescot, Roger
a. Enquête sur les Yezidis de Syrie et du Djebel Sindjar, Beirut,
2150 Mahallātī, Dhabīhullāh
a. Kashf al-ishtibāh dar kajravī-i ashāb-i khāngāh, Tehran,
1957-1958. Hallāj center (cites fatwā, Sunnites)
2151 Mahbudī, Must. Behjet
a. 2nd question ofhis Risāle 'alami barzakh, 1952 (commen-
tary by Unver)
2152 Makdisi, George
а. On Ibn al-Banna’, = Ibn ‘Aqil (Abū'l-Wafā' ‘Ali b. M) =
Kitāb al-ta'līgāt (Kitāb al-funūn), ms. P. 787, ed. G. M., Bei-
rut, 1970
b. Ibn ‘Aqil et la résurgence de l'Islam traditionaliste au X I° siè-
cle de l'hégire, Damascus, 1963
2153 Malati, M b. Ahmad Abü'l-Husayn, d. 987
a. Die Wiederlegung der irrglaubigen und neuerer [Kitab al-
tanbih wa'l-radd ‘ala ahl al-ahwa’ wa'l-bida'], ed. S. Dedering,
Istanbul, 1936. This kitāb was a reedition of the istiqama of
Khashish Nasā'ī (d. 867), ms. Damascus
2154 Manbijī, M b. Mb. Mb. M
a. Tasliyat ahl al-masa'ib, Brock. S. H
2155 Mansouri, À.
a. La Description du Fars, Paris thesis, 1956
2156 Mansūrī, Sadr [?]
а. Ghiyāth al-muhaggigīn
2157 al-Maggarī al-Tilimsani, Abü'l-'Abbàs A b. M
a. Hagā'ig wa ragā'ig, ms. Esc. 1561: Ibn Shātir Marrākushī
(d. around 1354); comm. I. Farid (ëlo mazhari) = neither
Наа) (nisf insan) nor Balaam; A Zayd Oābisī: istifta’ of Ghaz-
ali over Hallāj: insan sharib kas al-safa’ ‘ald bisāt al-wafa’, fasakar
fa'arbad fstawjab min Allāh al-hadd: fakān hadduhu shahadatuh:
verse of Maggarī (comm. Nwyia)
b. Nafh al-tib, Brock. S. II. Ed. R. Dozy et al.: Analectes sur
l'histoire et la littérature des Arabes d'Espagne, 2 vols., Leiden,
2157A al-Magrīzī, Abü'l-'Abbàs A b. ‘Ali Taqi al-Din, d. 1374
a. al-Mawá'iz wa'l-i'tibarfidhikr al-khitat wa’l-athar, 2 vols.,
Cairo, 1853
b. Itti'āz al-hunafā” bi akhbar al-a'immah al-Fatimiyin al-
khulafā”, Cairo, 1948
2158 Maspero, H.
a. La Chine antigue, Paris, 1927
2159 Māwardī, ‘Ali b. M
a. al-Ahkām al-sultaniya, Cairo, 1891-1892; 1909
2160 Mazāhirī, “Ali Akbar Ё
a. La Vie quotidienne des musulmans au Moyen Age, Paris,
2161 al-Maräghi, Ahmad Mustafa
a. Hidayat al-tālib ilā qawa’id al-lugha al-‘arabiya, Cairo, 1928
2162 Milliot, Louis

a. Recueil . . . (Medjlès al-Istinaf), Paris, 1920-1924

Mir Shäh
a. Musalsalāt (tadhkira shu'arā” urdit), Hyderabad, 1922
Mokri, Muhammad, editor and translator
a. [Le Chasseur de Dieu et le mythe du roi-aigle (Dawra-y
dāmyārī), Wiesbaden, 1967.] Ramzbār = 'Ayinā, sister of
Halläj and Benyamin = Mansür
2165 Mubārak, ‘Ali Pāshā
a. Kitāb al-khisāl, Tehran, n.d.
2166 al-Muhāsibī, Abū ‘AA, Hārith b. Asad
a. al-Ri‘äya li hugūg Allāh, ed. Margaret Smith, E.J.W.
Gibb Mem. Series, New Series Vol. XV, London, 1940
b. al-Nasa’ih al-diniya wa'l-nafahāt al-gudsīya li naf jamt` al-
bariya, ed. ‘Abd al-Oādir Ahmad 'Atà', Cairo, 1956
c. Mā'iyat al-'agl wa ma'nāhu (Faydīya ms. 1101)
2167 Mugaddasī, A AA Mb. A
a. Description de l'Occident musulman au IV-X* siècle, an ex-
tract from Ahsan al-tagāsīm ft ma'rifat al-agālīm by Muqaddasi,
edited and translated by Charles Pellat, Algiers, 1950
2168 al-Muttagī, ‘Ala’ al-Din ‘Ali b. Husām al-Din, d. 1567
a. Muntakhab kanz al-‘ummalfīsunan al-aqwal wa'l-af'al, on
the margin of Musnad of Ibn Hanbal, 6 vols., Cairo, 1895
2169 al-Najashi, A b. ‘Ali
a. Kitāb al-rijāl, Brock. S. I, 2 eds.: Bombay, 1899; Tehran,
2170 al-Najüri, Abü'l-Baqa' b. Ya'qüb b. Gi'àn
a. Tawali al-budūrfttahwil al-sinin wa'l-shuhür, ms. P. 2557
2171 al-Nasafi, Maymün b. Mahmüd, d. 1115
a. Bahr al-kalāmfi т al-tawhid, Berlin, 1941; Brock. I
[Baghdad, 1886; Cairo, 1911]
2172 Nóldeke, Theodor
a. Geschichte des Qorans, Gēttingen, 1860; 2nd ed., Leipzig,
2174 Noyan, Dr. Bedri
a. Enel 'ashk, Aydin Izmir, 1955 (33 refs to Mansür)
2175 al-Nu'mān, Abū Hanifah al-Oādī
a. Risālat iftitāh al-da'wa, ms. L.M.; ed. Beirut, 1970
b. Da‘a’im al-Islam, Bombay, 1936; Leipzig, 1921; Cairo,
2176 al-Nu'mānī, M b. Ibr b. Ja'far

a. Kitāb al-ghayba, Brock. S. I; ed. Tehran, 1900; Tabriz,

2177 Nūrī, Usmān
a. Mecelle-i utnur-i belediye, Istanbul, 1922
2178 Olgun, Tāhir
a. Risāla (for Princess Y
2179 Pagliaro, A., and A. Bausani
a. Storia della litteratura persiana, Milan, 1960
2180 Pascal, Blaise
a. Pensées, ed. Léon Brunschvig, Paris, 1897
2181 Patton, W. M.
a. Ahmed ibn Hanbal and the Mihna, Leiden, 1897
2182 Périer, Jean Baptiste
a. Vie d’al-Hadjdjadj ibn Yousof, Paris, 1904
2183 Perlman, Moshe
a. “А Legendary Story of Ka'b al-Ahbār's Conversion to
Islam," Joshua Starr Memorial Volume, New York, 1953 (cf.
Qissa Hallāj)
2184 Polti, Georges
a. Les Trente-six Situations dramatiques, Paris, 1895; 1912
2185 Puigaudeau, Odette de
a. Ap. Miroirdel'histoire, no. 113, May 1959: ref. in 1163 to
taslib hall of Ja‘far
2186 Qalqashandi, Abū'l-"Abbās A b. "Alī, а. 1418
a. Kitab subh al-a'shā fi sinā'at al-insha, Baghdad, 1958
[Cairo, 1922; Cairo, 1972]
b. Nihäyat al-' Arab fima'rifat ansäb al-‘Arab, Baghdad, n.d.
2187 Qarafi, ‘AA b. A al-Ansārī al-Shafi ī
a. Hadi al-nabih li tadrīs al-tanbih, Brock. S. Il
2188 al-Oāsimī, Јата] al-Din, editor
a. Мајтӣ" rasā'ilfi usūl al-tafsīr wa usūl al-fiqh (= majmū"
mutūn usuliya), Damascus, 1912
2189 al-Oāsimī, M Sa'īd
a. Оатӣз al-sinā'āt al-shamiya (Dictionnaire des métiers damas-
cains), ed. Zāfir al-Oāsimī, 2 vols., Paris and The Hague,
1960. (Vol. 2 compiled by Јата! al-Din al-Oāsimī and Khalil
2190 al-Qazvini, ‘Abd al-Jalil b. Abi al-Hasan
a. Kitab al-nagd, ma'rüf bihi ba'd mathalib al-nawāsib fi naqd
ba'd fadā'ih al-rawāfid, ed. Jalal al-Din Husayni Urmavi

Muhaddith, Tehran, 1952. (Includes Hallaj the lion and

Rābi'a, Hallāj on the list of Qarmathian agents, Ibn Singhala,
Ibn al-Furāt.)
2191 Qifti, Jamal al-Din
a. Ikhbar al-‘ulama’ bi akhbar al-hukama’, Cairo, 1908
2192 Renan, Ernest
a. Vie de Jésus, 13th ed. Lévy, Paris, 1867
2193 Rinn, Louis
a. Marabouts et Khouan, étude sur l'Islam en Algérie, Algiers,
2194 Rimi, Sidi ‘Ali Ra'īs Kātib-i
a. Mir'at al-mamalik, Istanbul, 1897
2195 Sabziwārī, Mulla Hadi b. Mahdi
a. Sharh al-asma’ al-ma'rūfa bi’l-jawshan al-kabir, Tehran,
1866; reprint Qum, 197-?
2196 al-Saffūrī, "Abd al-Rahmān b. ‘Abd al-Salam
a. Nuzhat al-majalis wa muntakhab al-nafa’is [The Fun of So-
cial Gatherings; collection of anecdotes. ]2 vols., Cairo, 1878
2197 al-Sarrarini, Shams al-Din M b. A, d. 1774
a. Ghidha' al-albāb li-sharh Manzūmāt al-adab, Cairo, 1906
2198 al-Saghani, Radi al-Din Hasan b. M, d. 1252
a. Kitab yafūl, ed. Husnī ‘A al-Wahhāb, Tunis, 1925;
Brock. S. I
2199 Sahlaji
a. Kitab al-nür min kalimat . . . al-Bistāmī, ms. Persian
2200 Bahā Saïd
a. Ap. Tiirk Yurdu, Vol. 4, no. 22, October 1926. (The
"Kizilbas meydani” novice is included in the Dare Mansūr
like the Bektashi.)
2201 Sale, George, translator
a. The Koran, ed. R. A. Davenport, London, 1850
2202 Saliba, Ibn Yühanna
a. Maris, Amri et Salibae, de Patriarchis nestorianorum commen-
taria, Rome, 1896-1899
2203 Saljüqi, Saläh al-Din
a. Afkār-i shā'ir, Kabul, 1955
2204 Sarkis, Ya'qüb
a. Kashf al-sadā
2205 Sarrüf [?]
a. Thesis on Hallàj, American University of Beirut, De-
cember 1956 (according to Hayek)

Sauvaget, Jean
a. Introduction à l'histoire de l'Orient musulman (Asia Major),
Paris 1946; 1961 ed. revised and completed by Claude Cahen
Sauvaire, Henri Joseph
a. Matériaux pour servir à l'histoire de la numismatique et de la
métrologie musulmanes, 4 vols., Paris, 1882-1887
Sezai [?]
a. Diwan (distich on “ishq, Anā'l-Hagg, Mansūr)
Sekhrī, S. D.
a. Rubā'iyāt Sermed, Delhi, n.d. (Persian and Urdu)
Shahrastānī, Abū'l-Fath M b. ‘A Karim
a. Kitáb al-milal wa'l-nihal, Cairo, 1899 (on margin of
Shahrazüri, M b. ‘A Rasül b. ‘A Sayyid
a. al-Ishā'a li ashrāt al-sa'a, Brock. S. II
Shammās, ‘AA ofJabal Tur (Mosul)
a. Risäla fi'l-yazidiya, copy ‘Aziz communicated by Père
Shams [?]
a. Muntakhabat, Isfahan, 1902
al-Sarraf, Ahmad Hamid
а. al-Shabak, Baghdad, 1954
al-Shīrāzī, M Talib [?]
a. Athär-i 'ajam, Shiraz, 1896
Sinjari, A b. ‘A al-Jalil: Sabaean
a. Jami Shahi (ms. dated 466/1073]
Siouffi, Nicolas
a. Études sur la religion des soubbas ou sabéens, leurs dogmes et
leurs moeurs, Paris, 1880
Solovine, Maurice, translator
a. Démocrite, Doctrines philosophiques et réflexions morales,
Paris, 1928
2219 Spüler, Bertold
a. Iran in Früh-islamischer Zeit, Wiesbaden, 1952 (ref. -to
Arib, L.M. and P. Kraus, Wiet); Cairo, 1947
2220 Streck, Maximilien
a. Die alte Landschaft Babylonien nach den Arabischen Geo-
graphen, Leyden, 1900-1901
2221 Strothmann, Rudolf
a. Kultus der Zaiditen, Strassburg, 1912
2222 Surür, Tāhā ‘Abd al-Bagī

a. Shakhsīyāt Stiftya [Уо]. 2: al-Husayn ibn Mansür al-Hallāj,

shahid al-tasawwuf al-Islami, Cairo, 1961]
Tabarsi Nūrī, Isma‘il b. A, d. 1903
a. Nafas al-Rahman fi... Salman, Tehran, n.d.
Tabataba’i, Fakhr al-Din
a. Sāzmānhā-yi Tamaddun-i imparäturi-yi Islam (Persian
translation of Stanislas Guyard by Tabātabā'ī), Tehran, 1947
b. “Sermed,” ap. Iran ve Hind, New Delhi, 1952
2225 Tahänawi, Zafar Ahmad
a. al-Qawl al-mansürfīIbn Mansūr, Lucknow, 1941 (coll. of
printed documents)
2226 al-Tālagānī, Abü'l-Qasim Ismā'īl b. A
a. al-Amthal al-sa'ira min shi'r al-Mutannabi [ed. M. Husayn
Al Yasin, Baghdad, 1965]; Risalat al-amthal al-Baghdādīya,
Cairo, 1913; Brock. S. I; coll. І.М. [cf. al-Amthāl al-
Baghdadiya by ‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Tikrītī in L.M. Textes in-
al-Tamghruti, "Alī b. M
a. En-Nafhat el-miskiya fi-s-sifarat et- Tourkiya: Relation d’une
ambassade marocaine en Turquie, 1589-1591, translated and an-
notated by Henri de Castries, Paris, 1929
Tarzī, Ghulän M. [?]
a. Afghan, grand-père de la reine Saroya, grand commentateur de
Tāwāsī, Radī al-Dīn
a. Tarā'iffima'rifat madhhab al-tavā if, Brock. S. I [excerpt
from Thābit b. Sinan]
Tchagerli, A. Tal'at
a. Halk siirlerinin sekil ve nev'i, Istanbul, 1928; [1946]
Celebi, Süleyman, d. ca. 1403
a. Dewriye (on nāsūt, lāhūt, and hulūl al-rith)
b. Vāridāt-i Siileymān (inspired by the spirit of S. Celebi),
by Ģedikgi Süleyman Celebi (d. ca. 1700), ed. Enis Behiç
Koryürek, Istanbul, 1949
Thomson, W.
a. Art. on Süfism in 20th Century Encyclopaedia of Religious
Knowledge, ed. Loetscher et al.: see under Schaff-Herzog En-
cyclopaedia. [?]
2233 Tinā'ūtī, ‘Abd al-Kafi, ca. 491/1097
a. Perhaps the author ofDalil . . . li tahqiq madhhab al-haqq,
ms. coll. Motylinski [?]

2234 al-Tirmidhi, Abü 'AA M b. 'Ali al-Hakim

a. Nawadir al-usūl fi ma'rifat ahādīth al-rasūl, Istanbul, 1923
[1876] edition reprinted Beirut, 1971
b. "Ilal al-'ubüdiya, Brock. С. I
2235 Trousseau, Armand
a. Clinique Médicale de l'Hótel-Dieu de Paris, 6th ed., Paris,
1882; 11th ed., Paris, 1913
2237 al-Tustari, Sahl b. 'AA
a. Tafsir al-Our'ān al-'azim, Cairo, 1526; [Cairo, 1911]
2238 Tyan, Émile
a. Histoire de l'organisation judicaire en pays d'Islam, 2 vols.,
Paris, 1938-1943
2239 al-"Ulaymi, ‘Abd al-Rahmän b. M Mujir al-Din, d. 1521
a. al-Ins al-jalīl bi ta’rikh al-Quds wa'l-Khalīl, ms. P. 5912; 2
vol. ed., Cairo, 1866; ed. w. partial Fr. translation by Henry
Sauvaire: Histoire de Jérusalem et d'Hebron depuis Abraham jus-
qu'a la fin du X V siècle de J.-C., Paris, 1876 -
2240 Vajda, Georges
a. "Les Zindiqs en pays d'Islam au début de la période ab-
baside," RSO 17, 1938
2241 Vaudeville, Charlotte [?]
a. Analyse Padmavāti ofJavasi
2242 Wahbi, Sufyàn
a. Excerpts from Bahya shatt., 1257 А.н. (ms. Ann Arbor
257: 2 excerpts on Hallàj)
2243 Wahrānī, A.
a. Firdaws al-murshidiya, ed. Meier, Istanbul, 1945
2244 Wakī, M b. Khalafb. Hayyan, d. 918
a. Akhbar al-qudat wa ta'rikhihim wa ahkāmihin, Brock. S. 1
[ed. ‘Abd al-Aziz Mustafa al-Maraghi. 3 vols., Cairo, 1947-
2245 al-Wakil, ‘Abd al-Rahmān
a. Hādhihi hiya'l-süftya, Cairo, 1955: Ghazali and Hallaj;
incl. Tawasin and Akhbar in bibliog.
2246 Vāmigi, Traj
а. "Mansür Hallaj,” in Sukhan, Tehran, VI, no. 2, 1915:
question of favorite authors; Iraj responds: Mansür Halläj,
fidā”, “ishq, mi‘raj on the gibbet
2247 Warjalānī, A Ya'qüb Yūsuf
a. Kitab al-dalil wa’l-burhan, Cairo, 1888-1889
2248 Warrain, Francis

a. L'Oeuvre psychologique de Charles Henry, Paris, 1931

2249 Wassäf al-Hadra
a. Muntakhabāt, ms. Cairo, IV
b. Tajziyat al-amsar (written in 712/1312), ms. Vienna 959;
ms. London Add. 23517 and 7625
2250 Whitting, C.E.J., translator
а. al-Fakhri . . . by Ibn al-Tigtagā: On the Systems of Gov-
ernment and the Moslem Dynasties, London, 1947
2251 Wiet, Gaston, editor
a. Matériaux pour un corpus inscriptionum arabicarum, Cairo,
b. Répetoire chronologique d'épigraphie arabe, Cairo, 1931
2252 Wilson, Horace H.
a. Sketch of the Religious Sects of the Hindus, Calcutta, 1846;
ed. E. R. Rost, Calcutta, 1958
2253 Yaltkaya, Serefettin
a. "Fatimilēr wa H. Sabbah,” ap. Ilāhiyet Fakultesi: “На]-
laj” = muqtada'i, Istanbul, November 19—?
2254 Yazdani, Ghulām
a. Epigraphia Indica-Moslemica, Calcutta, 1915-1916 and
other years
2255 Yüsuf Husayn
a. L'Inde mystique au moyen-áge; Hindous et Muselmans,
Paris, 1929
2256 Zafar Ahmad Mawlani
a. al-Qawl al-Mansür, Lucknow, 1941. See 2225-a
2257 Zambaur, E.K.M. von
a. Manuel de généalogie et de chronologie, Hanover, 1927
2258 al-Zayyät, Habib
а. La Croix dans l'Islam [possibly al-Rūm al-Malakīyūn frl-
b. Makātib al-shām, Cairo, 1902

Some Additional Works

Arnaldez, Roger. Hallāj, ou la religion de la Croix. Paris, 1964.
Bayati, Abd al-Wahhab. Dīwān, 2 vols. Beirut, 1972.
Corbin, Henry. Histoire de la philosophie islamique. Paris, 1964.
Gardet, Louis. “al-Halladj,” Enc. Isl. new ed. B. Lewis et al. eds.
(Leiden-London, 1965), Vol. III, fasc. 41-42.
(with G. C. Anawati). Mystique musulmane. Paris, 1961.

. Thèmes et textes mystiques. Paris, 1958.

Mardam, Adnan. al-Hallāj, a play. Beirut, 1971.
Mason, Herbert W. The Death of al-Hallaj, a Dramatic Narrative. Ameri-
can Poetry Review. Philadelphia, August, 1974; Notre Dame Univ.
Press, Indiana, 1979.
. "Hallaj, a Martyr for the Truth,” Boston University Journal, X XI,
3 (Fall 1973).
. *Hallāj's Notion ofal-infirād,” translation and commentary, in
Gershom Scholem Commemorative Volume. Schocken Books.
New York, n.d.
. “Three Odes of al-Hallāj” (translations from Arabic), Introduc-
tion to Classical Arabic Literature, ed. 1. Lichtenstadter. New York,
Nwyia, Paul. Ibn ‘Abbad de Ronda. Beirut, 1961.
Schimmel, Annemarie. A Dance of Sparks, Studies in Ghalib's Imagery
(Chapter : A Dance in Chains). New Delhi, 1978.
. "Das Halladsch-Motiv in der Indo-persischen Dictung," in
Festschrift Henry Corbin. Tehran, 1976.
. al-Halladsch, Märtyrer der Gottesliebe. Cologne, 1968.

——. Mystical Dimensions of Islam. Chapel Hill, 1975.
. Sind halk siirinde Hallac-i Mansūr. Istanbul, 1969.
. The Triumphal Sun, A Study ofJalaloddin’s Works. London, 1978.
al-Shaibi, Kamil Mustafa. Diwan al-Hallāj, edition. Baghdad, 1974.
. al-Hallaj maudii‘an (al-Hallaj as a Theme). Baghdad, 1977.
. Sharh Dīwān al-Hallāj (A Commentary on the Dīvān of al-
Hallaj). Baghdad, 1973.
Tremaine, Louis. “Witnesses to the Event in Ma'sat al-Hallaj and Murder
in the Cathedral," Muslim World 62 (1977).


References to the bibliography are in parentheses.
Aarne (Antti), (2004), 1 Ixi ‘Abd al-Jalil (J. M.), 1 lix
Aaron, 2 256, 398 ‘Abd al-Kader, see Jazā'irī ('Abdalkadir)
Abalish (Gujastak), 1 381 ‘Abd al-Karim, see Bughra Satüq Khan
Abin, 3 206 ‘Abd al-Karim (munshī), 2 285
Abaga, 2 63, 424 * Abd al-Karim (Nizäm D.), 2 190
Abarkühi (Shams D. Ibr. Muhtasib) ‘Abdallah (imam), 1 308, 312
(1123) “Abdallah (AB.), 1 445
Abarqühi (Sharaf), 2 192 * Abdallah (Rukn D.), 3 262
"Abartā'ī (A. b. Hilal), 1 308, 318 * Abdallah (Sārī), 2 22, 106, 493
*Abartā'ī (M. b. J.), 1 148, 417 ‘Abd al-Latīf (gādī, d. 710), 2 442
"Abbad, 3 73, 138, 168 ‘Abd al-Mahdi, 2 19
"Abbādī (Abū “Asim M. b. A.), 2 204 ‘Abd al-Malik al-Faraj (2005)
"Abbas, 1 221, 251, 392, 410, 417, 484, * Abd al-Malik (Shaykh Aal Mansur), 2
536; 3 121 471
"Abbāsa Tūsī, see Ibn Abi Mansür ‘Abd al-Muttalib, 3 344
‘Abbasi (AH. M b. ‘A. Wahid), 1 150 ‘Abd al-Nür (Jabbür) (999-08)
“Abbasi (AQ. Ja'far b. ‘A. Wahid), 1 150 ‘Abd al-Qadir (S.R.D.), 2 34, 320
"Abd al-A'l, 2 448 * Abd al-Rahmin (brother of Ibn "Isā), 1
"Abd al-"Azīz (Father of Qadir), 2 138 410
"Abd al-'Aziz Effendi (Qarah Ģelebīzāde) ‘Abd al-Rahmān (mulla) (1291), 1 49
(1346), 1 48 ‘Abd al-Rahmān (Zahir D. A. Nasr), 2
"Abd al-Baha’ (‘Abbas Effendi) (985) 190
"Abd al-Bākī, see Gólpinarli ‘Abd al-Ra'ūf, 1 48; 2 289
"Abd al-Bāgī (La’ līzāde), 2 261 *Abd al-Sabbür (2006A), 1 51
"Abd al-Fādī ('AA.) (988) ‘Abd al-Salam (son of Ibn Khafif), 2 183,
“Abd al-Ghàni (gādī), see Hammadi 385
(Abd al-Ghānī) * Abd al-Samad, 2 25
"Abd al-Hādī, 1 8; 2 217 * Abd al-Samad (M.), see Ibn "Abd al-Sa-
"Abd al-Hafiz, see Hasani (Mawlā "Abd mad
al-Hafiz b. H.) ‘Abd al-Samad (zāhid, d. 391), 2 141
"Abd al-Hakim (caliph) (1417) * Abd al-Samad (Zayn D.), 2 192
"Abd al-Hamīd I (sultan), 1 49, 262 *Abd al-Wahbàb (H. Husni), 4 49, 124
"Abd al-Hamid II (sultan), 2 181 ‘Abd al-Wahhäb (son of Caliph Та"), 1
‘Abd al-Jabbär (qàdi) (2006), 2 336; 3 147, 405
155, 313; 4 20 * Abd al-Wahid (son of Muqtadir), 1 397

* Abdan, see Ahwazi (Ali b. A. b. 383, 510, 582; 2 170, 433; 3 227, 238,
‘Abdän) 343
*Abdarī (M. b. al-Hajj al-Fāsī) (524), 1 Abü'l-Attàb, 1 228
357; 2 29, 36; 3 130 Abū'l-"Aynā, 2 121
"Abdarrāzig (Mustafa), 1 373; 4 95 Abü Ayyüb, 2 190, 344; 3 190
*Abdawi (Abū Häzim “Umar b. 1br.) (d. Abü'l-Azhar, 1 137; 2 186, 189
417 A.H.), 1 90; 2 118, 119, 131, 207, Abü Bakr (b. Amir Sa'd), 2 387
210, 216, 465; 3 247 Abü Bakr (al-Siddiq), 1 76, 222, 316, 329,
'Abdawi (Attāzim), 1 90 331, 359, 473, 512, 514, 515, 547, 549,
“Abdi, see Ibn “Arafa 552, 623; 2 51, 93, 95, 113, 187, 189,
"Abduh (M) (2007), 2 434; 4 xvii, 52 191, 193, 199-202, 224, 298, 299; 3 34,
Abel, 2 416 140, 174, 286, 294, 323, 327
Abergūhī, see Tāwūsī (N. D.) Abū'l-Barakat (A. Rahim), 1 151, 523; 2
Abharī (AB. b. Tāhir), 1 498; 2 206 91, 153
Ābī, 1 270; 2 31 Abū Bayhas, 3 231
Abī Sakhra (Akh), see Akh Abī Sakhra Abū'l-Dardā, 2 191
Abī Sūr, 1 180 Abū Dāwūd, 1 223, 524, 541; 2 399; 3
Abīwardī (Mahmūd b. M.), 1 9, 371, 377; 226, 295
2 137, 146, 197, 464, 466; 3 240 Abū Dharr (Ай), 1 110, 299, 552; 2 93,
Abraham, 1 liv, lv, lxiv, lxv, 22, 37, 108, 226; 3 89, 187, 190, 225, 287
189, 219, 221, 323, 408, 424, 488, 534, Abū Dulaf, 1 55
585, 599; 2 90, 93, 118, 164, 256, 269, Abū'l-Duryā, 2 475
287, 337, 375, 403; 3 3, 24, 29, 31, 60, Abū'l-Fadā'il, see Hamadhānī (Abū'l-
84, 163, 192, 201, 205, 283, 295, 297, Fadi'il)
299, 305, 314, 334 Abū'l-Fadl (son of Mubarak), 2 275
Abrisami (Abü Bakr), 3 268 Abü'l-Fadl (A.), 1 315
Abrü (Shihāb D. Lutf Allāh Hafiz) (1142) Abü'l-Fadl (A. Wahid), see Tamimi
Abrün, 1 163, 425 Abü'l-Fadl (M.), 2 190
"Abshami (AA. b. ‘Amir b. Kurayz), 1 Abü'l-Faraj Isfahānī (d. 356), 2 123
53 Abū'l-Fath (d. 392 А.н.), 1 445
"Abshami (Taj D. b. Zakariya’) (807) Abū'li-Fātik, 1 95; 2 210
Abshayhi = Abshihi (2008), 1 357; 3 164 Abü'l-Fazl, 2 288
al-Abtar (Kuthayir), 1 315 Abü'I-Fidà' (historian), (520)
Abü'l-Abbàs = Caliph Radi (122), see Abū Ghaffār, 3 240
Radi billah Abū Ghālib, 2 137
Abū ‘Abdallah (khāja), 1 85 Abū'l-Ghāzī, see Baygarā
Abū ‘Abdallah (zāhid), 1 10, 11 Abū'l-Hadīd (Misrī), see Misrī (130)
Abū ‘Abdallah al-Maghribi, see Maghribi Abū Hafs Kabīr, see Mansūrī ( Umar)
Abü Abhari, 2 357 Abū Hamza (M. b. Ibr.), 1 69, 79-81, 88,
Abū Adnān (son-in-law of Rāsibī), 1 469 89, 151, 244, 280, 342, 343, 384, 522,
Abū Ahmad (AA.), 2 127 584, 610; 2 189; 3 9, 149, 159, 165, 228,
Abū Ahmad (Muhammad), see Ibn Muk- 239, 249, 269
tafi Abū Hanifa, 1 3, 220, 228, 244, 375, 378,
Abol Aa, 3 246 544; 2 140, 236; 3 4, 55, 83, 86, 109,
Abū "Alī, 3 82 110, 119, 133, 139, 140, 144, 147, 183,
Abū "Alī (father of ibn Abi ‘Alt), 2 113 198, 210, 223
Abū ‘Amr, 1 63, 172, 431, 531 Abū'l-Hārith, 1 600
Abü'l-Atáhiya, 1 6, 68, 280, 314, 315, Abū Hasan (d. 328 А.н.), 1 325
Abū'l-Hasan IV, 1 306 Abü'l-Mughith = Hallāj, 1 99, 101, 112,
Abü'l-Hasan V (Hadi), 1 307 164, 481, 543; 2 73
Abü Häshim, see Ibn al-Hanafiya Abū Muhammad = Hallāj, 1 100, 456
Abū Найт, see Būrānī Abū Muhammad (uncle ofIbn "Ayyāsh),
Abū'l-Hayjā ('AA.), 1 162, 528, 537 1 547; 2 125
Abū Hayyān al-Gharnātī, see Gharnātī Abū Muhammad (Hasan), 1 416
Abū Hayyān al-Jayyānī, see Saffār Abū Mujāhid, 1 60, 437
Abū Hayyān Tawhīdī, see Tawhīdī Abū'l-Mundhir, see Nu'màn
Abū Hāzim (d. 417 A.H.), 2 470 Abū Mūsā, 1 121, 617
Abū'l-Hudā, 2 106, 177, 178, 356 Abū Musāffīya (Nasr), 1 423
Abū'l-Hulmān, 1 151, 280, 521, 572, 602; Abū Muslim, 1 138, 167, 175, 176, 251,
2 102, 194, 195, 211, 456; 3 146, 254 467; 2 96, 98
Abū Hurayra, 3 295 Abū Nasr, 2 160
Abū Ibrāhīm, see Mūsā Kāzim Abū Nasr (of Timardan), 1 55
Abū Ilhām, 1 633 Abū Nasr (A. b. Hy. b. M.), 1 163
Abū ‘Isa, 1 442 Abū Nu'aym (Isfahānī) (2009), 1 17, 54,
Abū Ishaq (d. 383 A.H.), see Dīnawārī 55, 69, 72, 75, 80, 82, 90, 93, 167, 168,
Abū ‘Isma (Nūh), 1 254; 2 97; 3 141 288: 2 38, 103, 114, 118, 128, 131, 184,
Abū Isra'il, 1 109 210, 211, 214, 216, 218, 440, 470; 3
Abū Ja'far, 2 12 142, 249
Abū Ja'far (enemy of Ibn *Agīl), 2 143 Abū Nah = Abū'l-Khayr, 1 145, 416,
Abū Ja'far II (Jawad), 1 306 441, 442
Abū Ja'far (M. b. 'AA.), 3 194 Abū Numayy, 1 44; 2 8, 64
Abū'l-Jārūd, 3 61 Abū Nuwās, 1 lii, lvi, 16, 280, 357, 478,
Abū Kāb, 1 228 586, 610; 2 123, 124, 475; 3 240, 337,
Abū Ka'b, 1 275 343, 344
Abū Kālījar, 1 57; 2 96, 139, 141, 154 Abū'l-Oāsim (Ibn Rawh), see Nawbakhtī
Abü Kämil, 3 186 Abü'l-Qàsim (Mahdi Muhammad II b.
Abü Kathir (Malik), 1 467; 3 252 Hasan), 1 307
Abū Khabbās, 2 357 Abū Qutäba, 3 211
Abū Khalaf, 1 242, 283, 500 Abū Sa'd (d. 479 А.н.), 2 69
Abū Khālid, 1 176 Abū Sa'd (d. 458 л.н.) = Ibn ‘Abd al-
Abū'l-Khattāb, 1 201-203, 302, 303, 396, Karim
472, 503; 2 92, 95 Abü Sahl, see Ibn Nawbakht
Abū'l-Khayr, 1 264, 441, 552; 2 51 Abū Sā'ib, 2 127
Abū Khāzim, 1 247, 438, 439 Abü Sa'id (A. b. M. b. Ziyäd b. al-
A‘rabi Abdi Basrī), 1 110, 518; 2 164,
Abü'l-Ma'ali Husayni, see Husaynī
Abū'l-Ma'ālī al-Salami, see Alüsi (Mah.
Abü'l-Saj, 1 64, 147
Abū Sakhra (Abū Īsā A. b. M. Akh), 1
Abü Madyan, 1 540; 2 6, 311, 327 167, 265, 420, 470
Abū Makhrama (‘Afif D.), 2 6, 189 Abü'l-Sawda (A.), 3 69, 252
Abū'l-Malāhid, 1 111 Abū Shākir, 1 467
Abü Mansür, 2 63, 144 Abū Shakūr, 2 36
Abü Ma'shar, 1 442 Abū Sha'la'la (M. al-Habīb) = Sahib al-
Abü Mas'üd, 1 100 Naq’, 3 197
Abü Mawihib, 2 331 Abū Shāma (445) (see also al-Dimishgī), 1
Abü Medzen, 2 333 619; 2 67, 163, 173, 305; 1 25
Abū'l-Shāmāt (Mahmüd), 1 587 Makhrama Shaybānī Hajarani), 1 49; 2
Abū'l-Shīs, 2 124 336; 3 263
Abü Sulaymän, 3 115 *Adawi (A. Sad Н. b. "Alī), 2 209
Abü Sumayna, 1 325 ‘Adawi (Yf. b. M. b. “Adi b. Sakhr), 2
Abū'l-Su'ūd (Shaykh al-Islam), 2 21, 39, 70
66 Adfüwi (J. b. Th.), 2 299
Abū Tāhir (Kātib of Oāyim), 1 225; 2 Adham (Ibr.), 2 23, 93, 191
140; 3 197 Adhàni, 3 35
Abū Tāhir (M.), 1 150, 203 Adhkütakin, 1 163, 416
Abū Tālib, 1 431; 3 204 ‘Adi (Abü 'AA.), 1 207
Abū Tammām, 1 5, 283, 340, 361; 2 124, "Adīlī (Sharaf), 2 477
128, 412 Adler (J.G. Chr.), 4 83
Abū'l-Tayīb, 1 627; 2 33 ‘Adnän (nagib; d. 450 A.H.), 2 149
Abū Thawr, 1 244, 247; 3 5, 100 "Adud al-Dawlā, 1 55, 321, 330; 2 12,
Abū “Umar, 1 247 125, 127, 133, 134, 137, 140?, 183
Abū ‘Umar (gādī), see Hammādī (A. Aegerter (Emmanuel) (2011)
"Umar) Aeschylus, 1 339
Abū ‘Umära = Hallaj Afdal, 1 415; 2 49, 50
Abū "Umāra (Hallajian), see Hāshimī Afdal Shirazi (A. ‘Aziz b. M.), 4 39
(129) Affifi (A.) (1809)
Abū “тага, see Ibn ‘Abdallah (M.) Afghàni (Jamal) (2012)
Abū Umayya, 2 121 “Afif, 2 311, 313, 318
Abū Usāma, 3 295 ‘Afifi СА. Fattah), 3 72
Abü'l-Wafa', 1 46; 2 241 *Aflaki, 1 288; 2 268, 269, 270, 399; 3 33,
Abū'l-Wagt, 2 6, 36 237, 338; 4 90
Abū Ya'lā, 1 345 "Afra ('Urwat), 1 348
Abū'l-Yamān, 2 460, 482 Agnes de Langeac, 1 503
Abū Yazīd, see Bistami Agri (Jalāl), 2 279
Abū Yūsuf, 1 4, 105, 148; 2 236; 3 183 Ahdal (A. 'AA. Hy.) (659)
Abū Zunbūr, 1 408 Ahdal (Tābir b. H.), 2 185
Abū Zur'a, see Tabari (140) Ahlbert (G.) (1768)
Adam, 1 14, 30, 74, 81, 128, 176, 272, Ahlwardt (T. W. ) (1635), 2 53; 3 258; 4
363-365, 482, 483, 584, 634; 2 46, 48, 33, 41, 46
165, 269, 287, 337, 345, 356, 358, 362, Ahmad (brother of Umm Masa), 1 402,
371, 372, 374-378, 382, 384, 389, 392, 407
394, 399, 405, 407, 418; 3 12, 18, 28, Ahmad (häjib), 1 425
31, 41, 45, 48, 96, 97, 100-102, 105, Ahmad (nagīb), 1 110
119, 130, 137, 159, 162, 163, 167, 171, Ahmad (prophet), 2 193, 256, 375; 3 304,
180, 195, 198, 201, 202, 212, 217, 218, 309
283, 284, 288, 289, 306-308, 310-312, Ahmad (Samanid), 1 441
314, 315, 327, 330-332, 334, 356 Ahmad (son of ‘Abbäs), see Ibn Hasan
Adam (J. L.) (2010), 1 161; 3 215, 356 (Ah. b. 'Ab.)
Adami (A. "Abbās), see Ibn ‘Ata’ (110) Ahmad (son of Fulänä bt. Hasan), 1 442
Adami (AB. M. b. J.), 1 256, 499, 628 Ahmad (son of Mālik Shāh), 2 162
Adami (Abū ‘Amr), 1 82 Ahmad (son of Nasr), 1 629
Adami (A ‘U.), 2 209 Ahmad I, 2 65
Adami (Abü Makhrama), 2 263 Ahmad II (Ilekkhan), 2 162
"Adanī (Qutb ‘Umar b. 'AA. b. A. Ba Ahmad II (Ottoman), 2 264

Ahmad (A. 'AA), 3 196 Akbar (Nāshī), 1 330, 359

Ahmad (A. Hy.), 1 427 Akbarābādī (M. Fädil b. Sayyid A.) (1180)
Ahmad (AM.) = al-Malik al-Mu'ayyad, Akdik (Kämil), 1 600, 603; 2 88
2 24 Akfani (AB. M. b. Ibr.), 1 498; 2 137
Ahmad (Shihäb D.), 2 30 Akh Abi Sakhra, 1 420, 421, 470, 471,
Ahmad Bey, 2 257 480
Ahmad Efendi (Ibn Rajib), 4 76 Akh Su'lük, 1 26, 29, 31-33, 140, 174,
Ahmad Khin (S.), 2 12 425, 426, 489, 536, 537, 539, 556
Ahmad Pāshā (d. ca. 740 A.H.), 2 271 Akhawayn, 2 66
Ahmadābādī (Wajih al-Din 'Alawī), 2 278 Akhdari, 3 89
Ahmadi (Mansür), 1 46, 50, 622; 2 232, Akhfash, 1 244, 410
246-248, 264, 368 “Акы ('Uthmàn b. Adam Nahīk), 1 176
Ahmadullih (shäh), 2 329 al-Akhtal (Ghiyāth), 3 33
Ahmar (Ishaq), 1 249, 333, 390, 392, 475, ‘Akkäf (Rukn al-Din), 2 198, 362
597 "Akkàr (Hy.), 2 6, 185. See also Jàri (Hy.
Ahmed Efendi (Fakhri), 2 265 "Ak.)
Ahriman, 1 381 Aktay (Sälih Zeki) (1386), 1 Ix, 51; 2 260,
Ahsā'ī (Shaykh Ahmad), 3 351 309
al-Ahwāl (Bashshār), 1 372 Al Yasin (M. H.), 4 126
Ahwānī (‘Abd al-"Azīz), 2 324 al-A‘la (Ah) (1134), 2 106, 250
Ahwāzī (‘Abdan b. A.), 1 61, 97, 122; 3 ‘Ala’ al-Dawla Simnānī, see Simnānī
196, 248, 261 (522)
Ahwāzī (Abū "Alī M. b. “Ali, 2 131, 466 ‘Al? 'I-Hagg (‘Ala’ '1-Dīn), 2 289
Ahwazi (AH., katib), 1 148, 150 ‘Alam al-Hudā (‘Ali b. Tahir al-Sharif al-
Ahwazi (AHy. M. b. Hasan b. A. 'Ali Is- Murtadā) (213), 2 492
fahānī), 2 469, 470; 3 259, 261, 262 ‘Alawi (A. "Alī ‘Umar b. Yh.), 1 37
Ahwāzī (AQ. "AA. b. M. b. Mihrawayh ‘Alawi (AA. b. HY.), 158
b. Abi 'Allàm), 1 141, 148, 153, 156, ‘Alawi (AH.), 2 200
248, 468; 2 84, 115, 126, 127 *Alawi (AM. Da“ b. Mahdi), 2 131
Ahwizi (‘Ali b. A. b. ‘Abdän), 2 119, ‘Alawi (AR. b. ‘A. Rasül) (1192)
130 "Alawi (Ali b. A. Ya'la Dabbūsi), 2 217
Ahwäzi (M. b. Ishaq b. Ibr.), 2 470; 3 250 ‘Alawi (Da'il Mahdi), 2 129
Ahwāzī (Yf. b. 'Īsā), 1 145 *Alawi (Muhammad b. Hasan), 1 120
*Ajami (= Агай!) (Karim al-Din) = al-Alawi (Muhammad b. al-Husayn), 2
Sa'īd al-Su‘ada’, 2 300 343
*Ajami (Habib), 3 106, 205 "Alawi (Sā'ih), 3 353
*Ajami (YE), 2 306 ‘Alawi (“Umar b. A.), 2 185
‘Ajj, 1 111, 112, 256, 257 Albizzi (Bartolommeo), 2 436; 3 221
*Ajnarī, 1 110 Alexander, see Dhü'l-Qarnayn
‘Ajrüd, 2 40 Alfaric, 3 283
Ajurr'i (AB. M. b. Hy.), 1 8, 133, 526; 2 "Ali (caliph), see Ibn Abi Talib
56; 3 166 "Alī (father of Muhassin), 2 125
"Akari (Ibn al-‘Imäd) (830), 1 55, 60, 62, ‘Ali (son of Muqtadir), 1 397, 426, 536
71, 83, 100, 123, 203, 581; 2 37, 39, 71, "Alī (son of Yalbaq), 1 424
140, 157, 158, 161, 182, 214, 219, 223, "Ali IV, 1 307
359, 361, 442, 463, 465-467, 474; 3 281 ‘Ali (AH.), 1 435
Akbar (Jalal al-Din), 2 65, 200, 275, 279, "Alī (b. Salih R.), 1 98
286, 328; 3 263; 4 66 "Alī (M.), 2 214
“Ali Mahfüz, see Mahfüz (977A) *Amilī (Say. Muh. al-Amīn), 1 174; 2 17,
"Ali Pāshā (Shahid Dāmād), 2 65, 424, 37
480 Amin (caliph), 1 586
“Alt Rida’, see Rida Amin (A.) (2014)
"Alī Shah (Ma'süm), 1 611, 634, 643; 2 Amin (М.), 2 279:
168, 388 Amin al-Wa'iz (Abü Yf. M.) (920), 1 lix
*Allāf (AH. “AI, 2 135 Amini (A. ‘Amr ‘Uthmän b. M. b. al-
"Allaf (Abü'l-Hudhayl), 1 155, 248; 2 170; Hājib Mansür), 2 464
3 14, 16, 19, 23, 37, 53, 64, 66, 71, 72, Amir (al-Mahdi), 2 50
107, 109, 110, 124, 138, 139, 152, 166, Amir Mah. (M.) (2015)
168, 183, 184, 193 Amir Sultän, 2 493
"Allāf (Abū Tahir M. b. ‘Ali), 191; 2 Amirghani (Н. b. M. b. Uthmān), 2 335
134, 135, 144, 150?, 153, 159, 441, 472, “Amiri (A. Faraj), 15
473 ‘Amiri (Ahmad b. M. b. "Alā'), 1 38; 2
"Allaf (Häfiz) (1138) 128; 3 247, 261
"Allāf (M.), 2 135 Amjad (Hajj Hasan) (1365A)
"Allāf (nadim of Muqtadir), 1 556 ‘Ammiär (?), 2 93
"Allāmī (Abü'l-Fadl) (1170) *Ammar (‘Ali Sälim) (2016)
Alp Arslän, 2 162 ‘Ammar (Mansür D.), see Ibn ‘Ammär
Alptagin, 2 96 “Ammar (al-Sahhābī), 1 552
"Alqama, 3 90 *Ammat (Salman), 3 192
Alūsī = Alussy (AH. Mahmūd Shukri) ‘Ammi, 1 22
(960), 1 lix, 15, 229; 2 21, 39?, 45, 52, “Amr Makki, see Маккї (101)
157, 309; 3 9, 52, 60, 99, 163, 174, 234 ‘Amri I (Abū Muhammad 'Uthmān b.
Alüsi = Alussy (Hajj ‘Ali b. Nu'mān) Sad Asadi), 1 307, 310
(2013), 1 lix, 358; 3 359 “Amri II (Abū Ja'far M. b. Uthmān), 1
Alüsi (Shihäb D. Mahmüd) (910), 1 430, 307-310, 315, 318, 325, 391
431, 524; 2 229; 3 108 "Amri HI, 1 321; 2 123
"Alwaji, 4 26 ‘Amri (AB. M. b. A.), 1 207, 320, 321,
Ama (scholar, d. 390 A.H.), 1 498 445; 2 197
A'mā (Alī), see Ibn Mutarrif "Amriya (Hibatalläh b. M. b. Barrānīya
Amali (Karim D.), 2 71 bt. Umm Kulthüm), 3 254, 261
Amar (Émile) (1715), 4 33 ‘Amriya (Umm Kulthüm), 1 391
Amari, 2321 ‘Ami (A. b. M.), 2 218
Amat al-Salàm, see Hammādī Ашай (‘Abd al-Karīm), 1 45; 2 71
Amaury de Béne, 2 322 Amūlī (Abū Ab, 2 167
Amedroz (H. F.) (1675), 1 144, 387, 394, Amuli (M. b. Mahmūd) (1130)
401, 435, 531; 2 196; 3 220, 239, 346- Anas, see Mālik А
_348; 4 15, 18, 117 Anastase Marie de Saint-Elie (R. Р.) =
"Amid, 1 253, 427 Anastäsyüs Mari min Ilyäs Karmali
Āmidī, 2 66 (989), 1 354; 2 25, 351; 4 125
“Amili (Alt), see Karakī (725) Anawati (R. P.), 2 306; 4 128
“Amili (Bahā” D.) (794, 1177), 1 48, 581; Anaxagoras, 3 101
2 17, 19, 37, 256, 342, 344, 348, 397, Anbabi (M.) (956)
492; 3 93, 130, 145, 174, 279, 322; 4 3 “Anbar, 1 402
"Amili (M. b. H. al-Hurr) (825), 1 48, Anbarī (A. "AA.), see Basrī (A. ‘АА. M.
324; 2 16 b. A. ibn Salim)

Anbari (A. “AA. M. Zanji b. Ism. b. Sā- Ansārī (Sulaymān), 3 15

lih), 1 461; 3 251, 261 Ansārī (Zakarīyā') (622), 2 39, 468, 474,
Anbarī (AB. Маза), see Khatmi 477; 3 260
al-Anbari CAR. Abü'l-Barakat), 1 6, 15 Ansī (Ibn "Ammār), see Ansari
Anbari (Abü'l-Haytham “Abbis b. M. b. Antiki (A. b. ‘Asim), 1 lii, 17, 68, 608; 2
Thawäba), 1 446 206; 3 8, 74, 92, 105, 113, 150, 183,
Anbarī (Abū Ja‘far A. b. Ishāg Buhlül 184, 206, 211, 224, 225, 227, 285
Tanūkhī) (gādī), 1 545, 547 Antākī (Dāwūd) (789), 1 357; 4 116
Anbari (Alà"]-Barakàt ‘AR. b. M. b. Antakiewi (Munif Must. Ef.), 1 49; 2 258
"U. ‘AA.) (2017), 1 439 ‘Antar, 3 337
Anbari (“Umar b. Wāsil), 1 63; 3 179? ‘Antara, 2 342
Anbarī (Ziyād b. Marwān Oandī), 1 304, Antigone, 1 Ixi
306 Aghisari (Hasan Кай), 2 279
Andalūsī (H. b. Hafs), 2 184 ‘Aqili (Hamza b. M. b. ‘AA.), 2 218, 220
Andalūsī (Ibn al-Wazīr), see Ibn al-Wazīr Agkermānī (Nagshī) (1345A), 2 264
(2120) Aqsarà'i (Mahmüd b. M. Karim D.)
Andalūsī (Ibr. b. Abī Ghānim) (2017A) (1314)
Andrae (Tor) (1735), 1 Ix Agsarāyī (Majd Mūsā), 2 71
Angele de Foligno, 2 19 Aqshehiri (Jalal D. Abū Tiba M. b. A. b.
"Anhūrī (S.) (999-03) Amin), 3 264
Anjir (Mahmüd), 2 228 Āgshehrī (Sinan al-Din), 4 72
Anmäti (A. Wahhäb b. Mubārak), 2 466 Aqta“ Basrī (Abū Ya'gūb), 1 10, 22, 25,
Anmātī (AH. ‘Ali Musharraf), 3 260, 261 65, 66, 73, 78, 82, 115; 2 103
Апта (Abū ‘Amr ‘Ali M. b. "Alī b. "Arab Khātūn, 2 162
Bashshär), 1 35, 81, 82, 87, 89, 96, 247, "Arab (M.), 2 23
563, 583, 612; 2 6, 118, 132, 200, 209, A‘rabi (A. Sa'īd) (2018), 1 77, 110; 2 216
212, 215, 216, 458, 459; 3 248, 261 Ara, 3 295
Annunzio (Gabriele d"), 3 219 A‘rami, 1 590
Angirawī (Isma) (1343), 2 66, 267; 3 Arberry (A. J.), 1 530, 617, 635; 2 110,
218, 342 420; 4 12, 60
Anquetil-Duperron (1562) Ardabili (Mawläna A.) (698), 1 317; 2 40,
Ansārī (A. Ayyüb Khālid b. Zayd Mā- 492
likī), 1 189; 2 30, 175, 217 Ardashir (‘Abbädi), 1 5; 2 163
Ansari (A. J. A. b. ‘A. Malik b. “Ammar Ardastānī (AB. M. b. Ibr. b. A.), 2 119,
Ansī), 1 453; 2 325 128, 469, 470; 3 259, 261
Ansari (Fathallāh Oādī), 2 277 Ardistānī (Jamal A.), 2 263
Ansārī (Jābir), 3 188 Arendonk, 3 35, 110
Ansari (Khāja Abū Ismā'īl 'AA.), 1 39; 2 Arghün, 1 56; 2 420
26; 4 56 *Arīb (Ibn Sa'd Qurtubi) (164), 1 52, 119,
Ansārī (M. b. Abī Tālib), 2 323 156, 180, 229-231, 255, 327, 400, 404,
Ansārī (M. b. Bāgī), 2 472 405, 407, 419, 421, 422, 424, 433-435,
Ansārī (M. b. O.), 2311 437, 458, 489, 492, 502, 503, 606; 2 36,
Ansārī (Mansūr Batā'ihī), 2 175 122, 325, 444, 484-486; 3 243; 4 22, 86,
Ansari (Safi’l-Din b. Abi Mansūr), 2 300 89, 125
Ansārī (Salmān b. Nāsir), 2 6, 42, 43, “Arif, 2 285
159, 229, 230 Arin (F.), 4 88
Ansäri (Sharaf), 3 241 Aristotle (2019), 1 Ixi, 44, 146, 196, 197,
Aristotle (cont.) Ash'ari (Sa'd b. 'AA.), 1 174
314; 2 313, 409, 412, 417, 420; 3 6, 9, Ash‘ari (Sa'd b. Qummi), 1 308
16, 75, 78, 87, 123, 338, 349 Ash'ari (Talha b. Ahwas), 1 324
Aristov, 2 239 Ash'ath, 1 167
Arjuna, 2 292 Ashinäs (Abü Ja‘far), 1 538, 541
Arkhüz (Ikhshidh b. Babrad), 1 248, 255 ‘Ashiq Pasha (d. 707 A.H.), 2 240, 243
Armawi (Abū Misa Dubaylī), 1 77; 3 5 Ashraf (Ka'b), 1 608
Arminjon (Pierre) (1688) Ashraf (Malik), 2 67
Arnaldez (R.), 1 xlviii; 4 99, 128 Ashwari, see Ibn Marzuban (AH.)
Arnawüdi (Mahmūd Pāshā), 1 50 Ashyab (Abü ‘Imrän Müsa b. Q. b. H. b.
Arnold (T. W.), 1 155; 3 228, 359; 4 16, Ibr.), 1 83, 84
117 "Asim, 1 59, 244; 2 191
Arslān (of Qocho), 1 186 Asin Palacios (M.) (1725), 1 57, 586; 2 27,
Arslan (Khātūn bt. Qilij), 1 43 329, 354; 3 7, 29, 30, 93, 160, 163-165,
Arslàn (Qahr), 2 413 208, 209, 220, 228, 229, 231, 289, 294,
Arslan II (Oilij), 2 254, 413 314, 335; 4 22, 80
Arslan Khān (Oashgarī), 1 186 Asiya, 1 540, 644
Arslan Khātūn (Khadīja), 2 142 “Askari (AB. M. ‘Ali Mubrāmān), 1 38,
Artit, 1 615, 640 128, 474; 2 61, 195
Artemidoras, 1 581, 596; 2 338 “Askari (‘Ali b. M. b. 'Ali), 2 296
Artin Pāshā (Y.) (2020), 2 76 “Askari (Hasan), 3 109, 301, 304, 336,
"Arüsi (Must. b. M.) (930) 339, 341, 346
As'ad Efendī, 4 22 Aslam, 3 14
Asadi (Abū'l-Hijāz ‘Umayra b. Hibbān), Aslami, 1 100
1 73, 109 Asma (daughter of AB.), 3 202
Asadī (Wāsit Mudar), 1 59, 60 Asmā (sister of Ibn ‘Isa), 1 410; 2 112
Asadiya (Maryam), 1 351 Asma‘, 1 89, 244, 348, 462; 2 298
Asamm (Abū'l-"Abbās M. b. Yq. Asni'i (Hishām D. Abū ‘Ali H. b. MA
Umawī) (d. 346 А.н.), 2 216, 217 1 100
Asamm (Hātim), 2 210, 211, 470; 3 209 “Asqalani, see Ibn Hajar (632)
Asamm (Yf. b. Ya'gūb), 1 102 Astarabadhi (AM. Dari b. Mahdi ‘Alawi),
Asfar (Jibrā'īl Hannūsh) (931), 1 538; 3 1177, 196, 299; 2 93, 213, 492
154 Aswad (A. Sālih Muflih al-Khādim), 1
Asghajan, 1 147 401; 2 11; 3 243
Asghar (‘Abd al-Hamid), 2 341 Aswani (A. B. A. Warith ‘Assäl), 2 206
Asghar (Nāshī), 1 312, 330 Aswānī (Abü'l-Dhikr), 2 297
Ashajj, 2 11 ‘At? (A. О. А.), 4 122
Ashar, 1 80, 252, 394, 484 Atalay (Besim) (2022), 2 243
Ash'ari (AH.) (2021), 1 70, 172, 174, 218, Atalay (Nesim), 2 254, 255
246, 249, 364, 373, 375, 378, 381, 383, Atesh (A.), 4 73
491, 506; 2 38, 55, 82, 130, 146, 183, Athanasius, 1 254
205, 220, 225; 3 5, 7, 14-16, 23, 33, 51, Athari (Bahjat), 2 124, 309
63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 71-73, 76-78, 89, Athari (Zubayr), 3 69, 125
108-110, 117, 119-121, 123, 125, 126, Athenagoras, 1 636
133-136, 138, 140, 141, 147, 155, 156, Athir, see Ibn al-Athir (371)
164, 166, 168, 169, 172, 179, 183, 192, "Atika bt. Zayd, see Ibn Nufayl
198, 202, 205, 276 Atkinson (W. W.), 4 100
Ash'ari (Bilal b. Abi Burda), 1 66 Atshi (AB.), see Ibn Mujahid (124)
"Attābī (Kulthüm), 3 341 “Аут (M.), see Ibn Abi ‘Awn
“Attar (A. “AA. M. b. Baraka Sawada) ‘Awni (Yenishehirli) (1367A), 1 50
(d. 583 А.н.), 1 100 Awsi (Ibn Mara), 2 316
“Attar (Alā” al-Din), 2 229 Awzāī CAR), 1 67; 3 164, 306
al-‘Attär al-"Ārif, see Naysābūrī (Farid Ayāz, 1 279; 2 167
D.) "Aydarüs, 2 107, 108
“Attar Dimishgī, see Dimishgī (938) ‘Aydarüsi (Ali b. ‘AA.), 3 263
"Attār (Farīd D.) (1101), 1 Ixvi, 8, 12, 13, "Aydarūsī (Hy. b. ‘Ar.), 3 263
16-18, 42, 47, 50-52, 56, 65, 69, 72, 76, "Aydarüsi (Ja‘far b. ‘A.), 3 263
84, 91, 99, 100, 107, 109, 119-122, 127- ‘Aydarüsi (Must. b. “Umar), 3 263
129, 132, 133, 168, 170, 179, 184, 187, "Aydarüsi Ba‘alawi (Shaykh b. 'AA.), 3
189, 209, 218, 222, 239, 272, 368, 477, 263, 265
505, 509, 526-529, 531, 570, 579, 587, *Āyisha, 1591, 593; 2 95, 113, 156; 3 147,
588, 602-604, 609, 617, 622, 623, 631, 189, 192, 202, 295
633, 634; 2 7, 26, 28, 43, 63, 70, 72, 80, “Ayn al-Oudāt, see Hamadhani (308,
85, 86, 88, 91, 100, 104, 110, 143, 162, 1082)
166, 168-170, 182, 186-188, 192, 198, ‘Ayni (Badr al-Din) (631), 1 79, 406, 461,
202, 207, 215, 221, 222, 228, 231, 232, 464, 467; 2 37, 170, 312, 488, 490; 3 40, ГА
234, 238, 241, 245, 247, 250, 256, 257, 44, 235, 243, 252, 260; 4 22, 30
261, 266, 268, 270, 271, 277, 280-283, "Ayni (Mehmet ‘Ali) (1379, 1797A)
290, 291, 311, 340, 344, 345, 347-350, "Ayyàr (‘Arif Mansūr), 2 218
352, 354, 359, 361-387, 388, 390, 391, “Ayyar (Mu'min), 1 620; 2 273, 274
393, 411, 414, 436, 437, 439, 443, 444, "Ayyār (Said), 2 6, 131
446, 449, 451, 455, 458, 459, 482, 492; "Ayyāshī (Abū Salim ‘AA. b. M.), 1 47,
3 16, 33, 40, 51, 56, 61, 69, 118, 164, 49, 249; 2 6, 169, 262, 279, 331, 332,
194, 202, 204, 209, 215, 224, 227, 251, 335
252, 254, 260, 267, 268, 274, 277, 289, Ayyüb, 2 235, 377, 378
293, 296, 359, 360; 4 55, 60, 65, 97 *Ayzarī, 3 312
“Attar (Nasir “AA. b. ‘Ar.), 268 al-A'zab (Ibr.), 2 170, 177; 4 25
“Attar (R.), 3 266 Azäd, 2 43
“Attar (Umar b. A. Rasūl), 2 332 Атаў (AQ. ‘A. "Aziz b. "Alī Khayyat
“Асаб (AB. M. b. "Ali b. Н, b. Wahb Warrāg) (d. 444 A.n.), 1 39, 43; 2 6,
Halabi), 1 35, 500, 578, 602; 2 12, 33, 131, 134, 135, 466, 470, 472; 3 257,
195, 224, 457; 3 250, 261 261, 262
Ātwī, 3 112 Azaji (Abü'l-Baqà' Hibatalläh b. Sadaqa)
Aurengzeb, 2 65, 66 (366), 1 462; 2 159, 478
Averroes — Ibn Rushd (365) Агай (Jabal al-Din "UA.) (d. 583 A.H.), 2
Avicenna = Ibn Sīnā (2118) 359
"Awāmirī (A.), 4 116 Azaji-Baladi (d. 492 A.H.), 2 466
Awārijī (Abū ‘Ali Hārūn b. ‘A. ‘Aziz al- *Azam (sultän), 1 219
Anbārī) (105), 1 lviii, 30, 154, 168, 294, A'zani (Ism.), 2 134
372, 387, 429, 430, 432, 433, 447-448, Azar (Aimé) (2023)
456, 462, 465, 486, 487, 490-493, 506, “Атат (Ibn Mustawdi* Batā'ihī) (339), 2
512, 513; 2 84, 101, 298, 455, 460, 486, 178, 179
491; 3 221, 246, 249, 261 *Azāz (Shaykh), 2 100, 177-179, 182
Awliyā” (Nizām) (1116), 1 623; 2 289 *Azāzīl = Satan, 3 98, 313, 314
Awliyā” "AG, 2 236 Azdi (A. "AA. Husayn b. M. b. Umar
‘Awn (b. "Alī), 1 229 (Hakim) Hammādī), 3 254, 262
Azdi (AA. b. A. b. Найт), 1 552 Bāburtī (Akmal M.), 4 43
Azdi (AA. b. Tahir), 1 193; 3 247, 261 Bachkam, 2 111, 112, 114, 115, 132
Azdi (A. Dulaf M. b. Muzaffar), 1 321 Ваа (d. 302 a.H.), 1 256, 279
Azdi (A. Umar), 1 434 Badā'ūnī AQ.) (1167)
Azdī (Abū'l-Oāsim), 1 268 Badawī, 2 108
Azdi (Alī b. Abin Muhallabi), 1 22 Badawi (A.), 1 40; 2 22, 448; 4 100
Azdī (‘Ataki), 1 175, 176 Badawi (‘AR.) (999-19), 1 1x; 2 320, 472;
Azdi (Ibr. b. Hammad), 1 150 4 96, 97
Azdi (Ism. b. Hammad), 1 150, 434 Badawi (H. b. ‘Ali b. Ibr.) (470)
Azdi (Jarir b. Häzim Jahdami), 1 435 Bädhän (Abü Salih), 1 300
Azdi (M. b. Hammād), 1 150 Badhī (A. Ma'ālī b. ‘AA.), 1 9; 2 464,
Azdi (Umar b. Hafs Muhallabi), 1 178 466
Azdi (Wahb), 1 435 Badi al-Zamān, see Hamadhānī
Azdi (Yf. b. Ya'gūb Hammādī), 1 150, Badr, 1 166, 252, 253, 256-258, 331-334,
434 395, 416, 422, 424, 437, 443; 2 110; 4 17
Azhari (d. 434 a.u.), 1 462; 2 472 Badr al-Din (d. 748 А.н.), 2 71
Azhari (‘Ali b. Sahl) (d. 307 A.n.), 1 168 Badre "Alam (Badr D.), 2 288
"Aziz (P.), 2 351; 3 339 Baethgen (1631), 4 81
"Azīzān (Khäja), 2 229 Baghawi (A. Hy. M. b. "Alī b. Hu-
*Azm (Jalal) (914) baysh), 1 500
"Azm (Kh.), 4 123 Baghawi (AQ. ‘AA. b. A.), 1 246, 437; 2
"Azrà'il (angel), 3 22, 160, 328, 330, 333 196, 204
Azraq (AB. b. Ya'qüb), 1 439 Baghawi (Hajj A. b. Sidi) (1326)
Azraq (AH. A. b. Yf.), 1 247, 248, 439, Baghdädi (Abd al-Latīf b. A. b. M. Hi-
458, 464; 2 488 batallah), 1 588
Azraq (UA. b. ‘AA. b. S. b. M.), 1 110 Baghdādī (A. ‘AA. A. b. ‘UA. Dabbās),
“Azza (Kuthayyir), 1 350 1 467
“Azzam CA. Wahhāb) (999-17); 2 364 Baghdadi (A. “Abbas M. b. Н. b. al-
"Azzat al-Maylā, 1 279 Khashshab Mukharrimi), 2 299; 3 256,
"Azzāwī ("Abbās) (999-01), 1 637; 2 22, 261
424, 425; 4 13, 28, 38, 116 Baghdādī (A. "Alī Н. b. M.), 1 99, 100
Baghdādī (AB. M. b. Sa‘dän Rāzī), 3
Bà Makrama (дайт of Aden, d. 903 A.H.), 247, 261, 262
3 263 Baghdädi (A. b. 'AA.) (833)
Ba'alawi, see “Aydariisi (shaykh) Baghdädi (A. Fatik b. Fätik), 1 583, 632
Baba (A. Qasim = Qutb), 2 174 Baghdādī (A. Hy. "Alī b. AB. b. "Alī), 2
Bābā (A. Shādābādhī), 2 185 464
Bäbä (Ahmad), 2 325, 235, 388 Baghdādī (A. ‘Umar "Alī b. Bashshàr b.
Bābā (Husayn), 2 185 Salmān), 1 89
Bābā (Kühi), 1 7; 2 26, 214, 461 Baghdädi (A. Wahhäb b. Nasr), 1 6
Bābā (M.), 2 228 Baghdādī (Abū Mansür ‘А. Oāhir b. Tā-
Bābā (Qayghüsuz) (1336E) hir) (201), 1 15, 39, 60, 115, 174, 183,
Bābā (Sa'd D.), 2 192 330, 369, 374, 459, 491, 513, 590; 2 40,
Bàbà (Sh. Mu'ammar Sa'd D.), 2 476 41, 56, 82, 102, 110, 128, 438, 442, 456;
Bäbak, 4 603; 2 355 3 18, 31, 40, 178, 183, 184, 188, 192,
Babili, 2 154 225, 257, 261
Babinger (F.) (1748), 4 72 Baghdādī (Abū'l-Oāsim [= Abü'l-Tàyi b.
Babu Nagendra Nath Vasu, 2 286 Abi’l-Fawaris] Faris b. “8а Dīnawarī)
(131), 1 16?, 35, 38, 40, 46, 76, 90, 95, Bajüli (AB.), 1 95
98, 133, 162, 177, 188, 225, 247, 291, Bājūrī (Ibr. b. M.) (915)
343, 477, 511, 521, 528, 564, 566, 572, Bāk (Mas'üde), see Mas'üdeh Bak
574, 579, 582, 596, 602, 620, 629; 2 4, Bakāhī, 1 537
8, 26, 57, 106, 118, 119, 136, 159, 184, Bākharzī, 1 17
197, 198-200, 204, 205, 211, 212, 214, Bakhīt (Sh.), 3 73
224, 393, 440, 456, 458, 459, 468, 470; Bakhsh (Subhān) (1412)
3 26, 27, 38, 54, 60, 90, 131, 145, 199, Bakhshi (Hasan b. 'AA.), 1 49
206, 213, 221, 246, 248, 259, 261, 266- Bakhshi (Malik Harawi) (1320)
269, 278, 281, 330, 349; 4 14 Bakhtiär (Sh. Qutb al-Din), 2 275
Baghdādī (Abū Tāhir ‘A. Wahid b. M.), Bakr, 1 69; 3 33, 112, 152, 155
1245 Bakrän (Abū ‘Ali Nizam b. "Alī), 2 149
Baghdādī (‘Ali b. Tarkan), 2 128 Bakri (A. b. Mh. Hy.), 1 78
Baghdädi (Fadl b. Ziyad), 1 89 Bakrī (AB.Zaynal Shams D.), 2 153, 163
Baghdādī (Ibn al-Dahhän), see Ibn al-Dah- Bakri (AH.), 3 287
hàn (358) Bakrī (AR. b. "AP, 2 212
Baghdādī (Ibn Yazulānyār AB. M. b. Hy. Bakrī (Abū Dāwūd Khalid b. Ibr.), 1 175
Ajurrī), 2 101 Bakri (H. b. M.), 2 472
Baghdädi (Khatib), see Khatib (250) Bakrī (Sāmiya), 2 472
Baghdadi (Lalā” Majd), 2 420 Bakrī (Shaykh Must. b. "Alī), (849)
Baghdādī (Majd D.) (1103), 1 130; 2 106, Bakrī (Siddiqi), 2 106
227 Bäküwi (A. ‘A. Sa'id Zadeh) (2025)
Baghdādī (Shäkir b. A.), 2 109, 110; 3 Bākūvī (A. Rashid b. Salih b. Nüri)
251, 261 (589), 2 214
Baghdādī (‘Umar b. 'AR), 2 130, 131; 3 Bākūwī (M. 'A.), 4 111
259, 261 Ba'labakkī (Nasrallah b. Ishāg), 1 611
Baghl, see Ibn Abi'l-Baghl Balabānī, 2 106; 3 38, 234
Baha’ Allah, 2 18 Baladhin (?), 1 179
Bahādur (Hamīdullāh) (2024) Balādhurī (A. b. Yahyā) (2025A), 1 165,
Bahbahānī (Agā M. "Alī b. Bāgir) (1219), 548
3 117, 193 Bal'ami (Abü'l-Fad] M. b. ‘AA.), 129,
Bahrām, 1 225, 275, 280, 288 31, 171, 174, 489, 511, 538, 638; 2 63,
Bahrānī (Sul. b. AA.) (1173), 2 37 96, 119, 197
Bahrayn, 3 240 Balanisī, 1 472, 594
Bāhurmuz (AR. b. ‘Umar Shībānī), 3 Baldensperger, 2 30
263 Baldick (R.), 1 xxiv
Bailey (H.), 1 xlii Balghithi, 1 270, 526
Bailloud (general), 2 15 Balt (Khalifat Süfiyahwi) (738)
Bā'igarā, see Baygarā” Bālim Sultàn, 2 64, 273
Bajalī (AB. b. Shādhān), see Rāzī (AB.) Bālīnās (Ps.), 1 106, 196, 198
Bajalī (AB. M. b. 'AA.), see Rāzī (AB.) Balkhī (amīr), 1 426
Bajali (A. Mas'üd A. b. M. b. ‘AA.), 2 Balkhi (AQ. ‘AA. b. A.), 1 1692, 245
208 Balkhī (AO. Nasr b. Sabbāh), 1 174, 308
Bajalī (‘Abd al-Ghaffar), see Urmawi (A. Balkhī (AS.), 2 56
Najīb) Balkhi (Abū Hāshim Masrūr), 1 36, 133,
Bajali (Jarir b. "AAA 1 279 147, 248, 367, 500, 578, 594, 595; 2 10,
Bajat (S.), 2 290 42, 443, 444
Bājirgī (M. b. "A. Rahim), 2 324 Balkhī (Abū Ma'shar), 1 213
Balkhi (Abü Zayd A. B. Sahl) (121), 1 384, 430, 448, 455, 460, 461, 470, 487,
lvii, 174, 245, 455, 456, 459, 518, 525; 2 491, 523, 629; 2 10, 12, 20, 38, 40-42,
38, 56, 487; 3 39, 40, 235 133, 136, 185, 197, 451; 3 15, 16, 19,
Balkhi (M. b. Mansür), 1 111 64, 65, 68, 80, 83, 90, 109, 120, 134,
Balkhi (M. Hallāj), 1 100 135, 141, 147, 158, 164, 174, 183, 190,
Balkht (Mh. Musa Haddādī), 1 174 198, 202, 358
Balkhī (Nasr b. Sabbāh), 1 249 Bāgir, 1 191, 311; 2 273, 274; 3 30, 134,
Balkhī (Shagīg), 1 169; 2 186; 3 67, 158, 188
211, 225, 227 Baglī (AM. Rūzbahān b. Abī Nasr Day-
Balkhi (Zayd), 1 498 lamī Fasawi) (380, 1091), 1 lvii, 4, 13,
Ballüti (Mundhir b. Sa'īd), 1 553 14, 15, 19-21, 38, 43, 47, 49, 52, 77, 80,
Balmugith, 1 101 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89-92, 95, 116, 121,
Balmugit, 1 101 123, 129, 133, 151, 168, 181, 188, 221,
Baltī (M. b. ‘A. Bāgī), 2 466 222, 273, 284, 285, 288, 289, 329, 343-
Balyānī (‘AA.), 2 227 345, 367, 371, 483, 491, 507, 508, 509,
Balyānī ('Afif Junayd Kāzerūnīya), 2 188 513, 521-523, 525, 527, 529, 542, 543,
Balyàni (Amin D. M. b. ‘Ali b. Mas'üd) 550, 559, 570, 573, 574, 602, 603, 609,
(474), 1 45; 2 186, 188, 189, 418; 3 254 621, 623, 628, 632, 635, 642, 643; 2 5,
Balyānī (Awhad D. (Abū) ‘AA. b. ‘Im- 6, 9, 26, 34, 65, 71, 79, 88, 93, 106,
тап D. Mas'üd), 2 188, 492? 109, 110, 115, 118, 128, 166, 175, 180,
Balyàni (M. b. Mas'üd), 2 29 185, 188, 189, 192, 199-202, 204, 205,
Balyāni (Said D. M. b. Mas'üd Käzer- 207-209, 213, 216, 224, 261, 266, 283,
ini) (d. 758 А.н.), 3 264 299, 302, 335, 340, 342-344, 348, 350-
Banäkati, 2 427 352, 387-395, 411, 444, 455, 456, 460,
Banbani (Sh. Kh.) (1205) 461, 478-483, 491; 3 7-9, 13, 17-19, 26,
Bandanījī (Safa’ D. 'Īsā) (1355), 1 229, 27, 31, 38, 39, 41, 44-46, 54, 60, 61, 63
370, 525; 2 106, 457 69, 73-75, 82, 90, 96, 102-104, 106,
Bandari (Fath D. ‘Ali) (425), 1 229 109, 114-119, 121, 124, 130, 132, 140,
Banījūrī (A. b. M.), 1 638 143, 145, 148, 160, 161, 163, 167, 168,
Banna’ (A.), 2 185 170, 182, 185, 189, 198-200, 202-204,
Bann?’ (M. b. ҮЕ), 1 80 207-209, 217, 224, 228-230, 232, 233,
Banna’ (Mu'ammal b. *AA.), 2 189 242, 247-251, 255, 256, 259, 261, 263,
Banna’ (‘Umar), 1 80 266-270, 274, 275, 277, 279-281, 285,
Bannānī (Fathallāh) (962) 291-293, 295, 297, 299-301, 303-305,
Bannward (Сі), 1 272 307-310, 314-316, 318, 327, 330-332,
Bantan, see Zeinal 334, 335, 345, 347, 348, 357-359; 4 xv,
Banyānī, 2 470 3, 11
Baptist, see Saint John the Baptist Baqli (Ahmad), 2 388, 389
Baqadäriya (‘Ajiba), 1 42, 45, 629; 2 70, Baqh (Shaykh "Abd al-Walī), 1 105
461, 467 Baglī (T. O.), 2 444
Bāgarhī (A. Ishäq Ibr. b. Makhlad), 2 160; Baggāl (AQ.), 3 260
3 254 Baggāl (Khadir b. Fadl), 3 260
Bagarī Ansari CA. Rahim Abū'l-Atā') Ba'qübi (‘Ali b. Idris), 2 176
(2026) Bar Hebraeus (Abü'l-Faraj Yuhannā) (472,
Bagatāī (AA. Hy. b. Ain, 1 310, 389, 1426), 1 162, 259, 408
420; 2 121, 489 Barabbas, 1 576
Bāgillānī (AB. M.) (165), 1 lii, 39, 52, Barada' (Abū Said A. b. Hy.), 1 247
145, 154, 160, 161, 271, 295, 345, 374, Baradānī (A. Fath M. b. Yahyā b. Mara-
hib b. Isra'il) (d. 583 А.н.), 1 41; 2 8, Bagli Daylami), see Bagli (Abü M. Rüz-
159, 471, 472, 474 bahän)
Baradani (Abū "ab (d. 498 А.н.), 2 477 Basāsīrī (Abū'l-Hārith Arslan), 1 40, 559;
Baradhāī (AN.), 2 128, 129 2 21, 139, 140-143, 154-157
Baradī (M. b. Nāsir b. M.), 3 146 Bashbīshī (A.), 1 48; 2 65
Barakāt, 2 49 Bashir (M.P.), 1 196
Barannīya, 1 316, 325 Bashshàr (Ibn Burd), 1 22, 303, 382, 392;
Bārastaghūn, 2 139 2 355; 3 240, 259, 308
Barbahārī (H. b. "Alī), 1 63, 71, 203, 228, Basilidus, 1 594
230, 247, 249, 330, 389, 427, 465, 467, Basir (Quraysh), 2 468
518, 526, 527, 629; 2 10, 112; 3 58, 98 Basri (d. 341 A.H.), 1 320
Barbièr de Meynard (1625), 1 358, 586; 2 Basri (A. ‘AA. Hy. b. 'Ali), 2 125
435; 3 343 Basri (A. ‘AA. M. b. A. b. Salim), 1 71
Barchüq, 1 186 Basrī (AB. M. b. Тау b. M. b. al-Bāgil-
Bardekai (Cemal), 2 327 lani), 3 256, 261
Barghash, 2 423 Basrī (A. Hy. "Alī b. Ibr. Husrī), 1 84,
Bari, 3 122 277, 582; 2 130, 158, 440; 3 71, 72, 74,
Bārid (A. Faraj M. b. 'UA.), 1 85 75, 83, 134, 138, 252, 261
Baridi (fiscal pirate), 1 409 Basrī (AM.) = Shu'ayb (d. 618 A.H.), 1
Baridi (A. b. M.), 1 148 100
Baridi (AQ. ‘AA b. A. b. M.), 1 141, Basrī (AM. b. Zak. Ghullābī; d. 285
150; 2 113 A.H.), 1 548, 549
Barīdī (Abū Yūsuf Ya'gūb), 1 150, 401, Basti (A. ‘Umar Hujaymī), see Ibn "Atā"
468 Basrī (A. Ya'qüb), see Karnabāī
Barīdī (Ali), 2 111, 112 Basrī (A. Yg. Yf.), see Najīramī
Barīdī (M.), 1 400 Basti (‘Abd al-Samad Mu'adhdhal), 3 343
Baridiya (Sara), 2 115 Basrī (‘Abd al-Wahid b. Zayd), 1 108
Bārīstughān, 2 140 Basrī (Aqil b. "Alī), 1 245
Bārizī (‘Ali b. Ya'gūb) (536) Basri (Dabbäs), see Basri (M. b. 'AA.)
Barjasī (Taj al-‘Arifin Kākīs) = Sayyidi Basri (Hasan b. Abi'l-Hasan Yasär), 1 lv,
Abü'l-Wafa', 2 448 22, 62, 65, 68, 72, 150, 152, 191, 244,
Barkawi, 3 211 318, 329, 380, 383, 449, 473, 498, 517,
Barmakī (A.), 1 204; 2 20 523, 541, 542, 544, 546, 548-551, 579,
Barmaki (Ibr. b. "Umar), 2 169, 466 612, 626; 2 67, 68, 90, 98, 107, 172,
Barmakī (Jahza), 1 256; 2 126 310; 3 5, 6, 8, 14, 16-18, 22, 23, 30, 32,
Bargī (A. b. ‘AA.), 1311 36, 37, 40, 49, 67, 90, 92, 106-109, 111,
Bargiyānī (Mansūr), 2 413 113, 114, 118, 119, 147, 149, 152-156,
Bargiyārug, 2 162 160, 163, 166, 176, 177, 189-191, 193,
Barrčs (A. Maurice) (1728A, 2027), 1 288 202, 205-207, 210-212, 223, 226, 228,
Barrett (J. D.), 1 xxxii, 1xii 240, 264, 282, 283, 296, 307, 313, 331
Bars (Henri), 2 313 Basrī (Ibn Ya'qüb Aqta“ Karnabā'ī), 1
Barsbäy (Ashraf), 2 250 141; 3 252
Barthélemy, see d'Herbelot (1540) Basrī (M. b. ‘AA.), 1 29
Barthold (V. V.), 1 186-188; 2 175, 239; 4 Basrī (M. ‘Umar b. Wāsil ‘Anbart), 1 71
106 Basri (Makärim b. Khalil), 2 177
Bārūgī (Sibghatalläh b. Rūhallāh b. Jamal Basrī (Zak. b. Yahyā b. Khallād Sājī), 2
Allāh), 1 47; 2 278 114
Ваѕа? (Abū M. Rüzbahän b. Abi Nasr Basset (H.), 4 95

Basset (R.), 2 339; 4 95 Baydāwī (Mūsā b. Abi Dharr), 1 56, 57,

Bastūmī (Umar), 1 172 62
Batā'ihī (AA.), 4 24 Baydāwī (Nasr D.), 1 56
Batā'ihī (Ibn Ma'mün) (364) Baydāwī (Nizàm d. ‘Abd al-Karim), 2
Batā'ihī (Ibn Mustawdi^), see “Aziz (33) 190
Batā'ihī (Mansür), 2 49, 50; 3 251 Baydawi (Shaykh Rukn D. ‘AA. b. М.),
Batalyüsi (Ibn Sid), 3 93, 100, 276, 332 2 29, 30
Batanüni (Маг D. "Alī) (677), 1 220, 273; Baydawi (Shihab al-Din A. b. M. b. A.
2 51, 88 b. F. b. M. A. b. Z.), 3 262
Battāh (M.), 2 185 Baydäwi (Zayn D. ‘A. Samad b. Najm
Battāh (Yf.), 2 185 D. ‘AR b. Rukn D. ‘AA. b. Shihāb
Battānī (M. al-Husni) (2029), 1 lii, lvi, D. A.), 1 45; 2 188, 189; 3 262
210, 212-215, 445, 492 Bayezid II, 2 64
Baudelair (C.), 2 318 Bàyezid (Abū Tayfür al-Bistāmī), 2 64,
Bawardi (M. b. Sa'īd), 2 298; 3 40 72, 167, 234, 235, 241, 242, 295, 373,
Bày (qädi), 1 162 377, 378, 381, 382, 384, 404; 3 297
Bayabangi, see Simnānī (°Al3”1-Dawla) Bayhagī (AB. A. b. H.), 1 357, 529; 2
(522) 201, 211; 3 294
Bayakbakk, 1 446 Bayle, 2 434; 3 73; 3 73; 4 83
Bayān, 1 251 Bāygarā' (Abū'l-Ghāzī Hy. b. Mansūr)
Bayānī (M.), 4 58 (1157), 1 47, 51, 522, 634; 2 37, 43, 63,
Bayātī (A.W.), 4 128 168, 362, 388
Baybars (Rukn D. Mansūrī) (510), 1 44, Bayram (Haci), 2 493
620; 2 64, 68, 310, 323, 448 Baysānī (Ahmad), 2 71
Baydäwi (d. 716 д.н.), 2 426 Bayzānī (‘AR.), 2 463
Baydäwi (AA.), 1 45 Bayzānī (Baha’l-Din A.), 2 463
Baydäwi (A. ‘AA. M. b. ‘AA.; d. 362 Bayzānī (H. b. "Alī), 2 463
A.H.), 1 162; 2 13, 204 Bazali = Кал (M. b. ‘AA. ibn Shā-
Baydāwī (A. AA. M. b. ‘AN: d. 474 dhānī), 1 85
A.H.), 1 377 Bazawfari (Hy.), 1 531
Baydawi (A. Azhar A. Wahid b. Hayyän Bazawfari (M. b. "Alī), 1 531
Istakhri), 2 128, 189 Bazīgh, 3 169
Baydäwi (AB. Bulbul), 1 55 Bazyār (Abū "Alī A. b. Nasr b. Hy.), 1
Baydawi (A. Fath Nasr b. Khalifa b. A.), 515
2 185, 189 Bazzar, see Razzaz (A. "Abbās)
Baydawi (AN. b. Oāsim), 1 52; 2 149; 3 Bāzzār (A. Qasim), 1 90
46, 252, 253, 261, 294 Bazzàr (M.), see Hamadhàni (A. Mansür)
Baydäwi (A. Oāsim), 1 567; 2 39 Bazzāz (AB. A. b. M. b. A. ibn Ham-
Baydawi (‘Abd al-Karim b. ‘A. Samad), düya), 2 135
145 Bazzaz (Ibr. b. Ja'far b. Abr']-Kiràm), 1
Baydāwī (Abd al-Salàm), 2 189 590; 3 254, 294
Baydāwī (Ahmad b. A. Fath b. “Аѕіт), 3 Bazzàz (Khalaf), 1 59
247, 261, 310 Bazzaz (M. b. "Isà), 2 128, 469, 470
Baydawi (‘Ali b. Hy. Kurdi), 2 189 Bazzāz (Umar), 2 357, 360; 4 23
Baydāwī (Ibn ‘Umar), 2 29 Beale (Thomas William) (1628)
Baydawi (Khurrazadh b. Fīrūz), 1 58, 65, Beaurecueil, 4 114
104, 160; 3 250, 261 Beaussier (M.) (2030), 1 617; 2 31
Baydäwi (M.), 2 192 Becker (Carl) (1732), 1 233
Beckford, 3 116 Bint Abī Muslim (Fātima), 1 183
Bedjan, 4 81 Bint Ahmad (Rabi'a), 2 425
Béguin (Albert) (2023), 1 Ixii, Ixix Bint Badr (Hurra), 1 395
Behram, 2 90 Bint Caghrī Dāwūd (Khadīja Arslän), 2
Behzädh, see Sīrāfī (A. Said) 162
Behzāsh, 1 51 Bint Hasan (Fulāna), 1 442
Bejkem, 1 37, 208 Bint Hasan (Maryam), 1 442
Bektäsh, 2 255 Bint Ibn Fadlawayh (Fātima), 2 135
Bell (G. L.) (1717), 1 347 Bint Ibn Jānakhsh, 2 113
Ben Cheneb (2033), 2 329; 3 234; 4 111 Bint 'Īsā (Khātūn Jalālīya), 2 162
Ben David (M.), 2 99 Bint Kamil (‘Ayisha), 2 474, 477
Ben Joseph (M.), 2 99 Bint Makhlad (Maryam bt. H.), 1 253
Benefshah, 2 22 Bint Mansür (Hannüna), 3 249
Benincasa (Orsola), 3 47 Bint al-Nafis (Ajam), 2 39
Bennani (M.), 1 Ix Bint Qadrkhän I (Shah Khätün), 2 162
Berger, (G.), 4 99 Bint Sa'd (Maymüna), 1 122
Bergson, (H.), 2 313, 429 Bint Sulaymän (Zaynab b. "Alī), 1 406
Bergsträsser, 3 232 Bint ‘Umays (Asmā'), 1 279
Berkévi, 3 212 Bint “Uqba, see Umm Kulthūm
Bernand (Mme Étienne), 1 xlviii Bint Zayd (Maryam), 1 310
Bernard (S.), 1 304 Bintara Tranggäna Il, 2 291
Berthelot, 3 353 Віда“ (Burhan D. Ibr.) (661), 2 39, 40,
Berthels (E.) (1770), 1 7; 2 215 314, 336; 3 73, 203; 4 21
Berthier, 2 321 Birge (J. K.) (1797), 1 620, 621; 2 75, 272;
Bērūnī, see Birüni (190) 4119
Besmé (Sultan), 2 65 Birgeli, (Shaykh), 1 474
Bevan, 3 294 Birinkàni (M. b. A. b. Sahl), 1 57, 150
Beyhüm (Nouhad b. Noureddin), 2 445 Bīrūni (Abū'l-Rayhān M. b. A.) (190), 15,
Beyries (J.) (2034) 141, 164, 170, 174, 179, 180, 195, 200,
Bhagavan-Das (1811) 204, 209, 210, 251, 254, 321, 328, 385,
Bhandar (Maij), 2 328 400, 409, 411, 464, 491, 513; 2 17, 56,
Bharatachandra, 2 286 74, 79, 276, 409, 455, 459, 492; 3 38,
Bharūcī (Sibghatallah), 2 335 122, 131, 145, 197, 270, 271, 273, 275,
Bhattacharya (J.N.), 1 181 289, 359; 4 98
Bīdil (AQ. b. "A. Khaliq) (2031), 1 632 Birzālī (d. 636 A.n.), 2 478 `
Bidlīsī (Abü'I-Fadl Mahmūd b. Idris) Birzanji (Ja'far b. Н. b. ‘A. Karim) (851)
(1339) Birzati (d. 739 A.H.), 2 67
Bihbihānī, 1 317, 513; 2 492 Bishr, see Ibn Mu'tamir
Bihdibāk, 2 16 Bishr b. Hasan (А. Sa'd), 1 58; 2 183
Bijapūr (Gūgīde), 2 276 Bishri (Muwaffaq), 1 172
Bilāl, 1 21, 204 Bisri, see Sijzi (A. Hy.)
Bilālī (Abū Tāhir), 1 307; 2 17 Bistämi (AH.), 2 161
Bilgā (Alp Qutlugh Kulūg), 1 185 Bistāmī (AR. b. M.) (634, 2028), 1 5, 7,
Bilgāgaghān, 1 184 56, 77, 79, 86, 109, 121, 126, 137, 150,
Bilgramī (Sayyid M. Murtadā), 1 49 271, 274, 280, 287, 292, 554; 2 5, 35,
Bīlgūsī ((AA.), 2 129 37, 60, 94, 96, 101, 108, 127, 128, 130,
Bint ‘Abbas (Umm Mūsā), see Hāshimīya 194, 203, 213-216, 224, 270, 345, 357-
Bint “Abd Allāh (Bülbül), 2 463 359, 399, 414, 440, 480, 481; 3 9, 13,
Bistāmī (AR. b. M.) (cont.) Brouwer, 2 81, 82
17-19, 44, 47-49, 58, 61, 108, 116, 163, Brown (J.P.) (2038), 1 104; 2 76, 273; 4
164, 166, 168, 180, 200, 204, 209, 211, 104
212, 225, 232, 240, 284, 296, 297, 300, Browne (E.G.) (1673), 1 67, 165, 181,
301, 319, 322, 323, 338, 352, 357; 4 57, 453, 587; 2 28; 3 196, 348, 359, 360; 4
58, 124 63, 90, 95, 113
Bistämi (Abü Yazid), 1 384; 2 176, 228, Bruno de J.-M. (1780), 2 436
292, 293, 295, 415; 3 38, 39 Brunot (F.), 1 xxii
Bistāmī (Bāyezīd), see Bāyezīd Bruns (1559), 4 81
Bistāmī (M. b. Hy.), 2 69 Brunschvig (R.) (2039), 1 292, 578; 2 321,
Bistāmī (Umar), 2 69 322; 3 63
Bītār (M.), 3 195 Buber (M.) (1774)
Bitāwarī (Mawlā A. Allāh) (928), 2 53 Bughrā Sali Tutūg, 1 186
Blachère (R.) (2035), 1 447; 2 215; 3 254 Bughrā Satūg Khān, 1 186
Blochet (E.) (1670), 1 183; 2 185, 427, Buhlū! (Sh. al-Sh.) (1158A), 3 354
463; 3 289, 359, 360, 4 71 Buhturī (2040), 1 60, 167, 256, 258, 260,
Blochmann (H.) (2036), 2 288 264, 310, 441, 442, 443, 446; 2 124; 3
Blondel (M.) (1772A), 2 429 344
Bloy, (Léon), 1 lxii, Ixix, 608; 4 111 Bukayr, 1 251
Boethor, 1 617 Bukhārī (A.), see Muzanī (AM. A.)
Bogdanov, 2 267 Bukhārī (A. ‘AA. b. 'AR.) (680), 1 3,
Bonang (S.), 2 290, 291 633
Boneschi (P.), 1 420 Bukhārī (A. ‘AA. M. b. Ism. Ju'fi), 1 72,
Bonjean (F. J.) (1767) 87, 117, 301, 523, 524, 529; 2 392, 113,
Bosco (Don Giovanni), 1 182 175, 191, 219; 3 9, 43, 95, 105, 143,
Bosnali (Hamza Bālī), 2 260 166, 195, 200, 205, 208, 222, 223, 226,
Bosguet (G. H.) (2037A) 231, 295, 314, 332
Botticelli, 1 585 Bukhārī (A. “Abbas A. b. Hy. b. Ur-
Boucaud (1758A) wān), 3 257
Boullan, 1 xxvi Bukhārī (Abū Ibr. Ism.) (2041)
Bouvat (L.) (1726) Bukhārī (Abü'l-Yumn Mas'üd b. M.)
Bowen (H.) (1778), 1 398, 407, 409, 472, (270)
490 Bukhārī ('Alà' D. M.) (523)
Brahma, 2 287 Bukhäri (Gharib), 2 451
Brandenbourg, 1 587
Bukhārī (Jalāl) (1136C), 2 275, 284
Bukhäri (Khalaf b. M; d. 361 A.H.), 2 216
Braune (W.), 2 360
Bukhārī (M. Islām Jawbyadī), 2 190
Brianchon, 3 173
Bukhārī (Saläh b. Mub.) (1136A)
Bricteux (A.) (1718) Bukhārī (Sh. Sul.) (1388A)
Brockelmann (C.) (1652), 1 81, 98, 439, Bukhäri (Takin), 1 147
445, 472, 499, 503, 515, 525, 526; 2 Bukhtnasar = Nebuchadnezzar, 1 205,
208, 293, 314, 323, 341, 431, 432; 3 73, 211
89, 246; 4 xv, xvii, 11, 13, 19, 21, 26, Bukhtyeshü' (Jibra'il), 1 145; 3 16
27, 34, 35, 41, 42, 49, 64, 109-114, 116- Buktamiri (Wasif), 1 536
127 Buktamür (d. 265 А.н.), 1 162
Brockhaus (F. A.) (1672), 2 434 Bülbül (AB. A. b. M. Ibn Bunhür), 2
Brockway (W.), 1 xlii 186, 189
Bronzino, 1 596 Bulqini (Siraj al-Din “Umar b. R.) (593),
Brooke (E. W.), 481 1 45; 2 37, 38, 39, 51
Bulgīnī (Sirāj Sālih), 2 180 Cabaton (A.) (1737)
Bunān, 1 617; 2 25 Caesar, 1 328; 2 281
Bunānī (Thābit), 1 290, 541; 3 90, 166, Caetani, 2 362; 3 186, 260
211, 313 Cahen (C1.), 4 125
Bunayy, 1 257, 399, 400, 402, 413, 425, Cakmak (Fevzi), 2 264
483 Cakyamüni, see Sakyamüni
Bundār (A. Hy. b. Hy. Shīrāzī), 1 17, 38, Callerghis (H. Grégoire), 1 425. See also
82, 85, 249, 507, 578, 606, 610; 2 10, Grégoire (H.)
101, 103, 184, 201, 344, 390, 443; 3 Callistus, 3 151
248, 262, 324 Campbell (J. M.), 1 178
Bundārī (Fath D. "Alī) (425), 1 229; 2 161 Canard (M.), 1 429
Bani (Abū'l-"Abbās) (405), 2 31, 181, Cankarawarma, see Shankaraveda
315; 3 354 Cardan, 1 210, 214; 2 73
Bunsen (Victoria de) (1712) Carlyle, 1 Ixv; 3 175
Bunz (H.), 4 56 Casanova (P.) (1749), 3 95, 320, 355
Burān, 1 536 Case (M.), 1 xlii
Burānī (Abū Hātim), 1 61 Casiri, 4 22
Burāgī Najafī (2042), 1 120 Caslant (E.), 1 210, 213, 214
Burāthī (Abū Shu'ayb Oallāl), 3 169 Cassian, 3 33
Burhānī (Nar D. "Ain (681), 3 225 Castries (H. de) (1769), 4 126
Burhānpūrī (M. b. Fadlallāh al-Hindī) Cato, 2 323
(2043) Gelebi, see Tchelebi
Burjulānī, 1 579; 3 200 Cemal (‘Usman Bey), 2 25
Burjūmī, 2 141 Cerulli (2045)
Burgānī (AB), 2 457, 472 Chaitanya Deva (d. 1534 A.p.), 2 288
Burrill (K.), 4 72 Chakravarti (Sahadeva), 2 287
Bursalī (Mehmet Tāhir Bey) (1371), 1 lix; Chand (Fakir), 2 286
2 22, 32, 39, 258, 259, 261, 263, 265, Chandbibi, 2 286, 328
360; 3 265; 4 29 Chardin (P. Teilhard de), 1 xxxii, 203,
Burton (R.), 3 239 236
Burūjirdī (Yūsuf Hamadhānī), 2 231 Charles VII, 1 191
Burya (Ibr.), 1 149 Chasles, 3 173
Būshanjī (AH.), 1 90, 635; 2 10, 69, 197, Chátelier (Henry de), 1 xxx
205 Chatterji (S. K.) (1813), 1 1x
Bushrā, 1 255 Chaufepié (J. С.) (1548), 2 434
Bushtīrī, see Kīlānī (Muhyī D. ‘AQ.) Chauvin (Victor) (1630), 4 86
(341) Chavannes, 1 184, 185
Būsīrī (Sharaf D. M. b. Sa'īd) (456), 3 Chayyug (Jehuda), 3 80
345 Chehab (L.), 2 342, 445; 4 33
Busrī (A. b. M.), 1 110 Cheïkho (Louis) (1727), 1 354, 474; 3 16,
Busrī (‘Ali b. A.), 1 627 37, 42; 4 xvii, 28
Bustānī (Butrus) (940), 1 124; 2 129 Cherbonneau, 3 203, 226, 331
Bustī, see Magdisī (Mut. b. Tāhir) (150) Chéribon, 2 348
Buthayna (Jamīl), 1 349, 350, 351; 2 304 Chesterton (G. K.), 3 302
Būya (A. Hy.), 1 487 Chhuti Khàn, 2 288
Buzghush (‘AR.), 2 188 Chidiac, 4 21
Buzghush (Najib D. "Ab, 2 188, 388 Chishti (AH.)-Cishti, 1 579, 623; 2 219,
Buzy, 3 47 224, 462; 3 254, 257, 261
Bylgani (AA.), 2 128 Chishti (Burhän), 4 69

