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2022-2023 ACADEMIC YEAR AHS 11

Weekend Worksheet 22

March 03- 06


Theory of Evolution

In 1859, Charles Darwin published convincing evidence that species evolve. He further explained how this
process occurs. From that evidence and explanation, we have what scientists and others call today, the
Theory of Evolution.

Like all scientific theories, the theory of evolution has developed through decades of scientific observations
and experimentation. Today almost all scientists accept that evolution is the basis for the diversity of life
on earth.

After years of research and study, Darwin suggested that by surviving long enough to reproduce,
populations have the opportunity to pass on favorable characteristics to offspring. Over time, these
characteristics will increase in a population and the nature of that population will gradually change. Darwin
called this process by which populations change in response to their environment natural selection.

Darwin suggested that organisms differ from place to place because their habitats present different
challenges to survival and reproduction. As a result, each species has evolved in response to their specific
environment. This changing process in response to a particular environment is called adaption. Darwin
concluded that the species in a particular place evolved from a species that previously lived there or that
migrated from a nearby area.

Darwin's evidence was based on the idea that in any population, individuals that are best suited to survive
and do well in their environment will produce the most offspring. By doing so, the traits of that offspring
will be passed on and become more common as each new generation arrives. Traits are the genetic
characteristics that may be physical, such as hair color; or behavioral, such as birds building nests.

Scientist now know that genes are responsible for inherited traits. Therefore, certain forms of a trait
become more common because more of the species carry the gene that is passed on. In other words,
natural selection causes the frequency of genes in a population to increase or decrease over time.

Fossils offer the most direct evidence that evolution takes place. A fossil is the preserved or mineralized
remains or imprint of an organism that lived past life-forms. Change over time, or evolution can be seen in
the fossils. For example, fossil links have been found between fish and amphibians, between retiles and
birds, and between reptiles and mammals. All of which add valuable evidence to the history of

Today, Darwin's theory of evolution is almost universally accepted by scientists as the best available
explanation for the biological diversity on earth. Based on this supporting evidence, most scientist agree
on the following three major points: 1) Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, 2) Organisms have inhabited
earth for most of its history, and 3) All organisms living today evolved from earlier, simpler life-forms.

In summary, at age 22, Charles Darwin set off on a journey by the urging of his college professor on the
naval voyage of the HMS Beagle that forever changed his life and the way people think of themselves. It
was on this journey that evidence was collected to support what is universally accepted today as Darwin's
Theory of Evolution.

 Read each question and choose the correct answer.

1. In what year did Charles Darwin publish evidence that species do evolve?

a. 1850
b. 1859
c. 1889
d. 1895

2. Today almost all scientists accept that evolution is the basis for which of the following on earth?

a. Culture
b. Behavior
c. Diversity
d. Ethnicity

3. The process by which populations change in response to their environment is called?

a. Natural selection
b. Natural order
c. Natural creation
d. Natural evolution

4. This changing process in response to a particular environment is called which of the following?

a. Adoption
b. Isolation
c. Separation
d. Adaption

5. Darwin's evidence was based on the idea that in any population, individuals that are best suited
to survive and do well in their environment will do which of the following?

a. Will produce the most offspring

b. Will exist and survive alone
c. Will dominate all others
d. Will inhabit the land the longest

6. Based on supporting evidence, most scientists agree on three major points. Which of the
following is NOT one of those points?

a. Earth is about 4.5 billion years-old

b. Organisms have inhabited earth for most of its history
c. All organisms living today evolved from earlier, simpler life-forms
d. Isolation is the condition in which two species breed well together and co-exist alone


 Complete the text with the correct words from the list.

adapt survive extinct endangered risk

extinction evolutionary species dies out
conservation habitats

Even before the arrival of humans on Earth, species became 1) ___________ quite
naturally. Natural extinction happens when a species declines in numbers gradually but steadily
at the end of 2) ___________ period on Earth. The length of this period depends on how
well a 3) ___________can 4) ___________ to changes in climate and changes in other
animals and plants around it. This process of extinction can take a very long time - sometimes
several million years - and the 5) ___________ of one species is immediately followed by the
appearance of another in a continuous cycle.

The case of the dinosaurs is the most well-known example of natural extinction. These
reptiles appeared on Earth about 200 million years ago and dominated both land and sea for
almost 100 million years, and none of them were able to 6) ___________ through this time.

The extinction of at least 500 species of animals has been caused by humans, most of
them in the 20th century. Humans have caused great damage to the planet, as wild
7)___________ have been taken over, forcing animals and plants into smaller and smaller
areas, until some of them have become extinct. Today there are about 5,000 8)___________
animals and at least one species 9) ___________ every year. There are probably many more
in a high 10) ___________of extinction.

The main threats to species then can be cited as poaching, habitat loss and climate
change. The International Union for 11) ___________ of Nature has its own "Red List" of
endangered species ranging from "least concern" through to "critically endangered".


In your opinion what are the greatest threats to wildlife and habitats and
conservation of wildlife? What are the biggest obstacles to the conservation of

 Suggest at least 2 solutions to the obstacles that you have identified. How can those
solutions be implemented? Explain how you reached this conclusion.



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