POM - Assignment - No1 - Questions 1

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19MEEC1015-POM_Unit1_Assignment No: 1

Assignment Questions:

Discuss various types of

Skills a manager will
require for managerial
Discuss various types of
Skills a manager will
require for managerial
1. Discuss Importance of Management in an organization.

Discuss various types of

Skills a manager will
require for managerial
Discuss various types of
Skills a manager will
require for managerial
Discuss various types of
Skills a manager will
require for managerial
2. What are the four managerial functions and how do they
interrelate with each other?
3. Explain three ways of classifying managers.
4. State and explain three managerial roles as identified by Henry
Mintzberg. Clearly identify how each is subdivided.
5. Identify five (5) basic management skills and explain the major
sources of these skills. Do managers at all levels require these
skills? Explain giving examples.
6. Give an account of Henry Fayol’s 14 principles of management
7. Discus, the main theories of management. Who are the
proponents in each category?
8. From your Understanding take any one Strategies for
International Business and summarize about the same.


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