Chishtī (Mawdüd), 2 108 Dabbi (Abü Mu'add Nizàr b. M.; d. 317

Chishtī (Mu'īn), 2 328 A.H.), 1 150, 417, 441
Choban, see Ģoban Dabbi (Hārūn b. M.; d. 335 A.H.), 1 499
Chol (Isma‘il Bey) (2047), 1 624; 2 351, Dabbi (M.), see Shīrāzī (A. AA.) (141)
447 Dabbī (M. b. ‘Abbas “Usmi; d. 270
Chorel, 1 154 A.H.), 1 87
Chosroes, 2 256 Dabbiya (mother of Ibn Khafif), 1 506
Christ, see Jesus Dabbüsi (A. Nün), 2 474
Christensen, 1 142 Dabili (Abū Mūsā), 2 5
Chrysippius, 3 73 Dagnan (J.), 1 Ix
Claudel (P.), 1 xx, xxv, xxxii al-Dahhäk, 2 344
Clemceau, 1 xxx Dajjānī (A. Qushäshi), 2 8, 278
Clerment-Ganneau, 1 122; 3 283 Da'laj, 1 37, 90, 172, 399, 628; 2 197
Cloquet, 2 73 Dalji (Shams D. A. b. "Alī) (731, 879), 2
Coban (emir), 2 421 44
Codera, 4 16 Dalwān (AA. b. *Ali), 1 427
Codrington (O.) (2048), 1 327 Dalwayh (AA. b. A.), 1 501
Colas, 2 332; 4 49 Dämäd (amir) (805), 2 17, 40, 345, 492; 3
Colin (С. S.), 2 32, 311, 324, 420 ` 118, 279
Constantine VII, 1 476 Dämäd ‘Ali (Shahid), 1 49; 2 261
Constantine Ducas, 1 474, 477, 631, 645 Dāmādzāde (Mullā Murād), 1 49; 2 261,
Copernicus, 3 92 266, 481
Coquerel (Mme.), 1 xlviii Dameghānī (M.) (1132A), 2 136, 147,
Corbin (Henry) (1802), 1 1x; 2 325, 415, 149, 152, 457
436; 4 27, 58, 115, 128, 129 Damīrī (Kamāl D. M.) (583), 1 45, 119,
Cordier (Jacques), 1 635 370
Cour (M.), 4 4 Damīrī (Muhyī D. ‘Abd al-Rahīm b. A.
Court, 4 84 Mun'im b. Khalaf), 2 5, 14, 185, 299,
Cousens (Henry) (2049), 2 278, 280 306, 344; 3 260
Cowley, 3 360 Damrī (Amr b. Umayya), 1 621; 2 93
Cowser (M.) (1720), 1 178 Damsté (M.T.), 1 643
Crane (M.), 1 xliii Dānā (Buhlūl), 2 15
Cutler (A. H.), 1 xx Dani (Baqi), 2 11, 455
Cypr. Rice (1782B) Daniel (the Prophet), 1 468
Cyrus, 2 90 Dānīyālī, 1 438, 462
Danon (Abr.) (1743)
Dabā" (shaykh), 1 lviii Dansaert-Testelin (M.), 1 xxviii
Dabā‘ (AB. b. Ishäq), 1 172 Dante, 2 401, 404, 412; 3 164, 165, 325,
Dabbagh (А. ‘Aziz b. Mas'üd), 2 332 337
Dabbās (M. b. 'AR.), 1 lviii, 429, 432, Dantzig (Tobias) (2050), 2 410, 411
462, 467, 469, 486, 487, 493, 512; 2 84, Dānyāl (nabi), 2 24
101, 465, 489, 490; 3 221 Daggāg (Abū ‘AH Hasan b. "Alī), 1 617,
Dabbi (дай; d. 398 А.н.), 2 136 636; 2 29, 104, 106, 185, 187, 188, 206,
Dabbi (AB. M. b. Khalaf Wakī' b. 216, 222; 3 168?, 199, 225, 227, 254; 4
Hayyän b. Sadaqa) (2244), 1 68, 169, ` 57
246, 416, 435, 473-475, 477, 524; 2 364, Daqqàq (M. b. ‘Abd al-Wāhid), 2 465
487; 3 29, 30, 114, 206 Dārā (M. Shiküh b. Shäh Jihān) (1185), 1
Dabbi (‘Abbäs), see Dhuhli 48; 2 37, 65; 3 199, 275
Darabjirdi (AQ.), 2 387 Dāwūd Ģelebi, 2 24
Darago (R.N.), 4 75 Dāwūd Pāshā, 2 70
Dārānī, 1 92; 3 8, 56, 164, 166, 169, 184, Dāwūdī (AR. b. M.), 2216
198, 206-208, 232, 314 Dawwānī (Jalāl D.) (1156), 2 39, 40, 66,
Dāragutnī (H.), 1 58, 102, 244, 440; 2 93 295; 3 20, 350, 358
Dāraguzzī (Sa'id), 2 466 Daya (Abdallah Tchelebi Najm), 1 566,
Darguzini (Qiwäm), 2 167 572, 634; 2 336; 4 27
Dārī (AM. Rajab b. Mansür), 2 361 Dayf (Ahmad) (1767), 2 431; 3 341
Dārikī (Abd al-' Aziz), 1 26, 123, 172, Daylam (physician), 1 146
370, 371, 377; 2 149 Daylam (Dāwūd), 1 146
Dārimī, 1 151, 523; 3 182 Daylamī (A. Hy. Khudādūst b. Isfah-
Darimi (‘Uthmin b. Said), 3 129 bādh), 3 358, 361
Darīnī (Mhd.) (999-05) Daylamī (Abü'l-Hasan "Alī b. M.) (175),
Darīr (Abū M.), see Ibn ‘Ayyäsh 1 lvii, lviii, lix, 18, 19, 21, 38, 56, 82,
Darīr (Ibr.), 1 359 84, 94, 95, 109, 116, 121, 168, 181, 311,
Dar (Isma), see Hiri (A. AR.) 344, 348, 357, 366, 367, 459, 472, 507,
Darir (Sa'id b. 'AA.), 1 244 521, 523, 524, 563, 565, 632, 636; 2
Darmesteter, 1 381 110, 184, 185, 187, 188, 224, 317, 318,
Darqàwa, 2 419 390, 409, 439, 441, 443, 460, 461, 462,
Darräj (A. Hy.), 2 460 482, 491; 3 102, 246, 249, 252, 254,
Därü (prince), 3 267 257, 261, 273
Darwish (M. Efendi Kamal 'Abālī) (1337) Daylamī (Abū Tāhir Ispehdüst b. M. b.
Darwiza (Akhund Ningarhari) (1285) Asfār), 2 114; 3 250, 261
Dashnawi (Jalal al-Din), 2 304, 305 Daylami ((Asfar), 1 396
Dāsitānī (Abū "AA.), 2 228 Daylami ((Ibn Ghalib), 2 6
Dastanbüya, 1 399 Daylami (Laylī), 1 171, 559
Dasūgī (Ibr. b. Abi'l-Majd b. Quraysh) Daylami ((M. b. Wanbān), 2 143
(468), 1 287 Daylamī ((Wasif Ката), 1 427
Datta (Akshoy Kumar), 1 181 Daylami (Ruzbahān), see Baqli (380, 1091)
Davenport (R. A.), 4 124 Dayrānī (Fadl b. Yahyā), 1 443 WA
David, 2 256; 3 143, 144, 198, 354 Dede (‘Ali Sa'd al-Din) (2052), 2 168; 3
David II (prince), 1 576; 2 65, 476 162, 308
Davis (Hadland) (1690), 1 181 Dede (Ghälib) (1361A), 2 258
Dawātī (Abū 'Imràn Sīmjūr), 2 205 Dede (Mas'üd), 2 476
Dāwdādh, 1 495 Dede (M. Esrär) (1362), 2 258
Dawlabi (‘Abd al-'Aziz), 1 100, 246, 428 Dedekind, 2 411
Dawlābī (‘Al b. "A. "Aach, 1 409, 475 Dedering, 1 54, 167, 196; 2 131, 247; 3
Dawlatshāh (2051), 1 453; 2 66 250, 254; 4 110, 121
Dawragī (Alī b. Mahzyār), 1 307 De Goeje (M. J.) (1650), 1 15, 100, 180,
Dawragī (Maysara b. “Abd Rabbihī), 3 59 271, 372, 466, 502, 503, 561, 610; 2
Dawson (C.) (1785A) 444, 485; 3 196, 197, 220; 4 xvii, 8, 11,
Dāwūd, 2 144; 3 5, 36, 78, 85, 95, 139, 13, 14, 22, 27
182, 184, 224 Degrand (J.A.T.) (2053), 2 434
Dāwūd (brother of Saffāh), 2 99 Dehdeh (АШ), 3 162
Dawid (AQ. ‘AA. b. Alī), 1 246 Deif (Ahmad), see Dayf
Dawid (M. b. Отаг), 2 465 DeJong, 1 100, 123; 4 17
Dāwūd (Zubayda Khātūn bt. Yāgūtī b. De la Croix de Castries (J. F.) (1556)
Chagrī), 2 162 De la Fontaine (Jean), 3 352
Delahaye, 1 Ixvi, Ixvii Dhuhli (A. b. ‘АА.), 1 60, 150
Della Vida, see Levi della Vida Dhuhlī (AT. M. b. A. b. Bujayr), 1 150,
Demaj, 1 624 498; 2 296
De Massy (Robert), 1 233, 234 Dhuhli (‘Abbas b. A. 'Usmi Dabbi), 1
Demiéville (Paul) (2054), 2 75 85; 2 63
Demirdāsh (M.), 2 263 Dhuhii (Khalid b. A. Bakr), 1 87
Democrites, 2 75, 76, 78; 3 353 Dhuhli (M. b. ‘Abbäs), 2 4
Demorgny (2055), 1 53, 56 Dhuhli (Mugātil Yahyā b. M.), 1 171
Deny (J.), 1 lx, 183, 188, 621, 623; 2 32, Dhuhli (Umar), 1 498
72, 94, 239, 256, 258, 259, 274; 4 78, 79 Dhukā, 1 257
Denys II, 1 254 Dhü'l-Nün, see Misrī
Denzinger (H.), 1 272; 2 322; 3 324 Dhü'l-Qarnayn, 1 205, 210, 213, 214, 643;
Depont (O.) (1668) 2 313, 420, 479
Derenbourg (H.) (1646), 1 liii, 101; 4 33, Dhü'l-Rumma, 3 259
94, 101 Dhü Shara, 3 161
Derguzini (M.), 2 192 Di'bil, 2 124
Dermenghem (E.) (1806), 2 434; 3 308; 4 Didär (1407)
99 Didda, 1 179
Derqäwi (Ibn Ziyàn), 2 348 Dieter, 1 104
Descartes, 1 373; 3 16, 51, 60, 322 Dihlawi (A. Habib), 2 191
Desmaisons (J.J.P.) (2056), 1 476, 613, Dihlawī (Ghulām ‘Ali Shāh), 2 284
616; 2 76, 351; 3 290 Dihlawi (Wali), 2 278
Devdādh or Dewdādh (Abü'l-Sàj), 1 17, Dihgān (Urwa b. Yahya), 1 307
489, 537, 538, 558 Dihya, 1 279; 2 34, 303
Devejī ((Uthmān), 2 24 Dimishgī (A. Hy. b. M. b. Tallab), 3 264
De Witt (N.), 4 99 Dimishgī (A. Shakir Abü'l-Safa") (850)
Dhahabī (Mizra A. Oāsim Bābā al-Outb) Dimishgī (AT. Ibr. b. Shaybān Nufaylī),
(791A), 2 101 2 213
Dhahabī (Qutb D. Niziri), 2 194, 492 Dimishgī (Abd al-Wahhab), 2 467
Dhahabī (Shams al-Dīn Abū AA. M. b. Dimishgī (Abū "Am, 1 151, 574; 2 203,
À. Turkumānī) (530), 1 4, 12, 13, 19, 217; 3 27, 169, 272, 290, 345
45, 72, 85, 89, 93, 98, 100, 105, 110, Dimishgī (Abū'l-Mahāsin ‘Umar b. ‘Ali
112, 115, 123, 153, 154, 167, 169, 171, b. Khadir Ourashī), 1 9
199, 312, 315, 320, 374, 391, 401, 420, Dimishgī (Abū Shama "AR. b. Ism.) [see
422, 428, 429, 447, 462, 472, 486, 507, also Abū Shama], 2 67
521, 524, 574, 619, 622, 638; 2 10, 34, Dimishgī (‘Ali b. 'AW.), 2 467
37-39, 50, 54, 55, 67, 68, 101, 103, 159, Dimishgī (Makhūl), 1 383
172-175, 196-198, 205, 212, 214, 217, Dimishgī (Mufarrij b. "Ab, 2 360
219, 295, 298, 302, 350, 441, 459, 461, Dimishgī (O. ‘AA. b. M.), 185
465, 467, 470, 471, 474-478, 483, 492; 3 Dimishgī (Oāsim), 3 95
55, 59, 100, 143, 146, 150, 158, 164, Dimishgī (Sa'īd), 1 146
195, 203, 211, 212, 232, 241, 256, 260, Dimishgī (Umar 'Attār) (938)
294, 355; 425 Dimishgī (Umar b. “Ali b. Khadir Zu-
Dhakhirāt al-Dīn, 2 142, 143 bayri), 2 464, 466, 467
Dhakwān, 1 647; 2 33 Dimishqi (al-Wa’wa’), 3 360
Dhikrawayh, 1 171, 207, 625 Dimishqiya (Karima), 2 6, 131, 467
Dhuhli (A. “Ali Mansür b. ‘AA. b. Dimna (grandmother of Qadir), 1 394,
Khalid Harawi), 1 38, 97; 2 6, 33, 108, 403-405; 2 143
210, 214, 218; 3 255 Dimyāti (A. Mu'min), 2 68

Dimyati (Zak. b. Yahyā), 2 206 Doorenbos (J.) (1795), 2 289

Dinar, 2 11 Dorothée, 1 206
Dinawär (A.), 2 198 Dostoevsky, 1 lxviii
Dinawari (AQ. b. A. Fawāris), see Bagh- Dowson (J.), 4 113
dàdi (AQ.) (131) Dozy (R.) (1611), 1 103, 588; 3 358; 4 121
Dīnawarī (AQ. Yf. b. A. b. Kaj), 1 123, Drewes (1785), 1 624; 2 292
124, 172, 377; 2 38, 40, 187, 439; 3 256, Drujon (P.), 2 436
261; 4 20, 31 Dubayli (Abū Mūsā), 2 216; 3 167
Dinawar (A. “Abbas A. b. M.), 1 76, 528 Dubays (L), 1 111; 2 142
Dīnawarī (A. ‘Amr b. M. b. Yf.), 1 457 Dubays II (Ibn "Afīf), 1 111
Dīnawarī (AB. A. b. M. b. ‘Amr), 1 80 Dubaythi, 1 100, 229; 2 161, 163
Dīnawarī (AB. Kisā'ī), 1 76 Duclos (A.), 1 xliii
Dinawari (AB. M. [b. ‘Ali] b. Ibr.), 1 Dugat (G.) (1626)
528; III 250, 261, 264 Duguzlī (Shaykh ‘Abd al-Mannan) (970)
Dīnawarī (AB. M. b. Dāwūd Duggī), 1 Duhmān, see Ibn Duhmān (2058)
82 Dujayli (M. Kazim) (996), 2 22, 23, 483; 4
Dīnawarī (AH. "Alī b. Sahl), 1 372, 528, 48
536; 2 25; 3 345 Dulafi (Abū Layla), 1 440
Dīnawarī (AI. b. Mamshādh), 1 528 Dulafi (Hy. b. Mākūlā), 2 149
Dīnawarī (AO. Ridhwān b. M. b. H. Dulafi (Umar), 1 166, 255
Saydalānī), 2 469, 470; 3 261, 269 Dulafiya (Thumāl), 1 398, 400
Dīnawarī (A. Sa'īd Umar b. A.), 1 627; Dulunjäni, 2 106
2 33 Dulunjawi (A.) (841), 1 568; 2 29, 36; 2
Dīnawarī (Abū Bakr b. Mamshādh), 1 182
528; 2 56, 159, 472; 3 252, 261 Dumas (G.), 1 Ixvii
Dīnawarī (Bakrān), 2 212 Dumézil (G.) (2059), 1 Ixii; 2 75
Dīnawarī (Ibn al-Sā'igh), 2 448 Dūmī (Abü'l-Hasan) (218)
Dinawari (Īsā Oassār), 1 35, 87, 97; 2 Dumyäni, 1 255
198; 3 250, 261 Dunne (H.), see Heyworth-Dunne
Dīnawarī (Nasr), 2 338, 340 Duns Scotus, see Scot (Duns)
Dīnawarīya (Shuhda), 1 377; 2 170 Duggī, 3 115, 267
Dīnawūsī, 2 310 Dür Basti (Ja'far b. M.) (1181), 2 492
Dindān, i 166 Düraqizzi (Umar b. Tabarzad), 2 472
Dindānī (Abū Mahmūd Zikrawayh), 3 Durayra, 1 256, 276
196 Dūrī (Abū ‘Amr), 1 96, 97, 244; 2 200
Dinesh Chandra Sen (2057) Dūrī (A. Tayyib M. b. Farrūkhān b. Ruz-
Diodorus, 3 73 beh Sämarri) (135A), 1 445; 2 214, 215,
Dirār, 1 394; 2 13; 3 60, 65, 109, 133, 153, 468, 469; 3 250, 261, 262
168, 182, 184, 190, 200 Düri (Haytham), 3 239, 240
Dirāz (Gīsū), see Gīsū Dirāz (1137A) Durkheim, 2 429
Dirr, 2 16, 18 Dusares, 3 161
Diya’ Pasha (1366) Dussaud, 1 104; 3 35, 135, 283; 4 96
Diya’ al-Din, 2 29 Duwaydär (Shähin), 2 250
Diyāb, 3 336 Duwayhī (Istafan) (836)
Diyārbakrī (Hy. b. M.) (770), 2 37 Dyroff, 4 102
Djenar, see Siti Djenar (1396)
Djevdet CAA.) (1375)
Domingues (J.D.G.), 2 313 Eckhart (2060), 1 lvi, lviii, Ixvii, 365; 2
Donnelly (A.), 1 xliii 318, 319, 412; 3 234

Edirnevi (Hy. Efendi b. al-Hājj Н.) Fagnan, 1 515; 3 227

(1356A) Fahl (Mu'nis), see Mu nis (Fahl)
Edirnevi (Walihi Oūrtzāde), 2 263 Fahl (Н. b. Mu’nis), 1 441
Edwards, 4 xvii Fahmi (Layth), 1 67
Eflaki (Shams) (1131), 2 180, 242, 363 Fā'ig al-Qas'a, 1 499
Eghbal = Iqbal (Abbas) (2061), 1 56, Faisal I (king of Iraq), 1 xxx
308, 312, 315, 316, 319, 321, 325; 2 Faivre, 2 75, 76
362, 424, 437; 4 57, 61, 116 Fakhr al-Dīn (Bābā), see Sijistānī
Elias, 1 22, 364, 589, 598, 599, 636, 639; 2 Fakhr al-Mulk, 2 187
191; 3 75; 4 99, See also al-Khidr Falakī (Sa'īd), 2 70
Elias of Nisibe (1421), 3 339 Fāmī (A. Faraj), 1 58
Elliot (H. M.) (2062), 2 276 Fānī (M. b. Mahmūd Dihdār) (1174), 3
Elliot (T. S.), 1 631 236, 277; 4 85
Ellis (A. G.), 3 360; 4 xvii, 12, 69 Fanjdihi (M. b. ‘AR. b. M. Mas'üdi), 1
Elmakin, 1 98 9; 2 464
Emin (Mehmed), 1 50 Fansüri (Hamza) (1391), 1 48; 2 289, 291,
Emiri (АШ) (1377) 292, 360
Emmerich (Catherine Anne), 1 503; 3 21 Fārābī, 1 191, 218, 302; 2 380, 411; 3 38,
Empedocles, 1 348, 366, 367; 2 318, 323; 50, 72, 75, 97, 119, 122, 126, 127, 166,
3 93, 134 168, 190, 272, 340
Emre (Sa'id), 2 242 Faradi (A. “AA. Hy. b. Yf. Dujayli; d.
Emre (Tapdūg), 2 240 732 A.H.), 1 616; 2 442; 3 261
Emre (Yünus), see Imre (1311) Faradi (A. Hy. A. b. Yf. Dīnawarī), 3 261
Enamudha, 2 287 Faradi (Abū Husayn ['AA.] Wannī b. Yü-
Enkidu, 1 xxxviii suf), 2 342
Enoch, 1 22; 2 318; 3 313 Faradī (Abü'l-Husayn b. Yūsufi), 3 261
Enthoven (R. E.) (1677), 4 101 Farähi, 2 227
Epimenides, 1 360; 3 155 Faraj (‘Abd al-Malik), 1 190, 475
Erānshahrī, 1 197 Faräwi (d. 530 A.n.), 2 12, 475
Ermentī (Zayn), 2 323, 324 Farazdaq, 2 124
Erpenius (Thomas) (1501), 1 588; 2 435; 4 Farés (Bishr) (999-13)
31 Farghàni (AB. M. b. Ism.), 3 267
Eshrefoghlu (AA.), 2 360, 493 Farghānī (AJ. M. b. 'AA.), 1 91; 2 298,
Essad (Sabrī) (1385), 2 32, 259 303, 304; 3 254
Ethé (H.) (1681), 2 43, 72, 73, 280, 370; 4 Farghānī (AM. "AA. b. Khudhyän) (136),
64 1 289, 372, 458, 460; 2 44, 71, 106, 195,
Etheridge, 3 175 486, 487; 3 123, 279
Eudes (B. J.), 1 161; 3 12, 215, 356 Farghānī (Abbas), 1 418
Eunapios, 1 198 Farghānī (Kshidh), 1 255
Eve, 1 585, 643; 2 337, 362, 372; 3 288 Farghānī (M. b. Tughj), 1 183
Evlīyā (1340), 1 279; 2 30, 31, 258; 3 265 Farghānī (Rustum), 1 255
Eyüp = Abū Ayyüb Ansārī, see Ansārī Farghānī (Sa'd D. M.) (508), 1 44, 565,
Ezi = Yazid, 1 18 601; 2 424, 439; 3 218, 275
Faribault, 3 84
Fabricius (J. A.) (1546) Farid Bey (1376)
Fadāl (Н. b. ‘Ali O.), 1 308 Faridi (AB.), 1 248
Fādil (gādī), 2 71, 463 Faridi (K. B. Fazalullàh Lutfullāh), 1 178;
Fadl Allāh, 2 16, 251 4 90
Fārigī (M. b. ‘AA.), 1 150 Fāsī (M. Saghīr b. "AR.), 2 332; 3 263
Faris (M. "Abd al-Jabbār), 1 632 Fāsī (Sarī), 2 465
Fāris (Mustafa Efendi) (1330) Fāsī (Tāj), 2 312
Fāris Dīnawarī, see Baghdādī (AQ.) (131) Fassi (M.), 1 Ix
Fárisi (A. ‘AA. M.), see Hiri (354) Fātik, 1 256, 335-337
Fārisī (A. “Ali Hasan b. M. b. ‘A. Ghaf- Fātima, 1 203, 299, 351, 391, 472, 540,
far Fasawi), 1 38, 127, 128, 431, 474; 2 597, 634, 644; 2 97, 171, 272, 482; 3
10, 61, 108, 127, 195, 438; 3 82, 94, 165, 187, 192, 195, 306; 4 96, 98, 99
254, 261; 4 9 Fātima (daughter of Ibn Fadlawayh), 2
Fārisī CA. Ghāfir), 2 211, 215 135, 161
Fārisī (Ah. M. b. Q.), 2 213, 214 Fātima (disciple of Shiblī), 1 17?, 578, 606;
Fārisī (AR. b. M.), 1 95; 3 247, 261 2 342, 344, 349; 3 221
Fārisī (A. Wahid b. M. b. Shah), 2 213 Fātima (mother-in-law of Bunayy and
Fārisī (Abü'l-Husayn M. b. A. b. Ibr.), 1 Qaysar), 1 400
39, 95-98; 2 8, 199, 200, 202-204, 299, Fatima (sister of Oāyim), 2 142, 162
440, 441, 458; 3 255, 256, 261 Fátima (sister of Rudhabārī), 1 610; 2 213
Fárisi САН b. Hy.), 3 254 Fatima (Nīsāpūrīya), 1 609; 2 444
Fārisī (Fakhr Khabri) (2063), 1 523, 553, Fatima (Wasi), 2 100
573, 601, 642; 2 25, 299-302, 306, 310, Fātir, 1 27, 203, 207, 472, 634, 643; 3 165
311; 3 260 Fauriel, 1 350
Fārisī (Ibr.), 2 185 al-Fayd (Muhsin) (826), 2 17, 37, 39; 3
Fārisī (M. b. A.), 1 100, 470 308
Fārisī (M. b. al-Fadl Kazarīnī), 3 142 Fayyäd, 3 101, 283
Fārisī (M. b. Ibr.), 2 185 Fazäri (Ah. b. Ibr. Täj), 2 64, 311
Fārisī (Pir (A. Muslim]), 2 218 Fehmi Beg (Hasan), 2 260; 3 266
Fārisī (Salmān), 1 300; 3 114 Feizi (son of Mubarak), 2 275, 279
Fārisī (Zahīr), 2 413 Feizi (Mustapha) (1349A), 1 49
Farkāwī (Mahmūd) (2064), 2 434 Ferhādī (M.) (2065), 1 lix, 625, 632; 2 283;
Fārmadhī (Abū "Alī al-Fadl), 1 7; 2 6, 19, 4 68, 80, 97, 109, 111
106, 153, 163, 197, 198, 215, 228, 364; Feridün, 2 241
3 258; 4 56 Ferragius Salernitanus (1471)
Fargad, 2 339 Ferrand, 4 105
Farra’ (gādī) (d. 560 А.н.), 2 467 Festugiére, 1 374; 2 318; 4 96
Farrā' (AB. M. b. A. b. Hamdān), 1 84, Field (CI.) (1709)
204, 230, 266; 2 92, 207, 458; 3 82 Fihri (AA. b. M. Tilimsānī) (439)
Farr?’ (Abū Ya'là), see Ibn al-Farrà* Fihrī (M. b. Nusayr), see Namīrī
(2066) Fikrat (Ghiyàth D. Mansür), 2 73
Farrükh (‘Umar) (999-20) Filfil, 1 30, 499, 502
Farsi (M. Saghir b. 'AR.), 2 98 Findikli, 1 600
Fāryabī (Abū'l-Oāsim ‘Imäd al-Din) (387) Fir'awn, 1 128, 132; 2 41, 113, 166, 241,
Fasā'ī (Jamal D. Abū'l-Wafī' b. Khalil), 2 253, 268, 394, 421, 422; 3 111, 164. See
387 also Pharaoh
Fasawī, see Fārisī (Abū "Alī Firishte-Oghlu, 2 250
Fāsī (AQ. b. A. Nu'aym Ghassānī), 1 49; Firiyābī (AB. Ja'far b. M.), 1 163, 399
2 26, 333; 3 263 Firkowitsch (1450), 2 427
Fāsī (AR. b. 'AQ.), 3 262; 4 111 Firüza Begum, 2 72
Fāsī (Abū'l-Barakāt ‘A. Qadir) (831A) Firyābī (M. b. "Agīl), 2 205, 298
Fāsī (M. b. ‘AA. Sharīf Saygāl), 1 588 Fīrūz (Abü'l-Aliya Ziyad b. Barra), 1 205
Firüz (Mahdi), 1 183 Gagang (Tandoeran), 2 290
Fīrūz Shah, 1 45, 636; 2 276 Gagnan, 3 213
Firüzabadhi (Majd D. Abū Tahir M. b. Gairdner (William T.) (1759), 3 137, 235
Yq. b. M. b. Ibr. Siddiqi Kāzarūnī) Gaji (Nāyek Mayaj), 2 285, 286
(582), 1 506; 2 39, 183 Galāl, 2 79
Fischel (W.), 1 148, 230, 262, 504, 505; 2 Galien, 2 79
427 Galland (Antoine) (1542)
Fischer (A.) (1789), 1 116 Galton, 2 82
Fitani (M. 'Arif), 2 332 Gandhi, 1 xxxii, xxxiii, xxxv, 57; 2 275,
Fitzgerald, 4 91 285, 328; 3 190
Fleischer, 3 18 Garcia Gomez (E.), 2 324
Fleury, 3 125 Garcin de Tassy (1619), 1 587
Florianus, 2 352 Gardet (Louis) (2069), 1 xix, xxxi, xli,
Flügel (Gustav) (1610), 1 164, 232; 3 4, xlvii, xlviii, lix; 2 436; 4 128
270, 271, 276; 4 15, 46, 119 Garmī (Alī), 1 177, 249; 2 93
Forde (M.), 1 xliii Garnett (Lucy) (1779)
Foruzanfar, see Furuzanfar Gaudefroy-Demombynes (M.) (1766), 1
Foucauld (Charles de), 1 xxiii-xxv, xxvii- 221; 2 88, 308; 4 95
xxix, xxxii, xxxvi, Ix, lxiii; 3 73 Gaulmier (M.), 2 190
Fouquet, 2 433 Gauthier (L.) (1769A), 1 xlv; 2 78; 3 178,
François ler, 2 322 191, 198, 210
Franklin (2067) Gāzurgāh, 2 217
Fraschery (Ch. Samy Bey) (1370) Geiger (W.), 4 89
Frazer, 1 622; 2 351 Geoffrey (A.), 1 232
Frederick II, 2 299, 321, 322 Geuthner (A.) 1 232
Friedlander (1.) (1695), 1 313; 2 16, 17, 44; Gevheri (Mustafa), 1 50; 2 232, 254, 255
3 95, 160; 4 81 Ghadanfir, see Sirāwī
Frithjof Schuon, see Schuon (1802A) Ghafigī = Ibn Sabīn, 2 313
Frye, 2 201 Ghaleb (Pierre) (1740)
Fuat (Köprülü M.), see Köprülü (1378) Ghali = Tanūkhī (Muhassin), 2 126
Fudayl, 2 480 Ghālib (physician), 1 145, 147, 400, 422
Fuqa (Ata b. Sa'id), 2 219 Ghalib (poet), 2 402, 403, 405; 4 129
Furüghi (1226) Ghalib (Abū'l-Fadl "Akarī), 2 137, 138
Furuzanfar (M.), 2 266; 4 60 Ghālib (Ibn Shiblī), 1 84
Füshanji (A. Layth), 2 218 Ghālib (M. b. A.), 2 467
Fūtī, see Ibn al-Fuwati (2068) Ghamri (Abū'l-Hasan), 2 307
Fuwati (AB.), 1 25, 82, 105, 115, 506; 2 Ghamri (Ahmad), 2 307
103, 135, 156, 224, 361, 363, 424, 425, Ghamrī (Alī), 2 299, 302, 306, 307
427, 460, 463; 3 138, 252; 4 59 Ghamrī (Jāmi'), 2 25
Fuzūlī (1336B), 1 41; 2 70 Ghamrī Wāsitī, see Wāsitī (M.) (653)
Fyzee, 1 374; 2 483 Ghanī (Qäsim) (1242, 2046), 2 183
Gharīb, 1 256, 257, 258, 335, 337, 395,
425, 442, 628
Gabain, 1 183, 185 Gharib = Hallaj, 2 233, 235; 3 208
Gabbatha, 1 576 Gharīb (Shams), 1 46; 2 236
Gabriel, 1 350, 524; 2 165; 3 25, 34, 101, Gharib (Sulayman), 2 236
160, 202, 296, 330, 333, 334; 4 74 Gharib al-Khāl = Gharib b. "AA, 1 399;
Gabrieli (F.), 1 165; 4 37 221

Gharnātī (A. "AA. b. Shadāra), 2 312, 324 Ghiorghis (1431)

Gharnātī (Abū Hayyān) (2070) Ghitrifi, 1 377
Gharnātī (Abū'l-Hukm), see Ibn Hani Ghiyāth (Sadr Mansür) (1163), 2 194, 272
Ghargī (M. Oishsh b. Yf. Zakī) (2071) Ghiyāth al-Din, 2 64, 73
Ghassān, 3 55, 307 Ghujdawānī (‘Abd al-Khālig), 2 228, 229
Ghassānī (AQ. b. A. Nu‘aym), 1 47; 2 Ghujdawānī (Mahmūd), 2 194
335; 3 263 Ghulābī (Ahwas), 1 549
Ghassānī (M.), see Saydāwī Ghulafī (A. "AA.), 1 90, 91, 247
Ghawri (Oānsūh), 1 46, 47; 2 250, 253 Ghulām Ahmad (2073), 2 336
Ghawrī (Sharaf b. “АА.), 2 193, 421 Ghulām Haydar M. Khān, 2 23
Ghawth, 1 100; 2 79, 191, 275, 277, 278; 3 Ghulām Hy. Salīm (2074)
263 Ghulām Jamil A. (Muzaffar), 1 543; 3 251
Ghaylàn, 3 55, 107 Ghulām Khalīl (2075), 1 22, 63, 75, 80,
Ghazālī (Abū Hàmid M.) (280), 1 Ixvi, 81, 246, 342, 383, 520, 528, 576; 2 345,
36, 41, 80, 121, 131, 360, 370, 374, 375, 352, 397; 3 24, 57, 58, 106, 114, 148,
383, 449, 477, 518, 525, 578, 589, 594, 149, 151, 158, 159, 163, 181, 192, 197,
595, 619, 639; 2 5, 6, 13, 15, 17, 19, 26, 212, 223, 239, 240, 294
28, 35, 39, 40, 43-45, 47, 49, 50, 52, 55, Ghulām al-Rahmān (Shāh), 2 329
65, 94, 97, 100, 105, 112, 145, 148, 160, Ghulām Sarwar (1414)
166, 168, 171, 212, 219, 294, 298, 303, Ghulām Tha'lab, 1 243
306, 307, 314, 316, 318-322, 325, 330, Ghuli Khān (Must.), 1 56
331, 333, 344, 398, 413, 416, 418, 427, Ghullābī (Abū Umayya Akhwas), 1 124,
434, 443, 455, 459, 465; 3 7, 8, 12, 13, 149, 150
15-17, 25, 39, 51, 53, 55, 56, 60, 64, 67, Ghullābī Basrī (А. M. b. Zak.), 1 548
68, 72, 73, 75, 82, 84, 87, 89, 90, 97, Ghullānī, 2 121
100, 101, 105, 107, 112, 114-116, 119, Giacobetti (2076), 1 220, 222, 603; 2 88
120, 121, 123, 136, 137, 143, 145, 146, Gibb (E.J.W.) (1660), 2 17, 28, 258, 259
150, 156, 158, 163, 174, 178, 180, 183, Gibb (H.A.R.), 1 xli; 2 175; 4 24, 116
187, 195, 199, 201, 219, 223, 225, 227, Gilbert, 1 339
229, 231, 235, 237, 238, 247, 271-273, Gilgamesh, 1 xxxviii
285, 289, 291, 297, 309, 319, 323, 326, Gilmore (V.), 1 xlii
327, 332, 336, 340, 343, 344, 349, 350, Gin-meei, 1 186
353; 4 24, 81, 103, 107, 127 Giovan Lioni Africano, see Leon the Afri-
Ghazäli (Ahmad) (281), 1 41, 42, 86, 121, can
132, 187, 362, 364, 367, 481, 595, 621; Girardeau (Maurice), 1 339
2 63, 65, 70, 95, 148, 162, 164-166, Girgis — St. George, 2 241
167, 168, 171, 220, 227, 228, 230, 283, Giri (S.), 1 624
336, 394, 423, 455, 475; 3 29, 126, 307, Gisūdirāz (M. b. Yf. Chistī) (1137A), 1
311, 312, 350; 4 95 46; 2 275
Ghazän, 2 53, 64, 69, 426 Gladwin, 4 66
Ghāzārī, 2 12 Glasenapp, 2 287
Ghaznawi (‘Ali b. Hei, 2 162, 420 Gobineau (A. de) (1614), 3 xiv
Ghaznawi (‘Isa b. "UA.), 2 163, 170 Goeje, see De Goeje
Ghaznawi (Mahmüd), 1 279; 2 136, 162 Goethe, 1 lxi; 2 75, 76, 77, 79, 82
Ghazvini (M.) = Qazvini (2072), 2 193, Goguyer, 3 67, 81, 273, 317, 319; 4 117
426 Gókbüri, 1 42; 2 67
Ghazz, 2 471 Goldziher (I.) (1640), 1 xxii, xxiii, xlv,
Ghazzi (Habib), 2 53 lix, Ix, 293, 357, 374, 375, 377, 379; 2

Goldziher (I.) (cont.) Haarbrucker (Th.) (1601)

45, 112, 135, 158, 175; 3 7, 23, 31, 33, Habash (‘Ali b. M. Sulami), 2 70
90, 98, 126, 181, 182, 199, 203, 204, Habashī (AA. b. Badr), 2 224, 313
225, 226, 237, 295, 299, 305; 4 3, 21, 97 Habbāl (A. Ishāg Ibrāhīm b. Sa'īd b.
Gólpinarli (A.) (1383), 2 75, 168, 177, ‘AA. Nu'mānī), 1 4, 5, 38, 561; 2 8,
240, 242, 243, 257, 258, 260, 261, 268, 128; 3 258
269; 471 Habibu'l-Din (M. Nūrallāh), 2 278
Gorres, 3 91 Habir, 1 247
Gottschalk (H.) (2077), 1 414, 592; 2 321 Habti, 3 234
Gottwald (J. F.) (2078), 1 166, 277 Hadathi (Fadl), 2 98; 3 160
Gouyā (Server), 1 Ix Haddād (Abū Hafs), 1 172, 179; 2 196
Gozzi, 1 lxi Haddid (Ibr.), 1 372
Graefe, 2 334 Haddad (Idris; d. 292 А.н.), 1 244
Graham (J. W.) (1201, 1202, 1570), 2 345, Haddādī, see Balkhī (M.)
347, 348, 447 Hādī (imām), 3 78
Grandmaison (L. de), 2 436 Hadith (mother of Ја“ аг), 1 310
Grapinet, 1 233, 234 Hadra, 2 207
Grat (F.), 4 17, 19, 23, 41, 44, 47, 49, 96 Hadramī (А. ‘AA. M. b. ‘Ali), 1 10, 58,
Graulle, 3 324 105, 106, 126, 127; 2 345; 3 250, 261
Green (J.), 1 xxiv Hadrat Hädi = Miyàn Shih, 2 280, 281
Grégoire (H.), 1 Ixiv; 4 97 Най (Bishr), 1 62, 69, 542; 2 235; 3 149,
Gregory IX, 1 357; 2 331 166, 211
Griffin (R.), 1 260 Hāfiz, 1 183; 2 65, 66, 383, 408; 4 74, 112
Griffini, 3 93 Hāfiz (Ismà'il b. A.), 3 264
Grimme (H.), 3 76 Hafs, 1 244; 3 133
Grolleau (Charles) (1669) Hafs al-Fard, 3 184
Grou (J.) (2079), 1 222, 273; 3 116 Hagar, 1 176
Grousset (R.) (1750), 1 186; 4 98 Hairat, 2 283
Grunebaum (G. E. von) (1812) Haīrī (Abū "Uthmān), 1 182
Guignes (J. de) (1558), 1 186 Hajaj, 2 18
Guilhelm IX, 1 350 Hajīmī (Ahmad), 3 169
Gülfidan, 2 309 Hajj (M.), 2 185
Gulpaygānī (Mirzā Abü'l-Fadl Jurfadha- Hajjaj, see Marwazi (AB.)
qini) (980), 2 18, 40 Hajjaj (Ibn Yüsuf), 2 333; 3 236
Gulshānābādī (Sayyid Imām) (1413) Hajjár (Shihab A. b. AT.), 2 466, 467,
Gulshānī (Ibr.) (1161A), 2 263 474, 477
Gum'a (M. Lutfi) (998), 1 Ix, 51; 2 431- Hajji Khalifa, see Khalifa (810, 1350, 2134)
434 Hajji Maghribi, see Maghribi (‘Urani)
Gümüshkhänt (Diyà' D. A.) (922), 3 203, Hakam, 1 541
338, 353 Häkim, 2 49; 3 35
Gundolf, 1 Ixv Hakim (Hy. b. M.), 1 95, 357
Gunkel, (H.), 4 101 Hakim Ishaq, 2 199
Günzburg (D.), 4 25 Halabī (AH. "Alī b. Mansür b. Dawkhala
Gushtasp, 1 54 b. al-Qarih) (211), 1 38, 127, 225, 313,
Gutschmid, 1 198 459, 553; 2 10, 354, 355, 485; 3 18, 48,
Guyard (Stanislas) (1621), 3 68, 72, 92, 58, 145, 258, 261
97, 110, 134, 326; 4 126 Halabi (“Ali b. Burhan D. Nor (804), 1
Guys, 3 122 219, 221; 2 34, 108; 3 295

Halabi (M.), see "Atufī (AB.) 133, 163, 219, 222, 256, 275, 372, 427,
Halabi (Na'ima Must.) (1353A) 428, 453, 455, 464, 503, 527, 545, 556,
Halabi Suhrawardi, see Suhrawardi (363, 559, 571, 590, 592, 595, 609, 614, 621,
1087) 634; 2 21, 27, 32, 38, 63, 95, 100, 164,
Halabi (Taqi al-Din b. Qutb D. b. Munir) 165, 166-169, 260, 275, 339, 342, 343,
(551), 2 359 344, 363, 409, 410, 444; 3 113, 115,
Halīmī (А. ‘АА. Hy. b. H. Jurjāni), 2 120, 144, 270, 278-280, 283, 285, 307,
204 309, 319, 350; 4 61
Halkin (A. S.) (1793), 4 17 Hamadhānī (Bad? al-Zamān), 2 341
Hallāc-e Mansūr = Hallāj, 1 42, 50, 51, Hamadhānī (Ibn "Aalt, 2 39
99, 189, 368; 2 32, 231, 241-243, 250, Hamadhānī (Mirzā "Alī M.) (1232), 2 40
436 Hamadhānī (Rashīd D. Fadl Allāh) (504),
Hallāj (Abū Ishāg), 1 99 1 45; 2 424, 425, 426, 427, 434
Hallāj (Abū "Umāra) = (Hy. b. Mansūr), Hamadhānī (Yf.), 1 42, 177, 187, 188,
1 62 367, 621; 2 7, 9, 26, 95, 106, 166, 219,
Hallāj (Ahmad), 3 2622; 4 56? 220, 225, 228, 229, 274, 283, 362, 364,
Hallaj (Dawüd), 1 100 365, 382, 384, 479; 3 228, 265
Hallāj (Hibatallàh b. ‘Umar Harbī; d. 634 Hamawi, 3 209
A.H.), 1 100 Hamawi (A. M.), 1 100
Hallāj (Ibr. b. Ishāg; d. 432 A.H.), 1 100 Hamawi (Badr D.), see Ibn Razin Hamawi
Hallāj (Jamal D. Abū Ishāg; d. before 899 Hamawi (Huseyin), 2 493
A.H.), 1 100 Hamd (son of Hallāj), 1 xxix, lviii, 4, 6,
Hallāj (Muhammad), 3 262? 8, 10-13, 18-21, 25, 58, 65, 77, 99, 101,
Hallāj (Yusuf; d. 772 A.H.), 1 100 102, 114, 117, 126, 128, 137, 138, 140,
Hallāj al-Asrār, 1 11, 101 141, 160, 181, 185, 224, 272, 275, 479,
Hallāj al-Qutn (Khalaf), 1 100, 163 501, 505, 508, 563, 564, 574, 578, 606,
Hallājī (Yahyā b. Abī Hakīm), 1 101 612-614; 2 111, 114, 224, 439, 462; 3
Hallawi (Abū ‘Abdallah Shawdhi), 2 420 27, 212, 254
Hallawi (Abū Bish M. b. A.), 1 529 Hamdini (A.), 2 198
Hallevi (Jehuda), 3 120 Hamdānī (‘Abd al-Rahmān b. Ziyād
Hamadhānī (AB. Zāhid), 2 227; 3 262 Za'farānī), 3 248, 262
Hamadhānī (AH. M. b. Abi'l-Fadl “Abd Натан (Abū'l-Hayjā), 1 426
al-Malik Ibr. b. A. Faradi b. al- Hamdānī (Abū M. H. b. A. b. Ya'qüb)
Maqdisi) (282), 1 41, 230, 535; 2 105, (2082), 1 144, 202, 298; 2 99
143, 145, 150, 170-171, 444, 451, 471, Hamdānī (Hanzala b. Sa'id Shibāmī), 1
475, 489, 490; 3 249, 261 594
Hamadhānī (A. Mansür M. ‘Isa b. ‘Aziz Hamdānī (Murra), 3 211
Bazzār), 3 259, 261 Hamdānī (Ya'gūb) (2083), 1 195, 428
Hamadhānī (Abd al-Jabbar b. A.), 2 125 Hamdūn, 1 243
Hamadhānī (Abū "Ai, 3 256, 261 Hamdüni (A. Hy.), 1 249
Hamadhānī (Abū'l-Fadā'il), 2 170 Hamdüniya (Bad'a), 1 256
Hamadhānī (Abū'l-Fadl; 'amid), 2 142 Hāmid (kātib), 1 427
Hamadhānī (Abū Tālib M. b. Ghaylān), 2 Hamid II, 2 65
465 Hamid (AM. b. 'Abbàs) (108), 1 xxxix,
Hamadhānī CAR, 2 193, 277, 283, 421, 29-32, 52, 60, 93, 144, 165, 230, 234,
423 260, 263, 265, 275, 312, 316-318, 371,
Hamadhānī (‘Ayn al-Oudāt) (308, 1082), 387, 393, 398, 401, 405, 408, 412, 419,
1 18, 42, 45, 46, 52, 87, 88, 99, 108, 420-421, 424, 429, 432, 433, 438, 445,
Hamid (AM. b. "Abbās) (cont.) Hammämi (Badr), 1 257, 335, 400, 417
447, 448, 455, 457, 463, 464, 469-472, Hammāmī (M. b. ‘Ali), 2 471
480, 481, 487-495, 499, 502, 503, 505, Hammāmī (M. b. Badr), 1 400
510-512, 514-518, 524, 526, 527, 529, Hammāmī (Sumnün), 3 249
531, 533-536, 539, 543-547, 551-553, Hammer-Purgstall (Joseph von) (1602), 2
555-558, 560, 570, 571, 576, 577, 629; 2 15, 27, 30, 31, 243, 255-258, 344; 4 73-
44, 84, 109, 119, 120, 196, 390, 443, 75
446, 476, 489, 491; 3 220, 221 Hampatč Bā (M. Ahmadou), 1 644
Hamid al-Din Kirmānī, see Kirmānī Hamza, 1 244, 432; 3 206
(Hamid al-Din) Hamza (amir), see Fansūrī (1391)
Hamīdu (‘Abd al-Hamid) (999-07) Hanafi (M. b. A. Outb-Nahrawālī), see
Hamidullah (M.) (1416, 1807), 1 1х; 2 Nahrawālī
24, 284; 4 111 Hanafī ($hams D. M. b. H. al-Bakrī)
Hamilton, 2 429 (626), 2 8, 37, 38, 51, 307, 331
Hammād, 1 541 Hanafi (Shaykh Jabāl) (2084)
Hammadi (AB. ‘AA. b. Yüsuf), 1 110, Hanbalī (‘Ali b. ‘AA.), 3 260
246, 436 Hanif Efendi (Ibr.) (1358)
Hammādī (A. Hy. "Umar), 1 436, 496, Hannüna (sister of Hallaj), 2 349; 3 221,
498, 499 249
Hammādī (‘Abd al Ghānī), 1 247 Hannüna (AQ.), 2 218
Hammadi (Abū ‘Umar M. b. Y£. b. Hanotaux (G.), 4 110
Ya'gūb) (107), 1 xxxix, lviii, 32, 34, Hanum (Nabīh), 2 333
73, 83, 111, 128, 149, 231, 243, 246, Hanzala, 1 594
247, 330, 331, 334, 346, 368, 376, 387, Haggī (Ibr.) (1368)
393, 402, 421, 431, 434-438, 439, 440, Haqqi (Ismā'īl) (844, 1356B), 1 49, 611,
456, 461, 464, 466, 480, 493, 495-500, 614, 623; 2 26, 34, 39, 71, 101, 106,
514, 524, 527, 528, 544-549, 551, 552, 200, 246, 260, 261, 398, 420, 422; 3 16,
558, 577, 578, 612; 2 10, 11, 36, 37, 43, 146, 254; 4 107
84, 121, 125, 222, 297, 326, 488; 3 204, Harāmis, 2 313
221, 254 Harandi (Mansür), 2 73
Hammādī (Ahmad b. Ibr), 2 296 Harashī (A. b. "AA.), 1 93; 3 253, 261
Hammädi (Alī b. Hasan), 1 149 Harawānī (A.), see Silaft (A. Tahir) (295)
Hammādī (Amat al-Salām), 1 247 Harawi (AA. b. Marzüq), 2 219
Hammadi (Hammäd), 1 149, 246 Harawī (A. Fadl A. b. A. 'Imrān), 3 249
Hammadi (Haran b. Ibr.), 1 498; 2 296 Harawī (A. b. Yh.), see Ibn Hafid (689)
Hammidi (Hasan b. Ismā'īl), 1 149, 246 Harawi (AH. 'Ali) (389), 1 40; 2 22
Hammādī (Hy.), 1 436 Harawī (Abū "Alī Mansür b. ‘AA. b. Ka-
Hammadi (Hy. b. M.), 15, 95 hälid Sadüsi Dhuhli Bakri), 1 85, 87,
Hammädi (Ibr. b. Hammäd), 1 498 585, 606, 627; 118, 119, 198, 212, 215-
Hammadi (Ismāf! b. Ya'gūb), 1 80, 149, 217, 230, 438, 440, 456
244, 246, 496 Harawī (Abū Dharr) 2 64
Hammādī (Ya'gūb), 1 435 Harawī (Abū Ism. ‘AA. b. M. Ansārī)
Hammādī (Yf. b. Ya'gūb), 1 109, 149, (1059), 1 7, 8, 17, 19, 52, 84, 90, 93-97,
246, 273, 331, 464 108, 121, 128, 133, 169, 222, 229, 250,
Hammämi (A. Hy. ‘Ali), 2 471 280, 342, 385, 421, 430, 477, 495, 502,
Hammāmī (Alī b. Ja'far), 1 307 503, 505, 523, 526, 528-530, 561, 573,
Hammāmī (Anjab), 2 466 579, 583, 594, 611, 625, 635; 2 4, 7, 33,

35-37, 48, 50, 61, 63, 70, 72, 77, 89, Hasan (vizir), 1 139, 407
100, 107, 110, 135, 161, 163, 167, 175, Hasan (first qutb), 2 94
184, 185, 195, 198, 201, 208, 212, 214, Hasan H (‘Askari; 11th Imam), 1 307-309,
215, 217-226, 229, 234, 252, 256, 265, 312
342, 345, 364, 418, 438, 456, 458, 459, Hasan (b. "Alī), 1 220, 299; 2 169, 382; 3
462, 469, 475, 478, 492; 3 7, 53, 104, 210, 306
111, 127, 129, 142, 143, 169, 181, 198, Hasan (Ра), 1 538
199, 214, 233, 247, 248, 249, 253-255, Hasan (“Sahib al-Khal"), see Ahmad (A.
257, 258, 267, 270, 277, 278, 296, 303, ‘AA.)
320, 333, 336, 343, 349; 4 57 Hasan (Hasan Ibr.) (2085)
Harawi (‘Ali b. Razin), 1 108 Hasan (Ibn Haydar), 1 538
Harawī (Gadhir), 2 236 Hasan Beg, 3 265
Harawi (Hamza “Aqili Balkhī), 3 258 Hasan b. ‘Ali O. Fadil, see Fadāl
Harawi (Ibn “Aqil), 2 19 Hasan Fehmi Beg, 1 lix
Harawi (Ibn Mundhir), 3 236 Hasan Khān (Siddīg) (939)
Harawi (M. Asyabi), 2 191 Hasanī CA. ‘Aziz Manüfi), 1 175; 2 94,
Harawi (Mir Hy. Sädät) (1121A), 1 45 310, 324
Harawi (Mu'in Miskin) (1156A) Hasanī (Abd al-Razzāg) (999-09)
Harawī (Yf.), 2 191 Hasanī (Abū Oirāt M. b. J.), 1 249
Harb, 1 151 Hasanī (Ibn Abi Qirat), 1 480
Harbī (AB. M. b. S.), 1 583; 2 209; 3 255 Hasani (Ja'far b. M.), 1 249
Harbī (Abü'I-Fath; d. 514 А.н.), 2 163, Hasani (Mawlā "Abd al-Hafiz b. H.)
165 (990), 1 450
Harbī (Ibr.; d. 285 А.н.), 1 244, 344, 438, Hasani (Yahya b. ‘U.), 1 249
440, 523; 3 255 Hasdai, 1 254
Hari Das, 2 288 Hasdai II, 1 254
Hariri (Abū M. "Ab (423), 2 281, 395 Hashim ('Osmin), 2 257
Hariri (Ali b. A. Muslim Rifa’), 1 595; 2 Hāshim-Shāyeg, 2 283
106, 134?, 181, 182 Hāshimī (?), 2 276
Harīrī (Hasan), 2 182 Hāshimī (A. ‘AA. Haykal), 1 29, 35, 331,
Hāris, 2 351 561, 625; 2 84, 106, 109, 110; 3 202,
Harischandra (Raja), 2 284 249, 296; 4 57
Harithi (A. Hy.), 1 316 Hāshimī (A. ‘AA. Hy. b. M), 3 249, 261
Hārithī (Kurz), 2 93 Hāshimī (A. ‘AA. M. b. Abi Mūsā; d.
Hārithī (Rabī' b. Ziyad), 1 548 351 a.H.), 2 132
Harithiya (Rayta), 1 176 Häshimi (AA. b. M. b. Musa b. M. b.
Hargūs, 1 lviii Ibr.), 1 205
Harrānī (A. Faraj), 3 260 Hashimi (AB. Ahmad b. ‘Abbis), 1 250,
Harry (Miriam) (1739), 1 624; 2 32, 350 273, 391, 464, 500, 514, 553, 628, 640?,
Hartmann (Martin) (1723) 641; 2 490
Hartmann (Richard) (1729) Hāshimī ('AQ.), 1 93
Härün (caliph), 1 244, 304 Hāshimī (Abū'l-"Abbās), 1 188; 2 189
Härün (prince), 1 60, 336, 394, 399, 404, Hāshimī (Abū "Ap Ibn Abi Миза) (d. 428
426, 427, 536; 2 112?, 121, 122 A.H.), 2 134, 157
Härün (son of Gharib al-Khal), 1 399; 2 Hishimi (Abū'l-Dadl ‘Abbas b. Samura),
21 2 194
Harustänt (AK.), 2 67 Hāshimī (Abū ‘Umara [AB. or Abū'l-

Hāshimī (Abū ‘Umära) (cont.) Häzim (M. b. A. b. A. Nasr), 2 225

Mughith]) (129), 1 99, 100, 142, 160, Hegel, 1 Ixvii; 3 243
248, 331, 492; 2 112, 113, 115, 125; 3 Heiler (Friedrich) (1771A)
281 Hekmat (A. AA. 1 588; 4 63
Hashimi (Fadl b. *Abd al-Malik), 1 273 Hello (Ernest), 1 588, 625
Hāshimī (Ibn Tāhir), 2 121 Henry (Ch.), 2 78, 80
Hashimi (Ibn Umm Shaybān), 1 246, 498 Heraclites, 1 348, 367; 2 318
Hāshimī (Ibr. b. ‘A. Samad), 2 111 Herbelot (Barthélemy d’) (1540), 1 112,
Hāshimī (Ishāg b. "Abd al-Malik), 1 273 184, 458, 485, 587; 2 434, 435; 3 207
Hāshimī (Ja'far b. ‘A. W.) 1 434 Hermes, 1 22, 44; 2 313, 315, 420
Hāshimī (M. b. ‘AA.), 3 268 Herzfeld, 2 75
Häshimi (M. b. АЫ Mūsā ‘Isa), 1 89, 90; Hess (J. J.), 1 290
2 6; 3 247 Heyting (2081), 2 81
Hāshimī (M. b. Н. b. ‘A. ‘Aziz), 1 37: 2 Heyworth-Dunne (126C), 2 122, 124
296 Hezāra, 2 201
Hāshimī (M. b. 15а b. АЫ Mūsā), 1 371: Hezekiel, 1 254
3 96, 345 Hiada (Safi D. M. b. “A. Rahim), 2 419
Hāshimī (M. b. Salih Ibn Umm Shay- Hibatallāh, 1 316, 324, 326, 478; 2 23
bàn), 2 296 Hickman (W.), 1 xliii; 2 493
Häshimi (M.), see Rab'ī (A. "Umāra) Hidāyāt (Rida! Ой Khan) (1231), 4 64
Hāshimī (Muttalib), 1 250, 500 Hifzi (Tewfik) (2080), 2 238
Hāshimī (‘Umar b. H. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz), 2 Hilāl, 1 534, 550; 2 223
296 Hilālī (Ah. b. ‘A. "Azīz), 1 49; 2 17, 332
Hashimi (Zayd b. Віа), see Ibn Rifā'a Hilālī (Salim b. Qays), 1 324
(Zayd) Hilālī (Yumn), 1 427, 628
Hāshimīya (Umm Müsä), see Umm Mūsā Hilbert (David), 3 86
Hāsib (‘Ali b. A.), 1 181; 3 248 Hilli (A. b. M. b. Fahd) (586)
Haskafi, 2 39; 3 226 Hilli (Haydar "Āmilī) (2086)
Hastings, 2 434 Hilli (Jamal D. H. b. Mutahhar [al-‘Al-
Hatib (Mulay), 4 35 lima} ) (511), 2 17, 37, 492
Hatimi, 2 315 Hilli (M. Q.), 1 229
Hattīnī (Najm D. Jurjānī Isfahānī), 2 323 Hilmi (M. Must.) (999-15), 4 112
Hawawini (Raph), 1 122 Hilwānī (Abū Ishāg Ibr.), 2 440
Hawg = Ibn Hawgal (167) Himār al-"Uzayr (A. b. M. b. UA. b.
Haydar = "Alī, 2 363, 377, 378, 382 Yazdādh Thagafī), 1 150, 164, 459, 538;
Haydar (Alī) (d. 1321 А.н.), 2 263 2 112, 484, 486, 487, 490
Haydar (Ifshin), 1 538 Himsi, 3 75, 78
Haydara, 1 37, 492; 2 109 Himyari (AA. b. A.), 1 323
Haykal, see Hāshimī (A. AA.) Himyari (Sayyid), 2 124
Haykalī (A. "AA. Shākir), see Hāshimī Hind, 3 240
(А. AA. Haykal) Hindi (Ghawth), 1 47; 2 7, 335
Haysam (Abü Bayhas), 3 176 Hindibà'i (Abü']-Faraj), 1 231
Haytami (Ibn Hajar Shihab D. A.) (742), Hinkārī (‘Ali b. A.), 1 88
1 293, 524; 2 21, 37, 38, 39, 52-53, 295, Hippocrates, 2 75; 3 76
357; 3 19, 73, 91, 100, 160, 163, 210, Hiri (A.), 2 196
307, 333, 334, 337 Hiri (A. "AR. Ismāfīl b. A. Darir), 3 258
Hazära, 1 225; III 268 Hiri (Abü 'AA. M. b. Tahir Farisi) (354)

Hiri (Abü 'Amr M. b. A. b. Hamdin b. Hujra, 2 22

"Ali b. Sunān), 1 529; 2 119, 196; 3 Hujwayri, 2 26
255, 261 Hujwayrī (Al) (1055), 1 4, 18, 71, 77-79,
Hiri (Abū Sa'd ‘AH b. M. b. A. Sadiq), 1 98, 100, 104, 118, 120, 125, 190, 204,
7; 2 214, 465; 3 258, 262, 268 225, 290, 291, 384, 579, 607, 614, 642;
Hiri (Abū "Uthmān), 1 26, 171, 529; 2 2 14, 41, 43, 56, 94, 102, 104, 106, 109,
196, 197, 210, 457 159, 182, 202, 216, 224, 228, 336, 438,
Hiri (Hunayn), 1 146 455, 458, 464; 3 17, 24, 26, 40, 115,
Hiri (Ism. b. A.), 2 6, 118, 119, 465, 469, 118, 130, 132, 149, 157, 167, 194, 108,
470 225, 228, 239, 270, 272, 277, 278, 281,
Hīrī (M. b. A. b. Hamdān), 2 197 302, 311, 312, 334, 341, 345-248
Hirschfeld (H.) (1674), 3 120; 4 81 Hūlāgū, 2 17, 308, 425, 435
Hishäm, 1 301, 480; 2 273; 3 15, 34, 37, Hulwānī (AH.), 1 585; 3 252, 261
59, 63, 64, 66, 70-72, 86, 107, 108, 129, Hulwānī (A. Ishaq Ibr. b. [A. b. M.) Tu-
134, 135, 139 raythithi), 1 113, 118; 3 214, 249, 262
Hiti, see Murta'ish Hulwānī (‘Abd al-Rahim), 2 229, 466
Hitti (P. K.), 1 101; 2 31; 4 17, 117 Hulwānī (Yünus b. Khadir), 3 251, 261
Hoffherr, 1 233, 234 Humaydi (M.), 29
Hoffman (L.), 2 77 Hurami (Nadhir), 1 475
Hony, 4 68 Hurami (Rashiq Aysar), 1 427
Hormozàn, see Hurmuzàn Hurayfish (Shu‘ayb Makkī) (579), 2 307,
Hormuzd, 1 209 331, 341, 345, 348
Horn (Paul) (1648) Hurgronje, see Snouck Hurgronje
Hornot (A.) (1556) Hurmuzān, 1 204
Horton (Max) (1721), 1 xlv; 2 434; 3 53, Hurra, 1 395
68; 4 33, 104 Hurūfi (Fadl Allāh), 2 28; 4 77
Houban (J. J.) (1803) Hus (Jan), 2 349
Houtsma (M. Th.) (1700), 3 34; 4 100 Husain (Yf.), 2 275, 276, 285, 286
Houven (Marie), 1 xxi Husayn (d. 306 А.н.), 1 537
Howell (M. S.) (2087), 3 6, 22, 79 Husayn (d. 912 a.u.), 2 72
Huart (Clément) (1665), 1 liii, 76, 100, Husayn (Fatimid pretender), 1 334
165, 288, 311, 324, 354; 2 17, 181, 195, Husayn (son of "ART, 1 27, 299, 300, 323,
269, 270, 356, 399; 3 44, 63, 160, 237, 405, 484, 593, 594, 599, 618; 2 100,
338, 340; 4 12, 75, 95, 102 169, 172, 173, 274, 341, 350, 382; 3
Hubbüri Nazārī, 1 179 160, 277, 306
Hubert-Jacques, 4 53 Husayn (son of Firüza; d. 912 А.р.), 2 72,
Hüd, 2 94, 399 73
Hūdā (Mahmūd), 2 261 Husayn (son of Gharib al-Khāl), 1 400
Hüdà'i (Mahmüd), 2 493 Husayn (A. ‘АА.), 272
Hudhayfa, 1 625; 3 13, 22, 28, 115, 149, Husayn (Hamdänid), 1 396
153, 154, 187, 190, 204, 210, 212, 290 Husayn (M. Kàmil), 1 592
Hudür (Ghawth-Hajj), 2 277 Husayn (M. Khadir), 1 374
Hügel (F. von) (2088), 1 Ix, Ixix Husayn (Tāhā), 1 346
Hujami (AB. M. b. Mundhir), 1 71 Husayn (Yüsuf) (2255), 2 76
Hujaymi (Ahmad b. Ghassän) = Ta- Husayn ibn Mansūr = Hallāj
mimi Basri, 1 548 Husayn ibn Rawh, see Ibn Rawh (117)
Hujr (the Sahābī), 1 499 Husayn Khān (M.), 2 23

Husayn Shāh, 1 47; 2 286, 287, 288, 328 Ibn “Abbas (Hamid), see Hamid (AM.)
Husaynī (AA.), see Hamza (108)
Husayni (AQ. Zayd b. H.), 1 171 Ibn "Abbas (Khalid), 2 450
Husaynī (Abū'l-Ma'ālī) (1070), 2 492 Ibn ‘Abbas (M. b. "Alī), 1 251
Husaynī (Alfa), 2 288 Ibn ‘Abbas (Sahib), 1 193, 417
Husayni (Arabshāh), 2 191 Ibn ‘Abd al-A'lā (Yünus), 1 72; 2 98
Husayni (Dhü'l-Fiqàr b. Ma'bad), 2 362 Ibn ‘Abd al-"Azīz (AA. b. Umar), 1
Husayni (M. b. al-Hasan), 4 72 179
Husayni (Ni matallàh b. 'AA.), 2 193 Ibn ‘Abd al-‘Aziz (Abū'l- Abbās [A. b.
Husayni (Nizām) (1187), 2 353, 447 M.]), 1 35, 602; 2 195, 349; 3 252
Husayni (Sibghatallāh Barwajī) (792) Ibn ‘Abd al-'Aziz (M. b. H.), 2 132
Hushen Shäh, 2 286 Ibn ‘Abd al-‘Aziz (Sa'id), 1 122
Husrī, 1 38, 39, 87, 88, 243, 510, 606, Ibn ‘Abd al-"Azīz (Umar), 1 179, 371
611; 2 4, 36, 68, 104, 106, 118, 133, Ibn “Abd al-Ghani al-Zähid (‘Abd al-
134, 164, 218, 219, 222, 223, 481; 3 Wadüdi Ibn Sa'īd), 1 289
228, 358 Ibn ‘Abd al-Hadi, 2 463
Husri (Abü'l-Futüh Nasr b. Abrl-Faraj), 1 Ibn ‘Abd al-Hādī (fĀyisha Umm ‘AA.
643; 2 175, 478 bt. M.), 2 461, 467
Husri Basrī (Ali), see Basti (A. Hy.) Ibn ‘Abd al-Hādī (Badr al-Dīn H.), 2 463
Husūrī, see Husrī (Abü'l-Futüh) Ibn ‘Abd al-Hadi (Yüsuf), 2 463, 467, 483
Huvelin (H.), 11x Ibn ‘Abd al-Hamid (A. b. M.), 1 400,
Huysmans (J. K.) (2089), 1 xxv-xxvii, 406, 467
xxxii, lxii, lxix; 3 241, 353 Ibn ‘Abd al-Hamid (M.), 1 28, 29
Ibn ‘Abd al-Jabbär (A. b. H.), 2 195
Ibn ‘Abd al-Jalil (M.), 2 167
"Ibàdi (Awn), 1 304 Ibn ‘Abd al-Jalīl (Radī "Alī b. Sa'id), 2
‘Ibadi (Yazid b. ‘Awn), 1 230 267
Iblis, 1 30, 96, 128, 132, 133, 219, 276, Ibn “Abd al-Karim (A. b. M. b. M. b.
290, 392, 481, 482, 585; 2 31, 113, 164- Sa'd), 2 186
167, 202, 306, 345, 358, 359, 361, 366, Ibn “Abdallah, 2 30, 48; 3 253
377, 392, 394, 402, 407, 408, 472; 3 Ibn ‘Abdalläh (AB. M.), 1 111, 112
269, 309, 310, 313, 351 Ibn ‘Abdallah (AJ. M.), 2 194
Ibn A. T. (Ja'far b. M. b. ‘AA. b. M. Ibn ‘Abdallah (AM. Ja‘far), 1 80
“Umar b. ‘Ali), 1 179 Ibn “Abdallah (Abū Bakr Zubayr b. M.),
Ibn Aba Makhrama (‘AA.), see Ibn Abi 1 88, 615
Makrama Ibn ‘Abdallah (Abü'l-Mundhir Nu man),
Ibn Abān (Īsā), 1 313 1 148, 473; 2 120, 137
Ibn "Abbād (Abü'l-Qàsim Ism.), 1 5, 96, Ibn "Abdallah (Gharib), 1 399, 400, 405
175; 2 125, 128, 138, 318, 419, 487 Ibn ‘Abdallah (Hasan b. ‘Umar b. ‘A.
Ibn ‘Abbad al-Rundi, see Rundi "Aziz), 1 110, 319
Ibn al-Abbadi (Muzaffar b. Ardashir), 2 Ibn ‘Abdallah (Hisham), 1 400, 474
163 Ibn “Abdallah = Ibn Khālūya, 1 127
Ibn ‘Abbas ('AA.), 1 193, 205, 356, 357, Ibn ‘Abdallah (Ishāg), 1 179
496, 541; 2 191; 3 61, 89, 90, 156, 180, Ibn ‘Abdallah (Jābir), 1 220
183, 202, 295, 296, 306, 333, 344 Ibn ‘Abdallah (Khätif), 1 400
Ibn “Abbas (Ahmad), see Zaynabi Ibn “Abdallah (M.), 1 440
Ibn ‘Abbas (Ali), 2 121 Ibn “Abdallah (Mansür), 1 85, 90, 169,
Ibn ‘Abbas (Danyäl), 1 145, 422, 424 180; 2 105, 131, 195

Ibn “Abdallah (Najm D. ‘AR.), 3 262 Ibn Abi ‘AH, 2 113

Ibn ‘Abdallah (Shams D. ‘Abd al-Sa- Ibn Abi 'Allàm, see Ahwāzī (AQ.)
mad), 3 262 Ibn Abi'l-Asbagh, 1 150, 332
Ibn ‘Abdallah (Umar), 1 110 Ibn Abi ‘Asim (A. b. ‘Amr b. Rafi’), 1
Ibn ‘Abdallah (Yüsuf b. "Alī), 2 189 167
Ibn “Abdallah Harawi, see Harawi (Abū Ibn Abi Awfa, 1 70, 149
Ali) Ibn Abrl-Awja', 3 49, 112
Ibn *Abd al-Karim (Abü Bakr M.), 2 186 Ibn Abi 'Awn (M.), 1 60, 317, 320, 391,
Ibn "Abd al-Karim (Abū Sa'd), 2 187 446; 2 84
Ibn ‘Abd al-Malik (Fadl), 1 110, 250, 331 Ibn Abi Ayyüb, 2 30
Ibn ‘Abd al-Malik (Ishāg), 1 110, 250 Ibn Abī'l- Azāgir, see Shalmaghānī (A. J.)
Ibn “Abd al-Malik (M. b. Ishāg), 1 163, , Ibn Abī'1-Baghl (AH. A. b. Y.), 1 28, 60,
250, 557 150, 166, 407, 421, 469, 473
Ibn ‘Abd al-Malik (Umar), 1 250 Ibn Abi Bakr (Fakhr D. Y£.; d. 701 A.H.),
Ibn “Abd al-Muhsin (122 M.), 2 442 171
Ibn ‘Abd al-Mu'min (Ismā'īl) (1154) Ibn Abi Bakr (Muhammad), 2 30, 113; 3
Ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, 1 66, 141, 220 192
Ibn "Abd al-Muttalib ('Aqil b. Abi Ibn Abi Burda Fazäri, 1 57
Tālib), 1 141 Ibn Abi Büyeh (Abü'l-Hasan "Alī b. Hy.)
Ibn ‘Abd al-Oawī (Nasir al-Dīn), 2 304 (123), 2 16
Ibn ‘Abd al-Quddüs (Salah), 1 385 Ibn Abr'l-Dam (Abū Ishäq Ibr. Hamawi)
Ibn ‘Abd al-Rahim (A. Lutfi) (843) (429), 2 37
Ibn "Abd al-Rahim (M. b. Hy.), 1 445 Ibn Abī Dāwūd, 1 155, 393, 457, 462,
Ibn ‘Abd al-Rahim (Shihäb D. A. b. M. 527; 2 10; 3 142
b. A.), 2 189 Ibn Abi Daygham (Hamza), 1 357
Ibn "Abd al-Rahmān (?) (Yünus), 1 306 Ibn Abi Dharr (AH.), 1 84
Ibn "Abd al-Razzāg (M.), 2 306 Ibn Abi Dharr (Müsä), 1 58
Ibn ‘Abd al-Salam, 1 499 . Ibn Abi Dhayb, 3 222
Ibn ‘Abd al-Samad (‘Abd al-Karim), 1 45 Ibn Abi Du'ād = (Duwād), 1 542
Ibn "Abd al-Samad (Abū Tähir M.), 1 33, Ibn Abi Dulaf, 1 257
427, 441, 527, 536, 556-558, 569 Ibn Abr'l-Dunyà (Ahmad b. M.), 1 78,
Ibn “Abd al-Wahhāb (А. Razzāg), 2 69, 332, 541, 549, 608, 627; 2 33, 473; 3
153 200, 226, 272-274, 307, 331
Ibn "Abd al-Wahhāb (A. Salim), 2 70 Ibn Abi Dugl, 2 324
Ibn “Abd al-Wahhāb (‘Abd al-Latif b. Ibn Abīl-Fawāris, 1 253, 559
‘AR.) (908), 1 50 Ibn Abī'l-Futūh, see Tāwūsī (645)
Ibn “Abd al-Wahhāb (Alī), 2 467 Ibn Abi'l-Hadid (A. Hy. M. b. "Alī)
Ibn “Abd al-Wahhäb (Muhammad), 1 67 (431), 1 165, 174, 301, 318, 528; 2 16,
Ibn “Abd al-Wahhāb (Yahya), 2 218 40, 56, 165, 169, 202, 296; 4 21
Ibn "Abd al-Wāhid (‘Abd al-Karim), 1 Ibn Abi Hajala (2091), 1 357; 2 314, 315
288 Ibn Abi Hanīfa (Hammād), 3 139
Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahid (Ja'far), 1 150, 402 Ibn Abi Hanifa (Ismā'īl), 3 139
Ibn ‘Abd Rabbihi (Abü ‘Umar A. b. M.) Ibn Abī'l-Hasak (Abū A.), 1 498
(2090), 1 275; 3 8, 130, 191 Ibn Abi Найт, 1 87; 2 131
Ibn Abdulmannän (M.), 4 80 Ibn Abi'l-Hawwári = Ibn Abi’l-Huwwari
Ibn ‘Abdün (M.), see Ibn Makhlad (A. Ibn Abi Hurayra (Abū "Alī), 1 374
H.) Ibn Abīl-Huwwārī (Ahmad), 1 79, 92,
Ibn Abī Ahmad (Ahmad), 1 372 272, 496; 2 111; 3 163, 208, 225

Ibn Abi Jamra, 2 36, 75, 195 Ibn Abi Tāhir (Abū'l-Hy. "UA. b. A), 1
Ibn Abi Jumhūr (M.) (1154A), 1 46 136, 145, 153, 164, 322, 325, 327, 458,
Ibn Abi Kālījār (A. Tālib Nāfūr), 2 142 465, 472, 511, 553; 2 86, 484, 485, 486,
Ibn Abi Khalaf (AB.), 1 39; 2 6 491; 3 277
Ibn Abr'l-Khayr (‘Abd al-Mun'im), 2 70 Ibn Abi Talib (Al), 1 116, 201-203, 208,
Ibn Abi'l-Khayr (Abū Sa'id Mahnawi; d. 229, 251, 252, 297, 298-301, 304, 308,
440 А.н.) (1021), 1 15, 99; 2 5. 7, 43, 324, 329-333, 351, 359, 371, 379, 391,
57, 106, 107, 120, 159, 161, 192, 197, 416, 444, 470, 473, 494, 512, 513, 547,
215, 219, 224, 230, 234, 238, 347, 362, 559, 618, 643; 2 17, 23, 55, 67, 68, 75,
364, 373, 382, 409, 411, 464, 475, 476; 122, 123, 169, 173, 177, 191, 193, 269,
3 225, 233, 238, 336 272, 276, 298, 329, 363, 371, 372, 382,
Ibn Abi'l-Khayr (Abū Tahir), 2 215 384, 431, 491; 3 8, 29, 33, 34, 89, 100,
Ibn Abī'l-Khayr (Muhammad), 2 69, 70 126, 140, 144, 154, 156, 160, 172, 177,
Ibn Abi Khumaysa, 1 495 183, 187, 188, 191-193, 210, 277, 283,
Ibn Abi Mansür (Abū M. ‘Abbas b. M.), 289, 300, 306, 319
called ‘Abbäsa Tūsī, 4 26 Ibn Abi Tawba (Rabi ?) (Abū'l-Hasan), 1
Ibn Abi Qaj (M.), 1 446 116, 168; 3 257
Ibn Abi Qasiba (‘Ali Ghazālī) (682) Ibn Abi Tayy, 1 315, 319
Ibn Abr'l-Qaws, 1 333, 450, 452, 597 Ibn Abi ‘Udhayba (Shihab D. A. Muqri’)
Ibn Abi Qiräf (AHy. ‘Ali b. Hishäm b. (633)
“АА.), 1 249, 463; 2 488 Ibn Abi ‘Umar (A. Н. A. b. M.), 1 444
Ibn Abi'l-Rijal, 1 207, 209 Ibn Abi Usaybi'a (2092), 1 101, 144, 145,
Ibn Abi Sa'd (Ism.), 2 69 399, 400, 422; 2 227, 416; 3 19
Ibn Abi Sa'dàn (AB. A. b. M.), 1 112, Ibn Abi ‘Uyayna (M.), 2 124
145, 199, 255, 528; 2 102, 103, 119, Ibn Abi'l-Yumn, 1 581
195, 457 Ibn Abi Zar'a, see Tabarī (A. Zur'a) (140)
Ibn Abi Sa'id (Ja
far M.), 2 29 Ibn Abi Zayd, 1 450, 515; 3 227
Ibn Abi'l-Sàj (M.), 1 111, 207 Ibn ‘Abidin, 1 220; 2 39
Ibn Abr'l-Saj (Y£.), 1 32-34, 111, 208, Ibn Adham (Ibrahim), 1 68, 150, 169,
256, 257, 400, 417, 423, 426-429, 480, 271, 515, 550; 2 50, 87, 452; 3 8, 36, 37,
489, 531, 536-539, 556, 558, 625 40, 56, 90, 166, 206, 211, 226, 327, 333
Ibn Abi'l-Salàsil, 1 148 Ibn ‘Adi (Abū Ahmad 'AA.), 2 214
Ibn Abi'l-Salt (Umayya), 1 354 Ibn ‘Adi (Yahyā), 3 73
Ibn Abi Shäma, 2 305 Ibn “Adi (Yaman), 3 8, 113
Ibn Abi Sharif, 2 44, 174, 350 Ibn al-‘Adim (451), 1 229; 2 70, 254
Ibn Abi’l-Shawarib (AA. b. 'Ali b. M.), Ibn al-Adimi, 2 398 |
1 247, 310, 434, 470, 474 Ibn Аһ (A. ‘AA. M. b. "Alī), 2 309,
Ibn Abi’l-Shawirib (AH. "Alī b. M.), 1 311, 312, 314-317, 420
80, 434, 436 Ibn Ahmad (Abbas), 1 418
Ibn Abī'1-Shawārib (H. b. 'AA.), 1 434 Ibn Ahmad (‘Abd al-Salàm; d. 467 A.H.),
Ibn Abi'l-Shawarib (M. b. ‘A. Malik), 1 2 149
434, 435 Ibn Ahmad (‘Abdän), 1 122; II 429; 3 248
Ibn Abr'l-Shawárib (M. b. H.), 1 247 Ibn Ahmad (Abü Hy. M.), 1 171
Ibn Abi Shawärib Umam (Hasan b. M.), Ibn Ahmad (Abü. Hy. M. b. Yahyä b.
1 434 M.), 1171
Ibn Abi Shiba (AB.), 3 295 Ibn Ahmad (M.) (calligrapher; d. 384
Ibn Abi Shurā'a (Sawwār), 2 124 A.H.), 1 418
Ibn Ahmad (Mubärak), 2 113 Ibn ‘Ali (Taj ‘AA. b. "Umar), 2 70
Ibn Ahmad (Shākir), 1 52, 460, 539, 637 Ibn "Alī (Yahyā), 1 255, 331
Ibn Ahmad (Yahyä b. Zak.), 1 400 Ibn ‘Ali (Zaynab bt. Sulaymān), 1 249,
Ibn Ahnaf (Abbas), 2 124 251, 406
Ibn al-‘Ajami (Burhan D. Ibr. Sibt; d. Ibn "Aliwa (A. b. Must.) (995), 3 102,
841 л.н.) (565), 2 44, 174, 478 301
Ibn ‘Ajiba (A. b. M. Tittawānī) (888), 1 Ibn 'Allàf (Abü'l-Hudhayl), see "Allāf
49; 3 52, 301 Ibn “АШ (Н. b. A.), 1 255
Ibn Ajil, see Yamani Ibn ‘Allan (Ali b. Härün), 1 505
Ibn ‘Ajrad, 3 105 Ibn al-Alüsi (Khayr D. Nu'màn) (941)
Ibn ‘Ajrüd (Hasan), 1 46; 2 17, 18 Ibn al-‘Amid, 1 330, 462; 2 489
Ibn Akfānī (2094) Ibn ‘Amir, 1 244, 430, 431
Ibn Akh Khizām, 2 86 Ibn “Ammar (AB.), 2 336
Ibn 'Akkàr (Abū "Alī Hy. b. M.), 1 185 Ibn “Ammar (Abū Ja'far), see Ansari (A.
Ibn Aktham (Yahyā), 1 433 JJ
Ibn ‘Ala’ (Abū ‘Amr Zabbān), 1 244; 2 Ibn “Ammar (Mansür), 1 69, 169, 346; 2
124, 314? 220, 449; 3 8, 114
Ibn al-'Alà' (Bakr), 3 278 Ibn “Ammar (Yahya), 2 364
Ibn al-" Alā” (Zaki), 1 98, 642; 3 278 Ibn ‘Amr (Abū Mughith), 1 100
Ibn ‘Alawan (Safi A.) (444), 1 44, 554, Ibn ‘Amr (Hafs), 1 307
619 Ibn “Amr (Husayn), 1 332, 334, 417
Ibn 'Alawi (M.) (923) Ibn Amram (Aaron), 1 230, 505
Ibn "Alawīya (H.), 2 203 Ibn “Amrik, see Naysäbüri (H.)
Ibn ‘Ali (AB. M. b. Dawid), 1 346 Ibn 'Amrüya (AA. b. M.), 1 150, 336
Ibn “Ali (A. Hy. "Alī b. AB.), 2 467 Ibn Anas (Rabī'), 1 205
Ibn "Alī (AJ. M.), 1 167 Ibn al-Anbàri, 1 243
Ibn ‘Ali (Abd al-Ra'üf), 2 278 Ibn al-Ansārī (Abd al-Hädi), 2 217
Ibn "Alī (Abd al-Wahhāb), 2 153 Ibn Aqil (Abr’l-Wafa’ ‘Ali b. M. Zafari)
Ibn "Alī (Abū Nasr Ahmad), 2 69, 141- (261), 1 lix, 6, 40, 41. 46, 107, 114,
143, 152, 157, 160 128, 277, 367, 376, 385, 523, 546, 563,
Ibn “Ali (Abū Ya'qüb Ishaq), 1 444 564, 574, 586, 587, 601, 628, 636, 641,
Ibn 'Ali (Bishr), 1 445 643; 2 8, 10, 19, 36, 40, 63, 104, 119,
Ibn ‘Ali (Dawüd), 1 358 143, 144, 145, 149, 157-160, 161, 170,
Ibn ‘Ali (Fayyād), 1 333 171, 173-175, 185, 202, 219, 397, 399,
Ibn ‘Ali (Ghānim), 2 468 440, 441, 458, 463, 465-467, 470-474,
Ibn “Ali (H. b. "Alī b. HA 1 176, 251; 2 475-478; 3 16, 168, 200, 237, 260, 278,
360 279, 307, 310, 349; 4 25, 50, 120
Ibn ‘Ali (Hamza), 2 348 Ibn “Aqu (Muslim), 1 91
Ibn ‘Ali (Hy.) (amir), 1 173, 174, 320, Ibn *Aqila (M. b. A.) (840), 2 37, 38; 3
638; 2 464 20, 277
Ibn "Alī (Ishaq), 1 444 Ibn ‘Arabi (AB. M. b. "Alī Muhyi D; d.
Ibn ‘Ali (Jafar b. M.), 1 110, 446 638/1240) (421), 1 Ixiv, 43, 45, 50, 70,
Ibn ‘Ali (M.), 1 165, 307 71, 76, 105, 131, 133, 154, 199, 203,
Ibn 'Ali (M. b. H.), 2 212 218, 290, 357, 361, 472, 504, 523, 526,
Ibn “Ali (Mubarak), 3 264 549, 554, 588, 600, 634; 2 7, 17, 21, 26,
Ibn "Alī (Muhassin), 1 493 35-39, 45, 47, 49, 52, 53, 59-61, 64, 66,
Ibn "Alī (Sirāj D.), see Mulaggin (580) 68, 70, 76, 91, 92, 98, 104, 105, 110,
Ibn ‘Arabi (cont.) Ibn Asma’ (“АА.), 1 460; 2 487
135, 166, 174, 181, 188, 212, 219, 229, Ibn ‘Assam (Abbas), 2 203
230, 246, 260, 261, 263, 268, 280, 283, Ibn ‘Ata’ (Abū'l-"Abbās A. b. Sahl
292, 295, 304, 306, 310-316, 319, 331, Amüli Adami) (110), 1 xxxiii, xxxix,
333, 336, 339, 341, 343, 344, 346, 348, lvii, Iviii, 12, 30, 32, 35, 36, 39, 52, 63,
350, 359, 361, 395-399, 411, 413, 419, 76, 77, 84, 86, 87, 88-94, 95, 96, 98,
421, 422, 435-437, 447, 449, 454, 459, 143, 154, 172, 182, 244-247, 271, 276,
483, 492; 3 9, 15, 19, 25, 31, 34, 39, 42, 284, 293, 294, 346, 348, 366, 384, 388,
50, 51, 64, 72, 81, 93, 96, 99, 101, 108, 421, 455, 457, 500, 502, 505, 506, 508,
110, 116, 123, 129, 136, 146, 154, 161- 509, 514, 522, 525-532, 534, 539, 542,
163, 168, 173, 187, 190, 199, 201, 202, 572, 583, 584, 626, 643; 2 5, 14, 34, 39,
204, 209, 211-213, 219, 228, 232-234, 54, 84, 92-94, 102, 106, 110, 118, 119,
237, 240, 242, 264, 271, 283-285, 288, 128, 130-132, 134, 183, 194-196, 198-
289, 291, 295-297, 299, 301, 307, 310, 200, 203, 209, 211, 212, 216, 220, 224,
317, 322, 324, 332, 337, 344, 349, 350, 294, 339, 365, 390, 409, 439, 440, 456,
355, 357, 358; 4 30, 31, 40, 45, 63, 103, 458, 460, 469, 470, 473, 482; 3 8, 9, 17,
108 23, 26, 27, 50, 59, 68, 73, 76, 96, 107,
Ibn ‘Arabi (AS.; d. 341 A.n.), 2 218 113-116, 120, 143, 159, 161, 169, 183,
Ibn ‘Arabi al-Ishbili (AB.; d. 543 a.H.), 2 185, 192, 193, 195, 199, 200, 202-204,
6, 466 208, 212, 221, 225, 232, 247-249, 252,
Ibn "Arafa "Abdī (Hasan), 1 76 253, 261, 267, 281, 288, 297, 298, 307,
Ibn ‘Aramram, 1 460; 2 487 308, 337, 348; 4 57
Ibn *Arib (Muhassin), 1 255, 435 Ibn ‘Ata’ (Ahmad) = (Abū ‘Umar Hu-
Ibn al-"Arīf (Abü'l- Abbas A. b. M.) jaymi Basri), 1 548
(287), 2 315, 316 Ibn ‘Ata’ Allāh (Taj. D. Abü'l-Fadl)
Ibn Arkhūz (Qaysar), 1 255 (500), 1 45, 102, 614; 2 39, 65, 306,
Ibn "Asākir (A. b. Hibatallāh), 2 67 331, 345; 4 33
Ibn "Asākir (AB. Zubayr b. M. b. ‘AA.), Ibn ‘Atallah (?), 2 25, 67
3 251 Ibn *Ata"]-Baghl, 1 489
Ibn ‘Asäkir (AQ. ‘Ali b. H. b. Hibatal- Ibn A'tham (2095), 1 174
lah) (334), 1 82, 86, 88, 109, 167, 228, Ibn Athari, see Athari (B.)
283, 304, 332, 371, 372, 391, 434, 439, Ibn al-Athir (Abü'l-Hasan "Alī) (420), 1
521, 524, 592, 615, 643; 2 7, 67, 118, 43, 65, 100, 108, 153, 155, 169, 171-
133-135, 182, 194, 195, 202, 203, 205, 174, 231, 235, 282, 320, 401, 402, 434,
206; 3 231, 254, 255 464, 465, 467, 489, 526, 527, 643; 2 23,
Ibn A'sam (Hubaysh), 1 146 37, 136, 139, 147, 153, 154, 161, 162,
Ibn Asbagh (A.), 1 148 197, 285, 298, 425, 442, 489, 490; 3
Ibn Asbagh (M.), 1 163 196, 252, 260
Ibn Asbät, 2 320; 3 211 Ibn al-Athir (Mubarak b. “Abd al-Karim
Ibn Ash'ath (AR.), 1 182 Jazarī) (371), 2 457
Ibn Ashāwul (Rūzbehān), 1 98 Ibn *Atiya (A.) (842A)
Ibn ‘Ashir, 2 329 Ibn ‘Attäb, 1 282
Ibn “Asim (d. 287 a.n.), 1 253 Ibn ‘Attär, 1 292
Ibn “Asim ('Abbas), 2 203 Ibn “Ама (M. b. Slimān) (994)
Ibn ‘Asim (Alī; d. 201 A.H.), 1 357 Ibn ‘Awf (AR.), 1 547
Ibn 'Askar, 3 324 Ibn 'Awf (M.), 1 60
Ibn Aslam (Jäbir), 1 441 Ibn ‘Awn (Abdallah), 3 211

