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1.1 Showroom

A showroom is a physical space or facility, typically used by businesses, where products

or services are displayed for potential customers to view, experience, and evaluate before

making a purchase decision. Showrooms are designed to showcase products or services in an

attractive and appealing manner, often emphasizing their features, quality, and functionality.

A showroom is like a special store where companies put their stuff, like cars for

people to see and try before they decide to buy them. It's a place where you can touch, look at,

or learn about the things you might want to purchase.

1.2 Aims of Showroom

The main aims of a car showroom are to display a variety of cars for people to explore

and consider purchasing, provide helpful information and assistance to guide customers in their

car-buying decisions, facilitate the sale of cars by offering a seamless buying process, offer

additional services such as maintenance, ensure customer satisfaction and build long-term trust,

create an inviting and appealing atmosphere for customers to engage with the cars, promote

the brands they represent, and ultimately generate revenue through car sales and related


2.1 Showroom Current System:

The current system of a car showroom using manual record storage involves

maintaining physical records and documents without digital assistance. This means that

information about cars, customers, transactions, and other important details is recorded on

paper, and physical files are stored in cabinets or storage rooms within the showroom. This

method requires manual effort for tasks such as updating records, searching for specific

information, and generating reports. It can lead to challenges such as data inconsistency,

difficulty in accessing and sharing information, slower processing times, and a higher

likelihood of errors. Transitioning to a digital system could offer benefits such as streamlined

data management, easier retrieval of information, quicker customer service, enhanced

accuracy, and improved overall efficiency in the showroom's operations.

2.2 Drawback or Problems of showroom current manual system

The manual system used in showrooms has a many drawbacks or Problems. These

drawbacks or problems are following:

2.2.1 Slower Processes:

Managing information and records manually takes more time compared to digital

systems. Writing things down and searching through physical files can slow down operations.
2.2.2 Difficulty in Searching:

Finding specific information within a pile of papers can be challenging and time-

consuming. This can delay decision-making.

2.2.3 Space and Storage Issues:

Storing physical records requires space and maintenance. As time goes on, the amount

of paper records can become overwhelming and hard to manage.

2.2.4 View or Count Vehicle in Stock:

If the user want to view or count vehicles in stock they will physically walk through the

showroom and verify each vehicles presence.

2.2.5 Risk of Loss or Damage:

Paper records are vulnerable to loss due to misplacement, damage from accidents, or

natural disasters like fire or water damage.

2.2.6 Security Problem:

The security of the manual system is very poor because the registers can be lost or

stolen at any time,

2.2.7 Limited Reporting and Analysis:

Generating reports and analyzing data manually can be complex and time-intensive,

making it harder to gain insights and make informed business decisions.

2.2.8 Sale Invoice Generate:

Slower processes in bill generation .Generate invoice manually and invoice generation

take too much time.

2.2.9 Too Much Paper Work:

Since everything and every detail are written down manually in paper there will be too

much paper work.

2.2.10 Backup problem:

In the Current system there is always a risk of deliberate or accidental destruction of

recorded data. One such information is damaged there remain no backup copies to be used.

2.2.11 Difficult to Modify:

In current system, the data stored in any Registers can be required to be modified at any
time, the data cannot be easily modified or changed unless some procedure is followed

2.2.12 Data recovery:

Error that occurs accidentally and which remain unknown leads to erroneous result

which take months to correct.



3.1 Proposed System Analysis:

The proposed system aims to revolutionize car showroom operations by offering a

comprehensive, efficient, and user-friendly solution that streamlines inventory management,

customer data handling, sales processes, and customer engagement. In This Application is Used

for The all Details can Add, Update, Delete and Print the reports.

3.2 Features:
 Sales invoice generation with detailed vehicle information and pricing.

 Integration with customer and Employees records for accurate recorded.

 Employees Payroll management and salary calculation.

 Installment invoice generation with payment schedule and other details.

 Quick access to customer and Vehicle information during sales and purchases.

 Easy restoration of data in case of data loss or system failure.

 Secure storage of backup files.

