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Compassion is the feeling of putting oneself in others’ shoes and experiencing what they are going

through and empathizing with them. It shows kindness, caring and a willingness to aid others. It is a
very positive emotion which builds strong character in a person.

In the story the “An Angel in Disguise”, a frail, unwell little girl, who has recently become orphaned is
adopted into the family of the wheelwright, Joe Thompson. Mrs. Thompson, Joe Thompson’s wife
was childless, and had a temper which could easily be provoked. At first, the prospect of even
housing the little girl, Maggie for a single night does not appeal to Mrs. Thompson. But as the days
go by, she develops a change in heart, and becomes attached to Maggie. Thus, the love and affection
which Mrs. Thompson could not bestow upon a child of her own, has finally found a child that
needed loving and care. The love showed by Mrs. Thompson and her husband Joe toward little
Maggie produces a change in the atmosphere of their home and Maggie receives the love, care,
patience and affection that she requires. This new addition to the Thompson family creates change
inside of Mrs. Thompson and she begins to lose her irritable, ill-tempered and miserable nature and
rather becomes warmer, calmer and more tolerant. When kindness and compassion are shown to
other people, they not only help and aid others, but they also make you feel good about yourself.

The title sums up the story perfectly as it completely captures the effect little Maggie has on the
household of Joe Thompson. At first, Mrs. Thompson, hates the thought of accommodating the little
girl for even a little while and questions her husband, Joe as to why he has “brought home that sick
brat” and asks him why he hasn’t dropped her off at the poorhouse instead of bringing her home.
But later, as she gets to know Maggie a little more, and spends some time with her, she begins to
pity the little girl and feels compassionate towards Maggie, and realises that Maggie might fill the
void of her childless life.

Hence, not everything that seems bad at first, is truly bad, it could turn out to be a major turning
point, as in the case of the Thompson household. What first seemed as a nuisance to the Thompson
household now ironically completely changes the environment, and brings cheer and happiness.
Thus, we must learn to accept that everything happens for a reason.

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