Ibn Aydan (M.), 4 72 91, 94, 95, 102, 103, 105, 107-109, 112,
Ibn "Aydarūs (Muhyī D. ‘Alawi) (2093) 114-116, 154, 159, 168, 181, 294, 346,
Ibn Aynüna (A. M. H. b. M.), 445 448, 479, 490, 506, 508, 509, 521, 522.
Ibn Ayyäsh (AHy. "AA. b. A. b. H. 560-565, 569, 572, 574, 578, 579, 601,
Khazarī Baghdādī), 1 464, 465; 3 247 605-609, 612, 613, 616, 637, 641, 643; 2
Ibn Ayyāsh (AM. ‘A. "Aziz Khurrāzī), 1 4-7, 17, 26, 50, 71, 101, 103, 106, 111,
464, 498, 512; 3 262 128, 129, 144, 159, 184, 185, 189, 195,
Ibn Ayyäsh (AM. b. Hasan Darir), 1 464, 198, 201, 211, 213-215, 217, 222, 224,
512; 2 491 | 336, 345, 365, 439-441, 456, 457, 461-
Ibn Ayyash (AM. Khurräzi), 1 246, 464 464, 468, 469, 475, 478, 492; 3 7, 95,
Ibn Ayyash (Khazari), see Khazarī 236, 245, 258, 259, 261, 262, 266; 4 xvi
Ibn Ayyash al-Küft (AB.), 1 lviii, 52, 59, Ibn Bakwā (Shīrāzī), 1 9; 2 469
62, 491, 497, 540, 545, 547, 548, 553, Ibn al-Balabānī (A. ‘AA. M.) (809)
555, 556, 577, 592; 2 125, 126, 490 Ibn Balk, 1 255
Ibn Ayyüb (AT. M.), 1 464; 2 236 Ibn al-Balkhi (2096), 1 53, 55, 57
Ibn Ayyüb (Ibr.), 1 230, 410, 474 Ibn al-Baltī, 2 466
Ibn Azarmard (M. b. 'UA.), 1 64 Ibn al-Balyānī, see Balyānī
Ibn ‘Aziz (M. b. M.), 2 132 Ibn Banïjür (A. b. M.), 1 180
Ibn al-‘Azm (Mahmūd) (942), 2 105 Ibn Bankir (Hazar Isp.), 2 142
Ibn al-Azraq (AH. A. b. Yüsuf Tanükhi), Ibn al-Bann (A. b. M. al-Tujibi) (600)
1 153-156, 158, 290, 325, 465, 509, 547; Ibn al-Bagarī (Alī Sa'īdī) (767), 1 47; 2
2 40, 124-126, 486, 491; 3 246, 253, 446, 448 |
261; 4 13 Ibn al-Bāgillānī (M.), see Basrī (AB.)
Ibn Ba’ "Alī (Halüz) = Ibn Abi ‘Ali, 2 Ibn Bāgīya, 1 6, 445, 581, 622
113 Ibn al-Baggāl, 2 136, 147
Ibn Bäbawayh, see Ibn Babüya (AJ.) (160) Ibn Barakāt (Abū'l-Barakāt M. Sakhr), 2
Ibn Bābūya (AJ. M. b. "Alī Sadüq) (160), 23
1 18, 39, 145, 180, 199, 232, 297, 307- Ibn Barakhīyā (Asaf), 3 354
309, 311, 313, 321, 324, 325, 329, 428, Ibn al-Barani (Ibr.), 2 67
544; 2 37, 79, 134, 148, 492; 3 4, 18, Ibn Baranniya, 3 261
105?, 169, 230, 235, 238, 255, 261 Ibn Bardhānagā (Alī), 1 58, 59; 2 33; 3
Ibn Bäbüya (Alī), see Qummi (A. Hy. 256, 261, 262
"Alī) Ibn al-Barīdī (A. ҮЁ), 1 148
Ibn Badr (Hilāl), 1 422, 431, 537; 2 296 Ibn al-Barīdī (Yūsuf Abū A. b. M.), 1 148
Ibn Badr al-‘Amm (Ahmad), 1 400 Ibn Barrajān, 1 71, 132, 218; 2 27, 315,
Ibn al-Baghawi, see Nüri (AH.) 319; 3 30, 101, 275, 294
Ibn Baghshārī, 2 136 Ibn Bashīr (M.), 1 306
Ibn Baha’ al-Din, 2 39 Ibn Bashshār (A. H. “Ali b. M.), 1 204,
Ibn Bahr, 1 166 247, 522; 2 10, 20; 3 210, 212
Ibn Bahri (A. b. ‘AA.), 1 500 Ibn al-Basrī, 2 12
Ibn Bajja, 2 320 Ibn Bassām, 1, 168, 256, 276, 420
Ibn Bak (Mas'üd), 3 11 Ibn Bathā (Ibr.), 1 557
Ibn Bakr CA. Wahid), 2 129 Ibn Batta, see ‘Ukbari
Ibn Bakrän, 1 42 Ibn al-Battī (A. Fath M. b. ‘A. Baqli; d.
Ibn Bäküya Shirazi (A. ‘AA. M.; d. 428 564 A.H.), 2 464, 467
А.н.) (191), 1 lvii, 4-8, 10, 11, 13-21, Ibn Battüta (2097), 1 181, 229; 2 388
38, 39, 42, 45, 52, 58, 64, 77, 78, 82, Ibn Bayān, see Kāzarūnī
Ibn Baydäwi (AA. b. ‘Umar), 2 188, Ibn Bukhtyashu (Yuh.), 1 146
189 Ibn Bülbül (Abü'l-Saqr Isma'il), 1 60,
Ibn al-Bayyī' (Häkim M. b. Nu'aym 111, 139, 143, 147, 148, 167, 233, 243,
Dabbi), 1 523; 2 66, 196, 198, 201, 204, 252, 255, 256, 259, 260, 265, 307, 310,
207, 211, 216; 3 268; 4 13, 16 332, 337, 396, 416, 417, 420, 421, 446,
Ibn Bàz (Hy. b. 'Umar), 2 67 480, 483
Ibn Bāzyār (A. ‘AA. b. ‘Umar), 158, Ibn Bunām (Bunām), 1 420
102, 496; 3 252 Ibn Burd, see Bashshār
Ibn Bāzyār (AR. b. ‘Umar), 1 58 Ibn Burdhānagā (Abū "Alī), 1 102
Ibn Bäzyär (Abū ‘All A. b. Nasr), 1 448 Ibn Burdhānagā (‘Ali b. A.), see Wasiti
Ibn Bāzyār Mawsili (Hy. b. H.), see Ibn Burya Mansūrī (AA. b. M.; d. 350
Mawsili A.H.), 1 110, 112, 557; 2 69, 133
Ibn al-Bazzāz (1133) Ibn Burya Mansūrī (AB. M. b. Hārūn), 1
Ibn Bilāl (Abū Tāhir M. b. "Alī), 1 308, 110
318 Ibn Buwayh (A. Hy. A., 2114
Ibn Bint al-A'azz (Tāj ‘A. Wahhāb), 2 71 Ibn Buwayh (Abü Nasr), 2 142
Ibn Bint al-A‘azz (Tagī ‘AR. b. Tāj), 1 Ibn Buya (Ahmad), 2 113
44, 71 Ibn Buzghush, 2 426
Ibn Bint Abi Nüh, see Abū ‘Isa Ibn al-Dabbagh, 3 73, 96, 163, 358
Ibn Bint al-‘Izz (Abdalrahmān), 2 153 Ibn al-Dahhàn Baghdādī (358)
Ibn Bint Umm Kulthüm, 1 39
Ibn Dahhāg, 2 420
Ibn Bishr (Bishr b. 'AA.), 1557 Ibn al-Dà'i (Abü Turäb) (1081), 1 88,
Ibn Bishr (Muhammad), 1 295, 303, 467, 218, 315, 375; 2 16, 37, 104, 132, 161,
511, 6387; 3 252 458, 492; 3 44, 61, 63, 68, 78, 89, 109,
Ibn Bishrän (Abdalmalik), 1 371; 2 6, 112, 132, 134, 135, 138, 139, 141, 142,
472 144, 147, 149-151, 157, 158, 160, 163,
Ibn Bishrän (Ali), 1 371 177, 181, 191, 198-200, 210, 236, 240,
Ibn Bistām (A. b. M.), 1 317 270, 277, 280, 282, 305, 332, 355, 357
Ibn Bistäm (A. Hy. M. b. A.), 1 29, 34, Ibn Dalāyī (A. b. “Umar ‘Udhri), 2 131
420 Ibn Dallän, 1 293
Ibn Bistām (AQ. "Alī), 1 421, 489 Ibn Dagīg al-‘Id (Tagī), 2 39, 64, 310,
Ibn Bistām (Abū'l-"Abbās), 1 60, 148, 317; 3 120, 225
248, 253, 333, 335, 419, 468, 469, 480; Ibn Darrāj al-Ansārī (A. AA. M. b. b.
2 84 "Umar b. Rashid), 2 311, 312
Ibn al-Bitrīg (386), 2 492 Ibn Darwish (A.) (1319)
Ibn Budh (Mansūr), 2 73 Ibn Dawla, 3 183
Ibn Bughā (Mūsā), 1 137, 147, 164, 257, Ibn Dawri (Bishr), 1 178
425, 441 Ibn Dāwūd (AB. M. b. "Alī b. Khalaf Is-
Ibn Buhlūl (A.), see Ibn al-Azrag (AH.) fahānī) (102), 1 xxxix, 12, 19, 20, 26,
Ibn Buhlūl (AJ. Ahmad b. Ishāg al-Tanū- 28, 60, 78, 80, 144, 162, 242, 246, 253,
khī) (106), 1 32, 247, 402, 434, 435, 258, 272, 280, 295, 330-334, 337-347,
437, 438-439, 440, 459, 462, 464, 495, 349, 351, 352, 356-364, 366-369, 387,
497, 500, 524, 547; 2 36, 37, 126, 135, 410, 419, 444, 466, 475, 478, 500, 524,
490; 3 139, 221; 4 13 544, 585, 610; 2 9, 11, 36, 37, 47, 84,
Ibn Buhlūl (Abū Tālib M. b. A.), 1 435, 85, 102, 121, 232, 314, 409, 412, 486; 3
439, 498; 2 126 221, 240, 250, 261, 262, 337, 343
Ibn Bublül (Buhlūl), 1 439 Ibn Dāwūd (Habashi), 1 244; 2 223
Ibn Bujayr, see Dhühli Ibn Dāwūd (Маза) (1173A)
Ibn al-Däya, 1 627; 2 33 149, 435, 436, 495, 550, 552, 561, 570,
Ibn Dhakwän ('Is.), 1 462 607, 627; 2 488
Ibn Dhikrawayh (AA. b. "Alī), 1 501 Ibn Farid (‘Umar b. "Ab (403), 1 44,
Ibn Dhuhl (Ibn Shayban b. Salil), 1 111; 526; 2 15, 21, 51, 52, 64, 71, 153, 166,
2 101?, 119? 182, 195, 247, 295, 303-304, 311-314; 3
Ibn Dihàq (A. Ish. Ibr. b. Yf. b. M.) = 51, 107, 283, 345
Ibn al-Mar'a (393), 2 310-313, 315-317, Ibn Fāris (Ahmad [Ibn Khusrü ?] = Ibn
319; 3 7, 102 Hasari, 1 284, 285; 2 213, 441; 3 82,
Ibn Dihya (M. b. ‘Umar), 2 68 174, 180
Ibn Dihya (‘Umar b. Н.) (419), 1 52, Ibn Farit (wazir), 1 233
460, 471, 475-477, 480, 481, 486, 490, Ibn al-Farrā (A. Hy. M. b. М.; d. 526
492, 494, 518, 540, 547, 548, 558, 560, A.H.), 2 466
561, 569, 570, 597, 601, 605, 637; 2 9, Ibn al-Farrā (Abū Ya'lā) (d. 458/1066)
11, 12, 67, 310, 326; 3 256, 297; 4 13 (2066), 1 89, 142, 204, 231, 232, 266,
Ibn Dihya (Uthmān), 2 67, 310 481, 526; 2 10, 20, 133, 134, 136, 140,
Ibn Dilshah (Mahmüd b. M.) (1331) 144, 147, 151, 157, 464, 465, 471, 472;
Ibn Dinàr (Ibr. b. Hubaysh), 1 499 3 15, 16, 39, 58, 83, 89, 92, 105, 106,
Ibn Dinàr (Mālik), 2 297; 3 211, 329 110, 114, 118, 119, 129, 133, 136, 143,
Ibn Dinar (Qasim), 1 148 149, 150, 160, 164, 165, 202, 210, 212,
Ibn Dirham (Ja'd), 1 17, 606; 3 133 259, 284, 307, 349
Ibn Diwädh (M.) 1 538 Ibn Farrukhān (Abū ‘Amr), 1 418
Ibn al-Dubaythi (422), 2 175, 464, 467, Ibn Farrükhänshäh (Īsā), 1 444
474, 478; 3 42 Ibn Farrūkhānshāh (Sa'īd), 1 441
Ibn Duhmān (M.) (2058) Ibn al-Fath, 3 261
Ibn Durayd, 1 243, 244, 394, 475 Ibn Fātik (Ahmad), see Razzāz (Abü'l-
Ibn Durustawayh, 1 244, 475; 3 82 "Abbās)
Ibn Dushm, see Kurdi (M.) Ibn Fātik (Ibr.), 1 lviii, 13, 16, 19-21, 28,
Ibn Düst, see Naysabüri (Abülbarakät) 33, 35, 37, 38, 88, 94-97, 98, 117, 166,
Ibn Fadāla (‘AR.), see Naysabūrī (Abū 276, 292, 293, 563, 564, 572, 574, 578,
“АП 579, 583, 599, 602, 612-614, 640; 2 8,
Ibn Fadh, 2 492 120, 130, 200, 203, 204, 216, 217, 222,
Ibn Fadl (A.) = (Abū Zur'a Tabarī), 2 224, 339, 347, 390, 438, 440, 441, 458,
213 462, 482, 492; 3 116, 214, 245, 246, 261;
Ibn Fadl (M.), 2 128 457
Ibn Fadl Allāh, 1 124, 330, 356, 572, 581; Ibn al-Fayyād (Fayyad), 1 252, 253
2 39, 295; 3 27
Ibn Feribürz (Feridün), 1 576; 2 65, 476
Ibn Fad] Allāh al-"Umarī, see ‘Umari
Ibn Fadlawayh, see Rāzī (Hy.)
Ibn al-Fil (Sirāj D. M.), 1 265
Ibn Finhäs (Yüsuf), 1 265
Ibn Fahd, see Hilli (A.)
Ibn Fā'id (Amr), 3 118 Ibn Firüz, see Baydäwi (Khurrazadh)
Ibn Fakhr Fārisī (A.), 2 300 Ibn Fisanjas VI (vizir), 2 149
Ibn Farāfisa Hajjaj), 1 99 Ibn Fudlàn, 1 137
Ibn Farajawayh (Abu Bishr ‘AA.), 1 416, Ibn Fulayta (Qàsim b. Häshim), 1 9; 2 64
418, 444, 445 Ibn Fürak (AB.), 1 76, 172, 590, 606; 2
Ibn al-Fard (Hafs), 2 13 42, 56, 69, 197, 205, 211; 3 16, 78, 90,
Ibn al-Farghàni (AB. M. b. Mūsā Wāsitī), 133, 141, 168, 179, 198, 199
2 175, 194; 3 267 Ibn Fürak (Būshanjī), 2 147
Ibn Farhūn (Ibr. b. ‘Ali) (576), 1 6, 57, Ibn al-Furāt (A. Rahim ‘Izz), 2 185

Ibn al-Furát (Ahmad), 1 143, 253, 260, 35-37, 52, 60, 95, 97, 277, 278, 289,
310, 333, 334, 390, 417, 420 372, 377, 415, 501, 522, 564, 572, 574,
Ibn al-Furat (Alī), 1 29, 30, 35, 185, 209, 582, 601, 607, 641; 2 4, 5, 8, 25, 33, 37,
210, 213, 215, 230, 253, 260, 262, 265, 120, 130, 204, 295-298, 439-441, 457,
303, 310, 315-318, 330, 332-335, 337, 462; 3 91, 246, 250, 261; 4 3
386, 390, 391, 393, 395, 396, 398, 400, Ibn al-Hafid (A. b. Yh. Harawi) (689), 1
401, 403, 406-408, 412, 413, 416-419, 535
421, 423-425, 427, 429, 436-438, 443- Ibn Hafs (Abü'l-Fadl), 1 5; 2 128, 129; 3
447, 461, 462, 465, 467, 472, 479, 480, 257
483, 487, 493, 499, 505, 512, 531-533, Ibn Hajar (‘Asqalani) (632), 1 71, 98, 375;
535-539, 597, 641; 2 84, 120, 121, 296, 2 21, 37-39, 51-52, 104, 114, 134, 182,
485, 487; 4 124 210, 212, 214, 300, 302, 395, 441, 475-
Ibn al-Furāt (Fadl b. Ja‘far), 1 395, 418; 477, 492; 3 204, 211, 260, 294
298 Ibn al-Häjib, 2 300
Ibn al-Furāt (Ja'far), 1 418 Ibn al-Hājib Mansür, see Amini (A.
Ibn al-Furāt (M. b. ‘Ali), 1 418 ‘Amr)
Ibn al-Furāt (Muhassin b. "Alī), 1 390, Ibn Häjib al-Nu'mān (‘Abd al-‘Aziz), 1
418, 421 416
Ibn al-Furāt (Umar), 1 306, 416 Ibn Hab al-Nu'mān (Alī), 1 143; 2 133,
Ibn Fusānjus (Abü'l-Faraj), 1 450, 452; 2 137, 146
127, 142, 144, 154, 156 Ibn al-Hājj (A.) (585)
Ibn Fusānjus (Abū'l-Ghanā'im), 2 161 Ibn Hajj (Ajj), 1 273, 422
Ibn al-Fuwatī (Kamāl D. ‘Abd ar-Razzāg Ibn al-Häjj (Qàsim) (464), 1 122, 123,
b. A.) (2068), 1 42, 61, 611; 2 362; 3 16, 541, 603; 2 177, 178, 182, 346
106, 125, 165, 168, 252 Ibn al-Hajjaj, 1 437; 2 127
Ibn Ghālib (AB. M. b. M.), 188, 455, Ibn al-Hakam (Hishäm), 1 303; 3 16, 37,
521; 2 195-196, 441, 457, 458, 468; 3 144, 160, 181, 198
27, 256, 261 Ibn Hallāj (Fakhr D. b. M. b. A. b. Z.), 3
Ibn Ghānim, 3 8, 78 262
Ibn Gharīb (Hārūn), 1 258, 391, 395, 397, Ibn Hallaj (Zayn D. 'A. Samad), 3 262
400, 424, 536 Ibn al-Hamadhānī (AH. M. b. ‘Abdalma-
Ibn Gharīb (Hy.), 1 431 lik b. Ibr. b. A. Faradī Maqdisi), 2 7,
Ibn Gharib al-Khāl (AR. b. Hibatallāh), 63; 3 260, 262
1 399 Ibn al-Hamäm (Kamäl), 3 297
Ibn Ghassän, 1 246 Ibn Hamdan (‘AA.), 1 395
Ibn Ghaylän (M.), 2 169, 465, 474 Ibn Hamdan (А. 'AA.), see al-Khasibi
Ibn al-Ghazzal (Abū M. ‘AR. b. ‘Umar Ibn Hamdan (Abū ‘Amr M. b. A), 1
b. Abi Nasr) (392), 1 43, 277, 643; 2 8, 172; 2 196, 208, 209
32, 36, 159, 163, 171, 175, 472-474, Ibn Hamdan (Abū'l-Hayjā, 1 111, 423,
478, 483; 3 278 537
Ibn Ghulàm Khalil, 1 399 Ibn Hamdan (Н. b. “АА.), 1 391
Ibn Ghusas, see Makki (A. ‘AA.) Ibn Hamdān (Husayn) = father, 1 28, 29,
Ibn Gumushjar, 1 257 30, 183, 208, 248, 249, 257, 275, 286,
Ibn Habib (M. b. ‘AA.), 2 214; 3 258 331, 336, 337, 391, 400, 422, 423, 425,
Ibn Habib (Rab), 1219 — 428-429, 465, 477, 480, 493, 640; 2 440;
Ibn Habib (Sulaymān), 1 136 3 275
Ibn Hadba (Ibr.), 2 11 Ibn Hamdān (Hy. Abü'l-Ashá'ir) = son,
Ibn al-Haddād (AB. M. b. A. b. Ja‘far al- 1 391
Kinānī al-Misrī) (130), 1 lxiv, Ixix, 13, Ibn Hamdän (M.), see Farrä
Ibn Hamdan (Yf.), see Sūsī (A. Yf.) 49, 53, 59, 63, 83, 85, 89, 95-98, 100,
Ibn Hamdī, 1 629 110, 114, 119, 125, 132, 133, 135,
Ibn Hamdis (al-gādī), 1 41 139, 141-144, 148, 149, 166, 167, 182-
Ibn Hamdün (AA. b. A.) (335), 1 421, 184, 187, 191, 197, 202, 204, 211, 212,
474 215, 223-225, 240, 284, 287, 290, 295,
Ibn Hamdün (Baha' al-Din), 1 400, 438; 2 304, 308, 320; 4 8, 122
164 Ibn Hanbal (AA. b. A.), 1, 247, 524
Ibn Hamdüya ('Ali b. M.), 2 135 Ibn Hanbal (Sa'id), 1 247, 437
Ibn Hamid (A. 'AA.), 1 151, 523 Ibn Hanbal (Salih b. A.), 1 167; 2 194
Ibn Hammad (friend of A. b. Hanbal), 1 Ibn Hani (Abü']-Qasim), 3 146
277 Ibn Hānī (Ibr.), 3 249
Ibn Hammād (A.), see Mawsili Ibn Hani Gharnātī (Abü'l-Hukm), 2 311,
Ibn Hammād (Hammād b. Salāma 324
Nam), 1 584, 619; 3 100, 241 Ibn Hanzala (Damra), see Sammāk
Ibn Hammād (Ibr.), 1 495, 550 Ibn al-Hagīg, 2 49
Ibn Hammād (Isma'il), 1 436; 3 203, 226 Ibn Harawān (Hy. b. 'Īsā), 2 297
Ibn Hammād (M. b. A.), 164, 149, 249, Ibn Harb (A.), 1 171
447 Ibn Harb (AA. b. ‘Amr), 1 251
Ibn Hammüya (AA. b. M. b. ‘Umar), 2 Ibn Harb (‘Ali b. Hy.), 1 60
153 Ibn Harb (UA. M. b. 'Abda.), 2 296; 3
Ibn Hammūya (AA. b. ‘Umar), 2 153 211
Ibn Hammūya (Abü'l-Fath ‘Umar b. Ibn Harbawayh (Abū ‘Ubayd ‘Ali b.
M.), 2 153 Hy.), 1 36, 278; 2 296-298
Ibn Hammüya (Fakhr D. Yf. b. AB), 2 Ibn Harbi, 1 232
70 Ibn Härith (AA.), 1 205, 311
Ibn Hammüya (Ibr. b. M.), 2 153 Ibn Hārith (A. H.), 1 148
Ibn Hammüya (M. b. ‘Umar), 2 153 Ibn Hāritha (Zayd), 3 187
Ibn Hammüya (Sa'd al-Din), 2 71, 227 Ibn Harma (Ibr. b. "Alī), 2 124
Ibn Hammüya (Sharaf AB. b. Tāj), 2 71 Ibn al-Harràni (M.), 2 150
Ibn Hammüya (‘Umar b. M.), 2 153 Ibn al-Harräth, 3 204
Ibn Hammuyé Juwayni, see Juwayni Ibn Harthama (Rafi‘), 1 165, 170, 333
Ibn Hamz ('Amr), 1 279 Ibn Hārūn (Abū 'Īsā), see al-Warrāg
Ibn Hamza (257) Ibn Haran (Alī), 1 230, 435
Ibn al-Hanafiya (Abü Häshim b. M.), 1 Ibn Hārūn (H.), 1 424
68, 70, 248, 251, 295, 304, 550; 2 124; 3 Ibn Hārūn (M.), 1 331
15, 60, 66-68, 72, 77, 79, 83, 109, 117, Ibn Hārūn (Muhassin b. "Alī), 1 435
134, 147, 155, 176, 180, 183, 184, 193 Ibn Hārūn (Tammām), 2 135, 150
Ibn al-Hanafiya (Hasan), 3 176 Ibn Hasaka (АШ), 1 167, 307, 318
Ibn al-Hanafiya (M.), 1 176, 179, 229 Ibn Hasan (AB. Hasan), 1 442
Ibn al-Hanafiya (Rayta bt. Abi Häshim b. Ibn Hasan (A. S. Sulayman), 1 442
M.), 1 174 Ibn Hasan (Abbas), 1 253, 335-337, 442
Ibn Hanbal (A.) (2098), 1 22, 57, 59, 67, Ibn Hasan (Abdallah), 1 442
81, 89, 114, 117, 122, 151, 220, 222, Ibn Hasan (Ahmad b. "Abbās), 1 336
223, 229, 231, 244, 273, 275-277, 283, Ibn Hasan (Fadl), 1 442
302, 335, 338, 373, 379, 382, 383, 437, Ibn Hasan (Jarrah), 1 442
457, 518, 519, 522, 523, 526, 541, 584; Ibn Hasan (M.), 1 442
2 11, 13, 20, 92, 100, 133, 136, 166, Ibn Hasan (Shubbayr), see Shubbayr
175, 176, 194, 218, 226, 318, 333, 399, (b. Hasan)
471, 473; 3 10, 13, 24, 28, 36-39, 42, Ibn Hasanawayh (Badr), 2 136, 147

Ibn Hasanawayh (Н. b. ‘Al), 2 216 Ibn Hilal (A.), 1 499; 2 41

Ibn Hasari, see Ibn Fáris (Ahmad) Ibn Hilal (AA.), see Кай
Ibn Hàshim (Oāsim), 1 406 Ibn al-Himsi (A. b. H. b. Sahl Misri), 2
Ibn al-Hāsib (Ahmad), 3 247 216
Ibn Hasri (Ahmad b. Faris) = Khusraw ?, Ibn Hinbita (Abū 'Ali), see Qunnà' (Abū
2 458 *Ali M.)
Ibn al-Hassär, 3 358 Ibn Hinbita (Alī Ounnā'ī), 1 420, 445
Ibn Найт (Dawid b. Yq.), 1 178 Ibn Hinbita (Ishāg), 1 420
Ibn al-Hawarārī, 1 244 Ibn Hind (A. Hy.), 2 388
Ibn Hawāzin ('Abdalkarim), see Qu- Ibn Hindūshāh (2100), 2 424
shayri ((AQ.) Ibn Hindüshàn, 2 439
Ibn Hawgal (Abü’1-Qäsim) (167), 1 53, Ibn Hirrith (A. ‘AA. M. b. ‘UA.), 1 477;
98, 235, 319, 459; 2 475, 491; 4 83 3 256
Ibn Hawsā (A. b. ‘Umayr), 2 206 Ibn Hirrith (Amr), 1 541
Ibn Hawshab (AQ. Hasan), 3 176, 265 Ibn Hirzahim (AH.), 2 6, 327, 330, 333
Ibn Hawshab (Shihr), 1 269; 2 94 Ibn Hishām (AA. b. M.), see Karnaba’i
Ibn al-Hawwārī ('AQ.), 1 33, 257, 397, (AA. b. M.)
426, 475, 479, 480, 495, 515, 555, 556; Ibn Hishäm (A. Hy.), 2 126
2 122 Ibn Hishäm (M.), 1 150
Ibn Нау, 3 16, 101, 110, 112, 160, 198 Ibn al-Hiti CA), 4 164
Ibn al-Haysam (Muhammad), 1 528; 2 56, Ibn Hittän (Imrān), 3 164
151; 3 44, 62, 67, 110, 128, 132, 316, Ibn Hizàm, see Rabīī (AB)
321 Ibn Hubayra (‘Awn al-Din), 3 129
Ibn Haytham (Dawüd), 1 439 Ibn Hubaysh (A. Hy.), see Nāgid
Ibn Hayyän (Abü'l-Shaykh ‘AA. b. M. b. Ibn Hubaysh (AQ. Hy.), 1 76, 89, 242,
J.), 3 8, 148, 248 627; 2 33
Ibn Hayyän (Jābir), see Küfi Ibn Hubaysh (M.), see Baghawī (A. Hy.)
Ibn Hayyān (Ja‘far), 3 79 Ibn Hüd (Hasan), 2 64, 314, 320, 324
Ibn Hayyān (M.), see Waki" Ibn al-Hukam, 3 120
Ibn Hayyān Lür (A. “AA. As'ad b. A. b. Ibn al-Humām (Abū “Al, 1 37, 248
Ibn ‘AA.), 1 637 Ibn al-Humäm Ansäri, see Misri (AB.)
Ibn Hayyawayh [Khazzäz] (Abü ‘Umar Ibn Hurqüs (Zubayr), 3 142
M. b. 'Abbàs), 1 477, 597; 2 103, 465, Ibn Husayn (A.), 2 129
468, 469; 3 246, 255, 261, 262 Ibn Husayn (Abū "AA. Muhammad), 2
Ibn Hazm (Abū M. "Alī b. A.), 1 xlii, 14, 442
66, 77, 109, 152, 161, 217-220, 271, Ibn Husayn (Abū'l-"Ashā'ir Hy. b. AI),
294, 296, 339, 341, 360, 369, 373, 402, 1 429
491, 549, 550; 2 9, 12, 13, 15, 36, 37, Ibn Husayn (Abü'l-Faraj A.), 1 448
41, 42, 67, 134, 397; 3 15, 16, 19, 31, Ibn Husayn (Abū Tāhir H.), 1 150
33, 58-61, 63, 65, 66, 73, 75, 76, 78, 85, Ibn Husayn (Alī), 1 173, 469
86, 101, 104-107, 109, 110, 112, 113, Ibn Husayn (Bishr), 2 9, 133
133, 140, 141, 147, 149, 154, 155, 157, Ibn Husayn (Umar), 2 229
164, 165, 169, 171, 177, 181, 184, 193, Ibn Husayn (Yf.), 1 95; 2 203
197-199, 224, 230, 238, 240, 286, 298, Ibn al-Huwwārī (‘Ali b. M.), 1 401, 407
306, 307, 354 Ibn ‘Ibäd, 3 198, 199
Ibn Hibbän (Abü Hätim) (2099), 1 288, Ibn Ibn Ja'far (Al) (d. 630 A.n.), 2 131
357, 461; 3 198, 199 Ibn Ibn Ja'far (Yusuf) (d. 656 A.H.), 2 361
Ibn Hibbän (Abü'l-Hijaz), see Asadi Ibn Ibrahim (AB. M. b. Ishàq), see Ibn
Ibn Hibbān (M. b. Yahyā), 3 295 Ishàq (AB.)
Ibn Ibrahim (Abū'l-"Abbās), 1 627 Ibn Isfahbadh Daylamī, see Ibn al-Najjār
Ibn Ibrähim (Abü Ishaq), 1 627; 2 33 Ibn Isfandīyār (AH. Ismāīl b. Ibr.)
Ibn Ibrähim (Husayn), 1 325 (1322), 1 46
Ibn Ibrāhīm (Ishaq), 1 552 Ibn Isfikshädh, see Ibn Khafif
Ibn Ibrähim (M.), 1 406 [bn Ishāg (AB. M. b. Ibr.), 1 4, 156; 2 12
Ibn Ibrähim (Müsä), 1 406 Ibn Ishäq (Abü Sälih Mansür), 1 425
Ibn Idris (Zakarīya b. Adam), 1 167 Ibn Ishäq (Ahmad), 1 167
Ibn al-Ikhshidh (AB.), 1 248, 500; 2 124, Ibn Ishāg (Farrukhānshāh), 1 444
126 Ibn Ishāg (Hammād), 1 435
Ibn al-‘Imäd, 3 255 Ibn Ishāg (Hārūn), 1 331
Ibn ‘Imrän (A. ‘Aziz), 2 123 Ibn Ishāg (Isma), 1 434, 435; 4 73?
Ibn ‘Imran (Alī), 1 396 Ibn Ishāg (Muhammad), 1 357, 440; 2 206
Ibn “Imran (Bishr), 1 265 Ibn Ishāg (Yq.), 2 216
Ibn ‘Imran (Hārūn), 1 265, 504 Ibn ‘Isl (Sabigh), 1 15; 2 11
Ibn ‘Imrän (Īsā), 1 167; 2 333 Ibn Ismi'il (A.), 1 148
Ibn ‘Imran (Ishāg), 1 111 Ibn Isma5l (AM. ‘AA. b. A.), 1 255
Ibn ‘Imran (Misa b. 'Īsā), 2 333 Ibn Isma‘ll (“Abdallatif), 2 69, 153
Ibn ‘Inaba CAA. b. Ibr.) (2100A), 1 141, Ibn Ismā'īl (Abū ‘Ali Hasan), 1 149
179 Ibn Ismail (Ishāg) (Вапа Nawbakht), 1
Ibn "Ināt, see "Ukbarī (AA.) 402
Ibn al-Irāgī, 2 39 Ibn Isma‘il (Kamāl), 1 505
Ibn "Īsā (AB. b. ‘AA. b. Dāwūd), 1 110 Ibn Ismā'īl (Muhammad), 1 319; 3 293
Ibn "Isa (AH.), 1 490, 493, 494 Ibn Ismā'īl (Sadr ‘Abdalrahim), 2 69, 153
Ibn ‘Isa (‘AR.), 1 408, 410, 443-445, 463; Ibn Ismā'īl (Ya'gūb), 1 57
2 488 Ibn al-"Isnā, 3 258
Ibn “Isa ((Abdalwahhāb), 1 627 Ibn Isrá'il (A.), 1 310, 419; 2 243, 419; 3
Ibn ‘Isa (Abū ‘Imran Mūsā), 2 216 119
Ibn “15а (Abū Mansür Farrūkhānshāh), 1 Ibn Isräyil (Najm) (2101), 2 182
443 Ibn 'Iyād (Fudayl), 1 108, 485; 2 207; 3 8,
Ibn "Īsā (‘Ali Ibn al-Jarrāh), 1 12, 28-32, 22, 90, 125, 149, 162, 191, 211, 212,
34, 35, 85, 143, 146, 148, 149, 167, 191, 332
230, 245, 246, 250, 257, 259, 260, 262, Ibn Iyas, 2 254; 4 219
265, 272, 332-334, 340, 371, 372, 376, Ibn Jabal (Mu'adh), 1 279
387, 395, 398, 400-403, 407-413, 414, Ibn Ja'far (AA. b. A. Hamid), 1 179
415, 417, 421, 424, 426-428, 430, 432, Ibn Ja'far (AH.), see Käzim
433, 438, 440, 442-444, 447, 448, 457, Ibn Ja‘far (Abü'l-Qàsim "AA. al-Mu-
458, 460, 463, 469, 471, 473, 474, 479, hibb), 1 286; 3 247
480, 486-492, 498, 510, 514, 526, 529, Ibn Ja'far (Hy. b. A.), 2 252?
531-533, 538, 539, 626; 2 33, 37, 55, 84, Ibn Ja‘far (Qasim), 2 470
85, 111, 112, 133, 137, 270, 296, 390, Ibn Ja'far (Talha b. M.), 1 627; 2 33
460, 487, 489; 3 221, 250; 4 106 Ibn Jahandār (Abū A), 2 214; 3 258
Ibn ‘Isa (H.), 2 150 Ibn Jahdam (‘Ali b. 'AA.) (182), 1 39,
Ibn *Īsā (Hārūn b. M. b. Ishāg b. Misa), 71, 80, 88, 93, 110, 163, 582, 606; 2 6,
1110 8, 64, 93, 118, 130, 131, 135, 213, 218,
Ibn “Isa (Ibr. b. "Alī), 1 410, 448 441, 458, 464, 466, 468; 3 62, 63, 257,
Ibn "Īsā (15а b. Am, 1 191, 409; 2 133 261, 277, 337; 4 29
Ibn 'Īsā (Talhī), 1 324 Ibn Jahm (Alī), 2 124
Ibn “Isa (Yūhannā), 1 254 Ibn Jahshyär) (Al), 1 82, 228, 230
Ibn Isfahānī (Ната), 3 254 Ibn Jalal, 2 106, 177, 350
Ibn al-Jallā, 1 71, 83, 96-98; 2 203, 415 (440), 1 97, 98, 110, 222, 229, 230, 250,
Ibn Jamā'a (Badr D.) (2102), 1 4; 2 324 277, 319, 367, 440, 461, 464, 467, 529,
Ibn Jama‘a (Izz ‘A. 'Aziz) (543), 1 5, 543, 556, 572, 581, 586, 590, 592, 598,
45, 46, 97; 2 468, 469, 474, 476 619; 2 135, 139, 150, 156-159, 161-165,
Ibn Jamā'a (M. b. Ibr.), 2 68, 71 196, 349, 350, 361, 363, 425, 473, 475,
Ibn Jamā'a (Nasrallah), 2 191 488, 489, 491, 492; 3 220; 4 21
Ibn al-Jamāl (Abū "Amr), 1 455; 2 409 Ibn Jawziya, see Ibn Qayyim
Ibn Jami‘ (A. Hy.), see Saydalānī Ibn Jaz', see Zubaydi
Ibn Јаті* (Sulaymān), 1 60 Ibn al-Jazari (Shams D. M.) (2104), 1 58,
Ibn Jamil, 2 131, 359 59, 102, 430, 432, 439; 2 189, 191, 466,
Ibn Jamshid (Abū Samsim Ad. b. Shad- 468; 3 250, 251, 256
dād), 2 335 Ibn al-Jazarid, 2 33
Ibn Jamshīd (Sultān Shāh), see Ibn Qaysar Ibn al-Jazawī (Shams D. M.; d. 833 А.н.),
Ibn Jānbakhsh, 1 24 2 185
Ibn Janda, 2 143 Ibn Jazla (Abū "Alī) (271)
Ibn Jānkhush, 1 141, 142 Ibn а1 Ы, 1 318
Ibn Jarāda (M. b. ‘A. Karim), 2 360 Ibn Jibawayh (H.) 1 55
Ibn al-Jarrāh (Abū ‘Ubayda), 1 547 Ibn Jihshyär, see Ibn Jahshyär
Ibn Jarrah (‘Ali), see Ibn ‘Isa Ibn Jinni (Abü'l-Fath "Uth.) (2106), 1 lii,
Ibn al-Jarräh (Ibn Dāwūd), 1 458 431; 2 13, 82; 3 94
Ibn al-Jarrāh (M. b. Dāwūd), 1 258, 361, Ibn Jubayr (A. Hy. M. b. A. Kinäni)
407, 419 (390), 1 40, 229; 2 22
Ibn al-Jassās, 1 254; 2 206 Ibn Jubayr (Abü Mansür 'AA.), 1 418
Ibn al-Jawharī Khālidī (2103), 3 358 Ibn Juhayr, 2 163, 170
Ibn al-Jawzī (Abü'l-Faraj ‘AR, b. An Ibn Jullab, 2 139, 143
(370), 1 15, 16, 43, 69, 70, 72, 74, 80, Ibn Jumhür, see Ibn Abi Jumhür
89, 91, 103, 106, 108, 150, 229, 268, Ibn al-Junayd (Ibr.), 3 217
273, 284, 343, 356, 357, 475, 502, 524, Ibn Junayd (Mu'in D. AQ.) (591), 1 21,
549, 561, 583, 614, 619, 642; 2 10, 14, 53, 94, 168, 231, 316, 507, 632, 633; 2
37, 69, 70, 109, 149, 150, 163, 165, 173 H 182, 184, 189, 299; 3 104, 151, 156, 211
174, 194, 201, 212-214, 346, 349, 399, Ibn Junayd (Yahyā) (1144), 2 461
443, 459, 467, 469-471, 474, 475, 477- Ibn al-Jundi (A. Hy. A. b. M. b. A. b.
478; 3 38, 42, 49, 59, 78, 113, 115, 116, ‘Imran Baghdadi Khaffaf), 1 160-162;
118, 119, 121, 128, 129, 164, 165, 168, 2 103; 3 253, 261
169, 200, 201, 203-205, 209, 211, 212, Ibn Jurayj, 3 145
222, 223, 228, 230, 232, 238, 240, 245, Ibn Ka'b (Balharith), 1 61
258, 268, 277, 306, 311, 334, 335, 340; Ibn Ka'b (Ubayy), 3 114
4 14, 24 Ibn Kajj, see Dinawari ((AQ.)
Ibn al-Jawzi (Abü'l-Faraj 'AR. b. Yüsuf) Ibn Kamālpāshā (Shams D. M.) (728), 2
(442), 1 42; 2 65, 361 39, 40; 3 64, 73, 117, 234, 237, 351
Ibn al-Jawzī (Abū'l-Sa'ādāt Diya’ Din Ibn Ibn Kämikh (Abü'l-Fadl), 2 176
al-Nāgid), see Ibn al-Nāgid Ibn Kämil (Ahmad), 1 244, 246, 409, 457,
Ibn al-Jawzi (Ali b. ‘AR.), 2 159, 467, 460, 474, 498; 2 487
470 Ibn Kammūna, 2 427
Ibn al-Jawzī (Badr “AQ. ‘Ali b. A. Faraj Ibn al-Kardabüs, see Tüzari
VA "ARA, 2 474 Ibn Karkhi (A.), 1 318
Ibn al-Jawzī (Sibt) = Shams D. Abü'l- Ibn Karram, 1 69, 103, 167, 169, 171,
Mudaffar Yf. b. Oazāwughlū al-Turki 175, 248, 384, 408; 2 56, 90, 91, 208; 3
55, 60, 63, 66, 69, 71, 72, 74, 77, 87, Ibn Khalaf ( Rabī'a), see Jumahi
90, 98, 101, 108-110, 112, 120-125, 128, Ibn Khälät, 3 136
129, 131, 132, 134, 136-138, 143, 145, Ibn Khälawayh, 3 82; 4 9, 12
150-153, 157, 158, 163, 177, 184, 198, Ibn Khaldün (Abū Zayd 'AR.) (581), 2
199, 203, 208, 225, 226, 228, 240, 269, 36, 37, 42, 44, 315, 323; 3 64, 191, 233,
274, 288, 294, 305, 318, 321 276, 328, 336, 339, 348; 4 85
Ibn Kathir (‘Imäd) (550), 1 45, 79, 244, Ibn Khali’, 1 59
432; 2 10, 37, 38, 309, 314 Ibn Khalī' (Abū'l-Khattāb), 2 477
Ibn Kathir (Yahyā), 3 182 Ibn Khälid (AB.), 2 214
Ibn al-Kätib CA "Alī Husayn b. А.; d. Ibn Khalid (Маза b. Yh.), 1 178
331 A.H.), 2 206 Ibn Khalid (Wuhayb), 3 144
Ibn al-Kawwā, 2 11 Ibn Khalifa (A. b. Ismāfl), 2 67
Ibn Kayaghlagh (A.), 1 183, 414, 417; 2 Ibn Khalifa (Mahmüd), 1 43
296 Ibn Khalil (A.), 2 44, 174
Ibn Kayjānī, 2 360 Ibn Khalil (Ayyüb) (1336)
Ibn Kaysän, 1 76, 243; 3 15, 64, 70, 190, Ibn Khalil (M.) (566)
193 Ibn Khalil Makki, see Makki CAA.)
Ibn al-Kayyäl (Ahmad), 3 196 Ibn al-Khall (AH. M. b. Mubarak), 1 377;
Ibn al-Kayzānī, 1 523; 2 300, 303 2 5, 170
Ibn Kàzerüni (M.), 2 161 Ibn Khallikän (Shams D. А.) (471), 1 96,
Ibn Khibit (A.), 2 98 123, 125, 147, 158, 283, 370, 371, 448,
Ibn Khädiba (AB. M. b. A.), 2 466 464, 582; 2 10, 12, 35, 37, 44, 52, 66,
Ibn Khādir (A. H.), see Zubayri (A. W.) 67, 170, 342, 416, 490, 492; 3 120, 153,
Ibn Khadir (Masrūg), 2 440; 3 255 256; 4 85
Ibn Khadir (Umar), see Dimishgi (Abü'l- Ibn Khālūya, 1 127
Muhassin) Ibn Khamis, 1 lviii, 613; 2 131, 208, 491;
Ibn Khafif (A. ‘AA. M. b. Isfikshad al- 3 62, 141, 277, 299, 337
Shirázi) (141), 1 Iviii, Ixii, 7, 8, 10-12, Ibn Khäqän (Fath), 1 145, 441, 505
19, 21, 35, 36, 38, 39, 56, 57, 71, 73, Ibn al-Khashshäb, 2 181, 297, 344
78, 82, 93, 94, 97, 100, 103, 105, 116, Ibn al-Khasib (AA. b. M.), 1 359; 2 296,
128, 137, 154, 168, 181, 249, 293, 330, 297
366, 445, 447, 505, 506, 507, 509, 510, Ibn al-Khasib (Ahmad), 1 307
521, 527, 532, 563, 566, 583, 602, 610, Ibn al-Khasib (M. b. ‘AA.), 1 555; 2 296
632, 633, 635, 636, 641; 2 4, 6, 9, 10, Ibn al-Khatib (Lisin al-Din) (546), 1 122,
14, 19, 26, 32, 38, 40, 41, 50, 54, 84, 453, 478; 2 309, 311, 312, 315, 326; 3
100, 102, 109-111, 118, 172, 181, 182- 72, 251
186, 193, 195, 196, 201, 213, 214, 218, Ibn Khatiraldin (M.) = Ghawth
222, 247, 248, 282, 294, 314, 333, 342, Ibn Khawandshäh (M. Mirkhund) (1155)
343, 346, 347, 352, 369, 378, 384, 388, Ibn al-Khaymi, 2 182
390, 438, 441-444, 455, 457, 458, 460, Ibn Khayr, see Ishbili
461, 465, 480, 481, 491; 3 24, 221, 225, Ibn Khayrän (Abü ‘Ali Hy.), 1 37, 409; 2
226, 246, 256, 257, 261, 278, 300; 4 23, 295, 296
39, 57, 63 Ibn Khaythama (Оа), 2 197
Ibn Khafif (Hy. b. Khayrän), 1 376 Ibn al-Khayyāt, 2 39
Ibn Khalaf (AB. T. b. "Alī), 2 211-213; 3 Ibn Khidrawayh, 1 579
259 Ibn Khudyān, see Farghānī
Ibn Khalaf (AH. Маза), 1 418, 447, 465, Ibn Khumaysa, 1 246
466 Ibn Khunays (Bakr), 3 211
Ibn Khunays (M.), 1 165 "Alī), 1 40, 620; 2 69, 142, 144, 148,
Ibn Khurdädbeh, 1 55, 434, 441 149, 161, 471, 476
Ibn Khurrazädh, 3 259 Ibn Mahlabän (Madhkūr), 2 8
Ibn Khusrü (Färis), 3 247 Ibn Mahmüd (Mubärak b. Hy.), 2 471
Ibn Khuzayma (M. b. Ish.), 1 170, 171, Ibn Mam, 3 358
172, 245, 249, 500, 523, 524, 538, 584; Ibn Mājā (M. Qazwini), 1 122, 539, 540;
2 98, 204 2 98, 399; 3 164
Ibn Kibrīyā, see Nawbakhti (Mūsā) Ibn Mākhilā, 1 285
Ibn Kihla (Alī), 2 112 Ibn Makhlad (A. b. 'AA.), 1 442
Ibn Kihmish (Husayn), 2 298 Ibn Makhlad (A. H. M. b. 'Abdün), 1
Ibn Kirnib, 1 146 258, 331, 334, 410, 441, 443, 446, 466
Ibn Kullāb, 1 76, 151, 249, 523; 2 103, Ibn Makhlad (AM. Hasan), 1 143, 146,
220; 3 7, 66, 72, 77, 86, 97, 109, 110, 163, 258, 332, 333, 414, 416, 419, 441,
112, 117, 124, 133-136, 138, 140, 141, 443, 445
199, 202, 304 Ibn Makhlad (Abū'l-"Alā” Sa'īd), 1 137,
Ibn Kundāj (Ishāg), 1 64, 149, 207, 484 142, 145, 229, 258, 259, 402, 407, 420,
Ibn Kundāj (M. b. Ish.), 1 150, 162, 257; 441, 446
28 Ibn Makhlad ('Ala' b. Sa'īd), 1 142, 148,
Ibn Kundäj (Tarkhän), 1 162, 528 443
Ibn Labbäj (AH.), 2 310, 317 Ibn Makhlad (Ibr.), 2 111, 469, 470
Ibn Labbāj (Yf.), 2 310, 317 Ibn Makhlad (Sulaymän b. H.), 1 29, 408,
Ibn Lahabīya (Oāsim), 1 179 466, 467, 474; 2 111, 125
Ibn Layth (Amr), 1 440 Ibn Makki (M.) (567), 2 492
Ibn Layth (Yq.), 1 63, 64, 71, 207; 2 30; 3 Ibn Mākūlā (AN.), 2 136, 144, 218, 466
232 Ibn Mälik (grammarian), 3 317
Ibn Laythawayh (A.), 1 147 Ibn Mälik (Anas) (2107), 1 541; 2 107; 3
Ibn Laythüya (A.), 1 64 22, 273, 295, 296
Ibn Lévi (Abū 'Īsā), 1 466 Ibn Malik (Talha b. Ahwas b. Sa'd), 1
Ibn Lihyānī, 2 324 167
Ibn Lūgā (Oustā), 3 16, 42 Ibn al-Ma'mün (M. Hibatullàh b. H.), 1
Ibn Luway (Sima), 1 179 625; 2 49, 148, 149, 156
Ibn Luyūn (Sa'īd), 2 419 Ibn Mamshädh (AB.), 1 171, 172; 2 40,
Ibn Mābandāh (AH. A. b. M.), 1 148, 103, 151, 195, 197, 464
232 Ibn Manda (A. ‘AA. M. b. Ish. b. Zak.
Ibn Mābandāh (A. Sahl), see Kisrawī b. Yahyā 'Abdi Isfahānī), 1 110, 223,
Ibn Mada’, 1 339; 29 523; 2 99, 144, 204
Ibn al-Maghribi, 2 157 Ibn Manda (АВ. b. M.), 2 131, 218
ibn Mahān (‘Ali b. 'Īsā), 1 176 Ibn Manda CA Wahhāb), 2 218
Ibn Mahān (Bakīr), 1 484 Ibn Manda (Yahyā), 2 209, 466, 469
Ibn Mahān (Īsā), 1 175 Ibn Mansür, 1 37; 2 109, 120
Ibn al-Mahdi (A. Fadl M. b. ‘A. ‘Aziz b. Ibn Mansür (AB. b. A.), 1 552
"Abbās), 2 135, 136, 150
Ibn Mansür (Hy.) = Hallàj
Ibn Mansür (Ilyäs), 1 121
Ibn al-Mahdi (Ah), 2 335
Ibn Mansür (M. b. Hārūn b. “Abbas b.
Ibn al-Mahdi) (Ibr.), 1 255, 283, 586, 587;
*Īsā), 1 289
2 433; 3 343 Ibn Mansür (Sadaqa), 1 135
Ibn al-Mahdi (Īsā), 1 61 Ibn Mansūr (Yahyā), 1 172
Ibn al-Mahdi (Muhammad Idris), 2 334 Ibn Mansür al-Yaman (Ja'far), 1 526, 594,
Ibn Mahlabān (Abū'l-Ghanā'im M. b. 599
Ibn al-Mansüri (Abd al-Salàm), 1 42 Ibn al-Mawsalāyā (Sā'id b. Mansür), 2
Ibn al-Mansüri (Hibatallàh b. M.), 1 42; 2 144
65, 163; 3 360 Ibn Ma'yī, 2 176
Ibn al-Mar'a, see Ibn Dihäq Ibn Maymün (‘AA.), 3 196
Ibn Marähib, see Baradäni Ibn Mayman (Al), 2 39
Ibn Màramma (A.), 1 255 Ibn Maymūn (Ja'far b. M. a. A. bint Hā-
Ibn Mardawayh, 2 336 tim), 1 499
Ibn Mardhānagā, see Ibn Bardhānagā Ibn al-Mayyid, 2 332
Ibn Mardüya (AB.), 1 55, 284 Ibn Maz'ün, 1 552
Ibn Mardüya (AH. b. AB. 'Ali b. A. Is- Ibn Mikal (‘AA.), 1 147, 426, 468
fahānī), 3 257, 261 Ibn Mīkāl (M.), 1 171
Ibn Mardüya (Alī), 3 248, 261 Ibn Mikal (Shah), 1 440
Ibn Mārumma, see Ibn Màramma Ibn Mīlād (M. Mahjüb), 1 575
Ibn Marwān (A.), 2 161 Ibn Mintib (A. ‘AA. M. b. ‘AA.), 1 498
Ibn Marwān (Fadl), 1 155 Ibn Miqsam (AH. A. b. M.), 1 243, 245,
Ibn Maryam, 2 316 430
Ibn Maryam ('Isà), 1 485 Ibn Miskawayh, see Miskawayh
Ibn Marzubān (AH. ‘Ali b. M. Ashwiri), Ibn al-Misri, 4 21
182 Ibn Mshish, 2 15
Ibn Marzubän (H.), 1 175 Ibn Mu'adh (M. b. H. b. "Alī), 2 130
Ibn Marzubän (M. b. Khalaf b. ‘Imrän), 1 Ibn Mu‘adh (Yahya), 1 291; 3 41, 225,
597; 3 251 228, 237, 255
Ibn Marzubānī (AH. ‘Imrin), 1 489 Ibn al-Mu'adhdhal, 1 64
Ibn Marzüq, 2 300, 303 Ibn Mu‘afa ('Abdalmalik), 2 475
Ibn Masarjis (Īsā), 2 138 Ibn al-Mu'akhkhar, 2 310, 323
Ibn Masarra, 1 133, 302; 2 274, 313, 316, Ibn al-Mu'allim (Mufid), see "Ukbarī (A.
420; 3 50, 61, 103, 134, 197, 283 AA.)
Ibn Masawayh (Yahyā), 1 145 Ibn Mu‘äwiya (AA.), 1 176
Ibn Mashallāh (A. Wahhāb ‘A.), 1 233, Ibn Mu‘äwiya (Haytham), 1 176, 228
499 Ibn Mu'awiya (‘Uthmin), 3 251
Ibn Mashish, 2 333 Ibn al-Mubärak (‘AA.), 1 266, 271, 371; 2
Ibn al-Masih (A. ‘AA.), 1 474 87, 201, 344; 3 4, 90, 192, 356
Ibn Maslama (Abü "Alī), 3 190, 264 Ibn al-Mubārak (‘Afif al-Din), 2 360
Ibn Masqala (Ruqbah), 3 168 Ibn Mubärak (M.), see Ibn Khali
Ibn Masrüq, 2 209 Ibn Mubāshir (Ja'far), 3 155
Ibn Masrür (A. Hafs), 2 465 ībn Mubashshir (Abū Ya'gūb), 2 310,
Ibn Mas'üd (Mūsā), 1 100, 117, 544; 3 89, 312, 326, 419
90, 147, 163, 183, 188, 206, 306 Ibn Mudabbir (Ibr.), 1 148, 150, 255, 279
Ibn Mas'üd (Nikpay) (1124) Ibn al-Mudhahhab, 2 10, 141
Ibn Mas'üd (‘Umar b. M.), 1 372 Ibn Mufaddal (M.), 1 306
Ibn Matar (A. Mansür A. b. M.), 1 477; 3 Ibn al-Mufaddid al-Oassās, see Sharwānī
247, 261 (Alī)
Ibn Matdüya (Ibr.), 3 249, 261 Ibn Muflih (AR.), 1 64, 147
Ibn Matt (A. b. M. b. A.; d. ca. 350 Ibn Muflih (AB.), 2 462, 463
A.H.), 2 176 Ibn Muftih (Abdallah), 3 253
Ibn Matt (Abü Ism.), see Harawi (Abü Ibn al-Mughallis, 1 246, 361, 475, 500,
Ism.) 514 29
Ibn Matt (Abü Mansür M. b. Hy.), 2 175 Ibn Muhabbir (Dāwūd), 3 59
Ibn al-Mawsalaya (‘Alt b. H.), 2 149 Ibn Muhalhil, 1 179, 586
178 INDEX `

Ibn al-Muhallabi (Ali b. A.), 1 114; 3 254 Ibn al-Munajjim (M. b. Yf. b. Yh. b. A.
Ibn Muhamma (Hasan b. "Ab, 1 98 b. Mansür Abàn), 1 394, 478; 3 251,
Ibn Muhammad (A. b. M. Azraq b. Sul. 261
b. ‘AA.), 1 406, 627 Ibn al-Munajjim (Yahya b. 'Ali), 1 474; 2
Ibn Muhammad (Abü Ahmad Kabir 126
Fadl), 1 507 Ibn al-Munawwar (Mhd.) (1089), 1 8; 2
Ibn Muhammad (Alī), 2 149, 179 238
Ibn Muhammad (Hārūn), 1 110 Ibn al-Munayyir, 3 73
Ibn Muhammad (Ibr.), 2 153 Ibn Mundhir (AB. M. b. Ibr.), 1 110; 2
Ibn Muhammad (M. b. A.), 3 252 64
Ibn Muhammad (Nizār), 1 273 Ibn Mundhir (AR. b. Abi Найт M.), 2
Ibn Muhammad (Talha), 1 499 98
Ibn Muhammad (Ubaydalläh), 2 113; 3 Ibn Mungidh (Usäma) (2108)
256 Ibn Mugaffa', 1 125, 142, 190, 385; 3 191,
Ibn Muharib (or Mutahid), 1 272 206
Ibn al-Muhassin (^Ali), 2 150; 3 245 Ibn Mugarrab (AB), see Karkhī (Salàh)
Ibn al-Muhibb (М.), see Sa'di Ibn Muqarrin (‘AR.), 1 304
Ibn Muhtadi (Abbas), 2 194; 3 254 Ibn Mugātil (AB. M. b. "Alī), 1 430, 448;
Ibn Muhtadi al-Ghariq (A. Hy. M. b. 2 114, 298
"Ali, 2 135, 136, 149, 150 Ibn al-Mugayyir (AH. ‘Ali b. A. "AAA
Ibn Mu'in (Yahyā), 1 541 1 42; 2 68, 463, 473, 474
Ibn Mujahid (A. ‘AA.), 2 12 Ibn al-Mugayyir (Ali b. Hy.), 27
Ibn Mujähid (AB. b. A. b. Müsä Atshi) Ibn Mugbal, 2 298
(124), 1 32, 83, 85, 127, 244, 245, 281, Ibn Mugla, 1 231, 320, 401, 410, 418,
387, 410, 429, 430-433, 458, 490, 491, 425, 427, 440, 444, 448, 455, 462, 489,
495, 497, 499, 514, 524, 578, 627; 2 10, 495, 499, 512, 514, 527, 531; 2 21, 74,
12, 33, 124, 131; 4 11, 12 114, 121, 126
Ibn al-Mujāwir (Yf. b. Yq.; d. 690 À.H.), Ibn Muqri, 1 377; 2 39
1 4; 2 7, 335, 469 Ibn Muqsim, 1 491
Ibn Mukarram, 1 636; 3 256 Ibn Mugtadir (Abbas), 1 397
Ibn Mukhallas (A. Zanbānī M.), 2 477 Ibn Mugtadir (Abd al-Wāhid), 1 397
Ibn Mukharrimi (AQ. ‘Abdalsalim), 1 Ibn Mugtadir (Hārūn b. ‘Isa), 1 397; 2 21,
110 137
Ibn Mukram (Abū Yahya ‘AA. b. Ibr. b. Ibn Mugtadir (Ishāg), 1 397
M.), 1 32, 33, 35, 246, 495, 498, 551, Ibn Mugtadir (M. b. Н. ‘Isa), 2 137
552, 560, 577, 578, 629; 2 296, 297 Ibn Mugtadir (Umar b. Hārūn), 2 137
Ibn Muktafi (Abü Ahmad M.), 1 335, Ibn al-Murābit, 2 316
397, 442 Ibn al-Murtadā CAA.) (2109), 1 136, 155,
Ibn Muljam, 1 618; 2 173 174, 314; 3 8, 78, 177, 311
Ibn Mumshädh (AB.), see Dīnawarī Ibn Murta'ish, 2 25
Ibn Mumshādh (A. Y.), 1 455, 456, 494, Ibn Mūsā (A. J. M.), 1 416
539 Ibn Misa ('Abdalsamad), 1 406
Ibn Mumshādh (Ahmad), 3 311 Ibn Mūsā (Abū 'Imrān), 1 160, 161; 3 215
Ibn Mumshädh (Ishaq), 3 252 Ibn Mūsā (Abū Ja'far "Abd al-Khālig), 2
Ibn Munabbih (Wahb), 3 311 37
Ibn al-Munādī, 1 244, 532 Ibn Маза (Abū Миза ‘Imran b. Mūsā), 1
Ibn Munajjā”, 3 33 178
Ibn al-Munajjim (A. b. Yah. b. ‘AN), 1 Ibn Mūsā (Ahmad) = Ibn Tūmar, 1 406,
248, 500 416?
Ibn Mūsā (As'ad), 3 158 Ibn al-Najjár (Muhibb D. M. b. Mahmüd
Ibn Mūsā (Hārūn b. Ishāg), 1 109 b. H.) (430), 1 5, 59, 93, 169, 489; 2
Ibn Маза (Īsā), 1 61, 176 129, 161, 464, 478, 483; 3 254, 256,
Ibn Mūsā (Kharazi), 1 441 259, 260
Ibn Mūsā (M.), 1 273, 416 Ibn al-Naqib (AQ. ‘UA. b. ‘AA. Khaf-
Ibn Mus'ab (Ish. b. Ibr.), 1 440 faf), 1 85
Ibn Musäfir (Adi), 2 448 Ibn al-Nāgid (Abü'l-Sa'adát Diya’ D.), 2
Ibn Musahhar (Alī), 1 357 158, 474
Ibn Musayyib (Oirwāsh), 2 182 Ibn Nāgīyā, 2 341
Ibn Musayyib (Saïd), 3 225 Ibn Narsis (Yuhannä), 1 441
Ibn Musdi (A. Makärim Jamäl D. M. b. Ibn Nāsir (A. Mansūr), 2 461
ҮЕ), 2 327; 3 264 Ibn Nasr (Ahmad), 1 277, 451, 571
Ibn al-Muslima (AJ. M.), 2 150, 161 Ibn Nasr (Muhammad), 2 120, 121, 213
Ibn al-Muslima (AQ. ‘Ali b. H. b. A. Ibn Nasrabādhī (AQ. Ibr. b. M.), 2 205
Ibn Rufayl) = Ra'īs al-Ru'asā”, 1 lvii, Ibn Nasrawayh (A. Hy. M. b. Ubayd b.
3, 4, 40, 41, 57, 85, 189, 230, 371, 372, M.), 1 124, 141, 150; 2 126; 3 251, 261
386, 405, 445, 553, 559, 592, 605, 620, Ibn Nasruya (A. Hy. M. b. Ubayd) =
623, 625; 2 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 19, 21, 39, Ibn Nasrawayh
50, 63, 69, 91, 95, 104, 127, 132, 134- Ibn Nastūr (Ja'far), 2 11
136, 138-157, 160, 161, 163, 170, 197, Ibn Nawbakht (A. S.), see Nawbakhti
202, 219, 231, 466, 470-473; 3 257, 260, (A.S.)
261; 4 22 Ibn Natīra (Natīra b. Sahl), 1 148, 265
Ibn Mu'tamid (AA. M.), 1 336, 397 Ibn Natīra (Sahl) = Nazīr, 1 139, 148,
Ibn Mu'tamid (Ishāg), 1 255 265, 505; 2 115
Ibn Mu'tamir (Bishr), 1 14, 248; 2 15; 3 Ibn Natīra (Sahl), II, 1 148, 266, 505
23, 66, 109, 112, 113, 134, 155, 157, Ibn Nu'aym (A. 'AA.), see Shādhānī
193, 225, 243, 250 Ibn Nubāta, 2 433
Ibn Mutarrif (Ahmad), 1 552 Ibn Nufayl (‘Atika bint Zayd b. "Amr), 1
Ibn Mutarrif (Alī b. M. A'mā), 2 312, 279
315, 317 Ibn Nüh (A. b. "Alī), see Sirāfī
Ibn Mu'tasim (Ahmad), 2 425 Ibn Nüh (Ayyüb), 1 39, 277, 307
Ibn Mutawakkil (A. ‘Abbas b. M. b. Ibn Nujayd (Ism.), 1 170; 2 197, 208, 211
Ish.), 1 397 Ibn Nujaym, 1 39
Ibn al-Mutawwaq, 2 124 Ibn Nuqta, 2 300
Ibn Mu'tazz, 1 29, 143, 149, 165, 166, Ibn al-Nuqür (AHy. A. b. M.), 2 135
207, 252, 253, 255, 256, 265, 332, 333, Ibn Nusayr, 1 304, 392, 416
335-337, 340, 358, 394, 397, 408-410, Ibn Pinehas (Y£.), 1 148, 505
414, 422, 429, 431, 436, 441, 465, 466, Ibn Qaddüra (Sa'īd), 3 263, 264
559, 597; 2 79, 121; 3 78 Ibn al-Oādī (A.), see Ourashī
Ibn Muthannä (AH.), see Tamimi Ibn Qädi Shuhba, 2 300
Ibn Muttaqi, see Muttaqi Ibn al-Oalānisī (Ibn Hilāl Sānī) (2110), 3
Ibn Muwaffaq (AH. “22 "Ab, 1 Ixiii, 5 220
38, 221; 3 166, 211, 254 Ibn Oarā” Arslān (Nūr D. Muhammad),
Ibn Muzaffar (A. Muslim Fāris), 2 387, 1.43
465 Ibn Oarāba (AB. A. b. M.), 1 401; 2 122
Ibn Muzaffar (Shäh Mansür), 2 72 Ibn Qaratagin (Mansūr), 2 199
Ibn al-Nadim (Warräq) (172), 1 293, 309, Ibn al-Qàrih, see Halabi (AH.)
491; 2 491, 492; 3 34, 270, 271, 280 Ibn al-Qasabi, see Sakhàwi
Ibn Najiya (Zayd), 1 619; 2 64, 173, 300 Ibn Oāsim (Ahmad al-Zāhid), 1 286

Ibn Qàsim (M.), 1 68, 174, 297; 2 98 (2112), 1 68, 181, 182, 221, 302; 2 341;
Ibn Qasim ("тап b. Mu'awiya), 3 3 15, 29, 63, 100, 105, 107, 118, 120,
46, 111 121, 153, 156, 159, 187, 188, 190, 192,
Ibn Qasim Abr1-Fadl (Sayyid M.) (769) 205, 211, 223, 225, 241, 296, 297, 298
Ibn al-Oāss (Ahmad), 1 372, 377 Ibn Qutayba (AQ. 'AA. b. Muslim), 2
Ibn al-Qassäs (‘Ali b. A, b. "Alī Wa'iz 296
Shirwānī) (275), 1 41, 509, 563, 566, Ibn Qutayba (Bakkār), 2 296
574, 576, 590, 601, 616-618, 628, 641, Ibn Rabadha, 2 465
642; 27, 50, 65, 66, 106, 171, 172, 441, Ibn Rabbän (Alī), 3 16
444, 467, 473, 475-477, 492; 3 260-262, Ibn al-Rabi' (Shihāb D. A.) (2113), 1 106
278; 4 35 Ibn Rabi'a (Abbas), 1 141
Ibn al-Qastallàni (Qutb AB. M. b. ‘Ali Ibn Rabib (A. Fadl Sa'd al-Din), 2 362
Tūzarī) (449), 2 10, 68, 309-315, 316, Ibn al-Raf'a, 2 299
317, 320, 323, 324, 326, 420 Ibn Rāfi' (Taqi D. M.) (552), 2 67
Ibn al-Qastallani (Taj ‘Ali b. M.), 2 310 Ibn Raghiq (d. 463 A.11.), 3 276
Ibn Qasyi, 1 132; 2 313, 315, 420; 3 146 Ibn Rāhawayh (Ishāg), 1 152; 3 36, 100,
283 133, 182
Ibn Qatäda (A. Nasr ‘Umar b. ^A. Ibn Rähawayh (M. b. Ishàq), 1 171, 498
"Aziz), 2 204 Ibn Rähüya, 2 15
Ibn al-Qayim, 1 220 Ibn Ra" al-Ru’asa’, 2 161
Ibn Qayim al-Jawziya (535), 1 76, 152, Ibn Raja’ ("А 212), 1 42; 2 63, 167
375, 515, 519; 2 12, 37, 39, 50, 100, Ibn Rajà' (Hasan), 2 355; 3 59
226, 300, 318; 3 49, 56, 105, 235, 291, Ibn Raji’ (M.), 1 147, 149
296, 303, 310 Ibn Rajab (570), 1 68, 220, 223, 541, 551,
Ibn Qays (Ahnaf), 1 175 572, 642; 2 158, 175, 219, 470, 473, 478;
Ibn Qays (Amir), 2 481 3 129
Ibn Qaysar (Hezärasp), 2 335 Ibn Ramadhan (Abū'l-Oāsim), 2 192
Ibn Qaysar (Sultān Shih b. Jamshid b. Ibn Rāmīm (‘Abdalmalik), 1 279, 304; 2
As'ad), 2 335 433
Ibn a]-Oaysarānī, see Magdisī (Abü'l-Fadl) Ibn al-Raggī, 2 15
Ibn Qaysi, 2 27 Ibn Rashid (Abū "Alī), 1 307
Ibn al-Qazwini (AH.), 2 149, 150 Ibn Rashid (Umar), 1 89, 284
Ibn Ош) Arslān (Qilij Arslan b. Mah- Ibn Rashiq (Abū "Alī Н. al-Qayrawäni)
müd), 1 43 (2114), 3 341
Ibn Oudāma (Muwaffaq D. M. AA.) Ibn Rasti Khän (Fenny Chhutti b. Parä-
(2111), 1 6; 2 214, 465, 466, 467, 471; 3 gal), 1 47
95, 142, 258 Ibn Rasül (Yüsuf), 1 44
Ibn Oudāma (Shihab), see Maqdisi Ibn Rawāj, see Iskandarānī (AM.)
Ibn Qunfudh (Al), 3 263 Ibn al-Rāwandī, 1 lii, lvi, 115, 148, 197,
Ibn Qunfudh (Hy. b. ‘Ali), 3 263 251, 313, 374, 375, 385, 466, 590; 2 355;
Ibn Qunfudh Qusamtini (Abü'l-Abbàs 3 16, 37, 60, 61, 66, 71, 72, 77, 82, 84,
A. b. Hy. b. "Alī), 2 320, 420; HI 263 109, 112, 123, 138, 141, 190
Ibn Oūgā (Dulaf), 2 360 Ibn Rawh, (Hy.), see Nawbakhti (Hy.)
Ibn Quray'a (AB), 1 435; 2 127 Ibn Rāwī, 2 122
Ibn Qurra, see Tāyī (Thābit) Ibn Rāyig (AB. M.), 1 148, 150, 208, 395,
Ibn Qushayri (AN. ‘A. Rahim), 2 163, 430, 441, 448; 2 112, 114, 115
198, 362 Ibn Rāyig (Ibr.), 1 441
Ibn Qutayba (A.), 1 498 Ibn Razin (‘Abd al-Latif), 4 23
Ibn Qutayba (A. ‘AA. M. b. Muslim) Ibn Rāzīn (Hy. b. M.), 3 260

Ibn Razin Hamawi (A. "AA. Hy. ‘Amiri; Ibn al-Sābūnī (Jamāl D. A. Hamid M. b.
d. 650 А.н.), 1 44; 2 342, 442; 4 23 ‘Ali b. Mahmüd) (518), 2 171; 3 260
Ibn Razin Hamawi (A. AA. M. b. Hy. Ibn Sa'd (A. ‘AA. M.) (2117), 1 141,
Taqi D.; d. 680 A.n.), 1 616; 2 25, 342, 196, 625; 5 153
442, 477; 3 260, 261 Ibn Sa'd (AB. Qutlugh), 2 65
Ibn Razin Hamawi (Badr D.; d. 710 A.H.), Ibn Sa'd (Abd al-Karim b. "Alī), 2 187
2 342 Ibn Sa'd (Qays), 1 279
Ibn Ridwän (AQ.), 2 143 Ibn Sa'dàn (A. ‘AA. M.), 1 543
Ibn Rifā'a (Zayd), 1 82, 85, 88, 191; 2 409 Ibn Sa'dān (AB.), see Ibn Abi Sa dän
Ibn al-Rifa'i (Ahmad), 2 448 Ibn Sa'dān Rāzī, see Baghdādī
Ibn Rīmāl (H. b. Khalīl), 1 150 Ibn Safwān (Jahm), 1 383
Ibn Rufayl (Ali), see Ibn Muslima (AO.) Ibn Sahārbukht (54), 1 145
Ibn Rufayl (fUmar), 1 39, 88; 2 130 Ibn al-Sahīh, 2 67
Ibn Rüh, 2 37 Ibn Sahl (AR. b. M.) = Murtadd
Ibn Ruhān (Abü'l-Faraj 'AR.), 1 510; 3 Ibn Sahl (Abū'l-Asbagh), 1 552, 557
252 . Ibn Sahl (Alī al-Isfahänt), 1 73, 82, 142,
Ibn Rumayh (2115), 1 68 168; 2 102, 106, 184, 460; 3 262
Ibn al-Rūmī (Abū H. ‘Ali) (2116), 1 lü, Ibn Sahl (Natīra), see Ibn Natīra (Natira b.
lvi, 15, 149, 256, 310, 312, 344, 356, Sahl)
368, 393, 416, 581, 604; 2 79, 121, 124, Ibn Sahl (Sabür), 1 145
355; 3 240 Ibn Sahlän (Umar), 2 137, 411
Ibn Rundāg (Fāris), 1 427, 501, 628 Ibn al-Sà'1 (Alt b. Anjab) (463), 1 229,
Ibn Rushd = Averroes (365), 1 134, 219, 231, 619; 2 23, 33, 63, 161, 174, 343,
360, 550; 2 313, 318-320, 322, 410, 413, 350, 439, 483, 492; 3 116, 239, 278
416, 434; 3 68, 84, 87, 91, 101, 123, Ibn Sa'id, 1 172
125, 178, 210, 226, 283, 317, 323, 326, Ibn Sa'id (A. b. M.; d. 482 A.H.), 2 197
340 Ibn Sa'īd (Abd al-Ghanī), 1 289; 2 66,
Ibn Rustah, 1 281 131
Ibn Rustum (Sulayman b. M.), 1 413; 2 Ibn Sa'id (Abü H. "Ubayd), 2 143
298 Ibn Sa'īd (Abū "Īsā Ala’), 1 443
Ibn Rūzbahān, 2 17 Ibn Sa'id (Abū Sālih Mikhā'īl b. Makh-
Ibn Rūzbehān (A. "Abbās A.), 3 262 lad), 1 443
Ibn Ruzmàn = Yazdānyār ? Ibn Said (Ahmad; d. 370 A.H.), 1 371
Ibn Saba (AA.), 1 177; 2 11
Ibn Sa'id (Alā'), see Ibn Makhlad CAR
b. Sa'id)
Ibn al-Sabbāgh, 2 106, 458
Ibn Sa'id (Език), 1 94; 3 249
Ibn al-Sabbägh (Abü'l-Hasan "Alī) (388)
Ibn Said (Isma), 2 197
Ibn Sabbāh (AQ), see Balkhī Ibn Sa'id (M. b. Yh.), 3 252
Ibn Sabbih (M.), 1 246 Ibn Sa'id (Suwayd), 1 357
Ibn Säbih (A. Hy. Sh. D. A. b. M. b. Ibn Sa'id (Tähir), 2 161
Ibr.), 2 189 Ibn Said (Yahya), 1 246, 437; 2 206
Ibn Sab‘in (Qutb D. AM. 'Abdalhaqq b. Ibn al-Sā'igh, see Dinawari
Ibr. Mursī Makkī) (446), 1 15, 44, 45, Ibn al-Salah, 3 82
133, 154, 219, 222, 529, 595; 2 7, 29, Ibn Salāma (AA.), 1 410
35, 49, 64, 68, 91, 230, 308, 310-316, Ibn Salāma (Hammād), 3 166
317-324, 329, 331, 410, 412, 416-418, Ibn Salāma (Mufaddal), 1 243
419, 420; 3 9, 16, 52, 76, 144, 237, 263, Ibn al-Salāsil, 1 416
303; 4 95, 99 Ibn Sālbīh (A.), 1 43; 2 6, 71
Ibn Säbir, 1 83 Ibn Salbih (‘Abd al-Salām), 2 187
Ibn Sālbīh (Abü'l-Fath ‘AA.), 2 187 Ibn Shāfi' (A. b. Salih), 2 158
Ibn Säliba (Ahmad), 2 388; 4 56 ? Ibn Shahid (Umar), 2 472
Ibn Saliba (Siraj D. Mahmud b. Khalifa b. Ibn Shahin (Umar), 2 465
‘A. Salàm b. Ahmad), 2 190, 387 Ibn Shāhryār (Abu Ish. Ibr. Murshid Kā-
Ibn Sälih (A. Hy.), 2 409 zerüni), 1 38; 2 6, 185-187, 388
Ibn Salih (Ismà'il), 1 266 Ibn Shakir al-Kutubi, see Kutubi
Ibn Sālih (Isrā'īl), 2 115 Ibn Shallüya (‘Ali), 2 185
Ibn Sälih (Shu'ayb), 1 640 Ibn Shallüya (Umar), 2 460
Ibn Sālim (AH. A. b. M. al-Basri), 1 32,
Ibn Shalüya (Jami), 1 11, 628; 2 185
38, 71, 151, 430, 490, 582; 2 6, 14, 119,
Ibn Shannabüdh (I.), 1 244, 245, 430, 432,
128, 130, 131, 184, 209, 212, 414, 440,
454, 491, 495, 531, 551, 577, 627; 2 33
441, 456, 472; 3 7, 39, 90, 108, 117-119. Ibn Shāgīla, 3 149, 307, 320
136, 137, 146, 158, 159, 160, 225, 252,
Ibn Shagīg (Abū'l-Fadl "Abbās), 1 254
357 Ibn al-Sharāzī (A. Nasr M.), 2 159
Ibn Sälim (A. Hy.) = Ibn Sälim (AH.)
Ibn al-Sharif (Ahmad), 2 159
Ibn Salim (Abū Bashir Hishäm), 3 160
Ibn Sharīk (M.), see Ishbīlī
Ibn Sallär, 2 66, 299
Ibn Sharik Küfi, see Küfi
Ibn Salmüya (AA. b. Salāma), 1 171, 172
Ibn Shaybàn (Ibn Salül), see Ibn Dhuhl
Ibn Sam'ān (Bayyān), 1 296
Ibn Shaybān (Ibrāhīm), see Oirmisīnī (Ibr.
Ibn Sam‘in (Ibrāhīm), 1 289, 290
b. Shaybàn)
Ibn al-Sam'ānī (Abū Sa'd), 1 637
Ibn Shaybàn (Jalam), 1 179
Ibn al-Samim (UA. b. A.), 267
Ibn al-Shihna (Muhibb D.) (590), 2 492
Ibn Sam'ün (Abü'l-Hy. M. b. A. b. Ism.)
Ibn Shinnàwi (Abū'l-Mawāhib A), 2 278
(168), 1 90, 91, 231, 247, 275, 330; 2
Ibn Shinnāwī (Habībullāh), 2 278
36, 95, 119, 131, 132, 134-135, 136,
Ibn al-Shīrāzī (Abū Nasr M. b. M.), 2 6,
140, 144, 150, 159, 161, 217, 472, 473; 212, 470, 474
3 95, 123, 213, 225, 304 Ibn Shīrzād (A.), see Outrabbulī
Ibn Sana’ al-Mulk, 1 587
Ibn Shīrzād (AH. Zak. b. Yahyā), 1 400,
Ibn Sangalā (Sa'id b. "Amr), 2 133, 444, 498, 553; 2 111
461, 463, 488 Ibn Shītā (AW. b. H.), 2 472
Ibn Sanjalā = Ibn Sangalā
Ibn Shumayl (Nadr), 3 36
Ibn Sari" (Alī), 2 465
Ibn Shurayh (Hämid), 2 444
Ibn al-Sarräj (AB. M. b. Sarī), 1 243;
2 Ibn Sid, see Batalyüsi
124, 195 Ibn Sid Bono (Abü AhmadJ. b. ‘AA. b.
Ibn Sasyī, 3 287
M. Khuz3 'Abid), 2 6, 326, 327
Ibn Sawdakīn (Shams D. Abū Tahir)
Ibn Sid Bono (Ja'far b. A. b. ‘AID, 2 327
(432), 2 398; 3 271 Ibn Sida, 3 79, 82
Ibn Sawwār, 1 63, 69; 3 211
Ibn al-Sidra (M.), 1 120
Ibn Sayyar (d. 350 A.H.), 2 409
Ibn Sīmā (Ibr.), 1 64, 147
Ibn Sayyär (AB.), see Ji'ābī
Ibn Sīmā (M. b. Oāsim), 1 150
Ibn Sayyār (Ali b. M.), 1 401
Ibn Sim'àn (AB. [brahim = var. Sim‘in
Ibn Sayyūr, 1 316
Ibn Shabīb, 3 307
b. Sakr), 3 249
Ibn Sim‘än (Abān), 3 133
Ibn Shadāra, see Gharnātī
Ibn Sim'üna, 3 162, 200
Ibn Shädhän (Abū "Alī H.), 2 465 Ibn Simawnä (Bedrettin), 1 595; 2 428
Ibn Shādhān (Fadl), see Rāzī
Ibn Simjür (AH. M. b. Ibr.), 2 4, 197
Ibn Shādhān Bajalī, see Rāzī (AB)
Ibn Simjür (Ibrahim), 1 29, 38, 172; 2 69,
Ibn Shādhānī, 1 85 199, 205

Ibn Sina = Avicenna (2118), 1 lii, 121, Ibn Tahir (А. Zur‘a Tahir b. Abi Fadl), 2
133, 134, 191, 366, 518; 2 167, 230, 212
313, 318-320, 322, 410-413, 416, 420, Ibn Tahir (M. b. 'AA.), 1 96, 243, 398,
455; 3 6, 37, 50, 65, 68, 70, 72, 94, 112, 440
190, 210, 237, 238, 283, 340, 350; 4 98 Ibn Tähir (Ubayd Allah b. ‘AA.), 1 143,
Ibn Sinan (A. b. Hamdān b. "Alī), 2 196 256, 440
Ibn Sinàn (Thäbit), see Sabi Ibn Tāhir (Yahyà), 1 398
Ibn Singhala, 4 124 Ibn Talha (Idris), 1 167
Ibn Sinin, 1 317 Ibn Talha (Yahya b. ‘Imrän), 1 167
Ibn Sinjāba Harrānī (AM. "AR. b. “Umar Ibn Tālūt (Mu'ammal), 1 357
b. Shihāb), 2 463 Ibn Tamim (Zayd), 2 11
Ibn Sīrīn, 2 338, 339, 340; 3 176, 211 Ibn Тапакћі (Alī), 1 248
Ibn Sūdagīn, 2 315 Ibn Tarkan (‘Ali Ghulām), 2 176
Ibn Sühän (Zayd), 1 299 Ibn Tarkas ('Abbis), 1 149
Ibn Sukayna (Diyā” ‘A. Wahhāb), 2 69, Ibn Tarkhàn (AQ.), 1 256
153, 361, 466 Ibn Tā'ūs (A. b. Mūsā) (465), 1 304; 2
Ibn Sukkara (Abū "Alī), 2 170 492
Ibn Sal (A. Fadl ‘Amr b. Mas'ada b. Ibn Taymīya (Nizām D. * Abdalmalik
Sa'id), 2 123 Maraghi), 2 426
Ibn Sal (Abu "Umāra M.), 2 123 Ibn Taymiya (Taqi al-Din A. *Abbās A.)
Ibn Sulami (M.), 2 199 (512), 1 45, 76, 77, 81, 130, 135, 135,
Ibn Sulayman (‘Abbad), 3 172 151, 219, 301, 320, 345, 374, 380, 449,
Ibn Sulayman (“Abbas b. Hasan b. 450, 452, 519, 523; 2 10, 11, 12, 14, 20,
Ayyüb), 1 407 29, 34, 36-39, 45, 46, 48-50, 52, 53, 64,
Ibn Sulayman (M. Effendi) (1324) 68, 71, 82, 94, 136, 174, 181, 182, 202,
Ibn Sulayman (Muhammad), 1 334, 335, 219, 221, 225, 226, 294, 309, 311, 313,
417 315, 318-320, 324, 347, 349, 350, 395,
Ibn Sulayman (Mugātil), 1 169; 2 99; 3 43 418, 420, 443, 447, 463, 492; 3 14, 28,
Ibn Sulayman (Rabf'), 1 72 33, 37, 39, 47, 97, 104, 106, 112, 116,
Ibn Surāga, see Shātibī (AB.) 119, 133, 136, 141-143, 154, 166-168,
Ibn Surayj (A. "Abbās al-Oādī A. b. 172, 243, 284, 293, 298, 311, 312, 358,
*Umar) (103), 1 lviii, 26, 28, 30, 37, 359; 4 52, 110
46, 76, 97, 167, 172, 177, 242, 246, 248, Ibn Thawäba (AB.), see Qasri (AB. M.)
331, 333, 359, 360, 368-373, 375-377, Ibn Thäbit (Sinän), 1 146
406, 456-458, 472, 473, 490, 495, 497, Ibn Thallāj (Marzūg), 1 320
500, 501, 506, 524, 525, 534, 544, 554, Ibn Thawäba (‘Abbis b. M.), 1 443
564, 574, 576, 590, 600; 2 5, 10, 14, 33, Ibn Thawāba (Abü'l-Abbàs Ahmad), 1
37, 38, 62, 85, 97, 118, 120, 132, 145, 37, 446
159, 183, 197, 204, 224, 297, 298, 444, Ibn Thawāba (Abū "Alī), 1 446
470, 471; 3 90, 91, 183, 194, 247, 259, Ibn Thawāba (Abū Haytham), 1 401
261 Ibn Timūr (Mansür b. Bā'īgara b. "Umar
Ibn Surayj (Umar), 1 372, 377; 3 247 Shaykh), 2 72
Ibn Tabātabā, 2 124, 176 Ibn Tināb (Alī b. Khalaf), 1 148
Ibn Taghrībirdī (Abū'l-Mahāsin) (660), 1 Ibn Tigtagā (501), 1 40; 2 22, 113, 425; 4
100, 141, 283, 371, 376, 393, 434, 441, 128
446, 466, 639; 2 109, 120, 133, 162, Ibn Tirinja, 1 331
214, 223, 420, 447, 483; 3 30, 53, 114, Ibn Tufayl (Abū Ja'far M. Qaysi) (359), 2
197, 211, 253; 423 39, 40, 313, 320
Ibn Tughj, 1 417; 2 297 Ibn Uthmān (Amr) (101), 1 125
Ibn Tülün (Shams D. M. b. 'Ali b. A. Ibn ‘Uthmän (Faraj), 1 324
Sālihī) (737), 1 47, 207, 414, 441; 2 8, Ibn ‘Uthmän (Mahmūd) (1129A), 2 186
34, 463, 483 Ibn ‘Uthmän (Umar), 2 23
Ibn Tūmām (Abū AF Īsā b. M.), see Ibn ‘Uthmän (Yf. b. A. b. M.) (1154)
Tūmām Ibn ‘Uyayan, 1 223
Ibn Tūmār (Ahmad), 1 416; 2 111
Ibn "Uyayna, 3 24, 36, 156, 244, 295, 322
Ibn Tūmart, 1 41; 2 319; 3 126, 127 Ibn Waddih, 1 49
Ibn Turayk (father), 2 138
Ibn Wahb (Hy. b. Qäsim), 1 320, 390,
Ibn Turayk (A. Fadl) (son), 2 138
391, 442, 443, 462
Ibn Turjumān, 3 284, 292, 298, 328 Ibn Wahb (Hy. b. ‘UA.), 2 21
Ibn ‘Ubayd (Amr), 1 4: 3 23, 118, 152, Ibn Wahb (M. b. Qasim), 1 442
193 Ibn Wahb (Qasim b. 'Ua.), 1 146, 252,
Ibn "Ubayd (Yünus), 3 211
253, 333, 334, 422, 442, 474
Ibn ‘Ubaydalläh (M.), 1 402
Ibn Wahb (Sulaymän), 1 229, 541
Ibn "Ubaydallāh (Qasim), 1 252
Ibn Wahb (UA. b. Sulaymān), 1 25, 163,
Ibn Ukayna (Rizqallih Tamimi), 2 150
228, 248, 252, 333, 419, 420
Ibn Ukht al-Hallaj, 3 252
Ibn Wahshiya (132A), 1 61, 104, 147, 195
Ibn Ukht Labid (Tälüt), 3 133
198, 294, 543; 3 93
Ibn Ukht Walid (AA. b. A. b. Shu'ayb),
Ibn al-Walid (grand qädi), 2 296
2 296, 297
Ibn al-Walīd (A. "Alī M. b. A.) (2119), 1
Ibn ‘Ukkäsha, 1 193; 3 24, 36, 168,
203, 68, 375, 526, 595, 643; 2 157, 158, 472;
223 3241
Ibn "Ulayya (Ibr.), 3 139
Ibn Walid (Hàmid), 2 450
Ibn ‘Ulwän, see Yamani
Ibn Walid (Khalid), 2 404, 446, 450
Ibn “Umar (2), 2 30; 3 154, 190 Ibn Walid (Muslim), 2 124
Ibn ‘Umar (AA. b. M.), 2 153
Ibn al-Ward (Wuhayb), 3 106, 170
Ibn “Umar (AH. M.), 2 133
Ibn al-Wardi (Umar) (532), 1 546
Ibn “Umar (AT. "Abdalwihid), 1 499
Ibn Wargā' (Abū A. Ja'far), 1 111
Ibn 'Umar (‘Imad D. ‘Umar b. M.),
2 Ibn Wargā' (Ibr.), 1 150
Ibn Warqä (Wargā” b. M.), 1 111
Ibn "Umar (M.), 2 153
Ibn al-Warräq, 2 177
Ibn "Umar (Sadr M.), 2 70
Ibn Wasi', 3 211
Ibn ‘Umar (Ubayd А.), 3 295
Ibn Wasif (Salih), 1 441
Ibn Umm Ma'rüf, 2 133
Ibn Wasil, 1 63, 175
Ibn Umm Shaybän, 1 110, 232, 461:
2 10, Ibn Wāsitī (Fadl), 1 233
12, 133, 297 Ibn Wasla ('AR.), 2 316
Ibn Unaysa (Yazid), 1 195
Ibn al-Wāthig, 2 150
Ibn "Јада, 1 248
Ibn Watil, 2 94, 320
Ibn "Urama (M.), 1 167
Ibn al-Wawārī, 1 536
Ibn ‘Urwa (Наш), 1 91; 4 34?
Ibn al-Wazir al-Andalusī (2120)
Ibn 'Urwa (Hishäm), 1 229
Ibn Yāfrī, see Yàfi'1
Ibn Usayd (M.), 1 149, 150
Ibn Yahyā (A.), 1 148, 357
Ibn al-Ushnānī (A, Hy. ‘Umar b. Н. b.
Ibn Yahyā (A. Ishāg Ibr. b. M.), 2 209
Malik b. Ashras b. ‘AA. b. Minjàb
Ibn Yahyā (AJ. M.), 1 400
Shaybānī) (107), 1 247, 248, 434, 439, Ibn Yalbaq (Alī), 1 393, 406; 2 111
495, 497, 500, 546, 551, 552; 2 37, 38; 4
Ibn al-Yamān (Hudhayfa), 1 548
7 H
Ibn Yànüsh, 1 593