3.3 Objectives of the proposed system:

 The proposed system's aims is to make the current file-based manual system simpler
and more user-responsive and remove all the drawbacks.
 The proposed goal to reduce time consumed search and retrieve some specific records.
 The proposed system provide efficient features to add, modify, delete daily transection
record and customers related information.
 A database can store all of the vehicles, customers, employee, and sales information
and is more reliable and secure than the standard file-based method.
3.4 Features and Functionalities:
3.4.1 Vehicle Inventory Management:

The system will management of vehicle inventory, including details such as name,

model, color, brand, category, pricing, pictures, transmission and specifications. It will also

support adding new vehicles, updating existing records, and generating reports.

3.4.2 Customer and Employee Management:

Store customer and Employees information, Add easily customer and employees

information such as name, address, email, contact no and about all details can add modify and


3.4.3 User Friendly:

The System should be user friendly, the user can easily operate the system.

3.4.4 Sales and Transactions:

Record sales transactions, generate invoices, and manage financing details. This feature

ensures accurate and efficient sales processing.

3.4.5 Document Management:

Digitize paperwork related to sales, stock, and other customer, vehicles, employees,

installment plans Record. Store and retrieve documents securely.

3.4.6 Reporting and Analytics:

Generate reports on sales trends, inventory turnover, customer demographics, and

more. Gain insights for informed decision-making.

3.4.7 Stock Management:

The system will include features for managing Stock, including ordering vehicles from

manufacturers or wholesalers, add new vehicles in stock, and managing inventory.

3.5 Installment Plan Creation:

The system will facilitate the creation of installment plans for customers, allowing the

customization of payment terms.

3.5.1 Installment Invoice Generation:

For customers opting for Installment payment plans, the system will facilitate the

generation of Installment invoices. This feature ensures that Installment payments are recorded.

3.5.2 Efficient Backup and Restore:

The system will provide a complete Backup system. Regular backups ensure that data

is protected against loss or corruption. The user can restore all the data easily


4.1 Design:

System design is the detailed plan for how a system will work, from its structure to data

storage, ensuring it meets specific requirements. It's like a blueprint for a well-organized and

efficient system.

4.2 Analysis and Modeling:

This is the first step in data analysis and modeling. In this stage, we describe the basic

parts and structures of a system or data, starting from the requirements analysis phase.

i. Data objects / entities

ii. Attributes of data objects.
iii. Relationships between analysis and modeling

4.2.1 Data Objects / Entities:

A data object or entity is like a digital container for organizing information about

something, like a person or a product, with specific details and characteristics neatly stored


4.2.2 Attributes:

We have entities, and each entity contains some property about their behavior which is
also called the attribute. In each entity have many attributes. For example The ‘Car’ is entity
they have Many attributes e.g., name, model, price, color, Company, Transmission.

4.2.3 Relationship:

When two or more entities connected with each other is known is relationship. When

different entities are linked with each other with primary key and foreign key.

1. Degree of Relationship
2. Cardinality of Relationship
3. Modality of Relationship Degree of Relationship:

Degree of relationship represents the number of entity that associate in a relationship. Cardinality of Relationship:

Cardinality of Relationship which specifies how many times a particular Entity occurs

in the Relationship. Modality of Relationship:

Modality of a relationship that show the either relationship mandatory or optional

between two or more objects or entities. DOD (Data Object Description):

In Data Object Description that contains the attributes of every Entity or Data object.


