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31/10/23, 7:42 ILAC Pathway Reading Test October 31, 2023 (Página 2 de 5)

ILAC Pathway Reading Test October 31, 2023

Passage 1 Electrical Conductivity

Electric current is the name given to a flow of electric charge carried by particles. The direction and rate of flow depend on whether the particles are positively or
negatively charged and on the material through which the charge is flowing. For electric charge to flow through a material, the material must have a certain level of
electrical conductivity. This can be defined as the degree to which a particular material allows the flow of electrical charge through it. Electrical resistivity, on the other
hand, refers to the degree to which a material impedes, or resists, the flow of electrical charge. Some materials have a very high resistivity and are known as electrical
insulators. In essence, these materials make it almost, but not quite, impossible for electricity to flow through them. Technically, insulators do allow an insignificant amount
of electrical current to flow. Rubber and most plastics are good insulators, which is why these materials are commonly used to cover power cables.

Materials with a low resistivity to electrical flow are called conductors. These materials allow electric charge to flow through them relatively easily in one or more directions.
In most materials, the conductivity depends on its thickness and length, with shorter and thicker samples of material having higher conductivity – or lower resistivity – than
longer, thinner samples. The resistivity of most conducting materials increases or decreases as it gets hotter or cooler, respectively. Metals are generally good
conductors of electricity. The three metals that conduct electricity most efficiently are gold, copper, and silver, although for the obvious reason of cost, only one of those
three is widely used as a conductor in normal applications. Other materials that conduct electricity efficiently include some substances made of carbon, such as graphite,
and various salt solutions.

Two special classes of conducting materials exist: semiconductors and superconductors. The former includes materials like silicon and germanium that are more resistant
to electrical flow than conductors, but significantly less resistant than insulators. Although this makes them less useful than conductors in some ways, semiconductors have
a couple of key properties. The first of these is that in contrast to metals, the conductivity of semiconductors increases with an increase in temperature. The second of their
key properties is that the conductivity of semiconductors can be altered in useful ways through the deliberate introduction of impurities.

These properties make semiconductors an extremely valuable class of materials. Indeed, it could be argued that they have had a greater impact on society since the
middle of the twentieth century than any other material. The reason is that semiconductors can be made that have specific and useful properties, such as allowing current
to flow more easily in one direction than in another, or more easily at certain temperatures, or only in the presence of light or heat. These properties can be combined in
different ways to create materials that can take electrical signals and amplify, switch, or even convert them in some way, all of which are key processes in modern
electronic computing.

Insulators, semiconductors, and conductors possess one thing in common: to a greater or lesser extent they all have some resistance to the flow of electrical charge. In the
case of even an excellent conductor like copper wire, although the material allows electricity to flow efficiently, some of the charged particles are impeded and this causes
a loss of the electrical energy. The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, and so this loss of electrical energy is
transformed into heat energy. In other words, the wire becomes hot. In contrast, superconductors, another special class of materials, do not result in a loss of electrical
energy. 1/11
31/10/23, 7:42 ILAC Pathway Reading Test October 31, 2023 (Página 2 de 5)

What point does the author make about insulators?

Electric current is the name given to a flow of electric charge carried by particles. The direction and rate of flow depend on
whether the particles are positively or negatively charged and on the material through which the charge is flowing. For electric
charge to flow through a material, the material must have a certain level of electrical conductivity. This can be defined as the
degree to which a particular material allows the flow of electrical charge through it. Electrical resistivity, on the other hand, refers
to the degree to which a material impedes, or resists, the flow of electrical charge. Some materials have a very high resistivity and
are known as electrical insulators. In essence, these materials make it almost, but not quite, impossible for electricity to flow
through them. Technically, insulators do allow an insignificant amount of electrical current to flow. Rubber and most plastics are
good insulators, which is why these materials are commonly used to cover power cables.
(1 Punto)

(A) Their only use is as an outer layer on wires and other cables.

(B) They cannot completely prevent the flow of electrical charge.

(C) They allow positive electrical charge to flow, but not negative.