Ibn Yaqtin, 1 306 557, 558, 560-562, 567-572, 589, 592,

Ibn Ya'qüb (Abü Muthanna), 1 434 593, 596, 597, 601, 605, 618, 628, 631,
Ibn Ya'gūb (Ismāfl), see Hammadi (Ism.) 636; 2 3, 170, 451, 468, 469, 484, 485,
Ibn Ya'qüb (Istafān), 1 442 488-491; 3 194, 261
Ibn Ya'gūb (Y£), see Hammadi (Yf.) Ibn Zanji (AQ. Ismail b. А. A. ‘AA. M.
Ibn Yāgūt (AB. M.), 1 148, 395, 406, b. Ismä‘il Anbārī) (125), 1 16, 17, 461,
441, 448; 2 111 462, 546; 2 490; 3 255; 4 xvi, 7
Ibn Yasār, 1 225 Ibn Zanjī (Takla), 2 65, 387
Ibn Yasir (Ammar), 2 227; 3 192 Ibn Zarrūg (Shihäb D. A. Fāsī) (683)
Ibn Yaskin (Sa'id), 1 147, 440 Ibn Zarzür (Al), 2 300
Ibn Yazdàdh (M.), see Himār al-"Uzayr Ibn al-Zawwāl, 2 173
Ibn Yazdānyār (AB.), 2 201, 213 Ibn Zayd (A. Маза ‘Imrän), 3 251, 261
Ibn Yazdänyär (Abü Ja'far M. b. Hy. b. Ibn Zayd (A. Wahid), 1 22, 69, 72, 150.
A.) (228), 1 54, 85, 107, 456, 522, 635; 151, 383, 523, 548, 549; 2 119, 200; 3
2 10, 56, 103, 127, 128, 184, 189, 350, 33, 37, 106, 130, 166, 169, 207, 211,
456; 3 27, 132, 239, 277, 339 232
Ibn Yazid, see Jup (Jābir) Ibn Zayd (Amr), 3 330
Ibn Yazolānyār, see Baghdādī (Ibn Yazol) Ibn Zayd (Hammäd), 3 211
Ibn Yuhannä (Ibr.), 1 504 Ibn Zayd (Usäma), 1 279
Ibn Yuhanna (Zakaria), 1 504 Ibn Zayd (Yahya), 1 174, 175; 2 98
Ibn Yünus (A.), 1 506; 2 295 Ibn Zaydün, 3 311
Ibn Yüsuf (A. b. 'AQ.), 2 6, 123 Ibn al-Zayn (Kamal), 2 474
Ibn Yüsuf (Abü Mansür 'Abdalmalik b. Ibn Zaynab (2121), 1 209; 3 306
M.), 1 40; 2 142, 143, 149, 157, 161, Ibn Zaynab (Ibr.), 1 311
470, 471, 472 Ibn al-Zayyāt (A. b. Hy.), 1 61, 145, 147,
Ibn Yüsuf (Hamza), 2 213 191, 198, 248, 385; 2 299
Ibn Yüsuf (Isma'il), 1 111, 136 Ibn al-Zayyät (‘Abdalsamad), 1 372
Ibn Yüsuf (M.) (d. 316 4.1), 1 111 Ibn al-Zayyät (Abü Mahdi), 2 315
Ibn Yüsuf CUA. b. H.), 1 148, 469 Ibn al-Zayyāt (Shams D. M. b. M.)
Ibn Zabr (AA. b. A.), 1 440, 498, 500; 2 (2105)
296, 297 Ibn Zinghil (Abà Nüh Sa'id), 3 322
Ibn Zàdhàn (Haydara ?), 1 492 Ibn Zinjawayh, 17
Ibn Zàdhàn (Jundab), 1 58; 3 250 Ibn Ziyàd (AB.), see Naysabüri
Ibn Zādiya (Alī b. Marzubān), 1 139 Ibn Ziyäd (Sahl), 1 167
Ibn Zafar (Umar), 2 131 Ibn Ziyād (UA.), 1 183
Ibn Zaghdün (Abū'l-Mawāhib M.) (665), Ibn Zīzī, 2 460
2 106; 3 209 Ibn al-Zubayr (A. Ja'far A. b. Ibr.), 2
Ibn al-Zahrā (Yüsuf b. “Ali b. Mūsā), 2 311, 312, 314-316, 324
442 Ibn Zubayr (Mutab), 2 137
Ibn Zakhraf, see Saydalānī (A. Hy.) Ibn Zuhayr (Ka'b), 3 288
Ibn Zākka'ī (Dāwūd), 1 254 Ibn Zuhr, 1 190
Ibn Zakkür, 1 552 Ibn Zukhruf (M.), see Ibn Jimi
Ibn Zanji (A. AA. M. b. Ism. b. Sälih Ibn Zūlāg (Н. b. Ibr.), 2 298
Anbārī), 1 12, 18, 39, 100, 103, 180, Ibn Züm'a (Oustās b. Yahyā), 1 254
294, 387, 394, 429, 432, 433, 455, 456, Ibrāhīm (brother ofIbn "Isā), 1 414
460-464, 467, 479, 480, 486, 491-496, Ibrāhīm (grandfather of Oādir), 2 137
501, 504, 505, 511, 514, 515, 517, 540, Ibrāhīm (husband of the daughter of Zu-
543, 546, 548, 549, 551, 552, 554, 555, bayda), 2 162
Ibrahim (the Imäm), 1 104, 250, 251, 406, ‘Iräqi (Ahmad), 2 306
416? ‘Iraqi (Fakhr) (1114), 2 363
Ibrāhīm (Nestorian), 1 250, 254, 442, 445 ‘Iraqi (Zayn 'AR.), 2 185, 306
Ibrahim (the prophet), 2 377; 3 3, 37 Irshidi ((AW.), see Qutb Tàzi
Ibrāhīm (Hasan) (999-18) "Īsā, 1 162, 416, 526, 644; 2 110, 208,
Ibrisami (AB.), 2 201 310, 333
Ibrisami (AN.), 2 201 Īsā (d. 391 А.н.), 2 111
Ibshayhi, see Abshayhi ‘Isa (AO.), 1 85
Idrīs, 1 22; 2 318; 3 36, 75
Īsā (Ibn ‘AQ. Kilānī), 2 360
Idrīsī (AR. b. M.), 2 209, 216 *Īsā Dinawari, see Dinawari
‘Idwi al-Hamzawi (Hasan) (948), 3 203, *Īsā al-Zamàn (Ama), 2 100
_ 204 Isaac, 1 323, 593, 594, 598, 599; 2 375,
Іт (Adud), 3 232 377, 378; 3 24
ЧИ (Abū Mansür Mustanir), 1 311; 3 Isaac of Nineva, 3 208
160, 170, 199, 329 Isaiah, 3 40 |
“li (Abū'l-Najm), 2 124 Isfahānī (A. ‘AA. M. b. H. b. "Ali b.
“jH (Zayd b. A, 1 245 Mu‘ädh), 2 131
Ikhshīdī (Al), 1 525
Isfahani (A. 'AA. M. b. Ish. b. Zak. b.
Ikhtiyär, 1 442
Yah. b. Manda 'Abdi), 2 218
Ikhwān al-Safa’ (2121), 1 68, 85, 88, 104,
Isfahani CAA. M. b. A. b. Ibr.), 2 457
191, 196, 216, 460, 539, 595, 598;
2 31, Isfahānī (AB. M. b. ‘A. Rahim), 1 244
77, 80, 92, 166, 168, 319, 409, 414,
434; Isfahani (AB. M. b. Dāwūd), see Ibn Dā-
3 6, 8, 93, 95, 157, 193, 195, 289, 299, wüd
319, 350, 354 Isfahānī (AB. M. b. Ibr. Mugrī), 2 214
кш; (Qutb al-Din Nahrawali), 2 Isfahani (AF.) (2122), 1 304, 440, 446,
462, 498; 3 343
‘Iki (Shams D. M. b. AB. b. M.), 1 44; 2
Isfahani (AH.), see Ibn Mardüya
8, 64, 71, 153, 303, 310, 314, 336
Isfahani (A. Mansür Mashadha Hallaj), 1
"Ikrima, 3 193, 222
Il Kālmish, 1 186
Isfahānī (A. Muslim M. b. ‘Ali M. b.
Ilāhī (Gāzūrae), 1 50; 2 278
"Awf Burjī), 1 245, 410; 2 131
Ilekkhan Ahmad II, 2 162
Isfahani (A. Nasr M. b. Ibr.), 2 130, 440;
Iltutmysh, 2 65, 275 252, 262
Ilyās, see Elia Isfahānī (Abū Nu'aym), see Abū Nu'aym
Imbert-Gourbeyre, 1 117, 278; 3 21 Isfahānī (Al), see Ibn Sahl (Ali)
‘Imrin (AH.), see Ibn Marzubānī Isfahānī (‘Ali b. Hamza Hallāj), 1 100; 2
‘Imran (Īsā) (990A), 1 611 224
Imre Gélpinarli (Yünus) (1311), 2 106, Isfahānī (Hāfiz Qawäm D. Ism b. M.)
240-243, 250, 254, 261; 4 76, 78
(309), 1 82, 100
Inal, 2 154, 155 Isfahani (Ната), 1 168; 3 254
Injü, 2 175 Isfahānī (Hamza b. H.) (2123), 1 31, 163,
Insabato (Enrico) (1734), 2 334
166, 167, 277, 386, 413, 475, 477, 535,
Ionnikias (Pappa) (1388B), 1 623 578, 586; 2 123; 4115
Iqbal (S. Muhammad) (1240) (1698), 1 lix, Isfahānī (Hātif) (1236A)
50, 383, 453; 2 26, 401, 408, 429, 434; 3 Isfahānī (Ibn Hayyān), 3 273
303; 4 80 Isfahānī (‘Imäd) (2124), 1 61; 2 167
Iqbal (Ta'üs al-Harawiya A. Khayr), 2 Isfahānī (M.), see Ahwāzī (A. Hy.)
190 Isfahānī (M. "Alī), see Sā'ib

Isfahani (M. b. A.), 2 459; 3 250, 262 Iskāfi Ali b. Hy.), 1 446
Isfahānī (M. b. Dāwūd b. ‘Ali b. Khalaf), Iskāfī (Ibn Junayd), 3 204
2 250 Iskāfī (Jafar), 1 248
Isfahānī (Muhyī D.), 2 324 Iskāfī (M. b. ‘AA.), 1 248
Isfahānī (Nizām Ishāg), 2 71 Iskafi (M. b. A.), 1 448
Isfahānī (Rāghib) (276), 1 106, 586; 2 129, Iskandar II, 2 289
412; 3 16, 72, 191, 352 Iskandaräni (AM. ‘A. Wahhäb ibn Ra-
Isfahbadhi (AA. b. Ayman), 4 42 wāj), 2 476
Isfara'ini (Abü'l-Fath M. b. Fadl), 2 163, Iskandari (Abü'l-Fath), 2 130; 3 257, 262
165 Ismà'il (d. 541 A.H.), 2 153
Isfarā īnī (Abū Hāmid), 1 377; 2 57, 136, Isma“ (amir), 1 172
144, 146-148 Ismā'īl (son of Tamīmī), 1 85
Isfarā'īnī (Abū Ishaq), 1 164, 364, 377, Isma (AB.), 2 213
384, 523, 561, 574, 629; 2 10, 12, 57, Isma“ (Ibn A. Häshim), 1 148
197, 201, 206; 3 66, 90?, 109, 120, 180, Ismat Khätün, 2 162
183, 184, 188, 210, 256, 323 Isnawī (‘Abdulrahim), 1 377
Isfara imi (Abū Muzaffar Shahfür b. Tā- Ispehdust (Abū Tāhir), 1 38; 2 114, 115,
hir) (252) 125
Isfarā'īnī (Nur D. ‘AR. Kasirgī) (480), 1 Israfil, 1 152, 193, 285; 2 251, 253; 3 159,
132, 643; 2 34, 192, 227, 420, 422, 423 160, 328, 330, 334
Isfarā īnī (Tahir), 1 590 Isrī (M. M.), 4 80
Isfarā mg (Yq. b. Ish.), 2 99 Istakhri (AS.), 1 360
Isfijābī (A. Nasr A. b. 'Imrān), 2 441 Istakhri (Abü'l-Azhar “А. Wahid b. M.
Isfijābī (A. Nasr A. b. Sa'd), 1 177, 187; Hayyän Baydāwī), 1 54
2 196, 441; 3 247, 262, 266 Istakhri (Abū Ishāg Ibr. Balkhī) (135), 1
Isfijabi (Ahmad b. "AA.), 3 247 28, 29, 37, 53-55, 57, 174, 224, 257,
Isfinjānī = Isfijābī 282, 300, 415, 459, 500; 2 56, 74, 76,
Ishāg (d. 377 A.H.) = father of the caliph 108, 355, 487, 488
Oādir, 1 405 Istakhri (“Ali b. Shallūya), 2 110; 3 251,
Ishaq CAR), 2 23 262
Ishbili (AB. b. "Arabī), see Ibn ‘Arabi al- Istakhri (H. b. A.), 1 246, 376
Ishbīlī Istakhri (Sha'ráni), 2 109
Ishbīlī (M. Ibn Khayr), 2 9 Istakhri (“Umar b. Shallūya D. "AR, 2
Ishbīlī (M. b. Sharīh), 2 307, 311 251
Ishkavarī, see Lalīhī Istifān (d. 324 A.H.), 1 424
Ishkavarī (gutb) = Ishkawarī (813), 1 600; Itfayhī = Itfīhī
2 40, 336 Itfihi (Hamid b. Makki), 2 49, 65, 316,
Ishkawat, 1 537 336
Ishmael, 1 221, 311, 323, 345, 594, 598, Itfihi (Wihāta b. Sa'd), 2 50
599; 2 375, 377; 3 3, 314, 328 Ttimād Saltana, see Saltana
Iskāf ((AR.), 2 365 Ivanow (V.) (1771), 1 1x, 14, 90, 100, 203,
Iskāf (Abdalmalik), 1 170, 452, 609, 635, 520; 2 26, 29, 72, 76, 193, 221-224, 276,
636; 2 86, 198, 218, 220-222, 252, 256; 278, 280, 363, 388, 420, 456, 459, 478;
3 214, 253 3 263; 4 19, 22, 35, 58, 59, 61
Iskāfī (A. b. "Alī b. Hy.b. ‘Abd al-A'la), Iyād (Sibtī) (310), 1 41, 89; 2 14, 34, 36,
1 427, 446, 501, 620, 628 37, 43-44, 54, 55; 3 33, 168, 199, 202,
Iskafi CAM), 4 57 294-296, 303, 304
Iskāfī (Abū ‘Al M. b. Humām), 1 318 Iznīgī, see Chelebi (Ak)
‘Izzet (Aziz), 1 50 Jalīlī (Y.), see Mawsili
"Izzet (Hasan), 2 326 Jalia’, 2 168
Jām (Ahmadia) (1088)
Jabarti (Ism.), 2 6 Jamal (AQ. Siddiqi Makkī), 2 332
Jabghü, see Shibli (Jabghü) Jamal (A. “Amr Sul.), 1 310
Jabghüya, see Shibli (AB.) Jamalī (Darwīsh) (2126)
Jābir, 1 196, 200, 223, 374, 541; 2 17, 76; Jāmasp, 1 43
3 16, 156 Jāmī (A.), 2 219
Jäbiri, 2 36 Jami‘ (Lalaelī), see Lalaeli
Jackson, 3 289 Jami (Nar D. AR.) (1150), 1 46, 75, 76,
Jacob, 1 221; 2 15, 269, 375, 377, 378 78, 84, 85, 87, 95, 100, 108, 110, 120-
Jad al-Mawla (M. A.), 4 116 122, 125, 182, 292, 421, 452, 477, 495,
Ja'far = Mugtadir 502, 508, 509, 525, 530, 579, 583, 596,
Ja'far (brother of 11th imām), 1 446 610, 611, 635; 2 28, 29, 39, 43, 63, 106,
Ja'far (imām), 1 104, 308, 310, 346, 389, 107, 110, 134, 182, 188, 189, 191, 198,
392, 510, 522, 542, 545; 2 16, 273, 458; 201, 208, 214, 217-219, 222-224, 227-
3 8, 26, 34, 78, 95, 106, 109, 112, 118, 229, 234, 236, 256, 262, 279, 345, 362,
121, 126, 132, 139, 140, 148, 194, 195, 420, 421, 456, 480, 492; 3 42, 75, 113,
202, 205, 208, 232, 290, 293, 296, 304, 214, 225, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237, 249-
309, 322, 328, 345 251, 254, 258, 267, 270; 4 60, 90
al-Ja'fari (M. ‘Al-Kashif al--Ghitā'), 1 312 Jamil, 2 304
Jagir Kurdi, see Kurdi (M.) Jamīlā, 1 279
Jahäniyän (Hy. Makhduma), 1 45; 2 192,
Jamjama, 2 281; 4 80
275, 284 Jamshed, 2 408
Jahbadht (Īsā b. Ibr.), 1 441 Jän (Mehmet), 2 259
Jāhiz (2125), 1 lii, lvi, 68, 196, 204, 217, Janadi (Mu'ayyad) (490), 2 192; 3 237
228, 266, 275, 277, 345, 401, 515, 593, Janbukhsh, 1 141
627; 2 77, 96, 99, 124, 354; 3 14, 15, 17, Jànizade, 2 66
32, 55, 59, 61, 71, 77, 78, 82, 101, 107,
Janjūhī (‘Abdal Quddüs), 3 303
139, 140, 142, 152, 163, 169, 173, 190,
Jannābī (Abū M. Mustafā) (780)
198, 200, 211, 220, 240, 306, 341 Jannabi (Abū Sad), 1 25, 125, 136, 190,
Jahm, 1 349; 3 14, 15, 22, 48, 56, 60, 61, 385; 2 37, 41, 355; 3 194, 196
63, 64, 69, 70, 72, 76, 86, 100, 106-108, Jannābī (Sul.), 1 208
110, 111, 120, 121, 124, 125, 133-135, Janssen, 1 232; 3 92
138, 139, 144, 149, 164, 168, 172, 202, Jānū, 3 231
332 Jarāda, 1 265
Jahshyārī (M. b. *Abdüs) (127), 1 111, Jarbehādurī (Walī) (1165A)
463, 464, 561, 627; 2 33, 121, 488, 489; Jarīrī (A. Faraj Mu‘afa b. Zak.), 3 251
3 250 Jarjarā ī(A. Наб Umar), see Sāyih
Jaini (J.), 2 75 Jarjarā'ī (Abbas b. H.), 1 334
Jarmī (Ibn M.), 1 498
Jājar, Jājīr, see Jāgīr Jarrāh (Ibn Dāwūd), 2 484
al-Jākirī (Al), 3 281 Jarrett, 4 42, 66
Jākūs (Jākir al-Kurdi) (1090) Jasawī, 1 243
Jalajili (AB. Ahmad b. Faris), 2 213, 441; Jāshangir, 2 326
3 247 Jassās (Mu'ammal), 2 110
Jalāl al-Dawla, 2 136, 139 Jaussen, 1 232
Jalil, 2 140 Jawād (imām), 1 392
Jawäd (M. Mustafa) (998A), 1 xlv, Ix, 5, 251, 256, 268, 269, 281, 325, 350, 362,
57, 61, 105, 176, 229, 561, 611, 636; 2 367, 372, 375-381, 384, 396, 414, 431,
22, 120, 150, 158, 159, 171, 173, 175, 432, 436, 443; 3 13, 14, 19, 24, 28, 30,
254, 420, 434, 445, 467, 470, 471, 474, 31, 40, 44, 47, 73, 96, 101, 102, 110,
478; 3 164, 260; 4 44, 47, 114 156, 160-162, 170, 193, 197, 200, 202,
Jawāligī (Mawhüd), 2 466 207, 209, 219-221, 228, 231, 284, 293,
Jawbarī (AR. ‘Umar) (402), 1 122, 154; 299, 305, 328, 330, 332, 333, 360; 4 80,
2 191; 3 220, 240 106
Jawbiyār, 1 103 Jevdet Päshä, 4 76
Jawhari (A.), 1 462 Ji‘äbi (AB. Ibn Sayyār), 1 97, 139, 246,
Jawharī (AM. H.), see Miqna'i 249, 431, 435, 462, 535; 2 127
Jawharī (AQ.), 1 497 Jibrail = Jibril (the angel), 1 152, 176,
Jawharī (AR. b. Ish. b. M. b. Maman, 300; 2 232
2 296 Jibrayil = Jibril (the angel), 2 286, 303,
Jawhari (Н. b. "AR.), 2 296, 470 382, 389, 414
Jawhari (Qasim), 1 401 Jibril, 2 9. See also Bukhtyashü' (Jibra’il)
Jawnpüri, 2 12, 13 Jihangir = Jehangir
Jawzak (A. M.), 2 478 Jihshyārī (the Oahramāna), 1 421
al-Jawziya (Ibn Qayyim), see Ibn al- Jihshyārī (A. ‘AA. M. b. 'Abdüs), 1 410
Jawziya Jihshyari (‘Abdüs), 1 410
Jayakar, 4 39 Jīlānī, see Kilani (341)
Jayanarayana Sen., 2 286 Jildakī (‘Ali b. Aydemuer) (531), 1 154,
Jayhānī, 1 174 609; 2 40, 76, 129, 342, 344, 349, 447,
Jaytalī (Abū Tāhir Ism. b. Mūsā) = Ne- 459; 3 16, 249, 335, 348, 352, 353
fūsa (2127), 1 46 Jili (A. b. Sālih Shāfi'), 2 474
Jayyānī (A. Hayyān), see Saffār Jili (AB. Makki b. A.), 2 466
Jazā'iri (Abdalkadir b. Muhī al-Din Ha- Jīlī (A. Oādir), 2 176, 177
sanī) (969), 1 50; 2 333 Jih (AR. b. A.), 1 123; 3 248
Jazā'irī (Mu'min) (812), 2 16, 29, 37, 492 Jīlī (Afīf b. Mubarak b. Hy. b. Mah-
Jazā'irī (Ni‘matallah) (924), 1 584; 3 333 müd), 2 360
Jazā'irī (Tāhir) (984), 3 139, 278 Jīlī (Bay. b. J.), 2 149
Jazarī (L), 1 627 Jīlī (Majd), 2 411, 413, 415
Jazarī (Shams) (2128), 1 61, 105, 330, 581; Jili (Qutbaddin *A. Karim b. Ibr.) (601),
2 6; 3 250, 295 1 131, 518; 2 39, 91, 106, 303, 356, 359,
Jāzir (M. b. ‘AA.), 29, 218 360, 421, 422; 3 22, 44, 47, 49, 101,
Jazūlī (Muhammad), 2 334; 3 204 162, 163, 180, 201, 212, 241, 271, 292,
Jean, see Saint John 297, 307, 308, 315, 351, 358
John the Baptist, see Saint John the Baptist Jīlī (Salih b. Shafi‘), 2 466, 474
Jeanne d'Arc, see Saint Joan d' Arc Jill (Shaft), 1 150; 2 474
Jeffrey (A.), 1 lviii Jili (Shaydhala ‘Azizi b. "A. Malik) (259),
Jehangir, 1 48 1 41, 87, 377, 528, 608; 2 7, 65, 163,
Jesus (Christ), 1 3, 17, 18, 22, 24, 27, 36, 169-170, 171, 443, 455, 476; 3 258
104, 117, 131, 152, 153, 154, 203, 204, Jili, 2 17
221, 272, 297, 311, 323, 324, 328, 452, Jirjīs, 2 371, 375, 377, 378
460, 502, 540, 545, 551, 562, 566, 571, Jivashi (M.), 3 304
576, 588-590, 594-596, 598, 615, 624, Joachim, 2 322
634, 626, 637, 643, 645; 2 9, 15, 18, 93, Joachim de Flore, 3 125
97, 98, 100, 165, 168, 178, 179, 181, Job, 1 91; 2 375; 3 24, 31, 113-115, 331
John of Phanidjoit, 2 300 207, 208, 225-228, 238, 243, 249, 264,
Johnson Pasha (Edward A.) (1697) 267, 271, 283, 285, 298, 302, 311, 321,
Joliet (Jehan) (1775) 323, 325, 339, 343, 345, 358; 4 57
Jomard (2129), 1 240 Junayd (Айй), see Balyānī
Jonas = Jones Jundī (A. b. M. b. ‘Imrän), 1 84
Jones (G.), 3 337 Jundub (Abü Dharr), 3 192
Jones (James Felix) (1603), 1 238, 290 Jung (C. J.), 1 xxi, xxxii, lxii, Ixvii
Joseph, 1 339, 522; 2 174, 199, 241, 256, Jung (R.), 1 622
269, 371, 374, 375, 377, 378; 3 332, 334 Jurayri (A. b. Mh. Hy.), 1 78
Joseph of Arimathia, 1 594 Jurayrī (AB. M. b. A. b. Ishāg), 1 78
Joshua, 3 208 Jurayrī (AM. A. b. M. b. Hy.), 1 lxiv,
Josipovici (1764), 2 431 38, 58, 63, 71, 77, 78-79, 91, 92, 97,
Jouin (J.), 2 454 105, 106, 107, 160, 247, 292, 460, 514,
Joyce, 1 631; 2 363 529, 539; 2 84, 106, 203, 209, 440, 456,
Jubbā'ī (Abū "Am, 1 25, 152-156, 182, 458, 460; 3 102, 247, 261, 301
245, 248, 261, 295, 313, 326, 468, 487; Jurayrī (AM. Ibr.), 1 76
2 20, 40, 42, 84, 124, 126, 196; 3 15, Jurayrī (Н. b. M.), 1 78
66, 83, 107, 111, 134, 147, 155, 157, Jurfādhagānī, see Gulpaygānī
174, 183, 193, 197, 311 Jurfānī (A.), 2 420
Judas Iscariot, 1 594; 3 355 Jurhumī, 3 100
Јадһа (M. b. M. b. Shaddad), 1 60 Jari (Abū Mansür “Umar b. А.), 2 211
Jūrī (Hy. Akkār Bazyār Fīruzabādī), 2 186
Jup (Jābir b. Yazid), 1 311; 2 17, 33, 306
Jurjānī (AB. A. b. Ibr. Ismā īlī), 2 185
Jup (Mufaddal b. "Umar), 1 306
Juhani (AQ. M.), 1 473, 498 Jurjānī (AH. "Alī b. ‘A. Aziz) (2130), 1
5. 14, 38, 132, 357, 364; 2 8, 35?, 42,
Juhant (Sul. b. Yünus) (974)
43, 59, 96, 128, 129, 164-166, 197, 198,
Julāh (Abū Kathir), 1 100 345, 394, 423; 3 39, 55, 56, 60, 65, 68,
uijā (Abū Khalifa Fadl), 1 149, 150; 2 70, 83, 130, 254, 262, 303, 307
Jurjānī (Abū'l-Qāsim “Al, 2 227, 228,
Jumahī (Rabi'a b. Umayya b. Khalaf), 1 364; 3 339; 4 56
lviii, 550 Jurjānī (Ahmad), 2 227
Jumayli (Ahmad) (986), 2 342, 445 Jurjānī (M. b. A. b. Hy.), 1171, 577
Junayd (AQ. b. M.), 1 10, 19, 22, 24, 62, Jurjānī (Najm D.), 2311, 319?
65, 66, 71-73, 75-78, 79, 83, 84, 86, 88, Jurjānī (Sayyid Sharīf), 2 39, 192
89, 91, 92, 94-97, 103, 105-107, 110,
Jurgānī (Abū'l-Fawāris), 3 257
117, 118, 125-127, 138, 145, 161, 168,
Justin, 3 332
194, 201, 228, 243, 244, 247, 271, 274,
Justinard, 2 333; 4 48
278, 285, 292, 376, 467, 506, 508, 554,
595, 596, 610, 616, 625; 2 37, 72, 85,
Juwaynī (A. Ma'ali ‘А. Malik) (251), 1
125, 172, 190, 345, 374, 460; 2 10, 12,
91, 96, 101-103, 107, 110, 118, 127,
128, 159, 167, 176, 180, 183, 190, 198,
13, 20, 38, 40, 171, 316, 318; 3 162, 49,
200, 203, 209, 216, 222-224, 227, 230,
56, 60, 66, 69, 71, 72, 109, 119, 124,
241, 247, 271, 282, 292, 298, 313, 320, 134, 138, 151, 168, 178, 180, 183, 184,
344, 345, 349, 352, 368, 369, 378, 381- 256; 4 27, 30, 114
383, 385, 413, 446, 449, 450, 452-454, Juwaynī CAG Malik), 1 44; 2 425, 426
456, 458, 481; 3 5, 9, 11, 13, 14, 19, 23, Juwaynī (Bahā'), 2 425
24, 33, 38, 39, 45, 47, 48, 53, 56, 60, Juwaynī (Hārūn b. Shams), 2 425
61, 68, 72, 73, 95, 105, 106, 114, 117, Juwaynī (‘Imad D. “Umar b. Hammiya),
136, 150, 169, 177, 183, 185, 200, 201, 270
Juwaynī (M. b. M. Ibn Hammüya), 2 Kalwadhānī (Abū'l-Tayyib M. b. A.), 1
166, 192, 198 418
Juwayni (Sadr), 2 425, 426 Каша} Pāshāzādeh, 2 66, 68
Juwayni (Shams), 2 424, 425 Karnālīya (Zaynab), 1 45, 629; 2 461, 463
Juynboll (Th.), 4 xvii, 89 Kämil (Mālik), 1 553; 2 67, 299, 300, 310,
Juzjānī (M. b. A.), see Jurjānī (M. b. A.) 321, 322
Kanan, 1 593; 2 294
Капї (AB.) (1361), 2 258
Kabakhi, 1 174 Kankar, 3 236
Ka'bi (Abü'l-Qasim) (114), 1 76, 248; 2 Kant, 2 429; 3 51
103; 3 40, 61, 71, 151, 155, 272 Karābisī, 3 5, 95, 141, 143
Ka'bi (Ibn Khamis) (320), 1 314, 582, Karaji (AB.), see Wajihi
606; 2 457 Karaji (AH. M. b. ‘A. Malik), 2 219
Kabilī (Abū Khālid ‘AA. b. Ghālib), 1 61; Karaji (A. Qassaf), 1 518; 2 136
3 236 Karaki (Alī Ibn ‘Abd al-'Ali ‘Amili)
Kabīr (AB. M.), see Oaffāl (AB.) (725), 2 40
Kabir (Abü A. [Fadl b. M.]), 2 185 Karaki (Hasan) (755), 2 40
Kabir (Ahmad), 1 623; 2 241 Karim al-Dīn (M. b. Sirāj D.) (1411)
Kabir (= Ibn Khafif), see Ibn Khafif (A. Karizgāhī (K.), 1 47; 2 63; 4 65
“AA.) Karkhi (A.), see Wahiji (AB.)
Kābulī (Abū Sa'īd Ghänim b. Said), 1 Karkhi (A. ‘AA. Hy. b. Ism, Oatīī)
180 Karkhi (A. ‘AA. J. b. O.), 1 148
Kabūlī (Shāh Sāhib), 2 283 Karkhi (A. b. ‘Ata’ [= "Utarid] b.
Kader, 1 397 Hāshim), 1 141, 480, 498; 3 247, 262
Kafālīzāde (А. B.), 4 76 Karkhi (AH. "UA. b. Hy. b. Dalāl), 1
Kāfūr, 1 422 247; 2 124
Kahhāla (‘Umar Rida) (2131) Karkhi (AJ. M.), 1 148
Kahil (Miss Mary), 2 436 Karkhi (Abū'l-Atāhīya), 3 56
Kahle (2132), 2 254; 4 119 Karkhi (H. b. M.), 1 253
Ka'ki, 1 319 Karkhi (Ja'far), 1 468
Kalābādhī (A. AA. M. b. Sa‘dän), 3 251 Karkhi (Ma'rüf), 1 69, 276; 2 21, 22, 136,
Kalābādhī (AB. M. b. Ishāg) (143), 1 39, 305, 425; 3 29, 212, 264
40, 52, 79, 82, 85, 89, 100, 113, 120, Karkhi (Oāsim), 1 148, 468, 469
177, 188, 222, 273, 342, 357, 447, 519, Karkhi (Saläh D. AB. A. b. Mugarrab b.
522, 524, 543, 548, 549, 614; 2 8, 26, Hy. Safi), 1 9, 42; 2 7, 8, 33, 64, 461,
88, 104, 106, 110, 195, 196, 199, 200- 463, 464, 466-467
203, 318, 348, 438, 440, 442, 455-459; 3 Karmali, see Anastase
25, 30, 38, 53, 60, 62, 63, 69, 76, 97, Karnabāī (AA. b. M. Ibn Hisham), 1
106, 109, 115, 126, 145, 146, 151, 161, 64; 3 252
166, 168, 176, 184, 202, 224, 226, 248- Karnabā'i (A. Ya'gūb [Ishäq?] Aqta'
250, 255, 256, 262, 266, 269, 276-278, Basrī), 1 11, 22, 23, 29, 65, 66, 136,
290, 291, 296, 299, 309, 327, 349 142, 471, 476, 561, 625; 2 485, 486; 3
Kalābādhī (Abü'l-Sawda), 3 252 261, 262
Kalamati (M. b. Sufyän), 1 188 Karnabà'i (Abü Wathila M.), 1 64
Kalbi (Abü Thawr Ibr.), 1 67, 75; 2 298 Karnabà'i (Ibn Ya'qüb Agta'), see Basrī
Kalhana, 1 179 (Ibn Ya'qüb)
Kalidjaga (S.), 2 290, 291 Karnabā'ī (M. b. Yahya b. Sa‘id), 1 22,
Kaliyuga, 2 286 64, 141
Kalwadhānī (AQ. ‘UA.), 1 408 Karramī (M. b. Hy.), 2 202; 3 253

Каттап (А. b. M. b. "Asim), 3 247 Kāzarīnī, see Fārisī (M.)

Karraz (AS.), see Kharräz Kāzarūnī (A. 'Amr Uthmān b. Juhdūrā-
Kashani (AS. "AA. b. "Alī), 2 427 mihr), 2 216
Kāshānī (Mahdī Naragī), 1 550 Kāzarūnī (Abū Ishāg), 1 Ixvi; 2 108
Kāshgarī (Sa'd D.), 2 228 Kāzarūnī (Amin D. M. b. “Ali b. Mas'üd
Kāshī (122 D. Mahmūd) (1126) Balyānī), 2 190; 3 262
Kashi (Jamal ‘A. Razzāg) (1125), 1 130, Kāzarūnī (Atalláh), 2 190
177, 202, 303, 306-308, 315, 318, 319, Kāzarūnī (Bahà' D. AB. b. Hassan), 2
381, 513, 523, 599; 2 188, 421 188, 191
Kishi (Jamal D. "a Razzāg) (515), 2 188; Kāzarūnī (Ibn Bayān), 2 170
4 28 Kāzarūnī (M. b. Baha’ D. [A. Hassan]
Kāshif al-Ghitā, 3 34, 126, 319 Khabbaz), 1 46; 2 188; 3 262
Käshifi (Hy. al-Wa'iz) (1152), 2 34, 229; 3 Kāzarūnī (M. b. Ibr. Siddīgī) (1136)
102, 207, 291 Kāzarūnī (M. b. M.) (1133A), 2 177, 181,
Kāsimī (Jamal), 3 105 191
Kasirgī (Nūr D.), see Isfarā'īnī (Nūr D.), Kāzarūnī (Nasim D. Hibatalläh b. "Atal-
1218; 2 106, 420, 421 làh b. Lutfalläh b. Salämalläh b. Ruhal-
Kaskānī ('Aw.), 2 187 làh Shah Mir), 2 190, 192, 279?
Kātib (A. Nasr Hibatallāh b. M.), 1 325 Kāzarūnī (Oiwām D. M. b. Ghiyāth D.
al-Kātib (Abū Alī), II 227; 3 225 Ibr. b. M. b. Yahyā b. Ibr. Husaynī), 2
Kātib Chelebī, see Khalifa (Hajj) 188, 192; 3 263
Капы, 2 254 Kāzarūnī (Ruzbahān), 2 300
Каша (AH. M. b. Hy. b. ‘Ali [b. Y. b. Kāzarūnī (Sa'd al-Din) (527), 1 437, 528,
Y. b. Hy. b. Zayd b. Zaynal]), 1 120 548; 2 34, 189, 412; 3 250
Katirjoglou (Mukhtar Pāshā), 2 436 Kāzarūnī (Sa id), 3 238
Kattānī ([АВ,] M. b. ^Ali), 1 54, 79, 107, Kāzarūnī (Shah Mir Hibatallāh b. “Atallah
110; 2 9, 98, 99, 166, 189, 190, 192, Lutfallāh b. Salāmallāh), 1 517, 635; 2
194, 195, 203, 209, 213, 278, 279, 331, 215, 218, 262, 263, 350; 3 258, 264
332, 456, 458, 476; 3 210, 250, 264, 345 Kāzarūnī (Tāhir), 2 192
Kattānī ('Abdalhayy) (999-06) Kāzarūnī (Tāj "AR. b. Mas'ūd), 2 192,
Kattānī ('Ali b. 'AR.), 2 214 279
Kattāva, 2 420 Kāzerūnī = Kāzarūnī
Kaveh, 1 166 Kazim (Abü'l-Hasan Ш Misa = Abū
Kavibhusana (Fakir Rama), 2 286 Ibr.), 1 304, 306, 308
Kawkabi (Abū "Ab, 1 312 Kāzim (Pāshā), 2 25
Kawkabī (Ahmad), 1 414 Keene (H. G.) (1629)
Kawkabī (Mādharā'yī), 1 149 Kenanga (Kebo), 2 290
Kawrānī (Ibr. b. H.), 2 39, 278, 331; 3 Kermiyānī (Ahmedi) (1320A)
234, 270 Kerub = Isrāfīl
Kawtharī, 1 590 Ketkhudāzāda (‘Arif Eff.) (1364A), 1 50,
Kawtharī (M. Z. H.), 419 346; 2 232
Kawwān (A. Fath Yf.), 2 131 Kevorkian (I.), 3 360
Kayaghlagh, 1 163, 257, 336, 425 Khabri (Fakhr), see Fārisī (Fakhr)
Kaykhusrü (‘Izz al-Mulük Abū "Af, 2 Khabūshānī (Н. b. M.), 2 130
141 Khabüshàni (M. b. M.), 2 131
Kayyāl (Ahmad), 2 78, 80, 356; 3 122, Khachab, see Khashshäb
123, 286, 289 Khadÿa, 1 221
Kazanskij (K.) (1685) Khadija (Usäma), 3 34
Khadījī (‘Ali b. A.), 1 308 Khämush (Nizam D.), 2 228
al-Khādim (Dhukā'), 1 315 Khäqän, 1 163, 257, 425
Khādim (Munis), see Mu'nis (al- Khāgānī 1st, 1 310
Khādim) Khāgānī III, 1 318, 575
al-Khadir, see al-Khidr (Elia) Khāganī (A.), 1 420
Khadir-Eliyas, 2 313 Khāgānī (AA.), 1 420
Khafājī (Shihab D. A. b. M.) (811), 1 48, Khāgānī (А. ‘Ali M. b. ‘UA.), 1 419-420
553, 622; 2 5, 21, 39, 44, 53, 55, 189, Khāgānī (AQ.), 1 420
246, 330, 336, 345-347, 349, 351, 353, Khāgānī (A. Wahhab), 1 420
358, 446, 451, 468; 3 21 Khāgānī (Mūsā), 1 244, 255, 420
Khafārjī, 1 619 Khāgānī (UA. b.Yh.), 1 148, 167, 264,
Khaffaf (A. Hy.), see Ibn al-Jundī 407, 411, 412, 419, 466, 469, 472, 553;
Khaffāf (AM.), 2 110 2 433
Khaffaf (“Abdalwahhab), 1 193 Kharā'iti (AB.), see Samarrī
Khaffaf (Abū ‘Amr A. b. Nasr), 1 26, Kharā'itī (Abū Marwān), 1 455, 557
148, 171, 172, 370 Kharāj (Yūsuf), 3 213
Khaja (Ahmad) = Yesewī, 2 234, 235 Kharghūshī (А. Hafs Jarjarā'ī ‘Umar b.
Khaja (M.), 2 185 Rufayl Sāyih), see Sāyih
Khāja Khan (2133), 1 50; 2 276, 278, 279, Kharimi, 2 92
284; 3 304, 326 Kharizmī, see Khwārizmī
Khājuwī (Ism), 2 492 Kharküshi (A. Sa‘d ‘Abdalmalik b.
Khalaf (d. 229 A.n.), 1 244, 627; 2 33 "Uth.) (180), 1 39, 93, 609; 2 4, 107,
Khalaj, 2 8 118, 462; 3 107, 115, 177, 181, 227,
Khalanji, 1 111 253, 256, 277, 337, 348
Khali‘ (Hy. b. Dahhāk), 1 16, 586, 587, Khargānī, 2 96, 277; 3 203
609, 610; 2 170; 3 343 Kharra’, 2 110
Khalid (amir), 1 87; 2 166
Kharrat (Nasr), 3 233
Khalid (Diya’ "I-Din) (1223), 2 229
Khälidi, 2 215 Kharräz (AS.), 1 72, 76, 81, 89, 97, 221,
271, 284, 363, 365, 525, 526, 529; 2
Khālidī (Ibn Jawharī), see Ibn Jawharī
Khalifa (Hajji Kātib Chelebi) (810, 1350, 224, 456; 3 9, 16, 17, 38, 39, 58, 59, 95,
2134), 1 232; 2 37, 480, 483, 493; 3 83, 102, 118, 119, 145, 198, 201, 272, 283,
285, 324, 357, 358
270, 271; 4 5, 85, 109
Khalil (7), 2 93, 378 Kharrübi, 3 324
Khalīl (d. 175/793) (grammarian), 1 lii, Kharshānī (Badr), 1 448, 527
lvi, 339; 3 80, 274 Khartabirti, 2 96
Khalil (Ghulàm), see Ghulàm Khalil Kharüf, 3 263
Khalil (Ibn Ghulām), see Ibn Ghulām Khashish (Nasa), 1 382; 2 56; 3 26, 125,
Khalil (Ibr.), 1 632; 2 283 163, 169, 207
Khālisī (M.) (2135), 3 126 Khashshāb (A. “Abbas M. b. H. Mukhar-
Khallal (AB.) 1 247 rimi Baghdädi), 1 110, 121; 2 200
Khallāl (AM. Н. b. A. Tālib), 1 251, 484, Khashshäb ('Umar) (981), 2 348
523; 2 133, 217, 465, 466 Khashshäb (Yahyā), 1 221
Khallāl (Н. b. Hy.), 2 338 Khasibi (А. "AA. Hy. b. Hamdān) (139),
Khallāl (Н. b. M.), 1 440 1 16, 17, 38, 60, 61, 101, 108, 148, 183,
Khalüb, 1 395 226, 230, 248, 307, 311, 320, 322, 391,
Khaluwi (Farid D. ‘Abdalwadiid b. Dā- 406, 429, 442, 446, 472, 513, 526, 536,
wüd), 3 263 591; 2 17, 18, 100, 111, 200; 3 35, 135

Khasibi (A. 'Abbàs A. b. M.), 1 401 Khayr, 1 79

Khasir, 1 383 Khayrān, 1 627; 2 33
Khassāf (AB. J. b. A.), 1 90, 244 Khayyām ('Umar), 1 lxv; 2 428; 3 111; 4
Khata'i (= Shah 1:129) (1328A), 2 16 91
Khatak, 4 58 Khayyāt (AHy.) (2137), 1 218, 248; 2 13,
Khatib (AB. A. b. "Ali b. Thäbit Bagh- 49, 71, 78; 3 182
dādī) (250), 1 lix, 3, 4-8, 11-13, 16, 17, Khayyāt (Mansūr b. J.), 1 147
19, 39, 40, 52, 57, 58, 71-73, 75, 79, Khayzurān, 1 401
81-85, 87-90, 92, 93, 95, 97-100, 105, Khazarī (Ibn "Ayyāsh), 1 435; 3 247
106, 108, 112, 122, 124, 149, 154, 156, Khāzim, 3 106
158, 161, 162, 172, 176, 180, 188, 225, Khāzin (Mu'nis), 1 392, 448
229, 230, 231, 244, 250, 255, 256, 275, Khazlajī, 1 637
283, 318, 319, 325, 346, 357-359, 362, Khazrajī (Abū Dulaf Misar b. Muhalhil),
368, 371, 376, 399, 400, 403, 405, 416, 1 180
420, 430, 431, 435, 436, 439, 445, 461- Khazrajī (Safi A. b. "AA.) (720), 1 100
464, 467, 490, 496, 498, 500, 505, 521, Khazzaz (AA. b. M. b. Sugayr), 1 475
522, 527-529, 531, 543, 561, 564, 574, Khazzāz (A. ʻAlā), see Wasiti (A. Alā)
578, 579, 581-583, 590, 597, 607, 610, Khazzāz (A. ‘Umar M.), see Ibn Hayya-
612, 613, 625, 627, 632; 2 6, 22, 33, 36, wayh
37, 66, 67, 93, 102, 103, 110, 111, 118, Khidāsh, 1 176
119, 121, 123, 128-131, 133, 144, 145, al-Khidr = (al-Khadir), 1 xxxviii, Ixviii,
149, 151, 153, 156, 157, 181, 182, 194, 22, 221, 300, 364, 365, 589, 596, 598,
195, 198-200-203, 205, 206, 208-213, 599, 617, 636, 639, 640, 643; 2 12, 48,
215, 216, 393, 414, 440, 441, 455-459, 93, 97, 190, 191, 256, 305, 330, 377,
461, 465, 466, 468-473, 475, 488, 489, 385, 400, 479, 480; 3 31, 54, 90, 185,
491, 492; 3 19, 116, 245-259, 261, 337, 208, 283, 311, 334. See also Elias
346; 4 11, 13, 52 Khilāsī (AM. "AA. b. Yf. b. Mūsā), 3
Khatib (Hārūn b. ‘Isa b. Muttalib), 1 250 264
Khatib (Khalid b. Yazid), 3 19 Khiraqi (A. b. 'AA.), 2 296
Khatib (M. D.), 4 115 Khīrāsh, 2 11
Khātif, 1 258, 498 al-Khīwagī, see Kubrā
Khatmi (AB. Mūsā b. Ishāg), 1 149, 171, Khiyādānī, 2 191
217, 434 Khoja (Ahmad) = Yesewī. See also Khaja
Khattabi (‘Ali b. ‘Umar Sakkarī), 1 494; Kholmogorow (1617)
2 472 Khoshasp (AIL), 4 60
Khātūn (d. 496 a.n.) (wife of Tughril), 2 Khubzuruzzi (Nasr), 2 124
155, 162 Khuda Bukhsh, 3 360
Khātūn (Abish; d. 686 А.н.), 2 65 Khūdī (Anda), 4 109
Khātūn (Saljüqa; d. 584 А.н.), 2 22, 254 Khujustānī (wālī of Nishapur), 1 170
Khatwatānī, 1 88 Khuldī (AM. Ja'far b. M. b. Nusayr
Khawārizmī, see Khwārizmī Khawwäs) (132), 1 10, 18, 19, 38, 71,
Khawlānī (Abū Muslim), 1 271 76-78, 82, 84, 96, 97, 114, 115, 120,
Khawlī, 2 27 125, 162; 2 15, 102, 103, 106, 107, 128,
Khawwā, 2 193 194, 195, 200, 209, 212-215, 298, 456,
Khawwās (AM. J.), see Khuldī (AM.) 460, 468; 3 238, 250
Khawwis ('Alī) (730), 2 105 Khulwi (Farid D. "Abdalwadūd b.
Khawwās (Ibr.), 1 24, 82, 109, 120, 121, Wadüd), 2 388
346, 473; 2 196?, 200, 303, 343, 345, Khumāratakīn, 2 149
455; 3 48, 61, 225, 321 Khumarawayh, 1 332
Khumarüya, 2 146 Kilàbi, 3 133
Khūnsārī (M. Bāgir) (923), 1 273, 324, Kilän (amir), 2 279
325, 329, 330; 2 16, 17, 29, 37, 395, Kilānī (А. Wahhāb b. 'AQ.), 2 70
409, 492; 3 358 Kīlānī (Abū Salih Nasr b. ‘A. Razzāg), 2
Khurāsānī (AB.), 2 387 70, 361; 424
Khurāsānī (Baba Пул), 2 241 Kīlānī (Ibrahim Zahid), 2 262, 268
Khurāsānī (Hàjj Mu'min) (765), 2 492 Kīlānī (Kāmil), 4 118
Khurāsānī (M. b. 'Amrüya), 1 441 Kīlānī (Muhyr'l-Din ‘AQ. Bushtīrī (341),
Khurgānī (AH.), 1 137; 2 167, 218, 228; 3 116, 42, 88, 131-133, 134, 188, 217,
265 219, 293, 329, 367, 378, 515, 542, 579,
Khurrami (Bābak), 2 348 614; 2 8, 10, 14, 19, 21, 25, 32, 34-39,
Khurramiya (M. b. Mu'āwiya), 1 138 44, 47, 48, 50, 53, 54, 67, 69, 85, 93,
Khurragānī, see Khurgānī 108, 163, 164, 166, 173, 175, 180, 219,
Khurrazäd b. Firūz, sce Baydāwī 220, 248, 283, 294, 325, 344, 347, 356,
Khurrazi (AH. ^A. ‘Aziz), 1 464; 29 359-361, 394, 443, 444, 448, 464, 467,
Khurrazī (AHy.), see Ibn "Ayyash 478; 3 23, 24, 30, 37-39, 106, 107, 114,
Khurrazī (Yūsuf), 1 464 124, 129, 133, 142, 143, 147, 153, 155,
Khushanī (M.) (2138), 1 578, 617: 3 14 160, 164, 193, 201, 202, 217, 226, 237,
Khushūf (A. *AA.), 1 82 284, 289, 291, 307, 322, 332, 333, 359
Khusraw (Nāsir), 1 137, 180; 3 16 Kilani (Mūsā), 2 361, 448; 4 23
Khutabī (AM. Isma‘il b. "Alī) (133), 1 Kilwä, 1 404
52, 459, 460, 465, 475, 561, 571; 2 466, Kimoi, 1 254
469, 486-488, 491, 492; 3 249, 262 Kinānī (A. b. M. Witrī), 2 180
Khuttalānī (Ishaq), 2 193 Kinānī (Jamāl), 1 231, 561; 2 108, 128; 3
Khuttalī, 2 43, 104, 106 260
Khuwafi (Zayn D. AB. b. M.) (620) Kinārī (Muhyi D. A. Yazid M. b. M. b.
Khuyyi (1236), 1 317, 544, 565; 2 138, M. b. Mahmüd Qasr), 2 192
174, 194, 492; 4 15, 43, 45 Kindi (A. ‘Umar M. b. Yūsuf) (d. 350
Khuzāī (Abū Dulaf Hashim b. M.), 1 A.H.), 1 68, 83, 205, 206, 359, 401, 448;
150 2 114, 134?, 298, 486
Khuzāī (A. Fadl M. b. Ja'far), 2 114, 184 Kindi (A. Yumn Zayd b. H.; d. 614
Khuzāī (Mansür b. Nasr b. Hamza), 1 60 A.H.), 1 4; 2 7, 469
Khuza'i (Sahl), 1 451 Kindi (A. Yüsuf Ya'qüb b. Ish.), 1 146,
Khwātī (Zayn D. AB, M. b. M.) (1140), 338, 340, 343-345, 361; 2 295-297, 319;
2 191, 192 3 75, 78, 237
Khwaja (N. Kasirgī) (480) Kindī (‘Abd al-Masīh) (2139), 1 106, 321,
Khwaja Khän (Khan Sahib) (1773) 383, 439, 458, 495, 520?, 524; 3 31, 98,
Khwaja Pasha (Sani D. Yf. b. Khidr) 133, 134, 250; 4 119
(1327) Kindī (Tàj), 2 67
Khwandamir (1161), 2 108, 352, 426, 492 King-Kong, 1 186
Khwani (M.), 2 192 Kirmānī (A. ‘AA. А. b. AR.) (330), 1
Khwansari (M.) (2143), 1 103; 2 426 616; 2 69, 342, 442, 477; 3 128, 129,
Khwārizmī (Kamil Hy.) (1145), 1 46, 234; 238, 259, 262, 277, 336
2 193, 382; 3 354 Kirmānī (A. Fadl “AR. b. M. b. Amirüya
Khwārizmī (M. b. al-"Abbās), 1 462 b. M.), 2 442; 3 260
Khwīshagī ('AA.) (1199), 2 228; 3 248 Kirmānī (Awhad al-Din Hāmid), 2 7, 70,
Ki-Bagdād, 1 46; 2 292 363
Ki Lontang Semarang, see Semarang Kirmàni (Harb), 1 520, 524
Kierkegaard, 3 242 Kirmäni (‘Imad Fagīh) (1132)

Kirmānī (Khwājū) (1128), 2 421 Каб (Ali b. H. al-Tātārī), 1 313

Kirmānī (M. b. Ukkāsha), 1 152 кай (Jäbir b. Hayyān), 1 147, 382; 3 207,
Kirmānī (Ni'matallāh), 2 192 353; 4 108
Kirmānī (Shah Shuja’), 2 202; 3 334 кай (M. b. Ishāg), 3 217
Kirsch, 4 81 Кай (Yf. b. Masa Oattān), 1 89
Kisā'ī (Н. b. M.), 1 100, 163, 244, 430, Kuhn (E.), 4 89
432, 578 Kuläl (amir), 2 228
Kishi (Shams D. M. b. M. [A. b. 'A La- Kulayb, 1 68, 382, 522; 3 105, 145, 163,
tif Qurüshi] Hakim) (1113), 1 40, 44, 207, 208, 225
565, 600, 642; 2 8, 9, 17, 63, 65, 262, Kulaynī (‘Allan "Alī b. M.) (2142), 1 308;
422, 424-426, 439; 3 352 3 334
Kishshī (A. b. "AR.), 2 296 Kulini (M. b. Yg. b. Ishāg) (2141), 1 311;
Kisrawī (A. Sahl Yazdajard b. Maban- 3 118
dah), 1 232, 238, 533, 575 Kullābī, 3 143
Kisrawi (‘Ali b. Mahdi), 1 166 Kulthūm, 3 184
Kittani (AB.), 2 93, 191, 335, 472 Kundarī (A. N. M. b. Mansūr), 2 143,
Klein (P. A.) (1686) 148, 151, 152, 155
Kolmogoroff (2140), 2 81 Kunduri, see Kundarī
Kóprülü (M. Fuat) (1378), 1 456; 2 186, Kūra (H. b. ‘Ali), 1 163
188, 231, 240, 254, 265, 270, 364; 3 Kurayzī (Ibr. b. M.), 1 498; 2 296
273, 274, 276, 278; 4 xvi, 98 Kurdaly, 1 127; 2 354; 4 17
Koryürek (E.B.), 4 126 Kurdepīr (A. H. A. b. M.), 2 114, 115
Kraemer (H.) (1742) Kurdi (Jibrīl), 2 422
Kramers, 2 289 Kurdi (Khadir Mihrānī), 2 64
Kratchkovsky (1724), 1 141, 194, 459, Kurdī (M. b. Dushm Jāgīr), 1 43, 89, 188,
465, 517, 586, 619; 2 122, 293, 354, 484; 525, 542; 2 387, 390, 481, 482, 491; 3
3 252, 271, 345, 360; 4 10, 30 251, 260, 262, 268, 281
Kraus (Paul) (999-12, 1804), 1 xlv, Ix, Kurdī (Mājid), 2 200; 3 330
Ixvii, 13, 14, 16, 93, 94, 107, 116, 196, Kürküt (Shähzädeh) (703, 1327A), 2 37
197, 200, 466, 565, 567, 573, 574, 613, Kurūkhī, 2 225
635, 639; 2 76, 79, 123, 409, 437, 455; 4 Kuthayir, 3 144
xvi, 44, 58, 95, 125 Kutubi (Ibn Shäkir) (539), 1 45, 79, 95-98,
Kremer (Alfred von) (1616), 1 233, 235, 414, 461, 464, 516, 543, 549, 561, 592,
262, 407, 409, 412, 413, 426; 2 68, 228, 593; 2 108, 128, 351, 488, 489, 490; 3
435 249
Krenkow, 4 29
Krishnaharī 035, 2 285, 286, 287, 328 La’, 212
Kshémagupta, 1 179 Labbānī (Sa'īd b. Fāris), 2 164
Kubrā (Najm D. A. al-Khīwagī) (391), 1 Labib, 1 439; 3 133
46, 121; 2 106, 227, 300, 363, 420, 455; Labid, 3 240
3 356 Lacharriére (J. L. de) (1758)
Kubrawi (Ibr.), 2 191 LaFontaine (Jean de), 3 352
Kūfānī (A. b. A. Nasr), 2 6, 131 Lahib (M.), 1 273
Küfi (A. 'AA. A.), 1 430 Lāhijī (Shams D. Yahya b. "Alī) (1148)
Кай (AA. b. Hilāl), 1 61; 3 236 Lahsā'ī (Ahmad), 2 168
Кав (AB.), see Ibn 'Ayyash Lāhūrī (Sharaf) (1173B)
Küfi (A. S.), 1 448 Lajlāj, 1 100
Кай (Abū Hashim 'Uthmin ibn Sharīk), Lālā (Alī), 2 227
1 68; 3 113, 193 Lais: (Isma‘il), 4 75
Lālakā'ī (AQ. Nibat Allāh b. M.), 2 219 Leon VI, 1 645
Lalande (A.), 1 80, 272 Leon the African, 2 352; 3 240
Lalihi (Qutb D. Ishkavari), 1 46, 48; 2 17, Leonard da Vinci, 3 51
38 Le Play, 1 232
Lāmi'ī (M. b. “Uth. Chelebi) (1335), 1 Lereboullet, 1 339
47, 368, 596, 603, 604; 2 26, 238, 256, Lescot (Roger) (1798, 2149), 1 18, 259,
257, 336 273, 450; 3 265
Lammens (Henri) (1728), 1 165, 280, 394; Lessing, 4 83
2 172, 441; 3 181, 190 LeStrange (1161), 1 53, 227, 229, 230,
Landberg, 3 94, 209 275, 282, 284, 285, 309; 4 116
Lane (Edward Wil.) (2144), 1 204 Leszinsky, 3 158
Lang, 1 165 Leumann, 2 75
Läni (Badr), 1 247; 2 124 Lévi, 1 148
Laoust (H.), 1 xli, xlvii, xlviii Levi della Vida, 2 100; 4 20, 98
Lagānī CA. Salām b. Ibr.) (820) Lévi-Provengal, 1 552; 2 311, 326; 4 18,
Lagānī (Burhān), 1 48; 2 65 38, 99
Lagānī (Ibr.), 2 36 Lévy (C.), 1 350
Larguier des Bancels (2145), 2 78 Lévy-Bruehl, 2 429
Läri (A.) (739), 2 229 Lewis (Bernard), 4 128
Lari (Radi D. ‘Abd al-Ghafür) (1158) Li-Kioyung, 1 186
Laroui (A.), 1 xxi Lichtenstadter (I.), 4 129
Larousse (Pierre) (1620) Linnaeus, 2 78
Laswi (A. "AA.), 3 262 Listing, 3 83, 341
Laswi (As'ad b. A. b. ‘AA. b. Hayyān), Littmann (E.), 4 xvii
3 256, 262 Lobeac, 1 624; 2 351
Latifi (Kabir b. Uways b. M.) (1160) Lombard (P.), 3 111, 125
Lator (E.), 2 315 Loosen (P.), 2 102, 351
Lavoix (2146A), 1 53 Lorey (de), 2 24
Lawrence (T.E.), I xxx Loth (O.), 1 206
Layla, 2 167, 235, 241, 375, 428; 3 48, Louis XIV, 2 433
117, 310 Low (R.), 1 xliii
Layli, 1 31, 537 Loynes (Jeanne de), 1 179
Laymi, 131 Lubnānī (A. b. Tariq Karki), 2 170
Layth, 1 524 Luciani (J. D.), 3 68, 78, 84
Laythi (AF. ‘Amr b. H.), 1 246, 495, 498 Lucian, 2 354
Laythī (A. Hy. Umar), 1 246 Luke, 3 30, 102, 218, 296
Laythī (A. Wāgid), 1 89 Lull (Ramon), 1 350; 2 319
Laythi (H. b. Ibr.), 1 362 Lu'lu', 1 257
Lazarus (patriarch), 1 569 Lu'lu'i (H. b. Sul.), 1 455
Lebedew (Olga de) (1719) Lu'lu'ī (Shaff'), 1 455
Le Chátelier (A.) (1634), 2 27 Lūrgī (AH.), 2 310, 317
Lecoq (A.) (2147), 1 185, 186 Lutf Allāh (= Khatīb Kāzarūnī)
Lederer (E.) (1744) Lyautey (M.), 1 xxii
Légey (G.) (2148), 2 79
Lehmann (E.) (1763) Ma'āla al-Hā'ik, 2 157
Leila, see Laylä Ma'badī (A. ‘AA. M. b. Abi Masa
Le maître (S.) (1810) Hāshimī) (d. 351 A.H.), 2 132
Lemah Abang, 4 79 Ma'arri (A. Ab) (212), 1 ki, 15, 39,
Leo Africanus, 1 xxii 85, 116, 197, 276, 313, 385, 570, 592,
Ma'arri (A. Ala?) (cont.) Maghrabī ('AQ.), 1 438
623; 2 10, 21, 167, 354, 355, 356; 3 48, Maghrabī (S.), 2 290
120, 165, 336, 346, 357; 431 Maghrabi (Ali), 1 430, 448
Ma'badī (AB. A. b. M. b. Abi Маза) (d. Maghrabi (Urani), 2 315
390 A.H.), 1 283; 2 68, 111, 132 Mahallātī (Agā Sh. Dabīhullāh) (2150)
Ma'badī (Abū "Alī M. b. Abi Mūsā) (d. Mahallātī (Sayf D.) (1262), 4 70
428 A.n.), 2 136 Mahalli, 2 13
Mabramān, see ‘Askari (AB.) Mahāmilī, 1 57
Maccabee, 2 93 Mahammā, 1 57, 98
Macdonald (D. B.) (1679), 1 293; 2 351 Mahbūdī (Must. Behjet) (2151)
Macedo, 3 77 Mahdāwī (M. b. A.), 2 474
Machiavelli, 1 154, 191 Mahdi, 1 17, 176, 304, 382, 383, 409, 640,
Macler, 3 313 645; 3 227
Madā'inī (Ibn Hārūn), 1 29, 177, 225, al-Mahdī (Sidi Muhammad), 2 334
275, 280, 287, 288 Mahemulk, 2 162
Madani (Abü Häzim), 1 72, 542; 3 117 Mahfoud (L.), 4 99
Madani (M. b. ‘AA.) (999-10) Mahfüz (Ali) (977B), 1 14, 72, 104, 517
Madani (M. Tähir Sünbül), 2 332 Māhir Effendi (A.) (1373), 2 38
Madani (Nasim D. Hibatallāh b. ‘Atallah Mahmawayh, 1 98
b. Lutfalläh b. Salāmallāh Shäh Mir Kā- Mahmüd (d. 487 A.n.), 2 162
zerūnī Fārisī), 3 262 Mahmüd II (sultan), 1 50; 2 136, 145, 147,
Madārisī (975), 2 18, 37 151, 162, 166, 197, 219
Madharà, see Madhara’yi Mahmūd II (Ottoman), 2 259
Madharā'yī (A.), 2 121 Mahmūd (Nizām D.), 2 69
Madharā'yī (A. b. "Alī), 1 150, 414 Mahmüdi (AH. b. A. Fath. Mahmūd), 2
Madharā'yī (A. b. H.), 1 163 336, 477
Madhara’yi (A. b. Hy.), 1 207, 416 Mahnawī (AO. Tāhir b. Sa'īd b. Fadl), 2
Madhara’yi (AB. H.), 1 163 476
Madharā'yī (AB. M. b. ‘Ali), 1 28, 97, Mahnawī (A. Sa'īd), see Ibn Abī Khayr
414, 415, 428, 430, 541 (A. S.)
Madharā'yī (AHy. A. b. Khālid), 1 258, Mahrazī (Alī), 1 108
331, 416 Mahrazī (Nusayrī) (846)
Madharā'yī (Abū Zunbür Hy. b. A.), 1 Māhrū (“Ayn al-Dawla ‘AA. b. M.), 1
414-416, 474, 489, 592 45, 178; 2 275, 276
Madharā'yī CA, 1 414 Mahrūm (Abū Ja'far), 1 163
Madharā'yī (H. b. A.), 1 408; 2 138 Maimonides, 2 321, 322; 3 50, 64, 322
Madharā'yī (Hy. b. ‘Ali), 1 148 Majāj, 2 18
Madhkūr, 1 527; 2 95 Majd, 2 411
Madī (Sh. Mhd.), 2 476 Majdaldin (Abū Tahir Yf.), 2 472
Madkour (I.), 1 xxvii Majdhūb, 2 101
Madkür (I.), 4 118 Majīd, 2 65
Madrāsī ('AW.), 1 152, 193 Majlisī (M. Bāgir b. Tagī) (835), 2 40, 492
Magdelen, 1 645 Majlisī (Mawlānā M. Tagī) (1179), 1 325
Maghrabi IV (wazir), 2 137, 154, 355 Majnün, 2 235, 241, 243, 284, 351, 375; 3
Maghrabi (A. ‘AA.), 1 108, 109, 121 117, 310
Maghrabi (A. ‘Uthmän), 2 87, 106, 197 , Mākān, 1 538
227; 3 27, 207, 307, 345 Mākānī (Bajkam), 1 400

Makdisi, see Maqdisi Malati (AB.) 2 211

Makhül (= M. b. ‘AA. b. A. Salam Bay- Malati (Abü'l-Husayn) (2153), 1 193, 196,
rūtī), 2 206 341, 382, 472, 503, 521, 526, 544, 551;
Makhzūmī (AM. Tāhir b. Hy. b. Yahyā), 2 12, 24, 26, 35-37, 43, 53; 3 59, 60, 89,
1 105 109, 112, 121, 133, 134, 140, 145, 150,
Makhzümi (Abū'l-Ma'ālī Siraj D.) (664), 152, 156, 158, 163, 165, 168, 170, 177,
2 106, 180 179, 192-194, 197, 200, 203, 207, 212,
Makin (Jirjis Ibn Abr'l-Yasir Ibn “Amid) 223, 229, 275, 333, 334
(462), 2 435 Malchus, 3 360
Makkī (А. ‘АА. "Amr b. 'Uth. b. Ghu- Malcolm (John) (1571), 2 435, 447
sas) (101), 1 19, 22, 24, 62?, 64, 65, 66, Malebranche, 3 51
70, 72-75, 76, 77, 78, 91, 92, 103, 108, al-Mälih (Muh. Sädiq b. Amin), 18; 2
110, 113-117, 127, 149, 152, 168, 271, 461
346, 472, 506, 534; 2 15, 40, 83, 84, Mālik b. Anas (A. b. M.), 1 67, 89, 106,
101-103, 106, 119, 180, 197, 222, 345, 220, 279, 373, 498, 541, 545, 550; 2 12,
353, 392, 461; 3 16, 17, 79, 107, 121, 176, 236, 333, 400; 3 4, 19, 77, 87, 117,
148, 152, 172, 180, 238, 239, 248, 262, 125, 129, 133, 147, 151, 155, 164, 168,
296?, 331?, 334 176, 182-184, 193, 198, 223, 224, 227,
Makki (AA. b. M. b. AB. Ibn Khalil), 2 240
476, 478 Mālik Rahim, 2 139, 142
Makki (AA. b. Salim Basrī; d. 1135 Mālikī (A. Faraj), 1 373
A.H.), 3 264 Miliki ('Uthmàn b. M.), 2 477
Makki (A. b. Jubayr), 1 432 Mālikī (Yahyā b. Ibr.), 1 420
Makki (A. b. M. Ibn Abi Khumaysa), 1 Mālikshāh, 1 41; 2 162
498 Mālīnī (AS.), 1 362, 612; 2 216, 441, 456,
Makki (AHy. "Alī b. “Abdallah b. H. Ibn 457; 3 59, 160, 247, 324
jahdam Hamadhani), 3 257, 261, 262 Mallarmé, 3 176
Makki (AR. b. Aslam), 3 264 Mallitskij (N.) (1654)
Makki (Abū Tālib) (145), 1 38, 71, 104, Ma'lūf (Īsā b. Iskandar) (983)
221, 375, 449, 514, 518, 566; 2 93, 130, Ma'mar (d. 209 A.H.), 3 276
131, 153, 302, 303, 320, 344, 414; 3 4, Mamshādh, 1 121; 2 198, 203
8, 16, 23, 39, 42, 53, 73, 76, 89, 100, Ma'mūn, 1 143, 167, 170, 176, 179, 198,
109, 114-119, 126, 139, 143, 146, 149, 232, 238, 241, 306, 389, 478, 499, 645;
151, 155, 156, 166, 168, 177, 180, 193, 2 86, 124; 3 196
195, 201, 205-207, 209, 211, 225, 227, Māmugānī (‘AA.) (1237), 1 249; 2 139
228, 242, 274, 275, 284, 289, 291, 293, Min Singh (Rajà), 2 286
295, 297, 298, 307, 317, 327, 328, 330, Manbijī (Nasr), 2 33, 48, 324
332, 334, 335, 344, 349, 350, 358 Mandapa, 2 290
Makki (M. b. Nāsir D. Ja'far al-Husayni) Manès = (Mani), 1 145, 201, 594
(1141) Mani'i (?), 1 172
Makki (M. Bey Uzbeki) (832) Mansür (caliph), 1 40, 61, 83, 163, 177,
Makki (Sayyid Abü'l-Muzaffar ‘Ala’ al- 178, 205, 225, 275, 280, 288, 289; 2 68,
Din Hy. b. Ashraf), 2 287 y 97, 100, 132-135, 150, 155, 360
Makkī (Tāj al-Dīn A. Dahhan), 2 332 Mansür (Hallaj's father), 1 57, 98
Malaqi (Ibn "Ayyāsh A.), 2 310 Mansür (Hallaj's son), 1 lviii, 38, 129; 2
Malaqi (M. b. A. Aswad Agta'), 2 323 113, 115, 125, 390, 462, 480-482, 492; 3
Malaqi (M. b. ‘Ayyäsh Qin, 2 323 250
Mansür Abi, 1 101 Maqdisi (Nasr b. Ibr.), 1 4; 2 470
Mansūr billāh, 2 38 Magdisī (Nasr M.), 2 57
Mansür al-Yaman, 1 99, 298; 3 265 Magdisī (Shams M. b. Ibr.), 2 71, 361
Mansüri (A.) (2155) Maqdisi (Shihab A. b. H. b. A. b. 'Ab-
Mansūrī ('AA.), see Ibn Burya dalhādi Ibn Oudāma), 2 463
Mansüri (AB. M. b. Hārūn Ibn Burya), Magģdisī (Tahir b. M. b. Tahir), 2 6, 212
see Ibn Burya Magdisī (‘Umar b. ‘Ali b. Abi Nasr), 1
Mansüri (Abu Hafs Kabir ‘Umar Sindi), 9?
1 159; 3 256 Maqdisi (Yf. b. "Abdalhādī), 2 467
Mansüri (Abü Ja'far M. b. Härün b. ‘Ab- Maqdisi (Zayn D.), see Marī
bàs Ibn Burya), 1 250 Maqdisiya (‘Ayisha bint M. b. ‘Abdal-
Mansüri (Ghiyāth), 1 47 hadi), 1 46; 2 159, 212, 457, 470
Mansüri (Sadr) (2156) Maqdisiya (Zaynab bt. Kamal A. b. “Ab-
Mantiqi (Abü Sulaymän Sijzi), 1 147, 367 , dalrahim), 2 463, 467-468
525 Maggarī (Abū'l-Ābbās A. b. M.) (2157), 2
Manuel Comnenus, 2 322; 3 125 336, 418
Maniifi (A. Aziz), see Hasani Maggarī (Abū ‘Uthman Sad b. А.), 3
Manūfī (M. b. "Abdalmalik), 2 323 264
Manzalawi (M. Muräd) (955) Magrīzī (Tagī D. A.) (2157A), 1 273, 415,
Magārīdī (A. Shuji’ M. b. Sa'dān), 2 448, 495, 542; 2 27, 37, 50, 70, 155,
188, 409 173, 316; 3 7, 194, 196, 203; 4 56
Maqdisi (A. Fātik Ibr. b. Fātik b. Sa‘id), Maqtül, see Suhrawardi
3 249, 262 Marāghī (Mustafa), 4 127
Magģdisī (A. Fath Nasr b. Ibr.), 2 202 Maräghi (Nizam D. ‘A. Malik), 1 45,
Magdisī (Abū'l-Fadl M. b. Tahir b. ‘Ali 374; 3 82, 276
Ibn al-Oaysarānī) (256), 2 465; 4 56 Mārānī CA. Malik b. ‘Isa Ibn Dirbās), 2
Maqdisī (Abū Hāshim Ism. b. ‘A, 360
Wāhid), 2 296 Marçais (W.) (1731), 2 31, 458, 477; 3
Maqdisi (Diya' D. M. b. ‘AW. Sa'dī), 1 166, 346, 354; 4 91, 97
8; 2 71, 463, 467, 468, 478 Marceau, 2 463
Magģdisī (G.) (2152), 1 xli, xliii, 6; 2 160; Marcel (G.), 1 xxiv, xxxii
4 20, 24, 117 Marco Polo, 1 157
Maqdisi (Ghānim b. "Alī; d. 631 a.n.), 2 Mardam (A.), 4 129
468 Mardasti (Safi D.), 2 190
Maadisi (Ibn Tahir), 3 165, 226, 228, 240 Mardawij, 1 163, 396, 538
Magdisī (122 D. ‘A. Salam b. A. b. Mardini, 2 11
Ghänim) (441), 1 45, 131, 289, 452, Mardūshānī (А. ‘AA. Hy. b. An, 2
601, 617?, 619; 2 8, 25, 35, 39, 48, 64, 144, 149, 471
260, 299, 311, 336, 341, 399-401, 442, Maréchal (R.P.J.) (1755), 1 lix, 523; 2 434,
448, 452, 468; 3 119, 146, 183, 218, 436, 460; 4 15, 98
224-228, 270, 271, 279, 309, 311, 313, Margoliouth (1710), 1 316; 2 123; 3 14,
315, 351, 352, 358 340, 347, 348; 4 13, 15, 28, 91
Maqdisi (M. b. "AA.), 1 110, 273 Marguerite-Marie, 1 503
Magģdisī (Mutahhir b. Tahir) (150), 1 lvii, Marhabi (A. Dharr ‘Umar), 3 169
38, 55, 100, 127, 174, 182, 311, 312, Mari, 1 310
324, 366; 2 38, 195, 219, 345, 347-349, Marī (Zayn D. b. Yf. Magdisī) (797), 2
356, 438; 3 16, 48, 72, 253, 256, 261, 36, 37
262, 338 Marida, 1 484
Marie = Mary, see Maryam, 2 414; 4 99 Maryam (wife of Q. b. Wahb), 1 225,
Marie des Vallées = Mary of the Valleys, 228, 333, 334, 442; 2 111
1 Iviii, 15, 161; 3 215, 308, 356 Marzubān (A. Fadl M. b. 'UA.), 1 139
Marigny (Augier de) (1550) Marzubānī (A. ‘AA. M. b. Imrān), 2
Maris, 1 250, 259, 264, 444, 445, 461 123, 128
Marisi (Bishr), 1 105; 3 30, 55, 66, 77, Marzubānī (A. "Alī ‘Imrän b. Mūsā b.
108, 136, 139 Sa'd b. Imrān), 1 254, 396; 2 119; 3
Māristānī (A. Ish. Ibr.), 1 75, 89 346
Maritain (Jacques) (1784), 1 xxxii; 2 313; 3 Masābikī (Ibr. b. Yf.) (861), 1 287
231 Mas'adi (Mahmūd) (998B)
Mariya, 1 488 Mash'ala, 1 395
Marrākushī, 2 420 Mashallāh, 1 205
Marrūdhī (AB. A.), 1 231, 394 Mashhadi (AA. Barzashäbädi), 2 193
Marrūdhī (Alī b. Hy.), 1 173, 174, 496 Mash'üdh (A. Muh.) = Ballāj
Marrūdhī (Hy. b. "Alī), 1 29, 139, 164, Maskeray = Masqueray
171, 174 Maslama, 2 349
Marrūdhī (Hy. b. M.), 2 298 Masma'i (Hammam), 1 148, 166, 265
Marthadi (Abū A. M. b. A. b. Bishr), 1 Masma'i (Ibr.), 1 111, 417, 474
149; 2 121, 485 Mason (H.), 1 хіміі; 4 129
Marti (Raimon), 2 322; 3 68, 350 Maspero (G.), 1 xxi, xxv
Marubi (Ibn Bashshār), 2 92 Maspero (H.) (2158), 1 xxi, xxxii; 2 75,
Ma‘rüf, 1 228, 623; 2 70, 90, 107, 167, 78
235; 3 78, 166, 225 Masqueray, 3 147, 191, 205, 322
Marwarrūdhī (AH.), 1 496 Masrür, 1 426
Marwazi (A. ‘АА. M. b. "Alī Khayyāt), Massé (H.), 4 62, 64, 98, 99
1 171, 638 Massignon (Daniel), 1 xx, xxviii, xli, xlix
Marwazi (AB. A. b. A. Nasr. M. b. Sa- Massignon (Fernand), 1 xxi
làma), 1 95, 152, 579 Massignon (Geneviève), 1 xx, xxv, xxviii,
Marwazi (AB. A. b. M. Hajjaj), 1 245, xlii, xlix
524 Massignon (Louis) (1695), 1 xix-xl, xliii,
Marwazi (A. Hàmid), 1 123 xliv, xlvi, xlvii, xlviii, liii, bx, Ixi, 52,
Marwazi (A. Harth Surayj b. Yünus b. 381, 384, 433, 603, 613; 2 26, 32, 268,
Ibr.), 1 376 382, 386, 414, 436, 437, 445, 461; 3
Marwazi (Harīrī), 2 349 102, 134, 246, 265, 279; 4 4, 11, 14, 27,
Marwazi (Hasan), 4 29 40, 42, 43, 54, 73, 75, 109, 111, 114,
Marwazi (Ibr.), 1 372, 377 122, 125, 126
Marwaz (M. b. Jahm), 1 627; 2 33 Massignon (Yves), 1 xxviii, xxxi
Marwazi (Na'im b. Hammad), 1 640; 2 Mas'üd (grandson of Safariya), 2 162
97 Mas'üd (of Ghazna; d. 433 A.H.), 2 162
Marwazī (Qaffäl Saghīr), 1 374; 2 136 Mas'üd (Imàm D.), 2 188
Marwazī (Qäsim), see Sayyārī Mas'üdeh Bàk (1120), 1 45; 2 168, 275
Marwaziya (Karima), 1 637 Mas'üdi (Abü'l-Hasan 'Ali b. Hy.) (134),
Maryam, 1 Ixviii, 27, 203, 207, 445, 472, 1 lviii, 52, 80, 186, 192, 200, 250, 292,
539, 540, 589, 624, 634, 638, 643, 644; 343, 359, 377, 381, 392, 393, 434, 460,
2 21, 98, 99, 100, 181, 187, 350, 362, 558, 559, 561, 571, 572; 2 487; 3 23, 53,
414; 3 28, 40, 47, 161, 162, 197, 219, 106, 112, 126, 177, 191, 193, 220, 240,
220, 227, 284 253, 344
Ma'sūm “Ali Shah (1228), 1 54, 69; 2 Mehmet II, 2 64
103, 110, 134, 182, 193; 3 356; 4 69 Mehren, 2 321
Mataram, 1 624; 2 290 Meidānī = Maydānī
Matbüli (Ibr.), 2 446 Meier (Fr.), 2 186; 4 22, 27, 127
Mathew, see Saint Matthew Meile (P.), 2 285
Matragī (N. Silahlī) (1328B), 1 41, 47; 2 Meimeni = Maymanī, 3 259
22, 260 Meistermann, 1 640
Maturidi, 2 204; 3 7, 60, 71, 90, 110, 136 Mélanie, 1 503
Mauriac (F.), 1 xxxvi Mélikoff (Irène), 2 309; 4 78
Māwardī (AH.) (2159), 1 386, 387, 440; 2 Mellon, 1 xxxii, xlii
135, 136, 145, 146, 148, 149, 170, 472 Menant (D.) (1716)
Māwardī (A. Wahhāb b. AH.), 2 150 Menzel (Th.), 2 24
Māwardī (Abü'l-Qasim) = (Bāwardī?), 3 Merx (Adalbert) (1639), 1 339
252 Mesihi, 1 279
Mawdūd ('Izz), 2 387 Messiah, 1 105, 598
Mawsilī (A. Ibn Hammād), 1 436, 447, Mesti (1388C)
466, 492, 493; 2 120; 3 331 Metzger (M.), 2 264; 4 75
Mawsili (Fath), 3 144, 238 Meyerhof (M.), 1 195; 4 16
Mawsili (Hasan Nakad), 1 147, 196 Meynard, see Barbier de Meynard
Mawsili (Hy. b. H. Ibn Bāzyār), 1 448 Meyrin (M.), 4 31
Mawsilī (Ishaq), 1 255 Mez (Adam) (1751), 1 lvi, 496, 505; 2 135
Mawsili (Qadib al-Bän), 2 313, 320, 420 Michael II, 3 355
Mawsili (Sadaqa), 3 251 Michael of Céséne, 1 272
Mawsilt (Yahya Jalili) (860) Michel = Michael, 3 160
Maya-Dānava (Rajā), 2 286 Mi'dàn, 1 297
Maybudhī (Amīr Hy.) (1159), 1 588, 600; Migne, 1 645
2 40; 3 145, 235 Mihrani, 2 448
Maybudi (Rashid al-Din) (1137), 1 588; 2 Mihrijān, 2 195; 3 116
229; 3 279 Mikā'ir (H.), 1 121
Mayhanī (Tāhir b. Sa'd b. Fadl), 2 69 Mīkāli I, 1 172
Mayi (Ananda), 2 286 Mīkālī II, 1 172
Maymūn (Abū Shākir), 1 521; 3 89, 134, Mikali (A. ‘Ali H. b. MJ, 1 171
354 Mīkālī (AJ. M. b. 'AA.), 1 171
Mayrisch Saint-Hubert, 2 412 Mīkālī (AM. ‘AA. b. Ism.), 1 171; 2 197
Maysarā (Abū Riyāh), 1 165, 176, 251, Mikhail (angel), 1 152
485; 3 58, 294 Milliot (2162), 1 552
Maytham, 1 16; 3 174 Mimi (“Ali b. Akhī), 2 473
al-Mazābilī (Abū Ya'gūb), 1 292; 3 50 Mīnās (Oghlu Mahmuüd), 1 46; 2 243, 244;
Mazaherī (Ali) (2160), 2 309, 434 472
Mazandarānī (“Abd al-Samad), 3 351 Mindi (Fudayl b. Diyà' D.), 2 278
Māzarī (AB.), 2 314; 3 100, 223, 307, 350 Minorsky (V1.) (1016, 1745), 1 138, 173,
Mazdagānī (Mahmūd), 2 193, 421 179, 183, 186; 3 165; 4 56, 73
Mazhar (Ismāīl), 2 428 Minyari (Sharaf), 2 65; 4 61
Mazhar al-Dīn (Nathan Shāh), 2 276, 284 Migdād, 1 48, 552; 2 93, 192
Māzyār, 2 355 Miqdadi (Mutahhar b. M.) (1183), 2 17,
Māzunī (A. ‘АА, M. b. ‘Ali b. Sharaf), 2 40
332 Mignāī (AM. Н. b. "Alī Jawhari), 2 469,
McGuire (W.), 1 xlii 472; 3 258
Meghanī, 2 160 Mir (Ghiyāth), 2 73
Mir (Shäh) (2163), 2 424 Molina, 3 74
Miraghi (2161), 3 33 Monchanin (Jules) (1798A)
Mirza Hairat, 4 84 Monteil (V.), 1 xx, xxiii; 4 93
Mīrzā Muhammad (Ада) (1263), 4 71 Montmirail (de), 2 319
Mīrzā Zādeh (M. Salim) (1357) Moore (J.), 1 xliii
Miskawayh, 1 18, 39, 64, 65, 124, 141, Morali, 1 512
146, 227, 230-232, 235, 252, 263, 318, Morano (Martino Mario) (1814)
320, 394, 395, 401, 402, 406, 410, 419- Mordtmann (1776), 2 254
423, 425, 436-438, 442, 444, 445, 447, More (Thomas), see Thomas More
461, 462, 464, 471, 489, 527, 536, 559, Morillon (J.), 1 xx
568, 570, 571, 607, 616; 2 111, 114, Moses, 1 22, 129, 219, 285, 287, 297, 300,
126, 132, 433, 486, 488-490; 3 199, 235, 338, 363-365, 472, 482, 488, 513, 559,
250, 286 587, 591, 596, 597, 636, 639; 2 42, 46,
Miskīn (Ibr.), 3 267 48, 55, 93, 118, 128, 135, 165, 193, 242,
Miskīn (Mullā), 1 541 251, 256, 269, 280, 287, 331, 372, 375,
Misma‘i, see Masma'i 377, 378, 382, 383, 385, 392, 394, 396,
Misri (AB. M. b. A.), see Ibn al-Haddäd 403, 480; 3 24, 30, 31, 54, 90, 111, 141,
Misri (AB. M. b. Ibr.), 3 250 185, 201, 202, 208, 218, 241, 267, 290,
Misri (AB. M. b. Ism. b. ‘AA. b. A. 292, 293, 302, 309, 311, 312, 330
Muhsin b. A. Ibn al-Humäm al-An- Motylinski, 3 147
sārī), 2 295, 463 Moubarac (Y.), 1 xx; 4 xvi, 93, 99
Misrī (A. Faydh Thawbān Dhū'l-Nūn b. Mozni, 1 180
Ibr.), 1 68, 69, 81, 96, 97, 151, 217, Mu‘adhdhal, see Basrī CA. Samad)
271, 292, 342, 363, 384, 542, 584, 622; Mu'adhdhin (Abū ‘AA. = ? A. Salih ‘A.
2 187, 205, 235, 237-239, 267, 299, 352, Malik), 2 215
389, 451, 462; 3 56, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, Mu‘ammar, 3 16, 66, 77, 107, 138, 140,
109, 116, 127, 128, 130, 143, 166, 169, 141
185, 199, 200, 211, 224, 228, 229, 232, Mu'āwiya, 1 63, 252, 299, 319, 332, 371,
290, 303, 323, 337, 353 391, 424, 485, 522; 2 132; 3 163, 191
Misrī (AR. b. Must. b. Shaykh Aydarūsī Mu'ayti (M. b. Гала’ b. 'AA.), 2 464
Ba'alawi Tarīmī), 3 263 Mu'ayyad, 1 57, 172; 2 141, 143, 249
Misri (‘Alaysh), 4 52 Mubārak, 2 275, 474
Misri (‘Ali b. 'AA.) (831) Mubarak (‘Afif al-Din), 2 360
Misri (Dindi), 3 349 Mubarak (‘Ali Pasha), 2 179
Misri (M. b. Mahdi), 1 83 Mubarak (Zaki ‘Abdalsaläm) (998), 1 Ix,
Misri (Niyàzi) (1353), 2 26, 106?, 241, 51; 2 431-432
246, 251, 262, 263-265, 342, 345, 348; 3 Mubarak Shah, 2 69
164, 166; 4 95 Mubarrad, 1 lvi, 414, 474, 627; 2 33, 121;
Misri (Rashid Yh. b. ‘Ali 'Attār), 2 68, 3 19, 105, 193, 240, 308
310 Mudar, see Qari (A. Sa'id)
Misrī (Sharaf D. Yahyā b. Yf.), 2 476 Mudarris-Zadeh (Mawla Shams D. Ibr.)
Mizzī (A. Hajjaj), 1 4; 2 7, 67, 469; 3 114 (735), 2 43
Мі (AR.), 1 48 Mudhakkir (A. b. Mansür Shīrāzī Mh.), 2
Moberg, 1 475 131
Moller, 1 313 Mufaddal (Khattabi), 1 392, 513; 3 87, 112
Mokan, 1 396 Mufarrij (d. 380 А.н.), 1 549
Mokrī (M.) (2164), 2 328 Mufid, 1 39, 294, 317, 329, 502, 544, 565,
Moksa déva, 1 183 626; 2 11, 16, 17, 40, 137, 139, 442,
Molè (M.), 2 229; 4 59, 62 492; 3 236
Muflih (Abü Sälih Muflih Aswad), 1 33, 337, 347, 356, 357, 368, 373, 375, 377,
35, 257, 398, 399, 404, 531, 536, 556, 378, 382, 384, 392, 394, 395, 399, 414,
557, 606; 2 36, 84, 335 429, 431, 432, 480, 491; 3 3, 10, 24, 25,
Muflihi ('Askar), 1 150 29-31, 33-36, 54, 60, 62, 79, 98, 101,
Muflihi (Subk), 1 150 121, 133, 156, 159, 160, 163, 168, 184-
Mugharbil (Ali), 2 181, 324 189, 191, 193, 194, 198-206, 208, 209,
Mughazili (Badr b. Mundhir), 2 20, 92; 3 218, 237, 241, 282-298, 300-305, 309,
209 311, 312, 320, 321, 323, 330, 331, 333,
Mughīra, 1 303, 534; 2 17, 236; 3 94, 112, 334, 351, 354
144, 205, 289, 328 Muhisibi (A. "AA. Härith b. As'ad)
Mughith, 1 101 (2166), 1 lii, lvi, 22, 68, 69, 75-77, 79,
Mughlata’i (A, ‘AA. b. ОШ) Hikrī) 83, 93, 96, 114, 151, 153, 172, 191, 194,
(538), 1 341, 343, 344, 357; 2 37 217, 245, 249, 288, 379, 383, 523, 549;
Muhallab, 1 136, 140, 175 2 90, 186, 306, 329, 423; 3 8, 14, 17,
Muhallabi (AM.), 1 148; 2 115 24, 25, 36, 37, 53, 56, 58-61, 67, 68, 79,
Muhallabi (‘Ali b. 'Abdàn), 1 22, 64, 65, 87, 95, 105, 106, 113, 121, 141, 143-
84, 141, 478; 2 127, 138, 409 145, 148, 150, 154, 166, 169, 177, 178,
Muhallabi (Nasif), 1 141, 150 184, 187, 188, 191, 201, 204, 207, 208,
Muhallabī (Umar), see Azdi (‘Umar) 211-213, 224, 227, 235, 273, 277, 282,
Muhámili (Hy.), 1 57, 246, 331, 333, 359, 284, 287, 307, 327, 331, 345, 347, 348,
376, 495, 497 350; 4 106
Muhammad (d. 249 a.u.), 1 307, 308 Muhassin, see Tanükhi °
Muhammad I (Sultan of Morocco; d. 1204 Muhassin (Abü Muhammad), 1 35, 317,
A.H.), 1 49; 2 332 318, 444, 447, 469, 493, 531, 597, 629;
Muhammad II, 2 30 2 121, 124, 137
Muhammad (amir of Wasit), 1 400 Muhayriz, 3 116
Muhammad (brother of the caliph), 1 336 Muhayyar, 1 101
Muhammad (son of Miryam bint Hasan), Muhibb, see Ibn Ja far
1442 Muhtadi, 1 282, 434
Muhammad (son of Safariya), 2 162 Muhyrl-Din (Ghulam), 2 23
Muhammad (A. 'AA.), 3 196 Muhyīl-Dīn (Sh.), 1 631
Muhammad (A. Ahmad b. Muktafī), 1 Миха (b. "Ab, 1 229
334 Muir (Wm.), 4 119
Muhammad (Mawdüd), 2 280 Mu'izz (AB.), 2 466; 3 19, 38, 68, 69, 72,
Muhammad “Ali (governor of Egypt), 1 92, 97, 134, 171, 322
67 Mu'izz al-Dawla (A. Hy. A. b. Buwayh),
Muhammad 'Ali (Agha), 4 84 1 148, 501; 2 114
Muhammad ‘AH = (Muhammad + Mujadhī, 1 522
"Ali), 2 255, 272, 273 Mujahid, 1 357; 3 28, 296, 332
Muhammad Mustafa = (the prophet), 1 Mujtibī (M. Tāhir b. Shaykh Nūrallāh)
li, lviii, 23, 67, 69, 70, 85, 88, 105, (1332)
112, 117, 122, 174, 182, 201-203, 206, Mukharrimī (A. 'Abbàs M. b. H. b.
208-210, 219, 221, 222, 251, 297-299, Sa‘id Baghdādī; d. 362 A.n.), 1 85, 91;
311, 323, 338, 365, 457, 481, 482, 513, 2 203
572, 598, 599, 608, 615, 621, 643; 2 4, Mukharrimī (Abū Sa‘d Mubärak b. Yh.)
15, 29, 30, 46, 98, 110, 112, 164, 165, (d. 664 4.11.), 2 69
181, 182, 191, 220, 226, 232, 236, 244, Mukharrimī (M. b. H. Baghdādī), 1 85
246, 248, 249, 267, 269, 270-273, 282, Mukharrimī (Mubārak; d. 513 a.x.), 2 70
287, 304, 305, 307, 314, 316, 322, 331, Mukharrimi (Sa‘id), 1 88