In the following entities we will use

1. Vehicles.

2. Stock.

3. Sale.

4. Sale Details.

5. Customer.

6. Employee.

7. Brand.

8. Category.

9. Installment Plans.

10. Expenses.

11. User.
12. Return Installment.

13. Printer Setting.

4.3.1 Vehicle Entity:


Comments VehName

SalePrice Color

PurchasePrice Vehicle VehImage

CategoryID Model

BrandID Transmission
Figure 4-1 Vehicle Entity

4.3.2 Stock Entity:


Date VehID

Quantity PurchasePrice

Figure 4-2 Stock Entity

4.3.3 Sale Entity:


SaleDate CustomerID


TotalAmount EmployeeID

TotalDiscount TotalQuantity

Figure 4-3 Sale Entity

4.3.4 Sale Details Entity:

DetailID StockID

ChassisNo SaleID


TotalPrice VehID

Quantity Price

Figure 4-4 Sale Details Entity

4.3.5 Customer Entity:

Figure 4-5 Customer Entity


Remarks CustomerName


Emal_ID ContactNo

Address Gende

4.3.6 Employee Entity:

Salary EmployeeID

JoiningDate EmployeeName


Email_id Contact_No

Address Designation

Figure 4-6 Employee Entity

4.3.7 Brand Entity:

BrandID BrandName


Figure 4-7 Brand Entity

4.3.8 Category Entity:


CategoryID CategoryName

Figure 4-8 Category Entity

4.3.9 Installment Plans Entity:


MonthlyAmou InstallementP Plan

Figure 4-9 Installment Plans Entity

4.3.10 Expenses Entity:


Description Expenses Amount


Figure 4-10 Expenses Entity

4.3.11 User Entity:

Figure 4-11 User Entity

4.3.12 ReturnInstallment Entity:


Date Custome

RemainAmo PlanID

ReturnAmo Installment TotalInstal

PermonthAmou ReturnInstallm

TotalAmount RemainInstallme
Figure 4-12 ReturnInstallment Entity

4.3.13 Printer Setting Entity:

PrinterId PrinterSettin DefaultPrinte

Figure 4-13 Printer Setting Entity

4.4 ER-Diagram of Car Showroom:

4.5 Normalization:

Figure 4-14 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Normalization is the process of organizing data into multiple related tables to

reduce redundancy and ensure data integrity, making it easier to manage and retrieve

information efficiently. It helps prevent data anomalies and improves database structure.
Tables with Multi-
valued attributes

Repetition in groups

First Normal Form

Eliminating Partial

Second Normal Form


Third Normal Form

Figure 4-15 Normalization

4.6 Incremental Model:

The incremental model is a software development approach where a project divide or

broken down into a separate module. Each module or component goes through the

requirements, design, and testing phase.

In incremental model a developer want to create a software. The developer divide the

project into a these module are develop one by one to complete a software project.

In our project we are used in incremental model because our project we divide into a

separate module or each module or component is completed one by one until the

overall project/Software is finished.

For Example: In our Project First we requirements collect then start the designing of

the project .in the design phase first we design the login form then create the Dashboard page

and their work carefully. After the designing we test every module separately and if the error

occur we can solve that error for each module separately.

Figure 4-16 Incremental Model

4.6.1 Requirements:

In this phase the requirements of the software is collected.

4.6.2 Design:

In this phase the project/Software is designed.

4.6.3 Coding:

In this phase the coding of the project/software can done.

4.6.4 Test:

In testing phase the project/software build once. Then goes through testing phase.

4.7 Process Flow Diagram (PFD):

A Process Flow Diagram is a graphical representation of Flow of Data .It is commonly

used in every software to indicate a sequential flow of Data Process. In Data Flow Diagram is

represent Dataflow or Process.

4.8 Process Flow Diagram Symbols:

Name Symbols





Figure 4-17 Symbols of (PFD)

4.8.1 Start/End:

It Represent Start or End Point.

4.8.2 Arrow:

The Arrow are Represent the Flow of Data incoming or outgoing. It represent The

Direction of Data.

4.8.3 Process:

It Represent a Process.

4.8.4 Decision:

The Diamond shape is represent a Decision Point.

4.9 Process Flow Diagram (PPD):

Customers Employees Installent Plans Brand

Start Log In Dashboard Category

Backup & Restore

Admin Vehicle Entry

Purchase / Sales



Stock Avaliable


Customer Create Invoice Decrease Stock

Payment Log Out End

Return installment

Figure 4-18 Process Flow Diagram (PFD)

4.10 Use Case Diagram:

A use case diagram is represent use possible interaction with the system. In this diagram

is identify the interaction between system and its user.

4.11 Symbols of Use Case Diagram:

Name Symbol


Use Case


Figure 4-19 Symbols of Use Case Diagram

4.11.1 Actor:

Any Person or Any organization that is interacting with the system is known as Actor.

