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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have the advantages of being small, easy to set up, and inexpensive.
They also enable real-time monitoring. Recently, the progress on sensor, processing and radio
communication technologies has reduced the cost of sensors, made them smaller in size and consumed
less power. However, the system performances of WSNs are still subject to unit computing speed,
memory capacity and stability of communication, etc. To overcome the limitations of hardware, many
issues on WSNs software have been discussed, such as routing protocols media access control coverage
and power management. Since the past few decades, urbanization has led to the fact that human
population intensively grows in specific areas. Intensive industrial development and transportation have
a direct effect on air quality. The air pollution not only damages the environment but also causes harm to
human health. According to epidemiological studies long-term exposure to pollutants may result in the
damage to respiratory systems, nervous systems and cardiovascular systems that cannot be ignored. The
general method to prevent the damage brought by pollutants is to build air quality monitoring stations,
but the establishment of the stations is expensive and two stations may be far apart. Therefore, this
paper proposes an automatic micro-scaled air quality monitoring system for areas with high density of
population and vehicles. The system is built upon wireless sensor networks, while integrating with global
system for mobile communication. It provided high-resolution meteorological and air pollution data in
real time, including rainfall, wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity and the concentration of
carbon monoxide. The monitoring system consists of a gateway and sensor nodes. The gateway collects
data from sensor nodes and transmits the data to the platform of a back database via the global system
for mobile communication. This paper is organized as follows. Section II focuses in the related work.
Section III introduces the architecture of the WSN and our monitoring system, respectively. Then the
section IV shows the experimental results. The final section will conclude the paper


Air quality monitoring and control has gained much attention lately because of the increased
environmental awareness and the effect of air quality on many aspects of life. Besides the detrimental
effects of toxic emissions on the environment and health, work productivity and energy efficiency are
affected by air quality. Many researches have shown that, in a work place, the rise of CO2 levels leads to
a rise in the quantity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odors, and microorganisms in the air, leading
to a decrease in the ability of individuals to concentrate. Moreover, some studies have shown that CO2-
based air controls can result in up to 50% energy savings (CO2-based ventilation control can typically
reduce HVAC cost in most buildings by 5% to 20%). Recently, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have
achieved a great potential for a widespread applicability in the fields of monitoring, surveillance, data
collection, and medical telemetry This potential can be attributed to their attractive characteristics:

(i) WSNs can perform selfconfiguration and reconfiguration in the case of any changes (for example a
network topology change)

(ii) WSNs can be monitored remotely

(iii) WSNs can be expanded and redeployed easily

(iv) WSNs adapt well to mobility. Despite all these qualities, the usage of WSNs in air quality monitoring
industries has neither been widely adopted nor efficiently implemented. Potentials of WSNs in air quality
monitoring have not been exploited to their fullest. In fact, industries are still using mainly traditional
systems when it comes to air quality and pollution monitoring. These traditional systems, even though
they use sensors, do not enjoy the same levels of flexibility and capabilities as WSNs. Their fixed
topologies and their inability to self-reconfigure like WSNs, does not allow the same capabilities in online
real time monitoring and alarm notifications. Hence, timely precautions cannot always be taken for
example as in the case of any incident that forces some changes in the network topology. Some WSN-
based air quality monitoring systems have been introduced recently but they are not appealing enough
to industry. Most of these are too complicated to implement, require specific equipment that is not
open-hardware or opensoftware, and are application and location dependent. They do not consider
quality of service (QoS) metrics of the networks such as delay, accuracy, reliability (fault tolerance). Data
gathered from these WSNs cannot be reused or shared. Here we introduce a WSN-based air quality
monitoring system for urban and industrial areas. This monitoring framework uses open hardware and
software based on Libelium’s gas sensing capable motes A set of gas sensors measuring ozone, CO, and
NO2 concentrations is to be deployed on stacks and infrastructure. Sensed data will be sent to a
dynamically configurable computing platform that scales to support both near real-time incident
management and longer term strategic planning decisions. Collected data will be delivered to a
computing platform where it is to be comprehensively analyzed and used to validate the findings of the
existing predicted models. Thus, the proposed framework provides timely distributed measurements of
different air quality metrics which would help in evaluating the impact of industrial emissions. The
following features of the proposed framework distinguish it from the existing air quality monitoring

 An efficient and simple way of event subscriptions and notifications.

 Though it is designed mainly for the air quality monitoring, the framework can still be reused for other
monitoring applications.

 Real time monitoring and alerting on abnormal events more accurately

.  Location and time independent.

