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Skeaking practices:

Topic 3:
I always consider that the occupation which is suitable for me has to go along with my passion. That's why I
dream of being a fashion. My friends keep asking me to go shopping together because I have an eye for
what's on trend and looks great on them. However, a fashion designer is not just about the clothes, it is about
how to mix and match all the irrelevant items to create an appealing appearance. I love the way working
with silks and tweeds to make people feel confident when wearing my designs. On top of that, I am obsessed
with neutral colors, particularly the dark academic style. Last but not least, contemporary fashion tends to
pursue sustainable fashion and say no to a fast one.
Topic 4:
Well, to be honest, I arrange and follow all the daily routines strictly aiming to adopt a green lifestyle. What
happens to me is completely under control. To be specific, I balance the amount of protein and vegetables I
consume every day and indulge myself in some snacks in moderation. Never staying up late is my rule that
you know, people need a good sleep to re-energize after an efficient day. But the most crucial one is to
maintain positive mental health. Life is imperfect, it has its ups and downs sometimes so what I need to do is
smile and be optimistic. Although it becomes a bit harder for me after leaving for a new environment, I
strongly believe that If I keep making progress in building an appropriate lifestyle, I'll be a better me in the
early future.
Topic 7:
I grew up a mediocre child and then turned into an excellent one during my adolescence when I realize the
importance of studying and how to study smartly. At first, my parents did not expect me too much about my
performance at school until I found Biology and memorizing surprisingly fun. While in the past, I did not
pay much attention to searching for additional information to promote my knowledge and felt confused to
schedule the action plans for studying but now I take control of all these tasks by following several steps.
Firstly, learning from our friends is a way of making attempts, so I never get embarrassed to offer to help.
Second, Manage and divide the amount of time wisely for lessons as well as daily activities, you know my
mom at all times advised me to prioritize my health over anything else.Thirdly, the ideal condition for
studying , for me, is silent and fresh and with some music for sure. The last one is to keep bearing in mind
why you doing it and make it your motivations.
Topic 9:
With the evolution of modern technology, the introduction of electricity is a steady foundation for the whole
electric appliances in human lives. What is easy to see is that my bulbs can not illuminate without this
source of power. Then, electricity plays a vital part in special treatments for medical studies. The world
continuously encourages residents to own electric cars instead of other vehicles for transportation. Besides,
Activating any generators and machines is impossible unless electricity exists. you know, no electricity
definitely results in no Internet, no communication, and no civilization. Even though its applications are
endless from daily lives to industries, I suppose that its function is immeasurable and still needs progress to
explore the entire potential.
Topic: Talk about what motivates you at university.
I have to be honest that I am lucky to be able to approach a competitive studying environment at the very
beginning of high school. Therefore when the range expands to a university, it turns out to be a huge
motivation for me. Having opportunities to communicate with many outstanding peers has significantly
promoted my interest in studying. You know, they are good reflections and also achievements for me to
make more effort. So, when people are trying that hard, I must not give up for just a second. On the other
hand, studying medicine requires both long-term training and finances which are a real burden to my family.
All of all, these aspects keep making me stay inspired and motivated.

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