WPA 4542 2023 Document

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', 14- Eli aüns•.xure enćlosed ÖeTewith. The

District : Uttar Dinajpur
In the High Court at Calcutta
Constitutional Writ Jurisdiction
Appellate Side

W.P.A. No. of 2023;

In the matter of:

An application under Article 226 of the
Constitution of India;

Subject matter relating to:

the West Bengal School Service

Commission Act, 1997 and Rules
flamed thereunder.

Under Group- | , Head- , of the

Classification List.

Cause Title
Jayanta Barman

. ...Petitioner
The State of West Bengal and Ors.
. . Respondents.

Mr. Sudip Ghosh Chowdhury,
High Court, Calcutta
Bar Association, Room No.12.
Mobile No.9830562730 /8777412006

District : Uttar Dinajpur

In the High Court at Calcutta

Constitutional Writ Jurisdiction

Appellate Side

W.P.A. No. of 2023;

In the matter of:

An application under Article 226

of the Constitution of India.


In the matter of:

. . . .. ...Petitioner


The State of West Bengal & Ors.

... .....Respondents


Sl.to. Description of the documents Annexure Page

1. Writ Petition 1 t%

2. Photostat copies of the Identity Proof. “P/1”

3. Photostat copy of the Recommendation. “P/2” L

4. Photostat copy of the Appointment “P/3” J$

5. Photostat copy of the First Joining “P/4”


Photostat copies of the Transfer “P-5” Jq..y}

Recommendation and Order.

7. Photostat copy of the Second Joining “P-6” J/-


8. Photostat copy of the Approval Order. “P-7”

9. Photostat copy of the Representations. “P-8” ?



01 '08'2018 The WBCSSC issued recommendation in favour of the

The Board issued appointment 1 e in favour ‹if the
24'09'20 18 The petitioner has joined the first school.
1 8/07/2019 The transfer recommendation has been issued by the '
08/07'2019 The Board has issued the transfer order.
10'07/20 19 The petitioner has joined the present school.
' 09/08'201 9 The D.I. issued approval order.
15'02/2023 The petitioner made last representation to the authority.


1. Whether the petitioner is entitle for getting approval order frr›m

the date of joining of his first school?
II. Whether the respondent authorities have acted illegally by Ii‹›n
considering the petitioner’s several written representations?

That on 24/09/201 8 the petitioner has joined the first school in

the Post of Assistant Teacher in Mathematics (PG) in pursuant to the

appointment letter issued by the Board o» 1?/09/2018. Then on

18/07/2019 the W.B.C.S.S.C. issued administrative transfer

recommendation in favour of the petitioner. Then on 08/07/2019 the

Board issued transfer order. Accordingly on l0/07/2019 the petitioner has

joined the present school without any break in service. Howevcr on

09, 08, 2019 the D.I. issued approval order and give effect service of the

petitioner trom 10 07 2019 instead of 13/09/20 18. The petitioner made

several representations befoi‘e the authority, which was not considered


DiStrict : Uttar Dinajpur

In the High Court at Calcutta

Constitutional Writ Jurisdiction
Appellate Side
W.P.A. No. of 2023;
In the matter of:
An application under Article 226 of
the Constitution of India.

In the matter of:

Jayanta Barman,
...... .Petitioner
The State of West Bengal and Ore.


01/08/2018 The WBCSSC issued recommendation in favour of‘ the

, petitioner.
13/08/201 8 The Board issued appointment letter in favour of the
24/09/201 8 The petitioner has joined the first school.
l 8/07/2019 The ti ansfer recommendation has been isseñ b; the
W.B.C S.S.C.
08/07/2019 The Board has issued the transfer order.
10/07/2019 "The petitioner has joined the present school.
09/08/2019 ' The D.1. issued approval order.
15/02/2023 ' The petitioner made last representation to the authority.

District : Uttar Dinajpur

In the High Court at Calcutta

Constitutional Writ Jurisdiction

Appellate Side

W.P.A. No. of 2022;


In the matter of:

An application Under Article 226

of the Constitution of India;


In the matter of:

Jayanta Barman,

Son of Biren Barman,

Of Vill. — Chakamod, P.O.

Kamarpara, Police Station

Balurghat, Dist. — Dakshin

Dinajpur, PIN — 733145.