 An efficient and simple way of identifying the failure of sensor nodes and reducing sensors energy
consumptions. Moreover, we introduce a simple Clustering Protocol of Air Sensor network (CPAS) that
fits well with the WSN-AQMS and that is energy efficient. Simulation results show that the CPAS protocol
has longer network lifetime and can identify the failure of sensor nodes. The rest of the paper is
organized as follows. Section II presents the preliminary ideas about air quality monitoring. Section III
presents some existing work on AQMS and routing protocols. Section IV presents the architecture of the
proposed WSN-based air quality monitoring system and CPAS routing protocol. In Section V we evaluate
the performance of the proposed architecture and routing protocol. Section VI concludes the paper with
some ideas for future research in this area

Air pollution is a critical environmental issue for people who live near industrial sites. To address this
problem, it takes communities a great effort to gather scientific evidence at a large spatial and temporal
scale, which requires the assistance of information technology in collecting, curating, and visualizing
various types of data. In our case, 70,000 residents near Pittsburgh suffer from air pollution caused by a
coke (fuel) plant. Under some unusual situations, the coke plant leaks hazardous smoke irregularly,
known as fugitive emissions into the atmosphere. The resulting toxic emissions with fine particulates
pose risks to health and have negative impacts to living quality

To address air pollution, residents formed the ACCAN (Allegheny County Clean Air Now) group. In several
community meetings, residents mentioned that adults and children developed respiratory problems
because of exposure to coke oven gas. In addition, residents must close windows at night because of
irritating burning smells. They also said that the air quality was so poor that they could not exercise
outside. To pursue environmental justice, the community took a series of actions, such as gathering
evidence of violations and filing petitions to the government. They envisioned that these actions could
raise public awareness about air quality issues and pressure the government to deal with air pollution
problems. To advocate for themselves in improving the local air quality, the community needed to gather
convincing evidence in communicating with stakeholders. Traditionally, the community collected
scientific data manually, which was time-consuming, error-prone, and offered limited scientific validity.
The community lacked technological fluency and required the assistance of experts in setting up an
automatic system to collect and archive data from various sources. Starting in January 2015, we aided
the community to set up outdoor air quality sensors and live cameras pointed at the coke oven where
smoke usually occurred. We also created an electronic process for capturing smell reports. To visualize
hybrid data (sensor readings, smell reports, real-time high resolution imagery, and wind information), we
developed a web-based air quality monitoring system. Community members could use the system to
manually search for smoke in timelapse videos and use a thumbnail generator to create animated
images. But searching and documenting all smoke emissions required manpower and took an impractical
investment of time. Therefore, we implemented a computer vision tool to detect smoke and produc
corresponding animated images which could then be curated in online documents and shared on social
media. With the monitoring system, community members could tell stories with concrete scientific
evidence about what happened (using animated smoke images) and how these events affected the local
neighborhood (using sensor readings, smell reports, and wind information). To evaluate community
engagement, we analyzed the server logs, which store HTTP requests of thumbnails from August 2015 to
July 2016. In addition, we conducted a survey study with the research question: does interacting with
the air quality monitoring system increase community engagement in addressing air pollution concerns?
We anticipated that the intervention of the system increases awareness, self-efficacy and sense of
community which are the three dependent variables in our survey study. Awareness means participants
know a problem exists and has impact on daily lives. Self-efficacy means the strength of participants’
belief in their ability to successfully reach the community’s goal. Sense of community means participants
feel they have influence in the community and a sense of belonging. We form three corresponding
hypotheses: interacting with the system improves the ability to perceive air quality problems,
strengthens the belief that the ACCAN community can reach its goal of improving air quality, and makes
people think that they are influential and fit in the community. The independent variables are
involvement, age range, and education level. Involvement is the level of participation, such as exploring,
documenting, and sharing data from the system. In this paper, we explore the formation and use of
scientific knowledge in citizen empowerment via the intervention of information technology. Our design
principle is to stimulate critical discussions and confront the current unbalanced power relation between
stakeholders. We begin by explaining the research scope and reviewing similar projects. Then, we
describe the design process and the implemented web-based air quality monitoring system. In addition,
we discuss the results of smoke image usage from server logs and survey study. Finally, we provide
insights in developing systems to empower data-driven community action and conclude with limitations.
Our contributions are: • Detailed documentation of a worked example which used scientific data from
heterogeneous sources to critically reveal, question, and challenge environmental conditions. • Analysis
of community behavior changes after the intervention of information technology and participatory
design. • Analysis of how the community uses smoke images over a long-term participation period (12
months). • Insights for researchers to develop environmental monitoring systems that combine politics,
community, and information technology.