(D) Their electrical resistivity level is generally not very significant. 2/11
31/10/23, 7:42 ILAC Pathway Reading Test October 31, 2023 (Página 2 de 5)

The phrase “the degree to which” in paragraph 1 could be replaced with the words

Electric current is the name given to a flow of electric charge carried by particles. The direction and rate of flow depend on
whether the particles are positively or negatively charged and on the material through which the charge is flowing. For electric
charge to flow through a material, the material must have a certain level of electrical conductivity. This can be defined as the
degree to which a particular material allows the flow of electrical charge through it. Electrical resistivity, on the other hand, refers
to the degree to which a material impedes, or resists, the flow of electrical charge. Some materials have a very high resistivity and
are known as electrical insulators. In essence, these materials make it almost, but not quite, impossible for electricity to flow
through them. Technically, insulators do allow an insignificant amount of electrical current to flow. Rubber and most plastics are
good insulators, which is why these materials are commonly used to cover power cables.
(1 Punto)

(A) how likely

(B) how often

(C) how much

(D) how certain

What does the author imply in paragraph 2?

Materials with a low resistivity to electrical flow are called conductors. These materials allow electric charge to flow through them
relatively easily in one or more directions. In most materials, the conductivity depends on its thickness and length, with shorter and
thicker samples of material having higher conductivity – or lower resistivity – than longer, thinner samples. The resistivity of most 3/11
31/10/23, 7:42 ILAC Pathway Reading Test October 31, 2023 (Página 2 de 5)

conducting materials increases or decreases as it gets hotter or cooler, respectively. Metals are generally good conductors of
electricity. The three metals that conduct electricity most efficiently are gold, copper, and silver, although for the obvious reason of
cost, only one of those three is widely used as a conductor in normal applications. Other materials that conduct electricity
efficiently include some substances made of carbon, such as graphite, and various salt solutions.
(1 Punto)

(A) Copper is more frequently used as a conductor than other metals.

(B) Salt is a better conductor of electricity than more expensive materials.

(C) Most materials that conduct electricity can do so in only one direction.

(D) Manufacturers often prefer to make products from short, thick materials.

Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 2?
Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Materials with a low resistivity to electrical flow are called conductors. These materials allow electric charge to flow through them
relatively easily in one or more directions. In most materials, the conductivity depends on its thickness and length, with shorter and
thicker samples of material having higher conductivity – or lower resistivity – than longer, thinner samples. The resistivity of most
conducting materials increases or decreases as it gets hotter or cooler, respectively. Metals are generally good conductors of
electricity. The three metals that conduct electricity most efficiently are gold, copper, and silver, although for the obvious reason of
cost, only one of those three is widely used as a conductor in normal applications. Other materials that conduct electricity
efficiently include some substances made of carbon, such as graphite, and various salt solutions.
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(A) The amount of electricity a material uses goes up or down when it is hot.

(B) The temperature of materials is affected by how well they conduct charge.

(C) The ability of a material to conduct electricity depends on its temperature.

(D) Making a material hotter and then cooler can turn it into a good conductor.

The word “applications” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

Materials with a low resistivity to electrical flow are called conductors. These materials allow electric charge to flow through them
relatively easily in one or more directions. In most materials, the conductivity depends on its thickness and length, with shorter and
thicker samples of material having higher conductivity – or lower resistivity – than longer, thinner samples. The resistivity of most
conducting materials increases or decreases as it gets hotter or cooler, respectively. Metals are generally good conductors of
electricity. The three metals that conduct electricity most efficiently are gold, copper, and silver, although for the obvious reason of
cost, only one of those three is widely used as a conductor in normal applications. Other materials that conduct electricity
efficiently include some substances made of carbon, such as graphite, and various salt solutions.
(1 Punto)

(A) claims

(B) efforts

(C) papers 5/11
31/10/23, 7:42 ILAC Pathway Reading Test October 31, 2023 (Página 2 de 5)

(D) uses

What does the author say about semiconductors?

Choose two answers. (1 Punto)

[A] Their conductivity level is the same as most metals.

[B] They were discovered by scientists in the year 1950.

[C] Their qualities make them an important class of material.

[D] Their conductivity can be manipulated for useful purposes.

