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Working with Excel Basics

LAB 6 – Report



CIT142 – Introduction to Computer Applications

Mr. Ishaq Raji

October 11, 2023

Aims and Objectives
The goal of this week’s lab is to start working on and practicing Microsoft Excel basics. The
tasks of this week’s lab were to complete two different Excel files. One of them is provided,
and all we must do is complete it by following the steps. The second file is a new one from
scratch. This report will explain this lab work in detail.

Lab Achievements
In this lab, we were able to finish the two files, which helped us work on Microsoft Excel
easily. We get the chance to practice working on the basics of Excel and some of its features,
such as using formulas like sum and count, using flash fill, creating multiple sheets, changing
the width of columns, and shifting cells to the right.

I was able to explore more information about Microsoft Excel. This information includes
other formulas that we haven’t used during the lab, such as the MATCH function that helps
users locate certain cells in their sheets. Moreover, there is a special character, which is “&”,
that helps us combine columns together. Lastly, Excel supports using filters that help filter
data to look at certain rows only (Forsey, C. 2022, March 16).

To sum up, the tasks of this lab were to complete different Excel files that helped us practice
different Excel features, such as creating sheets, adjusting the width of rows and columns,
using different functions, and using flash fill. Furthermore, I was able to find more
information about Excel on the internet.

I believe that it was a good start for one of the most interesting programs in Microsoft
Office. Learning the basics of Excel will be useful in future labs and even in the work field.

Forsey, C. (2022, March 16). How to use Excel like A pro: 19 easy excel tips, tricks, &
shortcuts. HubSpot Blog.

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