1. The State of West Bengal

service through the Secretary

School Education Department

Secondary Branch of Bikash

Bhaban, Salt Lake, Kolkata-


2. The Deputy Director, School

Education Department,

Government of West Bengal of

Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata


3. The President,

The West Bengal Board of

Secondary Education, ot“ Ni› edita

Bhavan, DJ-8, Sector-11, Salt Lakc,


4. The Chairman,

West Bengal Central School

Service Commission, of EE-

Block, Sector-11, Salt Lake,


5. The District Inspector of

Schools (S.E), Uttar Dinajpur, of

Post Office — , Distnct

— Uttar Dinajpur, PIN - 733130.

6. The Head of the Institution,

Rampur Indra Uchcha Vidyapith

(H.S.), of Post Office — Lahanda,

Police Station — Raiganj, Dist.

Uttar Dinajpur, PIN - 733134.

7. The Head of the Institution,

Dudhunda AIoke Tirtha Vidvapith

(H.S.) of Post Office — Tungoil

Bilpara, Police Station

Hemtabad, District — Uttar

Dinajpur, PIN - 733129.



The Hon’ble Prakash Shrivastava, Chief Justice And His Companion

Justices of the said Hon’ble Court.

The humbIe petition of the

petitioner above named

most respectfully—

S h e w e t h:

l. Your petitioner states that the petitioner is a law abiding and

peace loving citizen of India, having her permanent residence at the

aforesaid address specially mentioned in the cause title.

Photostat copy of the Identity Proof has been annexcd

herewith as Annexure-‘P- 1’.

2. Your petitioner states that the petitioner participated in

Wesi Bengal School Service Commission entrance examination and

became a successful candidate. After completion of the selection process,

on 01/08/20 18 the West Bengal Central School Service Commission

issiled appointment Recommendation in favour of the petitioncr for the

post of Assistant Teacher in Mathematics (PG).

Photostat copy of the Recommendation has been annexed

herewith as Annexure-‘P-2’.

3. Your petitioner states that pursuant to that Recommendation

on 13/09/2018, the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education issued

appointment letter in favour of the petitioner for the post of Assistant

Teacher in Mathematics (PG) in Rampur Indra Uchcha Vidyapith fH.S.),

txt Posi O ttice — Lahanda, Police Station — Raiganj, Dist. L tt‹ir

Dina jpitr, PU 733134.

Photostat copy of the First Appointment Letter has been

annexed herewith as Annexure-‘P-3’.


Your petitioner states that then on 24/09/2018 the petitioner

joined the school in the said post and started his service accordingly.

Photostat copy of the Joining Report has been annexed

herewith as Annexure-‘P-4’.

5. Your petitioner states that on 28/07/2019 the West Bengal

Central School Service Commission issued transfer recommendation in

favour of the petitioner in Dudhunda AIoke Tirtha Vidyapith (H.S.) of

Post Ol lice Tungoil Bilpara, Police Station — Hemtabad, Districl - I 'ttar

O inajpur, PU — 733129. Then on 08/07/2019 the West Bengal Board ot

Secondary Education issued transfer order in favour of the petitioncr in

Dudhunda Aloke Tirtha Vidyapith (H.S.) of Post Office — Tungoil

Bilpara, Police Station — Hemtabad, District - Uttar Dinajpur, PIN

733129 for administrative reason.

Photostat copy of the Recommendation and Transfer Order

have been annexed herewith as Annexure-‘P-5’.

6. Your petitioner states that then pursuant to that transfer oi der

on 10 07 2019 the petitioner has joined in Dudhunda Aloke Tirtha

Vidyapith tH.S.) of Post Office — Tungoil Bilpara, Police Station

Hemtabad, District - Uttar Dinajpur, PIN — 733129 in the post o!

Assistant Teacher in Mathematics (PG) after getting NOC from Rampur

lndra Uchcha Vidyapith (H.S.), of Post Office — Lahanda, Police Station


— Raiganj, Dist. — Uttar Dinajpur, PIN — 733134 and without any break

Photostat copy of the Second Joining Report has been

annexed herewith as Annexure-‘P-6’.

Your petitioner states that it was surprised on 09 08/2019

the District Inspector of Schools (S.E.), Uttar Dinajpur issued approval

order in favour of’ the petitioner and giving effect of his service ‹›n and

from 10 07/2019 instead of his first joining on 24/09/2018 in Rampur

lndra Uchcha Vidyapith (H.S.), of Post Office — Lahanda, Police Station

— Raiganj, Dist. — Uttar Dinajpur, PIN — 733134. However in that

approval order the said D.I. mentioned that the petitioner initially joined

in his service on 24/09/2018. It is the contention of the petitioner that

admittedly he was transferred subsequently for administrative reason and

it is not the fault of“ the petitioner.