4.11.2 Use Case:

The Functionally Provide by the system .Actor interact with it. It perform some task

and function for us.

4.11.3 Association:

The association is simple line between actor and use case. It represent that which actor

is link with which use case.

4.12 Use Case Diagram:






Log In Manage
Backup &


Stock Report

Sale Report





Return Installent

Ploans Report

Figure 4-20 Use Case Diagram

4.13 Data Dictionary
4.13.1 Introduction to Data Dictionary:

A data dictionary is a structured and organized repository of information that provides

detailed descriptions and definitions of data elements, attributes, and metadata used within a

database, dataset, or information system.

4.13.2 Data Dictionary of Tables:

Data Dictionary of the tables that are used in this project is given below. Vehicle Table:


Description: Provide the details about Vehicle

Attribute Name Type Description

VehicleId int Unique key of Vehicle

VehicleName nvarchar(50) Defines Full Name of Vehicle

Model nvarchar(50) Defines Vehicle Model
BrandID int Unique key of Vehicle Brand
CategoryId int Unique key of Vehicle Category
Color nvarchar(50) Defines Vehicle Color
VehImage Varbinary(MAX) Defines Vehicle Image

Transmission nvarchar(50) Defines Vehicle Transmission

PurchasePrice nvarchar(50) Defines Vehicle Purchase Price

SalePrice nvarchar(50) Defines Vehicle Sale Price

Comments nvarchar(255) Defines Comments of Vehicle

Table 4-1 Vehicle Stock Table:


Description: Provide the details about Purchase

Attribute Name Type Description

StockID Int Unique key of Stock

VehId Int Unique key of Vehicle
PurchasePrice nvarchar(15) Defines Vehicle Purchase Price
Date DateTime Defines Last Stock Entry Date
Quantity nvarchar(15) Defines Quantity of Vehicle

Table 4-2 Stock Sale Table:


Description: Provide the details about Sales

Attribute Name Type Description

SaleId Int Unique key of Sale

CustomerID Int Unique key of Customer
EmployeeID int Unique key of Employee

TotalQuantity nvarchar(15) Defines Quantity of Vehicle

TotalDiscount nvarchar(15) Defines Discount In Sale
TotalAmount nvarchar(15) Define Total Amount of Sale
SaleDate DateTime Defines Sale date and time

Table 4-3 Sale Sale Detail Table:

ENTITY NAME Sale Details

Description: Provide the details about Sale Details

Attribute Name Type Description

DetailID Int Unique key of SaleDetail

StockID int Unique key of Stock

SaleID Int Unique key of Sale
VehID Int Unique key of Vehicle
Price nvarchar(50) Defines Price of Vehicle
Quantity nvarchar(50) Defines Quantity of Vehicles

TotalPrice nvarchar(50) Defines Total Price of Vehicle

ChassisNO nvarchar(50) Define Vehicle Chassis No

Table 4-4 Sale Detail Customer Table:


Description: Provide the details about Customer

Attribute Name Type Description

CustomerID Int Unique key of Customer

CustomerName nvarchar(50) Define Full Name of Customer
Contact_No nvarchar (15) Defines Mobile number of Customer
Gender nvarchar(50) Defines Gender of Customer

Address nvarchar(50) Defines address of Customer

Email_id nvarchar(50) Defines Customer Email Address
Remarks nvarchar(255) Defines Remarks about Customer

Table 4-5 Customer Employee Table:


Description: Provide the details about Employee

Attribute Name Type Description

EmployeeID Int Unique key of Employee

EmployeeName nvarchar(50) Define Full Name of Employee
Contact_No nvarchar(15) Defines Employee Mobile number
Designation nvarchar(50) Defines Designation of Employee
Address nvarchar(50) Defines address of Employee
JoiningDate DateTime Defines joining Date of Employee
Email_id nvarchar(50) Defines Employee Email Address
Salary Nvarchar(15) Define Employee Salary
Table 4-6 Employee Brand Table:


Description: Provide the details about Brand
Attribute Name Type Description
BrandID Int Unique key of Brand
Brand_Name nvarchar (50) Defines Full Name of Brand

