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The air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors
surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time is called the
environment. The environment has been providing free service to all the living
organisms on this earth from the very first day of this earth. But now the health
of this environment is seen falling apart daily due to the delinquency and
irresponsibility of men. The gradual deterioration of the environment is leading
us towards environmental catastrophe. So, there is an urgent need for
environmental protection.
Environmental conservation deals with the act of protecting the
environment from being destroyed and it is also a way of living that works
against the irresponsible practices of large industries and businesses. It is vital
in saving and helping both animals and trees as we all are dependent on one
another for survival. The health of our mother earth is deteriorating day by
day. The human being is mostly responsible for environmental degradation on
this blue planet. The overreaching goal of protecting the environment is to
make it a healthy place for the present and future generations. Environmental
pollution has reached to that extent that we can’t recover from it. But we can
stop the environment from being polluted more. Thus, the term environmental
protection arises. In India, we have an environmental protection law. But still,
the growth of manmade environmental pollution has not been seen controlled.
Various human activities have generated many unenviable and frightful
effects on the environment which are threatening human health, economy,
natural resources, and gene pool of ecosystems such as pollutions,
greenhouse effect, global warming, and soil erosion. Firstly, environmental
pollution is one of the main reasons why we should fight to protect the
environment. Besides, global warming is also another reason caused by
deforestation. Besides, warm climate change and floods also increase the
opportunity of spread out pests and vector diseases. The following reasons for
this critical need to conserve the environment:
To reduce air, water, and land pollution
To save our planet from the harmful repercussions of global warming
To ensure the protection of biodiversity
To implement sustainable development
To facilitate the conservation of natural resources for our future
Methods of Environmental Conservation:
Forest Conservation:
Afforestation helps in conserving the forests, which are responsible for
absorbing a huge amount of Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere.
Forests are the dwelling place of different living creatures and a single
disturbance in the ecosystem can cause disruption in the water cycle as
well as the food chain. So afforestation will be an effective measure
aiming to plant more trees as well as save the existing ones from cutting
Soil Conservation:
As one of the noteworthy methods for environmental conservation, the
need for soil conservation has arisen to prevent the harmful effects
of soil pollution. Soil conservation helps control erosions, land
degradation, and floods.
Reducing water consumption:
We need to reduce the number of baths, stop using the washing
machine only and discarding waste in bodies of fresh water and try to
recycle water in possible ways. Because clean, fresh, and safe water
are not easily available so it is very important to save water and prevent
water pollution.
Control Pollution:
There is a severe need to adopt environmentally sustainable methods
to minimize multiple forms of emissions, such as eliminating waste,
saving electricity, limiting the unneeded usage of fertilizers, insecticides,
and pesticides to control pollution.
Create Public Awareness:
With the advancement of information technology and the advent of
social media, public awareness regarding environmental conservation
can be executed. Because Environmental Conservation is a process
that could be executed successfully through mass not only one section
of society.
Hence, these are some of the methods that can contribute to protecting
the environment. It is the responsibility of every citizen to save the
environment from being depleted. It is high time to take steps to protect the
environment and bring positive changes in society. Because Environmental
conservation is the only way to protect mankind.
Maitri Nirmal (S.Y.)


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