Mukhtār, 1 116; 2 11 541; 2 205; 3 63, 107, 109, 121, 149

Muktafi, 1 149, 162, 163, 199, 207, 253, Mugaffa' (А. S.), 2 208
255, 258, 330, 332-336, 394, 399, 400, Muqanna‘, 1 138, 176, 183, 251, 385; 2
422, 475; 2 114, 122, 146 355
Mulaī (Abū 15га“), 3 226 Mugātil, see also Ibn Sulayman (Mugātil),
Mulaggin (Siraj D. ‘Umar b. ‘Ali) (580) 3 43, 58, 63, 83, 89, 105, 129, 133, 136,
Mulk (Nizām) (1057), 1 7, 39, 372; 2 69, 137, 144, 151, 152, 160, 165, 168, 174,
136, 144, 145, 148, 152, 160, 163, 171, 195, 197
197, 215, 217, 219, 348, 465; 3 258 Muqpili (Shaykh Salih Mahdi Yamānī)
Mulla ‘Ali, 2 23 (821)
Mullā Qasim, 2 243 Mugīt, 1 101
Miller (A.), 4 116 Muqri (Said b. A.), 2 474
Mūller (D. H.), 4 115 Mugrī (Shihāb D.), see Ibn Abī ‘Udhayba
Miller (F.K.W.), 1 185 Mugtadi, 1 41; 2 63, 143, 161, 162, 217
Müllerus (A.) (1530), 1 587; 2 435 Muqtadir (А. Fadl Ja'far) (109), 1 xxxix,
Mumayyiz, 1 101 28, 29, 32, 34, 35, 52, 141, 142, 146,
Mu'min (M. Sädiq b. Hàjj M.), 2 279 189, 208, 210, 227, 232, 236, 238, 239,
Mu'min al-Täq, 3 100 243, 251, 256, 265, 277, 293, 305, 310,
Mu'mina, 3 196 319, 333, 335-337, 386, 389, 394-398,
Munajjid (Salah al-Din), 4 36 401, 403-405, 407, 409, 417, 422-425,
Munajjim (Hy. b. “Al, 1 148; 2 127 427, 429, 432, 433, 436, 448, 449, 459,
Munawi (‘Abdal-Ra’tif M.) (795), 1 52, 466, 479, 480, 483-487, 489, 492, 493,
99, 277, 314, 585, 622, 642; 2 39, 173, 497, 501, 502, 512, 518, 535-538, 555-
263, 343, 346, 349, 350, 352, 397, 457, 557, 577, 610; 2 33, 43, 84, 85, 122,
458; 3 252, 270, 279, 354; 4 20 134, 145, 146, 182, 333, 352, 390, 427,
Mundhir al-Yaman, 3 271 471, 473, 482, 484, 488, 489, 492; 5
Mundhiri (?), 1 25 191, 192, 221, 243; 4 44, 73
Mundhirī (A. *Ajüri), 2 34 Muqtadir billāh = Mugtadir
Mundhiri (А. ‘Azim), 2 67, 310, 477 Mugtadirī (Shafi), 1 257; 2 111
Mu’nis (AH. A. b. Nasr Qushüri), 1 30- Muqtafi, 2 63, 70, 466
32, 34, 111, 145, 148, 150, 208, 253, Muqtana', 3 197
256, 257, 273, 315, 319, 333, 336, 337, Murād Mullā, see Murāt Mullā
386, 390, 391, 393, 395, 397, 408, 410, Murädäbädi (1183A)
413, 414, 417, 421-424, 425-427, 436, Murādī (A. Shu'ayb Mugaffā), 3 115
440, 442, 448?, 474, 480, 483, 489, 490, Murārī (Husayn b. M.) = (Muradi?), 3
495, 532, 536-539, 556, 629; 2 62, 84, 254
111, 112, 122, 125, 170, 298 Murari “122 (A. Fadl Ibr. b. M. b. ‘AA.),
Mu’nis (Fahl), 1 337, 399, 422, 440, 441, 3 258
473 Murat II, 2 64
Mur'nis (al-Khädim), 1 399, 425 Murāt Mullā (Dāmādzādeh), see Dāmād-
Munk (S.), 3 64 zāde
al-Muntasif billäh (АА. b. Mu'tazz), 1 Murdār (Īsā), 1 115, 248; 3 112, 121,
394 f 141, 179, 231
Muntasir billäh = Muqtadir Murīb, 2 122
Muntazar, 1 298 Murīdī (1336C), 1 47, 50, 609; 2 26, 232,
Munyari (Sharaf), 1 45; 2 275, 289 244, 246-248, 264, 368, 269, 451
Muqaddasi (A. "AA. M. b. A.) (2167), 1 Murjānī, 2 27
57, 59, 101, 103, 110, 141, 245, 247, Murrī (Sālih), 3 207
258, 266, 268, 330, 403, 468, 523, 528, al-Murshī, see Ibn Shāhryār
Murshid, see Ibn Shāhryār Musta'tif, 1 299
Murshidi (Siräj D. Mahmüd b. Khalifa b. Mustawfi (Hamdalläh) (1127), 1 54, 595; 2
“А. Salam b. A. Ibn Sālbih Baydāwī), 2 22, 110, 214, 349, 350, 427, 447, 450,
189 451, 492; 4 90
Murshidi (Taj D. ‘AR. b. Mas'üd Kāza- Mustazhir, 1 238; 2 63, 162, 171, 472
rüni), 2 27, 423; 3 263 Mu'tadid, 1 12, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 34, 80,
Mursi (A. "Abbās), 1 44, 596, 642; 2 25, 101, 144-146, 165, 181, 207, 227, 228,
48, 106, 299, 304-306, 327; 3 62, 217, 232, 251-253, 255, 256, 258, 261, 273,
221, 225 276, 310, 330-333, 335, 346, 389, 394,
Mursi (SharafA. "AA. M. b. ‘AA. b. A. 398, 399, 422, 425, 428, 436, 443, 446,
Fadl Sulamī), 2 315, 316 461, 474, 483-485, 537, 541, 544, 559,
Миа I, 2 137, 139 597, 627; 2 33, 86, 112, 124, 352, 462; 4
Murtadā (Sayyid), see Zabīdī 47
Murtadd (AR. b. M. b. Sahl), 1 401, Mu'tadidi (Badr), 1 440
406; 2 111 Mutahid (d. 317 А.н.) = Ibn Muharib
Murta'ish (Hīti), 1 Ixvi, 37, 76, 82, 87, Mu'tamid, 1 60, 83, 207, 252, 396, 398,
172, 629; 2 4, 56, 119, 176, 194, 206, 497
224, 476 Mu'tamid (AR. b. Sawār), 1 552
Murumba (Mathias), 1 17 Mutanabbi, 1 lii, lvi, 21, 116, 357, 370,
Mūsā, 1 xxxviii; 2 96, 97, 235; 3 37, 98,
401, 430, 447; 2 215, 355; 3 114, 120,
143 249, 336, 344; 4 95, 112
Маза (d. 318 А.н.) (uncle of Umm Mutarrif, 1 92; 3 78, 208, 225
Mūsā), 1 407 Mutarriz (A. ‘Umar Zahid M. b. 'AW.),
Mūsā (Abū Nasr), 2 361 1 243
Mus'ab, 1 229 Mu'tasim, 1 28, 183, 184, 419, 485, 541,
Musabbihī, 4 40 542; 2 352
Musaffar, 3 16 Mutatabbib (5), 1 146, 444
Musawī (Abū Ahmad), 1 283; 2 132, 138
Mutawakkil, 1 109, 164, 251, 252, 288,
Musawī (AB. M. b. Tāhir), 1 250; 2 114;
305, 399, 400, 419, 441, 445, 484, 519;
3 251, 262 2 352, 482
Musawi (AT. M. b. ‘Ali Mahlüs), 1 85 Mutawwag (Alī b. Fath) (116), 1 458,
Musaylima, 2 11; 3 236
459, 465, 472, 511, 553; 2 486, 487
Musayyib, 1 100 Mutawwi'i (Tamim b. Bahr), 1 185
Mushgir (Wasif), 1 425 Mutayyam, 1 256, 278; 2 433
Musil, 1 136 Mu'tazz, 1 167, 252, 434, 497
Muslim, 1 15, 220, 524, 541; 2 67; 3 152,
Ми“, 1 37, 230, 231, 321, 395, 405; 2
231, 232, 295, 309, 328, 332
62, 133, 148
Musri, 1 445 Muttagī (Ibr.) (2168), 1 362, 397, 408; 3
Mustadi', 2 63, 70, 161 34, 115, 121, 154, 241, 309, 330
Mustafa, 2 236, 249, 378 Мижад, 1 23, 25, 35, 60, 73, 80-83,
Mustafa (M.), 4 119 140, 142, 143, 145-147, 149, 176, 177,
Mustafa Eff. (Sha‘bani Dhaka), 2 263 232, 252, 256, 257, 261, 262, 281, 331,
Mustaghānimī (Badraldin b. ‘AA.), 2 332 358, 399, 420, 422, 436, 439, 441, 484;
Musta'in, 1 60, 435 2 121, 124, 146
Mustakfi, 1 496 Muwallad (M.), 1 60
Musta'lim, 1 101 Muwalladi (b. Nafis), 1 425
Mustamli (A. b. M.), 1 169 Muwaggir, 2 149
Mustansir, 2 63, 99, 321, 322, 323 Muwaswis (Īsā), 1 122

Muwaffar (Ghulàm Jamil), 1 543 Nahrawili (AF. b. Z.) (766), 1 47; 2 8, 53

Muzaiya (AH.), 2 110 Nahrawali (Qutb M. b. A. b. M. Hanafi),
Muzakkī (A. Ishāg Ibr. b. M.), 2 118 1 45, 47; 2 53, 185, 335, 388; 3 263
Muzakki (Ibn Hassan Rabī M. b. A.), 2 Nahrawānī (ībr. b. M. Ish.), 2 360; 3 249,
465 262
Muzammel-Haqq (1418), 2 328, 336 al-Na‘im (Alī) (949), 1 611; 2 98, 339
Muzani (A. 'AA.), 3 131, 250 Na'ima (Queen Mother), 1 398
Muzani (AM. A. b. 'AA. Harawi Bu- Na‘tma (Must.), 2 258
khári), 1 250; 2 37; 3 91, 183, 247, 262 Hamm? A'zami (M. S.), 4 19
Muzani (Bakr), 1 377, 541 Najäh, 1 441
Muzani (Bishr Mārīsī), 3 133, 227 Najāshī (A. ‘Abbäs b. 'AA.) (2169), 1
Muzayyin (AH. 'Ali b. M. Saghir), 1 78, 308, 445, 462, 531; 2 489
180, 181, 526, 635; 2 10, 203, 460; 3 Najdi (A. b. Ibr.) (976), 2 18, 219; 3 9,
248, 262 95, 100, 126, 142, 199, 332
Muzni (A.), see Muzani (AM.) Najirami (A. Yq. Ysf. b. Ish. b. Ism. b.
Khurrazädh Basri), 2 114, 390, 492; 3
259, 262
Na‘äli (Hy. b. A.), 2 464, 466 Najīramī (‘Ali b. M.), 3 254, 262
Nabhānī (Y£. b. Ism.) (959), 1 586, 601, Najirani (H. b. 'Amr), 1 179
635; 2 37, 343; 3 114, 152, 206, 239, al-Najjár (A. 'AA. Hy. b. M. b. “АА.), 2
277, 283, 284, 328, 332, 344 13; 3 60, 77, 109, 117, 133, 157, 168
Nabi, 1 152 Najjar (M. 'A.), 4 117
Nabīha Hanum, 1 50; 4 52 Mail al-Harrānī = Hayat Harrānī, 2 313
Nabonassar, see Bukhtnasar Майит (Abü'l-Baqi' b. Ya'qüb Ghfān)
Nābulusī (AB.), 2 27 (2170), 2 347
Nabulusi (‘Abd al-Ghini) (842), 1 61, Nājūrī (Hamid al-Dīn) (1102), 1 642; 2
101, 357, 474; 2 13, 21, 31, 39, 40, 79, 275, 289, 295
325, 326, 340, 348; 3 9, 51, 96, 99, 116, Макһа? (Ibr.), 1 541
160, 187, 212, 234, 240, 241, 243, 301 Nallino (C.) (1738), 1 210, 354, 445; 2 382
Nader (A. N.), 4 119 Nàmi (A. K.), 4 119
Nadhir, 1 404 Namiri (M. b. Nusayr Fihrī), 1 296, 307,
Nadr, 3 82 318, 320; 2 17, 18, 40
Nadwi (Sul.) (1415), 2 18 Nāgid (Abū Ab, 1 499
Nāti' (Abū Ruwaym), 1 244, 439, 541; 3 Nāgid (A. Hy. M. b. "Alī b. Hubaysh), 1
105 90; 3 250
Naficy (Sa'id) (1241), 1 42; 2 362, 368; 4 Naqishband (Bahà' D.), 2 228, 229
66 Naggād, 2 129
Nāfih, 2 312 Naggār, 1 244
Nafis, 1 307 Naggāsh (AB.), 1 244; 2 131
Nafs Zakiya, 1 67, 303, 639, 640; 2 97, 99 Naggāsh (A. Sa'īd M. b. “АП) (181), 1
Nahawandī (A. “Abbas A. b. M. b. Fadl), 93, 524; 2 102, 103, 106, 118, 456, 492;
2 185, 201, 215, 333 3 246, 259, 262
Маһ: (Sulayman) (1363) Naggāsh (Al), 2 26
Nahrajūrī (A. Yq. Ishāg b. M.), 1 11, 25, Narāgī (Mullā M.) (957), 1 380; 2 14; 3 93
78, 95, 96, 98, 108, 109, 113, 116-118, Nārayān, 2 286
154, 182; 2 101, 106, 184, 203, 215, Narayāna (Sayta), 2 285, 287
217, 440, 460; 3 249, 261, 262 Narjis = (Sayqal), 1 310
Nahrawali (A. b. M.), 2 185 Nasafi (A. b. M), 482
Nasafi (A. Mu'in Maymün b. M.) (2171), Nassāj (Kh.), 1 83, 121
1 125, 520; 2 27; 3 23, 53, 60, 136, 151, Nassār (H.), 4 120
223 Nassau-Lees (W.) (1613), 4 64
Nasà'i (Khashish), 1 223, 245, 541; 2 298; Natanzi (Nür), 2 188, 423
3 145, 191, 295; 4 121 Natronai, 1 254
Nasawi (d. 448 A.H.), 2 141, 142 Navāyī (Amir "Alī Shir) (1329), 2 362
Nasawi (A. ‘Abbas Mugrī A. b. M. b. Navshirnanov (1762)
Zakariya) (183), 1 110, 528; 2 64, 118, Nawawi (AM. H. b. A. Fadl), 2 149
184, 185, 195, 455, 468, 469; 3 253, 262 Nawawi (Yahya), 1 357, 515; 2 34, 67,
Nashar (‘Ali Sami), 2 324, 325 458, 477; 3 174, 204, 295, 346
Nashāshibī (Mahmüd) (999-11), 4 49 Nawbakht, 1 205, 210
Nash'at (S.), 4 112 Nawbakhti (A. b. Ibr.), 1 316, 325
Nāshī al-Akbar (d. 293 A.H.), 1 244; 3 82, Nawbakhti (A. Sah] Isma“ b. "Alī)
339 (112), 1 25, 60, 146, 153, 156, 176, 249,
Nāshī al-Asghar (‘Ali b. *AA.) (d. 365 294, 297, 298, 303, 308-310, 312-315,
A.H.), 1 246, 500; 3 63, 85 316, 322, 324-327, 329, 330, 392, 393,
Nāshirī, 2 39 430, 458, 487, 531, 537; 2 16, 84, 121,
Nashr, 1 256 485, 486, 491; 3 210, 249, 262
Nashwan (Mansūr al-Yaman), 2 99 Nawbakhti (AY.), 1 257
Nashwī, 2 141 Nawbakhti (‘Al b. "Abbās), 1 319, 402,
Nasīb al-Din (Ghulām M.), 2 23 538; 2 111
Nāsihī (M. b. ‘A. A.), 2 197 Nawbakhtī (‘Ali b. ‘Isa), 1 60
Nasīmī, 3 100 Nawbakhtī (Н. b. M.), 1 174
Nasir (the imim), 3 78 Nawbakhti (Hasan b. Ja'far), 1 249, 310,
Nasīr al-Dawla (AH. M. b. Ibr.), 2 205 382
Nasir “Lidimmatillah,” 1 43, 63, 70; 2
Nawbakhti (Hasan b. Mūsā) (113), 1 314
310, 356 Nawbakhti (Hy. b. Rawh) (117), 1 lviii,
Nisir li-Dīn Allāh, 2 158
34, 37, 208, 225, 248, 310, 315-320,
Nāsirī, 2 15
325, 390-392, 398, 405, 418, 419, 424,
Nasīt, 1 147
438, 443, 449, 451, 493, 500, 512, 514,
Nasr (AA. b. A), 157
538; 2 11, 17, 125
Nasr Qushürt, see Qushüri
Nawbakhti (Ishāg b. Ism.), 1 60, 319,
Nasrābādhī (AQ. Ibr. b. M. b. A. b.
Mahmawayh), 1 37, 38, 39, 78, 90, 98,
402, 423, 424, 430
172, 348, 366, 514, 522, 523, 525, 528, Nawbakhtī (Ja'far), 1 68
529, 539, 574, 600, 605, 621, 627, 641; Nawbakhti (Müsä b. H. = Ibn Kibriyä),
2 4, 7, 8, 26, 33, 54, 57, 69, 86, 102, 1 206-214, 488, 645
105-107, 118, 195, 198, 202, 205-208, Nawfal (927), 3 194
210, 212, 219, 225, 294, 313, 315, 441, Nawribati, 3 356
457, 459, 473, 482; 3 18, 63, 107, 136, Nawshari (Īsā), 1 166, 440, 441
145, 167, 208, 217, 254, 299; 4 xvi Nayrizi (Qutb), 1 48
Nasrābādhī (Abū "Alī H. b. M. Sulamī Naysābūrī (A. ‘Ali ‘AR. b. M. b. A. Ibn
Nīsābūrī), 1 100 Fadala), 1 95, 96, 98, 377, 432, 451; 2
Nasrābādhī (Isma‘il), 1 377; 2 197, 207; 3 99, 128, 129, 201, 439, 470; 3 13, 257,
255 262
Nasrī (A. ‘Al zap, 1 427, 628 Naysābūrī (A. "Alī H.), see Nasrabādhī
Nassāj (AB), 1 222; 2 164, 227 Naysābūrī (A. ‘Amr), 3 247

Naysābūrī (AB. "AA. b. M. b. Ziyäd), 1 brizi) (1321), 1 14, 46, 47, 128, 453,
246, 437; 2 98 622, 624; 2 24, 26-28, 70, 100?, 106,
Naysäbüri (А. Hy. ‘A. Wahid b. “Ali 232, 235, 238, 239, 249, 255, 257, 262,
Sayyārī), 2 201; 3 253 264, 267, 328, 404; 4 54
Naysābūrī (AO. H. b. M. Ibn Habīb), 1 Nessühi, 2 263
122; 3 254, 262 Newton, 2 428
Naysābūrī (А. Sa db. A. b. M. Nibājī, 1 72, 79; 2 224; 3 18, 118, 145; 4
Dūstzād), 2 23, 69, 152, 153, 160 57
Naysābūrī (“Abdallah b. M. b. ‘AA. Nibatalläh b. M. (AQ.), 2 219
Кал), 3 248, 262 Nicholas I, 1 645
Naysābūrī (‘Abdalwähid b. ‘Ali Sayyārī), Nicholas (L.A.D.), 2 76; 3 351
3 262 Nicholson (R.A.) (1692), 1 8, 53, 104,
Naysäbüri (Abū'l-Barakāt Ism. b. A. b. 119, 182, 291, 613; 2 104, 212, 269,
M. b. Düst), 2 69, 70, 150, 152 340, 354, 437; 3 14, 237, 245, 347, 348;
Naysābūrī (Ahmad b. M. Murta'ish), 3 4 12, 17, 29, 56, 58-60, 64, 116
247, 262 Nicoll, 3 37
Naysābūrī (Н. b. M. Ibn 'Amrük), 2 71 Niebuhr, 2 254
Naysäbürt (Hasan b. M. b. Habib) Nietzsche, 2 401, 402
(180A), 1 468; 2 351 Niffarī (AA. b. "Alī), 1 418; 2 313, 420
Naysäbüri (Hy. b. Mansür), 1 62, 99 Niftawayh (Ghulām), 2 487
Naysabüri (Ibn Jahdam A. "Alī b. Ibr.), 2 Niftawayh (Ibr. b. M. b. ‘Arafah) (119),
131 1 59, 244, 246, 330, 331, 340, 356, 357,
Naysābūrī (M.), 3 247 361, 436, 460, 474, 500, 524, 526; 2 10,
Naysābūrī (Umar), see Samarqandi (A. 22, 488; 4 12
Hafs) Nihawandi (M. b. 'AA.), 2 131
Naysäbüriya (Fatima), 3 248, 262 Nihrir, 1 162, 401
Nayyār (АШ), 2 69, 153 Nikpāy, 1 601, 642; 2 424, 439
Nazārī (Hubbūrī), see Hubbüri Nazari Nīlī (AB.), 1 427
Nazif (Mawla A. Effendi) (1365) Nīlī (Ibrāhīm b. 'Imrān), 3 249, 262
Nazīrī, 2 402, 408 Nimrod, 2 294
Nazm, 1 400 Niramānī, 1 32, 148, 257, 426, 536, 556
Nazmi (M.), 4 74 Nisābūrī, see Naysābūrī
Nazmīzādeh (Murtada) (1356), 2 22 Nisāpūrī, see Naysābūrī
Матак, 1 33, 230, 256, 441, 527, 556, 559; Nīshāpūrī (A. Sa'd), see Saffär
2 110, 120 Nīshāpūrī (Sayyid M. Akhbārī) (1221), 1
Nāzūrī (Hāmid), 2 65 50
Nazzām, 1 lii, Ivi, 115, 196, 217, 468, Niyāzī Effendi (1364), 1 50
590, 614; 2 13, 474; 3 15-19, 23, 37, 55, Niyāzī Misrī, see Misti
65, 66, 70, 71, 78, 95, 101, 112, 122, Nizām, 2 70, 135
138, 141, 147, 153, 179, 183, 184, 188, Nizām al-Mulk, see Mulk
273 Nizām Oghlu (Sayyid), 2 254
Necaty (M.), 2 258 Nizir, 1 111
Nedīm, 2 253 Noah = Nüh, 1 513, 593; 2 269, 363,
Nefūsa, see Jaytalī 375, 377, 378, 382, 384, 449; 3 198,
Nehewendi (A. Mansür M. b. A. b. 205, 277, 286, 305
"Alī), 1 95; 3 255 Nóldeke, 1 198; 3 105; 4 92
Nesīmī (Imād al-Dīn) = (Nesim D. Ta- Nóldeke-Schwally (2172), 1 430

Noyen (Dr. Bedri) (2174) Olgun (Tāhir Mewlewi) (2178), 1 50; 3

Nubahi (Ibn H.) (547) 266
Nübi (Sa'd) = Sa'id, 1 257, 557; 2 335 Oljayitü, 2 426
Nufayli (‘Ali b. ‘Uthmän), 1 521 O'Malley, 2 288
Nufaylī (Ibr.), 2 65 Onū (Emin), 1 451
Nüh = Noah Osborn (Major Robert Durie) (1627)
Nujh Tulüni, see Tulüni Osman Bey Gamal, 4 78
Nulkishwār (M.), 1 55 Osmanjek, 2 18
Nu'mān (Abü'l-Mundhir al-Tamimi al- Otto (Rudolf) (1774A)
Oādī) (2175), 1 28, 220, 265, 374, 393, Ouseley (Sir William) (1560), 3 360; 4 13
412, 469; 2 176? Ouvaroff, 3 342
Nu'màni (AQ. Yüsuf b. Yg.), 1 226, 346;
3 251
Nu'mānī (Ibn Zaynab), 1 68, 445 Padjang, 1 624
Nu'mānī (M. b. Ibr. b. Ja'far) (2176) Padwick (C.), 2 436
Маг (Mehmed), 1 595 Pagliaro (Ant.) (2179)
Nür (Muhammad), 2 168 Pah (S. L.), 1 53
Nür al-Din, 2 66, 70 Pajajaran, 2 100, 290
Nür al-Din (Sh. Ahmad), 2 398, 476 Palacios, see Asin
Nürbakhsh (M.), 2 193 Palembānī ('Abdalsamad) (1392A)
Nurdi (A. ‘Amr Abdalmalik b. "Ali, 2
Palmer (Edward) (1615)
186 Panggüng (Sūnān), 1 46; 2 291
Nūrī (AH. A. b. M. b. ‘A. Samad Ibn al- Pansüri, see Fansüri
Baghawi), 1 5, 15, 25, 77, 79-82, 84,
Paquignon (P.) (1701), 2 400
89, 90, 92, 94-98, 110, 151, 169, 280, Parägal Khān, 2 288
342, 343, 346, 366, 384, 522, 528, 572- Paret (R.), 1 239
574, 576, 584, 610; 2 110, 127, 198, Parry (Osw. H.) (1644), 2 24, 351, 447
200, 203, 209, 213, 342, 343, 344, 352, Pars, 1 337
394, 398, 444, 451, 459; 3 56, 61, 114, Рагза (Khawaja M. b. M.) (1139), 2 35,
127, 145, 211, 227, 232, 249, 267, 343, 106, 228, 352, 492
348 Pascal (B.) (2180), 1 154, 292; 2 91, 429; 3
Nari (‘Abd al-Ahad) (808), 2 66; 4 3 12, 91, 322
Nūrī (Usman) (2177), 2 30, 258 Patanjali, 3 353
Nurmāshīrī (A. Hy. M. b. Bakr), 1 176, Pater, 1 xxvi
199 Patton (2181), 1 277, 313; 3 139
Nūshjānī, 1 428 Paul, see Saint Paul
Nusrat Shäh, 1 47; 2 288 Pauthier, 1 157
Nuwayri (Abū'l-"Abbās A.) (521), 3 289 Pavet de Courteille (1641), 1 182, 184; 2
Nwyia (P.), 4 121, 129 168, 349; 3 164, 209, 224, 227
Nyberg (H. S.) (1736), 2 448; 3 307; 4 98, Payghambar, 2 287
Paykandi (А. Ат), 2 208
Nykl (A.), 1 350, 354 Paykandi (A. B.), 1 109; 2 208, 456 |
Pears (Е. Allison), 2 419
Obermann (J.) (1747) Pearse (J-M.), 1 xliii
Ockley (Simon) (1543) Pearson (J.), 4 113
Ogruenc Tigin, 1 186 Pedersen (J.) (1753), 1 5, 72; 2 200-203,
Okid (T.), 2 279 209, 211, 214, 457, 458, 604; 3 247-249,
O'Leary (DeLacey) (1752) 253, 255, 256, 262; 4 13, 98

Peeters (P.), 1 Ixix; 4 97 Prajnädéva, 1 183

Péguy, 2 363 Prantl (C.), 2 75
Pellat (Ch.), 4 118, 122 Pretzl (O.) (1799), 1 18, 97, 439
Pelliot, 1 184, 185, 620 Price (Major David) (1569)
Penjdihi (M. b. 'AR. Mas'üdi), 1 42; 2 Probst Biraben (1666), 2 28, 345
466 Proclus, 1 197, 216
Pépin le Bref, 2 148 Przyluski, 2 76, 285
Périer (fean) (2182), 1 61 Pseudo-Democritus, 3 353
Perlmann (Moshé) (2183) Pseudo-Majriti, 1 198
Perron, 1 450; 2 14 Psichari (E.), 2 172; 3 356
Perūshān, 2 254 Ptolemy, 1 205, 206, 341; 3 15, 92
Pétis of the Cross (A.) = de la Croix Puigaudeau (Odette de) (2185)
(1549) Pu-ku-ts'un, 1 185
Petit (Mgr. Louis) (1667) Purchas (Samuel) (1502)
Petit (Paul), 4 113
Petrov, 3 165 Oabalān (H.), 29
Pfeiller, 2 412 Qabatoc, 3 284
Pharaoh, see also Fir'awn, 1 559, 609, 634; Oābid, 2 27; 3 200
2 39, 42, 179, 283, 294, 359; 3 217, 281, Qabiha (queen mother), 1 441
324, 356-359 al-Oābisī (Abū Hasan) (185), 2 44
Picatrix, 1 61, 198; 2 325; 4 18 Oābūs, 3 337, 345
Picot (G.), 1 xxix Oaddāh (Ibn Maymün), 1 125; 3 139, 140
Pierre = Saint Peter Qaddüra, 2 474
Pierre d'Abano, 3 6 Озат Fādil, see Fädil
Pilate, 1 476, 576; 2 476; 3 220 Oadīb al-Bān, see Mawsili
Pinéhas (Joseph), 1 504 Qàdikhàn (Fakhr D. H. b. M. "Uzjandī),
Pines (S.) (1805), 1 ]x, 82, 163; 4 20 1 100, 541
Pir Hy. (d. 536 A.H.), 2 476 Qadir, 1 85, 371, 394, 404, 405, 496, 629;
Pir Kilan, 3 262 2 56, 104, 135-140, 144-148, 151, 157,
Pir Mansur (d. 1017 A.H.), 2 73 219
Pir Mardān, 2 476 Oādirī (Ja'far b. M. Abū Sa'īd) (1186)
Pīr Sīdāb, 2 185 Oādirī (Shāh "Ismatallāh) (1194)
Pīr Zādeh (M. Effendi) (1359) Qaffal (AR. b. 'AA.), 2 216
Pīshagī (Mahmūd Bahrī) (1193), 1 49; 2 Qaffil (Qasim b. AB.), 1 377; 2 298; 3
27, 281, 336 256 `
Pizzi (Italo) (1636) Qaffal Kabir (AB. M. b. (Alī) b. Ism.
Plato, 1 Ixvi, 44, 197, 216, 341, 350, 636; Shashi), 1 37-39, 95, 173, 372, 375, 371,
2 79, 313, 420; 3 16, 66, 94, 130, 180, 564, 574, 641; 2 4, 5, 34, 63, 199, 204-
349 205, 298, 4392, 457; 3 91, 256, 261, 262
Plessner, 1 67 Oaffāl Saghir (AA. b. A.), 2 298
Plotinus, 1 201; 2 313; 3 58, 75, 78, 93, Qaffi (AB.), 2 26
122 Oāhir billāh (M.), 1 208, 236, 376, 394,
Pococke (Edward) (1520), 1 587; 4 32 397, 401, 402, 404, 406, 424, 444, 485,
Poinssot, 4 84 530; 2 111
Polti (G.) (2184), 1 Ixi, Ixix; 2 82, 85 Qahtabi (AB.), 2 200; 3 27, 102, 145
Poncelet, 3 173 Qahtabi (M.P.A.), 3 13
Postel (Guillaume), 3 221 Oahtānī (Qàyim), 2 99
Poyer, 2 82 Ойт CAA. b. M.), 1 40, 41, 386, 405,
Qà'im (AA. b. M.) (cont.) Qasbäni, 1 148
629; 2 63, 91, 93, 95, 119, 135, 136, Oāshānī ('Abdalrazzaq Kashi), 2 277
138-146, 148, 150, 155-157, 161, 470 Oashānī Sarmad, see Sarmad
Qalànisi (A. "Abbās), 1 172 Oashmīrī (Hy.) (1191)
Qalinisi (Fath D. A. Hasan M.), 1 35, Qasim, 1 232, 255, 417; 3 196
249, 375, 523; 2 146, 185, 205, 299, 306; Qasim (son of Gharib al-Khāl), 1 399
3 66, 141, 190 Qasim (son of Hallāj), 2 298
Qalinisi (Ibr.), see Rāzī (A. Ish.) Oāsim (the Zaydī), 2 13; 3 155
Qalanswa (Abü'l-Fath M. b. А.), 1 508; 3 Qasim Effendi (Sayfallāh), 2 265
260 Oāsimī (Jamāl) (2188), 1 218, 282, 373; 2
Qalhäti, 3 147, 150, 151, 240 30; 3 58, 77, 78, 80, 82, 84, 85, 89, 117,
Qalqashandi (Abū'l-"Abbās A.) (2186), 1 155, 174, 178, 179, 181-184, 186, 191,
236; 2 80 216, 223
Oālūn, 1 244 Qasimi (M. b. Maslama) (2189), 1 608; 2
Qalüs (A. b. Sa‘id), 1 65 32
Qalyübi (A. b. Ibr. b. Sul.), 2 474 Qasimi (Z.), 4 123
Qanawi ('A. Rahim), 2 333 Qasr Kinārī (Muhyī D.), 2 185
Qandi, see Anbārī (Ziyād) Qasri (AB. [M.] b. A. b. "Alī Ibn Tha-
Qannäd (A. Hy. ‘Ali b. ‘A. Rahim Wi- wāba), 1 87, 96, 290, 310, 445-447, 445,
siti) (118), 1 Iviii, 4-6, 15, 18, 25, 35, 495, 510, 557, 560, 578, 582, 606, 611;
37, 54, 79, 81, 82, 87, 96, 97, 103, 123, 2 84, 109; 3 221, 251
124, 129, 142, 154, 230, 292, 478, 525, Oasrī (AH. M.), 1 446
561, 566, 571, 573, 578, 580-582, 584, Qasri (A. HY. Ja'far b. M.), 1 446
589, 600, 601, 606, 615; 2 3, 8, 16, 38, Qasri (A. Sahl), 2 310
40, 56, 66, 102, 119, 127-130, 189, 199, Qasri (A. “ЧА. Ahmad), 1 446
209, 211-214, 409, 439, 440, 456, 468,
Qasri (Zayd), 1 509, 510, 611; 3 252
469, 476; 3 248, 262, 307, 343
al-Qàss (Abü'l- Abbas), 2 456
Qannawji (M. Siddiq Khan), 2 11 Oassā (Īsā), 1 582
Qara Agaci (A. Rüshdü) (1363B), 1 50 Oassāb, 2 167
Qarachelebizadeh (Zuhūrī) (1342), 2 257, Qassär (Hämid b. Makki Itfīhī), 2 27
Qassar (Īsā), 1 528, 578, 584, 606, 607,
Qaradi (A. Hy. b. Yüsuf) = Fardi (A.
613, 614; 2 47, 49, 132
“AA. Hy.), 2 442; 3 261; 4 23
Qassar (Kharūf), 3 263
Оагаб (Nur Ali), 1 373; 2 468; 3 6, 84
Qarah Ģelebizade = ‘Abd al-'Aziz Ef-
Qastalläni (Qutb), 1 44, 220; 2 34, 64, 68
Qastallänt (Shihab D. Abū'l-"Abbās) (545)
fendi (Qarah Gelebizade) (1346)
Qastallàni (Tàj "Alī b. Ibr.), 2 68
Qarah Hisārī (Oāsim b. Mahmūd) (1325)
Qastamüni, 1 368; 2 451; 3 327
Oarāmānī (A. b. Yf.) (791)
Qatäda, 1 524; 3 177, 210
Oaranī (Uways), 1 534, 579; 2 20, 72,
Qatàwin, 4 30
186, 228, 329, 330, 334
Qati (AB. A. b. J. b. Hamdan Ibn Mā-
Qaratekin (amīr), 1 29, 169, 187, 638
lik), 2 118, 135, 206, 214
Qaratekin (Mansür), 1 187, 638
Qati'i (AB. M. b. Ishaq), 2 118, 216
Qari (A. Fadl ‘Ali Wāsitī) (790), 1 542,
Qatr al-Nadā, 1 399; 2 162
582, 613; 2 14, 19, 39, 40, 44, 174, 176
H Qatrubulli (A. b. *UA.), 1 460; 2 487
349, 350, 357, 359, 422; 3 40, 89, 359 al-Qattän (A. b. ‘AA. b. Sa'id b. Kul-
ан (A. Sa'id Mudar), 1 549; 3 169 lab), 3 140
Oāris, 1 335, 400
Qattän (A. Hy. b. M.), 1 123, 373, 377
Qarmati, 2 41
Qattän (M. b. Y£), 2211
Qartin, 2 241; 3 315 Qattan = (Mansür Hallāj)

Qattän = (Mansür Zähid), 2 31; 3 265 Qedim (Khelveti Na'ili) (1347A), 1 48

Oattān (Yahya), 3 36, 140, 195 Qibrisli (Hilmi H. Eff.), 1 50; 2 259
Qattát (A. Yahyà [Qasim]), 1 357 al-Qidam (Hamim), 3 251
Oātū, 3 240 Qifti (Imād D.), 3 73
Oawwās (Y. b. Umar), 2 472 Oipchākī (Sihale), 2 336
Oawwās (Yf.), 1 71 Oirdī (Qajasar), 2 249
Qaydir, 1 311 Oirimī (Barāg), 2 240 |
Qayghüsuz ‘Abdal, 2 243, 254 Qirmisini (Ibr. b. Shayban), 1 108, 109,
Oāyim, see Oā'im 162, 370; 2 101, 102, 206, 440, 456; 3
Qaylawi (Abū Sa'd) (328) 249, 262
Qayrati (AB. ‘AA. b. M.), 1 248 Qirshawi (A. Aziz), 2 192
Qayrawani (291) Qiwisi (M. "Umar), 1 89
Qays, 3 48, 144, 190 Quatremère (Étienne) (1589), 3 328; 4 39
Qaysar, 1 257, 399, 400, 425 Oūdā (M. b. ‘Abbäs Sharrādī Zuräri), 2
Qaysari (Dāwūd) (534), 2 66, 174, 350; 3 332
107, 209, 301 Qudi'i (M. b. Salama) (240), 1 415; 2 131
Qaysi (A. N.), 4 112 Oudāma, 1 235, 541
Qaysi (Hayyān), 3 113, 114 Qudsi (AB.), 2 324
Qaysi (Rabäh), 1 92; 3 145 Ouhistānī (M.) (1137B), 1 453
Qaysüri, 2 106 Quhtabi (AB.), 1 96
Qazwini (AA. b. M.), 2 98 Quiros, 2 410; 3 83, 84, 92, 317
Qazwini (AH. "Alī b. Н. b. M. Sayqali) Oūmisī, 2 213
(165A), 1 152; 2 36, 128, 134, 140, 147, Oummī (A. b. Ism. Samaka), 1 462; 2 489
159, 472-474; 3 129, 254, 262 Qummi (A. Hy. ‘Ali b. Hy. B. Bābūya),
Qazwini (AH. ‘Ali b. отаг), 2 40, 135; 1 321; 3 208, 248, 262
4 13 Qummi (‘Abbis) (1238, 1243), 1 276; 2
Qazwini (AM.), 2 151 492
Qazwini (A. Y. “Abdalsalim b. M.) Qummi (Hy. b. Ishkid Marwazi), 1 180
(260), 1 12, 58, 98, 101, 124, 153, 249, Oummī (M. Tāhir), 2 37, 492
277, 431, 454, 503, 543, 556, 572, 581, Quniwi ('Alà' D. "Alī b. Ism.) (513), 2
586, 587, 590, 598; 2 3, 10, 16, 38, 125, 71, 324; 3 335
158, 171, 309, 342?, 344-350, 475, 491, Qünawi (Sadr Rümi), 1 44, 578; 2 311,
492; 3 238, 241 416; 3 234
Oazwīnī (F. b. Hātim), 1 307 Ounbul, 1 59, 111
Qazwini (Imàm D.), 1 44 Qündüzi, 3 34, 277
Qazwini (‘Îsä b. Yazūl), 1 38, 507; 2 10, Ounnāī AA.) (uncle of Ната), 1 442,
184; 3 255, 262 445
Oazwīnī (Jalāl M. b. 'AR.), 1 44; 2 64 Qunnä” (A. ‘AA. Hamd b. M.), 1 25,
Qazwini (M. b. M. b. "Alī Humrānī), 2 28, 29, 142, 146, 147, 228, 253, 358,
362 441-443, 465, 466, 471, 479, 503
Qazwini (M. Khän), 3 359, 360 Ounnā (A. Al), see Ibn Hinbita
Qazwini (Nasir D. A. Rashid) (2190) Qunni'i (A. Faraj M. b. "Alī b. Yq. b.
Qazwini (Zak. b. M.) (458), 1 55, 123, Ish. b. Abi Qurra’), 1 445, 460
124, 291, 504, 594, 622; 2 285, 344, Ounnā'ī (Abū "Alī [М.Ј A. Н. "Alī [b.
400, 439, 443, 444, 447 Hy.] b. Hinbita), 1 170, 209, 210, 213,
Oazzāz (AR. b. M.), 1 4; 2 7, 67, 466, 258, 420, 444
469 Qunni'i (A. b. "Alī), 1 445
Qazzäz (A. Mansür Zayd b. ‘AR. b. M.), Ounnāī (A. Yq.), 1 444
2 469 Ounnā'ī (Abū Ошта’ Hy. b. M.), 1 445

Ounnā'ī (H.), 1 410 284, 297, 310, 323, 330, 338, 349, 356;
Qunni'i (Īsā b. Farrūkhānshāh), 1 443 4 56
Qunna’i (M. b. "Alī), 1 146, 258, 432, Qushayri (AW.), 1 172
433, 443, 460, 463, 466, 486, 490-493, Qushayri (Abü Nasr), see Ibn al-Qushayri
512, 517, 575, 628; 2 111, 119, 489; 3 Qushayri (Bakr), 1 498
250 Oushūrī (AH. A. b. Nasr), see Mu'nis
Qunni'i (Matta), 1 146; 2 411 Oushūrī (Hilāl), 1 334
Qurashi (AA.), 3 48, 75, 202 Qushüri (M. b. Nasr), 1 427, 447; 2 122
Qurashi (A. "AA. Haykal), 1 625; 2 110 Qushüri (Mu nis), see Mu nis
Qurashi (A. ‘AA. M. b. Sa'id), 1 439; 2 Oushūrī (Nasr), 1 12, 26, 28-34, 36, 37,
110, 295 111, 113, 140, 145, 148, 154, 189, 224,
Qurashi (A. Bayän Nabāh b. M. b. Mah- 225, 242, 246, 256-258, 272, 275, 331,
füz), 2 191 332, 334, 395-397, 399, 403, 405, 406,
Qurashi (b. Habbär b. Aswad), 1 179 410, 413, 415, 421, 423, 434, 425-428,
Qurashi (Ibn al-Qadi Radi D. AB. b. M. 429, 432, 433, 444, 451, 457, 459, 460,
al-Raqqàq al-Taymi), 2 39, 107 462, 463, 465, 466, 474, 479, 483, 486,
Quraysh (prince), 2 154, 155, 157 489, 490, 492, 493, 495, 501, 507, 508,
Qurbanj, 2 218, 236 526, 527, 531, 536-539, 555-558, 568,
Qurrat al-"Ayn (Tāhirah), 2 402, 403, 405 571, 578, 598, 622, 628, 629, 641, 645;
Qurrat al-"Ayn ((Urjuwān), 1 41 29, 11, 21, 36, 62, 84, 112, 121, 122,
Qurushi (A. b. ‘A. Latif), see Kishi 170, 347, 393, 394, 411, 462, 485, 491;
Qurushi (AR. b. M.), 2 66 3 221, 275, 344
Qurtubi (Abü ‘AA. M. b. A.) (289) Qüsi (‘Abdalghaffar) (460), 1 361, 384,
Qurtubi (Ibn Mudā), 2 333 466, 601, 635; 2 11, 32, 93, 106, 304,
Qurtubi (Ibn Sa‘d), see “Arib 310, 323, 331, 343, 348, 352, 444; 3
Qusamtini (A *Abbās), see Ibn Qunfudh 316, 325
Qushishi (Safi D. A. b. M. Dajjani) Qüsi (Ism. b. Hamid), 2 68
(815), 1 47, 53; 2 192, 262, 279, 421, Qustantini (A. ‘A. "Azīz), 2 320
423; 3 262, 263 Qutb (AQ.), see Bābā
Qushayri (A. Asad "ARA, 2 198 Qutb al-‘Alam (Nir), 2 288, 289
Qushayri (AQ. ‘A. Karim b. Hawāzin) Qutlamihi, 2 142
(231), 1 4-7, 40, 52, 72, 78, 81, 89, 90, Qutrub, 3 80
96, 108, 115, 117, 119, 121, 132, 161, Qutrubbuli CAA. b. Hy.), 2 121
162, 168, 182, 187, 194, 199, 292, 342, Outrubbulī (A. b. Sinīrzād), 1 400, 536; 2
357, 364, 377, 467, 519, 521, 522, 525, 122?
528-530, 539, 548, 554, 565, 571, 583, Outūz (Sayf D.), 2 322, 323
587, 600, 612-614, 617, 633, 642; 2 6, Quwayri, 1 146
10, 15, 21, 27, 38, 40, 42, 50, 52, 65, Quyün (Oghlu) (1336D), 2 254
67, 86, 101, 102, 104, 105, 128, 130,
131, 145, 163, 164, 166, 169, 184, 188,
194-196, 201, 202, 205-207, 209, 211- Rabäh, 1 522; 3 16, 105, 106, 163, 166,
215, 217, 219, 283, 298, 299, 313, 318, 168, 169, 207, 208, 225
350, 389, 415, 437, 438, 440, 441, 455- Rabi', 1 484, 542; 2 11; 3 240
459, 472, 492; 3 8, 9, 11, 24, 27, 38, 39, Rabī (AB. Hāshimī), 1 29, 31, 136; 2 95;
41, 52, 53, 61, 89, 114-116, 127, 128, 3 268
145, 152, 163, 164, 166-169, 177, 189, Rabī (A. ‘Umära [and A. Mughith] M.
208, 226, 227, 233, 238, 239, 246-248, b. À. b. “AA. Hāshimī Basrī), 1 141; 3
250, 252-258, 267-270, 274, 276-278, 250

Rab'i (Hasan b. ‘Ali b. 'Īsā), 2 149 Ranzerville, 1 101

Rabī' (Qasim), 1 225 Raphael, 3 313
Rabi'a, 1 122, 288, 382; 2 63, 174, 366; 3 Raggāshī (Fadl), 3 344
117, 164 Raggāshī (Yazid), 1 68; 3 109, 152, 156,
Rabib (A. Shujà' M. b. A. Mansür), 2 206, 211, 225
363 Raggī (Н. b. M. Baghdādī), 1 100
Rabīī (AB. M. b. ‘AA. Ibn Hizäm al- Raggī (Jahm), 1 93
Hāshimī), 1 24, 481; 3 281 Rasafi (Ma'rüf) (978)
Rabi'i (A. Bilāl Mirdās b. Jüdir), 3 205 Ras‘ani (A. Razzäq) 4 17
Rabüh, 1 383 Rashid, 1 162, 396, 536; 2 321
Radecues (Jean), 1 476 Rashid al-Din (1122), 1 571, 623; 2 9, 40,
Radi billāh (122), 1 30, 154, 208, 231, 236, 64; 3 279
243, 256, 318, 320, 394, 395, 397, 404, Rashiq, 1 257, 404
408, 423, 426, 427, 442, 448, 467, 475, Rāsibī (Abū ‘Adnän), 1 470
479, 493, 502, 511, 527, 536; 2 112, Rāsibī (Adnan), 1 421, 470
114, 121, 122, 138, 139, 298, 488 Rāsibī (Ali b. A.) (104), 1 29, 65, 248,
Radwi (Muhyi D. b. Hy.) (1165) 388, 426, 458, 459, 468-470, 474; 2 485;
Rafet (Nūrī) (1382) 3 194
Raffa (A. “Ali Hamid), 2 217 Rasibi (Dür), 1 470
Rafi’, 1 139, 152, 163, 166, 173, 174 Raslàn, 2 483
Rāfiī, 4 44 Rasti Khän, 2 288
Rāfiī (d. 1112/1700), 1 357; 2 28, 254 Ratan (Bābā), 2 11
Кай" (Abü'l-Mughith), 1 100 Rāwandī (Abū Hurayra M. b. Farrūkh), 1
Raga (Among), 1 46; 2 292 176
Rāghib, see Isfahānī (Rāghib) Rāwandī (Fadl), 2 162, 362, 363
Rāghib Pāshā (M. Beg) (852), 1 49, 106, Rāwandī (Harb b. 'AA.), 1 176
357, 595; 2 65; 3 21, 110, 150, 166, 195, Rawwāsī ('Uthmàn), 1 306
209, 231-233, 306, 320 Rayhāna = (Sayqal), 1 310
Ragragī (Tāhir), 1 Ix, 438; 4 24 Rayhānī (Amin), 2 22
Rahhās, 1 42 Rāyig, 1 256, 401
Ва? (Raji) (999-14) Rāyigīya (Surayra), 1 256
Ка? (Shayban), 1 271 Rayys (АН) (1333)
Ra'īs al-Ru'asà = Ibn Muslima (AO.) Rāzī (A. AA. Hy. b. A. b. Ja far), 1
Raja Man Singh, 2 328 110, 528, 602; 2 194-195, 438, 457; 3
Räjhlad (Ibn Sümra), 1 179 252, 254
Rakhawī (Amir Kilän), 2 190 Вал (AA. b. M.), 1 121; 2 129, 455
Rämai Pandit, 2 287 Вал (AB. M. b. ‘AA. b. ‘A. “Aziz b.
Rāmananda, 2 285 Shādhān Bajalī), 1 13, 18, 38, 84, 85,
Ramaytani, 2 228 90, 97, 107, 109, 372, 529, 530, 562,
Ramhurmuz, 1 248 574, 582, 583, 585, 615, 627, 632; 2 5,
Rāmiz (Kurdizädeh A.) (1381A) 6, 39, 102, 118, 119, 131, 198, 200, 206,
Ramli (Hy. b. ‘Isa b. Harawān), 2 296 208-210, 212, 214, 216, 439, 456, 457,
Ramli (Ibn "Abbād), 3 211 459, 461, 462, 470; 3 255, 261, 262
Ramlī (Shamr [?] M. b. A.), 2 468 Räzi (AB. M. b. Zak.) (115), 1 lii, lvi, 26,
Rampoldi (1587) 90, 92, 144, 145, 146, 160, 174, 190,
Ramusio, 2 352 197, 199, 200, 225, 294, 402, 425, 459,
Ran King, 1 141 503; 2 13, 41, 203, 204, 411, 455, 487; 3
Raniri (Nür) (1393), 2 289 7, 19, 122, 132, 271

Räzi (A. Hatim), 1 14, 163, 200, 522, 572, Razzäz (AH. Aslam b. Sahl), 1 60
595; 2 168; 3 197 Refi'i (1323)
Rāzī (A. Ishāg Ibr. b. M. Oalānisī), 1 607, Regnault, 1 635
608; 3 249, 262 Rehatsek, 4 65
Rāzī (AR. b. Hātim M.), 1 416; 2 206; 3 Reich (S.), 1 511
119 Reinach (Salomon), 2 19
Кал (AM. “АА. b. M. b. ‘AR. Sha‘räni) Reinhaud, 4 35
(d. 353 А.н.), 2 196, 457 Reiske (J. Jakob) (1551), 1 327, 587; 2 434,
Rāzī (A. Oāsim Ja'far b. Ah.), 1 528; 2 435; 4 35, 83
103, 195, 212, 457; 3 255, 262 Renan (E.) (2192), 1 154, 292; 2 431
Rāzī (Abū Mas'üd Ahmad), 3 255 Reyys (Sidi *Alī), 2 336
Rāzī (Amin Ahmad) (1169) Ribera (J.), 1 350, 596; 4 119
Rāzī (Diya’ D. "Umar), 2 6, 229 Rice (C.), 4 70
Кал (Fadl b. Shādhān), 1 244, 307; 2 118; Rida’ (Ali), 1 165, 176, 207, 251, 305,
3 236 330, 518, 521; 2 124; 3 100, 125, 155,
Кал (Fakhr D. M. b. ‘Umar) (385), 1 43, 236, 328, 332
121, 130, 131, 133, 151, 163, 222, 273, Rida’ (Ali Ш), 1 306
374, 504, 595; 2 6, 17, 21, 26, 34, 39, Rida’ (Rashid) (973), 1 50; 2 37, 108
40, 43, 65, 67, 100, 159, 168, 196, 229, Ridwān, 2 470
230, 303, 336, 397, 410, 411, 413; 3 16, Rieu (Ch.) (1622), 4 61, 65
56, 68, 100, 104, 105, 110, 133, 174, Rifāī (Abü'l-Alamayn A. Husayni)
180, 231, 232, 234, 292, 294, 296, 299, (361), 1 515; 2 106, 108, 176-181, 350; 3
309, 327, 332 13, 96
Кал (Fátima), 2 134 ВІЧ (122 A. Sayyad b. ‘AR. b. A.)
Ràzi (Hy. b. G. Fadlawayh), 2 135, 161, (443), 2 176
195 Rifai (Yahya b. ‘Alp, 2 191
Rāzī (Ja'far), 2 195 Rifat (Ahmad) (1367A) (1369), 2 272
Rāzī (M. b. Tayīb b. Yahya), 1 115; 3 Rifat (Bey), 2 261
256, 262 Rifat (Kilisli) (1387)
Кал (Najm al-Din Dāyah) (1107, 1261), 1 Rinkes (D.) (1722), 2 278, 291, 292
44, 600; 2 8, 106, 227, 229, 262, 347, Rinn (L.) (2193), 1 80; 2 76
375, 424; 3 47, 122, 163, 218, 359; 4 79 Ritschl, 3 242
Каз (Qàsim Dawlabi), 1 110 Ritter (H.) (1772), 1 1x, 158, 198; 2 166,
Кал (Salim), 2 57 306, 308, 325, 362, 364, 367, 370, 460,
Кал (Thabit), 2 123 478, 480; 4 15, 18, 22, 41, 58, 59, 111
Rāzī (Yahya b. Mu‘adh), 1 69, 75, 76, Riwajirri, 2 228
171, 342, 346, 478; 2 219; 3 38, 106, Riyādī (1341), 4 73
113, 148, 183, 190, 207, 208, 338, 346 Rizàm, 1 251
Rāzī (Yf. b. Hy.), 1 75, 81, 96, 151, 584; Rizāyī, 2 258, 273
2 103, 198, 209, 213, 451, 456; 3 160, Rizqalläh, 1 317
208; 4 109 Robert of Arbrissel, 1 350
Räziya (Fátima), 1 41 Roche, (P.), 1 xxvi
Razzäz (A. "Abbās) (var. = Bazzar), 2 Ronzevalle, 1 101, 270
210 Rosch, 3 161
Razzäz (A. "Abbas A. b. Fátik), 1 13, 16, Rose (H.A.) (1760), 2 76, 273; 4 112
18, 19, 95, 165, 166, 293, 508, 5622, Rosen (Victor de) (1647), 4 63
564, 565, 582-585, 589, 607, 608, 613- Rosenszweig (1612), 1 587; 4 62, 86
615; 2 5, 119, 132, 439, 440, 462; 3 247, Rosenthal (F.), 4 39
261 Ross (E.D.), 4 37, 39

Rost (E.R.), 4 128 Rustem, 2 241

Rouché, 3 173 Ruwaym, 1 95, 96, 98, 149, 244, 246,
Rousseau (I. B.L.J.) (1565), 2 344, 348 292, 358, 436, 445, 500, 506, 510, 534,
Rousseau (J.-J.), 2 73, 430 625; 2 101, 102, 110, 128, 183, 198,
Rūdānī (M. b. M. b. Sul.) (834), 1 4, 371, 203, 213, 460; 3 61, 225, 249
377, 457; 2 159, 211-213, 457, 461, 466- Rüyani (‘Abdalwähid), 1 377
468, 470, 471, 473, 474 Ru'yàni (Ism.), 2 65
Rudhabäriya (Fátima), 2 213; 3 249 Ruysbroek, 1 16, 588, 625; 2 339
Rudhbārī (A. “Ali M. b. A. b. Q.), 1 84, Ruzbehän (Ibr.), see Bagli
95-98, 372, 377, 467, 478, 536, 610, Rüzbehän (Sadr D. AM. b. A.), 3 263
617; 2 183, 194, 200, 206, 227, 458; 3
162, 249, 253, 343 Saadia, 1 254, 505
Rudhbārī (A. b. "Atā'), 1 78, 98, 122; 2 Saadye (R.), 1 265
212, 213, 215 Sabakhi (Farqad), 1 68; 3 211
Rudhbārī (A. b. Hy.), 1 98 Sabataeh Zévi, 2 344
Rūdhrāwarī II (Zahir M. b. Hy.), 1 41, Sabbäh (Hassan), 2 308; 3 105, 122, 323; 4
42; 2 170 128
Rūdhrāwarī III (Nizām Rabīb), 2 170 Sābī (A. Ish. Ibr. b. Hillal), 1 446
Rudūsī Zādeh (M.) (1349) Sabi (Hilal) (220), 1 444, 463; 3 346
Rūhallāh (Shīrāzī), 2 192 Sābī (Thābit b. Sinān) (151), 1 39, 52, 97,
Ruhiwi (Īsā) (516), 2 37 123, 143, 144, 146, 213, 227, 229-233,
Rūhī, 2 70 255, 256, 262, 310, 311, 387, 392-395,
Ru'ini, 3 197 401, 402, 410, 412, 414-417, 419, 425,
Rukhāwī (M.), 4 69 436-438, 443, 445, 447, 451, 455, 456,
Rukn (‘Imäd) (1119) 461-465, 468, 470, 471, 489, 502-504,
Rukn al-Dawla, 1 321 527, 531, 535, 540, 543, 548, 549, 553,
Rukn al-Din (A. Makàrim), see Simnānī 556, 561, 571, 590, 642; 2 123, 128,
Rümi (A.) (1121), 1 120; 2 266, 271 153, 155, 156, 270, 475, 488-491; 3 247,
Rümi (S. 'Ali Ra'is) (2194) 250, 251, 270; 4 126
Rūmī (Ibn Sahl al-Taghlabi), 2 359 Sabihi, 1 539; 3 19
Аат (Jalal D. M.) (1111), 1 Ixviii, 44, Sabr (Abū Ishaq), 2 133
133, 181, 290, 367, 404, 596, 600, 609; Sabtī (d. 636 A.H.), 2 451
2 46, 91, 106, 166, 195, 227, 232, 241, Sabukhī, see Sabakhī
242, 246, 248, 258, 260, 261, 266-271, Sabuktakīn, 2 133
280, 283, 295, 314, 339, 359, 362, 363, Sabūnī (A. ‘Uthmin Ism. b. "AR.), 1
373, 399, 401, 404, 407, 408, 492; 3 33, 172; 2 169, 201
42, 51, 52, 175, 201, 218, 237, 299, 305, Sābūnī (A. Ya'là Ishāg b. "AR.), 2 118,
342, 351, 352, 359; 4 70, 78 216
Каті (Мама Shukr Allah) (1146) Sābūr, 1 401
Rūmī (Sadr), see Qünawi Sabziwarī (Mullā Hādī) (2195), 1 384; 3
Rūmi (Yāgūt), see Yāgūt 109, 332
Rummānī (A. “Ali H. b. M. b. Ibr. Masi- Sachau, 4 16
sī Sūfī), 1 100 Sacy (Silvestre de) (1561), 1 459; 2 76; 3
Rummini (‘Ali b. 'Īsā), 1 248 110, 122, 196, 289, 312
Rundi (Ibn ‘Abbäd), 1 91; 2 26, 329-330, Sa'd (amīr), 2 387
419? Sa'd (2), 1 547; 3 190, 192
Rushdi (A.), 4 112 Sa'd (d. 263 A.H.), 1 259
Rushenī (Dede "Umar), 2 262, 263 Sa'd al-Dawla, 2 326
Russell, 3 173 Sa'd al-Din Effendi (Khwāja) (1338)

Sädafi (Abü Müsà Yünus b. ‘Abd al- Sahlajī (2199), 1 7, 77, 79, 554; 2 71, 128,
* Ala), 3 160 131, 197, 213, 214, 216, 228, 440, 456;
Sa'dàn (AB. b. A. A. b. M.), 3 261 3 209, 258, 301, 319, 348
Sadaqa the first, 1 363; 2 208 Sā'ib (Mhd. "Alī Isfahānī) (1188), 1 48; 2
Sādāt (Mir Hy.), see Harawi 336
Sader, 1 447 Sa'id, 1 547
Sadi, 1 578 Sa‘id (son of Ghalib), 1 145
Sa'di (Ahnaf b. Qays), 1 141 Sa'īd (A. "Amr), 1 445
Sa'di (M. b. ‘AA. Ibn al-Muhibb), 2 103, Said (AB. b. A. ‘Uth.), 1 172
424, 462, 463; 3 290 Sa‘id (Baha’) (2200), 2 327
Sa'di (M. Rashid) (950) Sa'id D. (M.), 2 188
Sa'di (Sayyid Rashid b. Dāwūd), 2 25 Sa'idi (‘Abdalmuta‘äl) (999-21)
Sadighi, 1 183 Sa'idi (Ali), see Ibn al-Bagarī
Sädiq (Ja'far), 1 89, 382, 548; 2 93, 94, Saidzadeh (A. ‘A.), 2 336
96, 194, 211, 320; 3 265 Sā'igh (Sadr D.), 2 185
Sädir (Makhzümi), 4 110 Saint Andrew, 1 646
Sadr, 2 267 Saint Anselm, 3 322
Sadrā (Mullā), 2 492 Saint Anthony, 3 12
Sa'dün, 1 96, 145 Saint Athenagoras, 1 635
Safadi (Saläh D.) (540), 1 5, 97, 100, 229, Saint Augustine, 1 201; 3 12
232, 315, 319, 383, 575, 639; 2 109, Saint Bernard, 1 137; 3 299
120, 129, 164; 3 248, 251, 254, 311 Saint Boniface, 3 148
Safariya (Tärkän Khätün), 1 41; 2 162 Saint Catherine, 1 1x, lxix
Saffäh, 1 203; 2 97, 99 Saint Christina, 1 584
Saffär (A. Hayyän Jayyānī) (514), 2 309- Saint Francis of Assisi, 1 553; 2 299, 300,
313, 317, 324, 326; 3 269 331, 436; 3 298
Saftār CA. Jalīl Bukhārī), 1 603; 2 106, Saint Francis Xavier, 1 137
365; 3 260, 262 Saint George, 2 241
Saffār (A. Sa'd M. b. "Alī b. Habib Has- Saint Gregory, 1 357
sāb Nishāpūrī), 1 627; 2 211 Saint Joan d'Arc, 1 3, 51, 191, 454, 554,
Saffar (M. b. H.), 1315 635
Saffārī (Amr), 1 166 Saint John, 1 644; 2 377; 3 63, 102
Saffärini (Shams D. M.), (2197), 1 106 Saint John the Baptist, 1 104, 624; 2 32,
Saffüri (A. Salim) (2196), 3 311 350; 3 24
Sāfī, 1 335-337, 404; 2 149 Saint John Chrysostomas, 3 164
Sāfī al-Din, 1 373; 2 192 Saint John Climaque, 1 342
Saghānī (Radīaddīn) (2198), 1 15 Saint John of the Cross, 3 200, 313
Saghīr (Abū A. Hasan b. "Alī Shīrāzī), 1 Saint Julian, 1 596
10, 21, 105, 507; 2 185, 443; 3 254, 261 Saint Justin, 1 635
262 Saint Juventine, 3 164
Sahdin, 2 131 Saint Lazarus, 1 594, 643
Sahib al-‘Amr, 1 298 Saint Louis, 2 321, 322 ,
Sāhib al-Khāl = Hasan, 1 27; 3 196 Saint Margaret of Cortone, 3 159
Sahib al-Naqa’, see Abū Sha'la'la' Saint Margaret-Mary, 3 12
Sāhibgīrānī (Hindūshāh b. Sanjar Nakhja- Saint Mark, 1 154, 292; 3 102, 283, 328
wani) (1118) Saint Martin, 1 xxv
Sāhilī (M.), see Siri (A. "AA.) Saint Mary-Madelein of Pazzi, 3 216
Sahl, see Tustari (Sahl) Saint Matthew, 3 12, 30, 33, 102, 161,
Sahl II, 1 505 168

Saint Maxime, 3 164 Salim (Ghulām Hy.), 2 288

Saint Paul, 2 318; 3 129, 293, 306 Sālimī (A. Shākir), 1 68; 2 128; 3 59, 71,
Saint Peter, 1 310, 594, 645; 2 256 105, 120, 145
Saint Sebastian, 2 27; 3 219 Salisbury, 3 122, 134
Saint Sydwine, 4 116 Saljūga Khātūn, 2 63, 70, 161
Saint Theresa, 3 219, 289 Saljūgī (Salāh D.) (2203), 2 283
Saint Thomas, 1 594; 2 318; 3 14 Sallāmī (Abü'l-Ma'ali) (960)
Saint Thomas Aquinas, 3 70, 115, 312, Salmän, 1 21, 27, 135, 167, 175, 201-204,
323, 342 229, 299, 301, 322, 351, 369, 512, 552,
Sajäh, 3 236 599, 621; 2 31, 90, 93, 177, 186, 244,
Sajazi, 1 lvii 273, 382; 3 34, 35, 192; 4 99
Saji (Mu'tamin b. A.), 2 219, 475 Salmān (with) Abū al-Khattäb, 1 202
San (Wasif), 1 60, 148, 167, 333 Salmān Pak, 1 201, 202, 300, 494, 511; 3
San (Zak. b. Yh.), 1 70, 149, 246; 2 98 274; 4 96
Sajjāj, 2 132 Salmon (1678), 1 227-229, 231, 275, 283;
Sakhāwī (M. b. 'AR.), 1 536 222
Sakhāwī (Shams D. M. b. A. b. Mūsā) = Salome, 1 624; 2 32, 350
Ibn al-Qasabi (670), 1 579; 2 38-40, 51, Salsal, 1 201, 300; 2 3; 3 208
53, 189, 191, 299, 309-312, 315, 316, Saltaneh (Itimād) (1230), 1 56; 4 xvii
323, 326, 463; 3 247, 282; 4 40 Saltī (A. b. ‘Abd al-Mahdi) (991)
Sakhr (A. Barakat), 2 448 Salüli (Abü Khalaf), 1 500
Sakurazwa (N.), 2 78 Salūlī (Ubayd b. Ahmad) = Sulüki, 1
Saküni (А. "Azīz), 1 434 66, 159; 3 251, 262
Sakyamüni, 2 91 Samadānī (?), 2 93
Sal'a, 1 256 Samadi ('Abdalgādir), 2 448
Saladin, 1 237; 2 64, 67, 70, 173, 311, 360, Sam'ānī (Abū Sa'd ‘A. Karim) (350), 1
413; 3 203, 294; 4 57 6, 15, 54, 55, 82, 85, 98, 100, 120, 137,
Saläh al-Din (1287) 149, 162, 164, 167, 169, 170, 182, 188,
Salal, 2 357 250, 277, 283, 362, 370, 414, 529, 600,
Saläma, 1 257, 410, 427; 2 112 627; 2 7, 10, 12, 17, 93, 109, 127, 129,
Salamabadhi (Ali Abū'l-Hudā), 2 176 135, 159, 189, 196-198, 201, 205, 208,
Salamābādhī (“Uthmin), 2 176 210, 211, 213-216, 218, 219, 230, 351,
Salàmat, 1 279 442, 457, 458, 465, 492; 3 59, 121, 131,
Salämi (A.F. M. b. Nasr), 2 474 153, 191, 247, 248, 250, 253, 255, 256,
Salami (AH. ‘AA. b. Mūsā) (137), 1 515; 258, 260, 264, 278; 4 13
2 109, 118, 455; 3 253, 262 Samannadi, 2 306
Salāwī, 3 324 Samargandī (Abū Hafs “Отаг b. Hy.
Sale (2201) Nisäbüri), 1 135, 362, 363, 364, 367; 2
Salem (E. R.), 4 77 208; 3 157
Salemann, 4 16 Samarqandi (Hakim AQ. Isháq b. M.),2
Salhānī, 1 162 199, 201
Salība (2202), 1 310 Samargandī (Hy.), 1 627; 2 33
Salibae, 1 250, 445, 461 Samargandī (M. Saffār), 1 248
Sālih (prophet), 2 256, 378 Samargandī (Nasr b. Hurmuz), 1 254
Sālih (A. M.), 2 333, 355 Samargandī (Rashīd Khired), 1 117-119; 2
Saliha-ing-Pati-maring (Ahmad), 3 278 365; 3 251, 262
Sālihānī (952) Sāmarrāī (I.), 4 110
Sālihī, see Ibn Tūlūn Sāmarrī (AB. M. b. J. Kharā'ītī), 1 366,
Salim (A. b. M.), 2 131 414

Sāmarrī (AH. "Alī b. M. Misri), 1 29, Sar-Mad (Hakim Saïd Qashani) (1190), 2
154, 321, 331, 388, 467, 473, 492, 513- 275, 336
517; 2 347; 3 194, 225, 276 Sarmast (Hidäyatalläh), 2 277
Sāmarrī (Hāmid), 2 486 Sarrāf (Abū Hamid) (2214), 1 1х; 2 336
Sāmarrī (Yünus), 3 307 Sarrāj (AB. M. b. Ja‘far) (278), 1 lvii,
Samatrānī (Shams), 2 289 289, 290, 348, 357, 358; 2 102, 128,
Samhūdī, 3 73, 156 130, 131, 348; 3 8, 23, 113, 114, 116,
Sammāk (Damra b. Hanzala), 1 102; 2 159, 164, 165, 239, 337, 343, 344, 348
345; 3 248, 262 Sarrāj (AH. b. 'Ali), 1 470
Samnānī, see Simnānī Sarrāj (AJ.), 1 579; 26
Samnānī (A. Ja‘far), 2 136 Sarrāj (AM. Ja'far b. A. b. Hy.), 1 91; 3
Samnč (Georges) (1741) 258, 262
Sanābādhī (A. Fath Shihāb D. M. b. Sarrāj (A. Nasr ‘AA. b. "Alī b. M. b.
Mahmiid), 3 260 Yh. Tamimi Tüsi) = Turunghand
Sanā'ī (Hakim) (1083), 1 41; 2 26, 228, (142), 1 5, 15, 38, 52, 69, 70, 77, 79,
266, 336, 386 95-97, 128, 162, 171, 342, 473, 526,
Sanawbarī (AB.), 2 124 528-531, 562, 582, 613; 2 6, 110, 118,
Sandal, 2 143, 149 119, 130, 131, 187, 189, 194, 195, 200,
al-Sandiyūnī (Hijāzī b. “Umar) (798), 2 202, 203, 212, 216, 295, 389, 423, 457,
29, 106 476, 480, 491; 3 11, 18, 19, 27, 38, 39,
Sanjar, 1 187; 2 160, 162-164, 167, 219, 42, 56, 61, 95, 97, 114, 115, 117, 127,
362 130, 132, 145, 158, 159, 169, 186, 187,
Sankarāshārya, 1 48, 285, 286 201, 203, 211, 225, 226, 242, 245, 253,
jd (Вай) (982), 1 lix; 2 335, 345; 3 255, 262, 266-268, 277, 290, 291, 296,
5 309, 321, 336, 338, 345, 356, 357
Santillana (D.), 2 23, 181 Sarraj (AQ. 'AR.), 2 470
Sanüsi (M. b. "a (919), 1 50, 72; 2 6, Sarräj (Yahya), 2 329
28, 29, 106, 192, 278, 299, 328, 332, Sarrakhos, 1 255
334; 3 68, 78, 199, 226, 240, 262: 4 32 Sarr Durr (‘Ali b. M.), 2 142
Sagallī (AQ. ‘AR. b. M. b. 'AA), 171; Sarrüf (Miss) (2205)
2 131; 3 73 Sarsari (Yahyā b. Yüsuf), 2 45, 51, 52; 3
Saqati (Sari), 1 75, 77, 79, 81, 572; 2 107, 121, 146, 284
118, 209, 271, 319, 388, 412, 458; 3 52, Sartre (J.-P.), 1 xxxvi
53, 264, 324 Sarwar (Ghulàm M.) (1235), 3 267
Saggā (M.), 4 116 Satan, 1 1, 74, 84, 91, 117, 219, 291, 303,
Saggāf (‘Umar b. "Agīl Bā'alawī), 2 336 363, 364, 365, 367, 368, 382, 383, 451,
Sarah, 1 599 481, 594, 599, 632, 634, 635, 644; 2 46,
Sarakhsi (A. ‘Ali Zahir b. A. ), 1 637; 3 49, 280, 283, 294, 309, 361, 371, 372,
256, 262 375; 3 6, 14, 33, 41, 44, 91, 102, 118-
Sarakhsī (A. b. Tayyib), 1 146, 206, 232, 120, 150, 152, 154, 158, 163, 180, 217,
252, 333, 344; 2 411, 476 218, 231, 236, 240, 241, 268, 269, 271,
Sarakhsī (M. b. Mūsā), 2 296 272, 281, 296, 306-315, 320, 321, 335,
Saragustī (Hy. b. Sukkara), 2 7 351, 356-359
Sari’, see Saqati Sat-Dharma, 2 285
Sārī ((AA.) (1347), 2 26, 54, 168, 352 Satya Pir, 1 48, 130, 624; 2 24, 89, 275,
Sarifini (Shu'ayb b. Ayyüb), 1 59, 60, 62 285-288, 328
Sarkis (Ya'qüb) (2204), 4 114 Saumaise, 2 382
Sarkü (Y.), 2 122 Saussaye (Chantepie de la) (1676), 2 434

Sauvaget (2206), 2 254, 398: 4 15, 27 292, 602; 2 106, 201, 456, 459; 3 60, 61,
Sauvaire (2207), 1 235, 236; 2 181; 3 33; 4 168, 185, 209, 267, 271, 334; 4 10
127 Sayyid Ahmad (Umürti b. Shaykh Ah-
Savonarola, 1 585 mad), 2 427
Sāwajī (Salman), 2 421 Sayyida Khätün, 2 162
Sawaydi, 2 37 Sayyidī Abü'l-Wafa', see Bajarsi
Sawi (A. b. M.) (890) Sazā'ī (2208)
Sawi (A. Tahir), 1 29, 280, 286, 287 Sazjāda (H. b. Alī), 1 167
Sāwijī (Umar b. Sahlān), 2 384, 413 Schacht (Josef), 1 67, 386, 388, 474; 4 8
Sawsan = (Sayqal), 1 310, 335, 336, 424, Schaeder (H.H.) (1761), 1 xlv; 2 221, 434
466 Schahr, 4 95
Sawsanjardi (A. Hy. A. b. ‘AA.), 2 471 Schechter, 4 64, 81
Sawsanjardi (A. Hy. M. Bishr Hamdüni), Schefer, 2 352; 4 56, 57
1255 Schiaparelli (Clestino) (1684)
Sawwar (A. b. "Alī), 2 466 Schimmel (Anne-Marie), 1 xliii; 2 434; 4
Saydalānī (A. ‘AA. Hy. b. "Alī), 3 354 129
Saydalānī (A. Hy. M. Ibn Jami‘ Ibn Schmoeger, 1 503; 3 21
Sakhraf), 1 280, 352, 356, 362, 363; 3 Scholem (Gershom), 2 344; 4 129
264, 337 Schopenhauer, 2 430
Saydalānī (AJ. M. b. Sabbāh = (AJ. M. Schram (Robert), 1 210, 212-214
b. Misbäh) (230), 1 40, 57; 2 106, 159, Schreiner (Martin) (1653), 3 7
202, 472; 3 182 Schrieke, 3 294
Saydalānī (AM. Jamil), 1 356 Schubring, 2 75
Saydalānī (Ridwān), see Dīnawarī (AQ.) Schultens, 1 327; 4 82, 83
Saydalānī (Wahb), 1 356 Schulthess, 1 354
Saydāwī (M. b. A. Ghassānī), 1 85 Schuon (Frithjof) (1802A)
Sayf al-Dawla (AH), 1 391, 429; 2 123 Schwally, see Nóldeke
Sāyih (Abū Hafs “Umar b. Rufayl Jarja- Schwarz (Paul) (1657A)
rāyī), 1 39, 93; 2 6; 3 256 Schweinfurth (G.), 1 290
Saymārī (M. b. "Umar), 1 248; 2 125, Scot (Duns), 1 272; 3 322
136, 147 Seelye, 4 17
Saygal, 1 310 Seferjelani, 3 295
Saygalī (AH. "Alī), see Qazwini (AH.) Sekhri (S.D.) (2209)
Selim I, 2 64
Sayrafī (AB. M. b. ‘AA.), 1 372, 375,
Selim Khān, 2 256
409, 475; 2 204; 3 168
Sell (1687)
Sayrafi (A. Fad] Ubaydallāh b. A. b.
Semaan (К. I.), 4 109
“Uth. Ibn al-Kūfī), 2 469, 470; 3 259,
Semarang (Ki Lontang), 2 290
Sen (C. S.), 2 328
Sayrafi (AHy. Mubärak b. ‘Abd al-Jabbär
Sen (D. C.), 2 285-288, 328
b. A.), 1 9, 293
Sepp, 3 220
Sayrafi (M. b. Badr), 2 296 Serefettin, 2 32
Sayyad (A.), see Rifā'ī (127) Sermad, 1 48, 453; 2 26, 276; 4 125
Sayyādī (Abü'l-Hudà M.) (951) Sermeot (of Firūzābād), 1 55
Sayyārī (AHy. “A. Wahid b. "Alī), 1 477; Serrier (Rene) (1282A), 3 236
3 203, 262 Setenbih (Ibr. Harawī), 2 216
Sayyārī (A. Mansür b. Nasr), 2 200? Seth, 1 101; 2 31, 318
Sayyārī (Oāsim b. Qàsim Marwazī) 1 169, Seybold, 3 122, 189, 195, 242
Sezgin, (F.), 4 59 Shahrastānī (Abü'l-Fath M.) (2210), 1 123,
Sha'bānī Dhaka'i, see Must. Effendi 295, 313; 2 80; 3 15, 20, 23, 33, 55, 60,
Shābāsh (AH.), 2 139, 147 62, 66, 68, 75, 76, 87, 95, 100, 101,
Shābāsh (Salil al-Barakat), 2 139 105, 106, 109, 110, 112, 119, 122, 128,
Shäbishtäri (Mahmüd) (1129), 1 289; 2 133, 134, 139, 154, 157, 160, 169, 177,
106, 412, 492; 3 51, 93, 229, 241 184, 190, 197, 199, 231, 289, 305, 307,
Shadhānī (A. ‘AA. M. b. A. b. Nü'ayn), 323; 4 15, 85
1171 Shahrazūrī (M. b. ‘A. Rasül b. ‘A.
Shādhilī (? student of Ibn ‘Ati’ Allāh) Sayyid) (2211)
(499), 2 12? Shahrazūrī (Shams D. M. Ishrāgī) (433)
Shadhili (Ali), 1 614; 2 6, 21, 47, 48, Shahrazüri (Taqi D. Ibn al-Saläh), 1 154; 2
106, 108, 181, 246, 305, 316, 327, 330- 67, 414, 416 `
331, 333, 339, 344, 483; 3 96, 114, 118, Shahrazūrī (Uthman b. M.), 2 6, 212
204, 225, 353 Shaibi (Kamil Mustafa), 4 129
Shafi’, 1 401 Shaja° (the queen mother), 1 164, 399,
Shāfiī (A. ‘AA. M. b. Idris), 1 23, 67, 400, 484, 541, 542
72, 219, 244, 373, 377, 378, 380, 416, Shajarī (A. 'AA.), 1 105
431, 473, 519; 2 13, 25, 98, 99, 176, Shaji, 1 256
236, 300, 338; 3 43, 68, 79, 83, 85, 87, Shakir, 1 lvii, lviii, 15, 30, 35, 37, 274,
144, 149, 152, 174, 178, 179, 182-184, 276, 389, 456, 461, 511, 540, 554, 561,
186, 203, 223-225, 231, 238 565, 567, 568, 572, 574, 584, 625, 626,
Shafi't (AB.), 2 69, 95, 465 636, 638-642; 2 4, 8, 16, 84, 98, 119,
Shafi' (‘Ali b. M. b. HL), 1 437 120, 207, 326, 438, 488; 3 221
Shaghab (the queen mother), 1 xxxix, 36, Shäkir (A. M.), 4 117
37, 148, 189, 199, 225, 250, 258, 335, Shalmaghānī (A. Ja'far M. b. "Alī Ibn
336, 394, 398-406, 422, 423, 479, 484, Abū'l-Azāgir), 1 Ixii, 34, 37, 38, 60,
485, 497, 501, 555, 628, 645; 2 21, 22, 125?, 144, 147, 248, 315-320, 325, 390-
62, 84, 85, 111, 122, 126, 134; 3 221 392, 419-421, 424, 429, 431, 433, 443,
Shih (M.), 2 185 445, 446, 454, 455, 459, 460, 469, 480-
Shah Edhem, 2 241 483, 493, 495, 498, 500, 511, 513, 514,
Shah Kirmānī, 2 202 535, 553, 558, 560, 629, 643; 2 12, 44,
Shah Mina, 3 356 84, 99, 122, 123, 355; 3 168, 240
Shäh Mir (Nasim D.), see Kāzarūnī (Na- Shalmaghānī (Abū ‘Ali, 2 121
sim D.) Shalmaghānī (M. b. "Abbās), 1 149, 414
Shah Mir (Rūhallāh), 2 192 Shāmī (Ibn Abi Sālih), 2 30
Shah Mir (Salāmallāh), 2 192 Shami (M. b. Hy.), 1 372; 2 197, 317
Shäh Rukh, 1 40; 2 72, 250 Shamir, 2 172
Shahami (Zāhir), 2 465 Shammākhi (Abū Zakarīya), 3 147, 191,
Shāhbānū, 2 127 205
Shahet (Hy.), 1 48 Shammās (‘AA.) (2212), 2 351
Shahhām (A. Y.), 1 155 Shams (?) (2213)
Shahhami (Wajih), 2 6, 212 Shamsa, 2 300
Shahid ‘Ali Pasha, 1 14; 2 177, 185, 492; Shamshīrī, 2 306
3 146, 273 Shams-i Tabriz, see Tabrizi (Shams)
Shähilati, 1 44; 2 63, 425 Shanbaki (Yünus), 2 192
Shāhjahānīya (Khadīja), 1 7, 637; 2 135, Shankaradeva II, 1 179
215; 3 258 Shaqiq, see Balkhi
Shahmadar, 2 277 Sharābī (Nasim), 1 555
Shähney, 2 259 Shara'ihi, 2 67
Sharaji (M. b. Tayyib), 1 49; 2 331 Shaybānī (M. b. Yazīd), 1 83
Sha'rānī (Abū Sa'id [Ghiyath]), 1 27, 37, Shaybānī (Najm b. Isra‘il), 3 308
136, 163, 164, 222; 2 120; 3 197 Shaybānī (Ruwaym), 1 331
Sha‘räwi A. Wahhāb) (741), 1 47, 68, Shaybānī (Wargā), 1 417
105, 118, 285, 341, 360, 378, 384, 522, Shaybī, see Shaibi
539, 579, 582, 583, 595, 601, 613, 635; Shaydhala, see Jīlī
2 13-15, 25, 27-29, 35, 36, 38, 39, 51, Shaykh ‘Adi, 2 24
102-104, 129, 164, 165, 254, 263, 305, Shaykh Among Raga, see Raga
307, 330, 343, 345, 346, 457; 3 13, 19, Shaykh Aq Shams D., 2 30
41, 49, 50, 56, 59, 62, 78, 91, 108, 113, Shaykh Ibrähim (Oghlān), 2 257
114, 150, 153, 156, 180, 184, 199, 200, Shaykh Kabir — (Ibn Khafif)
203, 208-210, 212, 221, 223-226, 233, Shaykh Siyawüsh, 2 167
237, 247, 249, 259, 267, 268, 275, 311, Shaykhlīzādeh, 2 475
330, 337, 338, 358; 4 21, 31 Shaykhoglu Satu, 2 243
Shārī (Harün), 1 425 Shaylama, 1 64
Sharif Murtadā, 2 132 Shaytaniya Diba, 2 328
Sharif Кайт (M. b. Hy. Musawi) (174), 2 Sherefiddin, 2 18, 259
132 Shibàmi (Hanzala), 2 274
Sharīī (AM. H. b. Маза), 1 307, 318, Shiblī (AB. Dulaf b. Jahdar Jabghüyeh), 1 /
381; 2 17 lviii, 6, 12, 17, 18, 25, 32, 35, 38, 72,
Sharik, 3 295, 296 82-88, 93, 110, 121, 127-129, 154, 162,
Shāriya, 1 256 169, 172, 183, 191, 221, 225, 243, 246,
Shargī (M.), 2 325 250, 272, 273, 276, 280, 291, 331, 377,
Sharrādī (M. b. ‘Abbäs), 1 49 384, 409, 428, 431, 432, 445, 485, 490, |
Shartūnī (Sa'īd) (937) 491, 510, 514, 517, 526, 528, 529, 539, |
Sharwani (Abū Nasr), 2 475, 476 542, 560, 563, 564, 566, 570, 578, 579, |
Sharwānī (Alī), see Ibn al-Oassās 581, 585, 591, 598-601, 606, 607, 609- |
Sharwānī (Sul. b. 'AA.), 3 260 616, 633-635; 2 3-5, 7, 10, 25, 28, 54, N
Shāshī (AB.), see Qaffal Kabir 56, 63, 67, 68, 72, 84, 86, 87, 101, 106,
Shashi (A. b. M. b. A.; d. 507 A.H.), 1 107, 111, 118, 119, 131-134, 144, 167,
377 170, 176, 183, 187, 195, 198, 200, 203,
Shāshī (A. Ghānim Sa'id b. M.), 1 444 206, 207, 209, 212, 216, 218, 221, 222,
Shātibī (AB. M. b. M. b. Ibr. Ibn Su- 235, 236, 245, 247, 250, 251, 270, 271,
гада), 1 69, 517; 2 67, 68, 310, 311 282, 299, 309, 313, 339, 342-344, 348,
Shātibī (Ibr.) (559), 1 503; 2 37 349, 351, 355, 365, 366, 368, 369, 370,
Shatnil, 1 311 373, 384, 397, 399, 409, 435, 439, 440,
Shattanawfi (Маг D. Abü'l-H. "Alī), 443-446, 449, 451, 456, 458, 460, 462,
(502), 1 131; 2 25, 33, 106, 175, 344, 472, 473, 480, 482; 3 15, 30, 42, 47, 67,
356, 360; 3 39, 116, 217, 271, 328 116, 159, 163, 165, 191, 199, 203, 215,
Shattäri (AA.), 2 277 221, 226-228, 231, 232, 236-238, 246,
Shawdhi, 2 416 248, 251, 252, 255, 256, 261, 262, 264,
Shaybānī (d. 180 А.н.), 3 182 272, 273, 278, 306, 309, 310, 313, 315,
Shaybānī (AHy.), see Ibn al-Ushnānī 327, 343, 344, 354; 4 9, 11, 17, 23, 57,
Shaybānī (AR.), 2 185 66
Shaybàni (Mudrik), 3 239 Shibli (Jabghü), 1 82
Shaybäni (Mufarrij b. Nabhän), 2 176; 4 Shibrīsī (AR.), 2 191
25 Shidyāg (Faris), 3 94
Shaybānī (M. b. ‘АА. b. Muttalib), 1 431 Shifshawarānī, 2 18
Shaybäni (M. b. H.), 1 163 Shihāb, 3 78