Table 4-7 Brand Category Table:


Description: Provide the details about Category

Attribute Name Type Description

CategoryID Int Unique key of Category
CategoryName nvarchar (50) Defines Full Name of Category

Table 4-8 Category Installment Plan Table:

ENTITY NAME Installment Plan

Description: Provide the details about Installment Plan

Attribute Name Type Description
ID Int Unique key of Instalment Plan
Plan nvarchar(50) Define name of Plan
No_of_Installment nvarchar(50) Defines number of instalment
MonthlyAmount nvarchar(50) Defines Monthly Amount

Table 4-9 Installment Plan Expenses Table:


Description: Provide the details about Expenses
Attribute Name Type Description
ID Int Unique key of Expenses
Amount nvarchar(50) Define Expenses amount
Date DateTime Defines date of Expenses
Discription nvarchar(50) Defines Discription of Expenses

Table 4-10 Expenses User Table:


Description: Provide the details about Signing

Attribute Name Type Description

Id Int Unique key of User

Username nvarchar (50) Defines the Username of user
password nvarchar (50) Defines the Password of user

Table 4-11 User Return Installment Table:

ENTITY NAME ReturnInstallment

Description: Provide the details about Return Installment

Attribute Name Type Description

ID int Unique key of Return Installment

CustomerID int Unique Key of customer
PlanID int Unique Key of installment Plan
TotalInstalQty nvarchar(50) Define Total installment
ReturnInstallment nvarchar(50) Define Return installment
RemainInstallment nvarchar(50) Define Remain installment
TotalAmount nvarchar(50) Defines Total Amount

permonthAmount nvarchar(50) Defines Per Month amount

ReturnAmount nvarchar(50) Define Return Amount

RemainAmount nvarchar(50) Define Remain Amount

Date datetime Define last installment date

Table 4-12 Return Installment Printer Setting:

ENTITY NAME Printer Setting

Description: Provide the details about Printer
Attribute Name Type Description
PrinterId Int Unique key of Printer
DefaultPrinter nvarchar (50) Add New Printer

Table 4-13 Printer setting



5.1 Testing:

Software testing is a process of checking and evaluating a Software to ensure it works

correctly and doesn't have any errors or defects.

5.1.1 Introduction to Testing:

Software testing is a process of examining a software to make sure it works correctly

and doesn't have any problems. This helps ensure that the software you use is reliable and

doesn't have any hidden issues. Software must be test to ensure that the created source code is

error free or not and it is working properly.

5.2 Testing Techniques:

Every software can be tested in two methods.

 White Box Testing

 Black Box Testing

5.2.1 White Box Testing:

White box testing involves analyzing the internal structure of a software system,

such as data structures, internal design, code structure, and software behavior. This is in

contrast to black box testing, which primarily assesses software functionality. White box

testing is also known as glass box testing, clear box testing, structural testing, transparent

testing, or open box testing.

White box testing is a software testing method that examines the internal structure and

code of a program to assess its internal logic to ensure thorough testing.

Test Data

Tests Derives

Component Level Design Test Outputs

Figure 5-1 White box testing

A White box testing is usually applied in a small units of program. The Software
Engineer can derive test cases that:

 A function must test each of its independent pathways at least once on time.
 Consider both the true and false sides of any logical decision.
 Complete each loop within its restrictions.
 Validity checks on the internal data structure.

5.2.2 Black Box Testing:

Black box testing is also known as functional testing or behavioral testing .It is a

software testing method that evaluates the functionality of a program without examining its

internal code or structure. Testers focus solely on the software's inputs, outputs, and behavior

to ensure it meets its specified requirements and functions correctly from a user's perspective.

It simulates real-world usage without knowledge of the program's internal workings.

The black box testing are attempt to find error in the following categories.
 Incorrect or missing functions
 Interface errors
 Access to external databases or errors in data structures
 Errors in performance or behavior
 Errors in initialization or termination

5.3 Testing Strategies:

Testing strategies are crucial plans and approaches designed to ensure the effective and

efficient evaluation of software to identify and rectify defects, verify functionality, and validate

that the software meets the specified requirements. Testing often begins in small and progresses

to the large. Individual components are assessed at start-up using white box and black box

testing approaches. Software testing strategy may be understood within the context of the spiral

model shown in the following figure.