Photostat copy ot“ the Approval Order has been annexcd

herewith as Annexure-‘P-7’.

8. Your petitioner states that thereafter he made several

representation before the Respondent No. 5 to give effect of his service

from his first date of joining i.e. on 24/09/2018 in the first school,

Rampur lndra Uchcha Vidyapith (H.S.), of Post Office — Lahanda, Police

Station — Raiganj, Dist. — Uttar Dinajpur, PIN — 733134. Even on

15/02/2023 he made further representation before the said authority for


necessary rectification of his date of joining of his service, but no action

has been taken yet.

Photostat copy of the Representations have been annexed

herewith as Annexure-‘P-8’.

9. Your petitioner submits that being aggrieved by and

dissatisfied with the non-action or in-action on the part of the respondent

authorities, your petitioner begs to move this writ petition on the

following amongst other:-


I. For that the respondent authorities are completely illegal,

arbitrary and bad in the eye of law.

For that admittedly the petitioner joined his first school on

24/09/2018 and started his service life accordingly.

111. For that the petitioner was subsequently transferred to

another school on administrative ground and on 10/07 2019

he joined second school without any break in service.

IV. For that since the petitioner was transferred in administrative

reason, so there is no fault of the petitioner and accordingly

the petitioner is entitled to get effect of his service trom

24/09/201 8.

V For that the said D.I. is completely illegal by issuing

appro al order in favour of the petitioner and gave etl“ect of

his service from 24/09/2018.

For that the petitioner made several representation before

the D.I. for necessary rectification in the approval order of

the petitioner but the said respondent is sitting tight without

giving any reply thereto.

For that the respondent authorities are otherwise bad in the

eye of law.

10. Your petitioner states that the matter is very urgent in nature

and therefore, the relevant provision of the Appellate Side Rules should

be dispensed with.

1 I. Your petitioner submits that on the self same cause of action

on other writ application or any other case has been filed before This

Hon’ble Court or any other competent Court of Law in India.

l2. That there is no other efficacious alternative remedy as prayed

for therein.

13. That the record of the case is lying with the Appellate Side

Jurisdiction oi“ this Hon’ble Court.


14. That this application is made bonafide and for the ends of


In the above stated facts and

circumstances, your petitioner

most respectfully pray that Your

Lordship would graciously be

pleased to issue:

a) A writ of mandamus

commanding the respondents to

issue fresh approval order in

favour of the petitioner with giving

effect service of the petitioner from

24/09/2018 immediately and

without any delay;

b) A writ of mandamus or a

writ in the same nature thereof’

commanding the respondents to

consider the

representations annexed herewith

as Annexure — ‘P-8’;

c) A it in the naturc of

certiorari of a writ in the same

nature thereof directing the

respondents to certify and transmit

die records of the case as such

conscionable justice may be

administered of the same;

d) Rule NISI in terms of

prayers (a),ñ ),(c) and (d) above;

e) Costs and other incidental


9 To pass such other or further

order or orders as to Your

Lordships may seem fit and


And for this act of kindness, your petitioner, as in duty bound, shall ever



1, Jayania Barman, son of Biren Barman, aged about 32 years, by faith —

Hindu, by occupation Service, residing at Vill. — Chakamod, P.O.
Kamarpara, Police Station — Balurghat, Dist. — Dakshin Dinajpur, PIN
733145, do hercby solemnly affirm and say as follows:
I. That I am the petitioner and as such I am well acquainted with
the facts and circumstances of this case.
2. That the statements made in paragraph no.1 to 8 are true to my
knowledge and belief to be true and rests are my humble submissions
before this Hon’ble Court.

Prepared in my office

The deponent is frown to me

Advocate Clerk to Mr. D.K.Banerjee

Registration No. WB/1244/2004 Advocate
Solemnly affirmed before me
On ihis the by of February,