Shihäbi (Haydar) (847), 1 136; 2 16; 3 194 Shīrāzī (Sadr D.) (806, 1178), 1 48; 2 17,
Shihi (Abdalmuhassin), 2 465 19, 39, 40, 66, 318; 3 72, 74, 145, 279,
Shiküh Бага, see Dārā 358; 4 101
Shingiti (A.), 4 118 Shirazi ('Ulwan) (1318)
Shinnāwī (Abū'l-Mawāhib AM. A. b. Shirgir, 2 167
"Alī b. ‘A. Quddüs), 1 47; 2 8, 29, 53, Shirin, 2 241
192, 279, 335; 3 262 Shirwàni ('Abdalhamid), 1 375
Shinniwi (M.), 2 307 Shirwānī (‘Ali b. A.), see Ibn al-Qassäs
Shiräj, 1 148 (Alī)
Shirawayh, 2 131 Shirwānī (Sulaymān b. 'AA.), 2 475, 476
Shirāwī (‘Abdalghaffar), 1 7; 2 215, 306 Shirwānī (Zaynal) (1227)
Shīrāzī (AA.), see Wassāf Shītān, see Satan
Shirazi (A. "AA.), see Ibn Bākūya Shīth, 2 377, 378
Shīrāzī (A. AA. M. b. ‘AA. b. UA.), 3 Shīvrājpūrī (Ahmad "Alī) (1408), 1 134,
258 599; 2 276, 281-282, 368
Shirazi (A. “AA. M. b. Khafif), see Ibn Shīwawī CA. Ghaffar), 3 258
Khafif Shiya (Shāh), 2 65
Shiräzi (A. b. "Abdān Ahwāzī), 1 122 Shu‘ayb (Abū Madyan), 2 108, 313
Shirazi (A. b. Mansür), 2 213; 3 251, 262 Shu'ayb (Abū al-Mughīth), 1 100, 639; 3
Shīrāzī (AB. A. b. 'Ali), 2 211, 212, 457; 89
3 263 Shu'bi, 2 17
Shirazi (A. Fadl “Abbas b. Hy.), 1 150, Shubbayr (b. Hasan), 1 37
445; 2 127 Shudhi (A. ‘AA.), 2 64, 310, 312, 313, 316
Shīrāzī (A. Faraj ‘A. Wāhid), see Warthānī Shuhda, 1 91; 2 67
Shirazi (A. Hy.), see Bundār Shujā", see Shajā"
Shirazi (A. Ishaq Ibr. b. ‘Ali), 1 372, 374, Shujāī (‘Alam D. Sanjar), 1 44
377, 436; 25, 144, 148, 151-153, 158, Shukovski, see Zhukovski
161, 170, 471, 472; 3 91, 247 Shūllum, 1 254
Shirazi (A. Talib Khazraj b. ‘Ali) (2215), Shumunnī (Shihāb D. A.) (658), 2 44
2 185 Shūnīz, 2 95
Shirazi (‘Abdalkhiliq b. Yf.), 2 474 Shurābī (Bughā), 1 416
Shīrāzī (Abū Ahmad Saghir Hasan “Al, Shurāyh, 2 9
2 460 Shurayj (Hāmid b. ‘Abbäs), 2 450
Shīrāzī (Abü'l-Faraj Hy. Nàmi), 1 330 Shushandukht, 1 167
Shīrāzī (Abū Muzāhim), 1 84 Shūshtarī (AH. "Alī b. 'AA.) (447), 1 44,
Shirazi (Abū Nasr), 2 212 222, 280, 284, 526, 529, 584, 624, 636;
Shirazi (‘Ali b. M.), see Ibn Bākūya 2 25, 32, 67, 106, 240, 304, 308, 310,
Shīrāzī (Fadl b. A.), 2 133 312-314, 317, 318, 320, 322, 324-326,
Shirazi (H. b. "ab, see Saghir 328, 410, 416, 418-420; 3 48, 52, 96,
Shirazi (Hibatallah b. A.), 3 254, 262 107, 208, 241, 263; 4 32, 95
Shīrāzī (Ibn Buzghush), 2 306 Shūshtarī (Nūrallāh) (1175), 1 11, 48; 2
Shīrāzī (M. Tājir), 1 53 17, 19, 37, 38, 193, 225, 492; 3 236; 4
Shīrāzī (Mir Giyath D. Mansür b. Sadr. 16
D.), 2 73 Shuwayman (A. Sabrī) (999-16)
Shiräzi (Mu'ayyad), 1 197, 559, 592, 595; Sībawayh, 1 53, 381; 3 80, 230
2 49, 139, 154, 168, 200 Sibghatallāh, see Bārūchī
Shīrāzī (Qutb D. Mahmüd b. Mas'üd) Sibt Ibn al-'Ajami, see Ibn al-"Ajamī
(498) Sibt Ibn al-Jawzī, see Ibn al-Jawzī
Sibtī (AH. "Alī Musaffar) (360), 2 398, Silhi (M.), see Wāsitī (A. "Alī)
415, 447, 479; 3 146, 350 Silhī (Yahyā B. Adam), 1 59
Sibti (Iyad), see Туда Sima, 1 427
Sibti (Shams D. Abü ‘AA.) (485) Simaboer (Ismāīl), 2 289
Siddiq, see Abü Bakr Simā'ūn oghlu, 2 168, 395
Siddiq Khän ('Alaysh), 1 584; 2 18, 108, Simjür (AH.), see Ibn Simjür
399, 448 Simjür (Ibr.), see Ibn Simjür
Siddīgī (Must. b. Kamal) (845), 2 22 Simjüri (A. 'Ali Muzaffar b. M.), 2 205
Sidikov (A. S.) (1788), 1 188; 2 236, 239 Simnānī ('Ala'l-Dawla Abū'l-Makārim A.
Sijazī (A. b. M. b. ‘A. Jalil) (138), 1 170, b. M. b. A.) (822), 1 45, 126, 130, 131,
371, 424, 445; 4 16 367, 523, 601; 2 8, 11, 22, 34, 35, 61,
Sijistānī (A. ‘AA. M. b. Fadl Tāgī), 2 76, 106, 149, 166, 193, 220, 227, 261,
217, 218 268, 275, 277, 279, 283, 290, 302, 359,
Sijistānī (Abū Dāwūd), 2 121 420-424, 439; 3 18, 42, 132, 359
Sijistānī (Abū Sa'īd Mas'üd b. Nāsir b. Simnānī (Sharaf D. M. b. A.), 2 420
À. Zaydb. A.b. M. b. Ism.), 2 7, 131, Simon (1815), 1 576; 2 476
144, 464, 469 Simon of Cyrene, 1 594
Sijistānī (Abū Sulaymān), 2 408 Sinān (Ibrāhīm Ummī), 2 264
Sijistānī (Bābā Fakhr D.), 2 276, 284 Sindī (M. Hāshim b. A. Ghafūr), 2 332
Sijistānī (Baha’ D.), 2 185, 192 Sindihī (Ism. b. Mahmūd) (1173C), 2 278 y
Sijistānī (Da'laj), 1 283, 371, 485 Singh (Rāja Min), 1 48
Sijistānī (Ibn Abī Dāwūd), 1 245, 246 Sinharāja, 1 179
Sijistānī (Muharrad Thāba A.D.), 3 346 Sinjār, 2 148
Sijistānī (Yahya b. "Ammār Shaybānī), 2 Sinjārī (A. b. ‘A. Jalil) (2216), 1 52, 146,
192, 217, 421 235, 283, 427; 2 80, 336; 3 59
Sijzī (A. b. "Abd al-Jalīl), 2 491 Sinjārī (Suwayd), 1 636
Sijzī (A. Fadl M. b. Ishāg), 2 128; 3 256, Sinjī (A. "Alī Hy. b. Sa'īd), 2 298
262 Sinjī (Fargad), 2 107
Sijzī (AH. Bishrī), 2 218 Sinnī (AB.), 2 135
Sijzī (AM. Da'laj b. A.), 1 87, 225, 242, Sinnī (AM.), 2 135
406, 500, 501; 2 133, 145, 206 Siouffi (N.) (2217), 1 624; 2 350
Sijzī (A. Sa'īd Mas'üd b. Nasr b. A. Sipāhī Zadeh (M. b. AR (1335A)
Zayd 'AA. b. A. b. M. b. Ism.), 1 6-9, Sīrāfī (A. b. "Alī b. Nah), 1 325; 2 125
39; 2 33, 109, 214, 464, 465, 470, 492; 3 Siräfi (Abū Sa'īd H. b. Behzadh b.
45, 84, 258, 262 “АА.), 1 lvi, 38, 47, 128, 431, 498; 2
Sijzi (A. Ya'qüb), 2 82 61, 195; 3 253
Sijzī (Abū'l-Wagt. ‘A. Wahhāb), 2 173, Siräfi (H. K.), 4 112
175, 219, 225, 467, 478 Siräwi (S. Ghadanfir b. Ja'far Husayni
Sijzī (Amir Hasan), 1 623 Nahrawālī Bukhārī), 2 190, 192, 276,
Sijzi (Mu'tamin), 2 465 279; 3 262, 263
Sijzī (Uthman Dārimī), 2 217 Sirhindi (AF. Ahmad) (1176), 1 48, 130,
Sikhtiyānī (Ayyūb), 3 211 133; 2 8, 36, 91, 275, 279, 280, 283; 4
Silafī (A. Tahir A. b. M. b. A. Isfahānī 66
Harawi) (295), 1 38, 41, 561, 616, 618, _ Sirwàni (AH.), 1 110; 2 190, 224
619, 642; 2 7, 11, 25, 33, 65, 66, 68, Sīstānī (Iqbàl) (1123), 2 421; 4 35
128, 131, 172, 215, 218, 219, 299, 306, Siti Jenar (1396), 1 46, 624; 2 287, 290-
331, 441, 443, 444, 466, 467, 475-477; 3 292, 328, 348; 4 79
258, 260-262, 265; 4 21 Sitta Nafisa, 2 25

Siva, 2 284, 287 240, 244, 249, 288, 293, 323, 334, 357,
Siwāsī (Ali) (1345) 360, 367, 368, 371, 374-377, 416, 430,
Sīwāsī (Nüri) (1344), 2 106 434, 437, 499, 600, 618; 2 27, 34, 37,
Sīwāsī (Shams A.), 2 263; 3 226 41, 98, 103, 104, 111, 131, 135, 151,
Slane (de) (1590), 1 123, 464; 2 42, 322, 154, 156, 158, 160, 161, 168-170, 172,
490; 3 233, 348; 4 32 176, 182-185, 197, 198, 205, 207, 210,
Smith (Margaret) (1787), 4 122 212, 215, 216, 219, 295, 298, 344, 442,
Smith (W. C.) (2044), 2 328 470; 3 28, 59, 61, 115, 119, 120, 124,
Snouck Hurgronje, 1 xxii; 2 23; 3 213, 133, 138, 141, 143, 147, 155, 174, 198,
241, 293; 4 79 199, 225, 227, 240, 248-250, 254-258,
Sobernheim (M.), 4 119 260, 264, 271, 294, 350; 4 12, 13, 17,
Socrates, 1 44; 2 313, 314, 323, 420, 428; 18, 20, 23, 31
3 349 Subugtagin, 2 96
Socloek Malang Soemirang, 2 291 Südàni (A. 'Abbas A. Bäbä b. A.), 1 47;
Soemali, 2 292 3 263
Sokolov (Miss), 2 292 Su'di (Mullā Busnāwī) (1337A)
Solomon, 1 254, 293, 593; 2 256, 357, Sufayfir, 2 312, 314, 317, 326
366, 378, 408; 3 331, 354 Sūfī (A. Ibn al-"Alā'), 2 129
Solovine (2218) Saft (Al), see Rummini
Sophocles, 1 368 Sūfīyahwī, see Bālī
Sorel (A.), 1 xx Suhayb, 3 166, 168
Spies (O.) (1801), 1 343; 2 415, 416; 4 26, Suhayl, 3 191
58 Suhravardy (M.), 2 24, 285?
Spinoza, 2 429; 3 63 Suhrawardī (A. Futūh Shihāb D. Yahyā
Spirago, 2 76 b. Habash b. Amirāk al-Magtūl al-Ha-
Spiro, 1 617 labi) (363, 1087), 1 Jxvii, 18, 43, 70,
SENE (Aloyis (1604), 3 211; 4 19, 48, 104, 119, 198, 289, 385, 453, 472, 554,
595, 600, 607, 622, 633; 2 7, 19, 26, 39,
Spuler (Berthold) (2219) 40, 48, 50, 53, 66, 68-70, 108, 130, 168,
Stein (L.), 1 101 260, 262, 280, 294, 303, 313, 319, 382,
Steinschneider, 4 81 410, 411, 413-416, 422, 423, 459; 3 20,
Stendhal, 1 349, 350 23, 30, 38, 47, 51, 72, 74, 124, 126,
Stephanos, 3 243 128, 145, 146, 160, 164, 166, 210, 270,
Stephen II (pope), 2 148 273, 279, 280, 290, 291, 326, 332, 340,
Sterenberg (H.), 2 328 350, 352, 353; 4 12, 101, 107
Stewart (Ch.) (1581), 2 370 Suhrawardi (Abū Hafs Shihab D. ‘Umar
Stirner, 2 430 b. M.) (401), 1 121, 130, 132, 524; 2
Stock (P. V.), 4 116 106, 310, 330
Streck (Maximilien) (2220), 1 59, 164, Suhrawardī (Abü']-Najib), 2 227, 299,
226-228, 231 464; 3 225
Strothmann (2221), 1 526; 2 13, 443; 3 Sukayna, 2 153
155; 4 12 Sukhàwi (A. Khazr.), 2 185
Suarez, 3 111 Sulami (Abū ‘AR. M. b. Hy. b. Mūsā
Subayhi, 1 29, 468 Naysābūrī Azdī) (170), 1 lvii, 4, 5, 7, 8,
Subhàni (Abü Yazid), 2 280 13-19, 39, 52, 58, 72, 73, 80, 82, 88-90,
Subki (A. b. Khalil) (801) 93, 95-99, 102, 105, 107, 114, 115, 152,
Subki (Ali), 2 67 156, 170, 180, 190, 199, 222, 273, 292,
Subkī (Tāj D. A. Nasr) (542), 1 4, 7, 55, 293, 384, 468, 477, 491, 518, 523, 527-
70, 85, 100, 103, 123, 171, 172, 174, 530, 562, 564, 565, 568, 573, 574, 578,
580, 582, 583, 602, 606, 607, 612, 613, Sūlī (A. Hishām 'AA.), 2 124
615, 639, 641; 2 6, 33, 34, 65, 75, 79, Sūlī (A. Tammās), 2 124
80, 86, 102, 106, 107, 109, 119, 120, Sūlī (Al), 1 65
128-131, 183, 194-196, 198-204, 206- Sūlī (Hasan), 2 124
209, 210-213, 214-216, 221, 222, 224, Sūlī (Ibr. b. 'Abbàs b. M.), 1 148, 441; 2
225, 260, 298, 299, 329, 343, 365, 389, 123, 124
393, 397, 411, 439, 440, 441, 444, 451, Sūlī (Yahyā), 2 124
455-457, 459-462, 465, 468, 469, 473, Sultān Walad (1117), 2 270, 271
479, 482, 491, 492; 3 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, Su'lük, Akh, see Akh Su'lük
17-19, 24-27, 38, 41, 44, 48, 50, 54, 55, Sulüki, sec Salüli
57, 60, 62, 69, 73, 74, 98, 104, 111, Su'lüki II, 1 172
114, 116, 117, 123, 130-132, 136, 138, Su'lūkī (A. Sahl M. b. Sulaymān), 1 37,
141, 145, 148, 155, 168, 169, 171, 172, 171, 525, 529; 2 63, 69, 119, 195, 204,
181, 182, 185, 192, 195, 198, 199, 202- 206, 210; 3 90, 152, 247
204, 207-209, 217, 225, 227, 228, 234, Sumaysātī (Alī), 2 152
235, 245, 246, 255, 258, 259, 262, 266- Sumnün al-Muhibb, 1 6, 80, 84, 93, 95,
269, 273-279, 283-285, 291, 299, 309, 96, 98, 229; 2 128, 129, 200, 203, 351; 3
335, 340, 347; 4 xvi, 104 13, 203, 249, 343, 348
Sulami (AB. Ibn Khuzayma), 2 205, 211 Sunbàwi (M. b. al-Amir) (889), 1 49
Sulami (AB. Wajih), 2 211 Sugallī (Ali b. H.), 1 193
Sulami (AQ. Zāhir), 2 211 Sugayn (AR. b. "Alī), 2 474
Sulami (Abü'l-Walid Hishàm b. ‘Am- Sūrī (A. ‘AA. b. AH. M. b. "Alī Sāhilī),
mār), 3 143 1 528, 590; 2 465, 466, 468-470; 3 259,
Sulamī (Ism. Ibn Nujayd), 2 206, 210 262
Sulami (Ma'mün b. A.), 1 248 Surita (Hieronymus) (1491)
Sulaymān (son of Hallāj), 1 26, 170, 515; Surüji (122 D. ‘Alam D. Tanükhi) (992)
2 120, 196, 462 Surūr (Taha ‘Abdalbaqi) (2222)
Sulaymàn (son of Muhammad 1st), 1 49; Surūrī, 2 65
2 332 Sūsī (AB. M. b. Ibr.), 1 98
Sulaymān (son of Selim Khān), 2 256 Sūsī (A. Yg. Yüsuf b. Hamdān), 1 71,
Sulaymän (uncle of Hamd), 1 442 107, 108, 117; 3 39, 251, 261, 262
Sulaymān (uncle of Umm Misa), 1 407 Sūsī (A. Zak. Yahyā b. Abi Sa'id), 2 115
Sulaymän I, 2 65 Suwaydī (Abü'l-Khayr) (859), 3 75, 269
Sulaymān (the Magnificent), 1 47, 368; 2 Suwaygī (Qays), 2 466
322 Suyūlī, 1 532
Sulaymān Effendi (Dhātī), 2 265 Suyūtī (Jalal D. AR.) (690), 1 68, 100,
Sulaymānī, 1 24 204, 357, 370, 619, 640; 2 33, 37-39, 66,
Sūlī (AB. M. b. Yahyā b. ‘AA. b. 'Ab- 93, 158, 307, 465, 474; 3 38, 149, 166,
bàs b. M. b. Sul.) (126), 1 lviii, Ixii, 18, 172, 180, 210, 212, 241, 270, 272, 327
37, 52, 64, 98, 116, 141, 149, 154, 156, Swartz (Merlin), 1 xliii; 4 26
164, 179, 192, 199, 230, 249, 255, 256, Syed Ameer Aly (1642)
287, 312, 320, 321, 325, 340, 344, 347, Synave (P.) (1756)
358, 360, 361, 405, 415, 416, 420, 424,
427, 435, 444, 446, 448, 455, 458, 460,
461, 465, 470, 472, 475, 493, 494, 499, Tabarānī (Maymūn) (146), 1 108, 300,
505, 511, 513, 514, 517, 531, 561, 586, 301, 311, 535, 593, 594; 2 17, 40; 3 100,
597, 627; 2 11, 21, 113, 121-124, 475, 210, 236, 283
482, 484-488, 491; 3 227, 243, 249, 251, Tabarī (A. 'Ali), 1 148
252, 261, 262, 277, 343, 345, 346 Tabarī (A. Hātim; sūfī), 3 252
Tabari (A. Hátim Mahmüd b. H.), 1 87, Tāghistānī (Hajj “Ali) (987)
276; 2 200, 218, 468, 469; 3 252, 262 Taghlabi (Hy. b. Hamdan) (Hamdün?), 1
Tabari (Abū Ishāg), 1 59 425; 3 249, 261
Tabarī (Abū Ja'far M. b. Jarīr) (111), 1 Taghlabi (Ibr.), 2 67; 4 24
17, 30, 32, 52, 67, 91, 100, 137, 164, Taghlabīya (Sajäh), 2 11
165, 178, 203, 210, 227, 230, 231, 235, Taghribirdi, see Ibn Taghribirdi
242, 244-246, 252, 255-267, 268, 281, Tahānawī (M. "Alī b. "Alī) (853), 1 92,
283, 301, 304, 311, 334, 335, 346, 359, 218, 222, 299, 374; 2 410, 438; 3 16, 22,
372-374, 377, 382, 389, 398, 400, 416, 45, 57, 59, 63, 66-68, 78, 80, 83, 84, 86,
422, 425, 428, 433, 437, 440, 441, 455- 106, 110, 118, 124, 127, 137, 174, 179
458, 466, 471, 472, 475, 479, 487, 526, Tahānawī (Zafar A.) (2225)
527, 569, 571, 617, 627; 2 13, 21, 33, Taharti (A. "AA. "Alī b. Маза), 1 85
62, 99, 121, 147, 181, 204, 213, 296, Tahawi (AJ. A. b. M.), 1 247; 2 98, 206
484; 3 34, 60, 98, 128, 142, 144, 165, Tahàwi (Nasr), 1 83
183, 196, 252, 254, 295, 306, 340, 360; Tāhert, 3 147
4 81, 89 Tāhir (2), 1 334
Tabari (Abü'l-Tayyib Tahir b. ‘AA.), 1 Tahir (M.), 3 90
372, 377; 2 5, 140, 141, 144, 149, 153, Tāhir Bey, see Bursālī
169, 298; 3 259, 262 Tāhira (Bint b. al-Azrag), 2 126
Tabari (Abü Zar'a b. A. b. M. b. Fadl) Tāhirī (AB. M. b. M. b. Ism.), 2 135
(140), 1 19, 76, 78, 89, 97, 115, 414, Tāhirī ('Ubaydalláh b. ‘AA.), 1 440, 441
606; 2 102, 103, 146, 184, 195, 212, Tahsin Bey (Hasan), 2 259
213, 297, 298, 456, 461; 3 246, 253, 262 Tā'i* (caliph), 1 405; 2 133
Tabari (Ibn Abi Zar'a), see Tabari (Abü al-Tā'ī (Dāwūd), 1 272
Zar'a) Tait, 3 77, 83
Tabariya (Quraysh), 2 332 Taj = Tadj
Tabarsi (Nüri) (2223), 2 177 Takin, 1 257, 417, 425, 427, 498, 536, 617
Tabarsi (Radi al-D. A. ‘AA. Fadl b. H, Tala (2), 2 300
Amin D.) (315), 1 191, 518, 520, 521; 2 Talagānī (A. ‘АА. M. b. A. Nasr) (2226),
16, 492; 3 8, 9, 16, 30, 77, 100, 109, 1 39, 119, 268, 270; 2 6, 129, 211, 212;
112, 114, 118, 119, 121, 125, 126, 165, 3 259
173, 188, 197, 236, 241 Talha, 1 455, 461, 547, 578; 3 193
Tabātabā' (Fakhr D.) (2224), 3 22 Taliat Saltaneh, 1 56
Tabaxäni, 3 283 Talmajür, 1 163
Tabbäkh (Räghib), 2 249 Tamara, 1 576; 2 476
Tabrizi (Abū'l-Khalīl A. b. M.) (1195), 1 Tamgrüti (A. b. M. "Alī) (2227), 2 79
518 Tamgrüti (M. Dar), 2 98
Tabrīzī (Fadlallah b. Abi M.), 2 249, 250 Tamimi (A. ‘Abbas A. b. Ibr.), 3 264
Tabrizi (Nesim D.), see Nesimi (Imād Tamimi (A. "Aziz b. Hārith), 1 88
D.) Tamīmī (‘Abdalmu’min b. Tufayl), 1 246
Tabrizi (Shams) (1 112A), 1 55; 2 266-270, Tamimi (A. Fadl ‘A. Wahid b. ‘A.
328; 3 237 "Aziz), 1 88; 2 135
Tadhifi (M. b. Yahyā) (740), 2 341, 343, Tamimi (A. Fad] Wargā), 1 167
361 Tamimi (AH. ‘Ali Ibn al-Muthannā), 1
Tadj, 3 276 82, 85
Taeschner (Fr.) (1792), 1 267 Tamimi (AN.), see Sarrāj (AN.)
Taftazānī (Sa'd D. Mas'üd) (560), 1 581; Tamimi (Kahmas), 3 169
2 39, 83 Tamimi (Khäzim b. Khuzaym), 1 175
Tamimi (Nu'màn b. Hayyān), 3 196 Täshkôprüzade, 2 66, 493
Tamimi (Oādī), 1 149 Tassy, 2 367; 4 59, 79, 80
Tamīmī (Sabigh b. *Asl.), 1 573 Tātārī, see Кай (Alī)
Tamimi (Shu'ayb b. Salih), 1 174, 625 Taton (R.), 4 99
Tammānī (A. Fadl Zakarī), 3 197 Tauler, 3 84
Tammār (Abū Dhikr M. b. Yahya), 2 296 Tawārīkhī, 1 498
Tanājīrī (Н. b. "Alī), 2 466 Tawāsī (Nūr), 2 263
Tānā'ūtī, see Tina'üti Tawfi (Najm D. Sulaymān) (506), 2 14,
Tandoeran Gagang, 2 290 19, 36, 37, 44-45; 3 354
Tanji, 2 11 Tawfik (Rizā) (1372, 1370)
Tanükhi, 2 133 Tawhidi (A. Hayyān) (178), 1 lii, lvi, lix,
Tanūkhī (A. ‘Ali Muhassin b. ‘Ali Basti) 89, 93, 143, 191, 366, 367, 385, 432,
(162), 1 lxii, 18, 19, 38, 52, 53, 106, 436, 437, 455, 466, 478, 496, 503, 510,
124, 139, 145, 154-156, 158, 229-231, 525, 550; 2 7, 10, 15, 26, 33, 36, 37, 40,
234, 239, 247, 264, 290, 292, 297, 316- 57, 68, 93?, 135, 188, 189, 408-410,
318, 322, 325, 326, 394, 430, 435, 436, 411, 433; 3 104, 321, 337, 340, 349,
439, 445, 448, 461-464, 468, 487, 561, 350, 352; 4 100
592; 2 11, 84, 121-123, 125, 126-127, Tawhīdī (M. b. "Alī), 2 70, 361
136, 149, 183, 390, 455, 468-470, 488- Tawj al-Haramayn, 2 388
490; 3 247, 256, 258, 261, 262, 346 Tāwūsī (A. F. M.), 2 190
Tanükhi (A. b. Yf.), 1 247 Tāwūsī (Маг al-Din Abü'l-Futüh A. b.
Tantkhi (AH. ‘Ali b. M.), 1 435: 2 11, Jalal D. A. Karam ‘АА. b. Abr'I-Futüh
126; 4 13 ʻA. Qadir b. Abi'l-Khayr 'Abdalhagg
Tanūkhī (AHy. b. A. b. Yf. b. al-Azraq) b. ‘АО. b. ‘A. Salām Abraquhi) (645),
= [bn al-Azraq (AH.), 1 155; 2 112 1 46, 49; 2 6, 29, 33, 65, 188, 189, 190-
Tanūkhī (AJ.), see Ibn Buhlül 192, 193, 279, 388, 476; 3 262, 263
Tanükhi (AQ. "Alī b. A. b. Muhassin Täwüsi (Radi D.) (2229), 1 231, 527
Basri), 1 124, 148, 230, 247, 439, 462, Tāwūsī (Zahir D. A. Nasr ‘AR.), 2 190
468; 2 11, 114, 115, 126, 127, 262 Tawwāzi (AHy. [A. b. Hy.]), 2 472
Tanūkhī (Yüsuf Azraq), 1 247 Tayf al-Khayal, 2 63
al-Täq (B.), 1 225 Tayfüri (Isr.), 1 145
Tagawī (Nasr Allāh), 4 58 Ta'yi (A. 'AA.), see Ibn “Arabi
Tagazgaz, see Uyghur Tāyī (AJ. A. b. M.), 1 60, 111, 147, 310,
Tagizadeh (S. H.), 4 99 382, 416, 427, 440; 2 127, 148
Tarābulsī (AR. b. Makki), 2 477 Tāyī (Dāwūd), 3 264
Tarā'ifī (H. b. Yf.), 2 99 Tayi (Thäbit b. Qurra), 1 144, 146, 198,
Taraqi (A. b. Thabit), 3 146 206, 314; 2 82, 318
Tarāzī (AH b. M.), 2 217 Таут (Tirimmāh), 1 15
Tārkhān, 1 528 Тау, 1 283
Tārkhān Khātūn (Bt. M. Arslan), 2 162 Tayib, 2 50
Targī (A. b. Thābit), 1 522, 572 Taylor, 1 290
Targī (Alī b. M. b. A. Tāhir), 1 42, 464, Taymī (Sulaymān), 3 169, 211
466 Taymüli (Hasan), 1 141
Tarqi (Tahir), 1 9 Taymūr (A.), 4 xvii, 117
Tarsūsī (Abū Mūsā), 1 288 Tayyār (AA. b. b. Mu'awiya), 1 251
Tarthīthī, 1 170 Tayyār (Jafar), 3 206
Tarzi (Ghulām M.) (2228) Tāzād (AH.), 2 133
Tasafti, 2 336 Tāzī (A. Wahhāb Irshidī Outb), 2 332
Tāzī (Abū Salim Ibr.), 3 264 Thomson (W.) (2232)
Tchadirjī (M. Raouf), 2 445 Thornung, 2 380, 446; 3 241
Tchagerlī (A. Tal'at) (2230) Thughūrī, 1 197
Tchārkasī (Tawfiq), 2 39 Thumāl, 1 166, 388, 439
Tchelebī (Asaf Hālet), 2 267; 4 60 Thumāma, 1 222; 3 61, 140, 240
Tchelebi (Kātib), see Khalifa Thurayya (Mhd.), 2 65
Tchelebi (M.), see Lāmiī Tibrīzī (Badr al-Dīn Badal) (353)
Tchelebi (O. “A. M.), 2 214 Tikrītī (A. R.), 4126
Tchelebi (Sari "AA.), 1 41, 48, 623; 2 8, Tilimsānī ('Afif D. Sulayman b. "Alī)
65, 250, 254, 257, 260, 261, 459; 3 266 (450), 2 106, 153, 225, 312-314
Tchishti (Ahmad), see Chishtī (Ahmad) Tilimsānī (Ibn Abī Sharīf) (710), 2 36, 37
Tchishti (M.), see Gisüdiraz Tilimsānī (M. b. "AA. b. Ayyūb), 3 263
Tchol (Ism. Beg.) (999-02), see Chol Timūr, 1 453
Tchorlili (‘Ali Pasha), see Chorlīlī Tīnātī (AB.), 2 299
Tehrani (Jalal), 4 56 Tinā'ūtī ((Abdalkāfi) (2233), 3 77, 89,
Temenni'i, 2 250, 254 139, 295, 322
Tenge (M.), 2 25 Tinā'ūti (Yüsuf Warjalānī), 3 140
Tertullian, 3 150, 221 Tipü Sultan, 2 280
Tevfik (Riza) (1730, 1372) Tirimmäh
Tha‘alibi (A. Mahdi Īsā), 2 99, 332 Tirmidhī (A. ‘AA. M. b. “Ali b. Hy. al-
Tha'ālibī (A. Mansür ‘A. Malik b. M.) Hakim) (2234), 1 68, 116, 126, 129,
(210), 1 100, 191, 398 132, 169, 203, 271, 292, 375, 384, 550;
Thäbit (?), 1 402; 2 142 2 98, 209, 217, 218, 361, 389, 399, 421;
Thäbit b. Sinàn, see Sábi 3 4, 5, 9, 10, 22, 30, 34, 55, 59, 82, 95,
Tha'lab, 1 243, 245, 475; 2 121; 3 82, 165 96, 101, 108, 143, 157, 158, 161, 162,
Tha'laba, 3 105 164, 166, 174, 199, 206, 208, 209, 225,
Tha'labī (Īsā b. Sul.), 1 385; 2 299; 3 207 227, 229, 235, 242, 277, 283, 284, 295,
Thallāj (AO. "AA. b. M.), 2 118, 215 329, 333, 334, 339
Thamar, 1 170 Tirmidhī (A. Muzaffar), 2 218
Thaqafi (mufti), 2 5 Tirmidhi (M. b. Hamid), 3 170
Thaqafi (A. 'Ali M. b. ‘A. Wah.), 1 87, Tisserant (E.), 4 xvii
171, 172, 377, 490, 523 Tittawānī, see Ibn "Ajība
Thagafi (A. b. M.), see Himär al-"Uzayr Topchu (Nurettin Ahmet) (1791), 1 Ix,
Thagafī (Abū Zur'a b. ‘Uthm.), 2 296 51; 2 260, 428-430
Thawri (Sufyän), 1 3, 62, 67, 68, 103, Topqapulizädeh (Fa'īzī Must. Chelebī), 1
165, 244, 247, 329, 524, 528, 545: 2 17, 49; 2 255
480; 3 4, 8, 36, 90, 133, 155, 158, 167, Toprak (Burhān), 1 Ix, 600; 2 240, 261; 4
183, 184, 192, 198, 211, 212, 225, 239, 71
240, 242, 283, 321, 330, 345 Tornberg, 4 28
Theodosios, 1 536; 3 125 Tounsy, 1 450
Theophrastus, 2 76, 78 Toxaras (Michel), 1 476
Tholuck (Fried. Aug.) (1580), 1 513, 587, Trajan, 1 238
613; 2 228, 435; 3 348 Tremaine (L.), 4 129
Thomas, see Elliot Tricot (J.), 4 110
Thomas (Maphrite), 1 254 Trousseau (Armaud) (2245), 1 1х, lxix
Thomas More, 1 502 Troyer (A.) (1596), 1 179
Thompson (O. H.) (1781), 2 436 Tseou-yin, 1 186
Thompson (Stith) (2004), 1 1xi Tshishti (Mawdüd), see Chishti (Mawdüd)
Tughantigin, 1 186 Tūsī (Nasīr D.) (1112), 1 40, 44, 56, 132,
Tughj, 1 257, 334, 335 357; 2 10, 12, 17, 19, 39, 40, 63, 66, 69,
Tughril Beg, 1 386; 2 141-144, 148, 152, 309, 362, 424, 425, 427, 435, 492; 3 47,
154-157, 162, 163, 231 68, 74
Tulayha, 2 11 Tūsī (Shihab D. M. b. Mah. Sanabadhi)
Tülüni (AQ. Salāma Nujh), 1 28, 150, (367), 1 43, 566, 618, 619; 2 25, 50, 64,
244, 256, 257, 410, 427, 441, 474, 475 65, 163, 171, 173, 175, 300, 311, 350,
Taman (Abū "Alī ‘isi b. M.), 1 499 443
Tūmī (Yāgūt), 2 467 Tustar, 2 90
Tunakabüni (M. b. Sul. b. M. Rafi‘) Tustari (AHy. Sad b. Ibr.), 1 418
(1229), 2 172 Tustari (Hasan), 2 306, 419
Tūnusī (Abū'l-Fadl Raggām), 2 324 Tustarī (M. b. A.), 1 150
Tuprak, see Toprak Tustari (M. b. ‘Umar), 1 498
Turabī (2236) Tustarī (Sahl b. ‘AA.) (2237), 1 10, 21,
Turan (O.), 471 22, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69-71, 74, 77, 78,
Turaythīthī (AB. A. b. Zubayr), 2 152 89, 92, 98, 106, 108, 110, 125, 126, 132,
Turaythīthī (A. Ishāg), see Hulwānī (A. 139, 145, 151, 160, 197, 201, 218, 246,
Ishāg) 271, 295, 329, 363, 384, 389, 449, 468,
Tūrī ($hammās 'AA.), 1 624 485; 2 130, 131, 167, 192, 202, 203,
Turkmān (Burāg), 2 363 212, 303, 334, 344; 3 5, 8-11, 13, 16,
Turkumānī (Raslān), 2 181; 3 240? 17, 19, 24, 30, 38-42, 44, 50, 53, 55, 61,
Turkumānī (Shams), see Dhahabī 73, 78, 85, 95-97, 101, 104, 108-110,
Turtüshi (AB.) (290), 1 541; 2 37, 311; 3 115, 117, 125, 132, 138, 141, 143, 145,
346, 350 147, 148, 150-152, 155, 158, 163, 169,
Turughbadi (A. ‘АА. M. b. Hy. Таз), 1 172, 174, 175, 180, 185, 189-191, 198,
179, 182; 2 291; 3 251, 262 199, 201, 203, 205, 208, 211, 223, 225,
Turunghand, 2 423 228, 233, 238, 269, 272, 283, 284, 288,
Turūrī (d. 500 A.n.), 2 461 307, 309, 314, 320, 328, 345, 350, 357,
Tusay's, see Tusy's 358
Tūsī (AB. Nassāj), 2 198 Tustari (Tahir b. A.), 1 293; 3 251, 262
Tūsī (AJ. M. b. Hasan b. "Alī) (242), 1 Tusy's, 1 78, 156, 312, 314, 323, 324, 326,
10, 228, 306, 307, 310-312, 314, 316, 330, 500; 2 351; 3 34; 48
318-321, 323-325, 391, 533, 535; 2 17, Tuyūrī (A. b. ‘A. Jabbar; d. 517 А.н.), 2
93, 139, 143, 492; 3 259 466
Tūsī (AM. ‘Abbäsa "Abbās b. M. b. A. Tuyūrī (A. Hy. Mubārak b. “Abdaljabbar
Mansūr), 1 42, 99, 634; 2 7, 106, 362, Sayrafi), 1 9, 41; 2 7, 131, 134, 464,
365, 366; 3 260, 262 465-466, 473, 476; 3 258
Tūsī (AN.), see Sarrāj (AN.) | Tuzari (A. Marwän Ibn al-Kardabüs)
Tūsī (AQ. "AA. b. M. b. Abi Mansür), 1 (357), 1 41, 243, 553, 570, 576, 609,
9, 174, 225, 449; 2 37, 313, 320, 464, 610, 616; 2 171, 443, 444, 450, 477; 3
466 249, 260
Tüsi (Asil Ahmad), 2 425 Tūzūn, 1 400, 427; 2 112
Tüsi (Ayyüb b. M.), 2 192 Tyan (E.) (2238), 1 495
Tūsī (Ibn Bilal), 1 315
Tūsī (Jall B. “Ali b. Hamza Āzarī) (1147) "Ubada, 3 210
Tüsi (M. b. M. b. Hy.), 1 182 “Ubayd, 2 149; 3 100
Tüsi (Mansür), 1 172 "Ubaydallāh, 1 329; 3 31, 196, 197, 203
Tūsī (Mu'ayyad), 2 67 Ubayy, 1 152; 3 105, 284

‘Uddat al-Din, 2 143 Umawi = (Sh. 'Ali), 2 313

Ugurtmush, 1 147, 163 Umayya, see Ibn Abi'l-Salt
*Ujaybi (A. b. Taghān), 1 255 Umgang, 1 348
"Ujaymī (Abdalhafiz b. Darwish b. M. Umm ‘Amr, 1 477
b. Hy.), 2332 Umm Hānī, 1 300
*Ujaymi (Abü'l-Fath b. M. b. Hy.), 2 332 Umm al-Husayn, 1 10, 65, 78
“Ujaymi (Hasan Yamani), 1 47-49; 2 6, Umm Ja'far (Zubayda), 1 228, 275, 283,
29, 191, 276, 278, 328, 331, 332, 336; 3 500, 542; 2 22, 133, 150
_ 263 Umm Kulthüm (Bint ‘Uqba b. Mu'ayt),
Ujaymi (Hy.) = (Н. Yamanī) 1 279, 316, 318, 325; 2 486
Ujhüri (Ali), 2 468 Umm Muhammad, 2 183
Ukartmysh (amir), 1 425 Umm Маза (Bint “Abbas Häshimiya), 1
“кан (A. ‘АА. M. b. M. Ibn al- 30, 104, 225, 250, 258, 317, 395, 400-
Mu'allim Mufid) (179), 2 138; 3 259, 402, 406, 407, 480, 500, 515
261 Umm Oāsim, 1 398
"Ukbari (AA. b. Mubarak b. "Inal), 1 Umm Salama, 1 176, 485
41; 2 158, 466, 474 Ummi (Ismail), 2 243
"Ukbarī (Ibn Batta), 1 293, 389, 518, 523, Ummi (M. Sinän), 2 265
627; 2 6, 20; 3 89, 164, 192, 205, 206, Ūnver (Süheyl), 1 1x; 2 306; 4 65, 99, 120
211, 223, 306, 345 "Uqba, 1 254
"Ukbari (Tall), 1 249, 318 "Оды (Ridwan), 3 260
Ukhaydir (Isma‘il b. Yf. b. M. b. Y£), 1 "Uramī, see Hajj Maghribi
111, 180 "Urayb, 1 255, 256, 279
Ukht Husayn, 2 445 al-"Urdi (Umar) (793), 2 35, 37, 38, 44,
Ukurtmysh, see Ugurtmush 54-55
"Ulaymi (Mujir D.) (2239), 2 463; 3 294 d'Urfé (H.), 1 xxi
Ulken (H. Z.) (1388) Urjuwan (= Ikhlatiya), 2 161
"Ullaysh (M.), 1 50 Urjuwän (Ourrat al-‘Ayn), 1 542; 2 63,
"Ulwān (Alā” D.) (519, 722), 3 227, 228 143, 144, 161, 471
"Umar, 1 220, 300, 304, 329, 473, 541, Urmavi (Jalàl al-Din), 4 123
547, 573, 591, 594; 2 95, 191, 307; 3 90, Urmawi (AA.), 2 468
193, 293, 327 Urmawi (A. Najib ‘Abdalghaffar b. ‘A.
"Umar II, 2 14; 3 67 Wāhid Bajali), 1 5; 2 8, 128?, 469, 470;
"Umar (gādī), 1 37, 493 3 257, 262
“Umar (Bahā' D.), 2 227 Urmawi (Safi), 2 63
‘Umar (Ibn ‘Uthm. H.), 1 100 Usäma, 1 101; 2 31; 3 90, 187, 190, 196
‘Umar Misa, 1 324 Usbänikathi (Sa'id), 1 188
"Umarī (?), 1 273 "Ushàri (Abū Tālib M. b. "Alī b. Fath), 2
"Umari (AB. b. Zubayr b. M. b. ‘AA.), 10, 119, 131, 470; 3 261. See also "Ush-
3 251 shārī
‘Umari (AH. ‘Ali b. A.), 2 133 Ushkārī, 1 502
"Отан (Amin) (861), 1 601, 633, 635; 2 Ushmūni (Madyan), 2 307
15, 24, 35, 37, 343, 352; 3 217 Ushnānī (H. b. "Alī) = (A. Ну.), 1 32,
“Umari (Ibn Fadlallih) (533), 1 358, 363; 244, 434
2 3, 348, 391; 5 248, 281; 4 8 Ushnānī (‘Umar), 1 244
*Umari (M. b. Muzaffar), 2 192 "Ushshārī (AF.), 2 6
Umawi (‘Abdalmalik b. M.), 2 471 "Ushshārī (AR.), 2 131
Umawi (‘Adi b. Mansür) (340), 1 42; 2 "Ushshāfi (AT. M. b. 'Ali), 2 33, 134,
106, 420 466, 472, 473; 3 258. See also "Ushārī
Uskudārī (Mustafa b. Kamal D. b. ‘Ali Waf? (‘Ali b. M.) (537), 1 133, 222, 522,
Siddīgī), 1 41, 49; 2 437, 483 539, 572, 579, 595; 2 106, 305, 306, 331
Uskudārī (Shams ‘Uthmän), 2 32, 360 Wahb, 3 19, 106
Ustadhhurmuzz, 2 137 Wahbī (Sufyān) (2242)
Ustuwā'ī (Abū'l-"Alā, Sa'īd b. M.), 2 Wahidi (d. 468 A.H.), 2 212, 459?
197, 464 Wāhidī (Hājj Hasanzādeh Rūmī) (1328), 1
Usūlī, 2 254 524
"Utaridī (M. b. Yh.), 2 67 Wahitaki (Hy.) (1800)
“Utba (Abü'l-Sa'ib), 1 68, 499, 500, 539 Wahrānī (A. b. Han (2243), 3 264
"Uthmān (the caliph), 1 141, 298, 314, Wajh al-Qas‘a (Fa'iq), 1 404
416, 491, 547, 625; 2 448, 451; 3 33, Wajihi (AB. A. b. "Ali b. Ja far [Karkhi]
147, 190, 211 Karajī), 1 38, 95, 96, 97-98; 2 8, 119,
‘Uthmän (АКЫ Siraj D.), 2 289 200, 202-204, 306, 440, 458; 3 247, 253,
"Uthmān (Shams), 2 259 262
"Uthmānīya (Nūrī), 2 221 Waki‘, see Dabbi (AB. M. b. Hayyān)
"Uthmīnī, 2 129 (2244)
*Utüfi, 4 57 Wakī' (gādī of Ahwaz), 1 435, 439
Uways, see Qarani Wakil CAR.) (2245)
Uyghur, 1 381 Wali (Ni matallah) (1138A)
"Uyüni (M.) (921) Walid (M. b. A.), 1 110
Uzayr (Himār), 1 144, 462 Walīd II (the caliph), 1 559
"Uzjandi (Fakhr), see Oādīkhān Walīya, 2 469
Walzer, 2 460; 4 15
Vadet (J. CL), 2 218 Wāmigī (Iraj) (2296), 2 336
Wang-yen-té, 1 184
Vajda (G.) (2240), 1 385; 2 53, 264; 4 27,
44, 81 Wāgidī, 3 24, 36, 294
Wagt (A.), 2 131
Vala (Nürettin) (1384), 2 31, 259
Wardān, 3 236
Van den Bergh (S.), 2 412; 3 84
Van Ronkel, 4 xvii Wardīghī ('AQ.) (967), 1 50; 2 37
Wārijī (Shaykh Abū "Ab = ((Awārijī)
Van Vloten (1651)
Warjalānī (A. Ya'gūb) (2247), 1 521; 3
Vattier (Pierre) (1527)
Vaudeville (Charlotte) (2241)
Vaux (Carra de) (1671), 3 107; 4 11
Wargānī (Mu'nis), 1 111
Vehbi Efendi, 4 76 Warrain (F.) (2248), 2 78, 80
Verlaine, 1 637
Warrāg (A. ‘Aziz), see Azaji (AQ.)
Vigny, 1 154; 3 356, 358
Warrāg (AB. M. b. A. b. HY. b. Yg.), 1
549, 607, 608; 2 56; 3 73, 255, 262, 273
Villoteau, 2 32, 259
Vinayyid, 1 53 Warrāg (AB. M. b. ‘Umar), 1 169; 2 201,
Vincent (1757), 3 220
218, 220
Virgil, 2 401, 404 Warräq (A. “153 M. b. Hārūn), 1 197,
313, 466
Visdelou, 1 184
Vishnu, 2 285, 287
Warrāg (Ibn al-Nadim), see Ibn al-Nadim
Visvamitra, 2 284
Warräq (M. b. J.), 1 169
Warsh, 1 244
Vollers (1711), 4 xvii
Warthānī (A. Faraj “A. Wahid b. Bakr
Shirazi) (144), 2 103, 128, 198, 200,
Waardenburg (J.), 1 xx, xxv 201, 209, 210, 212, 213-214, 215, 441,
Waddahi, 1 69 458; 3 253, 261, 262, 267
Wadint (A. Hy.), 2 128 Washgirdi (M. b. Hamid), 2 218

Washsha, 1 244 Wāsitī (M. b. ‘Umar Ghamri) (653), 1

Wasīf, 1 559 642; 2 8, 306-307
Wasīfī (1335B), 2 257 Wāsitī (Mujib b. Maymün), 2 216
Wāsil, 2 123; 3 59, 86, 107, 152, 155, 177, Wasiti (Q.), see Qannäd
178, 193 Wāsitī (Taqi D. ‘AR. b. “A. Muhsin), 2
Wāsilī, see Ghamrī (M.) 180
Wāsilī (Jundab), 1 288 Wāsitī (Wahbān), 1 60
Wasīg, 1 256 Wasiti (Yahyā b. Hārūn), 1 62
Wāsitī (AA.), 2 466 Wassāf (AA. b. Fadlallāh Shīrāzī) (2249),
Wasiti (A. “AR. Н. b. M. Tawil), 1 99, 1 105, 412
100 Wāthig (the caliph), 1 313, 451, 645; 2 323
Wāsitī (A. b. ‘Amr), 1 59 Wathigi (A. b. M. b. Yahyā), 1 149, 441
Wāsitī (A. b. Ghamrī), 2 307 Watiti (Abū "Alī b. A. Ibn Bardhānagā),
Wasiti (A. b. Kawkab b. "Umar), 1 113; 3 256
3 247, 262 Watwāt (Jamāl D. M.) (503), 1 100, 359,
Wāsitī (AB. M. b. M. Bāghandī), 1 59, 60 561, 570
Wasiti (AB. M. b. Mūsā Farghani) (128), Wavell, 1 xxxiii
1 14, 15, 132, 169, 472, 521, 522; 2 35, Wazir ‘Ali, 2 286
106, 166, 197, 199, 201, 211, 219, 238, Wechsler, 1 350
459; 3 18, 27, 31, 39, 57, 60, 61, 90, 97, Wehbi (1342A), 2 30, 258
102, 106, 124, 130, 131, 140, 143, 145, Welieddin, 2 441
146, 162, 168, 177, 201, 204, 209, 224, Wellhausen, 3 186
229, 230, 233, 238, 239, 251, 266-271, Wensinck, 3 208, 295
275, 280, 281, 285, 290, 295, 303, 307- West (N.), 1 xxvi
310, 318, 324, 332, 338, 345, 349, 356- Westermarck, 1 lxti
359; 4 14 Wherry (E. M.) (1645)
Wāsitī (AB. Yf. b. Yq.), 1 59 Whinfield (E. H.) (1689), 1 587; 3 175
Wasiti (A. Dharr Jundab b. Zādhan; var: Whitehead, 3 173
Haydar), 3 250, 262 Whitting (2250), 4 33
Wāsitī (A. Härith Mas'üd b. Harith), 3 Wiener, 4 9
250, 262 Wiet (Gaston) (2251), 1 394, 416; 2 24, 50;
Wāsitī (AH. Khazzāz), 1 410 4 40
Wāsitī (AHy.), see Oannād Wil (G.), 2 316
Wasiti CAbbas b. Fadl), 1 59 Wilde, 1 xxvi
Wāsitī (fAbdalsamī' 'Abbāsī), 2 179 Wilson (C. E.) (1708)
Wasiti (Abü'l-'Alà' M. b. ‘Ali b. A. b. Wilson (H. H.) (2252), 1 181
Y. Khazzaz Silhi) (187), 1 245, 561, 581; Winkler (H.), 1 160; 2 41; 4 13
2 118, 468, 469, 470; 3 258, 262 Wisal, 2 161
Wāsitī (Abü'l-Fadl), 2 179; 4 25 Wisrawa, 2 292
Wāsitī (Abū'l-Yamān), 1 18, 633; 2 185, Witrī (M. b. Alī) (739A), 1 47, 97; 2 118,
339, 340; 3 252, 262 176, 179, 180, 388; 3 13, 250, 251
Wäsiti (Ali b. ‘Asim), 1 62 Wittek, 1 643
Wāsitī (Bunan), 1 384 Wolff, 3 35, 45
Wasiti (Hy. Sulami), 1 60 Wordsworth, 1 631
Wāsitī (Jundab b. Zädhän), 1 52, 288, 370, Wright (T.), 1 180; 4 16, 27
518; 2 412 Wronski, 3 353
Wasiti (Khalaf b. A.), 3 264 Wiistenfeld (F.) (1623), 1 141, 158, 291,
Wasiti (M. b. ‘Amr b. Sulami), 1 59 368, 376, 434, 464, 475; 2 490; 4 31, 32
Xenophon, 3 349 Hanash), 1 590, 591, 593; 3 191, 247,
Yarjūkh, 1 147
Yafi'i (AfifD. AA.) (541), 1 17, 45, 93, Yāsīn, 2 268; 3 98
578, 615; 2 35, 39, 40, 193, 294-295, Yastitnī, 3 324
300, 331; 3 9, 96, 107, 114, 139, 291, Yazdajard, 1 167, 205-207, 210, 212, 213
348; 4 24 Yazdanī (G.) (2254), 2 288
Yahüda, 1 291 Yazdi (‘Ali b. A.), 2 466
Yahyā (brother of Umm Oāsim), 1 398 Yazīdī (M. b. ‘Abbäs), i 243, 255, 475; 2
Yahyä (prophet), 2 371; 3 36 121
Yahyā (Osmān), 2 309; 4 115 Yāzigī (A. B.), 473
Yahyā (Shaykh), 3 196 Yazūrī, 2 154
Yak-Kāmest, 2 224 Yekta (Raouf), 2 32, 259
Yalbaq (häjib), 1 424 Yelkenci (Raif), 2 240
Yaltkaya (Sheref) (2253), 1 1x; 2 308: 4 30, Yesawī (A.) (1301), 1 42, 177, 187, 620,
76 622; 2 7, 26, 48, 54, 106, 162, 219, 228,
Yamani (AA. M. O. b. A. Ваай), 1 7, 231, 232, 234-236, 238, 239, 241, 274,
91, 92; 2 214, 387, 465 340, 352, 451
Yamani (A. b. "Ulwān), 2 293-294 Vésévi, see Yesawī
Yamanī (Baglī), 2 387 "Yffet, 1 50
Yamani (Ibn Ajil), 2 64 Ynal Särine Buqa, 1 186
Yamani (H.), see 'Ujaymi Yogi Ramacharaka (1699)
Yamanī (Nizām b. Hajj Gharib) (1133B) Yēmtēb, 1 254
Yamani (Shaykh M.) (979), 1 lix; 3 265 Yucel (M. A.), 1 Ix
Yamani (Yahya), 3 139 Yumn, 1 336
Ya'murī (A. ‘AA. M. b. Farhan b. MÄ Yünus (prophet), 2 235, 378
3 264 Yūnus (AH.), 1 82, 84, 318; 3 247
Yānis, 1 145, 256, 257, 331, 339, 425 Yünus Émre, see Imre
Yagtīnī (M. b. H. b. "Alī), 1 98 Yusa'il, 1 254
Ya‘qüb, 1 432; 2 235 Yūsī (Н. b. Mas'üd), 2 332
Ya'qüb = Jacob (prophet) Yūsuf (prophet), 2 235
Ya'qüb (Ibn Ismā'īl), 1 57 Yūsuf (A.), 1 163, 257; 2 167, 299, 300
Ya'gūb Pāshā (1334) Yüsuf (‘Aziz Qass), 4 23
Ya'gūbī, 1 102, 169, 173, 228, 234, 239 Yüsuf (Hy.), see Husayn (ҮЕ)
Yāgūt (governor of the East), 1 397, 628? Yūsuf (Sājid), 1 396
Yāgūt (hājib), 1 148, 257, 426, 427; 2 111 Yüsufi (Yashbak), 2 249
Yāgūt (Rami = Hamawi) (410), 1 15, 52, Yūsufian, 2 28, 254
55, 60, 82, 96, 98, 100, 137, 147, 164, Yūwānīs, 1 254
166, 175, 179, 180, 185, 208, 219, 226,
227, 229, 244, 250, 255, 267, 317, 318, Zabidi (Sayyid Murtadā) (862), 1 1082,
320, 330, 358, 391, 408-410, 414-416, 578; 2 6, 15, 25, 29, 30, 35, 37, 38, 106,
424, 430, 431, 434, 435, 439, 445, 446, 185, 188-192, 263, 267, 279, 299, 304,
448, 454, 461, 462, 472, 495, 496, 498, 307, 310, 320, 336, 362, 375, 388, 420,
531, 551, 560, 577, 592, 612, 627, 629; 463, 476, 477; 3 117, 229, 262-264, 306,
2 33, 42, 74, 121, 123, 126, 131, 135, 358; 4 32
153, 161, 178, 189, 416, 487, 489, 490; Zacharias, 3 24, 283
3 82, 183, 236, 253, 331, 346; 4ii Zāde (Alī) (1360)
Yāgūtī (AM. ‘AA. b. "Ali b. ‘AA. b. Zadeh (Nazmi) (1356), see Nazmīzādeh
Zafar (A.) (2256), 2 336 Zarrūg (A.), 2 329, 419, 420; 3 170, 324
Za'farānī (Abdalkarim b. "Abdalwāhid), Zāwajī (Īsā), 2 191
3 248 Zawj al-Hurra, 1 498
Zahäwi (Jamil Sidgī) (977), 1 50; 2 427- Zawzani (AH. ‘Ali b. Mahmiid), 1 39,
428, 434 510; 2 6, 68, 69, 70, 95, 118, 131, 150; 3
Zahid (A. 'AA.), 1 101 257, 262
Zāhid (A. b. Sul.), 2 307 Zayd (?), 1 300, 324, 326, 484, 599; 3 183
Zähid (AB.), see Hamadhàni (AB.) Zayd (AH.), 1 120
Zahid (AQ. H.), 1 100 Zayd (Husaynid), 1 304
Zahid (Abdalsamad), 2 471 Zaydān, 1 400, 417, 480, 505, 535
Zahid ('Abdalwadüd b. Sad b. ‘A. Zaynab, 3 187, 189
Ghānī), 3 248 Zaynabi (A. b. "Abbās), 1 24, 29, 110,
Zāhid (Hamdān b. Oāsim), 3 249 149?, 258, 469, 474, 557
Zāhir (Malik), 2 413 Zaynabī (A. Tammām Ш) (d. 445 A.H.), 2
Zāhiraldīn (AO.), 2 139 149
Zāhirī (Dāwūd), 1 67, 217 Zaynabī (A. Tammām H. b. M.) (d. 372
Zāhirī (M. b. Sinān), 1 307 A.H.), 1 371, 406; 2 132
Zahrajī, 2 354 Zaynabī (Sulaymān), 1 149
Za'īm (M. Bey) (1336A) Zaynabī (Tarrād), 2 466
Zajjaj (A. Ishaq), 1 38, 128, 243, 255, 394, Zaynabīya (Umm Mūsā Hāshimīya), 1
403, 474, 475; 2 61, 62, 121, 195, 489 400, 479
Zajjaji (A. ‘AK H. b. M.), 1377 Zayn al-‘Abidin, 2 236
Zajjaji (A. “Amr b. Ibr.), 1 110; 2 227, Zaynal, 1 56; 2 289
460; 3 152 Zaytūna (Fātima), 1 610; 3 249
Zajjajt (AQ.), 1 243 Zayyāt (A.), see Ibn al-Zayyāt
Zajjājī (Ism. b. A.), 1 627; 2 33 Zayyāt (A. Ja'far A. b. hb), 1 75
Zajuzjī (M. b. A.), 1 317 Zayyāt (A. Ya'qüb), 1 75
Zākānī (Nizām ‘Ubayd) (1131A), 1 56, Zayyāt (Habīb) (2258), 1 203, 596, 627; 2
642; 2 427, 437 99; 4 xvii
Zakari, 1 643; 3 240 Zangī (amīr), 2 467
Zakariya’, 2 378 Zenker, 1 106; 2 253
Zakk, 2 307 Zerdasht, 1 294
Zalikha, 2 263 Zhukovski, 1 190; 2 475; 4 56, 58
Zalüm, 1 394, 404; 2 112 Ziaeddīn (A.) (1381)
Zamakhshari, 3 231, 340 Zib al-Nisa’, 2 65
Zambaur (E. de) (2257), 1 186; 2 72, 144, Zigabenus (E.), 3 132, 204
161 Zikrawayh, 3 196
Zanäti (M. H.), 1 116 Zimmerman, 2 73
Zanji (AT. Isma'il), 1 462 Zindānī (‘Ali b. ‘Isa), 1 420
Zant (Abū'l-Oāsim), see Ibn Zanjī Zindīg (H. b. M.), 1 100
Zangā, 1 304 Zinjānī (AB. A. b. M.), 2 215; 3 258, 262
Zanzarī, 2 108 Zinjānī (A. Mashhür Ma'rüf b. M.
Zaggāg, 1 80 Nakha'ī), 1 38; 2 6, 119, 131, 185; 3
Zarathustra, 1 43 255, 262
Zarhūnī (Hājj M. b. Ibrāhīm Idrīsī) (848), Zinjānī (Akh Faraj), 2 185
2 333 Zinjānī (Sa'd), 1 110; 2 64
Zarhūnī (Ibr.), 1 49 Zinjānī (Umar), 1 372; 2 197
Zargānī, 4 30 Zirikli (Khayr D.) (997A)
Ziryāb, 1 256 Zubayri (Karīma), 1 42
Zisimus, 3 353 Zubayri (Umar b. al-Khädir), 1 42; 2 7,
Zissī (A. Ghanā'im), 3 260, 262 464, 466
Zitüna, see Zaytüna Zubayri (Yahyā b. Umar), 2 185
Ziya Pasha (Abdalhamid), 2 259 Zubür, 2 132
Ziyäd, 1 53, 65 Zughal, 1 148
Zoetmulder (1796), 2 287 Zubayri, 2 141
Zola, 1 xxvi Zuhra, 2 143
Zoraster (see also Zarathustra), 2 139 Zuhri, 1 103; 3 168, 195
Zubayda, see Umm Ja'far Zuhūrī, 2 371
Zubaydi (Mahmiya Ibn Jaz'), 1 98 Zulaykhā, 2 174, 350
Zubayr, 1 357, 547 Zumurrud Khātūn, 1 43; 2 22, 23; 3 158,
Zubayri (A. 'AA.), 1 468 474
Zubayri (A. b. Suhl = Zubayr), 1 70, Zuràra, 3 132
149, 235 Zurgā, 3 236, 240
Zubayrī (A. Н. "Alī b. "A. Wahhab b. Zuwawi (Salih), 3 264
"Alī Ibn al-Khādir Qurashi), 2 463, 464 Zwaardemaker, 2 78
Zubayri (A. Khālig), 2 185 Zwemer, 3 37
Abadite, 1 46 Bahshami, 2 124, 126, 127
"Abdakiya, 3 191 Bakharziya, 2 191
"Abdite, 1 64, 175 Bakriya and Bakri, 3 148, 160, 192, 193,
"Abigharrīya, 2 420 211, 223
"Adawīya, 1 42, 591, 601, 620; 2 70, 164, Balyānīya, 2 6
448; 3 265; 4 23 Banava, 2 284
Adhamiya, 1 45; 2 192, 193 Baglīya, 1 105, 249, 322, 427
Adhaniya Kabīrīya, 2 192 Barbahīrīya (Barbahārite), 1 29
Ahmadiya (Ahmadiyan), 2 108, 293, 304, Baslīya, 1 60
401, 446 Bātinīya, 1 343; 2 11; 3 223
Akhbarīya (Akhbarī), 1 50; 4 46, 69 Bayānīya, 2 191
“Alawite, 2 149, 150 Baydāwīya, 2 192
Ali ilahis, 2 16 Bayhasīya, 3 60
Amirghani, 2 332, 335; 3 265 Bayrāmīya and Bayrāmī, 1 49; 2 8, 168,
‘Ammäriya, 3 240 260, 261, 263; 3 265, 266
"Ammiya, 1 313 Bayrāmīya-Hamzawīya, 2 257
Ansärian or Ansari, 2 149 Bayrāmīya Melāmiler, 2 260
"Agīlīya, 1 170; 2 198 Bektāshīya (Bektashism), 1 43, 52, 104,
Ash'ariya (Ash'arite, Ash'arism), 1 7, 8, 177, 187-189, 452, 620, 621, 624, 642; 2
14, 38-42, 124-126, 154, 172, 188, 249, 5, 28, 63, 64, 70, 71, 75, 89, 95, 96,
295, 364, 367, 377, 384, 385, 455, 456, 108, 161, 177, 221, 229, 231, 234, 240,
460, 506, 507, 519, 521-523, 525, 528, 241, 248, 250, 253-255, 262, 273, 274,
563, 564, 574, 588, 590, 601, 610, 634, 327; 3 265; 4 62, 79, 107, 124
641; 2 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 27, Bilālīya and Bilāli, 1 65
34, 38, 40, 44, 49, 50, 57, 64, 67, 69, Bistāmīya, 2 161, 192
104, 105, 108, 125, 130, 133, 135, 144, Buddhist and Buddhism, 1 185-187
147, 151-153, 158-160, 163-165, 171, Buhüras, 2 23, 50
173, 183, 184, 196, 197, 202, 205, 207, Bukhārīya (Bukhariot), 2 192
217-220, 226, 229, 294, 300, 302, 303,
309, 310, 316, 318, 322, 394, 400, 426, Chaldaean, 1 146, 147, 195, 205
439, 441, 465, 470, 472; 3 16, 33, 49, Chishtiya and Chishü, 1 45, 572; 2 108,
56, 58, 60, 61, 72, 101, 106, 108, 110- 191, 224, 275, 280, 284, 328; 4 63
112, 132, 138, 141, 150-152, 155, 168,
171, 176, 181, 190, 193, 199, 282, 286, Dahriya, 2 300
305, 306, 334; 4 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 27 Dardā'īya, 2 191
"Ayniya, 1 249, 301, 310, 392, 416, 418, Dargāwī (Dargāwā), 1 50; 3 203; 4 49
511; 2 84 Dasüqiya, 2 108
"Azāgirīya (‘Azaqira, "Azāgirism), 1 38, Dāwūdīya, 2 50
60, 322, 390, 391, 410, 419, 462, 493, Dhahabiya and Dhahabi, 1 48; 2 101, 174,
513; 2 123, 487 193
Azàriqa, 1 140 Dirārīya, 3 211
Druze, 1 lix, 90, 179, 199, 202, 249, 287,
Bābīs (Bābā'ī, Bábism), 2 18, 40, 240, 291, 300, 311, 483, 486, 592-594, 619; 2
241, 402 9, 16, 32, 73, 76, 92, 108, 139, 274,
Badawiya, 1 104; 2 29, 190, 195, 387, 448 308, 325, 348, 434; 3 7, 17, 19, 35, 61,
Bahais, 2 18, 40 76, 93, 122, 171, 173, 189, 194, 196,

197, 223, 240, 242, 243, 275, 280, 283, 285, 287, 289, 291, 292, 299, 300, 302,
289, 312; 4 48 303, 307-309, 311, 313, 314, 316-320,
Durgīya, 2 445 326-329, 331, 332, 334-336, 339, 340,
348, 360, 361, 363, 364, 365, 371, 378,
Elyāsīya-Hammawayhīya, 2 192 379, 385, 386, 387, 390, 392, 393, 394,
Emirghanī, see Amīrghanī 410, 411-415, 418, 421, 424-426, 428,
435, 437, 439, 440-442, 448, 455, 457,
Fāridīyan, 1 45 459, 460, 466-468, 470-475, 477, 483,
Fārisīya (Fārisiyan), 2 202, 204; 3 60; 412 487; 3 17, 25, 27, 39, 62, 72, 111, 119,
Fathīya, 1 308, 312 129, 131, 168, 195, 200, 202, 234, 242,
Fātimid, 1 27, 31, 40, 136, 237, 254, 321, 246, 247, 252, 254, 262, 265-269, 277,
326, 334, 417, 423, 448, 486, 489, 512, 296, 341, 349, 350; 4 5, 10, 18, 32, 33,
533, 592, 638, 643; 2 49, 64, 95, 122, 49, 53, 70
136, 137, 139-141, 142, 147, 148, 151, Hallājīya Fārisīya, 1 89, 221, 595; 2 56,
152, 154-157, 296, 298; 3 194, 196, 203, 201, 204; 3 255
265, 322, 331 Hammädite, Hammādī, 1 57, 73, 83
Fayyädiya, 3 35 Harīrīya, 2 317; 3 172
Fikriya, 2 27 Hārithīya (Hārithīyan), 1 21, 25, 27, 57,
383, 548
Ghamāthīya, 2 420 Hasbīya, 1 29
Ghudf, 2 327, 335 Hashwīya and Hashwi, 1 14, 57, 195, 203,
Ghurabiya, 1 23 589; 3 9, 10, 54, 60, 72, 100, 107, 121,
133, 144, 149, 151, 157, 174, 176, 222,
Hallájian and Halläjiya, 1 xxxiv, lv-lx, 282, 294, 296, 323, 341, 343, 349
Ixiv, 29, 38-40, 48-50, 60, 61, 85, 93, Haydarīya, 1 167; 2 191
101, 157, 171-173, 177, 187, 188, 234, Helwaytī, 2 106
242, 247, 249, 258, 270, 281, 294, 303, Hindu, 1 199, 241; 2 275, 328
318, 322, 324, 331, 340, 343, 346-348, Hujarīya, 1 395
363, 364, 366, 370, 372, 377, 384, 391, Hulmānīya, 2 56, 57
392, 405, 406, 410, 415, 420, 427, 428, Hulūlīya, 1 629; 2 11, 201, 300; 3 237; 4
430, 439, 441, 443, 445, 447, 448, 450, 43
451, 453, 455, 456, 459-461, 465-469, Hurüfiya and Hurüfi, 2 16, 28, 106, 250,
472-474, 476, 477, 479, 486, 489-492, 273, 274; 3 171, 352; 4 41, 62, 102
500-503, 506, 507, 509-514, 517, 522,
523, 527, 528, 538, 544, 547, 548, 550, Ibādite, Ibādī, 1 550; 3 55, 60, 70, 77, 89,
552-554, 559, 563, 564, 565, 574, 575, 106, 139, 140, 147, 176, 187, 195, 201,
579, 584, 586, 590, 592-595, 600, 601, 225, 295
604, 606, 612, 620, 621, 623-626, 634, Idrissi, 2 332
635, 637, 640-642, 644; 2 3-12, 15, 17, Ikhlātīya, 2 161
22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33, 36, 56, 57, Ikhshīdī, 2 124, 127, 297
58, 61-67, 69, 71, 73, 76, 79, 82, 85, Imāmites (jAlawīya), 3 134
89-91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 109-115, 120, Imāmites (Muhammadīya), 3 10, 134
121, 127, 134, 135, 140, 144, 149, 151, Imāmites (Shaykhiya), 3 351
158-160, 162-164, 166, 168, 170, 171, Imāmīya (Imāmite, Imāmism), 1 1, lvi,
173, 179, 184, 186-189, 191, 192, 195- lvii, lxi, 25, 37, 44, 48, 61, 103, 120,
198, 201-203, 207, 212, 215, 216, 218, 136, 139, 165, 167, 171, 180, 192, 232,
221, 231, 235, 246, 250, 251, 253, 254, 248, 249, 272, 291, 295, 296, 303, 306,
259, 263, 266, 274, 275, 277, 279, 284, 308, 309, 312, 313, 315, 316, 318, 319,
Imämiya (Imämite, Imämism), (cont.) Jelwetīya and Jelwetī, 1 49; 2 71, 261, 263,
321-325, 329-331, 347, 359, 375, 379, 265
389, 416, 424, 438, 445, 449, 462, 475, Junaydīya, 2 192, 299, 306
480, 485, 500, 512, 519, 520, 522, 538,
550; 2 16, 17, 19, 37, 38, 40, 44, 45, Kabīrīya, 2 192
101, 104, 123, 125, 139, 174, 193, 395, Kabirpanthī, 2 186
486, 489; 3 4, 6, 7, 14-17, 22, 34, 35, Kardawīya, 2 191
43, 44, 54, 55, 59-61, 63, 70, 85, 91, 93, Karrāmīya (Karrāmī, Karrāmite), 1 4, 25,
98, 105, 106, 109, 112, 118, 119, 121, 57, 69, 94, 95, 135, 151, 162, 165, 169,
124, 126, 128, 138, 139, 142, 144, 147, 171, 175-177, 248, 268, 346, 363, 385,
149, 151-154, 156, 157, 160, 163, 164, 407, 456, 521, 523, 525, 528, 539; 2 20,
168-172, 174, 177, 182-184, 186, 188, 36, 40, 55, 56, 120, 147, 151, 152, 197,
190-193, 195, 199, 203, 205, 208, 210, 229; 3 6, 7, 16, 60, 110, 128, 160, 176,
225, 226, 240, 243, 282, 283, 307, 323, 198, 207, 211, 212, 225, 227, 269
324, 329, 345; 45, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, Kattābīya, 1 522
23, 27, 32-34, 38, 39, 43-47, 51, 60, 66, Kaysānīya (Kaysānī, Kaysānite), 1 138,
67, 69 174, 176, 229, 296, 304, 311, 390; 3 236
"sàwiya (‘Isdwiyan), 1 241; 2 100; 3 96 Kayyaliat, 1 196
Ishäqiya, 1 177, 307, 310, 322; 2 186; 3 Kayzaniya, 2 300
34, 282 Käzarüniya (Kāzarūnī), 1 43, 45; 2 4, 6,
Ishrāgīya and Ishrāgī, 1 43, 46, 48; 2 315, 109, 181, 186-190, 191-193, 284,
397, 414; 3 58, 59, 66; 4 30 290, 335, 336, 387, 388, 390
Ismā'īlīya (Ismā'īlism, Ismā'īlī), 1 14, 26, Kelāzīya, 3 6
57, 60, 85, 112, 136, 139, 140, 165, 171, Khadirīya (Khadirī), 1 598; 2 332, 335; 4
174, 175, 177, 179, 200, 218, 220, 221, 99
249, 300, 304, 311, 322, 344, 347, 351, Khafifiya, 2 192, 409
369, 374-376, 379, 396, 460, 521, 529, Khalwatiya (Khelweti), 1 49; 2 65, 76,
539, 552, 572, 573, 585, 591, 594-596, 108, 262-266, 339; 4 45, 46, 48, 49, 52,
598, 599, 635, 643, 644; 2 23, 27, 49, 74, 75
50, 78, 80, 85, 107, 108, 139, 140, 160, Khalwatīya-Sālihīya, 2 335
163, 171, 200, 217, 300, 308-310, 313, Khalwatīya-Sinānīya, 2 265
316, 317, 319, 321, 325, 326, 356, 363, Khārjī (Khārijite, Khārijīism), 1 67, 68,
382, 414, 418, 434; 3 35, 58, 69, 71, 138, 140, 171, 219, 229, 243, 302, 425,
105, 110, 122, 134, 146, 194, 265, 322, 428, 449, 519; 2 55, 92, 93; 3 4, 6, 7,9,
323, 326, 343 22, 89, 105, 106, 126, 139, 146, 147,
Іпа "Ashariya and Ithnā ‘Ashari, 1 512 152-155, 157, 172, 174, 176, 180, 181,
Ittihādīya and Ittihādī, 2 39, 314; 3 60, 184, 186, 190-192, 199, 205, 209, 210,
234, 237, 238 231, 295, 322
Kharrāzīya, 2 192
Jabariya (Jabarism, Jabarī, Jabarite), 1 315; Khāssīya, 1 313
2 27, 201; 3 15, 108 Khattābīya (Khattābī), 1 14, 72, 296, 381,
Ja‘fari, 1 112, 318, 416 392, 416, 472, 522, 591; 2 255; 3 195
Jahmi, 2 217, 220, 226 Khātūfīya, 2 310
Jalālīya, 2 275, 220, 226 Khurrämiya and Khurrāmī, 1 169; 2 80,
Jāmīya, 2 191 97
Jarīrī, 1 246, 373, 409, 498 Kubrawīya and Kubrawī, 2 71, 106, 109,
Jazüliya, 2 334 191, 193, 227, 420, 423; 4 32, 59
Kullābīya (Kullābī), 1 172; 2 217; 3 6, 7, Musabbilīn, 1 595
10, 181 Mutāwi'a, 1 522; 2 195
Mu'tazili (Mu'taziliya, Mu'tazilite,
Madaniya, 2 109 Mu'tazilism), 1 lvi, Ix, 5, 18, 24-26, 30,
Madyanīya and Madyani, 2 299, 300, 324, 35-38, 60, 69, 70, 76, 81, 85, 115, 126,
336, 419 128, 130, 136, 151-154, 156, 169, 171-
Mahdiism, 1 164, 283; 2 275 173, 192, 193, 195, 217, 218, 231, 245,
Malāmatīya and Malāmatī, 2 107, 196, 247-249, 251, 252, 255, 268, 277, 278,
218, 227, 4 16, 57 285, 295, 302, 303, 312, 313, 315, 326,
Mandaean, 1 624; 2 350; 3 243 329, 330, 331, 333, 338, 342, 345, 347,
Manichaean (Manichaeism), 1 26, 57, 81, 359, 360, 373-375, 377-379, 383, 385,
175, 184-186, 195, 196, 199, 205, 216, 389, 390, 392-394, 409, 418, 430, 431,
241, 254, 298, 302, 315, 328, 347, 381, 435, 437, 439, 448, 449, 451, 456, 458,
382, 466, 525, 591; 2 9, 93, 97, 99, 393; 466, 468, 478, 487, 500, 503, 504, 506,
3 144, 242, 283, 359 512, 518-520, 523, 525, 550, 578, 586,
Mansūrīya and Mansūrī, 1 178, 392; 2 99, 590, 594, 600; 2 8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 38,
275, 328 40, 44, 55, 56, 83-85, 98, 102, 104, 123- 2
Magādisa, 2 34, 108 128, 130, 135-137, 145, 147, 151, 152,
Marzūgīya, 2 300 157, 158, 195, 197, 198, 204, 206, 220,
Masāffīya, 1 395 229, 297, 318, 355, 409, 443, 444, 455,
Mātūrīdī (Mātūridite), 1 378, 519; 2 40, 471, 472, 474, 475, 486; 3 5, 6, 7, 9, 14,
201; 4 44 16, 23, 24, 32, 33, 37, 38, 40, 47, 48,
Mazdaean (Mazdaeanism), 2 21, 90, 97, 53-56, 59-62, 69, 71-74, 77, 80, 82, 83,
99, 139, 150, 169, 186, 309, 414; 3 119, 89, 90, 95, 97, 100, 102, 105-112, 117-
153, 195, 220, 242, 243, 253 121, 123-126, 129, 133, 135, 138-144,
Mazyadī, 2 208 147-149, 152-157, 160, 166, 168, 170,
Mehdevī, 2 12, 23, 274, 275 174, 176, 177, 179-181, 183, 190, 191,
Mehrawlī, 2 275 193, 202, 206, 210, 211, 222, 224, 225,
Melchite (Melkite), 1 121, 250, 254, 408, 230-232, 235, 243, 272, 276, 282, 292,
424, 425 305, 306, 313, 316, 353, 357, 358; 4 8,
Mewlewīya (Mevlevi), 1 44, 50, 104, 241; 11, 13, 20
2 32, 64, 70, 71, 77, 106, 108, 180, 191,
192, 227, 258-261, 266, 267, 271; 3 266; Nabātīya (Nabätaean), 1 146, 199; 3 161
461, 74, 76 Najjārīya, 1 163; 3 60, 61, 142
Mīmīya, 1 70, 249, 301, 310, 392, 524 Najmiya, 1 105
Mu'ammarīya (Mu'ammarīn), 2 191 Namiriya, 1 260
Muhakkima, 1 379 Nagshbandīya (Naqshbandi, Nagshbandī-
Muhammadiya, 1 597; 3 289 ism), 2 106, 108, 192, 228-229, 278,
Muhāsibīya (Muhāsibī), 1 173; 2 463 279, 289, 340, 421; 4 50, 52, 63, 69, 75,
Mukhammisa and Mukhammisi, 1 29, 112
300, 302, 303, 310, 311, 316-318, 321, Nagshīya and Nagshī, 1 48; 2 259, 262; 4
391, 392, 465, 467, 468, 470, 472, 512 62, 67
Mugannaīya, 1 24; 2 97 Nawbakhtīya, 1 228
Murji'ite and Murji'i, 1 163, 378; 3 56, Nestorian, 1 24-26, 143-146, 175, 184,
61, 113, 147, 151, 153, 176, 225, 306, 187, 189, 241, 250, 254, 258, 259, 400,
307 408, 410, 418, 420, 441, 442, 445, 484;
Murshidiya, 2 188, 192, 279, 299, 388 29, 56, 96

Ni'matallāhīya and Ni‘mitallahi, 2 108, 293, 318, 323, 326, 342, 350, 354, 357;
193; 4 64 4 95, 124
Ni‘mati, 1 167 Oāsimīya, 2 192
Niyäziya, 2 263 Oittīīya, 1 312, 323, 324
Nubuwiya, 2 95, 96, 133 Ounnā'īya, 1 28, 29, 30, 31, 532; 29
Nürbakhshiya, 2 193; 4 64 Ошта? (Ourrā'ite), 2 107
Nūrīya, 2 191, 192 Qyzylbash = Qizilbash, 1 163; 2 327
Nusayriya (Nusayriism), 1 xlv, lix, 15,
17, 38, 46, 60, 104, 199, 203, 246, 248, Rāfidī (Rafidite), 1 313, 458, 493; 2 47,
249, 260, 291, 307, 310, 311, 318, 323, 133
329, 390, 391, 416, 429, 472, 493, 494, Rahhāsīya, 3 265
513, 518, 521, 523, 591-594, 596, 611, Rāwandīya (Rāwandī, Rāwandism), 1 24,
619, 641; 2 3, 17, 18, 40, 55, 75, 79, 110, 165, 175, 176, 177, 183, 251, 304,
108, 274, 300, 325, 339, 356; 3 6, 7, 17, 389, 485
34, 45, 56, 61, 92, 100, 101, 121, 134, Rifā'īya (Rifā'ism), 1 43, 104, 130, 571,
159, 164, 171, 236, 240, 242, 282-284, 623; 2 65, 106, 109, 175-182, 284; 3 96;
287-289, 293, 299, 304, 315, 322, 328, 4 23, 29, 32, 41, 43, 47, 51, 62
332, 342; 4 12, 48, 96, 99 Rifā'īya Harīrīya, 2 181, 448; 3 240
Rifa'iya Mutāwi'a, 3 240
Pirjamäliya, 2 263 Rūhānīya, 1 383, 522; 3 16
Pythagorians, 1 196; 2 75 Ruknīya and Ruknī, 2 191-193, 263, 277,
420, 423
Oādirīya (Qàdiri, Qadirite, Qädirism), 1 Rūzbehānīya, 2 192, 335, 388
42, 50, 57, 104, 193; 2 8, 29, 53, 65, 70,
71, 96, 106, 109, 170, 176, 177, 180, Sabaean, 1 57, 61, 144, 146, 170, 191,
192, 259, 284, 289, 300, 310, 328, 333, 195, 198, 205, 241, 254, 293, 341, 376,
335, 339, 341, 356, 359, 360, 361, 444, 409, 455, 461, 468, 543, 553, 624; 2
467, 471; 3 265; 4 23, 27, 33, 43, 45, 47, 318, 350, 414; 3 10, 153, 187; 4 125
49, 64, 68, 70 Sabāīya, 1 485; 2 99
Qalandariya and Qalandar, 1 105; 2 70 Sab'īnīya (Sab‘ini) = Seveners, 1 44; 2
Qalandartya-Haydariya, 3 240 64, 188, 317, 318, 321, 323, 324, 419,
Qarmathian (Qarmathianism), 1 lvii, lxiv, 420; 3 263; 4 47
23-25, 30, 32, 37, 78, 91, 100, 105, 111, Sadducaean, 1 220
112, 125, 133, 136, 137, 141, 157, 160, Sādigīya, 2 192; 3 235
163, 164, 176, 177, 179, 180, 191, 193, Sahramīnīya, 2 310, 311
200-204, 208, 249, 252-254, 260, 297, Sa'idiya, 2 192, 476
318, 319, 322, 324, 332-334, 336, 337, Sājīya, 1 395
345, 347, 351, 382, 396, 400, 402, 403, Sakkākīya, 2 421
410, 413, 417, 423, 425-428, 438, 451, Salafīya and Salafī, 1 lix; 2 10, 314
470-473, 476, 485-488, 494, 503, 512, Sālimīya (Sālimī), 1 4, 9, 38, 39, 63, 69,
517, 520, 532, 533, 537, 539, 545, 551, 71, 74, 130, 221, 348, 363, 364, 367,
552, 574, 585, 597, 624, 625, 638; 2 12, 372, 385, 431, 432, 449, 506, 518, 519,
15, 16, 28, 82, 107, 121, 124, 168, 309, 521, 523, 525, 527, 562, 573, 582, 584-
351, 398, 491; 3 6, 7, 9, 10, 19, 43, 59, 586, 587, 612, 615, 627; 2 4, 6, 10, 19,
68, 75, 79, 90, 91, 93, 97, 101, 109, 33, 40, 56, 83, 92, 94, 119, 123, 130,
122, 123, 137, 140, 150, 157, 165, 170, 131, 135, 200, 201, 209, 300, 302, 303,
183, 190, 193-197, 212, 221, 225, 229, 316, 397, 409, 440, 441, 466; 3 16, 27,
230, 243, 274, 275, 283, 286, 289, 290, 38, 39, 64, 72, 82, 96, 97, 101, 110,
119, 121, 126, 133, 143, 146, 155, 157, Sūfīya and Sūfism, 1 68, 379, 384
159, 160, 168, 193, 195, 199, 201, 202, Sūfīya Oudamā, 2 315
209-211, 227, 232, 233, 255, 268, 269, Sufrīya, 3 154
275, 284, 285, 293, 304, 307, 310, 311, Sufyānī, 1 62, 162, 177, 528, 640; 2 181
322, 331, 334, 349, 350 Suhrawardīya (Suhrawardī), 1 621; 2 67,
Sālimīya Hulmäniya, 2 201, 202 106, 109, 188, 311, 333, 388, 467; 4 34
Salmānīya (Salmānī), 1 200-204; 2 95, 96, Surayjīya (Surayji), 1 Іхіх, 26, 37, 172,
309, 325, 386; 3 265 173, 377, 458, 501, 564, 574; 2 63, 144,
Sanüsiya (Senussi), 1 50, 108; 2 28, 108, 149, 204
332, 334
Sasahidan, 2 290 Tālibīyīn (Tālibī), 1 390
Sāsānīya, 3 241 Tāwūsīya, 2 192
Sayyadiya, 2 181 Tayfuri, 1 38; 2 184
Sayyäriya, 3 267 Tayyäriya, 1 184
Sha'baniya, 2 263 Tchishtiya, see Chishtiya
Shādhilīya (Shādhilī, Shadhilism), 1 44, Tijani, 1 644; 2 335
45, 49, 104, 587, 614; 2 8, 51, 106, 109,
181, 299, 306, 307, 327, 330-331, 332,
"Ulyā'īya, 1 301; 3 34
335, 451; 3 52, 96, 156, 221, 241, 265; 4
‘Umariyin, 3 193
33, 39, 42
Usūlī, 2 40; 4 46, 50, 69
Shähidiya, 2 290 Uwaysiya, 2 191
Shähmadäriya, 2 169, 284
Shäkiriya, 1 283
Shalmaghānīya and Shalmaghani, 1 23, Wafā'īya, 2 71, 421
Wahhäbi (Wahhäbite, Wahhabism), 1 50,
67; 2 20, 307, 314; 3 152, 154
Shamsīya, 2 263
Shanbakiya, 2 191, 192
Wa'īdī, 3 225
Wāgifīya (Wāgifī), 1 313, 323, 324
Sharīīya and Sharīī, 1 322
Wujüdiya and Wujūdī, 2 219, 280, 283,
Shattanawfi, 2 180
Shattäriya (Shattari, Shattärism), 1 47, 48,
334, 421
100, 109, 631; 2 28, 89, 169, 192, 261,
275, 277, 278, 279, 289, 328, 422; 4 45 Yahūdīya, 1 167
Shawdhiya, 2 420 Yazīdī, 1 lix, 42, 52, 132, 163, 188, 192,
Shibliya, 1 541 566, 571, 591, 620, 621, 623, 624; 2 8,
Shinnāwīya, 2 191, 307 9, 16, 18, 24, 31, 32, 64, 100, 164, 240,
Shu‘aybiya, 2 420 273, 274, 328, 341, 350, 448, 450, 451;
Shüdhiya, 2 311, 312, 315, 317 3 265, 354; 4 23, 54, 94, 107, 112, 120,
Shuhüdiya and Shuhüdi, 1 367; 2 8, 219, 125
275, 280, 283, 290, 421; 4 67 Yūjīya, 2 328
Shurayhiya, 2 191, 388
Shushtariya, 2 420 Zāhirī (Zāhirism), 1 26, 28, 58, 60, 110,
Shu'übiya, 1 515 167, 217, 218, 220, 243, 246, 247, 268,
Siddīgīya and Siddiqi, 1 43, 508, 621; 2 280, 312, 321, 330, 331, 338-340, 344-
95, 189, 299, 387 346, 357-362, 368, 369, 374, 389, 418,
Sifātīya (Sifātī), 1 129; 2 35 437, 449, 464, 475, 500, 514, 519, 524,
Silafīya, 2 477 526, 541, 544, 552, 578, 627; 2 9-13, 33,
Siniya and Sini, 1 177, 184, 201, 249, 264, 36, 37, 44, 67, 83-85, 127, 133, 183,
283, 494, 552 219, 297, 310, 333; 3 17, 22, 33, 59, 60,
Zāhirī (Zāhirism) (cont.) 174, 175, 180, 217, 248, 252, 297, 302,
70, 107, 111, 139, 154, 157, 164, 165, 304, 310-315, 332, 333, 379, 396, 416,
168, 171, 184, 199, 225, 230, 240, 254, 417, 440, 462, 485, 519; 2 13, 16, 37,
267, 306; 4 18, 19, 28, 34 38, 98, 109, 125, 158, 169, 327; 3 35,
Zanj (Zanjī), 1 22-24, 60, 63-65, 71, 73, 78, 153, 155, 182, 184, 190, 193; 4 7,
80, 137, 141, 143, 147, 149, 153, 165, 20, 46, 125
207, 209, 210, 241, 252, 256, 257, 259, Zaynabī, 1 141
264, 281, 322, 332, 351, 420, 444, 533; Zoroastrian, 1 24, 53, 57, 98, 123, 193,
2 309, 389 205-207, 209, 216, 241, 254, 264, 275,
Zaydīya (Zaydī, Zaydīism), 1 17, 22-24, 288, 294, 298, 381, 535; 2 309, 410; 4
67, 68, 120, 138, 141, 164, 165, 170, 107

abad, 1 386; 3 73, 131 afdal and afdaliya, 3 70, 84, 113, 162, 165,
abadi, abadiya, 3 152 190, 224
abáha, 1 554 аў ‘an al-khalg, 3 214
abbäla, 1 138 а, 1 438
‘abd (‘ibad), 2 61 afgah, 3 156
'abd marbūb, 3 188 afrad al-a'dād, 2 410
'abd sálih, 1 158 afsāneh, 2 232
abdā, 3 104 afivāj al-gurrā”, 1 454
abdayta, 3 266 aghiyāb, 3 266
abhar, 3 42 aghtiya, 3 18
abna’ al-dunya, 1 lv, 10, 24, 142, 190; 3 ahad, 1 602, 617; 2 348, 349, 410, 482
195 ahad al-tarafayn, 3 73
арпа” al-sabil, 1 1v ahadi al-jawhar, 3 63, 136
abrār, 2 94 ahadiya, 1 131; 2 59, 60, 61; 3 122, 123
“abriz!” 3 115 ‘ahd al-ikhtisās, 3 105
abtar, 3 187 'ahd al-khirga, 2 107
‘ada (Adat), 3 15, 71, 183 ‘ahd al-yad wa al-igtidā', 2 107
ādāb, 1 472; 3 222, 223 'ahd al-yad wa al-ishāra, 2 107
ādāb al-hurūb, 2 86 ahl, ahliya, 1 201, 203, 299, 392; 2 58; 3
ādāb rafi'a, 1 142 58, 305
ādāb al-sharī'a, 3 189 ahl al-a'ráf, 1 524; 3 29, 163
'adad nāgis, 1 198; 2 302; 3 8 ahl al-bayt, 1 547; 2 58; 3 188, 194
‘adam and 'adamiyat, 1 520; 3 65, 71, 124, Ahl Bayt al-Nabī, 1 354
242 ahl al-bida', 3 176
ádami, 3 213 ahl al-buyūtāt, 1 141
“айат,” 1 71 ahl al-da‘wa, 3 181, 199, 205
“adat, 2 42; 3 65, 76, 81, 170 ahl al-hadith, 1 57, 67, 68, 139, 169, 171,
'adáwa, 3 106 271, 277, 283, 389, 527; 2 14, 205; 3 42,
adawät al-tashbih, 3 128 81, 147, 153
'add hadd (al-), 3 319 ahl al-hadra, 3 167
addäd, 1 339 ahl al-ikhlas, 1 522
adha, 2 93 ahl al-infiräd, 3 63, 224
‘adhab, 1 192 ahl al-ingita’, 3 163
‘adhab al-qabr, 3 157 ahl al-janna, 3 167
adhān, ādhān, 2 143, 337, 346; 3 10, 186, ahl al-kabā'ir, 2 270
203, 331 ahl al-kahf, 1 31, 643; 2 93, 207; 3 185,
adib, 1 268 208; 4 99
"adi, 1 71, 218, 251; 2 276; 3 7, 23, 53, 70, ahl al-kisa’, 1 202
100, 112, 121, 133, 223, 258 ahl al-manābir, 3 163
“adl al-makhläq ЫМ (al-), 3 101 ahl al-ma rifa, 3 105, 163
adwár, 1 205 ahl al-nazar, 1 96
af àl al-hiss, 3 22 ahl al-gibla, 1 378; 3 152
af àl al-'ibād, 1 523 ahl al-gulūb, 3 170
af àl al-gulūb, 3 22 ahl al-shar', 2 35
аўд, 2 383; 3 6, 122 ahl al-shuhüd, 3 170
āfāt, 3 17 ahl al-suffa, 3 208
ahl al-sunna wa'l-jamá'a, 1 67; 3 211 'alá'iq, 3 76
ahl al-tandsukh wa'l-dawrát, 2 325 'alam, 3 252, 256, 261
ahl al-thughūr wa'l-ribātāt, 1 26 Alam, see sirr al-‘älamayn
ahl al-zandaga, 1 522 a'lām, 2 385
Ahl-i Haqq, 2 328 'alam atharī, 2 415
ahmar, 1 473 ‘alam unsurī, 2 415
ahsan, 3 113, 224 A'lawná (al-), 2 302, 303
ahwat (al-), 3 224 “alayhi 'l-salīm,” 2 292
aisthetikon, 1 216 ‘alayhi minni'l-salam, 1 529
ajal (ājāl), 1 205, 206, 626; 3 73, 108, 109 E 'alayk, 2 165
156, 158, 233 alayn, 2 97
ajal ma'dūd, 3 17 alfáz al-Jalala, 1 619
ajal musamma, 3 20 alfiya, 1 575
ajall, 1 605; 2 156, 208 "Alhadta!" 3 10, 203
ajdeha, 2 251 alif, 1 201, 287, 290, 447; 2 364; 3 95, 313
ajdirha, 1 588 alif ma`lāf, 1 201, 202
ajīr, 2 305; 3 117 āliha, 1 431, 490
‘air, 3 303 ‘alim (ulamā”), 1 12, 29, 47, 96, 240,
ājiz, 1 81, 222 267, 272, 521, 553, 593; 2 13, 35, 39,
ajlad, 3 290 45-47, 52, 53, 94, 158, 174, 234, 249,
ajwiba, 1 72; 3 73 262, 281, 368-370, 403, 449, 450, 478,
ajz, ajzī, 1 27; 2 42; 3 17, 323 482; 3 28, 96, 224, 244
'akfa, 2 337 "Alim al-Gharib (al-), 1 100
akhaff, 3 184 ‘alim al-Ghayb wa-'l-shaháda, 3 29
akhass sifa, 3 134 “alim al-rabbānī (al-), 1 506
akhbār al-āhād, 3 182 'alimiya дайта, 3 74
akhbār al-nds, 1 472 “alladhina āmanū wa 'āmilū "I-salihat," 3 29
"akhbari," 1 463; 2 16, 17; 3 184
“Allah akbar,” 1 570
akhfā, 2 277 “Allahfidami,” 1 553, 618; 2 350
akhi, 1 267; 2 242 Allah hàmil li-sifātihī, 3 132
akhlat, 3 16 “Allah Hitwa,” 2 265
akhmās, 1 169 Allah Nir, 3 7
akhtām, 1 256 “alsinat mustantiqat, tahta nutgihā mustahli-
akhwāl, 1 484 kat,” 3 347
akhyār, 2 93, 94 altaf ghilaf, 3 15
akil wa shārib, 3 102 ‘ama’, 3 123, 124
akinna, 3 18 атаў, 2 372
'aks, 3 85 “amal (a mal), 1 117; 3 5, 6, 20, 23, 33,
‘aks al-ma‘ani, 3 5 110, 147, 149, 150, 167, 198, 225
akwár, 1 205; 3 35, 70 amal al-jawarih, 3 23
al, 3 82, 83 amal al-gulūb, 3 23
Al, 1 23, 299 ‘amala bimā lā ya‘lam,” 1 151
Al Bayt al-Nabi, 1 299 amālī, 2 134
Al Ha’ Mim, 1 299 amāna, 1 481; 2 401; 3 13, 18, 205, 327
А1 Muhammad, 1 23, 152, 165, 299 'amid, 2 142, 143
Al Sad, 1 299 ‘amid al-"Irāg, 2 69, 141, 142
Al Ya’ Sin, 1 299 'amid al-mulk, 2 143
‘ala hukm Allah, 3 36 “mil (‘awamil), 1 443, 445; 3 6, 82