Figure 5-2 Testing Strategy

Software testing consider of a sequence of four steps that are enforced one after another.
Which are given below.

1. Unit Testing
2. Integration Testing
3. Validation Testing
4. System Testing
Figure 5-3 Software Testing Steps

Unit testing refers to the initial phase of testing programs, which concentrates on each

component to make sure that they each carry out their functions as a whole. The white box

testing method is typically used in unit testing. Following unit testing, all the parts are merged

and put together to create the final software product. The problems with validation, verification,

and software development are solved through integration tests. In integration testing, black box

testing is frequently used. A series of extensive testing is run when the program has been

combined and constructed, and the software package's validation measure is tested. Validation

testing makes assurance that a piece of software works as intended and complies with all

behavioral and performance specifications. Black box testing approaches are often used during

validation testing. Software is integrated with other systems, such as hardware, databases,

networks, etc., once it has completed validation. System testing verifies appropriate integration,

validation, and overall performance of all components.

5.3.1 Unit Testing:

Unit testing that focuses on evaluating individual components or units of code in

isolation to ensure they function correctly. The primary goal of unit testing is to validate that

each unit of code, typically a function or method, performs its intended functionality as

specified in its design and requirements.

Five things are checked for each component during unit testing.

1. Interface
2. Local data structures
3. Boundary conditions
4. Independent paths
5. Error handling paths

Figure 5-4 Unit Testing

 Unit testing first all module interface is tested to insure that whether the module

interface is working properly or not.

 The local data structure that examine to ensure that data are store temporarily maintain

its integrity during all steps in an algorithms execution.

 Boundary condition are tested to ensure that module operate properly it boundaries

limited or restrict processing.

 Finally all the error handling path are tested.

5.3.2 Integration Testing:

Integration testing is a software testing technique that focuses on evaluating the

interactions and interfaces between different components or modules of a software application

when they are combined or integrated. The primary goal of integration testing is to ensure that

the integrated parts of the software work together as expected, verifying that they communicate

and exchange data correctly and that the overall system functions cohesively.

There are two method to perform integrated testing:

1. Big Bang Approach

2. Incremental Approach Big Bang Testing Approach:

Big Bang Integration Testing is an integration testing strategy wherein all units are

linked at once, resulting in a complete system. When this type of testing strategy is adopted, it

is difficult to isolate any errors found, because attention is not paid to verifying the interfaces

across individual units. Incremental Testing Approach:

The incremental approach is based on the principle that those involved in a project

should at the outset focus on the key business objectives that the project is to achieve and be

willing to suspend detailed consideration of the minutiae of a selected solution.

5.4 Validation Testing:

Validation Testing ensures that the product actually meets the client's needs. It can also

be defined as to demonstrate that the product fulfills its intended use when deployed on

appropriate environment. Validation testing is a software testing process that evaluates a

software system to ensure that it meets the intended business requirements and performs its

intended functions correctly.


In System testing that evaluates the overall functionality and performance of a complete

and fully integrated software solution. It tests if the system meets the specified requirements

and if it is suitable for delivery to the end-users. This type of testing is performed after the

integration testing and before the acceptance testing.

There are the following tests are conducted:

 Scalability Testing: Evaluates the system's ability to handle increased loads and data

volumes as the user base grows.

 Stress Testing: Assesses the system's robustness by subjecting it to extreme conditions

and load levels to identify potential points of failure.

 Performance Testing: Performance testing evaluates the software product or

application's scalability, dependability, speed, vulnerability, and stability.

 Security Testing: Assesses the system's resistance to security threats and

vulnerabilities to ensure that sensitive data is protected.


