Moroccan Egoverment

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Tour of Morocco Government Websites: Information, Services, and Potential Lessons for


Websites Evaluated:

 Main Government Website:

 Ministry of education

 Ministry of Revenue Service :

 Ministry of Home affairs :

Information and Services offered:

1. Main Government Website:

 Government Information:

a) Details about government structure, officials, and agencies.

b) Legislative and regulatory information.

c) National policies and strategies.

 Public Services:

a) Access to online forms and applications for various services.

b) Information on public health services, education, and social welfare.

c) Tax and financial services.

 News and Updates:

a) Press releases and official statements.

b) Updates on government initiatives and projects.

 Citizen Engagement:

a) Opportunities for citizen feedback and participation.

b) Information on community events and public consultations.

 E-Government Services:

 Services for citizens

- National electronic identity card

- Biometric passport

-Make appointments online

-Electronic counter for ordering administrative documents

- E-GOV unifying site

-E-intermediation on the job market

- E-justice portal

-Portal of services for foreigners

-Morocco tourism portal

-Consumer portal

-E-finance services portal

-Online payment of council tax

-Online trade register

-Morocco digital post Platform

-Administration portal

-Secure Visa

 Services for business

Invest in Morocco portal

-Guide to administrative procedures

-repository of online ICT professions and skills, land registry, access to property titles fornotaries

- Issuance of authorizations and approvals

-common company identifier ICE

Services for Administration

-Establishment of an electronic certification operator platform

- RAWAJ Extranet

a) Online portals for government transactions and services.

b) Digital identity and authentication services.

c) E-payment services for fines, fees, and taxes.

Areas for Improvement:

 User-Friendly Design:

Ensure the website has an intuitive and user-friendly design to facilitate easy navigation for users
of varying technical abilities.
 Search Functionality:

Implement an effective search feature to help users quickly find the information or services they
are looking for.

 Mobile Responsiveness:

Optimize the website for mobile devices to accommodate users who access the site from
smartphones or tablets.

 Up-to-Date Information:

Regularly update the content to provide the latest information on government policies, services,
and news.

 Interactive Services:

Enhance online services to allow users to complete transactions, applications, and forms online,
reducing the need for in-person visits.

 Citizen Engagement:

Promote and improve citizen engagement by providing platforms for feedback, public
consultations, and community involvement.

Lessons for Tanzania:

 Comprehensive Information Portal: Create a central government website like,

consolidating information and services from various departments under one platform.

 Online Services: Prioritize offering essential services online, starting with high-demand
sectors like education, healthcare, and tax administration.

 User-Friendly Design: Focus on intuitive navigation, mobile optimization, and

accessibility features to improve user experience.

 Transparency and Open Data: Promote transparency by publishing government data,

meeting minutes, and internal reports online.

 Citizen Engagement: Utilize online platforms for public consultations, feedback

mechanisms, and e-petitions to encourage citizen participation.
In conclusion the Moroccan government websites offer a valuable resource for citizens and
businesses, showcasing extensive information and online services. Tanzania can learn from their
strengths and focus on similar areas to improve its own digital government presence and better
serve its citizens.

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