Speaking UAS

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Amelia and Ega are walking together in the corridor of campus, they have
finished their class today and wanna have a small conversation in the hall of the
Amelia : Oh my God, Ega.. Do you know? I went to Jogja yesterday, It was
really fun, but I'm really tired, I came back from Jogja yesterday. I usually
wake up at 6 am and today I woke up at 7.30 am, seriously I will never woke up
late again.
Ega : Oh, I see. Last night I finished my favourite novel.
Amel : Why do you like read novel, Ega?
Ega : I don,t know, that is my hobby and my interest.
Kenes comes and gives surprise to Amel, because today is Amel’s Birthday.
Kenes : Happy Birthday Amel!!
Amel : Oh my god! I can’t believe it! Thank you for your surprise!
Ega : This is our present for you, Amel.
Amel : Thank you all.
Kenes : Make your wish, Amel
Amel : I wish this year I will be better than last year, Amin
Ega : Amin
Azizah come in a rush.
Azizah : Hello guys, I am sorry for came late.
Kenes : You should not come late, Azizah. You have promised to making a
surprise for Amel.
Azizah : I am sorry, my cat is sick now. And I have to bring it to the doctor.
Kenes : I am so sorry for hear that. I hope your cat get well soon.
Azizah : Thank you for your simphaty. I wish I could love my cat more.
Ega : It is okay, Zah. You did a good love for your cat. You are a great person
for your cat.
Azizah : Thank you for your compliment.
Amel : I feel bored now, don’t you guys feel the same?
Kenes : yes I feel it too
Ega : have you guys lunch yet?
All : Nah..
Kenes : Come on, Lets get our lunch!
All : Lets go!!

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