When the software passes every test steps that the implementation process begins. The

process of building the overall application software code and creating an executable file is

known as software implementation. After the developing the software for the car showroom

we will take the permission from the showroom manager to install the software to required

computer. The successful operation of the system the manager were trained fully about the



The front-end application software view to which user interacts in order to use the

software easily is known as user interface. When a software application user interface is easy

to use, quick respond to user, attractive, user friendly and responsive to all display view, and it

becomes simple to use.

6.2 Log In Form:

When the software is open, first is load the Log in Page. Every user can enter username

and password to use this software. If the username and password is correct then open the

Software Dashboard.

Figure 6-1 Log in Form

6.3 Dashboard:

When the dashboard is open, there have multiple button that perform a specific task.
In dashboard Form show Available Vehicles.

In dashboard form show Total Sold Vehicle.

In dashboard form show Total sales amount.

In dashboard form show Total expenses amount.

In dashboard form show Total Employees.

Figure 6-2 Dashboard Form

The Dashboard has the following Buttons.

 Vehicles
 Employees

 Customers

 Sales info

 Stock

 Brands

 Categories

 Installment Plans

 Backup

 Restore

 Expenses

 Return Installment.

 Printer Setting

 Logout

6.4 Vehicle Record Form:

When the vehicle button is click in dashboard then open the vehicle record form. In this

form show overall list in the vehicle with details. Such as Vehicle name, color, brand, category,

transmission, picture, model, prices.

When the user want to the see some particular vehicle record he will add the vehicle

name in the search field, then the record will show.

The vehicle record form have two more buttons add and print button. When the user

want to add new vehicle the user can click the add button then open the new vehicle insertion

form. Or the user want to print all vehicle record then the user click the print button.
Figure 6-3 Vehicle Record Form

6.5 Vehicle Form:

In the vehicle form the user can add all the details about the vehicle in the system such

as vehicle name, model, color, brand, category, transmission, picture, purchase price, Sale price

and some comment about the vehicle.

Figure 6-4 Vehicle Form

6.6 Employee Record Form:

When click the employee button in the dashboard , Then Open The Employee Record

Form .In this form show all the record about the employees Such as Name ,Address, Contact

No, Email, Designation, Salary, Joining Date.

In this form two more buttons Add and print. When the user can click the add button

then open new employee insertion form .and the user can click the print button then print all

the employee with overall details.

Figure 6-5 Employee Record Form

6.7 Employee Form:

In this form the user want to add new employee with all information such as Name,

Address, Contact No, Email, Designation, Salary, Joining Date.

Figure 6-6 Employee Form

6.8 Customer Record Form:

In the dashboard Form the user can click the Customer button then open the Customers

Record form. In this form show all the record about the Customer Such as Name, Address,

Contact No, Email, Gender, and Some comments about the customer.

When the user want to the see some particular Customer record he will add the

Customer name in the search field, then the record will show.
When the user want to add new customer in the system click the Add button then open

the Customer Form.

Figure 6-7 Customer Record Form

6.9 Customer Form:

In this form the user can add information about new customer such as name, address,

contact No, email, gender and comments about the customer .After fill all information about

the click add button the information saved in the system.

Figure 6-8 Customer Form
6.10 Brand Record Form:

In the dashboard form the user can click the brand button then open the brand record

form .in this form show all brands names. When user want to add new brand the click the add


Figure 6-9 Brand Record Form

6.11 Brand Form:

In this brand form the user can add new brand in the system.

Figure 6-10 Brand Form

6.12 Category Record Form:

When the user can click in categories button in dashboard then open the category record

form. In this form show all categories.

The user want to add new category then add the new button to show the category

insertion form.

Figure 6-11 Category Record Form

6.13 Category Form:

In the Category form the user want to add new category in the system.

Figure 6-12 Category Form

6.14 Installment Plan Record Form:

When user click the installment plan button in dashboard then show the plan record

form. This plan record form the user can see all the installment plans .such as Plan name,

Number of installment, and Monthly installment amount.

When the user want to add new installment plan to click the add button in plan record

form then show the new plan insertion form.