‘ämil (harb), 1 60 622, 631; 2 23, 28, 29, 35, 55, 57, 58,
‘атй (al-) kharāj, 1 60, 447 61, 62, 77, 85, 96, 100, 101, 105, 132,
amin, 1 388 174, 175, 177, 179, 193-195, 202, 215,
amir al-habs, 1 508 228-230, 232, 234-236, 238, 240-253,
amir al-hājj, 1 109, 110, 221, 250, 273, 255-259, 263-265, 267-271, 275-282,
406, 407, 541; 2 136, 145, 149 289-293, 303, 307, 320, 334, 336, 345,
amir harb, 2 111, 112 350, 356, 358, 359, 365-376, 378-381,
amir ifāda, 1 110, 112 383-386, 395, 401, 415, 422, 425, 438,
amīr al-jaysh, 1 256; 2 94 447, 449, 451; 3 11, 47, 48, 90, 217,
amir al-jund, 1 162, 393 237, 269, 304, 326; 4 9, 27, 33, 59, 60,
amir al-mu'minin, 1 551 62, 65, 72, 94, 105, 107, 114, 119, 125
amir (as-) salät, 1 147, 250, 407 “Ana 'I-Hagg, menam haqq,” 2 240
amir al-umarā” and amir of amirs, 1 400, “And 'l-Hagg walla,” 2 278
413, 430, 448 апа hūwa, 2 268
amiri, 1 235, 237 “апа kāfir,” 3 90
'amm, 1 316; 2 216 “апа ’l-kak,” 2 290
“тт, ‘атта, 3 167, 181, 320 “and 'I-khālig,” 2 292
amn min makr, 3 155 “and liga’ al-haba'ib," 2 348
amr, 1 77, 218, 219, 302, 311; 2 48, 401, “апа 'llāhu gātiluhu,” 1 617
406; 3 5, 8, 28, 43, 53, 104, 107, 108, and man ahwā,” 2 56, 202, 266, 421, 425,
110, 117, 118, 119, 122, 140, 141, 142, 426, 438; 3 42, 237
146, 185 anā muhigg (anā mahg), 1 86
amr azalī, 3 110 “And muhlik „..,” 1116
amr bi-'l-ma tūf, 1 296, 386, 526; 3 191 “апа mu min,” 3 90, 269
amr парт khaft, 1 219 anā rabbukum, 2 253
amrad gatāt, 1 640 апа 'l-sā'a, 1 17
"amrayn," 3 108 “and sirr al-Haqq," 3 237
amsar, 1 28, 224, 266, 267 “ana ubahilukum,” 1 553
amthal, 1 268, 3 88 anānīya, 2 59, 60, 399, 422
'amüd al-nūr, 1 70; 3 283 ‘anasir, 1 14
“an turziganī,” 3 227 ānāt, 1 386; 3 65
"an turziqani shukran," 1 600 anbar, 2 79
and, 1 128; 2 59, 60, 62, 230, 265, 270; 3 anhar, 2 93
89, 269, 357 ānī, 1 13
Anā-Ahad, 2 277 "an? ilayka,” 1 lvi; 3 266
апа Ahmad bilā mim, 3 304 aniya, 2 61; 3 75
“And Allah," 2 294, 372 aniya, 3 75
Ana апа, wa là na't, 3 45 anna, 3 75, 82
апа апа, wa là wasf, 3 45 anna, 3 131
“ana 'arüs al-Hadra," 1 554, 604 anni, anniya, 1 366, 367, 572, 595; 3 8, 19,
aná bari minhu, 3 74 47, 75, 79, 133, 137, 284, 288, 338
“апа 'l-bātil,” 2 233, 255 anniya mutlaga, 2 416, 417
“апа bi-'l-Haqq," 2 230 anniya al-ūlā (al-), 3 75
апа bika tab'id, 3 97 anqa” mughrib, 3 334
“апа ghani ‘anki bi-'ishgik,” 3 117 Ansār and Ansārī, 1 174
“Апа Haqq,” 2 279 anta, 2 59, 276
“Ана 'I-Hagg,” 1 xxviii, liv, 17, 86, 126- anta bayn al-shaghaf, 1 93; 2 203; 3 41
134, 280, 346, 474, 587, 604, 612, 617, “Anta Misa. ..," 1116

anta wa sha naka, 3 143 ard zakiya, 1 512

anwa’, 1 588 ardab, 1 236
апшат shähid al-qidam, 3 269 ardiya, 3 352, 353
aphetes, 2 382 ariban, ariban, 2 348
aphetes-Anairetes, 1 206, 209, 213 'arif, 2 100, 177, 220, 221, 252, 361, 369;
'agáqir, 1 199; 3 114 3 8, 56, 151, 166, 295, 307
aqcheh, 1 237 arini, 3 292, 341
‘aqd, 1 238; 3 25 'áriya, 1 321; 3 91
44 al-galb, 3 150, 199 'arsh, 1 152; 3 164
aqfal, 3 18 arwāh azaliya, 3 145
'adida, 1 52, 173, 187, 203, 374, 389, 454 H ‘asad’ wa-la'all, 3 6
518, 520, 521, 530; 2 14, 93, 104, 130, as'ab, 3 184
140, 147, 153, 196, 202, 219, 283, 309, as'āb, 1 311
318, 319; 3 7-9, 53, 58, 63, 95, 125, asākifa, 1 242, 282, 488
126, 128, 129, 142, 158, 169, 266, 276, as'aluka bi-haqq, 1 600
279 asas, 3 35
'agidafi'"I-tanzih, 3 8 asfiyā”, 2 282
‘aqida kalamiya, 1 519, 524 ashab al-da'awa, 2 102
“aqida gādirīya, 3 129 ashāb al-khulgān, 1 282
'agiqa, 1 98 ashab al-kisa’, 1 299
āgīr al-nāga, 1 311 ashāb al-mubashshara, 3 192
‘aq! (481), 1 xxxiv, 24, 81, 346, 374, asháb al-murabb'a, 1 282
519, 522; 2 247, 248, 293, 322, 373, ashab al-shurta, 1 440
393, 416; 3 15-17, 26, 42, 55, 58-61, 70, ashab al-Sin, 1 200, 204
79, 100, 102, 122, 146, 173, 225, 235, ashāb al-ta'ām, 1 242, 263, 282, 488
282, 283, 332 ashāb al-tabā'i, 1 196, 198, 199
‘aq! akbar, 2 361; 3 283 "āshig, 1 81, 351, 581
'agl al-awwal, 'agl-i awwal, 2 382; 3 332 'ashir, 1 213
'agl-i bull, 2 383 ashkäl, 3 46
‘aq! bi-"l-milka, 3 17, 59 'ashq, 1 622
fa^ “al, 1 133; 2 322, 414, 416; 3 59, ashrāf, 1 29, 243, 249, 471, 497, 524; 2 149
329 asrafa, 1 57
‘agl kullī, "agl-i kull, 1 133; 2 416, 417; 3 'ashürá', 2 93, 132, 137, 143, 152
35, 97, 173 ashya’, 1 208
‘aq! al-munfa'il, 3 50 asl (usūl), 1 lvii, 71, 201, 202, 627; 2 15,
‘aql mustafad, 3 59 33, 204, 312, 324, 464; 3 9, 23, 78, 82,
‘aql al-qalb, 3 33 154, 178, 267, 276, 299, 346; 4 5
agla-ahu, 2 326 asl ‘adam al-idmār (al-), 3 84
‘aql-i thānī, 2 382 aslah, 3 112, 113, 224
'agli, "aglīya, 2 15 aslan (jammā'an), 1 338; 3 75
‘arab ya'rub, 2 189 “aslih,” “aslih al-umma," 1 lxiv, 617; 2 93,
‘атаа (a'rad), 2 42; 3 15, 58, 64, 110, 133 305; 3 212
arāda, 3 104 aslim, 3 60
ата 2 412; 3 163 asmā”, 1 217; 3 5, 53, 133
is, 2 34 asmā” husna, 3 132
arba'in (al-), 1 428 asmá' mudāfa, 3 134
'ard, 1 290; 2 334, 356, 361; 3 9, 70, 173 DH asmā” mursala, 3 134
271, 281 'asr, 1 205, 220, 221, 541; 2 88, 156
'asr Khátib, 1 202 'ayniya, 1 146, 390
"asrārunā bikrun," 1 lvii, 539 aysa, 1 520
astár, 1 638 aysa-laysa, 1 520; 2 319
asyāf al-hubb, 3 217 ayya munqalab, 2 172
Atash-gā, 1 123 ayyam, 2 93
atfal al-mushrikin, 3 241 ayyār, 1 508; 2 32, 95, 132, 133, 141, 166,
айай, 2 93 274, 386
athar (athar), 3 54, 55, 92, 323, 324 Ayyärin Tawwabin, 1 628, 629
atjeh, 1 643 ayyu, 3 317
'attabi, 1 228, 264, 275, 282 āzād, āzādegān, 2 276, 403
atyab, 3 73 ‘aza im, 1 10
avlär, 2 234 azal, 1 313, 392; 2 95, 283, 327, 394; 3 7,
“аш айпа,” 2 304; 3 304 73, 102, 131, 280
awā'il, 1 367 azalī, azaliya, 3 7, 135
a'wan, 1 207, 388, 495 azaliyat, 3 74, 137
'awd al-lisan, 1 360 azaliyat al-arwah, 3 269
'awd al-wajib, 1 360 'azama, 'azamat, 3 87, 291
awdab, 1 261 azān, 2 449
āwīkhteh, 2 187 azharta, 3 266
awgār, 3 203 azilla and azlāl, 1 300; 3 105
awsāf al-dhat, 3 133 'azima, 3 178
awsāf al-fa* ‘al дайта, 3 108 'azl, 1 278
awsāf al-nāsūt, 3 40 'azm, 3 24, 25, 147
awtäd, 2 93, 94; 3 332 azrar, 3 285
āya (āyāt), 3 5, 13, 282, 291 'azzáma, 1 154
āyāt al-layl wa'l-nahàr, 3 54
āyāt al-nūr, 3 93 ba’, 3 336
ayn, 3 50, 65, 317 bāb (abwāb), 1 307, 320, 416, 464, 512,
‘ayn (a'yān), 1 176, 200-202, 236, 301, 526; 3 35, 236
329, 392, 469, 494, 511; 2 80; 3 8, 123, bāb al-jihād, 1 159
304, 313, 325 bab al, un, 3 104
‘ayn al-‘ayn, 1 202 bab al-qudra, 3 104
‘ayn al-husūl, 3 189 bad‘, 3 63
‘ayn al-‘ilm, 3 104 bad* al-khalg, 3 121
‘ayn al-jam', 1 77, 116, 274, 343, 385, ba'd al-kubara’, 3 248
494, 525, 526, 528, 529, 539, 566, 635; bad 'ulüm darūrīya, 3 58
2 35, 59, 105, 115, 195, 207, 222, 226, ba'd al-wáhid, 1 134; 2 319
409; 3 9, 39, 41, 118, 303, 326 badā”, 3 112
‘ayn al-kufr, 3 79 bada'a 'l-Islām gharīban, 1 68; 3 63
'ayn-mim, 1 201; 3 332 badal (abdal, budala’), 1 1хїї, 1хій, lxv, 21,
'ayn-mim-sin, 1 511, 619 26-28, 69, 131, 204, 221, 323, 370, 432,
‘ayn al-mīzān, 1 334 482, 513, 549, 551, 599, 604, 617, 640;
'ayn al-musammā, 3 176 25, 20, 78, 92-94, 97, 100, 131, 175,
‘ayn al-shams, 1 472 265, 305, 389, 472; 3 24, 106, 207, 209,
‘ayn al-tasmiya, 3 176 332
‘ayn al-yaqin, 1 588; 2 385; 3 76, 158 Badalīya, 1 xxxi, xxxiii, xxxv, xxxvii
“ауп yashrab bihā “bad Allah," 3 142 badan, 3 15
'ayn-i 'ayán, 2 382 badhl al-rüh, 2 358
ba‘di, 1 289 barzakh, 3 15, 157
badīhī, 3 55 basaga, 3 215
bādiyeh-i basar, 2 340 basar, 2 383; 3 298
badr, 3 286 bashar, basharīya, 2 199, 230; 3 12, 44, 48 ,
badra, 1 122 129
badriyün, 2 93 bashāra, 3 157
badū, 1 348 basīt, 3 336
bāftāba, 2 223 basmala, 1 344, 589; 2 449, 479, 481; 3 8,
bāghī, 3 190 9, 44
baghla, 1 592 bassāz, 1 489
baghli, 1 53, 236 bast, 1 342; 2 94
baghy, 3 153, 176 Batā'ih, 2 175, 350
bahā'u "lah, 2 238 bath, 3 159
bahja, 2 180 bātil, 1 346; 2 54, 232
bahr al-fahm, 3 291 bātin, 2 81; 3 12, 36, 174, 318
bahre, 2 223 batir, 3 182
bahth, 1 373; 3 55
batn, batnak, 1 120; 2 455; 3 12
bakhtly, 2 247 Batül, 1 540
bakkā'ūn, 3 207 bawadi, 3 25
bākūra, 2 389 bawwāb, 1 42
bala’, 2 93, 255, 339; 3 9, 24, 41, 114, bay'a, 1 336; 2 323; 3 10, 185, 186, 188
115, 119 bayan, 3 6, 50, 84, 307
balā” wa ni'ma, 1 96
bay'at al-ridwan, 3 193
balad al-shirk, 1 11, 178
bayn, 2 292; 3 23, 53, 86, 170, 177, 324,
balad al- Turk, 1 180
balāgh, 3 203 baynūna azaliya, 3 62, 128, 132
"balaghtu magsūdī,” 2 348 bayt, 1 69
balal, 3 120 bayt al-azama, 1 160, 504; 2 346
balkafiya, 1 374; 2 140, 147; 3 129
bayt al-Harām, 1 546, 547
ballūt, 1 55 bayt “bada, 2 21
balwā, 3 112 Bayt Khalwa, 2 274
baqa’, 1 76, 157, 342; 2 294, 383; 3 9,
39, Bayt Ma'mur, 1 550; 2 274; 3 333
107, 135, 136, 156 bayt al-magdis, 1 122
бааа? al-anfas, З 121 bayyina, 2 359
Бада” al-lāhūt, 3 40 bazzāzīstān, bezestān, 1 264, 282
bagara, 1 559, 592; 2 396
bazzāzīn, 1 26, 170, 242, 264, 281, 282
bāgilā, 1 119 bhoga, 2 285
bagīya, 2 422
bi, 3 82
bará'a, 2 20, 93; 3 206
bará'a asliya, 1 373; 3 183 “bi-dhibhin 'azimin," 1 lv
baraka, 1 509 bihabli takhtanaq, 1 452
bār = baytār, 1 141 bi-('1-) Вадд, 3 162, 227
bardash, 2 31 bi-haggī giyāmika, 1 600
bardhawn, 1 592 “bi-’l-vifa’ wa’l-banin,” 3 287
Bari’ (al-), З 75 bi-gadā” Allāh, 3 36
barīd, 1 137, 138, 149, 168, 252, 256, 262 ,
bid'a (bida*), 1 550; 2 15; 3 211
265, 419, 428, 455, 467, 469 bid'a munkara, 1 541
barīd wa-kharīta, 1 255 bidāya, 1 76; 3 73
barīyāt, 3 74, 137 bikär, 3 6, 110

bikhüdr, 2 383 chiraghci, 2 272, 273

bikr, 2 393 chirchir, 2 258
bilà zaman, 3 319 cocoden, 1 113, 115
bimāristān, 1 145, 240 chübek, 2 258
bin gercheyim, 2 244
bin Tangriyim, 2 244
bina’, 3 82, 101 dabib, 3 240
ьа", 2 93 dabiqi, 1 93
birnecheler, 2 244 даў, 3 191
birr, 1 94, 402; 3 111 daff, 1 101; 2 30
bisāte siyāsat, 1 621 daghta, 3 157
bismillāh, 1 117; 2 364; 3 29, 98, 110, 132 dagyde, 1 196
bitr, 2 119 dahāgīn, 1 29, 322
bizz, 1 281, 431 dahliz, 2 452
bu'd, 3 41 dahr, dahri, 1 385; 3 8, 124
buddiyan, 3 167 dá, 1 1, 57, 100, 136, 165, 193, 197, 200,
budun, 1 620 217, 251, 273, 484, 538; 2 49, 107, 139,
bukhār, 2 79 141, 154, 308, 309; 3 196, 197, 265
bukhūr, see bakhūr dà'i 'l-du'āt, 3 196
bukhūrī, 1 250 dāt "I-hagq, 3 9
bulūk, 1 55 da'ira (dawa'ir), 2 309; 3 7, 93, 280
bundār, 1 139, 627 dā'irat al-‘ayn, 3 325
bundār kutub al-hadīth, 2 211 da irat al-wujüd, 3 325
būg, 2 77 Dajjāl, 1 167, 296; 2 10, 12
burāh, 1 353 dajjālīn kudhdhābīn, 2 11
burghiis, 2 245 dakhäla, 1 344
burhamī, 3 314 dal, 3 316, 336
burhān, 1 521; 3 7, 85 dalāl, 1 586; 3 106, 240
burj, 2 241 daläla, 2 393; 3 182; 4 31
burj al-burūj, 1 209 dalil, 1 525; 2 411; 3 59, 183, 184, 187,
burnus, 1 113 202
burūj, 1 346; 3 7 dalil al-khilaf, 3 324
burūj dhātiya, 1 215 dalil al-khitāb, 1 373; 3 183
burūj tabī oa, 1 215 dalil al-mutahayyirin, 1 222
buyūt nātigāt, 1 539 dall, 2 94
buyūtāt, 1 170, 171 dallalin, 1 282
buzurgī, 2 376 dalq, 2 449
dam‘, 1 509
dam masfüh, 1 604, 618
cacodaemon, 1 209 al-dam najas, 2 172
can-nan, 2 232 dami haläl, 1 554
caza, 2 72 damī harām, 1 554, 618
caziasker, caziaskar, 1 45, 48, 49; 2 190, датан al-ta'zir, 1 577
259, 261, 266, 276, 279 dāmin, 1 262, 263
charkh, 2 258 damir, 2 393; 3 19
charkh-i falak, 2 258 damir al-damir, 3 19
chelepem, 2 244 damir al-sha’n, 2 62
chenberler, 2 257, 258 damm, 2 173
chilten, 2 232, 236, 244 damma, 3 81
dānag and dānig, 1 108, 236, 239 denawar, 1 184
danī al-himma, 3 130 derbāz, 2 54
daggādīn, 1 282 dest, 1 508
dār, 1 135, 224, 228, 230, 442; 2 218, 251, destār, 2 270
272, 273 devshirme, 2 254
dār al-'adl, 1 495 dhāba, 3 198
Dar al-‘Amma, 1 495, 504 dhabā'ih al-nisk, 3 91
dar al-hadith, 1 240, 242; 2 9, 64, 66, 67, dhabh ‘azim, 1 323, 593
68, 310 dhabïh, 1 189
där al-hijäba, 1 501 dhäka, 3 317
dar al-hijra, 1 136; 3 194 dhāka ’l-subb, 1 460; 2 487
dar al-hikma, 1 225 dhallat lahu al-umur, 3 7
dar al-'ilm, 1 169; 2 49 dhanb, 3 152
Dër al-Islám, 1 259 dharryat, 1 15, 631
Dar al-Mazālim, 1 417 dharra, 3 64
Dar Sikka, 1 304 dhāt, dhātiya, 1 98, 218; 2 247, 384; 3 7,
dër al-tirāz, 1 486 75, 103, 135
Dër al-Wazir, 1 569 dhāt mawsūf bi-sifat, 3 7
dar’, 3 191 dhāt mugaddasa jamīla, 2 418
darah poetih, 2 290 dhāt al-sudūr, 3 13
darak, 3 55 “dhat wāhid gā'im bi-nafsihi,” 3 128
darb, 1 159 dhāt-i khudā, 2 373
darb(at) al-mawt, 1 557, 569, 601 dhawg, 3 88
Dār-i Mansür, 1 43, 178, 187, 452, 620, dhayl, 2 484, 486
642; 2 5, 89, 221, 229, 234, 241, 248, dhī, 3 317
250, 272-274, 327, 386 dhikr (adhkār), 1 45, 47, 48, 70, 71, 89,
dārr, 1 375; 3 121 631; 25, 27-29, 58, 89, 186, 190, 191,
darrāk and darrāka, 3 97 200, 234, 262, 263, 265, 275-279, 301,
darūrī and darüriya, 3 168 335, 336, 390, 418, 421-423; 3 9, 10, 18,
dastband, 1 581 19, 21, 22, 54, 57, 60, 117, 140, 154,
dawā”, 1 272; 3 92, 115, 225, 283 199, 228, 302, 326; 4 49
daba, da‘wa, 1 296, 301, 381; 2 79, 310; dhikr Allāh, 1 614; 2 452
3 6, 105, 172, 180-182, 228, 236, 284 dhikr al-dhāt, 2 278
da wë sahiha, 2 42; 3 6 dhikr ghafla, 3 267
dawá'i, 1 346; 3 25, 26 dhikr al-Hallāj, 2 293, 421, 422, 423
dawāt, 3 121 dhikr al-jalāla, 2 29
da'wat ila 'Lrubūbīya, 1 291, 303, 467, 529 dhimmīs, 2 308
dawawin, 1 445 dhū 'l-rahma, 3 276
dawlāb, 2 30, 258 dībāj, 1 275
dawr hukmi, 3 91 dībāja, 2 246, 480, 481
dawrāt, 2 322 dibharān, 1 24, 141, 142
dawwana, 2 206, 441 didd, 1 392; 3 77, 83, 122
dāya, 1 400 dihāt wa tā'āt, 2 77
dere (diyà"), 1 261, 262, 281 dihgān, 1 175, 204, 300, 416
dayhür, 2 396 dikka, 1 334; 3 196, 360
daym, 1 300 dil, 2 378
daynūna, 1 373; 2 62 dilg, 1 554; 2 371, 453
dayr, 3 241 dīmās, 2 391
Dayyän yawm al-dīn, 1 323; 3 160 dimn, 3 84

din, 2 305; 3 149 fa'al, 3 109

din hanift, 1 229 fadāvī, 2 32
din al-salib, 1 198 fadl (fadūl), 1 126, 571; 3 58, 111, 121
din-i ilähr, 2 275 fadlfi'Lf1, 3 32
dirār, 1 526 fadl al-ghinā, 3 207
diwan, 1 443, 503; 2 64, 143, 153, 162, fadl al-galb, 3 9
186; 3 278, 279, 344, 360 fadla, 3 81, 87
diwan al-birr, 1 409, 415 fahasb, 3 149
dīwān al-Dār, 1 408 fahl, 1 399, 422
diwan al-insha’, 2 144, 149 fahm (afham), 1 24, 346, 519; 2 81, 392; 3
diwán al-jaysh, 1 442 26, 38, 55, 56, 74, 102, 174, 280, 299
diwán al-kharāj, 1 448 fahm (al-) fahm, 3 61, 299
dīwān al-rasá'il, 2 124 fahs, 3 60
diwan al-sālihīn, 2 317; 323 fa huwa wa-shānuhu, 3 143
diwaneh, 1 84 Jahwani and fahwaniya, 2 59
dīwānī, 1 412 fā'ida (fawā'id), 1 386; 3 24, 67, 110
diya, 1 482, 484, 578, 626, 634; 2 167; 3 fail, 3 80, 102
200 Jājir, 1 548; 3 190
diya‘, 1 409, 412, 416; 3 140 fajr, 1 13, 516
dë “атта, 1 412 falak (aflāk), 3 15, 17, 70, 145, 157
diya "alā 71-4411, 1 98, 600, 634; 2 168 Jalak al-ihtizāz, 1 209
diyana, 1 572 faldsifa, 1 lix, 146, 359; 2 308, 315, 319,
dū bayt, 3 336 320, 325; 3 282
du‘a’ (ad'iya), 1 220, 222, 223, 478, 551, falsafa, 2 318
598, 599; 2 181, 423, 424; 3 227, 336 fālūdhaj, 1 106
du'ā” “ala 'l-zālim, 1 526 fama ?, 3 6, 128
dua’ bi-’l-salah, 3 212 fana", 1 76, 77, 90, 132, 342; 2 55, 199,
du‘afa’, 1 402 226, 230, 278, 294, 340, 373, 383; 3 9,
dūdmān-i Bektāshiyān, 2 254 39, 58, 77, 126, 156, 158, 167
du'f, 3 230 Jana” al-‘älam, 3 121
dūn, 3 77, 86, 130 fana ‘an “ibadat al-siwd, 3 47
dunaynirāt, 1 327; 2 129 fand’ ‘an shuhūd al-siwa, 3 47
dunūw, З 99, 304 япа” ‘an wujūd al-siwā, 3 47
dunyā, 1 96 fand’ al-‘aql, 2 48
Durah, 1 550, 638; 2 274 япа? al-awsāf al-bashariya, 3 41
duraj mugantara, 1 640 Jana” ‘ayn, 2 61
durj, 3 343 fanā” al-basharīya, 3 235
durr, 3 332 fand’ bi-'l-madhkūr, 1 77
durra, 3 277, 287 fana bi-'l-murād, 1 133
durrā'a, 1 102 fana! al-dhikr, 2 207
durr(t) bayda’, 1 526; 3 7, 332 fanā” fi tawhid al-rubäbrya, 1 77
dustūr, 2 244, 282 fand’ hukm, 2 61
duwayra, 1 240; 2 210 апа” nāsūtīya, 2 48
duzd-i rah, 2 364 fan’ паї, 2 61
fanā” al-nufüs ‘an murädihä, 3 269
epithymetikon, 1 216 Jana" al-taklif, 3 9
eudaemon, 1 209 fand’ wa Бада idhā shā'a, 3 120
Jana" al-wasá'it, 1 199
fa, 3 82, 128 Jani, 3 77

faqad, 3 6, 127, 128 524, 525, 544, 545, 549, 554-557, 577,
bad al-ihsās, 3 228 618, 629; 2 5, 11, 13, 14, 20, 35, 36, 38,
faqih (fugaha’), 1 1, 149, 158, 225, 247, 40, 44-46, 48, 52, 53, 55, 67, 101, 108,
249, 346, 387, 388, 393, 472, 497, 500, 120, 145, 146, 158, 171, 173, 179, 226,
524, 556, 578, 617; 2 15, 19, 20, 35, 37, 230, 232, 244, 247, 279, 282, 289, 291,
39, 43, 47, 51, 52, 135, 150, 252, 305, 314, 328, 353, 366, 368, 369, 385, 397,
314, 329, 330, 345; 3 14, 27, 32, 184 443, 449, 451, 453, 482; 3 186, 259, 281;
fagir (fugarā'), 1 10, 57, 288, 600; 2 119, 4 3, 5, 60, 110, 120
177, 239, 286, 287, 304, 342, 452, 463 fawahish, 3 230
bar sādig, 1 96 fawatih, 3 93, 95
Jaqr, 1 342; 2 184, 343, 444; 3 24, 230 fawhī, 1 223
Jr" (furi), 171, 201, 202, 315; 2 15; 3 9, Jawg al-tàmm, 2 418
23, 82, 84, 85, 154, 222, 299, 346 Jawr, 3 117
Jarah, 2 61 fayd, 2 374; 3 68, 335
Jarāsa, 1 531 feddan, 1 234
faräsh, 3 289 fellah, 1 261, 408, 488, 532
fard (furüd, farā'id), 1 70, 73, 221, 377, fegītān, 2 273; 3 265
383, 384, 387, 472, 549, 550; 2 15, 27, ferqeh jan, 2 384
175, 356, 361, 410; 3 8, 61, 70, 90, 148, feryād, 2 378
149, 150, 169, 173, 178, 222, 223, 225, Jf'l-gidat, 3 27
229, 282 fi sabil Allah, 1 134, 135, 401
fard al-'amal, 3 74, 150 fidi’, 2 61, 274, 282; 4 127
Jardä, 2 383 fidà'i, 1 303; 2 309
fardānī 'l-dhāt, 2 301 fikr, 2 27, 392; 3 22, 57, 60, 302
fardaniya, 3 299 fil (af al), 1 523; 3 6, 9, 67, 80, 102, 110,
Jarida (farā'id), 1 472; 3 4, 5, 78, 223 136, 179, 192
Jarīdāt, 3 155 fi'līya, 2 62; 3 135
faris, 1 402, 637 fils, 1 236
Јата (furūg), 3 65, 82, 86 fiqh, 1 418, 528; 2 312, 480; 3 4, 6, 9, 10,
Jartāna, 1 263 20, 21, 147, 175, 186
Jasäd, 1 207; 2 276; 3 50 fisq, 3 179
Jasad al-'agl, 1 473 fitna, 3 22, 113
Fasawi, 2 389 fitr, 2 93
Jasih, 2 223; 3 336 fitra, 1 193, 203, 301; 3 55, 105, 150, 283
Jīsig, 1 380, 550; 3 5, 86, 176, 178 fitra sāti'a, 3 328
Jāsig munāfig, 3 7 Dad 3 12, 291
Jasl (fusil), 1 42; 2 164, 417, 481; 3 339 fil mudammis, 1 234
Sata (fityān), 1 29, 87, 105, 282, 508; 2 9, fulan, 1 95, 465; 3 327
95, 238, 270; 3 185 furda, 1 242, 263
Jātā-i baydā, 1 43 fursān hujariya, 1 426
Jath, 3 122 Jursän nasriya, 1 427
fatha, 3 81 Bug" al-figh, 3 222
fathi, 1 315, 318 Jurūsīya, 2 86
Fatiha, 1 286, 297, 599; 2 96; 3 151, 214 Jäta, 1 11, 103, 401, 508, 542
fatwa, 1 lxii, 30, 43, 45-48, 50, 97, 130, fata ramliya, 1 103; 2 130
172, 231, 243, 295, 317, 330, 331, 346, Sutuwwa, futūwa, 1 lix, 5, 25, 42, 43, 129,
369-371, 387, 452, 458, 459, 466, 472, 271, 527, 569, 584, 585, 601, 620, 621,
473, 475, 490, 493, 497, 500, 501, 519, 629, 634, 637; 2 32, 68, 95, 96, 166,
273, 274, 309, 343, 386, 394, 444, 446; ghayret kushaghi, 2 272
3 264, 265, 356; 4 98, 107 ghazal, 1 49, 352, 632; 2 238, 254, 255,
257, 258, 265, 267, 268
gaon, 1 265 ghazw, 2 95; 3 205
gayastha, 1 262 gherämet, 2 270
gedik, 2 30 “ghib ‘an al-awham,” 2 392
genberest, 1 621 ghibta, 2 200; 3 167, 205, 206
genizah, 2 344 ghilman, 1 256, 279, 328, 336, 397, 477,
ghadab fi dhāt Allāh, 3 24 483; 2 149, 234, 403; 3 165, 167
ghadba, 1 557 ghilman khässa, 1 257, 325
ghadir, 1 301, 319; 2 17 ghina, 1 266: 2 184
ghafla, 3 21 ghirra, 1 96
ghā'ib, 3 81 ghiyär, 1 466
ghalaba, 1 91, 125, 130; 2 35, 51, 230, 292 ghiyath, 3 209
ghalat, 2 202; 3 21 ghufran, 1 570
ghaliya, 2 79 ghulām, 1 5, 65, 79; 3 265
ghalla, 1 263 ghulam аттай gatāt, 1 584
ghamám, ghamäma, 1 297; 3 287 ghulam hadath, 1 508
ghamd al-‘ayn, IH 8 ghulam-i “ishq, 2 374
ghamid, 3 124 ghulät Hallajiya, 2 202, 393
ghamid al-‘ilm, 3 7 ghulāt hulüliya, 2 110
ghaná'im, 2 397 ghulāt shi'a, 2 16, 85
ghar (fi 1), 2 58, 137 ghuldt al-stifiya, 2 130
gharaniq, 3 291, 296 ghulf (ghilaf), 3 13, 15
gharīb (ghuraba), 1 xix, Ixviii, 23, 71, 578, ghuluw (ghulāt), 1 175, 295, 296, 302, 313,
591, 611, 643; 2 100, 225, 232, 343, 326; 2 17, 355; 3 37, 43, 75, 100, 101,
410, 443; 3 208 184, 282, 344
gharīm (al-), 1 308 ghuraf, 3 332
ghariya, 1 55 ghurba, 1 542, 643; 2 58, 225; 3 24, 200,
ghariza yagīn, 3 59 208
gharizi, 2 412 ghurbat al-ghuraba’, 1 22
ghasag, 1 642 ghurush, 1 237
ghawth, 1 28, 100, 534; 2 93, 331; 3 101, ghusl, 3 226, 227
210 gibicheh, 2 245
Ghawthiya, 2 328 gül, 2 349
gháya guswā, 1 511 gülrengin, 2 378
ghāyat al-ghayat, 3 6 gülbenk, 2 272
ghāyat al-husn, 1 618 güleh-ahmar, 2 389
ghāyat idlāl, 1 363, 365 giilguneh, 2 238
ghayb, 1 609; 3 3, 29, 54, 77, 132, 135, gülabdan, 2 272
184 gur, see kurr
ghayb al-Huwa, 1 519
ghayba, 1 226, 253, 321, 324; 2 50, 85; 3 ha’, 2 81
188 habā”, 1 71; 3 123
ghayba kubrā, 1 321 habba, 1 112, 235, 236
ghayba sughra, 1 307 hadar, 1 347
ghayr, 3 77, 79, 85 hadarat, 2 59
ghayra, 3 299 hadath, 1 lvi; 2 42; 3 7, 64, 70, 76, 80
hadd (hudüd), 1 374, 380, 451; 2 81; 3 55, hadith “тап rā'nī, 2 368
154, 174, 176, 213, 317 hadith marfă“, 3 323
hadhà 'l-janib, 1 460; 2 487 hadith mawqüf, 3 323
hadhayán, 3 117 hadith al-mi'rāj, 3 100
һай, 1 71; 3 7 hadith “mati,” 2 384
“hadid,” 3 288 hadith nabawi, 1 193
hadith, 1 1x, 22, 67, 71, 83, 89, 103, 106, hadith al-nafs, 3 23
116, 117, 129, 135, 151, 152, 171, 174, hadith "Nahnü aqrab," 2 368
175, 182, 192, 193, 203, 219, 222, 243, hadith “‘al-nas niyam,” 2 51
245, 297, 301, 311, 324, 330, 333, 357, hadith al-nuzūl, 1 152, 522; 2 339; 3 332
370-372, 409, 418, 427, 431, 435-437, hadith gudsī (ahādīth gudsīya), 1 lviii, 23,
473, 524, 528, 540, 545, 562, 579, 580, 68, 73, 115, 116, 150, 193, 491, 548; 2
584, 615, 639; 2 11, 13, 15, 48, 50, 51, 36, 114, 206, 277, 328, 329, 332
67, 69, 79, 90, 93, 98, 100, 103, 111, hadith ru’ya, 3 166
123, 167, 168, 181, 190, 191, 201, 204, hadith al-talgim, 2 325, 327
206, 210, 215, 217, 219, 222, 226, 238, hadith "tanākahū” . . . ,” 3 164
248, 265, 273, 282, 298, 310, 323, 340, hadith al-tagarrab bi-'l-nawāfil, 1 549; 3 37
349, 364, 368, 371, 375, 384, 397, 405, hadith "uhillat lī ’l-ghand’im,” 2 397
426, 465-467, 469, 472, 476; 3 4, 7, 21, hadith "umirtu . . . ,” 3 287
24, 29, 37, 38, 100, 101, 113, 121, 124, hadith "unassī li-asunna," 3 185
143, 145, 147, 152, 160, 164, 166-168, hadith al-wilaya, 3 34
174, 182, 184, 186, 187, 195, 201, 204, hadith “уа mugallib al-gulūb,” 3 21
206, 208, 212, 224, 228, 231, 236, 241, hadith “al-yama . . . ,” 2334
242, 269, 277, 282, 284, 288, 289, 291, hadith al-ziyada, 3 168
293, 295, 296, 301, 305, 311, 314, 327, hadith zuhūr ‘ald "1.Haag, 2 85
328, 330, 332-335, 346, 356, 359; 4 22 hadma, 1 145
hadith al-arba'iniyat, 1 549 hadma rūhānīya, 2 78; 3 8, 75, 318
hadith al-du'à^, 3 309 hadra, 2 60, 94, 365, 377
hadith “al-faräsh (al-mutaháfit)," 3 350 hadra rabbānīya, 2 179
hadith al-ghadir, 3 34, 188 hadrāt, 3 123
hadith al-gharānīg, 3 198, 294 hadrat al-ahadiya, 2 194
hadith al-ghibta, 1 68, 116; 2 92; 3 206, 208 hadrat al-hagg, 2 305
hadith al-ghurba, 1 68; see bada’a '1-Islām hafawāt, 3 198
hadith al-ibtila’, 3 115 hafīra, 2 446
hadith al-ikhlas, 1 548 hāfiz (huffaz), 1 9, 46, 61, 244, 359, 370,
hadith al-igtina’, 3 113 528, 608; 2 33, 67, 114, 124, 131, 175,
hadith “kuntu kanzan . . . ," 2 265 191, 208, 213, 219, 298, 310, 361, 478;
hadith “kuntu sam'hu . . . 2 2 294 3 303
hadith là fimahall, 3 110 hafiza, 3 70, 297
hadith “lawlāka . . . ,” 3 204, 368 hā'ik, 2 174
hadith “liya ma* Allāh,” 2 292 hajar al-taqbil, 1 488
hadith al-lugma, 1 517, 528; 2 34; 3 264 hājib (hujjab), 1 25, 36, 82, 111, 148, 149,
hadith “та ra'aytu shay'an," 2 372 225, 230, 231, 242, 246, 257, 259, 331,
hadith “ma ramaytu . . . ," 2 406 393, 410, 418, 424-427, 436, 441, 446,
hadith al-maklūm, 2 176 448, 457, 474, 501, 524, 622; 2 62, 111,
hadith “тап ‘arafa nafsahu,” 2 371; 3 48, 112, 122, 133, 137, 144, 149, 388, 447,
99, 241 462, 471
hadith “man "ashiganī .. . ," 3 36, 206 hajis, 3 23, 24
hajiz, 1 201, 321 hand, 2 305
hajj, 1 liv, lv, Ixviii, 4, 18, 23, 26, 28, 29, hanif (hunafa’), 1 122, 177; 3 153, 192
32, 44, 63, 66, 79, 80, 87, 107-110, 121, hanifa, 3 192
135, 171, 184, 219, 220, 221, 223, 249, hanifi, hanifiya, 3 106, 150
250, 279, 323, 331, 336, 345, 402, 403, hannatin, 1 182, 281, 489
410, 415, 428, 455, 456, 457, 482, 484- hagā'ig al-tafsir, 2 34
487, 506, 522, 532, 533, 540-552, 567, hagīga (hagī'ig) and haqiqatan, 1 lvi, 71,
577, 581, 585, 593, 598, 603, 620, 625, 218, 386, 543; 2 58, 81, 365, 379, 380,
629, 637, 642; 2 15, 49, 68, 77, 79, 87- 480; 3 6, 7, 67, 75-77, 79, 82, 107, 129,
90, 92, 95, 119, 136, 140, 146, 147, 183, 150, 170, 173, 174, 223, 225, 276, 317
207, 209, 216, 217, 278, 297, 298, 303, hagīga azāzīlīga iblisiya, 3 351
305, 323, 387, 421, 423, 433, 470; 3 10, haqiqa Muhammadiya, 2 431
91, 205, 265, 288 haqiqat al-‘amal, 3 74
hajj akbar, 1 113, 551 haqiqat al-hagīga, 3 76
hajj aalt, 2 409 hagīgat al-ikhlās, 1 220
hajj al-maskin, 2 15 haqiqat al-infirad, 1 525
hājj sarūra, 1 534 haqiqat-i kull, 2 149
hajjat al-wada*, 1 643 hagīgī, 1 219; 3 149
hājjī, 1 122, 581 Haag (al-), haqq, 1 xxxviii, 6, 17, 18, 71,
häkim (hukkām), 1 388; 3 28, 157, 191 76, 81, 90, 98, 127, 129, 130, 132, 154,
hākūl, 1 15, 555, 573; 3 335 191, 197, 200, 216-218, 231, 314, 346,
hal (ahwāl), 1 73, 292, 293, 342, 369, 386, 367, 369, 521, 575, 598, 619, 642; 2 28,
512, 586; 2 81, 94, 169, 232, 302, 396; 3 58, 62, 90, 98, 222, 230, 235, 236, 263,
6, 23, 24, 46, 61, 66-68, 71, 79, 80, 83, 272, 277, 285, 316, 319, 328, 334, 351,
87, 192, 231 358, 365, 369, 380, 393, 422, 447; 3 7,
hal (fil), 3 89 8, 75-79, 101, 129, 158
hāl rahmani, 2 46 haqq bi-'l-dhāt (al-), 3 97
halah al-damm, 2 155 haqq al-haqiqa, 3 76
halal, 1 159; 3 174 hagg lil-hagg, 3 77
halāwa, 1 118, 119 hagg al-makhlūg bihi (al-), 1 71, 197, 218; 3
halīla, 1 581 101
hall al-rumūz, 2 448 haqq al-mubin (al-), 3 232
hallaj, halläceh, hallacān, 1 21, 25, 51, 58, hagg al-yagīn, 3 76
60, 99-102, 153, 270; 2 31 haggan, 3 90, 358
hallaj al-gutn, 2 31 haqqi, haggīya, 2 28, 351, 422
halqa, 1 62, 83, 127, 128, 225, 245, 278; 2 haraka, harakát, 1 151, 523; 3 17, 48, 66,
471 70, 124, 181
halia, haläwa, 1 118, 119 Haram, Haramayn, 1 109, 110, 219-221,
hamā, 1 11, 141 250, 311, 360, 409, 485, 543, 550; 2 64,
hamalat al-Qur'an, 2 94 331; 3 299
hamdala, 2 236 harām, 1 42, 45, 83, 547, 638; 2 81, 274; 3
Ha’-Mim, Hāmīm, 1 642 70, 175, 179
haml al-amana, 3 13 haras, 1 17, 468, 495, 557, 606
hamm, 3 21, 24 harf (huräf, ahruf), 1 431; 2 16, 80, 94, 97;
hammaá'iliya, 2 423 3 124
hammam, 1 232, 238, 239, 291, 362, 363, harf al-fasl, 2 62
535 hargūsa, 1 604; 2 454
hamza, 1 202; 3 274 hars, 1 255
hasb, 1 614; 2 119 hida, 3 317
“hasb al-wajid,” 1 87, 614; 2 4, 132, 202, hidäya (hidäyet), 1 386; 2 385; 3 23
366, 410, 462 hidáya qadima, 3 151
hasbi, 1 548 hijab (hujub), 1 524; 3 7, 18, 35, 171, 345
hasbi Allah, 1 150, 468 hijab al-ism, 3 69, 171
hasbtya, 1 468, 614 hijaba, 1 83, 252, 393
hashari, 2 119 hijaz, 2 77
hashasa, 1 217; 2 200 hijra, 2 92; 3 312
hashiya, 2 335 hikam, hikem, 1 622; 2 235, 236, 239, 345;
hashr jismáni, 3 70 3 245
hashwi, 1 245; 2 225 hikāya, hikāyāt, 1 4, 130; 2 62, 127, 128,
hatif, 2 187; 3 184 168, 209, 212, 214, 215, 243, 280; 3 27,
“hatif-i ghayb,” 2 373 37, 39, 83, 245, 256
hatta, 3 82 hikma, 1 461; 2 320; 3 55, 103
hatta, 3 128 hīla (hiyal), 1 359, 376; 2 86
hattāk, 3 97 hilāl, 2 73; 3 6
hawā, 1 341; 3 22 hilf, 1 66, 298
hatvā'ij, 3 132 hill, 1 219, 345, 540, 550
hawás, 2 60, 113; 3 346 hilm, 3 58
hawasht, 2 149 hilya, 3 341
hawd, 2 237, 240; 3 159 him, 1 290
hawl al-matla‘, 3 147 himma, 1 509; 2 293; 3 25, 205, 285
hatvgala, 3 147 “himma hāla,” 3 300
hāwūn, 1 553; 2 446 himma mutlaga, 2 416
haya’, 1 342; 3 24 hindiba, 1 234
“Науа” al-Rabb,” 2 299 hiqn al-dima’, 1 621
hayāt, 1 14; 3 15, 17, 137 hira, 3 62
hayāt asliya, 1 77 hiraf, 1 488
hayāt bāgiya, 3 167 hirbidh, 1 123
haykal (hayākil), 1 Ixiv, 77, 198, 284, 392, hirfa, 3 208
526, 598, 638; 3 7, 15, 16, 17, 38, 70, hisäb, 3 159
71 hisba, 1 149, 386
haykal juthmani, 3 45 hisba wasūg al-ragīg, 1 255
haykal mahsūs wa makhsūs, 3 15 hisbān, 3 8
haykal al-nāsūt, 1 392 hiss, 3 22
haykalï, 1 15; 3 20 hiss mushtarik, 3 70, 297
Haylaj, 1 132, 206, 209, 210; 2 80, 373, hīt, 1 290
375, 377, 382-385 hizb al-bahr, 2 181
hayülä, 3 16, 122 h.m.'s.g., 2 181
hayy, 2 277 hokmah pardés, 3 167
hazaj, 1 122; 2 257 hubb, 3 11, 24
hazr, 3 183 hubb ‘udhri, 1 280, 348, 350, 364
hazz (huzüz), 3 156, 158, 161, 198 huda, 1 27; 3 106
heshamoth pardēs, 3 167 hudūr, 2 184; 3 7
hib, 1 290 hudüth, 3 69, 108
hibb, 1 605 hujarīya, 1 257
Hibb b. Hibb Rasūl Allāh, 3 187 hujja, 1 311; 2 13; 3 58, 123, 184

hujjat Alläh, 1 70, 71 hugūg Allah, 1 380, 451, 577; 3 78, 213
hujjat al-haqq, 3 343 huramī (al-), 1 404
hukama’, 1 519, 523; 2 35, 39, 40, 293; 3 hūrī, 1279, 328; 2 234, 447; 3 164, 165,
72 167
hukiya, 1 114, 546 hurm, 1 540, 542
hukm (ahkäm), 1 217, 218, 284; 2 349; 3 hurma, 2 172
45, 53, 60, 79, 117-119, 170, 172, 176- hurriya, 2 118
179, 186, 224, 231 hurūf al-fagih, 3 6
hukm al-khulūd fi "I-nar, 1 450 hurüf al. Wal, 3 82, 97
hukmi, 3 149 hurüf al-ma'ani, 3 82
huküma, 3 173 hurüf al-mabānī, 3 82
hukūmat al-hakamayn, 3 193 “huriif al-sidq," 1 619
hulla, 3 91 hüsh, 2 373, 377
hulūl, 1 14, 39, 40, 77, 80, 85, 133, 296, husn iltibas, 3 334
301, 303, 313, 316-318, 338, 459, 470, husn al-zann, 1 378; 3 114
518, 521, 525, 560, 574, 595; 2 35, 44, husal, 3 189
47, 48, 55, 56, 138, 153, 164, 194, 196, husül al-jawharfi 'I-hayz, 3 71
199, 202, 207, 212, 230, 268, 280, 300, husül al-sūra, 3 70
313, 393, 412, 435; 3 38, 42, 45, 48, 64, huwa, 1 131, 520; 2 59, 60, 62, 232, 265,
67, 128, 169, 235, 237, 244, 284; 4 67 268, 277, 406; 3 89, 98, 127, 128, 323,
hulül al-ajal, 3 67 342
hulül al-'agl al-fa"al, 1 302; 3 50 huwa ’l-hagq, 2 62, 265, 385
hulü jawfa ’l-fu'ad, 3 13 huwa huwa, 1 133, 464, 465, 512, 513; 2
hulūl al-fawā'id, 3 67, 169 410, 485, 491; 3 3, 8, 41, 76, 77, 104,
hulal fi mahall, 3 81 131, 181, 285, 319, 357
hulülft 'l-mustahsanāt, 3 169 huwi, huwiya, 1 144, 272, 366, 367, 520,
hulül juz ī, 3 10 572; 2 59, 61, 395; 3 8, 19, 75, 127, 266
hulūl khāss, 2 226 huwiyasir, 3 266
hulül al-lafz, 1 521 hüz, 1157
hulūl al-mujarradät, 3 70 huzn, 3 24, 92, 147, 206, 207
huläl al-na'tfi'l-man'it, 1 525; 3 67 hüzvaresh, 1 143
kulūl al-Qur'anfi "I-qulüb, 3 37 huzüz, 2 313
hulūl al-rubübiya, 1 253 hylech, 1 213, 215; 2 382
hulūl al-rūh, 1 382, 384, 385, 525; 2 57,
336; 3 50; 4 126 "ibáda, 1 194, 544; 3 169, 224, 307, 309
hulūl al-sūra, 1 386 ibaha, 1 544; 2 138; 3 26, 183, 207, 225,
hulüli(ya) (hulūlism), 1 39, 79, 100, 138, 282
303, 317, 390, 392, 456, 494, 553, 602, ibāhat al-afāl, 2 397
641; 2 39, 55, 56, 57, 101, 102, 125, ibähat al-mál, 1 450
130, 159, 200, 201, 202, 280, 290, 300, ibana, 3 86
365, 412; 3 45, 142 “Фата, 1 287; 3 18, 84, 141, 182, 346
humāt, 1 388 “Раға gay” (al-), 5 30
humuq, 3 58 ibdā', 3 43, 71, 107, 108
hund, hunālika, 3 317 ibdāl, 3 82
hundi, 1 262 ibhām, 3 79
huqüq al-‘abd, 3 78 iblāgh, 3 7, 199
hugūg al-ādamī, 1 452; 3 213 ibn al-azal, 3 269

ibn (арпа?) al-sabil, 1 629 "ihdina," 1 297; 2 96; 3 8

ibtida’, 1 610 “thi,” 2 319, 418
ibtigha’, 3 108 ‘ihn manfüsh, 2 341
ibtihal, 2 93 ihrām, 1 108, 221, 335, 547, 550; 2 88; 3
ibtilā”, 1 219, 451; 3 118, 328 312
‘Id Akbar, 2 253 ihrām al-Hājj, 1 638
‘Id al-Fitr, 1 104; 2 87 ihsān, 1 346; 3 26, 50, 133, 167
‘Id al-Qurbán, 1 28, 540, 551; 2 15; 3 213 ihsās, 3 55
idāfa, 1 290; 3 82 ihtijāb, 1 591
i‘dam, 3 136 ihtijāj be'l-gadar, 3 306, 310, 312
der, 2 253 ihtisāb, 1 256
idghām, 3 93 ihtizāz, 1 209; 3 285
idhā'a, 2 11 ihyā”, 26
idhāsāma, 1 535 ijāb, 1 341; 3 345
idigat, 1 381 ijābaka, hijābuka, 3 172
idmār, 3 6, 84 ijad, 3 10, 69, 108, 110, 136, 162
idmihlāl, 1 292; 3 50 “Gadfi "l-azal bi-khitāb azali," 3 111
idrāk, 3 60 ijāra, 1 344
idrāk bi-'1-tasfiya, 3 58 ijāz, 2 318; 3 141
idrāk hagā'ig al-ashyā', 3 55 ijlās, 1 524
idrāk al-mithāl, 3 56 ijmàá', 1 243, 389, 497; 2 12, 13, 38, 43,
idrāk al-shabah, 3 56 47, 146, 158, 228, 314; 3 105, 153, 183,
idrāk al-shāhid, 3 56 184, 211, 355
idtirār, 3 26, 41, 133 ijmā” ahl al-'arabiya, 2 13
idtirārfi"I-ahwàl, 3 116 іта“ fugahā' al-zamán and іта" al-
ifāda, 1 221, 250, 256 Sugaha’, 2 12, 20
ifāda bi '-nās, 1 221 ўта al-gurrā”, 1 379
ifk, 3 32 ijtihād, 1 70, 313, 372, 373; 2 35, 228; 3 9,
iflas, 3 162 183
ifrād, 1 613, 614; 3 183 ijtihād mukhti, 2 48
ifrād al-gidam, 1 76, 223 ijtihad musib, 2 48
ifrád al-wahid, 1 614 ijtihad al-ra'y, 1 313
frt, 155 ijtima', 3 48, 49
рай, 3 191 ikha’, 3 7
ifsha’, 1 594 ikhbariya, 2 61
ifsha’ al-karāmāt, 1 291 ikhlas, 1 lxiv, Ixv, 153, 380, 549, 550; 2
ifsha’ al-sirr (al-asrár), 1 295; 2 343 164, 239, 317; 3 5, 22, 23, 24, 330
ifshin, 1 538 ikhlās al-‘amal, 3 74
ifia", 2 191 ikhlas al-hajj, 1 548
iftidad al-sirr, 3 13 ikhlas al-tawhid, 2 322
iftigār, 2 323; 3 268 ikhtilàf, 2 45
iftirāg, 3 48 “ikhtilaf Ummatī rahma," 1 378
iftitāh, 3 265 ikhtirām, 3 7, 21, 288
ihālat al-tabā'i', 2 41 ikhtisas, 3 68, 105
ihānatuhu, 3 128 ikhtiyār and ikhtiyáran, 1 193, 245; 2 93,
ihāta, 1 133, 222, 595; 2 319, 416; 3 271 108, 109
ihdath, 1 521; 3 108, 110 ikmāl, 1 219, 220, 221, 599, 643
ihdathfi'I-dhāt, 2 57; 3 136 ikmāl al-din, 1 223
ikrām al-dayf, 1 344 ‘lm al-yaqin, 3 76, 158
iktisab, 1 70, 126; 3 110, 158 ilgā” al-sam', 3 38
ila, 3 6, 128 iltibas, 1 118; 3 103
ilah, 1 273, 302, 516; 3 89 iltizam, 3 84
ilāh al-āliha, ilah al-ālihāt, 1 198; 3 8 ima’, 3 182
ilāh al-'ard, 1 392 imam, 1 86, 176, 177, 192, 196, 199, 201,
ilāh haqq, 3 78 208, 250, 252, 272, 291, 296, 300-304,
Пар al-samā', 1 392 306-308, 310-313, 315-317, 319, 322-
iläha, 2 262, 423, 424; 3 232, 234 326, 329, 331, 350, 351, 382, 389-392,
Парї, ilāhīya, 2 44, 230, 240, 265, 360; 3 416, 417, 446, 449, 451, 512, 553, 597;
17 2 16, 17, 47, 101, 124, 160, 172, 173,
lal, 3 4, 5, 81, 82 249, 273, 308, 317, 323, 458, 466, 471;
ilal, 1 219 3 34-36, 56, 61, 70, 78, 95, 109, 134,
“ilal mujawwaza, 3 82 137, 151, 163, 172, 184, 188, 190, 191,
i‘lam, 3 60 194, 198, 199, 207, 208, 210, 328, 332
i'lam, 3 84, 110 imam al-atibba’, 3 333
ilhām, 1 23, 73, 115, 369, 374, 383, 431, imām khatib, 2 145
474, 491, 525, 548; 2 222, 318, 395; 3 imam mahdi, 1 203, 309, 321
21, 23, 184, 209, 252, 291 imam тайт, 1 200
ilhāmī, 1 193 imám muntazar, 1 512
“ilj, 1 64 imām salat, 1 249, 255, 386
“illa (‘ilal), 3 66, 87, 140, 319 imäma, imámat, 1 174, 176, 273, 304, 310,
illā, 1 520; 2 253, 374, 375, 378, 423, 424; 312, 313, 327; 3 53, 186, 190, 223
3 6, 128, 129 imama kabira, 1 103
“lla fā'ila, 3 122 iman, 1 218, 287, 346; 2 291; 3 23, 26, 29,
illa “Nah, 2 377, 405 38, 55, 61, 74, 92, 105, 133, 142, 147,
“Ша mansūsa, 3 87 149, 150, 226, 269, 321
“illat al-'ilal, 3 122, 129 imán al-mugallid, 3 155
‘Illiyin, 2 302, 421; 3 115 Iman bi-’l-qadar, 3 114
"ilm (ulūm), 1 14, 117, 118, 346; 2 145, imán qadim, 3 105, 133
320; 3 7, 20, 26, 55, 59, 60, 132, 137, imhal, 1 643
149, 198, 225, 271, 321, 323 imkän, 3 72, 232
‘ilm al-ajsām wa-'l-alwán, 3 55 imlā”, 1 97; 2 210
“ilm azalī, З 138 imtizāj, 2 196, 199, 200; 3 49, 64, 128, 266
“Im darūrī, 3 55, 60 in, 3 128
“ilm al-halāl wa-’l-hardm, 3 55 in sha’ Allah, 3 90
"ilm al-haqiqa, 3 76 "ina, 3 338
"ilm idtirār bi khatir, 3 55 ināba, 3 148
“ilm ikhtiyar, 3 55 ‘indya azaliya, 3 70, 107, 224
"ilm (al-) "ilm, 3 61, 66, 299 “ináyat al-sabg, 3 105
"ilm al-jafr wa "l-jámi'a, 3 95 inbā', 3 29, 184
"ilm ladunni and "ilm min ladunnā, 1 491, inbi'āth al-*ulūm, 3 110
525, 598; 2 385, 480; 3 54 inbithāth al-ashyā', 3 110
"ilm al-magdūrāt, 3 138 ‘ind al-gawl min barīyātī, 3 137
"ilm nazarī, 3 55, 60, 149 'indana, 1 528
"ilm al-qadim wa-'l-a'rad, 3 55 ‘indiya, 2 422
"ilm al-gulūb wa-'l-khawātir, 3 5 infikāk, 3 86
Im al-wufüh wa-'I-nazā'ir, 3 83 infirād, 1 367, 614; 3 103; 4 129
in‘ijam, 2 316 ‘isha’, 1 17, 558; 2 366, 453; 3 214
inkar, 3 227 ishal, 1 502
inkasara 'l-safina, 1 596 ishāra, 2 81; 3 9, 18, 24, 58, 182, 224, 239,
inn, 2 59, 60 317, 318
inna, 3 84 ishkal, 3 84
inni, inntya, 1 367; 2 59, 61, 281, 422; 3 85 “ishq and ‘ishgeh, 1 lix, Ixviii, 81, 87, 340,
innt Ana, 2 278 341, 343, 367, 523, 642; 2 54, 58, 246,
inniya mutlaga, 1 133 248, 317, 384, 412; 3 102, 106; 4 125,
ingilāb, 2 230; 3 147 127
ingirād al-"asr (ilā), 2 13 “ishq dhātī, 1 1v
insän, 3 12 “Ishq haqiqi, 2 281
insān kāmil, 2 304; 3 101, 162 ishrab, 2 62
insaniya, 1 292 ishrāf, 1 420
inshā”, insha'tya, 1 419; 2 61 ishrāg, 2 260, 318; 3 70, 71
insiläkh, 3 297 ishrāgīyūn, 2 39; 3 66, 71, 130
intibā' al-haqq, 2 138; 3 18 ishtigāg, 3 94
intisār, 2 159, 306, 336; 4 20 ishtirāk, 3 83, 174, 183
ipek, 2 282 isiz, 2 232
'iqab, 3 120 iskäf, 1 620
igamat al-azal, 2 223 isláh, 2 315
'iqd, 2 388 islam, 1 346, 425; 2 317; 3 26, 74, 92, 149,
igra’, 1 344 150, 331
igrār, 1 525, 545, 547, 548; 2 255; 3 33, ism (asmā'), 1 98, 201; 2 81, 339; 3 7, 34,
150, 151 63, 64, 75, 79, 80, 82, 124, 133, 135,
igtā”, 1 262 170-174, 176, 177, 325
igtarib, 1 166 ism akhir, 3 7
igtida’, 3 182, 183 ism a'zam, 2 28, 181, 443; 3 9, 99, 123,
igtirān, 3 6, 49, 86, 90, 129, 183 304
igtisād, 3 73, 343 ism bi lā zaman, 3 6
irab, 1 lvi, 373, 525; 2 319; 3 80 ism mangūs, 3 6
irāda, 1 340, 341; 2 48; 3 7, 8, 24, 43, 104, ism mushtarak, 3 83, 171
107, 108, 112, 117-119, 135 ism muthallathī, 2 273
irāda sifat al-dhāt, 3 117 ‘isma, 1 296; 2 16, 112; 3 34, 106, 190,
irādāt, 3 118 307
irāg, 2 242 isnād ilhāmī, 1 193
“Таа nifāg (al-)," 1 267 isnad malāmatī, 3 265
"уйп, 2 393; 3 76, 237, 326 ispahsaläriya, 2 149
"irhamhum," 1 600 isgāt al-hajj, 1 193
irjā, 1 266; 2 16; 3 233 isgāt al-satā'ir, 1 341
irj", 1 378; 3 147, 149, 151, 224 isgāt al-wasāit, 1 126, 543; 2 14, 27, 316; 3
‘irs, 2 183 9, 10, 11, 269
irshād, 1 379; 2 94 isgāt wasā it al-hajj, 3 7
irtisam, 3 72 isra’, 1 76; 2 413; 3 200, 202, 294, 295
irziqni, 3 8 isrār, 3 25
isāba, 1 534; 3 114 istaghwa, 1 459; 2 487
isālatan, 3 75 ista jala, 1 88, 616
‘isawi-t mashrab mansüri-i maslak, 2 168 istamála, 1 459; 2 487
isfahsalar and isfahsalariya, 2 140, 154 istavā, 3 124
istawla, 3 124 istiva’, 3 7
isti ādha, 2 164 ‘ар, 3 167
istibāna, 3 59 'ital, 3 8
isti'dād li-'l-mu'jiza, 3 70 i‘tazala, 1 76
isti dād li I-nubūwa, 3 8 īthār, 1 82, 90; 2 61
istidlāl, 1 309; 3 37, 60, 85, 86 ithbāt, 3 7, 85, 128, 133, 230
istidlal ‘agli, 2 204 ithbāt al-hayat, 3 70
istifa’, 3 158 ithbat al-magādīr, 3 70
туа, 2 94; 3 167 ithbat wujüd, 3 129
istifia’, 1 463, 524, 545, 547; 2 173, 489; 3 itibār, 3 4, 60, 100, 101
178 itibārī, 3 71
istighātha, 3 204, 207, 209 i'tidahar, 2 34, 35, 37, 40, 106; 3 48
istihāla, 2 174, 412; 3 50, 210 i‘tiddl, 1 278, 549, 624; 3 229
istihkām, 1 341 i'tikaf, 1 79; 3 226
istihlāk, 3 347 itigāb (bi), 3 97
istihlak al-nāsūtīya, 3 41 i'tiqad, 1 121, 518, 530; 2 104, 150; 3 25,
istihlāl, 3 91 78, 169
istihgāg, 3 276 i'tigād gādirī, 1 518; 2 151, 153
istihsān, 1 341; 3 85, 183, 224 itirādāt, 3 49
istihzd’, З 307 i*tisām, 1 168
istikbār, 3 306 itizāl, 1 278; 3 105, 177
istikhāra, 1 336, 374, 463, 626, 630, 632; 2 itlāg (‘ala '1-), 3 66
3, 167, 187, 195, 238, 339, 340 itmám, 3 8, 17
istikhrāj usūl, 2 458 “та, 3 331
istīlā”, 3 7 itrad, 3 85
istila’, 3 117 ittahada, 1 318
istilah, 1 359; 3 171, 180 ittifāg, 2 49
istilahat, 1 360 ittihād, 1 133, 272, 318, 525; 2 47, 60, 230,
istilam, 1 168, 551; 2 47; 3 26 268, 280, 313, 345, 379, 409, 412, 435;
іта", 3 37, 38, 55 3 244; 467
istimāta, 2 86 ittihadfi'L-jins, 3 45
istinbāt, 3 38, 55, 185 ittihad mutlag, 2 48
istinbāt bi-'!-munāsaba, 3 183 ittihād al-nafsayn, 1 344
istigāma, 3 207 ittihādī, ittihadiya, 2 29; 3 324
istigrā', 3 183 ittikhādh, 3 28
istigtāl, 1 620, 638; 2 86, 386 ittikhādh al-ibn, 3 28
istirsāl, 3 138 ittikhādh al-khalīl, 3 28
istishāb, 3 68, 182, 211, 224 ittilà', 1 114; 3 335
istislah, 3 167, 224 ittilā* al-haqq bi-'I-asrār, 3 61
istisgā', 1 250, 407 ittisā', 3 174
istitā'a, 1 313, 375; 3 109 ittisáf, 2 418; 3 11, 130, 235
istitā'a bad al-fi'l, 3 109 ittisāfbi“kun,” 3 269
istitá'a maa 71-61, 3 109 ittisāf bi-"I-tanzih, 1 79
istita‘a gabl al-fi'l, 3 107, 109 ittisāl, 1 96, 342; 3 49
istitāba, 1 172, 449; 2 14, 36, 44, 110 ‘twad, 3 157, 267
istitár, 1 219; 3 26, 78, 127 i'wijāj, 3 341, 346
istithna’, 3 82, 88-90, 132, 142, 181, 230, yal, 3 240
232 ‘iyar, 1 236
iyya, 2 60 jarr, 3 319
izāfet, 1 99 jasad, 3 15, 67, 353
izalat al-wasa'it, 3 269 jasad 'unsuri, 1 595; 2 168
izár, 1 113, 157 jasūra ma'a 'l-salātīn, 1 136
i'zaz, 3 162 jāsūs al-gulūb, 1 82
izhar, 2 42 jataka, 3 87
izhar al-asrar, 3 159 jathlaqa (jathālīg), 1 254, 259
izhār al-shay’, 3 171 jawari, 1 326
Чет, 1 579 jawāz al-nazar ilā 'l-murd, 3 240
'izz and 'izza, 3 114 jawf, 3 12, 63
jawhar (jawāhir), 2 79, 192, 335; 3 8, 59,
jā'a, 1 217 64, 124, 128, 343
Jabr, 3 107, 108, 109, 119 jawahar-i dhāt, 2 377
jabrūt, 3 327 jawhar fard, 1 385; 3 64, 70
jadd, 3 122 jawhar rabbānī, 3 7, 61
jadhwa, 2 336 jawlān, 3 8
Јај, 1 23, 27, 201-203; 2 80, 255, 319; 3 jawsag, 1 415; 2 25
92, 93, 95, 98, 304, 325 jaza’, 3 82
jahālāt, 1 568, 571 jazīra, 1 307; 2 93
jahannamiyün, 3 204 jazm, 3 117
jahbadha (jahbadhi, jahābidha), 1 144, 148, jazzār, 1 281
230, 260-266, 411, 466, 504 jibal, 2 93
jahl, 1 168, 473; 3 21, 307 jidh, 1 16, 606
Јаһт, 3 69 jihad, 1 lxiv, 26, 29, 139, 171, 323, 402,
jā'iz, 3 72, 120 411, 542, 569, 584, 589, 596, 601, 604,
Јайуа, 1 261 605, 618, 620; 2 85, 87, 89, 95, 133,
jalsa, 2 423 146, 175, 340; 3 197
jām, 1 117 jiha, 3 67, 73, 79, 125, 322
Јат", 1 342; 2 55, 377; 3 65, 86, 167, 285 jihat al-‘ulaw, 3 10
jam“ al-basar, З 285 ўта“, 3 165
jam bi-llah, 2 29 Jinn, 1 11, 25, 117, 154, 181, 195, 270,
Jam‘ al-jam‘, 2 60, 105 293, 294, 486, 487, 502; 2 49, 51, 278; 3
Јат" (wa-)tafriqa, "jam" tafrig,” 1 96, 343, 142, 307, 353, 354
529 jinni, jinniya, 1 119; 2 395
Jong a, 3 224 jins, 3 8
Jami‘, 1 227, 228, 275, 283; 2 201, 312 jiriban, 1 120
Jami‘ al-milal, 3 6 jism (ajsām), 1 72; 3 12, 15, 63, 64, 72, 139
Jan, 2 278, 378 jism hayy, 3 101
jānbāz, 2 54 jisrīya, 1 157
jandara mulk, 3 334 jizya, 2 110
Jānib al-gharbī (al-), 1 433 jubba, 2 101, 194, 271, 347
Jānib al-shargī (al-), 1 434 jubba 'üdiya, 1 476
Janna, 3 18 jūd, 3 73, 111, 113, 133, 155
janna wa nār, 3 170 judhū" al-nakhl, 1 450
*jarāhimuhu burjamiya," 3 314 juhūd, 1 380; 3 316
Јат wa-ta'dīl, 2 66 juljul, 1 101; 2 30
Jarīb, 1 234, 238, 261 jumla (ismīya, ikhbārīya, inshā
īya, руа,
jāriya, 1 610, 622 igāīya), 2 61
jum(u)'a, 1 113; 2 93 kalimāt hagg, 3 111
jund, 1 21, 252, 256, 507 kalimāt al-tawhīd, 3 230
junün, 3 58 "kallaftanī shatata,” 1 91
jur'a, 2 449 kamāl, 1 281, 367; 2 230, 309; 3 102, 103
juwān nishesteh, 1 508 kān, 3 69, 71, 72, 130
juz’ (ajza’), 3 166; 4 20 karam, 2 343; 3 113, 133
juz’ ЙАМ, 1 296, 301 karāma, 1 291, 293; 2 224; 3 105, 207, 210,
juz, 1 340 286
juzīyāt, 3 72 karh, 1 340; 3 112, 117, 135
karkhaneh, 1 508
ka, 3 82, 86, 129 karrāt, 1 lxi, 14, 72, 573; 3 24, 266
ka'anna, ka'annahu, ka'anni, 1 491; 2 81, karsh, 2 455
318; 3 6, 45, 128, 129, 326 karūb, 1 193; 3 328
ka'annahu huwa, 3 326 ka's, 3 164
Ka ba, Ka'bat, 1 lxiv, 15, 21, 109, 110, kasb (aksāb), 3 20, 108, 109, 110, 156
113, 208, 225, 270, 403, 415, 461, 539, kasb al-ma'ārif, 1 314
540, 543, 547, 550-552, 555, 567, 598, kasb tayyib, 1 15
620, 637, 638, 642, 645; 2 15, 58, 64, kashf, 2 191; 3 45, 58
191, 208, 235, 274, 326, 331, 375, 466; kashf al-sāg, 3 159
3 91, 189, 197, 288, 328, 329, 331, 334 kashf al-wajh, 3 166
kabā'ir, 3 151, 154 kashkūl, 1 103
kabasahu, 1 465 kasr al-asnäm, 2 17; 3 200
ka'bat al-qurb, 2 15 kasr al-tilsam, 2 419
kada, 3 81 kasra, 3 81
kadbanū, 1 209 | kassahin, 1 281
kadhkhudäh, 2 382, 383, 414 “kathir (al-),” 1 134
kāf, 2 165 kathra, 3 122
kaff, 3 136 kätib (kuttab), 1 22, 64, 65, 85, 141, 144-
kaffara, 1 357, 360, 451; 3 89, 226, 240 147, 155, 166, 232, 247, 248, 258, 262,
kaffārat al-aymān, 3 91 304, 305, 316, 331, 333, 336, 388, 393,
kaffārat al-hinth, 3 91 400, 416, 417, 427, 428, 430, 436, 445,
káfir, 1 27, 218, 370, 548, 550; 2 237, 368, 446, 448, 455, 474, 477, 479, 493, 495,
371-373, 385; 3 77, 78, 151, 176, 306, 501, 512, 541, 548, 555, 575, 628; 2 84,
307 111, 113, 123, 133, 137, 138, 140, 143,
ká'iniya, 3 65, 66 149, 163, 296, 297, 488
kalaf, 1 341 katib al-day'a (or al-diya‘), 1 261, 263
kalām, 1 1x, 247, 330, 340, 379, 518; 2 katib al-jaysh, 1 410, 442
104, 147, 206, 310, 316, 318, 321, 322, katkhudā, kadkhudhäh, 1 132, 206, 209, 210
411; 3 4, 6, 7, 10, 33, 70, 82, 108, 110, katmān al-nasiha, 3 191
137, 139, 144, 286 kawäkib, 2 73
“kalam Allah bi huräf,” 3 95 kawáshif, 3 57
kalam bi-sawt, 3 143 kawn (akwan), 3 15, 50, 64, 65, 71, 72, 79,
kaläm al-nafs, 3 65 116, 127
kalām nafsī, 1 151, 277; 3 110, 274 kawthar, 3 159
kalām nafst li-Mūsā, 3 7 kay, 3 81
kalima, kalimāt, 1 589, 595; 2 276, 416; 3 kayf, 1521; 38
28, 110, 122, 144 kayfiya, 3 55, 67, 129
kalima jāmi'a, 2 319 kaywan, 1 209
keremgar, 2 23 khamr, 1 380; 3 30
khabar (akhbar), 2 62, 81, 238, 475; 3 54, khamriya, 3 345
55, 81, 88, 140, 182, 232, 234, 323 khán, 2 129, 130
khabīth, 3 153, 179, 335 khāngā, khāngāh, 1 40, 43, 46, 94, 169,
khad'a, 3 38, 49, 166, 300 170, 371, 528; 2 68, 70, 71, 152, 153,
khadam, 2 149 189, 197, 205, 311, 421
khādim (khuddām), 1 62, 87, 117, 249, 422 , khanqatiriya, 3 354
425, 475, 490, 579, 582, 583, 613, 628; khangatitiya, 1 198; 2 32
2 107, 211, 219, 271, 365, 366, 378, kharāj, 1 142, 148, 155, 256, 261, 305,
447, 449, 462 332, 408, 411, 429, 441, 443, 447, 489;
khadlān, 3 106 2115
khafd, 1 lvi kharita, 1 111, 113
khafi, 3 174 kharq al-‘äda, 2 42
khafif, 1 575 kharrāzīn, 1 282
khafif al-haraka, khafif al-harakāt, 1 137 khashya, 3 29
khafifa, 2 59 khasīsan, 1 4
khafiya, 2 422 khasla, 3 92
khaha-i khājagān, 2 165 khaslāt, 3 33
khā'in, 1 316 khass, 1 234
khajilan, 1 166 khāss, khāssa, 1 442; 2 226; 3 167, 181, 320
khāl, khāla, 1 400, 471 khata’, 3 114
каї" al-'idhar, 2 303, 360 khataba, 3 103
кВа!“ al-na'layn, 1 620; 3 148 khātam and khātam al-awliya”, 3 209
khala’, 1 385; 3 8, 41, 64, 122, 128, 132 khatanayn, 3 192
khalaf al-sālih (al-), 1 308 khatīb, 1 221, 283, 407; 2 9, 10, 63, 68,
khalīfa, 1 64, 109, 245, 311, 346, 441, 443; 133, 146, 150, 201, 306, 307, 360
2 94, 250, 296, 297, 360; 3 265 khātir (khawatir) and khātirān, 1 92, 153,
khalifat al-Dayr, 2 324 285, 386; 2 113, 135, 136; 3 23, 24, 25,
khaliliya, 3 105 55
khālig, 1 313; 3 20, 28 khātir al-hagg, 3 24
khalīga (khalā'ig), 1 106; 3 71, 76, 107 khātir igdām, 3 23
khāligīya, 3 108 khātir kaff, 3 23
khalg, 1 81, 107, 121; 2 334; 3 76, 110 , khatra, 3 25
119, 122, 133, 146 khatt, 3 6
khalq afāl al-"ibād, 1 315; 3 107 khatt al-istiwā”, 1 201; 3 8, 98, 296
khalq al-'ilam, 3 100 khatt al-mahdar, 1 551
khalg al-arzāg, 3 100 khātūn, 1 43
khalq awwal, 3 122, 275 khatwatānī, 2 361
khalq bi-'l-qudva, 3 69 khawānik, 2 152
khalqfikull nafas, 3 108 khatvāss, 3 195, 326, 350
khalg fr kull wagt, 3 64, 108 khawātim, 3 314
khalg al-huräf, 1 77; 2 104 khawatim al-suwar, 3 93
khalg thānī, 3 122, 275 khawf, 1 96, 342, 346; 3 24, 26, 225
khalq wa i'tibar, 3 7 khawfan wa-tama'an, 2 225
khalwa, 1 172, 597; 2 29, 93, 271, 352 H khayāl, 2 59, 372, 379; 3 70, 122, 297
384, 385; 3 159, 226 khazin, 1 307, 411
khalwat al-arba'in, 3 30 khäzin al-kutub, 2 63
khám, 1 238 khazzāz, 1 75
kherābāti, 2 373 kitābī, kitabiyün, 1 466; 3 153
khidma, 3 117, 224, 230 kiyan, 2 61
khilāf, 2 13; 3 77, 83 kotal, 1 625
khilāf al-hagīga, 3 276 kudak, 1 625; 2 381
khirad, 1 118 kufr, 1 86, 132, 218, 371, 380, 518; 2 15,
khirga, khirgeh, 1 22, 72, 102, 107, 628; 2 275, 377, 393, 397; 3 77, 78, 153, 155,
29, 49, 68, 107, 180, 183, 186, 191, 227, 179, 268
263, 311, 313, 346, 347, 359, 366, 383, kufr ‘azim, 2 486
387 kufr hagīgī, 1 219; 2 393, 410
khirgeh-i nāmūs, 2 368, 371 kufr milla, 3 154
k.h.i.^s., 2 181 kufr nima, 3 154
khisal, 3 178 kufr wājib 'alayya, 1 219
khitab, khitab ijad, 3 110 kulāh, 1 559; 2 340, 383, 390
khitma, 3 333 kulfa, 3 185
khizäna, 2 21 kull, 3 336
khud, 2 408 kull kamāl al-kamālāt, 3 97
khudayim, 2 232 kull mujtahid musīb, 1 217; 3 9, 32, 78
khuddām al-Ka'ba, 3 61 “kull shay’ftamr 'Īsā wa-'l-giyāma,” 3 42
khuddam al-Sayyida, 1 401 kullī, kulliya, 1 289
khūdī, 2 405, 406 kulliya, 3 103, 122
khulla, 1 221, 341, 370; 2 302; 3 105, 207, kulliyat, 3 72
225 kumūn, 3 65, 71, 122
khulg (akhlāg), 1 106, 107; 3 331 kun, 1 14, 23, 151, 344, 365, 540, 589,
khulug 'azim, 3 205 595, 600; 2 60, 99, 317, 361, 375, 393,
khums, 1 65 436; 3 10, 28, 35, 43, 44, 69, 80, 104,
khumüd, 3 115 110, 141, 162, 220
khurāfāt, 1 571 kūnī, 1 23, 218, 472; 2 317; 3 35, 110
khurda, 1 236 kunya, 1 99, 100, 182; 2 73, 442; 3 252,
khūrshīd, 2 378 256, 261
khurūj, 1 382; 3 9, 191 kūr, kūra, 1 55, 155, 426
khutba (khutab), 1 64, 219, 270, 273, 284, kurībān, 2 271
314, 533, 550; 2 7, 64, 65, 88, 127, 133, kurr, gur, 1 233-235, 261-263
137, 140-142, 146, 155, 157, 382; 3 147, kurra, 1 323
203, 227, 278, 336 kurrās, 2 173, 478
khutba Burathā, 2 137 kwipu, 2 78
khutba tatanjīya, 1 494
khutbat al-nikāh, 2 142 lā, 2 262, 374, 375, 423; 3 126, 316
khuzāmā, 1 353 lā ahsī, 3 291, 295
kibār, 1 25 lā 'arad, 3 15
kibrīt ahmar, 3 7 lā hukm Ша - Паһ, 3 186
kibriyā, 4 31 “Ја Hiya Ниша wa-lā Ниша Hiya,” 3 226
kifāhan, 3 310 "là hiya huwa, wa-lā hiya ghayruhu,” 3 86
kīmiyā”, 2 79 lā Huwa illā Huwa, 2 319, 413; 3 326
kināya, 2 60, 62; 3 83, 174 lā ilāha, 2 253, 404, 405; 3 230
kishwär, 2 74, 77 lā ilāha illā, 2 379
kiswa, 1 21, 403, 484, 488; 2 326; 3 101, “la ilāha illa “lah,” 2 27
268 "là ilāha mumkin illa Шав mawjūd,” 3 232
kitāba, 1 427 “Ја ilahu,” 3 230
“Ча illa," 2 374; 3 128 lāsifa wa-la lasifa, 2 82
lā jaram, 2 230 latīfa (latā'if), 1 14, 130; 2 291; 3 16, 17,
“lā kuntu,” 1 97 18, 24, 67
“la, la," 2 234 latifa haqqiya, 2 277
“lā mahdi, illa "Isi," 1 203 lattafa, 1 81
“14 nabi ba dg,” 2 11 lawh, 1 152, 193; 3 121, 122, 333
lā shajara illā min bizra, 3 6 lawla, 2 374; 3 331
lā sifa wa-lā lasifa, 3 7 lawn (alwan), 3 124
là tafal, 3 126 lāyig, 2 234
“Id tajtami* Оттай "alā 'I-dalāla,” 1 379 layl (layālī), 2 93
lā ta'ruj, 3 25 laylat al-barā'a, 1 231; 3 294, 330
"là tazir wāzira wizra ukhra," 3 156 laylat al-masrā (ilā), 3 274
là ubālī, 3 111 laylat al-gadr, 1 220, 229; 2 323, 389
la yajūz, 2 302; 3 120 (laylat al-) gurbān, 2 93
“lā yantiq ‘an al-hawa," 2 293 laysa, 1 520
là yuhibb al-fasad, 3 112 “laysafi 'l-dār,” 2 251
lā ушаЬа“ ‘ad wa-lā yutajazzä, 3 7 “laysafī 'I-jubba,'” 2 292
la'all, 3 6, 152 “laysa Ша 'l-Aysa,” 2 418
labbadin, 1 282 “laysa Ша Паһ,” 2 320, 418
labbayka, 1 79, 80, 223, 345; 2 234, 301, “laysa Ша Huwa,” 2 29
305, 343; 3 42 lianna, 3 6, 128
labna fadda, 1 640 libās al-futiwa, 3 356
labs, 3 339 likay, 3 152
labs shawahid al-haqq, 3 27 likull 'abd sharīta, 3 242
labs al-sif, 3 24 likullī haqq hagīga, 3 242
ladhdha "aglīya, 3 10 lima, 1 521; 3 8, 85
laduniya, 3 72, 343 lisān, 2 480
ladunnī, 3 185 lisān dhāt, 3 9, 108
láfiz, 2 424 lisan fi'1, 3 108
lafz (alfāz), 3 33, 71, 94, 170 lisān hujja, 3 9
lafz makhlūg, 3 142 lisän ishāra, 3 9
lafzī bi-"I-Qur'an ghayr makhliig, 3 95, 142 lisān al-gāri', 3 143
lāha! lāhi! lāhu!, 2 29, 418 lisan sahw al-jam', 2 303
lāhūt, 1 218, 292, 367, 471, 526, 566, 591, liwa', 1 104
595, 600; 2 112, 336, 396, 398; 3 7, 34, liwāt, 2 158; 3 240, 241
43, 101, 134, 335; 4 126 lubb, 3 18, 59
lāhūtī, láhütiya, 1 201; 2 348; 3 45 lu babāzān, 1 279
lahw, 3 56, 57 lugha, 2 472
la'ih, lāyh, 1 523; 2 226, 303 lughatwīyūn, 1 225, 243; 3 82
I@ihan ЫМ, 1 363 ита", 15
làm, 1 447; 3 95, 313, 316, 336 lugma, 1 517; 3 18
lam-alif, 2 80, 81; 3 316 “lugma-i kasb halal kerden,” 3 264
lam yafal, 3 126 lusūs, 1 508
lamhat al-sātir, 3 102 lutf, 3 112, 113
lamma, 3 23
la'n Mu'áwiya, 1 526 ma‘, ma‘a, 1 290
la'na, 2 165 mā апа fihi, 1 610
laqab, 1 101 má a'zama sha nt, 3 38
mā laysafimahall, 3 70 346, 377, 523; 2 58; 3 9, 11, 26, 70, 102,
та? masküb, 3 167 105, 106, 226
ma‘ad, 1 483 mahabba asliya, 3 105
ma'ād 'agli, 3 299 mahall, 1 526; 3 67, 72
ma 'ádin, 3 276 mahall al-anwar, 3 324
ma‘ast, 2 397 mahall Muhammad, 3 7
mab'ath, 3 194, 206, 333 mahd, 2 323
mabdü', 3 71 mahdar, 1 454, 578
mabdū'a, 3 97 mahdhuf, 2 62
mabsūta, 1 210, 214 Mahdi, 1 23, 24, 27, 68, 152, 153, 164,
“Ma ‘bidukum hunā,” 2 348 165, 174, 176, 180, 183, 195, 202-205,
madad, 3 145 208, 209, 226, 273, 296-298, 307, 308,
Madad al-Rüh, 3 277 311-313, 316, 323, 328, 329, 390, 392,
madārij, 1 511 398, 416, 449, 451, 464, 473, 480, 512,
тайда, 3 70 515, 545, 551, 577, 593, 619, 625, 642,
madfan, 2 254, 276, 284, 425 643; 2 3, 4, 49, 50, 85, 90, 96-100, 194,
madhhab (madhahib), 1 69, 113, 291; 2 14, 321, 405; 3 160, 188, 193, 196, 197,
169, 179, 316; 3 226 209, 271, 328
madhhab al-as'ab, 3 7 mahdūd 'alayhi, 1 374
madhkür and madhkürin, 3 140 mahdūr 'alayhi, 3 267
ma'dhür, 1 131; 2 48 mahi al-dīn, 2 395
mádi, 3 81, 83 máhiya, 3 75, 127, 133, 137, 144, 231, 266
madina, 2 411 mahjür, 1 95, 579, 584; 2 222, 456
madlūl, 3 202 mahkama, 1 230
madnūn saghīr, 3 6 mahküm bihi, 3 231
madrasa, 1 169, 242, 371; 2 24, 65, 66, 68- mahmal, 1 403
71, 147, 151-153, 173, 197, 205, 207, mahmūl, 3 81
299, 304, 463, 478 mahram (mahārim), 2 384
madrib, 1 230 mahráni, 2 323
ma dim, 2 279; 3 71, 75 mahüt, 3 335
mad'ün, 3 141 mahu, al-bashariya bi-mubāyanāt al-iláhiya, 3
mafakhir, 1 266 269
mafāza, 3 280, 292 mahzūr, 1 77; 3 70, 90, 179
mafdūl, 3 190 mā'ida, 1 518; 3 298
mafhūm, 3 71, 72, 73, 182 mama, 2 302, 303
mafhūm al-mukhalafa, 1 373 majāhil, 2 441, 477
mafhūmāt, 3 74 majālis wa-hikāyāt, 2 219
mafsada, 3 179 majāz, majāzan, 1 218, 374; 2 60, 81, 338;
mafsal, 3 343 3 6, 77, 82, 83, 84, 129, 174, 276
maftūn, 1 156; 3 182 majāz rājih, 3 276
mafil, mafūl mutlaq, 3 80, 102 majāzī, 2 281, 411
maf alat, 2 81; 3 71 majdhüb, 3 335
maghfira, 1 223 majhūl, 1 522
maghfiret zünüp, 2 272 majlis (majālis), 1 10, 90, 225, 242, 278,
maghlab al-hāl, 2 292 286, 346, 388, 437; 2 134, 135, 306,
maghrib, 1 117; 3 214 341, 423
maghüthat, 1 124, 156 majlis al-sultān, 1 448
mahabba, 1 76, 81, 96, 108, 151, 341, 342, majma', 3 329
majmū" and majmū'a, 2 445, 446, 479; 4 4 manā (ma'ānī) and bi-ma'nā, 1 18, 201,
Majnūn (majānīn), 1 125 272, 632; 2 42, 60, 81, 339, 369; 3 5,
majrür, 3 81 14-16, 33-35, 64, 66, 71, 75, 77, 80, 82,
majūna, 1 145; 3 198 85, 103, 134, 135, 139, 141, 170, 173,
majūrūn, 1 554 304, 325
majzüm, 3 81 ma'nā nafsī, 3 117, 142
makan, 3 7, 65, 69, 71, 122 ma'nā ruhānī, 2 373
makān mubārak, 2 4 ma'nā wāhid, 3 140
makäna, 1 15 manām, 3 168
makārim al-akhlaq, 1 lxvii manāsik, 1 546, 550; 3 91, 222
makhārij al-hurüf, 3 94 mandsik al-hājj, 1 221, 345
makhārig, 1 294; 2 40, 41, 42 manat al-taklif, 3 58
makhdüm, 1 117, 134 ma‘nawiya, 3 135
makhliig, makhlūga, 3 69, 139, 144 mandīl, 1 509; 2 346, 442, 449
makhlūg min aysa, 2 418 mandūb, 3 178, 179
makhraj, 3 95 manhaj, 2 480
ma'khüdh, 3 335 manhaj al-asrār, 2 480
makki, 3 285 "manhaqqem," 2 447
makr, 1 13, 554; 2 58, 60, 86; 3 7, 22, 33, mann, 1 112, 508
114, 267 mangūd, 3 81
makrüh, 3 179 mangūs, 3 317
makshüf, 3 383 mansab, 3 285
maktab, 1 270; 3 4 manshür, 2 242
mal al-jahbadha, 1 144 mansūb, 3 81
malā”, 1 386; 3 8, 122 Mansūr, 1 98
malähim, 1 639, 640
“Mansür al-Mashrig,” 3 265
malak, 1 392 mantig, 2 410
malaküt, 2 113; 3 146, 327 mantigīyūn, 3 82
malhama, 1 297 mantüq, 3 71
mālik, 3 102 manūt, 3 6, 335
Mālik al-dunyā, 1 119 manzil (manāzil), 1 342; 2 226; 3 320
malik halihi, 2 392 manzür, 2 187; 3 91, 92
Málik yawm al-Din, 3 159 magābir (or gubūr) al-shuhadā', 1 177, 229,
ma'lūh, 1 302 275, 277, 283
ma'lūl, 3 97 magāl, magāla, 1 529; 2 38; 3 6, 126
таат, 1 14; 2 81; 3 69, 71-74, 98, 123, magālid, 3 106, 108
323 maqam, 1 23, 540; 2 24, 25, 179, 222, 302,
ma lümiya, 3 74 328
mamlūk, 1 399, 401, 425, 427, 620; 2 183; magām Hallāj, magām-i Hallaj, 1 42, 228; 2
3102 24
ma'mür, 1 77 magām mahmūd, 1 524, 527
mamzer, 1 576 magám al-nabiyin, 2 20
man, 2 81; 3 317 magāma, 2 354
man ahāla 'I-ma'āsī, 3 78 magām-i nafs, 2 222
“man anta," 2 359 magāmāt, 1 96, 342, 512; 2 61, 94, 341,
manfi 'l-wajdī Mawjūd, 3 26 438, 439, 480; 3 23, 24, 40, 338
"man haddahu, faqad 'addahu," 3 319 maqarr al-arwáh, 3 157
"man là jawfa lahu,” 3 132 magdūr, 3 69, 71

