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Praetiee: PARTl


Short Communicqtive Messog

Tips and Techniques }
1' Read the question and note what is required. Make sure you understand what you
need to write in
response to the stimulus given.
2. Brainstorm the ideas and expand the notes given.
3. Plan and organise the structure of your message. As informal
emails, letters or messages are normally
written to family members or friends, use a friendly and casual tone when you
4. check your response for any spelling, punctuation or grammatical
mistakes. count the words to make sure
you stay within the limit of about 60 words.
Model Question and Anslver

Part I
Read the message.from your frientl, Adrion

The school ho/idalts are just around the corner. M1t parents are planning
to travel somev,here. Shoupl tye
visit Singupore or Jtlev, Zealand? Or do you think we shoulc] go somewhere lctcal
lilce "Iohor?
Let me ktrol' vltttt you think.

In aboti 60 words, vtrite a message to AcJrian giving some suggestions.

(Suggested answer) COMMENT

.Begin by greeting the recipient
Dear Adrian, . Write the main body of the message. Think
I would choose to visit Singapore. Since you are of why you are writing based on the task
adventurous, I'm sure you wouicl enjoy going to Sentosa requirement: To give some suggestions on
Island. You can go on many thrilling rides at Universal where to travel for the school holidays.
Studios Singapore, enjoy the Skyride and luge there,
. Elaborate the place suitable for travelling
by including any of the following:
and see aquatic creafures at the S.E.A. Aquarium. Don't
forget to try famous delicacies hke rnurtabolr Singapore - Where to visit
and sltp tulang merah Singapore too.
- What to do
- What to eat
- Other reievant details
Write back soon! . Sign off the message with some friendly
fu.vot phrases such as "Write back soon!,'_

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@ Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.
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