I certify that all annexure
are i

''Sri iJi, ”Acft area Sadan”, EE Block, Sector 11, Bidhunnagar, felt be - go o o y
› ‹' */69i .8.AT(PG)-MATH/CSSC/ESTT/*oi8

ii 1 u‹1. i i i ,
I ;int tr I t-efe t I(› t}j t• g{eino No. and subject noted above & state that after counselling of candidates on the basis of the result of the 1st Stir ti
'.' ' I ii ie ‹-tio i ‘l’c.st Io r flecrui tm en t of Assistant Sea chers {Cl asses X I &: II), sot6inGovt. aided / Sponsored/ Higher Serondory S
r1too1. I x, ‹ jet i I i1 I lied Jo n), -o ié› the ¥Ves t Bengal Cen tra1 School Service Commission recommends the name of the ca ndidate men
tionerl ldc l‹›
'' ›r . › t i‹›i it t m‹'n t ' p:+i i1 s t v acal cy to the post of MSISTANT TEACHER FOR CASE.S {M-II) inthesehoo1 no ted below, J›u reuor i
t t‹
i i i i‹:‹i1 i‹ › i› N‹› i i t›r›-S L/:i/ is- z6/ no to(Pt- III) dxted eoth Septernher zoi6 (for Classes XI and XII) of the Departs rent txt S elic›ol
1 . ! ,'‹ it i‹› It , Ci‹›x' t. ‹›l' \ ''e.st Denga1, The West Bengel School Service Commission (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of 2'eacl1 er.s I ‹›i
‹ '!uss‹ s X I an ci X II I ia H igl er Secondary Sch ools) Rules, uoi6 on usua1 terms & con ditioris & pay scale as admissible for the pu.st i n i-espe ‹-i
r . Ii i ‹ h t14 i• cait tlidate is selected.
' ''" ‹'* .'l›i'*""' en t stsall be issued by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education to the candidate after verificatio n of requisite
‹i oc u one ii ts en ch as dv te of hirt h, acade mic qualifications, Teacher Training qualification, SC/ST/OBC/PH certi ficate ts••h• • • i›i› '•**›
' ' ' r • •' ' :i utlaorit - •ñ th acknowledge rnent due allowing the candidate to join the post within stipulated period i n term.s ct' Ru l‹'
' › 1› ri lc 'j of th e \t’est Beng al Sch oo1 Service Com mission (Selection for Appointment to the Post of teachers for- Classes XI aiiil X II i i i
' -' Ii ' i * ec•›n‹1a if' .S cl no Is) Ku ie oo i 6 in Govt. ai ded / S po nso red/ H ig her Secondary Schools (Exp.ept H i11 Region), aoi é› and sul›.s e‹ t u ‹:i t

L› ' c't› i i i iss to n z} iiilI lie i n formeel x•ñ thiii six ›•'eeL from the date of issue of this recommendation of the a c tior t ak ct i fly West 'c i ig,il
' . r'I ‹› i .S‹:‹ c› n‹li› ia• L ‹lptic a ti p on this reco n ie end:ition and a bout j Oirtirtg of the candidate for g with his/her date of jui wind;.
lt‹'‹ '› i i i me \‹ l. tie ii fr›r ii ppoin torrent to the post ot AT in Higher Secondary SchpoIs is in pursunr t to this Rul e 9 uf the West i3c• rig.i I

RoI1 Numl›e r :
Post in vrliich selected
AT (Club dyed XI-
Gender : BE

\’acancy Category : SC Qualification of the

*’acaney Gender : MGE/ YES Candidate(as Admitted /
considered by WBCSSC)
Vacancy Medi\ m : R tZNGALt

W. B. Central Scln ool Service Cu in ii i iss i ‹cii

Dated : o J.c›8.;z ti1 H

,› i i ‹ i i ,ii ‹'eel to ' —

I i - I J‹ ut ’ D i rector oi S cliool Education (GA), West Bengal with a request to keep record a nd update Vacancies.

teach ers tor C Iasses X I and XI I in H ighcr secondary Fch ools) Rule zo i ftG iiir› vt. :i i ‹ie ‹1
iii1 i r * 'c‹ n‹1ii i-y S ehooIs (ix cept H ill Region). to i6 apart from initiatio n of leg at action.

1'CJ: I'S:flai¿a»j
'. ,é8ivedita Bhavan, DJ - B. lector II, Salt Lake. Kolkata-70BBB\.

\\e+o : WBBSE/App./!JDJ/PATH-(PM)/AT-Ol5Z


S E A act fA TANT E E n .
I pursun xcc with the Notifi catioo to: 21a-SE/SH OM-O IJI8 dated 8“ March, 2OI8 read with Memo no: z¢4-SE/SJl OF.-O!,•18
c]a tecl i6/03J2 OJ8 and in reference wi th West Beogal School Central Service Comrrtiggion Memo rio. I If/6913/AT(PG}-
MATS/CSSC/ESTT/20I8 dated: OL08.2OI8 you are hereby appointed provisionally for two years to the post of Assistant
Tea edcr (for c1ass W — W T) against a vacant post belonging to SC catego in the noted below school. You r pay barJrJ wi!!

ami)A\\ SBARVAN Roll No: 222216Z9OOili 6 C›ender: MALF:

Date of Birth: 20-Mar-91 °Ster I’OInt
Schoo 1 Name with Address: hAHP UIF I H0lltâ II thflhâ ¥l0Yâ PlTh(h S). t i‘ Q9alificariori : PG WITH BED
Vacancy Medium: BENGALI

Y"u are requested to join the school within IS days from tha date of issuance of this appointment letter failing wliici ills
appointment may be treated as cancelled without any further r'eference to you in this regard.

