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Vivit Mark Spencer R.


As I begin my speech, let me tell you what success means to me. They say
success is the offspring of hard work and determination. But behind this so-called
success, what are the things that we really need in order to achieve a successful life?

Well simply a ladder to success is composed of support, perseverance, memories

and experience. This experiences are the challenges we've fought hard and thought us a
lesson in the end.

Therefore, on this day, let me share to all of you one of the key that unlocked the
path where I am today. Which are the lessons I've learned as I grow and fought with
different challenges as a person and as a son.

Our family is the complete opposite of what the Filipino family portrays. Simply
because, first our mother is the who is working for our family, she is an OFW in Hong
Kong since I was a year old, she already went there as a domestic helper. Another one is
that our family always fight, there's no week that our family doesn't fight, I'm not proud
of it but we've learned many things from that. But to tell you more these are some of the
things that make our family opposite from the typical Filipino Family:


Talking about things.

In our family they don't value family time. Once in a blue moon when a time that our
family talks about each other’s problem. They don't even ask how I am doing or am I really
okay. Not until, recently they ask each one of us about how was our day or week. But you
know what, those simple things make me realise how important to talk about each other’s
problem because it only shows we have someone to lean on.


Having family time.

For how many years, our family time can only be counted with my fingers because
my mother works abroad for us to cover the expenses at home. But I don't blame her for that
because what she's doing is for our good and for our sake. But I still ask sometimes, how
important is it to have a family time, because from movies families are very happy during
those times but in our family, I can say that not all the time. Because there's always
something bad that's going to happen when we have it. That's why recently we're trying to
recover from those times that we don't really have. That's why it is really important to value
and cherish those simple times.


Understand your family.

Our family isn't perfect but our imperfections make our family magical, why?
Because simply we try to fill each other's imperfection. We try to be their second half
especially when they need some support and help. Therefore, try to understand each other,
what they need, what do they love, and anything that you think can lift them up.


You can find help in unexpected places.

Sometimes when we're growing already, we are afraid to ask for a help, especially
from our parents and those persons around us. Because we are afraid that they might feel pity
to us. So sometimes we're just doing it all alone, facing all our problems alone, even if we
already know we're losing already. But the best lesson I've learned so far is that there's
nothing wrong in asking for a help, especially those who truly loves us. Because they know
what we need and they know how to help us. Remember that there are a lot of avenues for
getting help. Try not to be skeptical; use any type of help that’s available to you.

So today, may I just remind you that having a perfect family is impossible. And we all
know that. But there's one thing every family story has, it is the lessons we can learn from
them. All family stories contain experiences and life lessons, they don't really give us an
instruction to be a successful. But they teach us a lesson, on how to face those challenges and
become an inspiration to other family.

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