Air is one of the essential elements of man’s surroundings. The earth’s atmosphere is full of air which
contains gases such as Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide and traces of some rare elements. Humans
need an atmosphere of air that is free from contaminants. This is very crucial for human life and health.
Any change in the natural composition of air may cause grave harm to life forms on earth. Air pollution is
the presence of one or more contaminants in the atmosphere such as gases in a quantity that can harm
humans, animals and plant Air pollutants are measured in Parts per Million (ppm) or ug/m3 Primary
pollutants are released directly into the atmosphere. Secondary pollutants are produced when the
primary pollutant reacts with other atmospheric chemicals Air quality affects public health. The effect of
air pollution ranges from difficulty in breathing, coughing, aggravation of asthma and emphysema [4].
Polluted air can also impair visibility. Air pollution is accountable for the death of 7 million persons
worldwide each year or one in eight premature deaths yearly Almost 570,000 children under the age of
five die every year from respiratory infection linked to indoor/outdoor pollution and second-hand smoke
[6]. Children exposed to air pollution have an elevated risk of developing chronic respiratory problems
such as asthma. In the monitoring of air pollution, several researchers worldwide have developed
models to monitor many of the pollution gases such as Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO),
Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen Oxides (NO) etc. This paper focuses on the design and implementation
of a smart air pollutant monitoring system. It discusses how the level of pollutants in the air can be
monitored using a gas sensor, Arduino microcontroller and a Wi-Fi module. The main objective of this
paper is to design a smart air pollution monitoring system that can monitor, analyse and log data about
air quality to a remote server and keep the data up to date over the internet.

VER the past quarter century, there has been an exponential growth of industries. These industries have
caused complex and serious problems to the environment. Considering the significance of air quality on
human lives, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed guidelines for reducing the health
effects of air pollution on public health by setting the limits of the concentrations of various air
pollutants, some of which are ground–level ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide
(SO2).The first and the foremost is the severe environmental pollution which has caused deterioration of
atmosphere, climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, loss of biodiversity, changes in hydrological
systems and the supplies of fresh water, land degradation and stress on systems of food producing, acid
rain, and global warming Stationary and mobile sources release various chemical pollutants, including
suspended particulate matter (SPM), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NO), oxides of sulfur (SO
), lead aerosol, volatile organic compounds (VOC), and other toxics. It is well known that some of these
chemical pollutants have increased the occurrence of diseases such as lung cancer, pneumonia, asthma,
chronic bronchitis, coronary artery disease, and chronic pulmonary diseases Hence, there is a growing
demand for the environmental pollution monitoring systems. In view of the ever-increasing pollution
sources with toxic chemicals, these systems should have the facilities to detect and quantify the sources
rapidly. Using laboratory analysis, conventional air automatic monitoring system has relatively complex
equipment technology, large bulk, unstable operation and high cost. High cost and large bulk make it
impossible for large-scale installation. This system can only be installed in key monitoring locations of
some key enterprises, thus system data is unavailable to predict overall pollution situation. To overcome
defects of traditional monitoring system and detection methods and to reduce test cost, this work
proposes a method combining IoT technology with environment monitoring. Section II gives a brief
overview of IoT architecture and how each layer is realized. Section III describes the overall system
architecture and hardware used. Experimental setup and results are described in section IV. The work is
concluded in section V.


High levels of air pollution through a good smoke pollution from vehicles, factories as well as the impact
of forest fires has increased especially in the big cities, along with the problem yet so real efforts to
prevention through early warning against air pollution. Air pollution can be caused by both natural
sources originated from human activities. Type-the type of air pollutants is based on the raw quality of
air inhaled daily, according to the Government Regulation Number 41 year 1999, which include: sulfur
dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), oxidants (O3), carbon and hydrogen. (HC),
PM 10, PM 2.5, TSP (dust), Pb (Lead), dustfall Health effects from air pollution can get into the body
through the respiratory system. Away the penetration of substances polluters into the body depends on
the type of contaminant. Larger particulates can be stuck in the upper respiratory tract, while small-sized
particulate and gas can reach the lungs. From the lungs, polluters are absorbed by circulatory system
health effects the most common are RESPIRATORY (acute respiratory tract infections), including, asthma,
bronchitis, and other breathing disorders. Impact on crop plants that are grown in areas with high levels
of air pollution can be disrupted its growth and prone to disease, such as chlorosis, necrosis, black
spots2. Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) is the parameter to determine the air quality
clean and polluted. If the levels of these substances are excessively inhaled 2 by humans then can impair
health. Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced by the combustion process is not perfect from the carbon-
based material, such as wood, coal, fuel oil and other organic matter carbon dioxide resulting from the
combustion process for example burning plastic, paper and also smoke cigarettes as well as on the larger
case is forest fires Ambient air quality of a region is determined by the power the area's nature as well as
support a number of sources of pollution or contamination loads from existing resources in the area. In
some developed countries have implemented system monitoring the air, such as South korea and Taiwan
use applications with IoT collect data environment that is massive as well as identified a number of
particles/hazardous substances [3] Substances emitted by the source of the contaminant into the air and
could affect air quality among other things the gas Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), dust as
well as Lead (Pb) in the dust. Often occurs in the middle of the community particularly the area
vulnerable to air pollution especially in the big cities will implement smart city may not necessarily be
directly perceived society takes long enough that the air in the polluted, it These can be detected when
many societies have been hit by the effects of the pollution for example respiratory disease, the limited
views and more. With the conditions and problems of the air quality monitoring system is needed to
anticipate the impacts of air pollution, on the concept of smart city one of the aspects that can be
applied is system monitoring, by it that researchers are designing a prototype system for monitoring air
quality for the application of smart city