The word “deliberate” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

Two special classes of conducting materials exist: semiconductors and superconductors. The former includes materials like silicon
and germanium that are more resistant to electrical flow than conductors, but significantly less resistant than insulators. Although
this makes them less useful than conductors in some ways, semiconductors have a couple of key properties. The first of these is
that in contrast to metals, the conductivity of semiconductors increases with an increase in temperature. The second of their key
properties is that the conductivity of semiconductors can be altered in useful ways through the deliberate introduction of
(1 Punto) 6/11
31/10/23, 7:42 ILAC Pathway Reading Test October 31, 2023 (Página 2 de 5)

(A) destructive

(B) intentional

(C) liberal

(D) worthy

The word “them” in paragraph 4 refers to

These properties make semiconductors an extremely valuable class of materials. Indeed, it could be argued that they have had a
greater impact on society since the middle of the twentieth century than any other material. The reason is that semiconductors can
be made that have specific and useful properties, such as allowing current to flow more easily in one direction than in another, or
more easily at certain temperatures, or only in the presence of light or heat. These properties can be combined in different ways to
create materials that can take electrical signals and amplify, switch, or even convert them in some way, all of which are key
processes in modern electronic computing.
(1 Punto)

(A) signals

(B) materials

(C) properties

(D) temperatures 7/11
31/10/23, 7:42 ILAC Pathway Reading Test October 31, 2023 (Página 2 de 5)


What does the author NOT say about superconducting materials? (1 Punto)

(A) They function like other conductors at standard temperatures.

(B) They exhibit zero electrical resistance only at cold temperatures.

(C) They make it possible for electricity to be created or transformed.

(D) In theory they have a broad range of possible industrial functions.


The word “impeded” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to

Insulators, semiconductors, and conductors possess one thing in common: to a greater or lesser extent they all have some
resistance to the flow of electrical charge. In the case of even an excellent conductor like copper wire, although the material allows
electricity to flow efficiently, some of the charged particles are impeded and this causes a loss of the electrical energy. The law of
conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, and so this loss of electrical energy is transformed
into heat energy. In other words, the wire becomes hot. In contrast, superconductors, another special class of materials, do not
result in a loss of electrical energy. At standard temperatures, these materials also exhibit a certain amount of resistance. When
they are cooled below a critical temperature, however, their electrical resistance suddenly drops to zero. At this point, they
conduct electricity perfectly. Superconducting materials have enormous industrial potential. Unfortunately, even so-called “high-
temperature superconductors” cannot work except at temperatures below those found naturally on Earth other than certain
locations in Antarctica. As such, their usefulness remains mainly theoretical rather than practical.
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(A) allocated

(B) empowered

(C) obstructed

(D) threatened


Why does the author mention Antarctica in paragraph 5?

Paragraph 5:

Insulators, semiconductors, and conductors possess one thing in common: to a greater or lesser extent they all have some
resistance to the flow of electrical charge. In the case of even an excellent conductor like copper wire, although the material allows
electricity to flow efficiently, some of the charged particles are impeded and this causes a loss of the electrical energy. The law of
conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, and so this loss of electrical energy is transformed
into heat energy. In other words, the wire becomes hot. In contrast, superconductors, another special class of materials, do not
result in a loss of electrical energy. At standard temperatures, these materials also exhibit a certain amount of resistance. When
they are cooled below a critical temperature, however, their electrical resistance suddenly drops to zero. At this point, they
conduct electricity perfectly. Superconducting materials have enormous industrial potential. Unfortunately, even so-called “high-
temperature superconductors” cannot work except at temperatures below those found naturally on Earth other than certain
locations in Antarctica. As such, their usefulness remains mainly theoretical rather than practical. (1 Punto)

(A) To imply that superconducting materials are often used there

(B) To emphasize that superconductors are not useful materials yet 9/11
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(C) To indicate where most research into superconductors takes place

(D) To explain why superconductors cannot work when they are warm


Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

"Further, a sufficiently high voltage applied to an insulator can break down its electron bonds and make it conductive."

Where would the sentence best fit? Choose position A, B, C, or D. (1 Punto)



Select the two phrases that correctly describe "Conducting Materials" (not semi-conducting or super-conducting
materials). 10/11
31/10/23, 7:42 ILAC Pathway Reading Test October 31, 2023 (Página 2 de 5)

This question is worth 2 points. (2 puntos)

(A) May include liquids that contain some salt

(B) Conduct electricity perfectly when very cold

(C) Possess two especially useful characteristics

(D) Conduct electricity less effectively when thin

(E) Are valuable metals because of their conductivity

Página 2 de 5

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