maqrün, 3 6 mash, 1 392

magāsid, 3 343 mash ‘ald 'I-khuffayn, 3 223
magsūra, 1 279 mashā'ikh, mashāykh, 2 125, 132
magtūl, 3 156 mashhad, 2 399, 410
magtūl talafan, 3 156 mashhiid, 2 301; 3 27, 268
ma'gūl thānī, 3 55 mashhür, 1 115; 2 299
maqülat, 3 65, 70 mashi'a (al-), 1 14; 3 71, 98, 104, 112,
marad, 2 14 118, 123, 280
ma rad ghilmān al-ansár, 1 279 mashi'a ma'lūm, 3 117
marāsil, 1 548 mashrab, 2 178
тағауу, 2 313 mashshad, 2 22
marbüb, 3 131 ma'shūg, 1 363, 621
marfag (marāfig), 1 144, 262, 411 mashwi, 1 119
marfa', 3 81 mashyakha, 1 168; 2 188, 460, 467, 472; 3
ma'rifa (ma'ārif), 1 27, 130, 168, 346, 519, 264; 4 15
520; 2 57, 81, 224, 230, 380, 392, 393, mashyakha 'l-masūna (al-), 2 24
480; 3 5, 6, 18, 23, 26, 55-57, 59-61, 76, Masih, 1 323; 2 99, 100
79, 82, 86, 102, 105, 115, 118, 125, 149, ma'stya, 3 306
150, 225, 269, 271, 299, 321, 322, 358 masjid (masajid), 1 225, 230, 239, 242, 274,
marifa asltya, 3 57, 105 283, 288, 371, 405, 500, 526, 620; 2 24,
ma‘rifa bi dalil, 3 55 50, 93, 112
ma rifa darüriya, 3 61 masjid al-amir, 1 65
ma ‘rifa hujja, 3 130 masjid al-dirar, 1 526
ma'rifa kasbiya, 3 61 maskh, 3 159
ma'rifa sifat al-wahdänïya, З 130 maslaha, 3 179
ma'rifa tawhid, 3 128, 130 maslaha mursala, 1 551; 3 60, 183
ma rifa thāniya, 3 55 maslak al-rūh, 3 28
“тата turafrif ‘ald "I-qalb (al-)," 3 324 maslib, 1 36, 40, 52, 274, 372, 405, 623; 2
ma'rifa fila, 3 55 4, 21, 22, 148; 3 257
ma'rifa wājiba, 3 61 maslib al-Hallaj, 1 628; 2 95, 150; 4 22
ma'rifat Allah, 3 60 maslūb, 1 452, 596, 615; 2 100; 3 221, 360
markab al-najāt, 1 490; 2 347, 453 masmitd, 1 71; 2 196
markhiya ‘aynayyd, 1 lxvi Masmūd ilayhi (al-), 3 9
marmüz and marmūza, 1 511 masmūd ilayhi bi-'l-hawā'ij, 3 132
marsumát, 2 81; 3 71 masmūd ilayhi bi-'-tā'āt, 3 132
martabat haqaiq, 2 480 masnūn, 3 178
marthiya, 1 622; 2 341 тазға? al-Hallāj, 2 432
ma'rüf, 3 76 masrū', 1 117, 133; 2 48
marzbān, 1 167 massáh, 1 261
mas'ad, 3 175 mastaba, 1 605
Masäffiya, 1 257, 426 mastürin, 1 388
masāhif al-amsār, 1 431 ma'sūm, 1 301; 3 70
masāil, 1 69, 75; 3 53 mata, 3 8
masäkin, 1 402, 550 “mäta "alā "l-tawahhum," 3 38
mas'ala surayjiya, 1 372, 375; 2 298; 3 90 matā'in, 3 139
masamir, 1 450, 599 mathalī, 1 129
masdar, 3 80, 81, 82, 83, 87, 319 mathālib, 1 266
masfüh, 2 274 ma'thür, 3 324
matlab ta'abbudi, 1 380 mihna (mihan), 1 273, 393, 449, 466, 610;
matlab tawassuli, 1 380 2 93, 343, 352; 3 112, 113
matn, 1 150, 152 mihnat al-Hallāj, 1 453
ma'tüf, 3 6 Mihr, 1 209
ma'ūna, 1 467, 558 mihräb, 1 269, 274, 488, 495, 547
mawadda, 1 341 Mihrāb Zakarīya, 1 540
mawāhim, 3 343 mijmara, 1 15
mawdū", 3 81 milla (milal), 3 105, 149, 150, 185, 187,
mawjūd, 2 279; 3 69, 71, 72, 75 198
mawjūd al-'ayn, 1 309 mīm, 1 132, 176, 200-202, 290, 301, 321,
mawjūd dhihnī, 3 71 329, 392, 472, 594; 2 80, 277; 3 7, 35,
mawjūd al-hāsil (lil-), 3 75 284, 288, 304, 325, 332, 336
mawjūdāt, 3 65 mīmīya, 1 146, 390, 512; 3 345
mawkib, 2 149 min dūn, 3 161
mawlā (mawālī), 1 21, 25, 64, 66, 122, minbar (manābir), 1 79; 2 252, 453
138, 175, 176, 201, 204, 255, 256, 258, mindaf, 2 30
273, 298, 300, 315, 322, 428, 435, 485, minhāj, 3 245
558, 599, 640; 2 94, 219 minhu, 3 74
mawlid, 1 213, 214 migdār (magādīr), 3 8, 124, 203
mawlüd, 1 207; 3 58 migrama, 1 508
mawqif, 2 88, 208 migwal, 3 80
mawsūf wasif (al-), 3 76 migyās, 1 571
mawsüfiya, 3 231 miāj, 1 14, 30, 128, 189, 540, 550, 609,
mawt, 3 14 645; 2 101, 110, 168, 247, 248, 348,
mayl al-tab‘, 3 25 365, 375, 381, 382; 3 193, 201, 204,
maysir, 3 89 286, 294, 296-298, 300, 329; 4 127
mazáhir, 3 234 misbāh, 1 284
Mazálim, 1 387, 400, 408 mishkāt, 1 284; 3 137, 343
mazänna, 1 15 misk, 2 79
mazhar ‘an innaka, 2 61 mithāl, 2 59; 3 6, 16, 25, 56, 75
mazhar (al-dhat), 2 247 mīthāg, 1 76, 130, 151, 300; 2 118, 204,
mazid, 3 317, 319 235, 255, 264, 273, 384; 3 7, 13, 100,
mazlūm, 1 132, 571, 578, 626, 628; 2 35, 101, 105, 107, 131, 159, 195, 200, 266
48 mithl, 3 86, 129
mazra'a, 2 25 mithgāl, 1 235, 236, 271, 488
meftūl, 1 621; 2 273 mizah, A 228
meidan (maydān), 2 272-274 mizāj al-ajsām, 3 70
meidan "Alī, 2 274 mīzān, 3 159
melati, 2 291 mīzān al-'amal, 2 336
methnewī, 2 267 mi'zār, 2 365
meydanci, 2 272 morphēmata, 1 215
mi'ād jismānī, 1 15 mū, 3 98
mi'ad rūhānī, 3 70 mu'abbir, mu'abbirūn, mu'abbirīn, 1 630,
miak werana, 2 290 632; 2 188, 337, 338, 339
midhūb, 2 94 mu'addib, 1 255; 2 329
midra'a, 1 103, 515 mu'allafa, 3 98
"mihan al-süfiya," 1 384 mu allaq, 3 81, 232
mihlaj, 2 31, 258 mu'āmalāt, 2 480; 3 224

mu‘ammarin, 2 191, 219, 475 61, 69, 72, 74, 88, 90, 98, 122, 149,
mu “arada, 3 7, 85 167, 170, 172, 189, 225, 245, 249, 268,
mu'arrifin, 1 223 394, 399, 406, 415, 416, 418, 435, 437,
mu'ashara, 3 227 438, 455-457, 462, 463, 467, 510, 528,
mu'awwal, 3 181, 311 529, 626, 642; 2 8, 11, 33, 34, 66, 71,
mu azzimūn, 2 337 92, 118, 131, 175, 190, 205-207, 209,
mubāh, 3 90, 178, 179 210, 216, 219, 298-300, 308, 314, 444,
mubāhala, 1 xxxi, 15, 299-301, 308, 320, 457, 466, 467, 470; 3 22, 143, 237, 245,
380, 392, 484, 553, 599, 636, 645; 2 451 277
mubālagha, 2 230 muhādh, 3 66
muballigh, 1 550 muhadhdhab, 3 346
mubārak, 2 463 Muhaqqiq, 2 313, 319-321; 3 62
mubāshara, 2 20; 3 70, 127 Muhaqqiq al-"Asā, 2 323
mubāya'a, 2 146 Muhaqqiq al-Tawhid, 2 319
mubda" min laysa, 2 418 muharaba, 1 380
mubīd, 3 191 muhayman, 1 105
mubram, 3 81 Muhayyar (al-), 1 12, 101
mubtada’, mubtadā, 2 62, 81, 88; 3 232, 234 muhdath, muhdatha, 3 69, 71, 107, 110
mubtadi', 3 144 muhdi, 1 71
mudabbirūn, 1 196 muhdith nafs al-kufr, 3 78
mudari', 3 81, 83 muhibb, 1 81
mudarraj, 3 265 muhill, 2 200
mudarris, 1 44, 371; 2 24, 65, 424 muhigg, 3 9
muddaī, 1 10, 315 muhkam, 3 174
muddatan, 1 20 muhmal, 3 6
mudgha, 3 12 muhram, 1 554; 2 222
mudh qarib, 1 94 muhrim, 1 540, 542, 551
mudhakkir, 1 122; 2 209, 213 muhtasib, 1 232, 263, 376, 407, 469, 474,
mudkhaliya, 3 109 499, 557; 2 32, 63, 127, 145, 361, 472; 4
mudtarr, 3 97 27
muezzin, 2 77, 191, 246, 248, 264, 345, muhyī, 2 395; 3 20
449, 451 mu'ill, 1 197; 3 129
mufükaha, 3 165 Mu'ill al-anām, 1 129
mufassal, 3 6, 84 ти al-‘ilal, 1 199
mufassar, 3 174 Mujaddid, 2 98
mufassir, 1 45, 100, 245; 2 33 mujaddid al-'asr, 2 97
mufawwid, 1 386 mujāhadat al-fāsig, 3 211
mufid al-khayrat, 2 418 mujahid, 1 187, 289, 411, 498, 617; 2 35,
mufradät, 3 65, 128 87, 89, 314
mufti, 1 172, 387, 456, 490, 524; 2 5, 20, mujam, 2 477
53, 63, 119, 120, 237 mujāgir, 1 110, 371, 485; 2 324
mughayara, 3 231 mujarrada, 3 105
Mughith (al-), 1 11, 28, 99, 101 тијаѕѕіта, 2 10, 59
mughni, 2 336 mujāwara, 3 65
* Mughriq qawm Nüh," see “апа muhlik” mūjib sharī, 2 180
Muhādatha, 3 103, 235 mūjiba, 3 82
muhaddathūn, 1 311 mujiza, 1 291, 294, 325; 2 42; 3 199, 210
muhaddith (muhaddithūn), 1 4, 7, 9, 57, 58, mujmal, 2 60; 3 6, 84, 174
mujtahid, 1 481; 2 143 mugri”, 1 55, 58, 100, 102, 268, 532; 2 9,
Mujtahidūn, 3 332 12, 118, 135, 163, 189, 196, 215, 466,
mujtahidūn usültyün, 2 17 471; 4 16
mukālama, 3 202 murabbi, 2 363
mukāshafa bi mubāsharat al-yagīn, 3 61 murād, 1 133; 2 360; 3 41
mukassar, 1 234 murādāt, 3 118, 119
mukawwan, 3 71, 72 murāgaba, 1 550
mukhallad, 3 152 muraqqa'a, 1 11, 25, 103-105, 107, 113,
mukhātab, 3 81, 305 135, 632; 2 129
mukhātabat Allāh, 3 9 murdafat, 1 278
mukhlis, 3 33, 151, 182 типа, 1 46; 2 7, 107, 165, 193, 200, 206,
mukhtārīn, 1 257 207, 218, 224, 234, 360; 3 41, 118
mukhtasab, 3 55, 110 mursal, 2 94; 3 199
mukhtasar, 1 636; 2 311 murshid, murshit, 2 272, 337
mulābasa, 3 183 murshid al-zuwar, 1 536
mulāhaza, 3 46 murtadd, 1 318, 380
mulhag, 3 317, 319 murtahil, 1 581
mulhid, 1 190 muruwwa, 1 5, 267
mulk, 3 102, 132, 146 musa ala, 3 159
mulgī, 1 372 musabbagha, 1 102
mulūk, 1 29, 240, 322 musabbil, 1 595
mulūk al-diya*, 1 262 musāh, 1 102-104
Mumayyiz (al-), 1 11, 101 musähib, 2 309
mm min, 1 218; 2 93, 94; 3 62, 148, 151, musajja‘, 3 336
176, 307 musälaha, 1 299, 484
mumit, 3 20 musalla, 1 407, 415
mumkin, 3 10, 70, 71, 72, 73 musalsalat, 2 188, 190
mumtanī, 2 42 musamma (al-), 3 7, 76, 172-174, 176
mumtani', 3 72 musawwir, 1 13, 523
munādī, 2 343 mushabaha, 3 135
munáfiq, 1 380; 3 5, 151, 176, 182 mushahada, 1 121
mutāja, munājāt, munājāya, 1 13, 564, 572; mushakkik, 3 82, 84
2 159, 187, 221, 282; 3 50, 278, 336 mushfiq, 3 182
munawwir, munawwar, 3 83 mushir, 1 60, 90, 148
munāzarat al-hāvūn, 1 553 mushkil, 3 174
mundh, 3 82 mushrif, 1 255
munhamir, 3 329 mushrik, 3 151, 154, 165, 233, 322
munkar, 1 469; 3 191 mushriq, 2 29
munqati", 3 323 mushtarik, mushtarika, 3 82, 181
mungidh, 3 72 musib and musiba, 1 104
muntammīn, 2 315 muslim, 1 222; 3 151, 152. See also salah
muqaddar, 2 62 al-muslimin
mugallid and mugallidūn, 1 279 musnad, 1 437
mugārana, 3 109 mustabah, 2 295
mugarrabūn, 2 93; 3 29, 163, 165 mustad'ifün, 1 298
mugāta'a, 1 412; 3 279, 336 mustaghalla, 1 233, 409, 412, 488
mugātila, 1 53 mustaghith, 1 221
muqayyad, 3 183 mustaghrig, 2 230
Миф (al-), 1 11, 101, 185 mustahabb, 1 541; 3 178
mustahil, 3 72 mutatawwi'a, 1 171
mustahsanät, 3 169 mutawakkil, 1 613
mustajab al-da'wa, 1 204 mutawalli, 1 370; 2 463
mustajaba, 3 211 mutawallihīn, mutawallihūn, 2 94; 3 332
mustajir, 1 221 mutatwati and mutawāti'a, 3 82, 83
mustakhlif, 1 28, 204, 449, 481; 2 20, 95; 3 mu'tazila, 2 38; 3 190
210 muthilta, 1 573
mustakhrij, 1 261 muthla, 2 492
Mustalim (al-), 1 11, 101, 226, 274; 2 35, muti', 3 108
83 mutlaq, mutlaqa, 2 60, 3 183
mustamli, 1 276 титар 1 37
mustanir, 3 182 mutrafin, 1 142
mustāgīn, 2 200 muttahiman, 1 639; 2 120
mustagarr, 1 580 muttala', 2 81; 3 118, 175
mustagbal (fi ’l-), 3 89 “muttagin,” 3 29
mustasfa, 3 73 тийп usäliya, 3 6
mustaslim, 3 192 mutvāfā, 3 7, 106, 147
mustazhirī, 3 343 muwahhid, 2 460; 3 307, 309
muta’, 1 28, 131, 204; 3 8, 40, 41, 101, mutvakkil, 2 278
137, 191, 208, 235, 283, 305 muwāla, 3 106
muta āgiba, 3 97 muwashshahāt, 2 254; 3 52, 336
muta'attil, 3 17 mutvaswis, 1 122
mutāba'a, 3 203 muzakkī, 1 552, 577; 2 39, 209
mutäbaga, 3 84 muzakkī al-shuhūd, 2 209
mutābagat al-hukm li-'l-wagi*, 3 78
mutabāyin, 3 83 nabawi, 1 193
mutadabbir, 3 331 Nabi (anbiyā'), 1 311, 391; 2 93, 94, 481;
mutahajjid, 2 94; 3 332 3 198, 199, 208, 235
mutahaggig, 3 74 nabka Mirrīkhīya, 1 215
“mutajalli,” 2 439 nadb, 3 117
mutajallīvātī, 1 15 nadd, 3 77, 122
mutajarrid, 2 317 naddāf and naddafa, 1 101, 271; 2 30, 31
mutakallim, 1 15, 180, 247, 295, 296, 312, пайт (nudamā”), 1 146, 225, 252, 255,
315, 392, 589; 2 6, 12, 35, 39, 40, 44, 279, 331, 389, 394, 423, 474, 478, 537,
56, 130, 205, 316, 410, 440; 3 14, 24, 556; 2 122, 127
25, 32, 42, 48, 50, 53, 64, 66, 67, 72, nadīm kāfir, 2 272
73, 81, 121, 137, 142, 270, 296, 323, nadm, 3 147
341, 343, 349, 354 nafal, 2 356, 361; 3 178, 223
mutakhayyila, 3 70, 297 nafas (anfās), 2 393; 3 15, 18, 25, 96, 268
mutālaba, 3 7, 85 nāfila (nawāfil), 1 383, 384; 3 90, 149, 150,
mutarädifat, 3 82 223, 229
mutaräkim, 3 329 nafir, 2 77
mutarassim, 3 74 nafkh and nafkh al-Rüh, 2 384, 392, 394
mutasarrifa, 3 70 nafs (anfus, nufüs), 1 182, 340, 344, 358,
mutasawwif, 1 342, 343; 2 202, 205 578, 579, 580; 2 164, 222, 277, 360,
mutashabih and mutashābihāt, 1 339; 3 103, 372, 392, 416; 3 5, 12, 13, 15-17, 19,
174, 305 26, 35, 50, 59, 122, 123, 146, 162, 173,
mutashābihāt al-sifat, 2 480 284, 298, 331, 347, 352, 353
mutatābi'āt, 1 544 nafs ammära, 2 277, 291
nafs al-jism, 1 526 nāgid, 1 627
nafs al-kufr, 3 79 nagl, 3 56, 82, 276
nafs kulliya, 2 416; 3 122 nagl al-asma’, 3 176
nafs lawwama, 2 277, 291 nār, 1 122
nafs mulhima, 2 277 Har mūgada, 1 588
nafs murdiya, 2 277 nar ta'ajjuj, 1 15
nafs mutmá'inna, 1 130; 2 277 nay al-tahwil, 1 515
nafs natiga, 1 14, 572; 2 415; 3 16, 97, 137 narjis, 1 368
nafs rādīya, 2 277 nās, 1 219; 3 276
nafs säfiya, 2 277 nasab, 2 42, 58, 143; 3 18, 87, 129, 201,
Nafs Zakiya, 1 23, 203, 298, 599; 3 265 246
nafy, 3 85, 230, 316 nasab māddī, 1 299
nafy aslī, 3 183 nasab rūhānī, 1 618; 2 95
nafy al-hayāt, 3 70 nasahtuhum, 1 79
nafy al-‘ilal, 3 280 nasb, 1 lvi
nafy al-istithna’, 3 7 nasha'a, 1 58
nafy al-magādīr, 3 7, 64, 70 nasik, 1 192
nafy wa ithbāt, 3 280 nāsir, 2 293
nāhiyat al-jabal, 1 164 naskh, 2 98; 3 182
nahnū, 2 59, 60 nass, 1 373; 3 55, 174, 182, 190
nahr, 1 540 nass jalī wa-ishāra, 3 193
nahw, 2 13; 3 6, 276 nassākh, 1 8; 2 461
nahwiyin, 1 243; 2 410 nāsūt, 1 218, 292, 367, 386, 526, 566, 591,
nahy, 3 53, 185, 316 600; 2 303, 336, 393, 396; 3 7, 34, 35,
nahy ‘an al-munkar, 1 386 43, 74, 100-102, 335; 4 126
nā'ib, 1 60, 148-150, 167, 272, 315, 317, nāsūtīja, 1 201; 3 45, 235
318, 326, 376, 418, 464, 496, 498; 2 na't, 2 382; 3 45, 235
127, 133, 138, 149, 161, 296, 297, 463; na't Haqq, 3 327
3247 nat’, 1 451
nā'ihāt, 1 276 nathrayn, nathrayni, 1 16, 588
najwā, 3 12 nātig, nātiga, 1 132, 301, 522; 3 35, 137,
nakhkhāsīn, 1 255, 279 142, 274. See also nafs nātiga and rūh nā-
nakira, 2 81; 3 6, 60, 316 tiga
namaz, 2 370 Майа bi-'l-haqq, yuntig bi-'l-haqq, 1 217
пати, 1 184, 198; 3 157 паш", 38
nāmūsī, 1 197 nawāb, 2 280
nanhaka, 1 481 nawadir, 1 lxii, 501
nagīb (nugaba’), 1 42, 110, 170, 171, 179, nawm, 1 126
250, 256, 258, 283, 306, 311, 371, 406, nawt, 1 386
407, 480; 2 65, 69, 93, 94, 111, 114, na'y, 1 575; 2 301
123, 132, 133, 136-139, 145, 146, 149, Nayrüz, 1 75, 165, 166, 205, 206, 210,
150, 157, 217, 297, 361, 466; 3 251 212-214, 259, 412, 476, 535; 2 86
nagīb al-Ansār, 1 250 nazar al-basar, 3 291
пад al-ashrāf, 1 120; 2 149 nazar ilā 'l-murd, 1 362; 3 228
naqib al-futūwa, 2 153 Nazar al-Mazálim, 1 256, 386-388, 495
nagib al-nugaba’, 2 152, 173, 198 Nazar al-Qudat, 1 388
naqib al-talibiyin, 1 321; 2 138, 152 nazar, 1 350; 2 480; 3 44, 54, 55, 65, 76,
nagīd, 2 33; 3 83 91, 92, 147, 159, 298

nazara, 3 215 nuqta al-asliya (al-), 1 284; 2 411; 3 57

nāzir, 3 92 nugtat al-bikar, 1 216
nāzir al-mazálim, 2 151, 152 nür (anwar), 1 70, 315; 2 73, 280; 3 17, 18,
nazla икта, 3 200 27, 50, 123, 124, 144, 235, 284, 306
nazm, 3 80, 141, 182 Nür ‘ald Nūr, 2 382-384
nefes, 2 254, 255, 272 nür al-‘ayn, 3 6
nefesoglu, 1 624 nūr azalī, 3 287
ney-i Mansūr, 2 32, 77, 259 Nūr al-Ghayb, 3 284
ney-i Shah, 2 32, 259 nūr maghūr, nūr maghūra, 2 379; 3 35, 59,
nia, 3 343, 344 134
nida’, 1 300, 301; 2 237, 376, 422; 3 181 Nūr Muhammadī, 1 63, 131, 133, 218; 2
nidā” al-munādī, 1 297 236, 269, 394
nidd, 1 69 Nūr Mukhammir, 3 284
nifāg, 1 121, 380; 3 33, 147, 154, 187 nūr gāhir, 2 379; 3 17, 34, 59
nihad bend, 2 223 mir sha'sha'ānī, 1 201, 472; 3 7, 34, 35,
nihaya, 1 76; 3 45, 73 43, 110, 134
“al-nihdya, rujū” ilā "I-bidaya," 3 45 nūr al-tadbīr, 3 17
nikāh, 1 319; 3 164, 186 Nūr Tāsīnī, 1 472
ni^ma ‘ald ’l-kafir, 3 120 Nar “Лит, 1 472; 3 59, 134
nigāba, 1 120, 249, 390, 406, 480; 2 176 nūr yaghir, 3 134
nigābat al-ashráf, 1 249 nūr zulāmī, ийт zulamiya, 3 15, 35, 134
nignig, 1 450, 605 nūrānīya, 1 644
nīranj, nīranjīyāt, 1 293, 504; 2 223 nūrīya, 3 17
nisa’, 3 165 nusk, 3 309
nisba, 1 65, 82, 99, 140, 164, 179, 425, nusra, nusrat al-Hallāj, 2 159, 470, 471; 3
447; 2 208, 307, 356, 440; 3 87, 252, 319 106
nisk, 3 268 nutg, 1 23, 494; 2 374; 3 94, 97, 327
niya, niya, niyya, 1 598; 2 238; 3 5, 22, 24, nutą bi-’l-shahddatayn, 1 519
25, 149, 150, 225, 229, 314 nutqi, 3 214
niya ablagh min al-'amal (al-), 3 23, 32, 149 nu qt, 3 65
niyāba, 1 273 nuzūl, 1 28, 523; see also hadith al-nuzül
niyaz, 2 272 nuzūl al-rahma, 1 604
noeron, 1 216
nubūwa, nubuwwa, 1 295; 3 198, 199, 201, oikodespotes, 1 209
304 onda, 2 232
nubūwa abadiya, 3 7
nubüwa azaliya, 3 7 pādishah, 2 237
nubūvwa bi-istihgāg, 3 282 pāreh dūz, 2 378
nubuwiya, 1 282, 283, 508 patwari, 1 261
nuhát, 1 128, 243; 3 83. See also nahwiyin pāydār, 2 252, 380, 381
nujaba’, 2 93 pay-i dar, 1 453
nukat, 1 37; 2 481 perwerdeh, 1 58
numūw, 3 50 phonetikon, 1 216
nūn, 1 287, 290; 2 420; 3 121, 336, 344 phil, 2 282
nūnīya, 1 575 physikon, 1 216
nugayla, 1 290 pinjara, panjuri, 2 276
nugla, 3 19, 35, 50 I pir, 2 31, 235, 261, 275, 403, 404, 408; 3
nugta (nuqat), 3 6, 64, 68, 280 265
pir al-nugaba’, 2 446 qahara, 1 255
pir-i tarīga, 2 373 gahhar, 2 75, 277
politikon, 1 216 gā'ilīya, 3 108, 110, 137, 143
pūja, 1 47; 2 285 gā'ilūn bi-'1-lafz, 3 95, 143
pust, 2 272 gā'ilūn bi-'I-shahid, 1 574; 2 62; 3 27
gā'im, 1 298; 3 35, 160, 182
Qab Qawasayn, 1 482; 3 274, 275, 295, 351 gā'im bi-'I-hagg, 3 41
ааба”, 1 103, 135, 182 gāl, 2 232
qabala, 2 358 gālab, 3 16
qabd, 1 342 galam, 1 152, 193, 393; 2 378, 381; 3 122,
qabda ma'lūma, 1 23 332
qabih, 3 78 galandar khāneh, 2 266
qabl al-sam', 3 60 galb (gulūb), 1 xxxiv, 72; 2 164, 277, 378,
qabr (gubūr), 1 231; 2 22, 23, 25. See also 392; 3 12, 13, 15-18, 82, 142, 324, 347,
magābir 353; 4 98
qabr al-Hallāj, 1 40, 99; 2 22, 23, 24 galb al-a'yan, 2 41; 3 219
gabūl, 2 34, 35, 37, 40, 106 qamar, 2 378
gabūl al-tawba, 3 155 qamh, 1 489
gad uthifta, 1 166 gamīsān, 1 107
gadā”, 1 577; 2 372; 3 118, 121, 134, 192, ganādīl, 1 122; 3 164, 220
240 qantara and qantarat, 1 231, 309
gadam al-fasawwuf, 1 611 garāh, 1 230
qadar, 1 266; 2 16; 3 53, 100, 110, 119 qari’ (gurrā”), 1 Ixix, 9, 42, 59, 62, 83, 90,
qadhf, 1 360, 380 100, 102, 124, 225, 243, 244, 247, 394,
gādī (gudāt), 1 xliv, xlv, xlviii, xlil, 59, 410, 420, 429, 490, 497, 499, 500, 534,
109, 124, 141, 142, 148, 150, 156, 169, 578, 602, 617, 627, 628; 2 6, 10, 33, 64,
171, 219, 221, 231, 242-244, 246-248, 131, 184, 218, 298, 308, 311, 314, 324,
268, 273, 277, 278, 304, 306, 310, 323, 466, 469; 3 239, 250, 251, 258, 259; 4 9
330, 331, 336, 346, 358, 359, 370, 376, qarim, 2 25
378, 381, 387-389, 393, 423, 435, 436, gārina, 3 81, 85
438, 439, 448, 459, 473, 495, 496-498, qarmaq, 2 237
539, 544, 551, 560, 576, 577, 586, 612, qarr, 1 111
627; 2 5, 7-9, 14, 36, 38, 51, 56, 69, 71, gārsh-i yaqa, 1 460; 2 487
94, 125, 127, 131, 136, 144, 146, 149- qasam Hallājī, 2 278
152, 163, 166, 183, 188, 197, 266, 287, “gasama Tarsūs,” 1 159; 3 227
288, 296, 297, 305, 306, 316, 332, 333, “qasam-i pahlawi,” 2 278
360, 388, 409, 413, 425, 426, 442, 457, qasd, 3 24, 25
463, 467, 472, 475, 477, 487, 488, 491; qasd al-Haqq, 2 416
3 213, 250, 251, 254, 260, 263, 264, qasida, 1 165, 179, 203, 252, 297, 332, 345,
346; 4 7, 16, 52 368, 393, 447, 581, 597, 600; 2 121,
gādī shāhid, 2 145 122, 124, 128, 142, 180, 182, 204, 219,
qadim and дайта, 1 572; 3 7, 64, 70, 144 238, 243, 256, 257, 266, 294, 305, 313,
gadīr, 2 40 331, 234, 354, 396, 398, 415, 416, 419,
gadīya, 3 66 420, 451; 3 121, 197, 217, 266, 279,
qadr, 2 93; 3 124, 268 334, 335, 337, 338, 344, 352; 4 95
qáfiya, 1 575 gāsih, 3 23
qahar mana, 1 166, 225, 255, 258, 400, gasm, 3 332
401, 421, 439, 442, 479, 480, 500, 505, gasr, 1 227
515, 535; 2 161 445, 1 275, 346, 544; 3 119, 169, 200
qaswat al-galb, 3 114 giyāmī bi-haggika, 3 41
gat’, 1 380; 3 86, 322 giyāmuka bi-haggī, 3 41
qatl al-ghulam, 3 265 giyān, giyān hijāziyāt, 1 255, 279
gattān, 1 102; 3 265 giyās, 1 34, 313, 369; 3 82, 183, 184, 306,
gawā'id, 1 106 313
gawārīrī, 1 75 giyās jalī, 3 84
qawl (agwāl), 2 157, 159; 3 133, 149, 150, qiyds khaft, 3 85
151 giyās muttarid ‘ald ’l-asl al-ma үй}, 3 85
qawl bi-'!-shāhid, qa'il bi-’l-shahid, 1 13, 81, giyās al-tard, 1 374, 377
126, 384, 521, 523, 525, 566, 632, 635; qubbat al-shu‘ara’, 1 128, 225
2202 gubūr al-asrār, 2 205
qawl muhdathfi "I-dhat, 3 110 gubūr al-shuhada’, 1 229, 231, 544
qawl al-sahābī, 3 182 guddās, 2 18, 55
qawl al-wahid min al-‘itra, 3 182 gudra, 1 14, 301, 505, 644; 2 42, 235; 3 5,
qawm sálihin, 1 517; 3 264 20, 108, 110, 137
qawmin, 2 315 gudra mu aththira, 3 110
qaws and qawsayn, 1 210; 2 258; 3 310 gudrat al-ījād, 1 526
gawwāl, 1 225, 276, 287; 2 195 quds (qudus), 3 31, 128
Qayim (Oā'im), 1 203, 205, 207, 208, 308, qulüb al-ahrar, 2 4, 205
322, 323, 392; 2 98, 101 qummi, 2 80
qaysariya. 1 242, 264, 282 gumsān al-masükhija, 1 594
gayyūm, 2 277 quanära, 2 156
genberbest, 2 273 gunūt, 1 461, 539; 3 155, 227
genberiye, 1 621 "Qur'an nātig,” 3 136
qibla, 1 lxiv, 13, 67, 189, 219, 221, 278, "Ourän (al-) nusikha,” 3 139
347, 572, 645; 2 90, 251, 262, 323, 365; “Qur'an (al-) sunh," 3 37
3 294 qurb, 1 81, 118, 342, 402; 2 194; 3 18, 41;
gibgāb, 2 446, 449, 453 4 110
gidam, 1 lvi; 3 7, 102, 135, 344 qurba, 3 216, 223
gidam al-muhdathāt, 3 132 qurban and qurbaniyin, 2 93, 253, 323
gidam al-rüh, 1 77, 81 „gurbānīyān, 2 283
gidam al-tasawwuf, 1 611 qurmus, 1 559; 2 340
girā'a, 1 61, 245, 544; 2 13, 124, 191, 210, qurs, 1 109
466 qushür, 1 425
girā'a "alā "I-hikaya, 1 491 gussās, 1 276, 332, 346; 2 306
gīrāt, 1 235 gustās, 3 15, 336
gisās, 1 452; 2 385 qutb, qutbiya, 1 204, 273, 449; 2 78, 93, 94,
gism, 3 82 104, 113, 191, 396; 3 193, 334
qissa, gisseh (qisas), 1 42, 73; 2 354, 361, qutb al-awliya’, 2 426
376; 3 141 quid, 3 11, 191
gistas, 3 343 айша, quwwa, 2 61; 3 124
gistās mustagīm, 3 72 quwwa mu aththira, 3 109, 110
giwām, 1 542; 3 9, 49 Qyzyl Gül, 2 340
giyām (giyāma, giyāmāt), 1 126, 285; 3 6,
11, 41, 56, 229 ra’, 2 256, 268; 3 336
giyām bi-haggihi, 3 8 ra'āyas, 1 262
giyām bi-nafsihi, 3 8 * Ra'aytu Rabbi,” 3 237, 291
giyām al-hujja, 3 183 rabāb, 1 437
giyāmī bi-hagg al-rabb, 3 9 rabad, 1 54, 170, 283

rabb (arbab), 1 152, 176, 431, 490; 2 255, rākib, 1 450

272 ramal, 2 256; 3 336
rabb al-arbāb, 3 8 ramh, 1 637
Rabb al-‘Izza, 1 632 rāmī (rumāt), 2 96; 3 267
rabbānī, rabbänïya, 1 36; 3 9 ramīm, 3 20
rabbayt, 1 58 tams, 3 338
rabt al-wujüd bi-'ayn al-shuhüd, 2 61 ragīg (rigāg), 3 205
rād, 3 192 ragg al-kawn, 3 18, 64
radd, 2 34, 37, 40, 106, 422, 467 ragga’, 2 378
radd jamīl, 2 336 rags, 2 336, 439; 3 228
radd al-ghā'ib ilā '!-shāhid, 3 84 ra's al-shāt, 1 119
raf', 1 lvi, 636; 2 168; 3 19 rasail, 1 75, 143, 256, 389; 2 488. See also
raf. al-annīya, 3 41, 46 risāla
raf. al-himma, 2 92 rāshidūn, 2 236, 481; 3 193
raf al-*inn, 2 392 ra’siyat and rawāsī, 1 15, 573
rafa, 3 203 rasm (rusūm), 1 106; 3 5, 55, 76, 84, 92,
rafd, 1 266 140, 170, 188
rafiq and rafīgā, 1 109, 190; 2 97 rasūl, 1 316, 325; 3 54, 197-199, 201
Кайда! "Īsā, 1 608 ratl, 1 235, 236, 261, 263, 510
raghā'ib, 1 607, 608 rawamis, 3 132
raghif, 1 232 Rawda, 1 483; 2 220
rahba, 2 22 rawh, 3 155
rahbat al-majälis, 1 230 ray, 1 313; 3 22, 76, 186, 188
rähib, 2 150, 299 rāzig, 3 20, 28
rähila, 1 581, 598; 3 226 rehber, 2 272
rahma, 3 29, 152, 205, 276, 334 rey’s el-‘ulama, 2 266
rāī, 2 313 ri'āya, ri'āyāt, 3 38, 223, 224, 307, 309
rā'iha (rawā'ih), 2 73; 3 124 ri'āyat al-aslah, 3 32, 60, 112
ra'īs (ru’asa’), 1 146, 148, 171, 172, 254, riba, 1 96, 482
322; 2 119, 197, 198, 210, 464 ribāt, ribātāt, 1 25, 41, 43, 54, 84, 87, 135,
ra'īs al-kuttāb, 1 48, 495; 2 65, 260 138, 139, 162, 175, 177, 178, 187, 228,
ra’is al-ru'asā”, 2 138, 146; 3 257 267, 506, 528, 548, 603, 612, 628, 642;
ra'is al-‘ulama’, 2 266 2 4, 5, 22, 23, 68-70, 87, 94, 95, 133,
ra'iya, 1 6 135, 141, 144, 150-152, 158, 160-164,
raja’, 1 342, 346; 3 26, 225 183, 186, 187, 189, 197, 198, 304, 329,
raj'a, 1 298, 323, 567, 592, 596, 597, 623, 387, 388, 421, 425, 441, 442, 475, 476,
636, 643; 2 16, 17; 3 157 478; 3 260
rajas, 1 356 ribát althughün, 1 103
rajt, 1 503; 3 194 rida’, 1 342; 2 302, 404; 3 7, 24, 29, 31,
rajjāla, 1 426 36, 119, 149, 223
rajul, rajulun, 1 319, 370, 579; 2 204, 216, паа bi-’l-qada’, 3 24
443 rid'a min thidi, 2 449
rak‘a, rak‘atani, 1 13, 71, 104, 220, 222, ridda, 3 153, 155
336, 477, 508, 533, 539, 540, 544, 554, rifā’, 3 287
572, 598, 599, 603, 604, 618, 638; 2 88, rifas, 2 305
150, 222, 244, 365; 3 117, 211, 227 rihla, 2 206, 331, 335
rakakat alfaz, 3 335 rijal al-ghayb, 2 93
"rak'atantfi"I-'isha," 1 liv; 2 88, 365 rijāl al-zulm, 2 313

riqa, 1 508 rukü', 3 229

rigāb, 1 617 rukūb, 3 182
riggat al-gulūb, 1 348 rumūz, 3 346, 350
risāla, 1 40, 50, 187, 256, 428; 2 39, 52, rustāg, 1 168, 169, 226
159, 163, 215, 300, 309, 331, 332, 424, rusūm al-tab^, 1 106; 3 76
425, 445; 3 31, 53, 144, 173, 198, 199, rutba khadirtya, 2 94
228, 246 ru ina, 3 76
risāla dāmigha, 3 171 ru'ya, 1 313; 2 110, 313; 3 48, 61, 76, 168,
rishi, 2 287 235
rivāg, 1 504 ru’ya bi "I-taqsir, 3 295
riwāya, riwāyet, 1 96, 150, 272, 548; 2 32, т?уа Müsa, 3 281
134, 232, 357, 359, 480, 481; 3 245 ru`yat al-'ibāda maʻa Laag, 3 161
riya’, 3 21, 154 ru'yat al-galb, 3 291
riyā” al-nafs, 3 33 rūzana, 2 389
riyāda ījābīya, 1 121 rūznāmehā, 2 223
riyāda salbiya, 1 121
riyādāt marbūta, 2 176 sa‘, 1 236
rizg (arzāg), 1 205, 206, 626; 3 20-22, 24, saa, 3 25
64, 108, 109, 133, 148, 156, 157, 158 sa'álik, 1 508
rubūbīya, rubūbīyet, 1 273, 296, 315, 382, sabab (asbāb), 1 201, 297, 309, 538; 3 127
459, 467, 471, 481, 528; 2 49, 384; 3 17, sabab al-awwal (al-), 1 71
61, 327 sabab mu'aththir, З 109
тїй (arwāh), 1 15, 72, 133, 145, 151, 152, sabb, 1 380; 2 132
196, 302, 338, 344, 382, 392, 522, 523, sabbāra, 2 79
526, 528, 589, 595; 2 92, 100, 184, 207, sabgh, 3 353
226, 277, 318, 345, 356, 362, 371, 378, sabī, 2 121
416; 35, 15-19, 25-27, 42-44, 50, 59, sabīka fadda, 3 135
67, 70, 103, 105, 122, 124, 137, 144, sābig, 2 418; 3 122
146, 162, 164, 235, 281, 283, 298, 331, sābir, 3 192
347, 353 sabr, 1 96, 115, 274; 2 444; 3 24, 36, 206,
"Rob Allah," 2 99 225; 4 44
rüh al-Amr, 1 202, 311; 2 99 Sabt al-Nūr, 1 122
rk пайда, 1 14, 201, 302, 522, 572; 2 393; sād, 1 619
3 16, 97, 101, 137, 142, 329 sāda, 1 255, 399
rūh пайда ghayr makhlüqa, 3 9 sadaga, 1 411
rūh qadim, rūh qadima, 1 522, 574; 2 57; 3 sadagat al-bayt, 1 303
145, 269, 331 sadd al-dhará'i', 3 183
rūh al-qudus al-gudūs, 2 414; 3 34 safa’, 2 81; 3 280, 300
"rühan," 3 237 safar, 1 220, 603
rūhānī, rühaniya, 1 382; 2 56, 390; 3 45, saff, 1 141
72, 106, 144, 145, 191, 353 safina, 1 643; 2 338
rūhānīya "isawiya, 2 94, 317, 319 safir, 1 255
ruhbānīya, 1 22 sāfiya, sāfiyāt, 1 622
ғијӣ", 2 110 safk al-dam, 1 450
rujū” ‘an hawlihi, 1 365 safwa, 3 245
rukhsa (rukhas), 1 599; 3 178, 208, 227 safwat al-rūh, 3 59
rukhsat al-nazar ilā 'l-wajh al-hasan, 3 168 saghmaz, 2 251
rukn (arkan), 1 23; 3 192, 226, 328 sahāba Hallājīya, 1 lviii
sahābī (sahäba), 1 98, 100, 279, 295, 499, salām, 1 93, 529, 599; 2 79, 224, 244; 3
552; 2 20, 93, 446; 3 183, 211 164, 167, 187, 209, 227
sahar, 1 122 salama, 1 207
sāhib (ashāb), 1 174, 254, 300, 396, 583; 2 salāt, 1 369; 3 222, 276. See also amir salāt,
20, 285 imam salat
sáhib al-badhr, 3 196, 197 salāt ‘ala Muhammad, 3 202
sāhib diwan, 2 420 salat “ala 'I-Nabi, 3 202, 203, 204, 227
sāhib al-khabar, 1 478 salāt al-witr, 3 296
Sāhib al-khāl, 1 450, 644; 3 196, 203, 360 salib, 2 338; 3 221, 359
sahib al-ma'ūna, 1 606 sālih, 1 7; 2 41, 93, 94
Sähib al-Nāmūs al-akbar, 1 512 sālihāt, 3 149
sāhib al-nāga, 1 163; 3 196, 197 sálik, 1 604; 2 369, 375, 376, 378, 385,
“sahib al-nür al-mushriq,” 2 29 422; 3 200, 207, 335
sahib al-rasā'il, 2 149 saliqa, 1 106
sahib al-rüh wa-’l-kalima, З 40 salsabil, 2 251
sāhib salāt, 1 552 salsal, 1 201
"sáhib al-sariya,” 1 111 sālūs, 2 368
sāhib al-shurta, 1 393; 2 94, 446 sam‘, 3 17, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60
sāhib shurtat al-'askar, 1 422 sama‘, 1 9, 287, 384, 496, 547, 627; 2 33,
Sāhib al-zamān, 1 326, 512 107, 118, 153, 175, 195, 201, 208, 215,
sāhib al-zuhür, 3 196 235, 341, 360, 457, 461-463, 465-468,
sāhibaka, sāhibakum, 3 237 474, 475, 477, 478; 3 4, 61, 228, 239,
sahīfa (sahā'if), 3 36, 186, 245 245, 246
sahīh, 1 217; 2 399; 3 37 samā āt, 1 7
sāhir, 2 34, 41 samāī, 3 7
sahmayn, 1 207, 208, 213 samad, 3 63, 125, 132
sahn, 1 109; 2 460, 482 samadī al-rūh, 3 132
sahw, 1 118, 125, 126, 168, 274; 2 60, 169, samadī al-sifa, 2 391
480; 3 41 samadiya, 3 48, 129
sa, 3 226 samha, 3 105
sā'ih, 3 208 samidh,1 106
sā'ir, 3 317, 318 sāmit, 1 132, 201, 301; 3 274
saj, 1 157; 3 80 samsäma, 3 302
saj', 2 199; 3 335, 336 san‘, 3 71, 110
sajáda, 2 207, 252 sana (sinin), 1 211, 311; 2 312
sajanjal al-arwah, 2 43 san'a, 3 352
sajda, 1 539; 2 244, 376, 377 sand’ al-lāhūt, 3 7, 74, 102
sajjāda, 2 452 sanā'at al-tarkib, 2 417
sajjān, 1 478 sand i’, 3 76
sakab, 3 116 sanam (asnam), 1 542; 3 15
sakha’, 3 24 “sandhyavati,” 2 286
sakīna, 2 113, 339; 3 29, 33, 76, 201, 202 sani, 1 143; 3 133
salaf, 1 595 sani‘ al-rüh fi 'I-badan, 3 59
saläh, 1 531, 593, 617; 2 145, 223; 3 121, sanjak, see sinjak
192 sanjat, 1 236
“salah al-kull,” 3 224 “Saqahum,” 2 252
salāh al-muslimīn, 1 497, 577; 2 145 Sāgī-i Azal, 2 382
salähhum, 3 112 sāgit al-muruwwa, 3 130

saggā, 2 101, 194 shadd salmānī, 3 265

sar, 2 379 shādhdha, 1 491
sár yatakallam, 3 136 shafa‘a, yashfa' fihim, 1 524, 534; 2 20, 92,
sarāb, 3 171 270; 3 155, 159, 162, 202, 204, 205
sarayān, 2 412 shagaf, 1 341; 2 393
sāremsāgjiyān, 2 31 shagird, 1 625
sarf, 1 266; 3 223 Shäh, 2 232, 234
sarffi "I-tawhid, 1 385 shaháda, shahādatayn, 1 30, 79, 131, 152,
sarfiyūn, 1 243; 3 82 299, 362, 378, 481, 524, 533, 544, 589,
sārī, 1 605; 2 294 614; 2 27, 90, 234, 245, 253, 262, 277,
sarih, 3 174 319, 345, 378, 392, 402, 412, 414, 418;
sariga, 1 380 3 9, 10, 38, 46, 57, 89, 90, 95, 99, 151,
sarira (sarà ir), 1 370; 3 19, 50 167, 203, 205, 206, 230-234, 268, 274,
sarmad, 3 69, 267 277, 316, 326, 328, 330, 333
sarmadiya, 3 107 shahāda bi-'l-haqiqa, 2 346
saros, 1 205, 215 shahada ‘uzma, 3 207
sarräf, 1 328 shahādat al-dharr, 3 7, 105
sarüra, 1 23, 550 shahid (shuhada’), 2 94; 3 164
sastra, 2 292 shāhid (shuhüd, shawähid), 1 Ixix, 14, 24,
satr, 2 323, 402 33-36, 40, 52, 58, 81, 85, 141, 149, 156,
satya, 2 284, 328 217, 220, 243, 246, 280, 339, 367, 369,
Satya Pir, 1 178 378, 383, 388, 405, 406, 437, 454, 455,
satyagraha, 2 285; 3 190 464, 468, 473, 485, 494-498, 500-502,
satyaloka, 2 285 512, 521, 522, 524, 552, 553, 560, 572,
satyavakya, 2 285 574-578, 616, 627-629; 2 4, 5, 33, 35,
sawad, 3 291 52, 58, 61-63, 89, 93, 94, 100, 113, 127,
sawiq al-himmis, 1 234 135, 140, 146, 149, 151, 194, 196, 199,
sawm, 3 222 200, 297, 298, 301, 314, 359, 410, 450,
sawt, 3 142 476, 491; 3 6, 25, 26, 27, 74, 184, 233,
say, 1 550 235, 257, 258, 266, 268, 281. See also
sayārifa, 1 312 wajh al-shuhūd
sayf, 1 266, 380; 2 448 shāhid ani (shawāhid ānīya), 1 27, 28, 203,
sayha, 1 297, 612 323, 432, 513, 533, 574, 578, 615; 2 319;
sayha bi-'!-hagg, 1 126, 612, 615, 639; 2 58 3 9, 27, 269
sayhūr, 1 216; 2 95, 396; 3 6, 281, 335 shahīd al-hadhar, 1 538
sayr, 1 284; 3 57 shahid muhaddith, 2 133
sayyid, sayyidunā, 1 513; 2 93, 112 shähid al-qidam, 1 151, 202, 384, 615; 2 62,
sāz, 2 254 100, 101
sepehsālār-i dīn, 2 373 “паша al-tawhid," 1 551, 572
server-i mahjūrān, 2 165 Shähid-i Mithaq, 2 382
shāb awīz, 2 351 shāhid-i shadd, 2 382
shabah (ashbāh), 1 76, 201, 300; 3 16, 75, shahiman, 1 639
105 shahir-en giz, 1 279
shābb, 3 267 shahnishin, 1 361
"shabb muwaqqar," 3 241 *shājird al-Husayn,” 2 110. See also shāgird
shabbak, 2 155 shakhs (ashkhās), 1 293, 367; 3 7, 15, 45,
shadd, 2 273, 423 70, 104
shadd al-mihzam, 2 107, 274 shakk, 1 168, 262; 3 6, 22
shákk, 3 21, 90, 142, 179 Shaykh al-Mashayikh, 1 40; 2 310
shākkft 'I-shākk, 3 155 “shaykh al-rabbānī (al-),” 2 426
shám, 2 366 shaykh sālih, 1 465, 555; 2 491
shama'il, 3 200 shaykh al-shuyūkh, 1 44, 45, 54; 2 22, 23,
shamm, 2 79 69, 70, 71, 151, 152, 153, 160, 163, 164,
shammās, 3 241 188-190, 192, 197, 198, 352, 419, 426
shams, 2 73 shaykha, 1 45, 46; 2 461
shamsa, 1 403 “shaytan al-rajīm (min al-)," 2 164
shaqi shagī .. . (al-), 3 147 Shī Tān, Shay Tān, 1 644
shar‘, shar'i, 1 54, 577; 2 5, 144, 275, 282, shibh (ashbāh), 3 14
375, 378, 379, 385; 3 55, 59, 61, 190 shi'f al-khūz, 1 137
sharāb, 2 272, 274 shihna, 1 41, 257; 2 164
sharāb tuhūr, 2 236, 277, 383 shikl, 1 90
sharaf, 2 68 Shin, 1 644; 3 115
shararif, 2 446, 454 shinni, 1 47; 2 285
sharh, 2 298, 481 shi (ash'ār), 1 564; 2 157, 159
sharh al-sadr, 3 12 shir’, 3 106, 191, 205
shari'a, 2 35, 144, 339, 369, 378, 380, 384, shirb, 2 274
396, 428, 480; 3 149, 150, 198, 242 shirk, 1 86, 88; 2 294; 3 21, 33, 153, 154
sharif (shurafa’), 1 58, 170; 2 12, 176, 198, shirk khaft, 1 380; 3 7, 154
322 shiwā, 1 106
sharifata, 1 270 shubbiha lahum, 1 595
shargīya, 1 433 shubuhat, 3 211
shart, 2 221; 3 181, 183 shubuhāt al-rizq, 3 9
sharyān warīdī, 3 42 shuhūd, 1 126, 220, 521. See also wahdat al-
shāshīya, 1 103 shuhūd
shath, 1 27, 383, 573; 2 45, 53, 115, 180, shuhūd al-'abd, 2 61
390, 392, 480-482; 3 181, 342, 347 shuhūd al-mazähir, 1 131
shathīyāt, 2 479, 480, 481 shuhūd ‘udül, shuhūd mu'addala, 1 388,
shätir (shuttār), 1 270, 621; 2 273 497, 577
shattāh, 2 391, 417 shuhūr, 2 93
shattār, 1 47, 621; 2 32, 277 shukr, 1 222, 273, 375; 3 24, 167, 225
shatwī, 1 261 shukr al-mun'im, 1 374
sha'wadha, 1 294 shurafat, 2 454
shawahid al-Malaküt, 1 513; 2 395 shurāt, 1 428; 3 106, 193, 205
shawiya, 1 138 shūrbajī, 1 270
shawg, 1 342, 346; 3 26 shurfa, 1 406
shay’ (ashyā'), 3 63, 122, 123, 125 shurta, 1 111, 166, 230, 252, 255, 422, 468,
shaykh, shaykhayn, 1 118, 268, 286, 287,
474, 495, 558; 2 147
462, 571, 579; 2 94, 101, 102, 107, 176, shustekeh, 1 509
235, 275, 288, 300, 305, 369, 447, 452, shu‘udha, shu‘udhi, 1 460; 2 487
454, 455, 463; 3 192 sibgha, 3 28, 132
shaykh akbar, 2 395 “sibghat Allah," 2 268, 374
“shaykh fadil,” 1 93 sibghat al-walāya, 1 301
shaykh halga, 1 110 siddīg, 1 112, 217, 382, 494, 514, 549, 552;
shaykh al-haram, 1 25, 110; 2 64; 3 262 2 46, 58, 93, 94, 95; 3 41, 161, 178,
"shaykh al-Islam," 2 217, 223 189, 193, 199-201, 209, 307
shaykh kabir, 2 182 siddiqiya, 3 76, 199, 200
sida, 1 217, 369, 619; 3 23, 56, 78, 161, sirr al-'alamayn, 1 590
201, 209 sirr “Апа "I-haqq," 2 132
sifa, 1 130, 218; 2 62, 81, 302, 303; 3 39, sirr al-Ilāh, 1 460, 492
53, 64, 65, 77, 79, 82, 103, 125, 132, sirr khafi, 2 277
133, 135, 183 sirr al-mutà', 1 131
sifát azaliya, 3 7, 10 sirr al-rubübiya, 1 70, 132, 295; 3 138
sifat al-dhāt, 1 76; 3 7, 134 sirr al-sirr, 2 277; 3 328
sifat al-fi'l and sifāt al-afal, 3 133, 134 sirr al-tawhid, 2 302
sifatfi 'l-qadima, 3 7 sirr wahdat al-shuhüd, 1 131
sifāt al-kamāl, 3 101 sirr wahdat al-wujud, 1 131
sifat makhlūga là fimahall, 2 55 sitr, 2 42
sifat ma nawiya, 2 16 sitr al-shay”, 3 171
sifat al-mawsüf, 3 75, 76 Sittiniya, 1 257, 426
sigha, 3 117, 304 siyäha and siyahat, 1 180; 3 24, 227
siguru, 2 284 siyāg, 1 262
sihāga, 3 240 siyāsa, 1 144; 2 410, 411
sihha, 1 125; 3 137 soeksma, 2 290
sihhat īmān al-mugallid, 3 7 soelasih, 2 290
sihr, 1 181 su'āl, 3 209, 227
sijn jadīd, 1 231, 240 sual Munkir wa-Nakīr, 3 157
s'Sikandār Rühani," 2 278 su'āl al-sidq, 3 160
silm, 3 214 subhān, 3 43
silsila, 1 300; 2 107 Subhānaka, 1 591
silsilat al-khirga, 2 107, 347 “subhdni,” 2 215, 292, 293; 3 38, 217, 297,
sima, 3 68 300
simiyd, 1 154; 2 278, 319 subuhāt al-wajh, 3 291
sīmurgh, 3 202 "suduq, sudua,” 2 351
Sin, 1 132, 176, 200, 201, 202, 204, 226, sif, 1 68, 103, 135, 199, 292, 401, 508; 3
392, 494, 512, 523, 526, 594, 619, 644; 226, 228
2 80, 85, 98; 3 144 suffa, 1 508
sindān, 1 553; 2 446 зӣ} wahdānī al-dhāt, 1 96
sindī, 1 237 suftaja, 1 262, 264, 265, 411, 505
sīnī, 1 26, 136, 323, 390, 391 sughānjiyān, 2 31
siniya, 1 146; 2 93 suhba, 1 82, 90, 125, 191; 3 210
Sinjāg and Sanjāg, 1 42; 2 16, 18 suhbat al-hāl, 3 67
sinn, 1 18 sujūd, 1 74, 350, 392; 2 94, 345, 392
sigāya, 1 415, 484 sujūd fi '1-thāniya, 3 307
si'r, 1235 sukr, 1 73, 118, 125, 126, 130, 274, 292; 2
sira, 1 243; 2 34 105; 3 41, 210
sirāj, 3 7, 280, 284, 285 sukūn, 3 48, 66, 81, 124
sirāj min al-ghayb, 3 9 sulahā”, 1 389, 460, 519, 539, 547
sirāt, 3 159 suliba, sulibtu, 1 16; 2 487
sirb, 3 109 sullam, 3 65
sirdab, 1 86 sultān (salātīn), 1 12, 386, 469, 476, 494,
siret, 2 266 577; 3 58, 157
sirr (asrár), 1 72, 130, 285, 386, 548; 2 105, sulūk, 1 42; 2 386, 420, 425
226, 277, 393; 3 12, 17-19, 187, 298 sun’, suna, 2 310; 37
sirr akhfā, 2 277 sunna (sunan), 1 70, 221, 266, 338, 369,
sunna (sunan), (cont.) tabi‘a (tabā'i'), 1 106, 107; 2 372, 396; 3
544, 547, 549, 550, 552; 2 406; 3 5, 8, 70, 71, 76, 157, 180
24, 36, 149, 150, 173, 178, 184, 222, tabi'a idtirārīya, 3 15
223, 225, 226 tabīb (atibbā'), 1 466; 3 114
"sunna gādīya ‘ala ’l-Qur’an (al-)," 3 182 ta bīn, 1 571, 597
suq (aswāg), sūgī, 1 lv, Ixvi, 89, 155, 168, ta'bīr, 2 337, 338
226, 228, 282, 284-286, 526, 596, 627; 2 tabira, 3 47
21, 33, 94, 258, 307, 316, 449; 3 38, 52, tābi'yūn, 2 107
166, 167 tabl, 2 77, 223
sugūt al-'arsh, 3 299 tablīgh, 3 7
süra (suwar), 1 13, 151, 311, 367, 386; 2 tablkhāneh, 2 146, 223, 265
60, 318, 376, 393, 396, 416; 3 16, 18, tablkhaviz, 2 141
35, 64, 70, 75, 77, 94, 95, 98, 100, 103, tāc, 2 272
122, 124, 135, 166, 171, 265 tadādd, 3 266
sūra 'alawtya, 1 300 tadallā, 3 296, 303
sūra hal atā, 2 325 tadammun, 3 84
"sūra hiya al-rūh (al-),” 3 16 tadbīr, 3 109
sūra ijmaliya, 3 101 tadhabdhub, 3 177
sūra gā'ima, 3 146 tadhakkur, 2 27
sūrat al-Rahmān, 3 146 ta'dhib al-muti', 3 120
süratan, 1 595 tadhkira, 2 85, 257, 290; 4 31
süret, 2 266 ta'dīb, 3 70
suryániya, 3 7, 9, 96 ta diya, 3 34
sutür murtafi'a, 1 281 tadmin, 1 Ixviii, 374; 3 84
sutüwat, 2 398 tadmir al-maydän, 3 207
tadwir, 3 173
Ta’, 1 287, 644; 2 80 tafakkur, 2 27; 4 62
“Та? Shin," 1 644 tafattara, 3 198
Tà' Sin, 1 392, 644, 645; 2 95, 283, 327, tafdil, 2 298; 3 207
394 tafdil al-rāshidīn, 3 192
tā'a, 1 194, 492; 3 224 tafdil al-waläya (or al-walī), 1 116; 3 208
H o muwāfagat al-amr, 3 7 tafīl, 1 523; 3 39, 108, 136
ta'addī al-shāhid ilā "l-ghayb, 3 84 tafilinsha’, 3 110
ta'adul, 3 84 tafkhidh, 3 154, 240
ta'ajjub, 3 346 tafra, 3 20
ta'ākhī, 1 279, 339 tafrid, 1 362, 613, 614; 3 40, 130, 134, 309
ta'am, 3 124 tafriq, tafriga, 1 342
ta'anud, 3 84 tafsil, 3 138
ta‘arruf, 3 76 tafsir, 1 245, 311, 346, 354, 460, 490, 491,
ta'asst, 3 184 583; 2 5, 6, 7, 27, 159, 212, 277, 346,
tā'āt, 3 23, 149, 230 398, 459; 3 8, 14, 69, 162, 194, 195, 345
tab‘, 3 13, 33, 69, 76, 106, 107 tafwid, 1 392; 2 417; 3 8, 35, 36, 108, 109,
tabagāt, 2 218; 3 246 146
tabarrī, 2 16; 3 74, 90, 154 tāghūt, 3 174
tabarri ‘an al-hawl wa-'l-quwwa, 1 70; 3 147 tahabbub, 3 154, 206
tabarruk, 2 67 tahaddi, 1 320; 2 42, 360; 3 14, 85
tābi, 2 62 tahadhdhur, 1 168
“tabi° mu'akkad," 2 62 tahāfut, 3 343
tahajjud, 1 603; 3 30 tajrīh wa-'azl, 1 577
tahalluljt, 2 32 tajsim, 1 296, 302, 518; 3 129
tahaqquq, 3 72, 74, 76 tajwid, 1 58, 61
tahaggug al-mutahaggig, 3 74 tajwif, 3 12, 42
tahāra, 3 186, 222 tajwiz, 3 7, 64, 70, 73, 85, 111
tahawwul, 2 60 takafu’, 2 393
tahayyus, 3 64 takāfu” al-adilla, 1 374, 520; 2 82; 3 7
tahdhib, 3 40 takbir, 2 345; 3 50
tahdid, 3 129 takfīr, 1 371, 378-380; 2 16, 34, 35, 37, 38,
tahiyat, 3 203 40, 56, 57, 106, 192
tahkim, 1 371, 617 takfir bi-'!-hulūl, 2 57
tahlil, 1 222, 273, 614; 2 190, 449, 453; 3 takhalla, 3 28
8, 50, 104, 235, 310, 316 takhallul, 2 302
tahmid, 2 445; 3 50 takhallul al-asrar al-malakūtīja, 2 302
tahgīg, 2 182, 311, 316, 321; 3 7, 45, 73, takhallug, 1 548
75, 85, 108, 285 takhalluq bi-akhlag Allah, 1 121; 3 130, 202
tahgīg al-hagā'ig, 3 9 takhallug bi-asmā” Allāh, 3 150, 269
tahgīg al-tawhid, 2 316, 317, 320; 3 47 takhallug bi-"I-nu'üt, 1 121
tahrīm, 3 191, 225 takhassus, 3 128
tahrīm al-makāsib, 1 314 takhayyur, 3 183
tahsil, 3 48, 75, 134 ta'khir, 3 80
tahsīn, 3 59, 224 takhliq, 3 110
tahsin al-'agl, 3 60, 224 “аки ‘ayn al-makhlüq (al-),” 3 136
tahwil, 3 22, 67 takhliq агай, 3 108
tahwis, 3 310 takhliya, 1 121
tahzat al-hājib, 3 102 takhmim, 3 125
taifa, 2 309 takhmir, 3 284, 285
tāj, 1 620, 621; 2 384; 3 95 takhmis, 2 341, 419; 3 344
tajaddud, 1 39, 151, 523 takhrīj, takhrīj al-usūl, 1 8, 19, 562, 565,
tajaddudāt, 1 385; 2 91 574, 639
tajalla, tajalla, 3 143, 160 takhriq al-khirqa, 1 611
tajallī, 1 13, 63, 131, 201, 300, 385, 521- takhsis, 2 230; 3 85, 183
523, 573, 636; 2 6, 79, 130, 230, 302, takhsis al-qudra, 3 7, 138
303, 362, 412; 3 6, 9, 26, 50, 58, 82, 84, takhyil, 3 8
123, 168, 170, 171 taklif, 1 520, 543; 2 397; 3 8, 108, 110, 150
tajallī bi-sifat Бадд’, 3 47 taklīf
mā lā yutāg, 3 7, 119
tajallī khāss, 3 304 taklif al-wa'd, 3 148
tajalli ma'ani 'l-sifat, 2 302, 303 takrār, 3 117
tajānus, 3 6, 45 takwin, 3 10, 43, 71, 110, 146
tajārīb, 3 337 takwin azali, 3 71
tajarrud, 3 237 takyif, 1 520, 521
tajawhur, 2 230, 416 tala‘, 3 174
tajawhur al-ikhlās, 1 643 tal'a (tuli'), 3 335
tajawhur al-nafs bi "I-riyada, 3 353 tala‘a, 3 118
tajāwuz, 1 130; 2 62, 179; 3 6, 45, 87 talabbasa and talabbus, 2 303
tain, 3 8 taladhdhudh bi-nazar ilā ’l-Wajh, 3 168
ta‘jin al-arwah, 1 199 talafa, talafan, 1 297, 628
tajrid, 2 329, 394, 415; 3 5, 9, 134, 309 ta‘lam ajzi, 2 455
talaq, 3 91 ta'nis, 2 399; 3 198
talāg mu allaq, 3 89 tankīt al-hagīga, 3 184
talaggana, 2 310 tangīh al-manāt, 3 182
talāshī, 3 8 tansis al-'amm, 3 183
talāzum, 3 64, 84 tanzih, 1 519; 2 16, 59, 104, 224, 398; 3 5,
talbīs, 1 201, 390, 392; 2 86, 132, 372; 3 44, 61, 75, 126, 133, 135, 200, 224, 234,
45, 49, 291 279, 280, 318
Talbiya, 1 lv, Ix, 27, 104, 220, 222, 223, tanzil, 1 369; 3 9, 133, 172, 184
551; 2 88; 3 42, 344 tāg, 1 103, 508
talfig, 3 223 taqaddum, 3 27, 65, 84
talhīd, 1 376; 3 242 tagaddum al-shawähid, 3 131, 137
tālī, 3 122 tagallub, 1 392; 2 93
tālib, 1 98, 238 tagbīh, 3 59, 60
Tālib al-Mulk, 1 208 tagdīm, 3 80
ta'lif, 3 65 tagdīr, 3 69, 121, 122, 123, 138
ta'līf al-gulūb, 3 210 tagdīs, 2 86, 132; 3 45, 134; 4 20
ta'lil, ta'līlī, 3 85, 133, 172 tagīh al-manāt, 3 85
ta'lim, 3 34, 55, 172, 183 tagīya, 1 305; 3 30, 35, 191
talip, 1 620; 2 272 taglib, 1 286, 643; 2 338; 3 12, 21
ta'liq, 1 412, 544; 3 164 taglid, 1 620; 2 17, 21, 384, 406; 3 183
talgīh, 3 92 tagrīb, 3 40
talgth al-‘amal al-salih, 3 92 tagsīm, 3 110, 227
talgīn, 2 107, 332; 3 185, 198 taqsim al-'agl al-akbar, 3 10
talqinfi'I-galb, 1 474 tawsim al-'ulüm, 3 171
talühu, 2 313 tagsīr, 1 296, 302; 2 45
talwī'a, 2 359 tagyīd, 3 181
talwin, 3 199 tarabbu', 2 423
tamakkun bi-'I-dhat, 3 321 taraddud, 2 40, 106
tamallug, 3 18 tarahhum, 1 563; 2 34, 37, 40, 106, 230,
tamām, 3 102, 122 293, 426, 466, 482; 4 20
tamanni, 2 283 taraqqi, 2 92
tāmāt, 2 45 taraththi, 1 571
tamaththalta, 1 272 tarbi“, 3 173 ?
tami', 1 322 tarbiya, 3 26
tamjīd, 2 358 tardiya, 2 334; 4 20
tamkīn, 2 359, 480; 3 110, 146, 199, 285 ta'rif, 1 28, 113, 219-221, 223, 336, 415,
tamlīh, 1 515; 3 7 485, 486, 540-542, 549, 551, 577; 2 89;
tamthil, tamthīlī, 3 85, 134, 135 360
tamyīz, 3 128 ta'rif ‘agli, 2 411
tamzīg, 3 228 tarika and tarikāt, 1 258, 259, 412, 501
tanaffus, 3 15 tarīg, tariqa and turuq, 1 46, 48; 2 17, 29,
tanaggul, 3 335 68, 108, 111, 192, 335, 380, 388, 412,
tanāsukh, 2 322, 377; 3 19, 70, 144 420, 463; 3 56, 223
tanazzaha, 3 128 tariqa burhániya, 3 85
tanbūriya, 1 255 tariqa Hallajiya, 1 45, 46, 49; 2 65, 111,
tanfir, 1 33, 555, 557 188, 276, 279, 307, 332, 336, 418; 3 262;
ta'nīb, 2 399; 3 198 432
ta'nīb al-anbiyà', 3 70 tariqa Harawiya, 2 218
{атда jadaliya, 3 84 tasliya, 1 299; 2 445; 3 3, 9, 288
tarīga khitābīya, 3 87 tasmiya, 3 75, 172, 174, 176, 178
tarīga Muhásibiya, 2 463 taswiya, 2 317; 3 162
tariqa rukniya, 2 279 tasyīr, 3 22
tarīga Rūzbehānīya, 1 46; 3 263 tatavwu', 3 178
гатда Sab īnīya, 2 420; 3 263 tatawwur, 2 346
tarīga Sahramaniya, 2 68 tatayyum, 1 340, 341
tarīga shawdhīya, 2 420 ta'til, 2 16; 3 9, 75, 125, 134
tarīga shi'rīya, 3 87 tatyīm, 1 341
tarīga Shushtartya, 3 263 tawaddud, 1 593
tarīga Silafiya, 2 477 tawādu', 1 96
tarīga Suhrawardīya, 2 310 tawaf, 1 109, 225, 541, 543, 550; 2 406
tarīga Tāwūsīya, 2 192 tawaffi, tawaffa, 3 14, 19
tarjīh, 3 85, 183 tawafft 'l-anfus, 3 121
tark, 3 179 tawahhum, 3 22, 125, 166
tark al-kasb, 3 227 tavajjuh, 3 55
tarkīb, 2 412; 3 352 tawakkul, 1 96, 120, 121, 150, 342, 346,
targ, targ al-hagg, 3 63 468, 598, 643; 2 234; 3 24, 26, 36, 73,
tarsak, 1 381 90, 146, 205
tarsi’, 3 336 tawáli', 3 25
tartīb, 3 80 tawalli, 3 205
tasalsul, 3 65, 70 tawalli Mu'āwiya, 2 133
tasārīf, 3 8 tawallud, 3 82
“tasarrafa "l-aghyar . .. ,” 1 132 tawamis, 3 132
tasarruf, 3 24, 111, 288 tawāmis anwār, 1 386
tasawwuf, 1 86; 2 108, 306; 4 112, 119 tawaqquf, 1 45, 246, 370, 576, 606; 2 5, 13,
tasawwur, 3 55, 79 35, 55, 106; 3 142, 183, 238
tasbih, 1 129, 222, 273, 547, 624; 2 252, 3 tawātur, 3 37, 182
50, 104, 235 tawba, 1 70, 121, 342, 379; 2 110, 397; 3 6,
tasdid, 3 106 79, 108, 146, 147, 155, 269
tasdiq, 3 32, 55, 79, 149, 150, 201 tawba fard, 3 7
tasfiya, 3 70 tawbat al-qadhif, 1 360
tashabasat, 3 46 tawfiq, 3 106
tashahhud, 3 227 tawhid, 1 88, 121, 287, 314, 362, 376, 384,
tashakhkhus, 3 10 507, 518-520, 533; 2 47, 165, 202, 222,
tashbib, 2 122; 3 240 223, 225, 226, 242, 264, 271, 291, 293,
tashbih, 1 345, 385; 2 220, 387; 3 129, 134, 302, 314, 339, 345, 358, 361, 378, 384,
174, 276, 319 392, 393, 406, 415, 418, 480; 3 10, 18,
tashdid, 1 287 21, 23, 46, 53, 62, 63, 99, 125-127, 129,
tashkik, 3 7 131, 132, 143, 149, 150, 157, 160, 242,
tashkil, tashkīlan, 3 135 280, 311, 313, 316, 318, 319, 325, 333
tashrī, 1 380 tawhid al-rubübiya, 2 49
tasīr, 1 263 tawil, 1 344, 369, 575; 2 130; 3 336
taslīb, 1 450, 452; 2 274; 3 360 ta wil, ta'wīlāt, 2 34, 230, 421, 422; 3 9,
taslīm, 1 286, 485; 2 404, 406; 3 24, 36, 75, 129, 133, 134, 174, 181
149, 223, 227 tawkid, 3 174
*taslīm-tās,” 1 261 tawlid, 3 55, 70, 107
taslīt, 3 116 tawliyat al-Ghawth, 2 94
tawq-i la'nat, 2 372 tikka, 1 289, 290
tawgī', 1 256, 307, 392, 448, 449, 451, tilāwa, 3 8, 37, 143, 174
512, 556, 557; 2 16, 38, 140 tin, 3 17
ѓаш“ al-Nāhīya, 2 16 tinmay, 2 232
tawgīf, tawgīfi, 1 359; 3 179 Tinnin, 1 16, 209, 587, 588; 2 251, 435,
tawgīt, 1 205 436; 3 7
tawr, 3 124 tīrandāz, 2 86
tawrir ve targīm, 1 47 tiraz, 1 52, 237, 394
tawt, 1 386; 3 335 "tir-bent," 1 621
tawwabiin, 3 264 tis'iniya, 1 257, 426
tayammun, 1 602, 604; 2 482 topmaq, 2 258
ta'yid, 3 34 togmag, 2 258
ta’yid al-Rūh, 3 7, 31, 34, 184 "tübà lahu,” tūbā laham, 3 29, 206
ta'yin, 3 64, 70, 75 ““ТйЬай!” 3 165
taylasān, 1 103; 2 155, 348, 365 tudrik, 1 522
tayrān, 3 9, 176 tuhür, 1 472
taysīr, 1 215 tujjār, 2 94
tayyama, 2 313 tūl, 1 290; 2 334, 356, 361; 3 9, 70, 173,
ta'zim, 1 354; 2 175 271, 281
ta'zir, 1 387, 388, 473; 3 213 tu'ma, 1 83, 262
ta`ziya, 2 341
tuma’nina, 1 369, 374; 3 26, 29, 31, 161,
tazkiya, 1 438, 496, 499, 553, 618; 2 89, 205, 208
146, 173 “tunassifhu,” 1 559
tazkiyat al-shähid, 1 380 tūga, 3 290
tazliq, 1 151 Tūr, 1 630
tchihlek, 1 597 türbe, turba, 1 18, 37, 230, 231; 2 22, 64,
tchit, 1 237 70, 161
Tekkeh, Tekkieh, 2 25, 229, 240, 254, 255, turziganī, 3 8
258, 266 tussūj, 1 59, 226
tellerig, 1 222 tūtī, tūtlī, 2 223
tersābetcheh, 2 241
thābit, thābita, 1 134
thābit al-dhāt, 1 309 u'ardid al-Our'ān, 1 73
"tharidiyün," 1 270 ‘ubbad, 2 94; 3 244
thawāb, 3 121 "ubūdīya, 3 61, 225, 327
thawb (thiyāb), 1 102, 103, 181; 3 16. See uchmāg, 2 244
also thiyab sūd ‘tid, 1 290; 2 79; 3 219
thawr, 1 559, 592 ‘udhri, ‘udhrite, 1 347, 348, 350, 357, 366,
theoretikon, 1 216 367
thigāt and thigātī, 1 309, 554 “най, 1 156, 497, 635
thigl, 3 125 “uffa lakum,” 2 394
thiyāb sūd, 1 104 ufq, 3 286, 329
thubūt, 1 520; 2 59, 71, 72; 3 134, 234 ulfa, 1 341
thughür, 1 68, 159, 253, 255, 402, 403, 409 ūlū "l-'azm, 2 382
thymoeides, 1 216 ulühiya, 2 395; 3 125, 133, 321
tifl (atfāl), 2 100 ‘ят al-qudra, 3 138
tighbend, tighbent, 1 452, 620, 621; 2 272- 'ulūw, 2 16; 3 125, 266, 321
274 ‘ulwi, 3 287
tīgheh, 1 621, 622 'umda, 3 81
umm al-kitāb, 1 472, 522; 3 121 vizir, 1 22, 141, 295, 393, 476
umm walad, 1 395, 398 vilayet, 1 109
Umma, 1 299, 378; 2 308, 312, 317, 320,
323; 3 151, 185, 206; 4 97
ummi, 1 507 ра, 3 53, 146
‘umra, 1 23, 26, 107, 219, 482, 484, 540, wad', 2 59; 3 64, 77, 79, 81, 170, 180
550, 551, 598; 2 319; 3 226 ай“ al-ibtila’ ‘ala '1-"ibād, 3 120
‘umran bâtinika (fi-), 1 120 “wad” kull shay’fimawdi'ihi,” 3 304
uns, 1 342 tvāfir, 3 336
‘unsuri, 2 414 wahda, wahdat, 2 176, 315, 381, 410; 3
“unuq (a naq), 1 617 122, 123
Unzur, 1 365 wahda mutlaga, 2 312, 315
“uqda, 3 141 wahdānī, wahdānīya, 1 90; 2 393, 415
nq'ida, 1 83 wahdānī al-dhāt, 3 41, 357
ūgīya, 1 236, 237 wahdat al-anfus, 3 68
ugtulūnī ya thigatī, 1 600, 601; 2 301, 423, wahdat al-'agl, 3 68
424, 439 wahdat al-shuhūd, 1 lvi, 126, 494, 513, 521,
"ugūl mutafawita, 3 59 523; 2 58, 61, 62, 279, 301
"ugūl mutasawiya, 3 59 wahdat al-wujūd, 1 lvi, 494, 523; 2 39, 48,
‘urf, 3 21, 60, 77, 183 58, 59, 61, 229, 303; 3 72, 234
“arf al-makan, 3 69, 130 wāhid, wāhida, 1 134, 614; 2 293, 410; 3
‘urfi, 3 184 316
‘urs, 3 228 wāhidīya, 3 123
“напа,” 1 297; 3 8 wahim, wāhima, 3 22, 70, 297
‘uryanan, 1 544 шайт (awhäm), 2 310, 392; 3 22, 56
'usfür al-shawk, 1 358 wahm wahimi, 3 22
"usfūra, 1 112 wahy, 1 73, 369; 3 20, 50, 54, 209, 291,
usiba, 1 572; 23 296
“usjud,” 1 364 шаба, 1 314; 3 53, 148, 151
“uskun al-safina . .. ," 2 339 wa'īd muwaggat, 3 151
'usra mu lima, 2 424 wá'iz (vu āz), 1 4, 24, 50, 150, 528; 2
ustadh, al-ustadh, 1 190, 257, 425 5, 34, 66, 135, 169, 172, 217, 361, 387,
ustadh al-dár, 2 63, 157 476; 3 260
ustadhār, 2 361 wajd, 1 92, 287, 369; 2 444; 3 25, 68, 107
ustuwana, 1 124 wajh (wujūh), 1 578; 2 149; 3 66, 68, 79,
usūl al-din, 1 373; 3 23 123, 225
usūl al-fiqh, 1 373, 379 wajh dūn wajh (min), 3 117
usūl khamsa, 3 53 Wajh al-Karīm (al-), Y 348
usūlī, usūlīyūn, 2 17, 38, 56, 81, 207, 309, wajh al-shuhüd, 1 32, 454, 461, 498, 499
323, 325; 3 231 wajib, wājiba, 1 73, 550, 551; 2 245, 369; 3
uswa, 2 422 70, 72, 120, 148, 178, 179, 191
шада? al-Rahmān, 3 204 wājib al-wujūd, 3 72
Uthulūjiyā, 2 313 wājibāt, 3 226
u'tiga, 3 145 wājid, 1 614. See also hasb al-wājid
‘uyab, 3 198 wajid nafsaha, 3 102
'uzila, 3 314 "wa-karbahl" 3 187
‘uzla, 1 82 wakil (wukala’), 1 37, 171, 207, 208, 248,
304, 306-308, 310, 315-321, 324-326,
vehest, bihist, 2 286 371, 372, 398, 418, 419, 424, 438, 449,
wakil (wukalä) (cont.) wasila uzmā, 3 170
468, 481, 512, 514, 538; 2 11, 16, 92, wasita (wasā'it), 1 321, 323, 449, 518, 538,
123, 158, 474, 486 543; 2 94, 191; 3 76, 150, 188, 191, 223,
wakil abwāb, 1 499 230
walah, 1 340, 346; 3 26 wasiya, 1 96, 578, 579; 2 107, 187, 200,
waläya, 1 323; 2 18, 20, 46, 379, 421; 3 210, 224, 342, 360, 447, 454, 462; 3 321
205, 223 wasl, 2 358; 3 86, 322, 339
waldya 'alawtya, 2 194 wasla, 2 61; 3 203, 288, 312
waldyat al-nubuwwa, 2 422 waswās, waswasa, 1 340, 349, 380; 3 21,
wali (awliyā'), 2 20, 282; 3 161, 200, 307 23, 33, 42, 67, 117
wali al-'ahd, 1 80, 83, 335 wathā'ig, 1 454
wali "I-dam, 1 578, 638 waw, 3 6, 82, 128
wali harb, 1 147 waw sukūn, 3 81
walt kull hasana, 3 106 wayang, 2 287, 291
wali muttaqi, 2 46 waylak, 1 472
wālī tarīg al-hajj, 1 424 was, 2 107, 145, 147, 159
waliayn, 2 97 wazaif,2 176
wālihūn, З 332 wa'zat zuhd, 2 176
wāmig, 1 351 wazir, 2 94
wagf, 1 8, 26, 37, 40, 44, 49, 172, 225, wazn, 3 317
228, 242, 283, 314, 370-372, 377, 402, wijdän, 2 358
405, 406, 415, 439, 485, 497, 498, 500, wikala, 1 307, 315
501, 574, 628, 642; 2 23, 24, 36, 62, 63, wiläda, 3 101
69-71, 133, 146-148, 152, 158, 160, 197,
wilaya, 3 9, 106, 304
254, 264, 309, 362, 421, 425, 463, 468, wildän, 3 165
474; 3 142, 193 wird (awrád), 1 58; 2 178, 446, 454; 3 227
wagf ahli, 1 304 wisal, 1 586
Waqfa, 1 112, 219, 221-223, 482, 540, 541,
witr, 1 603; 2 245; 3 327
550, 598, 603, 604; 2 58, 88 wizra (wizr), 3 156
wagfiya, 1 415 wudū", 1 63, 603; 3 227
wagt (awgāt), 1 86; 2 228; 3 65, 68 wujūb, 3 72, 155, 190
waqt hal wa-wijdán, 2 306 wujtib al-aslah, 3 112
wara’, 1 342; 3 77 wujūb al-fikr, 3 60
wara‘, 1 314; 3 24, 222 wujūd, 1 126, 367, 369, 386, 520; 2 59, 61,
waraq, 1 236 273, 315, 318, 413, 427; 3 7, 71, 72, 75,
waraq sini, 1 185 110, 124, 231, 242
waraqa, 2 451 wujūd mu'in, 3 234
ward, 1 368; 2 336 wujūd mutlaq, 3 234
wāridāt, 3 24 wujūd al-aslah, 3 73
warräq, 1 225, 227, 242, 276, 499, 571, wujūdīyāt, 3 65
578, 626, 627; 2 32, 33, 118, 206, 211, wukalā” al-gudāt, 2 150
212 wulāt, 1 311
wasf (awsāf), 2 303; 3 77, 79, 112, 131, “рија: al-amsar," 1 415
235, 266, 276 wuquf, 1 219, 540, 550; 3 159. See also
wasf al-wasif, 3 75, 76 wagf
wast, 1 165
wasi, 2 150
wasil, 1 120; 2 179, 293, 369, 371 ya’, 1 287, 290; 2 165; 3 98
wasila, 3 129, 209 “ya Mansür," 2 234, 235
уй mawdi', 2 444 yawm khuli'a 'alayhi, 2 149
“Ya Mun,” 1 591, 610, 611; 2 443; 3 191 yawm al-Nahr, 1 220, 540, 551
“уа Rabb," 3 226 yawm nuzūl Allāh, 1 223
Ya” Sin, 1 201 yawm shahid, 2 62
ya’ sirra sirrī, 2 119, 356, 438; 3 47 yawm al-ziyáda, 3 166
“уа Wahhab,” 2 176 yay, 2 258
уа sirrī, 2 202 yigit, 2 238
уай 'āriya, 1 448; 3 188 yubāhī, 1 220
yad al-qudra, 2 247 yufdi lana, 1 134
yadhkur, 3 21 yuhill, 3 266
yafal, 3 109 yujawhir, 3 104
yahill, 3 128 yūjeh, 2 248
“yahlij al-kalam," 1 153 yukrimuhu, 1 94
yaha, 1 201 yugdur tabājak, 3 231
yahüdiya and yahūt, 1 381 yuraffil, 1 583
yá'iya, 3 344 yusallüna, 3 174
yajiz li afati, 3 18 yushar, 3 271
yalma', 1 472 Mustang, 3 120
yamānī, 3 331 унаа, 3 120
yamīn, 1 542
yamin dā'ira, 3 90
yanjūj, 1 15, 555, 573, 622; 2 79; 3 219 za’, 3 313
yanjūjshāhas, 1 349 zabür, 3 37
ya qil, 3 21 zàd, 3 226
yagīn, yagīnan, 1 70, 71, 96, 346, 386, 588, zaham, 1 217
595, 632; 2 283, 373, 381, 385, 436; 3 6, zahid (zuhhād), 1 10; 2 141, 149, 150, 205;
14, 22, 29, 38, 74, 76, 92, 150, 283 3 36
yagza, 1. 126; 3 168 zähir, 2 81, 472; 3 12, 76, 174, 318, 346
yarghüjiya, 2 144 zāhir nagli, 1 374
ya’sa, 3 155 zahr, 1 165, 584; 3 12, 242
yasnah fihi, 3 24 zā'irja li-istikhräj al-haylaj, 2 80
yastajil, 1 88 zajal, 2 32, 324, 419
yatabakhtir, 1 583 zakat, 3 187, 222
yatala'la', 3 195 zallat, 3 198
ya'tall, 3 129 zallat al-anbiya’, 3 7
yatasabbar, 1 108; 2 87 zamān, 3 122
yatasha'sha*, 1 473 zamharīr, 3 159, 314
yatīm (yatāmā), 1 201, 416; 3 165, 271 zamjīhamā, 2 96
zamr, 1 290
yatīma, 1 604; 3 279
zanādiga rūhānīya, 1 196, 200, 302, 350,
yatma'ün, 3 163
(yawm) adha, 2 93
zanda, 1 381
yawm afdal, 1 223 zandaga, 1 26, 81, 132, 143, 291, 338, 371,
yawm al-Ahzāb, 3 227 378-385, 449, 450, 460, 465, 523, 524,
yawm Allāh, 1 298 545; 2 45, 46, 393, 414, 487, 491; 3 46,
yawm ‘Arafat, 1 Ixiti, 220, 540, 549, 551, 153, 155
572, 638, 643; 2 15, 62, 93; 3 60, 334 zandīkī, 1 381
yawm 'azim, 1 192, 572; 23 zānī, 3 77
yawm al-dār, 3 211 zann, 3 21, 178

zanti, 1 381 414; 3 13, 112, 121, 142, 144, 165, 197,
zarāfa, 1 267 281, 300, 311
zäwiya, 1 83, 105, 107; 2 25, 152, 182, ziyāda, 3 26, 166
263, 324, 326, 327, 333, 334, 452, 468; ziydra, 1 223, 229, 230, 231, 405; 2 23,
4 30 137; 3 166, 236
zawja, 1 43 zodianoeta, 1 215
zawr, 1 635 zuhd, 1 lii, 96, 314, 342; 2 159, 329
zerbāf, 1 508 zuhr, 1 220
zihār, 1 359; 3 89 zuhür, 1 207, 385; 2 280; 3 6, 7, 45, 75,
zīj, 2 132 122, 191
zill mamdūd, 1 392 zuhūr kullī, 2 35
zill al-ma'rifa al-asliya, 1 392 zulf, 2 253, 265
zimām, 1 256, 419 zulm, 3 120
zinā, 1 380; 3 77 zulma, 1 315
zindīg (zanādiga), 1 66, 125, 168, 184, 253, zumm (zumūm), 1 55
313, 316, 382-385, 392, 448, 466, 545, zunnār, 1 466; 3 304
552; 2 44, 46, 139, 165, 225, 355, 386, zuwar, 1 231

Massignon, Louis, 1883-1962.

The passion of al-Hallāj.
(Bollingen series ; 98)
Translation of La Passion de Husayn Ibn Mansür
CONTENTS: v.1. The life of al-Hallaj.—v. 2.
The survival of al-Hallāj.—v. 3. The doctrine of
al-Hallāj.—v. 4. Bibliography and index.
1. Hallaj, al-Husayn ibn Mansur, 858 or 9-922.
2. Sufism—Biography. 3. Sufism. L Title.
П. Series.
BP80.H27H3713 1980 297'.6 [В] 80-11085
ISBN 0-691-09910-3 (set)

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