• WBsSE/App./!JDJ/PATH-(Ps)/AT-Ol53(IO) out,: i3i09iy0i8

No[ay No r' va rd cd No r k i nd info rm atio n to:-
secrets ry, Dept. or Sch on I Ed u cv tio in, G ov . of West Serigal.
2. C oi Jr in issi one r o( S chop i EcJu c atir In, G ovt. of West Be rn gal.
*88 IB ^o H a n MI C, De pt. oF Sch oo! Fd ucation, G ovL. oF West Bengal.



* ‹ °' Y. °d ucari° a! qua!i0c°tior's, da te of birth, caste, P.H. etc. ac the time of joining and sen‹l a c opy o I
jo ' i g It° po r t t O t I e Presi de i t. WS BS I- wi t h irt if d sys.

Presi dent

To '

hampur Indira Uchcha Vidyapith (H.S,),

P.0-Lahanda, P.S-Raiganj,
0 let- Uttar Dinajpur(W.B.), Pin-733134
run are •z e t - -• _
,o znm“« xcx •“x'm ‘‹ +’
S u o. Jai!•ing better for the post of Assistant Teacher in IVlathematicS (PG) (Class-xi-xii level) '

*, <s oe c’.«t S '

I, Jayanta Bar man, Son of Bmen Bar n an, V ill-Chal‹amod, P.o ham arpara , P s
alurgn at, Dist- Dakshin Oinajpur, WB, Pin-733145, am very happy to infor m you that an
ppoinI ment Letter with the vide Memo. No. V\/BBSE/ App./UDJ/MATH -(PG)/AT-0 1S 31 10, Oat‹'r:
13/’09/20 18, in connection with the Recommendation Letter of th e WBCSSC Memo. No
I 12/69 13/AT (PG)-MATH/CSSC/ESTT/20 18 dated: 01/08/2018, has been received by me.

In this regard today i e, ..8â.! .°..^ .. . .!fi at . /.'?...to.a,m.. I want to join as an

ssistant Teacher in Mathematic s (PG) (Cla.ss-xi-xii level) in your school and shall try to serve m
sest retairi glory and dignity of your institution for the years to come,
Therefore I shall be highly obIi|zeJ you if y ou kind enough tn do the ne cessan ‹ o
ne e ofuI steps ^v accepting my joining letter and the necess ary attached Jocuments

Thanking You, )@

’+curs faitlJtt i Ivy

e0.Lo •**•'

.a Signature •c• Signature " Signature Signature Si9 natif re S i9na'


10 t



Precious Current Precious Current Prevlous Currcn

Casual V
Leave withou\ pa'/


— e
a Signature Ê
o Signature Signature


Sig nature t•
Signature , Si$¡naturo Signature Slgnature t
8. •

Previaue Current
•** mm ”
ACHARyA SADAN: 11 & 11Y 1, Block -EE. Salt Lake. I<olkoro - 7ooo9 1
Reco mmendation for trans fer of Assistant Teacher on Admini$trative Reason

Memo No : 92 la-ż9/CSSC/GT/2019 18-Jun-19

ï i re i i › s ‹ I ;›i ‹I v i s i o ìJ s la›d cïo wiJ In tIn e Noti Ńca tion No : 22 7- ES/S/ 1S -4/9d DATED : ï 2.03.20t8 issued by che School Educa Rio n
t^ø|›n rc nJ o›J c, G c'vc i i" me 1r uF West B en ga I . › n con neck› on with Trans Fe r of As si stant teacher o£ a scho ol in a schoo I given bellow and re:zd w
.î ‹› : ó 8 7/SE/S/1S- o8/:t 6 Dated : 2 4.05.2 016 o F S cl oo I Educa tj on Department and Letter from Sch ool Educa¢io n Depa rtmenC vicIe Me ï\ a
: 7 Oß- SE/S/ IS- 02y17NPT- I X§ DATED : 4.06.2 01 9 th e Co mm is s› on recom mends tŁ-ansfer oŁ ȚAVAîgT‘A BARM AN to che sch oo I a s slîuw ›