Figure 6-13 Installment Plans Record Form

6.15 Installment Plan Form:

In Installment Plan form the user want to add new installment plan with details such as

Plan name, No of installment and Monthly Installment. And click add button the plan save is


Figure 6-14 Installment Plan Form

6.16 Stock Record Form:

When the user click in stock button in the dashboard form then show over all stock

record such as vehicles name ,quantity, purchase prices and last stock insertion date. The User

want to print the report then click the printer button print overall Stock record.

Figure 6-15 6.16 Stock Record Form

6.17 Stock Insertion Form:

The user want to add vehicle in the stock first the user select the vehicle then the

quantity of vehicle (The quantity of vehicle) the purchase price of vehicle, the last is stock

insertion date. Then click the add button the stock is insert successful.

Figure 6-16 Stock insertion Form

6.18 Sale Record Form:

The user want to see Sale record then the user click in sale info button in dashboard

form then show overall sale information if the user want to show installment sales to click the

checkbox show overall installment sales.

If the user want to show sale invoice then double click in that sale row then show the

sale invoice with overall details.

Figure 6-17 Sale Record Form

6.19 Sale Invoice Form:

In this sale form the user can add overall sale information such as Vehicle name, Price,
Customer Name, Employee Name, Sale Date.

First the user can select the vehicle name then click enter button then show the vehicle
related information such as vehicle id, name, price.

After the selection of vehicle, the user select the customer (Who buy the vehicle) then

select the employee (which employee who sale the vehicle) and then the user want to give

discount to the customer then the user can take the discount PKR in discount field the

automatically discount multiply from the vehicle price and show the price in the total price


The last step is the user can take the vehicle chassis no in the chassis no field then click

the save and print button then generate sale bill and print.

Figure 6-18 Sale Invoice Form

6.20 Sale Invoice:

Figure 6-19 Sale Invoice

6.21 Sale by Installment Form:

In this sale by installment form is same to the sale form the user can add overall sale

information such as Vehicle name, Price, Customer Name, Employee Name, Sale Date and

Installment plan.

First the user can select the vehicle name then click enter button then show the vehicle

related information such as vehicle id, name, price.

The second step is the user can select the different installment plan after the plan

selection the automatically show the monthly installment amount.

After the selection of vehicle, and installment plan the user select the customer (Who

buy the vehicle) then select the employee (which employee who sale the vehicle) .The last step

is the user can take the vehicle chassis no in the chassis no field then click the save and print

button then generate sale bill and print.

Figure 6-20 6.19 Sale by Installment Form

6.22 Installment Invoice:

Figure 6-21 Installment Invoice

6.23 Backup Form:

In this form the user can take a complete database backup in the system. The user can

click the browse button then select the path in the system .then click the backup button the

backup will be create in the selected path.

Figure 6-22 Backup Form

6.24 Restore Form:

In this form the user can restore the database data. The user can click the browse button

in restore form then select the backup file then click the restore button the database will

completely restore successfully.

Figure 6-23 Restore Form

6.25 Expenses Record Form:

In this expenses record form the user can see all the expense in the Showroom such as

Amount, Date, and Description about the expenses. The user want to create new expenses then

click add button. And the user want to print all expenses then click the print button to print all


Figure 6-24 Expenses Record Form

6.26 Expenses Form:

In this form the user can create new expenses. The user can add expenses amount, Date

and Description about the expenses and click save button the expenses will save in the record.

Figure 6-25 Expenses Form

6.27 Return Installment Record:

In user can click the return installment button in dashboard then open the installment

record form .in this form the user can see that customer who return the installment such as

customer name, Installment Plan name, returned installment, remain installment and last date

of returned installment.
When the customer give the installment then the user can click of that customer row

double click then open the installment return form.

Figure 6-26 Installment Record

6.28 Return Installment Form

In Return installment Form the customer want to give 1 or more installment amount

then the user take return quantity of installment in the return installment field then click the

save and print button the record will save and print bill.
Figure 6-27 Return Installment Form

6.29 Return Installment Receipt:

Figure 6-28 Return Installment Receipt

6.30 Printer Setting:

In this form the user want to select the printer for print the the system have

connect multiple printer these printer name are show in the combo box the user can select the

printer easily.

Figure 6-29 Printer setting form

6.31 About us Form:

Figure 6-30 about us Form

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