BBA NewsEvents

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add_namespace = bba_news

add_namespace = bba_africa_news
add_namespace = bba_italian_formables_news

news_event = {
id = bba_news.0
title = bba_news.0.t
desc = bba_news.0.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_panzer_attack

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.0.a
# TODO make better/more texts

# Communist Ethiopia

# SOV demand ITA end war against ETH

news_event = {
id = bba_news.1
title = bba_news.1.t
desc = bba_news.1.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_SOV_supreme_soviet

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.1.a

#ITA backs down

news_event = {
id = bba_news.2
title = bba_news.2.t
desc = bba_news.2.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_sign_treaty2

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.2.a

#Anarchist Peace
news_event = {
id = bba_news.3
title = bba_news.3.t
desc = bba_news.3.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors
major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.3.a

news_event = {
id = bba_news.4
title = bba_news.4.t
desc = bba_news.4.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_ETH_ethiopian_warriors

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.4.a
trigger = {
has_government = communism
option = {
name = bba_news.4.b
trigger = {
NOT = { has_government = communism }

news_event = {
id = bba_news.5
title = bba_news.5.t
desc = {
text = bba_news.5.desc_owns_454
trigger = {
454 = {
is_owned_by = ETH
desc = {
text = bba_news.5.desc_does_not_own_454
trigger = {
454 = {
NOT = { is_owned_by = ETH}
picture = GFX_news_event_ETH_selassie_league_of_nations

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.5.a
trigger = {
tag = ROOT
option = {
name = bba_news.5.b
trigger = {
NOT = {tag = ROOT}

news_event = {
id = bba_news.6
title = bba_news.6.t
desc = bba_news.6.desc

picture = GFX_news_event_ETH_selassie_league_of_nations

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.6.a
trigger = {
tag = ROOT
option = {
name = bba_news.6.b
trigger = {
NOT = {tag = ROOT}

news_event = {
id = bba_news.7
title = bba_news.7.t
desc = bba_news.7.desc

picture = GFX_news_event_italian_tank_desert

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.7.a
trigger = {
NOT = {tag = ETH}
NOT = {tag = ITA}
option = {
name = bba_news.7.b
trigger = {
tag = ETH
option = {
name = bba_news.7.c
trigger = {
tag = ITA

news_event = {
id = bba_news.8
title = bba_news.8.t
desc = bba_news.8.desc

picture = GFX_news_event_filov_with_mussolini

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.8.a
trigger = {
NOT = {tag = ETH}
NOT = {tag = ITA}
option = {
name = bba_news.8.b
trigger = {
tag = ETH
option = {
name = bba_news.8.c
trigger = {
tag = ITA

#Purge the Fascist Party
news_event = {
id = bba_news.100
title = bba_news.100.t
desc = { #SOME are purged
text = bba_news.100.desc_some_purged
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
has_country_flag = ITA_some_fascists_purged
NOT = { has_country_flag = ITA_many_fascists_purged }
AND = {
has_country_flag = ITA_many_fascists_purged
NOT = { has_country_flag = ITA_some_fascists_purged }
desc = { #MANY are purged
text = bba_news.100.desc_many_purged
trigger = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = ITA_no_fascists_purged }
has_country_flag = ITA_many_fascists_purged
desc = { #NONE is purged
text = bba_news.100.desc_none_purged
trigger = {
NOT = {
has_country_flag = ITA_some_fascists_purged
has_country_flag = ITA_many_fascists_purged
picture = GFX_news_event_ITA_purged_fascists

major = no
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.100.a

#Mussolini is Executed
news_event = {
id = bba_news.101
title = bba_news.101.t
desc = bba_news.101.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_ITA_mussolini_execution

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.101.a
#Mussolini stands trial
news_event = {
id = bba_news.102
title = bba_news.102.t
desc = bba_news.102.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_ITA_mussolini_trial