Ti answer A ecomm ended to


PO: Tilgaon
DIsT .
! î I* ì ï-‹ I MATHEMATIC S (PG)
The Cres idenI .
VVest Øeng a ï Ø oard Of Scondary Education,
Niv e dita Øhav a n , DÜ 8. K arunamoyee More, Salt Lake, Kolkata - ZOO091
Si r,
You a re requested to issue appoin tmen t letter in favour of the Candidate under Notification no 214-SE/S/t0M-0 Ty z8 Da tel 8 tl
i Ma i t•łï 20 ï 8 ‹›I' The Sc]joc] ml uca tioiî De pa ŁtJ›en t so I hat the candidate can join in the newly recommended scho ol within 3(Thre
e) days of rele ase from the present school and coMmunicate within 15(Fifteen) Days to the Central Commis sï on , School Edueat› on
Dep a rtment . DSE West Beng al and concerned DI(SE) a bou t such joining.

Yours faithfuIly
West Begal Central School Service Commïssion

ș+2 *J f9) /A-29/CSSC,'GT,‘2 0 J 9 8-Jun-19

P .O. K am ajo ra , Di st. U ttar Dì naj pu r, F‘IN- 733 134

.t. r3 i x t ›•ic t I „. pcs t¢'•- ur s c i u‹•ls (.ÛL} ŁJTŒ”AR DINAJI”UR
I* a. K«i-n*›ą Ora, D s‹. Ćttai Di nû|| u r, PI N - 733 134

"I› !*i " * i‹l• ii t y* eri'ela 'y uF tÏ ì " hì a ma giii g Ł:oi nJ i ŁŁee yAd Iî ac Comm i Łtee/Adm in istra tor
F 0 : lta i i pur, FS : . DISO” : U7”TAR UINAV PU ft, I IN : , •r g 3 34
'"i c I' : rccț '‹ ñ I to re!c.8s e on rcceî Ł'8 aF cJä e ag Ł'oiŁå m enI le tcer fro m Wear Benga î Board Of ScondaŁy Ed ucation & to Com I Łitu tTI ra Łe
t J j o s•t I e to IN c Srd aul Ed ura I io lv Depa rt itz enI ,th e West Be toga ł Ce Ł tral Sch ooh Ser-yîe e Com m less on & The West Ben gaI Boa rd Of Sco iz
d a Ed ica ŁI an a n d DI (SE) ca n cern ed
Nivedita Bhavan. üJ - B. Sentar ll, Salt Lake. Kalkata-7BB09l.

M‹: No: WBBSE/Apt./IJBJ/GT(/tT)/AT- BB6 Oate: L1g/07/Z0i9

Sub: A «intment «n Transfer to the Pnst of A88I8TAHT TEACHER eqaiast Recommendatlon af Tha West Bengal Central School Service Eominissinn.
1 ri ['ursnance ch the Noci£lcation no: zi -sE/S/io;vi-or/i8 daced 8" rar<h. zoia read rich rrierrio no: 7o8-SEM zn7( 8-II) DATE-D
î6c6.z !9 * 'J 'n •=Êerunce with Wusc Bcngal Central Whoo] Çemnce ComMîMon Memo no. 9aIh-¥9I fi•C/ )Zo\g OATED : i8-
]üNE-aOl8 in connexion +vh 'General Transfer un Sp›tüz1 ‹Gromadc and RsÑlora6on ofASSlSTANT IACHER Gom present pacs

You c se i•vice shall b'e reg r›lo ced by tic relevant Govt. Act, fitules, and TtogoTations and by the O rdeze oF the Board. No travel1ir.g or any
a I I 'zr all owancc is a J m issibl e for jobni ng the post. Proper Release Order. joining Repos of previous post etc. must be sub'm icted at- I.he
bT \a4u of joining. YOu must yoin the school IO w§t iC/ yOu are I-rans/ñm-ed d ghg datc W3ea fMâ\Tg T*hf C3g *e
y po r ltmeriC may be treatcd ae can ceTTed without ad c4 No in be s@ @.

