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1. Good afternoon, I’m ANKK.

Today I’ll be presenting on the enchanting aurora,

titled ‘A Natural Wonder: The Enchanting Aurora.

2. These are the contents of my presentation.

3. Aurora is a fascinating and colorful display of lights that can be seen in the
sky. People often call it the Northern Lights when it appears in the northern part
of the world, and the Southern Lights when it appears in the southern part.

4. So, why does Aurora happen? Well, it all starts with the sun. The sun is like a
giant ball of hot, glowing gases. Sometimes, it releases tiny particles into space.
When these particles travel towards the Earth, they can create a magical show of
lights in the night sky.
Imagine the Earth is like a big magnet, and it has something called the magnetic
field around it. This magnetic field is like an invisible force that surrounds our
planet. When the particles from the sun meet the Earth's magnetic field, something
special happens.

Now that we know why Aurora happens, let's see how it looks like in the sky.

5. These particles, which are charged with electricity, interact with the gases in
our atmosphere. The atmosphere is like a blanket of air that surrounds the Earth.
The interaction between the charged particles and the gases in the atmosphere
creates beautiful colors in the sky.
The most common colors you might see during an Aurora are green, purple, and pink.
It's like a magical dance of lights that can take your breath away. Imagine looking
up at the night sky and seeing waves of green and purple moving gracefully. that's
the Aurora.

After seeing the amazing colors of the Aurora, let's find out where we can see it
in the world.

6. Auroras are often seen in places near the North Pole, like in countries such as
Norway, Sweden, and Canada. In the southern hemisphere, you can spot them near the
South Pole, in places like Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica.

7. There are four types of auroras: Arc, Corona, Diffuse and Drapery
According to NASA, the Aurora can reach temperatures of up to 10,000°C.

8. People travel from all over the world to witness the beauty of the Aurora. They
might even stay up late or wake up early to catch a glimpse of this spectacular
light show. Some even capture it with cameras to remember the moment forever.As
reported by the BBC, the Aurora attracts millions of tourists every year.

9. In the past, different cultures had their own stories and beliefs about the
Northern Lights. Some thought it was the fire of the spirits or gods dancing in the
sky. Others believed it brought good luck. Even today, the Aurora holds a special
place in the hearts of many.

10. To sum it up, Aurora is like a magical light show that happens in the sky. It
occurs when particles from the sun meet the Earth's magnetic field, creating
beautiful colors in the atmosphere. It's a natural wonder that continues to
captivate and inspire people around the world.

11. Thank you for your attention! That’s all for my presentation. Do you have any

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