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.102.a
#Mussolini is assassinated
news_event = {
id = bba_news.103
title = bba_news.103.t
desc = bba_news.103.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_funeral

major = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.103.a

#Tech Sharing Acceptance

news_event = {
id = bba_news.104
title = bba_news.104.t
desc = bba_news.104.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_sign_treaty2

major = no
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.104.a

#Non-Aggression Acceptance
news_event = {
id = bba_news.105
title = bba_news.105.t
desc = bba_news.105.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_sign_treaty1

major = no
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.105.a

#The King Vittorio Emmanuele Dies

news_event = {
id = bba_news.106
title = bba_news.106.t
desc = bba_news.106.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_ITA_vittorio_emanuele_III

major = no

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
original_tag = ITA
has_character = ITA_prince_umberto
has_character = ITA_vittorio_emanuele_iii
date > 1947.12.27
NOT = { #Check if the King has been deposed
has_country_flag = ITA_deposed_the_king

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 30
modifier = {
factor = 2
date > 1948.02.01

option = {
name = bba_news.106.a

if = { #Double check that the Vittorio is in fact King and country

limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = ITA_vittorio_emanuele_iii
ruling_only = yes
ITA_promote_umberto_to_country_leader = yes

hidden_effect = {
set_country_flag = ITA_vittorio_emmanuele_dead_flag

#The Pope Dies

news_event = {
id = bba_news.107
title = bba_news.107.t
desc = bba_news.107.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_funeral

major = no

fire_only_once = yes

immediate = {
set_global_flag = ITA_pope_pio_xi_dead_flag

trigger = {
original_tag = ITA
has_character = ITA_papa_pio_xi
date > 1939.01.20

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 20
modifier = {
factor = 0.1
date > 1939.06.01

option = {
name = bba_news.107.a

custom_effect_tooltip = ITA_pope_dies_tt

if = { # Tooltip about retiring the character if he is already a

country leader (even if not ruling)
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = ITA_papa_pio_xi
ruling_only = no
effect_tooltip = {
retire_character = ITA_papa_pio_xi

if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = ITA_papa_pio_xi
ruling_only = yes
ITA_pope_takes_over = yes

hidden_effect = {
retire_character = ITA_papa_pio_xi

# Italian Ultimatum - Zog Resists (Anti-fascist Italy version)

news_event = {
id = bba_news.108
title = news.23.t #intentional
desc = bba_news.108.d
picture = GFX_news_event_gathering_protest

major = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = news.23.a #intentional
trigger = {
NOT = {
option = {
name = bba_news.108.b
trigger = { TAG = ITA }
option = {
name = news.23.c #intentional
trigger = { TAG = ALB }

#Italy's Allies and Enemies gets News of the Duce being Deposed
news_event = {
id = bba_news.109
title = bba_news.109.t
desc = bba_news.109.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_ITA_grand_council

major = no

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = { #FIX THIS SHIT!!!

NOT = { original_tag = ITA }
OR = {
is_in_faction_with = FROM
has_war_with = FROM

option = { #Allied with Italy

name = bba_news.109.a
trigger = {
is_in_faction_with = FROM
option = { #At War with Italy
name = bba_news.109.b
trigger = {
has_war_with = FROM

#Countries get the News about the Italian Civil War

news_event = {
id = bba_news.110
title = bba_news.110.t
desc = bba_news.110.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_ITA_civil_war

major = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Neutral Stance with Italy

name = bba_news.110.a
trigger = {
NOT = {
tag = ITA
has_war_with = FROM
is_in_faction_with = FROM
log = "NEUTURAL"
option = { #Allied with or IS Italy
name = bba_news.110.b
trigger = {
OR = {
is_in_faction_with = FROM
original_tag = ITA
log = "ALLY"
option = { #At War with Italy
name = bba_news.110.c
trigger = {
has_war_with = FROM
NOT = { original_tag = ITA }
log = "ENEMY"