Ap plicant’s Present Employment Deta ils:- Transfer Recommended by WBCSSC to:-


1‘ ü .: RAIG A N}
D iST. tJ"rT R D i«J PLiR
Pin' y33134
Pin. 733129
Lost Uæ-ne: nos IS"I’ANT '£En CPIER

\t c+1Jo. No. WÑBÊÊ/Art./!JBJ/f2T(AT)/AT-BO6(TB) Date. BB/B7/ZBI9

c ‹›gy Ëo marded for k i nd in Forma Eion to:-

1. P rinc+gal Secretary, D ept. oF School Educatjon, Govc. of West BengaT.

Coll n4'ss oHer of SedaoI Ed Teation, Govc. of We st Bengal.
O SD EO I-IOn’ble M!C. D ept. of School E ducation, Govt. of West 8engal.
Oepu ty Di rec tor, Seconda ry Ed u ea tio n (Ad mi n iatrat ion).
dcc redzip, WesL Bengal Menbra) fiC\OOI her-viCe COm rr+i ssion.
W›•cricv o gi strace. \J AR DI NA)P£JR
t31 o I ñ cl loo)s($ E/, UWAR DINAJPUR, w+Eh rcc{oest to senda status oF joining of all incumbents in che disLricI wiEIn i
c› ia e uro ' th from tlnc do t e of issu e of thei r ap poi n tmen t let cers, to the Presid enc, WBBSE.
I M/1 I c/l’r s›¢Ic ^ t/ S cc rc at f chr M anaging Co m• ittee/administrator ewMf•uft Ihiolw UcHcHA vj OYAPrr.
^’!E Î ï Ùi re t ion to rclease so El^o E i i^ cu iJaÎDcn t may jo in lais assised school, sub)ect to ver•if cati in oÊ his/hcr doc+amcix ts
1 4 N3/1'1 C/ I’resicle t/ S e crc ta ry oF the la naging Co mmittee/Adrriinistrat.or DC D/UMOA ALOKE TRlTbIA Vl DYAPIT
xvitl j n di rec tior' t° verj(y t5 e rele a se ord er and ot leer docurrients befire joining. Also )oir ing n<port may be sent to tJ
Prcsi‹1 ert, W J3J3SE with i r i 5 days.

p resident
The Secretary,
Dudhui cla Aloke Tirtha Date:10/07/2019
Vidyapith(LI.S), P.0.-Tungoil Bilpara,
P.S.- Henstabad, Dist-Uttar Dinajpur,
Pin-733 129.

Sub-Joining Report on Transfer to the post of Assistant Teacher (xi-xii)

in Mathematics(PG).

With Due respect, i, Jayanta Bart»an, a very happy to inform you that I have
been recommended for transfer from Rampur Indira Uchcha Vidyapith to ycur
instituti• n by WBCSSC.For that ai Appoint ment Letter on Transfer to the post of
Assistant Teacher(xi-xii) vide me t»o no.WBBSE/Apt./UDJ/GT(AT)/AT-006 dated
08/07/2019 issued b/ WBBSE in connection with the Recommendation for
Transfer of Assistant Teacher on Administrative Reason from WBCSSC memo
no.92/A-29/CSSC/GT/2019 dated 18/06/2019, has been received by me.
!n this regard today i.e.,10/07/20 3 at 10:?0 a.m., I want to join my reg«Iar
cluty in the po*t of assistant teacher in fViathematics (PG) in your school.
Tnerefore, I shall be highly obliged \’ou if you kindl/ accept my joining
,, ^<>
Contact 9434424039 9679497178
W.D. Board Index No. P1- 060
E - mai i (School) - riuvp rj@gmail com
H S. Code No. 109029
-mail I fJ M ) !arunnayakh m I 9@gmaiI.cost Vocationa! Code No 8524

st TTA I NA U ( ) 7 4

6w .
to Whom It May Concern

Certified that Jayanta Barman, had joined in this institution on 24/09/2018 as ar

assistant teacher of Mathematics (PG) following the conversion of post from
normal section to higher secondary section vide memo no. 1755,dated
20/09/2018 of DI/S(SE),Uttar Dinajpur. He has served in this school on and
from 24/09/2018 to the afternoon of 09/07/2019.But his service in this institution
is not approved till date by the DI of schools,UD. Now in connection with
appointment letter of W.8.8.S.E vide memo no. WBBSE/Apt./UOJ/GT(AT)/AT-006
dated 08/07/2019 for transfer of Assistant Teacher on Administrative reason and
also on the basis of his prayer dated 09/07/2019 pertaining to this joining at
Dudhunda Aloke Tirtha Vidyapith, he has been released today on

d. Lo#tn4a, Ra4srj.VItat0lna)y+r
(Bub•tnspeoter ef $cheoly.
Relgcnj Nor¥'i/ 8euth Clrola)
Govt of West Bengal
Office of the District Inspector of Schools (S.E)
Uttar Dinajpur.

h'1emo No Date /08/2019

.”rom : The District Inspector of Schools (S.E) Uttar Dinajpur.