The main objective of IOT Air & Sound Monitoring System is that the Air and sound pollution is a growing
issue these days. It is necessary to monitor air quality and keep it under control for a better future and
healthy living for all. Due to flexibility and low cost Internet of things (IoT) is getting popular day by day.
With the urbanization and with the increase in the vehicles on road the atmospheric conditions have
considerably affected. Harmful effects of pollution include mild allergic reactions such as irritation of the
throat, eyes and nose as well as some serious problems like bronchitis, heart diseases, pneumonia, lung
and aggravated asthma. Monitoring gives measurements of air pollutant and sound pollution
concentrations, which can then be analyzed interpreted and presented. This information can then be
applicable in many ways. Analysis of monitoring data allows us to assess how bad air pollution and sound
pollution is from day to day

According of Indonesia regulation number 104 in 2017 about the supplying and using liquified petroleum
gas (LPG) for cooking at home. Since that regulation applied, so that all of community must use LPG for
cooking and using kerosene is forbidden. LPG was become once a standard cooking fuel in Indonesia.
LPG is used for cooking in many countries for economic reasons, for convenience or because it is the
preferred fuel source. LPG also referred to as simply propane or butane, are flammable mixtures of
hydrocarbon gases used as fuel in heating appliances, cooking equipment, and vehicles. LPG can be
converted into alkylate which is a premium gasoline blending stock because it has exceptional antiknock
properties and gives clean burning LPG is prepared by refining petroleum or “wet” natural gas, and is
almost entirely derived from fossil fuel sources, being manufactured during the refining of petroleum
(crude oil), or extracted from petroleum or natural gas streams as they emerge from the ground. It was
first produced in 1910 by Dr. Walter Snelling, and the first commercial products appeared in 1912 It
currently provides about 3% of all energy consumed, and burns relatively cleanly with no soot and very
few sulfur emissions. As it is a gas, it does not pose ground or water pollution hazards, but it can cause
air pollution. LPG has a typical specific calorific value of 46.1 MJ/kg compared with 42.5 MJ/kg for fuel oil
and 43.5 MJ/kg for premium grade petrol (gasoline). However, its energy density per volume unit of 26
MJ/L is lower than either that of petrol or fuel oil, as its relative density is lower (about 0.5–0.58 kg/L,
compared to 0.71–0.77 kg/L for gasoline) However, using LPG made some problems like a burning and
accident caused by LPG leak and explodes. The risk of using LPG commonly because some mistakes
when used LPG cylinder (gas tank) like mistake when put in regulator, bad seal, regulator was not
standard, and human error. Technological advances, especially in the field of electronic technology, so
many people needs of electronic applications to help facilitate human to know work on gas leakage LPG,
then the necessary tools to detect and marker of danger automatically if the gas leak one of that using
Arduino Uno Microcontroller. Arduino is an open source computer hardware and software company,
project, and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and
microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects
in the physical world. The project's products are distributed as open-source hardware and software,
which are licensed under the GNU lesser general public license (LGPL) or the GNU general public license
(GPL), permitting the manufacture of Arduino boards and software distribution by anyone. Arduino
boards are available commercially in preassembled form, or as do-it-yourself kits. Arduino board designs
use a variety of microprocessors and controllers. The boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog
input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits.
The boards feature serial communications interfaces, including universal serial bus (USB) on some
models, which are also used for loading programs from personal computers. The microcontrollers are
typically programmed using a dialect of features from the programming languages C and C++. In addition
to using traditional compiler toolchains, the Arduino project provides an integrated development
environment (IDE) based on the Processing language project MQ-2 sensor is used as a LPG leak sensor,
the function of this sensor is easy, low-cost, and highly sensitive and has a fast response time to
identified LPG leak. A sensor is an apparatus that serves as a detection of symptoms, a signal that comes
from a change of energy Furthermore, coupled with the use of a buzzer that can issue a loud sound
when there is a leakage of LPG gas. Short message service (SMS) with GSM card sim 800L is used by user
who use LPG for information. User will get some message from the MQ sensor Arduino Uno when leaks
happened and make some fast response. So user can controlling LPG when user leave kitchen real time

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