#Anarchist Confederation News

news_event = {
id = bba_news.111
title = bba_news.111.t
desc = bba_news.111.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_034

major = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.111.a

#Long Live the Pope!

news_event = {
id = bba_news.666
title = bba_news.666.t
desc = bba_news.666.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_ITA_papal_coronation

major = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bba_news.666.a

#Death of Hitler - Historical

#news_event = {
# id = bba_news.200
# title = bba_news.200.t
# desc = bba_news.200.desc
# picture = GFX_news_event_german_reichstag_ruins
# major = yes
# is_triggered_only = yes
# option = {
# name = bba_news.200.a
# trigger = {
# NOT = {
# OR = {
# has_war_with = GER
# is_in_faction_with = GER
# }
# }
# }
# }
# option = {
# name = bba_news.200.b
# trigger = {
# has_government = communism
# has_war_with = GER
# }
# }
# option = {
# name = bba_news.200.c
# trigger = {
# NOT = { has_government = communism}
# has_war_with = GER
# }
# }
# option = {
# name = bba_news.200.d
# trigger = {
# is_in_faction_with = GER
# }
# }

#Poland becomes Soviet Puppet - Sort of historical

#news_event = {
# id = bba_news.201
# title = bba_news.201.t
# desc = bba_news.201.desc
# picture = GFX_news_event_stalin_meeting
# major = yes
# is_triggered_only = yes
# option = {
# name = bba_news.201.a
# trigger = {
# NOT = { original_tag = SOV }
# has_government = democratic
# }
# }
# option = {
# name = bba_news.201.b
# trigger = {
# NOT = { original_tag = SOV }
# NOT = { has_government = democratic}
# }
# }
# option = {
# name = bba_news.201.c
# trigger = {
# original_tag = SOV
# }
# }

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## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
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## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## #### ##
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## ## ## ## ## ###### ###### ## ## ###### ######## ## ##
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## ## ## ## ## ###
######## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ######
## ## ## ## ## ######## ######## ######## ## ## ## ##
## #### ####### ## ##

#East African Federation is founded

news_event = {
id = bba_africa_news.1
title = bba_africa_news.1.t
desc = bba_africa_news.1.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Us
name = bba_africa_news.1.a
trigger = {
tag = ROOT

option = { #Them
name = bba_africa_news.1.b
trigger = {
NOT = { tag = ROOT }

#The Horn of Africa has been unified

news_event = {
id = bba_africa_news.2
title = bba_africa_news.2.t
desc = bba_africa_news.2.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Us
name = bba_africa_news.2.a
trigger = {
tag = ROOT

option = { #Them
name = bba_africa_news.2.b
trigger = {
NOT = { tag = ROOT }

#Org of African Unity

news_event = {
id = bba_africa_news.3
title = bba_africa_news.3.t
desc = bba_africa_news.3.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_african_unity

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Us
name = bba_africa_news.3.a
trigger = {
capital_scope = { is_on_continent = africa}

option = { #Them
name = bba_africa_news.3.b
trigger = {
capital_scope = { NOT = { is_on_continent = africa} }
news_event = {
id = bba_africa_news.4
title = bba_africa_news.4.t
desc = bba_africa_news.4.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_african_unity

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Us
name = bba_africa_news.4.a
trigger = {
capital_scope = { is_on_continent = africa}

option = { #Them
name = bba_africa_news.4.b
trigger = {
capital_scope = { NOT = { is_on_continent = africa} }

#Greater Italy Proclaimed

news_event = {
id = bba_italian_formables_news.1
title = bba_italian_formables_news.1.t
desc = bba_italian_formables_news.1.desc
picture = GFX_news_event_generic_parliament

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Us
name = bba_italian_formables_news.1.a
trigger = {
tag = ROOT

option = { #Them
name = bba_italian_formables_news.1.b
trigger = {
NOT = { tag = ROOT }

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