The Secretary / Administrator,
Dudhunda Aloke Tirtha Vidyapith ( H.S)
P.0 — Tungoil Bilpara, Dist — Uttar Dinajpur

Sub . Approval of Appointment of Assistant Teacher for class XI-XII section,

" I : 1) School Memo No - 234/AT/APVL/2019 Date- 29.07.19

(2) West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Vide Memo No- WBBSE/App./UDJ/MATH-
(PG)/AT-0153 Dated- 13.09 .2018.
(3) The Chairman of W.B.C. S.S.C Memo No- 92/A-29/CSSC/GT/2019 Date- 18.06.2019

The undersigned has to state that the Appointment of under mentioned Head master / Head
distress / Asst. Head Master / Asstt. Head Mistress / Asstt. Teacher/ Clerk / Group D- Peon of the School /
Madrasah is/are approved on salaries as admissible under the rules with effect the dates noted against
their on usual conditi on.
SI. I Name& Qualification Post in whiCh or person in whose place Date from which
"!o Designation appointed approved
I Jayanta Barman, As per conversion order issued by Assistant 10.07.2019
Mathematics (PG), B.Ed Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal Memo To
Assistant Teacher No 671-SE/S/IS-02/17(Pt-IX) dated- 09.07.2021
NB: The incumbent was offered appointment letter initially at Rampur Indira Uchcha Vidyapith as
Assistant teacher and thereafter his appointment was transferred to Dudhunda Aloke Tirtha Vidyapith
(H.S) vide President of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Vide Memo No-
\YBBSE/Apt./UDJ/GT(AT)/AT-006 Dated- 08.07 .2019. As the President has issued appointment letter and
the teacher has already joined in this post, So no other alternative but to accord approval in this stage.
Final approval /confirmation are pending subject to submit of the appointment letter duly inclusion of
roster point 28, Police verification and Medical fitness Examination Certificate etc.

District InspectoroSchools (S.E)

Uttar Dinajpur

h4emo No 8 Date 08/2019

Copy to :- Jayanta Barman, Assistant Teacher of Dudhunda Aloke Tirtha Vidyapith (H.S)P 0-
Tungoil ".:!oar a Dist - Uttar Dinajpur
To 'Received Contwt rat verified.
D.I. ot Schools fSE), Uttar 0i ajpur'
The D.I, of Schools(SE}, I\

arnojora,Uttar Dinajpur, 'Sigri


Sub-Applying for continuation of my job after getting transfer


With due respect, I,Jayanta Barm an, would like to infcrm you that I get an appointment letter on
transfer of Assistant Teacher from RAMPUR INDIRA UCHCHA VIDYAPTH(H.S) to DUDHUNDA
ALOKE TIRTHA VIDYAPITH(H.S) on 08/07/2019 and then I had joined in the transferred school on
10/07/2019 and I am approved from 10/07/2019.But I had not get my Approval of my previous school in
winich I have worl‹ed my duty very sincerely and continuously upto 24/09/2018 to 09/07/2019.

For this reason, I am requesting to you please do the needful steps for continuation my job and I am
very’ grateful to you


Yours Faithtully

The Deputy Director of School Education (GA Section)

Bikash Bhavan (7"n« , salt Lake,

Sub-Applying for continuation of my job after getting transfer

With due respect,I,Jayanta Barman, would like to inform you that I get an appointment letter on
transfer of Assistant Teacher from RAMPUR INDIRA UCHCHA VIDYAPTH(H.S) to DUDHUNDA
ALOKE TIRTHA VIDYAPITH(H.S) on 08/07/2019 and then I had joined in the transferred school on
10/07/2019 and I am approved from 10/07/2019.But I had not get my Approval of my previous school in
which I have worked my duty very sincerely and continuously upto 24/09/2018 to 09/07/2019.

For this reason,l am requesting to you please do the needful steps for continuation my job and I am
very grateful to you.

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully

District : Uttar Dinajpur

In the High Court at Calcutta

Constitutional Writ Jurisdiction

Appellate Side

W.P.A loo.
In the matter of:
An application Under Article 226 of the
Constitution of India.


In the matter of:

Jayanta Barman

'1he State of West Bengal & Others.
. . Rcspondents.


Mr. Sudip Ghosh Chowdhury,
High Court, Calcutta
Bar Association, Room No. 12.
Mobile No.9830562730/8777412006

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